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General => General Music Discussion => Topic started by: PetFish on February 12, 2021, 12:30:06 AM

Title: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: PetFish on February 12, 2021, 12:30:06 AM
I think it's time for their own thread.

New video for Winds of Transylvania:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsE4Ub_Pjh8&list=RDHsE4Ub_Pjh8&start_radio=1

It's not as catchy or riffy/hooky as usual but cool video.  Some wicked fast kick-drumming near the end.

I am fully crazy for LOVEBITES.  There's just something about them that is modern but also vintage and once I got used to the vocal style I'm all-in.
Post by: PetFish on February 23, 2021, 07:40:14 PM
New video for Glory to the World:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wJtD2XEXH4

The way these guys write/arrange/play is absolute amazeballs.  I'd take the Pepsi challenge against any other band, male or female, and not just Japanese, any day of the week.

They really are a modern female Iron Maiden only "better".

Would I be crazy for them if they sang in Japanese?  Probably, the songs are just that good.

If anyone is thinking they probably don't sound great live I have news for you... they are ridiculous live.  Here's Holy War from "Live at Zepp DiverCity Tokyo 2020":  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgAxpEpEcno
Post by: ozzy554 on February 24, 2021, 06:33:01 AM
I was actually looking if this band had it's own thread. After months of watching youtube clips I finally started listening to their full albums. Clockwork Immortality is my favorite of the 3 LPs. So much talent in this band.

Still getting used to Asamis accent which can be a bit hard to understand but what a powerful voice she has.
Post by: PetFish on February 24, 2021, 11:56:06 PM
For me it's Electric Pentagram.  Nearly every track is my favourite at some point.  What I'd like to seem them do is some covers, either live or one track on each album, that pays tribute to the roots of their style.  I still have a hard time believing I'm hearing this from these chicks.

It took me a while to get used to Asami's voice but now I love it.  Mad props for singing in English and it was a brave choice to go that way.

It's really funny that, at first, Miyako was only a "support" musician for their EP, but now she writes most of the music.  Nearly every track has some kind of keyboards and ambient sounds and she does all of it.  If you haven't seen the live verson of "Swan Song" WITH the Chopin piano etude intro you gotta check it out.  I can't link it cuz it's not official.

I'm pretty much over Babymetal mostly cuz nobody seems to care about the music/musicians, it's all about the girls, but they don't do anything but sing/dance.  I feel sorry for the band as they get no recognition for their talent and contributions.  Seriously, they're back there shredding and there's no lyrics happening, but the cameras still just show the girls running around clapping.  I'm sure it's a great live show to attend but I can't watch their videos anymore.
Post by: ozzy554 on February 25, 2021, 07:31:43 AM
Electric Pentagram is definitely their most consistent album but I feel like Clockwork shows off their range a bit more. Empty Daydream and Epilogue are 2 of my favorites. I would also love to see a covers E.P or something from them. Loved the Helloween cover they did.

I believe they chose to play in english for a wider appeal. I hope when the pandemic dies down they can make it over here to the states as they have become one of my must see bands. 
Post by: PetFish on March 03, 2021, 10:28:46 PM
Today's Update:  I still can't believe what I'm hearing from these chicks.

It's interesting that so many European bands sing in English and we don't think twice, but an Asian band doing it is rare.

What's even more interesting is that Asian bands mostly DO NOT sing 100% in English but they have English words/phrases sprinkled throughout there music and so many of the song titles are in English.  Weird.
Post by: EPICVIEW on March 04, 2021, 12:06:56 PM
cutest band out there   
Post by: PetFish on March 10, 2021, 03:35:34 PM


Haven't listened to anything other than the title track yet.

cutest band out there   

I wouldn't go with "cute", these ladies are just straight-up hotness!  For cute I'd have to go with Aldious.  Babymetal is still jail-bait and BAND-MAID is meh.
Post by: ozzy554 on March 11, 2021, 07:07:51 AM
The fact that Haruna is adorable has nothing to do with my enjoyment of the band. It is a nice bonus though.

I listened to Glory, Glory to the World and it's more solid stuff. Not as good as their Battle Against Damnation EP but still worth a listen. It was going to be hard to beat the 1,2 punch that is Above The Black Sea & Under The Red Sky.
Post by: Ben_Jamin on March 11, 2021, 08:10:12 AM
I really enjoy them because it's Women in Dresses playing Power Metal and it's really good Power Metal.

Been watching Live Vids and Swan Song is an amazing song.
Post by: EPICVIEW on March 11, 2021, 05:50:03 PM
Jaw dropping ,,,,,  they kick ass here
Post by: ozzy554 on March 11, 2021, 06:33:11 PM
Jaw dropping ,,,,,  they kick ass here

That whole show is fantastic. I may have to bite the bullet and get it imported from Japan as they don't seem to have a US shop yet to order from. Also their live mixes are just great in general and every song sounds better than the studio albums.
Post by: PetFish on March 12, 2021, 07:11:23 PM
What I always want to see, but not easy to find, are videos of these chicks (Lovebites, Aldious, Band-Maid, not Babymetal cuz they just dance) in the studio jamming or recording their shit.  Just having fun.  Like these Youtubers that can play a song perfectly but that's it.  They have no ability to noodle or improv jam (that we can see).

So, check out this video with Dragonforce:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnGPZxfOAmg

It's short but the girls kill it!

I'm really dying to get the live blu-rays but just can't justify the cost to acquire them.  They are typically 5500 Yen which is $50 US right now which is $62 CAD which is $80+ CAD after shipping.  Anyone going to Japan any time soon and want to grab some stuff for me?
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on March 13, 2021, 12:09:11 AM
How have I never heard of this band before?!?!

It's like Judas Priest and Dragonforce had a baby, that then stole Babymetal's schtick and turned it up to 11!  :metal
Post by: PetFish on March 13, 2021, 08:13:36 PM
Welcome, PoA!  It's weird that you haven't seen Lovebites yet, cuz if you've watched any Babymetal they should have come up in your recommendations.

You're close, but I think it's more of a Dragonforce and Iron Maiden lovechild.

The thing is... they don't play or sound like "chicks", especially when they're soloing.  Like, if a chick like Lzzy Hale plays a solo, it's easy to tell that it's not Joe, it just doesn't sound like a dude.  Not sure if I'm making my point here but I tried.

It's full-on METAL and until you see them you'd swear it was guys playing with a chick vocalist, which is common.  So when I watch them play this shit, especially live, I just have this huge grin on my face as my brain tries to make sense of what its seeing.  It expects to see dudes shredding but it isn't and it glitches.  I like watching reaction videos when people see them for the FIRST time and I imagine I look like that as well.  Just dumbfounded.

Also... they can ALL kick ass.  Apparently the drummer, Haruna, is only 4'9" but plays like a monster.  The new song, Glory to the World, Miho on bass really shines but it gets missed behind Midori and Miyako shredding.

Honestly, I'm over Babymetal, and mostly cuz the band gets no love, it's just the girls, and I don't think that's very nice.

I still love Aldious and I'm ok with Band-Maid but not ga-ga over them either.
Post by: Ben_Jamin on March 13, 2021, 10:01:43 PM
I love both Babymetal and Lovebites one in the same and don't really compare either to each other.

What drew me into Lovebites is the fact these girls play some good power Metal. I did not know what genre or style Lovebites were until I clicked the video link, and bit the bullet to watch a video, as they been popping up on my YouTube.

They remind me more of a female X-Japan.

Also, the part I find awesome is that they aren't dressed in your typical Metal Womens Attire, but are kicking ass with nice formal Dresses.

Lovebites are that Female Band I have been waiting to find. The one female band that isn't how Cram put it, has that certain female sound, like most Female fronted or female based bands have.

Post by: PetFish on July 27, 2021, 08:52:46 PM
New Live Video Trailer!



HOLY CRAP THAT NOTE AT 4:52 (ending of Holy War).  I didn't think it was even possible to do something like that.  WOW!

Looks to be pretty awesome with a big crowd and big show with a lot of songs being played live for the first time including my favorite:  Frozen Serenade.

Also:  KEYTAR!!!
Post by: PetFish on August 04, 2021, 01:27:56 PM

Post by: PetFish on August 08, 2021, 12:09:28 PM
I'll try this:

They're like Iron Maiden... ONLY BETTER!!!!
Post by: Anguyen92 on August 08, 2021, 02:50:49 PM
I'm with you regarding LOVEBITES.  It's like Dragonforce, just played by Japanese women, and they don't have broken English in their lyrics.
Post by: ozzy554 on August 08, 2021, 05:11:21 PM
I really hope they get a proper US shop at some point. I would totally buy all their live albums/blu rays if I didn't have to import the damn things.

Also I just watched the trailer and saw Miyako on the keytar so im excited
Post by: PetFish on August 09, 2021, 06:34:57 PM
Woohoo!  Replies!

Ya, I forgot to mention it's like Iron Maiden with a hint of Dragonforce.

I really hope they get a proper US shop at some point. I would totally buy all their live albums/blu rays if I didn't have to import the damn things.

Also I just watched the trailer and saw Miyako on the keytar so im excited

Totally agree about trying to actually purchase stuff from Japan.  I have no idea why they don't set something up for outsiders.  If the goal is to become bigger and make more money then it doesn't make any sense why a label would just limit Japanese artists strictly to Japan and making everyone else pay a fortune for stuff.

I think this release might be the one to get.  One thing I've noticed is that they have all formats as separate releases:  Blu-ray only, DVD only, and CD only.  Usually the CD would be included in both video versions.

I have no issues with just ripping the audio but currently I have no optical drives in my rig.  I *do* have an external DVD drive, but nothing to rip Blu-ray media.

So do I:

1) Get the Blu-ray for the superior quality and then try and *find* the music-only tracks

2) Get the DVD and rip the audio myself

3) Get the Blu-ray and also the CD (but even just the CD is friggin' expensive)

4) Get the Blu-ray and see if they put the audio up on iTunes.  They've only released Daughters of the Dawn on iTunes, so that's 1/3 they've done, so who knows if they're going to put this one up on iTunes.
Post by: PetFish on August 17, 2021, 11:08:13 AM

Band Statement:

Thank you for your continued support and support for LOVEBITES.

Miho will withdraw from LOVEBITES on August 17th today.
In addition, along with that, the band activity of LOVEBITES will be suspended for a while.

There are comments from miho and members.
See below.

We hope that LOVEBITES and miho will illuminate their respective paths.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Miho Statement:

As of August 17, 2021, I, miho, will withdraw from LOVEBITES. Originally, I wanted to report directly to the fans who have taken care of me at live concerts with gratitude from my mouth, but sudden news in this way I'm sorry that it became.

As the environment has changed over the past few years, the way artists interact with music and the way they express themselves has been forced to change.

For about five years since LOVEBITES was formed in 2016, thanks to the members, staff, and above all, the fans who supported me, I started to appear in the dream WACKEN OPEN AIR, and in my life so far. I was able to see a lot of the best scenery. I am sincerely grateful. Personally, I will continue to love heavy metal, and I hope to see you somewhere again.

I will leave today, but LOVEBITES will continue, so please continue to support me. Thank you so much for your support.

First Aldious and now Lovebites.  Two awesome bands with everything going for them get dealt huge blows.

For Aldious, they spent so much time auditioning 3 singers and then choosing one (R!N) and then releasing TWO albums of old music with her vocals and two videos with new songs and then she had to be hospitalized for depression so now they have a FOURTH singer filling-in but no word on if/when R!N will even be back.  So much time/energy/money invested and for me the lineup was complete as the previous singer couldn't really sing but she was a great frontman and performer but now they get a vocalist with power and range and she's battling depression.

Now it's Lovebites, my current favourite metal band.  Miho was a founding member along with Haruna (drums).  She's a HUGE metalhead and she's playing the classic 80s metal that she loves.  In a short amount of time releasing music and live videos and metal festivals and everything was going so well for them and she leaves.  No reason given.

I'm so sad right now.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Miho Leaves / Band Suspended
Post by: ozzy554 on August 17, 2021, 11:51:41 AM
Maybe she just wants to do her own thing for a while. I mean lovebites is a very very busy band. Since 2016 they've done 3 LPS, 2 eps and 3 live albums. Doesn't leave a whole lot of room for anything else she may want to do.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Miho Leaves / Band Suspended
Post by: PetFish on August 17, 2021, 06:21:05 PM
I get that but don't understand it in this case.  This *is* the music she wants to do.  It's *her* band.

If anyone was going to leave and do their own thing I think it would be Miyako or Asami.

And, yes, they have done a lot in a small amount of time.  But that should be a great thing.  It means they're having success and aside from Babymetal I don't think any other Japanese band has played the European metal festivals, probably cuz they're lyrics are in English whereas other Japanese bands aren't, so they're gaining more of a world-wide audience for sure.

If it really is "too much, too fast" burnout then that's fine, I just wish they'd give a reason.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Miho Leaves / Band Suspended
Post by: ozzy554 on August 17, 2021, 06:59:23 PM
I know she is also a thrash metal fan and did an interview where she said she was really getting into bands like Gojira. If she wanted to do more things musically I would imagine it would be in the heavier direction. Lovebites do use a variety of styles but for the most part stay in more of the classic metal/power metal areas.

I don't expect to hear the full story any time soon as something I've noticed in japan is that they tend to keep things more private. So if it's for a more personal reason and not something like my theory there may be a long wait for an answer.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Heavy Metal Never Dies - Livestream 9/18
Post by: PetFish on September 14, 2021, 10:34:31 AM
Heavy Metal Never Dies - Livestream 9/18


Not sure any of us will be able to watch it at 5am Pacific but thought I'd throw it out for you anyway.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Miho Leaves / Band Suspended
Post by: lonestar on September 14, 2021, 10:55:33 AM
Damn, didn't even know these girls had their own thread. Spun some of their stuff, definitely talented. Came across them after discovering my new favorite band Nemophila and started looking at the other Japanese female metal bands. Lovebites is solid, but too power metal-ly for me, same with Band Maid and Mary's Blood (Mary's Blood guitarist Saki is one of the leads for Nemophila). The other band that really hooked me is Gacharic Spin, kind of a fusion of pop/metal/jazz/wtf...just so fucking fun, but Nemophila is a whole other world of awesome.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Miho Leaves / Band Suspended
Post by: ariich on September 14, 2021, 11:12:17 AM
I get that but don't understand it in this case.  This *is* the music she wants to do.  It's *her* band.

Well, sort of. She's a founding member and band-leader, but she only co-writes a fairly small amount of their music. And even then, from the phrase in her (presumably translated) statement where she says "the way artists interact with music and the way they express themselves has been forced to change", it sounds like maybe the band getting bigger means needing to factor in the expectations of fans, labels etc. rather than just making music for yourself.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Miho Leaves / Band Suspended
Post by: PetFish on September 15, 2021, 10:18:16 AM
Damn, didn't even know these girls had their own thread. Spun some of their stuff, definitely talented. Came across them after discovering my new favorite band Nemophila and started looking at the other Japanese female metal bands. Lovebites is solid, but too power metal-ly for me, same with Band Maid and Mary's Blood (Mary's Blood guitarist Saki is one of the leads for Nemophila). The other band that really hooked me is Gacharic Spin, kind of a fusion of pop/metal/jazz/wtf...just so fucking fun, but Nemophila is a whole other world of awesome.

I've checked out Nemophila but I just can't get into it for some reason but at least they're metal for sure.  I'll keep trying.  Band-Maid is more heavy rock and Aldious, who I also love, is pop metal.  Babymetal I can walk away from now cuz I'm honestly sick of the focus just being on the girls and mostly Su-Metal.  There's an absolutely kickass band that get no coverage, it's only about the girls.  I don't need to see them running around and clapping when there's some sick solos happening but the camera doesn't care.

I think what puts Lovebites over the top for me is that it's all English but I think I'd still love them if it was Japanese lyrics.  The classic power metal sound just makes me happy... and it's funny cuz I wasn't really into this style in the 80s, it was all hair metal for me.

Well, sort of. She's a founding member and band-leader, but she only co-writes a fairly small amount of their music. And even then, from the phrase in her (presumably translated) statement where she says "the way artists interact with music and the way they express themselves has been forced to change", it sounds like maybe the band getting bigger means needing to factor in the expectations of fans, labels etc. rather than just making music for yourself.

That quote about the music industry would make sense if it affected the whole band as well as other artists but to just affect her to the point of jeopardizing the other girls doesn't seem to fit.

I always considered Miho to be the MP of the band in that she was the creative director and unofficial leader.  But at least we know why MP left, but with Miho there was nothing, and that leads to rampant speculation and rumours all over the place with the most worrying one I've seen being alcoholism.

Yes, she doesn't owe us a reason and we aren't entitled to one, but I think it's bad form to fans to leave suddenly when it seems like you're on your way to conquer the world and potentially killing the band which has four other amazing talents who are at the top of their game without at least helping us to understand why.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Miho Leaves / Band Suspended
Post by: lonestar on September 15, 2021, 10:54:55 AM
Damn, didn't even know these girls had their own thread. Spun some of their stuff, definitely talented. Came across them after discovering my new favorite band Nemophila and started looking at the other Japanese female metal bands. Lovebites is solid, but too power metal-ly for me, same with Band Maid and Mary's Blood (Mary's Blood guitarist Saki is one of the leads for Nemophila). The other band that really hooked me is Gacharic Spin, kind of a fusion of pop/metal/jazz/wtf...just so fucking fun, but Nemophila is a whole other world of awesome.

I've checked out Nemophila but I just can't get into it for some reason but at least they're metal for sure.  I'll keep trying.  Band-Maid is more heavy rock and Aldious, who I also love, is pop metal.  Babymetal I can walk away from now cuz I'm honestly sick of the focus just being on the girls and mostly Su-Metal.  There's an absolutely kickass band that get no coverage, it's only about the girls.  I don't need to see them running around and clapping when there's some sick solos happening but the camera doesn't care.

I think what puts Lovebites over the top for me is that it's all English but I think I'd still love them if it was Japanese lyrics.  The classic power metal sound just makes me happy... and it's funny cuz I wasn't really into this style in the 80s, it was all hair metal for me.

Yeah, there's not a lot of power bands in general that hook me, so maybe that's where we differ. And I agree about Babymetal, the schtick is getting old, and the Kami band is fucking dope. I did find a jazz album they did a while back, but haven't been able to relocate it.

Give Gacharic Spin a listen, their new track Mind Set is......just something else, such a refeshing sound. Not really  sure how else to put it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmL0V667QzI&ab_channel=GacharicSpinOfficial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmL0V667QzI&ab_channel=GacharicSpinOfficial)
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Miho Leaves / Band Suspended
Post by: Ben_Jamin on September 15, 2021, 12:13:12 PM
Damn, didn't even know these girls had their own thread. Spun some of their stuff, definitely talented. Came across them after discovering my new favorite band Nemophila and started looking at the other Japanese female metal bands. Lovebites is solid, but too power metal-ly for me, same with Band Maid and Mary's Blood (Mary's Blood guitarist Saki is one of the leads for Nemophila). The other band that really hooked me is Gacharic Spin, kind of a fusion of pop/metal/jazz/wtf...just so fucking fun, but Nemophila is a whole other world of awesome.

I've checked out Nemophila but I just can't get into it for some reason but at least they're metal for sure.  I'll keep trying.  Band-Maid is more heavy rock and Aldious, who I also love, is pop metal.  Babymetal I can walk away from now cuz I'm honestly sick of the focus just being on the girls and mostly Su-Metal.  There's an absolutely kickass band that get no coverage, it's only about the girls.  I don't need to see them running around and clapping when there's some sick solos happening but the camera doesn't care.

BabyMetal are more of the J-Pop genre than the Metal genre. They perfectly blend that metal into the pop aspect of the live show production. The focus of BabyMetal is the J-pop, their roots are in this J-pop sound. Metal is the music used to portray the storytelling and the production of the J-Pop genre. It's like watching a Musical Anime with Geisha Dancing (https://youtu.be/HU7ai3FIJrs).

I enjoy Lovebites because they are an all female band playing Power Metal, which is rare in that genre. And I really wish they would've gotten more label attention so that they could branch out and tour across the world.

Edit: After hearing that Geisha Dance more...I can hear that sound in the Babymetal song 'Megitsune'.  :lol
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Don't Bite the Dust (Ride for Vengeance 2021)
Post by: PetFish on September 28, 2021, 12:23:45 PM
Don't Bite the Dust - Live from Heavy Metal Never Dies

I don't know why it bugs me that Asami says "what. what. what." when she's pumping her fist to the crowd.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - In The Beginning - The Best Of 2017-2021
Post by: PetFish on October 27, 2021, 08:03:46 PM
In The Beginning - The Best Of 2017-2021


Insanely expensive as usual and this is *just* the STANDARD version.  As much as I want to support Lovebites, and other Japanese musicians, I just can't justify the expense to order physical copies.  The new Aldious video release STARTS at $80 US.

Apparently Painkiller was the last thing recorded with Miho but I'm curious about the "new song" and if that's also with her or if it's the first one without her and if so who played bass unless "new song" is just referring to Painkiller... which it might be since I don't actually see "Painkiller" listed in the details and a run-on sentence.

It's kind of silly to do a best-of after only 4 years but they've put out a lot of music in that short amount of time and it makes sense to close the chapter with Miho and start fresh for the next phase.

I also think they should have added the STUDIO LIVE performance video they did during lockdown.

>Standard Edition<
・2xCD+Blu-ray ------- $56 US
・2xCD+DVD ---------- $48 US

●CD 1
01. new song
02. Glory To The World *
03. Winds Of Transylvania *
04. Golden Destination *
05. Thunder Vengeance *
06. Holy War *
07. Raise Some Hell *
08. When Destinies Align *
09. Swan Song *
10. Rising *
11. M.D.O. *

●CD 2
01. We The United *
02. Empty Daydream *
03. The Crusade *
04. Break The Wall *
05. Under The Red Sky *
06. The Hammer Of Wrath *
07. Shadowmaker *
08. Scream For Me *
09. Don't Bite The Dust *
10. Edge Of The World *
11. Bravehearted *
*New mastering

01. Don't Bite The Dust
02. Shadowmaker
03. The Crusade
04. Rising
05. When Destinies Align
06. Golden Destination
07. Winds Of Transylvania
08. Winds Of Transylvania (VLADLOVE Version)
09. Glory To The World
10. new song
(BLU-RAY SPEC: Region ALL / 1920 x 1080p Full Hi Definition / Linear PCM)
(DVD SPEC: Region ALL / NTSC / 16:9 LB / Dolby Digital / DVD5)
Title: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: PetFish on November 17, 2021, 08:06:39 PM

Even though it's a new song it's weird that the way the English words flow with accents and syllables and pronunciation and such it actually sounds like this might have been their first song in English from years ago.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: ozzy554 on November 20, 2021, 09:49:14 PM
They gave Miho her own separate credit in the description on the YouTube video. This release seems to indicate that they 100% intend to continue as a band though so I'm happy to see that.

With the emphasis they put on their live performances I'm sure they'll be taking their time on finding a replacement. I don't expect to hear anything until they find someone who can perform on the same level.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: PetFish on November 21, 2021, 12:36:32 AM
The silver lining is that she's probably the easiest member to replace but it still sucks that this is happening.  Now she's hanging out with Aldious a lot but I doubt Sawa is in any danger of being replaced or anything.

I still don't get it.

Why leave your band when you're about to conquer the world and not give a real reason.  All that fans can do is speculate from alcoholism to being afraid of covid to who knows what else.  It would have been much better for everyone to just say the reason so we can understand... especially when they write and speak so often about their destinies aligning to be together and all that.

I don't know the J-Metal scene well enough to think of any available bass players they could get.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: ozzy554 on November 21, 2021, 07:48:00 AM
The silver lining is that she's probably the easiest member to replace but it still sucks that this is happening.  Now she's hanging out with Aldious a lot but I doubt Sawa is in any danger of being replaced or anything.

I still don't get it.

Why leave your band when you're about to conquer the world and not give a real reason.  All that fans can do is speculate from alcoholism to being afraid of covid to who knows what else.  It would have been much better for everyone to just say the reason so we can understand... especially when they write and speak so often about their destinies aligning to be together and all that.

I don't know the J-Metal scene well enough to think of any available bass players they could get.

One thing I noticed is that Japan can put more of an emphasis on privacy so unless Miho releases a statement herself we won't know for sure.

If her leaving is due to mental health/alcoholism reasons as is rumored than its probably for the best. Lovebites never stops with 3 albums, 3 EPS and 3 live albums in their short history. That plus all the touring they did and all the time practicing they do to put on their note for note perfect live shows. I'm the pace they work at is exhausting both mentally and physically.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: PetFish on November 24, 2021, 11:14:31 AM
Yeah, I get the privacy thing, and it's cool that nobody is holding up their phones to film over there, they all just want to enjoy the performance so it's so tough to find live fan-shot stuff on Youtube.

I really just think it would have been better for her/them/us if an actual reason was given as I think speculating isn't a good thing but it's what fans have to resort to.

I'm even more upset with the Aldious/R!N situation though.  Her voice was it for me.  Her power, style, vibrato, tone, and just the whole package is awesome.

Maki is ok and if I hadn't hear R!N I'd be fine.  They spent so much money/time/effort with R!N and after her (short) mental health breakdown she's back to music but not with Aldious so who knows what that's all about even.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: Ben_Jamin on November 24, 2021, 11:37:45 AM
Yeah, I get the privacy thing, and it's cool that nobody is holding up their phones to film over there, they all just want to enjoy the performance so it's so tough to find live fan-shot stuff on Youtube.

I really just think it would have been better for her/them/us if an actual reason was given as I think speculating isn't a good thing but it's what fans have to resort to.

I'm even more upset with the Aldious/R!N situation though.  Her voice was it for me.  Her power, style, vibrato, tone, and just the whole package is awesome.

Maki is ok and if I hadn't hear R!N I'd be fine.  They spent so much money/time/effort with R!N and after her (short) mental health breakdown she's back to music but not with Aldious so who knows what that's all about even.

For me, The fans do not have to know anything at all. I think that bands do not, and should not, have an obligation to be public with anything about a band member. The band does not have to give a reason why.

It's best for her not to disclose anything personal to the public.

People have this odd sense of needing to know everything about someone they do not and will never get to know personally. This is Idolization which can develop into an unhealthy obsession.

If you do not idolize, you will not care at all about a band members personal dealings. If they do not want to say anything, you accept it and move on. When you obsess over the need to know, then you are gearing toward an unhealthy obsession.

For me, I am on these forums to connect with like-minded individuals who happen to enjoy the same bands I do. I like to speculate, like anyone else does. But, I also understand the line of obsession and fun talk. The need to know about a band members personal dealings and situations is where that line is drawn, for me. Just look at the amount of extreme speculation about the reasons for Diego leaving and the band chose to put out a joint statement with Hakens statement and Diego's written statement where he gives us his reason to why he is not in the band anymore. I accept the reason of "creative differences" and will move on to being interested in Diego's future projects, while also interested in the future of Haken. I am not upset and sad about the decision and the reason. I can accept the reason, and live with it. Even if the reason does not jibe with my feelings being hurt cause a band member is leaving, especially a founding member.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: PetFish on November 27, 2021, 05:48:09 PM
I'm gonna bail out now since I'm failing at articulating what's in my head regarding information and lack thereof and what I think they should have done.

Now I just hope they can get a replacement soon and get back to it.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: Cool Chris on March 05, 2022, 04:44:12 PM
I have no idea what is going on with the one band member leaving, but after a few quick listens, their music is awesome!
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: PetFish on March 06, 2022, 02:13:09 PM
Welcome aboard!

I haven't even heard anything about any auditions or a wish list of bass players or even if they're looking.  It's weird cuz they made so much music in such a short amount of time and this is the longest they've gone without doing anything.

Maybe they need a break, and that's fine, but I'd love to get more info from the band about what's going on.  All I seem to get tweets about are what sushi they're eating or that they just changed their guitar strings.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior (New Track Upcoming on Greatest Hits)
Post by: PetFish on April 01, 2022, 08:12:19 PM
Finally some news!


At the very least it's nice to finally know that they are officially not stopping.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Bass Auditions!
Post by: PetFish on April 19, 2022, 08:52:05 PM
Midori & Miyako Jamming on Bassist Audition Track:
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Midori & Miyako Jamming on Bassist Audition Track
Post by: lonestar on October 21, 2022, 08:07:03 AM
New bassist Fami announced, 20 years old, mostly did YouTube covers. Checked out a few of her videos, she's got some serious chops.

https://youtube.com/channel/UClb3hP4Oc5hcN_3UjvJMIpw (https://youtube.com/channel/UClb3hP4Oc5hcN_3UjvJMIpw)
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Midori & Miyako Jamming on Bassist Audition Track
Post by: PetFish on October 21, 2022, 10:01:37 AM
Dammit, Lonestar, I just got up and you beat me to it.

So excited!  The black looks so cool on them.  Especially on Midori.  She's intimidating AF.

EDIT:  I changed the thread title, though, so I finished strong.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Midori & Miyako Jamming on Bassist Audition Track
Post by: lonestar on October 21, 2022, 10:07:52 AM
Dammit, Lonestar, I just got up and you beat me to it.

So excited!  The black looks so cool on them.  Especially on Midori.  She's intimidating AF.

EDIT:  I changed the thread title, though, so I finished strong.

Blame it on the fact that I work hella early and was able to watch the premiere live. Still wish I liked the vocalist more, their music is so solid.

Midori is amazing, I never knew she was a competitive bodybuilder too, she is so fucking cut...
Post by: lonestar on November 25, 2022, 12:04:02 PM
And with the new bass player comes the inevitable new album announcement...

Judgement Day will be released 2/22/23, with a return to live shows to follow.

Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day is February 22, 2023
Post by: PetFish on November 25, 2022, 06:04:32 PM
Dammit!  I'm the bridesmaid again but I still changed the title!  I think you're letting me have the small victory.


It's crazy how there's nothing really going on that they tell us and then BAM here's a whole bunch of stuff.  I thought "ok, now they have bass, maybe they'll do an album by the end of 2023 or early 2024" and instead it's already friggin' finished. 
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day is February 22, 2023
Post by: lonestar on November 25, 2022, 06:15:36 PM
I got a buddy here who wants to hit the 3/11 and 3/12 shows in Japan, and already has tix for the 3/7-3/9 Nemophila shows in California. That's gonna be a busy fucking week...
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day is February 22, 2023
Post by: lonestar on December 23, 2022, 04:34:16 PM
Ok, I tried to give you some time, but it's been 12 hours already.

New single Judgement Day...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3uGjp-P7DI&ab_channel=LOVEBITES (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3uGjp-P7DI&ab_channel=LOVEBITES)

Guitar work on this one is mindblowing, and the new bassist Fami is seamless in their sound. Still getting cozy with the vocals, otherwise an outstanding track.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day is February 22, 2023
Post by: PetFish on December 23, 2022, 04:45:31 PM
Thanks for trying, stupid work and their stupid work requirements like showing up.

Only watched once but it's amazing as usual.  I miss Miho's head-banging and I haaaaaaaaaaate headless guitars but so far, so good with Fami.

If I'm ever out for a walk with Midori and we get jumped she'll handle it while I enjoy some popcorn.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day is February 22, 2023
Post by: lonestar on December 23, 2022, 04:49:42 PM
Thanks for trying, stupid work and their stupid work requirements like showing up.

Only watched once but it's amazing as usual.  I miss Miho's head-banging and I haaaaaaaaaaate headless guitars but so far, so good with Fami.

If I'm ever out for a walk with Midori and we get jumped she'll handle it while I enjoy some popcorn.

No shit lol...that girl is fucking cut.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 23, 2022, 04:52:24 PM
Well that was a yummy little treat.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on December 23, 2022, 05:01:07 PM
Two J-metal bands clicked with J-boy in as many days...maybe the tides are turning.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: jingle.boy on December 23, 2022, 05:20:08 PM
Two J-metal bands clicked with J-boy in as many days...maybe the tides are turning.

In the wise words of Winston Wolff... "Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day is February 22, 2023
Post by: TAC on December 23, 2022, 05:21:50 PM

New single Judgement Day...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3uGjp-P7DI&ab_channel=LOVEBITES (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3uGjp-P7DI&ab_channel=LOVEBITES)

Guitar work on this one is mindblowing, and the new bassist Fami is seamless in their sound. Still getting cozy with the vocals, otherwise an outstanding track.

Wow, that is outstanding.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day is February 22, 2023
Post by: PetFish on December 24, 2022, 10:05:16 PM
No shit lol...that girl is fucking cut.

Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on December 24, 2022, 11:04:46 PM
Oh I've seen that side of her already  :D

Btw bud, if you haven't already, check out Lonesome_Blue's debut album Second to None. It's outstanding beginning to end.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: ozzy554 on December 25, 2022, 08:31:05 PM
I love how the song starts with the bass prominently in front. I like Fami's style and I think she fits in with the band perfectly. Song itself has most of what I love from the band as well so all good stuff.

I just love how losing a member didn't even slow them down. The amount of content they've put out since their formation puts many bands to shame.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: ariich on December 26, 2022, 02:55:34 PM
Guitar work on this one is mindblowing
Their guitar work is always fantastic. Miho was great of course, but Midori and Miyaki have always been the thing that interest me most about the band.

This thread reminded me to go back and watch their 2020 DVD performance of Holy War, so damn good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgAxpEpEcno&

New single is very solid. Last full-length was easily their best album so far IMO, the earlier ones are decent but that one was a step up as it had much stronger hooks. So I'm looking forward to hearing the new one.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on December 26, 2022, 04:50:25 PM
Never really checked this band out before, but I've spent some time this afternoon with them. Really excellent music that is right in my wheelhouse.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: PetFish on December 26, 2022, 07:24:52 PM
Btw bud, if you haven't already, check out Lonesome_Blue's debut album Second to None. It's outstanding beginning to end.

I just saw their stuff recently but haven't had time to really check it out but I definitely want to.

I.  Hate.  Headless.  Guitars.

I just love how losing a member didn't even slow them down. The amount of content they've put out since their formation puts many bands to shame.

Meanwhile in the land of Aldious...  :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: PetFish on December 26, 2022, 07:32:04 PM
I just found the track listing but no iTunes pre-order yet:

01. We Are The Resurrection
02. Judgement Day
03. The Spirit Lives On
04. Wicked Witch
05. Stand And Deliver (Shoot 'Em Down)
06. Victim Of Time
07. My Orion
08. Lost In The Garden
09. Dissonance
10. Soldier Stands Solitarily

I hope they have at least one ballady song like Epilogue or Edge of the World.  Maybe "The Spirit Lives On" or "My Orion".  I think they need more places to slow things down and rest.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on December 26, 2022, 07:54:40 PM
Just listened to Electric Pentagram.

WOW! What an amazing album.
I guess when I've seen the name, I think I had them confused with It Bites.

Anyway, what's the info on the new album? Title? Release date?
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on December 26, 2022, 07:57:15 PM
Btw bud, if you haven't already, check out Lonesome_Blue's debut album Second to None. It's outstanding beginning to end.

I just saw their stuff recently but haven't had time to really check it out but I definitely want to.

I.  Hate.  Headless.  Guitars.

It's so damn good... Headless guitars aside. And honestly, Narumi's work may change your opinion, she's insanely diverse and so damn talented.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: ozzy554 on December 26, 2022, 08:27:48 PM
Just listened to Electric Pentagram.

WOW! What an amazing album.
I guess when I've seen the name, I think I had them confused with It Bites.

Anyway, what's the info on the new album? Title? Release date?

New album is also called Judgement Day and is releasing February 22nd
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on December 26, 2022, 08:32:33 PM
Cool. I'm on it!
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on December 26, 2022, 08:44:21 PM
J-metal has something for everyone Tim.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on December 27, 2022, 12:37:50 PM
I have a full spin of Electric Pentagram on the drive home, still not 100% sold on Asami's vocals, but I'm getting more comfy with them, and the music is really, really solid. Solid enough to keep digging further.

And if/when they do an eventual US tour, I'll definitely catch them. Seems from the chatter on the fan pages that they're way overdue, and with the recent success other J-metal bands have had, specifically Band-Maid, I'd gather it's time to strike while the market is hot.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on December 27, 2022, 12:56:23 PM
J-metal has something for everyone Tim.

Hmm... I'm not sure how I feel about this statement.

specifically Band-Maid

Just my opinion, but for me, Lovebites is way more my style of music. Love the Helloween influences.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on December 27, 2022, 01:43:40 PM
J-metal has something for everyone Tim.

Hmm... I'm not sure how I feel about this statement.

Just pointing out the irony that, after the many, many cheap shots you've taken at my affinity for all female Japanese metal bands, you end up liking one.

specifically Band-Maid

Just my opinion, but for me, Lovebites is way more my style of music. Love the Helloween influences.

That comment was more referring to the tremendous success Band-Maid has had domestically. Second to Babymetal, who I feel all J-Metal acts owe a great debt to for breaking the ceiling internationally for the genre in general, Band-Maid has really garnered an impressive international fanbase, resulting in their recent US tour that sold out every show except one in a manner of hours, and they're already planning another US tour for next year. Hopefully their success paves the way for bands like Lovebites and Nemophila (who already have a US tour in March).

Any further Band-Maid obsession questions can be answered in this video....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZF40-lJrf4&ab_channel=TheDailyBlab (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZF40-lJrf4&ab_channel=TheDailyBlab)

Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on December 27, 2022, 03:56:52 PM
"Are you still a fucking virgin? You sound like one!"  :rollin
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on December 27, 2022, 04:11:46 PM
"Are you still a fucking virgin? You sound like one!"  :rollin

"Rush fans leave the room...their time is over, get used to it..."  :rollin
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: PetFish on December 27, 2022, 05:19:42 PM
I have a full spin of Electric Pentagram on the drive home, still not 100% sold on Asami's vocals, but I'm getting more comfy with them, and the music is really, really solid. Solid enough to keep digging further.

I had the same initial feelings about her voice and now I'm used to it and loving it.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: PetFish on January 09, 2023, 09:26:16 PM
PSA:  Judgement Day is up for pre-orders on iTunes.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on February 15, 2023, 06:39:06 AM
Bass Player Auditions Digest


Subtitles would be nice. :lol
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 15, 2023, 07:04:26 AM
Bass Player Auditions Digest


Subtitles would be nice. :lol

Yeah... If you're gonna follow Japanese bands you should get used to that.   :lol

Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: EPICVIEW on February 15, 2023, 07:46:21 AM
Bass Player Auditions Digest


Subtitles would be nice. :lol

I was happy for whoever she is,,, she seems nice..   they are the only band I want to see perform naked I can think of : )
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on February 15, 2023, 07:46:46 AM
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 15, 2023, 08:08:24 AM
Bass Player Auditions Digest


Subtitles would be nice. :lol

I was happy for whoever she is,,, she seems nice..   they are the only band I want to see perform naked I can think of : )

Man... You definitely need to dig deeper into J-metal
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on February 15, 2023, 08:19:08 AM
Maybe he has an interest, but not a fetish.  :lol
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 15, 2023, 08:47:34 AM
Maybe he has an interest, but not a fetish.  :lol

I think that's for him to decide, now isn't it?
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: EPICVIEW on February 15, 2023, 08:54:09 AM
well I saw and partied with Loudness and EZO back in the mid 80s and didnt feel the same way at all  : )   The guys in Loudness were especially fun to hang out with ,  they each had 5 girls each  ( not joking  )
that traveled with them. They were big fans of Heineken Beer ( I always chuckled about that )
I like Lovebites    they are very good and easy on the eyes

I havent felt this way since VIXEN  : )

to me the hottest girl is the singer in Lonesome Blue

Judgement day is a great song  I really dig the song and them on a more serious note : )
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 15, 2023, 09:06:00 AM

to me the hottest girl is the singer in Lonesome Blue

Yeah, her and Koga (bassist for Gacharic Spin) are the only ones I actually have a serious crush on.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: EPICVIEW on February 15, 2023, 09:40:56 AM

to me the hottest girl is the singer in Lonesome Blue

Yeah, her and Koga (bassist for Gacharic Spin) are the only ones I actually have a serious crush on.

:  )   you rock Lonestar
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 15, 2023, 09:52:19 AM

to me the hottest girl is the singer in Lonesome Blue

Yeah, her and Koga (bassist for Gacharic Spin) are the only ones I actually have a serious crush on.

:  )   you rock Lonestar

Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 17, 2023, 10:17:45 AM
Bass Player Auditions Digest


Subtitles would be nice. :lol

They must've heard your whining... It has subtitles now.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: TAC on February 17, 2023, 12:25:49 PM
Bass Player Auditions Digest


Subtitles would be nice. :lol

They must've heard your whining... It has subtitles now.

Just pointing out the obvious as I do in every other thread.  ;D
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: PetFish on February 21, 2023, 10:00:30 AM
Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down)


Nice to see them just having fun.  What I'd really love to see is some in-studio diaries of them writing and jamming and stuff.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down) Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 21, 2023, 10:05:32 AM
New song is fucking dope.

Album is supposedly out now too, though I'm not seeing it on Spotify yet.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Video!
Post by: jingle.boy on February 21, 2023, 11:31:17 AM
Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down)


Nice to see them just having fun.  What I'd really love to see is some in-studio diaries of them writing and jamming and stuff.

Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down) Video!
Post by: gazinwales on February 21, 2023, 11:58:18 AM
New song is fucking dope.

Album is supposedly out now too, though I'm not seeing it on Spotify yet.

Release day is 22/02/23, it's on my YT Music already, going to listen on my way to work this morning.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down) Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 21, 2023, 12:28:19 PM
New song is fucking dope.

Album is supposedly out now too, though I'm not seeing it on Spotify yet.

Release day is 22/02/23, it's on my YT Music already, going to listen on my way to work this morning.

Ahhh, so for Spotify we'll have to wait till midnight in your local timezone.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down) Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 22, 2023, 08:57:48 AM
Judgement Day is sitting on top of the US iTunes metal chart today  :metal
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down) Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 22, 2023, 06:13:36 PM
Finally digging in, this album is pretty fucking dope. The duel guitar attack is mind-blowing. Fami was an outstanding choice for bass.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down) Video!
Post by: PetFish on February 24, 2023, 05:19:17 PM
I'm still working on listening.  So far nothing is really grabbing me except Judgement Day.

Also, I wish they'd start more songs with an intro and not just go from silence to OMGFULLVOLUMEYOUREARSDIENOW.  I've never been a fan of starting songs this way.  Even a simple 3-second cymbal swell and then BOOMINYOURFACE helps prepare the listener.  Just like most things, BOOM intro is fine, but when it gets tired fast if it's done too often.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down) Video!
Post by: lonestar on February 24, 2023, 05:25:46 PM
So I ordered the CD/shirt bundle from JPU records, mainly cause I wanted the shirt. Come to find out today that they're randomly inserting CDs with the sleeve fully autographed by the band. Now that'd be a nice little addition to my collection for sure.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Stand and Deliver (Shoot'em Down) Video!
Post by: TAC on May 30, 2023, 07:57:40 PM
Seems one of the guitarists is releasing an EP of piano covers.

Check out the track list:
1. Battery (Original by Metallica)
2. Far Beyond The Sun (Original by Yngwie Malmsteen)
3. Eagle Fly Free (Original by Helloween)
4. The Loner (Original by Gary Moore)
5. Burn (Original by Deep Purple)
6. Addicted (Original by Lovebites)


Here's the video for Eagle Fly Free.

I might get this!
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: PetFish on July 24, 2023, 04:49:37 PM
I'm behind in my Lovebites but here's the video for Hammer of Wrath:


The live setlist is very disappointing, though, as there are only 4 new songs being played.  We already have many live versions of everything else and I'd much rather hear things that haven't been played live yet or rarely.

But, amazing band as usual.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: lonestar on July 24, 2023, 04:59:23 PM
I had a buddy who was at those shows earlier this year, he said they fucking crushed it. I really hope they make a US tour next year, I think the interest is there to make it work, it did for BAND MAID, Nemophila, and Rolling Quartz.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: lonestar on August 11, 2023, 10:47:29 AM
The upcoming live dvd will be live streamed for free on YouTube, 5am PST, with no archive.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: jingle.boy on August 11, 2023, 10:59:24 AM
The upcoming live dvd will be live streamed for free on YouTube, 5am PST, with no archive.

Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: lonestar on August 11, 2023, 11:15:28 AM
The upcoming live dvd will be live streamed for free on YouTube, 5am PST, with no archive.


Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: lonestar on August 11, 2023, 11:16:48 AM

Here's the link...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcPCUXA3Leo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcPCUXA3Leo)
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: TAC on August 11, 2023, 01:16:49 PM
I just want to say that...


...this album is AWESOME!!! :metal :metal

What is the release date for the live album?
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: jingle.boy on August 11, 2023, 06:31:41 PM
For those that know how to use Google, they would know it’s sometime this month.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: TAC on August 11, 2023, 06:55:46 PM
Those must be some lucky people.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Knockin' at Heaven's Gate
Post by: PetFish on August 22, 2023, 10:10:52 AM
Judgment Day Live

Midori keeps getting fucked in the mix.

Haruna is an absolute beast on the kit.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on December 23, 2023, 01:39:25 PM
So this is pretty funny, there's a Canadian girl named Michelle, I've come to know her from Band Maid shows, and she does guitar covers and travel logs that have gotten some traction. Very nice young lady, great family. She flew to Japan for Band Maid's big show at the Yokohama arena and posted her usual video chronicling her trip. It was only after she reviewed the video, and compared it to Lovebites post about attending the same show, that she realized that it was actually Lovebites in the back of this picture...


And for reference here's the Lovebites picture...

Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: TAC on December 23, 2023, 06:18:31 PM
Wow, that's crazy. Did she notice them in real time?
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on December 23, 2023, 06:47:51 PM
Wow, that's crazy. Did she notice them in real time?

Nope, didn't notice until she saw Midori's IG post, and reviewing her own video. I can guarantee of she did, her social media fees would've been way more frantic.

Here's 9ne if her Band Maid covers for anyone curious, she's quite good... https://youtu.be/eR8ZGkC8g3k?si=wR5YHlvzEbWMpyxI (https://youtu.be/eR8ZGkC8g3k?si=wR5YHlvzEbWMpyxI)
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on January 01, 2024, 11:23:52 AM
Lovebites cracks open 2024 with a world tour announcement... Only the 4 European festival dates, PPUSA, and the big Tokyo Garden Theater show, but a promise of many more to come. They say the TGT show will be there only Japan show, so it seems a lot of time will be spent overseas. If there are more US dates they'll be after PPUSA since that's confirmed to be the US debut. Curious to see how all this plays out....
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: cramx3 on January 01, 2024, 01:43:13 PM
Lovebites cracks open 2024 with a world tour announcement... Only the 4 European festival dates, PPUSA, and the big Tokyo Garden Theater show, but a promise of many more to come. They say the TGT show will be there only Japan show, so it seems a lot of time will be spent overseas. If there are more US dates they'll be after PPUSA since that's confirmed to be the US debut. Curious to see how all this plays out....

I think it's a US exclusive show too, so likely not this year.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on January 01, 2024, 02:55:48 PM
Lovebites cracks open 2024 with a world tour announcement... Only the 4 European festival dates, PPUSA, and the big Tokyo Garden Theater show, but a promise of many more to come. They say the TGT show will be there only Japan show, so it seems a lot of time will be spent overseas. If there are more US dates they'll be after PPUSA since that's confirmed to be the US debut. Curious to see how all this plays out....

I think it's a US exclusive show too, so likely not this year.

I haven't seen anything officially saying that anywhere.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: TAC on January 01, 2024, 02:56:50 PM
Lovebites cracks open 2024 with a world tour announcement... Only the 4 European festival dates, PPUSA, and the big Tokyo Garden Theater show, but a promise of many more to come. They say the TGT show will be there only Japan show, so it seems a lot of time will be spent overseas. If there are more US dates they'll be after PPUSA since that's confirmed to be the US debut. Curious to see how all this plays out....

I think it's a US exclusive show too, so likely not this year.

I haven't seen anything officially saying that anywhere.

Yeah, that post made me check the PPUSA website for it.

I'd definitely consider seeing them if they came to Boston.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on January 01, 2024, 03:05:01 PM
Even PPUSA's announcement says debut, not exclusive...

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid026m8qcuxPSVZ7tA7kmLeaJd5krM7vzmuvZFGD5T1HFAwTKkqe5LC4KmWKYU1M75rzl&id=100064698250353&mibextid=2JQ9oc (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid026m8qcuxPSVZ7tA7kmLeaJd5krM7vzmuvZFGD5T1HFAwTKkqe5LC4KmWKYU1M75rzl&id=100064698250353&mibextid=2JQ9oc)
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: cramx3 on January 01, 2024, 03:27:49 PM
I must be wrong then, I had thought that for some reason but maybe just confused with debut.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on May 29, 2024, 10:21:35 AM


The SF venue fits 300...holy fuck this is going to be epic.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: jingle.boy on May 29, 2024, 10:26:21 AM
So, PPUSA is not an 'exclusive', but the 'debut'?
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on May 29, 2024, 10:31:21 AM
I have no idea where the exclusive came from, I never saw it anywhere.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: TAC on May 29, 2024, 10:33:13 AM
Surprised there's no NYC date.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: cramx3 on May 29, 2024, 10:44:35 AM
Surprised there's no NYC date.

I'm guessing due to the "debut" at PP. Looks like they start east and head west getting ever so closer to home. I'm a bit surprised too, but I'm guessing costs and markets will determine if and when they come back. Seems the Japanese bands play CA a lot more than NY.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: Anguyen92 on May 29, 2024, 10:47:47 AM
NOT THE ECHO!!!  I don't trust the parking in that area which is why I'm most likely not going to see another Japanese band there, Survive Said the Prophet.

And yes, it does seem like Japanese bands play more shows in the West Coast than East coast compared to probably European bands playing more shows in the East Coast than West Coast.  I'm seeing Man With A Mission at Hollywood Palladium this July.  Another popular Japanese rock band, One Ok Rock is headlining the Forum in October.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on May 29, 2024, 10:48:37 AM
I'm guessing due to the "debut" at PP. Looks like they start east and head west getting ever so closer to home. I'm a bit surprised too, but I'm guessing costs and markets will determine if and when they come back. Seems the Japanese bands play CA a lot more than NY.

Thank God lol
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: cramx3 on May 29, 2024, 10:54:34 AM
Either way, that's great for you, you'll get to see them twice.  I still get to see them, we all win here  :lol

And do they have a new album coming out?
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on May 29, 2024, 11:06:56 AM
They keep posting soundless teasers from the studio, so something is happening
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on June 03, 2024, 11:15:45 AM
VIP Meet and Greet tickets for the upcoming "tour" are $270 each... :omg: :omg: :omg:

Glad there'll be a meet and greet at PPUSA man, cause fuck that. :lol
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: cramx3 on June 03, 2024, 11:52:39 AM
VIP Meet and Greet tickets for the upcoming "tour" are $270 each... :omg: :omg: :omg:

Glad there'll be a meet and greet at PPUSA man, cause fuck that. :lol

Does it include anything beyond the meet and greet?  Cause yeah, that's wild but I guess they expect a high demand?  I've never done a paid meet and greet so not really sure about how pricing works but I do see sometimes they include merch and other goodies.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on June 03, 2024, 12:36:25 PM
Does it include anything beyond the meet and greet?  Cause yeah, that's wild but I guess they expect a high demand?  I've never done a paid meet and greet so not really sure about how pricing works but I do see sometimes they include merch and other goodies.

They got the usual lanyard, signed, poster, early entry, etc.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on June 05, 2024, 11:07:16 AM
Tickets secured, I'll officially be seeing Lovebites twice in a week's time. :metal
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: jingle.boy on June 05, 2024, 01:36:21 PM
Tickets secured, I'll officially be seeing Lovebites twice in a week's time. :metal

Evemind is NOT jealous.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: lonestar on June 05, 2024, 02:31:25 PM
I really thought they'd score well too.... :dunno:

I think he's just getting even with me for hating on Leprous a few roulettes ago...man was he confused how I didn't like Einar's vocals.
Title: Re: LOVEBITES - Judgement Day Live
Post by: Evermind on June 05, 2024, 09:25:57 PM
Evemind is NOT jealous.


I'd go see them play live. I bet it's better in a live setting, and anyway I'm starving for any live concerts at the moment.

I really thought they'd score well too.... :dunno:

I think he's just getting even with me for hating on Leprous a few roulettes ago...man was he confused how I didn't like Einar's vocals.

:lol Is the album (Electric Pentagram) more like Thunder Vengeance or more like Frozen Serenade? The latter was more melodic and more up my alley.

Oh yeah I remember that Leprous fiasco now. :lol