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General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Elite on January 01, 2021, 02:52:56 AM

Title: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Elite on January 01, 2021, 02:52:56 AM
I think all around the globe we're in 2021 now, happy new year to my favourite online community! :)

It's almost 11 in the morning here. Hope everyone had a good night. Take care and hopefully this year will be better than the last!


Also post your resolutions; I have yet to think of some :biggrin:
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: MrBoom_shack-a-lack on January 01, 2021, 04:09:40 AM
Happy New Year DTF, the best community on ze internet!  :metal

Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: mike099 on January 01, 2021, 04:17:56 AM
Happy New Year!

My resolution is to eat less carbs and kick it up a notch on my exercise routine.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Spiritus on January 01, 2021, 04:30:30 AM
Happy New Year, as per tradition of 5 years I slept threw it.
Title: Oh great - Kotowboy has posted. :(
Post by: Kotowboy on January 01, 2021, 04:39:05 AM
I saw in the New year with jelly babies, coca cola, TNG on Netflix and a bar of chocolate.   ;D

I don't do parties and i'm straightedge so i'd rather have a nice coffee than an alcoholic bevvy.

Went to bed at 0130 and got up at 0800 so I could watch the new Discovery and have an early morning walk in the sunshine.  :D

Although I don't want to upset anyone - but in one year from today - it's 2020 II


As for resolutions - i've lived in the countryside near the beaches for 6 years now. I badly want to move back to the city - I last lived there 20 years ago almost exactly

and it was the last time I remember being truly happy. So yeah I kinda wanna try to recapture that.

Hopefully by the end of this year i'll be well on my way. :) #WishmeLuckPlease
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Elite on January 01, 2021, 04:58:01 AM
Although I don't want to upset anyone - but in one year from today - it's 2020 II

Oh yeah, we’re definitely in for some shit still, but I’m positive that we’ll get better this year. Surely not right away. I mean, the world doesn’t work like that, but in a few months or before the end of the year, I hope stuff is better. I wonder how much of the world goes back to how it was before 2020, and how much of the current status quo will remain.


Good luck!
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Kotowboy on January 01, 2021, 05:35:52 AM

Well at least HE will no longer be in charge so that's one huge positive. :)
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: WildRanger on January 01, 2021, 05:43:23 AM
Happy New year, 2021.
And let's send the previous year to garbage dump!

Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: MirrorMask on January 01, 2021, 06:06:57 AM
Stayed at home because of the restrictions.

I dedicated the evening to my most important musical discovery of the year, Bruce Springsteen - watched his Broadway show on Netflix and the first song I heard in 2021 was The Rising, let's hope it's the year in which we'll rise above the pandemic.

Oh, and at midnight I screamed "Jumanji" to get out of the game  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: lonestar on January 01, 2021, 06:33:00 AM
I was asleep by 10pm. Woke up to 6 bones in my bank account. Well played 2021.

Happy new year you filthy animals.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: jingle.boy on January 01, 2021, 06:47:32 AM
jingle.family made it to 12:10am.  Our usual routine is dinner and a movie, so we held to that ... just in the basement this year.  Played some games as well, and flipped back and forth between Ryan Seacrest and Andy Cohen/Anderson Cooper (funny to see the latter two really hammered).

Resolutions ... none really, just not gonna pound back the sweets and alcohol like I did in December.  I never really do "new year" resolutions - what's the point of waiting for Jan 1 if you want to make a change in yourself?
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Zydar on January 01, 2021, 07:13:47 AM
Happy new year DTF!

Hmm resolutions.... I guess it's to keep up the new healthier lifestyle I started last year, which means exercising and cutting back on fat and sugar. I never touch alcohol anyway. I might even kick up the exercising a notch or two.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: ReaperKK on January 01, 2021, 07:55:39 AM
Happy New Year DTF.

The wife and I spent the night eating various cheese and drinking some champagne, nothing crazy.

As for new years resolutions, to lose weight (I have a bet with my brother on this one), get better at guitar, and save enough so I can get a weekend car.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: hunnus2000 on January 01, 2021, 08:00:56 AM
Happy New Year DTF peeps!

Here's to a boring year!  :metal

Resolutions - Diet and exercise.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Kotowboy on January 01, 2021, 09:47:36 AM
 :D I need to lighten up ! It's winter time in the UK and I get really bad panic and anxiety which doesn't help when there's hardly any daylight.

But I promise a lot of my posts are heavily sarcastic and it's hard to tell in text form.  :xbones
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Adami on January 01, 2021, 10:01:18 AM
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Adami on January 01, 2021, 10:02:44 AM
:D I need to lighten up ! It's winter time in the UK and I get really bad panic and anxiety which doesn't help when there's hardly any daylight.

But I promise a lot of my posts are heavily sarcastic and it's hard to tell in text form.  :xbones

I dunno if you know this already, but they make special lights for seasonal affective disorder. Not sure how easy they are to get in the UK but I'm sure they're around. They seem to help quite a bit, but don't use them if you have a diagnosis of bi-polar disorder, as it might mess with the manic/hypomanic episodes.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Phoenix87x on January 01, 2021, 10:03:20 AM

1. If Open Mic is ever allowed again in my area, I would like to try that

2. Get to Blue Belt in jiu jitsu

3. Do ayahuasca or psilocybin and try to heal unresolved childhood issues
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Kotowboy on January 01, 2021, 10:10:02 AM

Apparently it's 21 past 8 ?!
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Kotowboy on January 01, 2021, 10:11:02 AM
I don't know if i'm bipolar but I do crave daylight. I can't sit indoors if it's sunny outside.

Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Adami on January 01, 2021, 10:18:39 AM
I don't know if i'm bipolar but I do crave daylight. I can't sit indoors if it's sunny outside.

Then I’d say look at the therapeutic lights. They’re pretty helpful for just that.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Kotowboy on January 01, 2021, 10:29:09 AM
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Elite on January 01, 2021, 10:32:21 AM
Wow, I'm only now seeing I accidentally named this thread 'Happy New Thread' instead of 'Happy New Year' :lol
Post by: Kotowboy on January 01, 2021, 10:36:04 AM
Eh it still works
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: dparrott on January 01, 2021, 10:59:50 AM
Looking forward to a full year of sports again!  No sports last summer really sucked.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: hunnus2000 on January 01, 2021, 11:27:56 AM
Looking forward to a full year of sports again!  No sports last summer really sucked.

Amen brutha, aaaaaaaamen!
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: MirrorMask on January 01, 2021, 12:37:01 PM
Wow, I'm only now seeing I accidentally named this thread 'Happy New Thread' instead of 'Happy New Year' :lol

My brain didn't realize it and basically autocorrected it in my head, 'cause I didn't notice it until you wrote it  :lol
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: ReaperKK on January 01, 2021, 01:30:57 PM
3. Do ayahuasca or psilocybin and try to heal unresolved childhood issues

Not to derail this thread, we can take it to pm, but have you done ayahuasca or psilocybin?
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Lethean on January 01, 2021, 06:11:56 PM
Revenge319's resolution: to finish his roulette before... the pandemic is over? :)
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Phoenix87x on January 01, 2021, 06:17:20 PM
3. Do ayahuasca or psilocybin and try to heal unresolved childhood issues

Not to derail this thread, we can take it to pm, but have you done ayahuasca or psilocybin?

Just sent u a pm

If it didn’t go through just let me know and i can send it again
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: kirksnosehair on January 02, 2021, 03:18:52 AM
I quit making New Years resolutions about 20 years ago.  They're pointless.  If I need to change something about myself, I change it, I don't save it up so I can change it based on some calendar date. 

That said, I don't begrudge anyone for doing it.  In 1996 I smoked my last cigarette on New Year's Eve and haven't smoked (um tobacco, that is  ;)  ) since.  So resolutions can certainly be useful.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Elite on January 02, 2021, 03:33:31 AM
I think the symbolic date for resolutions in that at the beginning of the year, you can set a goal for yourself that you achieve by the end of the year.

Also post your resolutions; I have yet to think of some :biggrin:

Okay then;

- practice guitar every single day for at least half an hour - preferably more. If not 'practice', then at least 'play'
(bit of a pointless goal, since I did this in 2020 as well - every day except for December 25th)

- spend more time studying

- I really want to get going as a session player, but people have no idea I even exist, so I have to find a way to get that started up some way. I know because of the pandemic there's barely any opportunities to play anyway and there's probably tons of people eager to jump in when something gets available, but I feel like I really want to spend time and effort to get to play with random others in basically whatever projects are there

- also record more music, because I want to get better at that
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Stadler on January 02, 2021, 09:43:11 AM
I'm in a weird mood this year; I generally don't do "resolutions" - I'm with Barry and Chad on this - but this year in particular.  We stayed home and honestly I didn't even watch the festivities.   I got tired in November of the "2020 sucks!" tropes and in the last week there hasn't been a year end show that didn't use the word "hope" 15,000 times.  "Hope" is not a strategy.  Things don't change just because the year/date changes.   We still think the other side is a bunch of loonies/racists/commies/deplorables, we're still pointing fingers at the other guy while making our own choices that suit us best (the same thing the other guy is doing, if you didn't pick up on that), we're still burying our faces in our phones, we're still letting social media drive our choices...

I don't know; I'm not a negative person, I still, even after 53 years, believe anything is possible, but hearing about Andy Cohen (who I like, generally, and who should absolutely know better) getting hammered and screaming at Bill DiBlasio on national TV tells me that 2020, 2021, 2022... it's all going to be the same.   
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: kirksnosehair on January 03, 2021, 06:13:07 AM
Not a resolution, per se, but in the last couple of years I have developed a very, very strong disgust with social media in general, but Twitter in particular.  It's a fucking cesspool.  I started avoiding it and actually removed the app from my iPhone last year and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.  My level of missing it is somewhere between 0 and less than 0. 

Facebook isn't quite as bad and I need it to keep in touch with my kid/grandkids but even on there, I scroll past more ignorant fucking stupidity than I can sometimes believe.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: jingle.boy on January 03, 2021, 06:31:54 AM
Not a resolution, per se, but in the last couple of years I have developed a very, very strong disgust with social media in general, but Twitter in particular.  It's a fucking cesspool.  I started avoiding it and actually removed the app from my iPhone last year and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.  My level of missing it is somewhere between 0 and less than 0. 

Facebook isn't quite as bad and I need it to keep in touch with my kid/grandkids but even on there, I scroll past more ignorant fucking stupidity than I can sometimes believe.

I signed up for Twitter and IG years, but never - NEVER - use them.  Pretty sure I can count on one hand the number of posts I've made at each there, and never proactively go there to find "information" or whatever.  FB is the same for me.  It's a way that I can keep in touch (actively and/or passively) with people who I don't often talk with or (pre COVID) see.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Elite on January 03, 2021, 12:44:14 PM
Hey, that's a good one though! Spend less time scrolling through meaningless stuff on social media and instead focus on what's going on in the present. That's a new year's resolution more people could adopt :)
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: KevShmev on January 03, 2021, 03:02:32 PM
I agree that Twitter is way worse than Facebook, yet I still have Twitter and chucked Facebook again (and I never looked at it anymore anyway when my account was still active).  The thing with Twitter is sticking to what you want to see and not going down the rabbit hole of the crap.  I generally only follow peeps who talk music or sports.  And if any of those people start in on politics or society issues or anything like that, I unfollow them.  And I try to avoid looking at the trending issues since it is always the stupidest shit imaginable.

Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Stadler on January 04, 2021, 07:07:14 AM
Not a resolution, per se, but in the last couple of years I have developed a very, very strong disgust with social media in general, but Twitter in particular.  It's a fucking cesspool.  I started avoiding it and actually removed the app from my iPhone last year and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.  My level of missing it is somewhere between 0 and less than 0. 

Facebook isn't quite as bad and I need it to keep in touch with my kid/grandkids but even on there, I scroll past more ignorant fucking stupidity than I can sometimes believe.

I signed up for Twitter and IG years, but never - NEVER - use them.  Pretty sure I can count on one hand the number of posts I've made at each there, and never proactively go there to find "information" or whatever.  FB is the same for me.  It's a way that I can keep in touch (actively and/or passively) with people who I don't often talk with or (pre COVID) see.

Not directed to you, but as a general comment, it's baffling that there are people who DO go there for "information".  WTF.  That's like going to the toy store Matchbox car department for "information" on how to fix your car.  Or going to the comic book store for advice on how to deal with your anxiety.

When did we get so...  shallow?   (Rhetorical)
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: jingle.boy on January 04, 2021, 07:12:39 AM
Well, when legit media outlets use this to dispense “breaking news” that’s part of it. I guess what I was trying to say is that I only go to Twitter when someone I know and trust points me there x be it for something informative, ludicrous, humorous or anything in between.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: King Postwhore on January 04, 2021, 07:14:50 AM
The only information I get there is for Sports.  I follow certain beat writers to get up to date info.  Otherwise it's just interactions with band members and fans who like those bands.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Phoenix87x on February 05, 2021, 07:17:57 AM
One of 3 is complete

so I'll add a new one:  Learn a new language

Just go the app Babbel and its really good. I WISH I had this back in high school and college. Currently learning Polish which will be my 2nd language.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Kotowboy on February 05, 2021, 09:23:45 AM
I tried learning French on Duolingo. Great app but I just cannot get on board with gender nouns. Why does it have to be Mrs table and Mr chair ?

Why can't I just say THE table ?
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Elite on February 05, 2021, 03:00:50 PM
Because almost ever language other than English has multiple articles for words :lol

both le and la in French mean 'the', so it's not as if you're saying something weird.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Kotowboy on February 05, 2021, 03:08:13 PM
If I ever go to France i'll just say Le for everything. Fuck em  :hat
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Phoenix87x on March 12, 2021, 08:35:25 PM
Making progress on the resolutions:

1. Preparing material for open mic now since they are now re-opening

2. Half way to Blue Belt in BJJ as of Monday

3. Getting better at learning Polish as a 2nd language each day and my fluent co-worker is helping me practice.

Newly added resolutions:

4. Go skydiving

5. Take Flying lessons (there's a place close to me that I think is $150 an hour total for lessons)

Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Kotowboy on March 13, 2021, 05:43:02 AM
Making progress on the resolutions:

1. Preparing material for open mic now since they are now re-opening

2. Half way to Blue Belt in BJJ as of Monday

3. Getting better at learning Polish as a 2nd language each day and my fluent co-worker is helping me practice.

Newly added resolutions:

4. Go skydiving

5. Take Flying lessons (there's a place close to me that I think is $150 an hour total for lessons)

 :tup :tup

Doing a parachute jump would be awesome. Can't imagine the cajones needed to actually jump out of a plane. It's not like jumping off the high diving board.

I had a dream once that I did a jump - and that falling sensation you get when jumping off a high diving board lasted the entire time  ;D

Although people who've done it say it doesn't feel like falling.


My Reso this year is to move back to the city. But what's holding me back is funds mainly - but also the fact that moving house is a gigantic pain in the arse.

It won't be as bad as last time I moved house as that was from Reading in England - which is about 60 miles west of London - to a seaside town in Wales.

Getting back and forth was so annoying. The city i want to move to is Cardiff - which is "only" a 2 hr drive. So will be much easier.

BUT - It's everything from - finding a place - getting the deposit etc... Emptying my current place. Blitzing it as much as possible to get more of my deposit back

( which I never expect back but hey ho ) - then moving it all down - Moving in etc etc. Plus having already found a job to pay the rent etc etc. :emo:  :sadpanda:

I don't hate where I live by any means - it's the best / quietest place i've ever rented and all the other tenants are sooo quiet and friendly.

BUT it's only nice in the summer. Because it's a tiny seaside town - when it's Autumn / Winter - it's unbearably boring and doesn't help my anxiety in the slightest.

Sorry for Wall of text. :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Phoenix87x on April 27, 2021, 02:06:40 PM
Crossed off skydiving from the list today


That was one hell of a ride
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: jingle.boy on April 27, 2021, 02:35:55 PM
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: TAC on April 27, 2021, 03:28:40 PM
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Phoenix87x on December 30, 2021, 08:53:40 PM
So how did everybody's year go? Did you accomplish your 2021 resolutions? What are your 2022 resolutions?

I did alot of my mine but carrying over to 2022 would be earning blue belt in Jiu Jitsu (Getting very close) and also for 2022, I would love to meet someone to eventually have a child with.

How about you guys?
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: jingle.boy on December 31, 2021, 06:00:26 AM
Well, it was certainly better than 2020, but not by a whole lot.

Personally, I turned 50, and my single goal was to be in the best shape of my life.  I kinda got there.  I think I was actually in the *best* shape sometime around March, but essentially maintained it throughout the year.  Professionally, work is as good as it's ever been - at least, with my current company (of four years).  We added a second dog (again) at the end of the year.

Family wise, it's been a tough one for mrs.jingle - COVID shit, and arthritis seems to be creeping in on her.  jingle.kids are at home full-time - jingle.son should be away at college, but has been 100% virtual since Sept '20.  Both had summer jobs, so that was a positive.  We did a handful of home improvements, and entertained the idea of doing a massive renovation (which we eventually scrapped, and will be doing a simple re-design/remodel of our main floor).

All in all, not bad, but could've been a lot better if not for COVID shit.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: ReaperKK on December 31, 2021, 06:36:18 AM
So how did everybody's year go? Did you accomplish your 2021 resolutions? What are your 2022 resolutions?

I did alot of my mine but carrying over to 2022 would be earning blue belt in Jiu Jitsu (Getting very close) and also for 2022, I would love to meet someone to eventually have a child with.

How about you guys?

I had to go back and check my resolutions :lol, I mostly accomplished them. I lost weight (but tied on the bet with my brother). I probably spent more time playing guitar this year than ever before so I did improve significantly. Didn't get the weekend car because the weekend car money was spent on my seemingly never ending dental issues..

Work's been great, and we did refinance our house at a stupid low interest rate and shaved off 5 years of our loan while taking out money to do some big projects.

I don't think I have many resolutions next year, I'd like to lose a bit more weight, and maybe get my braces off (not in control of this one), and get all the home reno's done.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Zydar on December 31, 2021, 07:33:04 AM
Happy new year DTF!

Hmm resolutions.... I guess it's to keep up the new healthier lifestyle I started last year, which means exercising and cutting back on fat and sugar. I never touch alcohol anyway. I might even kick up the exercising a notch or two.

I managed to keep up the healthier lifestyle over 2021, doing some more running and eating healthier food. I will try to do the same in 2022.

I will also be looking for a new (bigger) apartment, I've been living here in my cramped apartment for way too long now. In the words of JLB: "I think it's time for a chaaaaaaaaaaaaaange!".

The COVID pandemic and lockdown hasn't really affected me that much. I'm a VERY antisocial guy, so traveling and going to concerts hasn't been in the cards for me anyway.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: Elite on December 31, 2021, 07:52:22 AM
Just in time to recycle this thread for New Year's Eve :lol

I've played a lot more music, and found out there's a lot of things I love about that playing with other people. So much so, that I wanted to play with people more often; joining jam sessions, play in groups etc. A lot hasn't happened yet, because Covid affects everyday life here still, so a bunch of sessions and open mics simply aren't happening. However, I did get an enormously cathartic experience in the form of a summer camp for music that made me realise I may have taken the wrong turn somewhere in my education. I'm actively looking at study possibilities for next year, To be continued, I suppose..

Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: jingle.boy on December 31, 2021, 10:25:33 AM
jingle.family made it to 12:10am.  Our usual routine is dinner and a movie, so we held to that ... just in the basement this year.  Played some games as well, and flipped back and forth between Ryan Seacrest and Andy Cohen/Anderson Cooper (funny to see the latter two really hammered).

Resolutions ... none really, just not gonna pound back the sweets and alcohol like I did in December.  I never really do "new year" resolutions - what's the point of waiting for Jan 1 if you want to make a change in yourself?

The latter still holds (it’s gonna be a no-sweets January for me ... last 6 weeks have been BAD!).  I fully expect the 1st paragraph to hold true as well. Enchants is our planned movie.
Title: Re: Happy New Thread - v. Resolutions
Post by: bosk1 on December 31, 2021, 10:38:12 AM
Reflections on 2021:  It has been a challenging year.  It has been a blessed year.  In both senses, God is good, and we're still here and grateful for who we are, what we have, and what we look forward to.

Plans for NYE:  This will be a quiet one.  Our oldest son has a party to go to with friends, our middle son is working part of the evening, and my wife wants to keep it low key since we are still planning (hoping) to get away to Mexico in early January.  So we'll likely spend a quiet evening at home counting down with good food, games, maybe a Spiderman (Holland and Garfield) marathon. 

Resolutions:  Don't really do new years resolutions.  I do plan to get my eating and exercise back on track shortly after the holidays, as I fell pretty hard off the wagon this past year.  That's just a need that I see/feel and plan to act on.  I hope to be far down that road by Spring when I am looking forward to more backpacking and whitewater than I have done in previous years.