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General => Movies and TV => Topic started by: Chino on March 27, 2020, 07:26:03 AM

Title: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on March 27, 2020, 07:26:03 AM
Has anyone else watched this limited series yet?

What in the hell did I just watch?

That was some serious entertainment.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on March 27, 2020, 07:26:55 AM
Best show ever  :metal

Its utterly mental  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on March 27, 2020, 09:11:57 AM
It’s literally unreal. I don’t know how many times I said to my wife “This can’t be real?”
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lonestar on March 27, 2020, 09:27:27 AM
Watched the first episode this morning, saving the rest for after my weekend move.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on March 27, 2020, 09:27:58 AM
After years of telling my friends how much I love cats and big cats and how much I'd love if it I could live with a gigantic cat if it were guaranteed to never harm me, they've been insisting I watch this. This isn't the one that's got all that really f'ed up violence I heard about a month or so ago is it? 'cause as a cat lover I'm not watching that.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on March 27, 2020, 09:40:52 AM
After years of telling my friends how much I love cats and big cats and how much I'd love if it I could live with a gigantic cat if it were guaranteed to never harm me, they've been insisting I watch this. This isn't the one that's got all that really f'ed up violence I heard about a month or so ago is it? 'cause as a cat lover I'm not watching that.

There is little to no harm to animals being shown (you might have different opinions about their enclosures).

My mom can't watch stuff with animals being tortured, but she got through this. I'll give you the disclaimer I gave her. I wouldn't count these as spoilers.

- You see chunks of already butchered cows being dragged to cages for feeding time.
- You will see a photo of three women holding dead rabbits with the fur still on them (killed for tiger food)
- At one point, a dead and buried tiger is being excavated and you kind of see part of its paw (I think) sticking out of a dirt wall.
- At one point, a gun is pulled on a tiger in self defense - the tiger does not get shot.

Those were the only things I could think to warn my mother about. There's honestly very little (virtually none) content that's hard to stomach
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on March 27, 2020, 09:42:38 AM
It’s literally unreal. I don’t know how many times I said to my wife “This can’t be real?”

 :lol :lol I turned to the person next to me and said "Are you sure this isn't one of those reality shows like Amish Mafia?"
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on March 27, 2020, 10:29:56 AM
Oh okay, that stuff I can handle easily. I'll check it out.

"Don't F*** with Cats" is apparently the one I was being told about.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on March 29, 2020, 06:15:02 AM
I'm on episode 5 of 7.

I have watched a crap load of Netflix and this may be the best show they've ever done.

Exotic animals, love triangles, murder, maulings, intrigue, politics, the justice system, betrayal, back stabbings, double crosses, polygamy, cults, cult of personality, egomania, narcissism, greed, drug deals, exploitation. My god  :lol

Its a must watch
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on March 29, 2020, 07:56:58 AM
Yeah, I was planning on starting it today, but I was on the phone with a friend last night who said pretty much the same thing. Every time she brought up a new piece of info, I was like, wait what? This sounds like the best thing ever  :lol So right after that I went through the first episode and part of the second, and I'm about to start the third now. Definitely one of the most insane/entertaining things I've watched in a long time. Love this.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Zoom E on March 29, 2020, 09:48:39 AM
It’s like these people live in a whole other universe. Just insane.  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 29, 2020, 10:19:51 AM
Saw 3 episodes.


Will finish today. Good lord.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on March 29, 2020, 10:51:25 AM
I think it's episode 4 where it just really hits the fan. I'm almost on the last episode already. This is so freaking wild  :rollin
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 29, 2020, 11:08:58 AM
I think it's episode 4 where it just really hits the fan. I'm almost on the last episode already. This is so freaking wild  :rollin

Parts of episode 4. Specifically the breeding and selling really was hard for me to watch.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: ReaperKK on March 29, 2020, 12:38:05 PM
Just finished this. Every episode kept getting better. It's crazy that the drug dealer seemed like the most normal guy on the show.


I legit felt bad for the cats and the employees and Joe's place at the end. They seemed to really love the zoo and really love the cats.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: MinistroRaven on March 29, 2020, 03:43:03 PM
They were making ridiculous amount of money daily with the Mall tours, they could have stick to that and live forever rich
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 29, 2020, 03:44:55 PM
They were making ridiculous amount of money daily with the Mall tours, they could have stick to that and live forever rich

That was weird. It looks like Joe kept basically most of the money or it all went back into the zoo? Cause most of those employees said they had to eat that rotten meat off the WalMart truck because they were being paid so little. Yet he was buying his husbands trucks and stuff.

So I doubt the employees could've lived off any of it, but Joe could have easily. In fact, if he had scaled back he would've done even better.

Still strongly...STRONGLY...disagree with the entire business of keeping these kinds of animals in captivity.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: ReaperKK on March 29, 2020, 05:43:32 PM
I disagree with keeping animals like that as well. I think he really went off the rails with the whole presidential and governor campaign.

What did you guys think of Carol? Do you guys think she had anything to do with her husbands disappearance?
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: MinistroRaven on March 29, 2020, 06:16:50 PM
I disagree with keeping animals like that as well. I think he really went off the rails with the whole presidential and governor campaign.

What did you guys think of Carol? Do you guys think she had anything to do with her husbands disappearance?

No fucking doubt. That disappearing was super strange, and the husband telling everyone that he was in fear for his life was very telling, and one day he just vanished having many plans in Costa Rica, and a lot of money. Carol is a bitch.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on March 29, 2020, 07:09:57 PM
I disagree with keeping animals like that as well. I think he really went off the rails with the whole presidential and governor campaign.

What did you guys think of Carol? Do you guys think she had anything to do with her husbands disappearance?

She killed him as far as I'm concerned. And not only a murderer, but a complete and total hypocrite. She goes after other people for doing exactly what she is doing, and acts all self righteous while doing it.  :tdwn

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 29, 2020, 07:15:50 PM
Yea, the big difference between Carol and Joe was that Carol was much much smarter and had WAY more money.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: ReaperKK on March 29, 2020, 08:03:08 PM
Damn, just reading these replies makes me want to go back and watch it again :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: romdrums on March 29, 2020, 10:46:39 PM
Two episodes in. This is the best cat fight I have ever seen.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on March 30, 2020, 07:05:53 AM
My family and I watched the whole thing on Saturday.

Glorious, glorious, glorious.

Hopefully Dream Theater does a cover of "I Saw a Tiger" during this extended coronavirus break.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on March 30, 2020, 08:16:18 AM
What did you guys think of Carol? Do you guys think she had anything to do with her husbands disappearance?

If by 'anything to do' you mean....have him killed......then yes. She most certainly did. Had he just ran away they'd have found the dude.

One thing that sticks out to me from the series is just how inept Law Enforcement is. Carol kills her husband and then re-drafts a Will....Joe burns down a studio.....constantly threatens Carol online.....just non stop stuff and the police are just like.........whatev's.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 30, 2020, 03:48:10 PM
David Spade has been interviewing random people from Tiger King on youtube. Interesting stuff, if you're interested.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on March 30, 2020, 04:19:53 PM
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: DragonAttack on March 30, 2020, 06:21:43 PM
We couldn't resist, so we watched two episodes Saturday.  Last night at 9pm, we sat down to watch two more.  It was so mesmerizing, that somehow us ol' farts watched the remaining five.  This and 'McMillion$' were done so well, with little to no filler. 

Did some googling, and found out Joe was in an automobile accident in 2018 (thus the never explained brace and crutch).

For your reading entertainment,  https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/joe-exotic-a-dark-journey-into-the-world-of-a-man-gone-wild/

I felt for the three ex employees who had their hearts ripped out of them (figuratively, not literally ;)).  Almost all of the rest in all of the other camps were the most despicable people you'd want to run into.  If someone wrote a Hollywood script of this, anyone in their right mind would have dismissed it as phony.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 30, 2020, 06:31:33 PM
On a positive note, it seems that John Finlay has gotten a full mouth of teeth implants. Dude looks almost respectable now.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lordxizor on March 31, 2020, 05:42:34 AM
Two episodes in. I see what all the fuss is about. What a bizarre world we live in.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on March 31, 2020, 05:58:44 AM
Spoilers for one of the later episodes, 5 I think? What was actually the single most shocking event of the series for me... SPOILERS

... was Travis accidentally shooting himself in the head, and the live reaction of the guy watching because it was caught on video. Holy s&$!.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: ReaperKK on March 31, 2020, 06:24:01 AM
Yea I couldn't believe that was caught on camera.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on March 31, 2020, 06:29:20 AM
I couldn't believe when he shot himself.

Totally wasn't expecting that, but he was playing around with guns all day everyday so I guess it was only a matter of time before someone got hurt  :P
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 31, 2020, 06:30:31 AM
Was it an accident? Maybe I missed that part. I thought it was intentional.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on March 31, 2020, 06:33:27 AM
If my memory is correct, the guy telling the story who saw it happen said Travis said it wasn't loaded, and even if it was empty he still didn't want it pointed at him.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 31, 2020, 06:47:42 AM
If my memory is correct, the guy telling the story who saw it happen said Travis said it wasn't loaded, and even if it was empty he still didn't want it pointed at him.

I remember that part, but I thought that was about Travis pointing the gun at the other dude to mess with him. I didn't think he meant in that moment. Again, could be wrong.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on March 31, 2020, 06:50:08 AM
People didn't like him pointing a gun at them, so he says "its a ruger, it won't fire if the clip isn't in" and then puts it to his head to demonstrate and it goes off.

Guns can still have a round in the chamber after removing the clip and while its true that some models have that clip lock safety that engages when the clip is taken out, his model either didn't or it was not functioning.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on March 31, 2020, 06:51:55 AM
People didn't like him pointing a gun at them, so he says "its a ruger, it won't fire if the clip isn't in" and then puts it to his head to demonstrate and it goes off.

Gotcha. That makes sense.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lonestar on March 31, 2020, 07:00:54 AM
Yeah, they made it sound accidental, but from his situation, a public suicide like that wouldn't be too far of a stretch. Being a tweeker puts one notoriously close to batshit insane to begin with, add all the other stuff (especially the three way gay marriage when you're not even gay just to get your fix) and a bullet in the head is a pretty reasonable solution.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on April 01, 2020, 08:04:28 AM
Man, r/TigerKing is filled with some gems.

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 01, 2020, 08:10:06 AM
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: DragonAttack on April 01, 2020, 09:06:44 AM

I should have saved each meme for a different day of viewing.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on April 01, 2020, 09:07:06 AM
The memes are delicious
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lonestar on April 01, 2020, 10:06:14 AM
The GoT one.... :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on April 01, 2020, 01:13:10 PM
 :rollin :rollin

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 01, 2020, 03:36:33 PM
:rollin :rollin


CRYING at this  :rollin
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on April 01, 2020, 05:25:13 PM
Yeah, the waveracer made my day. That was soo utterly random in the show, but also one of the best parts  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: DragonAttack on April 01, 2020, 06:52:31 PM
Let's face it, we're all waiting to hear 'Eye of the Tiger' at one point during this series, and this was where they used it.   :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Zoom E on April 01, 2020, 07:12:22 PM
Carol refutes the “sensationalized claims” that she killed her husband. My favourite quote:

“Don was a man who wanted to have sex daily. He would go to Costa Rica during the week I was having my menstrual cycle. I accepted this as something I had to live with.”   :lol

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on April 01, 2020, 08:45:44 PM
She's out of her god damn mind  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: KevShmev on April 01, 2020, 09:21:45 PM
Three episodes in, this is some wild, wild stuff. 

Call me crazy, but Carol seems worse than Joe.  He seems like a white trash redneck POS, while she strikes me as a sociopath.  The way she was almost laughing off stuff she did after her husband "disappeared" was f'd up.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: faizoff on April 01, 2020, 09:25:56 PM
Wife and I just finished this series because it's fucking everywhere. Decided what the hell the fuss is all about and plugged away. Bat shit fucking insane is probably too timid a description for this series. Like seriously what the fuck did we just watch.

All that time I was watching, I always felt so bad for the animals. I mean I'm not an animal person, don't own any pets but seeing those cubs and those chimps and the handling of those animals just made my heart hurt.

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: faizoff on April 01, 2020, 09:36:59 PM
One other thing I'm assuming the documentary makers on purpose played down in the entire show was how much drugs were part of those big cat reserves. I can't imagine those shows or tours or even selling those cubs paid for all the upkeep of the animals, I wondered why they only brought it up towards the end. I guess it would distract from all the bat shit insane things on the show being dismissed as drugs... bad hmmkk.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lonestar on April 01, 2020, 09:38:48 PM
One other thing I'm assuming the documentary makers on purpose played down in the entire show was how much drugs were part of those big cat reserves. I can't imagine those shows or tours or even selling those cubs paid for all the upkeep of the animals, I wondered why they only brought it up towards the end. I guess it would distract from all the bat shit insane things on the show being dismissed as drugs... bad hmmkk.

I was curious about that too, especially since the moment we saw homeboy's mouth, we knew a shit ton of meth was involved somewhere.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Zantera on April 02, 2020, 02:42:47 AM
Been binging this over the last 2 days and only got 1 episode left now and holy crap. Every episode pretty much had a new twist or cliffhanger and the story just kept getting crazier. It's also interesting the way they have structured the episodes where you get 1 piece of the pie with each episode but then you get a whole different side of the story in the next one. Though I kinda figured something had happened to the one husband of Joe because he didn't feature in any of the interviews (though I thought maybe it was a tiger related accident) but it was also interesting to see the 'dark side' of the other characters.

Seeing Joe's journey through this documentary is like seeing a real life Walter White because I think in the first episode or so, he does seem like a fairly genuine nice guy who does have a weird hobby but he likes his tigers and he's a bit quirky but then holy crap does it go off the rails.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Logain Ablar on April 02, 2020, 06:36:54 AM
Totally bonkers. I couldn't believe what I was watching.

I finished the series feeling like every single last one of them should be in jail. It seems like Joe got the shaft, but I'm sure he won't be in there on his own for long.

That final stat of there being up to 10,000 tigers in captivity in US, when there are only 4000 left in the wild, is totally shocking. The whole industry should be heavily regulated or shut down completely.

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lordxizor on April 02, 2020, 03:32:09 PM
Finished the series today. Wow... Just ... Wow.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on April 02, 2020, 03:34:14 PM
Totally bonkers. I couldn't believe what I was watching.

I finished the series feeling like every single last one of them should be in jail. It seems like Joe got the shaft, but I'm sure he won't be in there on his own for long.

That final stat of there being up to 10,000 tigers in captivity in US, when there are only 4000 left in the wild, is totally shocking. The whole industry should be heavily regulated or shut down completely.

Shut down. 100%.

And I agree with Joe being in Jail. Seems like Carol and Jeff should be there too. A few of the others as well, but not most of the works. They're just trying to get by.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Zantera on April 03, 2020, 01:54:40 AM
Even though Joe 100% deserves to be in jail and he got it coming, I couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit bad for the fact that he basically became the fall guy and all these other people got away. Whether it's Jeff or Carole, or that other guy with the hippie zoo who seemed very suspect, it just felt like more people should have ended up in jail.  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Logain Ablar on April 03, 2020, 02:56:47 AM
And I agree with Joe being in Jail. Seems like Carol and Jeff should be there too. A few of the others as well, but not most of the works. They're just trying to get by.

I think that was the sad thing. Joe was actually providing work for people that may not have had many other options. None of the illegal shenanigans were their fault.

Also, the loyalty of the girl who lost her arm was unbelievable. I thought she would sue them for all she could.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Zantera on April 03, 2020, 03:27:55 AM
And I agree with Joe being in Jail. Seems like Carol and Jeff should be there too. A few of the others as well, but not most of the works. They're just trying to get by.

I think that was the sad thing. Joe was actually providing work for people that may not have had many other options. None of the illegal shenanigans were their fault.

Also, the loyalty of the girl who lost her arm was unbelievable. I thought she would sue them for all she could.

Maybe I missed something but I felt we didn't really get that much information of how the situation happened when she lost her arm. I mean we got some video from after it happened when ambulance showed up and she told the story of when the doctor told her she could amputate, but I mean more how it happened in the first place. I kinda assumed maybe she did something 'risky' or impulsive and that's why she ended up being loyal and coming back so soon, that it was one of those "you let loose on the rules a bit and get punished" situations. I feel like if she played everything by the book and followed the zoo's protocol and ended up losing her arm and it was all their fault, she probably would have sued. :p
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Elite on April 03, 2020, 06:23:13 AM
Wife and I just finished this series because it's fucking everywhere. Decided what the hell the fuss is all about and plugged away. Bat shit fucking insane is probably too timid a description for this series. Like seriously what the fuck did we just watch.

All that time I was watching, I always felt so bad for the animals. I mean I'm not an animal person, don't own any pets but seeing those cubs and those chimps and the handling of those animals just made my heart hurt.

This sums up my stance perfectly as well. Watched the whole thing with my girlfriend in just a few nights and it's so completely ridiculous and over-the-top weird, that it keeps you engaged. What a bunch of nut-jobs, all of them.

Even though Joe 100% deserves to be in jail and he got it coming, I couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit bad for the fact that he basically became the fall guy and all these other people got away. Whether it's Jeff or Carole, or that other guy with the hippie zoo who seemed very suspect, it just felt like more people should have ended up in jail.  :lol

Yeah, it really does appear that Joe got screwed here. He's not the smartest guy, you can tell that, but the way they finally got him is sneaky as hell. Paying a hitman to kill Carole? That's not exactly what happened, since the guy who was supposed to actually do it ran off with the money to get the hell out of there (oh, and this dude definitely isn't clean either, but who knows). And then he 'took' the fall, while the others got away. Not saying Joe is innocent, absolutely not, but the way he has to pay for the actions of a bunch of other guys as well doesn't sit well with me. Lots of sneaky bastards going untouched. Anybody got the feeling that James Garretson has shit to hide as well?

I did feel bad for most of the workers, especially Eric, who clearly had a big heart for all the animals, and John Reinke, who might just be the most sympathetic guy on there.

And this Jeff Lowe character ... holy crap. Everything about him makes you want to punch him in the face. What a complete douchebag with his twisted view on reality. Absolutely ridiculous how he treats other people.

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lordxizor on April 03, 2020, 06:44:21 AM
I am at a complete loss how Jeff, Doc, and Joe seem to just draw sexual partners to themselves. Heck even Carole draws in volunteers like crazy rather than sexual partners. I have no idea how the guys (who are not attractive and seem to have very odd or off-putting personalities) manage to do that. I get there's almost a cultish sort of thing going on with these places, but it just makes no sense to me. Part of it is the illusion of wealth for Jeff, which will draw a certain type of woman... but still...
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Elite on April 03, 2020, 06:49:54 AM
Joe lures drug addicts
Doc takes in insecure women and promises them lots of cool stuff
Jeff is this typical asshole that some women fall for
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on April 03, 2020, 07:23:32 AM
Joe lures drug addicts
Doc takes in insecure women and promises them lots of cool stuff
Jeff is this typical asshole that some women fall for

Carol killed her husband for his money then married a push over she could manipulate. Plus, she's a medium fry short of a value meal.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on April 03, 2020, 07:37:03 AM
This pic said it all when it comes to Carol Baskin

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 03, 2020, 07:50:31 AM
Don't knock it; I was there of my own free will.

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on April 03, 2020, 08:06:55 AM
Joe lures drug addicts
Doc takes in insecure women and promises them lots of cool stuff
Jeff is this typical asshole that some women fall for

Carol killed her husband for his money then married a push over she could manipulate. Plus, she's a medium fry short of a value meal.

It's amazing how the guy that Scarface was based off of seemed to be the most normal of the bunch.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on April 03, 2020, 08:29:21 AM
Joe lures drug addicts
Doc takes in insecure women and promises them lots of cool stuff
Jeff is this typical asshole that some women fall for

Carol killed her husband for his money then married a push over she could manipulate. Plus, she's a medium fry short of a value meal.

It's amazing how the guy that Scarface was based off of seemed to be the most normal of the bunch.

 :lol  No kidding. I mean, when you cut past just how odd and unbelievable this whole saga is.....at the root of it all it's just sad. We all feel for those poor animals as we should but I also can't help but think that what we watched was actual reality for those people. It's crazy
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on April 03, 2020, 08:34:04 AM
I keep forgetting about the scarface guy since he seemed like the most normal in comparison  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on April 03, 2020, 08:55:07 AM
Just read an article where Antle goes off on the producers. Says that he had about 6-8 interactions with them over two years and that he was led to believe they were filming a documentary on wildlife preservation....particularly his work in Africa. That, questions about Joe and Carol came up a few times in the hundred of other questions but that he repeatedly said he didn't want to be involved in that feud.

He criticized them portraying him as having multiple wives....saying, he's had one wife, the mother of his son and daughter but that she had died years ago. He said yes, he does have girlfriends but the majority of the women you see in the documentary are mostly girlfriends of his male employees (of which he was also ticked about saying that 50% of his employees are male yet you never saw one on camera)  and relatives like grandchildren and nieces.

He also stated that the blurb about him getting raided was a glorification of the fact that he was working with the Government on sharing Tiger DNA. He said the accusation of him euthanizing Tiger cubs after they aren't profitable was ridiculous.

So, who really knows. I think we know that certainly it's a 'show' and that Netflix would do all they could to spice it up. It doesn't surprise me that they'd cherry pick the footage from their time with Antle to fit their story.....but, at the same time....that entire industry is suspect to say the least.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on April 03, 2020, 08:58:00 AM
This personal message from Howard Baskins in worth a watch as well.


Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on April 03, 2020, 09:12:15 AM
This personal message from Howard Baskins in worth a watch as well.


Wow. If that doesn't speak to how easily a 'show' can be crafted to fit a vision I don't know what does. I mean, the guy in that video was not the guy they had on their show. The footage of their reservation was misleading when you see the 'actual' park from above.

With him and Antle barking back like this.....I wonder if it'll make a dent in the opinion that has already been formed about it all?
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: faizoff on April 03, 2020, 09:30:57 AM
I for a second don't doubt that the documentary misrepresented a lot of things or just failed to clarify on occasions letting you believe things as shown. It's really the nature of how Netflix has done docs before. Was I entertained by the whole thing? unfortunately yes, and a ton of it is a bizarre train wreck, but I for sure knew while watching that they made things look even weirder on purpose.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on April 03, 2020, 09:35:18 AM
I for a second don't doubt that the documentary misrepresented a lot of things or just failed to clarify on occasions letting you believe things as shown. It's really the nature of how Netflix has done docs before. Was I entertained by the whole thing? unfortunately yes, and a ton of it is a bizarre train wreck, but I for sure knew while watching that they made things look even weirder on purpose.

Yeah....me too. I mean, it's not as if that entire industry isn't shady and filled with some questionable folks....I guess I'm just more mad at myself for getting swept up in it at 'face value' rather than realizing in the moment that although it's ate up.....it was also heavily directed to get certain points across.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on April 03, 2020, 09:45:23 AM
This personal message from Howard Baskins in worth a watch as well.


Wow. If that doesn't speak to how easily a 'show' can be crafted to fit a vision I don't know what does. I mean, the guy in that video was not the guy they had on their show. The footage of their reservation was misleading when you see the 'actual' park from above.

With him and Antle barking back like this.....I wonder if it'll make a dent in the opinion that has already been formed about it all?

Only using footage from the one day a year Big Cat Rescue is open to the public for a fundraiser was a pretty low blow. 

I'd bet money that Discovery Channel finds a way to spin this off into a series.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lonestar on April 03, 2020, 09:46:34 AM
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on April 03, 2020, 09:46:49 AM
This personal message from Howard Baskins in worth a watch as well.


Wow. If that doesn't speak to how easily a 'show' can be crafted to fit a vision I don't know what does. I mean, the guy in that video was not the guy they had on their show. The footage of their reservation was misleading when you see the 'actual' park from above.

With him and Antle barking back like this.....I wonder if it'll make a dent in the opinion that has already been formed about it all?

Only using footage from the one day a year Big Cat Rescue is open to the public for a fundraiser was a pretty low blow.

Totally. Along with never showing the true scale of the enclosures they allow those cats to roam in.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: faizoff on April 03, 2020, 10:52:36 AM
I think they did kinda show how big of a rescue area it was when Joe went over with a helicopter, it just wasn't under the right context.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 03, 2020, 10:55:02 AM
I might just watch this series again this weekend...
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: MrBoom_shack-a-lack on April 03, 2020, 11:45:38 AM
This personal message from Howard Baskins in worth a watch as well.

Heard alot about this show recently and was curious. Seeing that video made me less curious.  :-\
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Elite on April 03, 2020, 05:06:26 PM
This personal message from Howard Baskins in worth a watch as well.


Watching that made me feel really bad :(
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: KevShmev on April 04, 2020, 06:52:47 PM
Yep, seeing the Howard Baskins video really makes you wonder what is true and how much the showrunners manipulated what they had in the editing room to get the reaction they wanted.  Reminds me a little of How to Make a Murderer, where the showrunners of that one were clearly trying to make the viewing public think that Avery might not be guilty.

Regardless, Tiger King was a heckuva watch. I finished it today and was thoroughly entertained the whole time.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: cramx3 on April 05, 2020, 10:44:09 AM
Watched this last night and this morning, really entertaining and outrageous. 
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 06, 2020, 07:18:48 AM
So I'm three episodes in; it's.... odd, having had such powerful expectations, and listening to the comments here and elsewhere.   

The interesting thing to me is, with all the "expectations", I'll be watching something - the shot of the "will" in episode three, for example, or when they introduced "Doctor" Baghavan Antle - and I'll pause it and say something crazy insane just to be funny ("why did it specifically call out 'disappearance'"; "he's touched an animal inappropriately, I'll guarantee it") to my daughter and she'll be like "just watch".   And basically something like that comes out before too long.  I'm sure it'll change as we go on, but actually, for me, Joe Exotic isn't the craziest dude here; he surrounds himself with whack (the head zookeeper, and his first husband with the teeth) but I don't think - yet - he's TOTALLY off the reservation.   Doc Antle, on the other hand...  My jury is still out on Carol Baskin; I'm disturbed by her total obliviousness to her role in all this, and her tendency to laugh when dealing with the heavier of subjects.   She's not showed even one glimmer of remorse or culpability or... for lack of a better word, sorrow, at any of the things that she's experienced or been through.   Editing, I get, but still. 

Funny thing, there's a scene in the second episode and it shows some of his animals at a facility on the boardwalk in Myrtle Beach, SC. I've actually been there a couple years ago, totally oblivious to the controversy surrounding the whole deal.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 06, 2020, 08:36:47 AM
Yeah, you haven't seen Joe go Full Crazy yet  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on April 06, 2020, 08:38:40 AM
Joe is pretty crazy, but more so I'd say he's just dumb. He's immensely eccentric. While Carol and Doc whatever are also rather eccentric, they're smart enough to not want everything filmed. Doc being the smartest of them. But Joe? No, he wants EVERYTHING filmed. Every bad decision. Every eccentricity. He has zero insight into how he actually seems. That's why he seems so crazy. He is crazy, but more so because he just wants everyone to see everything.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 06, 2020, 09:01:54 AM
Oh yeah. And god bless Tom Waits for filming all of it.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 06, 2020, 09:31:46 AM
Oh yeah. And god bless Tom Waits for filming all of it.

Haha, I thought it was Scott Glenn, but yeah!   :)   I liked the one scene where he stopped talking and very purposefully took a sip of his tea/coffee.   
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 06, 2020, 09:35:00 AM
Joe is pretty crazy, but more so I'd say he's just dumb. He's immensely eccentric. While Carol and Doc whatever are also rather eccentric, they're smart enough to not want everything filmed. Doc being the smartest of them. But Joe? No, he wants EVERYTHING filmed. Every bad decision. Every eccentricity. He has zero insight into how he actually seems. That's why he seems so crazy. He is crazy, but more so because he just wants everyone to see everything.

Will I know to what you're referring if I keep watching?  He is smart, but I don't think ANY of them are really THAT smart, because while they may or may not want everything filmed, they're still too narcissistic to keep it ALL off the screen.  TRULY smart would be to say "no comment" and close the gate. 
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Zantera on April 06, 2020, 09:37:38 AM
Maybe I have a different perspective as non-american but I feel like this documentary should be a bit of an eye opener for some people in regards to guns? The fact someone like Joe Exotic has assault rifles, goes out and blows things up, shows clear anger issues in his videos (shooting dolls, blowing up items) and also goes on the news to say "if they come here to take my tigers i will defend myself" basically saying there will be a shootout. I know some americans are quite touchy on that subject and they want their weapons but to me it just seemed like an extra bizarre layer on an already bizarre story. :p
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on April 06, 2020, 09:43:33 AM
Joe is pretty crazy, but more so I'd say he's just dumb. He's immensely eccentric. While Carol and Doc whatever are also rather eccentric, they're smart enough to not want everything filmed. Doc being the smartest of them. But Joe? No, he wants EVERYTHING filmed. Every bad decision. Every eccentricity. He has zero insight into how he actually seems. That's why he seems so crazy. He is crazy, but more so because he just wants everyone to see everything.

Will I know to what you're referring if I keep watching?  He is smart, but I don't think ANY of them are really THAT smart, because while they may or may not want everything filmed, they're still too narcissistic to keep it ALL off the screen.  TRULY smart would be to say "no comment" and close the gate.

Oh, that's why I said "smartest of them." Not independently smart by any means. Just compared to Carol and Joe, what Doc allowed to be filmed and what the others did. He walked away with a lot more held to the vest.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on April 06, 2020, 11:02:59 AM
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 06, 2020, 11:29:20 AM
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 06, 2020, 12:08:00 PM
"She" looks vaguely like Yoda in that picture.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: kaos2900 on April 06, 2020, 01:55:13 PM
The show is very entertaining but it's a bummer that these "documentaries" are sold a truth when they really aren't.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on April 06, 2020, 01:58:04 PM
The show is very entertaining but it's a bummer that these "documentaries" are sold a truth when they really aren't.

I think it really depends. Yes, some things in this were portrayed differently than they really are, but it would seem that most of it, especially the stuff at Joe's place was pretty accurate.

And the only thing Doc Antle said wasn't accurate was that he didn't kill cubs. Obviously he's going to say that. The biggest "lie" thus far has been that the documentary portrayed Carol as having her sanctuary open to the public every day, when it's only open one day a year or something. The rest are people saying that they didn't like how it portrayed them.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 06, 2020, 02:18:31 PM
The show is very entertaining but it's a bummer that these "documentaries" are sold a truth when they really aren't.

It's been a trend, hasn't it?  I can't tell you when it started but they certainly are not "journalism" in the sense of a complete recitation of the facts and leaving it to you (us, the viewer) to decide.   I get that most stories don't fit that neatly into the model, but with one exception*, I have yet to really be moved by a doc without there being SOME piece of necessary information that was known at the time and failed to make the final cut.  For this, Howard Baskin's video; the "Some Kind Of Monster" doc, with some of the background regarding James; the "SuperSize Me" doc and some of Morgan's underlying health issues, etc.   

* The Rush doc, Beyond The Lighted Stage.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Zantera on April 08, 2020, 04:33:48 AM
While there's definitely an element of 'lets twist things a bit to make the documentary more interesting' I still think there's enough dirt in there that a video of her husband saying "trust me, she's a good woman" isn't quite enough to make me swing the other way either. Whether she did play a part in her husband disappearing or not might never be proven but I can definitely understand why the filmmakers would bring it up, because it's an interesting piece to the puzzle.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: ChuckSteak on April 08, 2020, 05:35:46 AM
A ticket to the freakshow, front row seat.  :metal
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: millahh on April 08, 2020, 06:17:10 AM
My two thoughts:

-I don't think that the most likely explanation is that she killed her husband. Even before he seemed to get spooked right before he disappeared, he was hiding cash and gold bars in secret underground vaults, was flying small airplanes from private airports under the radar to Costa Rica, was dealing in large volumes of expensive cars, and neither his lawyer nor his security guy will say anything about his business dealings (not even "investment").  Seems much more sensible that this was drug-related...and that he may have self-disappeared (the "if I can pull this off" quote).  That would also square with the power-of-attorney thing (and if he was dealing drugs, he knew his body might never be found if he crossed the wrong people).

-Joe Exotic is fucking nutballs, but he's the only one of the main people (Exotic, Baskins, Antle, Lowe, Garretson) who I think is up-front and transparent about who he is.  Not saying he's a good person by any stretch, but I don't feel like he's trying to hide a more sinister nature.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: KevShmev on April 08, 2020, 07:42:25 AM
Maybe I have a different perspective as non-american but I feel like this documentary should be a bit of an eye opener for some people in regards to guns? The fact someone like Joe Exotic has assault rifles, goes out and blows things up, shows clear anger issues in his videos (shooting dolls, blowing up items) and also goes on the news to say "if they come here to take my tigers i will defend myself" basically saying there will be a shootout. I know some americans are quite touchy on that subject and they want their weapons but to me it just seemed like an extra bizarre layer on an already bizarre story. :p

I am by no means one of those "keep your hands off my guns" 2nd amendment defenders, but I don't think it's fair to assume that all or most gun owners are crazy nut jobs like Joe Exotic who have anger issues and are anxious to instigate Waco Part 2.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 08, 2020, 07:47:58 AM
As usual, you put on camera the people who are most entertaining or wild to observe. So, no, not all Americans who love guns are caricatures like Joe Exotic.

Plenty of gun owners treat and love their firearms the way us music nerds treat our audio media.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on April 08, 2020, 08:57:28 AM
Despite how crazy Joe is/was, I don't think it's too hard to understand why a guy and his employees, who are surrounded by 200 tigers, would want firearms on standby.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: KevShmev on April 08, 2020, 09:15:14 AM
I have to admit that when they showed the sign that said something to the effect, "We don't call 911 around here, we use guns (which I think was pictured)," I thought to myself, "Ted Nugent would be so proud." :lol :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on April 08, 2020, 09:54:54 AM
I have to admit that when they showed the sign that said something to the effect, "We don't call 911 around here, we use guns (which I think was pictured)," I thought to myself, "Ted Nugent would be so proud." :lol :lol

Everyone knows that a gun is the best way to reattach an arm that's been ripped off by a tiger  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 08, 2020, 10:17:05 AM
Maybe I have a different perspective as non-american but I feel like this documentary should be a bit of an eye opener for some people in regards to guns? The fact someone like Joe Exotic has assault rifles, goes out and blows things up, shows clear anger issues in his videos (shooting dolls, blowing up items) and also goes on the news to say "if they come here to take my tigers i will defend myself" basically saying there will be a shootout. I know some americans are quite touchy on that subject and they want their weapons but to me it just seemed like an extra bizarre layer on an already bizarre story. :p

I am by no means one of those "keep your hands off my guns" 2nd amendment defenders, but I don't think it's fair to assume that all or most gun owners are crazy nut jobs like Joe Exotic who have anger issues and are anxious to instigate Waco Part 2.
As usual, you put on camera the people who are most entertaining or wild to observe. So, no, not all Americans who love guns are caricatures like Joe Exotic.

Plenty of gun owners treat and love their firearms the way us music nerds treat our audio media.

I'm reluctant to write this, because I'm only four episodes in, and I know there's at least one event that could make what I write invalid, but it is my feeling at the moment, so I'll share it:  what ACTUALLY has he done (up through the fourth episode) that's so egregious?   There was only one scene so far that I really thought "uh, oh, bad things are going to come of this" related to a gun, and that was when he pointed the gun right at the camera then started walking toward it, and right when he got to the camera he pointed the gun upward and it went off (I watched it twice and am not sure if he purposefully pulled the trigger).  Again, things could change, but up to now, shooting mattresses and water isn't the most egregious thing in the world, and certainly not a sign of "gun" carelessness. 
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 08, 2020, 10:18:16 AM
Well, again, you need to finish it. I'm not gonna spoil it for you. Get through episodes 5 and 6 and tell me if you feel the same way.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on April 08, 2020, 10:21:42 AM
I mean, I don't see any huge signs that Joe is a danger with a gun, but I can see a lot of concerns.

It depends on what your standards are. Did he just go and shoot someone? No. Did he actively break the law........with a gun? Not that I could see. But I don't think that's what people are saying. Like I said, it depends on the standards being used.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 08, 2020, 10:22:55 AM
I'm not sure if I'd place this as a sign of 'danger' but it sure is alarming; how about those webcam snippets of him shooting in the head a blow-up doll made to represent Carole with a dildo in its mouth?  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 08, 2020, 10:36:07 AM
I'm not sure if I'd place this as a sign of 'danger' but it sure is alarming; how about those webcam snippets of him shooting in the head a blow-up doll made to represent Carole with a dildo in its mouth?  :lol

Well, again, episode four, so...   

Not to argue, but to discuss, but so what?  Does asking your girl to put on pony tails and a jumper make you a pedophile?  It's all in the intent, isn't it?
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Adami on April 08, 2020, 10:38:32 AM
I'm not sure if I'd place this as a sign of 'danger' but it sure is alarming; how about those webcam snippets of him shooting in the head a blow-up doll made to represent Carole with a dildo in its mouth?  :lol

Well, again, episode four, so...   

Not to argue, but to discuss, but so what?  Does asking your girl to put on pony tails and a jumper make you a pedophile?  It's all in the intent, isn't it?

That's why I said it's about the standards being used. You seem to be using legal ones.

Does a guy asking his girl to put on pony tails and a jumper make him a pedophile? Of course not.

Would you let that guy baby sit your 9 year old daughter, assuming he wasn't some close friend?
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 08, 2020, 10:40:26 AM
I'm not sure if I'd place this as a sign of 'danger' but it sure is alarming; how about those webcam snippets of him shooting in the head a blow-up doll made to represent Carole with a dildo in its mouth?  :lol

Well, again, episode four, so...   

Not to argue, but to discuss, but so what?  Does asking your girl to put on pony tails and a jumper make you a pedophile?  It's all in the intent, isn't it?

It doesn't really do much good to argue this when you haven't seen the last three episodes. I can't argue back without spoiling it for you, so please just watch those first. I think, though, after saying multiple times, "This is what I want to see happen to that bitch Carole" and then firing bullets into an effigy of said Carole or any other number of objects, that's plenty reason enough to call it "alarming behavior." Don't really think I'm stretching there. This ain't a courtroom, Jack, we're just talking about human behavior.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 08, 2020, 10:46:19 AM
I'm not sure if I'd place this as a sign of 'danger' but it sure is alarming; how about those webcam snippets of him shooting in the head a blow-up doll made to represent Carole with a dildo in its mouth?  :lol

Well, again, episode four, so...   

Not to argue, but to discuss, but so what?  Does asking your girl to put on pony tails and a jumper make you a pedophile?  It's all in the intent, isn't it?

That's why I said it's about the standards being used. You seem to be using legal ones.

Does a guy asking his girl to put on pony tails and a jumper make him a pedophile? Of course not.

Would you let that guy baby sit your 9 year old daughter, assuming he wasn't some close friend?

I'm not trying to limit to legal ones; rather, I'm thinking about it from the general aspect as opposed to the specific one.

I really think I'm unusual in that I don't assume that because it's right for me, it's right for everyone.   It's not that black and white.

I'd have to think about your question; I mean, I probably wouldn't let him baby sit, but I don't think it's for that reason alone.   The hardest thing I ever had to do with my kid growing up was let her be in the company of her friends' fathers as a general rule.  I'm paranoid like that.   

But having said all that, it's not up for me to decide.  I would never in a million years suggest that laws be tailored to what I feel comfortable with (or don't).  And yet, that seems to be the prevailing wisdom for a lot of people these days (but I think I digress.)
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on April 08, 2020, 10:47:09 AM
I'm not sure if I'd place this as a sign of 'danger' but it sure is alarming; how about those webcam snippets of him shooting in the head a blow-up doll made to represent Carole with a dildo in its mouth?  :lol

Well, again, episode four, so...   

Not to argue, but to discuss, but so what?  Does asking your girl to put on pony tails and a jumper make you a pedophile?  It's all in the intent, isn't it?

It doesn't really do much good to argue this when you haven't seen the last three episodes. I can't argue back without spoiling it for you, so please just watch those first. I think, though, after saying multiple times, "This is what I want to see happen to that bitch Carole" and then firing bullets into an effigy of said Carole or any other number of objects, that's plenty reason enough to call it "alarming behavior." Don't really think I'm stretching there. This ain't a courtroom, Jack, we're just talking about human behavior.

More than fair, and I appreciate you being considerate.  (Seriously.)
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: The Walrus on April 08, 2020, 10:55:27 AM
Yeah, and I want you to finish those episodes so we can talk about the juicy bits within. Like the 'flash' and the reaction. You'll know what it is.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: ReaperKK on April 12, 2020, 02:22:16 PM
New episode is out today, I haven't watched it yet but I will in a few.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: NoseofNicko on April 12, 2020, 02:39:47 PM
New episode? What?
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lordxizor on April 12, 2020, 03:07:24 PM
It's Joel McHale interviewing many of the people from the doc about their thoughts and what's been going on since filming ended.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: faizoff on April 12, 2020, 07:29:21 PM
It was a great catch up episode and good to hear some of the thoughts of the cast. I have no idea if they're all telling the truth so who knows on that front. If I read correctly Joel McHale has 7 more of these.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Phoenix87x on January 22, 2021, 06:21:40 AM
Apparently, there was a limo waiting outside prison for Joe exotic with the expectation that he would have been pardoned. oops  :lol


Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on January 22, 2021, 06:41:36 AM
I heard that, and still don't know what to make of it.   I mean, I suppose in the sense that with Trump anything was possible, it was a reality, but I think it ultimately was wishful thinking.

And you can always tell people who over-estimate their place in the world; to think that this guy is "famous" enough to get the attention of a President is sort of hubris.  The same kind of hubris that would ride around in a car like that.  Didja ever notice that REAL celebrities and persons of power wouldn't be caught dead in a vehicle like that?    When I saw Bruce Springsteen arrive at the theater for his Broadway show, he rolled up in a GMC Suburban (or similar; it was a black SUV).   
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on January 22, 2021, 06:50:10 AM
I heard that, and still don't know what to make of it.   I mean, I suppose in the sense that with Trump anything was possible, it was a reality, but I think it ultimately was wishful thinking.

And you can always tell people who over-estimate their place in the world; to think that this guy is "famous" enough to get the attention of a President is sort of hubris.  The same kind of hubris that would ride around in a car like that.  Didja ever notice that REAL celebrities and persons of power wouldn't be caught dead in a vehicle like that?    When I saw Bruce Springsteen arrive at the theater for his Broadway show, he rolled up in a GMC Suburban (or similar; it was a black SUV).

That's because at Springstein's age, getting in and out of a limo is probably tough  :lol

I kid, I kid. That dude's in crazy good shape and is a class act.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Orbert on January 22, 2021, 07:53:56 AM
Very late to this party -- actually I seem to have completed missed it, which is okay with me -- but seeing this thread come back around reminded me of something.

I heard about Tiger King during its run last year, and was also told that as an animal lover, I probably wouldn't want to watch it.  I'm not really an animal lover, but I do like cats, especially tigers (in case it wasn't obvious from my avatar).  Someone who knew my fascination with tigers warned me not to watch this show.

Here's the fun part.  Apparently I went to high school with Jeff Lowe.  Jeff was a year younger and went to the same high school as me.  Later, he moved north of town and had a pet cougar named Rambo.  Rambo escaped one time and killed a neighbor's dog, and ultimately had to be shot by county sheriffs.  This was back in the 80's.  I remember hearing about it on the news because who keeps a cougar as a pet?  Apparently Jeff Lowe.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on January 22, 2021, 08:21:27 AM
Very late to this party -- actually I seem to have completed missed it, which is okay with me -- but seeing this thread come back around reminded me of something.

I heard about Tiger King during its run last year, and was also told that as an animal lover, I probably wouldn't want to watch it.  I'm not really an animal lover, but I do like cats, especially tigers (in case it wasn't obvious from my avatar).  Someone who knew my fascination with tigers warned me not to watch this show.

Here's the fun part.  Apparently I went to high school with Jeff Lowe.  Jeff was a year younger and went to the same high school as me.  Later, he moved north of town and had a pet cougar named Rambo.  Rambo escaped one time and killed a neighbor's dog, and ultimately had to be shot by county sheriffs.  This was back in the 80's.  I remember hearing about it on the news because who keeps a cougar as a pet?  Apparently Jeff Lowe.

Jeff Lowe was just recently ordered by a judge to hand over all animals at his facility (Exotic's facility before he went to jail) for inhumane treatment. 
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on January 22, 2021, 08:56:02 AM
Very late to this party -- actually I seem to have completed missed it, which is okay with me -- but seeing this thread come back around reminded me of something.

I heard about Tiger King during its run last year, and was also told that as an animal lover, I probably wouldn't want to watch it.  I'm not really an animal lover, but I do like cats, especially tigers (in case it wasn't obvious from my avatar).  Someone who knew my fascination with tigers warned me not to watch this show.

Here's the fun part.  Apparently I went to high school with Jeff Lowe.  Jeff was a year younger and went to the same high school as me.  Later, he moved north of town and had a pet cougar named Rambo.  Rambo escaped one time and killed a neighbor's dog, and ultimately had to be shot by county sheriffs.  This was back in the 80's.  I remember hearing about it on the news because who keeps a cougar as a pet?  Apparently Jeff Lowe.

I don't know if it's hard to watch or not; I was sad, but it wasn't like I was in tears begging for relief for these cats.   Having said that, I can't imagine you'd be looking forward to seeing Jeff Lowe at your reunion.  He comes off as a pretty big dick. 
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Orbert on January 22, 2021, 09:21:19 AM
Yeah, I read through this entire thread, looking for anything regarding Jeff, and all I got out of it was that he was an asshole.  His name came up in the Facebook group for my high school class.  Someone had posted about him because Tiger King was pretty well known for a while and there was a connection.  No one in my class remembered him, including me, and since he was in the year after me, he won't be at our reunions.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: faizoff on January 22, 2021, 09:25:18 AM
Aside from the whole "can't tear my eyes away from watching a train wreck" aspect of the show, I too found it incredibly sad for the animals. The whole thing was a weird awful sad reflection on a slice of society and I'm kinda angry at myself for watching it. I don't like reality TV and the documentary was more or less disguised and presented as some bastion of truth telling. I get that Netflix has to do whatever it can to get people hooked on their shows. Going forward I am extremely skeptical of any documentary they produce. I should have realized that when they did Making a Murderer. I never watched the 2nd part and never will.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Orbert on January 22, 2021, 09:48:23 AM
I saw an promo or two for Tiger King last year when it was hot.  It never occurred to me that it was a documentary; it always looked like a reality show, and while one might think that those two formats have a lot in common, in my mind they do not.  To me, a documentary is an attempt to "document" -- to present events in a more-or-less unbiased way.  A reality show pretends to give you reality, when in fact the events are usually staged or scripted, or at the very least you only get what the producers give you in order to push a certain agenda or viewpoint.  Tiger King looked like that.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: faizoff on January 22, 2021, 09:58:31 AM
Well Netflix (or the producers) are blurring those lines and kinda staging the setups to make things look a certain way, no doubt some of it is batshit crazy regardless of the circumstance, still I don't like the manipulation.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on January 22, 2021, 10:19:11 AM
For those of you that don't read the P/R forum, I will post there occassionally, and one thing I say a lot is "it's all related".  And this is an example of that.   Our society isn't big on facts; we are big on "stories".  I think documentaries have followed the lead of mainstream media, which is less interested in just presenting the basic, bland facts, than painting a story and delivering an "angle". Sometimes this is rationalized as "giving someone a voice", which really SOUNDS like a great and noble thing, but when NO ONE in the story is even "good" (let alone "great") or "civil" (let alone "noble") it creates problems.  Add to that the prevailing idea that "screen time" is a ticket to general success and you have a recipe for a disaster.  There are ABSOLUTELY people in that doc that either before hand or during it's filming got the idea that they could parlay this into celebrity.  I'm not just talking about Joe Exotic; Carol Baskin has been making the rounds (she was on Dancing With The Stars, blathering about 'getting her truth out there' or some shit (in quotes because it's bullshit, not as a direct quote from anywhere)).   That guy from South Carolina, the one with a taste for younger girls, Kevin Doc Mahamayavi Bhagavan Antle is another one.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Orbert on January 22, 2021, 11:27:12 AM
Way back in the 20th century, I remember watching the occassional documentary on TV.  They were always black and white; World War II, the Truman presidency, whatever.  It never occurred to me that they presented anything other than the truth, although I realize now that that was naive.  There's always an agenda.

Still, I have considerable trouble with showing "reality TV" and calling it documentary.  It's fucking reality TV, which means none of it is actually real other than what you're seeing is what cameras actually caught (and sometimes not even that).
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lordxizor on January 22, 2021, 11:56:36 AM
Way back in the 20th century, I remember watching the occassional documentary on TV.  They were always black and white; World War II, the Truman presidency, whatever.  It never occurred to me that they presented anything other than the truth, although I realize now that that was naive.  There's always an agenda.

Still, I have considerable trouble with showing "reality TV" and calling it documentary.  It's fucking reality TV, which means none of it is actually real other than what you're seeing is what cameras actually caught (and sometimes not even that).
In fairness to the Tiger King documentary crew, I think they probably originally intended it to be a documentary, but it turned into such a shit show that they had almost no choice but to turn it into a reality tv style thing.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on January 22, 2021, 12:16:58 PM
I'm less forgiving of them than you are.   I think it was their job to not pretend these are ordinary, regular people.   Carol Baskin has said repeatedly she felt "duped" by the producers, and that baffles me.  There's no "dupe" if it's a straight recitation of the facts. 

There could have been more background and context too; I remember the series of interviews with the guy that supposedly "offered" to go to Florida and kill Carol.  There HAD to be more to that aspect of the story, because he veritably confessed to at least three felonies, and nothing was ever heard of him again.  Then there's the guy that was supposedly the informer, but also seemed to be an insider...  there were a lot of questions that weren't even asked let alone answered satisfactorily.  I tend to think they went for the sensationalism on a story that didn't have a nice pat ending wrapped up with a bow.  My opinion only.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on January 22, 2021, 12:28:20 PM
I'm less forgiving of them than you are.   I think it was their job to not pretend these are ordinary, regular people.   Carol Baskin has said repeatedly she felt "duped" by the producers, and that baffles me.  There's no "dupe" if it's a straight recitation of the facts. 

She was duped though. That's legit. She was under the impression that the crew was there to get footage of the park and its operation (which they technically did), but they were still deceptive about what image they were trying to paint. Her facility is closed to the public outside of very small, pre-scheduled tours. One weekend a year, they open the park to the public as part of an annual fundraiser for the cause. The camera crew chose that particular time window to get 90%+ of the footage they used of Big Cat Rescue. They never told the audience about that, and in turn, her facility ended up looking like an over-crowded tourist attraction (like Joe's) that focused more on ticket sales and foot traffic than it did the wellbeing of the animals. The producers told her they were making a documentary that would be to large cats in captivity what Blackfish was for whales and dolphins at places like Sea World. She let them in hoping her voice could help shut down facilities like Joe's, and they instead used hers as another example. They told her the documentary was going to be called Wildlife Stolen (or something like that), and that Joe Exotic was going to be hardly in it (he was the star). I think she's justified in being pissed.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: DragonAttack on January 24, 2021, 07:46:10 PM
Well, Jeff Lowe's legal woes continue


And....I saw this on Fbook recently.

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on March 16, 2021, 09:50:26 AM
 :rollin :rollin :rollin

Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on March 16, 2021, 10:09:30 AM
:rollin :rollin :rollin


What did I just watch  :lol     Good Lord
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lonestar on March 16, 2021, 10:13:39 AM
What the fuck.  :lol
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on March 16, 2021, 12:25:30 PM
I made it 34 seconds.

Don't post shit like that here, sullying the great Tiger King name.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: lonestar on March 16, 2021, 01:01:53 PM
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: gmillerdrake on March 16, 2021, 01:37:45 PM
I made it 34 seconds.

You gotta keep going.....it's the gift that keeps on giving. But you can feel the video sucking the life out of you.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on March 16, 2021, 02:32:20 PM
I made it 34 seconds.

You gotta keep going.....it's the gift that keeps on giving. But you can feel the video sucking the life out of you.
I can't do it, man.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on March 17, 2021, 06:50:36 AM
See, I watched it, and now I wish I was Hef.  Well, I always wish I was Hef, but you know what I mean. 
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on March 17, 2021, 07:30:55 AM
See, I watched it, and now I wish I was Hef.  Well, I always wish I was Hef, but you know what I mean.

And here I was wishing I were you!
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on March 17, 2021, 07:33:31 AM
See, I watched it, and now I wish I was Hef.  Well, I always wish I was Hef, but you know what I mean.

And here I was wishing I were you!

I wish I owned the largest chicken pettin' farm in all of Dipshit
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Stadler on March 17, 2021, 07:46:46 AM
See, I watched it, and now I wish I was Hef.  Well, I always wish I was Hef, but you know what I mean.

And here I was wishing I were you!

I wish I owned the largest chicken pettin' farm in all of Dipshit

Those are TURKEYS!
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Chino on September 07, 2021, 09:59:05 AM
Eric Cowie was found dead this morning.


Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: ReaperKK on September 08, 2021, 07:06:40 AM
That's sad, he seemed to really care about those tigers.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: Elite on November 17, 2021, 03:26:44 PM
I just watched the first episode of season 2, and despite my fears that this might be a cash-in or something, it was completely nuts again and captivating to watch. ‘Nice’ to see all the familiar faces back. I’m looking forward to checking out the following episodes as well.
Title: Re: Can we talk about Tiger King for a sec?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on November 18, 2021, 06:29:28 AM
I just watched the first episode of season 2, and despite my fears that this might be a cash-in or something, it was completely nuts again and captivating to watch. ‘Nice’ to see all the familiar faces back. I’m looking forward to checking out the following episodes as well.