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General => General Music Discussion => Topic started by: WildRanger on June 27, 2018, 11:04:15 AM

Title: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: WildRanger on June 27, 2018, 11:04:15 AM
What do you think about this band?
How would you rate them? Discuss.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: jammindude on June 27, 2018, 11:11:39 AM
Only band that is HOF because of good marketing.

The dudes have exactly 3 relavent albums in 9 releases. The rest was them constantly saying how cool they were until everyone believed it.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: pg1067 on June 27, 2018, 11:21:07 AM

Presently, I couldn't care less about Crue.

In early 1984, when "Looks That Kill" was put into heavy rotation on MTV and the band broke big, 16-year old me through Crue was holy-shit-amazing.  I bought Shout at the Devil and played the shit out of it and then bought Too Fast for Love.  I bought Theatre of Pain and thought it sucked and pretty much outgrew the band at that point (although I did see Crue on the GGG tour).  The band has basically been an afterthought for the past 30 years, although Crue was historically important in the rise of metal in the 80s.

The dudes have exactly 3 relavent albums in 9 releases.

I assume two of the three are TFfL and SatD.  What's the third?
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Anguyen92 on June 27, 2018, 11:24:04 AM
I honestly don't like them.  Mick Mars seems like an all right chap and guitarist who sometimes look like a punching bag.  Vince Neil and Tommy Lee can go ahead and fade into obscurity for all I care.  Nikki Sixx isn't all that better than the other two I hate, but he's the leader of Sixx: A.M.  A band that I really like whose lyrical content seems much more relateable to me than Motley Crue.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Grappler on June 27, 2018, 11:26:27 AM
Great.  Nikki is an awesome songwriter.  Vince may not be the best live singer, but he sounds perfect on the classic records. 

To me, they were the most honest band of the sunset strip/hair band era (plus GNR).  They really lived that lifestyle and exuded it on their records.  It wasn't like they were pretending to be who they were, or joined in the fad (Poison....) just to sell albums. 

I saw them on their Greatest Hits tour in 1999 - I had 3rd row seats and my college roommate and I just walked up the aisle and stood in the front row.  Security could have cared less.  Tommy had just been released from jail and was back on tour.  Classic song after classic song.  Fist-bumped Tommy and Vince, got sprayed with a CO2 fire extinguisher as Tommy ran across the front of the stage with it. 

Saw them again on the Maximum Rock tour with the Scorps in an amphitheater, and then the arena show in 2005 for Carnival of Sins, which had a fantastic stage show and setlist.  They always put on a great show, despite Vince's vocals lacking.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: The Walrus on June 27, 2018, 11:35:03 AM
As a band they're pretty horrible. Not one good album from start to finish in their entire career, and their debut is one of the worst rock albums I have ever heard, no exaggeration. The entirety of their good selections can be found on their 1998 Greatest Hits album, and even that has a few turds in the punch bowl.

That said... most of those songs on that compilation are some of the best songs rock music has ever had. It's not enough to redeem the rest of their awful catalog, but I'll never say a bad thing about songs like Kickstart My Heart, Too Young To Fall In Love, Girls Girls Girls etc. Shout At The Devil sucks, but Motley Crue is strange in that they have lots of lows, but their highs are almost unmatched by any other hard rock group.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: AngelBack on June 27, 2018, 01:45:23 PM
If it weren't for Crue, what would the girls at the shoe show dance to?
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: TAC on June 27, 2018, 01:51:34 PM
I was intrigued by TFFL when it came out, and generally liked Shout At the Devil. As pg says, Theater Of Pain was a huge step down. GGG was pretty bad too, but I thought Dr. Feelgood wasn't too bad.

I managed to see the ToP, GGG, and Dr. F tours.

I was never really ever a fan in the 80's, but the shows were always fantastic. As Grap says, they seemed like the real deal.

Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: ChuckSteak on June 27, 2018, 02:33:22 PM
I've never heard a single song by them.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Podaar on June 27, 2018, 02:39:30 PM
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Adami on June 27, 2018, 02:45:59 PM
Really like their songs Nothing but a Good Time, Round and Round, and She's Only Seventeen.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Samsara on June 27, 2018, 02:47:46 PM
Motley has never really been a mainstay for me. I think Dr. Feelgood and the self-titled with Corabi are their best ALBUMS, and I listened to them on probably a yearly basis or so. But the rest of the catalog is really hit and miss. Some good songs, some terrible ones. Nikki is a great songwriter, and Tommy is a solid drummer. But Vince is horrendous, and Mick...I am just not sure why he is lauded the way he is. Talented dude, and very successful. But he doesn't stand out to me at all -- even back in the day.

So I voted they are "OK."
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Podaar on June 27, 2018, 02:54:42 PM
Really like their songs Nothing but a Good Time, Round and Round, and She's Only Seventeen.

Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: The Walrus on June 27, 2018, 03:02:18 PM
I've never heard a single song by them.

Is this possible? Over 30 years? I can almost guarantee you have heard at least one or two songs by them somewhere...
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: bosk1 on June 27, 2018, 03:03:30 PM
I've never heard a single song by them.

Is this possible? Over 30 years? I can almost guarantee you have heard at least one or two songs by them somewhere...

Since you are obviously new to the forum, please allow me to bring you up to speed: Chuck likes to say controversial things just for the sake of being controversial.  :lol
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: jjrock88 on June 27, 2018, 03:15:48 PM
Shout at the Devil is a great album and easily their best.

Too Fast For Love, Theater, GGG, and Dr Feelgood range between ok to good.  The Corabi album was solid but so far removed from the Crue sound.  Generation Swine, New Tattoo and Saints were all the shits.

So overall, I would say they are good.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: cramx3 on June 27, 2018, 03:17:54 PM
Good.  Their greatest hits is a really solid collections of songs.  They definitely aren't great, and since I enjoy them, I can't say they are bad. 
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: The Walrus on June 27, 2018, 03:19:23 PM
I've never heard a single song by them.

Is this possible? Over 30 years? I can almost guarantee you have heard at least one or two songs by them somewhere...

Since you are obviously new to the forum, please allow me to bring you up to speed: Chuck likes to say controversial things just for the sake of being controversial.  :lol

Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Indiscipline on June 27, 2018, 03:42:51 PM
Great on the background while having fun, just ok focusing the ear.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: CrimsonSunrise on June 27, 2018, 03:52:48 PM
Never cared for them or thought they were very good.  That being said... I LOVED Sixx A.M.'s Heroin Diaries!
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Setlist Scotty on June 27, 2018, 03:57:27 PM
I chose they're OK. They've got some great songs, especially on SatD, and selections across the rest of their catalog, but most of their stuff ain't worth listening to, IMO.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: DTA on June 27, 2018, 05:17:01 PM
I like their debut and Dr. Feelgood but nothing else has really interested me. I think my favorite song of theirs is either Toast Of The Town (and TFFL b-side) or Slice Of Your Pie. That riff is unreal and I like the She's So Heavy outro.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: King Postwhore on June 27, 2018, 05:28:10 PM
I've never heard a single song by them.

Is this possible? Over 30 years? I can almost guarantee you have heard at least one or two songs by them somewhere...

Since you are obviously new to the forum, please allow me to bring you up to speed: Chuck likes to say controversial things just for the sake of being controversial.  :lol

Get out.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Rattlehead on June 27, 2018, 05:35:22 PM
I'm not familiar with many of their songs outside of the big hits, but I do enjoy the songs that I know so I voted that I think they're good. Kickstart My Heart is an awesome song  :metal
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: bl5150 on June 27, 2018, 06:10:01 PM
The band overall - great  - based on their achievements/status/profile .

The music - good on average.  I could produce a great compilation from their career.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: ZirconBlue on June 27, 2018, 07:03:23 PM
They have a lot of good songs, and I think their self-titled is fantastic, even if it doesn't actually sound like "Motley Crue".  But I lost interest when they brought Vince back.  So, I went with the "good" option.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: jammindude on June 27, 2018, 11:16:28 PM

Presently, I couldn't care less about Crue.

In early 1984, when "Looks That Kill" was put into heavy rotation on MTV and the band broke big, 16-year old me through Crue was holy-shit-amazing.  I bought Shout at the Devil and played the shit out of it and then bought Too Fast for Love.  I bought Theatre of Pain and thought it sucked and pretty much outgrew the band at that point (although I did see Crue on the GGG tour).  The band has basically been an afterthought for the past 30 years, although Crue was historically important in the rise of metal in the 80s.

The dudes have exactly 3 relavent albums in 9 releases.

I assume two of the three are TFfL and SatD.  What's the third?

Like it or not, Dr Feelgood was a fairly decent album, and made a pretty big stamp. After the very lackluster and generic Top and GGG, I thought they were totally done. But DF was actually pretty good. I was surprised.  Still not quite up to the early stuff...but worthy of mention.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: NoseofNicko on June 28, 2018, 12:54:40 AM
Voted they are just ok. I really like some of their songs, but their albums have more mediocre songs than really good songs.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: The Curious Orange on June 28, 2018, 01:40:03 AM
I think Dr. Feelgood and the self-titled with Corabi are their best ALBUMS

Agree with the S/T being a great album. Corabi brought a real sense of relevance to a band that were becoming a joke. Shame it wasn't more successful...
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: ChuckSteak on June 28, 2018, 04:43:26 AM
Is this possible? Over 30 years? I can almost guarantee you have heard at least one or two songs by them somewhere...
I might have, but if I did, I am not aware of it. And if I heard the same songs again, I probably wouldn't recognize them.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: a51502112 on June 28, 2018, 05:07:37 AM
I consider myself a fan, but I only like Too Fast for Love, Shout, and Theater... a few songs after that. I like the songs, sound, and the attitude on those albums.
They were definitely a "right place at the right time" kinda band.  Say what you will about Tommy Lee, but he was a kick-ass drummer right from the get-go on TFFL. Mick Mars had some cool riffs. Kudos to Sixx because he wrote the songs... all whilst being completely out of his mind. (Read his first book, you'll know what I mean.)
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Kwyjibo on June 28, 2018, 05:46:34 AM
I think Dr. Feelgood and the self-titled with Corabi are their best ALBUMS

Exactly what I was thinking, especially the first Corabi record gets spun once in a while. Never really cared for the rest, so voted "ok".
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: AngelBack on June 28, 2018, 05:55:19 AM
Home Sweet Home is one of the best "band on the road" ballads.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: pg1067 on June 28, 2018, 10:50:27 AM
Home Sweet Home is one of the best "band on the road" ballads.

The thing I most remember about that song was that everyone seemed to lose their minds about Tommy Lee playing both piano and drums.  As a Rush fan, I was like, "whatever."
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Dream Team on June 28, 2018, 10:53:02 AM
Only band that is HOF because of good marketing.

The dudes have exactly 3 relavent albums in 9 releases. The rest was them constantly saying how cool they were until everyone believed it.

Pretty much this, but man SATD had some great riffs. I bought that thing in '84 and listened to it all the time.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: AngelBack on June 28, 2018, 11:09:15 AM
Home Sweet Home is one of the best "band on the road" ballads.

The thing I most remember about that song was that everyone seemed to lose their minds about Tommy Lee playing both piano and drums.  As a Rush fan, I was like, "whatever."

For sure.  Crue was in it for the party.  Rush are gods.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: mikeyd23 on June 28, 2018, 11:36:56 AM
I went with "Okay".

They had a couple cool songs, but never really did anything for me.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: King Postwhore on June 28, 2018, 11:50:30 AM
People lost their minds because no one knew Tommy, the drummer played piano.   Everybody knew Geddy played bass, sang, played keyboards and Taurus pedals.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Stadler on June 28, 2018, 04:14:52 PM
I think they are just ok.

I really like Nikki Sixx; he's an interesting guy.

Vince Neil is the second-worst singer in a platinum, arena-headlining band.

Or, as Vince would say if he was on stage:

"....................................just ok!"

"...................................................intristing guy!"

"Vince Neil............................................................................band!"

Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: The Walrus on June 28, 2018, 04:47:24 PM
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: KevShmev on June 28, 2018, 06:12:30 PM
Home Sweet Home is one of the best "band on the road" ballads.

The thing I most remember about that song was that everyone seemed to lose their minds about Tommy Lee playing both piano and drums.  As a Rush fan, I was like, "whatever."

Haha, what, a musician can play two different instruments?

Home Sweet Home seemed to be one of those songs that every girl I knew at the time (7th grade :lol) loved.  Then again, if a hair metal band did a ballad in the 80's, you can bet your ass that girls everywhere were getting worked up (see: moist) just thinking about the song. :lol :lol
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: ZirconBlue on June 28, 2018, 07:37:54 PM
Home Sweet Home is one of the best "band on the road" ballads.

The thing I most remember about that song was that everyone seemed to lose their minds about Tommy Lee playing both piano and drums.  As a Rush fan, I was like, "whatever."

Haha, what, a musician can play two different instruments?

Home Sweet Home seemed to be one of those songs that every girl I knew at the time (7th grade :lol ) loved.  Then again, if a hair metal band did a ballad in the 80's, you can bet your ass that girls everywhere were getting worked up (see: moist) just thinking about the song. :lol :lol

We weren't talking about a musician, we were talking about a drummer.  ;)
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Lethean on June 28, 2018, 09:40:18 PM
I think they are just ok.

I really like Nikki Sixx; he's an interesting guy.

Vince Neil is the second-worst singer in a platinum, arena-headlining band.

Or, as Vince would say if he was on stage:

"....................................just ok!"

"...................................................intristing guy!"

"Vince Neil............................................................................band!"

:lol  Who's the worst?
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Cool Chris on June 28, 2018, 09:40:46 PM
Never listened to them much, but had Dr Feelgood and remember liking it a lot, which was odd as it was a bit out of my wheelhouse at the time.

Home Sweet Home seemed to be one of those songs that every girl I knew at the time (7th grade :lol) loved.  Then again, if a hair metal band did a ballad in the 80's, you can bet your ass that girls everywhere were getting worked up (see: moist) just thinking about the song. :lol :lol

No doubt. If you wanted to get any action on the junior high dance floor, you better be clued in enough such that once one of those songs hit, you were all up on the girl you had a crush on asking her to dance.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: wolfking on June 28, 2018, 10:34:42 PM
Only know the hits, but never a fan at all.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Stadler on June 29, 2018, 07:26:15 AM
I think they are just ok.

I really like Nikki Sixx; he's an interesting guy.

Vince Neil is the second-worst singer in a platinum, arena-headlining band.

Or, as Vince would say if he was on stage:

"....................................just ok!"

"...................................................intristing guy!"

"Vince Neil............................................................................band!"

:lol  Who's the worst?

Anthony Keidis.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Lethean on June 29, 2018, 08:55:57 AM
I think they are just ok.

I really like Nikki Sixx; he's an interesting guy.

Vince Neil is the second-worst singer in a platinum, arena-headlining band.

Or, as Vince would say if he was on stage:

"....................................just ok!"

"...................................................intristing guy!"

"Vince Neil............................................................................band!"

:lol  Who's the worst?

Anthony Keidis.

Wow.  That's 3 things I agree with you on in recent days - Chris Cornell (awesome), Vince Neil, and Anthony Kedis. 
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: The Walrus on June 29, 2018, 09:01:23 AM
Wow.  That's 3 things I agree with you on in recent days - Chris Cornell (awesome), Vince Neil, and Anthony Kedis. 

Eh. Ya'll are close. Two out of three ain't bad. ;)
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Lowdz on June 29, 2018, 02:45:49 PM
I voted good.
They were never a favourite of mine but I like the debut, love SatD and Dr Feelgood but the rest is pretty poor.

Hated the Corobi album apart from one song.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: TAC on June 29, 2018, 02:50:46 PM
I've never heard a single note of the Corabi album.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: LudwigVan on June 29, 2018, 06:57:17 PM
Good. The  chemistry between the original members was unmistakable.
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: ZirconBlue on June 29, 2018, 07:04:23 PM
I've never heard a single note of the Corabi album.

Then I recommend you check it out.  It's unlike anything they have done before or since.  Frankly, it's better than anything else with the "Motley Crue" name on it, but it sounds nothing like "Motley Crue".
Title: Re: How do you feel about the band Motley Crue?
Post by: Bertielee on July 01, 2018, 04:54:00 AM
Just an OK band. Dr Feelgood is very good, but, man, I just can't stand Neil's voice!
