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General => Archive => General Music Archives => Topic started by: ariich on October 25, 2017, 01:34:06 PM

Title: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: ariich on October 25, 2017, 01:34:06 PM
Yes, you read the title correctly.

I am an album listener. 90%+ of my music listening is albums, rather than individual songs. I've done roulettes in the past (quite a while ago) and got a lot out of them, but so often a song I really liked didn't transpire into a good album, or I later discovered that a song I wasn't hot on turned out to be from a great album. As a roulette participant back in the day, I also often struggled with which song to send by a band, or from an album, when the album as a whole was what I loved. If you've ever felt the same way then this is the roulette for you.

"ARE YOU MAD?" I hear you ask. No, I'm not. But then I would say that whether I was or wasn't. Hmm. But ultimately, the reason I think this is doable is that I normally get a lot of time to listen to music. I have an hour-long commute each way to and from work, and I get to do quite a lot of listening while at work too. My last.fm tells me that I've listened to 20 hours of music in the last week, which feels about average, but I can often listen to a fair bit more than that even.


Thanks to those who expressed interest but didn't make it in - if I do one again in future (dependent entirely on the success of this one) you'll get first dibs if you want.


So, here are my thoughts on how I plan to run this:

I think those are the key points. What I need from you lovely people now are:

1. Expressions of interest! I've had two already from the main roulette thread (jingle and lonestar), so I'm looking for 3-4 more. If loads of people are keen, I might do a mix of selection and lottery. ;) EDIT: Actually sod it, I don't want to turn people down by random luck so I've done first-come-first-serve instead, and places are now full!

2. Thoughts on the above processes, rules, etc. and whether you think there's anything I've missed that would help this work smoothly. Once we're good to go, I'll turn that into a more coherent set of rules.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 25, 2017, 01:39:42 PM
Hey, I expressed interest too  :P
Looking at your rym 5* and 4.5* albums i think we'd get along, too, pleasantly surprised to see dissona in there for one (and beggars as a 5* album too  :heart)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 25, 2017, 01:44:59 PM
Hey, I expressed interest too  :P
Ah! I misunderstood that as support for the idea, rather than interest in taking part. Great!

Looking at your rym 5* and 4.5* albums i think we'd get along, too, pleasantly surprised to see dissona in there for one (and beggars as a 5* album too  :heart)
Paleopneumatic is so great, despite its ridiculous title. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 25, 2017, 01:48:43 PM
Is there an easier way than to have to scroll through 100 pages of ratings?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 25, 2017, 01:50:04 PM
I added ariich as a friend so I can compare albums and see what I have that's banned, personally
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: The Walrus on October 25, 2017, 01:51:16 PM
Is there an easier way than to have to scroll through 100 pages of ratings?

There's a search function on the page, in the center right over the ratings/collection/reviews/etc.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 25, 2017, 01:51:22 PM
Well, I really doubt there are lots of bands that I know of that you haven't listened to but what the hell sign me up
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 25, 2017, 01:58:59 PM
Wow! If you'll have me, I'll try not to disappoint.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: lonestar on October 25, 2017, 02:10:56 PM
In. I gotta have five albums from the pre-Rich LO days you didn't get a taste of.

Edit: Just searched five albums off the top of my head, and none were on your list. I'm so in bro...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 25, 2017, 02:12:44 PM
Is there an easier way than to have to scroll through 100 pages of ratings?

There's a search function on the page, in the center right over the ratings/collection/reviews/etc.
This, if you want to search for particular bands.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 25, 2017, 02:24:41 PM
I just went through your list of bands and there's a couple of things that are not in there that I think you'll like so I'm much more confident now. Also, in case you want to cut people just remember I introduced you to VHB  ::)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 25, 2017, 02:51:43 PM
I guess I can do this, if you'll have me.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Stadler on October 25, 2017, 03:07:46 PM
I sent a PM; I'm in if you have spots. 
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 25, 2017, 03:22:40 PM
I think maybe let's stop it there - good to be getting so much interest so quickly, and I don't really feel like running a lottery and having to turn people down!

So participants are:


That's 7, when my original max was going to 6. However, I was going to have no eliminations in the first round (so everyone had a chance for two goes) whereas now it'll be lowest score goes in the first round! And I should have a decent amount of time for listening over the next week.

I'll amend the first post to get rules and stuff sorted, and then we'll start!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 25, 2017, 03:26:56 PM
Phew... this thread moved fast!  Glad I caught you in the general roulette thread earlier.  I like this list of participants... good diverse bunch.

So, is it like RJ's, and one participant will be eliminated each round?  You weren't explicitly clear on that - just double checking.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: The Walrus on October 25, 2017, 03:38:47 PM
I wanted to get in on this but it seems like you've covered quite a few albums I love and I wouldn't have too much to bring to the table. There are a few I don't see on there, mostly in the power/symphonic metal realms, but someday I think you'd be interested in checking them out given you have 2500 ratings, seems like you'd be open. I think it's cool you're doing full albums. Good luck.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: twosuitsluke on October 25, 2017, 03:39:22 PM
Am I too late for this? I've checked out your last.fm before and I think we have some similar tastes. I'd love to join but understand if you've hit your max. Is it you who also likes Frank Turner? I know someone else on the forum is a big fan (not that I'll be planning to send anything like Frank tbh).
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 25, 2017, 04:28:37 PM
Ok OP has been edited with rules etc (which I think answers your question, Chad).

Also to say thanks to those who wanted to participate but were unfortunate not to be around in time (@twosuits: Yep, that's me who loves Frank Turner) - if I do another one of these then you'll get first dibs on participating if you want to.

So with all that sorted, time for...


We'll start simple, as all the best roulettes do. Send me any album within the rules in the OP. Preferably, make it good. :)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: lonestar on October 25, 2017, 04:58:42 PM

All you suckas might as well quit now...

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 25, 2017, 07:18:07 PM
how do you feel about me sending a zip file of the albums? a fair number of albums i have in mind for this all have tracks that run into each other and even the tiny pauses between tracks on streaming platforms could kill the flow imo
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: King Postwhore on October 25, 2017, 07:35:11 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 25, 2017, 07:40:17 PM

Yeah, me too. I couldn't figure out the banned list.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: King Postwhore on October 25, 2017, 07:44:34 PM
I was in Rich's first.  I figured he wanted new blood.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: orcus116 on October 25, 2017, 08:57:06 PM
Man I wish I was in this. Will be cool to follow.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Lethean on October 25, 2017, 09:11:26 PM
Me too. :)  Seems like it'll be interesting.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 25, 2017, 09:18:41 PM
Sent. I'll just sit back and relax
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 25, 2017, 10:09:15 PM
sent but if you really want me to send a spotufy playlist and have an inferior listening experience i can send that as well
i'm just way more inclined to send files in general, especially for albums
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 25, 2017, 10:13:05 PM
Sent.  See ya'll next round.  Well, most ... not *all* of you.

Sent. I'll just sit back and relax

I'll join ya

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 25, 2017, 10:14:47 PM
jingle talkin' about how he won't see anyone still in the roulette after this round, 'cause he'll be back in the audience  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 25, 2017, 10:22:30 PM
jingle talkin' about how he won't see anyone still in the roulette after this round, 'cause he'll be back in the audience  :corn

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 25, 2017, 11:58:20 PM
:lol I'll post cryptic updates as I'm listening to stuff so that you guys don't have to wait around for a week with nothing happening.

In terms of submissions, I'm fine with mp3 submissions if it's not available to stream anywhere - I won't keep the files after the roulette, and if I like any albums enough to want to keep them, I'll buy myself a copy (only fair after all!). In your case Parama, the album is actually on Spotify, which is slightly easier for me. And for future ref, I actually get better (more consistent) gapless playback on Spotify than in mp3s.

I've got 4 submissions in out of 7 - nice punctual start and plenty to be getting on with!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 26, 2017, 12:01:48 AM
fair enough then!
off the top of my head i have three or four other albums not on your list lined up and each and every one of them has songs transitioning directly into each other so i think that says something about the kind of album i like
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 26, 2017, 01:00:10 AM

Other rounds will have themes, but hopefully some of those albums will fit.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 26, 2017, 01:00:56 AM
considering how good the album i sent is, i will be making it to round 2, obviously
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 26, 2017, 01:07:48 PM

There's no way I'm getting eliminated with this album.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 26, 2017, 01:25:16 PM
Sent something that might make me lose

Seriously though, nobody is going to send an album they think is bad
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 26, 2017, 01:30:27 PM
sending merzbow if I make it to round 2
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 26, 2017, 01:31:09 PM
I'm really curious about themes for the next rounds.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 26, 2017, 01:34:33 PM
themed albums:

- instrumental
- male and female vocals
- something from the 80's
- a RnR HOF inductee
- growls
- wind instruments

doing this right?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 26, 2017, 01:36:32 PM
There are no good albums from the 80s unfortunately but I have stuff for the rest of those

Hopefully I'll just be able to send all my favorite albums some way or another though, I feel like this is an especially weird roulette to have themed rounds in but whatever  :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 26, 2017, 01:37:20 PM
There are no good albums from the 80s unfortunately

Now that's the most bullshit statement I've heard during this week.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 26, 2017, 01:49:06 PM
pop during the 80s was too cheap sounding and sterile
metal in the 80s is plagued by bad production and bad singing styles
rock is about the only genre that had any decent chance and even then I can't really think about any bands in particular who were putting out good stuff

I don't like the 80s though

One theme I can think of that seems fairly obvious is concept albums
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 26, 2017, 02:47:32 PM
lol... this is apparently going to be tough for Rich if 7 people say "no way I'm getting eliminated".
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 26, 2017, 02:50:37 PM
I've sent concept album for this round. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 26, 2017, 03:11:59 PM
I mean, Elite agrees with me re: my album
I thought so. If he likes that one as much as I do, we're doomed (well, not you, but me and the other participants)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: lonestar on October 26, 2017, 03:20:03 PM
I've sent concept album for this round. :lol

So did I...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 26, 2017, 03:36:46 PM
I sent Light of Day, Day of Darkness :neverusethis:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 26, 2017, 03:37:24 PM
Elite this is an album roulette not a song roulette
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 26, 2017, 03:44:19 PM
pop during the 80s was too cheap sounding and sterile
metal in the 80s is plagued by bad production and bad singing styles
rock is about the only genre that had any decent chance and even then I can't really think about any bands in particular who were putting out good stuff

I don't like the 80s though

One theme I can think of that seems fairly obvious is concept albums

King crimson released discipline in 81, rush had a couple of good albums, iron maiden released their best works in that decade as well
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 26, 2017, 03:54:22 PM
I sent Light of Day, Day of Darkness :neverusethis:

I wanted to send it, but I checked it and it was in hist RYM list, so no such luck.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 26, 2017, 04:22:35 PM
lol... this is apparently going to be tough for Rich if 7 people say "no way I'm getting eliminated".
Sorry, but one of you will be GONE. But I'm glad people are feeling so confident - should mean I get introduced to some fine music.

Elite this is an album roulette not a song roulette

So, submissions are all in now. I got a little bit of listening in today, but tomorrow is a more normal day so should get plenty of listening in (hopefully every album at least once). So expect initial anonymous reflections tomorrow or at the weekend at the latest.

The only observation I can make so far is the wide variety in how much description accompanies the submissions. DTF loves rankings, so here is the league table of most to fewest words in each PM/email:

Evermind: 292 words
Elite: 287 words
Jingle: 213 words
Parama: 133 words
Lonestar: 40 words (though he also linked me to his review, 1,075 words :lol)
Nekov: 30 words
Stadler: 2 words (literally the band name and album name, not even any punctuation. Not exactly the level of brevity I might have expected from Stads!)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 26, 2017, 04:34:15 PM
How about less counting words and more listening to music?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 26, 2017, 04:37:29 PM
How about less counting words and more listening to music?
tomorrow is a more normal day so should get plenty of listening in (hopefully every album at least once).

But seriously it's like bedtime now and it only took a minute to count the words by pasting it all into MS Word.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 26, 2017, 04:39:16 PM
I know rich, I'm just messing with you   :smiley:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 26, 2017, 04:43:26 PM
I know rich, I'm just messing with you   :smiley:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 26, 2017, 05:35:09 PM
ariich go check out my review  :corn
should be easy to find, one of my very few 5* reviews  :corn :corn :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: orcus116 on October 26, 2017, 06:01:27 PM
Rich, I just checked RYM and you gave Science Fiction a 3.5. Why you gotta be like that?  :(
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 27, 2017, 02:35:25 AM
Rich, I just checked RYM and you gave Science Fiction a 3.5. Why you gotta be like that?  :(
It's a good album and that's a good score. I just found it a bit... safe maybe? Didn't feel very exciting to me.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 27, 2017, 07:38:35 AM
I know rich, I'm just messing with you   :smiley:

Well, I guess my relaxation will be loner than I anticipated then  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Stadler on October 27, 2017, 08:46:52 AM
Sent something that might make me lose

Seriously though, nobody is going to send an album they think is bad

That would be a great round theme, though, no?   "Send me an album you think BLOWS". You could do it by saying "by a band you like" or "by a band where you own at least five of their records" or something like that. 
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Stadler on October 27, 2017, 08:47:47 AM
lol... this is apparently going to be tough for Rich if 7 people say "no way I'm getting eliminated".
Sorry, but one of you will be GONE. But I'm glad people are feeling so confident - should mean I get introduced to some fine music.

Elite this is an album roulette not a song roulette

So, submissions are all in now. I got a little bit of listening in today, but tomorrow is a more normal day so should get plenty of listening in (hopefully every album at least once). So expect initial anonymous reflections tomorrow or at the weekend at the latest.

The only observation I can make so far is the wide variety in how much description accompanies the submissions. DTF loves rankings, so here is the league table of most to fewest words in each PM/email:

Evermind: 292 words
Elite: 287 words
Jingle: 213 words
Parama: 133 words
Lonestar: 40 words (though he also linked me to his review, 1,075 words :lol)
Nekov: 30 words
Stadler: 2 words (literally the band name and album name, not even any punctuation. Not exactly the level of brevity I might have expected from Stads!)

My album - Rainbow Rising - speaks for itself.   :)   :)  :)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: lonestar on October 27, 2017, 10:21:02 AM
Rainbow Rising? Nice choice... I used to have that on 8-track.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 27, 2017, 10:29:51 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: v_clortho on October 27, 2017, 11:25:33 AM
Rainbow Rising? Nice choice... I used to have that on 8-track.

Couldn't find it on Reel to Reel?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 27, 2017, 11:30:19 AM
back in my day the only way to listen to music was to have a parrot memorize it and screech it back at you at random
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Stadler on October 27, 2017, 12:10:27 PM
back in my day the only way to listen to music was to have a parrot memorize it and screech it back at you at random

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Anguyen92 on October 27, 2017, 12:16:23 PM
back in my day the only way to listen to music was to have a parrot memorize it and screech it back at you at random

I recall a cartoon that took place in the barbarian ages that did something like that.  Then, an evil talking pig decided to use subliminal messages so that when the parrot speaks, the listener has the urge to kill the royal family.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 27, 2017, 03:36:33 PM
Sent something that might make me lose

Seriously though, nobody is going to send an album they think is bad

That would be a great round theme, though, no?   "Send me an album you think BLOWS". You could do it by saying "by a band you like" or "by a band where you own at least five of their records" or something like that. 
On the downside, I would be committed to at least two listens of multiple terrible albums. Not sure I want to put myself through that. :lol

EDIT: On the subject of themes though (which someone mentioned before too), like when I did song roulettes before, my themes are mostly not very prescriptive and won't be genre-driven - there's usually an element of interpretation or flexibility. Haven't decided on all the themes yet, but I know a couple.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 27, 2017, 03:38:43 PM
Sent something that might make me lose

Seriously though, nobody is going to send an album they think is bad

That would be a great round theme, though, no?   "Send me an album you think BLOWS". You could do it by saying "by a band you like" or "by a band where you own at least five of their records" or something like that. 
On the downside, I would be committed to at least two listens of multiple terrible albums. Not sure I want to put myself through that. :lol

Ya'll have to remember that Rich had a "bad song" round in his first roulette.  Like, the kind of songs that make your ears bleed.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 27, 2017, 03:41:47 PM
Yeah, that was quite funny actually :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 27, 2017, 03:43:08 PM
on one hand two listens of an album isn't nearly enough for me to judge it properly personally
on the other hand with 7 people that's probably in the range of 12-15 hours of listening to music, so  :lol
several of my faves took a bit of time to grow on me admittedly. there's even a 5* album on my rym that I did not like at all on first listen
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 27, 2017, 03:44:38 PM
What did people send?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 27, 2017, 03:48:28 PM
Sent something that might make me lose

Seriously though, nobody is going to send an album they think is bad

That would be a great round theme, though, no?   "Send me an album you think BLOWS". You could do it by saying "by a band you like" or "by a band where you own at least five of their records" or something like that. 
On the downside, I would be committed to at least two listens of multiple terrible albums. Not sure I want to put myself through that. :lol

Ya'll have to remember that Rich had a "bad song" round in his first roulette.  Like, the kind of songs that make your ears bleed.
Oh my god I completely forgot about that. :lol It was amazing: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=29697.msg1161577#msg1161577

It was actually in my second roulette, so NO POINTS FOR YOU EITHER.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 27, 2017, 03:49:57 PM
on one hand two listens of an album isn't nearly enough for me to judge it properly personally
on the other hand with 7 people that's probably in the range of 12-15 hours of listening to music, so  :lol
several of my faves took a bit of time to grow on me admittedly. there's even a 5* album on my rym that I did not like at all on first listen
Depends a lot on the album, style etc. I've already listened to all the submissions, and have listened to two of them twice (and we're only one day in). So I'm thinking I should be able to get at least three listens of every album this round. As the number of participants drops, the easier it becomes to listen more.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 27, 2017, 03:56:13 PM
Yeah, that was quite funny actually :lol

No, it was painful.  Some of those songs literally hurt my ears.  I'm not being figurative here... I'm literally being literal.  Actual pain.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 27, 2017, 03:58:50 PM
I'm listening to them again and they're just as wonderfully awful.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 27, 2017, 04:21:00 PM
What did people send?

In THIS round, not the old one..
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 27, 2017, 04:23:33 PM
What did people send?

In THIS round, not the old one..
I'm curious too  :corn
Since Elite already guessed it anyways I shall spoil that I sent The Apologist because of course i did
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 27, 2017, 04:31:16 PM
Maybe if he lists the albums, we can (try to) guess who sent what.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 27, 2017, 04:53:01 PM
Maybe if he lists the albums, we can (try to) guess who sent what.
If everyone is happy for me to do that, then for sure - I'll give people a chance to say no first though.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 27, 2017, 06:39:16 PM
I have no problem with that
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: lonestar on October 27, 2017, 07:01:25 PM
Go for it.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 28, 2017, 03:36:28 AM
Maybe if he lists the albums, we can (try to) guess who sent what.

Good plan. I'm guessing Parama sent The Apologist by East of the Wall :neverusethis:

oh, and maybe Stadler sent Rainbow Rising?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 28, 2017, 06:38:59 AM
Ok here's the list in alphabetical order.

Darwin's Radio – Template for a Generation
East Of The Wall – The Apologist
Papadosio – Pattern Integrities
Rainbow – Rising
Speaking to Stones – Elements
Toehider – What Kind Of Creature Am I?
Vanden Plas – Chronicles of the Immortals: Netherworld II

Maybe if he lists the albums, we can (try to) guess who sent what.

Good plan. I'm guessing Parama sent The Apologist by East of the Wall :neverusethis:

oh, and maybe Stadler sent Rainbow Rising?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 28, 2017, 07:03:58 AM
Ok here's the list in alphabetical order.

Darwin's Radio – Template for a Generation
East Of The Wall – The Apologist  Parama
Papadosio – Pattern Integrities
Rainbow – Rising   Stadler
Speaking to Stones – Elements  Lonestar
Toehider – What Kind Of Creature Am I?
Vanden Plas – Chronicles of the Immortals: Netherworld II  J Boy
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 28, 2017, 07:07:04 AM
That means Tac sent darwins radio and elite sent toehider
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 28, 2017, 07:07:29 AM
That means Tac sent darwins radio and elite sent toehider
TAC isn't participating.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 28, 2017, 07:17:08 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 28, 2017, 07:47:36 AM
That means Tac sent darwins radio and elite sent toehider
TAC isn't participating.

And he be wrong on me sending Vanden Plas... even though it was my AOTY for 2015.  Prog-Metal is a hit-or-miss proposition with Rich, so I wasn't going to lead with that in round 1.

Even if I didn't know what RJ sent, it would've been pretty easy to pick out Speaking to Stones as his.  Toehider ... shit, someone was mentioning them recently.  Was it 'the other Rich'?  I guess Nekov outed himself on Papadosio, which makes me want to have pizza for lunch.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Tomislav95 on October 28, 2017, 07:51:37 AM
Evermind sent Vanden Plas.
BTW I'm so surprised you didn't hear Rainbow Rising, that's essential hard rock/heavy metal album for me, it was in my Top 50.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 28, 2017, 08:00:00 AM
Maybe if he lists the albums, we can (try to) guess who sent what.

Good plan. I'm guessing Parama sent The Apologist by East of the Wall :neverusethis:

oh, and maybe Stadler sent Rainbow Rising?

Well, I did guess Parama’s album through a PM before he mentioned it in this thread.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 28, 2017, 10:23:14 AM
that toehider album is in the rare category of "albums i couldn't even sit through once"
so that's my pick for elimination  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: lonestar on October 28, 2017, 01:06:46 PM
Hmm Darwins Radio, curious to see how that fares.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 28, 2017, 01:11:34 PM
oh yeah that speaking to stones album

is okay

i haven't really returned to it much, all the songs feel kinda overlong
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 28, 2017, 01:58:52 PM
I did send that Vanden Plas album indeed. Not sure about Rich and prog metal, but I figured I may as well send him some great prog metal records while I'm at it. I do think my album is better than Speaking to Stones one.

I also do, however, think that Rainbow - Rising is the best album out of this bunch. It's my #3 album of all time.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Lowdz on October 28, 2017, 02:18:14 PM
Rising is the clear winner there. Made my top 5 albums of all time.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 28, 2017, 02:24:12 PM
I would have The Apologist win
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 28, 2017, 02:33:36 PM
I also do, however, think that Rainbow - Rising is the best album out of this bunch. It's my #3 album of all time.

Rising is the clear winner there. Made my top 5 albums of all time.

That's pretty high praise for an album with 2 good songs.  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 28, 2017, 02:54:39 PM
aside from my own album which is the best album ever made imo i dunno which one i'd wanna see here. toehider is probably the worst but i am not familiar with most of the rest. rainbow's probably not up my alley, i wasn't too enthused with the vanden plas album i did get, the speaking to stones album is just average and i dunno what the other two are at all  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 28, 2017, 03:06:45 PM
The Speaking To Stones is awesome. the Vanden Plas is......not.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 28, 2017, 03:15:57 PM
The Speaking To Stones is awesome. the Vanden Plas is......not.

I would've made that Steam Powered Giraffe rating joke, but I've also got that song in my roulette and I thought it was really catchy and quirky in a good way, so I'll pass.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 28, 2017, 03:22:49 PM
The Speaking To Stones is awesome. the Vanden Plas is......not.

I would've made that Steam Powered Giraffe rating joke, but I've also got that song in my roulette and I thought it was really catchy and quirky in a good way, so I'll pass.

Chlamydia is catchy too.

Rising may indeed be the "best" album generally speaking, but only there's only one opinion that really matters - and there weren't that many classic hard rock/metal albums in the 4*+ category.

Just sayin
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 28, 2017, 03:29:25 PM
Rising may indeed be the "best" album generally speaking, but only there's only one opinion that really matters - and there weren't that many classic hard rock/metal albums in the 4*+ category.

That's precisely why I didn't search for Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Dio or anything related at his RYM profile.

But still, even if Stadler gets eliminated (which I really hope won't happen), there's absolutely no shame being eliminated if you sent Rising. 
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 28, 2017, 03:33:44 PM
The Speaking To Stones is awesome. the Vanden Plas is......not.

I would've made that Steam Powered Giraffe rating joke, but I've also got that song in my roulette and I thought it was really catchy and quirky in a good way, so I'll pass.

Yes it was. Great vocals.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 28, 2017, 04:27:10 PM
I'm really enjoying all this speculatin' and opinionatin'. Doesn't affect my view at all but interesting seeing what people think and where that does or doesn't match up to what I think (based on my listens so far that is - I've got an idea of approx rankings/ratings, but need to do a bit more listening).
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 28, 2017, 05:05:30 PM

you've only got 3 scrobbles for my band.

Oh, wait... never mind.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 28, 2017, 05:11:18 PM
:lol That is indeed the way to check my progress on what I've listened to so far.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 28, 2017, 05:51:52 PM
you listened to that toehider album a second time really quick so i assume it's your favorite  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 28, 2017, 06:44:42 PM
You'd have a lot more opinionating if you let me play, jerk.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: King Postwhore on October 28, 2017, 08:02:31 PM
Oh I know what Chad sent.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 29, 2017, 03:13:56 AM
you listened to that toehider album a second time really quick so i assume it's your favorite  :corn
Order of listens (first or second) is not related to preferences. First order was by format (mp3s then Spotify) and then alphabetical among the Spotify ones. Second listen was at random so that I was hearing them in a different order, so as not to bias the listen by what I've heard before or after.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Stadler on October 29, 2017, 12:41:22 PM
I also do, however, think that Rainbow - Rising is the best album out of this bunch. It's my #3 album of all time.

Rising is the clear winner there. Made my top 5 albums of all time.

That's pretty high praise for an album with 2 good songs.  :P

That stabs me right in the heart.   Just curious, what's the other one (besides Stargazer)?    Honestly the weakest one for me - and it's all relative; this is a top ten album all time by anyone, for me - is Starstruck, and really only because of the lyrics.   
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 29, 2017, 12:47:15 PM

That stabs me right in the heart.   Just curious, what's the other one (besides Stargazer)?    Honestly the weakest one for me - and it's all relative; this is a top ten album all time by anyone, for me - is Starstruck, and really only because of the lyrics.   

Rising is good for only Stargazer and A Light In The Black. If I'm ranking Dio era Rainbow, I could probably list 10 other tracks before I circle back to anything on Rising.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 29, 2017, 12:57:03 PM
What the hell, Tarot Woman and Run with the Wolf are brilliant. I'd say the weakest track is Do You Close Your Eyes, and it's still pretty damn good.

I must say, if we're talking Dio era, there are a lot of brilliant tracks on both the debut and LLRnR too, so yeah, it's tough to pick favourites for me.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: TAC on October 29, 2017, 01:01:08 PM
What the hell, Tarot Woman and Run with the Wolf are brilliant. 

Brilliant? No, Stargazer and ALITB are brilliant. No one is going to confuse TW and RTTW with those two. But like I said, I'd take at least half of the debut and at least  half of LLRNR before I came back to anything on Side 1 of Rising.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 29, 2017, 01:10:38 PM
What the hell, Tarot Woman and Run with the Wolf are brilliant. 

Brilliant? No, Stargazer and ALITB are brilliant. No one is going to confuse TW and RTTW with those two. But like I said, I'd take at least half of the debut and at least  half of LLRNR before I came back to anything on Side 1 of Rising.

Stargazer > Run with the Wolf > Tarot Woman > A Light in the Black > Starstruck > Do You Close Your Eyes :P

But I get it, tastes.

For me, the difference between debut / LLRnR and Rising is that all the songs on Rising are ranging from good to awesome. The songs from debut and LLRnR, well, it's half killer, half filler.

Going further on the controversial side, I would take Stranger in Us All over any of JLT-fronted albums.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 29, 2017, 01:23:30 PM
ooh, are we ranking all the songs on our albums now, i'm game :neverusethis:

the apologist > underachiever > linear failure > whiskey sipper > horseback riding in a bicycle world > running tab of sweetness > naif > false build > precious memories > my favorite society guy > nurser of small hurts > a functional tumor
like the top 9-10 are all super close though really. it's super hard to even vaguely order them
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 29, 2017, 01:28:59 PM
I’d rank my album if someone would guess what I sent :neverusethis:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 29, 2017, 01:32:49 PM
did you send darwin's radio i guess? i dunno, nekov sent papadosio, i sent eotw, stadler sent rainbow, ev send vanden plas, and someone already guessed that you sent toehider which is apparently wrong (even though based on what's sent i'd absolutely think that one is you  :lol)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Evermind on October 29, 2017, 01:37:08 PM
ooh, are we ranking all the songs on our albums now, i'm game :neverusethis:

We aren't ranking songs on our albums, we're ranking the songs on the other participants' albums. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 29, 2017, 01:43:56 PM
oh i see

i don't remember the speaking to stones album enough to rank the tracks but they're all pretty close together
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 29, 2017, 01:44:03 PM
okay, I sent Toehider
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 29, 2017, 02:06:30 PM
did you send darwin's radio i guess?

No... he didn't

Edit - ninja'd
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 30, 2017, 06:16:32 AM
So a brief update - I'm enjoying all the albums, so well done on no duds. Some are definitely grabbing/interesting me more than others but there's plenty to like in every one of them. I'm also really digging the variety - only one of them is outside the rock/metal genres, but even the rest have quite a mix of tone, style, etc. This is exactly why I wanted to do a roulette for the first time in years, and why I wanted to make it an album roulette.

The hardest thing is going to be eliminating one of you!

Expect results in the next couple of days, as promised.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Stadler on October 30, 2017, 08:48:34 AM
What the hell, Tarot Woman and Run with the Wolf are brilliant. 

Brilliant? No, Stargazer and ALITB are brilliant. No one is going to confuse TW and RTTW with those two. But like I said, I'd take at least half of the debut and at least  half of LLRNR before I came back to anything on Side 1 of Rising.

Stargazer > Run with the Wolf > Tarot Woman > A Light in the Black > Starstruck > Do You Close Your Eyes :P

But I get it, tastes.

For me, the difference between debut / LLRnR and Rising is that all the songs on Rising are ranging from good to awesome. The songs from debut and LLRnR, well, it's half killer, half filler.

Going further on the controversial side, I would take Stranger in Us All over any of JLT-fronted albums.

See, now you lost me.   Bent Out Of Shape is probably my second favorite Rainbow albums, and I sometimes listen to it over Rising.  "Fire Dance" is probably the top two or three vocal performances in the catalogue.  AS A GROUP, I prefer the JLT era to any other, because while there are better SONGS in the Dio era, there are better ALBUMS in the JLT era.   

1. Rising (Only because it came first)
2. Bent Out of Shape (One of my favorite albums of all time)
3. Straight Between The Eyes (All killer, no filler)
3. LLRnR (drops below SBTE because of L.A. Connection and Sensitive To Light-a.  I just might-a!)
5. Down To Earth (underrated, even though I hate Since You've Been Gone, and not a huge Bonnet fan)
5. Difficult to Cure (Side two is awesome for me, plus I love Blackmore's instrumentals)
5. Rainbow (A little too much filler; when the Blackmore's Night version of "Self Portrait" is better, that's a problem)
8. Stranger In Us All (I don't mind Doogie, but the album just didn't work for me)

Songs on Rising:
Stargazer/Tarot Woman/Run With The Wolf/Light In The Black/Do You Close Your Eyes/Starstruck
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 30, 2017, 01:32:36 PM
BREAKING NEWS: Round One results and write-ups will be tomorrow evening.

We're potentially looking at a three-way tiebreaker for elimination. :omg:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 30, 2017, 01:41:06 PM
Tiebreaker idea: album with the worst best song
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 30, 2017, 01:50:44 PM
Kind of unfair if you have an album with 3 tracks up against an album with 12 tracks.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 30, 2017, 01:55:31 PM
Kind of unfair if you have an album with 3 tracks up against an album with 12 tracks.
Parama's idea was worst best song, not best worst song.

But regardless, I've decided that tiebreakers will be new submissions, but single songs (like a traditional roulette) so I can cover them off quickly and move onto the next round.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 30, 2017, 02:03:44 PM
Kind of unfair if you have an album with 3 tracks up against an album with 12 tracks.
Plenty of albums where the best song isn't the longest anyways  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 30, 2017, 02:07:12 PM
Kind of unfair if you have an album with 3 tracks up against an album with 12 tracks.
Parama's idea was worst best song, not best worst song.

But regardless, I've decided that tiebreakers will be new submissions, but single songs (like a traditional roulette) so I can cover them off quickly and move onto the next round.

Does it have to be from the same band?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Elite on October 30, 2017, 02:07:12 PM
Kind of unfair if you have an album with 3 tracks up against an album with 12 tracks.
Plenty of albums where the best song isn't the longest anyways  :corn
Like every Dream Theater album :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 30, 2017, 03:06:25 PM
Kind of unfair if you have an album with 3 tracks up against an album with 12 tracks.
Parama's idea was worst best song, not best worst song.

But regardless, I've decided that tiebreakers will be new submissions, but single songs (like a traditional roulette) so I can cover them off quickly and move onto the next round.

This is a nice convenient way of getting more music!   :tup

Does it have to be from the same band?

Not that I have to worry about this ( ::)) ... but would hope not.  If I was in the bottom three, Darwin's Radio only has one other album.  It's got a couple of decent ones, but nothing I'd want to use in a do-or-die tiebreaker.

But like I said, thankfully I don't need to worry about this.   :biggrin:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Stadler on October 30, 2017, 03:38:35 PM
Kind of unfair if you have an album with 3 tracks up against an album with 12 tracks.
Parama's idea was worst best song, not best worst song.

But regardless, I've decided that tiebreakers will be new submissions, but single songs (like a traditional roulette) so I can cover them off quickly and move onto the next round.

This is a nice convenient way of getting more music!   :tup

Does it have to be from the same band?

Not that I have to worry about this ( ::)) ... but would hope not.  If I was in the bottom three, Darwin's Radio only has one other album.  It's got a couple of decent ones, but nothing I'd want to use in a do-or-die tiebreaker.

But like I said, thankfully I don't need to worry about this.   :biggrin:

In my opinion, there is virtually ZERO relationship between 'length of song' and 'whether I like it'.   The only time it has ever even reared it's head is in "Tonight, Tonight" by Ozzy, and that's only because some dipshit faded out Randy's solo just as he was hitting fifth gear.  A crime against humanity if you're asking me.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 30, 2017, 03:48:43 PM
I find 7-10 minutes a good range because it allows songs to develop and build up without starting to feel too bloated but still have enough complexity to be satisfying
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 31, 2017, 10:59:44 AM
 :corn :corn :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2017, 11:01:48 AM
Most write-ups are done, when I get home from work (in a couple of hours or so) I'll finish up the last couple and get the results posted.

I'm enjoying the varied levels of confidence in people's comments on the tiebreaker...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: lonestar on October 31, 2017, 11:03:00 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Nekov on October 31, 2017, 11:04:20 AM

 :lol I'd love to say I'm confident about this one but that Kermit is more accurate
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: Crow on October 31, 2017, 11:10:01 AM
If I don't get a chance to send you the album I'm currently listening to right now I'll be upset
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: jingle.boy on October 31, 2017, 11:11:20 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: lonestar on October 31, 2017, 11:31:23 AM

If I don't get a chance to send you the album I'm currently listening to right now I'll be upset

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2017, 02:12:36 PM

Winner: Elite – 8.5/10
Toehider – What Kind of Creature Am I? [2014]

Parama was sort of onto something when he noticed that this was the first album I went to for a second listen. It wasn’t my favourite at the time, in fact I didn’t really know what to think. But I was intrigued and felt like I needed another listen to get my head around it. And I did indeed, and it’s excellent! Kinda reminds of me of Devin Townsend with some post-hardcore influences thrown in here and there. Quirky, theatrical and bonkers at times, but also with enough sincere moments to prevent it becoming too “out-there” (at least for me, as someone who isn’t put off by the quirks). I know this definitely wouldn’t be for everyone and it took me a few listens for it to sink in, but what an excellent discovery for only the first round! The last track is kind of annoying and brings it down slightly, but as it’s right at the end, I can just ignore it.
Standouts: Whatever Makes You Feel Superior, What Kind of Creature am I, Under the Future We Bury the Past, Meet the Sloth

Nekov – 8/10
Papadosio – Pattern Integrities [2016]

The only non rock/metal album of the bunch, and I dig it loads, as I did on the very first listen. A great fusion of rock, jazz, electronica, all with a lovely chilled out vibe. The album achieves a really nice balance whereby it has enough going on (jazzy chords, etc.) to make it interesting for a proper listen, while at the same time it creates a soft and really nice vibe that makes it great for background music too. I can see myself listening to this a lot. Not too much else to say really.
Standouts: Threes, Vactrollio

Stadler – 8/10
Rainbow – Rising [1976]

As much as I was amused by Stads’ uncharacteristically brief (2-word) submission, he’s sort of right that the album speaks for itself. Not really sure why I’ve never really listened to Rainbow before, but I really dig this album a lot. I was familiar with Stargazer because of the DT cover, and it’s a great song. I also absolutely love Run With the Wolf, which has a superb groove to it that I wasn’t really expecting. Tarot Woman and A Light in the Black are also really good, and the other two tracks while less exciting are still solid. All round a top-notch album and a pleasant surprise to discover something 40 years old I hadn’t already heard, and enjoy it this much!
Standouts: Run With the Wolf, Stargazer

Parama – 7.5/10
East of the Wall – The Apologist [2011]

A pretty intense listen, probably the opposite end of the spectrum from the Papadosio album but great for totally different reasons. Despite your claim that it takes a number of listens to get it, I found it grabbed me on the first listen. If anything, it all ran together a bit more on subsequent listens. It feels like it sits somewhere between Thrice and Intronaut with a bunch of other influences in the mix too. Some good melodies, excellent riffs and all round a pretty bleak and heavy mood. Very powerful music and some great instrumental sections.
Standouts: Naif, The Apologist

Jingle – 7/10
Darwin’s Radio – Template for a Generation [2009]

I’d never heard of Darwin’s Radio before, but this is a nice album with lots to enjoy. Plenty of cool proggy ideas and it’s pretty consistently good throughout, though very little stands out as very memorable or exciting apart from some nice riffs in Breathe It In. I think it might have benefited from tighter production perhaps – it’s a little rough around the edges. After one listen each I did prefer this to the other two 7/10 albums from this round, but whereas those improved once I got to know them, this didn’t really change and I think the production was a feature of that. But still, definitely a nice album and it’ll get more listens in future!
Standouts: The Illusion is Freedom, Breathe It In

Evermind – 7/10
Vanden Plas – Chronicles of the Immortals: Netherworld II [2015]

I appreciate you sending this even though I’ve rated a Vanden Plas album before (and only 2.5 stars, or 5/10, at that), because they’ve clearly come a long way since then and I don’t know that I’d necessarily have checked out their more recent work otherwise. This is a lot more interesting and has some very great melodies that I’ve found stuck in my head at times. There’s also some nice development of ideas – in particular, while there are a couple of things about Blood of Eden I’m not so keen on (mainly a couple of vocal sections that sound a bit weak), it has some terrific tunes and lovely use of recurring themes. But while it’s the most memorable of the 7/10s, I also found it the least consistent and there are definitely some parts that lose my interest. But I’ll be sure to check out some more of their recent output now.
Standouts: Stone Roses Edge, Blood of Eden

lonestar – 7/10
Speaking to Stones – Elements [2012]

To be honest, after the first couple of listens, I thought this might be the album for elimination. I liked it, but I didn’t really find much of it very exciting apart from the odd moment in the opening and closing tracks. But it’s definitely a grower – the second listen was already better than the first, and then on the third some of the sections really stood out. They’re a little reminiscent of Beyond the Bridge, if not as interesting. I think each of the songs meanders a bit, which holds it back and probably affected my initial reaction, but after more listens there are some cracking sections within those songs and overall I like the album quite a bit now. 
Standouts: Water, Quita Essentia


A tiebreaker already you say? Jingle, Evermind and lonestar all got the lowest score of 7/10 (which really isn’t bad by the way). Madness! As I said before, tiebreakers will be a single song, but otherwise following all the same rules as the main rounds.

THE TWIST: Seeing as all three of you sent me prog for round 1, prog is NOT ALLOWED for the tiebreaker. Send me something non-prog. Go!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Crow on October 31, 2017, 02:18:08 PM
Ehh, fair enough  :corn
For what it's worth I didn't reeeally get into The Apologist until after i came back to it like a month later, anywho, I'd have felt about the same as you do here when I was first spinning it

Anyways will round 2 have a theme? If so would like to know now so I can prepare & decide on stuff
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Stadler on October 31, 2017, 02:29:16 PM
Now I can ask:  where, exactly, is the toe hidden? Is it completely hidden or just camoflagued?  Why is the toe hidden?  Is it embarrassed?  On the lam from the law?   I need info.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Evermind on October 31, 2017, 02:34:46 PM
Hahaha wow.

You might need to wait for like 24 hours for my song, I'm not sure I'll be able to send today.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: TAC on October 31, 2017, 02:36:15 PM
Now I can ask:  where, exactly, is the toe hidden? Is it completely hidden or just camoflagued?  Why is the toe hidden?  Is it embarrassed?  On the lam from the law?   I need info.

Don't be a heel.   ;D
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Stadler on October 31, 2017, 02:46:07 PM
I just listened to the song "This Conversation Is Over". Cool song, but the verse vocal melody line is straight out of Night Ranger (specifically "Rain Comes Crashing Down":  https://www.bing.com/search?q=rain+comes+crashing+down&src=IE-TopResult&FORM=IETR02&conversationid=)

Doesn't make it bad; if anything it's a cool melody.  And I like the guy's voice.  Where are they from?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: lonestar on October 31, 2017, 02:55:11 PM
Something non prog? That cuts out about 80% of my available tracks, most of what I got can be placed under that prog umbrella.

But I'm sure I got something around that'll do the trick...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2017, 03:02:14 PM
Something non prog? That cuts out about 80% of my available tracks, most of what I got can be placed under that prog umbrella.

But I'm sure I got something around that'll do the trick...
Hence the challenge!

Hahaha wow.

You might need to wait for like 24 hours for my song, I'm not sure I'll be able to send today.
No worries, if you can all get me something at some point tomorrow, that's cool. I finished Round One slightly early, so we're on track, and I'll be able to turn the tiebreaker around quickly. :)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: jingle.boy on October 31, 2017, 03:03:52 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2017, 03:05:40 PM
Ehh, fair enough  :corn
For what it's worth I didn't reeeally get into The Apologist until after i came back to it like a month later, anywho, I'd have felt about the same as you do here when I was first spinning it
For sure, things can always grow more over longer timescales/after a break, but honestly I dig the album. I'll check out more of their work too once the roulette is over, assuming it's worth doing so?

Anyways will round 2 have a theme? If so would like to know now so I can prepare & decide on stuff
It will have a theme but it's not a particularly complex one. I'll post it once the tiebreaker submissions are in so that everyone's in the same position.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on October 31, 2017, 03:08:04 PM
Awesome!  :D I thought those guys would be up your alley since they mix styles quite well. My favorite from them it's T.E.T.I.O.S but since it's  a double album it was not a choice here.

Now let the tiebreaker  carnage begin!

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: lonestar on October 31, 2017, 03:08:46 PM
Sent...prepare your face bro...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2017, 03:15:07 PM
Sent...prepare your face bro...
You are ridiculously efficient.

And I should probably clarify the twist for the tiebreaker - songs submitted can be "proggy" in the sense of longer songs, unusual structure etc. as plenty of non-prog bands have done this. I'm not demanding only 4-minute verse-chorus songs. Just not what we at DTF would typically call "prog".
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Crow on October 31, 2017, 03:16:42 PM
I like some of the other EotW stuff (about half of Ressentiment is great) but they are very hit and miss especislly with the rotating band members, their 2013 lost their bassist/primary harsh vocalist and it just wasn't the same  :'(
Fortunately two guys from the band got together with a bassist and put out the best album of 2013 anyways, which I might send at some point if there's like an instrumental round or something
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2017, 03:21:05 PM
You're always welcome to submit instrumental albums. Nekov's was this round, and he scored well. I can be fairly picky with instrumental music though, especially if it feels to me like it's just songs without the vocals like a lot of instrumental rock and metal is.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: lonestar on October 31, 2017, 03:27:20 PM
Sent...prepare your face bro...
You are ridiculously efficient.

That should count for something.... :biggrin:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Crow on October 31, 2017, 03:53:17 PM
You're always welcome to submit instrumental albums. Nekov's was this round, and he scored well. I can be fairly picky with instrumental music though, especially if it feels to me like it's just songs without the vocals like a lot of instrumental rock and metal is.
I'm hesitant because while I love it now, I hated it at first & didn't get into it for like half a year
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: jingle.boy on October 31, 2017, 04:01:15 PM
If I'm going down, I'm going down in a full on blaze of glory.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Elite on October 31, 2017, 04:02:12 PM

Glad you liked that one, I though it might just work! I agree on the last track though, the first time I heard that one I felt a little cheated, thinking 'now why would he do that? end the album on such a different note?' Now I don't really mind, because I know what to expect, but the track certainly comes out of nowhere :lol The album reminded me of Queen quite a bit, especially in his vocal lines ('Whatever Makes You Feel Superior' is a good example). Nice picks for favourite tracks as well; I personally enjoy singing along to the "chorus" of 'Whoa!' a lot and think 'Spoilt for Choice' works really well as a ballad, despite the weird lyrics - something that's present on the whole album by the way. Glad you didn't mind the quirkiness, because as you said, I'm pretty sure that could turn off people just as well.

Now to follow this one up with something else! :D
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2017, 04:08:36 PM
Whoa! was originally on my list of standouts too for exactly that reason, but I decided I couldn't have like half the album so needed to drop one. :lol

And yeah it was a risky choice, but it paid off.

On a related note, I've decided how I will factor in previous rounds.

Each round has a 10/10 score obviously.
Added to that will be half the average score of all previous rounds (i.e. up to a maximum of 5).
Added to that will be 0.5 points per round won - i.e. an extra bonus for winning a round.

So consistency will be rewarded as will winning rounds.

Also once we're down to two contestants we'll have a final where all previous scores become irrelevant.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Podaar on October 31, 2017, 04:23:49 PM
...prepare your face bro...

If I'm going down, I'm going down in a full on blaze of glory.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: jingle.boy on October 31, 2017, 04:25:57 PM
...prepare your face bro...

If I'm going down, I'm going down in a full on blaze of glory.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Evermind on November 01, 2017, 10:47:32 AM
Sending one of my favourite songs ever in a few minutes. Probably going to get me eliminated, I've had mixed results with that song in roulettes.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Crow on November 01, 2017, 10:58:44 AM
Did I get the song before
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Evermind on November 01, 2017, 11:01:09 AM
Did I get the song before

I don't think you did. I remember Bolsters did (and he loved it) and Train did (and he pretty much said it was boring as hell). I probably thought your reaction was going to be similar to Train's so I avoided sending it.

And sent.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on November 01, 2017, 11:16:28 AM
Did I get the song before

I don't think you did. I remember Bolsters did (and he loved it) and Train did (and he pretty much said it was boring as hell). I probably thought your reaction was going to be similar to Train's so I avoided sending it.

And sent.

You're going against the fogeys, should be a piece of cake  ;)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Stadler on November 01, 2017, 11:41:25 AM
...prepare your face bro...

If I'm going down, I'm going down in a full on blaze of glory.


I love that gif.   
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 01, 2017, 11:43:53 AM
Did I get the song before

I don't think you did. I remember Bolsters did (and he loved it) and Train did (and he pretty much said it was boring as hell). I probably thought your reaction was going to be similar to Train's so I avoided sending it.

And sent.

You're going against the fogeys, should be a piece of cake  ;)

Fogeys listen to good music too!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on November 01, 2017, 12:48:27 PM
Ok, tiebreaker submissions are all in. Also I confused Stads and he sent a round 2 submission by mistake. :lol

I have an initial thought on ranking the three songs, but I'll give it to tomorrow to let them sink in more.

In the meantime, let's kick off round 2 so that people have a bit of time to have a think on what to submit. Those who are definitely in round 2, feel free to submit whenever you're ready! So without further ado...


I do enjoy long albums when they cover a lot of ground and really take you on a journey. But there's also something to be said for more concise albums too. While we still have quite a few contestants, I figured this would be a good time to have a shorter-album round.

The maximum length for this round is equivalent to an old 12-inch LP, i.e. 45 minutes. No minimum length. All other rules as standard.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Evermind on November 01, 2017, 12:49:54 PM
Wow, and you're doing this round when Rainbow Rising is already sent. It would've been like my very first choice for this round.

That is, of course, if I survive the tiebreaker.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Crow on November 01, 2017, 12:52:13 PM
Actually pretty okay with this theme, my last submission was only like 47 minutes

Off the top of my head one album in particular springs to mind but I'll double check my list first
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on November 01, 2017, 12:52:37 PM
Well, that really complicates things. I just looked through a couple of things I was intending to send that are shorter but none of them below the 45 minute mark (one is 47:18 :getoffmylawn:). I'll see what I can dig up
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Evermind on November 01, 2017, 12:54:20 PM
Yeah, is the 45-minutes a hard limit? I've got two albums I instantly thought of that are in the 45:30 - 46:00 minutes range.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on November 01, 2017, 01:00:16 PM
Yeah, is the 45-minutes a hard limit? I've got two albums I instantly thought of that are in the 45:30 - 46:00 minutes range.

He's brittish, 45:01 is unacceptable by his standards
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Stadler on November 01, 2017, 01:23:24 PM
He's only going to listen to the first 45 minutes you send. It'll be like back in high school when the song runs out midwa
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: lonestar on November 01, 2017, 01:24:10 PM
Sent just in case I get through...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Crow on November 01, 2017, 01:30:25 PM
He's only going to listen to the first 45 minutes you send. It'll be like back in high school when the song runs out midwa
It's like the pull me under extended edition with the 20 minute flute interlude that cuts out in the middle of Kevin Moore's extended rant at the end...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on November 01, 2017, 01:33:17 PM
He's only going to listen to the first 45 minutes you send. It'll be like back in high school when the song runs out midwa

And yeah there were a few submissions in the first round that fit this criteria. That often is the case in the open round though, as we get so much variety.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 01, 2017, 01:34:23 PM
Yeah, is the 45-minutes a hard limit? I've got two albums I instantly thought of that are in the 45:30 - 46:00 minutes range.

Someone's confident.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Stadler on November 01, 2017, 01:47:27 PM
Sent.  43 minutes and 19 seconds of pure metal goodness.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on November 01, 2017, 01:52:50 PM
I'm thinking of pulling a Jingle.boy here but I'll listen to a couple more things before doing that
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on November 01, 2017, 02:16:25 PM
Don't forget that EPs are perfectly acceptable and should pretty much always come in under 45 mins.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 01, 2017, 03:10:26 PM
I'm thinking of pulling a Jingle.boy here but I'll listen to a couple more things before doing that

Cheat, or do the exact opposite of what your instinct says?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on November 01, 2017, 06:00:43 PM
I'm thinking of pulling a Jingle.boy here but I'll listen to a couple more things before doing that

Cheat, or do the exact opposite of what your instinct says?

Cheating obviously
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: lonestar on November 01, 2017, 08:18:54 PM

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: TAC on November 01, 2017, 08:22:52 PM
WTF is that?? Does that dude have to go to the bathroom?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Elite on November 02, 2017, 01:39:34 AM
or he’s just anxious
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 03:39:14 AM
Can't it be both..?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Elite on November 02, 2017, 06:44:04 AM
Of course, it could well be.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on November 02, 2017, 07:08:45 AM
Sent round 2
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (ROUND ONE RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 07:22:15 AM

This wasn’t easy, again all good songs and interestingly they went to opposite ends of the spectrum, two gentle ballads and one extreme metal onslaught. Here are the results:
Lonestar: SURVIVES
Allegaeon – Grey Matter Mechanics - Apassionata Ex Machina

My initial reaction to the opening was to question whether it was a bit too proggy, but once it kicked in it jumped squarely into extreme metal territory. This is a really good song, and has made me interested in checking out the album it’s from (once I have time!). They do a great job with the pretty bone-crunching stuff that runs through a lot of it, but there’s also a good variety of sounds. The acoustic guitars in particular give it a really interesting, Nordic feel.

Evermind: SURVIVES
Jon Lord – Pictured Within

One of two ballads, and ultimately the one that spoke to me more. Lord’s voice is really nice (EDIT: Correction - it's not Lord singing after all, but either way, lovely singing), and the whole song has a lovely warmth to it. It has a really nice use of strings and choirs to give it a very delicate and emotional feel. Don't have more to say really, listening to it is just a really nice experience.

White Lion – When the Children Cry

Nooooooooooo! Sorry dude, I’m gutted that I’ll be getting no more submissions from you, but unfortunately this was my least favourite of the three. It’s a nice song, and the main melody is pretty catchy. But it doesn’t have the warmth or atmosphere as the Jon Lord song, and doesn’t have much that draws me back to want to listen more. I do actually wonder if you’d have done better just sending some full on cheesy glam rock, instead of a ballad, but there you go. :lol

EDIT: Reminder for people to send round 2 submissions when you can!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 02, 2017, 07:39:21 AM
Well, this will be less fun now. Sorry to see you go Chad
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 02, 2017, 08:06:03 AM

Funny thing is I got turned on to those guys the day before sending. I was listening to them today and out of curiosity checked out their tour schedule.

They played San Francisco last night :'(
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Stadler on November 02, 2017, 08:09:48 AM
WOW.  Extremely interesting selections.   Without checking the "banned list" it's impossible to tell, but at first glance, those are some ballsy overtime decisions.  That's like going for it on 4th and 4 at your own 30 yard line in sudden death. 

I've not heard the Jon Lord record - as huge a Purple fan as I am, the offshoot work hasn't really grabbed me, and always seemed cobbled together to me - and while I am a huge Vito Bratta fan, sometimes Mike Tramp's vocals are hard to get past. 

My two cents.   Here's hoping Chad stays around to heckle.     
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 02, 2017, 08:38:09 AM

Told ya I'd be going down in a blaze of glory - maybe I should've sent that song instead.  :lol

Oh well, on the whole, we're not a musical match.  As soon as Ruslan told me he also sent that ballad, I had a feeling my song was toast.  I would've been going for the more proggy side of the library, and frankly was surprised that you rated Darwin's Radio effectively a 3.5 when Frost* is 4.5 and 5.   :-\

It's probably for the best... 3 roulettes with Rich as the judge that I've participate in, and I'm constantly chasing (and missing!) his sweet spot.

Here's hoping Chad stays around to heckle.     

Fear not.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 08:47:58 AM
It's strange really, I think we do have quite a lot of overlap, but it seems that overlap is already covered by bands we both know, making roulettes really tricky. Sad times.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Crow on November 02, 2017, 08:50:10 AM
what i sent this round i don't feel is a particularly safe bet so i'll be joining you soon, jingle  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 02, 2017, 08:56:13 AM
what i sent this round i don't feel is a particularly safe bet so i'll be joining you soon, jingle  :corn

Let me pour you something to combat your constant self-deprecation.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 02, 2017, 09:07:21 AM
what i sent this round i don't feel is a particularly safe bet so i'll be joining you soon, jingle  :corn

The best way to approach a Rich roulette is not playing it safe, he has a varied taste in music
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Stadler on November 02, 2017, 09:12:51 AM
what i sent this round i don't feel is a particularly safe bet so i'll be joining you soon, jingle  :corn

The best way to approach a Rich roulette is not playing it safe, he has a varied taste in music

That's kind of my approach.  I feel a little like this:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Podaar on November 02, 2017, 09:18:35 AM
Yet look like this.


I kid. I kid.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 09:21:38 AM

what i sent this round i don't feel is a particularly safe bet so i'll be joining you soon, jingle  :corn

The best way to approach a Rich roulette is not playing it safe, he has a varied taste in music
Not only varied, but somewhat inconsistent, at least when it comes to genre.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Evermind on November 02, 2017, 09:21:48 AM
Nice. I should've mentioned in PM that it's not Lord singing, the singer on this song is Miller Anderson. Still, glad that I'm still in.

Time to find something to send in Round 2.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Elite on November 02, 2017, 09:22:17 AM
what i sent this round i don't feel is a particularly safe bet so i'll be joining you soon, jingle  :corn

The best way to approach a Rich roulette is not playing it safe, he has a varied taste in music

That's kind of my approach.  I feel a little like this:

Then you also know how that scene ended.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 09:23:45 AM
I should've mentioned in PM that it's not Lord singing, the singer on this song is Miller Anderson.
Oops. That makes sense though!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Stadler on November 02, 2017, 09:30:47 AM
Yet look like this.


I kid. I kid.

True story:  a bunch of friends and I were talking one day - this is probably 15, 20 years ago, when Kevin James was just starting to make a name for himself - and we were casting the movie about our lives.  And one woman said - for me - "Kevin James".  It's scarred me for life.   :) 
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 02, 2017, 09:35:46 AM
Not only varied, but somewhat inconsistent, at least when it comes to genre.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Podaar on November 02, 2017, 09:40:44 AM
Yet look like this.


I kid. I kid.

True story:  a bunch of friends and I were talking one day - this is probably 15, 20 years ago, when Kevin James was just starting to make a name for himself - and we were casting the movie about our lives.  And one woman said - for me - "Kevin James".  It's scarred me for life.   :)

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: TAC on November 02, 2017, 10:15:30 AM
J Boy? When The Children Cry?? Seriously?

Why send such a piece of shit? You have so much good music. I only skipped this roulette so you might have a chance to win one  ;D and that's what you do??

I'm so mad.   >:(

This isn't roulette golf where the first guy out wins.

You should've sent fucking Winger. Holy shit.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Stadler on November 02, 2017, 10:18:37 AM
You should've sent fucking Winger. Holy shit.

"I'd'a handled it."
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Evermind on November 02, 2017, 11:05:16 AM
Wow, I just, uh, realized that the score is cumulative and all the previous rounds matter. I suppose I'm the next for elimination then, considering the theme.

So, that being the case, I'm just going to go full Train of Naught mode on you. 4/10 incoming.

Edit: and sent!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 02, 2017, 11:31:10 AM
J Boy? When The Children Cry?? Seriously?

Why send such a piece of shit? You have so much good music. I only skipped this roulette so you might have a chance to win one  ;D and that's what you do??

I'm so mad.   >:(

This isn't roulette golf where the first guy out wins.

You should've sent fucking Winger. Holy shit.

I considered it.  :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 12:24:55 PM
Ok all six submissions are in (well done for being so prompt, by the way!). In alphabetical order, they are:

Artificial Language - The Observer
Cursive - The Ugly Organ
The Deadstation - Episode 01: Like Peering Into the Deepest Ocean Abyss
Exxasens - Satellites
Obsidian Kingdom -  A Year with No Summer
Ozzy Osbourne - Diary of a Madman
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Evermind on November 02, 2017, 12:27:19 PM
RJ - The Deadstation
Elite - Obsidian Kingdom
Stadler - Ozzy
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Crow on November 02, 2017, 12:37:53 PM
Haha, artificial language
Haha, the worse obsidian kingdom album
Maybe I'll live yet  :corn

Evermind sent artificial language I expect
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 02, 2017, 12:40:50 PM
Stads sent Ozzy for sure. And I'd guess Elite sent The Deadstation. No idea about the rest
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Tomislav95 on November 02, 2017, 12:41:48 PM
Parama sent The Ugly Organ ;)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 02, 2017, 12:48:05 PM
Parama sent The Ugly Organ ;)

Is this some kind of penis related joke?

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Crow on November 02, 2017, 12:54:10 PM
I mean in the context of the album actually yes
By process of elimination Nekov sent exxasens
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Elite on November 02, 2017, 02:04:25 PM
Haha, the worse obsidian kingdom album

Haha screw you. Mantiis is two minutes too long :loser:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Crow on November 02, 2017, 02:23:39 PM
There are more bands in existence than obsidian kingdom tho

Could just send mantiis in a different round  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Elite on November 02, 2017, 03:34:14 PM
And I didn’t.

A Year With no Summer was one of my favourite records from 2016, I see absolutely no problem with sending that. Yes, Mantiis may be ‘better’, but they’re so different that they’re pretty difficult to compare. Mantiis isnalso stupidly heavy and dark, so I figured this would be a better choice :tup
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Crow on November 02, 2017, 03:42:28 PM
I still find a year with no summer incredibly boring personally but hey that's opinions for you
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: wolfking on November 02, 2017, 03:43:56 PM
You should've sent fucking Winger. Holy shit.

"I'd'a handled it."

So glad to walk into this.  :heart
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: wolfking on November 02, 2017, 03:53:30 PM
J Boy? When The Children Cry?? Seriously?

Why send such a piece of shit? You have so much good music. I only skipped this roulette so you might have a chance to win one  ;D and that's what you do??

I'm so mad.   >:(

This isn't roulette golf where the first guy out wins.

You should've sent fucking Winger. Holy shit.

I just youtubed that White Lion song........ :rollin 

Chad, I was listening to try and defend you from Tim's lashing right here, but I can't, what the fucking fuck were you thinking?  This song.... :lol :rollin
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Podaar on November 02, 2017, 03:56:17 PM
He wanted out of the roulette and just threw out a stink grenade.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 02, 2017, 04:38:58 PM
Not that I want to beat the dead horse but seriously, that song is pretty weak
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 04:42:12 PM
I still find a year with no summer incredibly boring personally but hey that's opinions for you
But then you hated the Toehider, which won the first round. :P

That's not a comment on the new round by the way, as I haven't given the albums a proper listen yet.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 02, 2017, 04:44:11 PM
I'm willing to be that most of you hear a mound of shredded cheese in those lyrics, I don't.  Plus, the solo more than makes up for it.  Ya'll are stone-cold and soulless. :lol

FWIW, that tune was huge around here with a ton of radio and TV airtime.  And as everyone knows, music is as much about where we were in life (particularly as teenagers) when it made an impact on us.  For instance

Tim - Alice Cooper is a nasally hack, and Thin Lizzy had 3 (maybe 4) good songs.
Gregg - Blue Oyster Cult made a career off of one good hit.

But I don't rag on you guys for music I think blows.   :D  So I got two words for you... suck it.

Now, if I'd sent Talk Dirty To Me... then you have every right to issue these comments to me.   :lol

Stads... is that enough heckling for now?

P.S.... I'm being (mostly) facetious.

Not that I want to beat the dead horse but seriously, that song is pretty weak

And yet, you do   :deadhorse:

I get it... I'm the only fucking one at DTF that likes this fucking song.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 04:49:52 PM
Hey, I liked it. Just not enough. :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 02, 2017, 04:50:10 PM
No you're not.  I love that song and album.  I saw White Lion on the Pride tour.

That being said from my past experience with Rich I know not to send 80's songs.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Podaar on November 02, 2017, 04:50:16 PM
Oh... sorry Chad, I wasn't aware that you liked the song. I thought it was because of Kip 2.0


I had a buddy who called the band, Lilly White Pussy.

Is that over the top? I can never tell.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 04:54:47 PM
That being said from my past experience with Rich I know not to send 80's songs.
That's a big generalisation, although technically it's reasonable based on my RYM average ratings:

   3.31   - 1960s
   3.41   - 1970s
   3.03   - 1980s
   3.08   - 1990s
   3.36   - 2000s
   3.61   - 2010s
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 02, 2017, 05:01:09 PM
That being said from my past experience with Rich I know not to send 80's songs.
That's a big generalisation, although technically it's reasonable based on my RYM average ratings:

   3.31   - 1960s
   3.41   - 1970s
   3.03   - 1980s
   3.08   - 1990s
   3.36   - 2000s
   3.61   - 2010s

I think for some the production of the 80's turns some off.  Rich is that what mostly influences the low grading?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 02, 2017, 05:03:31 PM
I honestly have nothing against any style or genre, I just rate each thing I hear based on how much I like it and that's what's come out. It's possible the production of some of the more glam end of 80s music doesn't speak to me - looking at the 80s albums I rate highly, they tend to be other sorts of things (prog, metal).
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: TAC on November 02, 2017, 07:58:38 PM
On what planet is Rainbow and Ozzy not banned in a roulette?? Ariich, aren't you in England, as in Europe, or is there a small country called England in the back woods of Africa?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 02, 2017, 08:11:34 PM
On what planet is Rainbow and Ozzy not banned in a roulette?? Ariich, aren't you in England, as in Europe, or is there a small country called England in the back woods of Africa?

I'll bet he knows what a MILF is.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 02, 2017, 08:12:28 PM

Seriously man, how in the blue fuck did you get to your age without hearing Ozzy?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 02, 2017, 08:18:51 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: TAC on November 02, 2017, 08:20:01 PM
I googled MILF and it was all porn? It didn't explain what MILF stood for.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 02, 2017, 08:25:15 PM
Dear God.  Ill spell it out.

Mother I'd Like (to) Fuck.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: TAC on November 02, 2017, 08:27:03 PM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Sorry you had to see that Ariich.. I'm not even in this roulette. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 02, 2017, 08:27:54 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 02, 2017, 08:34:37 PM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.  Does Mrs. TAC have a well in the basement she keeps you in or somethin!?!?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Podaar on November 02, 2017, 08:35:36 PM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.  Does Mrs. TAC have a well in the basement she keeps you in or somethin!?!?


Holy, shit.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: TAC on November 02, 2017, 08:37:50 PM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.  Does Mrs. TAC have a well in the basement she keeps you in or somethin!?!?

I'd love to answer you but I'm currently sending for Round 2. I can fucking barely reach the computer. Damn tether,

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 02, 2017, 09:02:22 PM
Good fucking lord.... :rollin :rollin
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 02, 2017, 09:04:46 PM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.  Does Mrs. TAC have a well in the basement she keeps you in or somethin!?!?

I'd love to answer you but I'm currently sending for Round 2. I can fucking barely reach the computer. Damn tether,

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 02, 2017, 09:39:53 PM
Oh shit...  :rollin :rollin

You guys are fucking killing me.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 03, 2017, 02:32:43 AM
:rollin you guys

And yes obviously I've heard Ozzy. I've rated only one album by him, which makes his other albums eligible for submission. I've heard a bunch of other random songs but never checked out any other whole albums. And I'm very familiar with Black Sabbath of course.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: TAC on November 03, 2017, 03:18:11 AM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.  Does Mrs. TAC have a well in the basement she keeps you in or somethin!?!?

I'd love to answer you but I'm currently sending for Round 2. I can fucking barely reach the computer. Damn tether,


Neither are you!

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Elite on November 03, 2017, 04:33:17 AM
I still find a year with no summer incredibly boring personally but hey that's opinions for you

and I think it's an amazing record :)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 03, 2017, 05:20:02 AM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.  Does Mrs. TAC have a well in the basement she keeps you in or somethin!?!?

I'd love to answer you but I'm currently sending for Round 2. I can fucking barely reach the computer. Damn tether,


Neither are you!


Oh snap...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: wolfking on November 03, 2017, 05:58:24 AM
I googled MILF and it was all porn? It didn't explain what MILF stood for.

The porn part didn't give it away?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: bl5150 on November 03, 2017, 06:01:21 AM
Holy shit - it's in two threads :lol

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: wolfking on November 03, 2017, 06:06:09 AM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.  Does Mrs. TAC have a well in the basement she keeps you in or somethin!?!?

I'd love to answer you but I'm currently sending for Round 2. I can fucking barely reach the computer. Damn tether,


Neither are you!


Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 03, 2017, 06:16:20 AM
 :rollin :rollin

This thread is already worth archiving
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Podaar on November 03, 2017, 06:29:00 AM
I like what Mrs. P had to say about TAC when I shared this thread (and the other one) with her. "I'll bet his wife knows what a MILF is!"  :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 03, 2017, 06:48:41 AM
Tim has to be half in, half out of a time rift in the 80's.  Wait, I knew the term MILF in the 80's. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 03, 2017, 06:49:08 AM
Oh OK. I've never heard of that before.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.  Does Mrs. TAC have a well in the basement she keeps you in or somethin!?!?

I'd love to answer you but I'm currently sending for Round 2. I can fucking barely reach the computer. Damn tether,


Neither are you!


I chose to bow out gracefully.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: TAC on November 03, 2017, 08:14:35 AM
I like what Mrs. P had to say about TAC when I shared this thread (and the other one) with her. "I'll bet his wife knows what a MILF is!"  :lol


Tim has to be half in, half out of a time rift in the 80's.  Wait, I knew the term MILF in the 80's. :lol

I had literally never heard it before.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 03, 2017, 08:57:29 AM
Let's blow Tim's mind and have him look up GILF. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 03, 2017, 10:39:30 AM
Well done guys, now I can't reply to the thread while at work....  :yeahright

How's the listening going rich?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad?
Post by: orcus116 on November 03, 2017, 05:30:00 PM
Rich, I just checked RYM and you gave Science Fiction a 3.5. Why you gotta be like that?  :(
It's a good album and that's a good score. I just found it a bit... safe maybe? Didn't feel very exciting to me.

Late response but I'm not sure I'd call it safe because it all felt fresh and very mature for that genre. It's a perfect swan song for a band that had such a huge impact and then sort of fell silent for awhile. It took me a few listens but I fell in love with it and it's hands down my album of the year and has my second favorite song of the year (137). I'm not sure if I like it more than Devil And God but the production is top notch and I expect nothing less from one of their albums.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 06, 2017, 08:27:27 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 06, 2017, 08:34:45 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 06, 2017, 08:42:45 AM
:lol We're on track to finish the round mid-week again. Onto my third listens, lots of interesting music and good discoveries again, and I've got a pretty good idea of what I think of each one but precise ratings for some of the albums needs another listen or two! Currently feel like there might be a slightly wider spread of ratings...

Rich, I just checked RYM and you gave Science Fiction a 3.5. Why you gotta be like that?  :(
It's a good album and that's a good score. I just found it a bit... safe maybe? Didn't feel very exciting to me.

Late response but I'm not sure I'd call it safe because it all felt fresh and very mature for that genre. It's a perfect swan song for a band that had such a huge impact and then sort of fell silent for awhile. It took me a few listens but I fell in love with it and it's hands down my album of the year and has my second favorite song of the year (137). I'm not sure if I like it more than Devil And God but the production is top notch and I expect nothing less from one of their albums.
Just because you've introduced me to some awesome music in the past, I'll give it some more listens once my roulette is over. Devil and God is excellent, and Daisy has some songs I don't really dig but some really exciting, eclectic stuff too. This felt less interesting than the former and more middle-of-the-road than the latter so maybe felt a bit disappointing, but I'll make sure I return to it.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 06, 2017, 08:49:14 AM
Ok, to whet your appetites for updates, in the absence of results, here are few teaser opinions.

A couple of the albums have one song I've heard before, which I liked. On one of those albums, none of the other songs interest me as much, which is a bit disappointing. The other is a more enjoyable album than I expected based on the song I'd heard before.

One of the other bands I was sure I'd heard a whole album by before, but apparently I haven't, which is extremely confusing. Anyway, it's very good.

One of the albums I'm enjoying at least as much as the winner from the last round... maybe even slightly more, haven't decided yet.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Crow on November 06, 2017, 09:08:07 AM
On one of those albums, none of the other songs interest me as much, which is a bit disappointing.

oh well  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Stadler on November 06, 2017, 10:09:02 AM
Dear God.  Ill spell it out.

Mother I'd Like (to) Fuck.

No shit, my wife's initials are "MLF".   
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 06, 2017, 10:10:31 AM
One of the albums I'm enjoying at least as much as the winner from the last round... maybe even slightly more, haven't decided yet.

I hope this one'e me. I would be surprised if you've listened to something by this band before since they're pretty unknown but maybe you did and it ends up being the one you're not enjoying much... still hope it's the first case
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 06, 2017, 03:14:51 PM
I'm enjoying how everyone is less confident this round. :lol

Might actually get results done tomorrow!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Crow on November 06, 2017, 03:21:13 PM
I mean, I didn't send my favorite album of all time this round so I have to be less confident by default
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 06, 2017, 03:25:42 PM
My confidence is very low, since I again sent prog metal. Hopefully my boys will deliver enough to get me through.

BTW, guitarist of my band I sent is a fellow DTFer, so if you slam his music he'll  know...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 06, 2017, 03:46:56 PM
I'm enjoying how everyone is less confident this round. :lol

Might actually get results done tomorrow!

Well, I'm confident in my rationale for submitting that band, that album wasn't my first choice from them but given the time constraint I had to adjust. Still, your taste is pretty inconsistent so you never know.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Stadler on November 06, 2017, 03:50:44 PM
My confidence is very low, since I again sent prog metal. Hopefully my boys will deliver enough to get me through.

BTW, guitarist of my band I sent is a fellow DTFer, so if you slam his music he'll  know...

That's low.  That's very low.  Playing on the heartstrings.

:) :) :)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 07, 2017, 01:15:49 AM
FYI emotional blackmail doesn't work. :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 07, 2017, 08:04:56 AM
FYI emotional blackmail doesn't work. :P

That should be a given, british people and emotions don't go hand in hand
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 07, 2017, 08:29:22 AM
FYI emotional blackmail doesn't work. :P

That should be a given, british people and emotions don't go hand in hand

Or dental care.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 07, 2017, 08:45:14 AM
You guys are fucking brutal. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 07, 2017, 08:55:03 AM
You guys are fucking brutal. :lol

You know you were thinking it!  I can say it, since I have nothing to lose. 
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 07, 2017, 10:39:35 AM
FYI emotional blackmail doesn't work. :P

That should be a given, british people and emotions don't go hand in hand

Just because emotional blackmail doesn't work, it doesn't mean emotional abuse won't be punished... :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Nekov on November 07, 2017, 10:50:29 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: lonestar on November 07, 2017, 10:54:50 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: Stadler on November 07, 2017, 11:27:10 AM
That seems about right to me. 
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 07, 2017, 02:42:39 PM

Here we go! Prog metal has a much better performance this round, while really bizarrely my rankings ended up in alphabetical order.

Winner: Evermind – 9/10
Artificial Language - The Observer [2017]

This is my favourite album so far from the first two rounds. Right up my alley. Somewhere between The Human Abstract and Protest the Hero, with the occasional dark theatrical moment thrown in as well. I particularly love the guitar work - there’s so much going on and it creates a fantastic, energetic vibe in the same way those comparable bands do. I thought this would win the round on my first listen, though I wasn’t sold on the singer at first, but if anything I liked it even more on subsequent listens and the vocals are fine once you get used to them.
Standouts: These Aren’t Mirages, Unself Portrait, Dirty Hands

Parama – 8/10
Cursive - The Ugly Organ [2003]

Wasn’t sure what to think about this one first, but it’s definitely a grower! Really interesting indie music, I’d heard a song from it a little while ago and it was cool but sounded a bit like Modest Mouse and I didn’t think much of it. And there’s definitely a hint of that throughout the album, among other influences, but as a whole there’s a lot going and it’s all very intense and exciting. Though I do think it’s strongest in some of the quieter and more thoughtful moments. There are a couple of tracks that I find a little irritating, so I don’t know what sort of staying power it will have, but right now I’m liking the rest enough that those don’t bring it down.
Standouts: The Recluse, Sierra

lonestar – 7.5/10
The Deadstation - Episode 01: Like Peering Into the Deepest Ocean Abyss [2012]

I was sure I’d heard a Deadstation album before, but I haven’t heard this, and it’s their only album, so clearly I haven’t. :lol Very weird, but anyway this was great, solid prog metal that blends a range of different influences - definitely hearing a bit of Protest the Hero, but also DT-esque keyboard work at times. Not every track is killer but it’s pretty consistent and there are some excellent moments. This was back in 2012 though, so it does make me wonder if Episode 02 is ever coming?
Standouts: Subsistence Defined, Anything But This… Anywhere But Here

Nekov – 7.5/10
Exxasens – Satellites [2013]

Really nice post-rock this, though I didn’t like it quite as much as your first round submission. They created a lovely spacey vibe right throughout the album that fits perfectly with the concept. Kinda reminds me of some of God is an Astronaut’s stuff, though not with quite the same level of glorious climaxes - possibly a production thing, at least in part. But there are some really lovely moments and the whole album is really pleasant to listen to. I’ll definitely check out more of their stuff.
Standouts: Satellites, Sputnik

Elite – 6.5/10
Obsidian Kingdom -  A Year with No Summer [2016]

How the mighty have fallen! Well, ok this isn’t a bad score, just comparatively low because of the quality of the competition. I found this album a little difficult to really get into properly, but there are things I really like about it. It’s incredibly bleak and miserable in vibe - hints of Deftones, Mastodon and Gojira in various places - so is very atmospheric and quite powerful. But it’s also very dense and doesn’t offer much respite. I’m also not particularly keen on the vocal style and production, which feels a bit off-putting. There’s some really good stuff in the middle of the album though, particularly where they stray into post-rock-ish territory.
Standouts: The Kandinsky Group, The Polyarnik

Stadler – 6/10
Ozzy Osbourne - Diary of a Madman [1981]

Like with Evermind’s round 1 submission, I’ve heard another Ozzy album before and rated it 5/10. I’m afraid this hasn’t been as successful at changing my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely a more enjoyable album than Down to Earth, I just don’t really like his voice. I think it works in Black Sabbath as it feels like a better fit with the gloomy style of their music, but with this more 80s style it just feels out of place and kind of irritating. I’d heard the title track before and it’s still a great song, and there are some other good tracks, but overall not much else really interested me I’m afraid.
Standouts: Over the Mountain, Diary of a Madman

Round scores = (Average of previous rounds / 2) + 0.5 per previous win + Round 2 rating

Evermind = (7/2) + 0 + 9 = 12.5
Parama = (7.5/2) + 0 + 8 = 11.75
Nekov = (8/2) + 0 + 7.5 = 11.5
Elite = (8.5/2) + 0.5 + 6.5 = 11.25
lonestar = (7/2) + 0 + 7.5 = 11
Stadler = (8/2) + 0 + 6 = 10

Sorry Stads, but your strong showing in round 1 wasn’t enough to pull you out of bottom place this round.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (tiebreaker results)
Post by: ariich on November 07, 2017, 02:43:34 PM

There was quite a lot of heavy, intense music that round. So this time, send me something fun!

It’s entirely up to you to interpret what that means, and I have no particular expectations when it comes to genre, although death metal is unlikely to make me think fun. I won’t be scoring based on HOW fun something is, ratings will be just based on how much I like it, but I expect to either find it fun or be able to understand why YOU feel it’s fun, and will dock marks if I don’t.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: lonestar on November 07, 2017, 02:54:50 PM
YES!!!! DTFer aparadoxindeed will be very pleased, he's the guitarist. There is an Ep 2 slowly in the works, I was privy to some snippets a bit back, but I think real life gets in the way for them so who knows when it'll come to fruition.

Sending now...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 07, 2017, 03:06:30 PM
I'm gonna be the only person on DTF who doesn't like artificial language soon enough

Anyways I probably won't have anything for you until tomorrow night, I'm going to see ne obliviscaris tonight so won't really have time to pick something and tbh I don't think I have anything good for this theme anyways  :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Train of Naught on November 07, 2017, 03:16:34 PM
Fuck yeah!  :metal lemme just say I'm obsessed with Artificial Language, their debut it still my AOTY.

I actually found out about them cause someone told me it filled the void THA left after they broke, definitely agree with him and you there. Welcome to the ArtiLangGang :metal

and tbh I don't think I have anything good for this theme anyways  :lol
I find that hard to believe

Or is fun. banned?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 07, 2017, 03:19:22 PM
I don't consider that album good enough overall tbh

These themes are killing me, I really just wanna send the hirsch effekt  :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: lonestar on November 07, 2017, 03:26:28 PM
Are you that anxious to get eliminated?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 07, 2017, 03:30:09 PM
Nah I'm gonna win
Thank You Scientist is unfortunately also banned, hmm
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: twosuitsluke on November 07, 2017, 03:33:08 PM
The Observer will definitely be a top 5 album this year for me, great album!

I don't consider that album good enough overall tbh

These themes are killing me, I really just wanna send the hirsch effekt  :lol

Just do it! I think it'd do well in this roulette. I'm assuming you'd send the same album I'd choose.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: TAC on November 07, 2017, 03:36:06 PM
So let me get this straight.

You rate Down To Earth a 5 and Diary Of A Madman a 6? A fucking 6?

Oh and Stadler, if a guy that LIVES in England has only rated ONE Ozzy album, chances are it's because he does NOT like him.

But seriously. WTF'nF?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 07, 2017, 03:40:57 PM
I'm ok with that rating and i agree the production quality could be better. Fun huh? Can i send the same album as round 1?  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 07, 2017, 04:09:08 PM
The Observer will definitely be a top 5 album this year for me, great album!

I don't consider that album good enough overall tbh

These themes are killing me, I really just wanna send the hirsch effekt  :lol

Just do it! I think it'd do well in this roulette. I'm assuming you'd send the same album I'd choose.
I don't think any hirsch effekt album is particularly fun lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: twosuitsluke on November 07, 2017, 04:13:48 PM
The Observer will definitely be a top 5 album this year for me, great album!

I don't consider that album good enough overall tbh

These themes are killing me, I really just wanna send the hirsch effekt  :lol

Just do it! I think it'd do well in this roulette. I'm assuming you'd send the same album I'd choose.
I don't think any hirsch effekt album is particularly fun lol

I'll find the reactions fun, so there's that  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: home on November 07, 2017, 04:22:55 PM
Please someone send Vulfpeck for this round
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 07, 2017, 04:36:42 PM
Once again lonestar wins the Quickest Submission prize. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 07, 2017, 04:37:48 PM
Once again lonestar wins the Quickest Submission prize. :lol

That's what she said.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: TAC on November 07, 2017, 04:38:14 PM
Once again lonestar wins the Quickest Submission prize. :lol

It's a fogey issue.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 07, 2017, 04:38:47 PM

You guys. :heart
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: lonestar on November 07, 2017, 04:41:52 PM
Yeah, but I cuddle like a motherfucker...

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 07, 2017, 04:45:13 PM

I shouldn't laugh.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 07, 2017, 04:49:55 PM
Yeah, but I cuddle like a motherfucker...

I know.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 07, 2017, 04:51:23 PM
 :rollin  :rollin  :rollin
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: TAC on November 07, 2017, 04:55:55 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 07, 2017, 06:25:32 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 08, 2017, 05:10:02 AM
Sent round 3. Not sure I'm gonna make it out alive
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Stadler on November 08, 2017, 06:57:32 AM
So let me get this straight.

You rate Down To Earth a 5 and Diary Of A Madman a 6? A fucking 6?

Oh and Stadler, if a guy that LIVES in England has only rated ONE Ozzy album, chances are it's because he does NOT like him.

But seriously. WTF'nF?

This is sort of the stuff of legend:   Out in two rounds of a roulette and the two submissions are Rainbow Rising and Ozzy Diary of a Madman.   Ritchie Blackmore and Randy Rhoads.   I feel like the undefeated Patriots losing to Eli and the Giants in the Super Bowl.   At least I can say I left it all on the field.   I'll be rooting for the bands Anal Catastrophe or Obscure Flambe to win it all!   

:) :) :)

(All in fun; I get it that it's all taste, and Ozzy can be polarizing.)

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 08, 2017, 10:19:55 AM
I will say, I listened to The Observer five or six times since I sent it to you, and yeah, this album is...

BADASS! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xB_n4u-q2A&feature=youtu.be&t=1m45s)

I didn't expect you to like it so much though, that was a pleasant surprise.

Sending in a bit. I blame Parama if I get eliminated.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: lonestar on November 08, 2017, 10:23:27 AM
Oh God if you cock block him on the Hirsch Effect, you'll be everyone's hero.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 08, 2017, 10:27:47 AM
Oh God if you cock block him on the Hirsch Effect, you'll be everyone's hero.


Unfortunately (or maybe not) I don't know anything from Hirsch Effect, but I sent probably the only album that could be qualified as "fun" in his entire collection.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 08, 2017, 11:10:03 AM
If someone sends the hirsch effekt it just means I can send another great album without having to worry about sending them too

Anyways I sent last night and it wasn't whatever evermind just sent so I have no clue what he's talking about but I'm probably gonna win this round or just get cut
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 08, 2017, 12:57:41 PM
This is sort of the stuff of legend:   Out in two rounds of a roulette and the two submissions are Rainbow Rising and Ozzy Diary of a Madman.   Ritchie Blackmore and Randy Rhoads.   I feel like the undefeated Patriots losing to Eli and the Giants in the Super Bowl.   At least I can say I left it all on the field.   I'll be rooting for the bands Anal Catastrophe or Obscure Flambe to win it all!   

:) :) :)

(All in fun; I get it that it's all taste, and Ozzy can be polarizing.)
Yeah his voice isn't for everyone. The Rainbow submission did really well (joint 2nd that round), so if scores were completely cumulative you'd have survived. But they're not, because I've created an overly elaborate scoring system. :lol

Anyway, 4 out of 5 submissions in so far for this round, just waiting on t'other Rich.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 08, 2017, 01:25:53 PM
That other Rich...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 08, 2017, 03:28:21 PM
That other Rich...

He should submit Overhaul
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 09, 2017, 08:30:05 AM
While you're waiting on the other Rich, you should spin the latest VHB album, I'm liking it a lot
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 09, 2017, 01:14:58 PM
While you're waiting on the other Rich, you should spin the latest VHB album, I'm liking it a lot
Yeah I'd been holding off for roulette reasons, but I'll probably check it out tomorrow. It's been synced up on my Spotify since last Friday!

I'll chase Elite.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 09, 2017, 01:46:07 PM
A Week With No Elite
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 10, 2017, 05:08:17 AM
C'mon ELITE!!!!!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 10, 2017, 06:48:50 AM
A look at his facebook page suggests he's away in Tanzania! Explains why he's not logged in for a few days.

Hmm, what to do...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 10, 2017, 07:04:44 AM
Wow, good for him.

Just cut him  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 10, 2017, 08:43:08 AM
he sent a merzbow album

just pick one w/e
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 10, 2017, 09:02:15 AM
:lol I'll just crack on and listen to the four I've got, and give him a chance to submit whenever he's back, assuming it's in time for me to post results!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Elite on November 11, 2017, 06:28:37 AM
A look at his facebook page suggests he's away in Tanzania! Explains why he's not logged in for a few days.

This is correct. I went 5 days without connection; it was great. Still in Africa, though I can log in more often. I should have said something before leaving, but I had no idea whether or when I’d be able to send. Will send soon (as in now).
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 11, 2017, 06:50:16 AM
A look at his facebook page suggests he's away in Tanzania! Explains why he's not logged in for a few days.

This is correct. I went 5 days without connection; it was great. Still in Africa, though I can log in more often. I should have said something before leaving, but I had no idea whether or when I’d be able to send. Will send soon (as in now).

You also have about two days to change your Ayreon predictions. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: lonestar on November 11, 2017, 10:28:35 AM
-2 points for improper roulette form.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 11, 2017, 12:19:35 PM
's all good, we're still on track to finish the round by mid-week again, as with previous rounds!

So here are the five submissions this round, again in alphabetical order:

Bodies of Water - A Certain Feeling
Electrocution 250 - Electric cartoon music from hell
Julia Holter - Have You In My Wilderness
Maestrick - Unpuzzle!
Schizoid Lloyd - The Last Note in God’s Magnum Opus
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 11, 2017, 12:24:44 PM
Electric cartoon music from hell? :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Tomislav95 on November 11, 2017, 12:34:47 PM
Bodies of Water - A Certain Feeling
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: antigoon on November 11, 2017, 12:40:55 PM
hey anal catastrophe is fucking GOOD, ok
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 11, 2017, 01:06:36 PM
Maestrick - Unpuzzle!

 :hefdaddy :hefdaddy
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 11, 2017, 01:15:00 PM
Maestrick - Unpuzzle!

 :hefdaddy :hefdaddy

Fairly certain this is RJ's.

While I mostly went full-on progressive metal in RJ's roulette (and look where it got me), I'm trying to send a bit more unusual stuff here, even for me.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 11, 2017, 02:52:29 PM
elite obviously sent schizoid lloyd, and he is 3 for 3 on sending albums i'm not a huge fan of  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Elite on November 11, 2017, 08:53:59 PM
elite obviously sent schizoid lloyd, and he is 3 for 3 on sending albums i'm not a huge fan of  :corn


I must say, it wasn’t on my initial list to send. That said, I don’t like that Bodies of Water album :)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 11, 2017, 09:02:02 PM
that's fine, since i didn't send it
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 13, 2017, 05:16:09 AM
I don't know any of these bands  :P

When are we getting results? Wednesday?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 13, 2017, 06:26:55 AM
I don't know any of these bands  :P

When are we getting results? Wednesday?
At the latest. Maybe tomorrow with any luck!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 13, 2017, 06:56:59 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 13, 2017, 08:31:55 AM
I don't know any of these bands  :P

When are we getting results? Wednesday?
At the latest. Maybe tomorrow with any luck!

Still faster than Stadler.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 14, 2017, 07:45:22 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 14, 2017, 08:41:03 AM
:corn :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2017, 09:30:32 AM
Today has been manically busy and I'd like to get a bit more listening in, so it'll be tomorrow after all.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: lonestar on November 14, 2017, 09:38:52 AM
Take your time bro, fully capture the myriad nuances my brilliant album has to offer.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 14, 2017, 09:42:12 AM
take your time and cut lonestar
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2017, 09:56:59 AM
One thing I will say is it's interesting to hear what different people think of as fun. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 15, 2017, 09:53:16 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Crow on November 15, 2017, 10:05:49 AM
sitting here laughing at you all because my album is too good to get cut
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 15, 2017, 10:15:52 AM
Not long until results, bitches.

I'll finish the write-ups when I get home from work and post them this evening.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: lonestar on November 15, 2017, 11:12:20 AM
Suddenly I'm not so sure I want results...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: Stadler on November 15, 2017, 12:08:54 PM
sitting here laughing at you all because my album is too good to get cut

Uh, that's what I thought, son. 
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 15, 2017, 12:22:50 PM

Lots of good music again, nothing that has stood out as much as the previous round winners, but that's always likely with a more constraining theme like this. Still, a very consistent round, meaning scores are very close!

Winner: Evermind – 8/10
Bodies of Water - A Certain Feeling [2008]

You've really stepped up your game since nearly getting eliminated in the first round! This was my favourite of the round, really nice indie folk-rock reminiscent of The Decemberists. Like that band, there's the odd sombre moment, but the album is mostly upbeat and positive, and there are some really fantastic tunes throughout. I'll be definitely be checking out more of their music - looks like they even have an album out this year!
Standouts: Water Here, Keep Me On, Darling Be Here

Elite – 7.5/10
Schizoid Lloyd - The Last Note in God’s Magnum Opus [2014]

Most of this album is completely mad! Definitely entertaining. Bit of a grower this one, it was a bit difficult to take it all in on first listen, and nothing really stood out. On subsequent listens I get it more, there is lots to enjoy and overall it's pretty great actually. Strong hints of some of Devin Townsend’s wackier output, though without such a strong sense of melody. For me, the album is at its best when on the more tuneful side. But that said, the variety and spontaneity is exciting and great fun to listen to.
Standouts: Avalanche Riders, Prodigal Son

Parama – 7.5/10
Julia Holter - Have You In My Wilderness [2015]

Really good art pop album, never heard of Holter before but I'll check out more of her stuff because I dig this. Not every track is killer, but the whole album has a great atmosphere and there are a few real standouts. Not sure I'd really call this fun - much of it feels pretty melancholy to me, which is no criticism. In a way, that vibe is what I like about the music, feels quite personal. However, there are enough cute and/or upbeat moments peppered throughout, and it's immeasurably lighter than your previous submissions, so I'll let you off.
Standouts: Silhouette, Betsy on the Roof

lonestar – 7/10
Maestrick - Unpuzzle! [2011]

Wasn't sure what to think at the start of my first listen. It sounded pretty prog metal by numbers, not especially fun and not desperately interesting. As the album goes on though, it goes off in all sorts of quirky directions. Some of the Brazilian stylings remind me a little of Angra, but there's loads of other things too - some theatrical vibes, swing jazz, and so on. The album feels a bit overly long, and it's not always very strong on the melody front (Treasures of the World is pure Disney, but lacks the hooks or charismatic vocals that make Disney songs so much fun. Same with Radio Active sounding like a less interesting Ayreon). But for the most part it's a very enjoyable listen.
Standouts: Puzzler, Disturbia

Nekov – 7/10
Electrocution 250 - Electric Cartoon Music From Hell [2004]

Do you hate vocals or something? :lol Another instrumental submission, and very enjoyable although the one I like least so far. It's pretty bonkers and occasionally irritating (the guitar and drum solo tracks, especially) but it's damn fun too and there's some cool fusion moments in there. They perfectly captured the quirkiness and mood of cartoon music and made it that bit crazier. Performances are terrific, as one would expect from the people involved. I can't see myself listening to it often, but for the very specific niche of prog metal cartoon music, it's great!
Standouts: Dr Fluffels, Mr Scruffen McFluff

Round scores = (Average of previous rounds / 2) + 0.5 per previous win + Round 3 rating

Evermind = (8/2) + 0.5 + 8 = 12.5
Elite = (7.5/2) + 0.5 + 7.5 = 11.75
Parama = (7.75/2) + 0 + 7.5 = 11.38
Nekov = (7.75/2) + 0 + 7 = 10.88
lonestar = (7.25/2) + 0 + 7 = 10.63

Joint lowest scores for the round, but Nekov’s better performance means lonestar is eliminated.

Sorry RJ but...

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 2 results)
Post by: ariich on November 15, 2017, 12:23:24 PM

Simple one this time, send me any album (within the usual rules in the OP) that was first released in 2016 or 2017.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: lonestar on November 15, 2017, 12:27:37 PM

Thanks for your time, I'll be kicking it with the other losers...

OK, so on your future listening list needs to be...

Anciients - Voice of the Void(2016)
Jack the Joker- Mors Volta(2017)

Neither was very "fun" but their both AOTY material.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Evermind on November 15, 2017, 12:30:11 PM
I may be a bit stupid here, how do the previous wins count? Now that I've won two rounds in a row, shouldn't I get 1.0 instead of 0.5 or it's just one win that counts and more rounds wins are superficial? Just curious because that seems like a big deal to me. :biggrin:

edit: Oh wait, nevermind, I get it. 0.5 per "previous" win, I'll get my 1.0 next round.

Anyway, that's awesome that you liked the album. I never expected to do that good in this roulette, wow.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 15, 2017, 12:35:11 PM
edit: Oh wait, I get it. 0.5 per "previous" win, I'll get my 1.0 next round.
Correct. :tup

I'm well aware it's a bit of an overly-complicated scoring system. :lol But essentially I wanted (1) the main factor to be the current round, (2) previous scores to make a difference, and (3) round wins to be rewarded.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 15, 2017, 12:36:45 PM

Thanks for your time, I'll be kicking it with the other losers...
And thanks for being involved, really glad you were as I discovered some cool music (particularly The Deadstation but the other two were good as well).

OK, so on your future listening list needs to be...

Anciients - Voice of the Void(2016)
Jack the Joker- Mors Volta(2017)

Neither was very "fun" but their both AOTY material.
Great, I've added them to my "To Check Out" playlists in Spotify (along with the Allegaeon album that song you sent was from) so I'll check those out once the roulette winds down!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Evermind on November 15, 2017, 12:36:56 PM
Yeah, no, it's a sensible system, it's just me being slow after a working day. All good.

I'll send something in 24 hours.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 15, 2017, 12:37:31 PM
Come on guys, hurry up, lonestar would have submitted his album by now!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 15, 2017, 12:43:08 PM
Well, I can send The Hirsch Effekt now though not the album I reeeally want to send  :lol

Also yeah I kinda knew that was borderline but I find it fun enough

Also Bodies of Water was a band Ev got from me so I feel vindicated anyways  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Evermind on November 15, 2017, 12:44:16 PM
Also Bodies of Water was a band Ev got from me so I feel vindicated anyways  :corn

I was sure to mention it to Rich in my write-up, yeah. Giving credit where it's due.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 15, 2017, 12:48:15 PM
I'll send tonight though probably. I'm gonna hold out another round since I'm winning the next round anyways
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 15, 2017, 12:54:14 PM
Come on guys, hurry up, lonestar would have submitted his album by now!

He already submitted 2!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: twosuitsluke on November 15, 2017, 01:09:10 PM
I wasn't too sure about running a second roulette, but if I do it will definitely be an album roulette like this one. Great idea  :tup

It's actually got me thinking about doing it. I'd probably do it with less than 10 participants though.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 15, 2017, 01:10:35 PM
Well, that was super close which means I have to knock it out of the ballpark this round or I'll be eliminated. And I don't have anything in particular against vocals but given your themes and the amount of bands that are band the pool of artists available to send is quite limited, and to be honest most of the things that are in my shortlist for this roulette are instrumental so you might get more of that  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 15, 2017, 01:10:59 PM
Luke do it now I'd love to join

Albums are like, my thing
I know next roulette I'm at least making my last round an album round instead of an ep round

Anyways I feel like evermind is set to win already just based on how large the round winning bonus is but we'll see
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Elite on November 15, 2017, 02:22:57 PM
Someone should send ‘Notes by an Unstable Muser’ by Overhaul :biggrin:

Seriously though; I sent an album from 2016 in round 2 already!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 15, 2017, 03:32:01 PM
Anyways I feel like evermind is set to win already just based on how large the round winning bonus is but we'll see
He's in with a good shot to reach the final (though by no means guaranteed), but the final will be a simple head-to-head.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: jingle.boy on November 15, 2017, 04:53:02 PM
Anyways I feel like evermind is set to win already just based on how large the round winning bonus is but we'll see
He's in with a good shot to reach the final (though by no means guaranteed), but the final will be a simple head-to-head.

The bulk of the points come from the immediate round's score.  Evermind lays a turd with a 6 next round, and he's at risk pretty quick.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: twosuitsluke on November 15, 2017, 06:10:12 PM
Luke do it now I'd love to join

Albums are like, my thing
I know next roulette I'm at least making my last round an album round instead of an ep round

I definitely want to do it but don't think I can dedicate enought time to it at the moment. I'd like to participate in an album roulette as I think it'd be so much easier trying to decide what to send, as a participant. Like, I always find it easy to pick a band but sometimes struggle to find the right song. I'd have no trouble picking out great albums though  :hat
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on November 16, 2017, 01:10:21 AM
Well, I can send The Hirsch Effekt now though not the album I reeeally want to send  :lol

That new album from The Hirsch Effekt is a monster of an album though.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: twosuitsluke on November 16, 2017, 01:17:29 AM
Well, I can send The Hirsch Effekt now though not the album I reeeally want to send  :lol

That new album from The Hirsch Effekt is a monster of an album though.


Still not as good as Agnosie but pretty damn awesome all the same.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 16, 2017, 01:29:10 AM
Well, I can send The Hirsch Effekt now though not the album I reeeally want to send  :lol

That new album from The Hirsch Effekt is a monster of an album though.


Still not as good as Anamnesis but pretty damn awesome all the same.

i actually bumped anamnesis up to 5* on RYM just recently because i got readdicted to it, which basically only ever happens with 5* albums
that being said Eskapist is still currently my AOTY but there are about a dozen or so 2017 albums in my latest order that can compete if they want to
anyways whoops i forgot to actually send i'll try to do that real quick

a bit tough for me because nothing on my shortlist of albums i really wanted to send qualifies this time unlike the past few rounds. if this included 2015 i'd have three though  :lol
2015 was a really damn good year for metal apparently. and also pop, Julia Holter was 2015 as well. dang
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 16, 2017, 03:56:41 AM
a bit tough for me because nothing on my shortlist of albums i really wanted to send qualifies this time unlike the past few rounds. if this included 2015 i'd have three though  :lol
I like to make things challenging for participants.

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 16, 2017, 06:23:46 AM
I like to make things challenging for participants.

Yeah, no shit... I'm having a really hard time finding something. I have like 4 options and none of them convince me
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 16, 2017, 07:32:22 AM
Sent, It was fun while it lasted
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Evermind on November 16, 2017, 11:21:07 AM
I'll admit the theme is difficult for me too, considering such an extensive banned list. I already sent one 2017 album, and as I haven't been discovering a lot of new music for these two years, I guess I only have prog metal (Need - Hegaiamas) which I'm sure won't get more than a seven in this roulette, and Soen—and Rich already knows them, having rated two of their album as seven. I'm pretty sure I'm screwed. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 16, 2017, 11:29:02 AM
I'm regaining confidence in my chances seeing how much everyone else is struggling, at least
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Evermind on November 16, 2017, 11:31:23 AM
I've just remembered an excellent album from 2016. I'm going to give it a spin but I think I know what I'm sending. Let's hope Rich likes melodic death metal I guess.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Elite on November 16, 2017, 11:45:47 AM
I have some more prog metal if you want, Ev!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Evermind on November 16, 2017, 11:47:26 AM
Just remembered another excellent album from 2016, oh shit. :lol Hey Rich, do you mind if I take another 24 hours to send?

I have some more prog metal if you want, Ev!

I know! I'm kinda trying to avoid prog metal though after my near fiasco with Vanden Plas. Imagine if I send your album and Rich trashes it with 4/10 or something. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 16, 2017, 01:06:11 PM
Just remembered another excellent album from 2016, oh shit. :lol Hey Rich, do you mind if I take another 24 hours to send?
Of course dude, no problem.

I have some more prog metal if you want, Ev!

I know! I'm kinda trying to avoid prog metal though after my near fiasco with Vanden Plas. Imagine if I send your album and Rich trashes it with 4/10 or something. :lol
Depends what you mean by prog metal. You achieved the highest score so far with what was essentially a prog metal album.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: lonestar on November 16, 2017, 01:10:56 PM
Just remembered another excellent album from 2016, oh shit. :lol Hey Rich, do you mind if I take another 24 hours to send?

Fucking slackers, I had two albums at the ready within 30 seconds...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 16, 2017, 01:17:15 PM

In fairness, Nekov has submitted twice already. :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 16, 2017, 01:38:54 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 16, 2017, 02:03:44 PM
I'm relistening to all my potential submissions to decide

I was considering that anciients album tbh but I think i have a few i like more so
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: lonestar on November 16, 2017, 02:21:28 PM
Yeah, and my worry with the Anciients is that its a grower. It kind of appealed to me at first, and was familiar with their debut, but I would guarantee it's been played nearly twice as much as any other album the past six months for me. Beast level shit there.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 16, 2017, 02:48:15 PM
I haven't come back to it in a while but spun it again and found it pretty solid like I remembered

Not top tier stuff for me though so ehh
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 16, 2017, 09:20:59 PM
ariich what are your thoughts on black metal style vocals. i'm wondering 'cause i see a lot of black metal albums in your ratings rated really low so i have to assume you're pretty averse but i dunno for sure

the album i have in mind is probably too heavy for you anyways but i dunno for sure but i worry the vocals will be the most offputting part :B
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: lonestar on November 16, 2017, 09:40:36 PM
Just submit it. No guts no glory....
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 16, 2017, 09:53:48 PM
you just want me to get eliminated :neverusethis:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 16, 2017, 11:58:54 PM
Do "black metal vocals" have a precise definition beyond just harsh vocals? There's plenty of stuff I've rated highly that has prominent harsh vocals (BTBAM, Opeth, In Flames, Alcest, Scar Symmetry, etc) though these normally also have clean vocals too. I don't know about black metal vocals as I don't really know what that means.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Elite on November 17, 2017, 12:09:23 AM
Black metal vocals are usually high shrieks or squeals instead of the lower ‘growls’ in de bands you mention.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 17, 2017, 12:52:19 AM
i generally see them as a lot more "raspy" than death/core style growls
alcest is the closest in that vein out of everything listed
anyways i think i'm gonna send something else anyways because i'm just not confident in sending this specific album to anyone despite liking it a lot (probably my #2 album of the year behind the new hirsch effekt but i am gonna continue to hold out until i can send anamnesis)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 17, 2017, 11:44:38 AM
Still only two out of four have submitted...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 17, 2017, 11:45:48 AM
wow and I thought I was being slow
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 17, 2017, 12:14:16 PM
Damn slackers
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Evermind on November 17, 2017, 12:17:35 PM
Screw it, I'm sending right now and preparing for my elimination.

Edit: and sent. The album is kinda appropriate now that we're approaching winter pretty soon.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 17, 2017, 12:29:17 PM
I've just remembered an excellent album from 2016. I'm going to give it a spin but I think I know what I'm sending. Let's hope Rich likes melodic death metal I guess.
...borknagar? comes to mind based on both this comment and your recent one
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 17, 2017, 12:30:05 PM
Screw it, I'm sending right now and preparing for my elimination.

No need to worry, I'm getting the axe this time
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Evermind on November 17, 2017, 12:31:06 PM
I've just remembered an excellent album from 2016. I'm going to give it a spin but I think I know what I'm sending. Let's hope Rich likes melodic death metal I guess.
...borknagar? comes to mind based on both this comment and your recent one

Oh shit, that would've been a good one to send too. But no, I went with Insomnium - Winter's Gate.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 17, 2017, 12:42:08 PM
Ooh, right
The one I actually have between the too  :lol
It's pretty solid though I never fell in love with it, ariich will probably like it more than I do though
I actually sent an album I got from my last roulette cause I'm still holding out hope I can send anamnesis next round e.e
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 17, 2017, 01:19:25 PM
In the last couple of rounds I lost all hope that I will be able to send the albums that I want, these themes are killing me
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 17, 2017, 01:22:36 PM
Yeah I really genuinely feel themed rounds were a massive mistake

At the very least if they were made known from the start I could plan around them, the way they're done here is counterproductive to getting the best albums you possibly can from all participants imo
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 17, 2017, 01:33:42 PM
I get that, but I think it does add a little challenge that is fun. In Rich's case it's complicated because he already knows so many bands. But I've had lots of fun in other roulettes with themes
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 17, 2017, 01:36:17 PM
I don't mind themed rounds if they're known in advance because I can work around that somewhat though I'm usually not too happy about it regardless
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 17, 2017, 02:28:21 PM
I don't mind themed rounds if they're known in advance because I can work around that somewhat though I'm usually not too happy about it regardless
That does make sense, I'll bear it in mind for next time I do a roulette. I do themes because (1) it adds a fun bit of challenge to the competition, and confers a slight advantage to people who listen to a bigger variety of music, like I do, and (2) I feel I end up with a bigger variety of styles and ideas than all open rounds. The reason I've not posted themes in advance is that I like having a bit of flexibility in what to do for each round, based on what I've received so far. But I appreciate that makes it harder for you guys. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 17, 2017, 02:41:48 PM
Aside from this round all the albums I've sent were on my shortlist of about 10 albums so I can assure you the variety probably wouldn't have been too different at least in my case

There's one other album I haven't had a chance to send either and at this rate it might not be sent until the finals if at all  :lol

assuming I even get there, which I will
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Stadler on November 17, 2017, 06:19:04 PM
I can't speak for Ariich, but in running my own roulette (It's not me this time; I'm still waiting for two submissions!!!) it'd be overwhelming without the themes.   As it is, I'm finding it hard compare and contrast the songs I'm sent, but still be objective.  It'd be impossible to, say, compare a three minute pop song with a 14:00 prog opera epic, part IV.  I think next time I might do different themes, but I think they're good to narrow the playing field. 
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 18, 2017, 10:18:41 AM
Submissions now all in! Three of the bands I've never even heard of, so I'm looking forward to this one.

Black Peaks - Statues
Insomnium - Winter's Gate
Lonely Robot - The Big Dream
Semistereo - Trans Earth Injection
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 18, 2017, 11:14:07 AM
congrats to ev for winning the round, anywho

i wasn't super impressed by lonely robot in my roulette but i never checked out the album so who knows might be better songs on it
neeeever heard of semistereo so congrats on that elite.
oh yeah, elite sent semistereo nekov sent lonely robot ev sent insomnium i sent black peaks alright
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 20, 2017, 06:11:16 PM
This thread is way too silent, what's going on?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 21, 2017, 01:15:28 PM
Sorry chaps, am a little behind, but catching up. Wife is pregnant and there was a bit of a worry about the baby, so along with all the other stuff we've had going on, we've also been in and out of hospital for various checks and I haven't been in the office since Thursday (though I've worked from home on and off). Anyway, got the all clear today, nothing to worry about, so am now getting caught up. Should be good to finish the round by the end of the week at the latest.

Any by the way, despite almost everyone crying shame over the themes killing them, this is a really strong round! Maybe the strongest so far, or at least most consistently good.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 21, 2017, 01:43:28 PM
Family comes first there Rich.  Glad to hear everything is all right.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 21, 2017, 01:51:22 PM
I'm glad to hear everythings OK with the wife and the baby. You take your time, the worst thing that could happen is that Parama will have more days to say how his album is the best one and whatnot  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 21, 2017, 01:51:45 PM
Darn, if everyone sent good stuff then I'm screwed  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Nekov on November 21, 2017, 07:43:39 PM
Darn, if everyone sent good stuff then I'm screwed  :corn
I was thinking the same thing
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: lonestar on November 21, 2017, 09:08:55 PM
Good to hear everything's good with lil' ariich.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: ariich on November 22, 2017, 04:08:13 PM
Darn, if everyone sent good stuff then I'm screwed  :corn
I was thinking the same thing
Well you can't all be screwed.

Seriously though this round is awesome.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: Crow on November 22, 2017, 04:10:06 PM
If I go out I'm sending you the Hirsch Effekt anyways  :metal
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: lonestar on November 22, 2017, 06:16:29 PM
I'll have to check out the other two bands, I'm familiar with Lonely Robot, they're solid, and I'm wearing my Insomnium shirt, so I guess that says enough about them...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round THREE results)
Post by: TAC on November 22, 2017, 07:02:15 PM
I'm wearing my Insomnium shirt, so I guess that says enough about them...

They stink too?

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: ariich on November 23, 2017, 03:07:54 PM

As I said before, this was a really strong round! The average score this round is not far off a full point higher than in most previous rounds. So without further ado…

Winner: Evermind – 9/10
Insomnium - Winter's Gate [2016]

Dude you really need more confidence in your choices, that’s the third win in a row!  It’s been quite a while since I discovered new black metal or death metal that I liked so much. Everything about it is great: the atmosphere, the beautiful harmonies even in some of the heaviest vocal sections, the tight performances and production. I dig the variety as well, there’s enough diversity of moods and styles (vocally, musically) and it’s superbly paced so that there’s always a breather before it gets to the point where the heavy stuff gets too much. You might be right that the wintery feel worked well this time of year, which might have helped too, but this is just great stuff.
Standouts: Ugh literally all of it

Parama – 8.5/10
Black Peaks - Statues [2016]

Another fantastic submission, and my favourite of yours so far. Strong Thrice vibes throughout, only heavier, and with enough other influences to create something distinct and exciting (White Eyes reminds me somewhat of Mastodon, for example). Wasn’t too sure what to think on the first listen, but once I got to know the album I’ve been really digging it. You’re right about the great blend of post-hardcore with a more progressive edge, and the balance is really spot on across pretty much the whole album. There are some tracks that somewhat stand out, but honestly the album is pretty consistently great all the way through.
Standouts: Glass Built Castles, Hang ‘Em High, White Eyes

Nekov – 8/10
Lonely Robot - The Big Dream [2017]

Never bothered to check out John Mitchell’s other projects before, but this is excellent. Doesn’t have the same funky electronic stylings that make Frost* so amazing - definitely more straightforward prog rock in terms of style - but there’s still absolutely tons of great stuff. I don’t know if it’s a production thing or what but I think Mitchell’s voice is also more interesting here. Not very unique, but there’s a certain warmth to it in songs like Hello World Goodbye. All round a really nice album.
Standouts: Sigma, False Lights, Hello World Goodbye

Elite – 7.5/10
Semistereo - Trans Earth Injection [2017]

Least exciting of the bunch this time, but still a very strong submission. Never heard of these guys, but I definitely dig the blend of prog rock (hints of Dream The Electric Sleep in their general style) along with some nice post-rock, which they do really well! Good vibes throughout the album, and some great melodies here and there too. Very nice stuff.
Standouts: The Search, Sin

Round scores = (Average of previous rounds / 2) + 0.5 per previous win + Round 4 rating

Evermind = (8/2) + 1.0 + 9 = 14.00
Parama = (7.67/2) + 0 + 8.5 = 12.33
Elite = (7.5/2) + 0.5 + 7.5 = 11.75
Nekov = (7.5/2) + 0 + 8 = 11.75

A tie! So what to do about it?

Well, I’ve decided that the round was so strong and I’m feeling generous, so therefore nobody gets eliminated this time - all four of you reach the semi-final.

That’s right…


Semi-final coming right up...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Luoto on November 23, 2017, 03:24:10 PM
Winner: Evermind – 9/10
Insomnium - Winter's Gate [2016]

Dude you really need more confidence in your choices, that’s the third win in a row!  It’s been quite a while since I discovered new black metal that I liked so much. Everything about it is great: the atmosphere, the beautiful harmonies even in some of the heaviest vocal sections, the tight performances and production. I dig the variety as well, there’s enough diversity of moods and styles (vocally, musically) and it’s superbly paced so that there’s always a breather before it gets to the point where the heavy stuff gets too much. You might be right that the wintery feel worked well this time of year, which might have helped too, but this is just great stuff.
Standouts: Ugh literally all of it

Melodic death metal, just so you don't miss out on similar bands you might like. Black metal usually has distinctively dissonant riffs compared to death metal ;) Winter's Gate is a masterpiece.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: ariich on November 23, 2017, 03:26:10 PM

This is the semi-final, involving four people. Two of you will reach the final. One of those is extremely likely to be Evermind, unless he monumentally screws this round up. :lol So the other three of you are fighting for the remaining spot. I therefore want to give you all the opportunity to send the best thing you can.

That’s right you lucky, whinging lot who keep moaning about themes. It’s an OPEN round for the semi-final!

Based on my scoring system, the carry-forward scores are all very close (less than 0.5 between you), meaning any one of you can make it through, though Elite has the slight edge due to winning a round. The following scores will get added to the semi-final scores to determine the final ranking:
Evermind: 5.63
Elite: 4.25
Parama: 3.94
Nekov: 3.81


Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: ariich on November 23, 2017, 03:27:29 PM
Winner: Evermind – 9/10
Insomnium - Winter's Gate [2016]

Dude you really need more confidence in your choices, that’s the third win in a row!  It’s been quite a while since I discovered new black metal that I liked so much. Everything about it is great: the atmosphere, the beautiful harmonies even in some of the heaviest vocal sections, the tight performances and production. I dig the variety as well, there’s enough diversity of moods and styles (vocally, musically) and it’s superbly paced so that there’s always a breather before it gets to the point where the heavy stuff gets too much. You might be right that the wintery feel worked well this time of year, which might have helped too, but this is just great stuff.
Standouts: Ugh literally all of it

Melodic death metal, just so you don't miss out on similar bands you might like ;) Winter's Gate is a masterpiece.
Updated. ;)

I honestly struggle to identify the precise definitions so I generally don't bother and just rock out to the stuff I like and ignore the stuff I don't. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Crow on November 23, 2017, 04:36:15 PM

anyways sent that album you know i sent
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 23, 2017, 06:50:30 PM
Wow, saved by rich goodness? Didn't see that one coming. I think i know what I'll send but will take some time
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 24, 2017, 09:51:25 AM
Winter's Gate is really great. I love it, but I had some doubts about you and death metal. Glad to see you liked it so much! By the way, now that it's Black Friday sale in the official Insomnium shop, I guess I should take this chance to order their whole discography as well as Shadows of the Dying Sun all over print T-shirt. :biggrin:

And oh shit, an open round! Ironically I won all three themed rounds and nearly got eliminated in the only open round, so don't set any expectations for me to get to the Finals. :lol As I have work tomorrow I will go to sleep now, but I'll send you something in the next 24 hours (probably tomorrow after work).

Edit: just got back from work and there's no way I'm going to send anything today. I'll need another 24 hours, sorry Rich and other participants.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 26, 2017, 09:13:16 AM
Sent! I have no idea how well this will go.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Crow on November 26, 2017, 10:45:57 AM
if you sent what you told me you'd send it probably will go well
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: ariich on November 26, 2017, 10:55:19 AM
Just waiting on Other Rich, not sure if he's back from Tanzania.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Elite on November 26, 2017, 11:57:42 AM
Yes I am. Will send tonight!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: ariich on November 26, 2017, 12:00:37 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: ariich on November 26, 2017, 03:26:51 PM
Submissions all in, perfect timing as I'm back to work tomorrow so should be able to get plenty of listening in over the next few days.

Bent Knee – Shiny Eyed Babies
Cult Of Luna – Mariner
The Hirsch Effekt – Holon: Anamnesis (bet you can't guess who sent this!)
Mutemath – Mutemath
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Crow on November 26, 2017, 03:53:44 PM
well i know ev sent Bent Knee

that album was actually on my shortlist so that's a rad pick.

i'm gonna guess elite sent cult of luna? i never picked up mariner but somewhere along the highway is one of the best straight post-metal albums out there, i love it. was also on my shortlist  :lol

dunno mutemath at all but nekov sent it i suppose
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: King Postwhore on November 26, 2017, 04:54:39 PM
Wasn't me!😂
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: twosuitsluke on November 27, 2017, 04:10:27 AM
As much as I love The Hirsch Effekt, I think that Bent Knee album may be even better. I'm just going to go listen to it actually  :heart
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Crow on November 27, 2017, 09:41:49 AM
i would disagree there, obviously
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Elite on November 27, 2017, 10:40:28 AM
I'm going to disagree as well, on the sole basis that I did not like that Bent Knee album at all
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 29, 2017, 05:38:58 AM
So, how are we doing here? When should I expect to be eliminated?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: ariich on November 29, 2017, 06:32:06 AM
Results should be this evening...
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Nekov on November 29, 2017, 07:25:43 AM
Only thing I will ask for

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 29, 2017, 08:34:43 AM
I just hope Rich liked Bent Knee's singer, because I know a few people who think she sounds annoying, and that could potentially lead to disastrous results for me here. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Crow on November 29, 2017, 09:48:02 AM
i'm not worried at all, tbh
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 29, 2017, 12:10:26 PM
i'm not worried at all, tbh

I am worried as I'd really like to make it to the Finals. Got an album I'd really love to introduce Rich to.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Crow on November 29, 2017, 12:17:04 PM
I've already got three albums I'm gonna send whether or not I make it to the finals so whatever but also I sent a great album so I won't be cut
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: Evermind on November 29, 2017, 12:18:19 PM
I mean, it's one thing to send the albums when you're cut, and it's another thing to send a fantastic album in the Finals.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (Round 4 results)
Post by: ariich on November 29, 2017, 12:47:34 PM
You guys. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on November 29, 2017, 12:52:05 PM

Another good round though not as strong as the last one. You guys seem to perform better when challenged by difficult themes! :P

Winner: Nekov – 8/10
Mutemath - Mutemath [2006]

Feel like I should have heard these guys before - I've certainly heard of them, and they seem very accessible. Anyway I really liked this album a lot, especially impressive for a debut. Great indie vibe with real warmth (owing in large part to the singer) and some nice experimentation too. Perhaps a bit on the long side, not sure it warrants quite so many tracks and it loses steam a bit later in the album, but everything is very good and there are some really fantastic songs dotted throughout.
Standouts: Typical, Chaos, Stare at the Sun/Obsolete

Evermind – 7.5/10
Bent Knee - Shiny Eyed Babies [2014]

Another really good album and I teetered on the edge of giving this an 8/10 because it has some really amazing stuff in there. But it's a bit of a mixed bag too, some tracks (or parts of tracks) don't really work for me, like that really weird cover of Sunshine. Overall though the highs easily outweigh those moments and there's some exciting music. Don't even know how to describe it - art rock maybe? It's bonkers but within the madness there is some real brilliance. It also feels like a grower so it's entirely possible I'll continue to like it even more with further listens, and there will certainly be some!
Standouts: Battle Creek, Skin

Parama – 7.5/10
The Hirsch Effekt - Holon: Anamnesis [2012]

You've been promising/threatening them since round 2, but at long last I get to hear some Hirsch Effekt! And I like it, though perhaps not as much as you hoped. Similar to Bent Knee it feels like a bit of a mixed bag. Some of it is really, really cool, and personally I think they excel in their less intense moments (though some of the intense stuff is awesome too, I hear definite BTBAM stylings at times). Other moments don't do it for me so much. But there's enough great stuff in here to make me want to check out more of their work, so overall definitely a success!
Standouts: Anamnesis/Limerent, Ligaphob

Elite – 7/10
Cult of Luna & Julie Christmas - Mariner [2016]

My least favourite of the round I'm afraid, though still good stuff. I dig the post-metal styling with vocals - not something I hear all that often to be honest and these guys do it well! I feel like I should like it more than I do, a lot of the elements are strong but something about it just feels a bit… cold maybe? There are some great moments (in particular the album starts and ends very strongly) but some of it I don't really feel much connection to the music.
Standouts: A Greater Call, Cygnus

Round scores = (Average of previous rounds / 2) + 0.5 per previous win + Semi Final rating

Evermind = (8.25/2) + 1.0 + 7.5 = 13.13
Nekov = (7.63/2) + 0 + 8 = 11.81
Parama = (7.88/2) + 0 + 7.5 = 11.44
Elite = (7.50/2) + 0.5 + 7 = 11.25

Congrats to Evermind and Nekov who reach the final!

Parama and Elite, thanks for the excellent music you’ve introduced me to, but…

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on November 29, 2017, 01:00:33 PM

Ok chaps, here we are. Evermind who has dominated since round 2, against Nekov who pulled it out of the bag at the last minute and just scraped through into the final. But none of that matters now. Previous scores are now IRRELEVANT.

This final is open. Send me the best thing you can. The album I like the most wins.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on November 29, 2017, 01:04:25 PM
Nice  :corn
My favorite albums of what I've sent have been some of the lowest scores I've gotten so I'm not hugely surprised but anyways I'm gonna send you those albums I was threatening to send anyways
No scores below 7.5 the entire roulette too so yeah okay I did good enough
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Elite on November 29, 2017, 01:08:42 PM
Lol, started out in the lead and ended at the bottom :lol

Thanks for having me!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on November 29, 2017, 01:27:20 PM
This is me right now, no joke


Don't get me wrong, I love that I made it into the finals but it was completely unexpected at this point. I agree that it's a super strong debut album and is the one that got me into the band. I was lucky enough to see them in Munich this year and it was super fun. Their latest work is more into the synth pop area but still quite enjoyable.

I'll send something probably tomorrow, I'll take my time to go through all my library and see if there are things in there that I might have forgotten.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on November 29, 2017, 03:15:07 PM
Nice  :corn
My favorite albums of what I've sent have been some of the lowest scores I've gotten so I'm not hugely surprised but anyways I'm gonna send you those albums I was threatening to send anyways
No scores below 7.5 the entire roulette too so yeah okay I did good enough
Indeed, and 7/10 is the ranking where I really like an album and consider it "very good", so all your submissions were strong. And hey, you came third overall - a bronze medal is hardly bad.

And yeah, do feel free to send me other recommendations either in this thread or by PM if you prefer, and I'll add them to my list to check out at some point. That goes for all participants (I've already got 3 cued up on Spotify from lonestar's post-elimination suggestions).

Lol, started out in the lead and ended at the bottom :lol
Well you reached the semi-final, so definitely not bottom. 4th place out of 7, so exactly mid-table overall. (EDIT: Oh and I'm especially grateful for introducing me to Toehider. I checked out the new album "GOOD" as well, and it's awesome.)

Also, Parama's and Nekov's posts have cemented the fact that I think the general trend has been that the less confident someone is about their submission, the better it does. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on November 29, 2017, 03:24:53 PM
Yeah my least favorite of the stuff I sent you scored highest with you so I don't even  know
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on November 29, 2017, 04:17:04 PM

Also, Parama's and Nekov's posts have cemented the fact that I think the general trend has been that the less confident someone is about their submission, the better it does. :lol

I might use this as a reference when sending my pick for the final round  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on November 29, 2017, 04:19:02 PM
NARRATOR: And that was how Diego lost the final.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Evermind on November 30, 2017, 10:15:47 AM
Evermind = (8.25/2) + 1.0 + 7.5 = 13.13

I think that's wrong, I should have +1.5 for my three wins. :P

Fair points about Bent Knee, the album does have some questionable songs, but I thought the adventurousness of it would appeal to you and apparently I wasn't wrong. 7.5 is fair.

Anyway, didn't really think I would reach the Finals after the Round 1 results were posted. Regardless of the outcome, 1) I had a lot of fun and 2) I consider myself a winner anyway because I won the most amount of rounds between all the participants. :biggrin: Apparently open rounds are the bane of my existence because all three I won were themed. Thus, the final round being open doesn't look good for me.

I started this roulette with prog metal album in a first place and then went to send some diverse stuff; but I'm sending a prog metal (-ish?) album again in the final round to kinda complete the circle. Which probably means you should just hand the win to Nekov. :lol

The album is very good though, not the best I've got—mostly because the best I've got is banned—but really good, was one of the contenders for my album of the respective year. I don't remember if it made my Top 3 because there were just so much awesome music released that year, but it was up there with the best.

Sending in a few minutes and hoping for the best! It's been a pleasure to participate in this and now, let the best album (probably not mine) win.

Edit: and sent!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on November 30, 2017, 10:38:40 AM
I started this roulette with prog metal album in a first place and then went to send some diverse stuff; but I'm sending a prog metal (-ish?) album again in the final round to kinda complete the circle. Which probably means you should just hand the win to Nekov. :lol

I haven't sent prog metal yet in the roulette and 1 of the albums I'm considering is prog metal so don't jump the gun  :P. I've managed to trim this down to 3 albums, will try to make a decission today and send.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on November 30, 2017, 10:42:29 AM
I sent prog metal three times and one of them was my highest rated entry so do what is done
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Evermind on November 30, 2017, 10:45:39 AM
Yeah, I sent it. We'll see how it goes.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on November 30, 2017, 11:39:06 AM
Sent non prog metal. We'll see how this fares.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Evermind on November 30, 2017, 11:40:02 AM
Sent non prog metal. We'll see how this fares.

You've probably just won this. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on November 30, 2017, 11:51:04 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on November 30, 2017, 11:55:05 AM
I sent like 5 albums to ariich as bonuses and they were all some degree of prog metal
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Evermind on November 30, 2017, 12:14:34 PM
Yeah, that's probably why you're not in the competition anymore. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on November 30, 2017, 12:37:55 PM
Yeah I'm just on another level and ariich was too afraid of how bad I'd crush you if I made it to the finals
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on November 30, 2017, 12:38:37 PM
The parts of Mariner where Julie Christmas sings are amazing, but overall Cult of Luna doesn't really do anything for me.

Nobody asked for my opinion but I dropped it in this thread anyway. :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on November 30, 2017, 12:44:22 PM
Somewhere Along the Highway is great actually
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on November 30, 2017, 01:27:08 PM
Evermind = (8.25/2) + 1.0 + 7.5 = 13.13

I think that's wrong, I should have +1.5 for my three wins. :P
Well spotted. My spreadsheet calculation was correct though, so that's the right total score. Wise-ass. :P

Yeah I'm just on another level and ariich was too afraid of how bad I'd crush you if I made it to the finals
Yes, that's it.

Seriously though, thanks for the extra suggestions, I'll get round to them at some point!

The parts of Mariner where Julie Christmas sings are amazing, but overall Cult of Luna doesn't really do anything for me.
Overall I'd agree, based on this one album anyway.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on November 30, 2017, 01:28:32 PM
Oh and the submissions are in:

Amadeus Awad - Death is Just a Feeling
Kiev - Falling Bough Wisdom Teeth

Plus the 8 million albums Parama submitted.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on November 30, 2017, 01:59:11 PM
Amadeus Awad is barely metal

Pretty damn good though

And I only sent 5, and one is black metal you'll probably hate anyways
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Elite on November 30, 2017, 02:20:51 PM
The parts of Mariner where Julie Christmas sings are amazing, but overall Cult of Luna doesn't really do anything for me.

I honestly don't really know anything by Cult of Luna, apart from this album, but I think the album I sent is really great.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on November 30, 2017, 03:18:53 PM
I'm just noticing how every album evermind has sent I have heard except the vanden plas one (I have part I though)

Kiiiiinda interesting  :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Evermind on December 01, 2017, 11:26:52 AM
I'm just noticing how every album evermind has sent I have heard except the vanden plas one (I have part I though)

Kiiiiinda interesting  :lol

Yeah, it's interesting that you know all these albums, and instead you've been sending the ones that didn't get you to the final round. :lol

In fact, for these six rounds, I used exactly three bands I never sent to anyone in roulettes (Artificial Language, Insomnium and Bent Knee) and three bands I did send before (Vanden Plas, Bodies of Water and Amadeus Awad).
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on December 01, 2017, 11:47:45 AM
I mean of those, I don't even like artificial language, insomnium is just alright, bent knee and amadeus awad are the two pretty good ones of the bunch

& bent knee was one of your lowest scores, so  :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: jingle.boy on December 01, 2017, 03:16:39 PM
Good call with Awad.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on December 02, 2017, 04:39:19 AM
Good call with Awad.

Says the guy who got booted in the first round...

Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: jingle.boy on December 02, 2017, 07:34:47 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Train of Naught on December 02, 2017, 09:36:13 AM
I've had a hard time following this because apparently it's the time of year again where GMD gets spammed with uninteresting polls, but just wanna say I'll apparently be the first one here to fully back up Mariner, love that album. Wreck of S.S. Needle is prob one of my favourite songs of the last few years. I think I like Mariner even more than Somewhere Along the Highway and that's a pretty awesome album as well.

Julie Christmas was the lead singer for a different post-metal band (Battle of Mice) and they put out great stuff as well, if you're mostly into her albums you might wanna give the album A Day of Nights a shot.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on December 04, 2017, 05:31:18 AM
So, have you started listening to the albums? Any early feedback for us to get excited/nervous about?
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on December 04, 2017, 05:54:59 AM
Yep, starting on my second listens now.


They're good.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on December 04, 2017, 06:05:45 AM

Well, it's good to know that you like them both, at least it's a competition
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on December 04, 2017, 06:17:46 AM
Well indeed. I have an inkling on which I prefer, but my opinions have changed after multiple listens in previous rounds so I'm not pre-judging. But yes, it'll be close!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Evermind on December 04, 2017, 08:58:50 AM
Yeah, I kinda hoped to win this by a huge margin, but oh well. :biggrin:

Just kidding, it's indeed good to see you enjoyed them both. Not sure my album is a huge grower though, it's pretty straightforward.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: ariich on December 05, 2017, 03:12:41 PM

Results will be tomorrow evening.

I think I've chosen a winner, but I want to have another listen or two.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Crow on December 05, 2017, 03:23:14 PM
 :corn :corn :corn
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (SEMI FINAL results)
Post by: Nekov on December 06, 2017, 05:32:47 AM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on December 06, 2017, 12:56:37 PM

A solid final, I found myself liking both albums more with each listen. Thanks to both of you, and indeed everyone else, for taking part and introducing me to so much good music!

Nekov - 8/10
Kiev - Falling Bough Wisdom Teeth [2013]

When sending me this, you said you were going with your heart rather than your head. I don't know what the alternative option would have been like, but your victory suggests you made a good call. I really like this! Not even sure how to describe it. Poppy jazzy electro-indie? Right from the first full song (Ariah Being) it offers most what I like about the album. Gorgeous, chilled out down-tempo vibe with some funky jazzy infusions, and great use of saxophones (and possibly other horns). As the album goes on, more of the indie comes to the fore, with hints of Radiohead and Broken Bells and others, all held together really nicely by the production. I liked it on first listen, and even more so as I got to know it. Lovely album!
Standouts: Ariah Being, Drag Bones, Trees are Trees, Be Gone Dull Cage

Evermind - 7.5/10
Amadeus Awad - Death is Just a Feeling [2015]

After dominating in most rounds, unfortunately you didn't quite do enough in the winner takes all final! Really good album though, wasn't sure what to think on first listen but contrary to your assertion that it's not a grower, it was for me. Some of the proggier sounding sections in particular really stood out to me, Awad creates a great sound at times, like pretty much the whole of Tomorrow Lies which is one of my favourite songs from the whole roulette. Conceptually it's also a pretty emotional, often deep album as well, which is very engaging. Some awesome guest musicians too, though interestingly the one that stood out to me most was the one I hadn't heard of before (Elia Monsef who I presume is singing on Tomorrow Lies). What holds it back slightly for me, and ultimately why I don't rate it higher, is that sometimes the music (or maybe the production) doesn't feel like it does justice to the emotional depth, particularly in some of the heavier moments which don't feel so much like Awad’s forte.
Standouts: Tomorrow Lies, Lonesome Clown


Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on December 06, 2017, 01:05:52 PM
Did I really pull that comeback?


I don't know what the alternative option would have been like, but your victory suggests you made a good call.

Well, while I like the other albums I was considering, this one was the most varied which I think is what ultimately influcenced the decission.

Altrenatives were:

Yargos - To be or not to be (Prog Metal)
Oh Hiroshima - Resistance is futile (Post Rock)

Anyways, thanks for running this so smoothly, I think none of us though you could pull an album roulette with 1 week rounds but boy were you good at it. I guess it's people like you, who don't do shit at work, that brexiters complain about  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on December 06, 2017, 01:10:05 PM
I guess it's people like you, who don't do shit at work, that brexiters complain about  :P

For serious though, I've been mentally busy at work recently, but had plenty of opportunity to listen to music while working (it helps me concentrate). I'm so glad I did this, I've got SO MUCH STUFF to check out now, including all the non-submission suggestions plus other works by most of the bands and artists that WERE submitted. Gonna keep me going for a long time!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on December 06, 2017, 01:11:46 PM
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: Crow on December 06, 2017, 01:15:05 PM
Congrats Nekov, you're winner
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on December 06, 2017, 01:18:07 PM
Congrats Nekov, you're winner

Interestingly enough, this win breaks my tie with Evermind for total roulette wins.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: Evermind on December 07, 2017, 11:25:57 AM
Win more rounds then any participant in the competition -> lose in the finals. :lol

Oh well. Congrats Nekov! Honestly, I didn't feel like I deserved to win this anyway. Out of the six albums I've sent, my favourite ones were Vanden Plas and Amadeus Awad, the ones that didn't go that well. I hope you'll check out some bands I've sent you though.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: Nekov on December 07, 2017, 11:53:49 AM
Win more rounds then any participant in the competition -> lose in the finals. :lol

Well, since this is not the US presidentail elections that actually makes sense  :P
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: ariich on December 11, 2017, 07:01:36 AM
Win more rounds then any participant in the competition -> lose in the finals. :lol
Hey, I did always say that the final would be a "sudden death" winner-takes-all round. :P

Bit of an update, I'll be slowly exploring more music that's resulted from this roulette. I'll definitely be exploring more albums by, to be honest, the majority of bands and artists submitted. Plus at some point I'll be checking out artists who were recommended but not submitted (mostly after people had been eliminated, or in one case an album Nekov initially submitted before changing his mind).

I'll post updates here as I have them.

Have checked out their other two full-length albums, and they're both great. Maybe not quite as amazing as Creature, but still really excellent. Brilliant discovery, love the quirkiness and some great melodies. They also have a whole bunch of EPs, which I might check out at some point.

Have gone back to the previous album Shadows of the Dying Sun, and while it's not as wonderfully atmospheric as Winter's Gate, it's still fantastic. Another amazing discovery, and I'll continue to go back through their catalog, although as it's broadly within the death metal genre (albeit very melodic) I'm assuming at some point the production values will collapse. :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: Evermind on December 11, 2017, 09:43:53 AM
I really like Shadows of the Dying Sun. I haven't heard the rest of the albums actually, but I just got most of them in the mail. I'll be discovering them soon.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (FINAL RESULTS)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on December 11, 2017, 06:26:05 PM
Win more rounds then any participant in the competition -> lose in the finals. :lol
Hey, I did always say that the final would be a "sudden death" winner-takes-all round. :P

Have gone back to the previous album Shadows of the Dying Sun, and while it's not as wonderfully atmospheric as Winter's Gate, it's still fantastic. Another amazing discovery, and I'll continue to go back through their catalog, although as it's broadly within the death metal genre (albeit very melodic) I'm assuming at some point the production values will collapse. :lol
Actually all of Insomniums albums have pretty good production values, all the way back to their first album. They are also really consistent. My least favorite album of theirs is actually Shadows of the Dying Sun, but even that is great.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: The Walrus on December 12, 2017, 12:56:31 PM
ariich I hope you don't mind if I steal the full album idea for a roulette in the future :)
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: ariich on December 12, 2017, 01:00:59 PM
ariich I hope you don't mind if I steal the full album idea for a roulette in the future :)
Far from it, I'm really pleased someone else wants to do the same thing! My only advice is: keep the number of contestants to a manageable level, and make sure you have time to listen to plenty of music (even it's while doing other things)!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: twosuitsluke on December 12, 2017, 05:24:00 PM
ariich I hope you don't mind if I steal the full album idea for a roulette in the future :)


Totally half-inching this
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: Crow on December 12, 2017, 05:31:43 PM
Yeah I'll probably do the same, or at least have an album round in my next roulette

Might be a mini roulette again since doing a full roulette is exhausting  :lol

[coming summer 2018 probably]
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: twosuitsluke on December 12, 2017, 05:34:16 PM
More than anything, I'd like to participate in a roulette like this. It would be really easy to pick out albums to send. It sucks when I think of the perfect band to send in a roulette but can't decide on the perfect song.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: The Walrus on December 12, 2017, 05:39:44 PM
Cool! Yeah I don't think I could handle 10 albums a week, I'd be able to do 6 or 7 though. Luke, that's exactly why I'd like to hear full albums. Just a single album could contain so many different things.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on December 12, 2017, 05:43:52 PM
Cool! Yeah I don't think I could handle 10 albums a week, I'd be able to do 6 or 7 though. Luke, that's exactly why I'd like to hear full albums. Just a single album could contain so many different things.
If you do end up doing one, count me in!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: The Walrus on December 12, 2017, 05:45:57 PM
Cool! Yeah I don't think I could handle 10 albums a week, I'd be able to do 6 or 7 though. Luke, that's exactly why I'd like to hear full albums. Just a single album could contain so many different things.
If you do end up doing one, count me in!

Sweet. You'll be expected to deliver the goods.  :metal

EDIT: I am creating a RYM page tonight and won't sign up for a roulette until I get that completed.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: King Puppies and the Acid Guppies on December 12, 2017, 05:52:17 PM
Cool! Yeah I don't think I could handle 10 albums a week, I'd be able to do 6 or 7 though. Luke, that's exactly why I'd like to hear full albums. Just a single album could contain so many different things.
If you do end up doing one, count me in!

Sweet. You'll be expected to deliver the goods.  :metal

EDIT: I am creating a RYM page tonight and won't sign up for a roulette until I get that completed.
Good idea, I should probably link mine in my signature. In fact I'll do that right now.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: ariich on December 18, 2017, 03:07:30 PM
EDIT: I am creating a RYM page tonight and won't sign up for a roulette until I get that completed.
I vaguely recall when I first created my profile on there years ago - still now I occasionally find an album I know I heard but never rated. :lol


Allegaeon - Proponent for Sentience (lonestar)
Strong album - obviously I'd heard the song you sent as part of the tiebreaker, so I decided to check out the album it's from. I dig it. Some of the tracks aren't that exciting and the album is a bit long, but there's some really strong stuff and crunching metal. The Rush cover to close the album off is kinda jarring though, really strange choice. :lol

Anciients - Voice of the Void (lonestar)
Another good album, solid prog metal but it didn't overly wow me. Some really good moments and some less interesting stuff too. Might give it some more listens at some point and see if it grows on me.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: Sacul on December 18, 2017, 04:29:33 PM
EDIT: I am creating a RYM page tonight and won't sign up for a roulette until I get that completed.
I vaguely recall when I first created my profile on there years ago - still now I occasionally find an album I know I heard but never rated. :lol
It's become less common but still happens to me sometimes  :lol . Great way of having your music organized anyways.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: ariich on December 22, 2017, 04:21:25 AM
Continuing in alphabetical order.

Blindead – Affliction XXIX II MXMN (Parama)
Well, this is a bloody miserable album! It's very dark both musically and conceptually. As such it took a bit of time to sink in for me to appreciate it. It's a very good album, quite emotionally powerful, but I do find it a bit much at times still.

Caligula's Horse – The Tide, the Thief & River's End (Parama)
Very strong prog metal, really enjoyable and dynamic. I thought I'd heard some Caligula's Horse before and not been very impressed, but this is excellent. Will certainly check out more of their stuff.

Jack The Joker – Mors Volta (lonestar)
Similar to the Anciients album you suggested, there's good stuff all throughout this album, but I don't feel like it holds together especially well. The album drags a bit and it's not consistent enough. There's a lot of really good stuff all over, but I can't see this getting too many listens in future.

The Ocean – Pelagial (Parama)
This is definitely a grower and some really excellent post-metal. Not everything is killer, but I love the layering of the album, and the way that it starts quite light and delicate to reflect being at the surface, and then the music gets heavier and denser as it descends. Clever concept and really well executed.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: Crow on December 22, 2017, 08:49:16 AM
nice  :metal
should've sent caligula's horse & i would've made the finals easily  :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: ariich on January 03, 2018, 07:35:27 AM
Right, some more post-roulette thoughts.

Oh Hiroshima – Resistance is futile (Nekov)
Perfectly pleasant, with some very nice moments, but for the most part I'm just not finding this album especially interesting. Feels quite post-rock-by-numbers, for a lot of it, though there are still some really good bits. You did well not to choose this in the final, as you would not have won. :lol

Vasudeva — No Clearance (Nekov)
By contrast, this was your initial submission for round 4 before you quickly changed your mind and sent Lonely Robot instead. And while that was a good call overall as I slightly prefer that one, this is really good too. Post-rock with a bit of a math rock twist. Very dynamic, lots of interesting and engaging stuff going on. The odd dull segment, but mostly very nice stuff.

Wilderun – Sleep at the Edge of the Earth (Parama)
Don't even really know how to describe this as it seems to bring a lot of different ideas together (folk, metal, prog, etc.) but I like it a lot! Kinda reminds me of Dissona in a couple of places. Great stuff.

Just have a couple more bands to check out that were mentioned but not submitted (Der Weg einer Freiheit by Parama, and Yargos by Nekov) and then I'll get back to exploring more albums by those that were!
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: Nekov on January 03, 2018, 07:53:54 AM
Good for me then  :lol
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: ariich on January 19, 2018, 02:54:47 AM
Final thoughts on the albums that were recommended but not submitted:

Der Weg einer Freiheit – Finisterre (Parama)
Pretty good stuff, took a couple of listens for it to sink in but there's some great moments and a handful of nice climaxes. Doesn't quite hit the mark for me overall though, I think I'd enjoy it more with a bit more melody and atmosphere, but it's good black metal nonetheless.

Yargos – To Be or Not to Be (Nekov)
Decent enough, but not especially exciting, prog rock/metal. I think I only like it even as much as I do because of Mac's vocals, which were great and which I was not expecting at all as I had no idea he'd been involved in other bands. On my first listen I was thinking "that sounds like Mac... no really that sounds SO much like him... ok that literally has to be him...". :lol Anyway some good ideas but overall this album feels a little run of the mill.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: ariich on January 19, 2018, 02:56:52 AM
Also an update on Insomnium:

Win more rounds then any participant in the competition -> lose in the finals. :lol
Hey, I did always say that the final would be a "sudden death" winner-takes-all round. :P

Have gone back to the previous album Shadows of the Dying Sun, and while it's not as wonderfully atmospheric as Winter's Gate, it's still fantastic. Another amazing discovery, and I'll continue to go back through their catalog, although as it's broadly within the death metal genre (albeit very melodic) I'm assuming at some point the production values will collapse. :lol
Actually all of Insomniums albums have pretty good production values, all the way back to their first album. They are also really consistent. My least favorite album of theirs is actually Shadows of the Dying Sun, but even that is great.
You're right, such a great and consistent band. Their first two albums are a bit less engaging in both music and production IMO (still 7/10 albums though) but the other 5 are all great, and Shadows has actually grown on me more - I'm loving how unashamedly melodic it is.
Title: Re: Ariich's ALBUM Roulette; or, Is The Man Completely Mad? (completed)
Post by: Nekov on January 19, 2018, 05:04:00 AM
Well, it seems that for once my judgement was spot on when choosing between 2 albums each time. That has to be a first  :lol