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General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Phoenix87x on October 03, 2017, 08:19:52 PM

Title: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Phoenix87x on October 03, 2017, 08:19:52 PM
They say everybody's got a price, but what is something or somethings you would absolutely never do, no matter how much money someone offered you?

For me it would be cave exploring, the kind where the passages are super narrow and it feels like you are getting stuck. I am typically not claustrophic, but knowing that one wrong turn can lead to you getting stuck and dying in some shitty cave in the dark. No way


What about you guys?
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: MirrorMask on October 04, 2017, 01:47:14 AM
Throw myself with a parachute.

I would say I have vertigo, but my specific fear is the actual realization that I'm way up, and that I'm going way up. I have no issues standing on the top of a skyscraper on a large terrace, nor being on planes, but I always avoid to watch the plane taking off because I realize I'm leaving the ground and that has an effect on me. Whenever I'm flying I have no issues in following every phase of the landing because I'm returning to the ground, I'm not leaving it.

So I don't think I would ever be able to throw myself with a parachute.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Spiritus on October 04, 2017, 02:25:09 AM
Throw myself with a parachute.

I would say I have vertigo, but my specific fear is the actual realization that I'm way up, and that I'm going way up. I have no issues standing on the top of a skyscraper on a large terrace, nor being on planes, but I always avoid to watch the plane taking off because I realize I'm leaving the ground and that has an effect on me. Whenever I'm flying I have no issues in following every phase of the landing because I'm returning to the ground, I'm not leaving it.

So I don't think I would ever be able to throw myself with a parachute.

But you would be returning to the ground, so technically you could jump.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 04, 2017, 07:32:18 AM
That cave shot is certainly a contender for me.   Wooosh.   I'm actually getting freaked out looking at that picture.

Consciously and with premeditation, kill someone. 
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: cramx3 on October 04, 2017, 07:41:28 AM
^ yea, I'd say purposely killing someone would be a top contender for me.  Other things like sky diving and cave exploring would be high for me as well on this list, but there may be some astronomically high dollar amount where I would do it.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 04, 2017, 08:00:28 AM
^ yea, I'd say purposely killing someone would be a top contender for me.  Other things like sky diving and cave exploring would be high for me as well on this list, but there may be some astronomically high dollar amount where I would do it.

See, that's me.  Doesn't mean I have to like it, and certainly the parameters are important (do I just have to do it for a second?  A day?  From that point forward?  Is it between us, or is it played on the big screens in Times Square?) but I mean, for $5 billion dollars, you'll get the best 60 seconds of fellatio this non-inquisitive straight man could possibly give.  :)   
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: emtee on October 04, 2017, 08:06:34 AM
Yes the cave thing is a horror scenario for me and then add another layer, underwater cave exploration. My mind envisions a scenario
where I'm down there scrunched into a tiny opening and then there is an earthquake which traps me in that position but doesn't
kill me...and there I lay, unable to move and waiting for death to very slowly arrive. AGGHHHH

The other one is severe height, skyscraper beams for instance, with no security measures. I would freeze from abject fear and never
be able to get down for fear of falling and not being dead when I impact the ground. AGGHHHH
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 04, 2017, 08:17:45 AM
I never thought I was claustrophic until I experienced it exploring a cave when I was on a Senior Trip in High school. The passage way was set at an angle so we weren't quite on our bellies crawling flat and we weren't quite standing straight up....we all filed in one by one and someone at the beginning of the line stopped leaving those of us behind him stopped in this slit of cave that wasn't much bigger than what the OP had pictured. I tried to move and kind of push myself up and when the walls and people didn't allow me to I flipped out!! The few people behind me thankfully scurried back to the opening to let me get out but man.....it was such a panic feeling, I'll never forget it. I think had I been able to go at my own pace it'd have been fine but stopping and having no choice but not to move along with the close quarters really got me.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Cable on October 04, 2017, 08:35:58 AM
I think if you paid me enough, I could do anything. Depends on what and how much. My only real fear is insects, so a room full of that would be dreadful. But if the price is right, I'm down.

They say everybody's got a price, but what is something or somethings you would absolutely never do, no matter how much money someone offered you?

For me it would be cave exploring, the kind where the passages are super narrow and it feels like you are getting stuck. I am typically not claustrophic, but knowing that one wrong turn can lead to you getting stuck and dying in some shitty cave in the dark. No way


What about you guys?

My friend's wife does caving, and it's on my list of things to do.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 04, 2017, 10:01:09 AM
I think what people don't realize is that those rocks DO move.  Might be minutely, but they DO move, and when you're in a situation where the difference is breathing or not, it can get pretty hairy. 
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Chino on October 04, 2017, 10:57:22 AM
^ yea, I'd say purposely killing someone would be a top contender for me.  Other things like sky diving and cave exploring would be high for me as well on this list, but there may be some astronomically high dollar amount where I would do it.

See, that's me.  Doesn't mean I have to like it, and certainly the parameters are important (do I just have to do it for a second?  A day?  From that point forward?  Is it between us, or is it played on the big screens in Times Square?) but I mean, for $5 billion dollars, you'll get the best 60 seconds of fellatio this non-inquisitive straight man could possibly give.  :)

$5B for 60 seconds of fellatio? Damn. Pretty sure I'd suck anyone STD free to completion for like $10K. Easy money.

As for killing someone for a fee, I could do it if it was the right person. If someone was like "here's my brain dead grandma who's been on life support for 6 years. I'll give you $100K to smother her with a pillow", I'd probably do it.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Dublagent66 on October 04, 2017, 11:01:08 AM
I've done the caving thing before when I was much younger.  No desire to do it now.  There were some tight spots and I did feel somewhat claustrophobic but it was a lot of fun.  But yeah, there is risk involved.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: sylvan on October 04, 2017, 11:42:50 AM
My first thought, and anyone of my friends could answer this for me, is swimming in open ocean. Fucking Bill Gates could be standing on the boat with me holding a Windows phone, about to transfer $1 billion and his Microsoft stock, and I would still end up crying like a baby as I grip the safety railing for my life! Everything in the ocean has an advantage over us and I want nothing to do with it.

I've also realized recently thanks to injuries that I am indeed claustrophobic. It's more like GMD described, in that it mainly revolves around being stuck. When I was told I had to sit in an "open" MRI (not a tube, but a flat surface that lowers down, essentially a sandwich) for 45 mins. It felt like I was breathing the machine in, and that along with the clicking was throwing my heart rate off. Total panic at about 7 mins.

It came up again about a week later at Universal Studios. On the Mummy ride, after the ride but before the exit, we were stopped in a staging tunnel. The restraints on this ride are a lap bar with a second contoured rubber bar to lock your legs in at the shins. It felt like a Chinese finger trap for my legs, and I started to freak out! I was determined to break the lock on the restraint, but somehow talked myself back onto the ledge when I had already leaped.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: MrBoom_shack-a-lack on October 04, 2017, 11:50:43 AM
They say everybody's got a price, but what is something or somethings you would absolutely never do, no matter how much money someone offered you?

For me it would be cave exploring, the kind where the passages are super narrow and it feels like you are getting stuck. I am typically not claustrophic, but knowing that one wrong turn can lead to you getting stuck and dying in some shitty cave in the dark. No way


What about you guys?
Yea Caving is definitely high up on my list. Saw some video on YT on exploring very tight caves and how they breath in and pull in their stomachs to be able to squezze through. I literally couldn't finish watching it, I felt almost sick.

I remember they mentioned about some poor guy that was very experienced that during an expedition explored a new very tight path in some cave and fell headfirst into a tight spot with his legs basically straight up and he couldn't turn around or do anything, he was completely stuck. No one in his team was small enough to go after him and the rescue personel couldn't do anything either, he was left to die.

Found an article about it: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/705347362/Man-trapped-in-Utah-Countys-Nutty-Putty-cave-dies.html
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 04, 2017, 12:24:15 PM
I think if you paid me enough, I could do anything. Depends on what and how much. My only real fear is insects, so a room full of that would be dreadful. But if the price is right, I'm down.

They say everybody's got a price, but what is something or somethings you would absolutely never do, no matter how much money someone offered you?

For me it would be cave exploring, the kind where the passages are super narrow and it feels like you are getting stuck. I am typically not claustrophic, but knowing that one wrong turn can lead to you getting stuck and dying in some shitty cave in the dark. No way


What about you guys?

My friend's wife does caving, and it's on my list of things to do.

Your friend's wife?  Or caving? 
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: vtgrad on October 04, 2017, 12:24:59 PM
They say everybody's got a price, but what is something or somethings you would absolutely never do, no matter how much money someone offered you?

For me it would be cave exploring, the kind where the passages are super narrow and it feels like you are getting stuck. I am typically not claustrophic, but knowing that one wrong turn can lead to you getting stuck and dying in some shitty cave in the dark. No way


What about you guys?
Yea Caving is definitely high up on my list. Saw some video on YT on exploring very tight caves and how they breath in and pull in their stomachs to be able to squezze through. I literally couldn't finish watching it, I felt almost sick.

I remember they mentioned about some poor guy that was very experienced that during an expedition explored a new very tight path in some cave and fell headfirst into a tight spot with his legs basically straight up and he couldn't turn around or do anything, he was completely stuck. No one in his team was small enough to go after him and the rescue personel couldn't do anything either, he was left to die.

Found an article about it: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/705347362/Man-trapped-in-Utah-Countys-Nutty-Putty-cave-dies.html

Damn... left to die.

On a lighter note, try any of James Kingston's YT videos... specifically the two Dubai crane videos.  I fancy myself somewhat of a climber (never anything too technical or anything considered alpine) but HE is a climber.  I was so struck by his YT climbs that I bought his book... my man was afraid of heights!  Talk about facing your fears.  Give me $1M a year guaranteed for life and enough chalk to choke a herd of elephants and I MIGHT try the crane climb.  JK is seriously in a class all his own.

I don't know what I wouldn't do...
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 04, 2017, 12:28:26 PM
^ yea, I'd say purposely killing someone would be a top contender for me.  Other things like sky diving and cave exploring would be high for me as well on this list, but there may be some astronomically high dollar amount where I would do it.

See, that's me.  Doesn't mean I have to like it, and certainly the parameters are important (do I just have to do it for a second?  A day?  From that point forward?  Is it between us, or is it played on the big screens in Times Square?) but I mean, for $5 billion dollars, you'll get the best 60 seconds of fellatio this non-inquisitive straight man could possibly give.  :)

$5B for 60 seconds of fellatio? Damn. Pretty sure I'd suck anyone STD free to completion for like $10K. Easy money.

As for killing someone for a fee, I could do it if it was the right person. If someone was like "here's my brain dead grandma who's been on life support for 6 years. I'll give you $100K to smother her with a pillow", I'd probably do it.

Everything is negotiable.  I figured if I didn't ask, I wouldn't get it.   :)   

But this is why these questions are so fascinating.  I never even thought of your example.  If it was that person's will, I could do that, and  I don't even know that I would need all that much money.   
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: ganpondorodf on October 04, 2017, 12:47:30 PM
Bungee jumping. Rollercoasters. I'm just a massive wuss.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: The Walrus on October 04, 2017, 12:51:12 PM
I can't do heights. I can't even stand on a trampoline and look straight up without feeling weak in the knees. Part of the reason I won't get on an airplane. But, I could, if I had to. The one thing I'll never do, no matter how much money you pay me? Tightrope walk. Nope. Never. Not doing it. And I'm talking about legit tightrope walking, like where you'd require a net or a giant inflatable pad in order to make sure you don't die tryin' to get rich.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Chino on October 04, 2017, 12:58:47 PM
I can't do heights. I can't even stand on a trampoline and look straight up without feeling weak in the knees. Part of the reason I won't get on an airplane. But, I could, if I had to. The one thing I'll never do, no matter how much money you pay me? Tightrope walk. Nope. Never. Not doing it. And I'm talking about legit tightrope walking, like where you'd require a net or a giant inflatable pad in order to make sure you don't die tryin' to get rich.

This dude crossed the grand canyon

Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: ganpondorodf on October 04, 2017, 01:35:02 PM
Nope. Nope nope nope.

The only reason I went up the Eiffel tower was because it was a school trip and none of the teachers wanted to miss out by having to stay at ground level with me (I was 13).
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: The Walrus on October 04, 2017, 01:54:43 PM
That's guy's got balls of steel. Never in a million years...
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: bosk1 on October 04, 2017, 03:48:59 PM
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Lethean on October 04, 2017, 07:39:10 PM
The cave thing - no way.  I get mild claustrophobia symptoms just looking at that picture.  If it was a completely controlled environment - i.e. there was no way I'd fall into a hole and be left to die - and I just had to go into an extremely enclosed space for X amount of time and then I'd be rich... maybe I'd try it.  Maybe.  But they'd also have to have a monitors or something on me just in case the panic attack gave me a heart attack.  I never knew I was claustrophobic until I was an adult, even though looking back there were signs from when I was a kid.  I just never really thought about it.

I've also had an "open" MRI and I would hate to see what a closed one looks like.  I eventually got through it by listening to music and keeping my eyes closed, but it was an experience I hope I don't have to repeat. 
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Adami on October 04, 2017, 07:44:10 PM


I think my balls may have receded into my body as I watched that.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: SeventhDegree on October 04, 2017, 08:12:09 PM
They say everybody's got a price, but what is something or somethings you would absolutely never do, no matter how much money someone offered you?

What about you guys?

Go to any of my high school class reunions.  I have no hope, desire or intention whatsoever of interacting with a roomful of douchebags who made my life miserable during high school.

One time I did receive an announcement for an upcoming reunion.  There was of course a questionnaire enclosed to mail back to let your classmates know what you've been doing since graduating from high school.  In the 'message to your classmates' section I wrote what the Jeanine Garafalo character in "Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion" had said in the movie:  "...you can all go fuck yourselves for making my teen years a living hell." 

I have not received an announcement since then..."boo-hoo".

Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Snow Dog on October 04, 2017, 08:42:58 PM

I was thinking of this exact video, but wasn’t sure of the forum rules about posting YouTube links. Now I know. And yes, this. Precisely this. Especially once he got to climbing around those spiky barbs that attract static electricity. Eff that shit.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: SystematicThought on October 04, 2017, 08:50:26 PM
I don't think I could ever just take a break like that like he did near the top. I'd be shaking so much, I wouldn't have much of a grip left by the top, even the middle. Having someone right behind me would not make it much better, I'd feel tense and crowded. I don't even want to think about all the variables too, wind, birds, sunlight, and weather in general.

No thank you
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: TioJorge on October 05, 2017, 01:03:15 AM
Continue to put up with a single person physically, emotionally and financially for the rest of my life.

Carry a leech called a fetus in my body for 9 months.

That cave shit.

Parachutes. Don't trust 'em.

Climb up, around or dog forbid into any kind of volcano, "active" or not.

Play an actual, real game of Russian Roulette.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: ganpondorodf on October 05, 2017, 01:14:05 AM
Parachutes, good call. Put me down (as in don't put me down) for skydiving as well. Basically anything involving heights or being upside down
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: TheCountOfNYC on October 05, 2017, 01:17:09 AM
Get acupuncture. I have a fear of needles so having hundreds of them stuck in my pressure points is something that will never happen. Also, I'm claustrophobic so that cave picture is another nope for me.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: MirrorMask on October 05, 2017, 01:32:24 AM
Throw myself with a parachute.

I would say I have vertigo, but my specific fear is the actual realization that I'm way up, and that I'm going way up. I have no issues standing on the top of a skyscraper on a large terrace, nor being on planes, but I always avoid to watch the plane taking off because I realize I'm leaving the ground and that has an effect on me. Whenever I'm flying I have no issues in following every phase of the landing because I'm returning to the ground, I'm not leaving it.

So I don't think I would ever be able to throw myself with a parachute.

But you would be returning to the ground, so technically you could jump.

When I'm on the plane about to land, I'm in a closed and secure space. If I'd jump, I'd be completely exposed and that's a no-no for me, even if I'd go towards the ground.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Tomislav95 on October 05, 2017, 04:36:09 AM
Image in OP almost gave me panic attack, damn. I start to panic only if my hand or leg get stuck somewhere, I would die of fear there :lol
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 05, 2017, 08:52:26 AM


I think my balls may have receded into my body as I watched that.

"From here, it's just another 60 feet to the top!'

I literally had balls of sweat on my palms from that.   I can't put into words how hard that was to watch. 

(FYI, my one recurring nightmare - basically the only one I can ever remember having - is me on a staircase, with no walls or railings, up in the middle of the sky.  Picture perfect blue skies, with clouds above, below and around me, and a stiff breeze, and climbing a set of stairs like from an Escher drawing.)
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: The Walrus on October 05, 2017, 09:02:07 AM
That 'stairway to heaven' antenna climb video terrifies me more than any horror movie I've ever seen...

Also this kind of stuff. There are tons of these videos, but this is every bit as hard to watch. Wouldn't do it for a billion dollars.

Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Lethean on October 05, 2017, 09:16:35 AM
I don't think I'm afraid of heights - the tower climb video was interesting to watch. That doesn't mean I'd do it though - it's one thing to watch and another to actually do it. It would be safety line all the way for me, even if it took twice as long. :)
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Herrick on October 05, 2017, 11:28:06 AM
Image in OP almost gave me panic attack, damn. I start to panic only if my hand or leg get stuck somewhere, I would die of fear there :lol

I couldn't even get into an MRI machine so the cave thing would be a definite no. I read a story years ago about a guy who got stuck fucking UPSIDE DOWN in a cave. He was hanging upside down for hours and eventually he died. Horrific and tragic.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Orbert on October 05, 2017, 11:45:12 AM
Yeah, that's the story that was linked upthread.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 05, 2017, 12:09:12 PM
I don't think I'm afraid of heights - the tower climb video was interesting to watch. That doesn't mean I'd do it though - it's one thing to watch and another to actually do it. It would be safety line all the way for me, even if it took twice as long. :)

No shit; did you watch the end part when he was standing on the light fixture and he was fumbling with his clip?  No hands?  I was yelling at my monitor:  "CLIP THE FUCKING ROPE ON!"   Haha. 
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Lethean on October 05, 2017, 01:35:25 PM
I don't think I'm afraid of heights - the tower climb video was interesting to watch. That doesn't mean I'd do it though - it's one thing to watch and another to actually do it. It would be safety line all the way for me, even if it took twice as long. :)

No shit; did you watch the end part when he was staning on the light fixture and he was fumbling with his clip?  No hands?  I was yelling at my monitor:  "CLIP THE FUCKING ROPE ON!"   Haha.
I know!  Any small little thing could set you off balance (at least I think it could, maybe they'd disagree).   I wonder if they couldn't come up with some kind of rope device that stays on the tower - maybe several of them.  You're on the ground, you push a button or something, the rope gets lowered down (it's fixed to some point), you clip it on, climb up to meet it, then push a button for the next one to come down...  Then you're not constantly clipping and unclipping.  Maybe that would be too hard to implement, or too expensive.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: lordxizor on October 05, 2017, 01:43:03 PM
I definitely wouldn't do anything that there was a greater than 1% chance I might die while doing it. Other than that, I absolutely hate the feeling of falling, but for the right price I could do a roller coaster or skydiving. If you could someone 100% guarantee my safety, there's not much a would do for a short time period for the right amount of money.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: MirrorMask on October 05, 2017, 01:48:18 PM
I definitely wouldn't do anything that there was a greater than 1% chance I might die while doing it.

I wonder if, technically, driving a car would fall into this category or not.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: lordxizor on October 05, 2017, 01:58:42 PM
I definitely wouldn't do anything that there was a greater than 1% chance I might die while doing it.

I wonder if, technically, driving a car would fall into this category or not.
Over the course of your entire life maybe. But not each individual car ride.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: ganpondorodf on October 05, 2017, 07:05:40 PM


I think my balls may have receded into my body as I watched that.

"From here, it's just another 60 feet to the top!'

I literally had balls of sweat on my palms from that.   I can't put into words how hard that was to watch. 

(FYI, my one recurring nightmare - basically the only one I can ever remember having - is me on a staircase, with no walls or railings, up in the middle of the sky.  Picture perfect blue skies, with clouds above, below and around me, and a stiff breeze, and climbing a set of stairs like from an Escher drawing.)

I have a very similar recurring dream. The staircase in mine is massive though; each step is like 7 feet high so I have to haul my entire body up each one. It's horrible
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Snow Dog on October 05, 2017, 11:33:06 PM
While we are on the subject of heights...

Zion National Park - Angel’s Landing. My wife and I love hiking and are willing to travel a good distance for some great views. Thrill seeking hikes, however, are not our thing as neither of us is keen on falling to our deaths. And toward the top, this hike has nearly 1000 foot drop offs on either side of a 2-3 foot wide in some places sandstone pathway. No fucking thanks. We opted for Observation Point instead. Higher, wider view of the canyon, and less sense you’re gonna slip and meet your demise as a grease stain across the rocks below.

Random footage of near the top:
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: MrBoom_shack-a-lack on October 08, 2017, 11:03:28 AM
Climbing the tallest chimney in Europe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtFLKmb2w7A)

Why do people voluntarily expose themselfs to the potential of being clumsy and fall to your death? I don't even trust myself enough to not stumble or drop something pretty much 2-5 times a week.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: ReaperKK on October 08, 2017, 07:11:32 PM
They say everybody's got a price, but what is something or somethings you would absolutely never do, no matter how much money someone offered you?

For me it would be cave exploring, the kind where the passages are super narrow and it feels like you are getting stuck. I am typically not claustrophic, but knowing that one wrong turn can lead to you getting stuck and dying in some shitty cave in the dark. No way


What about you guys?

This is something I don't think I'd ever do, maybe in a controlled environment.

The first time anything like that picture freaked me out was watching the movie "The Descent" and near the beginning a girl gets stuck in a crawl space like that as the rocks around her are shifting. It made me so uneasy.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: The Walrus on October 09, 2017, 08:39:07 AM
Climbing the tallest chimney in Europe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtFLKmb2w7A)

Why do people voluntarily expose themselfs to the potential of being clumsy and fall to your death? I don't even trust myself enough to not stumble or drop something pretty much 2-5 times a week.

I almost slipped in the shower last week, that would've been disastrous. Could never do this.  :lol
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: JayOctavarium on October 09, 2017, 12:22:03 PM
Climbing the tallest chimney in Europe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtFLKmb2w7A)

Why do people voluntarily expose themselfs to the potential of being clumsy and fall to your death? I don't even trust myself enough to not stumble or drop something pretty much 2-5 times a week.

I'm light headed just watching this.

The girl is cute though... so worth it  ;D
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 09, 2017, 02:12:02 PM
Climbing the tallest chimney in Europe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtFLKmb2w7A)

Why do people voluntarily expose themselfs to the potential of being clumsy and fall to your death? I don't even trust myself enough to not stumble or drop something pretty much 2-5 times a week.

I'm light headed just watching this.

The girl is cute though... so worth it  ;D
She is, but he's pretty douchey.  What's with the finger thing?        No matter how hot she is, I would pass on this.   I had to turn it off when he was walking on the little ledge at the last part.    It would have been perversely funny though, if they actually fell down INTO the chimney. 
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Phoenix87x on October 09, 2017, 04:20:18 PM
As if just climbing it wasn't enough, here they go doing a tight rope walk across it  :o   No thanks

Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: MrBoom_shack-a-lack on October 09, 2017, 05:08:24 PM
Climbing the tallest chimney in Europe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtFLKmb2w7A)

Why do people voluntarily expose themselfs to the potential of being clumsy and fall to your death? I don't even trust myself enough to not stumble or drop something pretty much 2-5 times a week.

I almost slipped in the shower last week, that would've been disastrous. Could never do this.  :lol
Yea see that's the thing for me, I could probably get used to the height to some degree but trusting myself to not fuck up, no way!  :lol
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: TAC on October 09, 2017, 05:18:18 PM
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: wolfking on October 09, 2017, 05:33:14 PM

Job interview;

employer: "Thanks for coming in Jim"
Jim: "Sweet as bro"
employer: "So.........you cool to climb a 1700 foot tower with no safety harness at times?"
Jim: "Yeah mate"
employer: "When can you start?"

That 'stairway to heaven' antenna climb video terrifies me more than any horror movie I've ever seen...

Also this kind of stuff. There are tons of these videos, but this is every bit as hard to watch. Wouldn't do it for a billion dollars.


These people aren't quite right in the head.  This made me almost shit myself.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: wolfking on October 09, 2017, 05:38:14 PM

This is a normal activity here in Australia mate. 
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: TAC on October 09, 2017, 05:41:56 PM

These people aren't quite right in the head.  This made me almost shit myself.

No kidding.


This is a normal activity here in Australia mate. 

You people are fucked up! :lol
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: wolfking on October 09, 2017, 05:43:55 PM
Climbing the tallest chimney in Europe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtFLKmb2w7A)

Why do people voluntarily expose themselfs to the potential of being clumsy and fall to your death? I don't even trust myself enough to not stumble or drop something pretty much 2-5 times a week.

This is also fucking insane.  One bigger gust of wind and you lose your footing, you're done.  These videos are unreal, stupid and intriguing at the same time.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: wolfking on October 09, 2017, 05:44:24 PM
You people are fucked up! :lol

Yes, but that has nothing to do with the crocodiles!
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: TAC on October 09, 2017, 05:46:56 PM
You people are fucked up! :lol

Yes, but that has nothing to do with the crocodiles!

Actually, I was speaking to the crocs!
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: wolfking on October 10, 2017, 05:08:59 AM
You people are fucked up! :lol

Yes, but that has nothing to do with the crocodiles!

Actually, I was speaking to the crocs!

Oh, carry on then.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: Stadler on October 10, 2017, 08:47:27 AM
Climbing the tallest chimney in Europe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtFLKmb2w7A)

Why do people voluntarily expose themselfs to the potential of being clumsy and fall to your death? I don't even trust myself enough to not stumble or drop something pretty much 2-5 times a week.

This is also fucking insane.  One bigger gust of wind and you lose your footing, you're done.  These videos are unreal, stupid and intriguing at the same time.

Admit it though; some of you thought "Thin the herd!" :)
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: vtgrad on October 11, 2017, 10:55:24 AM
Climbing the tallest chimney in Europe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtFLKmb2w7A)

Why do people voluntarily expose themselfs to the potential of being clumsy and fall to your death? I don't even trust myself enough to not stumble or drop something pretty much 2-5 times a week.

I'm light headed just watching this.

The girl is cute though... so worth it  ;D
She is, but he's pretty douchey.  What's with the finger thing?        No matter how hot she is, I would pass on this.   I had to turn it off when he was walking on the little ledge at the last part.    It would have been perversely funny though, if they actually fell down INTO the chimney.

To me, Angel's Landing would be much easier mentally than this chimney climb... I think it's perspective.  On most natural formations, the climber deals with a "wall" (for lack of a better term) that has lines of weakness until you get to the summit and you have the views around you.  With these man-made structures (chimney, antenna, crane, etc) your perspective while climbing is very different because you have "thin" contact points with the surface you're climbing and the view is constantly in your peripheral.

The finger thing may be a relaxing and focusing technique... I'm guessing of course.  The apple or peach that he chucks at the end... there's some perspective for you; 14-15 seconds of free fall.  The climb down (in the dark) would be mentally exhausting for me personally.

As the first comment for the "Stairway to Heaven" video says, the guy must have massive upper body strength to be able to drag those massive balls up that structure.
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: nobloodyname on October 31, 2017, 10:30:09 AM
Add me to the list: that cave picture makes me feel a little tight-chested. I couldn't even go on the submarine sat alongside Intrepid in New York when we were there a few weeks ago. And I had to turn around while climbing up the stairs to the bridge on Intrepid, too, going against the one-way system. Panic sets in, especially when I feel like control is being taken out of my hands.

Not great with heights when free-standing although I love flying and adore being in a light aircraft (my only real ambition is to learn to fly). Always strange, that one ;D
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: TempusVox on November 11, 2017, 09:27:16 AM
The tower climbing thing is almost too much to even watch. No way.


3 guys fell 1000' just in September. Hell no!
Title: Re: You could not pay me enough to...
Post by: ReaperKK on November 11, 2017, 07:50:00 PM
I'm not afraid of height in normal circumstances but I'd have to be a lot of money to climb any sort of tower.