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Dream Theater => Dream Theater => Topic started by: bosk1 on May 08, 2017, 09:08:54 AM

Title: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: bosk1 on May 08, 2017, 09:08:54 AM
Last night, on a bus ride from one gig in Europe to the next one, John Petrucci answered some questions I sent him about the meet-and-greet experience. 

This grew out of the conversation in a thread on this forum:  https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=49304.0. 

As I had said in that thread:  the time and exposure to the band is limited.  To get the most out of it, I would go through a little mental exercise with yourself.  For each band member, ask yourself, "If I only had 20 seconds to spend with him, what is the one thing I would want to make sure to talk to him about?"  But then flip it around as well, and ask, "If the band member that I said this to had only 20 seconds to talk to me, would me saying/asking X make him want to have a conversation with me?"  If you get the band members talking to you, it not only makes it memorable for you, but it also makes it harder for security to speed you through the line than if you are just standing there fumbling for something to say while band member X just silently smiles and awkwardly waits for you to try to finish a thought.  Bottom line is, if you do it, prepare a bit, and you will likely get more out of it.

I would just add to that:  Think about something specific to say to each separate band member.  I know for me, I always have tons to say to John Petrucci or James LaBrie.  A bit less for Jordan.  And then I inevitably get to John Myung and Mike Mangini and realize I haven't planned anything to talk to them about, and end up going into panicked fanboy mode with something generic like, "Great show!  And...uh...you're really awesome."  :lol 

John had previously told me that the band understands that people pay big money for thos VIP meet-and-greet events, so they try to be conscientious about that and try to make it worthwhile for the fans.  He acknowledged the difficulty in trying to connect with so many fans in such a short amount of time, but said they try to make it a nice experience and want people coming away from it feeling good. 

Here are the specific questions and answers he said I could post:

Bosk1:  Are there things that, from your perspective, fans can do to “maximize” their experience and/or make it more personal/meaningful? 

JP:  The meet n greets move pretty quickly meaning that aside from a quick snap of a pic with the whole band and a few moments spent with each band member getting things signed, there's not really a lot of 'hang' time so try to prepare ahead of time what you might want to say or get signed.

Bosk1:  What things do fans do/not do during the M&G sessions that you guys particularly appreciate?

JP:  The best thing from my perspective is hearing a bit about what your personal experience has been like as a fan, where you're from, something meaningful that has connected you to the music etc. Maybe how the music has had a positive influence or meaning in your life/united your family etc. Music can be very positive and powerful!

Bosk1:  What things do you wish more fans would do/not do? 

JP:  I would say to try and keep things light and positive and try not to get too nervous. We're all nice people who aren't expecting any sort of performance from people and are genuinely happy to meet you. Try not to use that brief moment to get too heavy or deep. It's just not the setting and can get awkward. Better left for personal encounters.

Bosk1:  Anything else you or the guys might want to share on the subject?

JP:  We are all professional musicians who need our hands to be able to do what we do so don't be over zealous with hard handshake grips or fist bumps!

Hopefully, people find this helpful.  I thought it was cool that he took the time to answer these questions.  I hope you all do as well.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: mikeyd23 on May 08, 2017, 09:40:06 AM
Good post, thanks to you and JP for doing this!
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: Samsara on May 08, 2017, 10:07:57 AM
Nice of JP to answer. Cool.  :tup
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: goo-goo on May 08, 2017, 10:10:15 AM
You should have asked him about his solo album  :rollin. Some kind of trade off or something  ;D

Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: Dublagent66 on May 09, 2017, 04:20:14 PM
In 2011 on the ADTOE tour, they weren't shaking hands with anyone, so I surprised JP commented about that.  Unless, they started doing it.  Other than that, not much change.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: Kotowboy on May 09, 2017, 04:22:43 PM
Les Claypool says he doesn't shake hands with fans as one time a guy shook his hand really hard and did the knuckle roll thing and he hurt his hand and had to play bass.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: Madman Shepherd on May 09, 2017, 06:17:06 PM
In 2011 on the ADTOE tour, they weren't shaking hands with anyone, so I surprised JP commented about that.  Unless, they started doing it.  Other than that, not much change.

I did the M&G on the ADTOE tour and the facilitator person requested we not shake their hands especially since it was early in the tour. It was reasonable so I of course didn't attempt to shake their hands.  When I got to James and John Myung who were the last two in line, I had a lot to say to each about how much I like their lyrics and James's solo stuff.  Things I'm sure they've heard but I had some specific things to say not just, "You guys are awesome!"  Each seemed pretty appreciative and actually extended their hands to shake mine.  Small gesture but pretty cool. 
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: V_R11 on May 10, 2017, 05:32:55 AM
In 2011 on the ADTOE tour, they weren't shaking hands with anyone, so I surprised JP commented about that.  Unless, they started doing it.  Other than that, not much change.

I bought M&G tickets for this tour and we weren't allowed to shake hands,only fistbumps,which is understandable,but that might not be a request directly from the band. JP did his on M&G in a guitar store earlier that day and I went there and he actually reached out to shake everyone's hand
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 10, 2017, 10:11:27 AM
When I saw them in December, a couple of different things happened.

I ran into Jordan before the show, and we fist-bumped.  We had a conversation and walked together to the venue, he posed for a pic with me and then had me take a pic of him under the marquee with his phone, and then he shook my hand.

During the VIP time, it was fist bumps all around.

Backstage after the show, it was handshaking all around.

So it just depends on circumstances.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 10, 2017, 11:36:35 AM
When I saw them in December, a couple of different things happened.

I ran into Jordan before the show, and we fist-bumped.  We had a conversation and walked together to the venue, he posed for a pic with me and then had me take a pic of him under the marquee with his phone, and then he shook my hand.

During the VIP time, it was fist bumps all around.

Backstage after the show, it was handshaking all around.

So it just depends on circumstances.

I guess only the special people get hugs.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 10, 2017, 12:51:29 PM
Special people don't need hugs.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 10, 2017, 12:58:59 PM
That logic doesn't hold up, hef. You're just jealous that I got a hug and you didn't.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 10, 2017, 01:27:50 PM
Of course I am.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: nobloodyname on May 11, 2017, 12:16:02 AM
When I met the band around 2007, John Myung nearly broke my hand when he shook it :lol
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: genome on May 12, 2017, 03:30:19 AM
When I met the band around 2007, John Myung nearly broke my hand when he shook it :lol

Same (TA tour last year, for me). I think I could actually hear my bones breaking.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: Hourglass Prison on May 12, 2017, 11:19:16 AM
When I did the meet and greet in 2014, we were told not to shake hands. But then during the autograph portion, they all extended their hands to me, so I figured if they're cool with it, it's fine lol
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: wrighty on May 13, 2017, 04:50:18 PM
I suspect the experience can depend a lot on how many fans have stumped up the cash to do the M&G.  I did it on the Astonishing tour, and was lucky that I was one of only 11.  I was a bit worried beforehand because I'd read a review of one of the previous show's M&G where about 100 turned up and they were processed through like sheep.  We were told 11 was about perfect - there was apparently one show just before ours where there was only 1 fan for the M&G, which would have perhaps felt a bit awkward.

I had a bit of a chat with each of them - I got the impression that JM was the least happy to be there, but JP and JR in particular were very easy to talk to.  Got a fist bump from James, don't think any handshakes were offered, and I didn't try to initiate any - I understand and respect that they will perhaps be a bit nervous about a random fan trying to demonstrate manly grip.  Plenty of photos were taken, and I was able to download decent pictures of me talking to each of them individually, as well as the posed group shot.
Title: Re: A few tips from John Petrucci on meet-and-greets
Post by: tnphelps on May 14, 2017, 12:51:52 PM
I went to the M&G at the Orlando show back in December 2016. The lady running the M&G said not to shake hands but all band members would fist pump if that was your pleasure.

So A fist pump was what I received from 4 of the 5 members.

I had planned out what I was going to ask or say to all of them. In particular I was going to say and did say something funny to Mangini. Jokingly I said to Mangini "So you have played with Steve Vai, Nuno Bettancourt and now John Petrucci, some of the all time greatest guitarists in the world, here let me give you my number and you can give me a call when your ready to play with the best." Petrucci was sitting beside him and heard me  and said "Its probably true". So all 3 of us got a big laugh out of it. Petrucci was next to Mangini and last in line and I said you already know I play guitar but I want to talk amount your lyrics and how much they mean to me and affect me. I said "It almost seems like we share the same heart and mind when I listen to them." He said he "Wow I really appreciate that and that is what he like to hear from fans" and he reached out and shook my hand. Kind of matches what he said in the interview posted above.

I love Labrie and I said something like "There are other bands with great musicians and good music out there but this bands songwriting and especially your voice is what makes Dream Theater by far my favorite band and all others just occasional listens". He appreciated that.

I could tell that they were very exhausted as it was near the tours end but they showed up and gave us time and put on an awesome show. And the pic with the band turned out really cool.

Glad I spent the extra money for the M&G even if it was only for a short time.