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Dream Theater => Dream Theater => Topic started by: devieira73 on July 14, 2016, 09:44:36 AM

Title: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: devieira73 on July 14, 2016, 09:44:36 AM
It's in spanish, but anyway, I found interesting that, I believe,  although no surprise, it was the first time that any DT member made it very clear.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: MirrorMask on July 14, 2016, 09:51:48 AM
LT3 I can understand.

Is there even the need to state there won't be a Metropolis pt. 3?
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: gmillerdrake on July 14, 2016, 10:14:19 AM
How about a prequel to Metroplois.....like when it was a small village or trading outpost?
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: goo-goo on July 14, 2016, 10:14:58 AM
Kind of stoked about this:

 ¿Y de un nuevo álbum en solitario?
- Hay algo. Estoy muy emocionado con mi próximo proyecto. Será divertido. De hecho, hace algunos años vine a Sudamérica en el marco del G3 y toqué algunas canciones nuevas.

- ¿Con qué músicos trabajarás?
- No estoy seguro. Cuando hice la gira para el G3 fue con DaveLaRue y Mike Mangini, así que probablemente sea con ellos.


Solo album news:

1st question:He's very excited for his next project, it would be fun. xxxxxx
2nd question: with who would you work with: Not sure, when he did G3 tour it was Dave LaRue and Mangini so probably with them.

Would like to see Minnemann on his solo album.

Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Prog Snob on July 14, 2016, 11:29:54 AM
How about a prequel to Metroplois.....like when it was a small village or trading outpost?

Metropolis 3: A Hamlet of Hobbits.  It's a prequel and also a reincarnation theme but the lovers are Sam and Frodo. It can also be called Metropolis Part 3: The Pitcher and the Catcher.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: DarkLord_Lalinc on July 14, 2016, 11:35:38 AM
I've always loved how classy and concise JP is with MP-related questions. Maybe good ole Portnoy could learn a thing or two from him.  :D
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Darkstarshades on July 14, 2016, 12:26:48 PM
I wonder what would have happened if JP had brought the idea to TA if MP hadn't left, or while he was still on the band.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: DarkLord_Lalinc on July 14, 2016, 01:34:43 PM
I wonder what would have happened if JP had brought the idea to TA if MP hadn't left, or while he was still on the band.
MP would've been Nafaryus.


Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: KevShmev on July 14, 2016, 01:40:30 PM
All in Spanish? Translated, what were his exact answers?
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: RoeDent on July 14, 2016, 01:43:56 PM
Give me a prequel/sequel to The Astonishing over Metropolis anyday. The Astonishing story has much more scope of possibilities for that sort of thing.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: DarkLord_Lalinc on July 14, 2016, 01:45:29 PM
Quick google translate for everyone:

- Hi John, thank first we've attended. How are you? How do you feel about this return to Chile?
- Well. We started the tour in South America a few weeks ago in Brazil, then Argentina and now Chile. Indeed we have had great shows, which makes us very happy.

- Do you like football?
- I was watching the game of Germany versus Italy yesterday. Germany won. I was also seeing some of the "America 's Cup"

- We won ...
- Yes, congratulations! It's a great prize!

- There were many Chileans held in New York, where you live.
- Yes, they were in Time Square. It's great! Congratulations.

- You have been here several times. Have you been out to see? What is your favorite place Chile?
- You know something? I have not been able to visit anywhere. I've only worked with my musicians. Actually I could not see anything. Some of the other guys have done some things.

- Yes . I saw Jordan Rudess walk by Providence.
- It's true. A Jordan loves to walk. (Laughter)

- This is the first time they play locally smaller, Caupolicán Theater. The first they played in a great place with about twenty thousand people. What is the difference for you?
- Well, the show "The Astonishing" has a better performance in a small theater, having well close to the audience. It is something like a Broadway musical, then we need smaller venues.

- What about the public reception has been how?
- Grandiose, very good. This show is very different from everything we've done in the past. This is a full night with new music. Nothing DreamTheater old songs, just play the new album, a grand opera. They will be very lucky fans who can sit and watch the show. We hope to finish up and enjoy the show.

- Is this show comparable with what has been done previously with "Metropolis Part. II "?
-" Metropolis "is shorter, a little over an hour. For this show are more than two and a half hour show. They will be more involved, with great characters, great story, different locations, orchestral arrangements ... not live, of course, but it will be like a movie. We have created a lot of media for the show. It is very different.

- The idea of "The Astonishing" was yours. What was your inspiration?
- Several things. I really like science fiction, fantasy, movies, books, TV shows ...

- What books, what movies?
- Anything that has to do with "Star Wars," "The Lord of the Rings," "Game of Thrones", "The Hunger Games" and Broadway shows as "Jesus Christ Superstar ". Actually all the stories that have a profound theme and good music. I combine all in just one.

- When did you get the idea how it took the rest of the members?
- When I presented the idea to the band, we reached a good agreement. I said, "this is my idea, I want to do a double album and present a complete show ..."

- And I said "What?!" ...
- (Laughter) No, actually they felt very interested! They said "it's great!". We have been working almost 30 years and we are always looking for new ways to enjoy the next process, make this a challenge. So everyone thought it was a great idea. We presented the Roadrunner and supported us immediately.

- How was work to do first and then made ​​history music?
- Exactly.

- And how is working as sole producer, without Mike Portnoy? Do you have more freedoms?
- Actually I have more work now because I have to do everything myself. More time, more responsibilities.

- I remember some time ago I saw some Internet rumors running around, where showed a picture with Mike. They said they were discussing an alleged "Metropolis Part. III ". What is there in that?
- No. "Metropolis" ended with "Scenes From a Memory". No more.

- Mike Portnoy said end of the year, to celebrate its 50th anniversary, will perform the "twelve-step suite" with integrity on the cruise "Cruise to the Edge". What do you think?
- Yes It 's fine..

- With other musicians. All right?
- Yes, it sounds pretty good. I'm sure you will enjoy a lot.

- I understand that it is premature, but they are already thinking about a new album?
- Not yet. We are in the middle of the tour of "The Astonishing", which lasts a lot and do not have much time to compose, because we spend all our energies in turn promoting the new album. Maybe next year we can start with a new album.

- You tend to experiment with many sounds. Have you thought about exploring Latin American sounds?
- I find it amusing. Now we have a "tango" on the new album (laughs). Mike Mangini is good innovate with these things, which I think is fantastic. That to mix with other styles Progressive Metal is very interesting.

- "The Astonishing" sounds less "metal" than its closest ancestors ...
- There is a bit of metal. It depends on the part you hear the album, such as 'Moment Of Betrayal' and certain songs. Actually music is at the service of history, is rather like the music of a movie, with breaks and different parts. All music is dictated according to what happens in history. So if there is an intense, the music must reflect ... or if there is a mysterious, happy part ... Actually this is more than listening, is to see, music helps you to understand and feel what is happening in the story.

- Is there anything you into the characters of "The Astonishing"?
- You know? I think there is indeed something of me in the characters. It is something like a collection of experiences.

- John, is there any possibility of a new album Liquid Tension Experiment?
- No.

- And a new solo album?
- There is something. I am excited about my next project. It will be fun. In fact, some years ago I came to South America under the G3 and played some new songs.

- What musicians will work?
- I'm not sure. When I tour for the G3 it was with DaveLaRue and Mike Mangini, so probably with them.

- Is there any chance to record a show here in Chile? When they recorded in Argentina Chileans were very sad.
- Oh, maybe someday! But I think not. Just we recorded in South America at Luna Park, so we want to keep trying other places in the world.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: MirrorMask on July 14, 2016, 01:58:20 PM
- Yes . I saw Jordan Rudess walk by Providence.
- It's true. A Jordan loves to walk. (Laughter)

For you Game of Thrones fans, did you think as well of Jaqen H'Ghar upon reading this?  :lol
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Prog Snob on July 14, 2016, 02:00:25 PM

A keyboardist has a name.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: JLa on July 14, 2016, 02:10:15 PM
- John, is there any possibility of a new album Liquid Tension Experiment?
- No.

Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Mebert78 on July 14, 2016, 02:36:14 PM
I could see see LTE3 happening at some point in the future, even if JP is saying no now.  Maybe something for the 25th reunion in 2022. 
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: FracturedMirror on July 14, 2016, 02:59:09 PM
- Yes . I saw Jordan Rudess walk by Providence.
- It's true. A Jordan loves to walk. (Laughter)

For you Game of Thrones fans, did you think as well of Jaqen H'Ghar upon reading this?  :lol

Yes!  :lol
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Prog Snob on July 14, 2016, 04:37:58 PM
I could see see LTE3 happening at some point in the future, even if JP is saying no now.  Maybe something for the 25th reunion in 2022.

By then Metropolis 3 will be on broadway, DT will go the way of Slipknot and the Allman Brothers and have two drummers, and Kevin Moore will write a sequel to 6:00 entitled 6:10: Snoozefest.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: SebastianPratesi on July 14, 2016, 06:45:52 PM
All in Spanish? Translated, what were his exact answers?

I won't translate the whole interview, but here are the 'interesting' or new questions/answers.
(plus, DarkLord just posted a Google-translation, and that works well anyway)

Mike Portnoy said that, towards the end of the year, he'll play the "12-step suite" in its entirety on the 'Cruise to the edge'. What do you think about this?
Yes. It's alright.

With other musicians. Is that OK?
Yes, it sounds pretty cool. I'm sure he'll have a great time.

You guys tend to experiment with lots of sounds. Have you considered exploring latinamerican sounds?
I think it's fun. Right now we have a tango on the new album (laughs). Mike Mangini is great when it comes to innovating with that sort of stuff, which I think is fantastic. Mixing progressive metal with other genres is very interesting.

Is there something autobiographical in the characters from The Astonishing?
You know? I think there is something in the characters. It's like a collection of experiences.

John, is there any chance of a new album by Liquid Tension Experiment?


Is there any chance you'll record a show here in Chile? When you recorded in Argentina, us chileans were very sad.
Oh, maybe one day! But I don't think so. We just recorded in South America at Luna Park, so we want to try out other parts of the world.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: KevShmev on July 14, 2016, 09:08:55 PM
Thanks for the translations, DarkLord_Lalinc and SebastianPratesi.  :)
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: FracturedMirror on July 16, 2016, 11:53:12 AM
Thanks for the translations.

I'm really disappointed there won't be a new LTE album.  I've been looking forward to the third one since, well, the second one.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Iceyice on July 16, 2016, 02:22:42 PM
Who the heck was expecting a Metropolis 3?

Nicholas woke up.....
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Kotowboy on July 16, 2016, 02:25:02 PM
Who the heck was expecting a Metropolis 3?

The same people who want every album to be a concept album.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Prog Snob on July 16, 2016, 02:46:55 PM
Who the heck was expecting a Metropolis 3?

Nicholas woke up.....

But in what universe?  :corn
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: CDrice on July 16, 2016, 04:31:07 PM
Who the heck was expecting a Metropolis 3?

Nicholas woke up.....

But in what universe?  :corn

In a feudal society set 357 years in the future, obviously.
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: MirrorMask on July 17, 2016, 03:35:38 AM
Who the heck was expecting a Metropolis 3?

Nicholas woke up.....

More precisely, "all characters are dead in two chronologies save for the villain"  ;D
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Mosh on July 18, 2016, 10:34:13 AM
Well in keeping with the tradition, Metropolis 3's story wouldn't have anything to do with the other 2 parts.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: pcs90 on July 18, 2016, 11:57:53 AM
- John, is there any possibility of a new album Liquid Tension Experiment?
- No.

I agree. LTE was an amazing project, and it was also my favorite work from MP -- much better than a lot of his DT drumming IMO, even though it's similar...just seemed to fit better in that context. They made some amazing music!
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: metrojam on July 21, 2016, 10:57:57 AM
I can live without there ever being a LTE 3 or Metropolis Pt 3 as long as there will never EVER be a The Astonishing 2 !!!!
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: DarkLord_Lalinc on July 21, 2016, 11:18:20 AM
Who the heck was expecting a Metropolis 3?

Nicholas woke up.....
People who are stuck in 1999.  :D
Title: Re: JP new interview: no metropolis part 3 and no LTE 3
Post by: Darkstarshades on July 21, 2016, 04:11:39 PM
The Astonishing 2: New Metropolis