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Dream Theater => Dream Theater => Topic started by: tiagodon on March 30, 2014, 02:18:16 PM

Title: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on March 30, 2014, 02:18:16 PM
Imagine you have a magic lamp and Genie comes out and says: "You have only one wish regarding DT".
What would it be?

I'd say: turn up all the bass lines in every DT recording!  :metal
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Invisible on March 30, 2014, 02:36:24 PM
Bring Kevin Moore as a studio musician/songwriter collaborating with the rest of the guys in a good working environment. JR gets to do the amazing keyboards stuff he does, KM bring his great ideas, win win.

I could come up with a thousand others, but that's my top choice.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: devieira73 on March 30, 2014, 02:44:04 PM
Steven Wilson producing, recording, mixing and mastering at least the next cd.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Zyzzyva17 on March 30, 2014, 03:09:01 PM
Bring back the SFAM/SDOIT keyboard sounds. Especially the lead sound.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: robwebster on March 30, 2014, 03:13:43 PM
Keep moving forwards. The past's nice, but it's happened. Never wind down, brave new world, each album.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Sycsa on March 30, 2014, 04:30:28 PM
Jordan using a real tonewheel Hammond with a Leslie.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Rodni Demental on March 30, 2014, 05:02:48 PM
Keep moving forwards. The past's nice, but it's happened. Never wind down, brave new world, each album.


And it reminds me of an idea I always liked about the whole genie wishing thing.

1st wish, you wish for exactly what you thought you desired.

2nd wish, you have to use to undo the first one because it had unforeseen effects from getting exactly what you thought you wanted when you weren't ready for it.

So logically, the 3rd wish should be used to not desire any more wishes.

So if I could possibly learn from that, then I think DT just needs to do what they do, because even their decisions that I haven't understood (with song composition for example), in the end I can still appreciate what they are expressing for themselves, and I wouldn't want them to try and be something they're not.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Ben_Jamin on March 30, 2014, 05:27:42 PM
To finally see n evening with show with Finally Free played along with an Orchestra that has to include Tubular Bells.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Invisible on March 30, 2014, 05:42:51 PM
Keep moving forwards. The past's nice, but it's happened. Never wind down, brave new world, each album.


And it reminds me of an idea I always liked about the whole genie wishing thing.

1st wish, you wish for exactly what you thought you desired.

2nd wish, you have to use to undo the first one because it had unforeseen effects from getting exactly what you thought you wanted when you weren't ready for it.

So logically, the 3rd wish should be used to not desire any more wishes.

So if I could possibly learn from that, then I think DT just needs to do what they do, because even their decisions that I haven't understood (with song composition for example), in the end I can still appreciate what they are expressing for themselves, and I wouldn't want them to try and be something they're not.
Lol that's probably true! But my wish is actually more just out of curiosity of what the end product would be rather than anything else. In a real life scenario obviously it wouldn't work at all. Call it scientific experiment if you want, it may fail miserably, but it's worth the shot. Probably the second wish would be to undo that, but at least you saw what it happened! :P
Actually a real wish and a lot more harmless would be that JP re incorporates some of his old variety of playing, I miss some of that these days.

And Finally Free with orchestra would be awesome!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Rodni Demental on March 30, 2014, 05:57:06 PM
Lol that's probably true! But my wish is actually more just out of curiosity of what the end product would be rather than anything else. In a real life scenario obviously it wouldn't work at all. Call it scientific experiment if you want, it may fail miserably, but it's worth the shot. Probably the second wish would be to undo that, but at least you saw what it happened! :P

Haha, yeah fair enough. Maybe I will play the game then. :P

I would like Jordan to do whatever he wanted (like he did in LTE/SFAM/6DOIT). And not feel limited or obligated to sound a certain way. Also, I think he should not feel like he has to stray away from the signature sounds he's been known for over the later years aswell. (I was quite pleased to hear one of his crazy keyboard solos in Enigma Machine because it reminded me of the good ol' BL&SL/SC solos that were just INTENSE). And more continuum please, but please be careful with it, that thing can be beautiful or just a mess. :)
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: CrimsonSunrise on March 30, 2014, 06:10:22 PM
To see ACOS in it's entirety live.  Have seen DT a dozen times, but have yet to see it.  ACOS is my favorite song of all time, by any artist.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Aythesryche on March 30, 2014, 06:20:39 PM
I'd wish that DT fans and critics have zero influence on the members of DT or their decisions in creating their music and upholding their artistic integrity. Keep on doing what you wanna do, gentlemen!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: son_ov_hades on March 30, 2014, 06:25:35 PM
I'd wish for a reunion show with Charlie Dominici, Kevin Moore, Derek Sherinian, and Mike Portnoy. Having all nine guys on stage at once would be ridiculous and amazing.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Daso on March 30, 2014, 06:32:51 PM
Steven Wilson producing, recording and mixing at least the next cd.

Fixed this because Steven hates mastering  :biggrin: and agreed.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Tis BOOLsheet on March 30, 2014, 06:34:27 PM
Get a new and better vocalist
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Rodni Demental on March 30, 2014, 06:42:25 PM
^^^ ouch.  :lol

I would also like to see old songs played no matter what they are without being too concerned about the response of fans. But I suppose we're the one group DT doesn't want to upset too much so maybe there are some songs they'll never play again... But it's nice to hear in a recent interview that someone said nothing is off limits.

An epic reuinion show with Portnoy and a playthrough of the 12SS is probably something worth wishing for. Maybe even play some other things like Constant Motion and songs where he contributed a lot vocally.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Lucien on March 30, 2014, 06:48:14 PM
I'd wish for a reunion show with Charlie Dominici, Kevin Moore, Derek Sherinian, and Mike Portnoy. Having all nine guys on stage at once would be ridiculous and amazing.

All nine of them in the studio, writing and recording one AMAZING epic for an EP, or an entire album.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Jaffa on March 30, 2014, 07:04:56 PM
I'd wish for somebody to create a job where I get paid lots of money just to listen to Dream Theater songs.

... I realize that this isn't exactly in keeping with the spirit of the thread, but still. 
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: devieira73 on March 30, 2014, 07:31:22 PM
Steven Wilson producing, recording and mixing at least the next cd.

Fixed this because Steven hates mastering  :biggrin: and agreed.
True!  :tup
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Chino on March 30, 2014, 07:58:13 PM
I'd wish to occupy the body of Mrs. Petrucci for an evening when DT wasn't on the road ;)
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Sycsa on March 30, 2014, 08:23:20 PM
 :lol Now that's a hardcore fan!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Daso on March 30, 2014, 08:32:17 PM
:lol Now that's a hardcore fan!

Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Scrub206 on March 30, 2014, 10:04:47 PM
I wish Portnoy was back and everything was cool with the members. D:
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: gmillerdrake on March 30, 2014, 10:16:21 PM
As much as I LOVE the past two albums with MM and think he's an incredible person and musician, I'd wish that MP had taken a deep breath and not left the band.

Again, I love ADTOE and DT....I like the songs, I like the sound and I think MM is an incredible drummer and THE perfect drummer to replace the void left when MP abandoned ship.

But this past couple weeks I've been spinning Awake, 6DOIT, TOT....but especially when listening to some of the 'older' DT.....MP's style of playing is absolutely perfect for Dream Theater and it's irreplaceable.

I get they've moved on and HAD to move on.....but for as great as the musics been with MM behind the kit the more I listen to the 'old' DT then hear the 'new' DT, makes me realize it's just NOT DT anymore. It's a band with some killer musicians making killer music having fun and making a living.

I know it's been hashed out a hundred times on the forum that one person doesn't make a band, which in its own right is true....but removing a vital ingredients from something you've grown to love and replacing it with a near perfect replica.....and I like many here 'grew up' with DT. I was 17 when I first bought I&W's and am 38 now.....can only mask the synthetic feel for so long. I thought I could get past MP leaving and grow accustomed to MM but it is just not the same. As much as I wanted it to be it isn't.

I'll buy every record DT puts out and most likely love each of them but the realization hit me somewhere during my fourth or fifth listen through during AWAKE last week that I 'miss' MP in DT and if I had a wish.....it'd be that he'd have thought through his decision a bit more an DT had remained in tact.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Siddhartha on March 31, 2014, 02:24:06 AM
Portnoy never left.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Rodni Demental on March 31, 2014, 02:30:44 AM
It's still Mike, he just evolved into his genie formation.   ;)
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TheLordOfTheStrings on March 31, 2014, 02:36:36 AM
I'd wish people would let the whole Mike Portnoy thing go already and move on.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Rodni Demental on March 31, 2014, 02:39:01 AM
Hey it's a wish thread (which completely validates your statement  :lol), but do you think it's not going to show up? I think most of us already appreciate Mike/Mike for what they do and have done but the discussion will always be there and so long as they both exist in the same universe there'll be comparisons made forever.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TheGreatPretender on March 31, 2014, 03:34:06 AM
Mine would be to revitalize the band's skills to when each member was at their peak (unless they still are), and give them eternal stamina so that no matter how old the members got, they'd always have all their chops with none of the fatigue.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: JediKnight1969 on March 31, 2014, 04:05:51 AM
Reunión with KM.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on March 31, 2014, 07:59:38 AM
Get a new and better vocalist

This is interesting. I played DT for a friend a couple of weeks ago. It was his first time listening to the band, so I picked up something kind of "easy-listening" - Outcry. I love this song. Anyway... He loved the intro, but when LaBrie started to sing he made a face and said: the vocals ruined the song! He said the band with that sound needed something more aggressive and stronger.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: emtee on March 31, 2014, 08:17:32 AM
I rubbed the bottle and the genie gave me 3 wishes.

-NO BOUNDRIES. It's been formulaic for many years. Shake it up. Do it differently in the studio. Take risks. Don't make another album
with the mindset of 'what will the fans think?'

-GET THE SONICS RIGHT!!! The pioneers in prog metal should have clean, crisp, punchy sound. PLEASE!

-GET AN OUTSIDE EAR! Allow someone else inside the fortress and give them the power to control how this album sounds.
See item#2.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: bosk1 on March 31, 2014, 08:33:25 AM
My one wish would be that DT save every one of us!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Mebert78 on March 31, 2014, 09:27:20 AM
My wish would be to go back in time and see DT's I&W lineup perform a small club show on Long Island shortly after JLB joined the band.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on March 31, 2014, 09:30:31 AM
My one wish would be that DT save every one of us!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: OsMosis2259 on March 31, 2014, 09:49:45 AM
Better drum sound/production.
MM is an incredible drummer and person but the drum sound on ADTOE, Live@LP, and DT12 has gotten worse compared to MP's drums. I still can't understand how they agreed on the snare drum on DT12.

I really hope they get someone else to engineer/mix the next album. I highly doubt it though because they have been saying how much they enjoyed working with Rich Chycki.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Dreamer on March 31, 2014, 10:37:03 AM
I'd like to hear a more proggy and no metal DT album - it would be fascinating to hear what it would sound like!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: mike099 on March 31, 2014, 11:07:45 AM
Better drum sound/production.
MM is an incredible drummer and person but the drum sound on ADTOE, Live@LP, and DT12 has gotten worse compared to MP's drums. I still can't understand how they agreed on the snare drum on DT12.

I really hope they get someone else to engineer/mix the next album. I highly doubt it though because they have been saying how much they enjoyed working with Rich Chycki.

Yes, this exactly.  Love the sound on Falling into infinity and 6 degrees. 
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: robwebster on March 31, 2014, 11:18:04 AM
Hey it's a wish thread (which completely validates your statement  :lol), but do you think it's not going to show up? I think most of us already appreciate Mike/Mike for what they do and have done but the discussion will always be there and so long as they both exist in the same universe there'll be comparisons made forever.
It sort of happened at the same time Kevin Moore's fanbase finally accepted he's in a different place. It's like the cosmos saw the water settling and went, "You're not getting off that easily."
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Dublagent66 on March 31, 2014, 11:26:25 AM
Bring back the SFAM/SDOIT keyboard sounds. Especially the lead sound.

Not only that but bring back the same level of musicianship.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 11:34:04 AM
As much as I LOVE the past two albums with MM and think he's an incredible person and musician, I'd wish that MP had taken a deep breath and not left the band.

Again, I love ADTOE and DT....I like the songs, I like the sound and I think MM is an incredible drummer and THE perfect drummer to replace the void left when MP abandoned ship.

But this past couple weeks I've been spinning Awake, 6DOIT, TOT....but especially when listening to some of the 'older' DT.....MP's style of playing is absolutely perfect for Dream Theater and it's irreplaceable.

I get they've moved on and HAD to move on.....but for as great as the musics been with MM behind the kit the more I listen to the 'old' DT then hear the 'new' DT, makes me realize it's just NOT DT anymore. It's a band with some killer musicians making killer music having fun and making a living.

I know it's been hashed out a hundred times on the forum that one person doesn't make a band, which in its own right is true....but removing a vital ingredients from something you've grown to love and replacing it with a near perfect replica.....and I like many here 'grew up' with DT. I was 17 when I first bought I&W's and am 38 now.....can only mask the synthetic feel for so long. I thought I could get past MP leaving and grow accustomed to MM but it is just not the same. As much as I wanted it to be it isn't.

I'll buy every record DT puts out and most likely love each of them but the realization hit me somewhere during my fourth or fifth listen through during AWAKE last week that I 'miss' MP in DT and if I had a wish.....it'd be that he'd have thought through his decision a bit more an DT had remained in tact.

I totally understand this point of view, and it can be hard not to think that way when listening to the classic material, but on the flip side, when you listen to the last few albums with Portnoy, it's obvious some type of change was needed.  Whether or not Portnoy leaving was THE change that needed to happen is debatable, and it could be argued well either way, but the way it has gone down really has worked out wonderfully for the band.  They have renewed enthusiasm, their songwriting has gotten major adrenaline shots, they have a new drummer who is a great player and awesome person, and most importantly, they look and feel like a real cohesive band again (as opposed to the Mike Portnoy Show it had become). 
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: son_ov_hades on March 31, 2014, 11:51:21 AM
I'd like to hear a more proggy and no metal DT album - it would be fascinating to hear what it would sound like!

I think the closest you'll ever get is Falling Into Infinity.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: gmillerdrake on March 31, 2014, 12:20:07 PM
As much as I LOVE the past two albums with MM and think he's an incredible person and musician, I'd wish that MP had taken a deep breath and not left the band.

Again, I love ADTOE and DT....I like the songs, I like the sound and I think MM is an incredible drummer and THE perfect drummer to replace the void left when MP abandoned ship.

But this past couple weeks I've been spinning Awake, 6DOIT, TOT....but especially when listening to some of the 'older' DT.....MP's style of playing is absolutely perfect for Dream Theater and it's irreplaceable.

I get they've moved on and HAD to move on.....but for as great as the musics been with MM behind the kit the more I listen to the 'old' DT then hear the 'new' DT, makes me realize it's just NOT DT anymore. It's a band with some killer musicians making killer music having fun and making a living.

I know it's been hashed out a hundred times on the forum that one person doesn't make a band, which in its own right is true....but removing a vital ingredients from something you've grown to love and replacing it with a near perfect replica.....and I like many here 'grew up' with DT. I was 17 when I first bought I&W's and am 38 now.....can only mask the synthetic feel for so long. I thought I could get past MP leaving and grow accustomed to MM but it is just not the same. As much as I wanted it to be it isn't.

I'll buy every record DT puts out and most likely love each of them but the realization hit me somewhere during my fourth or fifth listen through during AWAKE last week that I 'miss' MP in DT and if I had a wish.....it'd be that he'd have thought through his decision a bit more an DT had remained in tact.

I totally understand this point of view, and it can be hard not to think that way when listening to the classic material, but on the flip side, when you listen to the last few albums with Portnoy, it's obvious some type of change was needed.  Whether or not Portnoy leaving was THE change that needed to happen is debatable, and it could be argued well either way, but the way it has gone down really has worked out wonderfully for the band.  They have renewed enthusiasm, their songwriting has gotten major adrenaline shots, they have a new drummer who is a great player and awesome person, and most importantly, they look and feel like a real cohesive band again (as opposed to the Mike Portnoy Show it had become).

Good point(s) Kev. I do think that SC and BC&SL were 'mailed in' concerning the drumming ingenuity and contribution. And like I said, I think MM is incredible and THE person that DT needed to fill the void because he's such an incredible drummer. It was the nostalgia of the earlier albums that swayed me to pine for the days of MP's DRUMMING....not the man himself. 
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: emtee on March 31, 2014, 12:54:56 PM
Just my opinion but I don't think MP (or for that matter, most professional musicians) has ever mailed in any recorded
performance. What I would be willing to concede is that mentally he may not have been in the best frame of mind
due primarily to strained relationships with certain band members but while he was in the studio he always seemed
to give 100%. So did all the members of the band.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: yeah_93 on March 31, 2014, 01:03:53 PM
Give me the guitar tracks of every song with correct tabs. I can die a happy man then.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 01:06:08 PM
As much as I LOVE the past two albums with MM and think he's an incredible person and musician, I'd wish that MP had taken a deep breath and not left the band.

Again, I love ADTOE and DT....I like the songs, I like the sound and I think MM is an incredible drummer and THE perfect drummer to replace the void left when MP abandoned ship.

But this past couple weeks I've been spinning Awake, 6DOIT, TOT....but especially when listening to some of the 'older' DT.....MP's style of playing is absolutely perfect for Dream Theater and it's irreplaceable.

I get they've moved on and HAD to move on.....but for as great as the musics been with MM behind the kit the more I listen to the 'old' DT then hear the 'new' DT, makes me realize it's just NOT DT anymore. It's a band with some killer musicians making killer music having fun and making a living.

I know it's been hashed out a hundred times on the forum that one person doesn't make a band, which in its own right is true....but removing a vital ingredients from something you've grown to love and replacing it with a near perfect replica.....and I like many here 'grew up' with DT. I was 17 when I first bought I&W's and am 38 now.....can only mask the synthetic feel for so long. I thought I could get past MP leaving and grow accustomed to MM but it is just not the same. As much as I wanted it to be it isn't.

I'll buy every record DT puts out and most likely love each of them but the realization hit me somewhere during my fourth or fifth listen through during AWAKE last week that I 'miss' MP in DT and if I had a wish.....it'd be that he'd have thought through his decision a bit more an DT had remained in tact.

I totally understand this point of view, and it can be hard not to think that way when listening to the classic material, but on the flip side, when you listen to the last few albums with Portnoy, it's obvious some type of change was needed.  Whether or not Portnoy leaving was THE change that needed to happen is debatable, and it could be argued well either way, but the way it has gone down really has worked out wonderfully for the band.  They have renewed enthusiasm, their songwriting has gotten major adrenaline shots, they have a new drummer who is a great player and awesome person, and most importantly, they look and feel like a real cohesive band again (as opposed to the Mike Portnoy Show it had become).

Good point(s) Kev. I do think that SC and BC&SL were 'mailed in' concerning the drumming ingenuity and contribution. And like I said, I think MM is incredible and THE person that DT needed to fill the void because he's such an incredible drummer. It was the nostalgia of the earlier albums that swayed me to pine for the days of MP's DRUMMING....not the man himself.

Makes sense.  Like I have said before, as good as Mangini's playing is, it isn't as fun and air drum-happy as Portnoy's is, but I am okay with that, considering the change has resulted in better songwriting (than what was on the later Portnoy-era albums).  I'll take that exchange every time! :tup :tup
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Grizz on March 31, 2014, 01:08:34 PM
To have some sort of time machine that can take me to any past DT show to see in person at my whim.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: MoraWintersoul on March 31, 2014, 01:32:35 PM
To have some sort of time machine that can take me to any past DT show to see in person at my whim.
I'm quoting this because it's meaningful to me.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: ? on March 31, 2014, 02:04:21 PM
My #1 wish came true a month ago, so I have no idea what I would wish for now. Kind of depressing, eh? :lol
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: gmillerdrake on March 31, 2014, 02:06:12 PM
Just my opinion but I don't think MP (or for that matter, most professional musicians) has ever mailed in any recorded
performance. What I would be willing to concede is that mentally he may not have been in the best frame of mind
due primarily to strained relationships with certain band members but while he was in the studio he always seemed
to give 100%. So did all the members of the band.

I think that's probably a better way to put it. Maybe not 'mailed in' but when you listen to his efforts on his last two albums with DT compared to 'back in the day' efforts like 6DOIT or even 8V.....the playing is 'rudimentary' when compared to what he's capable of IMO. Whatever reason it was I think there was a noticable difference.

This is stated with an understanding that even MP's less than inspired efforts are better than the majority of drummers out there IMO. It's just that MP set the bar so high for himself in any instance he fails to reach that mark it is noticable.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: YtseJamittaja on March 31, 2014, 02:09:02 PM
I could only dream to go to gym with JP. Training with DT guys could be something from my best dreams... I would love to see JMX running with me or dancing with Pirate!  ::)
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: phentalmyst on March 31, 2014, 02:22:28 PM
spend a day with KM...
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: bosk1 on March 31, 2014, 03:16:35 PM
My one wish would be that DT save every one of us!

Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: 425 on March 31, 2014, 03:41:41 PM
As much as I LOVE the past two albums with MM and think he's an incredible person and musician, I'd wish that MP had taken a deep breath and not left the band.

Again, I love ADTOE and DT....I like the songs, I like the sound and I think MM is an incredible drummer and THE perfect drummer to replace the void left when MP abandoned ship.

But this past couple weeks I've been spinning Awake, 6DOIT, TOT....but especially when listening to some of the 'older' DT.....MP's style of playing is absolutely perfect for Dream Theater and it's irreplaceable.

I get they've moved on and HAD to move on.....but for as great as the musics been with MM behind the kit the more I listen to the 'old' DT then hear the 'new' DT, makes me realize it's just NOT DT anymore. It's a band with some killer musicians making killer music having fun and making a living.

I know it's been hashed out a hundred times on the forum that one person doesn't make a band, which in its own right is true....but removing a vital ingredients from something you've grown to love and replacing it with a near perfect replica.....and I like many here 'grew up' with DT. I was 17 when I first bought I&W's and am 38 now.....can only mask the synthetic feel for so long. I thought I could get past MP leaving and grow accustomed to MM but it is just not the same. As much as I wanted it to be it isn't.

I'll buy every record DT puts out and most likely love each of them but the realization hit me somewhere during my fourth or fifth listen through during AWAKE last week that I 'miss' MP in DT and if I had a wish.....it'd be that he'd have thought through his decision a bit more an DT had remained in tact.

I totally understand this point of view, and it can be hard not to think that way when listening to the classic material, but on the flip side, when you listen to the last few albums with Portnoy, it's obvious some type of change was needed.  Whether or not Portnoy leaving was THE change that needed to happen is debatable, and it could be argued well either way, but the way it has gone down really has worked out wonderfully for the band.  They have renewed enthusiasm, their songwriting has gotten major adrenaline shots, they have a new drummer who is a great player and awesome person, and most importantly, they look and feel like a real cohesive band again (as opposed to the Mike Portnoy Show it had become).

I hate to bring things back around to this topic again, but I will state strongly that it is NOT obvious that some type of change was needed. I don't think there's any sort of consensus among DT fans that the last few albums with Portnoy are among the weakest or that some type of change was needed. Myself, I easily prefer Octavarium and Black Clouds & Silver Linings to both Mangini-era albums. I think the songwriting was mostly better on those albums than on ADTOE and certainly DT12. And I think there are a lot of people that would agree with me on ranking at least one and perhaps more than one of the 8VM-BCSL albums ahead of both ADTOE and DT12. I don't think we're a majority but I also don't think we're that small of a minority. I have nothing wrong with you holding the opinion that DT is better post-Portnoy, but I do dispute the notion that it is so overwhelmingly obvious as you imply it to be, when there are clearly many intelligent, reasonable people who disagree.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Zook on March 31, 2014, 03:44:31 PM
Make it so Kevin Moore is still friends with DT, and looks at his time in Dream Theater as good/happy.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: 425 on March 31, 2014, 03:47:48 PM
Ah, and yes, I forgot to contribute my actual wish, which, unsurprisingly given the content of my previous post, is to hear the followup to Black Clouds & Silver Linings made by Dream Theater with Mike Portnoy. I wouldn't trade ADTOE for anything, and I do love the album, but I just want to hear the alternate reality version of what would have happened next if Mike had stayed.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TAC on March 31, 2014, 03:50:35 PM
As much as I LOVE the past two albums with MM and think he's an incredible person and musician, I'd wish that MP had taken a deep breath and not left the band.

Again, I love ADTOE and DT....I like the songs, I like the sound and I think MM is an incredible drummer and THE perfect drummer to replace the void left when MP abandoned ship.

But this past couple weeks I've been spinning Awake, 6DOIT, TOT....but especially when listening to some of the 'older' DT.....MP's style of playing is absolutely perfect for Dream Theater and it's irreplaceable.

I get they've moved on and HAD to move on.....but for as great as the musics been with MM behind the kit the more I listen to the 'old' DT then hear the 'new' DT, makes me realize it's just NOT DT anymore. It's a band with some killer musicians making killer music having fun and making a living.

I know it's been hashed out a hundred times on the forum that one person doesn't make a band, which in its own right is true....but removing a vital ingredients from something you've grown to love and replacing it with a near perfect replica.....and I like many here 'grew up' with DT. I was 17 when I first bought I&W's and am 38 now.....can only mask the synthetic feel for so long. I thought I could get past MP leaving and grow accustomed to MM but it is just not the same. As much as I wanted it to be it isn't.

I'll buy every record DT puts out and most likely love each of them but the realization hit me somewhere during my fourth or fifth listen through during AWAKE last week that I 'miss' MP in DT and if I had a wish.....it'd be that he'd have thought through his decision a bit more an DT had remained in tact.

I totally understand this point of view, and it can be hard not to think that way when listening to the classic material, but on the flip side, when you listen to the last few albums with Portnoy, it's obvious some type of change was needed.  Whether or not Portnoy leaving was THE change that needed to happen is debatable, and it could be argued well either way, but the way it has gone down really has worked out wonderfully for the band.  They have renewed enthusiasm, their songwriting has gotten major adrenaline shots, they have a new drummer who is a great player and awesome person, and most importantly, they look and feel like a real cohesive band again (as opposed to the Mike Portnoy Show it had become).

I hate to bring things back around to this topic again, but I will state strongly that it is NOT obvious that some type of change was needed. I don't think there's any sort of consensus among DT fans that the last few albums with Portnoy are among the weakest or that some type of change was needed. Myself, I easily prefer Octavarium and Black Clouds & Silver Linings to both Mangini-era albums. I think the songwriting was mostly better on those albums than on ADTOE and certainly DT12. And I think there are a lot of people that would agree with me on ranking at least one and perhaps more than one of the 8VM-BCSL albums ahead of both ADTOE and DT12. I don't think we're a majority but I also don't think we're that small of a minority. I have nothing wrong with you holding the opinion that DT is better post-Portnoy, but I do dispute the notion that it is so overwhelmingly obvious as you imply it to be, when there are clearly many intelligent, reasonable people who disagree.
That's a good post, 425. Same for Kev, and Gmill. I'm not even sure where I stand on it.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Madman Shepherd on March 31, 2014, 04:52:12 PM
My wish would be to go back in time and see DT's I&W lineup perform a small club show on Long Island shortly after JLB joined the band.

Good wish.  If I had three, it would be one of mine. 

Anyway, my other two wishes:

-More JLB lyrics

-For everyone to give up the whole MP gossip about whether he will or won't perform with them again anytime someone blinks.  I would be fine if he never did...and I do look fondly at his contributions throughout the years
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Theme Dreater on March 31, 2014, 05:04:45 PM
If only one wish, I'd like for them to incorporate more groovy stuff. Best two examples I can think of are certain sections from Take the Time and Lines in the Sand. If I had a righteous genie who could give me an additional two wishes though, I'd like to see a reunion show featuring the 12SS, and I'd like the band to play an evening with show in Alaska.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on March 31, 2014, 06:43:51 PM
Ah, and yes, I forgot to contribute my actual wish, which, unsurprisingly given the content of my previous post, is to hear the followup to Black Clouds & Silver Linings made by Dream Theater with Mike Portnoy. I wouldn't trade ADTOE for anything, and I do love the album, but I just want to hear the alternate reality version of what would have happened next if Mike had stayed.

Interesting. MP asked for a 5 year break, right? Imagine if he had been given that break. Let's say they would be coming back to the studio this year, 2014, right? They would be all in hunger, wanting to give their best. What would have come out of that?... Makes me wonder too...
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TheGreatPretender on March 31, 2014, 07:07:55 PM
Interesting. MP asked for a 5 year break, right? Imagine if he had been given that break. Let's say they would be coming back to the studio this year, 2014, right? They would be all in hunger, wanting to give their best. What would have come out of that?... Makes me wonder too...

It was September 2010, so if we hypothetically say exactly 5 years, it wouldn't be until fall of 2010. But he didn't mean concretely, so we might still be waiting for them to get back together into 2016 if the break had happened. And that's too damn long without a DT album. I mean, as it stands, we've been given a steady stream of Dream Theater updates, they've been keeping their presence in the media, and keeping relevant. Without that, I imagine so many fans would have them on the far back of their mind right now, listening to other stuff, and not even holding onto the hopes that the band would ever get back together. It would be a depressing and uneventful time to be a DT fan, had the break happened.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Tis BOOLsheet on March 31, 2014, 07:19:14 PM
A 5 year break is totally absurd. It's ludicrous to expect that...especially when (evidently) you are the only one who feels that the band needs a break. Thank God that didn't happen.

And anyway, I don't think anything all that much better than BCSL would have come out. I've seen no change in MP's approach over the past 5 years.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: The Presence of Frenemies on March 31, 2014, 08:17:18 PM
Several things come to mind musically (more high vocals, more continuum, some arrangement stuff that's hard to explain), but for me, the #1 thing is getting more studio documentaries like the SC one and more live commentaries. To me, the band behind the music and its stories behind the music are always as cool as the (awesome) music itself. More of that is always good.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: jammindude on March 31, 2014, 08:47:05 PM
I wished for a Flash Gordon themed Dream Theater Board!!!   :xbones :xbones :xbones
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: ThatOneGuy2112 on March 31, 2014, 09:13:39 PM
I'd wish people would let the whole Mike Portnoy thing go already and move on.


I guess mine would be more contribution from the other guys in terms of lyrics. DT12 was great, but I always wonder if there was a more balanced, joint effort between Myung, JLB, and JP how it would turn out. And I understand the whole stance on JR contributing lyrics, but a man can dream.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Grizz on March 31, 2014, 09:23:45 PM
What if DT had two drummers and two/three keyboardists?
You know what I'm getting at.
That would be pretty fucking sick IMO
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 31, 2014, 09:39:31 PM
What if DT had two drummers and two/three keyboardists?
You know what I'm getting at.
That would be pretty fucking sick IMO

That would actually be incredibly busy sounding and expensive to tour. :lol Can you imagine even trying to mix that in the studio? They can't even mix it as it is. :P
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: erwinrafael on March 31, 2014, 09:43:53 PM
I wish that DT would produce an album where they don't have to think if it can be played / if it is playable in a live setting. Layered tracking, ridiculously long songs with purpose, etc. Just make the best music that can be produced in a studio.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Lucien on March 31, 2014, 09:50:47 PM
What if DT had two drummers and two/three keyboardists?
You know what I'm getting at.
That would be pretty fucking sick IMO

That would actually be incredibly busy sounding and expensive to tour. :lol Can you imagine even trying to mix that in the studio? They can't even mix it as it is. :P

You don't have to have all 3 of them (keyboardists) playing at the same time, but I would have them all in a room jamming, with all three of their melodic and harmonic heads together, to come up with some amazing stuff to record. Only one of them would have to play something at a time, on tour.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 31, 2014, 09:55:47 PM
What if DT had two drummers and two/three keyboardists?
You know what I'm getting at.
That would be pretty fucking sick IMO

That would actually be incredibly busy sounding and expensive to tour. :lol Can you imagine even trying to mix that in the studio? They can't even mix it as it is. :P

You don't have to have all 3 of them (keyboardists) playing at the same time, but I would have them all in a room jamming, with all three of their melodic and harmonic heads together, to come up with some amazing stuff to record. Only one of them would have to play something at a time, on tour.

Still sounds like way too many cooks in the kitchen to work.
That plus the fact I don't actually want to hear any of the previous keyboardists again. I'd rather hear JR than whatever they're doing.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: adastra on April 01, 2014, 12:22:46 AM
Mike Portnoy  :angel:   
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Grizz on April 01, 2014, 05:16:15 AM
What if DT had two drummers and two/three keyboardists?
You know what I'm getting at.
That would be pretty fucking sick IMO

That would actually be incredibly busy sounding and expensive to tour. :lol Can you imagine even trying to mix that in the studio? They can't even mix it as it is. :P

You don't have to have all 3 of them (keyboardists) playing at the same time, but I would have them all in a room jamming, with all three of their melodic and harmonic heads together, to come up with some amazing stuff to record. Only one of them would have to play something at a time, on tour.

Still sounds like way too many cooks in the kitchen to work.
That plus the fact I don't actually want to hear any of the previous keyboardists again. I'd rather hear JR than whatever they're doing.
That's because you're a weird KevMo h8r.

Doesn't the current iteration of King Crimson have 3 drummers? That works, doesn't it?

And as for the flaws in the details... this hypothetic scenario involves the return of Kevin and Mike. C'mon!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: BlobVanDam on April 01, 2014, 05:35:16 AM
Even Kevin himself left because he didn't fit with DT's musical direction, and it's only further diverged now, so that wouldn't work at all. And two drummers is always terrible in my experience, even if it did mean having MP back.

And was that messing up of my name in the quote intentional or not? It's even funnier if it wasn't. :lol
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Grizz on April 01, 2014, 06:03:41 AM
Quote from: BlobVanDamnGirl
And was that messing up of my name in the quote intentional or not? It's even funnier if it wasn't. :lol
Well the one in that post was not touched by me, I think a mod hit it. The one in this post is only different because deleting mass lines of text is a bitch on mobile.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: ZirconBlue on April 01, 2014, 11:08:50 AM
My wish would be to for JLB not to have ordered the shrimp.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: wasteland on April 01, 2014, 12:10:18 PM
To have some sort of time machine that can take me to any past DT show to see in person at my whim.
I'm quoting this because it's meaningful to me.

Oh, yeah! :heart
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: gmillerdrake on April 01, 2014, 01:05:15 PM
My wish would be to for JLB not to have ordered the shrimp.

No kidding! I'm curious as to how many times he's thought about that? Funny how one little meaningless decision can have an effect on the remainder of you life like that.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: kirksnosehair on April 01, 2014, 01:14:32 PM
I guess my wish would be to meet the band


Alright, well, maybe have a chance to jam with them for a while  :hat
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Grizz on April 01, 2014, 01:22:04 PM
Oh, wait Blob, that was me. Mobile browsers don't like text entry.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TAC on April 01, 2014, 03:39:24 PM
My wish would be for them to play at a BBQ in my back yard.
I'd even invite Kirk over so he could fulfill his wish.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Grizz on April 01, 2014, 04:04:56 PM
My wish would be for them to play at a BBQ in my back yard.
I'd even invite Kirk over so he could fulfill his wish.
Just grill some salmon. Petrucci will show up.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Lucien on April 01, 2014, 04:36:41 PM
My wish would be to for JLB not to have ordered the shrimp.

No kidding! I'm curious as to how many times he's thought about that? Funny how one little meaningless decision can have an effect on the remainder of you life like that.

His voice was HUGE during Awake. I do wonder what would happen if he had just kept getting better after that.  :hefdaddy He is getting his voice back to its original strength, but it's not completely there yet IMO. Give it another album or two.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: ? on April 02, 2014, 04:33:06 AM
Even if James hadn't gone through the food poisoning and had continued to sing in the early 90s style, I think he might've worn out his voice and even lost some of his range over the years. On the other hand, he might've thought "you know what? I don't need to scream all the time" and ended up singing the way he actually did after the accident, or MP could've told him to sing in a lower range, as the high-pitched vocals went out of fashion in the grunge era.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Nefarius on April 02, 2014, 07:15:48 AM
My wish would be that they would drop the two year cycle of jamming, cutting and pasting ideas, adding lyrics afterwards, releasing, touring, etc. and take more time for collecting individual ideas (music and lyrics), letting them grow/mature/change/die, doing demos, bouncing ideas off each other over more time, and really write music again instead of giving us "putting together the best ideas of the last time we came together to jam in the studio".

It that's too much to ask, I'd like to perform a couple of songs with them on stage next time they're in my area.

Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TheGreatPretender on April 02, 2014, 10:37:04 AM
Even if James hadn't gone through the food poisoning and had continued to sing in the early 90s style, I think he might've worn out his voice and even lost some of his range over the years. On the other hand, he might've thought "you know what? I don't need to scream all the time" and ended up singing the way he actually did after the accident, or MP could've told him to sing in a lower range, as the high-pitched vocals went out of fashion in the grunge era.

Because DT have always tried to do what's in fashion, right?  :lol
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: kirksnosehair on April 02, 2014, 10:41:22 AM
My wish would be that they would drop the two year cycle of jamming, cutting and pasting ideas, adding lyrics afterwards, releasing, touring, etc. and take more time for collecting individual ideas (music and lyrics), letting them grow/mature/change/die, doing demos, bouncing ideas off each other over more time, and really write music again instead of giving us "putting together the best ideas of the last time we came together to jam in the studio".

It that's too much to ask, I'd like to perform a couple of songs with them on stage next time they're in my area.


Quoting this post to give it the love it deserves.  :tup
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TAC on April 02, 2014, 10:45:45 AM
In general I might agree, but the last two albums have been fantastic. And I got the feeling that this time, more than any other, they incorporated ideas that they had come up with while touring the last album.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: robwebster on April 02, 2014, 11:06:16 AM
My wish would be that they would drop the two year cycle of jamming, cutting and pasting ideas, adding lyrics afterwards, releasing, touring, etc. and take more time for collecting individual ideas (music and lyrics), letting them grow/mature/change/die, doing demos, bouncing ideas off each other over more time, and really write music again instead of giving us "putting together the best ideas of the last time we came together to jam in the studio".
I think they already do, don't they? They came in with a whole bunch of stuff last time, loads of ideas they'd come up with on tour, JP's been bringing in fully-formed songs since Wither, Beneath the Surface was written in his own time, too. They used to have a rule that all writing happened in the studio, but they've not started with a completely blank slate since Systematic Chaos, I don't think.

Frankly, I think the label would object to the idea that what they do in the studio doesn't count as writing - italics or no! And the last album's been as precise and honed as anything they've done in their career. Demos are good, demos are fun, but there's a fair bit that's had time to brew.

B-Sides are what I miss, weirdly. They always feel like a bit of a treat. Little secrets. Pianowither and Raw Dog are the latest, I suppose. That might be related to what you're suggesting.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: KevShmev on April 02, 2014, 11:10:20 AM
They used to have a rule that all writing happened in the studio

Maybe I have forgotten, but, did they really?  If so, that was an awful rule.  Creativity can often hit you at the oddest times, and essentially saying, "We can't use that cause it wasn't written with everybody else, while we were all in the studio," is just terrible.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: robwebster on April 02, 2014, 11:13:24 AM
They used to have a rule that all writing happened in the studio

Maybe I have forgotten, but, did they really?  If so, that was an awful rule.  Creativity can often hit you at the oddest times, and essentially saying, "We can't use that cause it wasn't written with everybody else, while we were all in the studio," is just terrible.
Yeah, I'm sure they did! I do agree that art doesn't always happen on demand, and to go "Creativity time starts... NOW!" isn't a way I'd be able to work, but I can't argue with the results, the music from that era is all good by me. I do prefer what they're doing now. Maybe they didn't, maybe I'm misremembering! I'll see what I can find.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TheGreatPretender on April 02, 2014, 11:13:47 AM
They used to have a rule that all writing happened in the studio

Maybe I have forgotten, but, did they really?  If so, that was an awful rule.  Creativity can often hit you at the oddest times, and essentially saying, "We can't use that cause it wasn't written with everybody else, while we were all in the studio," is just terrible.

I imagine it wasn't really like that. I mean, if I hear, "All writing happens in the studio" I would assume it simply means they don't go out of their way to write songs while on the road. That doesn't mean they don't use ideas from jams or anything. But it really depends on the artists. Some artists just can't focus on songwriting amidst all the activity that goes on while touring, and in the studio it's easier to focus.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: robwebster on April 02, 2014, 11:31:39 AM
I've found an interview where Mike Portnoy says "Usually we write together and collaborate, we come in empty-handed, but there's been one or two songs" yadda yadda yadda. There's also an article from 2010 --

The quintet—which also includes vocalist James LaBrie, bassist John Myung, and keyboardist Jordan Rudess—has a habit of going into the studio empty-handed, with little in the way of demos to work from. But Petrucci’s more than happy to spend whatever time it takes to create the music from scratch there.

“I’m definitely comfortable in the studio,” explains the Long Island–born picker. “I love the creative environment; I love having all the gear set up. I could live in there.”


So it mentions it, and mentions that it was a known thing the band did. I'll keep looking for a definite, "This is the rule, here's how we operate, just see what comes out," which is what I'm half-remembering.

ETA: Bingo!!

"This album was made similarly to the way that our last five or six records were made," says Portnoy, "which is that we move into a recording studio empty-handed, without writing anything individually or in advance. We write all the music in the studio and we record each song when it's completed. We've always made records by banging it out together in the same room, bouncing ideas off of each other. Not many bands work that way anymore, but we feel it's very important to work together as a band, because you can't replace that chemistry. You can't make a Dream Theater record through the mail."
Peavey. Bang! (https://peavey.com/artists/featured/DreamTheater/index.cfm)

I think there was a fairness to it. Put a bunch of world class musicians in a room together for a few months and good music is basically inevitable. As I said, though, prefer what they're doing now, where it's a little from column A and a little from column B.

I have a hunch the only-write-in-the-room thing was something that might've suited Portnoy really very well - as arranger, he'd have wanted to be there when the ideas happened.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Laughingplace56 on April 02, 2014, 11:40:38 AM
My wish is simple: Play The Glass Prison on tour again. Put it in the set for the second leg of NA dates, come to Florida and play the song. I NEED to see that song live. It's been 8 years since they played it last. BRING. IT. BACK.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Dreamer on April 02, 2014, 11:49:15 AM
Someone else may have already mentioned this but I would really like it if we could actually hear John Myung in the mix!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: KevShmev on April 02, 2014, 12:14:01 PM
  As I said, though, prefer what they're doing now, where it's a little from column A and a little from column B.

Simpsons reference!! :tup :tup

But anyway, I see what they were getting at, but I just think that you can't always put inspiration or creativity on a time clock.  I know I use Rush as a comparison a lot, but here goes again: Neil Peart has said that he always keeps his notepad with him at all times because he never knows when he might feel inspired or hear a phrase or whatever he'll want to write a lyric around, and his trusty notepad is always right there to jot down that spur-of-the-moment inspiration, that way he doesn't forget it.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: ? on April 02, 2014, 12:20:11 PM
Even if James hadn't gone through the food poisoning and had continued to sing in the early 90s style, I think he might've worn out his voice and even lost some of his range over the years. On the other hand, he might've thought "you know what? I don't need to scream all the time" and ended up singing the way he actually did after the accident, or MP could've told him to sing in a lower range, as the high-pitched vocals went out of fashion in the grunge era.
Because DT have always tried to do what's in fashion, right?  :lol
No, but we all know that MP wanted DT to sound modern and "cool" - I think he admitted that himself. Before leaving DT he even said he wouldn't hire James if they were looking for a vocalist now, and in Lifting Shadows he said that part of the reason they considered firing James in 2002 was that his vocal style was pretty far from big bands of the time like Radiohead.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TheGreatPretender on April 02, 2014, 12:27:22 PM
No, but we all know that MP wanted DT to sound modern and "cool" - I think he admitted that himself. Before leaving DT he even said he wouldn't hire James if they were looking for a vocalist now, and in Lifting Shadows he said that part of the reason they considered firing James in 2002 was that his vocal style was pretty far from big bands of the time like Radiohead.

This is true, but people change. Just because he felt that way in 2000s, doesn't mean that he was always of that state of mind. Just because he eventually "got with the times" and started trying to push DT toward the more fashionable territory, more Metal oriented sound, doesn't mean that he always felt that way. Had the accident not happened, I'm pretty sure that FII, assuming JLB wouldn't have strained his voice within the next couple of years, I'm pretty sure that FII would've turned out to have had much more soaring vocals than it did.

The thing is, after something like the voice accident, it would've been easier for JLB to do lower vocals, so if that's what MP wanted, it'd be easy to suggest something like that. Meanwhile, on the next few albums, JLB sounds like he's giving it his all as far as his range goes.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: robwebster on April 02, 2014, 12:35:48 PM
  As I said, though, prefer what they're doing now, where it's a little from column A and a little from column B.

Simpsons reference!! :tup :tup

But anyway, I see what they were getting at, but I just think that you can't always put inspiration or creativity on a time clock.  I know I use Rush as a comparison a lot, but here goes again: Neil Peart has said that he always keeps his notepad with him at all times because he never knows when he might feel inspired or hear a phrase or whatever he'll want to write a lyric around, and his trusty notepad is always right there to jot down that spur-of-the-moment inspiration, that way he doesn't forget it.
You know? You're absolutely right, that's exactly where that phrase comes from, but The Simpsons is so completely absorbed into my DNA, at this point, that I didn't even notice!

But yeah, I agree, and I'm glad that's what DT are doing now. In fact, it's exactly what they're doing now. JLB --

"We get together in a room and one of the strategies is that we revisit any ideas that we think were cool from sound check when we were out touring. There were a few instances where we did pull from a couple of really cool ideas from soundcheck. The other approach is that we all sit around in a room and we all play themes or ideas that we have from over a period of time. So it’s kind of funny. You have five guys sitting a room with their iPhones, playing all these things, so we pick from all of those ideas from the individuals that we think are really cool and we document it. We put them on a big easel board and we give them working titles so that we can refer back. And the real magic starts when we start jamming and one thing leads to another. One idea fires another idea and that whole interaction with one another really starts to formulate the songs and ultimately the direction we want to go in."
https://screamermagazine.com/interviews/dream-theaters-james-labrie-us-ourselves/ (https://screamermagazine.com/interviews/dream-theaters-james-labrie-us-ourselves/)

That's Peart's notebook, for the digital age. What Would Rush Do indeed!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on April 02, 2014, 01:43:53 PM
Someone else may have already mentioned this but I would really like it if we could actually hear John Myung in the mix!

Yeah! That´s the first wish in this thread!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: RaiseTheKnife on April 02, 2014, 02:06:15 PM
yeah, I vote for inviting me up on stage to jam with the band.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Tis BOOLsheet on April 02, 2014, 05:10:08 PM
No, but we all know that MP wanted DT to sound modern and "cool" - I think he admitted that himself. Before leaving DT he even said he wouldn't hire James if they were looking for a vocalist now, and in Lifting Shadows he said that part of the reason they considered firing James in 2002 was that his vocal style was pretty far from big bands of the time like Radiohead.

This is true, but people change. Just because he felt that way in 2000s, doesn't mean that he was always of that state of mind. Just because he eventually "got with the times" and started trying to push DT toward the more fashionable territory, more Metal oriented sound, doesn't mean that he always felt that way. Had the accident not happened, I'm pretty sure that FII, assuming JLB wouldn't have strained his voice within the next couple of years, I'm pretty sure that FII would've turned out to have had much more soaring vocals than it did.

The thing is, after something like the voice accident, it would've been easier for JLB to do lower vocals, so if that's what MP wanted, it'd be easy to suggest something like that. Meanwhile, on the next few albums, JLB sounds like he's giving it his all as far as his range goes.

Lower parts would have done little to alleviate the concerns MP had about the vocal sound of DT.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Laughingplace56 on April 02, 2014, 09:56:31 PM
yeah, I vote for inviting me up on stage to jam with the band.
This too. Drumming with these guys onstage would be life changing  :metal
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: RaiseTheKnife on April 02, 2014, 10:37:22 PM
yeah, I vote for inviting me up on stage to jam with the band.
This too. Drumming with these guys onstage would be life changing  :metal

Metallica had a video contest where the winners joined the band on stage for Blackened at a fanclub show.  Be amazing if DT had the same kind of promotion -- especially if it resulted in a DTF/ fanclub exclusive type show.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on April 03, 2014, 09:26:57 AM
No, but we all know that MP wanted DT to sound modern and "cool" - I think he admitted that himself. Before leaving DT he even said he wouldn't hire James if they were looking for a vocalist now, and in Lifting Shadows he said that part of the reason they considered firing James in 2002 was that his vocal style was pretty far from big bands of the time like Radiohead.

This is true, but people change. Just because he felt that way in 2000s, doesn't mean that he was always of that state of mind. Just because he eventually "got with the times" and started trying to push DT toward the more fashionable territory, more Metal oriented sound, doesn't mean that he always felt that way. Had the accident not happened, I'm pretty sure that FII, assuming JLB wouldn't have strained his voice within the next couple of years, I'm pretty sure that FII would've turned out to have had much more soaring vocals than it did.

The thing is, after something like the voice accident, it would've been easier for JLB to do lower vocals, so if that's what MP wanted, it'd be easy to suggest something like that. Meanwhile, on the next few albums, JLB sounds like he's giving it his all as far as his range goes.

Lower parts would have done little to alleviate the concerns MP had about the vocal sound of DT.

You all have watched the movie Rock Star, right? Some vocals are done by Jeff Scott Soto. The way he sounds in the movie would be, for me, the perfect vocals for DT.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: YtseBitsySpider on April 03, 2014, 09:53:16 AM
FII line up tours with maiden they play only the hits
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: wolven74 on April 03, 2014, 10:21:58 AM
If I had 3 wishes, they would be thus:

3. Least important: I'd get to meet and jam with the band on MM's kit.

2. The band continue to create amazing music, with different producers, in different environments, mixing it up a bit.

3. The fans quit wanting the band to be something they're not.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Grizz on April 03, 2014, 11:08:45 AM
3. The fans quit wanting the band to be something they're not.
And I wish that the band is something that they are not but what they were and something that they are entirely capable of being.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: JLa on April 03, 2014, 11:20:06 AM
- dear Genie, please let DT's next album be their best ever (in *MY* opinion).

Thanks  ;D
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: kirksnosehair on April 03, 2014, 01:04:16 PM
  As I said, though, prefer what they're doing now, where it's a little from column A and a little from column B.


but I just think that you can't always put inspiration or creativity on a time clock.


Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Madman Shepherd on April 03, 2014, 03:49:26 PM
They used to have a rule that all writing happened in the studio

Maybe I have forgotten, but, did they really?  If so, that was an awful rule.  Creativity can often hit you at the oddest times, and essentially saying, "We can't use that cause it wasn't written with everybody else, while we were all in the studio," is just terrible.

I imagine it wasn't really like that. I mean, if I hear, "All writing happens in the studio" I would assume it simply means they don't go out of their way to write songs while on the road. That doesn't mean they don't use ideas from jams or anything. But it really depends on the artists. Some artists just can't focus on songwriting amidst all the activity that goes on while touring, and in the studio it's easier to focus.

In the last group skype interview they did they spoke about the recording a lot.  They did have many ideas that came together from jam sessions, some things were brought in individually, and they assembled it all in the studio.  JP actually started looking through them and they joked not to click on any of them.  He mentioned that there was somethng MM brought in that they didn't use and he says, "Sorry Mike."  Mike responded, "Hey thats ok." 

They didn't expand on that but I would assume that for the latest album about 80-85% was written in the studio. 
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TheGreatPretender on April 03, 2014, 04:27:43 PM
Yeah, after MP's departure, I do recall them saying that they do bring together various ideas that they had been working on, JP in particular. He wrote BTS all by himself outside the studio, right?
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Rodni Demental on April 03, 2014, 04:57:44 PM
3. The fans quit wanting the band to be something they're not.
And I wish that the band is something that they are not but what they were and something that they are entirely capable of being.

On a certain level, isn't what we are, not all much different from what we've been by extension? The culmination of all of those things. Paradoxically, DT are as much the same as they were back then as they are completely different now, but that point of origin means it's still them so you can't expect them to be anything but what they are. :P
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: TheLordOfTheStrings on April 04, 2014, 01:33:02 AM
Yeah, after MP's departure, I do recall them saying that they do bring together various ideas that they had been working on, JP in particular. He wrote BTS all by himself outside the studio, right?
That is correct. I get the feeling Along For The Ride was a similar story as well.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on April 04, 2014, 10:29:56 AM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: lithium112 on April 04, 2014, 10:43:53 AM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!

lol that's kinda true and I thought that at first as well, but then I realized that for someone that posts a lot, writing out full song titles every time gets really tedious.

BTS is Beneath the Surface. I thought there was a thread that listed all the songs and their acronyms but I can't seem to find it right now.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: krands85 on April 04, 2014, 11:08:30 AM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!
https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=39318.0 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=39318.0)

You get used to it eventually  :lol
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Enalya on April 04, 2014, 11:23:14 AM
One wish regarding DT?
I'm getting pretty wrong thoughts here.. :smiley:

No, what really I wish for them is that they will stop at the right time - for example when their inspiration is gone, so that they don't try to fart out creativity. That they'll be remembered as a legendary band, just as Queen.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Jaffa on April 04, 2014, 12:17:57 PM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!

If we were able to memorize them, why can't you?  Are we that much smarter than you?  ... :neverusethis:

Just kidding.  In all honesty, you'll get used to them.  We spend a lot of time discussing these songs; it can be quite a chore to type them all out all the time. 
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: KevShmev on April 04, 2014, 12:23:02 PM
Nah, it's easy; I almost always type out the names of songs in full. *shrugs*
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: RoeDent on April 04, 2014, 12:35:35 PM
Nah, it's easy; I almost always type out the names of songs in full. *shrugs*

Did you know their next album will include a cover of Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict?  :P
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Zyzzyva17 on April 04, 2014, 02:18:44 PM
Nah, it's easy; I almost always type out the names of songs in full. *shrugs*

Did you know their next album will include a cover of Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict?  :P

Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: JayOctavarium on April 04, 2014, 02:26:56 PM

Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: son_ov_hades on April 04, 2014, 03:29:00 PM
One wish regarding DT?
I'm getting pretty wrong thoughts here.. :smiley:

Hey girl

No, what really I wish for them is that they will stop at the right time - for example when their inspiration is gone, so that they don't try to fart out creativity. That they'll be remembered as a legendary band, just as Queen.

I agree completely. If they can't do it well anymore they should retire instead of half assing it. Far too many bands stay well past their welcome.

Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: robwebster on April 04, 2014, 03:46:35 PM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!
The clue is in the letters!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Ben_Jamin on April 04, 2014, 03:56:34 PM
It might be Roadrunner screwing up the masters, look at Clockwork Angels.

That's the one thing keeping DT down.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Rodni Demental on April 04, 2014, 06:13:06 PM
Sorry for the off topic deviation, but what's wrong with Clockwork Angels? Is it super compressed or something? Because I honestly thought the mixing on that was pretty decent. The strings, guitar and bass all seem to have their own location in the music, it doesn't sound anywhere near like the muddy peaking mess that was Vapor Trails (You can't actually hear all the notes and details in some of the guitar passages because it's peaking so much and everything else is being blasting so loudly aswell). AND even still, despite what you'd interpret from what I just said about VP, I think even that gets a bit overstated sometimes because it's only a few sections that come across that way. The rest of the mix packs a punch and makes the songs memorable without ruining them.

I mean DT12 mix is good. Yes it's very loud due to the deliberate compression, BUT it's a surprisingly good mix for the level of compression no? Everything still has it's place in the mix (JMX Bass can be heard!?  :eek) That says enough in itself to me. I think the main issues with these overcompressed albums is the guitars become the primary and dominating sound. Never thought that about Clockwork Angels that's why I'm curious is all.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 05, 2014, 07:22:59 AM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Lucien on April 05, 2014, 09:00:09 AM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!

BTS: Beneath the Surface
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: King Postwhore on April 05, 2014, 09:24:30 AM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!

Hef, I really thought you'd type STFU. :lol
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 05, 2014, 09:30:22 AM
I considered it  :lol
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: Octavarious on April 05, 2014, 02:58:23 PM
My wish is very easy.
Next time here in Rome, day one they do their usual setlist ( I mean the one they would have then) and day 2...
With the following setlist:
Octavarium *
One Last Time*
*=with orchestra
#=with mighty gospel choir
And everything with me in the front line, central stage, and with the 5 guys already agreeing to come to dine with me in some superpower local restaurant.

In other words, when you make a wish, make it BIG :tup

Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on April 06, 2014, 07:58:27 AM
ˆThat's a big one!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on April 06, 2014, 08:03:27 AM
I just bought a copy of Animals as Leaders' debut, self-titled album.
Goddamn, it's awesome!
DT13 could sound a little bit like that. This is another wish.
Set MM free! Set the reckless progressiveness free! Set JM free! Something more experimental, more like 6DOIT (first half).
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: CrimsonSunrise on April 09, 2014, 08:19:57 AM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!

I just bought a copy of Animals as Leaders' debut, self-titled album.
Goddamn, it's awesome!
DT13 could sound a little bit like that. This is another wish.
Set MM free! Set the reckless progressiveness free! Set JM free! Something more experimental, more like 6DOIT (first half).

Knock it off with the abbreviations goddamnit!!!!!!

 :biggrin:  sorry...couldn't resist ... :lol
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: JiM-Xtreme on April 09, 2014, 11:45:51 AM
Make a prog-funk metal album. With lotssss of slap bass.
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: tiagodon on April 09, 2014, 01:48:46 PM
I really hate when you guys use acronyms! What is BTS??? Jesus, it's 12 albums, more than 100 songs! Write the goddamn full names!!

I just bought a copy of Animals as Leaders' debut, self-titled album.
Goddamn, it's awesome!
DT13 could sound a little bit like that. This is another wish.
Set MM free! Set the reckless progressiveness free! Set JM free! Something more experimental, more like 6DOIT (first half).

Knock it off with the abbreviations goddamnit!!!!!!

 :biggrin:  sorry...couldn't resist ... :lol

 :lol I´m a fast learner!
Title: Re: If you had only one wish what would it be?
Post by: ToT-147 on April 09, 2014, 10:48:04 PM
My wish would be a simple but highly improbable one (as every wish should it be):

-Play a song with them in a concert.. Being in JLB's role, in JP's role or in JR's.. Yeah, I'm guitar and keyboard player.. Not a singer, but I'd tune.. That would be just nice, I think.. :azn: