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General => General Music Discussion => Topic started by: jingle.boy on August 06, 2013, 04:45:36 PM

Title: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: jingle.boy on August 06, 2013, 04:45:36 PM
If these two aren't the standard bearers for 'glam metal', I don't know which two are.  Style-wise, there were certainly flashier frontmen, but when you combine their flare with the popularity (notoriety?) they achieved, no others compare.  They were without a doubt way more focused on the style over the substance (unless it's substance abuse).  Form over function; sizzle over steak... pick however you want to phrase it, these guys will never be accused of dynamic range and power in their voice.  However, there was a certain quality to both that allowed them to become way more than their chops would've dictated alone.

In the "who banged Pamela Anderson" category, Bret gets the edge for immortalizing it on tape forever (because, I'm sure Tommy didn't keep Pam all to himself).

I'll also give the vocal preference to Michaels.  Sorry Vince, but Bret has got way more emotion, and diversity.  Native Tongue wow'd the fuck out of me - soul and emotion just ooze from Bret on that album.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: Unlegit on August 06, 2013, 05:29:33 PM
Vince Neil, definitely. Also, just noticed this, but both of their last names could also be first names.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: TAC on August 06, 2013, 05:35:34 PM
Fuck Poison, seriously.

Vince Neil easily.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: jammindude on August 06, 2013, 05:39:42 PM
I freakin hate Vince Neil.   At least Poison was ALWAYS a glam metal band.   MC was...well...whatever was trending at that moment.    "We're an evil leather and spikes band....NO...NOW we're a pastel spandex and girly makeup band....NO....NOW we're a denim biker band!"

Seriously....screw MC.   
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: The King in Crimson on August 06, 2013, 05:43:41 PM
Fuck Poison, seriously.

Vince Neil easily.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: wolfking on August 06, 2013, 06:29:47 PM
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: Mindflux on August 06, 2013, 06:47:09 PM

Dude's got it right.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 06, 2013, 07:06:36 PM
Michaels, no question. Banged Pam Anderson before it became fashionable and was, from what I gather, more consistent live. Plus I like his voice better.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: jingle.boy on August 06, 2013, 07:13:03 PM

Dude's got it right.

Both of ya can bite my left one.  And just to get Kade raging, I'd take either over Blaze.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: Big Hath on August 06, 2013, 07:19:00 PM

Dude's got it right.

Both of ya can bite my left one.  And just to get Kade raging, I'd take either over Blaze.

Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: jammindude on August 06, 2013, 07:20:19 PM

Dude's got it right.

**I'M** Dude!   :P
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: wolfking on August 06, 2013, 07:27:44 PM

Dude's got it right.

Both of ya can bite my left one.  And just to get Kade raging, I'd take either over Blaze.

Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: jjrock88 on August 06, 2013, 08:47:57 PM
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 06, 2013, 10:21:19 PM
Michaels, no question. Banged Pam Anderson before it became fashionable and was, from what I gather, more consistent live. Plus I like his voice better.

While Cozmo raises some excellent points, I'm going with Vince Neil.
I think both of them were pretty bad for hair metal singers, although Vince Neil at least had range and occasional grit. Michaels was always a pretty average singer in terms of range (and poor compared to other hair metal singers of the time), and whenever he tried to do higher notes or screams, it was piss weak.

I actually saw Bret Michaels open for Poison a couple of years ago, and both did a surprisingly solid job though. Michaels probably more so than Neil just because he set the bar so low to begin with. Vince Neil has shocking phrasing these days.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: nobloodyname on August 07, 2013, 01:03:40 AM
Always Bret for me. He conveys a surprising amount of emotion and soul in his voice.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: Lowdz on August 07, 2013, 08:15:40 AM
Michaels was the better singer. Vince Neil has always been awful live.

And you're all a bunch of prog and metal snobs  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: Dark Castle on August 07, 2013, 09:35:10 AM
Michael, better singer, and while he may be an idiot, at least didn't kill somebody in a drunk driving accident and then go on to get more DUI's, saying that prison time was unfair.
Fuck Vince Neil. The rest of Motley Crue are pretty alright, hell they're all pretty cool except for Vince Neil.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: Lolzeez on August 07, 2013, 10:25:12 AM

Dude's got it right.
Title: Re: 80s Glam/Metal Vocal Showdown #2: Michaels vs Neil
Post by: bosk1 on August 07, 2013, 10:41:24 AM
Neither are all that great, IMO.  Plenty of other great ones in the genre, so I can't wait for the next round.  But having to pick one:
Bret has got way more emotion, and diversity.

I agree with this.