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Dream Theater => Dream Theater => Topic started by: iamtheeviltwin on January 16, 2013, 12:58:42 PM

Title: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 16, 2013, 12:58:42 PM
Looks like it is my turn to do a top 50 list.  As much as I am enjoying senecadawg's unique list, I am afraid mine will be a bit more pedestrian than that.  I actually put this list together about 6 months ago and I haven't revisited it since.  I am sure that if I went through and rebuilt it some things would move and change, but after reviewing my list I am comfortable with the song placements and my feelings.

As for the actual method I used to rank my top 50 DT songs, I went through their complete catalog (including all the unreleased and b-sides I could find) and listened to it several times over the course of a few weeks to refresh my memory and to get passingly familiar with some of the band's rare cuts.  Then I sat down over the course of several days and listened again with a more critical ear and rated the songs.  Finally, I listened through my top 50(ish) again to do my write-ups and make any final adjustments.

I had considered several methods of song rating and finally decided on what I have called the "Food Network" style of rating.  If you ever watch competition shows on the Food Network (like Iron Chef) they use three categories to judge food, Plating, Originality, and Taste.  They use those three basic categories to rate the food and then combined those scores into a final score.  I liked the idea of rating songs on several different metrics.  So I took the idea and broke it down as follows:

"Plating" (1-5): I look at Plating as being the presentation of the song, how appealing it is to listen to and experience.  This includes things like song structure, instrumentation, mix, etc.  anything that enhances or detracts from the auditory appeal of the song.

"Originality" (1-5): Originality was a harder concept to judge.  I tried to judge a song's "originality" against not only music as a whole, but also Dream Theater's catalog in general.  Items that make a song original could include time signatures, creative use of samples, etc.

"Taste" (1-10): Unlike a real food or music critic, presentation and originality can only take art so far in my mind.  To me Taste, or how satisfied I am after the song is over, is the most important category.  Taste to me was far more subjective, but in the end I listen to music I like and that leaves me happy in the end.

Combined, I averaged out these scores to get a rating from 0-10.  In the long run there were quite a few songs that had the same scores.  Usually, I rated songs that "Tasted" better higher than ones that scored better on the technical aspects.  Being a rabid Dream Theater fan my overall scores were probably higher than a non-fan or more critical person would rate them (the average score was 8.18 and the median was 8.5), but its my list and my scores.  :D 

I had a pile of songs that clocked in at 8.5 and had to cull those down to start the list, as a teaser I am presenting my "almost-rans" to wet your whistle and will put up the first 5 shortly.

The 51s:
This is the Life
Far From Heaven
The Silent Man
Through Her Eyes

Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: MoraWintersoul on January 16, 2013, 01:01:09 PM
You are the archetype thorough DT fan :tup definitely following.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: wasteland on January 16, 2013, 01:05:10 PM
I really like your approach, and as I am myself a bit of a ratings freak, I hope you won't be offended if I were to draw inspiration from your methods when the time for me to start my own list comes  :)

I'll be following this, of course!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Scorpion on January 16, 2013, 01:09:37 PM
Following. All of these deserve a mention.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 16, 2013, 02:04:50 PM
@Wasteland - feel free to take it and use it how you will.  I thought my method might be interesting to some around here which is why I detailed it out.  Of course, the rating system might be more interesting than the list :P

After that rather wordy intro, some of my song write-ups seem quite short.  :)

50 - Vacant
Deep Thoughts:
From the opening string and piano section, this song is a musical break on the heavy Train of Thought album giving it special emphasis that grants it the spotlight the song deserves.  James' breathy lyrics convey the emotion and heaviness of this short ballad.  Deeply personal lyrics often lift songs up and this one is no exception.

49 - Wait for Sleep
Deep Thoughts:
I am a huge fan of the shorter lyric and emotion driven songs in the Dream Theater catalog.  This was one of three songs from my first listen of Images and Words that just demanded my attention.  From the first listen the lyrical imagery was clear to me and it touched on some deep emotions.

48 - Anna Lee
Deep Thoughts:
Third ballad in a row among the many on my list...you might think I like them or something.  This song features two things that Dream Theater has been able to combine powerfully since James LaBrie took the reigns as vocalist, a virtuoso keyboardist playing beautiful piano melodies combined with the full emotional impact of James' voice.  The song is tight and features a nice extended solo by Petrucci that doesn't wander and acts as the perfect bridge for the piece which is otherwise pretty "mainstream".

47 - You Not Me
Deep Thoughts:
This will probably be one of several "controversial" choices on my list.  This song is another in an under appreciated vein that Dream Theater is strong at; making catchy, poppy tunes with good vocal hooks and choruses.  I learned the history of the song long after I bought the album and have listened to both versions.  I feel like the transformation of this song vastly improved on the original.  While I liked the heavy bass groove of You or Me, the song structure and chorus make You not Me much tighter than the original.  Most of the instrumental sections were maintained in the final mix and gives this pop song some prog cred.  Lyrically, this song speaks to me which is why it has made it onto my top 50. 

46 - One Last Time

Deep Thoughts:
As I listened through the bottom selections of my top 50, it struck me how much I love it when the Dream Theater keyboardists break out the piano.  While this song is the first of many from Scenes From A Memory and is "just" a bridge for the story, I enjoy the musical elements within it.  The piano, vocal harmonies, and instrumental break all work to make this short piece stand well on its' own apart from the larger work.

Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Scorpion on January 16, 2013, 02:09:34 PM
Great songs.

Aside of the obvious one, though I actually relistened yesterday and I liked it more than I thought I would. Still, I'd place it at or near the bottom of DT's discography and definitely not in the Top 50.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Pols Voice on January 16, 2013, 02:28:47 PM
Interesting start. I like that you have You Not Me in there. :)
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Shadow2222 on January 16, 2013, 02:47:39 PM
Very nice beginning to the list! I also like You Not Me (and Raw Dog, for that matter) more than the average DT fan.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: senecadawg2 on January 16, 2013, 02:52:20 PM
I'm excited to follow! Very interesting to see that Surrounded didn't make your top 50, and You Not Me did.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: wasteland on January 16, 2013, 02:55:05 PM
I'm excited to follow! Very interesting to see that Surrounded didn't make your top 50, and You Not Me did.

Interesting, but not very pleasant to read  :lol
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: senecadawg2 on January 16, 2013, 02:59:07 PM
Yeah, I definitely don't agree with those rankings. Personally (spoilers!), neither would make my list.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Glass Moonlight on January 16, 2013, 06:14:35 PM
Neat, I can't believe Surrounded isn't there but You Not Me is, however I do enjoy both songs. Can't wait to see what's next.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 16, 2013, 07:37:11 PM
Coincidence that they're mostly all ballads? :lol

Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 16, 2013, 07:42:50 PM
Cool idea, good start!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: theseoafs on January 16, 2013, 07:44:47 PM
For being the lowest-scoring songs on your list, these songs have some pretty damn high scores.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: chaotic_ripper on January 16, 2013, 08:04:54 PM
I love lists that are not the "average" picks. Excited and following!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 17, 2013, 10:44:14 AM
@blob - pretty sure I mentioned I like ballads :)
@theseoafs - admitted DT fanboy...so of course my scores are higher than normal.  I had started to go through and do this again with a bit more refinement on my ratings, but that attempt got drowned out by the holidays.

45 - Fatal Tragedy
Deep Thoughts:
This second selection from Scenes From A Memory opens with the piano and LaBrie vocals I have come to realize I enjoy so much, and then lead into what is one of the most entertaining lyrical pieces on the album.  While it is not as poetic as Myung's other lyrical efforts, it was written in such a way to propel the story of the album and delivers it in a clear manner without being too literal or dry (like parts of Count of Tuscany for example).  This song has a good instrumental bridge that shows off the back and forth play between Petrucci and Rudess that was fresh here, but has perhaps become a bit overused later in the catalog.

44 - The Answer Lies Within
Deep Thoughts:
My top four albums in the Dream Theater catalog are A Dramatic Turn Of Events, Awake, Scenes From A Memory, and Octavarium.  The first song on my list from Octavarium captures the balladic elements from Dream Theater that I really enjoy.  Strong keyboard work, clear emotional lyrics, breathy LaBrie vocals, instrumental work that doesn't crowd out or overshadow the song, and a tight song structure.

43 - I Walk Beside You
Deep Thoughts:
My second choice from Octavarium falls into that "poppy prog" sound that many Dream Theater fans seem to dislike.  The strengths of this song are the upbeat and positive lyrics and the LaBrie delivery of the vocal melody.  This is a song I have always put on to lift my spirits and it is a nice tune for the non-prog lover in your life.

42 - Beyond This Life
Deep Thoughts:
This song is the first on my list to feature more familiar elements of the "Dream Theater" sound.  While perhaps not a full on prog metal signature work, the opening metal riff backed by the complex keyboard work give the song drive which is punctuated by the softer and slower "Our Deeds have traveled far" section and then thrown back in your face when the song drives forward again.  One of the few things I dislike about the song and kept it from ranking higher on my list was Jordan's odd choice of the Brass patch he uses in the bridge.  It sounds like it was taken straight from an old Casio keyboard and impedes the flow of an otherwise great instrumental segment.  That patch selection was one of the most memorable and jarring take aways from my first listen of Scenes and distracted from the rest of the album.

41 - Overture 1928

Deep Thoughts:
Instrumentals are one of the things that I have always loved about Dream Theater so I was mildly surprised as I compiled this list that only two made into my top 50.  While shorter than many of their other instrumental pieces, it serves the purpose of any good opening to a symphony or theatrical score, binding and teasing at all of the ideas that will be present in the course of your journey through Scenes.  It was also my (and I suspect many fan's) first introduction to Jordan as the new keyboardist and gave a glimpse of how he was changing Dream Theater's sound.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Ruba on January 17, 2013, 10:48:53 AM
You Not Me sighting! That song is so underrated! It doesn't make me top 50 by now, but isn't very far from it.

Nice to see The Answer Lies Within too. It doesn't deserve all the bad rap.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 17, 2013, 10:50:30 AM
Great update aside from The Answer Lies Within.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: senecadawg2 on January 17, 2013, 03:23:44 PM
3 SFAM songs in one update  :omg: And all so low!?
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Pols Voice on January 17, 2013, 06:22:29 PM
It's good to see TALW and IWBY get some recognition. :tup
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: DebraKadabra on January 17, 2013, 07:27:25 PM
^ Totally.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Sycsa on January 17, 2013, 11:24:04 PM
One of the few things I dislike about the song and kept it from ranking higher on my list was Jordan's odd choice of the Brass patch he uses in the bridge.  It sounds like it was taken straight from an old Casio keyboard and impedes the flow of an otherwise great instrumental segment.  That patch selection was one of the most memorable and jarring take aways from my first listen of Scenes and distracted from the rest of the album.

It's one thing not to like that patch, I've heard that opinion multiple times on this forum (although I'll never understand it), but it sounds nothing like an old Casio. It's clearly a high quality, warm sounding patch (as far as digital keyboards go), with about a dozen different sounds incorporated in it.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Cedar redaC on January 17, 2013, 11:41:13 PM
Great list so far, following.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Lolzeez on January 18, 2013, 03:36:55 AM
BTL  :metal
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 18, 2013, 09:00:12 AM
One of the few things I dislike about the song and kept it from ranking higher on my list was Jordan's odd choice of the Brass patch he uses in the bridge.  It sounds like it was taken straight from an old Casio keyboard and impedes the flow of an otherwise great instrumental segment.  That patch selection was one of the most memorable and jarring take aways from my first listen of Scenes and distracted from the rest of the album.

It's one thing not to like that patch, I've heard that opinion multiple times on this forum (although I'll never understand it), but it sounds nothing like an old Casio. It's clearly a high quality, warm sounding patch (as far as digital keyboards go), with about a dozen different sounds incorporated in it.

It's really not all that high quality a patch.  There were much better brass patches with more depth, warmth, and over and under tones available when the album was recorded.  That brass patch is thin and has none of the fullness of a real brass sound, which is why I compare it to a cheap brass patch from am old Casio keyboard.  The best you can say for the patch is that it has multiple "instruments" playing harmonic simultaneously, but those multiple voices are still the same thin tones as the main voice.    I usually don't have problems with Jordan's patches, but this one was truly lacking.  Compare it with the fuller brass sounds from the Six Degrees overture and it is apparent how poor it is.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: ? on January 18, 2013, 09:12:33 AM
Cheap or not, that brass patch sounds awful :puke:
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 18, 2013, 09:28:23 AM
40 - Repentance
Deep Thoughts:
This portion of the twelve-step suite garners more divided opinions than most of the other pieces in the suite.  There are several things about the song that makes it stand out from the rest.  When the songs are taken as a whole suite, this song is the soft respite from the hard drive and aggression of the rest of the suite.  This combined with the lyrical content, which stands on its' own in a way some of the other songs in the suite do not, creates a powerful song that I find connects to me.  The act of confession and seeking forgiveness for those you have wronged is well conveyed in the samples and spoken word ending.

39 - The Count of Tuscany
Deep Thoughts:
The opening notes of this 20 minute epic lead you to believe something special about to happen, and for the most part that is true.  Many have complained about the nature of the lyrics, but as a literal story telling device that portrays the story being told clearly, I feel they work well with the song.  The problem lies more often with the delivery of the lyrics, "My Brutha, Historian..." for example.  I like the twist both musically and lyrically in the song.  The feeling of being in a dangerous situation contrasted with the realization those fears were unfounded.  The Vangelis-like transition in the middle of the song is one of the loveliest sections of music Dream Theater has done.  While a strong entry into the list of epics in the band's catalog the problems with it prevent it from reaching the height of the better epic length songs.

38 - Raise the Knife
Deep Thoughts:
I became familiar with this song after buying the Score album, and it was "the best song Dream Theater song I'd never heard".  The musical elements blended well with the catchy chorus and LaBrie's delivery on Score was excellent (as was his vocal performance on the entire album).  Although I have several songs with Portnoy penned lyrics rated above Raise The Knife, this is one of his stronger lyrical efforts.  This is one of the few unreleased tracks I would love to have seen make it onto an album and it makes a good addition the the Dream Theater catalog.

37 - Build Me, Break Me Down
Deep Thoughts:
This poppy song caught my attention the first time I listened through A Dramatic Turn Of Events.  The electronic drums that open the piece, the traditional song structure, combined with a catchy chorus and driving rhythm make this song stand out.  The lyrics are some of the best on an album which has many good lyrical moments.  Some of the musical depth in this song belies the pop structure and catch your ear, such as the "screeching" background vocals and the orchestral hits that punctuate the chorus.

36 - Prophets of War

Deep Thoughts:
Another song in my top 50 that seems to be disliked by many in the wider community.  The political lyrics stood out the first time I listened to this song, along with the entertaining word play on the prophet.  I love the Queen-like vibe of the background vocals and like the crowd chants.  The many non-Dream Theater-like parts of this song are what make it, and several other songs on my list, interesting to me and I love it when the band experiments with different sounds.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Ruba on January 18, 2013, 09:34:41 AM
Screw haters, Prophets of War is one of my favourite DT songs written in 00s.

Repentance is another song I find extremely underrated.

Build Me Up, Break Me Down is my least-favourite DT song, so I have very divided opinions towards this batch.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: ? on January 18, 2013, 09:45:06 AM
I'm surprised to see Repentance and POW get such high ratings for originality - they're not the most typical DT songs, but have notable influences from certain bands (you know which ones!).
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 18, 2013, 09:47:55 AM
Not that my ratings are completely standardized, but often originality was weighed against other DT songs.  Both are a step outside of the DT wheel-house so that is why I gave them that rating (or at least that is my justification now long after I finished my list :P) 

Plus honestly, I have never listened to some bands like Muse who is often quoted as inspiration for some of these oft-hated songs.  My references tend to be more classic rock, heavy metal and hard rock based.  I don't even listen to many other prog bands besides DT.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: DebraKadabra on January 18, 2013, 02:53:00 PM
Only The Glass Prison is above Repentance IMO.  I really don't understand all of the hate it gets - there's so much power behind its "softness".  Plus... it makes me cry on a pretty regular basis.  I'm not an addict, but I do understand the need to ask people for forgiveness.

There's a specific thread at The Purple Place that was started based upon the song - we basically asked people in our lives for forgiveness for whatever we felt our transgressions were.  I remember two things about that thread - Gravy bringing up that an apology in person was much more powerful than just posting in a thread and my post making me sob for about 10-15 minutes after I'd posted it.


But anyhoo - Repentance will ALWAYS be special to me.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 18, 2013, 11:01:30 PM
RTK is average, BMUBMD and PoW aren't very good, Repentance is ok, but drawn out. That leaves TCOT as about the only song that I'd put in my top 50. :lol

And 8.75 is a really high score for songs this low.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 20, 2013, 05:11:30 PM
The Count of Tuscany and Raise the Knife are great, the others not so much.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 21, 2013, 08:51:49 AM
@DebraKadabra - Thanks for the story about Repentance.  There are a number of songs on my list that are here because of similar emotional attachments to the lyrics.

35 - Endless Sacrifice
Deep Thoughts:
A love song for anyone who has had to make sacrifices in personal relationships to achieve goals in their life.  This song took on a special meaning for me over the past couple of years when I was separated from my family so that I could find work and my wife and son stayed in our home town so that he could finish his last year of high school.  The music drives this song and compliments the lyrical punch.  The only thing keeping this song out of my top-20 is the musical breakdown in the middle of the song (the two minutes or so after the 5:30 mark) which includes a gratuitous solo section take what could have been a tight 8-9 minute masterpiece and drag it into a bloated 10+ minute song.

34 - The Great Debate
Deep Thoughts:
The first blatantly political song by Dream Theater that I remember hearing.  It jumped out and grabbed my attention the first time I listened to Six Degrees.  The long intro with the competing views piped in the left and right speakers combine with the lyrics that combine both sides of the issue do a nice job of setting the stage.  Underneath this marvelous topping is a complex bed of music that compliment the song and allow the lyrics to stand out, but the music remains interesting on its' own.  This 13 - 14 minute song doesn't have a wasted moment, something that many of the band's later epic length material swims in to the detriment of the listener.

33 - Space Dye-Vest
Deep Thoughts:
Kevin Moore's swan song with Dream Theater combines many elements I love.  It steps away from the standard musical formula for the band, it features a memorable piano melody, and is full of breathy LaBrie goodness.  This softer song was a strong closing track for what was a heavy album.  It is a shame that Dream Theater hasn't pulled this out for an official concert, the recent Rudess/LaBrie performance was nice to hear and showed that the song would be great to hear live.  While the odd vocal samples often lend to the beautiful atmosphere of this song, they sometimes step in the way of what is a marvelous piece of music ("In Houston they say that?").

32 - Pull Me Under
Deep Thoughts:
What to say about this song?  It was the first Dream Theater song that I had heard and it hooked me from the opening notes.  I was never a metal head during the 80s, but I was and still am a fan of the great rock and metal from the late 60s and early to mid 70s.  It was clear from the intro of the song that these Dream Theater guys were not run of the mill metal dudes.  They had composed a piece of music that was "epic".  It took you on a grand tour filled with metal and keyboards and complex music.  The dramatic ending just made the song more interesting and led to occasional laughs on the radio as a DJ was caught unprepared.  Needless to say Images & Words was in my possession shortly after my first listen.  Pull Me Under has slowly faded down my list over time, but I still feel like it is the bedrock of the Dream Theater catalog that has all the elements of their signature sound and is a true classic.

31 - The Root of All Evil

Deep Thoughts:
The opening drum beats that lead into the crunchy riff made the first track on Octavarium grab you and drag you into the album.  Probably the most "straight-forward" metal track in the AA suite it stands out from the others in much the same way as Repentance does; by being unique musically with straight forward music and clear lyrics.  The lyrics stand well on their own outside the suite and fit well with the aggressive drive of the song.  The Root Of All Evil is also a tighter song than some of the other tracks in the suite with no wasted space which elevates it above what are otherwise great tracks.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 21, 2013, 09:03:13 AM
A mixed batch for me. I don't like Endless Sacrifice that much anymore, and I hate SDV, but the rest are pretty good.  :tup
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 21, 2013, 12:24:12 PM
Endless Sacrifice is awesome.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: wasteland on January 21, 2013, 03:35:48 PM
SDV and TGD are a bit too low for me, they would both be in the top20 I think, while ES is reeeeally high and PMU maybe just bit low. Good batch overall  :tup
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 22, 2013, 09:10:52 AM
@Blob - I'm pretty sure I will get that reaction from you often as my list goes on :D

As a general note, I realize my scores seem high.  I explained before some of it is just my DT fanboyism, however looking over the list I realized that most of it is due to how I artificially constrained my scoring.  For some unknown to me now reasons, I forced the plating and originality scores to 1 point increments and the taste to .5 increments.  Looking at it now, if I had done all categories on a .25 scaling the scores would drop overall and the list would be basically the same (most songs would have moved no more than 1 or 2 places up or down).  I had started to do that a month or so ago, but wasn't in a hurry because I figured I had another couple of months before I had to do my list before the top 50 format change.  ::)

On to my write-ups:

30 - Wither
Deep Thoughts:
While Wither is "just" a straight forward power ballad, it is the most well constructed song on Black Clouds & Silver Linings.   Powerful, well written lyrics, catchy chorus, and absolutely no filler.  This song felt like a swan song and farewell to me the first time I listened to it.  In many ways it seemed to be foreshadowing the troubles and changes to come and the official video for the song makes a great farewell to Portnoy.  It may not be their best ballad, but it is damn close.

29 - Finally Free
Deep Thoughts:
The conclusion to Scenes From A Memory does a marvelous job of wrapping up the story that is Scenes.  Filling in the details with wonderful lyrical and musical interplay that lead up to the mysterious open ending.  Having never watched or listened to Live Scenes until "recently" (The first live Dream Theater album I bought was Once in a Livetime and it sort of put me off of them until I got Score as a gift), the ending was always this strange mysterious thing without the final few seconds that are included in the live show.  I wish they had included the gunshot at the end of the album, it would have created better closure.  That said the last 3 minutes or so of the song create a good wrap to a strong album.

28 - Panic Attack
Deep Thoughts:
This frantic song does several things very well.  The opening notes create a sense of tension and chaos that I feel perfectly captures the lyrical theme of the song.  While similar in theme to Constant Motion, this song is miles above the other both lyrically and musically.  This song also highlights Myung, the bass work drives the music and lays the bed for the rest of the players.

27 - These Walls
Deep Thoughts:
Octavarium is one of my top albums because of the range of the Dream Theater sound it encapsulates.  These Walls is one of those songs that combines several elements of the band's sound very well.   Lyrically the song is built in the same vein as some of their ballads, but musically the song carries an aggression and darkness that hearkens back to Awake.  The musical bed underneath the vocals is more complex than it appears and makes what could have been a simple pop-style ballad into a wonderfully deep musical arrangement all wrapped in a tight package without any fluff or "wank".

26 - In The Name of God

Deep Thoughts:
In many ways this is the best song from Train of Thought.  Strong lyrical imagery, soaring vocals, and a powerful prog-metal sound that is very much signature Dream Theater, all that is missing is a "crazy unison" section.  While lengthy, In The Name Of God doesn't feel as long as the 14 minute run time would suggest because the instrumental bridge is so well constructed, unlike songs like A Nightmare To Remember or In The Presence Of Enemies pt. 2.  This maintains a tight feel to the piece.  It also features some great stick work by Myung and the "hidden" Battle Hymn of the Republic during the outro completes this masterful song.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 22, 2013, 09:18:07 AM
Great batch!
Agreed on your write-ups for These Walls and ITNOG, both of which I'd rank as the best on the album (although it's a close call with the title track for These Walls). Panic Attack and Finally free are both also excellent, and Wither is pretty good, especially that tasty solo.
I'd place ITNOG much higher (top 5 easily for me), and I'd probably rank These Walls similarly to you, if not *slightly* higher. The rest I probably wouldn't rank quite as high, but I still love them.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Naikon on January 22, 2013, 10:10:55 AM
I think its nice aswell, though Id place Finally Free and INTOG higher too!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Scorpion on January 22, 2013, 01:31:16 PM
I always thought that Finally Free was a little overrated. Great, yes, but no-where near the best that Scenes has to offer and certainly not a Top 50 song for me. I still enjoy it, but pretty much everyone seems to enjoy it more than me. :dunno:

The rest is awesome, props for Wither. I really, really like it a lot.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Ben_Jamin on January 22, 2013, 05:54:14 PM
Your talking about the rehearsal ending they named '00 metrop. Overture? That is one part I really ficking lov, just those few seconds have this majestic feel and a great way to end the fadeout.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 22, 2013, 06:58:45 PM
Nice update, great to see Panic Attack!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Glass Moonlight on January 23, 2013, 05:01:40 AM
Sweet, These Walls is great.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 23, 2013, 09:48:52 AM
Plugging right along...Here are the last few song that didn't make my top 20.

25 - Outcry
Deep Thoughts:
One of the four prog mini-epics on A Dramatic Turn Of Events, Outcry is the one I had the hardest time getting into.  The lyrics were powerful and do a good job of encapsulating the recent rebellions and tensions in middle east (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQgHVe17oW0) (or the concept of rebellion in general).  What lost me was the instrumental section, it seemed out of place, almost like another song.  After subsequent listens I began to appreciate the construction of this section, that I still feel is a touch long, but does a good job of creating a story of tension and struggle.

24 - 6:00
Deep Thoughts:
While not the best opening song on a Dream Theater album, this song is the best opener of any Dream Theater album.  It sets the tone of this dark, moody album from the very beginning with the aggressive vocals and driving rhythm.  6:00 lets you know from the first notes that this was not going to be as "light" an album as Images & Words, that the metal in the metal-prog relationship was going to be the driving force while not backing off the prog one bit.  Moore's keyboard work shines in this song, you hear that although the song is "heavy" he will still lay out all of the atmospheric keyboard work that he had on previous albums.

23 - Lost Not Forgotten
Deep Thoughts:
I enjoyed this song from opening to close the first time I listened A Dramatic Turn Of Events.  Jordan breaks out his wonderful piano work in the intro leading to the soaring opening many find reminiscent of Under A Glass Moon.  While a little more "fantastic" than the rest of the lyrics on the album I enjoyed the story being told, LaBrie sells the song with his aggressive delivery, and the chorus is memorable.  It also includes the most insane unison section that Dream Theater has ever done in the infamous "tickle section".  Like much of A Dramatic Turn Of Events this song is tightly composed and that sets it above Outcry.

22 - Peruvian Skies
Deep Thoughts:
This dark song is a lyrical masterpiece that grabs you from the opening note and carries you until to the end.  LaBrie delivers the vocals flawlessly, emotion oozing from the speakers.  The music underneath is tuned to be dark, driven by Myung's bass work giving the song great weight.  This song also features one of my favorite Petrucci solo sections around the 4 minute mark.  Not long, but it works itself well into the song without feeling like it stands out from the rest and makes liars out of those who feel Petrucci doesn't play with "emotion".  The live performance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdBeeph0aFM) from the High Voltage show during the last tour was amazing.

21 - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Deep Thoughts:
The epic of epic songs (and it is one song).  After buying the album and checking out the track listing of Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, I couldn't wait to hit disk 2 and the epic piece I saw listed there.  I was not disappointed.  While many of the individual parts can stand alone this song is well connected from the beginning overture to the final notes, musically and lyrically.  It features some of my favorite individual Dream Theater pieces.  The Overture is one of the most symphonic instrumental pieces the band has done.  Solitary shell would be a top 5 track for me if I separated it from the overall piece.  About to Crash and the Reprise would also be in my top 20.   However, unlike the other 2 "grand" epics from the band, there are some low points that keep this masterpiece out of my top 20 (War Inside My Head and Goodnight Kiss).
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 23, 2013, 09:51:43 AM
As I seen to have said a lot lately, I would rank Outcry extremely lowly, but the rest are all great songs. :tup
All deserving of their spots, although I'd SDOIT about 20 spots higher. :hat Absolutely no weak points imo.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 23, 2013, 10:15:42 AM
All good songs.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 23, 2013, 10:31:17 AM
As I seen to have said a lot lately, I would rank Outcry extremely lowly, but the rest are all great songs. :tup
All deserving of their spots, although I'd SDOIT about 20 spots higher. :hat Absolutely no weak points imo.

I love 6DOIT, if you just asked me to list off my favorite DT songs without much thought it would be one of my top picks.  But for this list I wanted to be as objective as I could so I ranked each section independently and then compiled a composite score for the entire piece.  What surprised me was how poorly a few of the sections scored individually...within the context of the overall piece they aren't bad, but stand alone I don't find them appealing.  So I actually added about a half point to 6DOIT's composite score to lift it up my list.

I'm comfortable with where it came out in the rankings, but if I was just grabbing a dozen or so DT songs to take with me on a trip or something...it would be in that group.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Glass Moonlight on January 23, 2013, 10:49:49 AM
^:00 is good, Six Degrees is too low!!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Cedar redaC on January 23, 2013, 10:51:25 AM
^:00 is good, ^ Degrees is too low!!

Fixed it for you.  :laugh:
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: ? on January 23, 2013, 10:52:09 AM
6:00 is awesome, Six Degrees is meh, the rest are ok.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Ben_Jamin on January 23, 2013, 12:17:58 PM
Outcry holds a place in my heart because of the message in the lyrics like "Freedom has
A price, the cost is buried in the ground" Its true of my ancestors past whom really had to fight for freedom, yet it rings true today only the supressor is subtle.

Simple lyrics really dont turn me off of a song, and I cant grasp how it can turn someone off. I enjoy the message. What turns me off isn't the words but the delivery,

I like your list so far.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: DebraKadabra on January 23, 2013, 12:41:18 PM
LNF is about 10 spots too low IMO. :)
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 23, 2013, 08:12:38 PM
As I seen to have said a lot lately, I would rank Outcry extremely lowly, but the rest are all great songs. :tup
All deserving of their spots, although I'd SDOIT about 20 spots higher. :hat Absolutely no weak points imo.

I love 6DOIT, if you just asked me to list off my favorite DT songs without much thought it would be one of my top picks.  But for this list I wanted to be as objective as I could so I ranked each section independently and then compiled a composite score for the entire piece.  What surprised me was how poorly a few of the sections scored individually...within the context of the overall piece they aren't bad, but stand alone I don't find them appealing.  So I actually added about a half point to 6DOIT's composite score to lift it up my list.

I'm comfortable with where it came out in the rankings, but if I was just grabbing a dozen or so DT songs to take with me on a trip or something...it would be in that group.

Hey, it's your list, so you rank it however you want! I actually like the approach you're taking to ranking these as something a bit different, and a bit more "objective" (still subjective, but you know what I mean). :tup
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 24, 2013, 09:43:13 AM
I am going to drop to fewer songs per update to make the list extend for a few more days.  I get the feeling this update might be out in left field a bit, but hey it is what makes these lists fun.   :biggrin:

20 - Forsaken
Deep Thoughts:
Forsaken is the best song from Systematic Chaos.  The opening piano melody is memorable and lays out a musical theme that is carried throughout the entire song.  While some cringe at the "vampire" lyrics I get the feeling that reaction has more to do with the popularity of Twilight and other vampire media than an actual reaction to the song.  Lyrically, the story that is being told is well constructed, has a catchy chorus, sports a gothic feel, and is delivered masterfully by LaBrie.  This song should have been the first single from Systematic Chaos and I think would have made a much better showing for the album than Constant Motion.  Beyond the lyrical construction what makes Forsaken take the top spot on the album is how tightly constructed the song is.  It is just the right length and isn't filled with ill-fitting instrumental breaks which is something that was rare on either Systematic Chaos or Black Clouds & Silver Linings.

19 - Take Away My Pain
Deep Thoughts:
The straight forward, mainstream vibe of this song should have made it a one of Dream Theater's greatest hits, but this is Dream Theater after all and a song like this will often be passed over by fans and non-fans alike.  Until A Dramatic Turn Of Events, I felt this was the most emotional song in the band's catalog.  This song takes me on a journey every time I listen to it, I find it comforting and inspirational.  It came out shortly after I had lost 3 close friends in a matter of a year and I still tear up even after so much time has passed when I listen to it.  Take Away My Pain is one of the few Dream Theater songs I can sing front to back from memory.  Whether it is the album version or the "Kenny G" version I don't care, I love this song.  The only thing keeping it from being in my top 10 is the lack of musical depth that I associate with Dream Theater.

18 - Lifting Shadows Off a Dream
Deep Thoughts:
Lifting Shadows is the light and beautiful break on the dark Awake album.  The song contains some of the most poetic lyrics in the band's history and captures the essence of Myung songwriting that was missing from Six Degrees through Black Clouds.  While Moore's keyboard work on the whole album created a powerful atmosphere for the band it shines most strongly in this song.

17 - Lie
Deep Thoughts:
This driving metal piece is one of the few Dream Theater pieces that just makes me smile.  The lyrics are playfully built around word play and delivered by LaBrie with just the right mix of lilt and aggression.  I didn't pick up awake until after the Change of Seasons EP was released and I was big into the Magic The Gathering tournament scene back then and the opening lyrics of this song always reminded me of the art on this card (https://www.wizards.com/magic/images/mtgcom/wallpapers/Wallpaper_LakeoftheDead_1280x960.jpg).  The rhythm section built by Portnoy, Myung, and Moore drive throughout the entire song and keep it moving forward allowing Petrucci and LaBrie to ride on top of that firm foundation in a way that highlights both of their skills beautifully.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 24, 2013, 10:17:25 AM
For me that is a really crappy bunch, ie. none of those songs have any chance of making my top 50. :lol

Imagine that The Mirror and Caught in a Web are brother and sister, and they have an inbred baby. That baby would be Lie.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: ? on January 24, 2013, 10:27:07 AM
And I thought my list would be controversial... :lol It'll be interesting to see the top songs!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 24, 2013, 10:46:45 AM
Lifting Shadows Off a Dream is very underrated, great to see it this high.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: GasparXR on January 24, 2013, 02:17:49 PM
I really like this list, even though I would probably make other choices for my top 50. I enjoy that Repentance is on your list.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Lolzeez on January 24, 2013, 03:00:16 PM
Lifting Shadows Off a Dream is very underrated, great to see it this high.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 25, 2013, 09:34:30 AM
16 - On the Backs of Angels
Deep Thoughts:
The opening track from A Dramatic Turn Of Events is a song that I haven't grown tired of.  The ethereal opening with just a hint of darkness that builds up to the chorus gives me chills.  Vocally it is a strong piece where LaBrie uses some interesting and surprising technique, instead of the soaring chorus that you expect you get a more subdued delivery that feels comfortable and right for this song.  This song also established that Rudess would be using every tool in his keyboard bag of tricks on this album.  The solos are tight, well constructed, and keeps the piece from feeling like a 9 minute long song.  There is also some great play in the outtro that makes me smile everytime I hear it.  After the gut-wrenching anticipation waiting for this release to hear what the "new" Dream Theater was going to sound like, it was so pleasing to hear a song that boldly proclaimed they were still Dream Theater and they could still make music that pulled from all of their old tricks and introduced new ones.

15 - Learning to Live
Deep Thoughts:
Learning To Live is a strong track that has some great keyboard work by Moore, fantastic Myung bass lines, and is full of that oh so rare Myung lyrical goodness.  LaBrie delivers the emotion and performs some of his greatest moments vocally.  This song is rather low-key by Dream Theater standards and though it includes soaring vocals it never lifts the mood that is being presented.  That determined, striving to survive, almost depressed mood that is laid out in the lyrics is perfectly mirrored by the band throughout this track and makes it a strong emotional piece.

14 - As I Am
Deep Thoughts:
The slow build intro to As I Am works well as both the introduction of the song and the introduction of the album.  The mood of those first notes announced that this album was going to be something heavier and darker than previous fare.  Lyrically I love this song.  The lyrics of self-empowerment no matter what the world wants to make you conform to are like a mantra to me.  The song is also riddled with word play that enhances the overall quality of the lyrics.  While the music is nothing truly innovative in the band's catalog it is by no means "phoned in " and does drive the song, giving it a hard edge.  Overall, As I Am ranks so highly for me on the lyrical prowess alone.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 25, 2013, 09:50:34 AM
Pleasantly surprised to see As I Am so high! I'd also rank it quite high. Maybe top 20 too.

LTL and OTBOA are ok, but I don't rank them very highly. LTL because of the weak vocal melodies, and OTBOA just feels really sterile to me.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Podaar on January 25, 2013, 09:52:43 AM

Very nice group! I've always thought Learning To Live missed an opportunity by not have some heavy elements in it but I'll listen to it with your thoughts in mind and see if my opinion evolves.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 25, 2013, 10:23:42 AM
One awesome song, one good song, and one not so good song.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: mike099 on January 25, 2013, 12:20:55 PM
OTBOA is the first song that I heard by the band.  Caught it on a video after a Rush in Cleveland show on TV.  I initally thought the band was Metalica.  My first thought was great, a rocking band with keyboards and a singer that I can understand, who is this new band.  I was shocked when I looked them up and saw this was a veteran band.

Cannot wait to see them live. :metal
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 28, 2013, 08:57:08 AM
This update is all Portnoy all the time.

13 - Home
Deep Thoughts:
I love the "Floydian" intro to this song that sets the tone for one of my top songs from Scenes From A Memory.  Home connects many of the common lyrical and thematic elements from Scenes and Metropolis pt. 1.  The disturbing nature of the lyrics combined with the music underneath give you a dark glimpse into the "villain" of our story.  The section in the middle filled with vice and debauchery show an sharp contrast to the "pure" vision of Victoria as seen through the eyes of Nicholas.  Musically it is one of the most involved and complex tracks on the album and stands as a complete song, unlike some of the others tracks on the album.

12 - The Mirror
Deep Thoughts:
The first glimpse for most fans into the addiction problems that Portnoy was facing is also a damn good track.  The pulsing drive of the intro lead into a monster performance by LaBrie, that covers a wide range both musically and expressively.  Like most of Awake, Moore's keyboard work in this song is masterful and he both layers on atmosphere and comes to the forefront with equal strength.  Lyrically Mirror is the apex of Portnoy's time with band.  (@Blob- notice I did rate Mirror higher than Lie :p)

11 - A Change of Seasons
Deep Thoughts:
This was the hardest song for me to evaluate objectively in the Dream Theater catalog.  It is the epic by which all of the band's other epics rightly should be judged.  When I bought the EP, A Change of Seasons became the single song that defined what I loved about Dream Theater.  It is a musical and lyrical powerhouse that tells a sweeping and emotional story.  This song is also the most consistent of the "big three" epics (Seasons, Octavarium, and Six Degrees).  Although it never reaches the heights of the other two, it has fewer low spots.  However, over the years Seasons has slowly moved down my list falling from my top 1, to my top 5, then my top 10, and only recently it has come to rest just outside of my top 10.  This has less to do with any glaring weaknesses in the song, but more that newer material, with a couple of exceptions, has expanded upon every foundation this song laid out and surpassed it.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 28, 2013, 09:12:14 AM
Home and ACOS are both overrated imo, but all of these songs are still at least good. :tup
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Pols Voice on January 28, 2013, 01:28:13 PM
(@Blob- notice I did rate Mirror higher than Lie :p)

Pfff, I ranked Lie 25 places higher than the Mirror. :D
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 28, 2013, 08:19:21 PM
All good songs, although I'd place two of them a bit lower.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Ruba on January 29, 2013, 01:20:01 AM
Home and The Mirror are pretty much where they should be, but ACOS is too low.

I mean great batch.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 29, 2013, 09:26:49 AM
Now we venture into the top 10.

10 - Beneath the Surface
Deep Thoughts:
Ballads have always been one of the showcases in the Dream Theater catalog from Images and Words and on.  The band does them right as far as I am concerned, evidenced by how many are in my top 50.  This song takes that form to a new level.  When I got to the closer on A Dramatic Turn Of Events, I found myself tearing up and enthralled by this sparse and hopeless track, and when it was over I sat and absorbed the magnificence of the close to the album.  There is more emotion packed into this one song than many artists achieve over a career.  The combination of Jordan's atmospheric keys and Petrucci's subdued playing gives LaBrie the room to shine as he breathes life into the lyrics.  The introduction of the "heartbeat" during Jordan's solo around the 3:30 mark begins the build up that culminates in the spine tingling octave shift at the 4:30 mark.

9 - Caught in a Web
Deep Thoughts:
For the longest time this was my favorite track on Awake.  It showcases everything that makes Awake a spectacular album.  Dark and aggressive music, soaring and expressive LaBrie vocals, playful and deep lyrics, and a strong and complex musical arrangement.  It is a shorter song by Dream Theater standards, but it is tightly written, performed flawlessly, and showcases the band's signature sound without the fluff and bloat of many of their more epic tracks.

8 - Misunderstood
Deep Thoughts:
This is the only song in the top 20 or so of my list that I would consider a "grower" as it has slowly worked its' way into my top 10.  I always enjoyed the lyrics and the great LaBrie performance, but was put off by the strange instrumental passages in the middle and end of the song, especially the "dying elephant" (as my son called it) segment starting at about the 7:40 mark.  I have come to appreciate those other elements of the song and understand how they enhance the overall story and mood of the song.  These instrumental passages were also an interesting attempt by the band to reach outside their comfort zone and features the most unique Petrucci solo in the band's discography.  The subtle playing throughout most of the piece highlights all of the players in the band and builds on the masterful lyrics, which might be Petrucci's best.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Pols Voice on January 29, 2013, 09:52:17 AM
BTS and CIAW are awesome choices!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: ? on January 29, 2013, 09:59:44 AM
Beneath the Surface! :tup
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 29, 2013, 10:43:40 AM
Decent songs, but interesting to seem them this high.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 29, 2013, 07:56:01 PM
I like CIAW and Misunderstood, so it's nice to see them get recognition, although I don't think I'd place them so high. Misunderstood is amazing though.

And I don't like BTS. DT's recent major key stuff is lacking edge, and the pitch correction kills the vocals. It ends ADTOE with a whimper.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: senecadawg2 on January 29, 2013, 08:57:22 PM
Beneath the Surface in the top 10?  :omg:
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Pols Voice on January 30, 2013, 02:30:34 AM
Beneath the Surface in the top 10?  :omg:

It's actually more common than you might think. I believe this is the 5th time it's been ranked in the Top 10 (don't ask how I know this).
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 30, 2013, 09:54:56 AM
Just four more to go after this update.   :biggrin:

7 - Voices
Deep Thoughts:
Over time this top 10 song has made it's move past Caught In A Web as the best track on Awake for my money.  It is a song that has marvelous atmosphere, Moore's delicate piano, LaBrie's breathlessness lows and powerful highs, and pretty damn good lyrics to top it off.  Overall the song is softer than much of the album and hearkens back to Images & Words more so than any of the other songs on the album.  It is a well constructed and never feels bloated and has a great Petrucci solo to fill out the package.

6 - Sacrificed Sons
Deep Thoughts:
I can think of few "9/11" songs that have held up as well as this one.  It is emotional, never cheesy, and has meaning far beyond the events of 9/11 on which it is framed.  As someone who was glued to the television shortly after the first tower was hit, watched the second impact, the toppling of the towers, all while trying to keep a library full of high school students from falling apart, 9/11 is a visceral moment in my life.  This song has captured those moments for me.  The emotive lyrics convey the feelings of the day itself, while the instrumental section often leads me think about the conflicts since.  A powerful song that just recently fell out of my top 5.

5 - Breaking All Illusions
Deep Thoughts:
Of the four mini-epics on A Dramatic Turn Of Events, this song best captures the prog elements that are at the core of the signature Dream Theater sound.  Lyrically it isn't Myung's best work, but it was refreshing to finally have the "missing" songwriter come back into the picture and show that he can still delivery mystic and poetic lyrics.  The instrumental section in this song is a prog showcase that I feel is only eclipsed by one other song in the band's repertoire.  Like the rest of A Dramatic Turn Of Events the band seemed to make a concerted effort to keep their instrumentals tight, focused, and inventive.  It is one of the areas where I feel the band is reaching back to their roots and broke away from the trend for bloated instrumental sections that culminated in songs like The Ministry of Lost Souls and In The Presence Of Enemies pt 2.  While the newness of the album might have biased my opinion a bit, this song has been a fan favorite from release and I think will be in many fans top 5 or 10 for years to come.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 30, 2013, 10:16:04 AM
None of them would make my top 50 (that's right, take a drink.... actually, Voices would probably be in the low end somewhere), but I like 'em all, and they're all uncontroversial choices, so nothing in there to rage about. :biggrin:
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 30, 2013, 08:01:27 PM
Breaking All Illusions and Voices are great. Sacrificed Sons is a nice song, but not anything special.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: senecadawg2 on January 30, 2013, 08:22:56 PM
I agree with unlegit.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Ruba on January 31, 2013, 01:13:16 AM
Voices is great!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 31, 2013, 09:31:18 AM
Last 3 songs before the final pick.  Out of these three, I'm sure one of them is no surprise this high on a top 50 list, the other two may be head scratchers for some.

4 - The Dance of Eternity
Deep Thoughts:
What A Change Of Seasons is to epics, The Dance Of Eternity is to prog-metal in general.  The most complex and intricate piece of music that Dream Theater has ever done and it does it without ever devolving into complete self-serving nonsense.  This instrumental tells a story in itself and combines the musical elements from the rest of the album in interesting ways.  I have always seen the ragtime segment as Jordan's announcement to the Dream Theater world that "I'm the keyboardist, I'm here to stay, suck it up and learn to live with it".  This song also represents the height of Portnoy's technical drumming, combining almost all of his tricks and techniques into one place before he fell into many of the bad habits that mark his later drumming for the band. It was no surprise that the band felt like this song was critical for the new drummer auditions.  The only thing keeping this song from scoring perfect is the lack of vocals, I just can't in good conscious give it a 10 when it only features 4 of the 5 members of the band.

3 - Octavarium
Deep Thoughts:
I know that I said Seasons was Dream Theater's most consistent epic, even so this is the band's best epic.  It starts with a love letter to Pink Floyd and moves through a highly intricate musical structure that takes the concept of full circle and integrates it in a way many neo-classical composers wish they had thought of first.  While each lyrical piece of the song represents a different idea, they are all related by the thematic full circle element.  This song is also the culmination of an album that may not be a "traditional" concept album, it was done as a whole musical construct.  Octavarium also features one of my favorite lyrical word-plays in the Full Circle section.  While there are some low points in this song, the heights are higher than almost any other work in their catalog.  The homage to Pink Floyd (my favorite band who is not Dream Theater) and hearkening back to the roots of prog in general, both lyrically and musically, seals this song's fate as one of my all time favorites.  Bonus points for the song ending with a "French Horn" patch, the greatest brass instrument of all time.

2 - Bridges in the Sky
Deep Thoughts:
The fourth and greatest of the mini-epics on A Dramatic Turn Of Events, Bridges launched itself to the top of my list the first moment I listened to the song.  I have several discs of Tibetan "throat-singing" so I never had the reaction to the guttural sounds in the opening that others seemed to have (WTF is the *burp*).  The intro of the song from throat singing to Gothic choir, lays out the mystical theme of the song's vivid imagery that explodes when the guitar comes ripping onto the scene.  Besides the atmosphere of the song what catapults it above the other three on A Dramatic Turn Of Events is that this song is not only apologetically prog, but as one of the hardest tracks they have done since Train of Thought is also apologetically metal.  It is hard and driving in a way that recalls both Awake and Train of Thought, but never gives up those complex song and time changes that mark the prog genre.  Any song that makes me want to head bang and that I can also sit back and pick apart the intricate musical composition is a winner in my book.  Jordan has always shown that he is a virtuoso, but on A Dramatic Turn Of Events he showed that he could capture the kind of atmosphere and mood setting that was the hallmark of Moore's time with the band.  Those elements are showcased well on this song from the opening and throughout.  Only one thing keeps this song from being my number one...
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 31, 2013, 09:34:16 AM
Interesting choices. :tup

TDOE will certainly be a controversial choice here. I think it's a lot better than most here, although I don't rank it too highly.
Octavarium is a safe one, and nothing more needs to be said there. :tup
And BITS is probably my favourite off ADTOE. Great heavy track.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Scorpion on January 31, 2013, 09:43:07 AM
TDOE is great. I disliked it for a while but it's been growing on me a lot, though I would never place it this high all the same. Interesting choice though and I enjoyed your write-up.

BITS is another great selection, one of my favourites off of ADTOE. :tup
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on January 31, 2013, 10:08:26 AM
Interesting choices. :tup

TDOE will certainly be a controversial choice here. I think it's a lot better than most here, although I don't rank it too highly.
Octavarium is a safe one, and nothing more needs to be said there. :tup
And BITS is probably my favourite off ADTOE. Great heavy track.

Heh, made it through a Blob post without a "Not in My Top 50"  :tup

For those that like to see the lists and want to speculate here is my list minus the Top Song:

50   Vacant
49   Wait for Sleep
48   Anna Lee
47   You Not Me
46   One Last Time
45   Fatal Tragedy
44   The Answer Lies Within
43   I Walk Beside You
42   Beyond This Life
41   Overture 1928
40   Repentance
39   The Count of Tuscany
38   Raise the Knife
37   Build Me, Break Me Down
36   Prophets of War
35   Endless Sacrifice
34   The Great Debate
33   Space Dye-Vest
32   Pull Me Under
31   The Root of All Evil
30   Wither
29   Finally Free
28   Panic Attack
27   These Walls
26   In the Name of God
25   Outcry
24   6:00
23   Lost Not Forgotten
22   Peruvian Skies
21   Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
20   Take Away My Pain
19   Forsaken
18   Lifting Shadows Off a Dream
17   Lie
16   On the Backs of Angels
15   Learning to Live
14   As I Am
13   Home
12   The Mirror
11   A Change of Seasons
10   Beneath the Surface
 9    Caught in a Web
 8    Misunderstood
 7    Voices
 6    Sacrificed Sons
 5    Breaking All Illusions
 4    The Dance of Eternity
 3    Octavarium
 2    Bridges in the Sky
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 31, 2013, 10:11:45 AM
Heh, made it through a Blob post without a "Not in My Top 50"  :tup

I believe two of them actually would be in my top 50. Is that a new PB? :lol

Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Rattlehead on January 31, 2013, 10:12:40 AM
Could it be Metropolis?  :lol

And nice list by the way, I like your format and have enjoyed following it.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Unlegit on January 31, 2013, 10:15:24 AM
3 great songs. Great to see The Dance of Eternity this high.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: wasteland on January 31, 2013, 10:17:53 AM
I don't know if seeing Blob's reaction to Scarred #1 would compensate the heartwrecking pain that would befell on me for seeing Metropolis out of a Top 50.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 31, 2013, 10:29:47 AM
I don't know if seeing Blob's reaction to Scarred #1 would compensate the heartwrecking pain that would befell on me for seeing Metropolis out of a Top 50.

Hey, I thought we were pals! :lol
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: wasteland on January 31, 2013, 10:42:56 AM
I don't know if seeing Blob's reaction to Scarred #1 would compensate the heartwrecking pain that would befell on me for seeing Metropolis out of a Top 50.

Hey, I thought we were pals! :lol

But we are! We just disagree on 60% of what's DT related :D It's cool that nature put us on the far sides of this world, actually! Opposite charges work in strange ways...
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Scorpion on January 31, 2013, 11:31:01 AM
I'm pretty sure that it is neither. He's said that he finds Metropolis overrated, and he called Voices his favourite off of Awake, so pay attention! :P

I'm kinda drawing a blank on his number one, to be honest... The Glass Prison, maybe? (Oh god I hope not)
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Lolzeez on January 31, 2013, 11:37:54 AM
Trial Of Tears is my guess. No way he can have "You Not Me" higher. Same could go for Lines In The Sand but that song isn't as loved as ToT...
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Rattlehead on January 31, 2013, 01:23:27 PM
I'm pretty sure that it is neither. He's said that he finds Metropolis overrated, and he called Voices his favourite off of Awake, so pay attention! :P

I'm kinda drawing a blank on his number one, to be honest... The Glass Prison, maybe? (Oh god I hope not)

Oops  :lol Yeah I could see it being TGP.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: senecadawg2 on January 31, 2013, 05:21:51 PM
Wild to see Dance of Eternity in a top 5, and even more wild to possibly see Metropolis outside of a top 50
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Sycsa on February 01, 2013, 12:59:29 AM
4 - The Dance of Eternity
  • Final Score: 9.75
  • Plating: 5
  • Originality: 5
  • Taste: 9.5
Deep Thoughts:
What A Change Of Seasons is to epics, The Dance Of Eternity is to prog-metal in general.

I'm with you on this one, I was listening exclusively to classic prog for more than half a decade and TDOE was the only DT song I could really enjoy and appreciate for all those years. It was also the bridge through which I finally got into the DT boat.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on February 01, 2013, 09:17:27 AM
@Sycsa - TDOE is such a complex piece of music, I really enjoy listening to it.  I think sometimes the complexity of it makes it a little off-putting even for die-hard DT fans.  Most people like it, but it never seems to rate that high in people's lists.

@Wasteland, @Blob - Well both of you don't have to worry about Scarred or Metropolis being #1 because it is in fact:

1 - The Spirit Carries On
Deep Thoughts:
While I am a fan of the metal and proggier elements of DT, I think my list I has shown that lyrics, emotion, and their softer (ie Ballads) side will win the day.  The Spirit Carries On is the song that combines the best of those elements.  It starts with my two favorite things...Piano and LaBrie's breathy voice.  What is delivered by that voice are the most positive and inspirational lyrics Dream Theater has ever written.  The song is relatively straight-forward with all members of the band playing flawlessly and showing that despite what some say about them they can all play subtly, expressively, and emotionally.  The homages to Pink Floyd are a boost to the overall ranking of the song.  This is a song that I feel is accessible to anyone who appreciates rock music and has been a good way to draw some friends who are more "classic rock" oriented into Dream Theater.  Whenever this song comes on, I get a nice warm feeling and I can't help but sing along.  I know that it doesn't often make it to the top of top 50 lists, but it is quite obvious from the crowd reaction and the fact the band has included it on multiple live recordings that they consider this song to be one of their signature songs, along with Pull Me Under and Metropolis pt 1.  So I feel quite comfortable placing this song as #1.

Thanks for reading my list, ya'll rock.   :metal

P.S - I know there are several fan favorites that didn't make my top 50...rest assured that most of them (Scarred, Metropolis pt 1, ITPOE, TGP, UGAM, ToT, etc) didn't miss the cut by that much.  I am a bit of a DT "homer" and my rankings are pretty positive overall...only about the bottom 10 or songs I ranked are "bad" and only the stuff from The Majesty Demos era includes items I will never deliberately listen to.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 01, 2013, 09:22:29 AM
Wow, that's an unexpected choice! I do consider TSCO one of the best songs on SFAM, but I don't rank any song from SFAM all that highly individually (even though I rank the album #2). TSCO might be the highest, although I think it would still be just outside my top 20. Excellent song though.

Considering how played this song is live, I think some people would consider it overrated, however I'd consider it underrated if anything. That solo is killer, and the Floyd vibe is done really well here without being overbearing, and it's just a good accessible song with a lot of strong melodies.

An interesting list indeed! I enjoyed this one. :tup
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: MoraWintersoul on February 01, 2013, 10:04:04 AM
That song is totally worth of being #1. Wowzers, really nice choice.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Pols Voice on February 01, 2013, 10:19:43 AM
You put You Not Me above a lot of fan favorites, which takes guts. Kudos for your unique opinions! I tend to love ballads too. The Spirit Carries On is a great number 1. :)
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Destiny Of Chaos on February 01, 2013, 01:36:07 PM
Great list and great job!
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: Lolzeez on February 01, 2013, 03:00:16 PM
Woah. You surprised me.
Title: Re: I am the Evil Top 50
Post by: iamtheeviltwin on February 01, 2013, 03:14:14 PM
@Lolzeez - I was surprised no one thought of TSCO actually.  I thought I had laid enough hints throughout my list what some of my favorite things were and TSCO hits all of those points.

@Pols - No guts needed.  I was a DT fan for years before I ever logged online and read what the common wisdom was.  :D I only found out about the trouble surrounding the release of FII within the past 4-5 years.  Long after I had made up my mind about the album.  Same reason I rate some songs like Never Enough higher than many...I was not around for the drama and never felt slighted by the song.  :)  Sometimes I think it is easy to lose the "common fans" perspective when we spend a lot of time hanging around boards and talking with other "super" fans.  The echo chamber effect can be strong.