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General => Movies and TV => Topic started by: Tick on October 12, 2011, 10:33:12 AM

Title: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 12, 2011, 10:33:12 AM
If you like the horror genre you're going to want to check out this show. The first episode was surprisingly very good.

Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 12, 2011, 10:44:15 AM
Yeah I thought this was a pretty good pilot and I hope the series can keep pace with it. It's not a jump out and scare you type 'scare', it's a WTF type of ate up scary. The imagry especially is very 'haunting'. I think they have some interesting characters to develop there and with just what they've shown with the back story there is an endless amount of scenarios they can take. I have to be honest, I watched this Saturday night around midnight and afterwards did not want to go into the basement and iron my clothes for the morning. It was mainly the imagry for me....just pretty weird and freaky. Interested to see how this series develops.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 12, 2011, 10:50:40 AM
Yeah I thought this was a pretty good pilot and I hope the series can keep pace with it. It's not a jump out and scare you type 'scare', it's a WTF type of ate up scary. The imagry especially is very 'haunting'. I think they have some interesting characters to develop there and with just what they've shown with the back story there is an endless amount of scenarios they can take. I have to be honest, I watched this Saturday night around midnight and afterwards did not want to go into the basement and iron my clothes for the morning. It was mainly the imagry for me....just pretty weird and freaky. Interested to see how this series develops.
Well said. That's what great horror is. Its when something gets embedded into your mind when you didn't even know it got in and it fucks with you later on after you thought it was over and done with. That's the kind of horror that works for me. Not the cliche type that goes for a quick startling moment.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2011, 07:53:57 AM
Anyone watch the second episode? I'm thinking FX may be on to something here. I like how just to make matters worse they are now throwing a psychotic ex-mistress into the fray. And that actress is cast perfectly cuz she looks a little nutz.
  How about the 'bad girl' closet that Constance puts her downs daughter in? WTF? And I'm still wondering the motivation behind her wanting to poison Violet....what did she do to rile her up?
  I'm a bit thrown off now about Tate. I had thought originally that he was some sort of 'ghost' kind of like the maid but Ben was speaking with Tate's mother on the phone trying to explain why he could no longer treat him. Tate seems to have some sort of intimate connection with that house so I'm curious as to what it is.
  All in all I think they moved the story along well and it still maintained that creepy edge for me.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: ReaperKK on October 13, 2011, 07:59:32 AM
I need to watch this show, I've seen some ads for it but haven't had the time to check it out yet.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 14, 2011, 08:57:28 AM
Anyone watch the second episode? I'm thinking FX may be on to something here. I like how just to make matters worse they are now throwing a psychotic ex-mistress into the fray. And that actress is cast perfectly cuz she looks a little nutz.
  How about the 'bad girl' closet that Constance puts her downs daughter in? WTF? And I'm still wondering the motivation behind her wanting to poison Violet....what did she do to rile her up?
  I'm a bit thrown off now about Tate. I had thought originally that he was some sort of 'ghost' kind of like the maid but Ben was speaking with Tate's mother on the phone trying to explain why he could no longer treat him. Tate seems to have some sort of intimate connection with that house so I'm curious as to what it is.
  All in all I think they moved the story along well and it still maintained that creepy edge for me.
I missed the second episode because I was at a concert for some band, Dream Theater.
I have to check it out when it becomes available on demand.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 14, 2011, 11:38:25 AM
Second episode was freaky good! I am really digging this show a lot.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: HarlequinForest on October 14, 2011, 11:53:47 AM
I just watched the pilot.  It's pretty damn good.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 14, 2011, 12:15:19 PM
Second episode was freaky good! I am really digging this show a lot.
As am I. And it is causing me some sort of internal strife because I do like it. There are a few of us here at work that are watching this series and we all have a similar feeling. Let me see if I can articulate it correctly to ask if it pertains to you or anyone else who has watched.
  I like horror/"scary"/suspense etc. movies and usually have no issues whereas after I'm done watching them that I feel really 'messed' up and "scared" because of the movie. They are just entertainment to me. But for some reason, as I am watching this show I have a very strange feeling surrounding me. Just an unconfortable feeling that I don't know if it is an eerie 'anticipation' taking over...like I'm waiting and preparing myself for the next set of strange, dimented images and dialouge or whatever. There is a part of me that absolutely does not want to watch the show and it has nothing to do with how 'scary' it is, a lady at my work described it best when she said she feels like she needs to shower after watching the episodes. My Christianity has never really interfered with me being able to seperated reality from entertainment and enjoy a show or movie...but somehow I feel that type of strife happeining. It's strange.
  There is just 'something' about this show that I can't put my finger on that is very wrong with what I honor and believe in out in the 'real' world, but at the same time, I can't take my eyes off my television and am very curious and wrapped up in this story now. I don't know if I've expressed myself completly enough to get across how I feel...but that is about all I have.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 14, 2011, 01:34:46 PM
Second episode was freaky good! I am really digging this show a lot.
As am I. And it is causing me some sort of internal strife because I do like it. There are a few of us here at work that are watching this series and we all have a similar feeling. Let me see if I can articulate it correctly to ask if it pertains to you or anyone else who has watched.
  I like horror/"scary"/suspense etc. movies and usually have no issues whereas after I'm done watching them that I feel really 'messed' up and "scared" because of the movie. They are just entertainment to me. But for some reason, as I am watching this show I have a very strange feeling surrounding me. Just an unconfortable feeling that I don't know if it is an eerie 'anticipation' taking over...like I'm waiting and preparing myself for the next set of strange, dimented images and dialouge or whatever. There is a part of me that absolutely does not want to watch the show and it has nothing to do with how 'scary' it is, a lady at my work described it best when she said she feels like she needs to shower after watching the episodes. My Christianity has never really interfered with me being able to seperated reality from entertainment and enjoy a show or movie...but somehow I feel that type of strife happeining. It's strange.
  There is just 'something' about this show that I can't put my finger on that is very wrong with what I honor and believe in out in the 'real' world, but at the same time, I can't take my eyes off my television and am very curious and wrapped up in this story now. I don't know if I've expressed myself completly enough to get across how I feel...but that is about all I have.
I respect what you're saying. I understand how you feel. This show has somehow been able to tap into my emotions like few horror experiences have been able to.
For me personally, as I'm watching I am enthralled with the level of disturbing the show has been able to achieve.
I can't say I feel convicted not to watch anymore, but as I said, I understand your feelings.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: masterthes on October 14, 2011, 04:03:44 PM
seriously digging this show thus far
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: axeman90210 on October 14, 2011, 06:58:16 PM
I still have to watch the second episode, but I was somewhat underwhelmed by the pilot. For a TV show, I think the pacing is horrible as far as the house being haunted, and all the crazy stuff that goes down inside it. The little pre-credits scene with the boys was a nice intro, but with the way things are happening to the family there's no rational way they don't either A) move out or B) die by the end of the first season (and that's being generous). There are 2 hour movies that have a better build up than this, which is supposed to be hours and hours over the course of the season. I'll probably catch a few more episodes to see where it's going, but I don't think it's anything great.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 15, 2011, 03:06:54 AM
I still have to watch the second episode, but I was somewhat underwhelmed by the pilot. For a TV show, I think the pacing is horrible as far as the house being haunted, and all the crazy stuff that goes down inside it. The little pre-credits scene with the boys was a nice intro, but with the way things are happening to the family there's no rational way they don't either A) move out or B) die by the end of the first season (and that's being generous). There are 2 hour movies that have a better build up than this, which is supposed to be hours and hours over the course of the season. I'll probably catch a few more episodes to see where it's going, but I don't think it's anything great.
I love it. Sometimes you have to suspend logic to fully enjoy something like this. For example, there is no way a vacant house would have those jars of body parts in the basement. I thought about that while watching but wrote it off. I think the acting is superb. Watch the second episode and report back. I thought it was excellent.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 15, 2011, 03:09:41 AM
It will be quite interesting to see what happens when her baby is born. I have a theory about who the person in rubber suit was.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: King Postwhore on October 15, 2011, 05:47:01 AM
I've DVR'd both shows.  Haven't watched them yet.  I'll report in when we do.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Jamesman42 on October 15, 2011, 08:23:01 AM
Watching the pilot on the FX website now. So far so good!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: zerogravityfat on October 15, 2011, 08:48:26 AM
fx is the greatest network on the planet, everything they put out is pure gold so i don't see how this one could be different.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Jamesman42 on October 15, 2011, 10:03:22 AM
Nice...interesting stuff!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 16, 2011, 02:23:13 PM
It will be quite interesting to see what happens when her baby is born. I have a theory about who the person in rubber suit was.
I think the 'obvious' choice would be Tate. A more complex one would be the man with the burned face. I'm going with Tate because in that episode they made it a point for him to assert how big his 'member' was to Ben. Then in the sex scene the editing showed her face and she had that look of 'there is no way this is my husband' and they'd flip to her trying to 'imagine' that it was him.
  I'm interested to hear your theory.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 16, 2011, 06:01:58 PM
It will be quite interesting to see what happens when her baby is born. I have a theory about who the person in rubber suit was.
I think the 'obvious' choice would be Tate. A more complex one would be the man with the burned face. I'm going with Tate because in that episode they made it a point for him to assert how big his 'member' was to Ben. Then in the sex scene the editing showed her face and she had that look of 'there is no way this is my husband' and they'd flip to her trying to 'imagine' that it was him.
  I'm interested to hear your theory.
My theory was Tate. Pretty deep of me, eh? :lol

I guess its so obvious but I originally thinking it was the guy from 1968, as a spirit make flesh.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: HarlequinForest on October 16, 2011, 06:09:50 PM
Another possibility is the young man that was with Constance in her room.  I don't think there is enough to go off of to make any good decision.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TempusVox on October 19, 2011, 10:38:40 PM
This show is terrifyingly wicked. Almost as much creepy fun as The Shining. The entire show plays like something Peter Straub conjured up from one of his nightmares. This show actually scares the shit out of me!  :metal

This show is frightening enough to jolt even the most jaded ghost story addict.  And it troubles me long after the credits roll.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on October 19, 2011, 11:21:49 PM
Wow! Tonight's episode was utterly fantastic!!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: axeman90210 on October 20, 2011, 12:23:57 AM
Man, are we all watching the same show? Three episodes in and I'm done.  This show puts soap operas to shame with the amount of over the top nonsense that goes on in one episode, and the acting and writing are sketchy at times. It'll be lucky if it lasts a season before it flames out creatively.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: HarlequinForest on October 20, 2011, 01:20:42 AM
Well, I understand how you could feel that way.  My standards for the horror genre are considerably low; it's such a fun genre, and I couldn't enjoy it otherwise.  I actually think the acting is pretty great, though, at least from the main characters, and I don't remember any overtly bad acting from any of the other cast.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 22, 2011, 07:22:09 AM
Man, are we all watching the same show? Three episodes in and I'm done.  This show puts soap operas to shame with the amount of over the top nonsense that goes on in one episode, and the acting and writing are sketchy at times. It'll be lucky if it lasts a season before it flames out creatively.
Wow, I'm guessing you are in the minority who thinks its a bad show. I love the show and think the acting has been top notch.
Looking forward to next weeks episode.
buy hey, too each his own.

Not to cause controversy, but I'll take American Horror to that stupid zombie show. That does nothing for me. Different strokes I guess.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 22, 2011, 08:46:50 AM
Not to cause controversy, but I'll take American Horror to that stupid zombie show. That does nothing for me. Different strokes I guess.
I enjoy them both. But I like just about every zombie movie no matter how cheesy or bad they are. This last episode of AHS was pretty neat I thought, how they revealed a great deal more about the history of the home. The character plots and storylines seem so twisted and intricate, although they are starting to pan out a bit. I think it's a neat show.
 I liked how they explained how the maid is viewed differently by men and women. Pretty neat.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 22, 2011, 08:49:28 AM
Not to cause controversy, but I'll take American Horror to that stupid zombie show. That does nothing for me. Different strokes I guess.
I enjoy them both. But I like just about every zombie movie no matter how cheesy or bad they are. This last episode of AHS was pretty neat I thought, how they revealed a great deal more about the history of the home. The character plots and storylines seem so twisted and intricate, although they are starting to pan out a bit. I think it's a neat show.
 I liked how they explained how the maid is viewed differently by men and women. Pretty neat.
That's cool. I'm not knocking the many folks that like it. I just never enjoyed the whole zombie genre dating dating to the 60's when it first became popular.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: King Postwhore on October 22, 2011, 08:50:56 AM
When it was black and white. :lol

I saw the first episode and it was creepy as all hell.  The wife and I are intrigued
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 22, 2011, 09:21:17 AM
I saw the first episode and it was creepy as all hell. 
Completely Agree. I don't think that I was really ready or expecting a show like this. I didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't this type of 'scary'. I mentioned earlier in the thread, this show isn't a jump out and scare you show....it's seems to be a mental, moral...demented type of scary. Which is refreshing in a way.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 22, 2011, 09:47:44 AM
I saw the first episode and it was creepy as all hell. 
Completely Agree. I don't think that I was really ready or expecting a show like this. I didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't this type of 'scary'. I mentioned earlier in the thread, this show isn't a jump out and scare you show....it's seems to be a mental, moral...demented type of scary. Which is refreshing in a way.
Ok, now you all have me intrigued. Perhaps I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I just never dug zombie movies.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on October 22, 2011, 10:15:00 AM
Umm... I think they were both talking about AHS and not TWD.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 22, 2011, 10:18:28 AM
Umm... I think they were both talking about AHS and not TWD.
Oops! :facepalm:

 :biggrin: I love American Horror Story!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 29, 2011, 04:43:55 PM
Episode 4 was excellent. Looking forward to next weeks show.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 29, 2011, 05:03:10 PM
Episode 4 was excellent. Looking forward to next weeks show.
What to me was a once almost obvious Tate being in the black s&m suit how has become "I have no friggin' idea". I want to think that it is still Tate, but after seeing him and his stature in the suite in the basement and then seeing the 'other' guy, it looks like two different bodies.
  I am leaning towards the idea that even thier real estate agent is 'dead' or somehow a part of that house like the rest of them. Just a feeling I get from the way they portray her scenes.
 And speaking of scenes, that last scene of episode 4 was a nice WTF....open the door and there's the girl you buried in your back yard. For as spurratic and twisted as this plot is they somehow keep it tied together and coherant. Still impressed by that.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: HarlequinForest on October 29, 2011, 05:39:20 PM
I'm anxious to see what the nurse saw on the monitor.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 29, 2011, 08:27:21 PM
I'm anxious to see what the nurse saw on the monitor.
Yeah that was strange....and kind of lost among the rest of the episode. There was just so much going on. Next weeks should be just as cool.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on October 30, 2011, 08:18:01 AM
Episode 4 was excellent. Looking forward to next weeks show.
What to me was a once almost obvious Tate being in the black s&m suit how has become "I have no friggin' idea". I want to think that it is still Tate, but after seeing him and his stature in the suite in the basement and then seeing the 'other' guy, it looks like two different bodies.
  I am leaning towards the idea that even thier real estate agent is 'dead' or somehow a part of that house like the rest of them. Just a feeling I get from the way they portray her scenes.
 And speaking of scenes, that last scene of episode 4 was a nice WTF....open the door and there's the girl you buried in your back yard. For as spurratic and twisted as this plot is they somehow keep it tied together and coherant. Still impressed by that.
I no longer think its Tate, at all.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 03, 2011, 09:58:52 AM
Anyone watch the second half of the 'Halloween' episode yet? It was nice to get confirmation on the suspicion that Tate was the son of Constance. Likewise, it appears as if that 'dream' he had of shooting people in his high school actually happened...and I'd venture to say he is 'dead' as well by either commiting suicide or being killed during or abruptly after that event. It's curious that he can't remember it though.
  I thought the whole Hayden drama was neat. At first it took me a second to remember that Ben wasn't the one who actually buried her so it was understandable that he'd think those two were working together. But still, how does he explain the woman who untied him in the basement to himself?
  I'm thinking that Vivian and Morris Chesnut are going to shag for sure. There is definately some chemistry between those two, thier scenes are pretty thick with sexual tension.
  Another thing, how long until Violet starts to put these pieces together now that Constance has kind of opened her eyes a bit. Does she research the school shooting at all? I really like how each episode builds off the former...the flow and pace of the show are just right and they reveal just enough each time.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on November 03, 2011, 10:07:40 AM
Yeah, I think last night was confirmation that Tate is indeed a ghost (as I thought) and I believe that he even can't come to terms with what he did so that's why he can't remember any of the other people, so I'd say he died by suicide. I also thought it was cool that all the spirits in the house seem to be at war with one another.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TempusVox on November 03, 2011, 09:41:16 PM
This show just keeps getting creepier and better as it steamrolls along.  I cannot imagine how this series will continue. Everyone who has basically gone into the damn house has been killed, or taken their own life. Surely the same fate awaits Ben and Constance, and probabiy Violet as well. So how do you keep a series fresh? One idea is that eventually the family meets their fate; and they too now become part of the house, and we learn of more secrets the house shares with us with the next set of victims....I mean family, to move in. That would be unique, where a house is the central character in the entire series. All I know is I'll be along for the ride the whole way. I love this show!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 04, 2011, 08:02:24 AM
This show just keeps getting creepier and better as it steamrolls along.  I cannot imagine how this series will continue. Everyone who has basically gone into the damn house has been killed, or taken their own life. Surely the same fate awaits Ben and Constance, and probabiy Violet as well. So how do you keep a series fresh? One idea is that eventually the family meets their fate; and they too now become part of the house, and we learn of more secrets the house shares with us with the next set of victims....I mean family, to move in. That would be unique, where a house is the central character in the entire series. All I know is I'll be along for the ride the whole way. I love this show!
I read an article a couple weeks ago (cannot recall exactly where or I'd post it) but it did suggest that the original premise for the series was what you suggest. By the end of the season Ben, Vivian and Violet have been killed and they simply become secondary characters like what we've seen from Tate etc.
 The issue was that, the writers/creators of the show are the same group of folk who created/write GLEE (I was shocked and intrigued by that) and thier original premise for that show was the same. It would have a continual, changing flow of characters. But due to its success they backed off that idea. I'm wondering if they will do the same with American Horror Story, or if AHS is just an outlet for them to actually pull of thier original GLEE idea?
  Either way as you realized and is pretty obvious, this series is delivering. I'll trust whatever direction they take it, but it certainly looks as if Ben and the gang are on the fast track to becoming an eternal piece of that house.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on November 04, 2011, 08:26:07 AM
I read in an article in Entertainment magazine that the identity of the man in the rubber suit will be revealed on Nov. 23rd.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: GuineaPig on November 10, 2011, 11:33:26 AM
I haven't seen this show yet, but it's really amusing to see the critical response to it. 

Example: https://www.avclub.com/articles/piggy-piggy,64673/

Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 11, 2011, 08:03:37 AM
Just got around to watching the latest episode last night and I have to admit the first 'here piggy piggy' scene made me jump....sent my heart rate up a bit. It was expected yet it was so visually freaky as well it really got me.
  Interesting the description the nurse gave of the child growing inside Vivian. Hooves? That's insane! Judging from the last scene I'm assuming Violet is going to relent and assist Constance in assisting Tate into realizing he's dead and to 'move on'. Pretty neat, although Viloet is getting torn up emotionally with that abnormal realization her boyfriend is an entity who refuses to understand he's dead and her parents having a less than 'normal' relationship.
  I'm guessing the Security guard is the guy in the black suit. There's no way he has been injected to the plot just to be a source of sexual tension and candadate for Vivian to sleep with. His explanation of the disappearance of the dead ex-lover from his vehicle was suspicious to me. "She must have jumped out at a stop sign" Really? Anyway, I'm adjusting my speculation of who the black suite man is to him, we will find out soon enough.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on November 13, 2011, 06:29:03 AM
I love this show. Episode 6 was excellent!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on November 16, 2011, 05:52:02 PM
Finally watched last week's episode... I was pretty dead on on Tate's back story!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 17, 2011, 07:32:26 AM
I have to admit that the entire approach to the crib...when the original house owner lady was going to see Thadeus....I was contemplating not looking. Kind of relieved they didn't show me a mangled baby body with odd body parts and what not. Last scene was interesting with Vivian realizing she had met a ghost. This show is cool.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on November 17, 2011, 08:19:23 AM
I have to admit that the entire approach to the crib...when the original house owner lady was going to see Thadeus....I was contemplating not looking. Kind of relieved they didn't show me a mangled baby body with odd body parts and what not. Last scene was interesting with Vivian realizing she had met a ghost. This show is cool.
I think that we've already seen the mangled Thaddeus. I think that thing that attacked the girl Violet brought to the house on one of the first episodes is Thaddeus.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 17, 2011, 08:24:06 AM
I have to admit that the entire approach to the crib...when the original house owner lady was going to see Thadeus....I was contemplating not looking. Kind of relieved they didn't show me a mangled baby body with odd body parts and what not. Last scene was interesting with Vivian realizing she had met a ghost. This show is cool.
I think that we've already seen the mangled Thaddeus. I think that thing that attacked the girl Violet brought to the house on one of the first episodes is Thaddeus.
For Certain that was him...looked to be 'grown up' a bit. I really didn't want to see him as the freshly stitched together baby though. More for the fact that here locally yesterday a young mother beat her year old baby to death for crying to much and not sleeping and dumped his body in some bushes and then returned home to sleep. So obviously the local news was filled with that story (I think it went national as well) yesterday....so when that baby crib scene was happening, the timing was just too much for me having just watched the final newscast of the night before the AHS episode. It made that scene way more intense for some reason.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on November 18, 2011, 05:52:50 AM
This show has really gotten into my head. I had some disturbing dreams Wednesday. In one dream, there was this evil looking old woman who was completely blue on her face. She had on a cloak and was staring at me while I was at some public event. She wound up being Satan.

Anyhow, the show gets more interesting with Violet now in love with Tate. If they move her relationship is over. Just what will she do to stay in the house? How will Jessica Langes character influence her?
Very cool.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 18, 2011, 07:24:18 AM
This show has really gotten into my head. I had some disturbing dreams Wednesday. In one dream, there was this evil looking old woman who was completely blue on her face. She had on a cloak and was staring at me while I was at some public event. She wound up being Satan.

Anyhow, the show gets more interesting with Violet now in love with Tate. If they move her relationship is over. Just what will she do to stay in the house? How will Jessica Langes character influence her?
Very cool.
I know what you mean about the show. I've yet to have a bad dream from it, but after EVERY episode I've watched I have to immediately watch something else in order to get the episode off the top of my mind. It's not that this is overly frightening at all. There is just something about it that is such a cerebral creepout.

I'm wondering if Violet is starting to figure out that these 'ghosts' are stuck in the house...and if so would that lead her to commit suicide in order to be with Tate forever? I think Jessica Lange is giving an emmy winning performance playing Constance. Her character ties that entire show together greatly, I don't think it's a coincedence they recruited and then hired a fantastic actress to play Constance....she is that vital to the show.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TempusVox on November 18, 2011, 10:27:14 AM
This show has really gotten into my head. I had some disturbing dreams Wednesday. In one dream, there was this evil looking old woman who was completely blue on her face. She had on a cloak and was staring at me while I was at some public event. She wound up being Satan.

Anyhow, the show gets more interesting with Violet now in love with Tate. If they move her relationship is over. Just what will she do to stay in the house? How will Jessica Langes character influence her?
Very cool.
I know what you mean about the show. I've yet to have a bad dream from it, but after EVERY episode I've watched I have to immediately watch something else in order to get the episode off the top of my mind. It's not that this is overly frightening at all. There is just something about it that is such a cerebral creepout.

I'm wondering if Violet is starting to figure out that these 'ghosts' are stuck in the house...and if so would that lead her to commit suicide in order to be with Tate forever? I think Jessica Lange is giving an emmy winning performance playing Constance. Her character ties that entire show together greatly, I don't think it's a coincedence they recruited and then hired a fantastic actress to play Constance....she is that vital to the show.

I agree with everything in both these posts. I watched this weeks episode last night, and had a fucking nightmare about that stitched together, evil, blood lusting, Franken-baby that woke me at about 3:00AM. I dreamt it had little razor sharp baby teeth and crawled into bed with me. It was cozying up to my chest and was preparing to rip the flesh from my neck with it's little razor teeth and baby fingernails, as Constance approvingly gazed at us from the doorway to my bedroom. I forced myself awake, and leapt out of bed, and scared the absolute wits out of my poor cat "George/Jorge" who had tried to curl up next to me and sleep.  :lol  I write scarier shit than this show, and it creeps me out.

Jessica Lange is PERFECT for this role btw. She is the true puppet master of this series. It would be cool if we find out that everyone on the show is an actual ghost. I also am having a hard time figuring out how they pull off having this show continue beyond season 1.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: King Postwhore on November 18, 2011, 10:38:35 AM
This series is creepy as all hell.  We're only up to the Halloween episope but the wife and I watch one episode and then watch something fluffy like a half hour sitcom to lighten the mood.  Damn it creeps thwe F out of us.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 18, 2011, 10:47:31 AM
I also am having a hard time figuring out how they pull off having this show continue beyond season 1.

If there were ever a show that you could use a 'rotating' cast, this would be it. Being that (to me) the house itself seems like the main character and everyone else is just a supporting cast...it would seem 'easy' to have Ben, Vivian and Violet just become 'members' of the house....there to torment or warn or whatever the next tenants.
  I did read somewhere that this idea was the original intent of the writers but they've not confirmed if they are going to pursue it still or not.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TempusVox on November 18, 2011, 03:20:57 PM
I read that and heard that from some friends of mine who are pretty close to the show. That's still the idea, but whether they can pull it off remains to be seen. They HAVE to keep Jessica Lange around though.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on November 18, 2011, 04:06:19 PM
They could keep her to be the welcome party to the new families.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: masterthes on November 19, 2011, 10:34:48 AM
Nah, I see Moira or Violet killing her by season's end
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 08, 2011, 09:50:10 AM

Anyone still watching? I think this show has been great. Last nights episode with the 'revelation' of Violets current condition was pretty cool....it was almost like 'why didn't I see that coming?' It's strange because there is SO much stuff going on that one would think it would muddy up the storyline and confuse things but I think they've done a great job keepin it interesting and telling the story.
  I'm curious to learn the resolution of these twins and if indeed the entire family become members of the house itself......just a real neat show.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 08, 2011, 12:23:37 PM
This show is just mind-blowing.  I attempted to describe it to a co-worker friend of mine yesterday as Twin Peaks jacked up at least 10 notches.

Didn't see the twist with Violet's suicide attempt being successful coming at ALL.  Vivian's also really smart about not wanting to go back into the house, but we'll see what happens next week...

So, what was Larry's REAL motivation for copping to Travis's murder?  I can sort of buy him attempting to gain redemption for his wife and daughters burning to death, but was it to truly get away from the house for good?
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 08, 2011, 12:36:25 PM
This show is just mind-blowing.  I attempted to describe it to a co-worker friend of mine yesterday as Twin Peaks jacked up at least 10 notches.

Didn't see the twist with Violet's suicide attempt being successful coming at ALL.  Vivian's also really smart about not wanting to go back into the house, but we'll see what happens next week...

So, what was Larry's REAL motivation for copping to Travis's murder?  I can sort of buy him attempting to gain redemption for his wife and daughters burning to death, but was it to truly get away from the house for good?

Yeah, I'm not quite sold on that neat little wrap up of Travis's murder either. If this show has demonstrated anything it is that nothing can be that simple. I'm sure there is something extra curricular tied to Larry's admission.

I honestly thought that when Tate was taking Violet into the crawls space and he told her to look that she was going to see like a 'gate to hell' or something like that. Looking back on it I guess one could have 'seen that coming' but it got me as well. Really well done. It's going to get interesting now concerning her Vivian and Ben's relationship. I'm wondering if she will try to 'let them in' on the big secret or not...or just wait for them to die/be killed as well?

I'd tell your co-worker it's AmmityVille Horror on steroids or something....that it's not as much of a physical scare as a cerebral assault by use of vivid imagery and well constructed moods and atmosphere.

And, one more time....Jessica Lange deserves an Emmy for her role as Constance. No doubt about it. For as good as all the actors/actresses have been....she by far has held that entire show together and continually gives a chilling (in a good way) performance. I really do hope she gets the recognition she deserves. 
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: masterthes on December 09, 2011, 02:19:39 AM
I loved the show this week, even though the Violet concept hasn't been original, it was executed well. And yes, Jessica Lange deserves an Emmy
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 09, 2011, 05:52:01 PM
Yeah, I'm not quite sold on that neat little wrap up of Travis's murder either. If this show has demonstrated anything it is that nothing can be that simple. I'm sure there is something extra curricular tied to Larry's admission.

Exactly, totally agree with you on it not being as simple as it appears.  I also don't buy that Larry copped to the whole thing JUST to have Constance tell him that she loves him one last time--I totally buy that she may not have ever loved him, and that she married him to gain legitimate entry back into the house.  The whole love thing just seems like a really flimsy angle to me, especially given the fact that Constance seemed to have genuine (well, genuine for her lol :lol ) feelings for Travis.  Plus, Larry's first wife had told him that he was "ready to see" the ghosts of herself and their daughters--so you can kind of draw the conclusion that she thought that Larry was ready to atone for all of his various misdeeds.  I don't know though--with this show, there's ALWAYS more to situations than what meets the eye. What I thought was also interesting was the fact that Larry lied to Ben about how he'd gotten burned--also interesting that that was what Tate may have done before the school shooting.

And speaking of Tate...

I honestly thought that when Tate was taking Violet into the crawls space and he told her to look that she was going to see like a 'gate to hell' or something like that. Looking back on it I guess one could have 'seen that coming' but it got me as well. Really well done. It's going to get interesting now concerning her Vivian and Ben's relationship. I'm wondering if she will try to 'let them in' on the big secret or not...or just wait for them to die/be killed as well?

I thought he was going to show her some really big graveyard in the crawl space. :lol   But then I realized that all of the various ghosts in the house have been buried somewhere on that lot, but not necessarily inside the house.  As I posted before, I didn't see that twist coming at all.

Good point too about how Violet will now interact with Ben and Vivian.  I honestly believe that Violet may probably wait until something happens to one or both of them, but you never truly know with this show.

Finally, about Jessica Lange--I too think that she totally deserves an Emmy for her role as Constance.  This role is so vastly different from pretty much any of her movie roles, and she continually hits home runs out of the park so to speak.  The producer(s) really picked the best possible person to play Constance IMO.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on December 09, 2011, 06:47:10 PM
Holy crap, that episode was warped! That one will stay in my brain for awhile.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TempusVox on December 09, 2011, 07:12:25 PM
^ No kidding...I am beginning to think that I need to stop watching this show. It is so disturbing that it depresses me and each episode lingers with me for days afterward. I'm not sure how much more I can take. You almost need a flow chart to keep up with all of the killings, and the body count would make a slasher flick look like a Disney movie. I cannot imagine a positive outcome for any of the "living" characters on this show. The ONLY thing I think that actually keeps me coming back each week now is I NEED to see how this nightmare now ends. I cannot stop watching it now. I've been sucked in until the end now. THAT aspect alone makes me love it somehow. It's like mental S&M. Damn my wicked, twisted mind.  :biggrin: :(
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 09, 2011, 08:25:36 PM
It's like mental S&M.


PERFECT way to put it, too.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 15, 2011, 10:31:09 AM
I also am having a hard time figuring out how they pull off having this show continue beyond season 1.

If there were ever a show that you could use a 'rotating' cast, this would be it. Being that (to me) the house itself seems like the main character and everyone else is just a supporting cast...it would seem 'easy' to have Ben, Vivian and Violet just become 'members' of the house....there to torment or warn or whatever the next tenants.
  I did read somewhere that this idea was the original intent of the writers but they've not confirmed if they are going to pursue it still or not.

I read that and heard that from some friends of mine who are pretty close to the show. That's still the idea, but whether they can pull it off remains to be seen. They HAVE to keep Jessica Lange around though.

In the aftermath of last nights episode I think it's safe to say that with Ben being the only member of that family alive (for now) that the writers intend on keeping with the concept of a rotating family cast in that house. Whether or not 'Constance' is killed/dies is still a question, I'd tend to think that she remains the underlying commonality in the series. Either way, this show is pretty friggin' cool. For as much as it still creeps me out and makes me genuinely freak out here and there....it is just a really well written and planned out show.
 The show was nominated for a Golden Globe..which I hope it wins and Jessica Lange was nominated for best supporting actress which if she doesn't win there should be a congressional hearing. I really liked the ending scene last night with Violet and Vivian...and have to admit that I teared up a bit  :'( It was touching to know that no matter what happens at least Violet will always have her mommy around and vice versa. I'm interested to see the first conversation with Vivian and Hayden though :o
  I don't see how Ben doesn't lose his mind and just blow his head off or something. And I'm curious as to what the little baby looks like, if he's a normal looking child or not. Oh and, that scene with a young Tate and Thadeus....when Thadeus's face slowly emerged from the blackness....pretty chilling. It makes me wonder being that Thadeus is big in that scene, and even bigger and older looking in the scene where he tore up Viloet's classmate....if he is even dead or not? Or if some way he has survived all this time and is just some sort of living demon or even the source of the 'evil' the house thrives on?
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on December 15, 2011, 02:21:10 PM
The last two episodes have been off the charts!  :omg: I can't wait for the finally.
All I keep thinking is wow, Axman, you jumped ship too early. You missed out on a truly brilliant show. :metal
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: masterthes on December 15, 2011, 07:19:32 PM
Yeah, who's Thaddeus? I thought Violet was a bit too emo last night for my tastes. I don't want this season to end!!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 15, 2011, 07:29:44 PM
Yeah, who's Thaddeus?

Thadeus is the child of the 'original' house owners..the Dr. and his wife. Remember, he would perform abortions for the Hollywood type women. Their son was kidnapped one day in a vigilante vengence type deal..dismembered...then returned to them. The Dr. then proceeded to re-attach all the parts and used an assortment of other pieces to rebuild and reanimate Thadeus successfully. That is what led his wife to shoot and kill him then blow her head off. Apparently, he is the hellish 'monster' in the shadows. The one who took a yound Tate and who tore up Violets high school peer.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on December 22, 2011, 10:14:08 AM
Tremendous last episode last night to cap off a stellar season 1!
Jessica Lange deserves to win any award she gets nominated for. Bravo!
This show is simply one of the best things I have ever seen on TV.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 22, 2011, 10:52:43 AM
Yeah, that was a perfect way to cap off an innagural season! What a show. I was talking with some co-workers about how they would approach season two and I guess it's a good ghost vs bad ghost theme? I mean, they said they would run out any future inhabitants so what's left? My only fear is that the show was SO good and well done that there really isn't anywhere to go but down now. But I'm trusting that they've at least thought out a couple seasons and didn't pull a 'LOST' on us. "Ummm..uh Oh.....they like the show and it's good....now what?"
  Talk about a creepy little boy at the end...they sure cast him good. Looks all cute and innocent with just a hint of evil in his eye. I can't get over how impressed I was with this show though, I just thought it was very well crafted.....each episode just gave you more then more then more....never really a dull moment. And they left some uncertainties out there...the main one for me being Thadeus. I still don't think he is 'dead' per say...every scen he's been in it appears as if he's aged beginning from being re-assembled and re-animated....then snatching a young Tate, he looked 'young' there....and when he tormented and cut up Violets high school peer he was an old, long grey haired thing. I'm thinking he's alive and is the main source of 'evil'...but that's just my theory.
  And again....Jessica Lange. Wow! She makes the series....ties it all together. That 'speech' that Constance gave to her hairdresser last night was chilling! Just an incredible performance by her....revolt in the streets if she doesn't win the Golden Globe and Emmy. 
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on December 22, 2011, 10:56:51 AM
I am wondering as to what becomes the main story for the second season. Do the Harmons and the house ghosts move to a second plane to the whole Antichrist baby thing?

Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 22, 2011, 12:38:45 PM
I am wondering as to what becomes the main story for the second season. Do the Harmons and the house ghosts move to a second plane to the whole Antichrist baby thing?
Merely judging from what they've said...and largely from last nights episode where Mira points out that there are plenty of 'ghosts' that have no desire to be evil or inflict pain/kill etc that live there, I wonder if it becomes a good vs bad type deal.
  Ben, Vivian and Violet all but swore that they'd 'run off' anyone else who tries to live there so I can't see a full time family moving in. Maybe it becomes a place of buisiness where there is only part time 'real' inhabitants? Maybe they go back in time and do a season of past house owners? It looked to me though that Hayden and Tate when they were on the outside looking in at the happy little scene going on weren't going to allow that to transpire for long. And then you throw Constance raising a 3 year old murderer into the mix...I am going to trust the writers that they at least have a second season already planned out.
  Gonna be a tough act to follow though.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on December 22, 2011, 01:29:06 PM
That was one amazing episode; definitely my favorite. What a great start to a hopefully wonderfully haunting series. I was skeptical, quite so at first; especially once it was apparent that there was going to be a sort of revolving door of characters around the true main character, the house. I'm even more so now that it's been confirmed more or less. Even so, I think if the writers continue to inspire with their twists and turns and keep things interesting, keep flowing, then this could be my favorite series in a long, long time. The acting at first was sub-par to say the least, I abhor Ben's character and actor but he fits much better as 'himself'; without his wallowing and sobbing all the time over his own actions and all the bullshit he gives. Constance changed that though, what a woman; the actress better damn well get some recognition for her portrayal as the she-devil that Constance is. I'm so excited for season two! I do worry that after season two, or perhaps midway, it may begin to dull lest they throw another wrench in the gears to shake things up a bit. With this evil child and perhaps good-souled baby that the Harmons are attempting to raise, it could be a new centerpiece.

P.S. Love that whistling tune.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 22, 2011, 01:45:56 PM
good-souled baby that the Harmons are attempting to raise

I was under the impression that if/when you died on the house property...you don't age. Mira's appearance is a matter of perception, but everyone else stays whatever age they were when they died. So that along with the comments from last weeks episode from one of the gay couple stating they would smother the baby and kill it when it was a year and half old...so it'd be in the fun age forever....leads me to believe the little baby will be a little baby forever and not grow.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on December 22, 2011, 01:53:18 PM
good-souled baby that the Harmons are attempting to raise

I was under the impression that if/when you died on the house property...you don't age. Mira's appearance is a matter of perception, but everyone else stays whatever age they were when they died. So that along with the comments from last weeks episode from one of the gay couple stating they would smother the baby and kill it when it was a year and half old...so it'd be in the fun age forever....leads me to believe the little baby will be a little baby forever and not grow.

Aw shit, I forgot that the baby died... Damn it. Well, I guess it only matters that the evil child lived since the house itself seems to be more of a neutral character now instead of being the haunting evil presence it was in the beginning. If they could use it to their advantage (as they have thus far to run out the homeowners) to combat the supposed 'Antichrist' then things could get very interesting. I gotta say though I had envisioned some kind of epic back and forth between the good child and bad but you're right. I was thrown a bit with Mira, but yeah I suppose she has a kind of special power depending on the man that's looking at her. Interesting, very much so. I haven't been this invested in a television series since the beginning of Lost...and we all know where that went (not to dog it, I loved the series but...I better shut up before I derail this shit). Grrr, I want more!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: GuineaPig on December 22, 2011, 02:00:50 PM
Apparently season two's going to be entirely different:  https://www.avclub.com/articles/american-horror-story-to-completely-ditch-season-o,67002/

It's a pretty cool idea.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on December 22, 2011, 02:21:02 PM
Oh... Um.... Wow. I did not expect the change to be that dramatic. But I like it... I think. I don't know. That's insane. Luckily, so am I; so a chance I will give it but that's extremely disappointing in some ways. Exciting in others. Hm. That was a shocker. They had some pretty ballsy things to say about the show in terms of ragging on it, and I spit in their faces for that! I thought it was wonderfully written and the future was bright (or...ever so dark?) for this new series. But this new format is indeed exciting, I just don't know if I like it at all at this point. Which I guess is the point, to not know what's ahead. That said... I'll have to let this sit for a while before I even support the 'new' show. Bleh. That kind of ruined that entire episode. Not the first season, because I realize it was mostly 'wrapped up', but expanding on it could have been so very awesome. MAN! The hell...  :huh:
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 22, 2011, 02:23:38 PM
Yeah that is a cool idea...it definately takes some guts to do so considering how successful the first season was, but like I was thinking...it was so successful that it couldn't really get much better...only maintain or get worse had they decided to stick with that cast...characters etc. This gives them the freedom do do anything that's for sure. It's a real neat idea.
  To me the thing that MADE the first season wasn't the cool twists and turns and the ate up story and plot...that was all cool....but none of it works without Jessica Lange's performance. She tied that season together and maintained it with her portrayal of Constance. The other actors/actresses weren't bad...they did great IMO, but Jessica Lange made the show.
  For the next season and subsequent seasons to be as successful I would think that they need to have a standout performer like that...every time. A character that just ties everything all up and that keeps the show on pace.
  Such a neat idea...man....I'm anxious to see what goes down. I guess the next step is to wait for the cast to be announced in February. Any 'wish lists' out there for who you'd think would do a cool job?

Just off the top of my head:
  Sigourney Weaver
  Harrison Ford
  Robin Williams
 There's so many options to get a great actor to try and be creepy or whatever.   
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: masterthes on December 22, 2011, 02:24:09 PM
I'm cool with that
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on December 22, 2011, 04:25:08 PM
I'm cool with that
Me too. Its actually a brilliant move because otherwise the show would have been doomed to fail sooner then later. Bring it on!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on December 22, 2011, 04:28:28 PM
I don't understand that train of thought in the slightest... I thought it was heading in a wonderful direction. The Antichrist, the new families moving in, the other souls trying to get out of the house; it was all setting up to be a very grandiose end arc. Whatevs, I'm intrigued by this new set up, but to say it was certainly doomed 'sooner than later' is preposterous to me. I'm more worried now that they won't have a cast as powerful or a storyline as concrete as the one they've created. Alas, the writers have time at their disposal now though, so... Here we go?
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on December 22, 2011, 07:52:14 PM
I don't understand that train of thought in the slightest... I thought it was heading in a wonderful direction. The Antichrist, the new families moving in, the other souls trying to get out of the house; it was all setting up to be a very grandiose end arc. Whatevs, I'm intrigued by this new set up, but to say it was certainly doomed 'sooner than later' is preposterous to me. I'm more worried now that they won't have a cast as powerful or a storyline as concrete as the one they've created. Alas, the writers have time at their disposal now though, so... Here we go?
I just don't think they could have sustained the momentum, that's all. I like the idea of a fresh storyline. Sure its sad the cast will be different, but its also exiting as well.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on December 22, 2011, 08:45:55 PM
I don't know, if they would've continue with that they would've ended with too many characters and not enough screen time and the show would've been hurt by that. This idea is pretty cool!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on December 22, 2011, 09:14:47 PM
It is indeed exciting and a very original idea. Damn it, I just wanted to see some Antichrist ass-kicking action. But that's an awesome ending. But boy does it grind my gears whenever a series or movie has an ending where 'the audience draws the conclusion'. Fuck that. I wanna see some shit! But alas... I guess in my mind I'll have the Antichrist take over the world and urinate on the sun. Fin.

P.S. I could NOT stop wheezing from laughing so hard after that fucking exterminator just kind of popped up in front of Ben as he was frantically running about and Ben just gives him this look like "Wha...Oh okay.. *points finger at him and hauls* "  :rollin
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on December 22, 2011, 10:00:17 PM
It is indeed exciting and a very original idea. Damn it, I just wanted to see some Antichrist ass-kicking action. But that's an awesome ending. But boy does it grind my gears whenever a series or movie has an ending where 'the audience draws the conclusion'. Fuck that. I wanna see some shit! But alas... I guess in my mind I'll have the Antichrist take over the world and urinate on the sun. Fin.

P.S. I could NOT stop wheezing from laughing so hard after that fucking exterminator just kind of popped up in front of Ben as he was frantically running about and Ben just gives him this look like "Wha...Oh okay.. *points finger at him and hauls* "  :rollin
Look at it this way. Season 1 will now stand as a masterpiece with no chance that anything can ruin it. I like that. I also think the writers have more in there bag of tricks and won't disappoint.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 22, 2011, 10:10:50 PM
They probably could have squeezed out a second season with the same characters, ran with the Antichrist theme a bit... But the bar is/was set so high. At least in this format the writers have a fair shot at keeping the expectation they created in line. I still maintain that to assure it remains successful they better land a Jessica Lange quality actor/actress and hope they can perform the way she did.

And the exterminator bothered me a bit. The dude gets killed by Tate. Who hid/got rid of his work truck? Why wouldn't the police show up after he went missing to his last appointment? Sure there is some wiggle room, but that really bugs me.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on December 22, 2011, 10:13:54 PM
They probably could have squeezed out a second season with the same characters, ran with the Antichrist theme a bit... But the bar is/was set so high. At least in this format the writers have a fair shot at keeping the expectation they created in line. I still maintain that to assure it remains successful they better land a Jessica Lange quality actor/actress and hope they can perform the way she did.

And the exterminator bothered me a bit. The dude gets killed by Tate. Who hid/got rid of his work truck? Why wouldn't the police show up after he went missing to his last appointment? Sure there is some wiggle room, but that really bugs me.
I agree Lange was magic and will be hard to top. Time will tell. We will watch, and hope for the best.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on December 23, 2011, 11:50:29 AM
It is indeed exciting and a very original idea. Damn it, I just wanted to see some Antichrist ass-kicking action.
Well, Murphy did say in that article that some actors are gonna return. If there's one thing that's been left unresolved about the first season is the whole Antichrist baby thing...
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: GuineaPig on December 23, 2011, 12:03:53 PM
It is indeed exciting and a very original idea. Damn it, I just wanted to see some Antichrist ass-kicking action.
Well, Murphy did say in that article that some actors are gonna return. If there's one thing that's been left unresolved about the first season is the whole Antichrist baby thing...

Same actors.  Different characters.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TempusVox on September 25, 2012, 01:55:19 PM
SEASON 2..."AMERICAN HORROR STORY: ASYLUM"  begins in 22 days, on October 17th.

I CANNOT WAIT!!!!  :metal

Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on September 25, 2012, 02:00:11 PM
SEASON 2..."AMERICAN HORROR STORY: ASYLUM"  begins in 22 days, on October 17th.

I CANNOT WAIT!!!!  :metal

Yep - excitey! :caffeine:

Finally, about Jessica Lange--I too think that she totally deserves an Emmy for her role as Constance.  This role is so vastly different from pretty much any of her movie roles, and she continually hits home runs out of the park so to speak.  The producer(s) really picked the best possible person to play Constance IMO.

Well, she got it. :)
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TempusVox on September 25, 2012, 03:06:37 PM
SEASON 2..."AMERICAN HORROR STORY: ASYLUM"  begins in 22 days, on October 17th.

I CANNOT WAIT!!!!  :metal

Yep - excitey! :caffeine:

Finally, about Jessica Lange--I too think that she totally deserves an Emmy for her role as Constance.  This role is so vastly different from pretty much any of her movie roles, and she continually hits home runs out of the park so to speak.  The producer(s) really picked the best possible person to play Constance IMO.

Well, she got it. :)

The greatest injustice in the history of awards presentations would have been committed had she not.

I read recently that the producers met with her earlier this year, and over a period of several days really fleshed out what the various aspects of her "dream role" would be; and they have developed her new character around the elements that she has always wanted to play. Should make for an even deeper character. I cant wait to see how it translates onto the screen.  Her portrayal of Constance last year was nothing short of "Role of a Lifetime". Simply brilliant.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on September 25, 2012, 07:10:21 PM
Wow, something more in depth than Constance?  I'm stoked - can't wait to see how it all turns out!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on November 04, 2012, 11:46:55 AM
Bumping this to say, this season better have a great payoff because as of right now? It's just over the top and off the rails and in a very bad way!

Particularly this past episode. So Maroon 5 Guy had this armed ripped off then gets stabbed in the chest twice but he still is fully capable of, literally, LEAPING to the girl's rescue?! Bull. Shit. Oh and the Bloody Face stalker is a fake Bloody Face that's part of a duo that hang out close to a decrepit old building in the hopes of scaring tourist (I guess?) but then one of them shoots the couple AND then the real Bloody Face appears?!

For now it feels like it's just empty shock factor, over the top without meaning.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on November 04, 2012, 01:22:21 PM
I agree, I'm pretty disappointed. I'm not interested in this show at all right now. I'll still be watching them considering I know what they can do, but other than a few moments of intrigue or a glimmer of potential, it's been a bag full of pathetic scare tactics, gore-infused sex thrills and a whole lot of confusion based upon what I suppose has been mistaken for mystery and eeriness. Either way, it's not looking too great right now and I had a feeling this would happen, they should have stuck with what worked if they're going to degrade this series to a pathetic Halloween goodie bag; as opposed to the badassery they were throwing out every episode in S1.

We'll see. But this 'anthology series' is gonna end real quick if they don't give a reason as to why all this insanity is happening and a bigger picture behind the few scary portraits we've seen...with no artist behind them. It's all empty bullshit thus far. Super disappointed, actually. This is going to be hard to recover from considering they're going to have to go the deux ex machina route with some of the characters (bloody face being in separate timelines; the fucking aliens and the chip; mutants/zombies...etc.) to explain how, what, why, when... Eh. EH.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on November 04, 2012, 01:25:52 PM
I hate to say this, but I agree with both of you.  I really wish they would've stuck with the original ideas they had about the second season either being different people or a different house.  I'm still going to watch and all, but... I prefer the first season by light years so far.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on November 04, 2012, 01:40:26 PM
Yep and I didn't even get to all the problems I'm having with the main story!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: SeRoX on November 04, 2012, 01:45:36 PM
I don't want to read all pages. Simple question: Do you all strongly recommend me watch it?
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on November 04, 2012, 02:00:18 PM
Yep and I didn't even get to all the problems I'm having with the main story!

Yeah - the plot holes are like Swiss cheese. :-\

I don't want to read all pages. Simple question: Do you all strongly recommend me watch it?

DEFINITELY watch the first season - it'll blow your mind IMO.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: SeRoX on November 04, 2012, 02:13:35 PM
Debra, I trust you for that.  :hat
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on November 04, 2012, 02:35:34 PM
Aw, thank you. :)
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: HarlequinForest on November 05, 2012, 07:00:50 AM
I was unsure for the first two episodes, but the third actually gave me confidence for this season.  It's so off-the-wall crazy, and James Cromwell is amazing.  I'm loving it so far (although the present-time couple plot is terrible).
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on November 05, 2012, 10:23:43 AM
I like this season so far.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: SeRoX on November 05, 2012, 10:39:15 PM
So I just finished the first season.

First of all, I really like acting. It's so realistic. But to be honest I can't say I feared so much and even worse something was very predictable. There were some discontinuity in the fiction. I must say, I really like the whole atmosphere, events, people. I definitely keep watching other seasons. Worth watching but I think there can be more blood, more mysterious things and less talking.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on November 08, 2012, 02:00:05 PM
So I just finished the first season.

First of all, I really like acting. It's so realistic. But to be honest I can't say I feared so much and even worse something was very predictable. There were some discontinuity in the fiction. I must say, I really like the whole atmosphere, events, people. I definitely keep watching other seasons. Worth watching but I think there can be more blood, more mysterious things and less talking.
Wow, your a tough one to please, eh?
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on November 08, 2012, 03:45:27 PM
So I just finished the first season.

First of all, I really like acting. It's so realistic. But to be honest I can't say I feared so much and even worse something was very predictable. There were some discontinuity in the fiction. I must say, I really like the whole atmosphere, events, people. I definitely keep watching other seasons. Worth watching but I think there can be more blood, more mysterious things and less talking.

Season 2, so far anyway, may be more to your liking then.  It's starting really slow, but it's picking up some steam.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on November 08, 2012, 04:09:04 PM
Yeah I really enjoyed this recent episode. It was the first one that wasn't completely all over the place with five different story strands and the eerie, nonsensical mumbo jumbo it's been thus far. For the first time I'm eager to see where this is going. Here's hoping they take it in a new direction and develop some actual scares with... *GASP* a story.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on November 08, 2012, 04:14:01 PM
Completely agreed.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: SeRoX on November 08, 2012, 06:11:10 PM
Yup, agreed as well. Especially the last sentence.

In the first season they just got into the complex fiction with less horrifying subjects. Of course as a whole the atmosphere is kinda scary but I stand back my thought: it could've been more horrifying. Good thing is, yes! So far season 2 satisfies me and I really enjoy the story.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on November 08, 2012, 11:51:16 PM
Cool!  I figured that with the current season's subject matter that you would probably get into it more.  Keep watching! :tup
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Dimitrius on November 09, 2012, 06:46:11 AM
Yeah I really enjoyed this recent episode. It was the first one that wasn't completely all over the place with five different story strands and the eerie, nonsensical mumbo jumbo it's been thus far. For the first time I'm eager to see where this is going. Here's hoping they take it in a new direction and develop some actual scares with... *GASP* a story.
Completely agree.

Arden being a former Nazi kinda rounds his character and the Monsignor's call to him instantly made him much more interesting!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on November 09, 2012, 06:47:53 AM
Yeah...its gettin good!
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: ReaPsTA on November 28, 2012, 02:55:04 AM
Finished Season 1

I don't know how I feel about it.  The first few episodes had a relentlessly dark and just all around awful tone to them.  Everything was moving toward some kind of horrific orgy of violence and murder.

The moment the Rubber Man was revealed as Tate, everything went off the rails.  Before, Tate was a troubled yet likable kid, but then he become a rapist.  It also cancelled out the possibility of any sort of grand design.

The origin story is great.  Evil Scientist takes the dismembered parts of his baby, merges them with pig parts, and it somehow comes alive.  Provoking the wife into a murder-suicide.  At some point, the evil pig baby dies.

At that point, I was imagining that the Rubber Man was some kind of force of nature or something that was trying to create a reincarnation of the evil baby for some reason.  Instead we got.... what we got.

Were there some cool moments?  Yes.  But the overall arc never had any chutzpah to it.  The only really creepy part of the last few episodes was when the Rubber Man baby killed the babysitter.  Even then, it wasn't pushed as hard as it could have been.

Really liked when Ben and Vivian kill each other then revive around the new couple.  Really liked Ben and Tate's last scene.

The scene with Violet and the kid made me super duper sad.  She would never be able to make a real connection with a real human being her age again.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on November 29, 2012, 10:40:11 PM
Um... Wow...wh...


...is what I was thinking throughout this entire recent episode. Holy shit...establish something. Some semblance of an actual plot. Some kind of story thread that doesn't completely disappear the next episode only to invite yet another random, completely out-of-the-blue "surprise" that makes no god-damn sense. That was just...that was the worst episode I have ever seen. Ever. Out of all the shit television shows I've watched. I mean...jesus fuck, I was so confused it actually put me in a bad mood. I just did not get any of that at all. Nor do I see where this show is going.

Yet... I am intrigued to see if it does go anywhere, but I'm not sure how much more random bullshit I can take. I really don't think any of the things they've been showing are going to add up to anything, I think it's as psychotic as it looks. Maybe that's the point? Maybe their goal is to confuse their viewers so much that they feel like throwing themselves into Briarcl-...*GASP*

But really. I think I'm done with this show. It's just too much. Way too much. And at the same time far too little. Seriously. Did I miss something? I just need to go to bed and reevaluate this tomorrow; cause I really feel like my head is gonna blow up with all the random shit that this episode projectile vomited all over my brain. That entire episode was so fucking stupid.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on November 30, 2012, 06:49:53 AM
Um... Wow...wh...


...is what I was thinking throughout this entire recent episode. Holy shit...establish something. Some semblance of an actual plot. Some kind of story thread that doesn't completely disappear the next episode only to invite yet another random, completely out-of-the-blue "surprise" that makes no god-damn sense. That was just...that was the worst episode I have ever seen. Ever. Out of all the shit television shows I've watched. I mean...jesus fuck, I was so confused it actually put me in a bad mood. I just did not get any of that at all. Nor do I see where this show is going.

Yet... I am intrigued to see if it does go anywhere, but I'm not sure how much more random bullshit I can take. I really don't think any of the things they've been showing are going to add up to anything, I think it's as psychotic as it looks. Maybe that's the point? Maybe their goal is to confuse their viewers so much that they feel like throwing themselves into Briarcl-...*GASP*

But really. I think I'm done with this show. It's just too much. Way too much. And at the same time far too little. Seriously. Did I miss something? I just need to go to bed and reevaluate this tomorrow; cause I really feel like my head is gonna blow up with all the random shit that this episode projectile vomited all over my brain. That entire episode was so fucking stupid.
I think the show is great! LOVE IT! Can't wait for each new episode!!! Best show of its kind...EVER!!! :metal
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on November 30, 2012, 11:28:57 AM
I was prettttty drunk last night, but I still stand by my statements. I really have no idea what happened last episode, it was a jumbled mess. I'm going to have to rewatch it sometime before the next one because to me, it really seems like they just unlocked the BFG from Doom and their ammo are deus ex machina. And they have infinite ammo.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: Tick on November 30, 2012, 12:57:29 PM
I was prettttty drunk last night, but I still stand by my statements. I really have no idea what happened last episode, it was a jumbled mess. I'm going to have to rewatch it sometime before the next one because to me, it really seems like they just unlocked the BFG from Doom and their ammo are deus ex machina. And they have infinite ammo.
Not for nothing but watching a show like that really drunk is going to equate to a jumbled mess. I think its building in intensity more every week, and I can't wait till the next episode.
But hey...to each his own. If you don't dig it that's cool.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on November 30, 2012, 03:54:07 PM
Well... if this helps, the central theme to Season 1 was infidelity.  The central theme to Season 2 seems to be insanity.  Maybe that's why the episodes seem so disjointed.  I'm still watching it though.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on November 30, 2012, 04:32:15 PM
Yeah... I just re-watched it and I was honestly even more confused. I might have to go back and just watch it from the beginning to establish some kind of timeline, but it just seems, as Deb said, so very disjointed and a jumbled mess. I don't know, I'll stick with it, but at this point I'm just ready to see how many story strands are left tangled and unraveling by the time the show reaches its end. But I really hope not, because I thoroughly enjoyed S1 and was really looking forward to this season.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: DebraKadabra on December 01, 2012, 07:21:00 PM
You know, you're not the only one to complain that it seems to be nothing but a jumbled mess this season - there are a LOT of peeps either ready to give up on it or thinking about giving up on it.

I'd like to think that there may be SOME point to all of this, so I'm going to stick with it for now.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: TioJorge on December 01, 2012, 09:04:22 PM
Same, it's still intriguing and interesting, I just don't like the foundation they're laying. They're either going to have an amazing season at the end of all this, or it's just going to end up one big train wreck. I'm really hoping for the former because if they're ingenious enough to weave this kind of 'insanity' into a logical, cohesive story at the end, it's going to be really awesome. But I'm expecting it to fall flat on it's face. Here's hoping.
Title: Re: American Horror Story On FX
Post by: gmillerdrake on January 02, 2013, 09:58:40 PM
Best episode of the season so far tonight IMO. There were a couple WTF moments, and in a strange way they seem to be bringing the disjointed storylines together. It still has some ground to make up to match the success and that feeling of satisfaction I had after season 1 ended....but for me...this episode tonight especially, it seems to have turned a corner.
  And it's kind of a broken record pointing out how great Jessica Lange is....