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General => Movies and TV => Topic started by: Chino on September 26, 2011, 08:29:04 PM

Title: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 26, 2011, 08:29:04 PM
Anyone watch the premier tonight? I DVR'd it and I'm about 4 minutes. It's pretty terrible.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: MasterShakezula on September 26, 2011, 08:30:52 PM
I'm 12 years old and can't bother to Google it. 

What's it?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: orcus116 on September 26, 2011, 08:36:24 PM
Did they explain why they couldn't just go back in time to, I dunno, not dinosaur time?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: MetalManiac666 on September 26, 2011, 08:36:41 PM
What's it?

well then...
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Dimitrius on September 26, 2011, 08:38:57 PM
Did they explain why they couldn't just go back in time to, I dunno, not dinosaur time?
No, they did explain how they are 85 million years in the past without damaging the future.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: XianL on September 26, 2011, 08:42:59 PM
I'm 12 years old and can't bother to Google it. 

This phrase bears a striking resemblance to something hilarious :lol

As for the show....it certainly sounds bad. Like a dinotopia gone wrong.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: MasterShakezula on September 26, 2011, 08:48:37 PM
What's it?

well then...

Thank you, now I know what's it, and it sounds kinda stupid. 
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: SystematicThought on September 26, 2011, 08:49:47 PM
It just looks like a cheesy Fox show... No interest
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 26, 2011, 08:54:21 PM
The acting on this show is absolutely terrible. Maybe I missed something while typing my first post... But why are they back in time? Is it to lower the population in the present?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: XianL on September 26, 2011, 08:55:22 PM
The acting on this show is absolutely terrible. Maybe I missed something while typing my first post... But why are they back in time? Is it to lower the population in the present?

Overpopulation and bad air quality. Sounds like they're just shipping people back in time to try and relieve the population problems in 21XX.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: El Barto on September 26, 2011, 08:58:31 PM
Only seen the commercials.  Actually looks like a pretty good concept, but I suspect it'll be beyond shitty.  No interest in even finding out.

I am kind of curious about that whole screwing with the timeline thing, though.  Hell,  even the Simpsons understand that. 
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: MasterShakezula on September 26, 2011, 08:58:53 PM
Wouldn't it make much more sense just to travel back to the 1900s or 2000s and coerce the national governments to enact mandatory population control acts?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Pols Voice on September 26, 2011, 09:02:13 PM
I am kind of curious about that whole screwing with the timeline thing, though.  Hell,  even the Simpsons understand that.

Oh, I wish, I wish I hadn't killed that fish.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: El Barto on September 26, 2011, 09:11:36 PM
And aside from that whole dinosaurs eating people problem,  why would they go back to a time right before the event that killed the dinosaurs and 85% of all life on Earth?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 26, 2011, 09:12:13 PM
Only seen the commercials.  Actually looks like a pretty good concept, but I suspect it'll be beyond shitty.  No interest in even finding out.

I am kind of curious about that whole screwing with the timeline thing, though.  Hell,  even the Simpsons understand that.

Ian actually staring to really like the concept. I think e timeline doesn't follow BTTF rules.

Wouldn't it make much more sense just to travel back to the 1900s or 2000s and coerce the national governments to enact mandatory population control acts?

I think they wanted the completely restart human history. Preventing pollution and implementing population control starting in the early 1900s wouldn't have been enough.the main guy (colonel from Avatar) mentioned greed and war as a problem of humanity. I think they are to restart human history without those elements from the very beginning.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 26, 2011, 09:13:04 PM
And aside from that whole dinosaurs eating people problem,  why would they go back to a time right before the event that killed the dinosaurs and 85% of all life on Earth?
:rollin :rollin

That's a really good point.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: MasterShakezula on September 26, 2011, 09:16:46 PM
Humanity without greed and war?

Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 26, 2011, 09:18:44 PM
The two kids just wondered out of the restricted area... They must not have ever seen the lion king
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Fuzzboy on September 26, 2011, 09:25:49 PM
Only seen the commercials.  Actually looks like a pretty good concept, but I suspect it'll be beyond shitty.  No interest in even finding out.

This. I just saw a commercial for it in Spanish here in Argentina and I wouldn't dream of watching it in English, much less Spanish.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Snow_Dog on September 26, 2011, 10:49:28 PM
Just finished watching the premiere. I actually thought it started off pretty interesting within the first 10 - 15 minutes, but then I steadily started losing interest, and by the end there was nothing really compelling about it to me. I don't see this show lasting, though the effects were good, that's not going to bring me back to watch the next episode. I have similar thoughts on Person of Interest, my main gripe with that one is I'm tired of these fucking INVINCIBLE main characters who know all the Kung Fu moves ever and can walk into a room full of guys pointing their guns at them and completely flip the situation around every single time. A big meh to both premieres to be honest.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: HarlequinForest on September 27, 2011, 04:50:32 AM
I'm going to watch the pilot eventually, but I don't have high hopes at all.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 27, 2011, 04:54:21 AM
Just finished watching the premiere. I actually thought it started off pretty interesting within the first 10 - 15 minutes, but then I steadily started losing interest, and by the end there was nothing really compelling about it to me. I don't see this show lasting, though the effects were good, that's not going to bring me back to watch the next episode. I have similar thoughts on Person of Interest, my main gripe with that one is I'm tired of these fucking INVINCIBLE main characters who know all the Kung Fu moves ever and can walk into a room full of guys pointing their guns at them and completely flip the situation around every single time. A big meh to both premieres to be honest.

I was thenexact opposite. I hated it at first, but toward the end I kind of dug the show. I thought the effects were pretty lame for the most part. I'm really curious as to what the markings on those rocks near the falls were all about.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: XianL on September 27, 2011, 05:02:15 AM
And aside from that whole dinosaurs eating people problem,  why would they go back to a time right before the event that killed the dinosaurs and 85% of all life on Earth?

Weird that they'd go back to a time when there were large hungry dinosaurs around, but if wikipedia's quote of "85 million years back in time" is right, they'd have a loooong time to pack up before the extinct event happened.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Super Dude on September 27, 2011, 05:26:49 AM
Quote from: Chino
Wouldn't it make much more sense just to travel back to the 1900s or 2000s and coerce the national governments to enact mandatory population control acts?

I think they wanted the completely restart human history. Preventing pollution and implementing population control starting in the early 1900s wouldn't have been enough.the main guy (colonel from Avatar) mentioned greed and war as a problem of humanity. I think they are to restart human history without those elements from the very beginning.

Well, good luck changing human nature LOL.

Just finished watching the premiere. I actually thought it started off pretty interesting within the first 10 - 15 minutes, but then I steadily started losing interest, and by the end there was nothing really compelling about it to me. I don't see this show lasting, though the effects were good, that's not going to bring me back to watch the next episode. I have similar thoughts on Person of Interest, my main gripe with that one is I'm tired of these fucking INVINCIBLE main characters who know all the Kung Fu moves ever and can walk into a room full of guys pointing their guns at them and completely flip the situation around every single time. A big meh to both premieres to be honest.

I was thenexact opposite. I hated it at first, but toward the end I kind of dug the show. I thought the effects were pretty lame for the most part. I'm really curious as to what the markings on those rocks near the falls were all about.

Naw dude don't do it, that's how they reel you in! :dangerwillrobinson:
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 27, 2011, 05:48:23 AM
And aside from that whole dinosaurs eating people problem,  why would they go back to a time right before the event that killed the dinosaurs and 85% of all life on Earth?

Weird that they'd go back to a time when there were large hungry dinosaurs around, but if wikipedia's quote of "85 million years back in time" is right, they'd have a loooong time to pack up before the extinct event happened.

It was said many times that it's a one way trip.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Edan the Man on September 27, 2011, 06:01:50 AM
Well still, they got a good 20 million years until extinction. That's a length of time something like 4000 times longer than the entirety of human civilization up to this point, so they'll either be so long dead or so far advanced that it wouldn't really matter :lol
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Dimitrius on September 27, 2011, 06:08:51 AM
And when they went back in time, they go to a different time stream than the one they were currently living in in 2149. So maybe the extinction event doesn't ever happen.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on September 27, 2011, 07:24:35 AM
Watched it. And for as cheesy as some of the acting is and the 'just' good enough effects not to be on the SyFy channel....I liked it. But I am a huge sucker for Sci Fi concepts. I think they took a safe and easy way out when explaining away the time travel....much simpler just to say 'oh...this is a completely seperate time rift' than have to deal with the "butterfly effect".
  I didn't see it mentioned yet but they could not and can not control where in time that rift that just appeared sent them, that's why it ended up in dino time and not a more suitable time in history.
  Like Chino, I thought the markings on the rocks that were carved there by an insane genius who happens to be the son of the Military Leader was a decent enough 'hook' to keep me interested. My largest gripe about the pilot is that there was just so much stuff jammed into two hours. It felt like they expect to be cancelled after 6 episodes so lets just get nuts and throw it all in there. I'm always down for an exciting pilot...but man they packed this thing.
   As I said, I'm a complete sucker for any show Si Fi so I'll be watching until they pull the plug.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 27, 2011, 08:27:19 AM
   As I said, I'm a complete sucker for any show Si Fi so I'll be watching until they pull the plug.
the markings on the rocks that were carved there by an insane genius who happens to be the son of the Military Leader

I generally dislike SiFi with the exception of a few things. This show is kind of interesting to me though. I initially thought I was going to hate it. I'm guessing that those markings on the rocks have something to do with a way back to the timeline they came from or into another timeline from that one, either of which opens a door allowing you to come and go as you please. I don't think the markings were made by the miltary leader's son. I'm willing to bet that he is a sixer. That would explain why he doesn't just kill them (seeing as they threaten the entire point of the operation). It may also explain why he gave them the prisoner and medical care. He doesn't want his son to die. In regards to his son gone missing, he said something like "there's always hope". I think he means hope that he stops going rogue and cooperates, not that he survives.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on September 27, 2011, 08:47:08 AM

I don't think the markings were made by the miltary leader's son.

 In regards to his son gone missing, he said something like "there's always hope". I think he means hope that he stops going rogue and cooperates, not that he survives.
I thought in the last scence when the leader of the sixers and the man she saved were hovering above the markings shining thier light on them...in thier conversation he said "Why does that insane man come out and carve these onto the rocks?" Then she said "Maybe it's just his way to get back at his Father?" (Not the verbatim conversation but close) That left me with the impression that the Generals son was the one responsible for carving those equations.
   I think it'd be a lot more interesting if they weren't, if they were just some 'ancient' type heiroglyphs. But I got the impression it was the Generals kid. Which wouldn't you know it..coincedentally the daughter who just showed up happens to be some sort of mathmatical genius...how convinient. How long until she is exposed to the equations and begins to decipher them?
   Even though it's not a new idea, I like how they are going to present the sixers as the 'enemy' but slowly start to introduce evidence that maybe they aren't the enemy and Terra Nova is. Nothing ground breaking in that story but if it has a solid story behind it and some unique criteria and mystery it could be cool.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 27, 2011, 09:02:14 AM
Hahah. I must have fallen asleep during the last commercial break. I guess that throws my theory way off. The smart daughter pisses me off.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on September 27, 2011, 09:19:55 AM
Hahah. I must have fallen asleep during the last commercial break. I guess that throws my theory way off. The smart daughter pisses me off.
What always gets me about characters written like that is inevitably...she is going to see those equations and solve them and figure it out. It won't be one of the genius people at Terra Nova...it'll be the 14 year old girl. I understand 'why' that always happens in these shows...but it drives me crazy.
  On a side note: since it's been implied there is a spy in Terra Nova my two guesses are the Generals Right hand man...just by the look he gave the leader of the sixers when she was in camp, or the young girl Sky due to the fact that sixer let her and the kids in the vehicle once he heard her say her name was Sky.
 I guess I'm more into this show than I thought I was ;D
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 27, 2011, 09:27:38 AM
Sky also had that talk with the military head. I think he suspects her because he asked if she went near the falls. They are obviously close, so she probably knows shit. Its alright also going to allow for a conflict with the smart girls brother. He'll have to choose between keeping her secret and telling his father who is now in security.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: XianL on September 27, 2011, 02:58:49 PM
And aside from that whole dinosaurs eating people problem,  why would they go back to a time right before the event that killed the dinosaurs and 85% of all life on Earth?

Weird that they'd go back to a time when there were large hungry dinosaurs around, but if wikipedia's quote of "85 million years back in time" is right, they'd have a loooong time to pack up before the extinct event happened.

It was said many times that it's a one way trip.

Aaah. I haven't watched the premiere.

What Edan said, also.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: El Barto on September 27, 2011, 05:12:00 PM
Sky also had that talk with the military head. I think he suspects her because he asked if she went near the falls. They are obviously close, so she probably knows shit. Its alright also going to allow for a conflict with the smart girls brother. He'll have to choose between keeping her secret and telling his father who is now in security.
Already too much mythos.  It seems like every show nowadays has to have some massive, convoluted mythology driving everything.  It's cool to have that in mind, and grow into it, but it sounds like it's already past the point where you could just jump into it.  What's wrong with just making a show with some self contained stories?  Fuck, you've got families trying to live amongst dinosaurs.  There's plenty of stuff you can do, and worry about the twisted plots between the Pakuni and Sleestack until later. 

edit: Felt the same way about Lost.  Hell, a bunch of people stuck on an island is a damn fine concept for a show.  Seems like they never even bothered with that element, in favor of mysterious doings with monsters and weird fucks.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: orcus116 on September 27, 2011, 05:17:50 PM
Yeah. LOST really went downhill after the incredibly awesome exotic adventure feel dissipated very early into Season 2.

Also it's incredibly hard to create a mythology from scratch that doesn't sound like complete BS.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: njdtfan on September 27, 2011, 05:39:45 PM
Wasn't totally impressed but will give it a shot for a few more episodes.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 27, 2011, 05:55:19 PM
Sky also had that talk with the military head. I think he suspects her because he asked if she went near the falls. They are obviously close, so she probably knows shit. Its alright also going to allow for a conflict with the smart girls brother. He'll have to choose between keeping her secret and telling his father who is now in security.
Already too much mythos.  It seems like every show nowadays has to have some massive, convoluted mythology driving everything.  It's cool to have that in mind, and grow into it, but it sounds like it's already past the point where you could just jump into it.  What's wrong with just making a show with some self contained stories?  Fuck, you've got families trying to live amongst dinosaurs.  There's plenty of stuff you can do, and worry about the twisted plots between the Pakuni and Sleestack until later. 

All the stuff I said is pure speculation. I could be totally wrong. Maybe the symbols have nothing to do with math, and e girlsmbrains come into use elsewhere. Maybe the kid saying they looked like geometry to purposely make us guess wrong (unlikely). There are plenty of people that could be helping the sixers. Maybe the sister said toncreate controversy within the compound. For all we know, maybe a sixer has been coming in the same way the kids got out. Perhaps the sixer in the vehicle let the kids in so they could possibly get good graces later on. We were never actually told what happened to the girls parents. We assumed they died, but maybe they defected to the sixers, or got lost coming through the portal or something. While some of the story may be obvious, I'm hoping for at least some kind of crazy plot twists. I'm gonna guess that there are more enemies that just the sixers.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Super Dude on September 27, 2011, 07:21:57 PM
edit: Felt the same way about Lost.  Hell, a bunch of people stuck on an island is a damn fine concept for a show.  Seems like they never even bothered with that element, in favor of mysterious doings with monsters and weird fucks.

I dunno, I was still very much with it until the last couple seasons.  The characters remained interesting enough throughout in spite of later seasons laying it on thick with the mythology, and I really don't think the mythology was so heavily emphasized in the first three seasons.  In fact the whole survival on an island element was a huge part of the first season.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: orcus116 on September 27, 2011, 07:28:42 PM
Which makes for more interesting television than a hokey fantasy time-traveling island backstory.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Super Dude on September 27, 2011, 08:44:59 PM
Wait, which part of my post are you replying to? Sorry. :lol

Although I dunno, I really like mythology, just as long as they don't throw a million things at you at one time or make the mythology overshadow everything else.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: orcus116 on September 27, 2011, 08:46:33 PM
The survival element part.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Super Dude on September 27, 2011, 08:50:54 PM
Oh, I see.  Yeah, I hear ya, but even that can get monotonous after a while.  If LOST had just been that, we would've been looking at a gritty Gilligan's Island spinoff.  I don't believe it would've lasted as long as the show we got did.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: YtseBitsySpider on September 27, 2011, 10:16:05 PM
mrs.spider, who is a pretty good judge of all things "cheezy and shit" on television watched  both of the first two episodes with our 8 year old and declared this show to be


which means it will probably get at least a season's worth commitment out of us
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: HarlequinForest on September 29, 2011, 05:16:26 AM
I'm about half-way through the pilot.  It's decent so far.  Anyways, as far as those asking why they traveled to the time period they traveled to, it was never explicitly stated, but it was said that scientists discover an anomalous "fracture in time and space", which leads me to believe that this time period is the only point which they can travel to.  They sent a probe through the worm-hole or whatever, but they didn't know where it ended up until they went through themselves and found it on Terra Nova.

Of course, then there's still the plot hole of how everyone who time travels remains on the same timeline; everyone who travels through would create an alternate universe, as they are traveling to a time before anyone else went through.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Super Dude on October 02, 2011, 04:06:12 PM
I'm about 10 minutes in.  So far I've had to force myself to watch this, although the scene at the jail cell isn't that bad.

Oh also, lol CGI.  And one-dimensional characters and half-baked "emotional" scenes.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: njdtfan on October 05, 2011, 09:01:39 AM
Well after Mondays episode I officially give up on this show. Horrible.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 05, 2011, 10:40:41 AM
I'm gonna stick with it. As shitty as it is, something about it makes me want to watch.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: njdtfan on October 05, 2011, 11:08:11 AM
Maybe, maybe i will give it 1 more shot. It just seemed like the last episode was just bland. I mean so they got rid of some birds LOL. I expected better if I must say.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 05, 2011, 12:13:53 PM
Maybe, maybe i will give it 1 more shot. It just seemed like the last episode was just bland. I mean so they got rid of some birds LOL. I expected better if I must say.
But it was so much more. They were setting up the possibility of future tension and 'love triangle' stuff between the Dr. and her X, it's pretty clear (to me) that Sky is the leak and Sixers insider so the fact that she and the son are going to get close sets up the whole aspect of him being caught in the middle. I'll admit for a second episode it lacked 'punch' but as Chino said...there is just something about it that is making me stick with it.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 05, 2011, 12:14:09 PM
I think it was a good change up from the first episode that did nothing but ejaculate loads of backstory and character profiles down our throats. This episode shows that there will be many other problems and even more devastation caused by the environment and not the sixers. I was slightly disappointed that we found out that the birds were there for the purpose of reproduction, and not part of a mass migration of a whole bunch of species. I was hoping to see some truly epic beasts coming through the area in large numbers. Who knows though, maybe the humans fucking with the birds ability to reproduce will have some sort of negative or an even more devastating outcome than if they had not driven them away.  That's a stretch though.

It actually made me rethink who the leak is as well. That security guy that likes the smart daughter (still don't know her name) seems really shady. It's possible that in the future episode he will take her out of the compound and she will be exposed to the rocks that way. Sky just seems too innocent, and it would be stupid of her to get involved with the son (forgot his name too) while trying to hide that big of a secret. Either that or he has changed her mind for the greater good, resulting in us finding out later when a sixer spills the beans that she used to be up to no good.

I don't get what the point of that other guy was, the one that came in the fifth pilgrimage and used to date the wife. I'm guessing we will be seeing more of him, probably for the sake of causing some heated drama between the husband and wife. I'm betting we get to see him die at some point later on.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: njdtfan on October 05, 2011, 12:36:19 PM
Ok you guys convinced me. I will still give it another shot. yes there are some things that they may be able to run with. I just hope it does not go the way of something like Lost where there is just so much bullshit underlying back stories. Just give me a quality story, some cool fuckin dino's, some eye candy (hehe) and I am good. I am not looking for Shakespeare writing or Oscar winning acting. Give me an hour long show each week that I can just say , hey, that is cool and make me want to wtch the following week.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 05, 2011, 12:38:18 PM

I don't get what the point of that other guy was, the one that came in the fifth pilgrimage and used to date the wife. I'm guessing we will be seeing more of him, probably for the sake of causing some heated drama between the husband and wife. I'm betting we get to see him die at some point later on.
I'd agree with that as being spot on. And, he will most likely bite it doing something 'noble' to save everyone else or maybe just the husband.
  I can see your point about the young soldier. They do have him acting kind of peculiar. Maybe the sixers are aware of the daughters mathmatical abilities. Good point about Sky as well. But for as 'shady' as the young soldier acts, they have her acting the same way. There is something else about her we don't know. Maybe she's shagging the General. ha ha ha. In the pilot I remember a scene when the Sixers leader and the Generals #1 guy (his daughter was mauled in the first episode) they shared a 'glance' that they made sure was noticed and it was noticed by the cop (I haven't set these names to memory yet) Perhaps #1 is the leak.
  I hope it's revealed sooner than later...that could get kind of lame week after week. The previews for next weeks episode immediately reminded me of a storyline you may find on any of the spin offs of Stargate. Looks like it has potential.

Side note: A co-worker and I were discussing  and trying to figure out just what purpose the fabric draped from the ceiling in the housed serves? Strictly asthetic or is there some sort of use that we just aren't smart enough to figure out. It's a small detail but it's bugging the heck out of me.

Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 05, 2011, 12:39:56 PM
some eye candy (hehe)
I think the wife is HOT! And 'Sky' ain't too bad either.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: njdtfan on October 05, 2011, 12:42:50 PM
Not gonna argue that! :tup
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 05, 2011, 01:18:13 PM
I think sky is s slut.

That being said... I thought I had about the portal they used to come through. Say someone tied one end of a rope around their waist, and the other end around someone else's waist, walked through. Would the rope appear to floating in mid air behind the first person? Or since the the back half of the rope does not exist in the past, would it just cut itself in half and fall to the ground? If the second option were to be true, that would mean that no human could survive going through it.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Volk9 on October 07, 2011, 06:29:43 PM
I just finished the first episode. I dont know how I feel about it yet, but it was...decent.

I like the concept, and the cgi is whatever. I would have more interest in their "day-to-day life/survival" rather than all this conspiracy stuff. And I HATE forced teen romances.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 07, 2011, 10:43:56 PM
Honestly... If the the guy who played Quarich from Avatar wasn't in this.... I probably would never have watched/still been watching it.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Volk9 on October 08, 2011, 06:37:18 PM
Honestly... If the the guy who played Quarich from Avatar wasn't in this.... I probably would never have watched/still been watching it.

Haha same
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on October 08, 2011, 06:55:20 PM
I think this show is good. The pilot left me very interested and the third episode (second week) still kept my interest. I'm looking forward to more episodes.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 10, 2011, 07:23:52 PM
God damn it. Glad I checked my DVR. It's 9:20pm. I went to watch thennew episode which started at 8:00. The ball game went to 13 innings and Terra Nova got delayed 50 minutes. I recorded the first 10, but then the DVR stopped recording. I went to fox and started recording where ever the episode is now, but I'm going to miss good 15 minute chunk in the first half hour some where. I shake my fist in anger for there not being a way to avoid this.

** edit. **

Alright.... This episode is fucking terrible.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on October 10, 2011, 08:42:48 PM

Alright.... This episode is fucking terrible.

That bad? I haven't watched it yet. I think as in Lost, I'll still watch some episodes until they start revealing interesting stuff. Then if that does not out weight all the bullshit drama I'll quit.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 10, 2011, 08:54:05 PM

Alright.... This episode is fucking terrible.

That bad? I haven't watched it yet. I think as in Lost, I'll still watch some episodes until they start revealing interesting stuff. Then if that does not out weight all the bullshit drama I'll quit.

Well the first 95% of the episode was pointless and literally contributed nothing to the story. The last 5% made me want to keep watching.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on October 10, 2011, 09:01:57 PM
I thought the episode was good. Got pissed that the baseball game delayed the show, though.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on October 11, 2011, 05:24:59 PM
I just finished watching the las episode. It was boring. I hope they can take it up a notch.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 11, 2011, 05:42:21 PM
Watched the first episode. Shit acting, retarded plot, stupid characters, awful effects.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 12, 2011, 11:56:17 AM
Just watched the third episode on Hula. Went to watch it last night on the DVR and realized what Chino had said. Ballgame jacked everything up.
  It was an ehhh episode. I know they all can't be fantastic but my issue is that this type of 'problem' to be solved in an hour....the memory loss thing....has been done to death.....mainly in any one of the SyFy series. There's not a whole lot new you can do with it unless a series grew a pair and just had those infected be infected and wrote off.
  I mean, how cool / unexpected would that be if the Major and the wife would have just wandered off into the jungle never to be heard of again until like a season 4 finale? At least we got a glimpse of how the 'underground' aspect of communication between the sixers and Terra Nova. Who would have thought a shady bar owner would be playing both sides :(
  This episode did not turn me off enough not to keep watching, just made me realize that they are probably going to stick with this mantra of only making plot moving revelations in the last minute and touch on it here and there.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on October 12, 2011, 12:12:40 PM
Just watched the third episode on Hula. Went to watch it last night on the DVR and realized what Chino had said. Ballgame jacked everything up.
  It was an ehhh episode. I know they all can't be fantastic but my issue is that this type of 'problem' to be solved in an hour....the memory loss thing....has been done to death.....mainly in any one of the SyFy series. There's not a whole lot new you can do with it unless a series grew a pair and just had those infected be infected and wrote off.
  I mean, how cool / unexpected would that be if the Major and the wife would have just wandered off into the jungle never to be heard of again until like a season 4 finale? At least we got a glimpse of how the 'underground' aspect of communication between the sixers and Terra Nova. Who would have thought a shady bar owner would be playing both sides :(
  This episode did not turn me off enough not to keep watching, just made me realize that they are probably going to stick with this mantra of only making plot moving revelations in the last minute and touch on it here and there.

I am hoping it may turn out to be like Fringe. Every season began with some random stuff happening and ended with the plot moving revelations, but then at some point they start throwing in chapters that are purely related to the plot mixed with some filler episodes.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: EPICVIEW on October 12, 2011, 12:19:14 PM
It was like if the Flintstone wasnt a cartoon... the girl who played Betty was great
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: WilliamMunny on October 17, 2011, 11:09:25 AM
I "like" it so far...giving it a shot because of the Braga/ST connection...after three episodes I think there are some good elements and some underdeveloped themes...I feel like it could go in a few different directions but I will give it a season to see how they shake it out.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 17, 2011, 11:59:09 AM
I've not researched or heard how Terra Nova is doing in the ratings. I'm curious as to if it will be allowed to play out a season or two. I mean, ABC gave 'V' two seasons......you'd think this show could earn that.
  The underlying conflict they've set in place with two sides pit against each other is interesting enough to me, on top of dinosaurs added with the silly love stories and character interaction....I'm pretty easily amused when it comes to anything sci fi or of that nature so I can see myself sticking with this show easily.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: WilliamMunny on October 17, 2011, 08:36:55 PM
I've not researched or heard how Terra Nova is doing in the ratings. I'm curious as to if it will be allowed to play out a season or two. I mean, ABC gave 'V' two seasons......you'd think this show could earn that.
  The underlying conflict they've set in place with two sides pit against each other is interesting enough to me, on top of dinosaurs added with the silly love stories and character interaction....I'm pretty easily amused when it comes to anything sci fi or of that nature so I can see myself sticking with this show easily.

Yep...Dinosaurs are an easy sell with me.  It's too bad that they seem like a total afterthought so far...I will admit that they are the reason I tuned in in the first place.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 17, 2011, 10:05:23 PM
Just reached the first commercial break of the new episode. I like this one so far.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 18, 2011, 08:28:05 AM
Thought this was a pretty good episode. I found it interesting that Jim didn't reveal the entire conversation he had with Mira to Commander Shepherd. It adds one more element of uncertainty to the situation, makes him almost the 'moral' bench mark and he appears now to be on a mission to figure out just exactly who is 'right' and who is 'wrong' or which side is 'good' and 'bad'.
   I think they are doing a good job as well adding the subtle actions with Jim and Josh that appears to be pushing them apart and leading Josh to perhaps go 'rouge'. Although, when it's all said and done and that make or break choose them or his Dad moment hits, he will make the right choice and go with family. I'd assume. Anyway, I liked the episode. It seems to be moving along nicely for me.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 18, 2011, 12:20:11 PM
My DVR cut off the last 5 minutes, I don't know if I missed anything critical to the story. Some is going to go down with the son. He's acted really sketchy the entire episode. Anyone else notice that Sky wasn't seen or mentioned once ?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 18, 2011, 12:33:59 PM
My DVR cut off the last 5 minutes, I don't know if I missed anything critical to the story. Some is going to go down with the son. He's acted really sketchy the entire episode. Anyone else notice that Sky wasn't seen or mentioned once ?
You missed Commander Shepherd ask Jim if Mira told him anything, Jim said that she really didn't like him (the Commander) that much. Shepherd said 'Tell me something I don't know, then asked very curiously...anythign else?' to which Jim said 'No'....witholding the entirety of he and Mira's conversation.
  And you are correct about Josh. The previews for next week show he and Mira meeting....and then at one point Jim telling him that there are no secrets in the family. So it does look like some internal conflict is going to begin.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: WilliamMunny on October 18, 2011, 07:16:11 PM
Good episode...just as I was complaint to my fiancé that there are not enough Dinosaurs (and therefore consequences to leaving the colony) a dino shows up...still, I feel like the "85 million years" in the past angle is being underutilized.

I can already see the cracks of suspicion forming in the main colony.

anyone know if they have explained yet how they can communicate with the future?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on October 18, 2011, 08:30:24 PM
Finally the cut the drama and went with more action and intrigue. Hope they keep going the same way.

"You are aware that I carry a gun, have a quick temper and tend to hold grudges right?"  :lol. I love him.

Anyone else notice that Sky wasn't seen or mentioned once ?

Yep. I think there was no reason for her to be there in this episode. I'm curious as to what part she will play in this whole thing. I'm not sure she is just there so that Josh has a girlfriend.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 18, 2011, 11:08:55 PM
Finally the cut the drama and went with more action and intrigue. Hope they keep going the same way.

"You are aware that I carry a gun, have a quick temper and tend to hold grudges right?"  :lol. I love him.

Anyone else notice that Sky wasn't seen or mentioned once ?

Yep. I think there was no reason for her to be there in this episode. I'm curious as to what part she will play in this whole thing. I'm not sure she is just there so that Josh has a girlfriend.

I still think she's the spy.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on October 19, 2011, 04:09:00 AM
Isn't the bartender the spy? I thought that was cleared up in the previous episode.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: WilliamMunny on October 19, 2011, 06:58:55 AM
Isn't the bartender the spy? I thought that was cleared up in the previous episode.

Yep...and it looks like the whole "I have people on the other side" point is going to be used as the crux of a lot of these stories in regards to motivations.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 19, 2011, 07:22:50 AM
Isn't the bartender the spy? I thought that was cleared up in the previous episode.

I'm guessing there is more than one person working against Terra Nova in the compound. Who knows though, maybe she is just there to be a girlfriend. Mira does know about the son wanting to bring his girlfriend through. Maybe she'll hold her hostage with the sixers
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 19, 2011, 07:42:03 AM
I'm still leaning towards Sky as the Spy as well, simply because of how close she is with Commander Shepherd. I think she is exposed to more info. than the bartender, and that he may just be the vehicle she uses to relay the info.
Isn't the bartender the spy? I thought that was cleared up in the previous episode.
Yep...and it looks like the whole "I have people on the other side" point is going to be used as the crux of a lot of these stories in regards to motivations.

That makes me wonder if perhaps Terra Nova or Commander Shepherd for that matter have someone in the sixers ranks that hasn't been let on to as of yet. Or, maybe that's an angle they could take with Josh if Jim finds out that he's been contacting them, have him infiltrate. Although the sixers would probably be a bit sketchy towards him and he'd have to do something to earn their trust.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: lateralus88 on October 19, 2011, 08:41:21 AM
I'm gonna stick with it. As shitty as it is, something about it makes me want to watch.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 19, 2011, 09:01:51 AM
I'm gonna stick with it. As shitty as it is, something about it makes me want to watch.

I see what you did there.   :lol but that isn't the case with me and Avatar, I truly believe it's one of the greatest movies of all time.

To elaborate on my original comment:

The show isn't THAT good. I honestly really hate the acting, the forced dialogue, and the incredibly cheesy kiss moment between the husband and wife in the lab. I'm pretty disappointed that the time period isn't emphasized on more. I was hoping to see dinosaurs on the reg, not quite the calliber of Jurassic Park, but somewhere along those lines.

Those things aside, it's a pretty interesting show. Sure the point of the show is simple, live in the past and give humanity a fighting chance, at least that's how it's marketed. However, after the first few episodes we are still in the dark in regards to there being a greater/unknown plan. The story can go many ways. I was originally pissed that so many characters and side stories were given to us, but I think that's what has kept me watching. Initially I thought the story would be very predictable, but as time goes on, the story seems to be getting deeper and much more complex. I honestly have no definitive predictions on anything in the future of the show, other than the smart daughter will solve the mystery engraved on the rocks. I think I have gotten more into it now than a few episodes ago. I'll admit that I genuinely enjoy watching it despite its flaws. On that note I reject the last part of this quote.

Honestly... If the the guy who played Quarich from Avatar wasn't in this.... I probably would never have watched/still been watching it.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Volk9 on October 19, 2011, 03:03:03 PM
I think this last episode was the best so far personally. Mostly because it actually had to do with the adult/main characters and the teenage love crap wasnt so prominent.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 24, 2011, 09:10:07 AM
Anyone one what's the deal tonight because of the baseball game? The optimum app on my IPad says that it's on/allowed me to record it at 8. However, when I go to the channel guide, the world series is on...
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on October 24, 2011, 10:14:22 AM
Anyone one what's the deal tonight because of the baseball game? The optimum app on my IPad says that it's on/allowed me to record it at 8. However, when I go to the channel guide, the world series is on...
There is no episode this week due to the Ballgame. It is next Monday.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on October 24, 2011, 10:24:06 AM
Anyone one what's the deal tonight because of the baseball game? The optimum app on my IPad says that it's on/allowed me to record it at 8. However, when I go to the channel guide, the world series is on...
There is no episode this week due to the Ballgame. It is next Monday.

 >:( Why do people in the US like that sport so much anyway?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on October 24, 2011, 12:44:54 PM
Anyone one what's the deal tonight because of the baseball game? The optimum app on my IPad says that it's on/allowed me to record it at 8. However, when I go to the channel guide, the world series is on...
There is no episode this week due to the Ballgame. It is next Monday.

 >:( Why do people in the US like that sport so much anyway?

Or why can't it just be aired after instead of the news? It's not like Fox puts anything on thats more realistic than Terra Nova anyway...

At least this way I know I won't be missing it. This episode should be pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on October 24, 2011, 01:08:04 PM
Anyone one what's the deal tonight because of the baseball game? The optimum app on my IPad says that it's on/allowed me to record it at 8. However, when I go to the channel guide, the world series is on...
There is no episode this week due to the Ballgame. It is next Monday.

 >:( Why do people in the US like that sport so much anyway?
It's not like Fox puts anything on thats more realistic than Terra Nova anyway...

Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 07, 2011, 07:15:30 PM
Well I missed last weeks because I didn't have power. I'm about to start this week's episode now. I hope I'm not too lost.

Edit* about 40 minutes in.....

This show is so terrible.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 07, 2011, 07:55:58 PM
I'm losing more interest by the week. They really need to make something happen with this show...
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Super Dude on November 07, 2011, 09:00:08 PM
So judging from the comments so far (because I'm not actually watching this thing), is this show suffering from the opposite problem of LOST? Like how we were saying that LOST suffered from not showing enough of people simply trying to survive their circumstances?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 07, 2011, 09:42:54 PM
So judging from the comments so far (because I'm not actually watching this thing), is this show suffering from the opposite problem of LOST? Like how we were saying that LOST suffered from not showing enough of people simply trying to survive their circumstances?
I don't know about the LOST reference (I didn't see a single episode of the show until after season 6 was released on dvd). But the show is just downright boring now. O'Mara's acting is ok and so is everyone else's as well, but I would have lost interest so much earlier if Stephen Lang wasn't a part of this show.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 08, 2011, 05:13:33 AM
They waste way to much time showing stuff that does nothing for the story. The father and daughter trapped in that room took up at least 10 minutes, and it contributed nothing. The girl pulling the parasite out also did nothing in regards to the plot. That kissing scene in the tree made me want to puke.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Volk9 on November 08, 2011, 11:57:05 AM
They waste way to much time showing stuff that does nothing for the story. The father and daughter trapped in that room took up at least 10 minutes, and it contributed nothing. The girl pulling the parasite out also did nothing in regards to the plot. That kissing scene in the tree made me want to puke.

Definately. As soon as the power had gone off and the dad/daughter were still in the room, I realized that them being trapped was going to be one of the many useless plotlines.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 09, 2011, 07:08:22 AM
I'm still happy with it I suppose. I mean, it is what it is. I'm entertained. I'm not expecting it to win emmy's or anything like that. Sure it has it's fair share of cheese but it looks like they are doing all they can to please a broad audience.

For those that did watch and see. What were those graphics that Lucas looked at coming from the box? It appeared to be schematics but they looked virus like. I couldn't quite tell.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 09, 2011, 07:21:50 AM
I'm still happy with it I suppose. I mean, it is what it is. I'm entertained. I'm not expecting it to win emmy's or anything like that. Sure it has it's fair share of cheese but it looks like they are doing all they can to please a broad audience.

For those that did watch and see. What were those graphics that Lucas looked at coming from the box? It appeared to be schematics but they looked virus like. I couldn't quite tell.

I'm sure they have something to do with the glyphs on the rock walls.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on November 09, 2011, 07:40:28 AM
I like how the main story is developing so I don't mind having some filler in the episodes. I think it's pretty hard to cover all the episodes with important plot things cause eventually you will dry out similar to what happened to Lost. I love that show to no end but I admit that seasons 5 and 6 were far-fetched and I wouldn't like that to happen here.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Volk9 on November 09, 2011, 08:29:47 AM
I'm just spoiled by Breaking Bad's writing :P
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 09, 2011, 08:40:22 AM
I'm sure they have something to do with the glyphs on the rock walls.
Yeah I'm almost certain they are connected, but I was just curious as to 'what' those projected images were. The glyph etchings look like advanced scientific equations of some sort. Those images projected from the DNA activated box looked schematic, and I could have sworn one of the three looked like a magnified virus cell or something like that. I was wondering if anyone else noticed those images or what they were. Before I actually got real curious about it, I deleted the program from my DVR.

Also, one thing that did bother me was that if that main 'brain' was protected and shielded from an EMP pulse, why not have one of the chip replicators or for that matter a good supply of back up chips down there with it protected as well? Seems to me like they would have thought of something like that.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 14, 2011, 06:44:51 PM
So glad that this episode is showing some progress, even though its a little bit.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 14, 2011, 08:08:57 PM
That episode was quite good.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Progmetty on November 15, 2011, 07:46:19 AM
Oh money how powerful you are..
You can make a dinosaur from 1994 look way more realistic than a dinosaur from 2011, way more.
Up to episode 4.. the premise is interesting but the family is annoying as fuck. The teenage boy.. my God the teenager boy.
When the hell did appealing to Twilight pigs become a priority everywhere.
Commander Taylor is actually the only tolerable character on this show. And the father from the family (as long as none of his family are in the scene with him heh)
This has potential of being BSG kinda epic but it won't unless they abandon every single angle of the "in the family" drama.
Gonna keep watching (mainly cause the misses is watching :lol)
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 15, 2011, 07:57:07 AM
I still argure that Jurassic Park's CGI was some of the best of all time. I don't expect a TV show's CGI to compete, but you see big blockbuster hits made in the last 2 years that still don't come close to touching it.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 15, 2011, 02:20:57 PM
I still argure that Jurassic Park's CGI was some of the best of all time. I don't expect a TV show's CGI to compete, but you see big blockbuster hits made in the last 2 years that still don't come close to touching it.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Progmetty on November 15, 2011, 02:52:58 PM
I agree too. Stan Winston at work!
I kinda wanna see Jurassic Park in BluRay now. That fuckin T-Rex looked amazing. And his roar.. dang!
I remember when my dad took my and my brother to see it in 1994, it was the biggest movie theater in Egypt at the time and the sound was really good. These T-Rex roars shook the seats :lol
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 15, 2011, 02:55:44 PM
I agree too. Stan Winston at work!
I kinda wanna see Jurassic Park in BluRay now. That fuckin T-Rex looked amazing. And his roar.. dang!
I remember when my dad took my and my brother to see it in 1994, it was the biggest movie theater in Egypt at the time and the sound was really good. These T-Rex roars shook the seats :lol
Talk about a quality movie theater experience!  :lol
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Progmetty on November 15, 2011, 03:09:11 PM
Oh I won't forget that one. It might be my earliest memory of a high quality movie experience combined with a movie that used it to it's best potential.
But wouldn't you think the technology they used in Jurassic Park 18 years ago should be available for a high budget T.V show like this one? Especially when realistic dinosaurs would be a guaranteed MAJOR rating booster. I mean if I had seen good dinosaurs on Terra Nova I wouldn't have been surprised, it feels like they should be doing better than this.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 15, 2011, 03:11:24 PM
Oh I won't forget that one. It might be my earliest memory of a high quality movie experience combined with a movie that used it to it's best potential.
But wouldn't you think the technology they used in Jurassic Park 18 years ago should be available for a high budget T.V show like this one? Especially when realistic dinosaurs would be a guaranteed MAJOR rating booster. I mean if I had seen good dinosaurs on Terra Nova I wouldn't have been surprised, it feels like they should be doing better than this.

If dinosaurs were crucial to the plot I'd imagine they'd spend more time/money on them. The fact that they only appear here and there puts them low on the budget.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 15, 2011, 03:20:16 PM
Oh I won't forget that one. It might be my earliest memory of a high quality movie experience combined with a movie that used it to it's best potential.
But wouldn't you think the technology they used in Jurassic Park 18 years ago should be available for a high budget T.V show like this one? Especially when realistic dinosaurs would be a guaranteed MAJOR rating booster. I mean if I had seen good dinosaurs on Terra Nova I wouldn't have been surprised, it feels like they should be doing better than this.

If dinosaurs were crucial to the plot I'd imagine they'd spend more time/money on them. The fact that they only appear here and there puts them low on the budget.
Good way of looking at it. It's crucial to the overall plot, but not to the individual episode storyline. The fact that their story is based in 85 Million B.C. and that's when the dinosaurs were still alive is very crucial.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on November 16, 2011, 06:00:11 AM
I liked the last episode. They are really working hard on developing the plot little by little and throwing new things at us all the time.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 16, 2011, 07:59:11 AM
I liked the Idea of Shepherd. sending the banished soldier to infiltrate the sixers....makes you wonder if that was his plan all along. Likewise, with Josh immidiately owning up to stealing the meds to get his gal back, perhaps they can work him and the bar owner as well to get more info on the sixers...send them undercover.
  I don't get why the Shepherd just doesn't come clean to Jim about his son already, he's so cryptic.
The next episode looked interesting and may shed some more light on what Mira was referring to when she told Jim that Shepherd was lying to him.
 All in all I can say that even though this isn't the most groundbreaking series ever I am entertainied each week and that's all I ask.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 16, 2011, 11:01:22 AM
I like the fact theat we get a bunch of puzzle pieces that I know I'm forgetting about. When the whole thing comes together it will all start making sense.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 16, 2011, 11:38:52 AM
I like the fact theat we get a bunch of puzzle pieces that I know I'm forgetting about. When the whole thing comes together it will all start making sense.
Don't forget the gold 'etching' that was on the falls at the beginning of the season.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 22, 2011, 09:17:03 AM
I liked last nights episode. The last two actually have revealed a lot of information and helped keep my curiosity peeked.  That was an interesting story as to the division between the sixers and Terra Nova....being that Shepherd believes the Sixers and those from the future just want to 'rape' the past so to speak. Still not sure of clear how Lucas can 'create' unscheduled rifts in time and what not with very limited technology. Or the fact that he is suppose to be this 'hard to find' individual yet sits around an open campfire at night in a dark Jurrasic Forest....how hard can that be to spot?
 I'd be curious to learn Mira's viewpoint of Shepherd as well. Speaking of which, it looks as if next week will be a nice action episode with a bit of Dino interaction that we've all kind of been craving a bit.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 22, 2011, 10:35:33 AM
I havne't watched last nights yet, I'm pretty anxious to when I get home today.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 22, 2011, 10:40:57 AM
I havne't watched last nights yet, I'm pretty anxious to when I get home today.
MAHHH BRRUUTTHAAA is actually giving up on the series saying it is boring him. I told him that sure there are some slow points and they lovy duvy stuff, but to me it just seems like they are trying to play to a variety of people.
  But like I said, it seems to me these past two episodes they have really came out and thrown a lot of backstory and info. at us, like they picked up on the fact the fans may have been getting a bit impatient. Although, I don't know how far ahead they shoot the series so this first season or half season may have already been in the bag.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 22, 2011, 10:48:05 AM
I've been very satisfied with the last two episodes. I'm interested in the storyline involving the Sixers. Can't wait for next weeks.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 22, 2011, 05:03:52 PM
This episode was great. I'm still not sure if I trust Taylor, it's hard to tell if his story is bullshit or not. The only question I have.... If the sixers had to turn on a beacon to attract the bug, wouldn't there need to be someone within Terra Nova to turn on a beacon to do the same thing?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on November 22, 2011, 05:40:52 PM
This episode was great. I'm still not sure if I trust Taylor, it's hard to tell if his story is bullshit or not. The only question I have.... If the sixers had to turn on a beacon to attract the bug, wouldn't there need to be someone within Terra Nova to turn on a beacon to do the same thing?

The spy they are looking for probably.

Great episode. The storyline is becoming quite interesting.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 22, 2011, 05:58:12 PM
This episode was great. I'm still not sure if I trust Taylor, it's hard to tell if his story is bullshit or not. The only question I have.... If the sixers had to turn on a beacon to attract the bug, wouldn't there need to be someone within Terra Nova to turn on a beacon to do the same thing?

The spy they are looking for probably.

Great episode. The storyline is becoming quite interesting.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on November 22, 2011, 06:50:00 PM
Chino asked if there needed to be someone within Terra Nova to turn on a beacon. My say is that the spy did so, but they couldn't catch him because as Malcom suggested, he turned it off.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 22, 2011, 09:09:59 PM
Chino asked if there needed to be someone within Terra Nova to turn on a beacon. My say is that the spy did so, but they couldn't catch him because as Malcom suggested, he turned it off.
That's how I understood it. Mira calls the bug back with the sound waves....the spy within turns the sound waves on to attract it. I'm guessing the spy within either caught wind of it or maybe after a certain amount of time if the dragonfly hasn't shown...they just abort it?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 29, 2011, 07:48:38 AM
Anyone watch last nights episode? I thought it was pretty solid. I won't say anything just yet incase some people have yet to see it.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 29, 2011, 08:50:21 AM

Yeah I watched it. I must say that for as 'slow' as it began...the past three episodes in particular have really picked the pace up and revealed a lot of the story. Interesting to learn that Sky is indeed the spy....interesting in the fact that the majority of us thought that's who it was right off the bat but then the focus shifted away from her and it appeared that wasn't the case. But it makes sense why she would be providing information...I think most of us would probably do the same thing in that scenario....and her circumstance much like Josh's will give her an 'out' so to speak and she won't be banished or probably even punished....maybe even turn around and spy for Terra Nova.
  It looks like Talyor's story was true and that he really is trying to defend Terra Nova from 'the future'. The episode did a good job of bringing him and Mira closer and giving each of them feelings for one another where I'm sure some time in the near future one or the other will allow the other one to live or save thier lives due to that 'bond' they now have. I'm glad to see that there is some promise to the show...and next weeks episode looks pretty friggin' cool!
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 29, 2011, 11:32:29 AM

Yeah I watched it. I must say that for as 'slow' as it began...the past three episodes in particular have really picked the pace up and revealed a lot of the story. Interesting to learn that Sky is indeed the spy....interesting in the fact that the majority of us thought that's who it was right off the bat but then the focus shifted away from her and it appeared that wasn't the case. But it makes sense why she would be providing information...I think most of us would probably do the same thing in that scenario....and her circumstance much like Josh's will give her an 'out' so to speak and she won't be banished or probably even punished....maybe even turn around and spy for Terra Nova.
  It looks like Talyor's story was true and that he really is trying to defend Terra Nova from 'the future'. The episode did a good job of bringing him and Mira closer and giving each of them feelings for one another where I'm sure some time in the near future one or the other will allow the other one to live or save thier lives due to that 'bond' they now have. I'm glad to see that there is some promise to the show...and next weeks episode looks pretty friggin' cool!

I agree completely. I really like how the plot is thickening. I really wish the episodes were structured like this from the beginning. I know a lot of people who stopped watching by week 3. I never would have guessed early on that the whole purpose of Tera Nova was a lie. I'm glad the writers took the route of making Terra Nova a patch for a problem instead of a solution. I'm glad the daughter, who was annoying as hell in the first episode, turned out to be pretty normal. It looks like my prediction of her solving what is engraved on the rocks won't hold true. I can't type a whole lot right now, but I am very pleased with these last 3 episodes.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on November 29, 2011, 12:00:23 PM
I agree completely. I really like how the plot is thickening. I really wish the episodes were structured like this from the beginning.
It really makes me wonder how far ahead they shot the episodes and if the entire season hadn't been shot yet...if they heard about the complaints and dislikes of the series through blogs/forums/etc. amd decided to address those issues. Because there really was a turn around. Like you, I know a good dozen people who gave up very early on.  I'm wondering if it even matters...I mean how well is the show doing overall? Do you think it'll be renewed?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on November 29, 2011, 12:27:21 PM
I hope it gets renewed. So far, I haven't heard anything.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on November 29, 2011, 01:53:22 PM
I hope it gets renewed. So far, I haven't heard anything.
I hope so, too.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on December 14, 2011, 05:53:20 AM
Wow. Shit just got real in the last episode. I was really hoping the story would take another turn and not go directly the way it did, but it should be interesting to see what happens now.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on December 14, 2011, 10:21:07 AM
This show is getting better and better with each episode. I can not WAIT for the season finale next week.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on December 14, 2011, 10:25:25 AM
The latest episode was fantastic!
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on December 14, 2011, 09:53:35 PM
The latest episode was fantastic!

They need to get all the people who abandoned the show to watch the last two weeks. Some seriously good TV episodes there. If the show gets renewed for a second season, then I hope they take a page from the last few episodes' playbook. That would be amazing.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Progmetty on December 15, 2011, 01:11:31 AM
I told my wife "That's it for me!" after watching an episode where that lady gets her memory set back to college years and the husband is jealous of the scientist guy cause he was her boyfriend back then. That was my signal to stop watching this show :lol
Fuck the cast is annoying.
But now you guys are saying something is different recently?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on December 15, 2011, 04:04:03 AM
I told my wife "That's it for me!" after watching an episode where that lady gets her memory set back to college years and the husband is jealous of the scientist guy cause he was her boyfriend back then. That was my signal to stop watching this show :lol
Fuck the cast is annoying.
But now you guys are saying something is different recently?

I like to pretend the first 4 episodes don't exist. The last few weeks have been amazing. The story is surprisingly solid... I'm hooked
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Progmetty on December 15, 2011, 06:59:15 AM
All right then I'll catch up.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 15, 2011, 07:23:07 AM
Still have yet to watch the last episode :angry: It was pre-empted here locally (St. Louis) so they could put the horridly awful Rams Football game on....then in it's pre-empted slot of 11:00 pm the newscast from earlier that was pushed back was on when I went to the DVR. I just haven't had time to go online and stream it. It's killing me not to even scroll up and take a look at the comments and that I haven't been able to chime in about last weeks episode yet.

I mean...I know you all are just dying to hear what my opinion is..... :loser:
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on December 15, 2011, 01:35:08 PM
I mean...I know you all are just dying to hear what my opinion is..... :loser:
I am, actually. I would like to know what people's opinions are on the last two weeks' episodes.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 15, 2011, 01:40:30 PM
I mean...I know you all are just dying to hear what my opinion is..... :loser:
I am, actually. I would like to know what people's opinions are on the last two weeks' episodes.
I went to stream it today and on both ABC's website and Hula it is still locked. Apparently it's not available until a week later. I don't stream shows much so I was unaware of that. Oh well....just have to wait it out. I know my opinion about the series has greatly improved due to the strength of the previous 3 episodes I watched. As Chino hinted to, the series is really gaining ground and becoming a cool, coheasive story. It seems like there would/could be no end to possible directions it can be taken.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on December 15, 2011, 07:45:27 PM
My favorite thing is that none of us really guessed the end of this season all that accurately. Looking back at this thread, while some of our predictions were kind of correct, a lot of them we're waayy off  :rollin I honestly watch this show now and I have idea what to think in terms of predictions. I have been wrong and surprised so many times now, I can't stop watching,. I am clueless as to how this season is going to end...
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on December 15, 2011, 08:02:36 PM
My favorite thing is that none of us really guessed the end of this season all that accurately. Looking back at this thread, while some of our predictions were kind of correct, a lot of them we're waayy off  :rollin I honestly watch this show now and I have idea what to think in terms of predictions. I have been wrong and surprised so many times now, I can't stop watching,. I am clueless as to how this season is going to end...
Same here and I think that's why I think this series has done very well in sort of 'disguising' (for lack of a better word) the ending from us all.


We know there is going to be a battle that determines the fate of humanity, but what will happen and how will that affect everyone?

Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on December 21, 2011, 01:09:18 PM
WTF are the BadLands?!?!

What an awesome finale!
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on December 21, 2011, 01:40:54 PM
I guess we will find out the next season. But yeah, awesome episode. From time to time it bothered me that they were using some cliches and that it had some kind of pro war propaganda, but still I remember that at one point I was already mindfucked and I realized I was only 17 minutes in
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on December 21, 2011, 01:46:29 PM
WTF are the BadLands?!?!

What an awesome finale!
This is why this series needs a second season, at least. I see why the show is from the writers of LOST now. Weird shit, but I'm so interested! Especially in the


the front end of that 1800s-era ship


EDIT: Has the show been approved for season two yet?
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Sketchy on December 22, 2011, 08:48:06 AM
Ah, we watched some of this in Scifi a few weeks back. It was enjoyable, but not particularly memorable...

...and I have to admit, none of us really had any sympathy for the protagonists (what with breaking laws by having another child when there's obviously good reasons in-show why there was a cap on children, breaking someone out of prison, putting someone through the portal who wasn't meant to, etc.)

Go dinosaurs! Eat them all, my scaly pretties!
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on December 27, 2011, 10:16:10 AM
Finally had a chance to watch the finale....I think with the discovery of the wooden ship ornament they've allowed themselves the opportunity to re-introduce a way back to the future. If I were to guess how the ship arrived there it'd be a Bermuda Triangle type deal...that a rift in time had opened in the 1800's and that ship was caught in it, or there is a rift present still somewhere in the ocean (Bermuda Triangle's legend seems to fit) and the only reason we hadn't found it already is that maybe it's spurratic and random where it appears around Earth...who knows. But the discovery was a cool twist and I guess leaves them the opportunity to introduce anything they want, from the descendants of survivors of that ship to different 'future' things, and as I said...another link 'home'.
  I understand why they allowed Lucas to presumably escape to live another day but I kind of wish he'd (or Taylor) be dead and that'd be that...that whole sub-plot (to me) has ran it's course. I'm guessing any chance of the sixers turning to the 'good' side are done now that Mira is going to be ticked off that they ruined her only chance of seeing her daughter. 
  I'd be suprised if they didn't renew it for a second season...the only thing I've seen online is that it has not been cancelled despite rumors, I'm guessing that means a second season but there is no official announcement yet.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on May 10, 2012, 02:02:22 PM


Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Nekov on May 10, 2012, 02:38:27 PM
That's bad, but not totally unexpected.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: SeRoX on May 10, 2012, 06:46:50 PM
Despite all the bad actings I really love the story. But I'm really sick of the clichés that series have.

A grown up man, tends to be hero of the day.
A grown up woman, helpful, understanding.
A teenage boy, semi-good looking, mostly idiot, crochety and in love.
A teenage girl, semi-pretty, clever enough, crious to be in love.
A little child, spoiling everything.

Surprise, they are already family and story spining around them. That sucks. That's why Terra Nova ended.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on May 10, 2012, 06:49:55 PM
This is really old news and from what I've read a few months back, the show isn't coming back at all. I heard Netflix was thinking of picking it up, but that didn't happen.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on May 10, 2012, 06:51:34 PM
But now we never get to know what landed that old ass ship in the badlands :(
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: ResultsMayVary on May 10, 2012, 06:57:21 PM
But now we never get to know what landed that old ass ship in the badlands :(
Yea, it sucks. Coming from the writers of LOST, I had really no idea what to expect from how it got in the badlands or the whole story behind it.
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: gmillerdrake on May 10, 2012, 07:54:56 PM
But now we never get to know what landed that old ass ship in the badlands :(
Yea, it sucks. Coming from the writers of LOST, I had really no idea what to expect from how it got in the badlands or the whole story behind it.
My "theory" ran along the lines that the 'rift' or whatever that crack in time was may have not always been as stable or predictable, that it 'bounced' across earth popping up here and there. And that one time, boom...there it was in the ocean or meditteranean or some popular trade route and it swallowed up a ship. Who knows....wonder if a cable network will take a chance on it. Maybe with 'Eureka' being cancelled and no 'Stargate' incarnations being shot...the SyFy channel could give her a go. But that article said it was $4 mil an episode...that is steep...
Title: Re: Terra Nova
Post by: Chino on September 25, 2012, 07:43:39 AM
I'm bumping this thread because Season 1 just came out on DVD earlier this week, if anyone is interested. The following link provides a really good interview with Stephen Lang and where the show would have gone had there been a season 2.
