DreamTheaterForums.org Dream Theater Fan Site

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 12:20:16 PM

Title: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 12:20:16 PM
Just curious, and has potential for good laughs and fond memories.  Simple question, when did you feel you transcended nOObness and were an "inside" member of DTF.

My coming out party was when I started the BACON!!!! thread.  Being not on the same level with the majority of the posters here concerning musical knowledge, I was, and to some level, still am, on the fringes of the music side.  When I started BACON!!!! though, I felt I had built a connection with the group.  Not that I invented bacon or anything, but the beauty of bacon and my intimate relationship with it helped me become a more accepted member of the forums.  Within a month, I even had my own emote, and now truly feel part of the group, instead of being an outsider.

So, what was your moment, your coming out party, when did you feel like one of the cool kids?

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 12:22:08 PM
When people started calling me "cup" and making lighthearted funnies at my expense. 
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: PuffyPat on August 22, 2011, 12:22:43 PM
A couple weeks ago, when I realized that cup was the ultimate 'n00b', and I could no longer look like a fool.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lordxizor on August 22, 2011, 12:22:52 PM
There was no magical moment. I view myself as a semi-regular poster who isn't really part of the "in crowd" but is generally liked or at least tolerated. :)
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Ravenheart on August 22, 2011, 12:24:23 PM
I joined more than 2 years ago but rarely posted. I started frequenting the forum more and posting more, and became acquainted with the members via the chat threads and the Facebook group chat. And so was the evolution of more than half the forum wanting to strangle me  :hat
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: 73109 on August 22, 2011, 12:24:31 PM
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 12:25:34 PM

You have my emotional support, Cole. 
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 22, 2011, 12:26:02 PM
I can't remember ever not feeling like part of the forum. So either I was amazing even from the start, or I just have a dreadful memory.

Almost certainly the latter.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Ryzee on August 22, 2011, 12:27:35 PM

This.  But yeah, I'm starting to feel like that moment is probably never going to come for me.  I dig it, I don't really have the time or drive to post alot, my opinions aren't controversial enough to warrant any attention, and my jokes aren't ever as funny as they seem to me in my head.  I'm cool with it though, I just like to sit on the sidelines and watch you guys have fun.

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: chknptpie on August 22, 2011, 12:28:28 PM
When Orbert knew my name.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 12:28:37 PM
my opinions aren't controversial enough to warrant any attention, and my jokes aren't ever as funny as they seem to me in my head.

I didn't let that stop me, and look how I've come along.  
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: El Barto on August 22, 2011, 12:30:18 PM
I started posting here mainly in and because of P/R, where I seemed to fit in almost immediately.  I still feel like an outsider in the rest of the forum.  That said, when a few people sigged me and the burrito quote was suggested for PotY,  I certainly felt pretty well tolerated.  
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 12:31:07 PM
I think you were part from your opening thread, remember "and WTF is an 'icy?!?!?!"
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: 73109 on August 22, 2011, 12:32:43 PM
In all sincerity, I felt like I was a proper member of this forum after I got my ass banned, stopped post whoring, and started typing like a normal person. I then seemed to actually add to conversations rather than dragging them down with my teenage bull shit. It's only recently though that I feel that I am a complete member of the forum seeing as how I feel as though I've grown up a lot in the 2 years I've been here.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 22, 2011, 12:33:37 PM
In my case the closest I came was when I ran the tournament last year for what non-Dream Theater band was the favorite band of the forum. Since then I began posting a little more frequently and got more familiar with some other members' interests beyond just the super-tenured ones like hef, bosk, rumbo, etc. I still don't quite feel like one of the "cool" kids as I see myself as more of a welcome dude just at the cutoff line between known/unknown. I attribute it to the fact that I've never posted a pic where my face was clearly distinguishable since I think I posted a pic once of me next to a snowman I'd built but was heavily winter-attired. Also I've never met any DTFers in real life. I also have had two separate 9-month haituses from here since early 2009 during times when I didn't have regular internet access so people definitely have had time to forget me.

All that aside I'm always glad to be back on here and see myself remaining a member as long as we have some stable internet community to congregate at since I usually figure we're only a couple years away from starting a new community after the evolution from EZboard>DT.net>DTF.com>DTF.org
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on August 22, 2011, 12:34:52 PM
When I made my Top 20 Prog Bands thread. I don't know why, just how it went.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: 73109 on August 22, 2011, 12:35:43 PM
In my case the closest I came was when I ran the tournament last year for what non-Dream Theater band was the favorite band of the forum. Since then I began posting a little more frequently and got more familiar with some other members' interests beyond just the super-tenured ones like hef, bosk, rumbo, etc. I still don't quite feel like one of the "cool" kids as I see myself as more of a welcome dude just at the cutoff line between known/unknown. I attribute it to the fact that I've never posted a pic where my face was clearly distinguishable since I think I posted a pic once of me next to a snowman I'd built but was heavily winter-attired. Also I've never met any DTFers in real life. I also have had two separate 9-month haituses from here since early 2009 during times when I didn't have regular internet access so people definitely have had time to forget me.

All that aside I'm always glad to be back on here and see myself remaining a member as long as we have some stable internet community to congregate at since I usually figure we're only a couple years away from starting a new community after the evolution from EZboard>DT.net>DTF.com>DTF.org

I started noticing you during Birch's AiC survivor. You have some sweet taste.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 22, 2011, 12:36:46 PM
In my case the closest I came was when I ran the tournament last year for what non-Dream Theater band was the favorite band of the forum. Since then I began posting a little more frequently and got more familiar with some other members' interests beyond just the super-tenured ones like hef, bosk, rumbo, etc. I still don't quite feel like one of the "cool" kids as I see myself as more of a welcome dude just at the cutoff line between known/unknown. I attribute it to the fact that I've never posted a pic where my face was clearly distinguishable since I think I posted a pic once of me next to a snowman I'd built but was heavily winter-attired. Also I've never met any DTFers in real life. I also have had two separate 9-month haituses from here since early 2009 during times when I didn't have regular internet access so people definitely have had time to forget me.

All that aside I'm always glad to be back on here and see myself remaining a member as long as we have some stable internet community to congregate at since I usually figure we're only a couple years away from starting a new community after the evolution from EZboard>DT.net>DTF.com>DTF.org

I started noticing you during Birch's AiC survivor. You have some sweet taste.

I think you're swell too :heart :blush
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Zook on August 22, 2011, 12:36:54 PM
When I posted in the controversial opinions thread. It was then that I knew how loved I was. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 22, 2011, 12:38:35 PM
When I posted in the controversial opinions thread. It was then that I knew how loved I was. :neverusethis:

I think when we were both vlasto day dissenters you made a pretty good name for yourself too chap.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Chino on August 22, 2011, 12:39:38 PM
I think when we switched to DTF. When I was on DTnet, Chino was already taken, so my name was Chino1130 or something like that. When I finally got a numberless username I felt like a individual in a community, not just another member.

Getting deemed as the forum Avatard and getting an official emoticon was kind of nice.

And last but not least, being the guy who fell from a balcony and getting support from people who I have never met in real life. Not just I'll keep you in my thoughts kind of support, I mean true words of kindness and concern. Having strangers making jokes and photoshops of me, then be able to laugh with them about it made me feel like this place was more than just DT fans. This might be the first time admitting it here, and I think it is an appropriate time do. Pre-accident I definitely had a drinking issue, something many of you touched on. I didn't see it that way at the time, and didn't for months after the fact. Surprisingly, getting off of my blood thinners is what finally made me acknowledge it (I was still drinking twice a week or so while on them). I have only been drunk twice this summer, once on the fourth of July, and last weekend camping. Every now and again I go back to my balcony thread and just read through it when I need some positive thinking. I hate using the term life changing, and this may sound strange to many, but that thread was almost as life changing as the accident itself.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks for putting up with me guys and gals.  :heart
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 12:40:01 PM
In all sincerity, I felt like I was a proper member of this forum after I got my ass banned, stopped post whoring, and started typing like a normal person. I then seemed to actually add to conversations rather than dragging them down with my teenage bull shit. It's only recently though that I feel that I am a complete member of the forum seeing as how I feel as though I've grown up a lot in the 2 years I've been here.

Yep.  We hoined a week apart, and you annoyed the crap out of me. :lol  Racing to every thread to post first, followed with a /thread.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: bosk1 on August 22, 2011, 12:40:49 PM
I then seemed to actually add to conversations rather than dragging them down with my teenage bull shit.

No...not so much, actually.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: bosk1 on August 22, 2011, 12:42:38 PM
When I finally got a numberless username I felt like a individual in a community, not just another member.

Yeah, I'm still waiting for that to happen.  If anyone finds that bosk chap, please beat him soundly for me and remind him of my lifetime of pain and unacceptance at his expense.  But at least I got in before that bosk2 character.  THAT guy...just...yeah.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: 73109 on August 22, 2011, 12:43:26 PM
I then seemed to actually add to conversations rather than dragging them down with my teenage bull shit.

No...not so much, actually.

Thanks bosky. I love you too. :heart *smooches*
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: alirocker08 on August 22, 2011, 12:44:49 PM
When I posted my pic in the 'Post your pic' thread, everyone was really lovely and welcoming for some reason :')
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: antigoon on August 22, 2011, 12:45:57 PM
I honestly have no clue. I remember James and Rich were among the first to befriend me, though. Love those sluts.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: ReaperKK on August 22, 2011, 12:47:39 PM

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Zydar on August 22, 2011, 12:47:44 PM
No idea :|
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 22, 2011, 12:47:51 PM
When I posted my pic in the 'Post your pic' thread, everyone was really lovely and welcoming for some reason :')

Unusual indeed for a forum of self-admitted male internet nerds to warmly welcome a dashingly cute young lady  :P
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 12:49:40 PM
I wonder if I'd of still become forum baby if I had lied about my gender... 
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: alirocker08 on August 22, 2011, 12:52:17 PM
When I posted my pic in the 'Post your pic' thread, everyone was really lovely and welcoming for some reason :')

Unusual indeed for a forum of self-admitted male internet nerds to warmly welcome a dashingly cute young lady  :P
I know, you never would of thought it would you? What lovely internet nerds you all are! (with a strange idea of cute)

I wonder if I'd of still become forum baby if I had lied about my gender... 
Say you lied about being a boy and post some hawt pics to back it up :P
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Hyperplex on August 22, 2011, 12:53:30 PM
From 2003-2007 was when I was most active.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: tri.ad on August 22, 2011, 12:58:29 PM
I honestly don't know.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 12:59:42 PM
I consider you an acquaintance of sorts.

You're the "Good Morning" law student with a thing for red pandas and a rather sane demeanor. 
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: wammabe on August 22, 2011, 01:00:35 PM
I'm very new to this forum, but I know that I will never be one of the cool kids.  :smiley:
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Kosmo on August 22, 2011, 01:00:40 PM

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: tri.ad on August 22, 2011, 01:00:55 PM
You're the "Good Morning" law student with a thing for red pandas and a rather sane demeanor. 

I guess that's a pretty accurate description (though I'm not entirely sure about being sane, but if it comes across that way, fair enough :lol).
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 22, 2011, 01:02:24 PM
I wonder if I'd of still become forum baby if I had lied about my gender... 

MistressShakezula :metal :metal :metal
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: 73109 on August 22, 2011, 01:02:59 PM
...and a cool accent.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: alirocker08 on August 22, 2011, 01:03:41 PM
I wonder if I'd of still become forum baby if I had lied about my gender... 

MistressShakezula :metal :metal :metal
Do it mods.

I think that people are accepted when you recognise their avatar. I get very confused when people change their avatar.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Phantasmatron on August 22, 2011, 01:08:06 PM
There was no magical moment. I view myself as a semi-regular poster who isn't really part of the "in crowd" but is generally liked or at least tolerated. :)

Pretty much this.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Hyperplex on August 22, 2011, 01:17:23 PM
I think people recognize my avatar, and people used to recognize my fire signature.

And those who aren't super new recognize me for being here for a long time.

I used to be the guy who posted the astronomy stuff and the artworks and occasionally had periods of transcendent godliness, but alas, those times have faded to a distant memory, somewhat.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: dethklok09 on August 22, 2011, 01:18:32 PM
I'm part of the forum?
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 22, 2011, 01:20:40 PM
About ten minutes ago...

When people started rolling with my Natalie Portman Obsession........

and then when Shake joined and I looked less like a noob in comparison.

lol... cup...

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Jamesman42 on August 22, 2011, 01:21:18 PM
tbqh idk if people liek me
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 01:22:00 PM
lol... cup...

lonestar uses cups during athletic events, or did at one time.

That's got to count for something.

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 22, 2011, 01:22:14 PM
I'm not sure when I started to feel that level of acceptance, but I played it safe to start and then let my inner smartass come out as my presence became a little more well-known.  Then I started asking if anybody liked hair metal and a few people came out and spoke of it in hushed tones and such.  Then there was the first "fogey thread" that I qualified for by default.  I managed to pull off "This is Spinal Tap" week and the infamous string of b00b avatars.  Now with all the n00bs joining up, I feel like one of those "somebody who's a long-since established part of the board" guys.  I love this place.  :heart
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: dethklok09 on August 22, 2011, 01:23:37 PM
tbqh idk if people liek me
But you like soad, and math. You have earned my love
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 22, 2011, 01:24:40 PM
lol... cup...

lonestar uses cups during athletic events, or did at one time.

That's got to count for something.


-insert joke about lonestar's balls here-
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 01:25:45 PM
tbqh idk if people liek me

I like you.  You're funny.  Really funny.

If you were a television character, you'd be:


-insert joke about lonestar's ass and balls here-
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 22, 2011, 01:27:02 PM
Shake I am gonna start calling you Bambi.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Super Dude on August 22, 2011, 01:29:18 PM
Don't really know for sure, but it helps that I'm friends on Facebook with a few people. :)
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: dethklok09 on August 22, 2011, 01:30:01 PM
oh yeah and when I got kicked from the group's facebook page for no defined reason.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 01:30:50 PM
Shake I am gonna start calling you Bambi.

Alright then, Dr. Cox.  
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 22, 2011, 01:32:34 PM
wait wouldnt that make me  Carla? oh well... she was hot
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Chino on August 22, 2011, 01:33:01 PM
tbqh idk if people liek me

I like you.  You're funny.  Really funny.

If you were a television character, you'd be:


-insert joke about lonestar's ass and balls here-

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Adami on August 22, 2011, 01:34:44 PM
Any day now hopefully.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Jamesman42 on August 22, 2011, 01:35:00 PM
tbqh idk if people liek me

I like you.  You're funny.  Really funny.

If you were a television character, you'd be:


Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Dr. DTVT on August 22, 2011, 01:45:29 PM
For me it was when I made my (since deleted) top 150 albums thread, and setrataeso named me "New member of the year" in 2009.

Then I ate at lonestar's and became a demi-god to all you mere mortals.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: YtseBitsySpider on August 22, 2011, 01:46:07 PM
I will never be one of the cool kids.  :smiley:

you're not alone

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Jamesman42 on August 22, 2011, 01:48:23 PM
oh be quiet ytse
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Jamesman42 on August 22, 2011, 01:48:33 PM
you are cool brothaman
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Dr. DTVT on August 22, 2011, 01:50:03 PM
I will never be one of the cool kids.  :smiley:

you're not alone

Who want's to be a cool kid when we got our old fogey's group?
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: obscure on August 22, 2011, 02:03:10 PM
nice thread... it's great to learn more about you guys...
but I noticed that some people are being extremely modest.... ::)

anyway..... looking forward to day that I'll have something to write here....it's fine though if the day never comes.....  :P
I like it here....  :heart
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 02:05:51 PM
Then I ate at lonestar's and became a demi-god to all you mere mortals.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: alirocker08 on August 22, 2011, 02:10:57 PM
nice thread... it's great to learn more about you guys...
but I noticed that some people are being extremely modest.... ::)

anyway..... looking forward to day that I'll have something to write here....it's fine though if the day never comes.....  :P
I like it here....  :heart

I accept you. You like make up. I like make up. That makes you my friend. :P
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: obscure on August 22, 2011, 02:12:18 PM
nice thread... it's great to learn more about you guys...
but I noticed that some people are being extremely modest.... ::)

anyway..... looking forward to day that I'll have something to write here....it's fine though if the day never comes.....  :P
I like it here....  :heart

I accept you. You like make up. I like make up. That makes you my friend. :P
Thanks my love  :)
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Orbert on August 22, 2011, 02:13:07 PM
Probably after the second or third time someone mentioned my facial hair outside the picture thread.  I realized that that's something people remember.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Jonathan on August 22, 2011, 02:17:49 PM
I've been around since the dt.net days but have never been much of a poster and probably never will be  :) I visit the forum almost everyday though, just to lurk around and read about all of yous crazy peoples shenanigans..
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 02:21:35 PM
I've been around since the dt.net days but have never been much of a poster and probably never will be  :) I visit the forum almost everyday though, just to lurk around and read about all of yous crazy peoples shenanigans..

Voyeuristic perv. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 22, 2011, 02:23:27 PM
Voyeuristic perv.

This isn't the "What's your nickname IRL" thread.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 22, 2011, 02:28:14 PM
tbqh idk if people liek me

I like you.  You're funny.  Really funny.

If you were a television character, you'd be:


-insert joke about lonestar's ass and balls here-

Call me crazy but I've never found Braff funny on any one occasion. He just seems like one of those plain-ass dudes that everyone likes cuz he's relatively easy-going and has this endearing demeanor. James on the other hand usually cracks me up at least once a day and has numerous other funny posts to go with that(at least) one knee-slapper per day.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 02:31:53 PM
Voyeuristic perv.

This isn't the "What's your nickname IRL" thread.
My bad, stupid phone. :\
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Jonathan on August 22, 2011, 02:33:39 PM
I've been around since the dt.net days but have never been much of a poster and probably never will be  :) I visit the forum almost everyday though, just to lurk around and read about all of yous crazy peoples shenanigans..

Voyeuristic perv. :neverusethis:

Aaw, you're to kind!

Now, everyone, please continue...
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: obscure on August 22, 2011, 02:34:23 PM
Voyeuristic perv.

This isn't the "What's your nickname IRL" thread.

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: kári on August 22, 2011, 02:43:14 PM
When I got a lot of people to discover and love the music I love so much as well.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Dark Castle on August 22, 2011, 02:52:38 PM
Still getting there, but I felt a major part of it when people actually helped me fix my review instead of giving me a lot of shit, like so many other places would have.  Also when I can talk about a band and people know who I'm talking about.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Gadough on August 22, 2011, 03:00:43 PM
After the first few Skype chats I was in. I think it was solidified when the whole "me being Hank Hill" inside joke started to develop. :lol
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: toro on August 22, 2011, 03:22:15 PM
When I finally started doing homoerotic innuendos.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on August 22, 2011, 04:48:00 PM
In all seriousness, I felt a part of the forum from the beginning.

And then I knew it for sure once people started worshiping me and writing hefdaddy facts.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Ravenheart on August 22, 2011, 04:53:12 PM
Hef can touch MC Hammer.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: PuffyPat on August 22, 2011, 05:01:28 PM
Hef makes Meatloaf do that for love.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on August 22, 2011, 05:12:01 PM
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 05:13:33 PM
hefdaddy42's a pretty cool guy; globally moderates the forum and doesn't afraid of Jamesman. 
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 05:31:28 PM
A glance from Hef could revert cup back to a spermatazoa with shitty sense of direction.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on August 22, 2011, 05:34:29 PM
Hef can touch MC Hammer.
Who the fuck are you?
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 22, 2011, 05:35:39 PM
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: PuffyPat on August 22, 2011, 05:37:28 PM
Hef can touch MC Hammer.
Who the fuck are you?

I'm surprised you didn't do that for me.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Ravenheart on August 22, 2011, 05:37:46 PM
Hef can touch MC Hammer.
Who the fuck are you?

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on August 22, 2011, 05:38:15 PM
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 05:42:36 PM
Fucking win!!!
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: contest_sanity on August 22, 2011, 05:51:45 PM
Not entirely sure, but it could have been during summer 2010.  My wife and son went to Michigan for over a month with her parents, but I had to stay behind because of work.  I lived on DTF 24/7 during that time frame.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 06:16:22 PM
People are accepted when you recognise their avatar. I get very confused when people change their avatar.

That's nonsense!  :neverusethis:
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Sigz on August 22, 2011, 06:18:09 PM
When I first inserted my penis into Lat's eye socket. At that moment I knew this was my one true home.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: glaurung on August 22, 2011, 06:19:08 PM
I really liked the forum from the beginning but it really started to feel like home when I started talking on Skype with some people.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: FlyingBIZKIT on August 22, 2011, 06:20:05 PM
I don't even know. I'm still not sure if I'm "part" of the forum  :sadpanda:
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 06:21:12 PM
You're a part of the forum that is my metaphorical heart, brother. 
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: FlyingBIZKIT on August 22, 2011, 06:22:05 PM
I don't think that did anything.
Title: I still love ya though but the 'noles will be rubbish this year.
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 22, 2011, 07:50:38 PM
I don't even know. I'm still not sure if I'm "part" of the forum  :sadpanda:

Protip: spend more than 4% of your forum time in threads other than "Post something about the user above you"
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Super Dude on August 22, 2011, 07:52:24 PM
Title: Re: I still love ya though but the 'noles will be rubbish this year.
Post by: Dr. DTVT on August 22, 2011, 07:56:50 PM
I don't even know. I'm still not sure if I'm "part" of the forum  :sadpanda:

Protip: spend more than 4% of your forum time in threads other than "Post something about the user above you"

Protip 2: Make your posts count (which outside of PSATUAY thread) you do.  Others, however, could take a lesson cup
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Gorille85 on August 22, 2011, 07:57:15 PM
I don't think I am. I feel like I'm close though.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: FlyingBIZKIT on August 22, 2011, 07:57:55 PM
Good idea.
Title: Re: I still love ya though but the 'noles will be rubbish this year.
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 07:59:55 PM
I don't even know. I'm still not sure if I'm "part" of the forum  :sadpanda:

Protip: spend more than 4% of your forum time in threads other than "Post something about the user above you"

Protip 2: Make your posts count (which outside of PSATUAY thread) you do.  Others, however, could take a lesson cup

I sense that you wanted me to read that post, what with you putting the common term for me in there.

I do try to make my posts count, and generally try to make use of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  I have many ideas and statements in my head (Oftentimes, jokes and opinions I have) and do what I can to put them into text in a complete and coherent form.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: FlyingBIZKIT on August 22, 2011, 08:03:39 PM

MasterShakezula's Statistics:

General Discussion
General Music Discussion
Dream Theater
Political and Religious

Very lopsided  :lol

Well, I'm never going to post in the "Post something about the person above you" thread again.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Nighthawkwill7 on August 22, 2011, 08:04:48 PM
I may not post frequently but I truly felt like part of this forum when I spoke about my aspergers in the Lonely Hearts thread.

Thanks to Lat for listening  :)
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 08:07:17 PM

MasterShakezula's Statistics:

General Discussion
General Music Discussion
Dream Theater
Political and Religious

Very lopsided  :lol

That's what happens when most of your contact with other humans and conduct of conversations about life are on a prog-metal forum.   :lol

(Good lord, I am a dumbass; I'm not even going to deny that.  :biggrin: )
Title: I'll make her slap her knees
Post by: Jamesman42 on August 22, 2011, 08:18:22 PM
tbqh idk if people liek me

I like you.  You're funny.  Really funny.

If you were a television character, you'd be:


-insert joke about lonestar's ass and balls here-

Call me crazy but I've never found Braff funny on any one occasion. He just seems like one of those plain-ass dudes that everyone likes cuz he's relatively easy-going and has this endearing demeanor. James on the other hand usually cracks me up at least once a day and has numerous other funny posts to go with that(at least) one knee-slapper per day.

See that LHK?! Another reason why your mom is perfect for me.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on August 22, 2011, 08:26:30 PM
Hef can touch MC Hammer.
Who the fuck are you?

OK, now I see it.

Thanks, Raven.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: millahh on August 22, 2011, 08:29:59 PM
Probably when I became a regular participant in P/R arguments...in Spring 2005.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: carl320 on August 22, 2011, 08:33:41 PM
I guess I felt more like a part of the group when the FB group was started.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Global Laziness on August 22, 2011, 08:42:31 PM
I don't even know. I'm still not sure if I'm "part" of the forum

I feel the same way.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on August 22, 2011, 08:43:41 PM
Actually, scratch what I said before: I started feeling like part of the forum when I started getting compared to Phil Lynott. :lol
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 22, 2011, 09:00:51 PM
I don't even know. I'm still not sure if I'm "part" of the forum

I feel the same way.

Strangely enough I remember seeing a good bit of you around here right about the time I returned from one of my lengthy hiatuses and I actually felt like you were part of a new wave of members whom in my absence had become far more assimilated in these ranks. Once you sig'ed me I could never forget you  :D
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Orbert on August 22, 2011, 09:26:50 PM
People are accepted when you recognise their avatar. I get very confused when people change their avatar.

That's nonsense!  :neverusethis:

I've never understood why some people feel the need to change their avatar all the time.  An avatar is, by definition, a visual representation of you, or at least your online persona.  I figure people should pick one and stick with it, same as their username.
Title: Re: Option 4: We're all a part of the Tommy Westphall-verse, therefore not real
Post by: LeeHarveyKennedy on August 22, 2011, 09:40:29 PM
I have no idea. Actually, cancel that, I have three ideas:

1. I've always felt like a part, ever since my first post.
2. When people started riffing on my tendency to change thread titles.
3. I never was, and am just more of an accepted tourist.

My feelings depend on the day.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: The King in Crimson on August 22, 2011, 09:56:57 PM

So ronery. :(
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MetalManiac666 on August 22, 2011, 10:14:18 PM
I honestly feel like I could be a core member of the forum if I actually had the time that some of you guys do to devote to posting.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Nick on August 22, 2011, 10:51:41 PM
I was a member on DT.net since December 2003 but didn't post too terribly much. Then when that shut down and the original DTF.com started I became a super active poster and that's when I'd say I became a part of things.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 22, 2011, 10:57:42 PM
People are accepted when you recognise their avatar. I get very confused when people change their avatar.

That's nonsense!  :neverusethis:

I've never understood why some people feel the need to change their avatar all the time.  An avatar is, by definition, a visual representation of you, or at least your online persona.  I figure people should pick one and stick with it, same as their username.

I think of an avatar more like the type of clothes you wear, or your haircut. Eventually you'll want a change as you change over time. Although I only recognize people by avatars, Mr tiger man, so I prefer people stick with their avatars.
This is the first time I've deviated from my Decepticon avatar in a major way, so usually I'm all for consistency.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 22, 2011, 10:59:36 PM
People are accepted when you recognise their avatar. I get very confused when people change their avatar.

That's nonsense!  :neverusethis:

I've never understood why some people feel the need to change their avatar all the time.  An avatar is, by definition, a visual representation of you, or at least your online persona.  I figure people should pick one and stick with it, same as their username.

I think of an avatar more like the type of clothes you wear, or your haircut. Eventually you'll want a change as you change over time. Although I only recognize people by avatars, Mr tiger man, so I prefer people stick with their avatars.
This is the first time I've deviated from my Decepticon avatar in a major way, so usually I'm all for consistency.
Same here, I have only had four(not counting the week with Nick as my avatar), and I try to keep them for some amount of time.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 23, 2011, 12:27:08 AM
People are accepted when you recognise their avatar. I get very confused when people change their avatar.

That's nonsense!  :neverusethis:

I've never understood why some people feel the need to change their avatar all the time.  An avatar is, by definition, a visual representation of you, or at least your online persona.  I figure people should pick one and stick with it, same as their username.

I think of an avatar more like the type of clothes you wear, or your haircut. Eventually you'll want a change as you change over time. Although I only recognize people by avatars, Mr tiger man, so I prefer people stick with their avatars.
This is the first time I've deviated from my Decepticon avatar in a major way, so usually I'm all for consistency.
Same here, I have only had four(not counting the week with Nick as my avatar), and I try to keep them for some amount of time.

I think I'm stuck rockin the fleur de lis until the Saints manage to piss me off through a cycle of perennial losing. I think my last(and only other avatar I've used on any of the DT forum incarnations) was the album art for Blackwater Park since that's where I get my "black" from  :) So yeah until Drew Brees retires a good five or so years from now I wouldn't count on seeing a new avatar.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Tripp on August 23, 2011, 01:18:41 AM
My 3rd post.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MetalJunkie on August 23, 2011, 01:41:36 AM
Sometimes I still don't feel a part. I feel like a thread killer and kind of like a fly on the wall. Whatever - it's like lurking but still throwing in my two cents every once in a while.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Jirpo on August 23, 2011, 02:00:21 AM
I have no idea, I don't really feel like fully a part yet but its just happening slowly for me :)
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Phantasmatron on August 23, 2011, 02:05:04 AM
Sometimes I still don't feel a part. I feel like a thread killer and kind of like a fly on the wall. Whatever - it's like lurking but still throwing in my two cents every once in a while.

Thread killer?  I don't know about that, but you're probably my favorite thread starter
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MetalJunkie on August 23, 2011, 02:12:54 AM
Sometimes I still don't feel a part. I feel like a thread killer and kind of like a fly on the wall. Whatever - it's like lurking but still throwing in my two cents every once in a while.

Thread killer?  I don't know about that, but you're probably my favorite thread starter
D'aww. <3
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 23, 2011, 02:15:19 AM
Ive always seen you as a forum icon, seriously.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: sneakyblueberry on August 23, 2011, 03:38:04 AM
I've been posting for almost 3 years (I think).  I still don't feel like a part of this forum.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on August 23, 2011, 04:22:17 AM
I've been posting for almost 3 years (I think).  I still don't feel like a part of this forum.
I think you're a part of this forum.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Super Dude on August 23, 2011, 06:28:21 AM
I don't even know. I'm still not sure if I'm "part" of the forum

I feel the same way.

Dude, you totally are.  Least I think so.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Hyperplex on August 23, 2011, 07:05:25 AM
Even though I've been largely absent lately (work and a little one roaming the house) I still feel a part of this place. I've been here for 11 years and have known some of you for that entire time, so to say anything else would not only be false, it would be hurtful. I still come back, as evidenced by me posting yesterday and today, and I often lurk here and there, so this place is an online family. Silent interaction doesn't mean no interaction. ;)
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Perpetual Change on August 23, 2011, 07:10:26 AM
I guess I feel like I'm part of the forum most of the time. The thing is, I go between regretting that I'm not "in" with other forumers enough and lamenting that I'm too far in. I think 5 well written and well thought-out, constructive posts a day or so is a good ideal for me to try and stick by, though anyone could look through my posting history to see when the last time that happened was.

But anyway, I feel like if I make too many really long, thought out posts I'm being snobby and wasting too much time online, and if I just make a lot of little hit-and-run posts I'm being annoying.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Orbert on August 23, 2011, 07:28:52 AM
People are accepted when you recognise their avatar. I get very confused when people change their avatar.

That's nonsense!  :neverusethis:

I've never understood why some people feel the need to change their avatar all the time.  An avatar is, by definition, a visual representation of you, or at least your online persona.  I figure people should pick one and stick with it, same as their username.

I think of an avatar more like the type of clothes you wear, or your haircut. Eventually you'll want a change as you change over time. Although I only recognize people by avatars, Mr tiger man, so I prefer people stick with their avatars.
This is the first time I've deviated from my Decepticon avatar in a major way, so usually I'm all for consistency.
Same here, I have only had four(not counting the week with Nick as my avatar), and I try to keep them for some amount of time.

Okay, I guess changing your avatar once in a great while is fine.  I like the haircut analogy; that kinda put it in perspective.  You don't do it all the time, but sometimes you just need a change.  People are thrown for a bit, then they get used to it.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Hyperplex on August 23, 2011, 07:32:00 AM
I am an infinitely-looping, self-regurgitating young boy. :neverusethis:
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Ultimetalhead on August 23, 2011, 08:13:41 AM
I think I made a pretty sexually suggestive post back before the forum crash that people liked enough to nominate for POTY and completely derail the thread with how good it was. I think Jamesman sigged it as well. I ran a few survivors, joined in on the skype conversations and the Facebook chat.

As soon as icy and Cole joined, I knew there was no way I'd be considered a noob anymore.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 23, 2011, 08:32:23 AM
Speaking of POTY, Zbomber told me he'd work on it, since I really din't have the time or patience to compile it all anymore.  That was a few months ago.  Probably pointless to bother now.  Or is it?  Anyone wants to do it, you're welcome to do so.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Gadough on August 23, 2011, 08:34:07 AM
No point to it really; Edan's Hefdaddy picture will win.
Title: Re: I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd've won, but still...
Post by: LeeHarveyKennedy on August 23, 2011, 12:59:19 PM
Speaking of POTY, Zbomber told me he'd work on it, since I really din't have the time or patience to compile it all anymore.  That was a few months ago.  Probably pointless to bother now.  Or is it?  Anyone wants to do it, you're welcome to do so.

We're talking POTY '010, right? Man, we're behind.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 23, 2011, 01:33:34 PM
Pretty much.  It takes a lot of time to put those together and it is (unfortunately) time I don't really have.  :sadpanda:
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: antigoon on August 23, 2011, 01:37:10 PM
Now that I think about it I probably spend more time in the Facebook chat than I do here.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Shadow2222 on August 23, 2011, 01:43:32 PM
Hmmm..., not sure if I have ever felt like truly part of the forum.

Its weird having been here longer than some posters that have thousands of post (*cough* *cough* Numbers *cough* *cough*) yet being so unknown, but that is my own doing by not posting on every single thread ever  ;D
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 23, 2011, 01:57:39 PM
That was not a pleasurable burn to be on the receiving end of.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 23, 2011, 07:57:12 PM
^Dude he was havin a josh at 8675309's expense not yern.

Hmmm..., not sure if I have ever felt like truly part of the forum.

Its weird having been here longer than some posters that have thousands of post (*cough* *cough* Numbers *cough* *cough*) yet being so unknown, but that is my own doing by not posting on every single thread ever  ;D

After seeing your Blind Faith cover of the JP unison part I'll NEVER forget you. Fantastic job on a fantastic part of a fantastic song.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: MasterShakezula on August 23, 2011, 08:04:05 PM
Dude he was havin a josh at 8675309's expense not yern.

Alright, then, that's relieving, I thought he was making a passive-aggressive jab at me. 
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: black_biff_stadler on August 23, 2011, 08:05:43 PM
Dude he was havin a josh at 8675309's expense not yern.

Alright, then, that's relieving, I thought he was making a passive-aggressive jab at me. 

Not unless your name is M4573r5#4|<32uL4
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Genowyn on August 23, 2011, 08:42:12 PM
I dunno. Probably when I got a decent number of people playing CYON and then SOMEONE made a total ripoff thread and pretended to be me :neverusethis:
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: emindead on August 23, 2011, 08:58:58 PM
Probably when in the DT tournament in my rookie year finished in second place. I used to get along really well with everyone. Zeltar was still around, ReapKK and I used to chat in the chat thread -now I almost never visit it-, Blob used to call Cozmo over there every morning. Jen was, as always, teasing everyone... Volk2 was Sonata216, Blind_FaithX was the first DTF poster I had in MSN; I used to read religiosuly the Bible according to Ruben... so yeah, 2008.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: kári on August 24, 2011, 01:45:14 AM
the Bible according to Ruben... so yeah, 2008.
Oh shit, I forgot about that! I wonder how many hours we spent talking about it on MSN. I remember continuing for you after the blog section had disappeared.
Good times. :)
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: ResultsMayVary on August 24, 2011, 01:50:32 AM
There was no magical moment. I view myself as a semi-regular poster who isn't really part of the "in crowd" but is generally liked or at least tolerated. :)
I'd have to say this pretty much sums it up.

I originally was extremely active/posting for the first year or so that I was here on the forum and then didn't log on for the longest time. Finally started posting regularly again a year ago or so and here we are.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Nekov on August 24, 2011, 07:08:52 AM
I still don't feel like i'm a part of this forum. I don't think I have made a connection with anyone.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 24, 2011, 07:26:46 AM
Probably when in the DT tournament in my rookie year finished in second place. I used to get along really well with everyone. Zeltar was still around, ReapKK and I used to chat in the chat thread -now I almost never visit it-, Blob used to call Cozmo over there every morning. Jen was, as always, teasing everyone... Volk2 was Sonata216, Blind_FaithX was the first DTF poster I had in MSN; I used to read religiosuly the Bible according to Ruben... so yeah, 2008.

Good times.  Zeltar posts about eleventy brazilion tweets everyday, so you can follow him there, if you like.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: YtseBitsySpider on August 24, 2011, 07:36:28 AM
I still don't feel like i'm a part of this forum. I don't think I have made a connection with anyone.

who are you?

there ya go jerk-off connection made....you and I are buddies for ever.
join the roulettes...post in the chat threads...go piss someone off in the political forums...get noticed for being interesting.

I don't do facebook so I miss out on alot of the stuff.
Before facebook it was stickam which was kinda cool...I cammed with a bunch of them here once...was pretty fun....saw some things that can't be unseen.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 24, 2011, 07:45:16 AM
go piss someone off in the political forums

Yep.  Go make a pro-Obama quote.  You'll stick out like a sore thumb and get noticed quickly.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Nekov on August 24, 2011, 10:53:41 AM
I still don't feel like i'm a part of this forum. I don't think I have made a connection with anyone.
get noticed for being interesting.

Ahhh, that explains a lot  :P

Jokes aside, thanks for the support and recommendations. I'll try to piss off people more often.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Implode on August 24, 2011, 11:07:16 AM
I don't know if I feel a part of the forum yet. I think I'm just seen as one of those background posters that just fills space in threads.   :lol
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 24, 2011, 11:24:23 AM
I don't know if I feel a part of the forum yet. I think I'm just seen as one of those background posters that just fills space in threads.   :lol
You are, I always recognize the stupid little guy in your sig.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: YtseBitsySpider on August 24, 2011, 11:44:15 AM
I don't know if I feel a part of the forum yet. I think I'm just seen as one of those background posters that just fills space in threads.   :lol

don't you have a roulette that's stagnating.....stop getting noticed in here and go enjoy that song I sent.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: mizzl on August 24, 2011, 11:51:47 AM
When the Epic Mizzl Avatar thread was created  :lol
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Implode on August 24, 2011, 12:12:34 PM
I don't know if I feel a part of the forum yet. I think I'm just seen as one of those background posters that just fills space in threads.   :lol

don't you have a roulette that's stagnating.....stop getting noticed in here and go enjoy that song I sent.

I posting in between classes. I swear! I will enjoy your song today!
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 24, 2011, 12:13:01 PM
The mizzl avatar bit was awesome.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: lonestar on August 24, 2011, 02:25:17 PM
The mizzl avatar bit was awesome.
This. Laughed my ass off.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: EPICVIEW on August 24, 2011, 02:36:50 PM
I hardly post anymore..I cant find my groove here anymore.. but its a very nice group, Im happy you all have so much fun, I like sorta hangin on the sideline now that Im neutered and house broken..lol

I guess I dont fit in today, if I ever did at all..but many of you are really awesome and the friends I do have here are really awesome and those people know how I feel about them.. its a big place here, Im just not in the core of it..

peace and love to you all..

EV "the unknown"..
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 24, 2011, 02:48:36 PM
I don't know if I feel a part of the forum yet. I think I'm just seen as one of those background posters that just fills space in threads.   :lol

I remember when I thought you were a chick because of your avatar...
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: dethklok09 on August 24, 2011, 04:39:24 PM
I don't know if I feel a part of the forum yet. I think I'm just seen as one of those background posters that just fills space in threads.   :lol
You've always seemed really cool, and I've always recognized you.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 24, 2011, 04:48:12 PM
I don't know if I feel a part of the forum yet. I think I'm just seen as one of those background posters that just fills space in threads.   :lol
You've always seemed really cool, and I've always recognized you.

oh and this ^
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Implode on August 24, 2011, 04:59:43 PM
I'd almost forgotten about that. Thanks guys.  :lol
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Silver Tears on August 24, 2011, 05:05:36 PM
Yup, I used to think you were a girl too  :P
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: sneakyblueberry on August 24, 2011, 06:15:53 PM
I still think you are.

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Implode on August 24, 2011, 06:18:18 PM
I'll be whatever you want me to be.

Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Orbert on August 24, 2011, 08:13:16 PM
Wait, why did people think Implode was a girl?  Because of the Zim avatar?
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Implode on August 24, 2011, 08:24:20 PM
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Orbert on August 24, 2011, 08:29:01 PM
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 25, 2011, 04:52:28 AM
because of all the purple or whatever i dont remember and the fact that the only people i knew who were really big into invader zim were women....... no offence :lol
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Orbert on August 25, 2011, 06:33:37 AM
My son was/is a huge Invader Zim fan, and insisted on showing me certain episodes that were just so amazing that I had to see them.  To this day, whenever someone mentions bacon, he shouts "Bacon!" (not always loudly, but in the voice) and whips out quotes from Zim and Gir.  I recognized the Tallest and just saw another avatar, a rather well-chosen one, actually.

We are all a product of our experiences, it seems.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: Implode on August 25, 2011, 07:34:17 AM
because of all the purple or whatever i dont remember and the fact that the only people i knew who were really big into invader zim were women....... no offence :lol

I'd be willing to bet that none of those women were actually into Invader Zim, and they just squealed at Gir in Hot Topic. It's too bad that the only legacy the show has is Gir shouting about bacon, tacos, or taquitos.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: chknptpie on August 25, 2011, 07:34:34 AM
Taquitos!!!!! My boyfriend loves Zim.
Title: Re: When did you feel you were part of the forum?
Post by: JayOctavarium on August 25, 2011, 02:53:22 PM
One of those girls was my ex... I guess she isnt much of a fan because I downloaded the entire series and she has yet to watch it.