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General => General Music Discussion => Topic started by: MykeHavoc on November 17, 2010, 01:11:46 AM

Title: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 17, 2010, 01:11:46 AM
Judas Priest. Where does one begin with their importance? They are, along with Sabbath and Maiden, the top of the heap. They are the metal gods, and without them, my life would be very different. When I was in high school, I picked up the Live in London DVD, and it was Ripper's screams that made me realize what I wanted to do with my voice. They will always have a huge amount of importance to me. I was hoping putting together a top 50 list would help highlight some deep album cuts...but sadly, I realized there don't seem to be too many surprises. I'd have to do a top 100, and that's just silly as by that point I'd only be refraining from mentioning the obvious crap tracks. So anyway, I'll get this started:

50. War - Nostradamus

Only one of two tracks in the list from their last record. The album has had a few years to sink in and unfortunately, it doesn't rank very high for me, but there are still some decent cuts, this being one of them. The thing I enjoy about this track is how un-Priest like it is. Not typical by any means. Very epic and grand in scheme with it's opera flair. Sounds more like something off of a film soundtrack. I dig.

49. Turbo Lover - Turbo

Heads up: this is the only track from Turbo on the list, and its on here out of respect more then anything. This was one of the earliest Priest songs I remember hearing at 14 years old, and I enjoyed its catchiness. Over the years and with repeated listens of the entire record, its quite obvious that this was the low point in the band's 80's era. But this song is still a fun karaoke song to sing. A nice memorable Glenn Tipton lead doesn't hurt either.

48. I'm a Rocker - Ram it Down

Again, another sole album track represented here. Simply put, Ram it Down was Turbo part II. Although slightly better overall, it is still a weak record in the scheme of things, and even at times embarrassing (the Johnny B. Goode cover comes to mind *shudders*). But this track is a nice little simple rocker that found my appreciation when it was included on the Rising in the East DVD. I realized just how anthemic and to the point it was. Could've been another Breaking the Law or Living After Midnight, but alas, it wasn't promoted during the initial run of the album, so it remains a hidden gem.

47. Deal With the Devil - Angel of Retribution

Roy Z's sole writing credit on this record, and it's quite obvious, as that main riff sounds like the many variations on the same riff he wrote a hundred times on Bruce Dickinson and Rob Halford solo records. But a great riff it is. A straight up rocker of a track. Seems to cover the same sort of ground that Rob's solo cut "Made in Hell" does, but with far less cheese. It's neat to hear Halford, a guy who grew to rely heavily on fantastical elements, just belt a tune about shit like growing up and bustin' ass to make it.

46. Hellrider - Angel of Retribution

Another AOR track. This one has some truly epic moments, most of them musical as opposed to vocally or lyrically. 4:47 has to be one of my favorite musical passages in the entire Priest catalog. Truly massive.

45. Grinder - British Steel

Some might bitch about this being low on the list. Simply put, I love the track, I just love other tracks more. It is what it is though. A meat and potatoes sort of deal, as is most of British Steel. That is really the record's strength, in it's simplicity and directness. Kind of like The Dark Saga by Iced Earth. No BS. Just getting to the point. Grinder does that, and does it well.

44. Blood Stained - Jugulator

I bought the Bride of Chucky soundtrack when I was about 12 I think, and it exposed me to so many bands that would eventually have great importance to me, including Type O Negative, Slayer, Bruce Dickinson solo material and of course Priest. I would go so far as to say that this is my favorite soundtrack ever, and hit at a very key point in my life. Anyway, this track may actually be my first exposure to Priest ever. The Jugulator record had come out and Ripper Owens was all over the place, the inspirational tale for many disillusioned kids such as myself. The track itself is what it is: a nice little brutal piece of molten metal. Not too much else to say on it. Horns up.

43. Close to You - Demolition

I think this is the final sole album song on the list (although I may be wrong). I love this song. I've never heard anyone say a word about it, but this track is an excellent ballad. A good track to show Ripper's range. Surprised this track never got a push, as it had all the potential for radio play. I especially like the tone of the Ovation acoustic guitars on this. Good stuff.

42. Revolution - Angel of Retribution

This was the first track I heard when Rob returned to the band from his hiatus since Painkiller. I personally really dug it, although I remember some dicks being fairly critical of it at the time. Not sure why, as its a great little rocker. There's really nothing to dislike. Another anthem that delivers. Speaking of which...

41. Delivering the Goods - Hell Bent for Leather

The opener off of Priest's tide-turner album Hell Bent for Leather is an awesome high energy track. After four albums of various experimentation, they decided to really imprint a great degree of commercial appeal to the tunes, and it was quite clear with a blistering opener such as this. Fun tune to get up and shake your tail-feathers to.

More to come!

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 17, 2010, 01:30:07 AM
Holy shit!!  This is one thread I'm gonna follow.

Some nice choices there.  This seriously must have been hard to pin point 50 songs, Priest have easily over 150 songs.

I'm a Rocker is a classic underrated track that I have always loved.  Deal with the Devil was a good rocking tune, Hellrider is amazing and would be a lot higher on my list, classic Priest.  Blood Stained is also an amazing track, so brutal.  Close to You is also a definite highlight on Demolition.

Can't wait to see the rest.  :tup
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Zydar on November 17, 2010, 01:40:25 AM
I'm gonna follow this list too, big Priest fan here.

Great choices so far, but I've never been a big fan of Turbo Lover. My favourite from that album is Rock You All Around The World.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 17, 2010, 01:51:04 AM
I'm gonna follow this list too, big Priest fan here.

Great choices so far, but I've never been a big fan of Turbo Lover. My favourite from that album is Rock You All Around The World.

I didn't mind Turbo Lover.  It had a nice feel, groove and atmosphere IMO.  I really like Turbo myself, favs are Hot For Love (amazing guitar harmonies), Reckless, Locked In and Out in the Cold.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 17, 2010, 02:10:45 AM
I enjoy Turbo, and Out in the Cold just missed the list.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: ZKX-2099 on November 17, 2010, 02:28:18 AM
1. Painkiller

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 17, 2010, 02:28:32 AM
I enjoy Turbo, and Out in the Cold just missed the list.

That's fair enough.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Mladen on November 17, 2010, 02:46:41 AM
Some of those songs certainly wouldn't make my top 50, such as War, Turbo lover, I'm a rocker and probably Grinder. Haven't heard the two Ripper era tracks, though. I'll follow this thread, big fan here.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 17, 2010, 03:41:57 AM
Some of those songs certainly wouldn't make my top 50, such as War, Turbo lover, I'm a rocker and probably Grinder. Haven't heard the two Ripper era tracks, though. I'll follow this thread, big fan here.

War wouldn't make my top 100.  You should definitely check out the Ripper stuff.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 17, 2010, 10:50:13 AM
40. Hell Bent for Leather - Hell Bent for Leather

Most regard this as a top tier classic, and indeed, in the live format, it is great, especially since this is usually when Rob comes out on stage rockin' the Harley. It's another meat and potatoes track with another one of those classic Tipton solos. The tap section was the first I had ever attempted to learn. Simply put, I just prefer many other tracks over it, but it is indeed a strong number.

39. Desert Plains - Point of Entry

I'm not sure why, but I love this track. It's so simple and straight, but it's got some great hooks and is just fun to rock out to. Although this record as a whole is fairly weak, there are some strong tracks, this being one of the better ones.

38. Hot Rockin' -Point of Entry

Another from POE, this one just beating out Desert Plains. I will say that this record is very consistent. It is one of those definitive rollin' down the highway albums. They were clearly pushing for their American break, and something like this helps. This also has one of the most awesomely homo-erotic videos ever :lol

37. Future of Mankind - Nostradamus

The other Nostradamus track on the list, this is the dramatic epic closer to the whole saga. Although it drips with cheese, I don't rip on this record nearly as much as some may. Its tracks like this that really help sell it. The lyrics speak of someone cursed with second sight actually contributing to the fates he has witnessed ahead of time by aligning people's destiny. That's a heavy notion, and really the only way to approach it and make is a valid story to tell.

36. Prisoner of Your Eyes - Screaming for Vengeance (remaster bonus)

This is an epic ballad that for whatever reason, never saw the light of day until ten years ago. This could've been a real break for the group, but perhaps they wisely chose not to release so as not to pin themselves in that sort of mellower corner. They are a metal band, no doubt. But I love stuff like this, as it really shows different shades of a group at their commercial peak. We got a re-recorded version on the Halford record Live Insurrection, but that version is lacking a lot of the original take's charm...as well as changing of a lot of the great lyrics and vocal melody hooks.

35. Heading Out to the Highway - Point of Entry

The opener to this album is almost a subtle song, one whose hooks kind of creep into your subconscious without you even realizing this. I would literally find myself singing this song wherever I went. It's just one of those simple rockers that stays with you. The twin lead after Halford's wail is another one of those great moments in the JP canon.

34. Killing Machine - Hell Bent for Leather

What the hell? Why do I never hear this song mentioned? This song induces funky mania in me. I can't seem to control myself. I have the deepest urge to grab my crotch and gyrate. It is just a nasty groove. Love it.

33. Rocka Rolla - Rocka Rolla

Here's another one that doesn't get enough attention. The title cut of of their first record is an awesome old-school foot-tapper. Rob's got some great tongue in cheek lyrics here. Great chorus, and again, the twin lead is one of my favorite bits in all of JP's riffage history. I also think this song was inadvertently responsible for the Beavis and Butthead theme :lol

32. Metal Meltdown - Painkiller

The intro melts faces. Then the song proceeds to go into a cheese-filled rant about Halford's usual interests, that being metal and lazers and such. But man, does it get the job done. High octane all the way. The half-time bit is one many awesome breakdowns that this record houses. In spite of so much that a track like this has going against it, I can't hate it. I think I tried, but the metal gods wouldn't allow it. The Live Meltdown version with Ripper is great as well. A track like this really highlights his abilities.

31. Jugulator - Jugulator

A truly daring opener. At this time, Priest had a lot to prove with the young American Tim Owens replacing Halford. And they took almost a completely unconventional approach by introducing his vocals through heavy distortion, making him sound like a robot. But the song quickly kicks into gear. Some have described this record as "Painkiller" on steroids. I can see that. This is a fucking brutal track. Scott Travis is a real stand-out on this one. Some awesome drumming. Sadly, this never got played live. A lot of tracks were recorded with C standard tuned guitars and alas never made it into the live set for some reason. But regardless, nastiness all around. The breakdown at 4:32 is skull-crushing.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 17, 2010, 01:37:32 PM
Sone interesting choices here.

Desert Plains and Heading Out to the Highway definitely belong there.  Future of Mankind is very good, but wouldn't make my top 50.  Hot Rockin' wouldn't make my top 50 either. 

Jugulator would probably be higher on my list.  I agree with Prisoner of Your Eyes, why the hell didn't this make it to an album, it's amazing.  The solos are increidible and Rob does a wonderful job as usual.

Metal Meltdown is simply  :metal :metal :metal

Look forward to the rest of this list.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: KevShmev on November 17, 2010, 10:58:51 PM
"Desert Plains" is about 35 spots too low, but I won't persist. :biggrin:

1. Painkiller


Eh, that is not even one of the three best songs on that record!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 18, 2010, 02:21:08 AM
"Desert Plains" is about 35 spots too low, but I won't persist. :biggrin:

1. Painkiller


Eh, that is not even one of the three best songs on that record!

It's hard for me to pick favourites on that album, every song is perfect!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Zydar on November 18, 2010, 02:47:40 AM
"Desert Plains" is about 35 spots too low, but I won't persist. :biggrin:

1. Painkiller


Eh, that is not even one of the three best songs on that record!

It's hard for me to pick favourites on that album, every song is perfect!

Nightcrawler and All Guns Blazing are my favourites, and yeah the title track is brutal.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 18, 2010, 02:53:05 AM
"Desert Plains" is about 35 spots too low, but I won't persist. :biggrin:

1. Painkiller


Eh, that is not even one of the three best songs on that record!

It's hard for me to pick favourites on that album, every song is perfect!

Nightcrawler and All Guns Blazing are my favourites, and yeah the title track is brutal.

All Guns Blazing is AMAZING!!!!  One Shot at Glory would probably be my fav, along with Between the Hammer and the Anvil, also the title track.....I could keep going.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Mladen on November 18, 2010, 10:48:37 AM
Future of Mankind that high is win. Some other good choices in there as well.  :tup
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: KevShmev on November 18, 2010, 10:55:17 AM
All of this talk about what the best song is on Painkiller, and "A Touch of Evil" is going unmentioned?  The hell? :P
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Seventh Son on November 18, 2010, 10:57:15 AM
All of this talk about what the best song is on Painkiller, and "A Touch of Evil" is going unmentioned?  The hell? :P
For shame.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 18, 2010, 11:46:23 AM
30. Breaking the Law - British Steel

Well, here it is. I didn't think it would be this low, but this is one of those classics out of necessity. Not all that terribly interesting or surprising, but...come on. It's Breaking the friggin' Law, the ultimate anthem of rebellion. It transcended the genre and earned a place in pop culture. I remember I got kinda teary eyed the first time I saw this live. Plus its always a killer at karaoke. And, I mean, the riff. Not rocket science, but you never forget it. Simplicity at its best.

29. Screaming for Vengeance - Screaming for Vengeance

Well here's a track that just has all the bloody, violent goodness I love. Chaotic riffing, screaming vocals and the like. I think this might have the best twin lead in the band's catalog. Classic that doesn't get enough attention. Not much else to state.

28. Love Bites - Defenders of the Faith

Here's an underrated track. Clearly, this was one of those attempts at an American audience. I for one think it had all the makings for a classic. It just didn't stick apparently, so its more of a cult tune in the canon. I love how cheesy sexy it is. Awesome epic bass intro, some great riffing. Really pounds along. Tunes like this make DotF one of my four favorite records from JP. I actually prefer it to Screaming for Vengeance. Its very consistent in quality from track to track.

27. Eat Me Alive - Defenders of the Faith

Another cut from DotF. A classic straight up rocker, but damn, is it dark. This feels like a precursor to stuff on Painkiller and Jugulator. Super sexy, and I love taking all the lyrics on this whole record out of context, as they were the most over-the-top homosexual-drenched overtones I could imagine, and this track is the crowning jewel. The whole first verse is about a condom...and then "Spread-eagle to the wall...you're well equipped to take it all"? :lol

26. All Guns Blazing - Painkiller

This is the definitive underrated track. I rarely hear anyone mention this tune. It slaughters souls. I love it. I'd love to cover it. It just has all the definitive goodies one would come to expect from a track off of Painkiller. Heavy and rippin' at every corner. Nuff said.

25. Bullet Train - Jugulator

Here's the first track that got Priest a Grammy nomination. This would've been top ten had a few deterrents been left out, like some of Ripper's attempts at "tough guy" vocals :P. But regardless, still a strong song. Great riffs, screaming non-stop. The builds are so epic. I enjoy songs that make me feel like I may burst from anticipation. This is a sterling example of such a thing.

Oh, "Burnin' Up" off of Hell Bent for Leather should've been on this list somewhere, but I forgot to place it, so it get's an honorary mention here. That's about as deep of a cut as one is to get. Very sexy track. Makes me feel all funky inside haha.

More later...

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Zydar on November 18, 2010, 12:52:32 PM
"I'm gonna force you at gun point to eat me alive" :metal

Great list so far!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Dream Team on November 18, 2010, 01:54:03 PM
I'm hoping Side A of Ram it Down is gonna represent. Most underrated bunch of JP songs ever. Title track, Heavy Metal, Come and Get It and Hard as Iron deal out maximum ownage.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 18, 2010, 02:02:05 PM
Some more good songs there.  Eat Me Alive was always a highlight for me from Defenders.  Bullet Train is a fine cut from the amazing Jugulator album.

Hey, to mean to give myself a plug but anyone wanna check my All Guns Blazing cover;

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Dream Team on November 18, 2010, 02:06:03 PM
In anticipation of MykeHavoc's Top 10, here's my top 10 in chronological order:

Victim of Changes
Beyond the Realms of Death
Delivering the Goods
Rapid Fire
Electric Eye
Screaming for Vengeance
Ram it Down
Metal Meltdown

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 20, 2010, 01:35:20 PM
The only song off Ram it Down was already listed. The title cut and Heavy Metal just miss the list.
Thanks guys. Looking forward to wrapping this up and passing the baton. Here's a few more:

24. Tyrant - Sad Wings of Destiny

This song is all sorts of ass-kicking goodness. Amazing vocals, amazing riffs. The twin lead is mind-blowing. The production and guitar tone for its time is just unbelievable. Just an overall strong song. This feels weird being this low on the list. Maybe I should've put it higher :P

23. Stained Class - Stained Class

Again, a simply amazing track. I think we're at that point where most of the songs on the list simply inspire awe in me every time I hear them. This song was a bit of a grower. Halford's Live Insurrection helped me appreciate some deeper Priest cuts like this track. I love Halford especially on this song. His vocals, his screams. The shit he was doing was so beyond other artists of the time. Nobody touches Rob's vocals from 74-78. What that man was doing was pretty much impossible.

22. Riding on the Wind - Screaming for Vengeance

This song didn't really hit me till I saw it live. Its a perfect crowd pleaser. Simple and direct but fun as hell. Some great riffing and a great show-case for Rob, as he sings the song almost entirely in a lower head voice which sounds great. One of the songs that I learned early on in my attempt at doing higher register stuff and it helped me realize I had a comfort zone right in there.

21. Saints in Hell - Stained Class

Another classic from Stained Class. This song was the inspiration for my eventual Priest tribute band I'll start. I think its the perfect name for one. Anyway, its just a groovy bad-ass track. The bridge is one of my favorite parts in all of Priest's catalog.

20. You've Got Another Thing Coming - Screaming for Vengeance

An obvious track perhaps. It was one that grew on me from doing it at karaoke for so many years and always winning over the audience with it. Nothing too special at first glance, but its one of those Priest classics that you can't help but love and get into (as opposed to say Living After Midnight, which bores me to tears).

19. Burn in Hell - Jugulator

Simply put, the greatest build up EVER. It seriously takes the song 2 and a half minutes to kick. I think I actually get stiff listening to it. Like the song is about to fuck me, hard and god. The song kind of levels out as it busts in to it, with some goofy lyrics, but great hooks from Ripper and nasty shred from the guys. Can't say enough good things I suppose.

18. Night Crawler - Painkiller

This song makes my skin crawl. I genuinely get frightened listening to it. The intro is quite scary. The lyrics and hooks are awesome. Some nasty riffing and a solid breakdown. Its an awesome track with everything I love about the later Priest material.

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Zydar on November 20, 2010, 02:13:21 PM
Another great batch!

Riding On The Wind and Nightcrawler are personal favourites, and You've Got Another Thing Coming never disappoints. Burn In Hell is one of the better ones from Jugulator, and Tyrant is great too.

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 20, 2010, 05:36:50 PM
The only song off Ram it Down was already listed. The title cut and Heavy Metal just miss the list.
Thanks guys. Looking forward to wrapping this up and passing the baton. Here's a few more:

Wow, only I'm A Rocker in your 50, can't say I agree with that, but of course you have posted more great songs here.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: EPICVIEW on November 21, 2010, 12:00:36 PM
maybe my favorite band of all time, lost count how mnay times I saw them in the 80's since Hell Bent Tour
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Mladen on November 21, 2010, 12:04:57 PM
Tyrant  :metal :metal :metal
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 21, 2010, 11:30:11 PM
17. Touch of Evil - Painkiller

Sexy time. Almost a sequel of sorts to Love Bites. This is really the only slower number on Painkiller, but it still has a nice dirge to it. This always goes great live, regardless of what lineup was playing it. Excellent lead from Glenn. A funny note: everyone I've played this song for always thinks it's going to turn into a rap song based on the intro :lol

16. Diamonds and Rust - Live in London

Normally live versions (and covers at that) wouldn't count, but this is nearly a different song. A far cry from the gallopy single version released for Sin After Sin, this rendition harks back to the Joan Baez original. Beautiful acoustic guitars help deliver the emotional core of the track. Some truly stunning vocals from Ripper. When the ending comes in, it's just so massive, you can't help but get taken aback. Hoping to hear this Saturday at Ripper's unplugged gig (maybe even get to duet it with him).

15. Victim of Changes - Sad Wings of Destiny

One of the most important songs in all of metal. The massive epic opener for what I find to be Priest's true masterpiece. The artwork, songs, performances and production make this for history books. Everything great about the band is featured. Excellent riffing, crazy vocals, super shredding. Highs, lows...it's all here. Just an all around masterpiece of a song.

14. Never Satisfied - Rocka Rolla

The most criminally underrated song in the entire Priest catalog. This song is the definition of groove-tastic. Rocka Rolla is hit and miss, but this song is so ahead of its time. Nasty riffs, flowing melodies, and a truly excellent ending. Thank god Halford's solo band began playing it, as it may have fallen into obscurity for all time. Also, some great bands have covered it along the way and kept it alive.

13. The Green Manalishi (with the Two-Pronged Crown) - Hell Bent for Leather

Again, some may not like putting covers in, but this is one of those classic songs that is quite different from the original. They took a pre-doomy stoner classic and turned it into a fist-pumping anthem. Fantastic live track, Spacious. Nothing unnecessary. All meat.
Another karaoke favorite of mine. This has the distinction of being the first Halford era song I remember hearing and absorbing. It never really left me. This is one of the definitive tracks that introduced the 8th note palm-mute riffs that became such a staple of Priest's sound and for metal in general.

12. Rapid Fire - British Steel

I consider this song, and this album as a whole, to be one of the most important contributions to the formation of the thrash metal sound. Priest had already done it earlier in their career with tracks like Exciter, and even Deep Purple beat everyone by a full decade with the title cut from Fireball, but this hit right in 1980, at that pivotal point in a lot of the youths of the time and the alternate picking riffs imprinted themselves of their brain-stems. This is a pretty interesting choice though, as it has no chorus. But it still hits in the face like a ten ton hammer. A great song to open a set with, as my band did several times earlier this year.

11. Jawbreaker - Defenders of the Faith

I'm not sure why this song is so damn high on my list. Simply put, it smokes. It kicks all kinds of ass. It's a catchy as shit tune that packs a punch in 3 and a half minutes. Great riffs, great solos, great vocals and some of Rob's better metal monster lyrics. Again, it seems the live winners make the top of my list. And this is no exception.

And now I'd like to take a moment before heading into top ten material to mention some cuts that I feel deserve it even though they didn't make the list:

Dying to Meet You - Rocka Rolla
Genocide - Sad Wings of Destiny
Dissident Aggressor - Sin After Sin
Better By You, Better Than Me - Stained Class
Burnin' Up, Before The Dawn - Hell Bent for Leather
Living After Midnight, The Rage - British Steel
Solar Angels, Troubleshooter - Point of Entry
Bloodstone, Devil's Child - Screaming for Vengeance
Some Heads Are Gonna Roll - Defenders of the Faith
Out in the Cold, Locked In - Turbo
Ram it Down, Heavy Metal, Blood Red Skies - Ram it Down
Hell Patrol, Leather Rebel, Between the Hammer & The Anvil - Painkiller
Cathedral Spires - Jugulator
Worth Fighting For, Demonizer, Angel - Angel of Retribution
Death, Nostradamus - Nostradamus

Next up, top 10!

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Zydar on November 22, 2010, 01:46:55 AM
Great choices!


A Touch Of Evil: A great song with plenty of keyboards from Don Airey. A real killer song live too.
Diamonds And Rust: I like what they did with the new "ballad" arrangement, although the Sin After Sin version is cool as well.
Victim Of Changes: The first time I heard this was the live version from Unleashed In the East. Great great song.
Never Satisfied: Hmm I don't have any recollection of this one. I've barely listened to the debut. I will give it another spin later.
The Green Manalishi: Another one that I first heard live on Unleashed. A nice cover with a cool riff.
Rapid Fire: A fast and heavy album opener that's pretty cool, nothing more or less.
Jawbreaker: Oh yeah! A killer track from Defenders - fast and heavy, cool riffs, Rob at the top of his game. Awesome.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 22, 2010, 02:49:35 AM
Good songs here.  I much prefer the 98 Meltdown version of Diamonds and Rust.  Ripper is much more impressive as that version is in E and on Live in London it's down to D.

Touch of Evil simply has one of the greatest solos of all time.  Good to see Jawbreaker too, I always thought that was a more underrated cut from Defenders.

 :hefdaddy for putting Never Satisfied that high on your list.  Easily the highlight from Rocka Rolla, simply an amazing rocking tune, so underrated.  The version of the live in Amsterdam DVD/CD from Halford is AMAZING!!!  What a song!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 23, 2010, 12:19:56 PM
10. The Sentinel - Defenders of the Faith

An epic track. I always considered this Electric Eye part 2, as the intro is very reminiscent of The Hellion, and we're dealing with more robotic monster goodness. Excellent riffing, nasty shred solo trade-offs with a climatic twin run, excellent massive mid-section. This record is one of the crowing achievements in the 80's metal pantheon, as it had that proper balance of the polished, electronic sound with the aggressive rock nature of the songs. The other record to perfectly do the same is Maiden's Somewhere in Time.

09. Sinner - Sin After Sin

Finally, a track from this record makes an appearance. It is by no means a bad record, but this is the only track to make it onto my list. This is a phenomenal early metal classic. Excellent production from Deep Purple's Roger Glover as well as the guest drumming from Simon Phillips. I'm not even sure where to start with describing what I like about it. Every bit is simply awe-inspiring. Priest truly were the best band around in the late 70's. Untouchable. This is one of their high points for me. The riffs, vocals...hell, that bridge. I mean, simply put, mind-blowing. I first heard the chorus and it permanently stuck in my brain.

08. Judas Rising - Angel of Retribution

Another classic album opener. After a few years with Ripper, it was quite clear that a reunion with Rob was going to happen after the (justifiably) lack-luster response to the Demolition record and Rob's successful return to the metal genre with albums like Resurrection and Crucible. Obviously the pressure was high to deliver a definitive record, and for all intensive purposes, they succeeded. This really does sit along side British Steel or Screaming for Vengeance as far as creating great stand-alone tracks that gel to create an awesome album that will hopefully go down as a classic. Roy Z's production is of course top rate. This is truly one of the most epic songs in the catalog. It build to a furious entrance, Rob sounding like he's emerging from an inferno, which is of course quite appropriate. This is one of the most celebrated comebacks in metal history (much like Jugulator was), and it was a raging success. You could compact all of it into this one track.  

07. Dreamer Deceiver/Deceiver - Sad Wings of Destiny

My list, my rules. These are one song. I don't care what anyone says. Dreamer Deceiver is the greatest ballad of all time. No doubt on my part. Rob's vocals cut like glass. Glenn's solo is one for the books. This is really the sterling jewel that proves metal is beautiful music, and the forlorn element is just as prominent as the aggressive. Deceiver is one of the earliest fist-pumper gallops put to tape. It's the wonderful other end of the spectrum to the sensitive nature of Dreamer Deceiver. A historical landmark for metal that isn't celebrated nearly enough if you ask me.

06. The Hellion/Electric Eye - Screaming for Vengeance

Again, I make my own rules. Who the hell listens to one of these without the other? I will always remember the moment I first heard The Hellion. In 30 seconds, it converted me for life to a classic metal freak. It just suddenly clicked and all made sense to me...and my life would never be the same. Electric Eye busts in with easily some of the best riffs ever conceived, and a chorus that you'll be singing in your sleep. One of my favorite bits is that Rob doesn't rely at all on his trademark head-voice screams. He sings the entire song in a comfortable chest register and still delivers the goods.

The top 5 should be easy! I want some guesses.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: KevShmev on November 23, 2010, 12:48:45 PM
I am probably forgetting something obvious, but off the top of my head, I think your top five will be:

"Beyond the Realms of Death"
"The Ripper"
"Screaming for Vengeance"
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: EPICVIEW on November 23, 2010, 01:07:31 PM
Saints in Hell




Hellion/Electric Eye
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 23, 2010, 01:45:35 PM
One Shot At Glory
Beyond the Realms of Death

Ummmm...  I don't know;

Rock Hard Ride Free?
Metal Gods?
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 23, 2010, 07:46:16 PM
"Screaming for Vengeance"

already listed

Saints in Hell




Hellion/Electric Eye

What the hell? All were already listed :lol

05. Metal Gods - British Steel

Halford has always had a love for monster robots (Hellion, Metallion, Jawbreaker, Sentinel, Painkiller etc.), but for the most part, this is the definitive track to house it. I don't even know if he was aware of the impact this sort of thing would have, as the more science fiction element to metal was created here, as apposed to the more fantasy world created by Dio. The unconventional song structure starting the record with Rapid Fire is continued here, by having a chorus that's repeated twice in a row and then never brought back. Fantastic visual descriptions in Rob's lyrics of course, with some simplistic but heavy riffing. A live anthem like many others. And because of this, Rob will forever be known as The Metal God. What more can you say? Classic.

04. Beyond the Realms of Death - Stained Class

I said Dreamer Deceiver was the best ballad in the band's catalog. Some would state that by me listing this higher negates that, but I call this the anti-ballad. It has some amazing mellow bits, but they're interwoven with some truly crushing shit. The chorus literally punches you in the face. The solo is damn-near tear inducing. As a person who has long suffered from emotional issues, a song like this stands as a bit of a mantra for me, especially in my adolescence. This song has always meant a lot to me, and besides being a masterpiece, it clocks in this high for obvious personal reasons.

03. Exciter - Stained Class

The blazing opener off Stained Class, my second favorite Priest record, the amazing drum intro blew me away when I first heard. One of the 5 defining songs responsible for the speed metal template, for sure. Riff after riff, ridiculous vocals etc. etc. I can't seem to say anything new. Just an amazing cut.

02. The Ripper - Sad Wings of the Destiny

By far the greatest song ever written solo by Glenn Tipton. Excellent riffing, great song concept, and direct. This song also became important as it gave Tim Owens the nickname he'll forever be known as. Rob Halford may be The Metal God, but Tim is The Ripper.
The extended bridge during the Unleashed in the East version is one of the top moments in metal history for me.

Number one should be fairly obvious. I'll write up on it later. In the mean time, who wants to go next?
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: KevShmev on November 23, 2010, 08:16:51 PM
I am not gonna lie: if "Painkiller" is number one, I will disappointed.  Here's hoping for "Steeler" or something else killer. :metal
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 23, 2010, 11:59:58 PM
Sorry to disappoint you Kev.

01. Painkiller - Painkiller

It's a fairly obvious choice. To deny the awesome power of Painkiller is just unwise. This song is the single most metal song ever recorded by any artist. Fuck anyone that tries to fight me on that :P. No bullshit though, I felt as though I had disintegrated when I first heard this song. I couldn't even believe it was Judas Priest. I remember I first heard it when I saw the music video. I was just blown away by what I was seeing and hearing. You all know the song. You all know the drum intro that explodes heads, and the shredding that melts faces, and the shrieking vocals that makes skin crawl and turn to ash. I will forever love this song.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 24, 2010, 01:51:56 AM
That is simply one of the most clever, thought out, well phrased, well balanced, technically awe-inspiring guitar solos in exinstence.  Glenn really knew how to make a song within a song, he is easily one of the best guitarists in the world.  Amazing face melting track, with so much power.

Can't complain with that.  All I would say is the lack of One Shot at Glory on your list surprises me.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Mladen on November 24, 2010, 03:24:18 AM
That was a very cool list.  :tup
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 24, 2010, 03:30:29 AM
I'd love to do a Priest list, but I really don't have time to come up with one.  If no one else wants to do one, I'll work on it.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Zydar on November 24, 2010, 05:51:31 AM
Great list overall, I really enjoyed reading through it :tup
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: Dream Team on November 24, 2010, 06:51:12 AM
Can't argue much with your list, awesome job! You have great taste. The only song on there I don't like as much is The Ripper but the rest of your top 10 is mint.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 24, 2010, 12:34:11 PM
Thanks guys! One Shot at Glory is a decent song, but is my least favorite off of Painkiller. The album kind of ends with Touch of Evil for me. But yeah, everyone decide amongst yourselves who goes next before this thread slips into obscurity :P
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 24, 2010, 01:11:07 PM
Anyone else want to have a go?
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: KevShmev on November 24, 2010, 10:18:33 PM
Oh well, it is your list, so I won't quibble. :biggrin:

I wouldn't be opposed to doing a top 50, but I doubt I will want to write out stuff for each song, so I would probably just list a bunch at a time until I am finished.  I'd probably wrap it up pretty quickly.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 24, 2010, 10:33:02 PM
Alright, well someone start and I'll change the thread title to reflect.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 25, 2010, 03:44:57 AM
Oh well, it is your list, so I won't quibble. :biggrin:

I wouldn't be opposed to doing a top 50, but I doubt I will want to write out stuff for each song, so I would probably just list a bunch at a time until I am finished.  I'd probably wrap it up pretty quickly.

Did you want to go Kev then I'll go after you?
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: KevShmev on November 25, 2010, 07:06:13 AM
You can go.  I haven't even begun to put my order together.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 25, 2010, 01:43:05 PM
You can go.  I haven't even begun to put my order together.

Me either!  :lol
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 25, 2010, 02:07:55 PM
This is turning into a bit of :facepalm:
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: wolfking on November 25, 2010, 02:09:17 PM
Okay, I'll have a go, give me a day or so to compile a list and I'll start ASAP!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (starring Myke Havoc)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 25, 2010, 02:12:21 PM
Okie doke. Changing the thread title.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on November 25, 2010, 02:26:49 PM
Just scribbled down 50 songs while I'm a work at the moment, and I realised that my list is going to be VERY different from yours Myke.  Beware everyone, there will be a lot of odd choices and staple songs missing, bash me and get it out of the way, because I'm sure I will cop it!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 25, 2010, 07:34:16 PM
Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on November 26, 2010, 12:42:08 AM
Yeah, don't worry. It will be an interesting list, I'm sure. Looking forward to it!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on November 29, 2010, 04:12:30 AM
Top 50 beginning very soon!!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Dream Team on November 29, 2010, 08:07:10 AM
Just scribbled down 50 songs while I'm a work at the moment, and I realised that my list is going to be VERY different from yours Myke.  Beware everyone, there will be a lot of odd choices and staple songs missing, bash me and get it out of the way, because I'm sure I will cop it!

Well, if you have a lot of stuff from Jugulator and Demolition it will definitely be controversial.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on November 29, 2010, 09:32:55 AM
Half of Jugulator is on my list. Hardly scandalous. Demolition is a very weak record, but there are a few decent tracks, one of which made my list. 
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on November 29, 2010, 01:37:15 PM
Just scribbled down 50 songs while I'm a work at the moment, and I realised that my list is going to be VERY different from yours Myke.  Beware everyone, there will be a lot of odd choices and staple songs missing, bash me and get it out of the way, because I'm sure I will cop it!

Well, if you have a lot of stuff from Jugulator and Demolition it will definitely be controversial.

Jugulator is Priest at its best!!  Although, I actually don't think I have as many songs from Jugulator as Myke did.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 03, 2010, 01:23:09 AM
You know, Here Come the Tears should've been on my list. I feel like a dope for not even mentioning it.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 03, 2010, 02:37:43 AM
You know, Here Come the Tears should've been on my list. I feel like a dope for not even mentioning it.

I never understood why this song was always overlooked. 

My list is starting within the hour.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 03, 2010, 03:21:00 AM
I compiled this list quite quickly, but I just have been too busy to spend some time and start posting it.  I have been listening to Priest for over 10 years now.  As a teen learning to play the guitar, Priest were a revelation, along with Maiden and Sabbath, these three bands are the pinnacle of heavy metal. (pretty much as Myke already stated.)  They also were the first concert I ever saw back in 2001 with Tim Owens.  One of the greatest moments of my life.

I complied the list mainly based on gut feeling and instinct.  No re listening, just songs that I remember loving and songs that just did it for me for no particular reason.  Beware, there are a lot of bizarre choices and many staple songs left out.  I guess you could say I enjoy their more obscure material as opposed to classics.  It was interesting to go back and see just how much the band has done and evolved over the years, quite simply a perfect band.  Here goes;

50. Never Satisfied - Rocka Rolla

The only cut from Rocka Rolla is Never Satisfied.  A truly underrated Priest classic.  It has groove, a nice stomping rhythm, great KK solo and just great riffs all round.  It really reminds me of very early Sabbath in some parts, you can see they took inspiration from Sabbath early on when developing their sound.  The version on Halford's new live DVD is incredible!!!  Great to see Rob bring this out.  It wouldn't go wrong on the next Priest tour too IMO.

49. Hot for Love - Turbo

Here's an odd one straight up, Hot for Love from Turbo.  One of a few songs from Turbo in my list.  I actually don't mind the cheesiness of the track and lyrics, quite AOR in the pre-chorus IMO with that classic glam type groove, very melodic too.  The highlight of the song though and the main reason why it made my top 50 is that amazing solo section.  KK smokes us up and then that double lead harmony at 2:47 is simply IMO one of the greatest things Priest has ever done, what a lead line, great song.

48. Green Manalishi (With the Two-Pronged Crown) - Hell Bent for Leather

Easily one of the greatest covers of all time.  An amazing adaptation of the original Peter Green penned old Fleetwood Mac version.  It was a great song to begin with, but Priest made it their own.  The main riff and groove is stomping with a great tempo and pace.  Great twin solo section from the boys and of course a great live song which the band has performed regular ever since its conception.  A great melody hook line at the end too with Rob doing his best.

47. Prophecy - Nostradamus

The only cut in my top 50 from the Nostradamus album which IMO, was disappointing.  This song however was not.  Cheesy as hell but I love it.  Great riff and overall a nice haunting, dark atmosphere.  the chorus is way over the top and you can't help but to sing along.  Great solo too from Glenn.  I love the harmonic minor type sweeping he does before the excellent twin guitar line.  This twin harmony is also a Priest highlight.  Great song.

46. The Sentinel - Defenders of the Faith

I never understood why this song got so much love over most of the other songs from the Defenders of the Faith album, IMO it's a weaker track but still managed to easily get in my top 50.  This is one of many cuts from the Defenders album in my list.  Excellent pumping pace throughout, I just always wished the quiet section was omitted.  IMO it would have been such a better track with the same pace throughout, it just drags it down a little.  Love the quick pre chorus, Rob sounds amazing, great solo section too, of course.

45. Metal Gods - British Steel

I wasn't sure about this track being in the list, but this is one of the only songs that I re listened to.  I'm glad I put it in, because you really can't deny the power of this song.  The groove makes you rock your head no matter what.  Very simple, maybe too simple, but a definite anthem.  I do find it a tad overrated, but it's classic no doubt.  I like the modulation from E to F# for Glenn's solo too, works nicely.  I actually really loved what Tim Owens did with this song too, I think I actually prefer his version.

More to come....
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on December 03, 2010, 03:28:07 AM
Good start, although I'm a little surprised to see Metal Gods at #45. Looking forward to your next batch!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 03, 2010, 03:33:42 AM
Be prepared for a lot more surprises my good friend.  :lol
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 03, 2010, 10:31:34 AM
A lot of favorites low on the list. Interesting. Looking forward to more.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on December 03, 2010, 10:40:46 AM
Here comes the tears :metal

that song really builds..

Halford is the best.. nobody comes close.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 03, 2010, 10:56:29 AM

I love Rob and all...but everyone knows who my favorite is :biggrin:
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: El Barto on December 03, 2010, 11:59:17 AM
It's really surprising to me how different my taste in Priest seems to be from anybody elses.  Of MH's list of 50, maybe 15 would have made mine.  The very first sentence of WK's list leads me to believe that his won't be any different : "The only cut from Rocka Rolla is Never Satisfied."  I'm not criticizing anybody's taste in music, and honestly I'd probably never make a similar list of my own, I'm just surprised.  It would appear that what I like and don't like about Priest is the polar opposite of other's interests. 
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 03, 2010, 01:30:23 PM
Don't get me wrong, musically, the best era of Priest is those first four records. They were doing things that were so unique and different at the time. I still enjoy what they did with the dumbed down sound on Hell Bent, British Steel and even Point of Entry, but I feel they didn't quite find a happy medium till the Screaming/Defenders era. And then lost it again with the Turbo/Ram stuff, and then bounced back with a nice showy record like Painkiller. Jugulator was the resurrection album that was an attempt to prove they could be relevant, where as Demolition tried too hard and flat out failed. Then of course you you have your reunion/throw back record in Angel of Retribution and then the attempt to be high-brow and artsy with the concept record Nostradamus. I do find Priest's history to be pretty interesting. They have one of the bumpiest discographies I've ever seen. But regardless, through thick and thin, there IS something pure about it at the core. My only gripe was they often seemed to go with the flow of popular music instead of staking their claim and reinventing the genre (or at least often enough). A band in their position had the power to do so.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: El Barto on December 03, 2010, 02:20:00 PM
I agree with that fairly accurate assessment.

Generally speaking, I can find a song or two I like on any Priest album; even Turbo.  It's just that the best song on a weak album isn't necessarily going to make my list.  Out in the Cold is a fine song, but it wouldn't make a top 50.  Honestly,  I'd have a hard time finding many at all beyond Defenders.  That's part of the reason I wouldn't take the time to do such a list.  It'd be 30 songs from the first 5 albums, 15 from the next 4, and 5 from the last 10.  And honestly, I'd feel like I was forcing myself to include some latter ones instead of some earlier ones. 
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on December 03, 2010, 08:20:34 PM
Hellion/ Electric Eye '82

to me as a fan who saw them since Hellbent Tour, this was the band at their live show zenith, although every tour was great

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Ultimetalhead on December 03, 2010, 08:21:24 PM
Night Crawler is an amazing song. Just felt like posting that here.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on December 03, 2010, 08:29:39 PM
Metal Gods.

No doubt..

I like when KK stops playing, the vacuum of his silence. Glen really was the complete player of the era in many ways..

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 03, 2010, 08:30:16 PM
I agree with that fairly accurate assessment.

Generally speaking, I can find a song or two I like on any Priest album; even Turbo.  It's just that the best song on a weak album isn't necessarily going to make my list.  Out in the Cold is a fine song, but it wouldn't make a top 50.  Honestly,  I'd have a hard time finding many at all beyond Defenders.  That's part of the reason I wouldn't take the time to do such a list.  It'd be 30 songs from the first 5 albums, 15 from the next 4, and 5 from the last 10.  And honestly, I'd feel like I was forcing myself to include some latter ones instead of some earlier ones. 

5 songs from the last 10 records?!  Holy shit.  You are gonna to be very disappointed with my list then.  I'd love to see your top 50 and see what later songs would actually make the cut.

Don't get me wrong, musically, the best era of Priest is those first four records. They were doing things that were so unique and different at the time. I still enjoy what they did with the dumbed down sound on Hell Bent, British Steel and even Point of Entry, but I feel they didn't quite find a happy medium till the Screaming/Defenders era. And then lost it again with the Turbo/Ram stuff, and then bounced back with a nice showy record like Painkiller. Jugulator was the resurrection album that was an attempt to prove they could be relevant, where as Demolition tried too hard and flat out failed. Then of course you you have your reunion/throw back record in Angel of Retribution and then the attempt to be high-brow and artsy with the concept record Nostradamus. I do find Priest's history to be pretty interesting. They have one of the bumpiest discographies I've ever seen. But regardless, through thick and thin, there IS something pure about it at the core. My only gripe was they often seemed to go with the flow of popular music instead of staking their claim and reinventing the genre (or at least often enough). A band in their position had the power to do so.

I am quite happy with all of this statement.

It's really surprising to me how different my taste in Priest seems to be from anybody elses.  Of MH's list of 50, maybe 15 would have made mine.  The very first sentence of WK's list leads me to believe that his won't be any different : "The only cut from Rocka Rolla is Never Satisfied."  I'm not criticizing anybody's taste in music, and honestly I'd probably never make a similar list of my own, I'm just surprised.  It would appear that what I like and don't like about Priest is the polar opposite of other's interests.  

That's cool. Nor would we criticize yours.  It is amazing how tastes differ so much of the same band.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 04, 2010, 06:34:13 AM
44. Breaking the Law - British Steel

Another staple low in the list.  I like this song, I really do, but it's one one of Priests most overrated tracks.  It's short, punchy, driving and has a great main riff, it also works well in a live setting.  I like KK's improvising over the middle section, a nice touch which wouldn't have hurt the original recording.  A good punchy catchy little number, nothing more IMO.

43. Hell Bent for Leather - Hell Bent For Leather

Yet another staple low in the list.  I feel pretty much the same with this song as I do with Breaking the Law, except it's more interesting and not as overrated.  Great song, nice riffs and Glenn's solo is really one of his classics, the tapping is incredible.  A great short rocker that also really works well live.

42. Worth Fighting For - Angel of Retribution

Here's another more obscure choice, the great Worth Fighting For from Angel of Retribution.  I like the simplicity of the drums and bass that start the song, really doesn't need anything fancy.  I also really like the dark atmosphere of this one, it's haunting.  Very melodic song too, almost AOR.  Good lyrics and I love Glenn's little slide work in the middle, a very clever tasteful piece of guitar.  Great, underrated song, nice to see Priest do something a little different yet again.

41. I'm A Rocker

Here's one from the underrated Ram it Down album.  Rocking song, nice groove, tasty riffs and just really a great anthem that really is underrated.  Good to see Priest got this one out there live a few years ago.  Worked quite well on the Rising in the East DVD IMO.  Really good chorus too, and I really enjoy Glenn's solo, such tasty sweeps, runs and whammy bar work in there.  The modulation into the solo section was a great touch to break the song up a bit.  I also like the lead line that mimics and plays along with the main riff before the solo.

40. Loch Ness - Angel of Retribution

I guess this is where I should duck for cover.  Easily one of, if not the most slagged song in their discography I believe.  I remember people being outraged by this song when they heard it.  I also remember before the album came out, people were saying that the final song was going to be a 13 minute song about the lochness monster, people fell off their chair and did not believe it.  It did happen, and I really enjoy the track.  Priests longest track and possibly their most ridiculous track.

It's cheesy, laughable and the chorus obviously is OTT, but I LOVE the Sabbath style riffs and the sludgy tempo.  Most of all the atmosphere the song gives off is excellent and really fits the subject matter nicely.  It gives you appropriate imagery of the story the song is telling.  KK's fills throughout the song give imagery of the beast sliding through the water, and Glenn's solo in the middle is absolutely terrific.  It's a story within the song,  the crescendo of the solo is wonderful.

My only problem is that IMO, this song is to blame for the next album Nostradamus which I disliked.  They did this song for something different and IMO it worked well, but then IMO they were seemed not satisfied and wanted to push the boundries more, and then really just went over the top.  I could be wrong but I do believe the progression to the Nostradamus album was built from this song.

Great epic track IMO.

Stay tuned....
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on December 04, 2010, 06:35:31 AM
Hell yeah, Loch Ness! :metal
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 04, 2010, 06:37:46 AM
Hell yeah, Loch Ness! :metal

You obviously like the song then?
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on December 04, 2010, 06:39:16 AM
Indeed I do. One of my favourites from that album. Great riff, and the slow tempo really benefits to the whole "feel" of the song. I have no real problems with the lyrics, they've done worse over the years.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 04, 2010, 11:41:16 AM
Ugh. Angel of Retribution ends at Hellrider for me.

Cool to see Worth Fighting For getting a mention. I wanted it in my list, it simply was beat out.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: KevShmev on December 04, 2010, 12:08:50 PM
I kind of like "Loch Ness," but it wouldn't make my top 50.  In fact, "Hellrider" and maybe "Demonizer" are the only post-Painkiller songs that would have a snowball's chance in hell at making my top 50.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on December 04, 2010, 12:48:47 PM
Great to see Worth fighting for, it's my absolute favorite from Angel of retribution. However, I never really liked Loch Ness, I find it incredibly tacked on.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 04, 2010, 04:22:11 PM
Ugh. Angel of Retribution ends at Hellrider for me.


Indeed I do. One of my favourites from that album. Great riff, and the slow tempo really benefits to the whole "feel" of the song. I have no real problems with the lyrics, they've done worse over the years.

Yeah, I guess that's true.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 07, 2010, 03:40:35 AM
39. Demonizer - Angel of Retribution

Another cut from Angel of Retribution with the very impressive Demonizer.  They really honed in on their Painkiller style for this one, with even a nice little Painkiller reference thrown in there.  Quite simple metal, nice riffs and I really like the verses in this song.  Glenn's solo is at the top of his game.  Glenn really knows how to build his own story within the song, such a tasteful guitarist.  The outro is the icing on the cake with Halford's tormented screaming bringing the song to a close.  4:25 to the end is absolutely amazing!!

38. Desert Plains - Point of Entry

What a great song.  Simple rock and roll almost AOR.  Great atmosphere, the song just really breathes and flows along like your speeding down an empty highway with the setting sun behind you.  Great chorus, and excellent guitar trade offs in the middle, nice modulation before the solo too.  Good to see this song get performed on the Turbo tour DVD.  Not much more to say, great classic Priest.

37. Turbo Lover - Turbo

I've always been a fan of this 80's power pop cheese fest.  Simply a great driving rhythm all the way through, I like Rob's vocals on this one too.  Quite a powerful chorus, and the whole buildup into the chorus is quite excellent.  Love Glenn's work on this one, again, no shred fest, just a tasty lead line which is just as memorable as the main vocal melodies.  Love KK's fills leading into Glenn's part too. Great to see Tim give this a go on the Demolition tour too, it was a nice fresh change in the set filled with crushingly heavy songs.   

36. Delivering the Goods - Hell Bent For Leather

Next up is the wonderful opening track from the Hell Bent For Leather/Killing Machine album.  Great heavy metal here, classic Priest.  Gotta love the simplicity of the whole song, it flows nicely.  The tempo change to the chorus is easily a highlight, contrasts so damn well between the verses.  Rob does some great work on this too, I love how he delivers the whole song.  Good solo section, with a nice key change which keeps the intensity up.  Great Priest.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 07, 2010, 11:46:33 AM
Sad day. Priest have announced their "Epitaph" tour. It will be their last :-[
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: El Barto on December 07, 2010, 12:06:42 PM
It's a shame they won't actually play Epitaph.  Alas, it'll be another of the greatest hits tours that we've seen so many of.  Of course I'll be there anyway, but I would love to never hear LAM or YGAC again for the rest of my life.  Thankfully, they're pretty good about throwing in an oddball or two on these sorts of tours.  Devil's Child and Dissident Aggressor on the last one were fantastic. 
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 07, 2010, 01:11:08 PM
Wow, this seems to have come out of the blue.  I wonder what the main reasons are behind it?  So this means Nostradamus was their fnal studio album?  Ugh!!  I don't understand, they still seem to be in great shape and Rob seems to have improved over the last couple of years.  What's KK gonna do?  He lived and breathed for Priest.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on December 07, 2010, 01:50:11 PM

say its not true...
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 07, 2010, 01:54:06 PM
Well, I'm sure Halford will continue to do his solo band. Scott won't have trouble finding work (if he needs it). I'll bet Glenn will do another solo record, too. Who knows. We shall see.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on December 07, 2010, 01:55:59 PM
awww geeezz.... this appears to be true.. maybe they change their mind.... :-[
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on December 07, 2010, 02:05:16 PM
You people can't be surprised. I thought it was pretty obvious that we won't be seeing them anymore in a year or two.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on December 07, 2010, 02:15:33 PM
I gotta say im stunned..

That leaves only Maiden
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 07, 2010, 02:17:14 PM
You people can't be surprised. I thought it was pretty obvious that we won't be seeing them anymore in a year or two.

Why would you say it was obvious?
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on December 07, 2010, 02:37:59 PM
Well, they're old as fuck, Halford is pretty much disabled when it comes to singing (no disrespect to the man that once used to be one of the greatest vocalists in the world, but deal with it, mother nature is cruel), and considering the lyrics of Future of mankind, it was only a matter of time for Judas Priest to announce their farewell tour. I've seen it coming, as well as plenty of my friends, so this didn't appear to be a huge surprise for me.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 07, 2010, 03:30:19 PM
I gotta say im stunned..

That leaves only Maiden

I'm pretty sure Sabbath will continue in one form or another. As I stated in another thread, Wendy Dio is trying to get Heaven and Hell to continue under a new name with Ripper Owens singing.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 07, 2010, 04:42:11 PM
My top 50 list has been totally overshadowed by this shocking news!  Damn you Priest!  :lol
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 07, 2010, 04:51:46 PM
Keep it going dude. We'll just make this the general Priest thread...as I'm too lazy to bump the official one :lol
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 07, 2010, 05:20:44 PM
Oh it'll keep going.  Hopefully list some more tonight.  Sopme more obscure ones coming up so stay tuned!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on December 08, 2010, 08:37:55 AM
I gotta say im stunned..

That leaves only Maiden

I'm pretty sure Sabbath will continue in one form or another. As I stated in another thread, Wendy Dio is trying to get Heaven and Hell to continue under a new name with Ripper Owens singing.

Wendy is great, I met her a few times in the 80s.. but like I said, There is now only Maiden, Sabbath is done,,
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Dream Team on December 13, 2010, 12:36:01 PM
Waiting . . .
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 13, 2010, 01:47:03 PM
Waiting . . .

I know, I know.  I've been really busy.  I will post the next set tonight!!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: TAC on December 13, 2010, 03:20:18 PM
Bart...make a f##king list! I'd love to see it. I don't care how the songs are distributed..just make a Top 10 if you don't have the patience or energey. No explanations are neccesary. I'm at least interested.

These Judas Priest threads have really made me jump back into them. As a kid, I found their early stuff kind of choppy, similar to old Sabbath, but I can really appreciate it a lot more now.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 13, 2010, 10:37:55 PM
Bart...make a f##king list! I'd love to see it. I don't care how the songs are distributed..just make a Top 10 if you don't have the patience or energey. No explanations are neccesary. I'm at least interested.

These Judas Priest threads have really made me jump back into them. As a kid, I found their early stuff kind of choppy, similar to old Sabbath, but I can really appreciate it a lot more now.

Yep, I'd love to see Bart next.  Would be a great contrast between lists.  And yes, I've been into them a lot more once again over the last two weeks.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 14, 2010, 04:12:06 AM
35. Subterfuge - Demolition

Here's one totally out of left field from the Demolition cd, Subterfuge.  Always loved this one ever since I spun the cd for the first time.  I know most of you this song probably wouldn't make it anywhere near your top 100, but I love it.  I dig the modern nu-metal style groove throughout.  Love the Korn style guitar effects going on through the song too.  You can tell Ken and Glenn were checking the modern metal stations.  I just dig the chorus, it's hard, it's powerful with decent lyrics.  It's just a good metal tune and they did something extremely modern without going over the top or too cheesy, it has a great balance, simple, hard song, love it!

34. Prisoner of Your Eyes - Screaming for Vengeance (bonus track)

Now why the hell did this not make it on an album.  Amazing Priest ballad, easily one of their best.  Powerful, melodic, sweet and emotional.  Great cheesy lyrics with amazing delivery of course by Mr. Halford.  I love the length of it aswell, 7 minutes but never feels too long.  I guess the real highlight of this song is the solo section.  80% performed by Glenn and 20% performed by Ken.  Easily one of their best solos hands down.  Fitting, emotional, tells the story and amazing phrasing by Glenn.  A perfect ballad that should have made the cut for a studio album.  This version shits all over the re-recorded version by Halford on Live Insurrection.

33. Sinner - Sin After Sin

Not much to say about this one, a Priest classic.  This one reminds me of Victim of Changes in many parts.  Nice groovy verse with a wonderful tempo.  Great crescendo building in the chorus and when that tempo change kicks in you know you've got a real metal anthem.  Love the middle section and KK improvises amazingly as usual.  Amazing song.

32. Starbreaker - Sin After Sin

Another one from the Sin After Sin album.  I always thought that this was such an underrated track.  It's almost feels like the first stepping stone to Exciter from Stained Class in a way.  Love the chorus, an original one for Priest, but extremely melodic and catchy.  Great solos and excellent harmony.  Great tune which is extremely underrated.  Also responsible for the name of the band featuring guitarist Magnus Karlsson and TNT singer Tony Harnell.

31. Eat Me Alive - Defenders of the Faith

The only thing I don't like about this track is the awful imagery it gives me, everything else is pure gold.  Amazing aggressive tune with excellent chugging riffs.  I love how the chorus shifts to the phryigan mode, which gives the chorus a haunting yet uneasy feeling, yet so damn metal it's not funny.  Again, killer solo section trade offs from the boys, some great work all round.  These two really did compliment each other well.  Love how the track keeps going at the end, that chorus just cuts through and slays anything in its way, killer tune.

30. Heading Out To The Highway - Point of Entry

What a nice simple song from the underrated Point of Entry album.  Love the atmosphere this one gives off, fits the theme and lyrics perfectly well.  Great chorus and don't forget the excellent main riff.  Not much else to say, they didn't have to do much to make this a great tune.  Love the harmonies in their too, probably my fav part.  Also a special mention to the hilarious video clip where Rob is just amazing!!  :lol
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on December 14, 2010, 08:56:04 AM
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 14, 2010, 10:47:54 AM
This version shits all over the re-recorded version by Halford on Live Insurrection.

Agreed. Where the fuck is the chorus on the re-recorded version?! They took out the best hooks and everything. This track could've been amazing with the modern recording quality but they blew it. The original still reigns.

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 14, 2010, 01:37:18 PM
This version shits all over the re-recorded version by Halford on Live Insurrection.

Agreed. Where the fuck is the chorus on the re-recorded version?! They took out the best hooks and everything. This track could've been amazing with the modern recording quality but they blew it. The original still reigns.

Yep, and the total disregard for the entire solo section IMO is just absurd.  You are quite correct, it had potential to be one of Halford's best songs but, they fucked it.  I listend to it again the other day to see if I missed something but the whole time I just wanted to put the original on.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 14, 2010, 07:16:29 PM
It's sad because every other Priest cover or reinterpretation sounds great. Can't wait for more Halford runs after this final Priest tour! I have no issue cutting huge stadium shows out of my yearly budget :biggrin:
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 14, 2010, 08:17:30 PM
It's sad because every other Priest cover or reinterpretation sounds great. Can't wait for more Halford runs after this final Priest tour! I have no issue cutting huge stadium shows out of my yearly budget :biggrin:

I'm actually looking forward to some more Halford material myself.  I haven't listened to Made of Metal but I guess Priest has been getting a little stale.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 15, 2010, 04:01:50 AM
The new record is ok. The only tune that really made me feel like they were stepping in the right direction was The Mower, which they released as the single well in advance of the record. I was anticipating more stuff like that and instead we got some clunkers. The title cut is easily the worst song Halford has ever written :lol
That being said, the fist two records are classics in my book, and the live album is one of the ten best metal live collections ever. And seeing them unleash it live has always been a dream. I missed my one chance on their Ozzfest date during the summer. But I couldn't spend the money or sit through so many shitty bands to see a one hour set. It ended up being the hottest day of the year in New England, so I'm not too upset for missing it.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 15, 2010, 04:10:34 AM
Resurrection and Crucible are easily two of the best metal albums in the last ten years.  I have been spinning Insurrection in my car at the moment and it really is an amazing live record.  Sad Wings is easily one of Halford's best songs and the way he performs it on that is crushing.

The new CD/DVD is quite good too, great setlist with a very solid performance from the lads.

More list coming tomorrow.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Dream Team on December 21, 2010, 06:47:34 AM
Resurrection and Crucible are easily two of the best metal albums in the last ten years.  I have been spinning Insurrection in my car at the moment and it really is an amazing live record.  Sad Wings is easily one of Halford's best songs and the way he performs it on that is crushing.

The new CD/DVD is quite good too, great setlist with a very solid performance from the lads.

More list coming tomorrow.

"Tomorrow" meaning "in a week"?

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 21, 2010, 02:15:44 PM
Resurrection and Crucible are easily two of the best metal albums in the last ten years.  I have been spinning Insurrection in my car at the moment and it really is an amazing live record.  Sad Wings is easily one of Halford's best songs and the way he performs it on that is crushing.

The new CD/DVD is quite good too, great setlist with a very solid performance from the lads.

More list coming tomorrow.

"Tomorrow" meaning "in a week"?

Why haven't we seen you in the Judas Priest survivor?
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Dream Team on December 21, 2010, 02:24:06 PM
Resurrection and Crucible are easily two of the best metal albums in the last ten years.  I have been spinning Insurrection in my car at the moment and it really is an amazing live record.  Sad Wings is easily one of Halford's best songs and the way he performs it on that is crushing.

The new CD/DVD is quite good too, great setlist with a very solid performance from the lads.

More list coming tomorrow.

"Tomorrow" meaning "in a week"?

Why haven't we seen you in the Judas Priest survivor?

I always vote, I just don't usually respond.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 23, 2010, 03:39:33 AM
Sorry for the delay, work has been kicking my ass;

29. Metal Meltdown - Painkiller

It's astounding how accurate the title of this song is regarding its content, pounding heavy metal all the way through.  Gotta love the boys intro solos, they really know how to shred.  Once Glenn has stopped and that riff comes in, you know we are in for some crushing heavy metal.  My fav part of the song I'd say is the pre chorus, what an amazing buildup and when Rob sings "I want to explode," his vocals are so damn good, his voice just pierces through.  Amazing trade off from Glenn and Ken here as always, my fav part is KK's second solo (third solo section)  his guitar just fucking cries.  Great crescendo at the end which ends the song perfectly.

28. Rapid Fire - British Steel

Not much to say here, simply a crushing heavy metal song, which I believe really paved the way for thrash and speed metal.  Great opener to the album and really, the intensity of the song never gives up.  It grabs you by the balls and never lets go.  Great solos as usual and Rob on fire as always.

27. Reckless - Turbo

Best song on Turbo and easily one of Priests most underrated songs.  Quite AOR in nature which I like a lot.  Simply an excellent, catchy chorus, and the pre-chorus before hand works well too.  Glenn's solo is a fav of mine too, so simple, melodic and just really well phrased with a nice balance of speedy runs and melodic sections.  Great song, needs more attention.

26. Freewheel Burning - Defenders of the Faith

I think the first time I heard this song was when I was watching the video. Luckily the hilarious video didn't taint the song.  Reminds me of Rapid Fire with more intensity.  Amazing song, great chorus and I love Rob's fast vocal work in the bridge, the 'with victory' part is amazing.  Glenn on fire once again, and the section at 2:33 is a Priest highlight.

25. Leather Rebel - Painkiller

I remember the first time I heard Painkiller.  My guitar teacher gave me a taped version on cassette.  With no knowledge on them at all, I always thought there were two vocalists, especially in this song, I thought the backing was at least done by another member or something.  Rob's vocals are so diverse, his changing backwards and forwards between vocal styles on this song amazes me.  Cracking song, great riffs, classic.  Cheesy lyrics but I love them so much!!  nice original solo section with KK doing his thing, and really one of the best chorus' on the album.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 23, 2010, 03:40:57 AM
I would also like to add that Zydar is taking over the Priest survivor in the polls section, so everyone get over there and join in!!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on December 23, 2010, 06:01:18 AM
These are all pretty cool.  :) Although I never really liked Metal meltdown, it's too cliche even for my taste.  ;D
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Dream Team on December 23, 2010, 06:41:59 AM
Yes! Speed metal Priest is representin'.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on December 23, 2010, 11:56:59 AM
"I want to explode"

I'm pretty sure its "about to explode".

But good choices!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 23, 2010, 07:59:30 PM
These are all pretty cool.  :) Although I never really liked Metal meltdown, it's too cliche even for my taste.  ;D

I think that's another reason why I love it, it's generic cliche heavy metal but it's amazing.

Also, speaking of cliche, Heavy Metal from Ram it Down just missed out on getting in the top 50.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on December 23, 2010, 08:01:29 PM
Yes! Speed metal Priest is representin'.

Yeah, I guess 4 out of 5 of those are some of Priests fastest numbers.  :metal

"I want to explode"

I'm pretty sure its "about to explode".

But good choices!

Probably, I never listen to lyrics that carefully.  Anyway, Rob could sing anything in that part and it would sound killer!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 06, 2011, 04:28:52 AM
24. Judas Rising - Angel of Retribution

Continuing my list we are now half way through.  I'll try and finish this off quickly, I know I've been slack.  Here we have another Angel of Retribution track, the wicked opener, Judas Rising.  I simply love the rhythm of this track, to me, it's very original and amazing!!  Fist pumping metal which just pounds your skull in.  Rob' vocal layering here is excellent also.  KK shines on this one, his pure metal/blues lead expression shines through on the solo section.  I love Glenn's phrygian dominant style section before it which is such a contrast to KK's pentatonic style extreme blues soloing.  I love it, killer track.

23. Hard as Iron - Ram it Down

Here's one right out of left field, the wonderful Hard as Iron.  To me, this is one of the first true power metal choruses ever conceived, it boombastic, cheesy and simply fantastic, I'm sure bands like Rhapsody of Fire, Hammerfall and Vision Divine would have loved this one.  Cracking verse, epic cliche lyrics, and a simply smashing solo section.  Great trade offs and an excellent twin harmony.  Killer track, extremely underrated.  I would have loved to hear Scott Travis on this whole album instead of the drum machine, it would have made it so much more powerful.

22. Some Heads are Gonna Roll - Defenders of the Faith

Yet another track from the Defenders album, the groovy Heads are Gonna Roll.  Not much to say here, I just love the groove the guys got going on this one.  Cool verse, great buildup in the pre chorus and cool chorus.  Amazing solos from Glen and Ken on this one too.  That's about it, it's catchy and just rocks, definitely one of my favs.

21. One on One - Demolition

Here's the only other song on my list from Demolition, One on One.  It's interesting the direction the band went on this one, they went more modern, even trying nu-metal, but on this one it just seemed to click for me.  Simply an amazing riff on this one, so damn simple, but it rocks so much!  When I saw the guys perform this live, it was sensational.  I like the tone Glen and Ken have on this one also.  Ripper does his tough guy vocals relatively well, he sounds convincing.  Simply one of Priests most rocking choruses!

20. Burn in Hell - Jugulator

As Myke said, simply one of the best buildups in any song ever.  The first time I heard this song, that first couple of minutes actually made me a little unsettled.  Then when Tim screams 'Burn in HELL' and the band come in with THAT amazing riff, I just went 'Oh my God!!'  What a riff. if there's one thing the guys did especially well in the Ripper era, it was write some of the most amazing riffs ever, and this is no exception.  Classy leads by Glen too, subtle but compliments and fits the song nicely.  Amazing tune.  I like the lyrics too, it's cheesy and over the top but I love the in your face brutality of them.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on January 06, 2011, 04:30:43 AM
Some Heads are Gonna Roll is one of my favorites as well.  :metal
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 06, 2011, 08:39:50 AM

I have recently started to enjoy Defenders more, spinning it a bit more, such a short album in playing time
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on January 06, 2011, 11:04:19 AM
Defenders is Superior to Vengeance. I'm that weirdo.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on January 06, 2011, 11:31:42 AM
Interesting choices there. I'm only familiar with Judas Rising and Some Heads Are Gonna Roll. I've barely listened to the two Owens albums they did, and Ram It Down. I'll give them a couple of listens when my JP survivor gets to those albums.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on January 06, 2011, 02:36:02 PM
Don't come back to this thread till you've heard Jugulator. That is all.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 06, 2011, 02:39:35 PM
Some Heads are Gonna Roll is one of my favorites as well.  :metal



I have recently started to enjoy Defenders more, spinning it a bit more, such a short album in playing time

Yep, amazing album.

Defenders is Superior to Vengeance. I'm that weirdo.

Dude, Defenders is soooo much better than Vengeance it's not funny.  Not even a competition in my eyes.

Interesting choices there. I'm only familiar with Judas Rising and Some Heads Are Gonna Roll. I've barely listened to the two Owens albums they did, and Ram It Down. I'll give them a couple of listens when my JP survivor gets to those albums.

You should do something about that my friend.  Ram it Down takes some getting use to, but it really is an underrated classic.  Demolition is easily one of Priest's weakest, but it's still a very worthy listen.  Jugulator is Priest at their best IMO, my fav album, it's magic!

Don't come back to this thread till you've heard Jugulator. That is all.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: jjrock88 on January 08, 2011, 02:31:33 PM
Glad to have this thread going.  Priest is my favorite band with Maiden, Dio, Rush, DT, Queensryche following behind.  The top 50 lists that were made were well done and enjoyable to read.  But to me, Priest is the epitome of metal- every album is great.  "Painkiller" just smokes, but I still equally love "Turbo" and "Ram it down" etc.  And as far as I'm concerned, Ripper Owens is extremely underrated.  "98 live meltdown" just might be my favorite live cd of all time.  The first time I heard the cd, I was blown away.  Owens along with Halford and Dio are my all time favorite singers.  I always wished Priest would have used both Halford and Owens together on "Nostradamus".  It's not like they parted on bad terms; I think a combination of them singing seperately and on duets would have made the cd that much better.  But Ripper has done well on his own and I'm hoping he will be picked to sing in Sabbath.  As far as Halford's solo stuff, I agree with most- Resurrection and Crucible were simply amazing; mindboggling actually.  However, "Made of Metal" is good, but not remotely in the same league of the aformentioned cd's.  I haven't heard if Priest will release anything new to coincide with the farewell tour, but would be hopeful for something.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 08, 2011, 05:33:27 PM
Welcome!!  Be sure to come over to the polls section and join into the Priest survivor.  :tup
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 13, 2011, 04:28:09 AM
19. Jawbreaker - Defenders of the Faith

Yet another song from the amazing defenders album.  Just a rocking song which oozes sexual innuendo.  Not much to say here, just a great tune that Halford has kept in his solo set list for quite some time now.  Great chorus and one of KK's shining moments, whammy bar heaven here with a good mix of melodic runs, great stuff.

18. All Guns Blazing - Painkiller

What a ripping song.  Perfect heavy metal all the way through.  I love the chug and groove of this one and the contrast between the chugs and then the chord release on the chorus.  It's easy to see that getting Scott Travis was one of the best moves this band ever made.  Glenn is simply all over this one.  Great arpeggios, diminished runs, great whammy bar work and simply amazing stretches and runs.  I also love at how similar the rhythm guitar is in this one to Painkiller.  Here's a shameless plug, this is me with a guitar cover of this song.


17. Night Crawler - Painkiller

Another cut from Painkiller.  Great atmosphere on this one, and I love Rob's vocals.  Gotta love KK's unison bends on the intro, sets the scene perfectly.  The chours on this is simply amazing, Rob kills it.  The rhythm backing Rob on the chorus is simply stunning, a great chug and groove and just flows along so damn well.  The way Rob sings "Don't look behind you nightcrawler" is just amazing to me.  I would also like to add the excellent harmonies on the interlude, interesting note selections between Ken and Glenn, works well but quite unorthodox.  Great buildup in the middle too, very evil!!  Killer song.

16. Victim of Changes - Sad Wings of Destiny

Priest classic, that's it really.  Love the intro the boys do live on this.  Just a crushing riff on this, especially for the time it came out.  It has a Sabbath like quality but also has the classic rock style in there aswell.  Not a bad story here also, which is quite a regular situation where most of us can relate to at some point.  Love Kk's improv on this too and Glenns solo is tasty also.  Just a great song, nice quite section and an epic ending.

15. Between the Hammer and the Anvil - Painkiller

Yep, another Painkiller song.  One of my favs on this record and I think it really was one of the most underrated songs on that album.  The intro is perfect heavy metal and when that melodic riff chugging comes in is awesome.  KK's dive bomb with Rob's wail is just sublime.  Amazing groove here and an interesting chorus.  Gotta love those rolling harmonics in the first verse.  Great solo section, KK really shines on his solo and Glenn's tapping here is incredible, very technical, odd notes but fits over the chords so damn well.  Rob seals the deal at the end too.  By far one of Priest's best.

14. Here Come the Tears - Sin After Sin

By far one of Priests most underrated tunes.  I love this song.  The moody Sabbath like atmosphere and Rob just shines on this song.  Really deep, depressing lyrics too.  It kicks in another notch and the drums enter with more depressing lyrics.  The chorus here just explodes and gives me chills.  Rob is portraying the pain of the protagonist perfectly, "Won't somebody love me!!!!"  Epic.  Glenn then performs one of my favourite Priest solos.  Amazing bends in this which gives you a perfect 'crying' like feel.  Rob comes over the top and the song just beings to rise.  Glenns odd notes and those runs he does before the final crescendo I still can't figure out what he is doing, it's just brilliant.  Glenn and Rob sing together and then bam!! Perfect song.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on January 13, 2011, 05:18:46 AM
I've never been a fan of Here come the tears, but the others are fantastic.  :metal
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on January 13, 2011, 05:27:53 AM
Fantastic batch! Especially the Painkiller tracks (I love Night Crawler and All Guns Blazing).

Jawbreaker and Victim Of Changes are classics as well. Here Come The Tears isn't any of my most listened to Priest songs, but I'll give it another spin.

:metal :metal
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 13, 2011, 09:23:59 AM
Fantastic batch! Especially the Painkiller tracks (I love Night Crawler and All Guns Blazing).

Jawbreaker and Victim Of Changes are classics as well. Here Come The Tears isn't any of my most listened to Priest songs, but I'll give it another spin.

:metal :metal

Here comes the tears is really an amazing song...Sin after Sin is the BALLZ
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Lowdz on January 13, 2011, 12:35:24 PM
Here Come The Tears is an awesome song and a shame it doesn't get alot of recognition. Great choice.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: jjrock88 on January 13, 2011, 07:47:54 PM
Here Come the Tears is an amazing track.  The one-two punch on Sin after Sin of Here Come the Tears and Dissident Aggressor is off the charts awesome.  Here Come the Tears, Dreamer Deceiver, Before the Dawn and Night Comes Down are my favorite power ballads from Priest and possibly period.  Would have loved to hear Ripper's take on these tunes live.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 13, 2011, 08:45:06 PM
Great to see some appriciation for Here Comes the Tears.  I love it, such a great tune. 
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 13, 2011, 09:04:27 PM
For Wolfking

a great 9:38 of complete awesome

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 14, 2011, 12:05:51 AM
For Wolfking

a great 9:38 of complete awesome


Hell yeah!!  An amazing DVD.  Haven't watched that for a while.  I should do something about that.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 14, 2011, 10:38:01 AM
For Wolfking

a great 9:38 of complete awesome


Hell yeah!!  An amazing DVD.  Haven't watched that for a while.  I should do something about that.

I used to have that show cassette , that I recorded off the radio.. I saw them a few times on that tour..
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on January 14, 2011, 11:48:43 AM
Sounds not great. You can hear Ian Hill is out of tune most of the show. But a great classic era show visually, for sure.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 14, 2011, 12:01:45 PM
Sounds not great. You can hear Ian Hill is out of tune most of the show. But a great classic era show visually, for sure.

Id agree... it was a famous show as it was carried on the radio live, but they sounded better at the shows I saw them that tour..NYC seems to bring out the best in bands..
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: El Barto on January 14, 2011, 12:22:13 PM
Bart...make a f##king list! I'd love to see it. I don't care how the songs are distributed..just make a Top 10 if you don't have the patience or energey. No explanations are neccesary. I'm at least interested.

These Judas Priest threads have really made me jump back into them. As a kid, I found their early stuff kind of choppy, similar to old Sabbath, but I can really appreciate it a lot more now.

Yep, I'd love to see Bart next.  Would be a great contrast between lists.  And yes, I've been into them a lot more once again over the last two weeks.

Thanks for the encouragement, gents.  I'll take it under advisement.  To be honest, following the model that Wolf and MykeHavok are using sounds like a real PITA, but perhaps I'll throw together an abbreviated (and simpler) version.  My interest stemming from the fact that my tastes in Priest seem to be incredibly dissimilar to that of others. 
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 14, 2011, 02:12:23 PM
Bart...make a f##king list! I'd love to see it. I don't care how the songs are distributed..just make a Top 10 if you don't have the patience or energey. No explanations are neccesary. I'm at least interested.

These Judas Priest threads have really made me jump back into them. As a kid, I found their early stuff kind of choppy, similar to old Sabbath, but I can really appreciate it a lot more now.

Yep, I'd love to see Bart next.  Would be a great contrast between lists.  And yes, I've been into them a lot more once again over the last two weeks.

Thanks for the encouragement, gents.  I'll take it under advisement.  To be honest, following the model that Wolf and MykeHavok are using sounds like a real PITA, but perhaps I'll throw together an abbreviated (and simpler) version.  My interest stemming from the fact that my tastes in Priest seem to be incredibly dissimilar to that of others. 

Have a think about it mate.  I would love to see the contrast between our lists and yours.

I'll wrap mine up in a couple of days, sorry for the slackness on my behalf.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: TAC on January 14, 2011, 03:25:37 PM
I used to have that show cassette , that I recorded off the radio.. I saw them a few times on that tour..
A few times?? WTF? I'm jealous. This was a year before I started going to concerts. I would've loved to have seen Maiden on this tour.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 14, 2011, 03:35:38 PM
Speaking of old school Priest, wasn't there an official concert release of a show from the Defenders tour?
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 14, 2011, 06:24:52 PM
I used to have that show cassette , that I recorded off the radio.. I saw them a few times on that tour..
A few times?? WTF? I'm jealous. This was a year before I started going to concerts. I would've loved to have seen Maiden on this tour.

Yep.... even saw Paul D on the killers tour open for Priest.. I think Priest was touring British Steel or may have just started the Point or Entry tour.

I guess that make me old..lol.. my first Priest show was on the Hellbent tour
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 14, 2011, 06:26:18 PM
Speaking of old school Priest, wasn't there an official concert release of a show from the Defenders tour?

I really would like to hear that...
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: TAC on January 15, 2011, 04:11:03 PM
Speaking of old school Priest, wasn't there an official concert release of a show from the Defenders tour?

I really would like to hear that...

Just went up on Dime..Long Beach 5-5-84 FM broadcast
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on January 15, 2011, 05:36:45 PM
Speaking of old school Priest, wasn't there an official concert release of a show from the Defenders tour?

There's the Turbo era show "Priest...Live!". Damn good show, all things considered (new shit songs, lame outfits etc.)
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 15, 2011, 07:18:39 PM
Speaking of old school Priest, wasn't there an official concert release of a show from the Defenders tour?

There's the Turbo era show "Priest...Live!". Damn good show, all things considered (new shit songs, lame outfits etc.)

That's great DVD.

Maybe there wasn't an official release, I think I might be thinking of this vid;

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: jjrock88 on January 15, 2011, 07:56:40 PM

I have a bootleg for Judas Priest from their Defender's tour.  It was a radio broadcast and pretty decent quality.  It's called Judas Priest- ABC Defenders.  The set list is as follows:

   1.  "Love Bites" (5:50)
   2. "Jawbreaker" (3:54)
   3. "Grinder" (4:09)
   4. "Metal Gods" (4:05)
   5. "Breaking the Law" (2:36)
   6. "Desert Plains" (4:41)
   7. "Some Heads Are Gonna Role" (4:29)
   8. "The Sentinel" (5:53)
   9. "Rock Hard, Ride Free" (2:56)
  10. "Helion/Electric Eye" (4:08)
  11. "Freewheel Burning" (4:33)
  12. "Victim of Changes" (9:39)
  13. "Green Manalishi" (5:03)
  14. "Living After Midnight" (3:52)
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Keyboardframe on January 15, 2011, 08:04:02 PM
never have I seen so many masochists in one thread!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 15, 2011, 09:29:39 PM
Speaking of old school Priest, wasn't there an official concert release of a show from the Defenders tour?

I really would like to hear that...

Just went up on Dime..Long Beach 5-5-84 FM broadcast

Thank You TAC!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 16, 2011, 03:49:10 AM

I have a bootleg for Judas Priest from their Defender's tour.  It was a radio broadcast and pretty decent quality.  It's called Judas Priest- ABC Defenders.  The set list is as follows:

   1.  "Love Bites" (5:50)
   2. "Jawbreaker" (3:54)
   3. "Grinder" (4:09)
   4. "Metal Gods" (4:05)
   5. "Breaking the Law" (2:36)
   6. "Desert Plains" (4:41)
   7. "Some Heads Are Gonna Role" (4:29)
   8. "The Sentinel" (5:53)
   9. "Rock Hard, Ride Free" (2:56)
  10. "Helion/Electric Eye" (4:08)
  11. "Freewheel Burning" (4:33)
  12. "Victim of Changes" (9:39)
  13. "Green Manalishi" (5:03)
  14. "Living After Midnight" (3:52)

That is a killer setlist!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: El Barto on January 16, 2011, 12:44:06 PM
I thought Priest: Live was crap.  Except for the inclusion of Desert Plains the setlist wasn't too cool and it's far too overproduced.  I probably need to go back and re-watch it, though.  I'd be interested to see if a 15 year old El Barto makes an appearance.  I was 8th row center for that show, so it seems plausible. 

The Long Beach show is pretty good.  Great rendition of Jawbreaker.  However, the Sentinel isn't as good as later versions would be on subsequent tours.  For a while, Rob was belting out CONDEMNED TO HELL in a voice that was absolutely fucking horrifying.  I remember seeing it at Starplex and thinking the poor people who lived across the street must have thought the four horsemen had just been cut loose. 
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on January 16, 2011, 01:23:30 PM
I just ordered myself a Priest biography, Defenders Of The Faith (https://www.amazon.com/Defenders-Faith-Story-Judas-Priest/dp/1847727077/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1295208946&sr=1-1).
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: TAC on January 16, 2011, 01:58:41 PM
I just ordered myself a Priest biography, Defenders Of The Faith (https://www.amazon.com/Defenders-Faith-Story-Judas-Priest/dp/1847727077/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1295208946&sr=1-1).

Your book report will be due on March 1st! :D
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 16, 2011, 05:18:53 PM
This Thread is full of WIN!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: jjrock88 on January 16, 2011, 06:49:12 PM
I would say that Priest Live isn't the best live offering from the band; I agree, it is overproduced.  However, I still really enjoy it as I have always been fond of the Turbo cd (actually one of the first Priest cd's I bought).  It just seems strange watching the show as the band is trying to come across looking like Ratt or the Crue.  Even the audience looks like what you would expect if you were at a Bon Jovi show.  Still it's a great show, but my first instinct when I want to listen to a live offering is to grab 98 live meltdown or unleashed in the east.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 17, 2011, 03:59:04 AM
13. Exciter - Stained Class

It's amazing to think that this song was released in 1978.  Priest really paved the way for a lot of 80's metal.  This is so ahead of its time.  Groovy fast riffing, great vocals from Rob and of course Les' amazing drumming, it's a shame Les didn't stay with the band through the 80's.  Love Glenn's guitar solo on this one and I especially love the middle instrumental 'superhero' section, amazing!!  Killer tune, killer playing and great vox.  Definitely one of Rob's best moments at the end.  "STAND BY FOR EXCCCIIITTEEEEEERRRR!!!"

12.  Blood Red Skies - Ram it Down

Here is by far one of Priests most underrated gems.  I love this song.  An amazing atmospheric intro where Rob just sounds sublime.  The cheesy 80's drums kicks in which I guess people didn't like too much with Ram it Down, but once the guitar kicks in this song really gets going.  I just love the dark brooding atmosphere and groove of it.  It screams epic in every sense.  Good chorus, fits well.  I really love the instrumental build up to the solo and the modulation is fantastic.  KK puts a real effort in on this one and gives us one something a lot more technical than what we are use to, good stuff.  Epic fadeout with Rob just wailing, so damn good to hear.  For those who aren't as familiar with this tune, check it out, the is Priest, underrated as hell.

11. The Hellion/Electric Eye - Screaming For Vengeance

Hellion is quite possibly the best metal intro ever recorded, just classic.  Not much to say about this song, except it really is the definition of heavy metal and just a perfect song.  Great rocking verses on this which I have always been a fan of.  Nice twist with the chorus and Glenn's solo again is such a highlight, another one of his best moments.  This man is by far one of the greatest solo writers in the world.  Check out my guitar cover.

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on January 17, 2011, 04:33:59 AM
Cool choices.

Exciter is a classic metal song, so fast and brutal. Rob sings so high on this, try to sing this one without rupturing a ball.

Blood Red Skies is not a song I've listened that much to though (as is the case with the whole Ram It Down album).

The Hellion/Electric Eye - Oh yeah! I remember buying Metal Works as my first Priest album, and when this duo started it off I knew that this was just my kind of band.

Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on January 17, 2011, 05:26:59 AM
These are awesome. I haven't heard Blood red skies in a long time, though...
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: TAC on January 17, 2011, 08:55:15 AM

11. The Hellion/Electric Eye - Screaming For Vengeance

Hellion is quite possibly the best metal intro ever recorded, just classic.  Not much to say about this song, except it really is the definition of heavy metal and just a perfect song.  Great rocking verses on this which I have always been a fan of.  Nice twist with the chorus and Glenn's solo again is such a highlight, another one of his best moments.  This man is by far one of the greatest solo writers in the world.  Check out my guitar cover.


This would probably be my #1.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Lowdz on January 17, 2011, 12:41:43 PM
Both BRS and H/EE would be higher for me. Great songs.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 17, 2011, 02:23:22 PM
great job by all...

Id have a real difficult time with my top 10..
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: jjrock88 on January 17, 2011, 03:57:21 PM
Good job with the selections Wolfking.  Metal Works was my first Priest cd, I was also floored with the Hellion/Electric Eye opener.  Then Victim of Changes, Painkiller etc.  I was like "whoa, this band is killer!!  Good call as well with Blood Red Skies.  In my opinion BRS, Touch of Evil and I'm a Rocker are three of Priest's most underrated tunes.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Lowdz on January 18, 2011, 03:07:12 AM
Speaking of old school Priest, wasn't there an official concert release of a show from the Defenders tour?

I really would like to hear that...

Just went up on Dime..Long Beach 5-5-84 FM broadcast

Just tried to get this but it's been taken down as some of the tracks are used on the remasters. Gutted.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 18, 2011, 03:13:52 AM
I can understand everyone else would have H/EE higher and I did think about that.  I love the song, obviously, but I think I just get that little more enjoyment out of the songs on the rest of my list.  Priest's discography is so strong, everyone of these 50 songs and more are simply killer.  Some of you will find some of the choices coming up strange, but I stand by my list.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Lowdz on January 18, 2011, 04:06:14 AM
I can understand everyone else would have H/EE higher and I did think about that.  I love the song, obviously, but I think I just get that little more enjoyment out of the songs on the rest of my list.  Priest's discography is so strong, everyone of these 50 songs and more are simply killer.  Some of you will find some of the choices coming up strange, but I stand by my list.

Certainly not a criticism Wolfie, it's your list after all. I wouldn't know where to start to be honest in numbering things like this. So many great songs.
I did a compo for the car over 2 discs but had to leave so many songs out. will have to do a disc 3 of the more obscure great songs.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Jirpo on January 18, 2011, 10:01:26 PM
Very nice placement of BRS and TH/EE!!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 19, 2011, 05:26:04 AM
10. Ram it Down - Ram it Down

Okay, yes, this is cheesy as hell and 'thousands of cars and a million guitars' is possibly Priest's worst lyric, but this solo section is possibly Priest's best.  That harmony is just perfect.  My mouth waters everytime I hear that harmony, and the trade offs between Glenn and Ken is phenomenal.  Gotta love Rob's scream at the start too.  Great riffing, nice fills from the boys and just a crushing fast track, you can see how the guys were working towards Painkiller here.  The only thing is that this would have been even better with an actual drummer instead of a drum machine.  Great metal track.

9. Hellrider - Angel of Retribution

I'm sure most of you as surprised to see this make the top ten, but ever since I heard AOR for the first time, this song just clicked with me.  It was really the only song on the album that gave me a classic Priest feel.  The riff is sooooo damn simple but just absolutely crushing.  Great Painkiller type pre chorus and a killer chorus.  Really it's Painkiller type riffing throughout the whole song.  Again, an amazing trade off solo section with again, some of the boys best and most creative licks.  What KK does on his final solo just sounds incredible.  Great Exciter style section after the chorus and again more classic harmonies.  The song gets back into it, but finishes quickly.  Perfect metal track IMO.  The only think was that I wish Roy Z didn't make the production so damn muddy, it should have sounded so much heavier.

8. Jugulator - Jugulator

I remember finding this album after discovering albums like SFV, Painkiller and British Steel.  I was interested to see what this was like considering the lineup and the long time between albums.  I was in high school at the time and I think this was the heaviest thing I had ever heard at that point in my life.  The heaviness of this track and the pure childishness of the lyrics just floored me.  The lyrics were so simple and gruesome, for some reason I just loved it.  I love it and Jugulator since that day has been my favourite Priest record.  Perfect intro, crushing riffs and Tim just shows why he was the perfect replacement for this band.  Love the middle section too.  I still can't believe Glenn and Ken came up with this so far into their career.  I think the thing that impressed me. is that bands always seem to come back after a hiatus, softer and calmer, and Priest just did the opposite, which was amazing.  Time's scream at the end also just kills me!!

7. Dreamer Deceiver/Deceiver - Sad Wings of Destiny

The pure eerie atmosphere of this track is just breath taking.  The nylon guitar and Rob together just sound perfect.  The think I love is the simplicity of the acoustic passages.  These triad arpeggiated chords and intervals have been used so much in metal and I think this song has a lot to do with it.  Rob just sounds amazing and those high notes are just incredible.  Amazing build up into again one of Glenn's most emotional, melodic and passionate guitar solos.  This man is a genius on a guitar and is so underrated.  Perfect soloing over this type of track.  The whole song just has a great crescendo which just makes it so epic.  I especially love how the tracks ends on a E maj feel, epic.  I feel Deceiver belongs with the track, two contrasts, but they work so damn well together.  Great chorus on this one too.  Perfect Preist.

6. Cathedral Spires - Jugulator

Another Jugulator song makes the top 10.  Priest hit the nail on the head with this one, what an epic.  Love the intro, the guitars are tuned down to C which makes the clean guitar just sound so damn ballsy.  KK's subtle leads in the background just sounds amazing and gives the whole intro a great atmosphere.  Tim gives us a classic scream and then the riffs start.  What killer riffs we have here, just so damn heavy, great stuff.  Groovy verses and just easily one of the best chorus' Priest have ever done.  It's so clever and huge!  Love the whole middle section on this two, some quick leads in here and there but they are short but certainly leave their mark.  Love Tim's backing vocals on this one too in his amazing high register.  Great outro too, it just repeats and gives you that armageddon type feel.  The song clocks in at 9 minutes but it only feels half the length. Amazing track.

Almost there...
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on January 19, 2011, 05:57:30 AM
Dreamer Deceiver/Deceiver just doesn't do it for me, which is too bad, everybody seems to be a fan of these two songs. However, Ram it down would make my top 10 as well - actually, it might even be my favorite Judas Priest song.  :smiley:
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Dream Team on January 19, 2011, 07:09:48 AM
RiD, D/D and Jugulator are definitely in my top 20! I agree with the soloing in RiD. Tipton is probably the most underrated guitar player in metal ever (among bands that are well-known).
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: jjrock88 on January 19, 2011, 09:09:35 AM
Always wished they would have played Cathedral Spires live....good pick!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: MykeHavoc on January 19, 2011, 09:39:56 AM
Always wished they would have played Cathedral Spires live....good pick!


Closest you will get :-[

What a tease
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: EPICVIEW on January 19, 2011, 11:18:16 AM
Interesting choices Wolfking!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 19, 2011, 03:09:19 PM
Always wished they would have played Cathedral Spires live....good pick!


Closest you will get :-[

What a tease

Damn, that was sounding so good.

Good to see you guys like my top 10 choices so far!  :metal
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: jjrock88 on January 20, 2011, 12:53:58 PM
Just curious if anybody out there knows what, if any, songs Ripper played live while with Priest that weren't on 98 Live Meltdown or Live in London.  I read that "Exciter" and "Devils Child" were played, but I never heard anything.  Thanks!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 20, 2011, 02:59:52 PM
Interesting, would have loved to hear Rippers version of Exciter.

I believe they would have played Machine Man as it was on the soundcheck section of the LIL DVD.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: jjrock88 on January 20, 2011, 04:57:51 PM

Did you hear Ripper's version of Exciter on "Hell Bent Forever" Judas Priest tribute cd; it's mind boggling good!!
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 20, 2011, 06:21:54 PM

Did you hear Ripper's version of Exciter on "Hell Bent Forever" Judas Priest tribute cd; it's mind boggling good!!

No, I haven't.  I think I need to do something about that.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: wolfking on January 28, 2011, 06:16:22 AM
Here's the final 5;

5. A Touch of Evil - Painkiller

Crushing riff right here.  Obviously the most commercial cut from Painkiller but that doesn't mean it doesn't pull its weight, easily one of the best things the band has done.  I love the groove and atmosphere of this one, very haunting.  My fav part is obviously Glenn's solo.  The solo just tells a song within itself.  I know I've said it before, but this man is one of the most tasteful guitarists ever.  What a solo, godlike.

4. Rock Hard Ride Free - Defenders of the Faith

Here's one you may have not expected, Rock Hard Ride Free, my favourite cut from Defenders.  This song, just makes me feel good.  It's one of those tunes that just breathes and soars along so damn nicely.  Great groovy chorus, excellent pre chorus and just a stunning chorus, it just flies.  Solid stuff all the way through and again some of the best twin guitar solos on this one.  KK's solo is just perfect.  Those tapped notes right at the start of his solo is just magical.  Great harmonies on this one too, love it.

3. Battle Hymn/One Shot At Glory - Painkiller

Easily one of Priests most underrated songs, this crushes.  Perfect heavy metal here, classic riffing, great groove and a killer chorus.  The guitar melody after the chorus is just wonderful.  The solo section again is perfect, with both guitarists doing some of their most technical and complicated work.  KK's solo is soooo hard to emulate, what the hell is he doing here.  That palm muted shredding at 3:44 basically seems impossible.  Glenn of course is melodic as hell but is still all over the place.  Great dueling after the solos too.  One of my fav Priests moments is at the end of this song.  At around the 6:00 mark Rob screams "one shot at glory" then he just tears the roof off.  Glenn then answers this with a killer solo.  This section is just perfect, perfect song all round.

2. Beyond the Realms of Death - Stained Class

If only the band went on with Les Binks, because this is Priest at their best.  Haunting, depressing song with such a disturbing atmosphere.  Harsh lyrics where the music is the perfect accompaniment.  It really would have been interesting to see where the band went with Les especially since it seems his songwriting was very strong.  Again Glenn takes over on this song.  Simply one of the greatest guitar solos of all time.  At a very long 1:20 or so, the solo never loses focus or wanks off, the whole thing has purpose and it just builds and builds, wonderful.  Great crescendo at the end too with KK rounding off another flashy solo which portrays the head space of the protagonist perfectly.  Great ending, perfect Priest.

1. Painkiller - Painkiller

I tried to look for another song to make number 1 to try and be not so predictable, but I just couldn't look past Painkiller.  This is perfect heavy metal, this is the definition of heavy metal, plain and simple.  I have nothing to say, just listen to the song.

The end.
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Jirpo on January 28, 2011, 06:26:02 AM
Great list! I never thought it would be so similiar to my favourites :p RHRF is my fave from Defenders as well. And the three Painkiller tracks  :tup :tup
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Zydar on January 28, 2011, 06:39:41 AM
Interesting Top 5, especially #3 and #4. And yes, Painkiller is one hell of a song. No complaints to your #1 choice :tup
Title: Re: The JUDAS PRIEST top 50 thread (passing it over to Wolfking)
Post by: Mladen on January 28, 2011, 07:36:15 AM
I'm not too crazy about Beyond the Realms of Death, but the others are very epic.  :metal