DreamTheaterForums.org Dream Theater Fan Site

Dream Theater => Dream Theater => Topic started by: Aniland on October 01, 2010, 06:32:09 PM

Title: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Aniland on October 01, 2010, 06:32:09 PM
I will predict November. November 25th to be exact.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Samsara on October 01, 2010, 06:33:57 PM
IF they get a new drummer. They could still work something out. This Hall of Fame induction might make Portnoy realize he's made a VERY bad mistake.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: skydivingninja on October 01, 2010, 06:41:43 PM
IF they get a new drummer. They could still work something out. This Hall of Fame induction might make Portnoy realize he's made a VERY bad mistake.

Its not like its THE Rock and Roll hall of fame.  Just look at their website man.  Its great for DT to be getting recognition, but this honestly isn't a huge deal.  James said they would start auditions in a couple of weeks, I think, so announcing the new drummer in November or December seems likely.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: The Letter M on October 01, 2010, 06:45:31 PM
I said December. Maybe the 12th.

Although come to think of it, I should have said November...the 11th. 11/11... to announce the drummer for their 11th album, to be recording in 2011.


Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: TAC on October 01, 2010, 06:55:27 PM
I said December. Maybe the 12th.

Although come to think of it, I should have said November...the 11th. 11/11... to announce the drummer for their 11th album, to be recording in 2011.



That's your 2044th post..and the 4th post in this thread..44 divided by 4.....11!!!
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: PlaysLikeMyung on October 01, 2010, 06:56:33 PM
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Jarlaxle on October 01, 2010, 07:01:43 PM
or maybe they will announce it December 21st....2112.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: The Dark Eternal Knight on October 01, 2010, 07:04:29 PM
6:00 on Christmas morning
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Aniland on October 01, 2010, 07:10:11 PM
6:00 on Christmas morning

Best post on the internet.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: The Letter M on October 01, 2010, 07:11:10 PM
6:00 on Christmas morning

Would that be 0600 US Eastern Standard Time? Or 0600 at the International Dateline?

Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: King Postwhore on October 01, 2010, 08:21:39 PM
6:00 on Christmas morning

Would that be european swallow? Or  an african swallow?


Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on October 01, 2010, 08:22:49 PM
6:00 on Christmas morning

Would that be european swallow? Or  an african swallow?


Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: The Letter M on October 01, 2010, 08:35:36 PM
6:00 on Christmas morning

Would that be european swallow? Or  an african swallow?



Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: robwebster on October 01, 2010, 08:47:20 PM
I went for December. Although it could easily be as early as October, they're not going to be majorly hesitant. But it's hard to know how many rounds of auditions there will be. I imagine they'll tell us as soon as they can, but I couldn't say how arduous the process would be. Schedules and contracts and multiple rounds of interviews and auditions, I could see it possibly taking until December.

That said, I haven't done much music-based speculation, lately. I'm usually looking at TV shows, which take ages to confirm anything as it's such a complex and multifaceted animal with pre-production and confidentiality and all that dancing, so I could easily be adding weeks onto my estimate for no good reason. And probably am.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Nic35 on October 01, 2010, 09:25:54 PM
They start auditioning drummers next month. So I guess we'll know in the late November/early December
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: LieLowTheWantedMan on October 01, 2010, 11:29:56 PM
6:00 on Christmas morning
I applaud this. And I sincerely hope that this is correct.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: tri.ad on October 01, 2010, 11:38:37 PM
Before Christmas.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: ? on October 01, 2010, 11:42:26 PM
I think the new drummer will be announced in December. I'm sure they'll reveal it before going into studio.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Adami on October 01, 2010, 11:44:11 PM
I would pay 7-8 asian children a DVD of all of the different auditions they have.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Gorille85 on October 01, 2010, 11:46:02 PM
They start auditioning drummers next month. So I guess we'll know in the late November/early December
This. I voted November though.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Dr. DTVT on October 01, 2010, 11:49:25 PM
December 5.  They will call me and personally let me know first as my birthday present.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Gorille85 on October 01, 2010, 11:51:24 PM
That is pretty classy of theirs.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: delossantosj on October 02, 2010, 12:15:14 PM

jon karel.

now that him and the number twelve looks like you is done. its jsut asking for almost a perfect set up.

this guy is really a TRUE percusionist. one of the most innovative drummers out there
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: LudwigVan on October 02, 2010, 04:45:56 PM
IF they get a new drummer. They could still work something out. This Hall of Fame induction might make Portnoy realize he's made a VERY bad mistake.

I have to admit, this thought crossed my mind too.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: The Letter M on October 02, 2010, 04:55:40 PM
Another interesting tidbit is that they'll be finding their 10th member,  in the year 2010, since their inception as a band, after the release of their 10th album, then they'll go on to record their 10th studio record with CJS.

...yeah, I'm bored.

Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Nic35 on October 02, 2010, 05:02:15 PM
The Letter M aka The Nuggetz Man
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Chino on October 02, 2010, 05:03:33 PM
December 24 as a distraction to Mike's annual Christmas gift.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: YngVai on October 02, 2010, 09:29:18 PM
This post is why I'm glad I came back to this site.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: antigoon on October 02, 2010, 11:30:56 PM
December 24 as a distraction to Mike's annual Christmas gift.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: hefdaddy42 on October 03, 2010, 03:16:49 AM
December 24 as a distraction to Mike's annual Christmas gift.
I would lol
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: RoeDent on October 03, 2010, 10:49:16 AM
Another interesting tidbit is that they'll be finding their 10th member,  in the year 2010, since their inception as a band, after the release of their 10th album, then they'll go on to record their 10th studio record with CJS.

...yeah, I'm bored.


They'll announce it next Sunday then. 10/10/2010 *lolmoarnuggetz*
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: DeanTheater on October 03, 2010, 01:47:49 PM
I am thinking November.  Give time to acclimate him to the crew before the studio.

 :metal Kind of exciting
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: MetalManiac666 on October 03, 2010, 06:19:22 PM
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: delossantosj on October 03, 2010, 10:04:25 PM
again guys. if they get a new drummer. it might be john karel... very good chance.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Adami on October 03, 2010, 10:17:22 PM
again guys. if they get a new drummer. it might be john karel... very good chance.

Why would it be a good chance?


I just checked out the guy in your post. Good drummer, but horrible for DT.

People need to realize that DT need a metal drummer. A straight prog, fusion or whatever drummer isn't going to fit in no matter how good they are. They need someone who thinks metal.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: tri.ad on October 03, 2010, 11:36:48 PM
again guys. if they get a new drummer. it might be john karel... very good chance.

It's not about whom, it's about when.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Zydar on October 04, 2010, 01:38:28 AM
According to CJS's latest tweet they haven't auditioned yet.

"No announcement of a drummer. We haven't auditioned yet that will come soon enough. Clue, i have been hinting at this over the last week."
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Bertielee on October 04, 2010, 04:53:40 AM
again guys. if they get a new drummer. it might be john karel... very good chance.

It's not about whom, it's about when.

 Could you elaborate on that?

Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: tri.ad on October 04, 2010, 05:22:41 AM
That's what the thread is about. It's not about some random dude that has been mentioned through cross-posting in two or three threads.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Stoneyman on October 04, 2010, 06:19:06 PM
If they are going to start actually playing with new drummers soon, you would think that they have contacted everyone they like so far and have given those drummers the magic short list of stuff to work on.

Man I would kill to be at those auditions. 

They had better be filming them all!  Maybe one day down the road they will end up on a dvd?
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Ħ on October 04, 2010, 10:00:15 PM

The DT11 drummer will be revealed at the first show.

The record will be released, and the name of the drummer will be left off, leaving all of us in amazement.  Nevertheless, we all realize that the mystery drummer is quite good, perhaps even better than MP.  He will be technical, emotional, and articulate.  We will be debating amongst ourselves whether or not this drummer is actually a step forward for the band.  We'll have polls, arguments, people banned left and right.  We will argue about MP's postion outside of Dream Theater, being sure to overanalyze each and every interview he participates in, being sure to interpret everything in a negative light.  Will MP be the next Kevin Moore, or will he retain his respect among fans?
Amidst the calamity, tour dates suddenly appear on the DT website.  It is announced that the new drummer will be joining them on stage at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame concert, an honor which they attain when Billboard places DT11 at the number 1 slot.  Within days of the announcement, the seats are completely booked.

The big day arrives.  Some fans are already there, camped outside the theater like a bunch of Halo 3 fanboys.  By sundown, the area is completely packed.  Cars litter the street like the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  Even some poor DTFers who didn't get tickets fast enough are content with hearing the music's faint echo half a mile away.  A bright day, but a sad day.  The world watches on.

At long last, the lights of the grand stage dim.  Shouts of ecstasy rumble the very earth itself.  A faint but growing silver light beams down at a velvet curtain.  The four crisp silhouettes we know oh so well can be seen, but the fifth is blurred beyond recognition.

Like a winding snake, the majestic curtain gently falls to the ground to the sound of the familiar hum to the intro of Metropolis.  Screams fill the air in fervent desire as they behold their idols: John Petrucci, sporting his spiked hair and goatee of antiquity; Jordan Rudess, showing his brilliant white teeth in a wide grin; John Myung, as Asian as ever; Captain James Sparrow, mike stand in his left hand and shovel in his right....but alas!  Our mystery drummer is still hidden behind a thick cloud of smoke!  Fans sigh in beautiful agony, but the band marches on.

As the song winds to its conclusion, with one last exasperation of "eternity," the Captain turns to the crowd.  As the sound of his comforting voice resounds the night, the world falls into silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, how are we dooiiiin'?!!!!  Excellent.  Tonight is an especially special night.  Yeah.  We have had the honor and priviledge of working with the world's most technical, creative, and imaginitive drummer for our newest record, Rocktavarium.  Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you....


By the way, be sure to pick up a copy of my newest solo record, Static Impulse, as you leave the auditorium."

*Mike Portnoy, please come back...:'(
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: TAC on October 05, 2010, 10:33:58 AM
If they are going to start actually playing with new drummers soon, you would think that they have contacted everyone they like so far and have given those drummers the magic short list of stuff to work on.

I agree. Where, when, ....IsvJames there as well?
I also wonder what songs the prospects were asked to learn.

Someone needs to ask these things on JP, JR. & JLB's forums.
Title: Re: When will the new drummer be revealed?
Post by: Bertielee on October 05, 2010, 10:47:19 AM

The DT11 drummer will be revealed at the first show.

The record will be released, and the name of the drummer will be left off, leaving all of us in amazement.  Nevertheless, we all realize that the mystery drummer is quite good, perhaps even better than MP.  He will be technical, emotional, and articulate.  We will be debating amongst ourselves whether or not this drummer is actually a step forward for the band.  We'll have polls, arguments, people banned left and right.  We will argue about MP's postion outside of Dream Theater, being sure to overanalyze each and every interview he participates in, being sure to interpret everything in a negative light.  Will MP be the next Kevin Moore, or will he retain his respect among fans?
Amidst the calamity, tour dates suddenly appear on the DT website.  It is announced that the new drummer will be joining them on stage at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame concert, an honor which they attain when Billboard places DT11 at the number 1 slot.  Within days of the announcement, the seats are completely booked.

The big day arrives.  Some fans are already there, camped outside the theater like a bunch of Halo 3 fanboys.  By sundown, the area is completely packed.  Cars litter the street like the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  Even some poor DTFers who didn't get tickets fast enough are content with hearing the music's faint echo half a mile away.  A bright day, but a sad day.  The world watches on.

At long last, the lights of the grand stage dim.  Shouts of ecstasy rumble the very earth itself.  A faint but growing silver light beams down at a velvet curtain.  The four crisp silhouettes we know oh so well can be seen, but the fifth is blurred beyond recognition.

Like a winding snake, the majestic curtain gently falls to the ground to the sound of the familiar hum to the intro of Metropolis.  Screams fill the air in fervent desire as they behold their idols: John Petrucci, sporting his spiked hair and goatee of antiquity; Jordan Rudess, showing his brilliant white teeth in a wide grin; John Myung, as Asian as ever; Captain James Sparrow, mike stand in his left hand and shovel in his right....but alas!  Our mystery drummer is still hidden behind a thick cloud of smoke!  Fans sigh in beautiful agony, but the band marches on.

As the song winds to its conclusion, with one last exasperation of "eternity," the Captain turns to the crowd.  As the sound of his comforting voice resounds the night, the world falls into silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, how are we dooiiiin'?!!!!  Excellent.  Tonight is an especially special night.  Yeah.  We have had the honor and priviledge of working with the world's most technical, creative, and imaginitive drummer for our newest record, Rocktavarium.  Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you....


By the way, be sure to pick up a copy of my newest solo record, Static Impulse, as you leave the auditorium."

*Mike Portnoy, please come back...:'(

You, fanboy!! ;)