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General => Musicians => Topic started by: Stratgtar565 on May 23, 2010, 02:02:41 PM

Title: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: Stratgtar565 on May 23, 2010, 02:02:41 PM
How on earth do you remember the solos? I have no problem playing the actual songs themselves, but I can never remember the solos. They're all over the place, and it always escapes me what frets to play on, even after practicing the solos for weeks. Does anyone have any tips on remembering certain crazy solos such as the crazy one in Metropolis Pt. 1? Thank you for your time.
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: Marvellous G on May 23, 2010, 02:18:33 PM
Listen to the song A LOT, and I often play it many times with the Guitar Pro file playing at the same time as me so I can have a scrolling tab. Eventually, but with stuff like Metropolis it will take a long time, it will stick in your head.
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: ddtonfire on May 23, 2010, 02:24:07 PM
Play them a lot. Play along with the song a lot. Practice the solos in parts, not the solo as a whole.
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: Scrub206 on May 23, 2010, 02:58:37 PM
yeah, im not a guitarist but deffinatly listen to them A LOT. as i said i dont play guitar but i could basicly sing every guitar part that JP plays. im sure once you get that nailed in. the solos will come a lot easier
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: Ultimetalhead on May 23, 2010, 05:29:32 PM
Play them a lot. Play along with the song a lot. Practice the solos in parts, not the solo as a whole.
Disagreed. If you're having trouble with remembering how to play a solo, breaking it up is the wrong thing to do. By playing it a lot as a whole, you pound the patterns into your brain. I've never had an issue with remembering how to play any solo. I have a really good memory though, so maybe that's it.
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: ddtonfire on May 23, 2010, 06:38:38 PM
^ If you're trying to remember a soliloquy in a play for example, you're probably not going to memorize the whole thing straight through. You'll divide it into parts and then string the parts together, since all most solos are like a soliloquy in that they have phrases and sentence-like structures. I think the same approach applies to a guitar solo. But I've never really had trouble memorizing solos since I 1) know the songs so well through excessive listening and 2) have the tabs sitting in front of me.

If you're talking about a complicated Petrucci-esque solo or unison, say the unison at the end of This Dying Soul, then learn the picking pattern that gets repeated throughout the part. That's really all it is is a few different picking patterns moved around about the neck in compliance with the scale/key used.
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: Stratgtar565 on May 25, 2010, 06:28:45 PM
Yeah, I could sing basically all of the guitar parts on each album if I wanted to (I listen to DT a LOT). I'm just having trouble commiting the solos to memory. But, I'll try these tips out. Thanks!
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: MetalMike06 on May 25, 2010, 08:39:08 PM
I've just heard the songs so much that memorization isn't a problem.
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on May 31, 2010, 08:56:06 AM
i could basicly sing every guitar part that JP plays.

Post a video of you singing the solo of As I Am in 3...2...1... GO!
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: cthrubuoy on June 02, 2010, 01:05:40 AM
i could basicly sing every guitar part that JP plays.

Post a video of you singing the solo of As I Am in 3...2...1... GO!
I vote 'In the Name of God'.
Title: Re: Attention all Guitarists that play Petrucci's solos...
Post by: rumborak on June 02, 2010, 11:09:25 AM
Never had many issues remembering his solos, and by now I think our repertoire is about 20 DT songs. I find JP writes very "visual" solos, i.e. patterns that you just follow through.
