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Offline KevShmev

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7630 on: May 23, 2019, 04:10:05 PM »

For example, out of everything Euron said the last 2 seasons, my favorite thing he ever did was when he saw Jaime struggling for his sword, and he just hung his head down like, "Oh FFS are you kidding me?"  :lol

That was the best moment of that fight. It was like, "damn it, this guy still wants to fight??"

Offline RuRoRul

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7631 on: May 23, 2019, 04:25:46 PM »
Yeah "objectively bad" just makes me want to go to those old threads "Is Prog Objectively The Best Music?"  :lol It's people's opinions on art and entertainment, always going to be some different views, no point in anyone going to the bat for "objective vs. non-objective" over Game of Thrones discussion on this forum (if you're going to do that, may as well be about the objective superiority of prog over all other music).

Yeah, on one hand I agree, but... it was no longer the game of thrones, it was just Starks + Dany versus the Lannisters. There were no longer alliances, secondary characters that could even mentioned, just the very top players and no one else. As soon as the figurehead of an house died, it's like his entire kingdom ceased to exist with no pretenders, no new lieges or lords appointed, nothing like that.

Cersei was "losing enemies by the hour" - the examples presented were Yara, already sworn to Dany, and "the new prince of Dorne", an unnamed character that didn't speak in the finale. Dany 20 seconds later replies that her "enemies" grow stronger - which are your enemies, plural? it's just Cersei sitting on the throne.

There's nothing between Winterfell and King's Landing, not even the Twins where, you know, Edmure is kept in a cell even after the entire massacre of the Freys. What happens once the Tyrells are gone? who knows. What happened to the seat of House Baratheon? who knows. How is the population of King's Landing reacting to Cersei? are they actively oppressed as in curfew, insane taxes, nazi-like surveillance in the streets? who knows. What do they think of the bombing of the Vatican with the Pope and the beloved Queen inside? are they going along with the excuse that it was a tragic accident, as Cersei told Mycroft Holmes from the Iron Bank? do they hate Cersei but are powerless to revolt? who knows.

There's nothing else except the Starks and Dany (plus whatever the plot decides her remaining army is) and Cersei with Qyburn at his side in King's Landing.
I feel this, that was one of the main difference between the earlier seasons and the late ones for me (I'd say Season 6 onwards, even though Season 6 is still one of my top Seasons due to the quality of its big moments). But I also agree with hefdaddy's point that it had to go that way to some extent. Not just because the events of the story eliminate rivals and factions, but also because eventually the story has to stop expanding and focus on the main characters and the conclusion. Or else it will just slowly get wider and more complicated with no end in sight...

But, they could have done a better job at preserving the illusion of the wider world with more consequences even while boiling it down to the main characters and factions for the final conflicts. I can see how that's quite hard to do though, in fact that's what the bolded part is about. I'm not sure if you yourself were intending the "new prince of Dorne" who had a single line as being inherently a negative thing in your post, but I've stumbled on a few examples online of people really complaining about that and saying it's "such shit writing" because this guy wasn't thoroughly explained and didn't have much to do even though he was included. But I think actually that's what was needed - more "new Prince of Dorne"s. Ok, not exactly, but if we accept that the story has to stop expanding somewhere and that the screentime is going to be devoted to the major characters and factions, then the only way to preserve the feeling of the bigger world is to include references or brief appearances of characters and factions that won't be given significant screentime. I don't need to hear the show's attempt to explain who the new Prince of Dorne is (especially since after the Sands took over Dorne the ship had already sailed on robust politics in that region). But we learn he exists, and he's still antagonistic to Cersei - that info is better than never hearing mention of Dorne at all. I'd have been happy to get a little bit of that for some of the other regions and the rest of King's Landing.

Of course, seeing that something like mentioning a new prince of Dorne without elaborating is classed as Bad WritingTM and the many reactions of "So ___ or ____ was pointless then?" (I usually find those sorts of statements quite bizarre, but I'd probably write a whole posts worth if I got into that) I can see it'd be quite a fine line to tread for the writers to try to put in a bit of extra texture if the characters or things mentioned aren't going to be immediately important to the scenes. Doubtless it wouldn't have pleased many people, I'd have liked it though and feel it would do a bit to ease the difference between the feel of the earlier seasons and the last few.

Edit: One of my favourite scenes from Season 7 (which I think I may prefer less than Season 8) was the scene where Cersei addressed a room of "Lords of Westeros", including Randyll Tarly but also a bunch of nameless, unknown lords. She stokes fear about Daenerys by emphasising her bringing the Dothraki and the savagery they are known for, and tales of her brutal actions against the nobility in Slaver's Bay. It's not a huge scene, but it goes a long way to explaining how Cersei could get any wider support despite her past actions - by positioning herself as a kind of nationalistic option, someone born and raised in Westeros, playing to their fear of "foreign savages", and also raising fear about the kind of treatment Daenerys might bring to the nobility if she's not happy with the way things are run. It's one of the few scenes from season 7 or 8 that I can remember that had that kind of political maneuvering which took into account the other nobles in Westeros. Jaime followed up with Randyll Tarly individually, and since we'd seen in Season 6 his attitude towards wildlings it's no surprise that the argument about savages from outside Westeros appealed to him, so he was open to the offer of commanding their forces and supplanting the Tyrells as Warden of the South.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 04:53:16 PM by RuRoRul »

Offline KevShmev

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7632 on: May 23, 2019, 04:29:57 PM »
I am already seeing "everybody thought the finale was terrible" comments, which is horse shit, and I am sure years from now those same people will still have themselves convinced that everybody hated it, when in fact that is not true at all.  Oh well, such is life on the internet where the complainers scream the loudest.

Offline CrimsonSunrise

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7633 on: May 23, 2019, 06:52:14 PM »
I am already seeing "everybody thought the finale was terrible" comments, which is horse shit, and I am sure years from now those same people will still have themselves convinced that everybody hated it, when in fact that is not true at all.  Oh well, such is life on the internet where the complainers scream the loudest.
Absolute horse shit.  I loved it!  My wife loved it!  But yeah, the squeaky wheel get's the grease....

Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7634 on: May 24, 2019, 02:01:49 AM »
RuRoRul has a better string of excellent and well thought posts than the writers with their decisions themselves  :lol

While I meant with "Yara and the unnamed prince of Dorne" was that the political statement of Cersei losing allies was explained with two examples, one being a Dany ally, and the other a random guy from a region already previously aligned against the Crown, but now that you make me think about it yes, we need more "random guy from that house" and scenes like you said, with Cersei rallying up the lords against illegal immigrants.

I still like the finale, I enjoyed watching it and there had to be SOME KIND of ending anyway, and many characters got closure (even though if you really think a lot about it, and in some cases not even a lot, many things appear superficial). One thing I'll say - regardless of how it would have went down, I think that the major plot points of the final episodes should have been the ones with more "shock" value - but actual shock, not cheap shocks like big action scenes or moments justified with "Arya essentially jumps out of nowhere" or what is already a meme and will haunt the authors for years, "Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet".

The reaction to Dany going full Fire and Blood on King's Landing should have been roughly 50% of "Well, I kinda see her point" and 50% of "No, she's cruel". Not 99% of ".....what the hell was that and what need there was to nuke the entire city" and 1% of "She didn't feel anything for the death of a cruel, possessive and abusive brother who told to her face that he'd gladly have her raped by 10K savages and their horses, she was clearly mad all the time".  (Yeah, I know this is a bit of an hyperbole, I don't mean it that literally and that black or white. I know there are other signs of Dany having a temper to put it mildly, but she was shown to be ruthless, not needlessly cruel)

The reaction to Jon killing Dany should have been a shock like the Red Wedding, with again 50% of the people agreeing wth it, and 50% thinking that it was undeserved, but it barely registered because after Dany nukes a surrended city and is framed with the wings of the dragon behind her to make her look like a demon and all of a sudden makes nazi rethoric about "freeing the entire world", what else can happen but her killing? you can find a gazillion comments both positive and negative about the finale, but I bet there won't be basically any about "Jon should have totally not killed Dany". There should have been more nuances or, if at all, the right and rationale decision to off her should have come at the end of a longer journey, where week after week and episode after episode you realize that your justifications for Dany are fewer and fewer and you finally admit to yourself that yes, she has to go. "Against all the fears of my advisors I show that it's possible to conquer King's Landing with minimal civilian casualties, then I raze it to the ground anyway and then I talk about conquering the world" over two episodes is not the best way to go about it.
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Offline MoraWintersoul

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7635 on: May 24, 2019, 06:18:22 AM »
I'm not sure if you yourself were intending the "new prince of Dorne" who had a single line as being inherently a negative thing in your post, but I've stumbled on a few examples online of people really complaining about that and saying it's "such shit writing" because this guy wasn't thoroughly explained and didn't have much to do even though he was included. But I think actually that's what was needed - more "new Prince of Dorne"s. Ok, not exactly, but if we accept that the story has to stop expanding somewhere and that the screentime is going to be devoted to the major characters and factions, then the only way to preserve the feeling of the bigger world is to include references or brief appearances of characters and factions that won't be given significant screentime. I don't need to hear the show's attempt to explain who the new Prince of Dorne is (especially since after the Sands took over Dorne the ship had already sailed on robust politics in that region). But we learn he exists, and he's still antagonistic to Cersei - that info is better than never hearing mention of Dorne at all. I'd have been happy to get a little bit of that for some of the other regions and the rest of King's Landing.

Of course, seeing that something like mentioning a new prince of Dorne without elaborating is classed as Bad WritingTM and the many reactions of "So ___ or ____ was pointless then?" (I usually find those sorts of statements quite bizarre, but I'd probably write a whole posts worth if I got into that) I can see it'd be quite a fine line to tread for the writers to try to put in a bit of extra texture if the characters or things mentioned aren't going to be immediately important to the scenes. Doubtless it wouldn't have pleased many people, I'd have liked it though and feel it would do a bit to ease the difference between the feel of the earlier seasons and the last few.
I had problems with the new prince of Dorne because Dorne was one of the biggest balls dropped in the series. It's not their fault, let's just get that out of the way - in the books Dorne will likely have an important storyline that's been cut from the show completely, so they had to try and preserve the cool parts while cutting out the parts that would make sense for the book storyline later, and the result was a bit of a mess. Having said that, just mentioning "the new Prince of Dorne" kinda just... reminded people that the show has had narrative issues for a while. I think it would have taken one phonecall from their people to GRRM's people (like his fact checkers Elio and Linda who worked on his encyclopedia books) to ask, out of the Sands and minor lords who were still alive or not mentioned in the show, which is the most likely candidate to rule by the time of the show? And then they could have just put that name in.

It's just one of those small details that the show, up to now, loved to highlight. Remember even recently, in the Tower of Joy scene, when Ned carried Dawn up to Lyanna's bed so that Jon was "born under a bleeding star"? Loved that shit. Give me more of that. If you have time for 20 Varys has no dick jokes, you have time to name the Prince of Dorne.

I don't have problems with "arcs going nowhere" or people being "useless", sometimes that's just how the dice lands in ASOIAF. As long as you show characters trying and failing. Or if you leave the useless character out of the scene at all. Yes, we all love Arya, but she is the least interesting person that can witness the chaos in King's Landing. Could have been Jon, could have been Davos, could have been an unnamed Dothraki fighting not to get literally killed by his own commander. Anything that plays into a theme or has any emotional significance at all.

One of my favorite "arcs" in the books is the epitome of a "useless" arc - the one of Prince Quentyn Martell. The kind that makes you go "what the hell was that all about". He goes off into an adventure, we follow it in full gory detail, we meet him and learn his hopes and dreams, we learn he is on a mission because of his powerful father. He gives all he's got, goes through hell, even though he is unwilling, he walks into disaster. He goes to propose a marriage pact to Daenerys, even reaches her, gets rejected, and... well. Let's just say his story ends in the most unceremonious way possible. What was the point of that! Well, Dorne is a natural and powerful ally to Daenerys, and she needs to be without allies when she arrives to Westeros for the story to work, so Martin has to figure out a way why this natural alliance would fail. But also, it plays into all the bigger themes of the books. Life is not a song. It takes so much to make it, and most of us are just people, even nobles and royals. Don't bite off more than you can chew. You should have stayed home. Martin relishes in writing this seemingly useless story, the writing is so vivid, so powerful. And he makes me love it.

I wish Jon could have had just one or two conversations that played into these themes. He's Arrived, he's traumatized, they told him his entire life was a lie, he fought the dead and barely survived, the Red Priestess who revived him goes and he's still alive. All he wants is to serve Dany, because that is his duty, to the bitter end. All he wants is to tell his sisters that their father wasn't dishonorable. He tells them. THEY REACT, WE SEE THEIR REACTION. Why do we get all these Stark moments with the meaning cut off??  One of them schemes against the queen he swore to protect. He is the only one who can get near enough to kill her after she breaks bad. He is a kinslayer, and a queenslayer, all in one. In all this emotional turmoil, where the only thing he's useful for - the thing he must have been revived for, because the show believes in destiny - is the thing he least wants to do in the entire universe, we get maybe two lines from him, and the nature of his tragic act is completely flattened, because:

it barely registered because after Dany nukes a surrended city and is framed with the wings of the dragon behind her to make her look like a demon and all of a sudden makes nazi rethoric about "freeing the entire world", what else can happen but her killing? you can find a gazillion comments both positive and negative about the finale, but I bet there won't be basically any about "Jon should have totally not killed Dany".

Basically one throwaway Dorne prince gets me more emotional in the most bloated ASOIAF book to date than Jon, the literal song of ice and fire, makes me in the finale of the story I have waited 13 years to see.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2019, 06:42:26 AM by MoraWintersoul »

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Offline MirrorMask

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7636 on: May 24, 2019, 06:40:13 AM »
That could be explained as if football matches, or really any other sport, was made into such a show. If you could follow anyone, you'd have your favorites, but then your team gets eliminated in the semifinal and then what was the point to follow a team that didn't even reach the final?

This year in the Champions League, two of the most revered and acclaimed player, Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi, were posed to potentially meet in the finals. However their respective teams got eliminated, and so no Ronaldo vs Messi in the final. What was the point of following the epic journey to the final of the two best players in the world, if they were posed to meet in the final but didnt? well, welcome to real life, some times other teams win. That realism can be applied to the saga as well, people are posed to be a great shot and then all it takes is one fatal mistake. Just as it happen to all of us playing arcade video games, oh cool, I'm doing all things right, I never went past this point of the game, I know, this is the right time, I'm gonna defeat the final boss.... uh wait I made a stupid mistake, game over, I no longer have further coins to insert.
I use my sig to pimp some bands from Italy! Check out Elvenking (Power / Folk metal), Folkstone (Rock / Medieval metal), Arcana Opera (Gothic/Noir/Heavy metal) and the beautiful voice of Elisa!

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7637 on: May 24, 2019, 07:25:45 AM »
I like dragons.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Offline MrBoom_shack-a-lack

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7638 on: May 24, 2019, 07:42:01 AM »
That could be explained as if football matches, or really any other sport, was made into such a show. If you could follow anyone, you'd have your favorites, but then your team gets eliminated in the semifinal and then what was the point to follow a team that didn't even reach the final?

This year in the Champions League, two of the most revered and acclaimed player, Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi, were posed to potentially meet in the finals. However their respective teams got eliminated, and so no Ronaldo vs Messi in the final. What was the point of following the epic journey to the final of the two best players in the world, if they were posed to meet in the final but didnt? well, welcome to real life, some times other teams win. That realism can be applied to the saga as well, people are posed to be a great shot and then all it takes is one fatal mistake. Just as it happen to all of us playing arcade video games, oh cool, I'm doing all things right, I never went past this point of the game, I know, this is the right time, I'm gonna defeat the final boss.... uh wait I made a stupid mistake, game over, I no longer have further coins to insert.
That's the issue I had going into the finale because I knew that the show wouldn't have the guts to crown Jon the king since people would've shouted "cheese" or something. In my mind sometimes the "hero" actually wins and that's equally believable as the opposite.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7639 on: May 24, 2019, 07:50:16 AM »
I like dragons.
I used to like the Starks. If you wanna know why I'm kinda meh on them now, please put another coin in the machine  :lol

Don't try to BS her about Kevin Moore facts, she will obscure quote you in the face.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7640 on: May 24, 2019, 08:02:17 AM »
I like dragons.
I used to like the Starks. If you wanna know why I'm kinda meh on them now, please put another coin in the machine  :lol

« Last Edit: May 24, 2019, 10:00:19 AM by Kattelox »
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Offline KevShmev

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7642 on: May 24, 2019, 09:02:06 AM »
I like dragons.
I used to like the Starks. If you wanna know why I'm kinda meh on them now, please put another coin in the machine  :lol

I am pretty convinced you are meh about everything concerning Game of Thrones now.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7643 on: May 24, 2019, 10:41:19 AM »
Hopefully, Martin will get off his ass and finish The Winds of Winter, so that we can begin the inevitable decade-long wait for A Dream of Spring.
Hef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7644 on: May 24, 2019, 10:53:22 AM »
Hopefully, Martin will get off his ass and finish The Winds of Winter, so that we can begin the inevitable decade-long wait for A Dream of Spring.

I really hope he keeps his word on that recent statement about having a finished copy of The Winds of Winter in hand next year. I don't care if it's not even published until the end of 2020 or even early 2021, I just want to know he's finished it. Fingers crossed.
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7645 on: May 24, 2019, 11:35:07 AM »
Hopefully, Martin will get off his ass and finish The Winds of Winter, so that we can begin the inevitable decade-long wait for A Dream of Spring.

I really hope he keeps his word on that recent statement about having a finished copy of The Winds of Winter in hand next year.
Where did you see that?  In his recent blog post, he refused to offer a time of publication.
Hef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7646 on: May 24, 2019, 12:03:25 PM »
Hopefully, Martin will get off his ass and finish The Winds of Winter, so that we can begin the inevitable decade-long wait for A Dream of Spring.

I really hope he keeps his word on that recent statement about having a finished copy of The Winds of Winter in hand next year.
Where did you see that?  In his recent blog post, he refused to offer a time of publication.

As for finishing my book… I fear that New Zealand would distract me entirely too much.   Best leave me here in Westeros for the nonce.   But I tell you this — if I don’t have THE WINDS OF WINTER in hand when I arrive in New Zealand for worldcon, you have here my formal written permission to imprison me in a small cabin on White Island, overlooking that lake of sulfuric acid, until I’m done.   Just so long as the acrid fumes do not screw up my old DOS word processor, I’ll be fine.

Obviously taking it with a grain of salt but it's straight from the horse's mouth, so it's hope. And that's better than nothing!
From a Mega Man Legends island jamming power metal to a Walrus listening to black metal, I like your story arc.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7647 on: May 24, 2019, 01:49:17 PM »
I am pretty convinced you are meh about everything concerning Game of Thrones now.
The music and the acting is pretty good ::)
I mean... don't let me harsh your mellow, I just have Opinions and all my friends feel the same, we got into the books at the same time and into the show since the beginning and we're pretty much the same person really, so there's pretty much nothing left to discuss with anyone but you  :heart
« Last Edit: May 24, 2019, 01:54:49 PM by MoraWintersoul »

Don't try to BS her about Kevin Moore facts, she will obscure quote you in the face.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7648 on: May 24, 2019, 09:02:09 PM »
Has anyone gone to the GOT music concert that Ramin Djawadi does with an orchestra? I was meaning to go to the one last year but couldn't make it and he's coming in my neck of the woods in Sept and am planning to take the wife who hasn't watched a lick of the show to it.

I watched some youtube clips of the previous shows and they look real epic.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7649 on: May 25, 2019, 02:38:41 AM »
Since we’re still kind of discussing the finale and some weird decisions in there; I already asked why there were 3(!) Starks present at the king choosing and just random other people who all came alone, but let’s just forget about that for now, strange as it may seem.

Why did The North get independence, while The Iron Islands and Dorne did not? I find it kind of hard to believe that Yara Greyjoy would allow the North to de independent while her territory can’t have that, especially since the islanders were basically the first to break away from the Seven Kingdoms after Robb was crowned the King in the North.
Hey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7650 on: May 25, 2019, 05:07:05 AM »
More than that, Yara had an agreement with Dany about indipendence / autonomy as long as they would stop pillaging. Dany's gone so no one can inforce that anymore, but Bronn can still get Highgarden because he blackmailed Tyrion under threat of violence  :lol

Even if in the heat of the moment the finale flows well and gives a sense of closure and makes you feel good, hardly anything resists to a bit of scrutiny. They wanted a cool scene of Drogon being covered by snow, but what did Dany do in the time it took the snow to completely cover Drogon? she was constipated and spent a lot of time on the loo before reaching the throne room for the very first time, all by herself because screw Greyworm and their top generals, they don't deserve to share the moment with her?

Also, Tyrion not being present in the "song of ice and fire" book.... we should see the irony of an important man being snubbed and ignored by everyone, but seriously, how lousy and informative is a book that doesn't mention:
- One of the main catalysts of the Lannisters / Starks crisis (Catelyn kidnapped Tyrion)
- The acting hand of the king to Joffrey
- The murderer of Joffrey (yeah, right) and Tywin Lannister
- The hand of the king of a foreign invader who nuked the capital

People in Essos (see the play Arya attended) knew a distorted but fundamentally right sequence of the events, but the masters happen to forget about the perceived killer of a king and the actual killer of his hand, AKA the most influential, powerful and feared man in all of Westeros?
I use my sig to pimp some bands from Italy! Check out Elvenking (Power / Folk metal), Folkstone (Rock / Medieval metal), Arcana Opera (Gothic/Noir/Heavy metal) and the beautiful voice of Elisa!

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7651 on: May 25, 2019, 05:20:09 AM »
People in Essos (see the play Arya attended) knew a distorted but fundamentally right sequence of the events, but the masters happen to forget about the perceived killer of a king and the actual killer of his hand, AKA the most influential, powerful and feared man in all of Westeros?
That was seasons ago, you can’t expect them to remember that!

Seriously though, I guess they were just thinking the North deserved to secede because Sansa needs to be rewarded for being the smartest player ever, but weren’t even thinking about independence being back on the table then. They left the situation very open and I wish they would have had Sansa and Tyrion talking about how they would mediate the situation going further. Maybe they Kinda Forgot (I’m sorry) to add that.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7653 on: May 25, 2019, 03:45:25 PM »
I've been watching that clip like crazy over the last several days and it brings me to tears. The Hound became one of my favorite characters because of it. When you line up all of his quips, it's hysterically funny.  :lol

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7655 on: May 25, 2019, 05:56:45 PM »

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7656 on: May 25, 2019, 07:03:42 PM »
That was great, I would've also included the Die! fucking Die! with the mountain in the end as well.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7657 on: May 25, 2019, 08:52:52 PM »
I've been having trouble discussing the events of the last 2 episodes without making fun of them, but here's an attempt.
A bunch of “wtf”s have been swirling around in my head after the finale, one of them being how a book documenting the years between Robert Baratheon’s death and Bran Stark’s reign can omit Tyrion Lannister when he was such an important player and moved a lot of the pieces around.
Then a different, and initially unrelated, “wtf” was how the scene in the dragon pit ended, it ended with Bran telling Greyworm that Tyrion is gonna spend the rest of his life serving as hand of the king to fix the mistakes he made, to which Greyworm responds “It is not enough”, then it cuts to Jon Snow in his cell without telling us what agreement they reached with Greyworm to appease him regarding Tyrion.
I think the agreement is Tyrion gets punished by being erased from history, no recognition ever.
If this is indeed the case then they certainly did another piss poor job of conveying it to us, cause otherwise these two “wtf”s remain.. wtf
Tyrion looked surprised about his exclusion though, I don't know if they'd make that deal with Greyworm without telling him.
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7658 on: May 25, 2019, 08:57:37 PM »
It's been kinda aggravating dealing with a fucktarded segment of the people who liked this season, a segment that's continuously picking on those who didn't, while those who disliked it for the most part will tell you "I'm glad it worked for ya".
It's funny this is also happening at the same time at the same time Rammstein have just released a shitty album and people who like it are being incredible assholes for the people who don't. I mean I understand that it sucks to see people criticize something you're really passionate about but you don't need to be a shit head ffs.
I wouldn't want somebody with 18 kids to mow my damn lawn, based on a longstanding bias I have against crazy fucks.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7659 on: May 26, 2019, 03:35:22 AM »
The Hound Roasting People for 5 Minutes Straight

I know that the chicken thing and the "lots of people" thing made history, but rewatching season 2 I completely forgot (until I heard it again, that's it) about something even better: "Anybody dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his fucking corpse"  :lol :lol :lol

And Progmetty, I agree that the cuts are really lousy. We already heard Jon's parentage twice so they cut the revelation to Sansa and Arya, because nobody wants to see the reaction of two main characters at the news that their father didn't cheat on their mother  ::) Jon killed Dany, what will happen? how will the people react? ah, whatever, time to wrap up the show, Dragonpit council meeting, hey Tobias Menzies, please stop a bit to do successful roles in other shows, come back, we have to let Sansa make fun of you, that's a more important thing to show ::)
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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7660 on: May 26, 2019, 05:37:23 AM »
4,3/10 for The Iron Throne on IMDB. Yikes!
"I said to Nigel Tufnel, 'The door is open if you want to do anything on this record,' but it turns out Nigel has a phobia about doors." /Derek Smalls

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7661 on: May 26, 2019, 07:10:51 AM »
The Hound Roasting People for 5 Minutes Straight

I've also watched this a handful of times already this week.  Non-stop hilarity.  :lol :lol

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7662 on: May 26, 2019, 09:28:18 AM »
I had problems with the new prince of Dorne because Dorne was one of the biggest balls dropped in the series. It's not their fault, let's just get that out of the way - in the books Dorne will likely have an important storyline that's been cut from the show completely, so they had to try and preserve the cool parts while cutting out the parts that would make sense for the book storyline later, and the result was a bit of a mess. Having said that, just mentioning "the new Prince of Dorne" kinda just... reminded people that the show has had narrative issues for a while. I think it would have taken one phonecall from their people to GRRM's people (like his fact checkers Elio and Linda who worked on his encyclopedia books) to ask, out of the Sands and minor lords who were still alive or not mentioned in the show, which is the most likely candidate to rule by the time of the show? And then they could have just put that name in.

It's just one of those small details that the show, up to now, loved to highlight. Remember even recently, in the Tower of Joy scene, when Ned carried Dawn up to Lyanna's bed so that Jon was "born under a bleeding star"? Loved that shit. Give me more of that. If you have time for 20 Varys has no dick jokes, you have time to name the Prince of Dorne.
I would have loved a detail thrown in about which house from Dorne took over after the Martells too, definitely not saying it couldn't have been done. But, even if they got it directly from GRRM or a suggestion from Elio and Linda about what house to name, without more details justifying who and why it'll still result in reactions of "Wtf? How could the Daynes just take over Dorne without the Yronwoods having their say?". Certain things are more plausible but without more info there's always going to be questions about why something happened or why it was mentioned, and ironically giving an definitive answer of who rules Dorne without an explanation might be considered an even bigger narrative issue by some than just... confirming that someone exists that rules Dorne. Like I said, I would have been happy to see them name check a minor house or something too, but I don't see it as a big gap, and I'm not convinced that them just naming someone without a justification in the story would have gone over any better with most people that had a problem with them mentioning a new prince of Dorne.

Also when you say that Dorne was one of the biggest dropped balls in the series, that's one of the reasons why I wasn't desperate for them to give more details about it - after you have the Sands kill off Oberyn's House and then Ellaria ruling Dorne, the ship has kind of sailed on Dorne's politics being consistent with ASOIAF world logic, and dropping a name that's a bit of a reference to the books now isn't going to save it. Dipping back into that storyline, even to ponder how much the new leader they've named makes sense, isn't something I'm keen to do :lol. Give me a new Prince of Dorne, I can assume it's someone from one of the minor houses or a Martell cousin or something, that's enough for me.

Anyway, I'm not meaning to say the Prince of Dorne was a great addition or anything. On its own it doesn't add up to much. But I'm saying that more of the same would've went a long way. Hearing a brief mention of who "the Storm Lords" have sided with or that someone is at least taking them into consideration. Whether or not any Lords from the Reach were still on either Cersei or Daenerys' side after the Tyrells and Tarlys are killed. What the rough status of the Riverlands was after the Freys died - still under control of the Iron Throne, gone over to allies of the Starks, or just in chaos? As with Dorne, I'd appreciate hearing about the lesser houses since I love the rich world of the books and seeing more of that adapted into the show, but the more important thing that was missing for me wasn't the name dropping of Caron and Swann, Rowan and Redwyne, Blackwood and Bracken, but just the sense of a world with more competing interests and consequences.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 09:35:54 AM by RuRoRul »

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7663 on: May 26, 2019, 09:31:12 AM »
It's been kinda aggravating dealing with a fucktarded segment of the people who liked this season, a segment that's continuously picking on those who didn't, while those who disliked it for the most part will tell you "I'm glad it worked for ya".
If you think there isn't a segment at least as big of those who disliked the season that are continuously antagonistic to those that did (or even those that aren't absolute and unequivocal in their dislike for it), you haven't been paying attention.

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Re: Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread
« Reply #7664 on: May 26, 2019, 10:25:07 AM »
In case anybody forgot like I did, the documentary behind season 8 airs tonight. Can't wait.
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