
BREAKING NEWS:  Dream Theater reunites with drummer Mike Portnoy (10/25/23)

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Biggest DT-related disappointment

Started by nikatapi, July 20, 2014, 04:16:12 AM

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Quote from: Tomislav95 on August 07, 2014, 09:15:17 AM
Quote from: DreamerTV on August 07, 2014, 08:25:04 AM
Quote from: Tomislav95 on August 07, 2014, 08:20:27 AM
Great post, indeed. But you forgot one big thing: Happy Holidays CD for FREE :hefdaddy

He didn't ;)

Great post, Bosk.
Sorry, I haven't seen it on first read :blush

Well, it was so great and unexpected that it's worth being mentioned once more anyway.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Quote from: Kotowboy on July 29, 2014, 12:53:40 AM
The metaphor I thought of was giving someone a 6 string bass and saying ' this demonstrably has more strings than a 4 string bass'

and them going 'that's just your opinion'.

But that is flawed, unless you can agree what it specifically and measurably means to be "technically superior".   There is no definition of "six" that yields a number other than the number of faces of a cube, and no definition of "four" that yields a number other than the number of sides of a quadrangle, and neither of those is subject to a given person's perspective.   There are many (if not infinite) definitions of "technically superior", many (if not all) that REQUIRE one's personal perspective.


Quote from: GentlemanofDread on August 06, 2014, 06:41:52 PM
Wait somebody in DT checks up with you about the fourm? I suddenly feel giddy.

Yes.  And why?  Because he wants to know and cares about what the fans think.  I also have had Frank Solomon personally call me to ask what I thought the fan reaction would be to a certain thing the band were thinking about doing.  Again, the point isn't about me--it's the fact that they understand that a significant portion of the fanbase is represented by these online forums, and they care about what we think and sometimes, when appropriate, take it into account when making decisions.


I hope you portray us forumers in the best possible way, bosk  :P


Yeah.  In fact, to MAKE SURE the forum is portrayed in the best possible light, whenever asked directly by the band, I just tell them we banned you and reported you to Interpol a long time ago.


bosk1, saving the day for democracy since 2007.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: Kotowboy on August 07, 2014, 06:36:27 AM
That's all well and good but has anyone in DT dyed their beard blue ?

NO.  :angry:


:omg: Is that real !!!!???

Hehe. It's probably an FX. Lord knows Rudess can't get enough of editing photos like a 12 yr old girl who just discovered Instagram :lol #NoFilter


Quote from: Miss Bangkok on August 06, 2014, 03:53:43 PM
Definitely DT12. It's been a huge disappointment for me....I didn't like SC or BC&SL that much, and had basically given up on them, but when ADTOE was released it was a very pleasant surprise. I love that record, and had high hopes for DT12. I thought maybe they'd continue to "return to form", but then they turned around and released this commercial mainstream-ish album. Yesterday I was watching a new JP interview for guitar interactive magazine, and he said they made a conscious decision to write shorter, more concise songs, that would hopefully appeal to mainstream audiences. Am I the only person who thinks their recent Grammy nominations have affected their songwriting? Because it sure sounds like it to me. Back when they first streamed "The Enemy Inside" I literally sat there in disgust...I was angered and irritated by what I was hearing, and kept asking out loud "WHY?!? WHY?!?!". Anyway, we'll see if the next one is better, but for some reason I feel like they're going to keep slipping down the direction they're headed.

I agree with most of this except for a few things.  I liked SC and BC&SL for the most part.  ADTOE is really good except for Far From Heaven and Beneath The Surface.  Those two songs detract from the rest of the album, IMO.

As far as DT12 goes, The Enemy Inside seemed a little off to me at first, but it's a decent song.  I think JP's solo saved it.  The Looking Glass may be mainstream by I still like it.  JLB's singing is good and it has another classic JP type solo.  Behind The Veil is probably my favorite on the album.  The rest is rather disappointing.  Doesn't do much for me at all.  Hopefully the next release will be an improvement.


Actually, today ive just experienced my biggest DT-related disappointment.
I had been waiting for them to come to colombia since the tour started, and I was expecting them
To come because they have visited colombia in almost every tour... But Im new to DT
and I had been waiting this whole year to see that concert in person with my friends...

Now I find out in a FB post that they are only going to Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Japan...And now I wont get to see them live, or talk to them in a meet & greet, and Ill have to accept that the Boston DVD is the closest ill get to that show...

If I misunderstood something from that post or if DT is actually planning to go to at least more places in south america, please tell me


The South America shows are only starting to be announced, are you sure a show in your country isn't going to be announced sometime in the near future?


Thats what I thought before... Now Im not really sure, these concerts are next month and then they are going to Japan. If they were to announce later another concert in september there wouldnt be enough time to buy the tickets and stuff.. (I think)
And that last DTs Facebook post about the new clock said something like this: "of course not all of us can make it to a show, If you cant get to Chile, Argentina, Brazil or Japan, theres something else you might like: "The New Eclipse Clock!"
Please tell me I just missinterpreted the whole thing and they really are coming
I dont want a clock... I want to see them live :/


I looked up at the schedule and there's a big gap between Buenos Aires (26/9) and Brasilia (7/10). Surely this gap will be filled with at least four other gigs in the rest of the continent. It doesn't make sense to stay in stand-by mode for 10 days while on tour.


My biggest DT disappointment has been well documented on this forum in the last 4 years.

It's the gift that keeps on disappointing.


Quote from: wasteland on August 08, 2014, 01:54:10 AM
I looked up at the schedule and there's a big gap between Buenos Aires (26/9) and Brasilia (7/10). Surely this gap will be filled with at least four other gigs in the rest of the continent. It doesn't make sense to stay in stand-by mode for 10 days while on tour.

There´s no are the dates in Brazil:

30/09 - Porto Alegre/RS - Pepsi on Stage
02/10 - Curitiba/PR - Master Hall
04/10 - São Paulo/SP - Espaço das Américas
05/10 - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Vivo Rio
07/10 - Brasilia/DF - Net Live Brasilia
10/10 - Recife/PE - Chevrolet Hall
11/10 - Fortaleza/CE - Centro de Eventos do Ceara


Oh, wow, those weren't included on the official site. Well, in this case I guess we'll know shortly if there's any hope.


So they chose to play at 10 different cities in Brazil instead of playing in Panama, venezuela, ecuador, bolivia... And Colombia.

Well thats disappointing...


Well, seven dates in Brazil is a lot, but you have to consider that the country is very big, almost a sub-continent. Plus, don't be disappointed at the band, most of the times missing a particoular touring spot is not the result of a band's decision, but rather of a number of different factors, like local promoters, venue owners, band management, schedules and everything. The band often has the final say, true, but if a place doesn't get a show it's most likely because things didn't work out, not because the band decided not to visit said place. But again, let us not mend the head before it's broken, there could still be announcements. :)


Brazil is actually the 5th biggest country in the world, so them getting 10 shows shouldn't be considered unusual at all. 


Well, i guess youre right... Brazil is a big country, and I would go to a show there.. But all of those cities they are visiting are more than 5 hours (flight time) away.
Its not the band's fault I understand that, but I guess right now Im just mad and cant help but feel dissapointed.


Quote from: a8ac on August 08, 2014, 08:39:44 AM
Well, i guess youre right... Brazil is a big country, and I would go to a show there.. But all of those cities they are visiting are more than 5 hours (flight time) away.
Its not the band's fault I understand that, but I guess right now Im just mad and cant help but feel dissapointed.
Don't feel too bad.  I live in the band's home country, and they never come anywhere within an 8-hour drive for me.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Well, the band never visited any place within driving distance to my place, so I have always had to take a plane to see a show, but I understand that a plane/train from Colombia or Peru to Brasil is likely to be require a bigger economical undertaking than a plane to cross the Tyrrhenian Sea.  :(


:/ yeah thats sad, but at least its an 8-hour drive, I live in a city that is 15 hours away from the capital (where they usually go)so I was planning to go by plane (1 hour flight), but a 5 hour flight to brazil its just too much


Yeah.. Going to those cities in brazil is the same as going to argentina or chile.. So, no oportunity for me
It would be easier and cheaper to just go to the US but now its too late :S


Quote from: a8ac on August 08, 2014, 09:07:07 AM
Yeah.. Going to those cities in brazil is the same as going to argentina or chile.. So, no oportunity for me
It would be easier and cheaper to just go to the US but now its too late :S

I can recommend a few cheap but cool places to stay in Rio if you want to come around.


Nah its fine, I wish I could go, but its really difficult for me at this time of the year, but thanks

Viking of the Sagas

I would be very wary calling DT12 as lacking in innovation and inspiration, but at the same time it's very easy to say that when compared to the variation present in the earlier records. I just miss the variation. Changing themes of each album. Stuff like that.


My biggest DT related disappointment is Mike Portnoy quitting for sure. I was still a pretty new fan in 2010, and my friends asked me if I wanted to go to the Iron Maiden/Dream Theater show at Madison Square Garden. I felt I wasn't familiar enough with either bands' material at that point to go see them so I said no. After that, I started to listen to more and more DT to get familiar with their discography and thought I would catch them the next time they came around. Then, Mike made the announcement that he was leaving. I was devastated because since MP was the most vocal member, he was essentially the one who was making me familiar with the band. I was becoming a fan through Mike Portnoy and now he was gone. I also wasn't sure if the band would be okay without him I'm sure many people felt this way as well). When ADToE came out, I didn't like it at first but now it's one of my favorites by them and I saw them at Hammerstein Ballroom in March and it was the best concert I ever saw. Everything worked out for both parties, but I'm still disappointed that I didn't get to see DT with MP and I probably never will.


Mike Portnoy leaving, DT12 and the static setlist on this tour.


Quote from: KevShmev on August 08, 2014, 08:29:07 AM
Brazil is actually the 5th biggest country in the world, so them getting 10 shows shouldn't be considered unusual at all.

Well... Argentina is the 8th and we have one date only. The issue here is population: 42 millions against 202 in Brazil.


DT12 easily. I tried so hard to like that record but it's just lacking in so many ways that I simply cannot "love" that album. A shame really,IT is a really sweet song.