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Offline MoraWintersoul

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #525 on: December 19, 2014, 10:49:52 AM »
Well, that's just her problem then. Hopefully you'll be able to put the whole band together soon!

About the image - I can totally get your point. Members of bands around here always like to stress how no one comes to hometown gigs anymore but there are always flocks of people on foreign bands' gigs, and I think that one of the many reasons why that might be the case is that, unlike the foreign bands, they don't do anything to entice the audience image-wise. They don't have a stage show, or an image, or promotion, or any sex appeal. Basic rock music has a lot to do with sex appeal and if you're not gonna work on your chops to play something a little more esoteric (what you guys are playing is pretty esoteric by Serb band standards!), at least don't hire a lead singer that looks like an anemic middle schooler, and don't wear cargo shorts on stage? You don't have to be hot, you can be ugly, as long as it's an interesting kind of ugly. Look at Lemmy!

A lot of the magic of a rock/metal show for younger peeps is in the costuming. When you get to a show and the audience is dressed a certain way and the band is dressed a certain way and you are dressed a certain way, there's some tribe magic being conjured up, but the band must be one notch above "regular Joes". If you see Jimmy from the block coming up on stage with a beer to play the guitar, it's just not going to be as convincing. But if it's a hot dude with hair down to his ass, well, you got something :lol I first "met" my boyfriend on a gig of his band and he looks like he could be in Mastodon :xbones

Don't try to BS her about Kevin Moore facts, she will obscure quote you in the face.

type : mora : and delete the spaces for a surprise

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #526 on: December 22, 2014, 06:53:26 AM »
So yesterday at church we had our Christmas show.  No sermon, just the band rocking out to some contemporary arrangements of carols and some newer-written Christmas tunes.  We even did Gabriel's Message by Sting, which I got to play solo on guitar, and it has a weird time feel to it, so almost some prog.  :metal
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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #527 on: December 22, 2014, 09:08:32 AM »
Sounds awesome!

Offline Orbert

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #528 on: December 23, 2014, 12:31:05 PM »
So we did the children's play at church, and it was, as always, a success.  Come on, it's not the most demanding audience.  But I played the piano for the songs, and also led the "youth ensemble" in a modified arrangement of the Christmas medley I'd done for the praise band two years ago.  It was great.  Somehow, word got out that it was my arrangement, and people were all over me after the service, telling me how much they liked it, so that was cool.  Someone even sent me a card completely raving about what a great ministry it is for the kids to have someone to guide them give their talents an opportunity to shine like that.

That actually surprised me, and made me think.  I'm by nature a selfish person.  I like to play because I like to play.  I'm a showoff, an attention junkie.  Yes, I get off on other people enjoying it, but I've never quite figured out if making them happy is what I like, or I just get off on the attention and acclaim.  I don't know; maybe it's the same thing.  But what I hadn't really thought about was the opportunity I'm giving the kids.  I've thought of them as extensions of their instruments.  I got to arrange a piece for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, piano, and guitar.  A weird, unique ensemble, and a fun challenge.  I was glad to have the opportunity to do it, and glad that there were kids who wanted to play, but I never thought about how they, as musicians, benefit so much from doing something like this.  And it seemed weird to me that that had never even occurred to me before, and that's why I know that I'm really doing this out of selfishness.  I love it when people love my work, but I'm still not doing it for them; I'm doing it for me, for the rush I get from the applause.  That's kinda fucked up, I think.


And of course, the latest news on Orbert's band.

Anne, the potential new singer who for two months now, on and off, has supposedly been trying to set up an audition with us, and us with her, sent John a text saying that they really need to talk.  Yeah, so that sounds ominous.  They talk, and she's completely on the fence about this whole thing.  She doesn't like to disappoint people, and she doesn't really handle change well.  Sure, her current band isn't great, but they have fun and they do get some gigs, and that's okay with her.  Apparently all the reasons she wanted to quit are no longer relevant.  So why is she even calling?  What, just to vent?

John has had about enough of this, and he also wants her for our band, so he tells her that really, she needs to decide what she wants to do.  Does she want to audition with us or not?  Does she really want to stay with a band that pushes her aside for some spazz with a flute and not even see if the grass is any greener elsewhere?  (Basically, shit or get off the pot, honey.)  She finally decides that she should at least audition with us.  Well, damned right she should!

Except she's still supposedly fighting off whatever bug has invaded her body and won't leave.  And even if she auditions with us, we don't know if we're any closer to stealing her from her current lame band.

In other news, Mike and Karen's New Year's Eve Jam is coming up again.  They host a big jam every New Year's Eve at their house and invite all their friends, which includes a lot of musicians since they've played in a lot of bands and count all of them as friends.  I've been invited every year for four or five years now, but we always got together with our friends and I couldn't do it.  Last year, the female half of the other couple (who is also named Karen) got sick, so our plans were cancelled and I was free to go jam.  Yay!  Except we got a foot of snow that night, starting at around 6:00, so I stayed home after all.  :( 

So anyway, our band, Oh Zone, was invited, either individually or as a band.  Since we just got a new bassist and still don't have a singer, Mike said he and/or Karen would be happy to jump in a fill things out.  It's just gonna be a bunch of musicians forming various groups and subgroups and playing songs.  I'm looking forward to it.  I want to jam.  I just want to play.

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #529 on: December 23, 2014, 01:12:32 PM »
Playing music is inherently selfish in my opinion. Sure, when people play music, they can appeal to the people listening, but when it comes down to it, music is all about those playing the music. I wouldn't be a musician if it didn't make me feel happy, or excited, or some other way whenever I play. And if people enjoy what I'm doing, great, that makes it even better, but at the core it's all about what I get out of it.

In regards to the jam, JAM OUT, MAN. Jamming is awesome. Especially when it's with people you know pretty well and you can just rock out.
prog sucks
Even if you're not serious, I'm going to pretend you are and use this as proof that not all heroes wear capes.

Offline TheLordOfTheStrings

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #530 on: December 28, 2014, 02:00:59 AM »
Our bass player during the drum and bass tracking for our upcoming album.
Check out the latest concept album “III: The Sparrow & The Architect”, released through my project The Circle of Wonders:

Offline Orbert

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #531 on: January 11, 2015, 06:05:30 PM »
The New Year's Eve jam was awesome.  By now you've seen the pictures.  Everyone said they'd come, but only JT (the drummer) and I ended up going.  John was still fighting off the flu, and Steve didn't get home until 11:30 pm, at which point he just wasn't up to it.  He's currently paying the bills driving an 18-wheeler and had just gotten in from Ohio.  I don't blame him.

We finally auditioned Anne yesterday!  She was great.  Not perfect, since she's still getting over that bronchial infection or whatever it was, but already a step up from Karen.  We were a little rusty too, having not played since July other than auditioning Tony the bassist, so it was interesting.  Anne had her friend Joe with her for moral support and to help assess things.  He said that he could tell we were a bit rusty, but still a lot better than Anne's current band.  As always, JT and I were the best-prepared.  We had our parts down.  John honestly is probably the weakest link, but it's his band, and Steve and Tony admitted that they had worked on the songs but not that seriously, since they didn't really think the audition would ever happen.  Great attitude, guys.  I learned the fucking songs two months ago when we were gonna audition her the first time.

Anyway, we voted, and have offered Anne the job.  If we've gone through all this and she doesn't join our band, I will actually be pissed.  I don't even care if she also stays with her other band.  Heck, we're just a part-time band anyway, and don't have any gigs.  We're still trying to put our set list together (though it hasn't helped that the band went on hiatus in July, then two key members quit three days before we were to start working up our third set).  But we told her that we're willing to make her the front person, give her final say in all song choices, and build our set list and show around her.  Honestly, I can't imagine someone turning that down, but what do I know?

So now we wait.

Offline hefdaddy42

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #532 on: January 15, 2015, 08:14:01 AM »
Good luck, buddy.  There's nothing worse than being a musician and not being able to play.
Hef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

Offline 1neeto

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #533 on: January 16, 2015, 04:20:47 PM »
Hey guys, I'm pretty much a beginner guitarist considering I've been playing for only 3 years. But loving it so far! I also like to write my own stuff every now and then. Here's something I just started working on while noodling around my JP70 I got for Christmas! Feedback, good and bad highly appreciated. Also feel free to check the rest of the brain farts I dumped in there. :)

Offline Orbert

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #534 on: January 18, 2015, 11:03:02 PM »
We have a new singer!  Anne has accepted the position.  We are now sporting a full lineup for the first time in months.  Time to get crackin' on some songs.

Anne has already taken it upon herself to get the party started, and sent out a list of five songs that she really wants to do.  This is fine, by the way, as John has encouraged her to speak up about what songs she wants to do, something our previous singer never did.  Two of the songs are the ones we learned for her audition, so no problem.  The others, no problem.  She also had a "wish list" of another dozen or so songs she'd like us to consider.  See, now this is progress.  Instead of us all sitting around going "What songs should we learn next?" she's got a bunch in mind.  Some of them won't work, some aren't exactly our style, but it's still better to have a bunch of stuff to choose from than to have nothing.  We literally begged Karen to name songs she wanted to do, and she never did.  She ultimately contributed very little to the band, and it's sad because she's the reason I joined.  She's the only one I knew before; I didn't want to just join a band of strangers.  I'm not that desperate to rock and roll.  But now I'm kinda glad she left.  I've gotten to know the guys, and damn, we keep losing members, but replacing them with upgrades.

Anyway, John sent out an email summarizing where we are now, and the three things we need to do.  We need to decide which songs from the previous set list should be kept, we need to decide on new songs to feature our new singer, and we need to decide on a rehearsal time.  So we have some more administrivia to deal with, but we're making progress.

Offline hefdaddy42

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #535 on: January 19, 2015, 08:53:51 AM »
Moving forward is preferable to standing still.
Hef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

Offline Orbert

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #536 on: January 19, 2015, 11:20:43 AM »
Definitely.  Also, a lot of the newer songs have synthesizer(s) on them, so I'll be breaking out the Prophet-5.  Thus far, I've been covering everything with piano and/or Hammond patches, and occassional strings and/or horns, on my Yamaha.  I'll bring the Prophet, but only if we actually need it.  I ain't a kid anymore, and it's not about showing off the rig.  The thing weighs 40 pounds and is an extra trip to/from the car and up/down the stairs by itself.  Hardwood and metal, the way they used to make keyboards.  I mean, my 10-pound Yamaha sounds great and is fine for what we've done so far, but it looks like we're going to step it up a notch.

I'm ready.  I sent John an email reminding him that I've got a poly analog synth and I know how to use it.  I only ask that when deciding on tunes to rehearse, that he group them together.  If I'm going to haul the thing and set it up, I'd rather we work on two or three songs with synths.  It's kinda not worth it to practice one song.  Kinda the same as with the sax.  I'll bring it, but let's practice two or three songs with sax at the same rehearsal.  The sax and stand aren't heavy, but together they're an extra trip because I can't carry them plus the piano and amp, so again I'd rather practice two or three songs with it, or none at all.

So it's kinda like the 80's all over again.  I'm still trying to figure out if that's good or bad.

Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #537 on: January 19, 2015, 07:08:02 PM »
So it's kinda like the 80's all over again.  I'm still trying to figure out if that's good or bad.

Clearly it's a good thing.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline Orbert

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #538 on: January 19, 2015, 09:13:10 PM »
As long as we don't have to wear Spandex.

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #539 on: January 22, 2015, 08:28:00 AM »
As long as we don't have to wear Spandex.
What about parachute pants?
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Offline Orbert

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #540 on: January 22, 2015, 11:27:37 AM »
Nope, gonna pass on that, too.

I thought rock was getting downright stupid for a while with the makeup and hairspray, and I don't know if it was grunge or whatever the subgenre was, but I'm damned glad that they brought back jeans and T-shirts and other normal clothes on stage.

I know some people like glam metal or hair metal or whatever you call it, but come on.  This is not what rock and roll looks like to me (yes, that's four dudes):

This is what rock and roll looks like to me:

If any of the guys in your band are wearing lipstick or feather boas, seriously, just get the fuck out.

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #541 on: January 22, 2015, 11:37:42 AM »
I submit the following bitchin' 80's music video as evidence to the contrary.

100 internets to anybody who accurately guessed the song prior to clicking.

Offline Orbert

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #542 on: January 22, 2015, 11:42:58 AM »
A lot of 80's music sounds good to my ears.  My wife made a mix CD once (back when people did such things) simply called "Hair Metal" and I was surprised to find myself rocking out to it in the car with her.

But I just can't watch it.  Sorry, Coz, and I actually thought of you while writing what I did above because I know you're partial to 80's metal, but man, that shit's just painful to watch.

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #543 on: January 22, 2015, 11:47:45 AM »
I get it, honestly.  It IS completely over the top.  And in some instances, even I can agree that it's a little cringe-worthy, albeit not very often.  :lol

That's just part of what I have always loved about it.  EVERYTHING was over the top back then.  The hair.  The outfits.  The neon.  The women.  The guitar solos.  The alcohol.  The partying.  The endless nailing of groupies.  It was about reveling in the here and now and enjoying every second of it.

Not that there isn't other less obvious music that celebrates enjoying life and such, but for some reason, the excess of it all just connects with me.  I don't know why, it just makes me happy.

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #544 on: January 22, 2015, 12:00:35 PM »
Happiness counts for a lot.

But a lot of it I find kind of silly now.
Hef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

Offline Orbert

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #545 on: January 22, 2015, 02:23:49 PM »
Okay, that's a fair point, Coz.  Rock and roll is about letting loose and just doing whatever the fuck you want, to as extreme a degree as you can handle.  The fashion thing is a part of that, and it eventually got out of hand, but it's a self-correcting system.  Eventually everything goes too far, implodes, and we're back to jeans and T-shirts.

Something else I thought of.  All the glam and hair could well have been started by this:

I thought that look was cool as hell.  And in 1976 it was.  But bands kept pushing the limits, and eventually you have glitter eye shadow and lipstick on dudes.  Shit like that.

In 1982, we were playing a venue with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and blue carpeting on the walls, and our guitarist Pete got hit on by some guy.  Like, seriously hit on during the breaks.  I was unaware of any of this, but it was later that week that Pete announced that we were ditching the spandex and hairspray.  I'm pretty sure those two events are connected.

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #546 on: January 22, 2015, 02:30:24 PM »

Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #547 on: January 22, 2015, 07:41:15 PM »
That second band pic just looks like a bunch of teenagers walked out of their parent's garage mistakenly onto a stage. Put some effort in. That's not what rock looks like. That's what it looked like after the rockpocalypse.
And is that first pic Poison? Come on, they're not a great example of anything. :lol But rock is all about excess and standing out from the crowd.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline Kotowboy

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #548 on: January 22, 2015, 07:54:52 PM »
Green pointy guitars & headless basses :puke:

The 80s were diabolical.

Offline Sir GuitarCozmo

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #549 on: January 22, 2015, 08:10:50 PM »
That second band pic just looks like a bunch of teenagers walked out of their parent's garage mistakenly onto a stage. Put some effort in. That's not what rock looks like. That's what it looked like after the rockpocalypse.
And is that first pic Poison? Come on, they're not a great example of anything. :lol But rock is all about excess and standing out from the crowd.

You complete me.

Offline 1neeto

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #550 on: January 22, 2015, 09:30:13 PM »
Even our heroes were not immune to that dreadful look.

Offline BlobVanDam

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #551 on: January 22, 2015, 09:32:18 PM »
There's nothing dreadful there at all. They're just wearing black. They don't look any better now.
Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline 1neeto

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #552 on: January 22, 2015, 10:03:49 PM »
There's nothing dreadful there at all. They're just wearing black. They don't look any better now.

Yeah nowhere near as bad but that hair!


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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #553 on: January 23, 2015, 02:09:32 AM »
I submit the following bitchin' 80's music video as evidence to the contrary.

100 internets to anybody who accurately guessed the song prior to clicking.

Guessed it, but I'll leave it at that in case somebody else wants to play


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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #554 on: January 23, 2015, 02:25:03 AM »
In 1982, we were playing a venue with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and blue carpeting on the walls, and our guitarist Pete got hit on by some guy.  Like, seriously hit on during the breaks.  I was unaware of any of this, but it was later that week that Pete announced that we were ditching the spandex and hairspray.  I'm pretty sure those two events are connected.
You don't need spandex and hair spray to get hit on by a guy.  Maybe his vibe was just so sexy that everybody fell in love with him .... everybody.  Are you telling us the whole story?   :laugh:

Offline Sir GuitarCozmo

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #555 on: January 23, 2015, 06:49:23 AM »
I submit the following bitchin' 80's music video as evidence to the contrary.

100 internets to anybody who accurately guessed the song prior to clicking.

Guessed it, but I'll leave it at that in case somebody else wants to play

I am thoroughly impressed.  :clap:  Awesome.


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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #556 on: January 23, 2015, 08:02:51 AM »
Guessed it, but I'll leave it at that in case somebody else wants to play

I am thoroughly impressed.  :clap:  Awesome.
Well, we just had the trip down memory lane in the album a year thread. And that group definitely looked like they would produce incredibly generic music of the time.  It probably kept them from breaking out properly.

Now where do I collect my 100 internets? 

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #557 on: January 23, 2015, 08:49:36 AM »
In 1982, we were playing a venue with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and blue carpeting on the walls, and our guitarist Pete got hit on by some guy.  Like, seriously hit on during the breaks.  I was unaware of any of this, but it was later that week that Pete announced that we were ditching the spandex and hairspray.  I'm pretty sure those two events are connected.
You don't need spandex and hair spray to get hit on by a guy.  Maybe his vibe was just so sexy that everybody fell in love with him .... everybody.  Are you telling us the whole story?   :laugh:

Well, he's a good-looking Italian guy, good singer, and an excellent guitarist.  In general, he got at least 50% of the attention from all fans, so I guess the odds just favored someone from the other team coming after him at some point.  But this was the 80's, the age of homophobia, so it made him pretty uncomfortable even thinking that he "looked gay".  If it happened today, I'd be like Hey, we're adding a whole 'nother side to the fan base, bring it on.  But then, we wouldn't be wearing spandex today.

That second band pic just looks like a bunch of teenagers walked out of their parent's garage mistakenly onto a stage. Put some effort in. That's not what rock looks like. That's what it looked like after the rockpocalypse.
And is that first pic Poison? Come on, they're not a great example of anything. :lol But rock is all about excess and standing out from the crowd.

Rock is also about whatever you want it to be about.  Yes, the first pic is Poison, and this isn't even their worst offender.  The cover of Look What the Cat Dragged In wins that award.  I was gonna use that as my example, but didn't couldn't find a copy of the picture without the words.

When Pearl Jam came on the scene, I wasn't all ga-ga about the grunge sound, but at the very least, we were back to normal clothes and male singers who sounded male.  Hey, I love a good tenor voice singing rock and rock.  Brad Delp, Rik Emmett, and others had some great voices.  But they stood out because they were unique, and by the end of the 80's, every rock song was by guys with those high piercing voices.  And I can't sing along with them!  So the return to "real" rock and roll to me was quite welcome.

I played in garage bands for years.  I play in a basement band now.  We show up in whatever we're wearing and rock.  We play gigs dressed maybe half a notch better.  Jeans, but maybe a nicer shirt.  50-year-old dudes just look like slobs wearing T-shirts to gigs.  I like that the "effort" has shifted back to the music and musicianship and away from the fashion budget.

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #558 on: January 23, 2015, 09:11:34 AM »
The '80s had the musicianship and the looks, and it all got stripped back with grunge, both visually and musically, and I find it all incredibly dull. Of course I couldn't care less what a band looks like when I'm listening to the music, but the grunge/alt era has zero appeal to me on any level, even musically.
Musicianship and presentation are not mutually exclusive goals at any rate. If you've got the music down, it's not affecting anything to at least dress like you belong on a stage, instead of in a garage. With no offense intended, if a band dresses like a bunch of 50 year old dudes, they're very likely doing something wrong. :lol

Only King could mis-spell a LETTER.
Yep. I think the only party in the MP/DT situation that hasn't moved on is DTF.

Offline Sir GuitarCozmo

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Re: All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread
« Reply #559 on: January 23, 2015, 09:17:05 AM »
Guessed it, but I'll leave it at that in case somebody else wants to play

I am thoroughly impressed.  :clap:  Awesome.
Well, we just had the trip down memory lane in the album a year thread. And that group definitely looked like they would produce incredibly generic music of the time.  It probably kept them from breaking out properly.

Now where do I collect my 100 internets? 

Just make 100 copies of this: