Author Topic: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?  (Read 9825 times)

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Offline Stadler

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #70 on: April 27, 2021, 03:57:14 PM »
How old are you Skeever? I'm 53.  I don't remember the  brainwashed against anything offbeat, alternative, or vaguely left-wing.  I wanted to paint, play sports, write poetry, play guitar my parents were all for it.  None of the neighborhoods talked about that at all.  Now, I hung out with friends of many ethnicities, they were just friends and we just played baseball, basketball ect...  They invited me to their house and I the same.

I'm 35.  And I was raised around adults who acted exactly like what people in this thread claim Greta to be - judgmental, moralizing, indignant, angry. etc. Only then, it was the conservative Christians. These human tendencies aren't "right or left", just basic human responses to the unknown. If it's not in relation to climate change, it's something else. We can't expect the youth to act better than the examples we uphold ourselves. I wonder how many people who dislike Greta because of the way she talks about issues would have been running to the defense of Nug or Rush Limbaugh's defense in the other threads, or have Tucker on at night, or were able to "hold their nose" and vote for Trump. I would imagine that the answer is "most". Examples like that set by the adults have a tendency of trickling down toward the youth when they develop their own responses to the world.

I'll cop right out the gate to being sensitive to this, the broad-brushing of anything that is to the right of Joe Biden in the partisan narrative, but there's a lot in that post that doesn't apply here.   I don't know who's calling HER judgmental or moralizing, I don't know of ANYONE here that is running to the defense of Nugent or Limbaugh or Carlson.  I do see a lot of concern for her place in the universe and her wellbeing.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2021, 04:12:29 PM by Stadler »

Offline Stadler

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #71 on: April 27, 2021, 04:10:59 PM »
The hate is real.  (not here)

Go on Twitter and read the comments under anything she posts.  ANYTHING she posts.  Everything she posts.  Read any post on anyone's board ABOUT her and you'll get it, no holds barred.

If I were her parent, I'd be worried some nut job is planning to blow her head off for having the audacity to speak out on climate change.  That is the level of hate she gets.

Her parents too, BTW.

Twitter is turning into a cesspool though.  It's not just Greta.  It's ANYONE that sees something that challenges their world view.   For some reason, in my "feed" (is that what it's called?  Am I hashtagging?) all I seem to get is the liberal screeds, so I don't see much of the right wing stuff.  But I know it's there, and either way it's nauseating, and it's enough to make me consider deactivating my account on almost a daily basis.  (Then I get something from Gene Simmons or Cram or King, and I forget to.)

Though having said that, that's part of what I was talking about above, and what my concern/complaint is.   I'm very concerned that we - HUMANS, not kids - aren't equipped to handle the emotional burden of an international social media account.  It's hard enough worrying about whether your boobies are big enough, or whether your always going to be four inches shorter than everyone else (I'm using sort of standard body image issues that kids face), or whether you're going to be asked to the prom, or whether you're going to have the courage to dance with that girl... and then have to face the wrath of a horde of keyboard warriors. I can't even imagine she's equipped to handle that, and I'm not convinced her parents are any real help there either.

Offline Ben_Jamin

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #72 on: April 27, 2021, 05:26:08 PM »
The hate is real.  (not here)

Go on Twitter and read the comments under anything she posts.  ANYTHING she posts.  Everything she posts.  Read any post on anyone's board ABOUT her and you'll get it, no holds barred.

If I were her parent, I'd be worried some nut job is planning to blow her head off for having the audacity to speak out on climate change.  That is the level of hate she gets.

Her parents too, BTW.

Twitter is turning into a cesspool though.  It's not just Greta.  It's ANYONE that sees something that challenges their world view.   For some reason, in my "feed" (is that what it's called?  Am I hashtagging?) all I seem to get is the liberal screeds, so I don't see much of the right wing stuff.  But I know it's there, and either way it's nauseating, and it's enough to make me consider deactivating my account on almost a daily basis.  (Then I get something from Gene Simmons or Cram or King, and I forget to.)

Though having said that, that's part of what I was talking about above, and what my concern/complaint is.   I'm very concerned that we - HUMANS, not kids - aren't equipped to handle the emotional burden of an international social media account.  It's hard enough worrying about whether your boobies are big enough, or whether your always going to be four inches shorter than everyone else (I'm using sort of standard body image issues that kids face), or whether you're going to be asked to the prom, or whether you're going to have the courage to dance with that girl... and then have to face the wrath of a horde of keyboard warriors. I can't even imagine she's equipped to handle that, and I'm not convinced her parents are any real help there either.

If Greta's focus is on Climate Change and trying to raise awareness, then I do not mind at all that she is doing this. That alone, shows me she has restraint and doesn't care about those sorts of things. Maybe, she actually really cares and is focused on wanting to solve these issues. It will be interesting how she will go on about doing that, and in what way now that is she an Adult and is not a child anymore, and has to face reality whether she likes it or not.

Some kids are more than capable of wanting to change things, and also do not care about those types of things. Myself, didn't care about prom at all, or graduating, but my parents and the people around me did. So I went to graduation, and to prom, not because they wanted me to, but because I myself wanted to experience these for myself. And it's not all that. I went in knowing it's not a big deal, nor did I make it one for myself enough to stress over it.

Maybe she isn't concerned about these things and has a strong back enough to take those Social Media bullys, and knows and understands, how those are words, and how you can actually report someone for threats, regardless of online or social media. IF you, yourself feel threatened, then report it to the right authorities.

I guess, things related to her childhood really doesn't matter at all anymore though, because she is 18 now. As I said above, It will be interesting to see where she goes from here. And how she chooses to help solve this issue or raise awareness to it.

I will also say, I do hope she has a hard back and is strong enough to not let the "Social Media Mobs" get to her. There's other ways besides Social Media where you can make an actual, real life difference. Actually, going on Social Media isn't the way to do it, because you also have to be out there doing something if you are going to be spewing on Social Media because posting on Social Media doesn't help solve anything. It's not having any affect in real life, until you make it happen in real life.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2021, 05:56:59 PM »
The hate is real.  (not here)

Go on Twitter and read the comments under anything she posts.  ANYTHING she posts.  Everything she posts.  Read any post on anyone's board ABOUT her and you'll get it, no holds barred.

If I were her parent, I'd be worried some nut job is planning to blow her head off for having the audacity to speak out on climate change.  That is the level of hate she gets.

Her parents too, BTW.

Twitter is turning into a cesspool though.  It's not just Greta.  It's ANYONE that sees something that challenges their world view.   For some reason, in my "feed" (is that what it's called?  Am I hashtagging?) all I seem to get is the liberal screeds, so I don't see much of the right wing stuff.  But I know it's there, and either way it's nauseating, and it's enough to make me consider deactivating my account on almost a daily basis.  (Then I get something from Gene Simmons or Cram or King, and I forget to.)

Though having said that, that's part of what I was talking about above, and what my concern/complaint is.   I'm very concerned that we - HUMANS, not kids - aren't equipped to handle the emotional burden of an international social media account.  It's hard enough worrying about whether your boobies are big enough, or whether your always going to be four inches shorter than everyone else (I'm using sort of standard body image issues that kids face), or whether you're going to be asked to the prom, or whether you're going to have the courage to dance with that girl... and then have to face the wrath of a horde of keyboard warriors. I can't even imagine she's equipped to handle that, and I'm not convinced her parents are any real help there either.

Agree about Twitter being a cesspool.

But regardless, she is now an adult.  We can quibble about her being mentally equipped to handle that at age 18, but she certainly knows how to deactivate her account.  She's withstood the bullying and hatred for years by this point.  I don't see it phasing her now suddenly.

Plus, the bullies would only see it as a win for them.

It is her choice full stop.  I support her choice - whatever that choice is - around her social media activity.  So long as she doesn't violate the rules of the platform, she makes her own decisions.
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Offline Dave_Manchester

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2021, 06:40:41 PM »
I don't think teens/kids being into politics or politically active is a good thing at all.
You all know what happened in Norway in 2011, the whole world was in shock back then.
One extremist sick fucker Breivik committed a massacre on the island Utoya where he killed 69 people and out of those 69 people, 55 were under 20 (2 - aged 14, 7 - aged 15, 8 - aged 16, 16 - aged 17, 17 - aged 18 and 5 - aged 19). All those teens were members of Norwegian Labour Party.
If they weren't politically active they would be ALIVE and not the targets of one idiotic extremist!

Did you... did you just blame people for being the chosen victims of a terrorist?

Nah. I just gave one example as explanation why teens/kids shouldn't be politically active.
When it comes to politics there is TOO MUCH HATE and there is some SICK HATE that would drive someone to kill. Yep, it's the horrible thing but that shit happens. We don't live in the ideal world.
This is a bizarre take, you might as well say if 20 kids at Sandy Hook Elementary School hadn't been interested in learning stuff they'd still be alive today and so the conclusion is that kids shouldn't go to school. Teens and kids "shouldn't be politically active" because some lunatic might kill them? That's known as letting terrorists win by giving them what they want. Should Americans have cowered in their homes after 9/11 like bin Laden hoped they would?

As for Greta, I like her. The stereotype that's been built up of her is nothing like the reality from what I've been able to gather. For her age she's an intelligent and informed person, and also surprisingly witty. She seems to have more or less managed to keep her independent voice from the vultures who have tried to use her as a pawn (the usual suspects but I don't want to get into P/R territory). I think that she's grown up a lot in just a few short years. When she arrived on the scene she was a tad, let's say, strident and uncompromising, but she's shown maturity in dialing it back and tempering her passion for her cause with a more approachable and likeable personality. I admire her a lot.

Offline Ben_Jamin

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #75 on: April 27, 2021, 07:33:23 PM »
I don't think teens/kids being into politics or politically active is a good thing at all.
You all know what happened in Norway in 2011, the whole world was in shock back then.
One extremist sick fucker Breivik committed a massacre on the island Utoya where he killed 69 people and out of those 69 people, 55 were under 20 (2 - aged 14, 7 - aged 15, 8 - aged 16, 16 - aged 17, 17 - aged 18 and 5 - aged 19). All those teens were members of Norwegian Labour Party.
If they weren't politically active they would be ALIVE and not the targets of one idiotic extremist!

Did you... did you just blame people for being the chosen victims of a terrorist?

Nah. I just gave one example as explanation why teens/kids shouldn't be politically active.
When it comes to politics there is TOO MUCH HATE and there is some SICK HATE that would drive someone to kill. Yep, it's the horrible thing but that shit happens. We don't live in the ideal world.

That is the dark part of being in politics and dealing with decisions that affect people. And then you add in the twisted ways Politicians attack each other, and in the past have actually gone to lengths to have one assassinated. It's all happened before, it's basically in all history of governments, including the Indigenous Cultures.

And here in the modern times, Social Media is used. And in this way, they get the people to turn on that politician. They get people riled to form a mob to do their dirty work for them.

And in these times, you have to have a hard sturdy back to be able to handle all the shit being thrown at you and that includes the threats. It's not an easy job nor was it ever easy. It's also a job that should be respected as it is one that has a Big Responsibility of dealing with the lives of people. Having respect is recognizing you're there for the people, not yourself.

That's why I see what you mean and agree, that this isn't something for teens to hey involved in. Because it's not easy, and for the faint of heart, and those easily broken.
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Offline Skeever

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #76 on: April 27, 2021, 07:43:03 PM »
I actually perused Greta's twitter since I don't know much about her today, and I was pretty impressed. We've seen the highlights of her scolding a room full of adults and things like that, but the issues I saw her platforming on her twitter were far more nuanced, and far less partisan to the corporate buzzworking of "climate change", than I'd have expected.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #77 on: April 27, 2021, 07:59:35 PM »
Greta is awesome!  :heart

The hate she gets is sickening.

Yup, this. I really hope she follows through for the rest of her life with this activism, and gets the solid education to really back up her fire, she has the platform already.

The hate is disgusting, just seeing someone spew venom at a teen whose trying to shape her future by working hard and being dedicated is gross. Ironically, they're probably the same people who complain that kids are lazy and uninvolved, but when kids like Greta and the Parkland kids do get involved, they spit on them.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #78 on: April 27, 2021, 08:21:16 PM »
I actually perused Greta's twitter since I don't know much about her today, and I was pretty impressed. We've seen the highlights of her scolding a room full of adults and things like that, but the issues I saw her platforming on her twitter were far more nuanced, and far less partisan to the corporate buzzworking of "climate change", than I'd have expected.

That may be because she is maturing.   I didnt know at 16 how to respond to my parents nevermind the UN.  :lol

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #79 on: April 27, 2021, 11:36:59 PM »
I'm talking young kids, not teenagers. Now most parents will talk about it and not push there kid to be an activist.  That's what I mean by saying let kids be kids.  Now if a kid says I want to do something about it then you nurture that child and let them expand in what they do in a small way.  There is a difference from helping a young child learn and grow or pushing them into your grown up agenda. 
Ok sure, that's all fine, but you'll hopefully understand why it didn't come across that way given this thread is about Greta and those descriptions don't apply to her.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #80 on: April 28, 2021, 04:49:36 AM »
Sure. J went off of a tangent but I did correct myself in another post saying Greta wanted this herself and Greta was struggling so this brought focus for her.

Or did you miss that?
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
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Offline Stadler

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #81 on: April 28, 2021, 07:52:52 AM »
The hate is real.  (not here)

Go on Twitter and read the comments under anything she posts.  ANYTHING she posts.  Everything she posts.  Read any post on anyone's board ABOUT her and you'll get it, no holds barred.

If I were her parent, I'd be worried some nut job is planning to blow her head off for having the audacity to speak out on climate change.  That is the level of hate she gets.

Her parents too, BTW.

Twitter is turning into a cesspool though.  It's not just Greta.  It's ANYONE that sees something that challenges their world view.   For some reason, in my "feed" (is that what it's called?  Am I hashtagging?) all I seem to get is the liberal screeds, so I don't see much of the right wing stuff.  But I know it's there, and either way it's nauseating, and it's enough to make me consider deactivating my account on almost a daily basis.  (Then I get something from Gene Simmons or Cram or King, and I forget to.)

Though having said that, that's part of what I was talking about above, and what my concern/complaint is.   I'm very concerned that we - HUMANS, not kids - aren't equipped to handle the emotional burden of an international social media account.  It's hard enough worrying about whether your boobies are big enough, or whether your always going to be four inches shorter than everyone else (I'm using sort of standard body image issues that kids face), or whether you're going to be asked to the prom, or whether you're going to have the courage to dance with that girl... and then have to face the wrath of a horde of keyboard warriors. I can't even imagine she's equipped to handle that, and I'm not convinced her parents are any real help there either.

Agree about Twitter being a cesspool.

But regardless, she is now an adult.  We can quibble about her being mentally equipped to handle that at age 18, but she certainly knows how to deactivate her account.  She's withstood the bullying and hatred for years by this point.  I don't see it phasing her now suddenly.

Plus, the bullies would only see it as a win for them.

It is her choice full stop.  I support her choice - whatever that choice is - around her social media activity.  So long as she doesn't violate the rules of the platform, she makes her own decisions.

And in case anyone cares, no matter what I've said about my concerns, what you just wrote I agree with 100% per cent.  It IS her choice, and SHE gets to decide - within the law, and within the rules of the platform - how to respond. 

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #82 on: April 28, 2021, 07:59:47 AM »
Greta is awesome!  :heart

The hate she gets is sickening.

Yup, this. I really hope she follows through for the rest of her life with this activism, and gets the solid education to really back up her fire, she has the platform already.

The hate is disgusting, just seeing someone spew venom at a teen whose trying to shape her future by working hard and being dedicated is gross. Ironically, they're probably the same people who complain that kids are lazy and uninvolved, but when kids like Greta and the Parkland kids do get involved, they spit on them.

Not to pick on you, Lonestar, but why do we always seem to have to go there?   We can't say that.  It SOUNDS good, and it certainly fits the worldview of some people - not saying you - but there is ZERO basis for saying that.  It just feeds stereotypes and assumptions.  There are a 100 reasons - some put forth here, NONE that I can tell by people who "complain that kids are lazy" or "spit on" them (metaphorically, I'm sure) - for expressing one's displeasure for what they read.   We've accepted "hate" as a response to things we don't like/understand for a while now, and until we start accepting that it's not just the "them" that are spewing this kind of hate, it's never going to end.  It's not an assumption, it's established human nature that we all have a rationalization for our own whatever (in this case "hate"), and that's what we need to start addressing.  There IS no objective rationalization.  Even with the best of intentions, my hate or your hate is no better than their hate.   

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #83 on: April 28, 2021, 08:12:31 AM »
Just an observation man, just my experience.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #84 on: April 28, 2021, 08:36:56 AM »
Just an observation man, just my experience.
I've seen it too.

Just because you don't like the sound of it doesn't mean that there is zero basis for saying it.
Hef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #85 on: April 28, 2021, 08:46:38 AM »
Yup. We can speak generally about bad behavior on "both sides". I can't comment on hate coming from the left, because I've never been around it. I'm uniquely positioned to comment on hate from "the right", because I was born and raised in it, and I have come to know that many times just how ugly the face is behind the mask of "concern". For everyone I've met that has some complicated rationalization for why someone like Greta can't talk about climate change, there's another person (or 6) that I know personally who is just nodding along going "uh huh" to whoever says the smartest sounding thing not requiring them to open their minds to any new way of thinking.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #86 on: April 28, 2021, 09:01:14 AM »
Okay.   I'm going to respectfully disagree with all of that.  I'd rather not get into specific examples, but you all know FULL WELL that if I got mugged by a [insert sub-demographic], and I called all of [sub-demographic] criminals, you'd not let me get away with the same generalization (and rightfully so, because I'd be wrong).  Our personal experiences are, statistically, almost never valid representations of the wide demographic, no matter how emotionally resonating, or life-changing they may be.

Just because you don't like the sound of it doesn't mean that there is zero basis for saying it.

I made the comment because my initial thought is "just because you like the sound of it doesn't mean there is basis for saying it".    I seem to see these types of comments a lot, but oddly don't have the same experience so it's jarring.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 09:14:43 AM by Stadler »

Offline Skeever

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #87 on: April 28, 2021, 09:14:01 AM »
Not apples to apples. You saying you think all black people are monsters because a black person mugged you or something like that is way different than me asking nine out of 10 Christian Conservatives who I grew up around if they've really checked their biases before weighing in on the next culture war topic.

The difference is in throwing judgment at a community you are not a part of versus just taking some good faith steps to try and improve your own.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #88 on: April 28, 2021, 09:23:29 AM »
Not apples to apples. You saying you think all black people are monsters because a black person mugged you or something is way different than me asking nine out of 10 Christian Conservatives who I grew up around if they've really checked their biases before weighing in on the next culture war topic.

Is it, though? That's the point.   I'm just saying that if we're to demand/expect the "Christian Conservatives" - or anyone else - to "check their biases", then we should all be willing to do the same.   You're using your personal experience, and that's not something I can or will question, but I'm offering that as someone that occasionally falls within the "generalizations" made here, and yet almost always doesn't fit them, it's something to think about.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #89 on: April 28, 2021, 09:25:13 AM »
Furthermore, whether you agree or not really means nothing. Agree with what, that I've had these experiences?

I know that the community I was raised (a largely white, right, Catholic one) in is incredibly backwards and toxic, finding weird ways to make fun of or disparage somebody like Greta being one of the more innocuous manifestations of this.

If you really grew up and live in a community where guys aren't like this, I don't doubt you. I envy you.

All I can tell you is to report on what I personally see in MY experiences. You can dismiss my experiences, but please know that I am not dismissing YOUR experiences just because they were different than mine. As I said, I envy you. I wish I wasn't around so much right hate.

Edit: Just read your last post. And sure, I have evidently checked my biases, because I am who I am, despite where I came from, and the types of people and ideas that are constantly trying to influence me.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #90 on: April 28, 2021, 09:38:38 AM »
Furthermore, whether you agree or not really means nothing. Agree with what, that I've had these experiences?

I know that the community I was raised (a largely white, right, Catholic one) in is incredibly backwards and toxic, finding weird ways to make fun of or disparage somebody like Greta being one of the more innocuous manifestations of this.

If you really grew up and live in a community where guys aren't like this, I don't doubt you. I envy you.

All I can tell you is to report on what I personally see in MY experiences. You can dismiss my experiences, but please know that I am not dismissing YOUR experiences just because they were different than mine. As I said, I envy you. I wish I wasn't around so much right hate.

Edit: Just read your last post. And sure, I have evidently checked my biases, because I am who I am, despite where I came from, and the types of people and ideas that are constantly trying to influence me.

First of all, you're talking about YOUR specific experiences, and I'm talking about expanding those experiences broadly.  I'm not at ALL talking about your particular upbringing (though I do find it interesting and sad, in the sense that no child should experience that).  It's the next step: what I'm saying is that I'm white, Catholic, and if not "right", then certainly "right leaning" compared to the rest of the group here, and I don't fit your profile. That's it. That's all I'm saying.  Count me as an outlier, if you want, but you - not me, you - have to deal with the data point that doesn't fit with your assumption.   If you - collective, since I don't mean to single out you, Skeever - are good with extrapolating out and rationalizing the discrepancy, then have at it, but I'm simply pointing out that I see that as very similar to what it seems many here are being critical of, that is, making assumptions about this girl and responding with hate.  To me that's "changing biases", not "checking them" (again, generally).

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #91 on: April 28, 2021, 10:02:32 AM »
I find her slightly annoying but her message is good and considering the following she's been building over the last few years of people backing a legit good cause, it's hard to be critical of her. For everyone saying "She's just a girl she won't change anything" I think it's inspiring to have someone actually speaking out and trying to create a change.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #92 on: April 28, 2021, 10:16:23 AM »
Just an observation man, just my experience.
I've seen it too.

Just because you don't like the sound of it doesn't mean that there is zero basis for saying it.

Agree 1000%

I think she's a brave kid who, despite being on the autism spectrum, she's managed to get herself all the way to the United Nations General Assembly.  That's pretty damned impressive to me, regardless of how much her parents may have influenced her.  She's clearly intelligent, fascinating and inspiring. I can only hope that my grandkids grow up this confident, self-assured and passionate about what they believe in.  Some kids are wise beyond their years.  I don't know why that would bother...anyone. 

In my opinion one of the ways in which our education system has failed our children is by NOT teaching civics like they used to.  I think it would benefit us ALL if kids learned about civics before they graduate high school.  A quick Google search seems to indicate that only 9 states in the US still require civics.  To me, when you live in a democracy, you should be taught about how democracy works and how to participate in that democracy by voting. 

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #93 on: April 28, 2021, 10:41:40 AM »
I think the problem for me is that the culture war lines on Greta were already drawn before her first words were televised, and that's just how everything works here. Sure, there are outliers. But even if I ignore my own experiences I could probably predict with a 98% accuracy rate where someone falls on Greta based on their other views.

I mean, just look at this thread. We're on page three, and for all the "concern" I've yet to see anybody address any specific point she's made or action she has platformed. It's all very general. And that leads me to believe that people's opinions on her are not as informed or deliberate as they think.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #94 on: April 28, 2021, 10:47:54 AM »
That was supposed to be a direct reply to Stadler but 2 more posts were made while I was writing.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #95 on: April 28, 2021, 12:49:41 PM »
In response to the original thread question

She’s a squawky, noisy, opportunistic little gnat. Who ignores the realities of the world and just makes noise.
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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #96 on: April 28, 2021, 12:56:56 PM »
I think the problem for me is that the culture war lines on Greta were already drawn before her first words were televised, and that's just how everything works here. Sure, there are outliers. But even if I ignore my own experiences I could probably predict with a 98% accuracy rate where someone falls on Greta based on their other views.

I mean, just look at this thread. We're on page three, and for all the "concern" I've yet to see anybody address any specific point she's made or action she has platformed. It's all very general. And that leads me to believe that people's opinions on her are not as informed or deliberate as they think.

I think I've said in this thread that I did more reading on her.  Found out she was the one with concerns about a green world and at early age and wasn't pushed by her parents and it actually helped her focus.  She is the outlier that deserved to be helped with her want to be an environmental activist. She is rare and different.  I could not do what she does.  Someone on here said she's presented herself better with age.  A calmer demeanor.  She is gaining experience I'd assume speaking in public.

My original thoughts were youth in general and not exactly about Greta that are in her position.  Sorry to confuse many on this.  I'm passionate about children being children with what I've seen personally in my life and the damage it has done.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #97 on: April 28, 2021, 01:01:35 PM »
King, would you say that you believe that children are our future? That we should teach them well and let them lead the way? Maybe show them all the beauty they posses inside?

Offline hunnus2000

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #98 on: April 28, 2021, 01:02:19 PM »
In response to the original thread question

She’s a squawky, noisy, opportunistic little gnat. Who ignores the realities of the world and just makes noise.

WOW - sounds like you're describing yourself.........

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #99 on: April 28, 2021, 01:03:31 PM »
King, would you say that you believe that children are our future? That we should teach them well and let them lead the way? Maybe show them all the beauty they posses inside?

 :lol  Great, now the song is stuck in my head.
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart
So wait, we're spelling it wrong and king is spelling it right? What is going on here? :lol -- BlobVanDam
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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #100 on: April 28, 2021, 01:05:28 PM »
Honestly I prefer people like Boyan Slat who identified a problem and set out to fix it. What she's doing is just par for course on what a lot of people in power or the spot light do.....point, complain and whine about a hot topic or issue without offering anything real or tangible to fix it. Just draw some attention to themselves to smoke and mirror their way to looking like they give a  :censored but all the while are really just part of the problem. Whether she likes it or not, she's been hijacked by a sect of people in power and exploited to the point of anytime I hear or see her I roll my eyes because behind it all she's just being used and has offered no real solution to anything but some generic 'we need to do this' quotes.

Give the attention and $$$ to those like Boyan who have taken initiative to actually try and do something and not just huff and puff about it.
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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #101 on: April 28, 2021, 01:28:29 PM »
Honestly I prefer people like Boyan Slat who identified a problem and set out to fix it. What she's doing is just par for course on what a lot of people in power or the spot light do.....point, complain and whine about a hot topic or issue without offering anything real or tangible to fix it. Just draw some attention to themselves to smoke and mirror their way to looking like they give a  :censored but all the while are really just part of the problem. Whether she likes it or not, she's been hijacked by a sect of people in power and exploited to the point of anytime I hear or see her I roll my eyes because behind it all she's just being used and has offered no real solution to anything but some generic 'we need to do this' quotes.

Give the attention and $$$ to those like Boyan who have taken initiative to actually try and do something and not just huff and puff about it.

Yeah, because raising awareness about an issue that literally threatens the existence of mankind is not a very admirable thing to do at all.  Fuck this little brat, right?

Offline hunnus2000

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #102 on: April 28, 2021, 01:29:34 PM »
Honestly I prefer people like Boyan Slat who identified a problem and set out to fix it. What she's doing is just par for course on what a lot of people in power or the spot light do.....point, complain and whine about a hot topic or issue without offering anything real or tangible to fix it. Just draw some attention to themselves to smoke and mirror their way to looking like they give a  :censored but all the while are really just part of the problem. Whether she likes it or not, she's been hijacked by a sect of people in power and exploited to the point of anytime I hear or see her I roll my eyes because behind it all she's just being used and has offered no real solution to anything but some generic 'we need to do this' quotes.

Give the attention and $$$ to those like Boyan who have taken initiative to actually try and do something and not just huff and puff about it.

Well how inconvenient for you that at the mere age of 16 she found something she's passionate about. She speaks out about it and she's part of the problem? Would you prefer she be "hijacked" by the other side who deny climate change because that IS a thing. Let's give this 18 year-old a little time to see where she goes but in the meantime - she speaks the truth.

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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #103 on: April 28, 2021, 01:43:05 PM »
Not sure what part of 'I prefer' is confusing?

Presentation is everything and 'I' perceive her as condescending and at times hateful. While the cause is certainly something that needs to be addressed I don't really connect at all with people when it feels like I'm being lectured instead of educated.

Well how inconvenient for you's this type of response that can turn someone off from talking about something like this but I expect no less from the DTF faithful when it comes to a hot button topic.  Nowhere in my post did I say or allude to it being 'inconvenient' for me. I simply expressed I respond better to people who take action rather than just talk about it. If her approach is your thing then it's your thing. Pretty sure the thread title is 'Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?"  Those are my honest need to get snippy.

Yeah, because raising awareness about an issue that literally threatens the existence of mankind is not a very admirable thing to do at all.  Fuck this little brat, right?

C'mon Barry....seriously? Where in there did I specifically say 'F' her or the cause? Nowhere.
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Re: Your honest thoughts on Greta Thunberg?
« Reply #104 on: April 28, 2021, 01:50:52 PM »
I was going to type up a response to GMD, but I'd just be piling on at this point. What I will say is that I'd never heard of Boyan Slat before. Whether or not that's good or bad I don't know, but I can certainly say he's not inspiring anybody. Here's the bigger deal, though. Plastic Island is a phenomenon we can see. We know it's real. It's tangible. Global warming is something that's still, for some reason, debated. It's not readily apparent, and if you're a dipshit, then it's hard to distinguish between global warming and simple weather. See Trump. "Wow, it sure is cold this winter. So much for global warming."

Here's something that bugs me, though. Wildranger, quite bizarrely, blames the fact that some youth were politically minded for their slaughter at the hand of some politically minded asshole. I think we can all agree that this is fucking stupid. Is that really any different to what's happening to Greta, though? Aren't we blaming her for the person others have made her out to be? If there's a hijacking, shouldn't we blame the hijackers instead of the people who just wanted to fly to Paris? Once we get to that point, though, it becomes much easier to dismiss the message, though, and I'm pretty sure that's the point.

Girl says something. Media elevates her to Jesus status. People blame her. Girl says something else. People "roll their eyes" because of how annoying she's become. Makes sense.

At in typing this, I answered my own question. It's best that we haven't heard of Boyan Slat, because then his message would be just as easily dismissed.
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