Author Topic: Amp Settings for JP's ToT tone  (Read 1424 times)

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Offline DragonGuitar

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Amp Settings for JP's ToT tone
« on: January 23, 2016, 01:25:45 AM »

I'm looking to nail John's tone from Train of Thought or Octavarium. I have a JP70 that I'm playing through a Mesa Single Rectifier Rect-O-Verb 50. He used all Road King (Dual Rectifier) on that album, so I think I should be able to come pretty close. Do you know what settings he used, or what settings sound close? Should I use the Modern or Vintage mode? I am particularly looking for his tone, especially lead tone, on Stream of Consciousness (so awesome!). Really his tone from any of DT's albums is great, but since I have a single rec I should be able to get closer to ToT, plus that album mainly used 7 strings or down tunings, so that's helpful since I am using a 7.

Any help is much appreciated! And please spare me the "tone is in the fingers", "JP's rig costs $10,000,000,000", "You should develop your own tone" speeches; I will develop a tone of my own, and to a certain degree tone is in the fingers, so I will never sound exactly like Mr. Petrucci. But his tones are close to what I hear in my mind when I'm writing, and I occasionally play DT covers, so I want to be able to get close to his sound and then go from there. Thank you so much!

Offline DragonGuitar

  • Student of Shred
  • Posts: 55
Re: Amp Settings for JP's ToT tone
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2016, 04:29:00 PM »
And if I could only choose Vintage or Modern to use (since on my amp they aren't footswitchable so its more practical to just use one), which should I go for?