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Mike Portnoy

Started by Mindflux, June 13, 2014, 07:25:51 AM

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El Barto

Quote from: rumborak on March 08, 2015, 12:11:51 PM
Quote from: El Barto on March 08, 2015, 11:55:57 AM
Quote from: rumborak on March 08, 2015, 11:47:01 AM
Who knows, maybe this was one of those painful moments in one's career where you realize "my current status is a shadow of its former self". Like, yeah, when in DT, a moment like this would have been resolved by management and the flow of sufficient money. Now he found himself being put to the back of the line like every Joe Shmoe who feels sick.
But did he really need that much label support? I don't gather MP is gonna show up on some Robin Leech program or anything, but surely the guy could write a check to a private doctor somewhere. Granted I'm not familiar with UK healthcare, but isn't it possible to see a private doctor on your own dime? Hell, I'd expect the venue to actually have the number of one on hand. It's not like he needs a surgeon as part of the tour staff.

Well, the fact that he had to "resort" to the measly front entrance of the building seems to indicate that he either doesn't have to funds or the connections to cut the line.
To my understanding, Neal's concerts are sorta club concerts. That's the "sustainable" level of musicianship, but you're barely breaking even. Meaning, MP will likely not walk away with a lot of money from this, and management is probably mostly Neal himself.
So, when MP felt sick in DT, it was probably somebody like Frank Solomon making calls and doing the bribes to get him to a doctor. With Neal's band it's probably "dude, google for the nearest hospital. You got travel insurance, right?"
I'm not sure it was a matter of having to "resort" to the ER. Quite possibly a matter of just not knowing any better. I'm willing to bet that MP has a better credit card than I do, and if I'm in his situation I call the 800 number on the back of my Citibank card and they'll hook me up with urgent care. Those sorts of perks just aren't all that hard to access, but often times people fail to consider them.

Moreover, I don't think we're talking about a tremendous amount of resource requirement, either. I'll assume that Doc in the Boxes aren't commonplace outside of the US, but even still I'm thinking their are hospitalists and other docs who see people 24/7, and it's still going to be covered by your traveler's insurance (if that's even required in the UK). Also, I'd be surprised if Morse's tour didn't have traveler's insurance for the band and crew; seems like it'd be a requirement, honestly.

edit: a google search for "london urgent care centres" suggests that the Brits are fully on board with the Doc in the Box concept.


Quote from: rumborak on March 08, 2015, 11:55:04 AM
Funny to post a slogan like that when he's touring with an uber-Christian. The above sentiment is the violent opposite to Jesus' teachings.

Yeah, this only increases my curiosity to know where Neal is in all this. I don't know much about him as a lot of people here, but I know he and Mike are good friends and he just seems to be the type of person who would gently notify a friend that he's acting very inappropriately in a situation like this. That is, if he even knows about the Facebook posts.

El Barto

And by the way, while it's fun as hell to point out what a dope he can be sometimes, I certainly hope the guy's alright. Hasn't been much discussion about the fact that he might be quite ill. Sounds like the flu to me, but you never can tell. Foolishness aside, I'm still quite fond of the dude.

Madman Shepherd

Quote from: El Barto on March 08, 2015, 12:32:40 PM
And by the way, while it's fun as hell to point out what a dope he can be sometimes, I certainly hope the guy's alright. Hasn't been much discussion about the fact that he might be quite ill. Sounds like the flu to me, but you never can tell. Foolishness aside, I'm still quite fond of the dude.

He's fine.  He played a show last night. 

But seriously, yeah....hope he's alright. 


Quote from: El Barto on March 08, 2015, 12:32:40 PM
And by the way, while it's fun as hell to point out what a dope he can be sometimes, I certainly hope the guy's alright. Hasn't been much discussion about the fact that he might be quite ill. Sounds like the flu to me, but you never can tell. Foolishness aside, I'm still quite fond of the dude.

Yeah, I just thought about that after taking a look at what his wife put on Facebook. It does sound like he went through a lot and was focused the whole time on how it would affect the fans. The guy really does care a lot, and I think he deserves credit for that. I do hope he's okay. And I'm definitely still his fan. I just think he needs to be more careful about what he expresses online.


Sometimes shit happens and you have to cancel a show. His passion and caring is understandable, but it can't justify his attitude. I can't imagine what would happen if Mike was so sick he couldn't perform at all, and Neal had a spare drummer who knew the songs, or he decided to do an acoustic show without drums.

I hope he gets well too, but GOD DAMN IT, MIKE!


Quote from: rumborak on March 08, 2015, 11:55:04 AM
Funny to post a slogan like that when he's touring with an uber-Christian. The above sentiment is the violent opposite to Jesus' teachings.


What did Marlene post, can someone paste it?


Quote from: Marlene PortnoySome of you people are just so HORRIBLE! He didn't ask for special treatment because he is famous, his concern was the FANS that paid good money to see a concert that was about to get canceled! He had already spent most of the day just trying to get seen by a doctor, was looked at by the parimedics who told him to go to the hospital and on the way the ambulance actually ran out of gas, YES, RAN OUT OF GAS, leaving him stranded and having to try to get transportation to the hospital, only to sit and wait for an endless amount of time, missing the meet and greet, that again, fans paid a lots of money for! So when he asked if anyone even a nurse could just look at him for 2 minutes or just prescribe him an antibiotic because there was a venue full of people that were waiting for a concert, and you all call him a crybaby , or accuse him of expecting special treatment. REALLY!!! What is wrong with you people. How can you be so horrible and so mean. All he told me all day is how upset he was for the fans and how unfair it was for them to be stuck waiting. He was told he had to wait several more hours before anyone could look at him. Does this hospital only have 1 doctor? The concert would have been cancelled and at that point there is no possible way to call in a replacement so he left  played a show with 102 fever to not let down the fans, spent a day of hell just trying to be seen by a doctor or anyone that could help him, while being in another country where he isn't even from and this is your response!!!! WHAT IS WORNG WITH ALL OF YOU. You are just horrible, disgusting people who love to twist the truth so you can say mean and nasty thing about other people! this is a disgrace :(


I can see Marlene's point...and Mike had every right to be upset about the situation...and I never advocated the behavior of those who were being just downright rude.   In fact, I defended the fact that Mike was just upset, sick and frustrated...

...but at the end of it all, *HE CALLED OUT THE HOSPITAL*...     And let me *re*state that I may have done the same thing in the same situation.   But I would have owed the hospital an apology because it wasn't their fault.   Everyone has crappy days...even hospitals. 

Madman Shepherd

She posted a ton more.  Too much effort for me to copy and paste but it was at the very beginning of the fiasco so just look for some of the oldest posts on the facebook thread.  I think it was all in response to the guy that worked at the hospital in question and basically said, "hey dude, thats not fair"

Dark Castle

Quote from: ariich on March 08, 2015, 10:14:11 AM
Quote from: Dark Castle on March 08, 2015, 09:52:19 AM
Mike Portnoy is a royal cunt, but I just want to point out that Phil Anselmo has really turned himself around and is one of the coolest dudes in metal these days.
Can you not read?

Quote from: ariich on March 08, 2015, 05:07:46 AM
None of this, please. If you want to criticise someone for being disrespectful, at least be respectful yourself while doing so.
Next post like that will see a ban.
What? I thought Phil Anselmo would appreciate someone having his back. :P
Really though, nobody minds when we all jump on Tate, why does Mike Portnoy get some magical pass? He's not even in the band anymore and who cares if he lurks, if he wants to reply and call me a doody face he's more than welcome to.


This is really sad to watch. The guy never seems to learn from past rants and the like but then again I'm not quite sure he even realizes how he comes across. He always seems genuinely surprised when someone calls him out when he crosses the line. That image above seems to nicely sum up how he views himself.


Quote from: Zook on March 08, 2015, 11:52:46 AM
His apology:


Quote from: jammindude on March 08, 2015, 10:45:06 AM
I'm not defending his behavior, but I also hate this "public figure" metality.   He's a human being with a job.   I don't buy that "public figures" are somehow supposed to be better than human.   

He's an imperfect person who got ticked off and screwed up.   He needs to apologize.

That's not his M.O.  If this were an isolated incident, it would be easy to say, "Yeah, the guy was just sick and had a bad moment," but he's had way too many hissy fits/meltdowns/drama sessions over the years to get passes anymore.  Him acting the way he did yesterday is just who he is.  That is more than obvious at this point in time.

Quote from: rumborak on March 08, 2015, 11:55:04 AM
Funny to post a slogan like that when he's touring with an uber-Christian. The above sentiment is the violent opposite to Jesus' teachings.

So true.  Makes you wonder if Neal has his head buried in the sand when it comes to his buddy.  Granted, we all can have blind spots when it comes to family and close friends...Neal clearly has one when it comes to him.

Quote from: orcus116 on March 08, 2015, 01:43:59 PM
This is really sad to watch. The guy never seems to learn from past rants and the like but then again I'm not quite sure he even realizes how he comes across. He always seems genuinely surprised when someone calls him out when he crosses the line. That image above seems to nicely sum up how he views himself.

He's got a serious case of martyrdom.

"I just want the fans to be happy."

Yeah, and apparently that end justifies the means of him acting like a child.  How many times has he played the victim over the years now? 

I have no doubt that he does want to make the fans happy, but that is still no excuse to act the way he does at times.  It's crazy that someone who clearly has such good intentions is so insecure that he has to play the victim every time he doesn't get his way.

King Postwhore

Why does this shock anyone on this forum when he does this stuff.  I just brush it off.  I know it's coming.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


He's just so willing to throw anybody and everybody under the bus when his designs don't pan out. That can be JLB, it can be hospital workers, even his own fans. If they don't accommodate his whims, they're considered collateral damage.

Also, random comment: yay for the British nurses/docs not giving him antibiotics willy-nilly.


Great read all around.  All I can say concerning MP is that maybe he should do some more stepwork with his sponsor, he needs it, badly.


Quote from: jammindude on March 08, 2015, 01:15:38 PM
I can see Marlene's point...and Mike had every right to be upset about the situation...and I never advocated the behavior of those who were being just downright rude.   In fact, I defended the fact that Mike was just upset, sick and frustrated...

...but at the end of it all, *HE CALLED OUT THE HOSPITAL*...     And let me *re*state that I may have done the same thing in the same situation.   But I would have owed the hospital an apology because it wasn't their fault.   Everyone has crappy days...even hospitals.

I agree entirely. You and I seem to have a similar perspective on this particular incident. I think we're saying a lot of similar things.


I think it's sad that not even Marlene can strike a middle ground there. Yes, how dare people defend health care workers doing their jobs correctly in the face of an American has-been (yes, I went there) artist?
And how dare we not see that him running out of gas was an act of God he had no control over?


Well, spouses should have each others' backs in public, but I think saying nothing would have better here than saying what she said, although I am sure seeing your husband criticized the way he was when he is far away from home and very sick, however deserving it was, was distressing.  That said, that is why some people simply should stay away from social media.


BTW, I know MP didn't elaborate on his exact sickness, but to me the phrases "can barely lift my arm" and "tried to get antibiotics" doesn't sound like a metabolic illness, but rather an inflammation of his drumming arm.

EDIT: Unless he is one of those people who wants an antibiotic for a flu or a cold. Which frankly wouldn't surprise me. MP isn't exactly the bookish kind.


He should be happy he's the one guy in that band who gets to sit down for pretty much the entire show. :lol :lol

Jokes aside, it does suck to work when you are sick, especially when you can't call in sick. I used to have a boss who was of the "I never call in sick" variety, and he kind of expected everyone else to act the same way, and if you dared call in, you got a major guilt trip more often than not.  Granted, I don't call in sick to work unless I have the stomach flu or something awful like that.  I know some who the minute their allergies act up, they are looking to not work, but meh, you gotta suck it up and fight through that.


Quote from: rumborak on March 08, 2015, 02:41:10 PM
BTW, I know MP didn't elaborate on his exact sickness, but to me the phrases "can barely lift my arm" and "tried to get antibiotics" doesn't sound like a metabolic illness, but rather an inflammation of his drumming arm.
To me it sounded like it was a really bad case of the flu


If he wants an antibiotic for a flu or a cold, then even more yay for the Brits dumping him at the end of the line. Believe it or not, ER doctors and nurses have better shit to do than educate divas about the most basic biological facts.


Honestly, if it was just the flu, playing the show probably helped, since he probably sweated a lot of it out.  Seriously.   I remember one NYE like 15 years ago when I was really sick the day of, but a bunch of us had big plans to go out that night, and I forced myself to go, and after a night of some drinking and clubbing and sweating like a pig, I felt much better. :lol :lol


Quote from: rumborak on March 08, 2015, 02:55:11 PM
If he wants an antibiotic for a flu or a cold, then even more yay for the Brits dumping him at the end of the line. Believe it or not, ER doctors and nurses have better shit to do than educate divas about the most basic biological facts.
Basically this.

NHS hospitals are stretched to breaking point at the moment, it's been in the news constantly. Here's the most recent BBC article about a couple of particular hospitals, but basically it's all been like this recently:

And El Barto is right that there are private doctors and private hospitals around. If he'd been in some small town then maybe it would have been harder to find one, but he was in London and was taken to a hospital in Islington for Pete's sake, there will have been plenty of private options around.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.

El Barto

Quote from: rumborak on March 08, 2015, 02:55:11 PM
If he wants an antibiotic for a flu or a cold, then even more yay for the Brits dumping him at the end of the line. Believe it or not, ER doctors and nurses have better shit to do than educate divas about the most basic biological facts.
I thought flu, as well. I think there was a 102 fever in there some where, and I also thought it was "couldn't stand or lift my armS." If so I reckon the ER doc's best treatment would have been the instructions to go home and "don't play drums like you're the metal God for 3 hours straight," which he would have most certainly disregarded.  :lol  Like I said before, a private doc might well have given him some fluids and a B12 shot which would have at least made him feel better and kept him going for the night. 


My girlfriend has been an er nurse for over six years and she says people come in all the time with fevers and they think they need to be seen immediately and if not they freak out. Usually they are sick and frustrated but it happens all the time and patients like the threaten her job l the time unless she serves right away.

If Mike had an issue with his quality or lack of care I'm sure he could've called the hospital and voiced his concern, posting online makes him look bad.


Having seen some of Marlene's comments, it seems she said that they have to get some special and fairly expensive health insurance package as he travels all over the world. So I'm even more confident in reiterating what I said before: if you're paying either way then go to a private hospital! If you go to an NHS hospital then you wait in line with everyone else and it could very well be hours.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Quote from: ariich on March 08, 2015, 11:23:34 AM
Quote from: jammindude on March 08, 2015, 10:45:06 AM
I'm not defending his behavior, but I also hate this "public figure" metality.   He's a human being with a job.   I don't buy that "public figures" are somehow supposed to be better than human.   

He's an imperfect person who got ticked off and screwed up.   He needs to apologize. 
Completely agreed on all counts. The fact that he's a public figure is entirely irrelevant, which is surely the point here anyway!

That was my initial thought as well.  MP is just another flawed human.  But it could also mean that public figures get far more practice in maintaining a social image than the non-public person that you would think they get "X" amount of stupid, human outbursts before they, like Pavlov's dog, figure out what is coming next and decide against it (reverse Pavlov)


Quote from: Zook on March 08, 2015, 12:46:10 PM
Sometimes shit happens and you have to cancel a show. His passion and caring is understandable, but it can't justify his attitude. I can't imagine what would happen if Mike was so sick he couldn't perform at all, and Neal had a spare drummer who knew the songs, or he decided to do an acoustic show without drums.

I hope he gets well too, but GOD DAMN IT, MIKE!

I had thought of that as well.  That he went into the tweet thinking "I have to let the fans know what is up so they don't think I'm just half assing it out there tonight.  It would be kind of sh*tty of me not to keep them informed."

But then it fell apart.  An example of a PR way to handle that situation:
"Sorry guys.  Sometimes your body just lets you down and no matter how strong your will is, you are still human and a bad flu virus takes you down."
(Although I can see the "he's fallen off the wagon" posts from that)

Instead of him saying his body let him down, he found a scapegoat to unload on.  A human thing to do, but one of those human traits you try to not let get the best of you.

And now that I've thoroughly criticized MP for going on a tirade, I can continue with my own embarrassing tirades.  If I had followers, they'd call me out on it.


Quote from: KevShmev on March 08, 2015, 02:45:03 PM
He should be happy he's the one guy in that band who gets to sit down for pretty much the entire show. :lol :lol

Jokes aside, it does suck to work when you are sick, especially when you can't call in sick. I used to have a boss who was of the "I never call in sick" variety, and he kind of expected everyone else to act the same way, and if you dared call in, you got a major guilt trip more often than not.  Granted, I don't call in sick to work unless I have the stomach flu or something awful like that.  I know some who the minute their allergies act up, they are looking to not work, but meh, you gotta suck it up and fight through that.

For a common sickness like the flu, I'm thinking about exposing other people more than how badly it is affecting me.


Honestly, even a post like "I'm really frustrated that I never got to see a doctor at the hospital even after hours of waiting... However, I don't want to disappoint the fans, so I'll try my best to play tonight even though I can't lift my arms" would have been fine by me. It expresses the same frustration that his actual post did, but doesn't blame anyone working at the hospital for the problem. From what I've read it seems to be well known that at hospitals like this you often have to wait a while(?), and so I think even someone who works there would probably have a reaction like "I understand your frustration with the way the system works, it's frustrating for us too sometimes, sorry we didn't get to you." The problem came in when he actually blamed the employees of the hospital for not seeing him when that's something outside of their control.


I do follow Neal on FB and twitter (I do not follow Portnoy), and he posted this a short time ago:

Regarding last night in London, the paramedics came around 6:00 and THEY said Mike should go to the hospital, loaded him in the ambulance (I got in with him). They ran vitals. Then, after some time the driver said they were too low on fuel and suggested alternate transport. Shocked and in a bit of a panic, I ran into the venue and asked if anyone had a car. We got a ride from a very kind fan and it took us 30 minutes because of traffic that the ambulance probably could've avoided. It was now about 7:15 and we were supposed to go on around 8:00. The women at emergency told us to sit and wait though we gave them the ambulance papers and told them the situation. No one would tell us anything about how long it might take or any info at all. I did most of the talking as Mike was pretty out of it. No one made a scene at all. We were all very polite to one another. So we waited...Not sure what to do, at around 7:45, I went back where it said no admittance and found a nurse who kindly looked him up in the computer to see where he was in the queue and said he wouldn't be seen for quite awhile and there was no way to change that. So, Mike opted to go back and do the gig untreated.That's what happened as best I can tell it.
My only comment is that Mike was never rude to anyone at all during the whole process. This is being blown way out of proportion. There was no rage at all. The fact that he did the gig as well as he did is a testimony to what a workhorse kind of guy he is! I had the same thing and went to the doctor (I've never been to the doctor on tour in my life!) in Zurich 2 days before and I can tell you it's nasty. Anyway, I just wanted everyone to know how it all went down.
Thank you,


I think Neal missed the main problem, which was his pal trashing the hospital on social media. 


He really comes off as a clueless dolt in all of this.