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General => Movies and TV => Topic started by: robwebster on November 04, 2009, 04:29:51 PM

Title: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on November 04, 2009, 04:29:51 PM
Come on. There's got to be some fans here.

If you've never seen the new series, I'm not going to faff about, just watch the following trailer. It's for the next episode (November 15th!) and it looks AMAZING.


Best show on television. Ever. I'm stupidly excited.

ETA, 2013-08-04: Here are the survivor results. Read 'em and weep. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=7519.msg1635215#msg1635215) With joy. And lust. Weep with joy and lust.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: monk on November 04, 2009, 04:46:34 PM
I'm rather looking forward to what's gonna happen at the end of Tennant's tenure
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Zeltar on November 04, 2009, 07:58:48 PM
Awesome stuff. I grew up watching this show, definitely one of my all time favs. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Tennant's my favorite Doctor. I love his abstract sense of humor and how there's hardly a boring moment.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 04, 2009, 10:05:25 PM
I consider myself a former fan.  By the time of the Catherine Tate season, I was getting pretty tired of the routine.  And David Tennant is pretty much the only reason I watched the show in the first place; he's everything I expect from a Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 14, 2010, 02:44:39 PM
Thread resurrection, woohoo!

I had never really watched the show up to and including 2009. My first exposure to it was when visiting my girlfriend over new years, her family are fans and they wanted to watch part 2 of The End of Time. Having not seen the first part, or anything else for that matter, it was pretty bizarre, but it got me interested in checking the rebooted version of the show out. So I used my LoveFilm subscription to rent the DVDs starting with the new Series 1 (Christopher Ecclestone) onwards.

As of this afternoon, I am all caught up, including all the specials (End of Time Part 2 made a hell of a lot more sense this time!), and you may now consider me a big fan. What an outrageously fun show!

And even though Tennant has departed, I'm incredibly excited about the new series due to Steven Moffat taking over as head writer. The man is probably my favourite scriptwriter ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 14, 2010, 02:48:53 PM
Aha, oh you wise man. Welcome to the dark side! Moffat's fantastic, isn't he. Everything he touches turns to gold.

Incidentally, the airtime for The Eleventh Hour has been revealed today. 6:25pm, Saturday 3rd April 2010. Mark your calendars, kids.  :biggrin:

Details are slooowly coming out. Titles, etc. Series 5 looks like this at the moment...

1. The Eleventh Hour
2. The Beast Below
3. Victory of the Daleks
4. The Time of Angels /
5. Flesh and Stone
6. Vampires in Venice
...and the rest TBA.

4/5 subject to change. And featuring a certain returning villain.

Incidentally, ariich, which episodes would you call your favourites? Probably hard to tell after a single run-through, but I've always wanted to ask a new fan - there's something kinda exciting about finding someone who's just seen it all for the first time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 14, 2010, 03:02:01 PM
Aha, oh you wise man. Welcome to the dark side! Moffat's fantastic, isn't he. Everything he touches turns to gold.
He really is. Most of my favourite episodes are his, and Coupling is easily one of my favourite sitcoms. Am also very excited about the Tin Tin film that he wrote for Spielberg and Peter Jackson, though it's a shame that he's not doing the 2nd and 3rd ones now due to Doctor Who commitments.

Incidentally, the airtime for The Eleventh Hour has been revealed today. 6:25pm, Saturday 3rd April 2010. Mark your calendars, kids.  :biggrin:
Schweet, I figured it'd be Easter weekend, so exciting stuff!

4/5 subject to change. And featuring a certain returning villain.
Seriously, that episode was so amazingly good, it'll be great to see them with the Doctor featuring in a main role! Although having said that, Carey Mulligan was great as well, so the Doctor never felt particularly missing from it.

Incidentally, ariich, which episodes would you call your favourites? Probably hard to tell after a single run-through, but I've always wanted to ask a new fan - there's something kinda exciting about finding someone who's just seen it all for the first time.
Yeah it's a pretty tough call, there are a few that aren't all that interesting obviously, but at the very least they are all superb fun. My favourites tend to be the ones that are quite dark/creepy, or really clever/epic in some way. Moffat is amazing for that stuff, and while Russell T. Davies was slightly hit and miss, when he was on form he was amazing as well. From a look at the episode list on Wikipedia, and not including the ends of the series (which are always fantastic) my favourites are probably (in no particular order):

The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
School Reunion
The Girl in the Fireplace
The Shakespeare Code
Planet of the Ood
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 14, 2010, 03:20:23 PM
Yeah it's a pretty tough call, there are a few that aren't all that interesting obviously, but at the very least they are all superb fun.
Aye! There are a few slightly patchier episodes, mostly in series 2 - The Idiot's Lantern, Fear Her, etc. etc. But while they're the dregs imo, they're the dregs of a very cool bunch. Very faint scorn.

In fact, they're almost more satisfying to rewatch, I find. If I put on The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit or The Waters of Mars, I know I'm gonna get a really cool story and have a good hour. Whereas, if I sit down to watch Fear Her, I'll be thinking "oh god, not this one, really tacky, why is this on again?;" but then I'll stick with it and it's brimming with really funny touches and a lot of character. There's more surprise.

Seriously, that episode was so amazingly good, it'll be great to see them with the Doctor featuring in a main role! Although having said that, Carey Mulligan was great as well, so the Doctor never felt particularly missing from it.
If I'm honest, I keep on forgetting that we've never directly seen the Doctor face 'em! Even though he only had one or two scenes, they was plastered all over the TV screens and we got to see a lot of them. (Although yeah, Carey Mulligan does help! I hear you can forget your own name if you stare at Carey Mulligan too long. Enchanting!)

My favourites tend to be the ones that are quite dark/creepy, or really clever/epic in some way. Moffat is amazing for that stuff, and while Russell T. Davies was slightly hit and miss, when he was on form he was amazing as well. From a look at the episode list on Wikipedia, and not including the ends of the series (which are always fantastic) my favourites are probably (in no particular order):
Completely agree! (Good set of episodes there, btw!) I think while RTD can be a bit hit and miss, his hits are so good they kinda overshadow his misses. It'd be pretty cool if he wrote a script here and there over the course of Moff's reign.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 14, 2010, 03:25:23 PM
If I'm honest, I keep on forgetting that we've never directly seen the Doctor face 'em! Even though he only had one or two scenes, they was plastered all over the TV screens and we got to see a lot of them. (Although yeah, Carey Mulligan does help! I hear you can forget your own name if you stare at Carey Mulligan too long. Enchanting!)
Seriously. Not only is she a very good actress, she's outrageously pretty. :heart

I think while RTD can be a bit hit and miss, his hits are so good they kinda overshadow his misses.

It'd be pretty cool if he wrote a script here and there over the course of Moff's reign.
Yeah that would definitely be excellent. Nothing in Series 5, but who knows what'll happen after that. I think the only thing that's known about the 2011 series is that Neil Gaiman will be writing an episode, which is exciting as he's one of my favourite authors!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: DREAMS FTIME45 on March 15, 2010, 05:23:38 PM
I am a massive massive fan.
All the old Doctor Who episodes used to be on at 6pm or 6:30pm here in oz.
So I would sit there and just be amazed.
I still love the Doctor today.
Exterminate!! Exterminate!! Exterminate!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dark Master Of Sin on March 15, 2010, 05:25:12 PM
I used to watch it with my dad
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 15, 2010, 05:32:53 PM
I used to watch it with my dad
Well, continue!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dark Master Of Sin on March 15, 2010, 06:21:08 PM
It was one of the shows my dad and I bonded over, and watched a lot. Saw seasons 1-3 or so. I've seen some of the newer ones too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 16, 2010, 01:51:04 AM
Don't know about the classic series, but the rebooted series is incredibly addictive. Now that I'm watching it, I can't imagine stopping.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on March 16, 2010, 01:57:33 AM
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_&_Monsters is easily the worst Dr Who episode. Ever.

That was embarrassingly bad.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 16, 2010, 05:37:58 AM
Haha, yeah. No disagreement here.

I remember watching that on broadcast, not knowing that the Doctor wasn't going to be in it much. I waited about thirty minutes before going "okay, this is going to be one that doesn't have much Doctor in, isn't it." So for the next week I was really looking forward to getting the Doctor back... and it was Fear Her!

There aren't many Doctor Who episodes that I dislike, but those two back to back were fairly disappointing, hahaha.

Still! Then we got Army of Ghosts and I forgot anything was ever wrong.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 16, 2010, 12:10:19 PM
I didn't mind Love & Monsters at all, but then I like Marc Warren. Though as "Doctor-lite" episodes go, Blink owns it in every way.

I also don't think Fear Her or The Idiot's Lantern are particularly bad (the latter in particular was quite creepy). I mean they're not among the best episodes, but they're still good fun, which is the show's main selling point really.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 16, 2010, 12:35:01 PM
I think might be one of my top 5 reboot episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 16, 2010, 12:43:12 PM
I think might be one of my top 5 reboot episodes.
The whole thing?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 16, 2010, 12:49:22 PM
Ah! Fear Her, Love & Monsters and The Idiot's Lantern are the only three I particularly dislike. For TIL I felt like I wasn't taking The Wire quite as seriously as everyone else was. :lol L&M is definitely marmitey, though. Just as many good reviews as bad ones. For some reason I wanted to flush LINDA's collected heads down the toilet and steal their milk money, though.

God, there I go! Focusing on the bad. They're the only three I'm a little bit sour on - and like I say, there's plenty to enjoy in even the less good episodes. Just that the DW bar is set quite high. Anything better and I'm pitching up a little tent in my undies.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 16, 2010, 12:51:59 PM
Just that the DW bar is set quite high. Anything better and I'm pitching up a little tent in my undies.
:lol That's a nice image.

Out of curiosity, do you watch any of the spin-off shows at all?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 16, 2010, 12:54:35 PM
@ Your earlier remark: keep in mind I've only seen seasons 2 and 3 and the most recent Christmas special. :p
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 16, 2010, 12:56:41 PM
@ Your earlier remark: keep in mind I've only seen seasons 2 and 3 and the most recent Christmas special. :p
I was actually making a joke about the fact that you missed words out of your post :lol

I don't even know which episode you were referring to. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 16, 2010, 01:34:45 PM
Just that the DW bar is set quite high. Anything better and I'm pitching up a little tent in my undies.
:lol That's a nice image.

Out of curiosity, do you watch any of the spin-off shows at all?
Torchwood fairly religiously, Sarah Jane briefly in the weeks leading up to the episode featuring The Doctor. Don't mind SJ though I could take it or leave it - Torchwood on the other hand I really dig. Not as much as Who, but it's got a kind of teenagey swashbuckling charm in series 1 and 2, and then Children of Earth is all shades of wonderful.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 18, 2010, 06:48:29 AM
@ Your earlier remark: keep in mind I've only seen seasons 2 and 3 and the most recent Christmas special. :p
I was actually making a joke about the fact that you missed words out of your post :lol

I don't even know which episode you were referring to. :P

Oh damn, didn't notice that. :lolpalm:

And I meant Blink.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 18, 2010, 06:54:26 AM
Aha! Yeah, good call. I think Blink's in a lot of people's top fives, damn thing's marvellous. :lol

When you say the recent christmas special, did you catch the whole of The End of Time, or just part 1?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 18, 2010, 07:06:43 AM
Aha! Yeah, good call. I think Blink's in a lot of people's top fives, damn thing's marvellous. :lol

When you say the recent christmas special, did you catch the whole of The End of Time, or just part 1?

I saw the whole thing on Comcast On-Demand, because in America it was never broadcast.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 18, 2010, 07:09:56 AM
Oh excellent.  :hat What did you reckon to it?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 18, 2010, 07:16:40 AM
I mean honestly I was just watching it to see the new Doctor... :laugh:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 18, 2010, 07:41:29 AM
Haha. That'll do too, I heart David Tennant immensely but Matt Smith's gonna be fantastic. I'm actually getting stupidly excited now. Just realised that it's only two weeks and two days until it premieres. Ready to explode!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 19, 2010, 03:39:09 AM
New episode premiered last night, article and brief review on BBC news:

Sounds great, cannot wait to see it! :D

In response to the last few posts:

Blink is easily one of the best episodes, despite being Doctor-lite. I'm hoping for lots of that kind of writing from Moffat in the new series!

The End of Time was really good, though the power and impact it has was so much more after watching all the preceeding episodes. Particularly all that "he will knock four times" stuff.

@Rob: Yeah I've been watching a bit of Torchwood, halfway through series 1 at the moment. It's not bad, but I think they've tried to go a little too dark/gritty than is comfortable for the writers, and it feels a bit forced at times. My favourite bits of the series so far are the more fun segments. But then I've only seen a handful of episodes so it may well improve as I carry on watching.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 19, 2010, 10:35:09 AM
Quote from: ariich
New episode premiered last night, article and brief review on BBC news:

Sounds great, cannot wait to see it!
Aye! There are a couple of reviews which describe Matt Smith as a bit of a grower, but in my experience that's almost more rewarding. I'm getting so, so pumped. The bit about "spitfires dogfighting in space" dropped my jaw, a bit. That's gotta be Victory of the Daleks, surely.

If you want something to get stuck into, check this out...
Huge article including interviews with Steven Moffat, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Piers Wenger and Beth Willis. Lots of interesting things going on, there. Well worth a read if you've got ten minutes to spare.

Quote from: ariich
Blink is easily one of the best episodes, despite being Doctor-lite. I'm hoping for lots of that kind of writing from Moffat in the new series!

The End of Time was really good, though the power and impact it has was so much more after watching all the preceeding episodes. Particularly all that "he will knock four times" stuff.
I think they're both in the top ten. The End of Time is my favourite of the big episodes. It's so tight and brilliant, it feels like everything that's fantastic about Doctor Who rolled into one massive story. And how good is John Simm!?

@Rob: Yeah I've been watching a bit of Torchwood, halfway through series 1 at the moment. It's not bad, but I think they've tried to go a little too dark/gritty than is comfortable for the writers, and it feels a bit forced at times. My favourite bits of the series so far are the more fun segments. But then I've only seen a handful of episodes so it may well improve as I carry on watching.
Yeah, I think that's a very fair evaluation. Sometimes it feels like they're slopping in "adult" themes, just to emphasise how different it is from Doctor Who. But yeah, they had to turn around series 1 in VERY little time and that's really the reason it's such a mixed bag. I liked it on first airing, but then I caught series 2, and I was flabbergasted by how much more solid it was. It's got a lot more of a vibrant, swashbucking feel, and feels self-assured and intensely confident.

And then you have Children of Earth, which might be one of the best slabs of television I've ever seen. So, so good. Series 2 is fun and involving but a little bit throwaway, Children of Earth is powerful. The 456 are damn terrifying.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 19, 2010, 02:50:01 PM
Oh god...

Prepare from a visit from Count Fucking Spaffington.



(Fucking is the count's first name, if you were wondering.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on March 19, 2010, 04:02:41 PM
I'm fine with the new Doctor, but the new assistant looks a bit... young :-\

Also, him using a gun without hesitation? :S Seems to almost ruin the last episode of the specials.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 19, 2010, 04:19:37 PM
I'm fine with the new Doctor, but the new assistant looks a bit... young :-\
Yeah, but...


Who cares?!  :biggrin:

Quote from: faemir
Also, him using a gun without hesitation? :S Seems to almost ruin the last episode of the specials.
Well, keep in mind, we don't know what he's firing at. The aim is a bit high for him to be shooting at a person. And keep in mind that he nicked that big ol' blaster in Bad Wolf, was driven insane by the Dalek in Dalek and so he threatened it with a gun, and he went around spraying clockwork droids with a pretty gun-like fire-extinguisher in The Girl in the Fireplace - not to mention, as you said, the bit with the revolver in the End of Time, so it's not like it's particularly out of the ordinary for him to be depicted with a gun.

I've got a hunch it might be a flare gun!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on March 19, 2010, 04:51:17 PM
True, I dunno just seeing another gun so soon after just threw me a bit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 19, 2010, 06:13:22 PM
Also, Karen Gillan too young? She's 22, and Rose was meant to be 19 (ok Billie Piper was way older than that but the character was meant to be that young) at the start of series 1.

Plus Karen Gillan is rather hot.

I just watched Blink again and GODDAMN is it such a great episode. Plus the Doctor's line "well, four things... and a lizard" at the end might be one of my favourite lines ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 21, 2010, 12:04:46 PM
Oh god...


I'm aware that I am posting a lot of trailers lately, but this one takes the cake!

It looks like a FILM! I'm... slack jawed in amazement. Dear me this is going to be the best series yet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: PuffyPat on March 21, 2010, 12:32:52 PM
Top Gear is better!!!!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 21, 2010, 02:43:40 PM
I think you just won the coveted Rob Webster "weird comparison of the day" award.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 21, 2010, 03:30:40 PM
:lol Yeah wtf?

And that trailer was excellent! And yeah I agree with you Rob, that gun definitely looked more like a flare gun.

Still getting through the first series of Torchwood, up to the last episode now and it's already improving quite a lot. Last 2 or 3 episodes have been excellent.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 21, 2010, 04:07:40 PM
Yeah, it starts to really take off around Greeks Bearing Gifts, and from there it just keeps improving without ever really losing momentum. Day One and Cyberwoman were really the height of dodginess, and even then their flaws are a bit exaggerated. From Out of the Rain's a bit iffy in the next series, but by and large it's all pretty top notch telly from here on out.

Series 1's a bit like a kind of weird hybrid between an action film and a horror, series 2's got more of a sense of fun like a comic book, and then series 3 is all out psychological drama. It gets cleverer as it continues, too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on March 21, 2010, 04:14:54 PM
I hope the revamp of Torchwood will be good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 21, 2010, 04:40:43 PM
Yeah, it starts to really take off around Greeks Bearing Gifts, and from there it just keeps improving without ever really losing momentum. Day One and Cyberwoman were really the height of dodginess, and even then their flaws are a bit exaggerated.
Agreed on all counts. The first episode was good fun, but after that it was a little weak until Greeks Bearing Gifts but it's been pretty solid since then, looks like the writers just took a few episodes to find their stride.

I hope the revamp of Torchwood will be good.
Revamp in what sense?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 21, 2010, 05:12:01 PM
Fox have commissioned their own version of Torchwood. Produced by Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner, which is quite an unusual move but I'm intrigued. If it's made by the same people it's got a fair chance of not sucking, and they won't be able to miss the point of the entire thing, as these ports often do.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: PuffyPat on March 21, 2010, 10:13:13 PM
Did you guys know that Torchwood rearranged spells Doctor Who?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 22, 2010, 01:37:52 AM
I did indeed. And Mister Saxon is an anagram of Master No. Six (John Simm is the 6th actor to play the Master). That one is way cooler IMO.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 22, 2010, 06:20:40 AM
Oh god...


I'm aware that I am posting a lot of trailers lately, but this one takes the cake!

It looks like a FILM! I'm... slack jawed in amazement. Dear me this is going to be the best series yet.

Typical Americanized trailer...

...And I enjoyed every second of it. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 23, 2010, 01:20:00 PM
:lol It is a little Hollywood-esque, but then most trailers are.

Why it can't it be Easter already?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 03, 2010, 10:53:24 AM
Omgomgomg. Half an hour!

Also, getting towards the end of series 2 of Torchwood, and you're right Rob, it gets a lot more fun! :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 03, 2010, 01:28:01 PM
My erection is so massive that a herd of wildebeest with Maggie Thatcher faces would not be able to bring it down. I have no blood in the rest of my body.

Fantastic. Oh brilliant. Brilliance on ice. With a little parasol in it.

I just want to watch it again and again.

ariich: It is ace, isn't it. :D But more importantly!! DOCTOR WHO. IT'S BACK. NEW THEME TUNE. THINGS AND STUFF. KAREN GILLAN. MATT-IO SMITH. So exciting and brilliant that I've got wee-stains up and down the wall.

(EDIT: Male wildebeest.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bombardana on April 03, 2010, 04:00:44 PM
Wow that was a really good episode. Much better than the David Tennant ones I saw.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 03, 2010, 05:04:02 PM
Wtf, I was sure I posted in here. :lol

Anyway yes it was awesome, such amazing fun! Matt Smith was great and Karen Gillan is awesome... in a number of ways... :heart

The phrase "silence will fall" is very intriguing as well. I'm guessing it'll be the start of an epic story arc culminating in the last two episodes...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 03, 2010, 05:31:09 PM
I think it is! I've heard the word Pandorica bantered around, and now Sophie off Peep Show's saying it... watching this. :D They're being "followed by a silent menace," too, aren't they? Silence will fall? It's a tenuousish link, but hey.

I've watched it twice, now. So, so good. Improved on the second viewing, too.

Love the food scene. "Yoghurt's my new favourite! Get me some yoghurt."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 03, 2010, 06:27:23 PM
Loved it. It had the perfect mix of dark and light hearted moments, as appose to the last series where the early episodes were pretty painful to watch, and then towards the end of the series the plots would get alot darker and deeper. Matt Smith seems to be a very good Doctor, but time will tell whether he'll be as good as DT.

(Also, Amy is smoking :D)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 03, 2010, 07:23:45 PM
I'm just happy he have an intelligent companion again.

Was I the only person who found Rose and Donna really FUCKING ANNOYING. And yet everyone seems to think Martha was the bad companion. WTF? rose was the worst though, at least Donna's stupidness was done comically where as Tennant had to go for Rose in season 2  :facepalm:

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 03, 2010, 07:27:15 PM
I'm just happy he have an intelligent companion again.

Was I the only person who found Rose and Donna really FUCKING ANNOYING. And yet everyone seems to think Martha was the bad companion. WTF? rose was the worst though, at least Donna's stupidness was done comically where as Tennant had to go for Rose in season 2  :facepalm:

But that scene at the end of season 2 when The Doctor and Rose are on the beach makes up for any faults in her character IMO :P

That scene should of won an award.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 04, 2010, 02:32:58 AM
I'm just happy he have an intelligent companion again.

Was I the only person who found Rose and Donna really FUCKING ANNOYING. And yet everyone seems to think Martha was the bad companion. WTF? rose was the worst though, at least Donna's stupidness was done comically where as Tennant had to go for Rose in season 2  :facepalm:

I think they all have their plus points. Rose's overall character was a really good one, even if she was a little annoying sometimes (though only really in the first series, once Tennant arrived she became pretty cool). Martha was badass. Donna was hilarious. Amy is hot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 05, 2010, 08:28:13 AM
Rose started off as very good, dampened down a little bit in series 2 but I still liked her, but when they brought her back across the course of series 4 I was kinda "bleh" about her.

Donna I really liked though. I was expecting her to be awful when she was announced - I really didn't like The Runaway Bride. I loved her right off the bat, though. Very good.

The best companion though is definitely Wilf. What a man. I want to capture him and make him tell me stories.

Incidentally, The Eleventh Hour is making a bit of a splash! Few of my friends who really didn't like Doctor Who seem to be loving it. Good times!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 05, 2010, 04:22:29 PM
I want to kill Martha, I can't stand her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 05, 2010, 06:24:48 PM
I only got to watch half of the new episode until iBBC pulled it off of YouTube. :sadpanda:

"Blimey, get a girlfriend, Jeff!" :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 05, 2010, 06:52:40 PM
I want to kill Martha, I can't stand her.

Why? She was intelligent and did the job. It's not her fault that her season finale was, well a bit shit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 05, 2010, 07:02:26 PM
I don't know, mabye it was the actress I hated as appose to the character, but she just annoyed me so much, and I was still heartbroken after Rose leaving  :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on April 05, 2010, 08:17:17 PM
Really good episode I thought.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 06, 2010, 01:18:42 PM
It's not her fault that her season finale was, well a bit shit.
WAT? I loved the end of series 3, thought it was suitably epic, and her role in it was fab.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 07, 2010, 05:44:55 PM
Finally caught up with Torchwood. Spoiler:

OMG I can't believe Ianto died! :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 07, 2010, 05:58:13 PM
God, I know! So brilliantly done, though.

What did you reckon to it, on the whole though? Children in Earth particularly - I've yet to successfully rewatch that; the 456 freaked me the hell out.

Aside from that...

The Beast Below


Promo pics from the next episode are out! God I'm excited. This is the one we know the least about, and it looks thoroughly bonkers and creepy in equal measure, from the previews. Basic premise is that the UK has detached from the Earth and is whizzing about in space. And then of course we've got the Smilers (https://img32.imageshack.us/img32/3856/127527.jpg)! Really interested in this one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on April 07, 2010, 07:58:48 PM
I haven't seen a single episode of Doctor Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 07, 2010, 09:37:05 PM
Well, The Eleventh Hour is as good a place to start as any. And you've come to it at the ideal time! It's the most recently aired, first in the brand new series, doesn't spoil a thing about the previous episodes, it looks beautiful, and it's designed specifically so that you can watch it once and join the ride without having to know a jot about what's gone on beforehand.

It's not like one of those things where you can't come in midway because there's x number of ongoing storylines - you can watch most Doctor Who episodes without worrying about continuity as it's a different story each week, but The Eleventh Hour especially is the beginning of a brand new story with no tedious strings attached - just one episode and you'll be bang up to date with the entire series. All you need to know is that it's about an alien man who travels through time and changes his face - it's funny, exciting, creepy and weird. Big ol' adventure which is entrenched in the bones of British culture. Get cracking.

If you like that, you can continue watching this series week in, week out and catch up on the rest later - or you can go back to Rose in series 1 and watch all that unfold.

...assuming you're interested in checking it out, that is. You might have just come in to tell us that you've never watched it. In which case cheers for the info. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on April 07, 2010, 09:43:41 PM
 :lol No, it's definitely something I want to check out. Thanks for the info  :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 07, 2010, 10:18:35 PM
Haha, no prob! I did realise about halfway through writing that you hadn't actually asked.

But yeah! It's basically the antidote to the relatively aloof drama of, say, Lost or The Wire or Spooks or whatever's currently taking itself very seriously. It's got a more swashbuckling, tongue-in-cheek vibe, more like Pirates of the Caribbean or Harry Potter. Or Indiana Jones. Immensely varied, too. Most flexible format ever.

I mean, these clips...


Two trailers. Completely different. Any time and any place - any mood, as well. Brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 07, 2010, 10:33:36 PM
I still haven't seen the whole episode because iBBC video isn't available outside of the UK. :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 08, 2010, 12:38:58 AM
God, I know! So brilliantly done, though.

What did you reckon to it, on the whole though? Children in Earth particularly - I've yet to successfully rewatch that; the 456 freaked me the hell out.
Yeah Children of Earth was great, seriously exciting and Peter Capaldi was genuinely amazing! The show gets better and better, although with literally half the main characters now dead, I'm not sure what they'll do with a fourth series. I imagine they'll enlist Rhys full time.

Beast Below looks good, exciting times!

And yeah Sigz, I'd recommend checking out the new one as well, it's as good a place to start as any, and I know a number of people who had never watched Doctor Who before who watched it and really enjoyed it. And if you do like it, just go back to series 1 of the rebooted series and catch up! (although beware, the very first episode Rose is a little weak).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 08, 2010, 07:38:05 AM
Here's an interesting thing... apparently they're making a Doctor Who computer game.


"The first episode of Doctor Who – The Adventure Games will be available to download for PC and Mac from bbc.co.uk/doctorwho in June 2010. Its title will be revealed at a special press event on 21 April in Sheffield.

"Establishing new forms of drama is exactly what the BBC should be doing. By aiming these 'interactive episodes' at the broad audience of the TV show – unique in British television, in that it encompasses at least three generations – we're aiming to encourage the family to gather round the PC or Mac in the same way they do the television. Driving computer literacy is a keystone of the BBC's public service remit and we expect Doctor Who – The Adventure Games to be hugely popular in the homes of Britain this year."

I expect it probably won't have the lasting appeal of, say, Monkey Island or something, given the BBC's track record with video games and the fact that they won't want to exclude children or computer-baffled adults ("driving computer literacy," they say), but it's a fascinating little move nonetheless. They're meant to be doing something for Nintendo later in the year, too. They're doing four of these adventure games; written by Phil Ford and James Moran, who wrote The Waters of Mars and The Fires of Pompeii (and Children of Earth: Day Three) respectively, so you know - fairly good people.

EDIT: Ooh! They've got the bloke who designed Broken Sword involved! Hold the phone kids, those games are fantastic. This might be quite good after all!

Quote from: ariich
Yeah Children of Earth was great, seriously exciting and Peter Capaldi was genuinely amazing! The show gets better and better, although with literally half the main characters now dead, I'm not sure what they'll do with a fourth series. I imagine they'll enlist Rhys full time.
Apparently RTD knows exactly how he'd bring Torchwood back. God knows how! Maybe they'd get that Lois Habiba lass. She's definitely proven her mettle. If anyone deserves the option it'd be her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 08, 2010, 09:47:02 AM
They're doing four of these adventure games; written by Phil Ford and James Moran, who wrote The Waters of Mars and The Fires of Pompeii (and Children of Earth: Day Three) respectively, so you know - fairly good people.
True, although Moran is one of the people responsible for killing off Ianto. >:(

EDIT: Ooh! They've got the bloke who designed Broken Sword involved! Hold the phone kids, those games are fantastic. This might be quite good after all!
:lol Awesome, I played the first game and part of the second and they were good fun!

Maybe they'd get that Lois Habiba lass. She's definitely proven her mettle. If anyone deserves the option it'd be her.
True, although I didn't think she had very much character. Whereas Rhys is badass. And without Ianto, they need a badass Welshman.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 08, 2010, 10:21:21 AM
They're doing four of these adventure games; written by Phil Ford and James Moran, who wrote The Waters of Mars and The Fires of Pompeii (and Children of Earth: Day Three) respectively, so you know - fairly good people.
True, although Moran is one of the people responsible for killing off Ianto. >:(
Hahaha, oh christ! That reminds me. James Moran notoriously stopped writing his stellar blog because a bunch of fangirls took a break from furiously masturbating to send him gallons of hate-mail after they aired Day Four. Massive furore. Real shame.

Quote from: ariich
True, although I didn't think she had very much character. Whereas Rhys is badass. And without Ianto, they need a badass Welshman.
Hahaha, fair point! I love Rhys. I think he might be my favourite character in Torchwood.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 08, 2010, 01:04:41 PM
Hahaha, oh christ! That reminds me. James Moran notoriously stopped writing his stellar blog because a bunch of fangirls took a break from furiously masturbating to send him gallons of hate-mail after they aired Day Four. Massive furore. Real shame.
:lol I know, I read about it on Wikipedia. I mean, I can understand their disappointment, I thought the fact that he was killed off so soon after Owen and Tosh (when the show went nearly two series with no major characters dying) was pretty disappointing, and almost felt like they were trying to imitate American shows like 24 where people keep dying all the time. But it is what it is, sending hate-mail to the writers is completely insane!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 09, 2010, 10:59:00 AM
Aye. It's like, it's sad and that, but if you're a fan of the series you should at least respect the artistic integrity of the writers. "Bring him back" kind of undermines the entire story they were trying to tell. The point is that it's tragic! If you're upset that means they're doing their job right.

Nice that a bunch of far saner fans sent donations to charity as a monument, though. Made a couple of thousand quid if I remember. Much better idea than sending vitriol to James Moran.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 09, 2010, 11:25:19 AM
True, although the charity fundraising was still under a campaign name of "Save Ianto". Still, a far more honourable way to go about it. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bombardana on April 10, 2010, 05:42:48 PM
OMG Terrence Hardiman :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 10, 2010, 05:54:09 PM
Man that guy's got weird eyebrows.

Cool episode though! Not as good as The Stunning Eleventh Hour, but that's like saying "it's only my second favourite sexual position." Let's face it, who's really complaining?!

"This isn't gonna be big on dignity."

EDIT: Whoa. Just ftr, really improves on a second viewing. It feels more like it's on a similar plane, now. The voting booth becomes really quite sinister with the benefit of hindsight.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2010, 08:40:22 AM
Christ! Every time I watch this episode I love it more and more. Like, whoa. I've just watched it a third time, and I'm in love with it. It's gorgeous! It's brimming with feeling. So much atmosphere and very creepy, and it all comes together impossibly well. I thought the solution came a little bit "out of the blue" at first, but with the benefit of hindsight it hangs together so much more beautifully.  The voting booth scene is fast becoming one of my favourite Doctor Who scenes. Oh and the first scene. Goosebumps. I want a Smiler.

A horse and a man, above, below
One has a plan, but both must go
Mile after mile, above, beneath
One has a smile, and one has teeth
Though the man above might say hello
Expect no love from the beast below
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on April 11, 2010, 02:32:47 PM
That episode was pretty good! I've missed Doctor Who, I stopped watching at some point when Martha was the assistant, thought I should tune in again. The new guy seems alright but I miss David Tennant  :sad:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 11, 2010, 04:10:39 PM

I thought the part where he chastised Amy for pushing the "Forget" button was a bit overdramatic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2010, 04:25:00 PM
God no! I couldn't disagree more - that was stunning acting!

Besides, keep in mind he's still not had a rest since he was called to the Ood-sphere in the End of Time. This has been a fairly long day for him. And someone he's just met, a stranger's just come up to him on his first voyage and tried to control whether he saves the day or no. With good intentions, but still. He's also just uncovered a vile human conspiracy. I think he's earned a little tetchiness. Besides, it's not like it's out of character. I mean Chris Eccleston was always calling people stupid apes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 11, 2010, 04:32:05 PM
Ah well I've only watched a handful of Eccleston episodes, so that might've helped to have known that. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2010, 04:34:47 PM
Ooh, crikey. Yeah, catch up on him! He's no Tennant, but he's a very good actor nonetheless. If you've not caught Father's Day, The Empty Child or The Doctor Dances yet, they're the essentials, but you can't go wrong with The Unquiet Dead, Dalek, Bad Wolf or The Parting of the Ways either.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 12, 2010, 02:39:25 AM
Empty Child and Doctor Dances are two of the very best Doctor Who episodes. The moment when the tape runs out literally gave me goosebumps! And yeah, Ecclestone often got annoyed with people, and even Tennant did on occasion, though less so. I like the fact that each incarnation has it's own personality though, I think it's why the show has lasted so long!

Haven't seen The Beast Below yet, as I'm currently in Cyprus. I shall be checking it out as soon as I get back though! Gonna have to the same with next weekend's episode as well, grr!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Schleppy on April 16, 2010, 05:28:52 PM
My story of awesomeness requires some awesome backstory.

Spring of 2008, I took a TV Production class. I was pretty well into Doctor Who, but hadn't had any experiences with the fandom.

Anyway, there's a girl in that class who's wearing a Torchwood pin on her hat. I bring it up and she instantly pulls me along to meet her friends. Turns out she's part of an all-girl Torchwood cosplay group, friends with writer James Moran as well as actor Gareth David-Lloyd, etc., but that doesn't matter so much, because what it did mean is introducing me to cosplay (beyond making fun of anime cosplayers online) and got me to sign up for the Gallifrey One convention in 2009.

The convention was fantastic, but the important part came in on Saturday morning, when I realized that some of the clothes in my bag would actually match up with the old, old promo pics of Matt Smith (which were, at this point, still pretty new).


At first I thought "What the hell, I'll just do this as a joke." But after about an hour of being on the floor in costume, people asking questions (some asked if I decided to do this because my name is Matt - no, just a coincidence), people getting pictures, I started saying "Yeah, when production stills start coming out, I'll try and get a real costume together."

Cut to the week before Comic-Con. I only had a pass for Sunday, which was the day Russel T Davies and David Tennant and John Barrowman were all gonna be there. On the Monday prior to con, the first pictures of Matt Smith in costume, onset with Karen Gillan, came out. That Friday, I spent the entire day running all over Southern California raiding Goodwill stores. Managed to find a great match for the jacket, a passable shirt, and a burgundy bowtie. Already had combat boots and passable pants - only part that was missing was the bracers, I just used black ones this time around.


Anyway, during the Doctor Who panel I was way toward the back, but managed to move myself closer up front as each panel switched, until I was in the second row with the aforementioned Torchwood cosplay group I'm friends with in time for the Torchwood panel.

Halfway through the panel... well, I'll pull up the youtube for this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r56XOTT06k#t=2m40s

After that day (and the millions of pictures I took with random con-goers), I thought it couldn't get any better.

Until last night.

So I step away from my phone for five minutes last night, come back to it and there's a voice mail.

"Hi, Matt, this is Karen Gillan! I play Amy Pond in Doctor Who. And your friend was just telling me that you were the guy at Comic Con last year who was dressed as Matt Smith. Just wanted to say that everyone at work's been talking about you because you were the only one dressed as him. Just wanted to say that, talk to you later, bye!"

Turns out my friend Amy (who plays Gwen in the Torchwood cosplay group) had managed to get into the invite-only Los Angeles BBC-America premiere event as a plus-one. She managed to approach Karen, and when she mentioned me apparently Karen's eyes lit up with recognition.

Anyone know a good, free method of putting a voicemail up online?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 16, 2010, 05:34:55 PM
I'll tell you if you give me Karen's number.

I can't tell whether I want to kill you or make love to you. Seriously, so so SO jealous. Seething with envy. My face is burning off. Just a big ol' fire where my face should be.

My only claim to any Doctor Who related fame whatsoever is that I met Steven Moffat. He signed my copy of Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, bizarrely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Schleppy on April 16, 2010, 05:37:09 PM
Sorry, should've explained it was my friend's phone that was being used. If it were Karen, then I'd have called her back, we'd have talked for hours, and then we'd have a date planned for next time she's in LA  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 16, 2010, 05:39:47 PM
Christ! Still, you're a friend of a friend of Karen Gillan! That's mad.

...that makes me a friend of a friend of a friend of Karen Gillan. If you'll acknowledge me as a friend. Which you should! So that I can brag.

Actually, one of my friends used to go out with Billie Piper's brother. I've kissed my friend, and she's kissed Billie Piper's brother, who's undoubtedly kissed Billie herself at some point, who's kissed David Tennant. So you can form a nice ol' chain of kissing. I worked this out one night while crying into my cereal. Fucking weetabix.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 16, 2010, 05:43:45 PM
(www.zshare.com (https://www.zshare.com), btw! Upload audio. I think. I might have forgotten its name. Bad habit. I'll click the link after posting.)

EDIT: That's not it.

EDIT2: Just use rapidshare. Or YouTube! Good ol' Youtube.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Schleppy on April 16, 2010, 05:50:34 PM
I'll probably just put it on speakerphone and upload it on youtube, like you suggested. If I can find my camera....  :censored
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 17, 2010, 03:22:46 AM
Schleppy, that is outrageously cool! Although, if you'd been at your phone to answer it when it rang, would you have even believed that it was Gillan?! :P

Forgot to update this thread when I saw The Beast Below, but it was really good. The smilers were seriously creepy and the story was really clever.

The next episode looks like tremendous fun, and I know you're not a big fan of the Idiot's Lantern Rob, but I like Mark Gatiss's writing. Sadly I won't be able to watch it at the time again so will have to catch up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 17, 2010, 04:32:27 AM
Work was cancelled due to the Icelandic stuff so I can watch it on air \o/
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 17, 2010, 04:40:54 AM
The next episode looks like tremendous fun, and I know you're not a big fan of the Idiot's Lantern Rob, but I like Mark Gatiss's writing. Sadly I won't be able to watch it at the time again so will have to catch up tomorrow.
Yeah, I've got faith in the man! I think the main reason I didn't like The Idiot's Lantern was the weird acting; The Wire just bizarred me out, and I felt absolutely nothing for the family. The Unquiet Dead was a highlight of series one, and The League of Gentlemen is fantastic, so I'm really excited about this episode. It looks wonderful.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Martinman300 on April 17, 2010, 03:23:19 PM
For those who have seen the WWII episode...

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: RobD on April 17, 2010, 04:39:38 PM
Just popping my head in to say the first time I heard the "Oblivion Continuum! Inactive!" line by the Dalek, was in fact one of the ADR takes about a month ago where he said "Oblivion Continuum! FUUUUUUCKED!", so that is all I heard when I saw it. :lol

Swearing surprisingly suits the Daleks really well! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 18, 2010, 01:37:42 PM
I cant shake the feeling that all the episodes so far have been by-the-books, and not an improvement over the meh specials (except the finale). I was thinking about Blink, and what made it great was the unusual storyline, not the angels themselves, so I'm not sure if this double will be as good or even close.

I dunno, I was just hoping for more impressive episodes :(

edit: and the solutions to problems have been a bit far-fetched and deus ex machina-like for my liking.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 18, 2010, 02:15:50 PM
Wtf are you on about, the first two had damn clever stories! This one not quite so much but it was still damn good fun. Also, you pinpoint Blink, which is arguably the best Doctor Who episode ever, so hardly a fair one to judge against.

For those who have seen the WWII episode...

:rollin Love it.

Loving the iDaleks as well. And the jammy dodger was genius.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on April 18, 2010, 02:35:32 PM
I've never been a fan of the Daleks (I know that's rubbish since they're such a big part of Dr Who) so I didn't like that episode much. But I'll agree with you that Blink was an excellent episode.  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 18, 2010, 02:47:32 PM
Wtf are you on about, the first two had damn clever stories! This one not quite so much but it was still damn good fun.

The disarming of the bomb in this episode was silly and a bit lame.

What was so clever about the first two? I mentioned blink out of memory, but when I compare episode 1 and 2 to Moffat's other ones, this series ones suck in comparison.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 18, 2010, 03:09:42 PM
You're accusing Doctor Who of being "silly and a bit lame"? The show is FAMOUS for those things. :lol Honestly, the episodes so far have been true Doctor Who in every sense, I've no idea why you're not liking them, other than possibly fear of change.

The first ep was generally clever playing on the fear of what you can't really see other than in the corner of your eye, plus the big time jumps showing Amy growing up. The second episode was very clever with the twist that Liz Ten had been doing the same thing every ten years for centuries, and everything that surrounded that twist.

Besides, Doctor Who is great because of how fun it is. I really get the feeling that you take it WAY too seriously. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 18, 2010, 05:38:51 PM
It's my brother, he keeps talking to me about the episodes afterwards, and making me be far too overcritical as a result. I like the episodes until I talk to him about them :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 18, 2010, 06:45:09 PM
What was so clever about the first two? I mentioned blink out of memory, but when I compare episode 1 and 2 to Moffat's other ones, this series ones suck in comparison.
Well, with the Beast Below... everything! The out-of-nowhere Doctor analogue, the creepy Life-on-Mars forget video, the apparently-evil but secretly-good Smilers, and the aesthetic, oooohhh the aesthetic. On top of the Liz 10 revelation, Matt Smith's fantastic acting and so so much more. Wonderful, wonderful episode. Everything ties up beautifully, it's exciting, creepy, and it makes you think.

It's been a little while since The Eleventh Hour, and I'm kinda really fucking drunk, so I'm gonna have to expand on that one later, but what a classy way of bringing the Doctor back to our screens.

I do agree that not dissecting it helps. No matter what the subject is, fandom is supercritical. I'm not sure why. Doctor Who falls into that bracket too. There are loads of people who don't actually end up liking what they spend their lives examining, because they take it too seriously. I guess your brother might be in that bracket too?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 19, 2010, 01:05:27 AM
Yeah I agree with Rob, looks like he and I are simply fans because we really enjoy something, rather than taking it to the extreme of overanalysing everything to the point of not liking it anymore.

Dan, just smack your brother in the face and forbid him to ruin Doctor Who for you again. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 19, 2010, 12:48:48 PM
Haha, he's 23 on friday and taller than me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 19, 2010, 12:52:46 PM
Smack him hard enough and he won't be able to fight back. Use a cricket bat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 19, 2010, 12:54:37 PM
"Hey sorry Andrew, the guys on the internet told me to do it"

*Andrew unplugs my internet for life and sabotages my computer*
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 19, 2010, 04:13:11 PM
Ok, ok.

Use two cricket bats.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2010, 12:45:50 PM
This week's episode was FAB! How creepy was the bit with the angel on the screen?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 24, 2010, 06:21:32 PM
Very. Very very very.

And the trailer for next week's. Oh god this is a good series. That's the third out of four episodes I'd class as excellent. Looking to be fourth of five.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Zeltar on April 24, 2010, 06:53:45 PM
Dammit I hate living in America and getting all the new Who episodes after everyone else does. I watched the first episode with the new guy and I gotta say, I really like him. I was afraid that after David Tennant we'd get someone who wouldn't be able to live up to his exciting, upbeat delivery but it looks like this guy's just as good. And I gotta say, Amy's the Doctor's hottest companion ever by like 50000 miles. So goddamn fine. :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 24, 2010, 09:03:37 PM
Really smart, too. She does some clever stuff. Savvy.

Have you guys had The Beast Below yet? I think I'm in love with The Beast Below. (The episode. Not the beast.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Zeltar on April 24, 2010, 09:51:26 PM
I think we have but I've only watched The Eleventh Hour so far. I have it recorded if I missed The Beast Below so it's all good. I can't wait for the Weeping Angels episode, Blink was one of my favorite Doctor Who episodes of all time I'm so stoked to see them back :metal

EDIT: Turns out The Beast Below did air. Watching it now...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 25, 2010, 04:38:05 AM
Yeah The Beast Below was fantastic. The Time of Angels was also marvellous, though won't fully judge until we've had the second episode. Cannot wait!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Zeltar on April 25, 2010, 11:45:04 AM
Yeah I really liked The Beast Below. Holy crap, the Weeping Angels episode's a two parter? :omg: My life's complete. Victory of the Daleks airs next week I think so I'll look forward to that one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 25, 2010, 04:22:00 PM
Yeah I really liked The Beast Below. Holy crap, the Weeping Angels episode's a two parter? :omg: My life's complete.
Hell yeah! First part was excellent, a couple of reeeeeeeeeeeeally creepy moments, but lots of fun as well. It also sees the return of River Song, who I'm starting to really like as a character.

Just watched Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead and they're even better second time round. Not as creepy as some stuff, but just amazing sci-fi and such a clever story!

Victory of the Daleks airs next week I think so I'll look forward to that one.
That was really enjoyable, pretty much as fun as Doctor Who gets. Enjoy! :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: PuffyPat on April 25, 2010, 04:42:13 PM
Just started watching last night, and I have to say that I love this show already. My brother and sister have been watching for awhile now, and I finally gave in and started watching. The fact that it's a new season as well as a new Doctor made it an easy decision to start.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 25, 2010, 06:37:21 PM
Aha! Welcome to the best show on telly. You're gonna love it.

Are you in the US or the UK? i.e. which episode was it?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: PuffyPat on April 25, 2010, 06:51:55 PM
U.S., I'm up to the Beast Below, can't wait until the next episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Genowyn on April 25, 2010, 08:36:09 PM
This is another one of those things that I'm pretty sure I would enjoy and want to get into, but there is just too, too much.  :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 25, 2010, 09:54:55 PM
Nah, it's fine!

Thing about Doctor Who is, the back story is largely irrelevant. Oh there are continuity nods and what have you, but they're just details - each week's a brand new thing and a brand new story. It's specifically designed so you can hop on at any point, having never seen the show before, and just go "Hey, this is a cool thing." There's plenty of meat, but it's not baggage or dead weight. It's not like Heroes and it's definitely not like Lost. There is no wrong place to start. 'Cept the second episode of a two-parter, but hey!

That said, the far and away best place to start would be the first episode of this most recent series. "The Eleventh Hour" it's called. The cast are all brand new, the logo's new, the entire show's regenerated - even the cast. The main character changes his appearance to cheat death, he goes through the entire first episode not knowing what he looks like. You find out along with him! It was written so that new audiences would be able to immediately get involved without having seen a single frame of the thing - even moreso than usual.

The Doctor travels through time and space, with a companion, saving worlds. Sometimes he changes his face - it's creepy, exciting, and oodles of fun. That's all you need to know. That's the only constant - the only backstory. Everything else is new each week. The beauty is that there definitely isn't too much. Just a mad man in a blue box.

I think you should watch a lovely bit of Doctor Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 26, 2010, 02:55:18 AM
I definitely agree, the current series is a great place to join in! And if you enjoy it then go back to the new series 1 (2005) and catch up with the Ecclestone/Tennant years.

I'm currently checking out some the older stuff, a friend of mine recommended a few good serials for each of the doctors. Interesting stuff, seeing the origins of the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: AcidLameLTE on April 26, 2010, 03:01:45 AM
Doctor Who fans angered by trailer for Over the Rainbow

Thousands of Doctor Who fans have contacted the BBC to complain that the ending of Saturday night's episode was ruined by a trailer for the next show.

The on-screen caption featured an animated cartoon of presenter Graham Norton, host of Over the Rainbow.

It appeared as The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, was making an emotional speech during the story's cliffhanger ending for The Time of Angels.

The trailer was seen by millions of viewers watching on BBC One in England.

Fans have also been complaining on social networking site Twitter. One wrote: "Why is the BBC treating its audience like idiots?"

Another said: "Don't blink or Graham Norton will catch you."

The BBC often promotes programmes in this way but the corporation has acknowledged that in this case the scheduling was inappropriate.

A BBC spokesman said: "We apologise for the timing of Saturday night's trail."

It is not the first time an unexpected appearance by Norton has angered Doctor Who fans.

When the series returned in 2005 after a 16-year break, a technical error caused Norton's voice to be briefly heard over the episode's opening scenes.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 26, 2010, 03:20:16 AM
Hahaha. I complained. I wasn't going to - I hate being the nobcheese who tells the BBC how to run their TV station. But then Charlie Brooker, Simon Pegg and the showrunner for Ashes to Ashes all complained, and I thought "hey, tell you what, this isn't just me being facetious - let's burn this fugger down."

Quote from: ariich
I'm currently checking out some the older stuff, a friend of mine recommended a few good serials for each of the doctors. Interesting stuff, seeing the origins of the show.
This completely undermines my Doctor Who credentials, but I really struggle to get excited about the old stuff. I mean there are some cracking ideas, but it's all a bit half-formed. I had a look at The Caves of Androzani, which is meant to be the best Doctor Who story by fan opinion, and while I liked it, I couldn't say I was hugely engaged. I wasn't thinking "damn, I really can't wait to see what happens next" - which is a feeling I get each minute with the revived run. Even in the patchier stories in the current run, I feel like I care a lot more about the characters. Plus, the plot feels tighter, and littered with revelations. You don't really get them in the slower building older stories.

Caves, while I liked it, struck me as mainly being army blokes strategically running through a catacomb. Sharaz Jek was kinda cool, but again, not a particularly staggering villain.

That said, I recently started The Talons of Weng-Chiang and quite liked it.

I dunno. Maybe I'm just not "of its time." I'll keep trying. And it's still a fairly cool show. But the old stuff doesn't make me feel feelings.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on April 26, 2010, 09:06:01 AM
Time of the angels was probably one of the best episodes I've seen. The weeping angels are such an excellent design for an antagonist. Though you would have thought someone would have twigged onto the ideo of taking a jack hammer along.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on April 26, 2010, 10:11:35 AM
The weeping angels freak me out. I was really jumpy for the rest of the night.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 26, 2010, 01:17:44 PM
This completely undermines my Doctor Who credentials, but I really struggle to get excited about the old stuff. I mean there are some cracking ideas, but it's all a bit half-formed. I had a look at The Caves of Androzani, which is meant to be the best Doctor Who story by fan opinion, and while I liked it, I couldn't say I was hugely engaged. I wasn't thinking "damn, I really can't wait to see what happens next" - which is a feeling I get each minute with the revived run. Even in the patchier stories in the current run, I feel like I care a lot more about the characters. Plus, the plot feels tighter, and littered with revelations. You don't really get them in the slower building older stories.

Caves, while I liked it, struck me as mainly being army blokes strategically running through a catacomb. Sharaz Jek was kinda cool, but again, not a particularly staggering villain.

That said, I recently started The Talons of Weng-Chiang and quite liked it.

I dunno. Maybe I'm just not "of its time." I'll keep trying. And it's still a fairly cool show. But the old stuff doesn't make me feel feelings.
Yeah, obviously it's a little dated; the main thing is that it's a fair bit slower, because people had better attention spans back then. So far I've only seen the first two serials with William Hartnell, An Unearthly Child and The Daleks. Both were pretty good, the writing is actually really good and the acting was mostly decent, the main issues were with the directing and obviously the production/effects/budget.

Time of the angels was probably one of the best episodes I've seen. The weeping angels are such an excellent design for an antagonist. Though you would have thought someone would have twigged onto the ideo of taking a jack hammer along.
:lol Yeah, I always wonder what happens if, while they are stone, you just pummel them to pieces. I guess if that was possible it'd ruin their creepiness somewhat. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 26, 2010, 01:52:51 PM
gonna watch the latest episode now on iplayer whoop!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 01, 2010, 01:34:00 PM

Is it me, or has this series just taken a level in badass? It was already pretty supreme, and then all that happened. Whoa. As exciting as The End of Time and as clever as Silence in the Library. Really, really good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 01, 2010, 03:41:29 PM
Not sure it was as clever as Silence in the Library or The Beast Below, but it was definitely magnificent! Such an exciting end to the double episode, and I loved the way they brought in the story arc of the cracks in time quite heavily... I'm guessing the last two episodes are going to feature a lot of that, and possibly River Song again by the sounds of it! I'm really starting to like her as a character, very cryptic.

You're right though, badass levels definitely higher than they've ever been. Matt Smith really was such a great choice, he's really quirky and funny in the lighter bits (like the very end of the episode :lol) but really angry at times as well.

The next episode looks like immense fun as well. Rory seems like a pretty hilarious character!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 04, 2010, 04:01:54 PM

In Flesh and Stone, did anyone else notice when the Doctor leaves Amy with the clerics, then just after leaving he comes back and kisses her on the forehead and asks her to remember what he told her when she was 7... he's much calmer, and he's wearing the jacket that he had left behind with the angels! I never spotted it even slightly until my girlfriend pointed out it. We're calling future version of the Doctor going back because of some moment of importance!

Goddamn Moffat is good!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 04, 2010, 04:16:22 PM

I had not noticed that. I'm still not quite sure what the significance is yet my mind is, still, ever so slightly blown. I'm going to have to watch this again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 04, 2010, 04:24:01 PM
I'm back. JESUS! His personality completely changed! You're right! I even noticed that his hands looked a bit odd! That scene ALWAYS stuck out a bit to me, but then I instantly forgot it. Like a Derren Brown moment.

It's what they always say, though. The Doctor you see in episode 13 isn't the same one you see in episode 1. I'm going to have to rewatch episode 1. What did he tell her when she was seven? Jesus. I'm bamboozled. Maybe he goes back to young Amy in the finale, and we can't possibly know?

Still. That's mad. Oh Moffat you are a STAR. And Matt. Beautiful, wonderful Matt. He must have had to plan his finale portrayal so far in advance.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 04, 2010, 04:25:32 PM
That was my exact response when Rosie pointed it out to me. I immediately had to go back and re-watch that section. It's not even entirely obvious, as the shot is close up, but he definitely has his jacket on and speaks much more cryptically. I don't believe the current production team would make such a schoolboy error in costuming, so I'm assuming it was deliberate and significant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 04, 2010, 04:29:25 PM
They wouldn't be able to make such a schoolboy error. He never wears a coat in the Oxygen Factory. Not for a moment. Quick bit of greenscreen, but nothing else.

I think I'd grown complacent with Russell. I mean, Russell had some fairly nifty hidden bits, but nothing that crafty. I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Russell is the kind of writer who inspires me to try my hand at screenwriting. Steven Moffat is the kind of writer who invites me to compare my skills to his, and then kill myself.

I occasionally think I'm quite a clever fella. Then something like that happens, and I realise that I'm basically a gormless little limpet, clinging pointlessly to my tiny rock as though the world depended on it.

Jesus. Rug from under my feet. I feel like a complete dick.

Now even the fact that the angels nicked his jacket has gained some significance! More than a throwaway gag. Of course there'd have to be a reason he went to all that trouble to get him without his jacket for the story.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 04, 2010, 04:45:29 PM
:lol I'm glad to have been the one to point it out to you! :D

And yeah, it's all incredibly exciting, on a level that I hadn't even realised until tonight!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2010, 04:33:48 AM
Yesterday's episode was fab, lots of fun, really funny in places, and the vampire girls were really creepy when they had their veils over their faces!

I liked the way they carried on bringing the story arc in with full force. I thought maybe they'd ease up a little bit on it after closing that crack in the last episode, but clearly not.

And how awesome does the next episode look?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 09, 2010, 06:17:39 AM
I still haven't seen either of the angels ones or the latest :blush
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on May 09, 2010, 07:11:39 AM
Meh I didn't really like that last episode. It started off quite promising then got a bit too silly for my taste.

Next episode does look pretty cool though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 09, 2010, 07:51:55 AM
Doctor Who too silly? Does not compute. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 09, 2010, 11:31:03 AM
Yeah, half the joy is that it's not up its own arse. But then everyone's threshold is somewhere else!

I was really surprised by the perception filter bit. Wasn't expecting them to have another form, let alone anything that creepy and fantastically rendered. Big jawdropper moment, that.

I'm not sure if there's actually a monster in the next one. Which would be a first for the revived show.

Little tidbit... the Dream Lord in the next episode does the voice of Dobby.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on May 10, 2010, 06:50:14 AM
Sorry, I guess I'm just not as into it as you Dr Who fanboys  :lol

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2010, 02:59:52 PM
Sorry, I guess I'm just not awesome as you guys  :hefdaddy
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 10, 2010, 03:04:36 PM
Caught up.

How was it silly? Sure the villains weren't interesting or anything, but the additions to the story arc were interesting, and Matt's acting utterly fucking stole the show. Just wow.

Excited for Saturday :hefdaddy
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2010, 01:32:48 AM
This week's was great yet again! The dreamlord character was awesomely creepy, wonder if we'll see him again later in the series. Seems to be along the same lines as the Valeyard from I think the 6th doctor? Could be an official return possibly!

I really liked Amy and Rory's character progressions in this one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 17, 2010, 06:24:54 AM
Yeah, this was definitely Amy and Rory's episode. Nice to see she's had the Doctor-shagging beat out of her. It was good while it lasted, but I would begin to find it veeeery tricky to like her if she kept on lusting after el Doctorado when she had a fiance back home.

Back to the ep, wasn't expecting the twist at the very end! Very neat.  And, hey! An episode set entirely aboard the TARDIS. One of the classic ming-mong requests. I feel like both of the previous two episodes have been overshadowed a bit by the last two parter, though. I'm still reeling from how good Flesh and Stone was.

Not entirely sure what to make of the next one... mainly 'cause I know chuff all about it, except who the villain is! And all of the synopses just hint at the villain. I'm concerned that it might not be as good as the last two parter. It's traditionally the second two-parter which is in the best episode in the series - or in fierce competition for it. The Empty Child, The Impossible Planet, Human Nature and Silence in the Library I think would all make my top five. That said, I was hesitant about SITL on the basis of the trailer before it (seriously, its trailer was REALLY underwhelming), so hey!

Seems to be along the same lines as the Valeyard from I think the 6th doctor? Could be an official return possibly!
I've heard about the Valeyard. Partly as a milestone of silly Time Lord names. I doubt that was the intention, but I'm sure people will equate him with it - quite fairly. They're both manifestations of that kind of business (wording it coyly in case anyone who's not watched is reading!), so it makes a bit of sense.

Speaking of trailers...

a. Have you noticed how they're all becoming a lot more dramatic and weird, lately? It's a good trend.

and b. Shouldn't we be getting one of those spectacular mid-season trailers around now? They usually time it for the Eurovision gap, but I don't think the series is hiatusing for EV this year. I hope we still get one, though. They're fantastic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2010, 07:33:33 AM
Yeah hard to tell much about the next double episode, but they're written by Chris Chibnall who's one of the main Torchwood writers, wo I'm expecting it to be pretty intense at the very least.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 17, 2010, 07:54:54 AM
Aye. He gets a bit of a bad rap from the mingmongs, but anyone who's written Exit Wounds, Adrift, Fragments, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and 42 gets a gold medal from ol' Rob.

EDIT: Oh, and his episode of Life on Mars! Wonderful.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 18, 2010, 03:04:53 PM
Anyone notice how Amy's line "Then what is the point of you?" is exactly what Gwen says when Rhys "Dies" in Torchwood?

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 19, 2010, 11:32:43 AM
Just saw it. Really great. Man this reboot is sooo good ;D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 19, 2010, 01:52:08 PM
Just finally got my hands on ep. 3, watching it after work. :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 19, 2010, 02:15:38 PM
3? Wow, catch up man you are missing out!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 19, 2010, 02:20:52 PM
Yeah, christ!

4&5 should be worldwide by now. They're essential.


Watch them at the same time, too. I think they benefit from it. Like a film.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 19, 2010, 02:26:56 PM
I was at college for the most of the time the season has been running with access only to episode 2 so yeah, lots of catching up to do.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 19, 2010, 03:37:51 PM
Anyone notice how Amy's line "Then what is the point of you?" is exactly what Gwen says when Rhys "Dies" in Torchwood?

I hadn't noticed that, good catch.

Just saw it. Really great. Man this reboot is sooo good ;D
Glad you're enjoying it so much, sounds like your brother has stopped ruining it for you! :lol ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 20, 2010, 07:06:38 AM
He was converted on the vampire episode - Matt is so great :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 20, 2010, 07:07:52 AM
He is, the man's incredible. I like him more than David Tennant, nowadays. And I had a pretty major mancrush on David Tennant.

I'm feeling a new Matt Smith avatar coming on...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 20, 2010, 09:19:59 AM
I think Matt Smith has taken the "Comical Yet Serious" formula and perfected it, as he has had me laughing much more than David Tennant ever did, but I also take him much more seriously when he has his ZOMG outbursts.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 20, 2010, 09:28:09 AM
Don't get me wrong, I thought Tennant was brilliant, but there's something about Smith that feels like the role has been taken to the next level. Like you say, his funny bits are seriously funny, but he also gets angry and panics at times, which really feels very genuine. Tennant was quite slick and almost too nice all the time. Not that it's a bad thing at all, I love that each doctor has his own personality, it's just refreshing to have something a bit different. :)

Still watching classic Who at the moment, coming towards the end of the 2nd Doctor's era. I'm actually enjoying it quite a lot, though obviously it requires more patience than new Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 20, 2010, 07:29:02 PM

Compulsory viewing, for any fans of Karen Gillan.

(It's Karen dancing, while pregnant. Better than it sounds. (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BetterThanItSounds))
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2010, 08:12:31 PM
Right, The Hungry Earth. If you're in the US and you don't want to be spoiled, put your fingers in your ears and start singing to yourself. That way your hands will be well away from the mouse so's you won't be able to scroll down and read the post, plus you get to listen to a funky song courtesy of yourself. It's a win-win scenario. I've put a big chunk of plot-summary in spoiler-small but hey! Just... continue at your own discretion. Don't be a div, is really the moral of this overly long spoiler warning.

The Hungry Earth(https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KTJWhtuRLac/S97rRCcS_pI/AAAAAAAAKU0/Gnkhy62JQ3Y/s1600/blogtor-hungry_earth2.jpg)

First time I've been a teeny bit underwhelmed this series. It felt more like a prelude.

I really like all the elements - full of funny bits and interesting bits - but it was quite linear. "Right, here's what he's doing, here's what she's doing" - getting all the basic background stuff out of the way. The calm before the storm. It wasn't jam packed like, say, The Stolen Earth, which I still have trouble beliving is only forty-five minutes long. Plus, the majority of it was covered in the trailer.

I mean, in the Next Time trailer, you could see that a man would get taken beneath the ground, graves were being consumed from beneath, the ground swallowed up Amy, a Silurian would chase a child through a graveyard, and then the Doctor would remove its mask - which is more or less the entire plot of the episode. Because the episode isn't a full plot, it's just the beginning of a story.

Next episode looks spectacular, on the other hand, so hey! It'll get straight into that.

I don't like being negative about things I love, so I'm going to list the fantastic things now. Including!

- Amy and Rory and Amy and Rory.
- The capture scene.
- The dissections! (!! Oh horrifying. I'm very worried for Amy. Scariest concept yet.)
- The Doctor confronting the Silurian. ("You are beautiful!")
- The Silurians themselves! I really like them. They're fantastic creations.
- The setting. Gorgeous.

Everything about it was right, there just wasn't enough of it. I just wanted them to reveal the damn Silurians, and that took the best part of half an hour! And while I love-love-loved seeing it all play out on screen - snippits of the graveyard scene don't even nearly match up to seeing the actual thing, obviously - I never quite submerged myself in the world because I just wanted it to get on with it. But I didn't feel like I'd been on an adventure, afterward.

But again. Everything was beautiful and wonderful and cheeky and quintessential Doctor Who... it was just... slow. I mean, take The Impossible Planet, Silence in the Library, Human Nature - they introduce all these enigmas and problems and you wonder how they can possibly get out of that in the next episode. I feel now like I've just found out how the Doctor in particular is going to get into it. And then out of it.

Interestingly, watching DWC, apparently they cut a lot of material from this episode. They showed clips from one massive deleted scene in which Amy and the Doctor were approaching the drilling site - it was a lovely scene, brimming with character development. I really wish that was left in. I think, when it's so preludey, you need as many of those warm touches as possible to attach to it.

I have included promo art because, a. I'm pretentious and want to split up the screen, and b. 'cause it's gorgeous. That's just how I'm going to live my life. I'm very sorry.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2010, 04:33:04 AM
I pretty much agree with all of that. I liked it but more than usual it really felt like the first of a two-parter, setting things up. But I always treat two-parters as one entity, so if the second part is as good as it looks then I certainly won't be disappointed!

And there was some great stuff within this episode as well. The graveyard chase scene was really quite creepy, and when he confronts the silurian, even though it's not so scary anymore, it's a lovely scene.

And Meera Syal's character is so sweet! :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 23, 2010, 12:05:51 PM
Ahh! Yes. I liked her. I liked all the supporting cast, actually. And it's nice to see the Doctor taking a tardis trip with someone who's not the companion. That's always exciting, for some reason.

Who do we reckon's gonna kill Alaya? My vote goes to the woman on the left. The mother. With the van-weapons. If anyone, could all be a red herring.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Zeltar on May 23, 2010, 12:11:38 PM
Just finished watching Vampires in Venice, it was pretty solid. And damn, how could you say no to Amy? The Doctor's got some will power for that one haha. And the more Matt Smith episodes I watch, the more I like him. He might be contesting with Tennant for my favorite Doctor...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 23, 2010, 12:16:23 PM
I know, jesus. I usually don't fawn over actresses, but I would more than happily swim through a sewer of piranhas and shite for a chance with her.

Bit of trivia, according to ep 1 my hometown is namechecked the town closest to Leadworth. Amy kisses strange men for a living. I'm a strange man! I'd like to think that in the Whoniverse I've probably had a quick smooch with Amy. I'd cough up fo'shizzle.

It's canon!

And yeah, I didn't think anyone would beat Tennant. Even when he was announced, I was going "I don't really want anyone to replace ol' Davey, but if they're going to then I guess this guy might be half as good as him." But he was born to play the Doctor. Smith will be looked back on as a definitive incarnation of the fella, I'm sure of it. Even moreso than Tennant. The Tom Baker to Tennant's Pertwee.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Zeltar on May 23, 2010, 12:21:08 PM
Yeah I'm not one to have a strange crush on actresses but Amy's the exception.  :lol Dude, a man can dream.

Definitely agree with that point too, Tennant's a tough one to beat but Smith is on course to do it. Both seem so natural with the role and make it so much more entertaining. I think another part of what makes Smith so great is that him and Amy work really well together. They have very good chemistry, better than any Doctor has had with his companion imo.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 23, 2010, 12:27:24 PM
Aye, mindboggling! I don't think of them as actors playing the characters for even a second, I just see Amy and the Doctor. Bickering away. Their off set chemistry is great, too. I don't know if you've watched any DWC, but they're hilarious in it. I'm tempted to link to a video. They mess around a hell of a lot.

Add Steven Moffat as head writer to the equation, and I don't think the show's ever been in better hands. This is the Golden Age of Doctor Who. Wonderful.

The only reason I'm slightly hesitant to say any of this, is because I said it all about Russell T. Davies, Chris Eccleston and Billie Piper, and later Russell T. Davies, David Tennant and Catherine Tate. I was sure they were the pinnacle, and then Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Steven Moffat came along and knocked one out of the park. That said, I don't know how much better it could plausibly get.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Zeltar on May 23, 2010, 12:36:13 PM
Hm, I actually liked Rose better with Tennant than with Eccleston but yeah that was some damn good chemistry too. I think it'll keep getting better, as we've seen with each Doctor. Eccleston was damn good, then Tennant one upped him, then here comes Smith who is even better in my opinion. I have confidence that the next Doctor will be just as good. But let's not look that far ahead, let's enjoy Smith/Gillan :) And who would've thought that the Golden Age of Doctor Who would be this late into the show's existence. Awesome.

Oh yeah dude link a video for me, I don't watch DWC. I don't even know what that is haha.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 23, 2010, 12:43:28 PM

Here we go! DWC is Doctor Who Confidential. Pretty sure you've seen Flesh & Stone so it'll be fine to watch.

Also, I hate speculating on potential Doctors when there's a perfectly good incumbent, but as you mention competent successors, I was just watching the finale of Ashes to Ashes on Friday (heartrending!), and I think Daniel Mays would be mindblowing. Odd-looking but fantastic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2010, 01:23:08 PM
I concur with all the Smith/Gillan love. Although Amy Pond is far from the first smokin' companion the Doctor has had. Even as far back as the second Doctor he had Victoria Waterfield (very pretty face) and Zoe Heriot (all round hottie). The latter in particular had a tendency to wear short skirts and sparkly catsuits!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 24, 2010, 06:15:14 AM
I love the Matt Doctor.  I'm confused as to why my brothers do not.  They don't even *like* him.

Psh, Tennant fanboys (not that there's anything wrong with that :)).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on May 24, 2010, 10:49:29 AM
Having totally abandoned Dr. Who last year I have to admit that I've really enjoyed this series so far.

They actually have proper stories and not just a load of rubbish special effects. Russell T. Davies leaving is the best thing that could've possibly happened it would appear.

Also Karen Gillan  ;D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 25, 2010, 06:18:12 AM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 25, 2010, 11:49:58 AM
 :omg: :omg: :omg:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 27, 2010, 10:22:57 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 29, 2010, 12:59:55 PM
I'm not going to say a word about the last episode, in case anyone who hasn't seen it is dumb enough to be looking in this thread. Well, maybe one word. Let's make it "fantastic."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 29, 2010, 03:27:24 PM

(also next episode looks brill)

One thing though.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on May 29, 2010, 08:02:47 PM
That episode was rather...intense. Wow.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 30, 2010, 03:55:06 AM
So yeah, I went to the dr who website instead of iplayer, and the title was "Goodbye xxxx"

 >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 30, 2010, 05:43:03 AM
Oh dear. In fairness, I don't think anyone was expecting anything like that to happen. Completely mad. When I saw it, I just kinda... faked out. Stunned.

EDIT: Incidentally, it's really satisfying to go onto tardis.wikia.org, look up the preceding episode, and then find out which rumours you'd managed to avoid. Jesus christ - by the looks of things there were people in some squalid corners of the internet with nothing better to do than divine the entire plot of Cold Blood, more or less.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 30, 2010, 07:06:13 AM
Finally just saw Amy's Choice.  I love how every episode this season so far has had me at the edge of my seat.  Even the Tennant Doctor didn't do that to me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 30, 2010, 11:22:47 AM
Thank God Rory's dead.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 30, 2010, 04:10:25 PM
I hope they don't reignite any sort of romantic relationship now he's out of the picture :-\
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 30, 2010, 04:18:25 PM
Seriously. Spoilers mah-fuggah. If you're still reading and you've not seen Cold Blood, you're a pin-head. Go away now. Yes, you. They're not minor. Play some Minesweeper or something. Or, if you're on a mac, go into PhotoBooth and take warped pictures of your genitals.

Well, we all know what Amy wants... even when she was getting married she went for a bit of Doctor.

I'm not sure if the Doc remembers him or no. I think he might. He kept asking if she was alright. So now the Doctor's got another reason to resist. Funny that he might be the one defending Rozza's legacy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bombardana on May 30, 2010, 04:28:48 PM
It was a good episode but I don't understand why people are getting upset over it. It's not like anyone died. Anyway, I wonder what Amy and The Doctor will get up to next week.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 30, 2010, 04:56:59 PM
Several things that did annoy me about Cold Blood.

Not once did they explain what the drill actually was, it was just screaming to be said - same with not saying it last episode.

Using a taser that happens to kill the alien hostage was really lame as a plot device, plain and simple.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2010, 05:12:48 AM
Thank God Rory's dead.
WTF. Rory is awesome.

Pretty sure the Doctor remembers him still (he's not a major part of his life or his future so there's no reason for him to forget him like Amy does) and Amy also seems to have a vague recollection. I reckon he isn't going to stay dead, and that when the pandorica opens things that have been sucked into the cracks will start to come back. Just a hunch.

EDIT: Ok I definitely think Rory will be back. When the Doctor and Amy are in the TARDIS and it jolts which causes her to forget, the Doctor lands next to the box with the engagement ring in, which clearly still exists. Just noticed it when seeing that clip in DWC.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 31, 2010, 06:40:26 AM
I don't know. I've seen interviews with ol' Artie Darvill, round about the Vampires in Venice days, in which he doesn't seem so confident about whether he's coming back for series six. I think he said "It's possible - science fiction, after all." Implying that he doesn't make it through the series. I figured he'd be killed off in the finale, but now he's already died... I think Amy will remember him eventually. I think she'll vehemently deny him, at first. But she'll remember him, and he'll probably return... briefly. Poor ol' Rory.

That's where my fiver is, anywho. God knows what'll actually happen! I'm in no hurry to go snooping. I'm gutted we've only got four more weeks.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2010, 06:42:10 AM
Like he'd be allowed to give anything away. ;)

But yeah, we'll see.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 31, 2010, 09:38:42 AM
We will.

In the meanwhile, Matt and Karen are definitely the best dancers to occupy the role.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: PuffyPat on May 31, 2010, 09:43:06 AM
Since I don't know who you are or what you look or sound like, I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you're Matt Smith.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 31, 2010, 02:38:13 PM
Since I don't know who you are or what you look or sound like, I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you're Matt Smith.

I always read his posts in Matt Smith's voice.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: PuffyPat on May 31, 2010, 03:01:53 PM
Since I don't know who you are or what you look or sound like, I'm just going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you're Matt Smith.

I always read his posts in Matt Smith's voice.

Me too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 31, 2010, 04:08:55 PM
Me three.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 31, 2010, 04:27:21 PM
I can honestly sincerely say that I am massively flattered. In a bizarre way.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2010, 10:06:16 AM
Another reason I think Rory will return: The brief blurb for the finale episodes on wikipedia (which is presumably taken from somewhere official) is "The Doctor is dealing with a message on a cliff, a mysterious box and a love story which spans over millennia."

The love story is surely Amy and Rory.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 01, 2010, 10:24:46 AM
Very poss. Although, River and the Doctor would be a bit more of a millennia-type thingy?

I wouldn't be surprised if he got spat out of the crack again, with all the other mad stuff from the trailer et al. If the crack is the reason nobody remembered the Cyberking, that'd explain why there are Cybermen in the trailer. And if there can be cracked-up Cybermen floating about, there can be a cracked-up Rory.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2010, 12:14:30 PM
Well exactly! Good point about the cybermen, they're definitely in the series and I can't imagine they'll be in either of the next two episodes so must be in the finale. Rumour has it the Sontarans might be making a comeback as well, though no idea what the source of that rumour is.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 01, 2010, 12:56:34 PM
Yeah, I heard that one, and was equally skeptical. If they did get swallowed up by the crack, though, then they can be spat out by the crack again.

Maybe that's what the Pandorica is. A kind of netherworld, set apart from time and space. And maybe he destroys it in the finale when it's opened, creating a stable time loop? Because it gets sploded, it cracks time apart and the cracks fill the Pandorica with Cybermen and Angels and Rories, and because it's full of Cybermen and Angels and Rories it has to be sploded for the good of the universe, creating the cracks.

I don't know. I'm just speculating. I think it's a fairly Moffaty explanation, but it doesn't factor in the jacketty Doctor or the tardis exploding or any of that business. I'd say I'm possibly right, but I hope I'm wrong. I had the similar experience two years ago - my friend thought he'd come up with a solution in the week between The Stolen Earth and Journey's End and I thought "that's got a good chance of being right," and I was dreading having possibly found out the explanation ahead of time. But it was wrong and the next week was full of surprises. Thank god.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bombardana on June 01, 2010, 03:25:40 PM
I didn't watch some of the David Tennant ones so I might be missing something but who is Rory? I don't remember anyone with that name.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 01, 2010, 03:42:51 PM



Rory is this crazy cat. Cautious nurse fella.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on June 05, 2010, 07:57:45 AM
OK, so 10th episde of the series tonight (already - gone incredibly quickly)

On one hand I am not optimistic because I thought that after the high of Amy's Choice things took a massive downturn with The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, which I found really disappointing.

On the other hand it's got Vincent Van Gogh and Bill Nighy in it so it can't be that bad!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2010, 09:41:33 AM
You found Cold Blood disappointing? :o
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on June 05, 2010, 01:44:37 PM
Another really good episode tonight I felt.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2010, 01:57:59 PM
Definitely! Not nearly as tense as last week, a nice change in tone. In fact I'd even say it was a lovely episode, really quite moving.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on June 05, 2010, 02:01:59 PM
Indeed. That bit at the end with vincent in the museum made me sniffle I am not ashamed to admit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2010, 03:36:28 PM
Me too. But in a good way!

I also liked the references to Rory. Still keeping us guessing as to which way it'll go.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 05, 2010, 04:10:56 PM
I like how they didn't have to use much alien this episode, and it was in fact just a catalyst for the great storytelling of Van Gogh :tup

Oh and who's played the new video game? I completed it in one sitting, awaiting the next episode ;D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2010, 05:02:27 PM
Oh yeah, totally forgot about that, will have to download it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on June 06, 2010, 12:12:33 PM
You found Cold Blood disappointing? :o


Badly paced, badly structured, turning enemies into stupid gimmicks who destroy themselves in sudden fits of disarray, everything new Dr. Who does so badly that old Dr. Who didn't.

Enjoyed last night's one tho.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2010, 02:42:53 PM

US Torchwood has been scrapped, but instead Series 4 is going to be co-funded by BBC Wales, BBC Worldwide and a US network and is going to take place in various global locations, as well as feature some US cast. Barrowman and Myles both confirmed to be returning, no idea about anyone else.

Could be pretty good; might lose some of the charm it had when all set in Cardiff, but we'll see. Davies will be leading it again though, so the writing should be of a good standard! :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 08, 2010, 03:33:32 PM
It's international, it's still headed by RTD and it still has Gwen and Jack. That's fantastic in my little world.

To be fair, Children of Earth trampled all over series 1 and 2, and that was barely Cardiffian at all. I think as long as they keep a sort of pokey, local grounding rather than just going "RIGHT, London, New York, sorted." I think the real triumph of Cardiff as a location is that it shows events with implications for real, unglorified communities as opposed to cliche population centres on a massive scale.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2010, 03:42:11 PM
Well exactly. Promising stuff though!

Just watched the Van Gogh episode again, and IT'S JUST SO LOVELY! Definitely one of my favourite episodes ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 08, 2010, 03:59:54 PM
Oh god yes! I loved Vincent. I wanted him to stay with them. Imagine that; Vincent van Gogh as a companion. Could never end well, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2010, 04:07:04 PM
:lol Yeah I'm not sure it would have worked in the long run.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 11, 2010, 09:32:57 PM
Hmm, I loved the way COE wrapped everything up, I don't think I want to see a fourth season. :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 12, 2010, 09:05:56 AM
I think, if they were to end it outright, Children of Earth would be a bold and fitting note to finish on. However, as it is, there have been mumblings for a while, so outside of universe I've always got the impression it wasn't over, so now that I know there's a next chapter I'm very eager to discover what it is.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 13, 2010, 04:21:35 AM
Yesterday's Doctor Who was fantastic! Just caught up with it this morning, really exciting and really funny. James Corden was fab, and the end of the episode was very tantalising...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 13, 2010, 06:17:54 AM
Oh god, and the trailer. I repeated that crazy bastard till I vomited. In less than a week the Pandorica opens!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 13, 2010, 07:04:29 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 13, 2010, 07:50:47 AM
Just saw it again. Think I heard Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Sycorax, Nestene, Slitheen... oh it's going to be a good finale.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 19, 2010, 12:43:09 PM
You know that feeling you get when you get off a rollercoaster and you're all shaken up, and a little bit overwhelmed and giddy?

That's how I feel. Shellshocked. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Best first part yet. Loved the pre-titles sequence! And... well, I'm aware that the Americans won't have seen it yet, so I'm hesitant to say too much.

(but the Autons! And that one particular Auton. Jesus christ.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on June 19, 2010, 01:57:49 PM
.....bloody hellfire.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 19, 2010, 04:08:44 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: mizzl on June 19, 2010, 04:09:23 PM
What are you guys all talking about?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 19, 2010, 04:11:25 PM
Today's episode :omg:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: mizzl on June 19, 2010, 04:19:21 PM
Today's episode :omg:
It's not on bittorrent yet, is it? Or is it that Lodger one?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 19, 2010, 04:58:42 PM
No! Damn well isn't. Good though the Lodger was... CHRIST!

The Pandorica Opens. Keep your eyes peeled.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 20, 2010, 08:27:25 AM
Funny how the ones with the weakest story (vampires, lodger) have Smith's best acting.

warning, spoilers: (I tried to speak cryptically though)

His moment at the end of the latest was brilliant though, I don't know how someone will come back, unless they bring out some BS reason like "oh x cant die because they are all from x's imagination", and how can RS die - that doesn't chronologically work.

I think the end of the latest would have been great for the ending of the series, so we'd have to wait till xmas to get the next event :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: mizzl on June 20, 2010, 08:34:38 AM
Just watched TPO

...  :omg:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 20, 2010, 08:39:13 AM
I know, right!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 20, 2010, 08:54:18 AM
Oh. My. F***ing. God.

I mean, Doctor Who 2-parters always have the first one end on ridiculous cliffhangers, but this one is just another level up. How the hell are they going to get out of that?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 21, 2010, 04:10:00 AM
The only one even vaguely capable is... well, the emotional Roman, to stay cagey.

I like that they all have their own, personal dilemmas. That's very clever. Heck, 'salmost the opposite of what The Stolen Earth did.

The series 4 finale just conspired to draw all the characters together. Usually along the lines of "ragh, Daleks!"

Actually, just for a second, when the door cracked open to the tune of a Dalek voice, I was worried it was gonna take the form of Army of Ghosts, and it'd turn out that it was just Daleks inside.

ALSO. In retrospect, those scenes in The Eleventh Hour and particularly Flesh and Stone, where Prisoner Zero and the Weeping Angels laugh at the Doctor not knowing what the Pandorica was... take on a REALLY sinister tone.

I'm actually at the point where I don't want to speculate for next week. I don't want to deconstruct and I don't want a single preview clip. I just want to sit down on Saturday and have all my presents at once. I don't even have the faintest hint what tone the next episode might take, or where it'll be set, or anything like that. Very 'citing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 21, 2010, 04:27:05 PM

Upon further thought, this is by far the cleverest way the autons have ever been used. We don't know they're autons, because they don't even know it themselves. Completely brilliant!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 21, 2010, 05:18:46 PM
When was the last time the autons were used again?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 21, 2010, 05:47:54 PM
Rose. S1E1. Where they were a wee bit peripheral.

Upon further thought, this is by far the cleverest way the autons have ever been used. We don't know they're autons, because they don't even know it themselves. Completely brilliant!
I think Steven Moffat is really good at reinvention. He comes up with a new twist whenever an enemy reappears. The cyberman scene was equally fantastic, and he came up with something completely new with the Weepies, too.

Seeing Rory's hand Autonise... oh god, that was mad. The second it flipped open... heartbreaking! It's a bit like a reverse John Smith.

Although, at one point, I thought they might have been Prisoner Zeroes. Multiforms? Plugging into Amy's subconscious, manifesting themselves as the things that were important to her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: setrataeso on June 21, 2010, 05:49:46 PM
The girl I'm seeing right now convinced me to watch Dr Who, because she's obsessed with it. :P
I love it so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 21, 2010, 05:51:24 PM
The girl you're seeing is mad clever.

Where have you watched from/to?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: setrataeso on June 21, 2010, 05:52:28 PM
The girl you're seeing is mad clever.

Where have you watched from/to?

Going from the 2005 reboot...just the first 2 episodes.
She says I haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet, but I'm already hooked :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 21, 2010, 05:55:27 PM
Aha! Oh legendary. She's right, though. You haven't. Oh it gets so so good.

I mean, I know how good the later stuff is, so I've lately been recommending people to start with the Eleventh Hour. I was hooked from S1E1, though. Only ever missed one episode. You've got The Unquiet Dead next, that's a treat!

Ohhh, and then there's The Empty Child... The Impossible Planet... Blink! Oh and the cliffhanger to Utopia. So many good cliffhangers, actually. The Waters of Mars!

Part of me wants to ask you to give us progress reports as you go along. You've got so much to look forward to.

...Silence in the Library!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: setrataeso on June 21, 2010, 05:59:40 PM
Yep, I'll tell you guys what I think. Hell, I posted in this thread, so I'm already receiving notifications of unread posts :P might as well participate.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 21, 2010, 06:16:09 PM
Aha, lush! Good man. Just cover your eyes on Saturday. The series 5 finale's airing, we'll probably be spaffing buckets.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: setrataeso on June 21, 2010, 08:18:31 PM
Aha, lush! Good man. Just cover your eyes on Saturday. The series 5 finale's airing, we'll probably be spaffing buckets.

Yeah, I dont think Ill be caught up that fast :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 22, 2010, 05:12:40 AM
@Rob: Oh god, the end of Utopia is one the greatest moments in television history!

@Setra: Glad you're enjoying it so much! It defintely gets better and more slick, but generally the tone being a mix of fun, dark and epic is pretty consistent!

@Dan: Last time the autons were used was the first episode of the reboot, Rose, back in 2005. They we're used a number of times in Classic Who as well though, starting in Pertwee's tenure (1970 ish).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 26, 2010, 05:58:20 PM
That was such a lovely end to the series! Tied everything up nicely but also paved the way for the Christmas special and/or next series! :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on June 26, 2010, 06:33:51 PM
I think the first half was a bit weak. Relied a bit too much on the Deus Ex Machina (eg where did the time loop come from and why was it allowed) but the second half was stellar, if understated. They've been doing very well with the lighting and scenery this series and this was a showcase example.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 26, 2010, 06:55:17 PM
Oh it was gorgeous. It did play a little loose with the rules, but everything tied up so so tightly. And what a fantastic ending.

Special points go to the fez, and the kids copying the Doctor's dancing. I actually got a text telling me I dance like the Doctor within about thirty seconds of that scene. It's true. I don't know whether I should be proud or deathly shameful.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2010, 04:34:17 AM
second half was stellar
Deliberate pun? :lol

I loved the scene where the Doctor keeps going back to speak to Rory again, especially when they show it the second time seeing both ends of it. Such classic Steven Moffat!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 27, 2010, 04:40:57 AM
"I can buy a fez..."

What really strikes me is that this is a lot more joyous than the other finales.

Speaking ambiguously, you've got The Parting of the Ways, which was largely played for drama. Doomsday had the upsetting beach scene, then there was the whole thing with The Master in Last of the Time Lords... that metacrisis in Journey's End, and then every single thing about The End of Time.

Moffat on the other hand stripped away most of that. Even while it did have moments that were fairly upsetting, I felt thoroughly fantastic by the end.

I loved the ending, too. So much. Like, after EVERYTHING had fallen back into place. And I think we might be getting a new permanent companion!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2010, 04:51:02 AM
Yeah it was definitely more fun than most of the finales. Except maybe Journey's End, which was also quite a romp. But then that had a sad ending as they had to get rid of a character, whereas that not being the case this time, it allowed the end to be really really nice!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2010, 05:43:13 AM
Just watched Doctor Who Confidential, and I already cannot WAIT for Series 6! We are finally going to get to find out who River Song really is, and they are carrying on the story arc of the silence (and presumably the cracks, to some extent), which I think is the first time a story arc has spanned series. It's also great as this series never saw what baddie was actually behind everything (which is also a first I think) but it's good to know the story isn't over.

Also, according to Wikipedia, the Christmas special is going to be called Evolution of the Universe. It also has a listing of episode titles for Series 6, but I don't know how real/accurate they are.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 27, 2010, 06:06:43 AM
Well, The Big Bang didn't even get confirmed until a couple of months after The Eleventh Hour broadcast, so it's almost definitely some pre-teen twerp who thinks he's being clever. Half of 'em won't even be written yet.

But yes! I'm the same! I watched it and suddenly realised that we'd not heard a thing about the silence. It's a two-year story arc, that's mad! Moffat is so, so clever.

Rory as a companion, the truth behind River Song - who still hasn't "killed a very good man" - and silence falling. Which already started in Vampires in Venice, and was foreshadowed in The Eleventh Hour. Thoroughly mad.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2010, 06:27:53 AM
Well exactly.

Ahaha, the titles have been removed, as has the Christmas Special one. Oh well, sounded like a nice title. Guess we'll just have to keep waiting. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 27, 2010, 09:07:25 AM
great episode, a great return to form after 2 crappy finales!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2010, 09:52:13 AM
Crappy finales? :o Doctor Who finales are always great, and the 3rd series was probably my favourite one so far!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 27, 2010, 12:11:07 PM
Last of the Time Lords was the worst finale, what are you on? The Doctor's restoration was awful. and Martha is my favourite companion. Bringing Rose back for the season 4 was an insult to the great end that she had (even though I wasn't a fan of her). Season 1 and 2's finales had a finesse that the later "epic" finales completely lacked, and were always near the bottom of the season's episode rankings. John Simm is a great actor though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 27, 2010, 02:44:07 PM
Wow, I couldn't disagree more. The whole idea behind the series 3 finale (including Utopia) was just incredible in my opinion. Series 2 was good but nothing special as that series didn't really have any story arc (other than introducing Torchwood). Series 1 was pretty good, as was 4, but 3 is really where it's at. And 5 as well now, probably my second favourite (and probably my favourite overall series of the five).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 27, 2010, 04:54:41 PM
I loved season 3 itself, but the finale was the godawful part. And after that it all went downhill with Davies turning Tennant from a quirky awesome guy to a predictable character with predictable plots. I hoped he would go out with a bang in the 'specials', but for the most part they felt like shallow 40 minute episodes drawn out to an hour. On the other hand, the new series feels far more dense, and complex enough that you have to pay attention and concentrate to get it all. I just prefer Moffat by far, and I think he's done far more justice to it. The ending of this season kept the epic scale without being rediculously overdramatic. Oh no, the doctor is all old, let's get the entire fucking world to pray for him, that'll work. And yes, I went around the whooole world and told everyone the story. Yup, way to kill off my character even more after everyone still loves Rose.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on June 28, 2010, 11:49:56 AM
I'm with Dan on the finales. Have to say that I thought 'The Big Bang' was a bit disappointing. Good ideas but not structured very well I didn't think. River Song is getting really annoying.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2010, 11:58:11 AM
I'm sure Rob and I have had a go at you guys before for over analysing Doctor Who and taking it too seriously. :lol

And River is awesome!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: mizzl on June 28, 2010, 12:03:46 PM
Epic episode is epic.

Oh and River is awesome
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 28, 2010, 12:43:25 PM
I'm really looking forward to finding out who she is in the next series. They've made obvious indications that 1) she is his wife/lover, and/or 2) she is going to kill him. But it's not Moffat's style to be that unsubtle, so I'm intrigued as to what all these hints actually refer to.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on June 28, 2010, 01:36:29 PM
All I know is Matt has quickly risen to the top for me. I almost don't even miss Tennant anymore.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on June 28, 2010, 01:45:22 PM
I'm sure Rob and I have had a go at you guys before for over analysing Doctor Who and taking it too seriously. :lol

And River is awesome!

I'm not taking it too seriously, I'm just commenting on factors that made it less enjoyable for me!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on June 28, 2010, 04:06:16 PM
I'm not overanalysing anything, I'm saying that the basic premise of the episodes is shit.

Also, I love river song. At first it was "oh cool another char" but now she just intrigues me so much - i love how each time they meet she knows less about him and he knows more about her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on June 28, 2010, 06:08:30 PM
Except for the very first time they met.
Also I can't wait to see some images or video from the upcoming Wii game.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2010, 01:27:45 AM
Yeah it seems to be reverse chronological order so far. I'm wondering if she knew who he was before she met him. Maybe she's the big bad guy in the next series?! :o Although I doubt it as she sacrificed herself to save him the first time he met her, and helped bring him back into existence this series, so I'm pretty sure she's good.

My dad suggested she's the next Doctor. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 06, 2010, 07:49:55 PM
I LOVED the explenation to that wierd scene in Flesh and Stone when the Doctor is talking to Rose with her eyes closed. Genius.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on July 06, 2010, 09:02:41 PM
You mean Amy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2010, 03:00:39 AM
Oh good lord, Katherine Jenkins is in the christmas special! Although as long as she isn't singing, we should be fine, as she is quite hot. :lol

But best of all, MICHAEL GAMBON!!

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on July 13, 2010, 04:09:30 AM
Actual real life Dumbledore. Ohh it's a good time to like Doctor Who.

The thing that fascinates me most, though, is Steven Moffat's comments.

Oh, we're going for broke with this one. It's all your favourite Christmas movies at once, in an hour, with monsters and the Doctor and a honeymoon and – oh, you'll see. I've honestly never been so excited about writing anything. I was laughing madly as I typed along to Christmas songs in April. My neighbours loved it so much they all moved away and set up a website demanding my execution. But I'm fairly sure they did it ironically.

Never been so excited about writing anything... that's mad! And if I'm honest, I'm still pinching myself that we've got Steven "All the best episodes" Moffat writing full serieses of Doctor Who. Now he's gonna do a Christmas Special. Wahey.

Apparently this is Katherine's first acting role.

...trust the Pryor!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 13, 2010, 05:30:53 AM
You mean Amy.

I do. :facepalm:

And I always thought that River was The Doctor from the future, possibly after MS leaves/dies. i can't remember the line exactly but in "The Big Bang", when The Doctor asks who she is she replies, "You'll find out soon enough, and that's when everything changes".

At least, that's what I took from it. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on July 13, 2010, 06:48:59 AM
Well yeah, except that she dies in an earlier season.  And she doesn't regenerate; she dies.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2010, 06:57:29 AM
How do we know she doesn't regenerate?

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on July 13, 2010, 07:29:25 AM
She does actually say when the Doctor's about to do it - "It happens too fast, not even you could survive that. You'd never regenerate, you know as well as I do."

But I don't think she's the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 25, 2010, 04:28:15 PM
So yeah, I went to the BBC Proms this morning (for those who don't know what the Proms are, 1. for shame! and 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Proms) because it was the Doctor Who Prom! Lots of exciting music from DW, plus lots of daleks, cybermen, silurians, judoon and vampires wondering around on stage and in amongst the crowd.

But best of all was getting within 10m of Karen Gillan (and also Matt Smith and Arthur Darvill.... but mainly Karen Gillan). :hat She really is as attractive in person!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 10, 2010, 08:18:55 AM
Having exhausted everything else on iPlayer, I decided to go back and watch The Beast Below again.

Bit hesitant 'cause I don't want to overplay it, but my fears were unfounded by the looks of things - the opening still gives me the chills. Love the smilers. Love the test card girl with the poem. Love it.

Also high on my list of "giving me the chills" is looking at Karen Gillan. And you got to look at the real, genuine, fleshy article. You bastard. >:E
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 10, 2010, 02:11:32 PM

Yeah Beast Below in awesome, one of my favourites from series 5 along with Van Gogh.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on August 20, 2010, 04:27:33 PM

nice teeshirt.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 23, 2010, 10:48:19 AM
That is pretty damn cool. Where is that from?

Also, news about the 4th Torchwood series:


Plus, RTD has confirmed that Rhys will have an increased role, hell yeah! - https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/cult/s8/torchwood/news/a259284/davies-rhys-important-to-torchwood.html
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 03, 2010, 03:48:40 AM
News about Series 6, it's going to be split into two halves, starting at Easter like usual but then breaking on a cliffhanger until autumn! :o

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 03, 2010, 09:57:45 AM
Aha! Shocker!

What do you reckon to the news? I'm surprised by how much I like the idea.

A midseries break had been suggested in the past (on ming-mong fanboards) and I'd kinda gone "...hahaha, no." But when I read about it, I actually found myself psyched. How you actually react to some things is apparently completely detached to how you expect to react.

I think it's great, though. Two series openers! Two finales! A brilliant cliffhanger! Episodes in the Autumn when it gets dark sooner and you get to watch it with the streetlights on!

I don't really think of the series as having much filler... but every single week will be nigh-on unmissable. There's a point towards the middle where a new episode isn't so much of an event, as another brilliant episode. When you get into the rhythm of it. And I like that, I love thinking "I'm in the middle of a series of Doctor Who." But, the event episodes are the ones you look forward to. I remember Vampires of Venice was the first of the series I wasn't particularly psyched about, and now that'll be leading into a first series finale.

I like how he's referring to it as two separate series, as well. He's right. They do produce two series' worth of material. Why not capitalise on that and produce two series? It's great! Plus, he's right inasmuch as the wait between the series is agonising. I've always lamented that wait a bit. After any series finale, I'm already psyched for the next series - which won't come till March. That's like looking forwards to Christmas in February! It's massive. Doctor Who all year round is A Good Thing. Doubling the events is A Good Thing.

Plus... could get Torchwood in the middle! That's exciting. If they're plotting but not casting, it could well be ready for broadcast between the end of series 6, start of series 7.

Ashes to Ashes never felt short. These series are only one or two episodes shy of their series totals. Looking forwards to this so much more than I thought I was going to. Actually, I was horrified by the idea when fans came up with it. Maybe I'm just a stupid drooling fanboy! Or maybe I inherently distrust fans who think they can run the show better than the production team.

Either way, very optimistic.

Course, the negative aspects...

Less Doctor Who in one chunk. I'm a greedy bastard, it'll be hell knowing I have to stave off dessert. And they'll have set all the pins up for the seventh series, too. I will definitely notice that it's shorter.

But, worse of all, much easier to get spoiled. They're producing it as one chunk, aren't they? That means that they'll be filming... well over half a year in advance! That's a massive window of opportunity for info to leak. Too long!

Mind you, the extra production time may mean that they get a lot more time to finish up the SFX and make it all look beautiful. They already do wonders on a BBC budget, and while having to do TWO finales will stretch that further, the time's gotta be handy.

Also, it'll be interesting to have a different flow. Series 1-5 all had roughly similar rhythms. The experimental ones towards the end (Human Nature, Vincent and the Doctor, Turn Left, Love & Monsters, etc.), the two-parter a few weeks in... it'd be nice if series 7 in the autumn opened with a two-parter. That's where it traditionally fits into the pattern of the series. 8/9 two-parter, 10 and 11 a bit odd, 12/13 two-parter. That'd be grand.

...I'm an opinionated man.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 03, 2010, 11:45:18 AM
My understanding is that it will still be one series (i.e. Series 6) but broadcast in two chunks. Which I think is a great idea, definitely makes it more of a spectacle, and spreads DW throughout the year! It's been ages since we've had any and we've still got another nearly 4 months to go!

Although I disagree that DW is two series worth of material, to me the current BBC drama staple of 13 45-minute episodes (DW, Torchwood, Merlin, etc) is a perfect series length, and is half of what American networks would call a series. Something like Children of Earth or Sherlock is what I'd call a mini-series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 03, 2010, 01:40:46 PM
My understanding is that it will still be one series (i.e. Series 6) but broadcast in two chunks. Which I think is a great idea, definitely makes it more of a spectacle, and spreads DW throughout the year! It's been ages since we've had any and we've still got another nearly 4 months to go!
I think you're probably right, productionwise. Possibly advertising-wise, too. Dunno if you've watched the video of the Doctor Who Masterclass from the Edinburgh Festival, where it was announced, though, but Moffzilla referred to it as "two separate series."


He continued: ”In order to give you time to recover, we’ll let you go off, have your summer holidays, then come back in the Autumn for another 6 episodes in what will be Series 7, I suppose. We’re not just splitting it, we’re making two separate series.”

I've got a hunch that you're probably right. That version's a little spin-soaked, and it sounds like he's making it up as he goes along, but there we go. It's gonna all be filmed as one run, anyway. It's all one continuous batch. I reckon it could go either way as to whether they'd refer to it as series 6 or series 7 in the runup. The Radio Times'll probably be advertising it as 1/7, 2/7, 3/7, I'd figure. For now I'm just going on what we've got. It'll probably all be in one box-set marked "Series Six" or what have you.

...The nomenclature's a bit irrelevant, though. What's important is that it'll be ace. :P

Dunno where I stand on BBC drama episode numbers. Anywhere from 6 - 13 is the norm, really. Ashes to Ashes and Life on Mars had full serieses of 8. Hustle has full serieses of 6. Jonathan Creek only ever had six per series. Extras, Fawlty Towers... I do consider six to a be full series. A short one, but I'd say the thirteen ones are poss slightly less common. Merlin, Torchwood and Doctor Who are the only ones I can think of, though they're all fairly current, so hey! Thirteen is more common for panel and reality shows. Mock the Week, The Apprentice, etc.

Again, though. I don't care about the terminology. Bah! Call it a squid of Doctor Who. A really, really long squid, 'cause most of 'em don't have more than two episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 03, 2010, 02:59:40 PM
Yes but Merlin, DW and Torchwood have 45 minute episodes, while Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes had hour-long episodes. :P

Interesting stuff on the first point though, I wonder if they will indeed officially make it two short series or it was just Moffatt blabbering on as he tends to do. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 03, 2010, 04:13:45 PM
Bah! It's such a nonspecific measure. At the end of it, there've been shorter series. And we're getting two of 'em. Brilliant.

I often get the idea he's making it up as he goes along. He didn't sound like he'd planned it. I only stuck with it 'cause I like the idea, really. I prefer to think of 'em as twin-series, and I've got the showrunner's blessing, so that's how I'm happy with it. I imagine it'll be promoted as two different series, but most fans will refer to it as a series with a split in the middle. Like how Futurama was never broadcast in the same chunks as it was produced in.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on September 25, 2010, 09:01:28 PM
Hello fellow Doctor Fans.

Just popped in to say I watched the entire series (2005-Present) in about the space of a month, and now I am literally shaking with excitement for series 6.

Just thought I'd make my fandom known.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: setrataeso on September 26, 2010, 12:36:35 AM
Just started Season 2. I'm slow, I know.
Season 1 was awesome, and Eccleston is a truly underrated doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 26, 2010, 04:43:41 AM
Hello fellow Doctor Fans.

Just popped in to say I watched the entire series (2005-Present) in about the space of a month, and now I am literally shaking with excitement for series 6.

Just thought I'd make my fandom known.

Brilliant! Oh good times. What were your favourite bits? Favourite companion, favourite Doctor, favourite episodes?

LOVE the bit where someone gets into Doctor Who.
Just started Season 2. I'm slow, I know.
Season 1 was awesome, and Eccleston is a truly underrated doctor.
It only gets better from here on out.  :biggrin: 1 and 2 are on about the same level, but then 3... oh, it's a steep climb. I myself don't tend to watch the first two series nearly as much as the later three, much as I loved them on first broadcast. I think I'd have to pinpoint Human Nature as the moment the series stopped being "amazing" and started being "fucking amazing." In my opinion, natch! For a lot of people, series 1 is their favourite. Either way you've got a fun ride ahead. Bit of a rollercoaster.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 26, 2010, 11:16:40 AM
Series 3 and 5 are just amazing, and the others are all really great as well! Extremely excited about 6!

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on September 26, 2010, 01:01:18 PM
Brilliant! Oh good times. What were your favourite bits? Favourite companion, favourite Doctor, favourite episodes?

My favorite episodes (generally speaking) were the historical ones, with one of the high points being the Shakespeare episode.

Favorite Episodes: Dalek, Tooth and Claw, The Girl in the Fireplace, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, Shakespeare Code, Blink, Time Crash (that little special with The Fifth Doctor), The Doctor's Daughter, The Next Doctor, The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang.

Favorite Doctor: Tennant, but if Smith keeps it up the way he's been going, he will become my favorite. Bow ties forever.

Favorite Companion: Rose and Amy in a tie. No question. Hated Donna with a fiery passion.

Favorite Bits: Any scene with Captain Jack (watching Torchwood now), regeneration scenes (so epic), and these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvWYw0CnuSI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvWYw0CnuSI)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIfgIgispS4&feature=related (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIfgIgispS4&feature=related)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 26, 2010, 01:06:06 PM
Favorite Companion: Rose and Amy in a tie. No question. Hated Donna with a fiery passion.
WAT? Donna is amazing. Probably not my favourite, but definitely the funniest and the best actress of the lot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on September 26, 2010, 01:10:11 PM
Favorite Companion: Rose and Amy in a tie. No question. Hated Donna with a fiery passion.
WAT? Donna is amazing. Probably not my favourite, but definitely the funniest and the best actress of the lot.

I dunno, I never found her to be quite as engaging as the others. Just a personal opinion though.
In order I would rank: 5, 2, 1, 3, 4.

You guys may disagree, but that's just me, working from memory from a little while ago.

I think I'd have to pinpoint Human Nature as the moment the series stopped being "amazing" and started being "fucking amazing."

This made me remeber that that last seuqence, where the Doctor SPOILERS FOR SETRA has to give up his humanity and he's sobbing and confused. That was probably the most tremendous bit of acting I have seen in a television show, and cemented Tennant as my favorite. I was so impressed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 26, 2010, 06:09:41 PM
This made me remeber that that last seuqence, where the Doctor SPOILERS FOR SETRA has to give up his humanity and he's sobbing and confused. That was probably the most tremendous bit of acting I have seen in a television show, and cemented Tennant as my favorite. I was so impressed.
I've had three years of repeats and DVD rewatches to get used to it, so I sometimes take his mindblowingly brilliant performance in that episode for granted. To my shame! The entire two-parter is so brilliantly constructed - so tense and mindbending and wonderful and so thoroughly different to anything else in the whole series - but that's far and away the highlight scene.

I love the bit where the Doctor crosses the moral event horizon in The Waters of Mars, too. Not quite in the same league, but that boundary between triumph and madness is so subtly trodden. It'd be so easy to read those lines as if it were a victory, especially given how close it is to his usual modus operandi, but there's just that horrible discomfort throughout the whole scene where you gradually realise that he's crossed the line. And then that stunning payoff outside the TARDIS... oh, what a brilliant episode. Matt Smith is an absolutely extraordinary actor, and I was "over" David Tennant the very second MS appeared on screen, but I'm so glad I've taken a time out to remind myself how absolutely stunning DT was. Surely one of the finest actors that will ever play the role. Thanks for that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on September 26, 2010, 08:37:04 PM
This made me remeber that that last seuqence, where the Doctor SPOILERS FOR SETRA has to give up his humanity and he's sobbing and confused. That was probably the most tremendous bit of acting I have seen in a television show, and cemented Tennant as my favorite. I was so impressed.
I've had three years of repeats and DVD rewatches to get used to it, so I sometimes take his mindblowingly brilliant performance in that episode for granted. To my shame! The entire two-parter is so brilliantly constructed - so tense and mindbending and wonderful and so thoroughly different to anything else in the whole series - but that's far and away the highlight scene.

I love the bit where the Doctor crosses the moral event horizon in The Waters of Mars, too. Not quite in the same league, but that boundary between triumph and madness is so subtly trodden. It'd be so easy to read those lines as if it were a victory, especially given how close it is to his usual modus operandi, but there's just that horrible discomfort throughout the whole scene where you gradually realise that he's crossed the line. And then that stunning payoff outside the TARDIS... oh, what a brilliant episode. Matt Smith is an absolutely extraordinary actor, and I was "over" David Tennant the very second MS appeared on screen, but I'm so glad I've taken a time out to remind myself how absolutely stunning DT was. Surely one of the finest actors that will ever play the role. Thanks for that.

Yeah. What I find most impressive about Matt when compared to David is how they both manged to be so old, and yet so naive and young at the same time, yet Matt brings that feeling in a completely different way. David brought that in a more fun and goofy sense, with the sharp jokes and his comedic timing juxtaposed against the more somber and powerful moments, when his Time Lord fury takes over him (the one that sticks in my mind is the revenge he takes on the Family of Blood, as well as against the Racknos). Matt is the opposite: long drawn out periods of anger or sullenness (such as his outburst or rage in the Beast Bellow) with bursts of spontaneous action and silly obsession (ie. the bow tie, but also the "Tell me your whole plan.....one day that will work" from Vampires in Venice). Both men bring a new dimension to the character, totally unique in their own way, yet make him feel complete when looked at as a whole. Genius.

As much as I admire the acting, I have to give a large share of the credit to the writers. Over the course of the series, the scrips have only been getting better, especially as they got more acquainted with the Tenth Doctor. They are witty, profound, fun, imaginative and wild and even at time strangely beautiful too (with some really great lines that stick in my head. "I don't want to go").

Doctor Who, along with the magnificent Sherlock series, have made me appreciate BBC to a whole new level.

You Brits sure know how to make good telly.   
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 21, 2010, 07:02:17 AM
Two short trailers for the Christmas special:

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWT0PE9Yr3g - Turns out to be a fake one)


Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on November 21, 2010, 07:46:47 AM
The first one's not real! It's actually mainly publicity stills, animated so it looks like they're moving.


Thought I recognised one of the shots of Matt Smith from a poster. Still brilliant. Actually, possibly all the more impressive for not featuring a second of real acting.

Still. Massively excited.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 21, 2010, 08:16:50 AM
:lol D'oh, edited my post. But yeah, it looked like a pretty cool teaser trailer. Nice to have a real one now though, Michael Gambon looks badass in it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on November 21, 2010, 12:24:05 PM
That was brilliantly done!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on November 21, 2010, 12:29:19 PM
Am I going a bit mental, or in the real trailer, is Amy dressed as a policewoman-stripper and Rory dressed as a roman centurion?

...Fancy dress party, I suppose.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on November 21, 2010, 01:52:48 PM
I saw Rory as a Centurion, I'll watch it again for Amy ( Like I need an excuse ::) )
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on November 21, 2010, 05:57:37 PM
Wow, that is one extensive fake trailer.

I'm so excited. :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Algo Fonix on November 21, 2010, 09:22:46 PM
Holy crap, I'm excited for the special so much now. 

I think I'll re-watch series 5 to channel my excitement.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on November 21, 2010, 09:49:09 PM
I think I'll re-watch series 5 to channel my excitement.

Beat ya to it.  :biggrin:

On my third watch now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on November 22, 2010, 05:42:55 AM
Today's daily tshirt on https://www.teefury.com/

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 22, 2010, 03:51:48 PM
That is awesome, aside from the fact that all we see of Hartnell is his butt. :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 22, 2010, 08:21:16 PM
You'd think they'd have no trouble all fitting in there, with the TARDIS being bigger on the inside and all. ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 01, 2011, 05:40:56 PM
Anyone else watch the Christmas special? I really enjoyed it, it was good fun, and very sweet. Definitely a return to the more traditional Christmas special, rather than the dark ones we had last year!

But best of all was the after-credits trailer for series 6. OH GOD! :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on January 01, 2011, 07:11:59 PM
I love his little dark moments, like when he threatened dumbledore, but it was done subtly in a clever way - something you all too rarely got with tenant, and they were never pulled off with such subtlety.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on January 02, 2011, 09:17:12 PM
Anyone else watch the Christmas special? I really enjoyed it, it was good fun, and very sweet. Definitely a return to the more traditional Christmas special, rather than the dark ones we had last year!

But best of all was the after-credits trailer for series 6. OH GOD! :caffeine:


I have it recorded on my TV at home and will likely be the first thing I do upon my return on Tuesday. I'm sure we will have much to discuss about the series 6 trailer.

Also, anyone else PUMPED to see the episode written by Neal Gaiman? He's a fabulous writer (one of my favorites), perfect fit for the Doctor. Can't wait.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 03, 2011, 03:22:19 AM
Yeah, Gaiman is probably my favourite author, so I am seriously excited!

Get on with watching it so that we can talk about the trailer! :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on January 03, 2011, 07:55:27 PM
For anyone who hasnt seen the trailer for series 6 yet:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpe1Ywz8azM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpe1Ywz8azM)

Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on January 03, 2011, 08:10:07 PM
So I'm going to start watching this series.  First episode I've seen was called "Blink," about the weeping stone angels that came to life whenever no one was looking at them.  Kind of low budget, but a very cool premise.  I've DVR'd a few more upcoming episodes.  I want to see some Matt Smith episodes (because I am convinced that Matt Smith is RobWebster, even though I know he's not), but BBC America is being stupid.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on January 03, 2011, 09:21:19 PM
So I'm going to start watching this series.  First episode I've seen was called "Blink," about the weeping stone angels that came to life whenever no one was looking at them.  Kind of low budget, but a very cool premise.  I've DVR'd a few more upcoming episodes.  I want to see some Matt Smith episodes (because I am convinced that Matt Smith is RobWebster, even though I know he's not), but BBC America is being stupid.

Blink is an absolute classic; one of the best of the new series. Definitely start with "The Eleventh Hour", the season so far has been top notch. I even enjoyed the "The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood" double episode that everyone else seems to think is mediocre.

Also, that was probably the best Christmas special they've ever done.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on January 04, 2011, 07:57:31 AM
For anyone who hasnt seen the trailer for series 6 yet:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpe1Ywz8azM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpe1Ywz8azM)

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Oh Christ the Ood are back.

Other than that looks absolutely awesome. :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 04, 2011, 08:47:06 AM
Can't believe Rob hasn't posted yet. :lol

@Matt: Interesting that you said low-budget, I think American networks must have a lot more money because for a British TV show DW's budget really isn't low at all. Compared to Hollywood it's very low though, naturally.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 04, 2011, 10:03:58 AM
Can't believe Rob hasn't posted yet. :lol

@Matt: Interesting that you said low-budget, I think American networks must have a lot more money because for a British TV show DW's budget really isn't low at all. Compared to Hollywood it's very low though, naturally.

I know he refers more to cinema than to TV, but I think Eddie Izzard encapsulates this point quite nicely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjC3R6jOtUo
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on January 04, 2011, 11:55:26 AM
Not sure what it is, maybe its not really low-budget per se, but compare the way Doctor Who looks to how, say, Heroes looks.  Whatever camera they use is completely different (don't know much about this, but there's just SOMEthing...), or maybe its because its been a while since Star Trek and I'm not used to a modern show doing its own alien costumes :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 04, 2011, 12:00:00 PM
Can't believe Rob hasn't posted yet. :lol
Ha. I'm a bit torn, because I know I'll just spaff about the trailer, which feels like it'd be doing the Christmas ep a disservice - because it genuinely was the best Christmas special bar TEOT.

Plus, I'm in no hurry to wish away the next few months for personal reasons, so part of me doesn't want to talk about the trailer, either.

But I'm very, very optimistic about the next series. Ood, tally-marks, Matt Smith as a bearded prisoner and the creepy thing at the end of the trailer? Phenomenal. And I absolutely adored ACC. I've watched it three times, now, and it's wonderful. Not only is it christmassier than the other specials, but also cleverer, AND it's got a bit more soul to it.

'Parrently we first get introduced to the Silence in the first two parter. I reckon it might be the grey-type thing in the blurry shot.

So I'm going to start watching this series.  First episode I've seen was called "Blink," about the weeping stone angels that came to life whenever no one was looking at them.  Kind of low budget, but a very cool premise.  I've DVR'd a few more upcoming episodes.  I want to see some Matt Smith episodes (because I am convinced that Matt Smith is RobWebster, even though I know he's not), but BBC America is being stupid.
Matt Smith's first series is almost certainly the best place to start. The Eleventh Hour is not only a perfect place to start from - it's designed to get new viewers up to speed - but probably one of the strongest episodes of the show's run.

Blink was the budget-saver episode. For what it's worth, Matt Smith's series (not to keep harping on about it) looks a LOT more cinematic. It's actually on a lower budget, but it's astonishingly lavish. Let me find a clip... I'll edit this in a sec.

EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3berYXUrSnw

Enjoy! Series 1-4 are often good looking, but series 5 is BEAUTIFUL.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 04, 2011, 01:34:31 PM
Totally agree, series 5 is definitely the best looking. And you're right about Blink, it was a Doctor-lite episode so obviously a budget-saver.

But yeah, generally effects-wise it suffers from two issues: 1) BBC doesn't have as much money as the major US networks as we're a much smaller country, and 2) Doctor Who is generally quite ambitious in its range of stories, locations, etc. Most shows can use stock footage to some extent, whereas DW has different scenery, characters and every thing almost every episode. So they have to be smart to make the modest budget stretch, which they did a better job than ever of in series 5!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 04, 2011, 04:08:58 PM
Just watched the trailer again, and I'm convinced that the really creepy clips (Amy with the markings on her face, and whatever the hell that thing is right at the end) are from Neil Gaiman's episode. They are just so his kind of thing!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 04, 2011, 04:34:55 PM
I know precisely which episode they're from, but I don't know if revealing it might be a bit of a spoiler.

...it's episode 2. The one with the SILENCE. Which makes me even MORE excited, if anything, because the Silence are the big bad, this series - and if they're that level of creepy, that's fantastic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on January 05, 2011, 02:05:50 PM

I just realized, re-watching the trailer, that Matt Smith should NEVER EVER grow a beard.

But god damn that trailer makes me so excited.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on January 05, 2011, 02:08:27 PM
So BBCA is playing what looks like a 3-parter that features the Master, who as I understand it, is kind of the Doctor's archenemy.  The joker to his Batman?  Third part comes on in an hour, and I must say I'm looking very forward to seeing how they'll beat him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 05, 2011, 02:23:17 PM
Basically, yeah!

The Master is another Time Lord. Him and the Doctor are the two last survivors of their species.

That's actually the first appearance of the Master in the revived series, so you should already be up to speed if you've caught the first two parts.

'San exciting ride! Although I don't think part 3 quite reached the lofty heights of the first two parts, for me. Utopia and The Sound of Drums were bliss. Last of the Time Lords is mainly fantastic too, but there were a couple of parts I wasn't quite as keen on. Same applies to Journey's End, actually - the following series' finale. Unabridled excellence all round other than that, though.

Assuming they're repeating the whole show, though, you've got a LOT to look forward to. Voyage of the Damned didn't quite do it for me, but series 4 is David Tennant's strongest year by far, the specials are all fantastic, and then you've got the sublime series 5. I envy you a bit of a lot.


I just realized, re-watching the trailer, that Matt Smith should NEVER EVER grow a beard.

You'd think so, but quite a few of my friends have said they reckon he looks really hot with it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 05, 2011, 02:35:13 PM
Utopia is an amazing episode, one of my favourites!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on January 06, 2011, 03:51:28 PM
Well, the third part, "Last of the Time Lords" was yesterday.  It was just as good, except for the part where millions of people thinking "Doctor" at the same time cause the Doctor to go back to his young self and get those superpowers because of the psychic satellites.  I'm fine with pseudo science, but that didn't make any sense to me.  The end of the episode had me  :rollin .
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 06, 2011, 05:08:53 PM
Yeah! That's the bit I'm not fond of.

It does make a bit of sense. The Archangel network was working through hypnosis, so it's already tuned into a mind control type thing - and the Doctor had an entire year to wire himself up to it. Within the context of the show it makes sense. But the visual's just a bit too ridiculous for me. I'm all about escapism but my suspension of disbelief doesn't quite stretch that far.

Journey's End, the fourth series finale, is - similarly - a little bit contrived. Although less so. It all makes sense, just a little bit "lucky." And a little too easy when everything gets resolved.

Grand show though, by and large. Very, very good. And yeah, love the ending.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 06, 2011, 05:21:53 PM
Well, the third part, "Last of the Time Lords" was yesterday.  It was just as good, except for the part where millions of people thinking "Doctor" at the same time cause the Doctor to go back to his young self and get those superpowers because of the psychic satellites.  I'm fine with pseudo science, but that didn't make any sense to me.  The end of the episode had me  :rollin .
Before you watch any more: don't expect proper science fiction from Doctor Who. A lot of people (myself included) don't really consider it science-fiction and prefer to think of it as a fairytale story more than anything else. There are sci-fi elements, but these are varied, often whimsical, and most of all are there to support the story. Which is exactly why I still really like the end of Series 3 (the ones you've just watched), the ideas behind the story are great, even if the science is silly.

And believe me, DW gets a lot sillier than that at times. The important thing is to enjoy it, and not take it too seriously.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 06, 2011, 05:51:10 PM
Well, the third part, "Last of the Time Lords" was yesterday.  It was just as good, except for the part where millions of people thinking "Doctor" at the same time cause the Doctor to go back to his young self and get those superpowers because of the psychic satellites.  I'm fine with pseudo science, but that didn't make any sense to me.  The end of the episode had me  :rollin .
Before you watch any more: don't expect proper science fiction from Doctor Who. A lot of people (myself included) don't really consider it science-fiction and prefer to think of it as a fairytale story more than anything else. There are sci-fi elements, but these are varied, often whimsical, and most of all are there to support the story. Which is exactly why I still really like the end of Series 3 (the ones you've just watched), the ideas behind the story are great, even if the science is silly.
I'd agree with this.

Doctor Who is absolutely not hard sci-fi. It's a fantastic neverending story given a cool time-travel framework.

It's fun, exciting, vibrant, and often very, very clever - but it's not this horrendous thing bogged down with continuity. It's the opposite of Lost or Battlestar Galactica or Inception. It's Ghostbusters-science. The Weeping Angels you saw a couple of episodes back - "quantum-locked!" They cease to exist the second you look at them. That doesn't make any sense - how would a creature like that even evolve? But you go with it because it's brilliant.

It's everything that's brilliant about films like Ghostbusters or Indiana Jones or Back to the Future, rolled into a massive, joyous ball.

Doctor Who never lets the facts get in the way of a good story. Yet, for what it's worth, the best ones are nonetheless among the cleverest TV I've seen. The time-travel paradox in Blink is FANTASTIC. And the series 5 finale? So, SO clever. Same goes for the most recent christmas special, in fact.

There are a handful of episodes that don't quiiiite hit the spot - sure, the resolutions to Last of the Time Lords, New Earth, Evolution of the Daleks etc. make me go "alright, what?" but I can't watch episodes like Blink, The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol without sitting there marvelling at the TV, mouth agape. Stellar television.

This is a show which uses time-travel paradoxes, quantum mechanics and interstellar travel as plot points. But it also features a planet orbiting a black hole, a race of telepathic aliens, and a living statue that comes out of a TV.

Never let the facts get in the way of a fantastic story.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on January 06, 2011, 06:34:35 PM
Yeah, I could tell its not hard sci-fi, I wasn't expecting THAT.  I would've liked an explanation of how hooking yourself up to the psychic/hypnosis satellite network, combined with everyone thinking your name makes you young and super powerful?  Not enough of an explanation, but maybe I'm too used to Star Trek.

Don't get me wrong brits, I'm enjoying it a lot!

EDIT: just got Season 5.  Jesus, does the Doctor have a superpower that makes anything with a vagina eager to jump his 907-year-old bone?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on January 31, 2011, 01:52:45 PM
As far as science and logic is concerned in DW, it's easier to just roll with it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on January 31, 2011, 01:58:31 PM
I feel immense guilt and shame because I still have not watched the Christmas Special.  :-\
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 31, 2011, 02:23:49 PM
Yeah, I could tell its not hard sci-fi, I wasn't expecting THAT.  I would've liked an explanation of how hooking yourself up to the psychic/hypnosis satellite network, combined with everyone thinking your name makes you young and super powerful?  Not enough of an explanation, but maybe I'm too used to Star Trek.

Don't get me wrong brits, I'm enjoying it a lot!

EDIT: just got Season 5.  Jesus, does the Doctor have a superpower that makes anything with a vagina eager to jump his 907-year-old bone?
Ha! I never caught that.

I think showing them the universe has that effect.

Mind you - Karen Gillan isn't just anything with a vagina. How's it all been going? Which episodes have you caught now?
I feel immense guilt and shame because I still have not watched the Christmas Special.  :-\
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 31, 2011, 02:26:23 PM
I feel immense guilt and shame because I still have not watched the Christmas Special.  :-\
You fail as a person.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on February 23, 2011, 06:11:53 AM
I feel immense guilt and shame because I still have not watched the Christmas Special.  :-\
You fail as a person.


And it was awesome. Really reminded me about why I love the Fifth Doctor. The episode had such a perfect sense of fun and wonder about it. Great special, probably the best Christmas one yet. Now I'm so PUMPED for Series 6.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 23, 2011, 08:15:13 AM
Fifth Doctor? Surely you mean either eleventh Doctor or fifth series! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on February 23, 2011, 08:18:41 AM
Fifth Doctor? Surely you mean either eleventh Doctor or fifth series! :lol

Right. Silly me. :facepalm:

Anyways, what are your thoughts on the Special? I think Matt really shines in it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 23, 2011, 08:26:19 AM

Series 5 was absolutely glorious - my favourite yet - but you can tell that this is the first episode which is written specifically for Matt Smith. And he shines in it. He knows exactly how Matt Smith talks and moves and thinks, now, and so he can write scenes with the Doctor sliding down the chimney and jumping up and down on the bed and knows that he's got an actor who will revel in it.

And the performance is absolutely elevated by that.

Not to mention. Michael Gambon! Real life Dumbledore! And flying sharks! And the entire thing looks gorgeous. Like if Tim Burton directed the Muppet Christmas Carol. Wonderful episode. Ohhh, and the twist. The Ghost of Christmas Future is wonderful.

I will say that it does drag on a little on future watches, just because you know all the twists, and it's so much less action driven than most episodes - but it's a glorious little slice of Doctor Who, and among the very best Christmas specials. Second only to the End of Time, even.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on February 23, 2011, 08:30:13 AM
I think what I liked so much about the episode was the sense of spirit Matt injected into the whole thing. You can tell he is having a ton of fun, and it makes the entire show shine with youthful enthusiasm and good cheer. Seriously, casting Matt is probably the best move the series has done since the re-boot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 23, 2011, 10:17:04 AM
Yeah he's my favourite Doctor, like you say his energy and enthusiasm is so much fun!

Just saw this sad news on BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-12549622 Nicholas Courtney, who played the Brig for years in the Classic Who era and also reprised the role in an episode of the Sarah Jane Adventures, has passed away. :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 23, 2011, 10:39:59 AM
I think what I liked so much about the episode was the sense of spirit Matt injected into the whole thing. You can tell he is having a ton of fun, and it makes the entire show shine with youthful enthusiasm and good cheer. Seriously, casting Matt is probably the best move the series has done since the re-boot.
Absolutely. The man's a blessing. I never thought I'd be more fond of a Doctor than I was of David Tennant, but DT barely feels like the real Doctor to me any more. I adore him and thought he was wonderful on the show - but Matt is something else.

The best of a string of really, really good actors. Doctor Who are blessed with an excellent casting department.

More excitingly, though, what did you think of the trailer?! I see you've quoted it in your sig, that's gotta be a good sign.

Just saw this sad news on BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-12549622 Nicholas Courtney, who played the Brig for years in the Classic Who era and also reprised the role in an episode of the Sarah Jane Adventures, has passed away. :(
I've never seen him in anything, so it's a little bit of an odd one for me. I'm feeling the significance of the loss, but I sadly don't have that personal investment. I've never quite "got into" Classic Who, but I might check out the Daemons as a sort of tribute. RIP Nick, by all reports a fine gentleman and a wonderful ambassador for the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on February 23, 2011, 10:55:20 AM
I really like the trailer. It looks like a slightly grittier version of the Doctor, a little more serious. Words cannot describe how excited I am for the new season.

Two things do jump to mind though:
a) One of my issues with the later seasons of the Tennant years was that there were too many recurring characters, which would show up for two seconds and then vanish. It was almost like fan bait, and maybe it's just me but I didn't like it. That's why I love Series 5, so fresh, new, no recurring or returning people (except River, but that one I can let slide, and the Angels, but they're too awesome not to have back). In the Series 6 trailer though there is a short shot of the Ood, which I wasn't a big fan of. We'll see if they use them properly.

b) Matt looks dirty as hell with that beard.

Other than that, spectacular.

I wear a Stetson now. Stetsons are cool
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 23, 2011, 11:04:17 AM
Aye, I'd agree with a). I don't like how they kept on bringing people back - it was alright for a cheeky thrill now and then, but it meant that each character got about three different "closures," which seemed a bit gratuitous. It made the narrative just a wee bit jerkier. And no, I don't mind River either. Nor Captain Jack, at that - because both were clearly earmarked as recurring characters. Martha sort of became one, and I think her return in The Sontaran Stratagem was a lot better done than her return in The Stolen Earth, say. Although the Stolen Earth was like a brilliant sugar rush throughout, so I'm not complaining.

Love the Ood though. They were my favourites right from second I saw the Impossible Planet. Really excited to see a Moffat-penned Ood episode. And they've got green eyes! Eyes of green! Which are eyes! With green! What's going on there?! I like the Ood as they're the first sort of "iconic" recurring villain that the new series have produced. They're RTD's Daleks. The law of diminishing returns operates to a certain extent - Planet of the Ood wasn't as good as the sublime Impossible Planet, the appearance in The Waters of Mars was chilling but ultimately meaningless, and they were just there in The End of Time, but they're a brilliant design and a brilliant concept, and I really relish seeing them. (Also, I like how they're in each even-numbered series. That's a nice touch.)

The thing that's exciting me most, though, is the Silence. Apparently we're introduced to them quite early on in the series, and according to Matt Smith they're scarier than the Weeping Angels. I can't wait.

Do wonder if the Weeping Angels will be back, on that note. I'd possibly hold off on them for a couple of years, though. Maybe have them as the big bad in Matt Smith's last series - form a nice Weeping Angel trilogy. They've had two corkers so far, a third would be grand. Could make it a three-parter, too, so their stories get progressively longer. If they continue to be used this well, they'll definitely be Moffat's Daleks. I think they might be already, even.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 23, 2011, 11:13:33 AM
I think recurring characters and villains is one of the best things about the show; they give it a sense of consistency. Otherwise it's just a bunch of separate stories with no connection other than the Doctor.

I think it was either Moffat or Gatiss who confirmed that there are no returning monsters in Series 6, they're all new, which is exciting! But I like other characters coming back every now and then. Would love to see Jack back at some point!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on February 23, 2011, 11:24:41 AM
I can't beleive I forgot about Captain Jack  :facepalm: I love him, so funny and such a great character. Although I watched the first half of Torchwood season 1 and wasn't really all that impressed.

And you're right about holding off on the Weeping Angels. Part of what made them to creepy the first and second time around is that you had NO IDEA what could happen, since they were so mysterious. They were scary, powerful and brilliantly executed, but if they keep using them than they will lose that punch. Plus, the writers would keep having to think of really contrived reasons to bring them back (much like the Daleks are now). I saw keep them in pocket for a little while, let them fade from memory a bit, then WHAM, just when we least expect it, spring them on us.

On the note of recurring characters, possibly my least favorite character in the entire modern re-boot has got to be Mickey. He's got no reason to be there, especially in the End of Time when he and Martha are married. Or was that an alternate dimension? I don't remember.

As for the Ood, they were well done in the Impossible Planet, but the more we saw of them the more I thought they were being shoehorned into different roles for which they we'rent really suited. But if they pull it off as well as you hope they will in series 6, it could work.

What I'm really excited for is the Gaiman episode. He's a master of the creepy and yet hilarious, a perfect fit for the Doctor. Can't wait to see what he's got written.

I'd also like to see Rory and Amy rise to the occasion. They're both great characters, and could have some really great moments. Since the Christmas Special was Doctor centric, I'd like to see at least one episode where Amy and Rory have a really heroic moment.

Just some thoughts.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 23, 2011, 11:29:08 AM
I think recurring characters and villains is one of the best things about the show; they give it a sense of consistency. Otherwise it's just a bunch of separate stories with no connection other than the Doctor.

I think it was either Moffat or Gatiss who confirmed that there are no returning monsters in Series 6, they're all new, which is exciting! But I like other characters coming back every now and then. Would love to see Jack back at some point!
I've got no aversion to recurring characters as a concept - quite like it. Love the idea of all these separate lives intertwining, and it turns what could be a fairly linear TV show (well, as linear as a TV show about time travel can get!) into this massive universe of wonderful people doing wonderful things all across time and space. I'm just being a wee bit narratively picky. Rose got a fair handful of "grand finales." Almost feels like a couple too many climaxes? It's just a nitpick. There are pros and cons to it.

It's one of those things I can look at both through my superfan "OMG ITS CAPTAIN JACK!" lenses and through my "literary deconstruction let's write an essay" lenses, so if someone presents a pro I'll usually second it quite chirpily but I'll join in with constructive criticism, too.

It's a wonder my arse isn't worlds sorer, given all this fence-sitting I've been getting up to.

Incidentally, have either of you seen www.markwatches.net ? I don't generally follow blogs, but he's been going from the very beginning with no spoilers whatsoever, and he reports back after each episode, which he watches each weekday. He totally gets Doctor Who, it's an absolute joy. He's up to the Sontaran Stratagem, now, and he was surprised enough when Martha showed up. The Stolen Earth is going to turn his brains to mush. He doesn't even know when David regenerates! Can't wait for him to get to that bit.

Space Invader: I've got a gig to play in a bit (and some food to eat and an article to write and a radio show to broadcast beforehand!) but that's a dead interesting post. Will respond as soon as I've got a spare second. Well up for a thorough analysis of some Doctor Who. :hat
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on February 23, 2011, 11:34:22 AM
I'm always good to analyze the Doctor. Best TV show airing, IMO. I always try to convince more Canadians to watch it.

Edit: You know what, I'm going to change my avatar in celebration of the new season fast approaching.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 23, 2011, 11:41:06 AM
Edit: You know what, I'm going to change my avatar in celebration of the new season fast approaching.
Ooh! Be an alien one! It'll match your name!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on February 23, 2011, 11:42:10 AM
How 'bout

https://th717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/Doctor%20Who/th_thxcoojpz1hckzmqm62w1.gif (https://th717.photobucket.com/albums/ww173/prestonjjrtr/Smileys/Doctor%20Who/th_thxcoojpz1hckzmqm62w1.gif)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on February 23, 2011, 11:47:01 AM
Yeah, I could tell its not hard sci-fi, I wasn't expecting THAT.  I would've liked an explanation of how hooking yourself up to the psychic/hypnosis satellite network, combined with everyone thinking your name makes you young and super powerful?  Not enough of an explanation, but maybe I'm too used to Star Trek.

Don't get me wrong brits, I'm enjoying it a lot!

EDIT: just got Season 5.  Jesus, does the Doctor have a superpower that makes anything with a vagina eager to jump his 907-year-old bone?
Ha! I never caught that.

I think showing them the universe has that effect.

Mind you - Karen Gillan isn't just anything with a vagina. How's it all been going? Which episodes have you caught now?

I've seen all the episodes of the reboot.  I was very glad to see Billie Piper leave.  Rose got on my nerves quite a bit throughout the series.  Season 4 was definitely the best of the David Tennant years.  No bad episodes, IMO, and Donna was a great companion.  Plus it was refreshing that the doctor could have one companion that didn't want to do him.  I've been reading up on the new season coming up.  Very excited to see the Silence and Neil Gaiman pop up.  I really hope we get a bit more info on River.

I'd also like to see the Daleks and Weeping Angels take a bit of a rest this season.  I mean, yeah, Daleks are iconic and all that, but having them show up every season (and typically in the finale) is practically expected at this point, though it was cool in the Big Bang where it was just one Dalek giving them trouble instead of an army again.  Made them scarier.  

I'll also join the crowd in saying that Matt Smith is the only doctor for me.  David Tennant was great, and he was the first doctor I really saw in action, but Matt really pulls off this sort of super-curiosity with such a youthful spirit, and then turns into your grandad giving you sage advice.  Plus, he has a bowtie.  Bowties are cool.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 23, 2011, 01:35:48 PM
Oh man, so much to respond to. :lol

I can't beleive I forgot about Captain Jack  :facepalm: I love him, so funny and such a great character. Although I watched the first half of Torchwood season 1 and wasn't really all that impressed.
Yeah, the first episode is great but after that the first series is weak, but it does start to pick up towards the end. The second series is an absolute romp, terrific fun and starts taking itself less seriously. Third (mini-) series is more serious again, but genuinely good. I recommend catching up.

And you're right about holding off on the Weeping Angels. Part of what made them to creepy the first and second time around is that you had NO IDEA what could happen, since they were so mysterious. They were scary, powerful and brilliantly executed, but if they keep using them than they will lose that punch. Plus, the writers would keep having to think of really contrived reasons to bring them back (much like the Daleks are now). I saw keep them in pocket for a little while, let them fade from memory a bit, then WHAM, just when we least expect it, spring them on us.
I'd also like to see the Daleks and Weeping Angels take a bit of a rest this season.  I mean, yeah, Daleks are iconic and all that, but having them show up every season (and typically in the finale) is practically expected at this point, though it was cool in the Big Bang where it was just one Dalek giving them trouble instead of an army again.  Made them scarier.
Yeah the daleks tend to be brought back for fun more than anything else these days, which is fine; it's a family show so we need some fun episodes mixed in with the more serious/epic ones. I guess there was a dalek in the finale of Series 5 but it wasn't the villain at all, was more of a tangential character. RTD overused them a bit maybe, particularly in the finales, but Moffat seems a little more sparing with them, which is good. And yeah like I said, apparently no returning monsters in Series 6.

On the note of recurring characters, possibly my least favorite character in the entire modern re-boot has got to be Mickey. He's got no reason to be there, especially in the End of Time when he and Martha are married. Or was that an alternate dimension? I don't remember.
I found Mickey pretty annoying at the start but he ends up being pretty good, especially in the second season. And yeah, he ends up marrying Martha, but that wasn't a major plot point, it was just to tie up the stories as those specials were the end of an era for both Tennant and RTD.

As for the Ood, they were well done in the Impossible Planet, but the more we saw of them the more I thought they were being shoehorned into different roles for which they we'rent really suited. But if they pull it off as well as you hope they will in series 6, it could work.
I like the Ood a lot, and we've only seen them a total of, what, 3 times? I'd have no problem with them returning.

What I'm really excited for is the Gaiman episode. He's a master of the creepy and yet hilarious, a perfect fit for the Doctor. Can't wait to see what he's got written.
Gaiman is my favourite author and, like you say, PERFECT for Doctor Who. Absolutely cannot wait!

I'd also like to see Rory and Amy rise to the occasion. They're both great characters, and could have some really great moments. Since the Christmas Special was Doctor centric, I'd like to see at least one episode where Amy and Rory have a really heroic moment.
Yeah they are brilliant companions. They had some fantastic stuff in Series 5, but you're right about the special it was more focussed on the Doctor and also on the guest stars. I'm sure they'll be utilised well once the regular series starts up again.

Incidentally, have either of you seen www.markwatches.net ? I don't generally follow blogs, but he's been going from the very beginning with no spoilers whatsoever, and he reports back after each episode, which he watches each weekday. He totally gets Doctor Who, it's an absolute joy. He's up to the Sontaran Stratagem, now, and he was surprised enough when Martha showed up. The Stolen Earth is going to turn his brains to mush. He doesn't even know when David regenerates! Can't wait for him to get to that bit.
Hadn't seen that blog, might check it out at some point!

I've been reading up on the new season coming up.  Very excited to see the Silence and Neil Gaiman pop up.  I really hope we get a bit more info on River.
Again agreed about Gaiman, and I'm fairly sure we're going to find out about the Silence and also who the hell River is. If they do it well it could be a really amazing series!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on February 23, 2011, 04:41:38 PM
Oh man, so much to respond to. :lol

I can't beleive I forgot about Captain Jack  :facepalm: I love him, so funny and such a great character. Although I watched the first half of Torchwood season 1 and wasn't really all that impressed.
Yeah, the first episode is great but after that the first series is weak, but it does start to pick up towards the end. The second series is an absolute romp, terrific fun and starts taking itself less seriously. Third (mini-) series is more serious again, but genuinely good. I recommend catching up.

Torchwood had an excellent second season, although I was sad to see Owen go. I watched CoE just two weeks ago and still have no idea what the fuck to think of it.

No doubt it was really well written, but in some places, you get the feeling RTD was just piling horribly depressing scene on top of horribly depressing scene, just to say that he'd done something never done before. Days Three through Five are pretty much the only episodes of any show I've watched that are riveting, well written, emotional, and also suck. Because I got no enjoyment out of watching them whatsoever.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 24, 2011, 05:15:04 AM
Yeah the second half of it was maybe not "enjoyable" as such (and one particular controversial thing did seem like it was done just for the sake of being dramatic and surprising) but it was still exciting and very well done!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 19, 2011, 06:06:40 PM
Anyone else catch the Comic Relief specials?

Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51JtuEa_OPc
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkmiefoRcfU


Amy Pond flirting with herself. :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on March 19, 2011, 06:32:03 PM
 :lol :lol :lol Those were great!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 20, 2011, 03:26:06 AM
New series starts in a month! :o
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 20, 2011, 05:09:10 AM
I cannot wait.

Also, we should be getting a preview for The Impossible Astronaut sooner still. Not a trailer or anything... a specially filmed scene. Featuring the resident aliens! Score almighty.

This is also, incidentally, my cue to stop reading what Doctor Who fans have to say on the internet. Not you guys - career Doctor Who fans. DW fans on the internet are total dickheads, and I say that as one myself. Don't really fancy reading people chanting "Moffat must go!" after every episode. Not when I could read something that cost someone a brain-cell or two to write.

Although, the high-strung ones are just as bad as the dunces. If not worse. Ohhhh, you should see the reaction to Space & Time. All abluster with cries of "objectification figure" and "Moffat is turning Doctor Who into a sitcom" - not to mention the occasional "slut." (Funnily enough, no-one bats an eyelid when Captain Jack behaves similarly... although, can't say I'm entirely surprised by some Doctor Who fans finding sexually confident women intimidating.) Fucking mayhem, it is.

Ooh, or my favourite, "looks like he can just solve everything through time travel, rendering the whole concept of the show pointless." Someone said they may as well have a future Doctor appear at the start of Episode 1 and say "Right, this is how you're going to solve everything." As though having fun with the concept of time travel in a time travel show were some kind of cardinal sin. And as though it were devoid of dramatic gravity, at that. The entire concept of A Christmas Carol is that of using time travel to save people's lives, and it wasn't a cake walk for a second.

See! This is how much Doctor Who fans infuriate me. Genuinely can't stand them. As soon as the series relaunches I'm away.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 20, 2011, 05:22:25 AM
Can't say I've noticed anything like that - it's probably just a vocal minority that you're coming across because pretty much everyone I know (new fans and old alike) are loving the current series! I shouldn't worry too much Rob, there are fans like that about EVERYTHING that is popular. Just don't go to sites that are full of them!

Also, I think the monsters in The Impossible Astronaut might be The Silence...! :o
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 20, 2011, 05:54:46 AM
Oh naturally. Precisely. Tiny minority, but very frustrating. Can't be arsed with the bilge. I always avoid sites like that when a series broadcasts - just went on a tangent there.

And yes! The Silence! They will fall. And are reportedly worse than the Weeping Angels. Ooooh it's gonna be a good six weeks.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 20, 2011, 06:00:17 AM
I thought it was seven weeks, and then six in the second half?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kosmo on March 20, 2011, 06:23:47 AM
I'm interested in this show, should i just start watching from the first episode onwards because as to my understanding the show isn't really all that linear so i could basically pick a season and a specific doctor, what do you guys recommend?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 20, 2011, 06:36:15 AM
I think the perfect starting point is The Eleventh Hour.

Not only is it quite recent (and therefore they've sort of ironed out all of the kinks), but it was specifically designed to be a jumping on point for new viewers. Brand new Doctor, brand new companion, brand new head writer - the story starts anew. It introduces all the important concepts - regeneration, time travel, the TARDIS and the sonic screwdriver - has a pretty cool storyline, and most crucial of all... it's fantastic. One of my favourite episodes. Such a big wallop. Usually, a first episode is hampered by being a little on the primordial side. Rose (S1E1) is a pretty good example of this - good ep, but not sterling. TEH hits the ground running.

No continuity to worry about, no on-going storylines, all new and all fantastic. The Eleventh Hour is a rebirth. They even toyed with calling it "Series 1" for a while.

EDIT: Ack, just watched the pre-titles and got goosebumps. Such a fun episode. Yes, definitely start with The Eleventh Hour.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on March 20, 2011, 07:28:16 AM
Speaking from experience, the fifth season is a great starting point.  I really like how the only things they brought over from the RTD series were River Song (who Moffat created) and the occasional reference to the events of the Dalek invasion, which kinda confused me, as I had no idea that humans had already had loads of contact with alien life by 2010 in the DW universe. 

Also, Rob, who the hell wants Moffat to leave!  Sure, I feel like the "Terminator Paradox" way of doing things with time travel is starting to get a bit stale, but every episode in the fifth season is gold, regardless! 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 20, 2011, 07:29:13 AM
Yeah, but it's Doctor Who, it's about time travel, THE WHOLE SHOW IS ONE BIG PARADOX. It doesn't have to make sense to be enjoyable and exciting. :lol Those people are sillies.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 20, 2011, 08:16:16 AM
I thought it was seven weeks, and then six in the second half?
Seven episodes. Seven Saturdays. Which works out as six weeks, counting from the moment Ep. 1 begins to the second Ep. 7 ends.

Yeah, but it's Doctor Who, it's about time travel, THE WHOLE SHOW IS ONE BIG PARADOX. It doesn't have to make sense to be enjoyable and exciting. :lol Those people are sillies.
Agreed! I slightly adore how the time travel's becoming more pronounced. But no matter what you change, someone's gonna hate it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 20, 2011, 08:17:13 AM
The wibbly lever!

Ohhhhh, I love this show. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 20, 2011, 11:14:12 AM
I thought it was seven weeks, and then six in the second half?
Seven episodes. Seven Saturdays. Which works out as six weeks, counting from the moment Ep. 1 begins to the second Ep. 7 ends.
Oh you and your common sense.

The wibbly lever!

Ohhhhh, I love this show. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on March 20, 2011, 12:43:16 PM
Oh naturally. Precisely. Tiny minority, but very frustrating. Can't be arsed with the bilge. I always avoid sites like that when a series broadcasts - just went on a tangent there.

And yes! The Silence! They will fall. And are reportedly worse than the Weeping Angels. Ooooh it's gonna be a good six weeks.
Yes... I also think/talk like Matt Smith's Doctor for the few minutes immediately after watching a show  :lol

I've noticed that pattern with pretentious Doctor Who fans as well; they always seem to overanalyze everything, forgetting to enjoy themselves while they complain about time paradoxes and how lame whichever writer on-set happens to be. But if you look at the polls of the forums they frequent (I joined one the other day), the "ratings" for good shows are often overwhelmingly in the 9's and 10's, even though the threads themselves are filled with whining, bitchy old fans.

It's just that the annoying minority is louder.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on March 20, 2011, 01:06:14 PM
Part of what (for me) makes Doctor Who such a joy is the fact that IT IS silly and funny and ridiculous and if you think too hard about it you're missing the point. It's not about the nuances or the complexities, it's about the thrill ride, the joy and the madness. That's why Matt is such a brilliant Doctor: you never know what trick he's going to pull out, or what joke he might crack.

Also, those two specially are hilarious.

Amy Pond flirting with herself. :heart

Ohhhhhh yes....... :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on March 23, 2011, 05:57:08 PM
Part of what (for me) makes Doctor Who such a joy is the fact that IT IS silly and funny and ridiculous and if you think too hard about it you're missing the point. It's not about the nuances or the complexities, it's about the thrill ride, the joy and the madness. That's why Matt is such a brilliant Doctor: you never know what trick he's going to pull out, or what joke he might crack.

Also, those two specially are hilarious.

Amy Pond flirting with herself. :heart

Ohhhhhh yes....... :D

Exactly, to take the show too seriously is to miss the point of it completley.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on March 24, 2011, 04:38:54 PM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on March 24, 2011, 04:54:34 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 24, 2011, 05:07:28 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 25, 2011, 06:51:47 PM
The Impossible Astronaut

Oh, and does anyone fancy a two minute specially filmed short prequel, featuring that magician fella out of Jonathan Creek being Richard Nixon, and that fella who writes Doctor Who being as fucking terrifying as ever?


While you're at it, if you're not done being thoroughly haunted, check this out...


Refers to a different teaser, but still cool.

Ohhhh, and today I have heard a rumour that they're considering showing Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 of the opening story on consecutive days. Easter Sat and Easter Sun. I say rumour, it's on the CV of one of the actors from part 2. Only a minor role, though, so who knows how accurate that is. I like it as an idea, though. Very exciting times.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 25, 2011, 08:12:09 PM

EDIT: Just watched it again. FUCKING TERRIFYING!

Seriously cannot wait for this new series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on March 28, 2011, 08:25:23 PM
I just had flashes of how terrifying I found the kid in the Empty Child. Shit is creepy as hell.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on March 28, 2011, 08:28:25 PM
Speaking of the Empty Child, did anyone find the reference to that episode in "the Sontaran Strategem" to be absolutely brilliant?  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on March 28, 2011, 08:30:04 PM
Speaking of the Empty Child, did anyone find the reference to that episode in "the Sontaran Strategem" to be absolutely brilliant?  :lol

I lol'd. A lot. The best part is that it happened and then was gone, with no acknowledgement from any of the characters really. Almost like an easter egg. Brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on March 30, 2011, 10:59:36 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vIsQ25Krq8&feature=player_embedded#at=18 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vIsQ25Krq8&feature=player_embedded#at=18)

New trailer! Looks fooking fantastic! Saturday 23 April
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on March 30, 2011, 11:23:33 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vIsQ25Krq8&feature=player_embedded#at=18 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vIsQ25Krq8&feature=player_embedded#at=18)

New trailer! Looks fooking fantastic! Saturday 23 April


Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 30, 2011, 01:03:53 PM
Pause at about 0:37.

See if you recognise whose TARDIS that is...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on March 30, 2011, 01:13:20 PM
Pause at about 0:37.

See if you recognise whose TARDIS that is...

Was that David Tennant in the bottom right? :O
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 30, 2011, 01:14:31 PM
Pause at about 0:37.

See if you recognise whose TARDIS that is...

Was that David Tennant in the bottom right? :O
Rory Williams!

But it's the old school TARDIS. Dun dun duuuuuuun!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on March 30, 2011, 01:15:44 PM
I couldn't tell from the video.  All I could really make out was a brown coat, blue suit/shirt, and sideburns.  But yes, the old TARDIS showing up is quite interesting...hopefully I can get this season on iTunes when it starts coming out...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on March 30, 2011, 01:52:56 PM
Pause at about 0:37.

See if you recognise whose TARDIS that is...

Was that David Tennant in the bottom right? :O

This was my initial reaction. Wouldn't that be epic?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 30, 2011, 02:26:26 PM
Well the fact that the 9th/10th Doctors' TARDIS has appeared is pretty damn cool in and of itself, although of course a Tennant return would be fab!

Generally an awesome trailer!

Also Lily Cole :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on March 30, 2011, 03:42:43 PM
Just watched "The Eleventh Hour" again (brilliant introduction), and I was just wondering...is there a really good Dr. Who drinking game that encompasses all of the revived series?  All I've found are old ones or 9th/10th doctor ones.  I feel like I should try and create this.  Oh the things I do to entertain myself during study breaks!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 31, 2011, 11:51:45 AM
Just watched "The Eleventh Hour" again (brilliant introduction), and I was just wondering...is there a really good Dr. Who drinking game that encompasses all of the revived series?  All I've found are old ones or 9th/10th doctor ones.  I feel like I should try and create this.  Oh the things I do to entertain myself during study breaks!
I've found some on the internet, but they've always been a bit rubbish.

Me and a couple of friends sat around and tried to make a drinking game out of watching The End of Time - two parts together, as a film. We came up with three rules, but one of them was "Every time he uses the sonic screwdriver." I did tell them he doesn't use it much in that one but they didn't listen!

Fortunately, "every time someone says DOCTOR" and "every time the master skeletons" got us lightly sozzled between them.

"Every time they reference a past story" would probably be a good one. They do that quite a lot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kosmo on March 31, 2011, 01:57:23 PM
I've been watching the newest season now and holy fuck it's good, and i think i'll enjoy the earlier ones even more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 31, 2011, 01:57:47 PM
I've been watching the newest season now and holy fuck it's good, and i think i'll enjoy the earlier ones even more.
Ha! Brilliant!

So glad. How far are you into it? Thoughts? Favourite episodes?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 02, 2011, 04:22:17 AM
Tell you what this thread needs? More trailers.


Gush, gush, sexwee, and indeed gush.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 02, 2011, 07:23:40 AM
Tell you what this thread needs? More trailers.


Gush, gush, sexwee, and indeed gush.

Fucking hell.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 02, 2011, 07:26:38 AM
Wowowowow, I can't fooking wait.  Some bits look rate good.  :metal :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 03, 2011, 08:48:17 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 03, 2011, 09:29:12 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on April 03, 2011, 09:33:45 AM
Hope it's 9 rather than 10
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on April 03, 2011, 03:43:17 PM

Quote from: faemir link=topic=7519.msg832125#msg832125
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on April 03, 2011, 06:34:13 PM
Just finished watching Doomsday.


Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 03, 2011, 06:42:17 PM
Just finished watching Doomsday.



I cry, every fucking time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on April 03, 2011, 06:52:42 PM
In watching some old episodes in preparation for the new series, I've gained a new appreciation for the soundtrack of the show. I mean, this show has some of the best music for a TV show ever. Especially at Tennants transformation. SO EPIC.

Just finished watching Doomsday.

I cry, every fucking time.

Oh my god so sad. This is why I love this show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 03, 2011, 06:55:43 PM
In watching some old episodes in preparation for the new series, I've gained a new appreciation for the soundtrack of the show. I mean, this show has some of the best music for a TV show ever. Especially at Tennants transformation. SO EPIC.

Vale Decem is good, but the three best pieces Murray Gold has composed are I Am The Doctor, Doctor Gastronomy, and This Is Gallifrey. In that order.

All the Strange Strange Creatures comes next, but Vale Decem is a respectable fifth. Honest!

Incidentally, MG has been commissioned to provide the soundtrack to the next series of Torchwood. Fucking 'cited! What a composer.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 03, 2011, 07:39:39 PM
Doomsday was a good episode, but to be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of Rose, so I wasn't sad to see her go.  Maybe it was because she would complain about her (supposedly, but it turns out not really) unrequited love for the Doctor, or how she complained the whole time in "the Christmas Invasion" and "Rise of the Cybermen," maybe it was the bitchy way she kinda strung Mickey along, maybe it was because her face looked like a muppet's, or maybe because Donna was so damn awesome and the fourth season was so so good that the other RTD companions suck in comparison.  She just wasn't as interesting as Donna or Amy, IMO.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 04, 2011, 01:24:57 AM
Doomsday was a good episode, but to be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of Rose, so I wasn't sad to see her go.  Maybe it was because she would complain about her (supposedly, but it turns out not really) unrequited love for the Doctor, or how she complained the whole time in "the Christmas Invasion" and "Rise of the Cybermen," maybe it was the bitchy way she kinda strung Mickey along, maybe it was because her face looked like a muppet's, or maybe because Donna was so damn awesome and the fourth season was so so good that the other RTD companions suck in comparison.  She just wasn't as interesting as Donna or Amy, IMO.

But...dat scene.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 04, 2011, 01:35:58 AM
SDN has no soul.

Regarding the music, Murray Gold does compose some wonderful themes, but frankly his music would be considerably less amazing if it weren't for Ben Foster's orchestrations.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 04, 2011, 10:53:58 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k_WotuXTkE&feature=channel_video_title (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k_WotuXTkE&feature=channel_video_title)

Behind the scenes insider.  Bit more info about the new season, worth a watch.  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 04, 2011, 11:38:05 AM
Rose is easily the worst companion of the modern series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 04, 2011, 12:39:55 PM
Rose is easily the worst companion of the modern series.
I dunno, she had more personality than Martha. But then Series 3 was amazing, which makes up for her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 04, 2011, 12:42:02 PM
I mean that last scene with the Doctor and Rose was sad and all, don't get me wrong, but I was perfectly happy to see Martha replace Rose...even if she wasn't really all that great either.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 07, 2011, 02:51:17 PM
RIGHT! List of titles is now available! Plus, SFX have published extracts of some Steven Moffat interviews. Plus my thoughts, 'cause I'm dead excited and want to talk about the episodes rather than just copying and pasting.

1. The Impossible Astronaut / 2. Day of the Moon
The big two-part opener. Set in the USA. "Four envelopes, numbered 2, 3 and 4, each containing a date, time and map reference, unsigned, but TARDIS blue. Who sent them? And who received the missing number one? This strange summons reunites the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song in the middle of the Utah desert and unveils a terrible secret the Doctor's friends must never reveal to him." Meant to be darker than any of the other openers, and genuinely scary. Reportedly, they wanted to do an opening story that feels like it could be a finale. And we get to see a powerful new enemy, who are apparently worse than the Weeping Angels. Oooooh I cannot wait.

3. The Curse of the Black Spot
This is the pirate story. Set in the 1600s. The Black Spot was a plot device in treasure island, I believe (although it's ages since I last read it), and it's written by a fella called Stephen Thompson, who worked with Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss on the fantastic Sherlock. Steven Moffat sez! “Steve Thompson’s pirate one is just a glorious, hugely clever, very funny but again properly scary adventure. I knew Steven from Sherlock and other projects, and he desperately wanted to do Doctor Who. So he brought all that wonderful giddy enthusiasm of someone who’s a hugely distinguished playwright and very much the coming man in television suddenly getting to play with Doctor Who. It’s just bursting with Doctor Whoness, and it’s so much fun, and a wonderful contrast to our opener, which is quite intense.”

4. The Doctor's Wife
Neil Gaiman! And that title! This was written for last series, but they didn't have the resources to film it, so it's coming out this year instead, with all the bells on. “It’s a killer idea. A killer idea, which he pitched to me shortly after I first met him. And if I summed it up in several words for you you’d think ‘Yes, of course…’.” Neil Gaiman, of course, is the man who wrote Coraline, Stardust, American Gods, etc. etc. He's one of the fantasy kings. One of the elder statesmen of fiction. And he adores Doctor Who. This is going to be exciting. Not going to spoil any monsters, but apparently we've got a lot of continuity on our hands.

5. The Rebel Flesh / 6. The Almost People
Matthew Graham's episode for series 2 was, frankly, pants - a combination of poor direction, rushed scriptwriting, and the fact that the production team were out of money, and had to pay for it using the fluff at the bottom of their wallets, some old receipts, a couple of sexual favours, and a Doctor Who Top Trumps card. (Mickey Smith, if you must know.) That said, the man is supremely talented, and was the head writer for Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes - the latter of which almost managed to be better than Doctor Who in its last series, so I rate him massively. Plus, Marshall Lancaster! Who played DC Chris Skelton, and is a wonderful actor who I've wanted in the show since I first set eyes on Life on Mars.

Steven Moffat: “Oh yes, you’ll get a cliffhanger. In fact, you’re going to get several cliffhangers. You had two just there. And you’re going to get a couple of real belters. Not just episode seven. Episode six is an absolute cracker, isn’t it? If you run for 13 weeks you can start to feel as though you can miss one ep and it’ll be OK. We don’t want that – we stop for a few weeks and let you all worry about what’s happening and then come back. Of course we get then two finales and two first nights.”

Matt Smith: “At the end of six…we read it and went, ‘Oh my God!”

Plus, "The Almost People" is a phenomenal title. Love it. (Working title was "Gangers," which was a rubbish title.)

7. A Good Man Goes to War
Don't know much about this at all, and nor would I want to. According to Digital Spy, "The Doctor's darkest hour finally arrives, as the battle of Demon's Run begins! And as for the plot? We'll just say this - a shocking secret will finally be revealed, a familiar race of monsters (or maybe even two) will make an appearance, and silence will definitely fall..." Steven Moffat's one part finale, with a gamechanging cliffhanger.

This is going to be one hell of a tasty series.

Incidentally, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan have been talking - again, to SFX.co.uk - and both of their quotes make me brilliantly happy. Verbatim, from the website...

Matt Smith on possibly writing for the show: “I’d quite like to write a script one day, because I’m learning a lot from Steven. You’ve got to be really good to write a Doctor Who script, so it’s a long way off, but one day. I’ve never really shown anyone things I’ve written. And I’ve got to get over that, if I want to be a writer…”

Karen Gillan on Amy in series six: “I think she’s going to develop a lot. Amy’s very guarded, and doesn’t like to show her emotions, because she doesn’t want to show her vulnerability. She has trust issues with what happened with the Doctor when she met him as a little girl. And she’s kept that hidden in the last series… And I think we’re going to see that guard start to crack.”

Matt Smith for series 7!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 07, 2011, 05:27:13 PM
Would be cool to see Matt write an episode, or at least write it with Moffat as a bit of a training wheels exercise.  Either way I'm still really excited about this new season!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 08, 2011, 09:58:02 AM
Re: A Christmas Carol CD Competition.

In conclusion, EEEEEEE!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 09, 2011, 07:54:07 AM
Nice! What was the competition?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 09, 2011, 08:12:45 AM
Just one of those silly little ones where they ask an easy question and select a winner at random. "What device did Abigail sing into in A Christmas Carol?"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 10, 2011, 06:01:07 AM
Oh my, less than two weeks to go! :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 10, 2011, 07:24:54 AM

Such a brilliant episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 12, 2011, 01:52:33 PM
https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/cult/s7/doctor-who/i342116/doctor-who-season-6-promotional-pictures-neil-gaiman-suranne-jones-and-matt-smith.html (https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/cult/s7/doctor-who/i342116/doctor-who-season-6-promotional-pictures-neil-gaiman-suranne-jones-and-matt-smith.html)

Some pics here, looks great plus some familiar faces  ;)  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on April 12, 2011, 02:21:30 PM
Looks awesome.

Also Neil Gaiman = Fantasy God
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 12, 2011, 02:43:50 PM
Cyberwhats now?  I thought they weren't bringing any classic villains into the series?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 12, 2011, 05:29:45 PM
Cyberwhats now?  I thought they weren't bringing any classic villains into the series?
It looks like they're bringing in a couple here and there as incidental characters, rather than the main villains. At least that's the impression I get so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 12, 2011, 07:55:57 PM
They could've picked better ones than Cybermen.  I mean, they're just kind of all right as far as villains go, they're almost just like Daleks but not as cool.  Actually the Cyberman in "The Pandorica Opens" is probably my favorite Cyberman appearance. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 13, 2011, 12:31:01 AM
The way I see it is it was brilliant when both daleks and cybermen were first reintroduced into New Who. Since then they are still used well as either incidental characters (like in Pandorica Opens) or in the fun episodes. RTD overused them a bit, whereas Moffatt gets it right IMO.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 13, 2011, 08:18:04 AM
Visually, the Sycorax are my favourite villain, so damn cool.

As far as favourite overall villain, I'd probably go for the Dream Lord. Only appeared once, but such a brilliant enemy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 13, 2011, 10:10:06 AM
Oh man if we're talking about favorite villains...jeez, I really liked the gasmask kid, and the weeping angels, and the vashta narada, and the daleks too, overused/classic as they are. 

I really liked the Dream Lord as well.  Good way to personify the Doctor's regrets/angst especially for newbies who started on season 5. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 14, 2011, 10:13:12 AM
https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/tubetalk/a314621/doctor-who-two-clips-from-episode-one.html (https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/tubetalk/a314621/doctor-who-two-clips-from-episode-one.html)

Two new clips from Episode 1....ahhhhh so excited for next weekend.  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 15, 2011, 02:53:24 PM

I came.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 15, 2011, 04:23:10 PM
Love those new clips, jonny.  Cool find, FOX.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 15, 2011, 04:57:31 PM

I came.
I love the combo - DW and PT, gorgeous - but somehow the music doesn't quite fit. The EL riff's pretty chilled at its heaviest, and then you've got the Doctor being zapped and Jesus and thrown out of a bus. That said, I love the idea of having the zoom into Earth correspond with the long chord. Lovely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 15, 2011, 05:17:28 PM
After watching the whole video the one thing I couldn't stand was that the audio was clipping like crazy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 16, 2011, 07:12:07 AM
One week peoples!!!! Ahhhh, I've got a gig that night too, I'll be perfectly pumped for it after watching Doctor Who.  :hat
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 16, 2011, 07:15:48 AM
Wish I had BBC America on campus.  Or that iTunes would put up a season pass for season 6 already.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on April 17, 2011, 09:20:09 AM
you could buy a cheap british vpn and use iplayer, or use other means?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 19, 2011, 01:41:53 PM
Sarah Jane Smith's died.

Apparently. Can't find any citations or articles yet, but it's appeared as a banner on Gallifrey Base, and it'd be a pretty fucking sick joke.

Breaking news, I guess. Jesus. RIP Lis Sladen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 19, 2011, 02:09:04 PM
Was just about to post this. Sad news indeed.  https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/s7/doctor-who/news/a315485/elisabeth-sladen-dies-aged-63.html (https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/s7/doctor-who/news/a315485/elisabeth-sladen-dies-aged-63.html) Great actor, RIP.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 19, 2011, 02:56:33 PM
Really?  Wow...that's pretty young, actually.  I'm actually shocked.  Loved her appearances in DW, never saw SJA, but RIP. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Schleppy on April 19, 2011, 03:14:11 PM
Tried watching Sarah Jane's farewell scene from Hand of Fear when I found out. I couldn't. I had to stop halfway through because I was shaking.

RIP Lis Sladen. At the very least, Jon and Nick are waiting for you on the other side.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 19, 2011, 04:34:33 PM
Man that's such sad news, it wasn't long ago that the Brig passed. :( RIP.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 19, 2011, 04:46:56 PM
Man that's such sad news, it wasn't long ago that the Brig passed. :( RIP.
Aye - when it rains, it pours. Two very significant regulars in as many months. I imagine Day of the Moon'll be dedicated to Elisabeth, as The Impossible Astronaut would be the one dedicated to Nicholas.

Feels a little uncomfortable, the idea that she could get the dedication delayed because someone else got there first. Harrowing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 21, 2011, 01:24:20 PM
So I've decided that in preparation of the new episode on Saturday, I'm going to watch the whole of series 5 first, starting tonight. :D

Halfway through the Eleventh Hour already.

"Twenty minutes to save the world, and I've got a post office.

And it's shut."

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 21, 2011, 01:25:59 PM
So I've decided that in preparation of the new episode on Saturday, I'm going to watch the whole of series 5 first, starting tonight. :D

Halfway through the Eleventh Hour already.
Revised reviews! Revised reviews!

I've been watching it out of order. Not as preparation, I just got bored the other day, picked up the box set, and ended up spending the next couple of days watching more or less every episode. Then with the commentaries on. Then the Meanwhile in the TARDIS scenes. Then Doctor Who Confidential. Then the out-takes. Then the video diaries. Then the trailers.

...and now I've got nothing to do again. D: Hence posting here a lot today.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 21, 2011, 01:30:07 PM
The fifth season is fantastic.  The only episodes I haven't watched a bunch are "the Hungry Earth" and its sequel (can't remember the name).  If I watch "The Hungry Earth," then I have to watch the next episode, which means I have to sit through a scene I can't watch ever again.  :( :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 21, 2011, 01:31:37 PM
The fifth season is fantastic.  The only episodes I haven't watched a bunch are "the Hungry Earth" and its sequel (can't remember the name).  If I watch "The Hungry Earth," then I have to watch the next episode, which means I have to sit through a scene I can't watch ever again.  :( :(
Haha, if it's any consolation, THE/CB are, by and large, a little dull.

My least favourite eps of series 5, I'd say. Still pretty cool! And that scene in Cold Blood is mindblowing. The entire thing is quite tense, in fact. But The Hungry Earth is the only episode I've felt truly underwhelmed by, at its conclusion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 21, 2011, 01:32:48 PM
The fifth season is fantastic.  The only episodes I haven't watched a bunch are "the Hungry Earth" and its sequel (can't remember the name).  If I watch "The Hungry Earth," then I have to watch the next episode, which means I have to sit through a scene I can't watch ever again.  :( :(
Which one?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 21, 2011, 01:35:41 PM
Rory dies and Amy forgets about him


Or maybe its because THE just wasn't as great compared to everything else.  I should watch it again, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 21, 2011, 01:38:39 PM
Oh ok yeah, pretty incredible scene. Also isn't that the one where he finds the scorched piece of TARDIS?

The Hungry Earth is pretty slow going, but Cold Blood is fantastic, so overall as a double episode I like it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 21, 2011, 01:40:18 PM
The way I see it is it was brilliant when both daleks and cybermen were first reintroduced into New Who. Since then they are still used well as either incidental characters (like in Pandorica Opens) or in the fun episodes. RTD overused them a bit, whereas Moffatt gets it right IMO.


Moffat has bought back an aweful lot of character into the doctors character, Davies kept them almost too human. Which is something I love about the new series, and Matt Smith. Also, there's a hot ginger! :D

I can't wait to see how the River Song saga actually started, that seems like something good to see!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 21, 2011, 01:43:38 PM
The way I see it is it was brilliant when both daleks and cybermen were first reintroduced into New Who. Since then they are still used well as either incidental characters (like in Pandorica Opens) or in the fun episodes. RTD overused them a bit, whereas Moffatt gets it right IMO.


Moffat has bought back an aweful lot of character into the doctors character, Davies kept them almost too human. Which is something I love about the new series, and Matt Smith. Also, there's a hot ginger! :D

I can't wait to see how the River Song saga actually started, that seems like something good to see!
I absolutely adored RTD's Doctor Who. It was my favourite programme for five years. The best show on TV.

But Steven Moffat is just... better. Cleverer. Scarier. Funnier. Jauntier. I loved RTD's Doctor Who. But SM's Doctor Who loves me. It feels like it was made with me in mind.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 21, 2011, 01:50:08 PM
I absolutely adored RTD's Doctor Who. It was my favourite programme for five years. The best show on TV.

But Steven Moffat is just... better. Cleverer. Scarier. Funnier. Jauntier. I loved RTD's Doctor Who. But SM's Doctor Who loves me. It feels like it was made with me in mind.
Oh, I enjoyed the older series definitely. Hell, I bought all series 1 and watched them no end. RTD bought back Elisabeth Sladen (RIP) which I thought was a great touch.

I loved how Moffat did The Empty Child storyline in Series 1, and The Girl in the Fireplace in Series 2. He is truly a great writer, he's bought something to Doctor Who that personally, you wouldn't have been able to see with RTD.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 21, 2011, 02:41:26 PM
Oh my, I'd forgotten how absolutely wonderful The Beast Below is.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 22, 2011, 04:07:38 AM
Oh my, I'd forgotten how absolutely wonderful The Beast Below is.
It's gorgeous, isn't it? I think the plot suffers just a little from the lack of a real "wow" moment, but it's a lovely story and the Starship UK is beautiful. I want a Smiler. Just to have in my room - creep people out.


How are we all doing for crackpot theories? I've got loads! I don't typically theorise much before a series of Doctor Who - most episodes in previous series have just been regular episodes, but now that we've got this exciting pile of events and shocks and twists and turns ahead of us, snaking around like spaghetti, I can't help myself.

I had a "moment" half an hour ago when I decided that River Song's secret is exactly the same as the Doctor's, and she saw him die when she first met him, so they're both pottering around concealing the exact same truth. I really liked this for all of five minutes because the irony is delicious, and it's properly timey wimey, and very Moffat. Then I decided that this would make no sense as she's always all laughs and smiles when she's going on about how "you'll find out soon," and that's an f'ing grim secret.

Then I decided that the "Good Man" she kills is Rory, and he is also the titular good man in "A Good Man Goes to War," but then I decided that that would make no sense as she doesn't recognise the "plastic centurion" in TPO, and is surprised to find that he's on their side in The Big Bang - so any episodes with Rory in will have to be set after the Pandorica in both of their timelines, and so she wouldn't remember killing him.

EDIT: Although! She only mentions killing a good man in Flesh & Stone, doesn't she? But, then, she's already in Stormcage at the beginning of TPO, so it still doesn't work.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 22, 2011, 04:42:50 AM
Oh my, I'd forgotten how absolutely wonderful The Beast Below is.
It's gorgeous, isn't it? I think the plot suffers just a little from the lack of a real "wow" moment,
Hmm, I don't agree at all, I think the way the revelations towards the end unfold are fantastic, one of the best moments in the series IMO.


I had a "moment" half an hour ago when I decided that River Song's secret is exactly the same as the Doctor's, and she saw him die when she first met him, so they're both pottering around concealing the exact same truth. I really liked this for all of five minutes because the irony is delicious, and it's properly timey wimey, and very Moffat. Then I decided that this would make no sense as she's always all laughs and smiles when she's going on about how "you'll find out soon," and that's an f'ing grim secret.
It's a cool idea, but yeah I'm not sure she'd be so light hearted about it all.

Then I decided that the "Good Man" she kills is Rory, and he is also the titular good man in "A Good Man Goes to War," but then I decided that that would make no sense as she doesn't recognise the "plastic centurion" in TPO, and is surprised to find that he's on their side in The Big Bang - so any episodes with Rory in will have to be set after the Pandorica in both of their timelines, and so she wouldn't remember killing him.

EDIT: Although! She only mentions killing a good man in Flesh & Stone, doesn't she? But, then, she's already in Stormcage at the beginning of TPO, so it still doesn't work.
Also she doesn't only say "a good man" but also "the best man I've ever known" or something to that effect. Not sure Rory quite matches up to a statement of that grandiosity. Also, she's in prison in the 51st century for killing someone, so presumably the person she kills is also from the time frame, or it wouldn't really make sense.

Although ignoring that point entirely, my own crackpot theory was that she kills JFK and turns out to be the second gunman. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 22, 2011, 06:43:32 AM
My theory is that she did indeed kill the doctor, but not necessarily THIS doctor, and not for malevolent reasons.  Could be she had to kill the doctor so he could regenerate, and if that particular Doctor were alive for some reason the universe would have exploded or something.  So when the authorities rush in to see her with a smoking gun and a dead guy, they assume the obvious.  Of course, it doesn't quite work because the Doctor doesn't really "die" before each regen, he just gets really close to it, then the gold light happens.  Maybe they see his newly regenerated self but he's passed out the way the tenth doctor was in "The Christmas Invasion."  Not sure if that all would hold up, and it seems like a bit of an obvious answer, but I figured it would be a cool idea, possibly even as Matt Smith's last episode.  Sacrificing yourself for the sake of the universe while uncovering a huge secret would be a good way to go, I think.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 22, 2011, 06:48:00 AM
See I don't think it is the Doctor who she kills, as it would be too obvious. But then again, it could be a double bluff! And I agree that she is clearly a good person and it wouldn't have been for malevolent reasons - you can see that from the way she saves everyone in Forest of the Dead.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 22, 2011, 06:49:41 AM
See I don't think it is the Doctor who she kills, as it would be too obvious.

Exactly, that's really my biggest doubt.  But it was my first instinct.  "Best man I've ever known?"  Who else could it have been, unless it was so long ago that she didn't even know the Doctor yet and it could have been someone equally important to her at the time...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 22, 2011, 06:52:54 AM

We'll just have to wait and see.

On an unrelated note, Amy's Choice is another bloody brilliant episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 22, 2011, 06:59:58 AM
The only thing I have with the newer series, is the fact it has a massive great break in between... :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 22, 2011, 07:03:37 AM
The only thing I have with the newer series, is the fact it has a massive great break in between... :(
Same. I'm dreading the episode 7 cliffhanger. We'll be grateful for it in September, though, when we've got a new episode of Doctor Who every week. And the idea of two openers, two finales, etc. etc. is pretty thrilling.

My main worry is that information may leak onto the internet in the meanwhile. Set reports, gobby actors, etc. etc. Some of this footage will have been a year in the can by the time it's broadcast. Mark Gatiss' episode, particularly, as I believe it was the first they shot. Long time to keep a secret.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 22, 2011, 07:10:15 AM
iTunes has a season pass for the sixth season! :caffeine:

EDIT: quote from an insider short: "'Excuse me, I'm up here being clever and you're all down here not watching me!  What's the point of having you all?"  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 22, 2011, 07:34:33 AM
Same. I'm dreading the episode 7 cliffhanger. We'll be grateful for it in September, though, when we've got a new episode of Doctor Who every week. And the idea of two openers, two finales, etc. etc. is pretty thrilling.

My main worry is that information may leak onto the internet in the meanwhile. Set reports, gobby actors, etc. etc. Some of this footage will have been a year in the can by the time it's broadcast. Mark Gatiss' episode, particularly, as I believe it was the first they shot. Long time to keep a secret.
I hope it's a good cliffhanger. Now I come to think about it, it might be a nice thing to do. Since you're getting pretty much 2 series in one year.

Gives it a bit of mystery about it. Well, more mystery.

Especially when we think about all the unfinished storylines, The Time machine in the flat and Craig, the markings in Amy's Garden, Daleks need to come back, loads of stuff. Hopefully it'll be a good series
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on April 22, 2011, 01:18:26 PM
EDIT: It was definitely posted before.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 23, 2011, 06:20:01 AM


Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 23, 2011, 06:25:46 AM
I've read that apparently there are some spoilery pics on the website, and while they're obviously sanctioned... we're just so close to the airdate that I don't care to risk it. Which is why I'm not clicking the link.

BUT. I assume, though, that that video's probably "...are real?"  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 23, 2011, 07:14:17 AM
Today is the day. Time to chill in the the beautiful sun, watch Doctor Who, hot tub then gig. :metal Bring it!!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 23, 2011, 07:28:08 AM
I've read that apparently there are some spoilery pics on the website, and while they're obviously sanctioned... we're just so close to the airdate that I don't care to risk it. Which is why I'm not clicking the link.

BUT. I assume, though, that that video's probably "...are real?"  :biggrin:
That's just a 15 second video showing some REALLY FREAKY THING'S FACE and then the DW logo.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 23, 2011, 07:53:33 AM
I've read that apparently there are some spoilery pics on the website, and while they're obviously sanctioned... we're just so close to the airdate that I don't care to risk it. Which is why I'm not clicking the link.

BUT. I assume, though, that that video's probably "...are real?"  :biggrin:
That's just a 15 second video showing some REALLY FREAKY THING'S FACE and then the DW logo.
Ohhhh! Yeah, I've seen that! Brilliant.

There's also a link on the website somewhere that just says "...are real." It's just five seconds of CCTV footage of a really normal road. Or maybe it isn't.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 23, 2011, 11:20:16 AM
What a great start to a series...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 23, 2011, 11:46:04 AM
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! :dangerwillrobinson:

Cannot wait for the next episode. WHY MUST I WAIT A WEEK?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tamaha on April 23, 2011, 11:54:25 AM
That was great, can't wait to find out what happens next week!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 23, 2011, 12:01:05 PM
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! :dangerwillrobinson:

Cannot wait for the next episode. WHY MUST I WAIT A WEEK?
Something in my actually hopes that the kid was shot... I don't want the Doctor to die in 100 years! :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 23, 2011, 12:09:24 PM
Was it me, or were there... kinda... no monsters whatsoever in that episode of Doctor Who?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 23, 2011, 12:40:54 PM
Was it me, or were there... kinda... no monsters whatsoever in that episode of Doctor Who?
There were the scream-esque aliens :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 23, 2011, 12:55:07 PM
Was it me, or were there... kinda... no monsters whatsoever in that episode of Doctor Who?

Seriously though, another fantastic idea from Moffatt.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 23, 2011, 12:55:42 PM
Was it me, or were there... kinda... no monsters whatsoever in that episode of Doctor Who?
There were the scream-esque aliens :D
The what, sorry?

Was it me, or were there... kinda... no monsters whatsoever in that episode of Doctor Who?

Seriously though, another fantastic idea from Moffatt.
The bit at the beginning was amazing! You know the bit. I don't want to spoil it, in case anyone was stupid enough not to catch it. I've got a theory on it. I've decided who I think the astronaut is.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 23, 2011, 12:57:45 PM
I know who they want us to think the astronaut is, but I think that would be too obvious.

Unless you're thinking of someone else.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 23, 2011, 01:01:51 PM
I know who they want us to think the astronaut is, but I think that would be too obvious.

Unless you're thinking of someone else.
My guess is The Doctor.

Has to make sure it happens, but can't interfere with the timeline. Meets the 200-year-older version and follows through on what's meant to happen - River, Amy and Rory still have a motive to call him to America, so time continues to make sense, but the chain of events is changed.

I don't know. Does that make sense?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 23, 2011, 01:02:45 PM
Oooooooooh that's nifty.

I hope it's that. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 23, 2011, 01:08:15 PM
Was it me, or were there... kinda... no monsters whatsoever in that episode of Doctor Who?
There were the scream-esque aliens :D
The what, sorry?

Ooooh, I see what you mean...

The time machine from the flat was back!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 23, 2011, 03:24:58 PM
I have to wait till tomorrow to see it because of iTunes.  AGHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHGHHGHGHHGHG
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on April 23, 2011, 06:05:08 PM
I am thoroughly confused.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on April 23, 2011, 08:32:33 PM
This new series is going to be spectacular.

And in all seriousness, Moffatt delivered on his promise of truly scary aliens; I'm about as unnerved as I was after watching Blink for the first time.

CANNOTWAITFORNEXTSATURDAY (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/Smileys/default/caffeine.gif) (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/Smileys/default/caffeine.gif) (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/Smileys/default/caffeine.gif)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on April 23, 2011, 11:45:36 PM
Okay. So I just walked into a room and forgot why I walked in there.

I was seriously scared. Thanks a lot, Moffat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2011, 03:11:06 AM
Okay. So I just walked into a room and forgot why I walked in there.

I was seriously scared. Thanks a lot, Moffat.
:lol Awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on April 24, 2011, 05:01:59 AM
So that was the first episode of Doctor Who I've ever seen (my parents' cable is able to receive BBC 1 :laugh:), and I loved it. Great humour, great ideas; I think I'm going to catch up on that series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2011, 05:11:40 AM
Awesome! I'd recommend going back to the start of the previous series (Series 5, the first with Matt Smith) and catching up. Then if you're liking it, go back and watch the first 4 series with Christopher Ecclestone and David Tennant!

Probably don't bother with the classic years; as much as I like it, it's a bit of an acquired taste and you have to really lower your expectations with things like production values. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 24, 2011, 06:05:51 AM
So that was the first episode of Doctor Who I've ever seen (my parents' cable is able to receive BBC 1 :laugh:), and I loved it. Great humour, great ideas; I think I'm going to catch up on that series.
How was it for you to follow?

I did think while watching it that it was a lot more complex than most opening episodes. I imagine it hung together pretty well, though?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2011, 06:10:27 AM
Yeah I felt that way as well. However, I just watched the introduction from cast and crew and two preview vids for the next episode, and OH MY GOD. It looks so good, and it looks like some of the stuff is going to start coming together.

Also turns out those creatures are called Silents. Clever play on the fact that it sounds exactly the same as silence.

EDIT: I take it back, the plural is apparently Silence, according to the Doctor Who website. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on April 24, 2011, 06:12:41 AM
So that was the first episode of Doctor Who I've ever seen (my parents' cable is able to receive BBC 1 :laugh:), and I loved it. Great humour, great ideas; I think I'm going to catch up on that series.
How was it for you to follow?

I did think while watching it that it was a lot more complex than most opening episodes. I imagine it hung together pretty well, though?

I don't have any other episodes to compare; it was a bit confusing (maybe because of it), especially the idea of

SPOILERS! a time-travelling, 200 years younger version of the Doctor. Since I haven't grasped the full concept yet, I think I have to catch up on the earlier seasons. But it's very interesting, and I think that I'll like this series a lot.

Afterwards, I watched the documentary (DW Confidential) on BBC HD and I was kind of relieved that apparently, not much knowledge about the Doctor and the rest of the cast was needed, and that most things would be answered in the following episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2011, 06:15:09 AM
Yeah we're all a bit confused about the story for this series. But all the characters have carried on from the previous series, so you should definitely catch up on that. What was good about THAT series was that it was kind of a fresh start, and so it explains things so that you don't need to have seen anything prior to be able to follow it.

Also it's amazing, which is the other reason you should watch it. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on April 24, 2011, 06:19:42 AM
It absolutely seems to be. As I said before, I just love the general humour in the series, which is reason enough for me to watch at least the previous season.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2011, 06:33:07 AM
Yeah the humour and the sense of fun is definitely a very large part of why I love the show. The other major thing is the scale of it and how clever it can be at times.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 24, 2011, 07:43:00 AM
Okay I just watched it.  Holy crap these are scary monsters.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 24, 2011, 11:42:19 AM
Okay I just watched it.  Holy crap these are scary monsters.
What monsters?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 24, 2011, 11:58:56 AM
Did anyone else get reminded of Watchmen when The Silent killed that woman? Very reminisent of Dr. Manhattan's "death" in that machine he gets trapped in.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 24, 2011, 12:25:48 PM
Okay I just watched it.  Holy crap these are scary monsters.
What monsters?
Yeah, I'm as confused as you are.

No idea what you're on about either, ACID_FOX. Soz. D:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on April 24, 2011, 12:26:41 PM
Quote from: tri.ad

I don't have any other episodes to compare; it was a bit confusing (maybe because of it), especially the idea of [it]. Since I haven't grasped the full concept yet, I think I have to catch up on the earlier seasons. But it's very interesting, and I think that I'll like this.
My first episode was Blink, and I loved the element of time travel. I was afraid that they wouldn't touch on it that often. But the cool time traveling bits come up more than you'd think. It's a great show to get into.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 24, 2011, 12:32:43 PM
Quote from: tri.ad

I don't have any other episodes to compare; it was a bit confusing (maybe because of it), especially the idea of [it]. Since I haven't grasped the full concept yet, I think I have to catch up on the earlier seasons. But it's very interesting, and I think that I'll like this.
My first episode was Blink, and I loved the element of time travel. I was afraid that they wouldn't touch on it that often. But the cool time traveling bits come up more than you'd think. It's a great show to get into.
Time travel's becoming more common, too, which is good.

Used to be the case that it was essentially the "plot machine" - the premise of the show, but the time travel wouldn't often be integral to the plot's solution. Lately, the "time travelling genius" aspect is becoming a lot more prominent. Last series or two.

It's a good flavour, and I'm surprised it took so long for them to fling it wholeheartedly into the show's repertoire. It's primarily an adventure show, and they don't do time travel paradoxes week in week out, which is good, but I like the added emphasis.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 24, 2011, 01:20:06 PM
Okay I just watched it.  Holy crap these are scary monsters.
What monsters?
Yeah, I'm as confused as you are.

No idea what you're on about either, ACID_FOX. Soz. D:

i c wat u did there.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 24, 2011, 02:40:00 PM
Good, 'cause I don't?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on April 24, 2011, 02:55:42 PM
Good, 'cause I don't?



*crawls into corner*
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2011, 03:32:51 PM
Weird, I can never remember what Rob's avatar is when I'm not in this thread.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 24, 2011, 04:00:50 PM
Huh...that's interesting, Ariich.  Can you tell me where'd I get all these tally marks on my skin under the words "RobWebster's avatar sighting?"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 25, 2011, 07:33:06 AM
Wow what an episode, slightly confusing but very excited to see what this series brings.  Anyone else think that little girl might be Amy's daughter? And fook me The Silence monster are pretty scary.  Love it  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Iarwain on April 25, 2011, 03:10:09 PM
Loved it, great episode! Looking forward to the next one.

But now I can't help but feel a bit annoyed that I'll have to wait a week between episodes (this is my first time watching the series as it airs).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 26, 2011, 06:30:31 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 26, 2011, 06:31:43 AM
Oh my. :rollin
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 26, 2011, 07:03:12 AM
Incidentally, I've put seven tally marks on my left wrist, just to creep out anyone I pass by who's watched the episode. Particularly children.

I will not acknowledge these marks, and plan to act surprised if questioned. Will add to them throughout the week.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on April 26, 2011, 07:17:33 AM
Damn, rob, that's a nice picture. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on April 26, 2011, 08:11:46 AM
I await the plot where some mad scientist decides it would be a good idea to cross one of those things with a weeping angel.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 27, 2011, 12:19:39 PM
:rollin :rollin
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 27, 2011, 03:11:32 PM

1. There's a touch of the 2000 film Memento about this episode.

2. "You're building me the perfect ****** and it still won't be enough!"

3. The Tardis swimming pool plays a vital role in a daring escape attempt.

4. Watch out for a terrifically creepy performance from Kerry Shale, who plays the disturbed Dr. Renfrew.

5. At least one of the shocking twists from last week's episode is called into question, but who can The Doctor really trust?

6. If you don't feel sorry for Rory at least once while watching this episode, then you're truly heartless.

7. Speaking of Rory, if you've been wondering whether he remembers his 2000 years as Amy's plastic guardian, then this episode provides a definitive answer.

8. "Night terrors...with a hotline to the White House."

9. The Doctor has a new experience, while River does something for the very last time.

10. The final scene contains an absolutely shocking twist.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 27, 2011, 03:21:20 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 27, 2011, 03:59:59 PM
 :) It's going to be amazing  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 27, 2011, 04:03:25 PM
By the way, nice to see you also read Digital Spy. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 27, 2011, 05:25:57 PM
 :rollin I thought I was the only one  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 28, 2011, 04:29:51 AM
Nah I go on loads, great for news of geeky British shows like Doctor Who, Merlin, Misfits, etc. Although I should really cut down because I keep reading spoilers! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 28, 2011, 10:55:52 AM

1. There's a touch of the 2000 film Memento about this episode.

2. "You're building me the perfect ****** and it still won't be enough!"

3. The Tardis swimming pool plays a vital role in a daring escape attempt.

4. Watch out for a terrifically creepy performance from Kerry Shale, who plays the disturbed Dr. Renfrew.

5. At least one of the shocking twists from last week's episode is called into question, but who can The Doctor really trust?

6. If you don't feel sorry for Rory at least once while watching this episode, then you're truly heartless.

7. Speaking of Rory, if you've been wondering whether he remembers his 2000 years as Amy's plastic guardian, then this episode provides a definitive answer.

8. "Night terrors...with a hotline to the White House."

9. The Doctor has a new experience, while River does something for the very last time.

10. The final scene contains an absolutely shocking twist.

I want... NAOW.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 28, 2011, 07:13:58 PM
Sunday can't get here fast enough.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on April 28, 2011, 07:27:26 PM
Saturday can't get here fast enough.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on April 29, 2011, 05:21:27 AM
No, its Sunday for me.  Can't watch it on Saturday because I don't have BBC America on campus, and iTunes gets the episodes the next morning.  So yeah.  Sunday can't get here fast enough.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 29, 2011, 12:02:02 PM
Just so you know, The Impossible Astronaut is being repeated on BBC1 RIGHT NOW, (7PM)

Also, how is Amy Preggers? Rory is just living plastic? How on earth does he have sperm?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 29, 2011, 05:10:05 PM
Just so you know, The Impossible Astronaut is being repeated on BBC1 RIGHT NOW, (7PM)

Also, how is Amy Preggers? Rory is just living plastic? How on earth does he have sperm?
No he isn't, when she brought back the whole universe it put things back to the way they should have been.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2011, 10:53:41 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 30, 2011, 10:55:33 AM
Yayayaya...brb in 45mins  ;D Doctor time  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on April 30, 2011, 11:04:24 AM
Shame I can't see it here this time. Means I have to avoid this thread for a bit because of the spoilers...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 30, 2011, 11:32:01 AM
Just so you know, The Impossible Astronaut is being repeated on BBC1 RIGHT NOW, (7PM)

Also, how is Amy Preggers? Rory is just living plastic? How on earth does he have sperm?
No he isn't, when she brought back the whole universe it put things back to the way they should have been.
But he still remembers?

And that was unexpected... (end of the episode)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 30, 2011, 11:52:54 AM
Jesus titty fucking christ...wow.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 30, 2011, 11:53:13 AM
Wow, that was awesome.  Who is that girl????!!!!!  Awesome.  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2011, 11:59:04 AM
Just so you know, The Impossible Astronaut is being repeated on BBC1 RIGHT NOW, (7PM)

Also, how is Amy Preggers? Rory is just living plastic? How on earth does he have sperm?
No he isn't, when she brought back the whole universe it put things back to the way they should have been.
But he still remembers?
Sometimes, but not always.

That episode was amazing! The opening few minutes were really clever, and the end was just :o


So that girl is a time lord, but who is she?! My only guess is that either she's River, or she's one of the old female time lords from the classic years. Or maybe both!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 30, 2011, 12:08:21 PM

Or The Doctor's Daughter?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 30, 2011, 01:14:48 PM

Or The Doctor's Daughter?
Thats what I was thinking, because thats still open ended...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2011, 01:16:40 PM

Or The Doctor's Daughter?
Thats what I was thinking, because thats still open ended...
But why would she have become a young girl?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: FretMuppet on April 30, 2011, 01:47:15 PM
I swear I can't look at the Doctor anymore without thinking he's Robwebster  :mehlin
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2011, 01:58:14 PM
I swear I can't look at the Doctor anymore without thinking he's Robwebster  :mehlin
But that doesn't make sense. Rob now looks like... actually what does he look like again? ???
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on April 30, 2011, 02:35:48 PM
Blimey, what an episode, that little girl is so cute! And quite creepy as well. My outlandish fangirl theory is that she's the love child of Amy and the Doctor...But realistically I think that she might be the Doctor's Daughter...Jenny was it?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2011, 02:55:56 PM
Blimey, what an episode, that little girl is so cute! And quite creepy as well. My outlandish fangirl theory is that she's the love child of Amy and the Doctor...But realistically I think that she might be the Doctor's Daughter...Jenny was it?
It was indeed Jenny. But she never existed at such a young age, so she would have had to have regenerated into a small child, which just seems a bit weird.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 30, 2011, 03:58:59 PM
I've got a hunch we haven't met the girl before.

Jesus christ.

Also... has Silence fallen, now? That felt too easy. There's got to be more, surely?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2011, 04:02:08 PM
I've got a hunch we haven't met the girl before.

Jesus christ.

Also... has Silence fallen, now? That felt too easy. There's got to be more, surely?
Nah I am 99% certain they'll be back. They haven't covered what relevance they had to events in Series 5 yet!

The way he defeated them for now was fantastic though!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 30, 2011, 04:03:24 PM
I've got a hunch we haven't met the girl before.

Jesus christ.

Also... has Silence fallen, now? That felt too easy. There's got to be more, surely?

Well still havn't has an answer regarding the ship being the same as the one in The Lodger, nor why or how The Silence blew up the Tardis. My guess is they'll show up again in the series finale.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 30, 2011, 04:14:06 PM
I figure the ship's just how the Silence get around.

We don't know why they were cultivating a little girl, though. Nope, nor how they blew up the TARDIS. Or why they wanted to get to the moon.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on April 30, 2011, 07:43:18 PM
Steven Moffat you amazing bloke.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on April 30, 2011, 08:16:04 PM
Only one response to that episode:

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on April 30, 2011, 08:41:06 PM


Also, Schrödinger's Fetus?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on April 30, 2011, 11:27:23 PM


Also, Schrödinger's Fetus?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 01, 2011, 08:52:11 AM
I figure the ship's just how the Silence get around.

We don't know why they were cultivating a little girl, though. Nope, nor how they blew up the TARDIS. Or why they wanted to get to the moon.
Or who killed the doctor, or why we've got a little baby time lord running around that is apparently Amy's daughter.  Maybe the reason the scanner flashed positive/negative is that the child's conception in the past is constantly changing, so her personal history keeps changing? 

Fake edit: Oh!  Maybe they were cultivating the little girl so she could fly the makeshift-TARDIS from "The Lodger!"

Basically XJDenton's post summed up my thoughts in the episode quite well. 

As for the possibility of Jenny regenerating into a young girl, let's not forget that a late-thirties-looking Doctor turned into Matt Smith, who "looks nine," according to Amy, so I guess it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for Jenny to regenerate into a little girl.  Problem with that is, she couldn't regenerate when she died in "The Doctor's Daughter" so yeah...don't really know where I'm going with this.  I do really really want all those plot points resolved.  The mid-season cliffhanger is going to kill me, I think.

Also, the whole "back-to-front" thing between River and the Doctor doesn't quite make sense, unless the Doctor makes an unexpected trip to River the day before she leaves for the Library so he can give her the new screwdriver, but it seems a bit odd for that to be the one exception to this new rule. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 01, 2011, 12:54:47 PM
Or who killed the doctor, or why we've got a little baby time lord running around that is apparently Amy's daughter.  Maybe the reason the scanner flashed positive/negative is that the child's conception in the past is constantly changing, so her personal history keeps changing? 

Fake edit: Oh!  Maybe they were cultivating the little girl so she could fly the makeshift-TARDIS from "The Lodger!"

Basically XJDenton's post summed up my thoughts in the episode quite well. 

As for the possibility of Jenny regenerating into a young girl, let's not forget that a late-thirties-looking Doctor turned into Matt Smith, who "looks nine," according to Amy, so I guess it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for Jenny to regenerate into a little girl.  Problem with that is, she couldn't regenerate when she died in "The Doctor's Daughter" so yeah...don't really know where I'm going with this.  I do really really want all those plot points resolved.  The mid-season cliffhanger is going to kill me, I think.

Also, the whole "back-to-front" thing between River and the Doctor doesn't quite make sense, unless the Doctor makes an unexpected trip to River the day before she leaves for the Library so he can give her the new screwdriver, but it seems a bit odd for that to be the one exception to this new rule. 

Well, she didn't regenerate in the sense that I think you mean, but she came back from the dead. But something bugged me... In this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEutYCASySI she said "and an awful lot of running to do". It probably doesn't have anything to do with the series, but you never know!

He mentions the ship being abandoned, but how? Theoretically, the Silence can get the Doctors DNA from the machine when Jenny was created, allowing them to create a new Time Lord, take it back to the 60's and make a new Time lord, however, that's not going to be that likely.

Maybe the girl is Amy's?

Don't forget, the Silence said to her, "You will bring the Silence"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 01, 2011, 01:01:53 PM
So many loose ends!  DAMN YOU STEPHEN MOFFAT!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 01, 2011, 01:05:29 PM
So many loose ends!  DAMN YOU STEPHEN MOFFAT!
Another thing, "There is only one time the Doctor could ever tell someone his name"


Does that mean there is the possibility that it's River's daughter? I'm pretty sure that he would've told Rose his name, since he loved her.. River and Rose, same person?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 01, 2011, 01:26:21 PM
That's an interesting theory. I don't understand how the Rose part holds up. But the girl being River's child? Hmm.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 01, 2011, 01:32:29 PM
That's an interesting theory. I don't understand how the Rose part holds up. But the girl being River's child? Hmm.
It probably doesn't, because shes in the parallel universe, and like the doctor said in series 2(?) the cracks would keep getting bigger until the who universe collapsed...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 01, 2011, 02:19:12 PM
Well, the Doctor also loved Madame De Pompadour, Joan Redfern, and Sarah Jane (implied), and they didn't know his name, so River's something else entirely.  Though I suppose the metacrisis Doctor could have told Rose his name in Pete's World if he wanted to. 

The girl being River's daughter is an interesting, more plausible thought, but then why is Amy the one in the picture, unless its just one of those "hey lets take a picture of Aunt Amy with my little time lord kid!" coincidences.  Also River would have some idea that its her daughter and would have shown SOME kind of reaction...good thought though.

Man I can't remember the last time I watched a show and actually couldn't wait for the next episode to show up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 01, 2011, 02:24:48 PM
I was actually a little underwhelmed by the latest episode. I think it's partially 'cause I was watching it on my break so I was conscious that I needed to get through it quickly, partially 'cause I was expecting more closure, and partially 'cause I was disappointed that the Silence were defeated so easily. Ingeniously (absolutely MARVELLOUSLY), but I was expecting them to be the big bad of the series. There was an element of "...is that it?!"

So I'm going to have watch it again, now that I know what's coming. It wasn't a bad episode - was an absolutely brilliant episode, even. It was funny in all the right places, spooky in all the right places, and so so unpredictable - a quality episode, but one that didn't match my expectations in the slightest. I laughed (in the office! Embarrassing), felt sad (usually on Rory's behalf), and shouted loudly at the final scene, but it didn't quiiiite fulfil the remit for me. I guess it was just the Silence being dispatched of so quickly that "got" me.

But! Having said that, it's occurred to me since that the Doctor hasn't actually defeated the Silence. He's sent them to war! They're massive aliens that make you forget they ever existed! And shoot lightning out of their fingertips! Telling the humans to kill them cannot end well. And there are so many things we still need resolved. I think I misinterpretted the video message as a final defeat, and that's why I felt slightly underwhelmed.

AND - changing subject (I'm drunk, this post is going to veer erratically from subject to subject) something I've not heard anyone mention - the woman with the eyepatch in the corridor! What was going on there? Proper Life on Mars stuff. Loved it.

Plus, on the website - for the Judoon, it says "LAST APPEARANCE: The Pandorica Opens." For most aliens, in fact, it says "LAST APPEARANCE." For the Silence, it says "MOST RECENT APPEARANCE: Day of the Moon."

More to come on all fronts. So many open ends. So much speculation to do. So much exciting stuff to chew on and mull over and live, sweat and breathe.

I'm psyched. And need to watch Day of the Moon again in the right mindset. I think I psyched myself up for it too much. Under normal circumstances, that should be one of my absolute favourites, but for some reason it wasn't on first viewing.

I like a grower, though. Love a grower, me.


Oh, and I'm sticking to the theory that the li'lest Time Lord has nothing to do with the Doctor. Or any character we've seen so far. Five chips on "new character who escaped the time war," please.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 01, 2011, 02:57:51 PM
Well, the Doctor also loved Madame De Pompadour, Joan Redfern, and Sarah Jane (implied), and they didn't know his name, so River's something else entirely.  Though I suppose the metacrisis Doctor could have told Rose his name in Pete's World if he wanted to. 

The girl being River's daughter is an interesting, more plausible thought, but then why is Amy the one in the picture, unless its just one of those "hey lets take a picture of Aunt Amy with my little time lord kid!" coincidences.  Also River would have some idea that its her daughter and would have shown SOME kind of reaction...good thought though.

Man I can't remember the last time I watched a show and actually couldn't wait for the next episode to show up.
Yeah, it wouldn't make much sense, because how could you leave your own daughter in the 50's/60's, I don't think it's rivers. But quite possibly Amy's because of what the silence said "You will bring the silence" meaning that they might have the Doctor's DNA and need someone to well be the "host" mother. Steven Moffat is probably the best writer I've seen all in all.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 01, 2011, 03:01:39 PM
AND - changing subject (I'm drunk, this post is going to veer erratically from subject to subject) something I've not heard anyone mention - the woman with the eyepatch in the corridor! What was going on there? Proper Life on Mars stuff. Loved it.
Which corridor!? I will watch it on BBC Iplayer!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 01, 2011, 03:06:49 PM
AND - changing subject (I'm drunk, this post is going to veer erratically from subject to subject) something I've not heard anyone mention - the woman with the eyepatch in the corridor! What was going on there? Proper Life on Mars stuff. Loved it.
Which corridor!? I will watch it on BBC Iplayer!
The one who lured her into the room where she got captured! It was like a window opened on the door. "Nope, still dreaming."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 01, 2011, 03:07:50 PM
Then it was gone. So much didn't make any sense. I love it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 01, 2011, 03:09:58 PM
The one who lured her into the room where she got captured! It was like a window opened on the door. "Nope, still dreaming."

Oh yeah! That seems like something to be expanded on :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 01, 2011, 03:12:36 PM
Direct from Digital Spy

Sixth person behind the cabin? (behind the car)



Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 01, 2011, 03:21:45 PM
I don't think it's the Silence, because they don't have the massive head, and aren't tall. It's definitely a hooman
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 01, 2011, 04:41:05 PM
AND - changing subject (I'm drunk, this post is going to veer erratically from subject to subject) something I've not heard anyone mention - the woman with the eyepatch in the corridor! What was going on there? Proper Life on Mars stuff. Loved it.
Which corridor!? I will watch it on BBC Iplayer!
The one who lured her into the room where she got captured! It was like a window opened on the door. "Nope, still dreaming."
Oh my god, I had actually completely forgotten that.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 01, 2011, 06:16:26 PM
Well, lets think about it, it's not a memory because she's never been there before.

However, could it have been an image put into her head? It wasn't that room that, however... It's like a cell..? Prisoner 1? :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on May 01, 2011, 06:35:54 PM
As some of you may or may not have noticed, I've been avoiding the forums, and this thread in particular for fear of spoilers from Series 6. Just watched the first episode, and while I don't want to discuss or read any more of this thread before I finish the second episode, I'm sure I'll be excitedly posting in a day or so.


Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 01, 2011, 07:21:44 PM
Do they?  I can never remember...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on May 07, 2011, 11:55:05 AM
the latest episode is absolute tosh
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 07, 2011, 12:01:10 PM
the latest episode is absolute tosh
Huh? ???

Really enjoyed it myself! :D

And WTF AT THE WEIRD EYEPATCH WOMAN?! :dangerwillrobinson:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on May 07, 2011, 12:07:08 PM
I'm no first aid expert, but I'm pretty sure you've got to pinch a person's nose when you're doing the kiss of life. Maybe that's just me being stupid/picky though. Good episode over all, really enjoyed it ^^
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 07, 2011, 12:24:28 PM
Pretty "meh" episode, but fuck me next week's looks like a corker.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 07, 2011, 12:28:53 PM
I'm no first aid expert, but I'm pretty sure you've got to pinch a person's nose when you're doing the kiss of life.
:lol Hadn't spotted that.

I thought it was a really fun, swashbuckling episode, pretty clever in the twist, and had quite a sweet side as well with the father-son story. Bit of everything really, and probably a great episode for the younger viewers after the rather confusing opening two episodes!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 07, 2011, 12:45:17 PM
I was pretty glad of a self-contained episode, myself. Answers within the story. Thank god!

Lovely little episode. Liked the twist. Fun. 'Citing. Little rushed at first but eased into it nicely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on May 07, 2011, 12:47:13 PM
[size=11]Only reason I noticed was because I did an half an hour first aid thing with my class where we all had to resuscitate a dummy. It looked like Rory wasn't waking up so I screamed at the TV 'YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG'...Then he woke up >.< Probably to do with the angle of the shot though, Amy's hand would've blocked her face, and faces are more expressive than hands XP

I can't wait to see how my little brother reacts when he sees it, I did love the father and son thing as well, so cute <3
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on May 07, 2011, 05:57:36 PM
I'm no first aid expert, but I'm pretty sure you've got to pinch a person's nose when you're doing the kiss of life. Maybe that's just me being stupid/picky though. Good episode over all, really enjoyed it ^^

CPR doesn't resuscitate people anyway, so its a pretty moot point what the technique was.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 07, 2011, 05:59:27 PM
Haven't read the new posts because I haven't seen the new episode yet, but I did just watch End of Time. Oh dear god  :'( .
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 07, 2011, 06:51:06 PM
Haven't read the new posts because I haven't seen the new episode yet, but I did just watch End of Time. Oh dear god  :'( .


That scene is right up there with the end of Series 2, tragic on so many levels.

Also, I love the sarcastic video title :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 07, 2011, 11:03:28 PM
I liked it.  There's something to be said about a series that actually can get you on the edge of your seat.  And I'm glad I wasn't too far off with my first thought about the Siren (that the "disintegration" was actually a teleport a la "Parting of the Ways").

Next week's episode is Neil Gaiman's, isn't it?  With the green-eyed Ood and apparently another living Time Lord.  Can't wait!  Haven't even seen the next episode but if/when Steven Moffat leaves I think Neil Gaiman could take the show in a very cool new direction.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 08, 2011, 03:58:38 AM
I'm not sure Gaiman would ever do it full time, but if he did I would totally Mangini everywhere.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 08, 2011, 07:11:47 AM
See, it's almost like the Bad Wolf thing again. Like, people seeing things but not realising what they mean. I thought it was brilliantly done, and it was quite interesting. Although, something bugged me, if she puts all the damaged people into the medical bay, why didn't she do the same with the ships crew?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on May 08, 2011, 10:31:55 AM
the latest episode is absolute tosh
Huh? ???

Really enjoyed it myself! :D

It was crap, totally crap. One of the worst episodes of Who I have ever seen, it reminded me of Colin Baker era Who at its worst.

It wasn't even vaguely interesting. If it had been any programme other than Dr Who I'd have turned off half way through.
The main concept of the plot was stolen from Voyager! I mean, if you're going to steal from any Star Trek series then at least make it DS9!
The acting was, as has become customary with modern day Who, variant between average and atrocious. Sadly Amy seems to have become a rather one-dimensional character after at first being promising. Even Matt Smith, who I really like sometimes, was just plain annoying last night.
There were massive plot holes and factual inaccuracies and Hugh Bonneville looked almost embarrassed to be present.
Also, what is it with Rory nearly dying in every single episode? It's getting ridiculous  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 08, 2011, 10:56:30 AM
the latest episode is absolute tosh
Huh? ???

Really enjoyed it myself! :D

It was crap, totally crap. One of the worst episodes of Who I have ever seen, it reminded me of Colin Baker era Who at its worst.

It wasn't even vaguely interesting. If it had been any programme other than Dr Who I'd have turned off half way through.
The main concept of the plot was stolen from Voyager! I mean, if you're going to steal from any Star Trek series then at least make it DS9!
The acting was, as has become customary with modern day Who, variant between average and atrocious. Sadly Amy seems to have become a rather one-dimensional character after at first being promising. Even Matt Smith, who I really like sometimes, was just plain annoying last night.
There were massive plot holes and factual inaccuracies and Hugh Bonneville looked almost embarrassed to be present.
Also, what is it with Rory nearly dying in every single episode? It's getting ridiculous  :lol
Oh my god. :lol

So, why exactly do you watch Doctor Who? Seeing as you apparently hate pretty much everything about it. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on May 08, 2011, 11:08:43 AM
the latest episode is absolute tosh
Huh? ???

Really enjoyed it myself! :D

It was crap, totally crap. One of the worst episodes of Who I have ever seen, it reminded me of Colin Baker era Who at its worst.

It wasn't even vaguely interesting. If it had been any programme other than Dr Who I'd have turned off half way through.
The main concept of the plot was stolen from Voyager! I mean, if you're going to steal from any Star Trek series then at least make it DS9!
The acting was, as has become customary with modern day Who, variant between average and atrocious. Sadly Amy seems to have become a rather one-dimensional character after at first being promising. Even Matt Smith, who I really like sometimes, was just plain annoying last night.
There were massive plot holes and factual inaccuracies and Hugh Bonneville looked almost embarrassed to be present.
Also, what is it with Rory nearly dying in every single episode? It's getting ridiculous  :lol
Oh my god. :lol

So, why exactly do you watch Doctor Who? Seeing as you apparently hate pretty much everything about it. :P
Srsly, this episode was great, standard monster-of-the-week fare, with fun twists and a well contained story. If you take Doctor Who this seriously all the time, you're probably not going to enjoy it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 08, 2011, 11:25:33 AM
I thought it was alright, but a far-cry from the previous two.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on May 08, 2011, 11:35:41 AM
So, why exactly do you watch Doctor Who? Seeing as you apparently hate pretty much everything about it. :P
Srsly, this episode was great, standard monster-of-the-week fare, with fun twists and a well contained story. If you take Doctor Who this seriously all the time, you're probably not going to enjoy it.


I grew up watching Doctor Who and by that I mean the old Doctor Who when it was made on a budget of next to nothing and was, no matter its faults, almost always charming and enjoyable.
The problem with much of new Doctor Who is that it takes itself far too seriously. It tries to be like all American sci-fi series in that it has a glossy view of the future and lots of explosions and special effects but, some of the time and not always, the show has lost the charm that made it such a great show in the first place.
Now you  guys said that last night's episode was fun and had twists and a good story but it just didn't. It was just a case of "stick a monster on a pirate ship and make everything vaguely spooky and then find some exceedingly convenient way of everything working out for the best". That isn't standard Doctor Who at all. It reminded me a fair bit of the last two RTD years of the show, when it was so regularly suffering from the same flaws that I began to find it about as enjoyable as I find Strictly Come Dancing.

For what it is worth, I think Matt Smith is a great doctor most of the time but last night he had so little to work with in the script that he could not help but be a little annoying.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 08, 2011, 11:47:04 AM
I grew up watching Doctor Who and by that I mean the old Doctor Who when it was made on a budget of next to nothing and was, no matter its faults, almost always charming and enjoyable.
The problem with much of new Doctor Who is that it takes itself far too seriously. It tries to be like all American sci-fi series in that it has a glossy view of the future and lots of explosions and special effects but, some of the time and not always, the show has lost the charm that made it such a great show in the first place.
Now you  guys said that last night's episode was fun and had twists and a good story but it just didn't. It was just a case of "stick a monster on a pirate ship and make everything vaguely spooky and then find some exceedingly convenient way of everything working out for the best". That isn't standard Doctor Who at all. It reminded me a fair bit of the last two RTD years of the show, when it was so regularly suffering from the same flaws that I began to find it about as enjoyable as I find Strictly Come Dancing.

For what it is worth, I think Matt Smith is a great doctor most of the time but last night he had so little to work with in the script that he could not help but be a little annoying.
Except that it doesn't really take itself seriously at all, and I think that's probably the problem here - you are taking it too seriously because of how you perceive it. And you approach it like a snobby Sunday Times critic, which is ridiculous for a family show that is, above all else, a bit of fun. I'm not saying you have to like it, but I don't see why you watch it so much when most of your complaints are pretty integral parts of Doctor Who. And yes that includes Classic Who as well as New Who. A lot of the plots back then made no sense whatsoever, and companions came very close to dying all the time.

If you're going to take everything you watch so seriously then surely you should want to find TV shows that suit your tastes.

And yes, it was a good plot, as evidenced by how most of us enjoyed it. Not the most intellectual plot ever, but does it always have to be? What's wrong with a bit of fun from time to time?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 08, 2011, 11:57:06 AM
Even though I didn't really like it, to be fair, anything less then outstanding is gonna look awful in comparision to the two part opener.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 08, 2011, 12:02:54 PM
Even though I didn't really like it, to be fair, anything less then outstanding is gonna look awful in comparision to the two part opener.
Interestingly, while I adored the two-part opener, I can actually understand Doctor Who fans taking issue with that a lot more than this week's episode. It was darker and more complex, had some strange non-linear story-telling, and left a lot of questions unanswered. For me, I thought it was incredible and that style is one of my favourite things about Moffat-era DW, but I can understand why more traditional fans might not be so keen on it. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: petrucci07 on May 08, 2011, 12:40:59 PM
Was sitting with my girlfriend watching the show yesterday and it got to the part where they get through to the ship in the parallel universe. When the Doctor and co. were trying to work out how to wake Rory up, she shouts "GIVE HIM THE KICK!"

It was awesome
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 08, 2011, 03:33:52 PM
The major things that bothered me were these:

1.  How did the crew member that Toby cut get teleported? We never see that. He was just in the gun powder cabin in one scene, then the next scene he was gone. Did I miss something?

2.  The Doctor didn't really try once to save one person besides Rory. He kind of just let them go while he watches, even after he thinks they are disintegrated. That seems kind of...not like him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 08, 2011, 04:54:24 PM
The major things that bothered me were these:

1.  How did the crew member that Toby cut get teleported? We never see that. He was just in the gun powder cabin in one scene, then the next scene he was gone. Did I miss something?
Same as everyone else I would guess. I don't think they showed every crew member getting taken did they?

2.  The Doctor didn't really try once to save one person besides Rory. He kind of just let them go while he watches, even after he thinks they are disintegrated. That seems kind of...not like him.
Yeah that is a little unusual, but I guess in order to know what is going on he has to see it first. Plus he probably already had suspicions that they weren't being killed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on May 08, 2011, 08:55:32 PM
Speaking of Rory... you'd think a 909 year old "Doctor" would have taken at least one CPR class.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bodiesinflight on May 14, 2011, 11:56:06 AM
Except that it doesn't really take itself seriously at all, and I think that's probably the problem here - you are taking it too seriously because of how you perceive it. And you approach it like a snobby Sunday Times critic, which is ridiculous for a family show that is, above all else, a bit of fun. I'm not saying you have to like it, but I don't see why you watch it so much when most of your complaints are pretty integral parts of Doctor Who. And yes that includes Classic Who as well as New Who. A lot of the plots back then made no sense whatsoever, and companions came very close to dying all the time.

If you're going to take everything you watch so seriously then surely you should want to find TV shows that suit your tastes.

And yes, it was a good plot, as evidenced by how most of us enjoyed it. Not the most intellectual plot ever, but does it always have to be? What's wrong with a bit of fun from time to time?

Can you please stop treating my opinions as if they're totally unreasonable? I'm not approaching it like a snobby critic, just someone who has reasonably high standards as to what I expect from the show. The fact that you enjoyed the show lastweek makes no difference whatsoever to my opinion.

In other news this week's episode is brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2011, 12:25:47 PM
I'm not approaching it like a snobby critic, just someone who has reasonably high standards as to what I expect from the show.
Some would say there is sometimes little difference between the two, depending on what those expectations are. ;) But no matter.

The fact that you enjoyed the show lastweek makes no difference whatsoever to my opinion.
Indeedy, and likewise. I was just trying to get the point across that if you revised some specifics on what you expect, you might enjoy the show more, which would presumably be a good thing? :)

In other news this week's episode is brilliant.
Definitely, I thought it was absolutely wonderful! The whole idea was fantastic. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 14, 2011, 12:30:43 PM
I cried.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2011, 12:31:57 PM
Yeah I got a little teary eyed at the end as well. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 14, 2011, 02:22:26 PM
So, going back. What's your theories on the girl?

I think it's a Time Lord/Human Hybrid, or she's the Time Lord clone.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 15, 2011, 07:43:57 AM
This episode was amazing.  Best episode so far this season!  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on May 15, 2011, 08:35:12 AM
Neil Gaiman.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 15, 2011, 09:57:04 AM
Just finished watching the episode.  Definitely one of the best Matt Smith episodes and probably one of the best episodes ever.  There were just so many cool ideas about the TARDIS crammed into one episode, and I thought they were all brilliant.  It definitely lived up to the hype.  Neil Gaiman's writing style seems perfect for Doctor Who and I hope he writes more episodes. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 15, 2011, 10:20:46 AM
I lol'd when Rory was dead.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on May 15, 2011, 11:07:41 AM
I lol'd when Rory was dead.

We need to start a betting pool on how he's going to kick it in the next episode.

My bets on lasers, after which he is resurrected and then drowned.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 15, 2011, 11:09:28 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on May 15, 2011, 11:13:49 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 15, 2011, 11:32:49 AM
 :lol  That response is worth "killing Rory" in 75% of the episodes so far.

EDIT: (https://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll84s4ZmKh1qafmk8o1_500.gif)

EDIT2: Oh!  I figured out what the cryptic last message from the TARDIS refers to!  "The only water in the forest is the river."  It has to refer to River Song Forests of the Vashta Narada, aka the Library!  I don't know what it'll be used for yet but that has to be what its referring to.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2011, 02:30:43 PM
:lol  That response is worth "killing Rory" in 75% of the episodes so far.

EDIT: (https://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll84s4ZmKh1qafmk8o1_500.gif)

EDIT2: Oh!  I figured out what the cryptic last message from the TARDIS refers to!  "The only water in the forest is the river."  It has to refer to River Song Forests of the Vashta Narada, aka the Library!  I don't know what it'll be used for yet but that has to be what its referring to.
That was my interpretation as well. But whatever it is, I'm reasonably confident that it relates to River.

Also :rollin at that gif!

Also also, I think this episode has one of my favourite Doctor Who lines ever:
"Are all people like this?"
"Like what?"
"So much bigger on the inside."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on May 15, 2011, 02:41:48 PM
:lol  That response is worth "killing Rory" in 75% of the episodes so far.

EDIT: (https://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll84s4ZmKh1qafmk8o1_500.gif)

EDIT2: Oh!  I figured out what the cryptic last message from the TARDIS refers to!  "The only water in the forest is the river."  It has to refer to River Song Forests of the Vashta Narada, aka the Library!  I don't know what it'll be used for yet but that has to be what its referring to.
That was my interpretation as well. But whatever it is, I'm reasonably confident that it relates to River.

Also :rollin at that gif!

Also also, I think this episode has one of my favourite Doctor Who lines ever:
"Are all people like this?"
"Like what?"
"So much bigger on the inside."
Neil Gaiman is apparently awesome at writing one-liners.

”She’s a woman and she’s the TARDIS.”
”...Did you wish really hard?”
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2011, 02:47:05 PM
:lol That's another great line. Also:

"You just want to be forgiven."
"Don't we all?"

EDIT: Also, only noticed on second viewing that as she fades away near the end, you can hear a very faint "I love you". :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on May 15, 2011, 07:18:14 PM
Absolutely sublime from start to finish. Easily one of the best episodes of the modern series, and had so many excellent moments, both funny and moving. Just.....awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: GuineaPig on May 15, 2011, 07:25:03 PM
Neil Gaiman.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 18, 2011, 04:23:06 AM

Somehow, working out the anagram is the most exciting bit. Or it is when you get it right, anyway.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 18, 2011, 04:29:03 AM

Somehow, working out the anagram is the most exciting bit. Or it is when you get it right, anyway.

eeeh? What was that?  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 18, 2011, 04:32:15 AM
No idea. Just a hidden video on the BBC website.

But when you rearrange the letters in "Analysis Lessons," you get... "Lonely Assassins."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 18, 2011, 06:56:45 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 18, 2011, 05:18:34 PM
I'm finally getting into this show. I'm right now on the Shakespeare episode back in Season 3. This show is so fantastic. I have no idea why I haven't been watching this until now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 18, 2011, 07:25:59 PM
I'm finally getting into this show. I'm right now on the Shakespeare episode back in Season 3. This show is so fantastic. I have no idea why I haven't been watching this until now.
(That beautiful moment when someone starts watching Doctor Who.)

Have you been watching from S1E1? If not, what've you caught so far?

Favourite episodes? Favourite Doctors? Favourite aliens?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 18, 2011, 08:35:32 PM
I'm finally getting into this show. I'm right now on the Shakespeare episode back in Season 3. This show is so fantastic. I have no idea why I haven't been watching this until now.
(That beautiful moment when someone starts watching Doctor Who.)

Have you been watching from S1E1? If not, what've you caught so far?

Favourite episodes? Favourite Doctors? Favourite aliens?

My friend told me if I plan on just starting now, I'm kinda better off starting with S2E1 to start with Tennent. First I've ever watched of the series. But I must say Tennent is absolutely fantastic.

Favorite aliens? I loved the look of the Cybermen, but they ended up being pretty weak. And the Clockwork Aliens were pretty awesome looking. Same with the Ood. Also the Carrionites, just because they were essentially using science that was basically magic. IT was kinda the shit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 18, 2011, 10:49:05 PM
No idea. Just a hidden video on the BBC website.

But when you rearrange the letters in "Analysis Lessons," you get... "Lonely Assassins."

I so excited. :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Martinman300 on May 19, 2011, 02:50:34 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 19, 2011, 06:28:38 AM
 :lol :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 19, 2011, 11:37:22 AM
That is awesome. :lol

Although it left out getting erased from time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 19, 2011, 04:01:56 PM
That is awesome. :lol

Although it left out getting erased from time.
I figure that's prob included in the Silurian one - but you are right, that's two separate deaths.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 21, 2011, 01:14:58 PM
SO tempted to update my avatar. But that'd kind of be spoiling a cliffhanger, perhaps? Might wait a day.

Ace episode, though. Really, really liked it. But then I love Matt Graham, I love Marshall Lancaser, I think Raquel Cassidy's ace, and did I mention Muse!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on May 21, 2011, 01:30:50 PM
Yeah, that bit with SMBH playing in the background was surprising, but interestingly cool.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2011, 03:25:02 AM
Very cool episode, interesting to see where it goes in the second part. There was so much tension throughout it, pretty relentless!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on May 22, 2011, 03:36:00 AM
That was an amazing episode :')
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 22, 2011, 11:32:49 AM
Dear iTunes,


Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: faemir on May 22, 2011, 11:37:24 AM
Great episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: petrucci07 on May 22, 2011, 12:47:54 PM
Didn't like it too much. I want some more Moffat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 22, 2011, 04:38:27 PM
Because I'm not cool and caught up like you guys, I just finished the Family of Blood episodes. When he gets the watch and doesn't want to go back. Fucking spectacular. Such a great actor.

And now I'm starting Weeping Angels. Which I've heard a lot about.

I love this show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2011, 04:47:18 PM
Because I'm not cool and caught up like you guys, I just finished the Family of Blood episodes. When he gets the watch and doesn't want to go back. Fucking spectacular. Such a great actor.

And now I'm starting Weeping Angels. Which I've heard a lot about.

I love this show.
Oh oh my god!

Voyage of the Damned aside, you are entering a golden era.

The last six episode of series 3 are glorious. I've got maybe one scene I don't like in the very last episode, but it is brilliant.

And then series 4!

Ohhhh, tell me what you think! And yes, Human Nature / Family of Blood is perfect. Although, the second two-parter of a series always is, in the RTD era.

I don't think you caught series 1, but The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances was the gem of Chris Eccleston's era. Last series, Impossible Planet into The Satan Pit was the moment where Doctor Who truly arrived for me - the moment they set the watermark unnecessarily high - and Human Nature into TFIB, you just watched.

Oh, and just wait till next series...

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 22, 2011, 05:17:39 PM
Yeah Human Nature/Family of Blood is probably my favourite overall story. Not so fussed on the rest of the family, but the son would of made a brilliant reccurring villain.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 22, 2011, 06:18:45 PM
I got to "This is my Timey Whimey Detector. It goes ding when there's stuff."

Then I paused. Shouted "FUCK" and walked away.

Fucking. God dammit. I love this show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2011, 07:14:55 PM
I got to "This is my Timey Whimey Detector. It goes ding when there's stuff."

Then I paused. Shouted "FUCK" and walked away.

Fucking. God dammit. I love this show.
"It can also boil an egg at ten paces. ...Whether you want it to or not, actually. I've learnt to stay away from hens."

The man who wrote this episode goes on to become the new showrunner, a couple of series down the line. Be excited.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 22, 2011, 07:21:50 PM
Yeah, I've heard the current writer makes fans collectively shit themselves at least once an episode. I look forward to this.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2011, 07:23:09 PM
Well, if you started with David Tennant, you've had The Girl in the Fireplace and Blink by him, so far.

Ohhhh, he has barely started.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on May 22, 2011, 07:26:01 PM
Well, if you started with David Tennant, you've had The Girl in the Fireplace and Blink by him, so far.

Ohhhh, he has barely started.

Blink is easily in the top ten episodes of the modern series. Also the girl in it is so gorgeous.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2011, 07:27:09 PM
Well, if you started with David Tennant, you've had The Girl in the Fireplace and Blink by him, so far.

Ohhhh, he has barely started.

Blink is easily in the top ten episodes of the modern series. Also the girl in it is so gorgeous.
Absolutely! And, more importantly, talented. Winning Oscars, nowadays.

Love Carey Mulligan.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 22, 2011, 07:30:35 PM
I really loved Girl in the Fireplace. The clock work robots were just so awesome looking. I very much look forward to getting caught up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2011, 07:32:51 PM
Just wondering - did you start with New Earth, or The Christmas Invasion?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 22, 2011, 07:42:53 PM
Christmas Invasion. It started pretty slow. Wasn't sure how much I liked the show. And then The Doctor woke up. And that was all I needed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2011, 07:46:55 PM
Good! And aha, I know, right?!

I love the episode a lot more in hindsight, but when I first caught TCI I was pining for Eccleston. Spent 45 minutes groaning - enjoying it, but lamenting the lack of the Doctor. Agreeing with Rose even, he wasn't the real Doctor. But then Tennant woke up, and I never wanted Eccleston back again. Brilliant debut. A lot better than New Earth as a starting point, I'd say.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 22, 2011, 07:50:58 PM
Alien Leader: WHO ARE YOU?<deep and angry>
The Doctor: I DONT KNOW!<deep and fake angry>

All I needed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on May 22, 2011, 07:59:11 PM
Alien Leader: WHO ARE YOU?<deep and angry>
The Doctor: I DONT KNOW!<deep and fake angry>

All I needed.

I literally have no idea.

Am I.....ginger?

One of the best Doctor speeches ever.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2011, 08:03:00 PM
I think my favourite bit was "...no, hold on, that's the Lion King."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 22, 2011, 08:06:38 PM
That too. And "...Blood. Tastes like...A positive. With a hint...of iron."

That whole scene had me laugh/proud/raging.

Oh also, I've a song for you all. I was going to present it later in Robs Review Factory thread, but it would seem the production line has hit a bit of a snag. It's for the best though. More of you to enjoy it here.

The song Nerdcore Rising by MC Frontalot. He has two guest artists on the track, Jesse Dangerously and MC Hawking. At about 2:25 MC Hawking starts. Enjoy the sample at 2:50.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on May 23, 2011, 01:46:59 AM
Last episode was awesome  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2011, 01:51:29 AM
I think my favourite bit was "...no, hold on, that's the Lion King."
That made me literally lol.

I like the first series, but that special was the first ep that really made me laugh!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 23, 2011, 08:15:19 AM
Why isn't the Rebel Flesh on iTunes yet?  Seriously.  I am annoyed now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 23, 2011, 09:19:27 AM
Finally saw Dr Who for the first time last night, it was the newest episode. I liked it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2011, 11:48:00 AM
Finally saw Dr Who for the first time last night, it was the newest episode. I liked it.
Go back and start from the beginning of series 5 (The Eleventh Hour) and catch up!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 23, 2011, 12:28:02 PM
Finally saw Dr Who for the first time last night, it was the newest episode. I liked it.
Go back and start from the beginning of series 5 (The Eleventh Hour) and catch up!

This.  Then watch the other four seasons.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 23, 2011, 12:41:24 PM
Watching it from S5 is definitely something I'd recommend, but don't feel like you have to. Not yet, anyway. What I think would probably be worth a go, though, is bringing up The Impossible Astronaut on iPlayer.

While I'd say that The Eleventh Hour (S5E1) is basically the perfect starting point, Doctor Who is designed so you can start from more or less anywhere. Each episode works as its own story, and so there's no harm whatsoever in beginning with The Rebel Flesh. You shouldn't feel like you're missing anything if you come into the story a little late. The series starts anew each week. There's an ongoing storyline that's occasionally hinted at, but you'll be able to work out what's going on no matter where you begin. No matter whether you start with Vampires of Venice, or Blink, or even the Waters of Mars, you're still on the same page as everyone else. That's absolutely unique to Doctor Who as a serial drama, and so you should never feel like you're obliged to read up on the entire saga before you start watching. You don't have to wade through oodles of backstory before you're allowed to watch each new episode as it unfolds, you're perfectly at liberty to simply just sit back and enjoy the ride from The Rebel Flesh carrying onwards into the future.

However! The underlying arc of this series is absolutely brilliant. It's very exciting, very clever, introduced in one of the best-written stories the show's done, and it's one of those brilliant mysteries that you don't need to follow, but I think you'll really enjoy tucking into.

Right here. (https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b010tb7q/Doctor_Who_Series_6_The_Impossible_Astronaut/) The show makes sense without it, but it's so much meatier with it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2011, 12:49:57 PM
Well, it is of course enjoyable anyway, but I really think part of the excitement is the continuation from the previous series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 23, 2011, 12:56:42 PM
Well I think I'm done studying for the day and gonna have a laid back rest of the evening, so I'll watch that episode tonight :D (and probably stay up till 5 am watching a shitload more, I tend to get obsessed when I find a new show :lol)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 23, 2011, 02:54:17 PM
I thought Saturday's episode was great, at least we know that it can be one of the two doctors now in the first episode :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 23, 2011, 03:09:25 PM
I thought Saturday's episode was great, at least we know that it can be one of the two doctors now in the first episode :D
Not necessarily. In fact I very much doubt it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 23, 2011, 04:10:16 PM
I thought Saturday's episode was great, at least we know that it can be one of the two doctors now in the first episode :D
Not necessarily. In fact I very much doubt it.
Well, I think thusly.. Doctor puts his hand in the goo, creates a new doctor, this doctor has the same memories, same age etc. Apparently it is possible to create a Tardis from that junkyard effectively. The doctor in the first episode was "running". Hmm.. That's my theory anyway.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 23, 2011, 04:15:44 PM
Well, it is of course enjoyable anyway, but I really think part of the excitement is the continuation from the previous series.
Oh, absolutely. It adds so much to it. I'd hate to get to Ep 7 of the current series, say, without having seen Ep 1. But Doctor Who is one of the only programmes on telly where it's not strictly necessary, it's practically a new show every week. Which makes it very easy to get into, so while I'd massively recommend catching up - let's face it, there's at least a year of backstory whichever way you slice it (48 years if you count from William Hartnell), and I'd rather someone came along for the ride than risk unnecessarily daunting them. Even if I really like an episode of a TV show, I can look at the amount of backstory and go "...oof, no," and it's just nice to emphasise that the option's there.

I'd recommend The Eleventh Hour under any circumstances, though. It's my favourite episode of any television programme ever, and if you're willing to put in the effort then I'd say it's the best place anyone could possibly start, with Doctor Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 23, 2011, 04:17:40 PM
Turn Left is also a great episode! It doesn't feature the Doctor, but it's a really great story in my opinion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 23, 2011, 04:20:28 PM
I thought Saturday's episode was great, at least we know that it can be one of the two doctors now in the first episode :D
Not necessarily. In fact I very much doubt it.
Well, I think thusly.. Doctor puts his hand in the goo, creates a new doctor, this doctor has the same memories, same age etc. Apparently it is possible to create a Tardis from that junkyard effectively. The doctor in the first episode was "running". Hmm.. That's my theory anyway.
I don't think that's what's actually happening...

But I think the Doctor's created a Ganger for a reason. He's behaving very strangely, this episode. He's deliberately arrived at the factory ("we're here"), he knows a lot about the gunge (to be expected, he's a time traveller), he tried to get rid of his companions saying that he "had to do something," and the bit at the start where he put his hand in just looked eeeeever so slightly deliberate.

He's a clever lad. I wonder if he's worked out what's happening, and is trying to think of clever ways to avert it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 23, 2011, 04:35:34 PM
I don't think that's what's actually happening...

But I think the Doctor's created a Ganger for a reason. He's behaving very strangely, this episode. He's deliberately arrived at the factory ("we're here"), he knows a lot about the gunge (to be expected, he's a time traveller), he tried to get rid of his companions saying that he "had to do something," and the bit at the start where he put his hand in just looked eeeeever so slightly deliberate.

He's a clever lad. I wonder if he's worked out what's happening, and is trying to think of clever ways to avert it.
Exactly, there has to be a reason! I guess we'll wait until the next episode, then it's only one after that until the three month break :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 23, 2011, 04:41:44 PM
I don't think that's what's actually happening...

But I think the Doctor's created a Ganger for a reason. He's behaving very strangely, this episode. He's deliberately arrived at the factory ("we're here"), he knows a lot about the gunge (to be expected, he's a time traveller), he tried to get rid of his companions saying that he "had to do something," and the bit at the start where he put his hand in just looked eeeeever so slightly deliberate.

He's a clever lad. I wonder if he's worked out what's happening, and is trying to think of clever ways to avert it.
Exactly, there has to be a reason! I guess we'll wait until the next episode, then it's only one after that until the three month break :'(
ACK DON'T REMIND ME. D: Then three long months of cooooooold.

Also! Just had a thought. That bit where he went up to fiddle with the radio tower. Starting to wonder if he actually did whatever it was he claimed he was doing. As far as I can tell, the Gangers were given life through the cockerel. Which the Doctor was the last person to meddle with.

I don't know if it's a correct theory, but I'm really starting to see some mileage in it.

(I'm also seeing it all blowing up in his face. Firstly because he's effectively giving himself a death sentence, and Ganger-Doctor will hardly come lightly. He was the first one to say the Gangers had a right to life, too. Besides which, the writers would never let him succeed. It'd feel too much like a cop-out if it turned out the old!Doctor was a clone all along. But like the idea that the Doctor's perhaps trying to push it that way. Could be a really dark avenue to send him down.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 24, 2011, 01:10:10 AM
Interesting theories Rob! You're definitely right about him behaving suspiciously though, it's not like they're being subtle about the fact that he went there on purpose. I hadn't thought of him intentionally touching the gunge knowing what it would do, but it's a clever idea! Guess we'll just have to wait and see...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 24, 2011, 08:40:13 AM
Aye! It seems a little callous for the Doctor - not to mention, the Ganger had the same idea at the same time, so the Ganger Doctor would want to sentence the real Doctor to death - but it's definitely plausible. Certainly cuts his odds.

ALSO! While we're on the subject of theories - I can't take any credit whatsoever for this, but someone I know has a theory about Amy's pregnancy, and it's simultaneously both the most brilliant and the cruellest theory I've heard.

Essentially... we think the baby's from a different timeline, most of us? Two different histories, competing for space. But two different causalities means two different chains of events, that are - apparently - constantly overlapping.

What if, towards the end of the series, Amy has to choose between those two timelines? The one where she's pregnant, or the one where she's not.

Simple enough, but there's one problem...

...what if the timeline with the pregnancy is the timeline where the Doctor dies?

I have no idea whether this is plausible - the two events are very probably totally irrelevant - but I really love it. And am jealous of my friend's mind.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on May 24, 2011, 10:04:50 AM
That's such an interesting theory! And you know, I wouldn't be too surprised if it was something dramatic like that. Very clever of your friend to think of that!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on May 24, 2011, 10:07:43 AM
My theory is that Amy goes back to 1935 Austria and has an accidental one night stand with a guy named Erwin.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 24, 2011, 11:26:54 AM
Aye! It seems a little callous for the Doctor - not to mention, the Ganger had the same idea at the same time, so the Ganger Doctor would want to sentence the real Doctor to death - but it's definitely plausible. Certainly cuts his odds.

ALSO! While we're on the subject of theories - I can't take any credit whatsoever for this, but someone I know has a theory about Amy's pregnancy, and it's simultaneously both the most brilliant and the cruellest theory I've heard.

Essentially... we think the baby's from a different timeline, most of us? Two different histories, competing for space. But two different causalities means two different chains of events, that are - apparently - constantly overlapping.

What if, towards the end of the series, Amy has to choose between those two timelines? The one where she's pregnant, or the one where she's not.

Simple enough, but there's one problem...

...what if the timeline with the pregnancy is the timeline where the Doctor dies?

I have no idea whether this is plausible - the two events are very probably totally irrelevant - but I really love it. And am jealous of my friend's mind.
Oh man, that is such an awesome theory, and if it's right then it's such a brilliant idea! Still doesn't explain who the young Time Lord girl is though...

My theory is that Amy goes back to 1935 Austria and has an accidental one night stand with a guy named Erwin.
Oh man that is such an awesome theory.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 24, 2011, 03:27:51 PM
A theory my new roommate and I have been discussing is an overlapping of universes.  Sometimes one universe, sometimes another created by big bang 2, which would explain Rory's memories of being an auton and Amy's pregnancy.  So it kinda goes along with that alternate timeline deal Rob's been cooking up.  If that's the case, perhaps one timeline doesn't involve Rory at all and that young girl actually is The Doctor and Amy's child...

I also agree that the Doctor's probably figured out his future death and this could be an attempt to avert it.  I don't think he'll succeed though for lots of reasons I can't really articulate clearly right now (I've edited this post about five times). 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 24, 2011, 03:36:03 PM
In the end, it's all timey whimey.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 24, 2011, 04:47:08 PM
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on May 24, 2011, 04:53:45 PM
A theory my new roommate and I have been discussing is an overlapping of universes.  Sometimes one universe, sometimes another created by big bang 2, which would explain Rory's memories of being an auton and Amy's pregnancy.  So it kinda goes along with that alternate timeline deal Rob's been cooking up.  If that's the case, perhaps one timeline doesn't involve Rory at all and that young girl actually is The Doctor and Amy's child...

I also agree that the Doctor's probably figured out his future death and this could be an attempt to avert it.  I don't think he'll succeed though for lots of reasons I can't really articulate clearly right now (I've edited this post about five times). 
But if the initial Timeline was "deleted" then how would there be two? Effectively you are wiping one timeline out and restoring the whole thing. Like a format on a computer, you delete it all only to reinstall later.

I like the idea though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 24, 2011, 06:00:30 PM
Jesus. Christ. Just finished the Season 3 finale. With The Master. That was just so spectacular. Everything about that was so spectacular.

And the Face of Boe hint. I just. Can't even. Fucking love this show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 24, 2011, 06:09:06 PM

Ohhh I love getting the journey through other people!

What did you think of the end of Utopia?! The Sound of Drums is my favourite of the trilogy, but the last ten minutes of Utopia are so intense!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 24, 2011, 08:06:34 PM
Oh jesus that was awesome. At first I thought he was somehow going to be the boy from Family of Blood. I thought maybe he absorbed some time lord essence. Maybe he's regenerated a few times. Maybe it's been so long for him he's forgotten.

Of course, I was way off. But that's half the fun.

And then when they start talking more about what those robotic orbs were and The Master starts talking about creating a new Galifrey. I assumed they were shrunken, aged Time Lords that had gone mad in the vortex or something.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 24, 2011, 08:45:45 PM
Crikey, I'd forgotten about that! The trilogy's so inextricably linked to the Master in my head that I can't help but forget about the Toclafane. Dead creepy. And yeah, I was thinking along similar lines! And then it turned out to be even worse.

I sometimes forget how brilliant Russell T Davies is. I've kind of got an obsession with Steven Moffat's style, but Russell is an absolutely glorious writer who had a job that was even harder than Moffat's ever has been. Utopia to Last of the Time Lords is a phenomenal stretch. There's only like one scene I'm a little lukewarm about across the whole three episodes, and while it's an important scene, the other stuff is so golden that I couldn't care less about it. What a story.

And, the best is yet to come! From both writers. Part of me wishes you could watch every remaining episode in one day, furnishing us with detailed summaries of every single "OMG!" moment. I'm as excited for you to continue the journey as you are. (Well, probably not as excited, but certainly pumped.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 24, 2011, 08:53:31 PM
Incidentally, by my reckoning, if you started from The Christmas Invasion, you've so far met... Rose, Mickey, Donna, Martha, and Captain Jack Harkness. In that order, I think? How are you feeling about all of the so-far companions? Got a favourite yet?

And, come to think of it, the pre-titles to Utopia must've been dead weird for you! How quickly did you work out what Captain Jack was all about?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 24, 2011, 09:15:47 PM
My first thought about Jack was that maybe he was the "other" the face was talking about. Turns out I was wrong...ish. He's a time agent, who has been made a fixed point in time by the power of the vortex. I wasn't really that far off base.

As for favorites, I'd say Martha and Jack. Rose and Mickey I found annoying. Though Mickey got better near the end. AS for Donna, I've only really seen her just the once. I didn't like her much. What Lance said about her pretty much summed up everything I kind of thought about her just from that episode. Though the episode was pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 24, 2011, 09:26:33 PM
Yeah, off the back of The Runaway Bride, I didn't think that much of Donna. Then again, I wasn't a big fan of The Runaway Bride in any respect, so hey ho!

I think Martha and Jack are pretty good calls! Jack, in particular, while effectively the braun of the TARDIS team has a wonderfully happy-go-lucky kind of attitude to his adventures with the Doctor. Dead pleasant fella. And yeah, it looks like you picked up more or less everything you needed to pretty damn quickly! Which is ace. I've always wondered how clearly stuff like that would transfer. Crystal clear, it turns out! And all conveyed effortlessly.

Any favourite episodes, yet?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on May 24, 2011, 09:37:15 PM
My companion rankings for New Who:


I'm not too sure about the position of Rose and Martha; Rose had her share of strong moments, as well as some weak ones, whereas Martha didn't really have many moments at all (the show kept acknowledging that she was just sort of a replacement for Rose, and I'm not sure that was ever challenged).

Donna gets better though. I hated her in the Runaway Bride, but she gelled with Tennant incredibly well during Season 4, enough to make her the best companion of the RTD era for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 24, 2011, 09:58:17 PM
Runaway Bride got better when he actually started fighting the Racnoss. Espescially the scene where he sets them on fire and he's just standing there looking badass.

And it really is. It's written so well. There's plenty of exposition to catch people up. But it's in no way clunky or awkward.

As for favorites? Jesus, I don't know. They're all just so good. The easier answer would be which ones I like less. And that list only includes New Earth, The Idiot's Lantern, Love & Monsters, and The Lazarus Experiment.

Runaway Bridge get's a pass from that list just because of the second half.

But basically, I love it all except fora few that I love a little less.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 24, 2011, 10:04:40 PM
Love and Monsters is easily my least favorite, followed by The Doctor's Daughter. That episodes plays out like a fanfic.  :\

A funny thing that happened to me after Rose:

After Doomsday, I thought the other companions were going to go through the same process as Rose. They'd be whisked away, fall in love, and be separated in some horrible way. I had to look up some small things in Wikipedia to kind of spoil a little bit because I was seriously debating never watching again just because I didn't want to go through all that emotionally again.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 25, 2011, 04:46:40 AM
Runaway Bride got better when he actually started fighting the Racnoss. Espescially the scene where he sets them on fire and he's just standing there looking badass.

And it really is. It's written so well. There's plenty of exposition to catch people up. But it's in no way clunky or awkward.

As for favorites? Jesus, I don't know. They're all just so good. The easier answer would be which ones I like less. And that list only includes New Earth, The Idiot's Lantern, Love & Monsters, and The Lazarus Experiment.

Runaway Bridge get's a pass from that list just because of the second half.

But basically, I love it all except fora few that I love a little less.
Hahahaha, oh dear. I'd forgotten The Idiot's Lantern existed. I do love Mark Gatiss but "FEED ME!" was a lot funnier than it was meant to be.

Some nice direction, though. Dutch angles, I think they're called?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on May 25, 2011, 08:28:06 AM
Just finished Partners In Crime....and Rose was at the end. But then she disappeared.  wat. I don't even. Where is this going? How is this even.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 25, 2011, 08:37:37 AM
Sounds about right.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 25, 2011, 10:48:22 AM
Welcome to series 4!

My favourite of the RTD era.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 25, 2011, 11:04:49 AM
So I watched The Impossible Astronaut (and every other episode in Series 6 :P) and have started at the beginning of season 5. I finished the first part of Weeping Angels last night.

So, so, so good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 25, 2011, 11:06:13 AM

Love that two-parter as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 25, 2011, 11:24:31 AM
So I watched The Impossible Astronaut (and every other episode in Series 6 :P) and have started at the beginning of season 5. I finished the first part of Weeping Angels last night.

So, so, so good.
Oh fantastic!! Jesus, you've been busy.

I ask everyone this but it's because I'm genuinely interested and am intensely jealous of the journey that you've got ahead of you - what do you reckon?! To everything. Best episodes, Rory or Amy, best monsters, most exciting bit... how the devil is it all?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 25, 2011, 12:25:16 PM
Doctor Who seriously is the best TV show ever. There's just nothing that compares to it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 25, 2011, 02:12:02 PM

Jesus. Christ. Just finished the Season 3 finale. With The Master. That was just so spectacular. Everything about that was so spectacular.

And the Face of Boe hint. I just. Can't even. Fucking love this show.
Series 4 is great and all, and so far I love the Moffatt-era even more than the RTD era, but honestly the end of Series 3 is one of the greatest things ever. The way it all comes together at the end of Utopia is proper genius.

A theory my new roommate and I have been discussing is an overlapping of universes.  Sometimes one universe, sometimes another created by big bang 2, which would explain Rory's memories of being an auton and Amy's pregnancy.  So it kinda goes along with that alternate timeline deal Rob's been cooking up.  If that's the case, perhaps one timeline doesn't involve Rory at all and that young girl actually is The Doctor and Amy's child...

I also agree that the Doctor's probably figured out his future death and this could be an attempt to avert it.  I don't think he'll succeed though for lots of reasons I can't really articulate clearly right now (I've edited this post about five times). 
Some more great theories here. The idea of universes overlapping would also fit in with the story in Curse of the Black Spot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 25, 2011, 04:44:00 PM
The last six episodes of Season 3 are fantastic, as is the entire fourth season, but so is the entire Fifth season.  Doctor Who is kind of on a roll right now in quality television.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 27, 2011, 04:24:33 PM
1. There's fleeting cameos (of sorts) from both Tom Baker and David Tennant.

2. "I'll break out the big guns."

3. Listen carefully - the two Doctors briefly discuss an old foe...

4. The two Jennifers engage in a fight to the death.

5. "Being almost The Doctor's like being no Doctor at all."

6. Amy finally shares a secret with her Time Lord chum.

7. The Doctor's old alias 'John Smith' gets another outing.

8. Watch out for the red balloons.

9. "**** Amy, but only when *** ***** *** too."

10. The final scenes are every bit as mind-blowing and game-changing as Moffat and co. would have you believe!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2011, 04:30:03 PM
Yeah I remember before the series started Moffat teased that both episodes 6 and 7 would end on a crazy/cliff-hanger note.

:caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 27, 2011, 04:34:41 PM
Why do I have a feeling that shit's about to get real?

As in, not just the cliffhanger. The entire episode - they've set the pieces up perfectly. Creepy, morally intriguing, and one hell of a premise.

Now, commence knocking them down...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 27, 2011, 04:45:33 PM
Oh! And, while on the subject of Doctor Who, Alex Kingston was just on the Graham Norton Show. Nothing particularly interesting covered in it, but I've never really seen Alex in an interview scenario, so it was pretty nifty. I like her! Seemed a little bit like the odd one out in amongst the three lego-haired Hollywood actors, but she was pretty funny. Good story about biting a man's tongue.

Incidentally, has anyone listened to the Blogtor Who podcasts? They've been doing commentaries to every episode this series. I found 'em while searching for official podcasts (which don't exist!), and so I sighed and went "oh, alright, I'll give it a go."

They're really good! Genuinely laugh-out-loud funny, a little insightful, with interesting content. You can hear their enthusiasm for the show shining through. I generally find fan works a little tacky, but the Blogtor Who commentaries are just perfect. Cameron K McEwan's a proper spoddy Doctor Who fan - who manages to break the curmudgeonly mould by being really upbeat and enthusiastic - whereas his mate Sandy is a more casual fan. Quite a lot of funny interplay with the contrast, but unpicking it would ruin the magic - wonderful, joyous podcast.


Highly recommended. I started with The Rebel Flesh but you can start wherever. They're all good. You don't even need the episodes on. I've only listened while watching very occasionally. Oh, and send my regards to Jimmy Big-Hands.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2011, 04:54:09 PM
Are they just podcasts or are they more like commentaries to the episodes?

Also, just saw the news that Piers Wenger has stepped down as executive producer as he was offered a senior post at Film4. Great for him of course, but it's a shame as he always seemed pretty cool on Confidential.

Still, at least Beth Willis is still there! :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 27, 2011, 04:57:31 PM

Still, at least Beth Willis is still there! :heart

She is awesome  :heart  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 27, 2011, 04:58:59 PM
Are they just podcasts or are they more like commentaries to the episodes?
They're commentaries, but you don't really need the episodes playing as you listen. If you've seen the episode, it's basically just two people watching Doctor Who. The reactions are perhaps a little more important than the source material, but it's good to join in. They play silly drinking games. First episode's if you see a beard or an upside down face.

Then again, I've rewatched this series a lot, so it might just be me who can listen easily. Seriously, this business is addictive!

And yes, Beth Willis is brilliant, and Piers was too. Later, Piers! :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2011, 05:02:04 PM
Yeah I've watched each episode twice. Even just listening takes up a fair bit of time though as it's still episode-length, so if I check one or two out I'll probably do it with the episode on.

And yeah, Beth Willis is pretty much my perfect woman. Intelligent and successful, associated with Doctor Who, and not bad looking to boot!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 27, 2011, 05:13:12 PM
I think Karen Gillan might be mine (I love the quirkiness), but Beth's quite a lass. Feels crass to point it out, but have you seen the in-vision commentary for The Eleventh Hour? I think she's been borrowing skirts off Karen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2011, 05:37:16 PM
I don't know what you mean by "in-vision commentary" but I MUST SEE IT.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 27, 2011, 05:43:02 PM
Ahhhh, on the series 5 DVDs the commentaries feature little thumbnails of the commentators commentating - wee little window in the corner. TEH has Beth Willis looking lovely, Piers Wenger looking more or less normal, and Steven Moffat still persistently disguised as a mere human.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2011, 05:44:26 PM
:lol Sounds great. I haven't got the series 5 DVD set yet. Only got the Series 1-4 boxset a month or so ago and then the 2009 specials set a little after that, so I figured at some point I'll watch through them and while I'm doing that I'll get the Series 5 ones.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 27, 2011, 05:46:52 PM
Karen Gillian is beautiful.  Toss between her and Evangeline Lilly for the most perfect television woman  :heart :hefdaddy
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on May 27, 2011, 07:52:24 PM
Karen Gillian is beautiful.  Toss between her and Evangeline Lilly for the most perfect television woman  :heart :hefdaddy
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 28, 2011, 07:27:25 AM
So I watched The Impossible Astronaut (and every other episode in Series 6 :P) and have started at the beginning of season 5. I finished the first part of Weeping Angels last night.

So, so, so good.
Oh fantastic!! Jesus, you've been busy.

I ask everyone this but it's because I'm genuinely interested and am intensely jealous of the journey that you've got ahead of you - what do you reckon?! To everything. Best episodes, Rory or Amy, best monsters, most exciting bit... how the devil is it all?

Alright, I've now watched up through 'Cold Blood'. Thoughts on everything ever, in no discernible order:

1) I'm really curious about what's going to come out of the whole 'crack in time' thing. Obviously, Rory's going to come back cause he's in the next series, but I have no idea how.

2) There's a surprising amount of rather poignant situations throughout the show. The whole idea of River and the Doctor being in opposite timelines is really sad actually, and although the show doesn't really dwell on it does make you think. The same thing goes for Rory being erased from time or whatnot.

3) Matt Smith is brilliant. I don't know what the other doctors/actors were like, but he's just fantastic.

4) The writing is also brilliant. The Beast Below, the Weeping Angels set, Amy's Choice, and the Impossible Astronaut set were all especially awesome, but there really hasn't been a bad episode thus far. Apparently Steven Moffat also wrote Coupling, another show I've been meaning to check out, so now that's on my to-do list.

5) I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Amy and Rory. It seems like Amy went from 'meehhh I'm marrying him and I'm not sure I want to' to 'ZOMG I LOVE HIM' in one scene in Amy's Choice. And while that could have worked, I feel like their relationship wasn't fleshed out enough for it to really click. It's not the biggest of deals, but it did kind of bother me.

6) I really can't get over how awesome The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon are. Especially the part in the orphanage, where Amy stumbles in the room where they're all sleeping or whatever... absolutely brilliant.

I think that's all I have.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 28, 2011, 11:37:02 AM
Oh dear god yes. Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon have more layers than a planet of onions. So duplicitous - framing A plots as B plots and sneaking in C plots right before your very eyes - and yet it comes across as so effortless. A gorgeous, marvellous network of ridiculously clever ideas. I love Steven Moffat so much for setting the bar so high, but hate him for making it so tricky to compete.

And yeah, re: point 2, Doctor Who manages to flit from creepy to funny to poignant to heartbreaking to exciting to mad all in the space of forty-five minutes. One of the most versatile formats in television. And yes, Matt Smith is brilliant.

Amy and Rory I'l prob go into later - Doctor Who's on in ten minutes and I've got to prepare the pizzas.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 28, 2011, 12:43:05 PM
What an episode! Can't wait for next weeks :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 28, 2011, 01:20:26 PM
Dear christ.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on May 28, 2011, 01:28:12 PM
Words cannot describe that episode, at all. I'm not even going to bother trying to put my thoughts down. Just wow.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 28, 2011, 01:52:41 PM

Incidentally, the next time trailer is here. (https://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/videos/p00h7m4l) Absolutely fantastic trailer, punctuated with a moment of pride: I'm getting good - worked out where I recognised the logo on the banners from in minutes.

(It's on River Song's uniform in the Time of Angels!)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 28, 2011, 02:25:18 PM

I just realised!

Amy told the Gangerdoctor that the real one was going to die!

But... he wasn't the Gangerdoctor! The Doctor knows!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 28, 2011, 06:19:00 PM
I came into this thread, saw 'dear christ', and then remembered that the new episode already aired.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 28, 2011, 06:53:22 PM
Hey, does anyone here know about the figures behind the sarcophagi in "The Big Bang?"  My roommate just pointed this out to me and it miiiiiight mean that when the Doctor says "You haven't been Amy for a long time" he means since last season.  


EDIT2: That guy behind the shed in The Impossible Astronaut?  Might be a hooded guy as well.  Holy crap Stephen Moffatt this is SO COOL.  Can't wait for next week!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 29, 2011, 04:45:59 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woZShAT3Bd4 - Trailer for Ep 7, for those of you outside the UK. "It's a child, not a weapon!" "She will be."

Emphasis hers. My emphasis, meanwhile, is placed firmly on she.

I think the hooded figures behind the sarcophagi were actually just podiums. Impossible Astronaut? More likely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 29, 2011, 07:39:24 AM
Podiums?  Huh?  They look like humanoids to me...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 29, 2011, 07:58:06 AM
They look quite humanoid (and yes, hooded!) from some angles, and they're of course the right size (as a sarcophagus is, by its nature, man-sized), but from another angle...


...not only do they look significantly less humanoid, but it becomes clear that they're the only things keeping the sarcophagi from falling down. And I think a sinister cloaked figure would have better things to do than hold up an ancient coffin all day long. :p

Even when you can see the domey "head," you can see that their right hand side is planed vertically. (I took a screenshot of this, too, but tinypic doesn't want to co-operate.) I do understand where the idea comes from, but I don't think they're any more human than the face at Cydonia.

However! In that same scene, as the camera zooms out, a man walks off to the side. That might be a production error, or it might be the Doctor zapping back or forth, or it might be a clue. Kind of siding with the former, as it's not acknowledged by any of the characters, but given the amount of foresight Steven Moffat's got, I can definitely see him sneaking things in. I'm very convinced by the Silence appearing in the Lodger, for instance.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 29, 2011, 08:16:20 AM
Wait, Silence in the lodger?  Do you mean beyond just the time machine that shows up in The Impossible Astronaut?

EDIT: Hilarious tweet from Mr. Moffat
"To the worriers - anything on the BBC website is APPROVED, and not a real spoiler. You know NOTHING, trust me. No, actually, you can't."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 29, 2011, 08:32:10 AM
Does anyone actually know what's going on :/ I'm stunned at how good this season is, although it's nearly as confusing as LOST!  :o :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 29, 2011, 09:19:38 AM
Wait, Silence in the lodger?  Do you mean beyond just the time machine that shows up in The Impossible Astronaut?
Ah! No!

You know how Amy's stuck in the TARDIS for the entire episode? There's one point where she glances at something off-screen, and panics. The Doctor asks what it was, and she instantly recovers and goes "no, nothing." I think it was during the football scene. With all the fives on the screen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 29, 2011, 09:20:35 AM

EDIT: Um, I just watched the scenes where the time loop is happening and there doesn't seem to be anything like what you're talking about..
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2011, 10:28:42 AM



EDIT: Is it just me, or has the eye-patch woman been looking older each time?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on May 29, 2011, 11:29:20 AM
I didn't notice everytime, but I did think when we saw her properly at the end of the last episode that she looked older than expected...

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 29, 2011, 11:49:29 AM
Just watched it.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on May 29, 2011, 11:51:37 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2011, 12:04:22 PM

Ian, you watched the rest of series 5 yet? :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 29, 2011, 12:06:01 PM
No, I still have four episodes left :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2011, 12:17:51 PM
Ahhhhhh that means you have Vincent and the Doctor next! Such a wonderful episode, one of my favourites ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on May 29, 2011, 01:14:22 PM
Concerning the last episode, I would like to reiterate sentiments previously expressed in the thread, only in a larger font for emphasis:

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 29, 2011, 01:36:18 PM
Hey, guys. Remember back when Doctor Who used to makes sense?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2011, 01:44:36 PM
Hey, guys. Remember back when Doctor Who used to makes sense?
It still makes sense, we just don't know everything yet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 29, 2011, 01:48:20 PM
Yeah half the fun is not knowing exactly how everything fits together!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2011, 02:01:49 PM
Moffat is amazing at that sort of thing. Coupling was a sitcom but even that he used to do some really clever stuff like split screen or replaying the same thing from someone else's perspective. He's such a great writer!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on May 29, 2011, 02:03:24 PM
It still makes sense, we just don't know everything yet.

I know. It was supposed to be a joke.  :-\
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2011, 02:13:51 PM
THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER :dangerwillrobinson:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on May 29, 2011, 03:11:52 PM
Big twist in the most recent episode. Let's see what happens next Saturday.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on May 29, 2011, 03:31:40 PM
Going back to the Eccleston episodes 'cos I'm in a major Dr Who mood. I forgot how much I loved Rose!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2011, 03:37:47 PM
One thing I'm liking about having Amy and Rory for a second series is that there is more (and subtler) character development for the companions. And River as well I guess! Martha and Donna were great and all but their development was a little rushed I think.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Space Invader on May 29, 2011, 06:53:26 PM



Thisthisthis. Wow I'm amazed and confused and astounded and grinning for ear to ear. I love it when everything gets turned on its head.

Potential Spoilers

Also did anyone else notice a little continuity error involving the sonic? The Doctor who got knocked unconscious had the sonic and ended up with Rory in the main room using it on the holophone, yet at the same time the other Doctor was scanning the acid pool in the crypt. There could be two sonics, but that doesn't make sense because they were tossing it back and forth. I might be completely wrong but it kind of bothers me now that I think about it.

Other than that absolutely mind-blowing episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 29, 2011, 06:56:19 PM
Hey, guys. Remember back when Doctor Who used to makes sense?

Doctor Who never makes sense.  How did the Doctor link up with the archangel network and become God in "Last of the Time Lords?"  ;)  Once I got past that, though, I started enjoying the series a lot more.  :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 29, 2011, 07:16:14 PM
Also did anyone else notice a little continuity error involving the sonic? The Doctor who got knocked unconscious had the sonic and ended up with Rory in the main room using it on the holophone, yet at the same time the other Doctor was scanning the acid pool in the crypt. There could be two sonics, but that doesn't make sense because they were tossing it back and forth. I might be completely wrong but it kind of bothers me now that I think about it.
Yep, I caught that too. Only explanation I can think of - the Flesh cloned the sonic screwdriver, too, and when they tossed it back and forth they were just idly mucking about with it.

'Course, the scene was filmed too deliberately for that to have ever been the intention, but it works in-universe. I figure it's just a rewrite gone astray. Maybe one of the Doctors was meant to use one of those human-only control panels, but it would've given away which one was human and which one wasn't a little too soon.

EDIT: Ah! Just remembered. Definitely two sonics! Gangerdoctor melts Jennifer with his, and then Doctordoctor melts Amy with his. The sonic-tossing was just misdirection. Or something from an old draft that they should really have taken out.

The only thing that was missing was Amy in Flesh-makeup. Would've been a wonderful image, but I suppose it wouldn't make sense what with the TARDIS having stabilised the Gangers. She could've perhaps reverted before the Doctor dissolved her, though. I'm sure they could've shoehorned the image in somewhere. It's probably an expensive aesthetic, mind.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 30, 2011, 03:57:24 AM
Hey, guys. Remember back when Doctor Who used to makes sense?

Doctor Who never makes sense.  How did the Doctor link up with the archangel network and become God in "Last of the Time Lords?"  ;)  Once I got past that, though, I started enjoying the series a lot more.  :D

Yeah, that's by far the biggest "...what?" moment in Doctor Who so far. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 30, 2011, 06:26:21 AM
The only thing that was missing was Amy in Flesh-makeup. Would've been a wonderful image, but I suppose it wouldn't make sense what with the TARDIS having stabilised the Gangers. She could've perhaps reverted before the Doctor dissolved her, though. I'm sure they could've shoehorned the image in somewhere. It's probably an expensive aesthetic, mind.
Also, as far as I understand it, the Amy ganger wasn't cut off from the real Amy, the connection was there right up until the Doctor zapped her, so there wouldn't have been an issue with stabilisation regardless of the TARDIS.

Also, I really can't believe none of us even considered what was actually happening, considering all the clues thrown in which become more apparent on second viewing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 30, 2011, 07:17:05 AM
The only thing that was missing was Amy in Flesh-makeup. Would've been a wonderful image, but I suppose it wouldn't make sense what with the TARDIS having stabilised the Gangers. She could've perhaps reverted before the Doctor dissolved her, though. I'm sure they could've shoehorned the image in somewhere. It's probably an expensive aesthetic, mind.
Also, as far as I understand it, the Amy ganger wasn't cut off from the real Amy, the connection was there right up until the Doctor zapped her, so there wouldn't have been an issue with stabilisation regardless of the TARDIS.

Yeah, that was my understanding as well.

Regardless, I think it had a lot more impact without showing her in flesh-makeup. Like, right up until she gets melted there was still just a 'wtf no way is this possible' feeling to the entire thing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 30, 2011, 07:22:51 AM
The only thing that was missing was Amy in Flesh-makeup. Would've been a wonderful image, but I suppose it wouldn't make sense what with the TARDIS having stabilised the Gangers. She could've perhaps reverted before the Doctor dissolved her, though. I'm sure they could've shoehorned the image in somewhere. It's probably an expensive aesthetic, mind.
Also, as far as I understand it, the Amy ganger wasn't cut off from the real Amy, the connection was there right up until the Doctor zapped her, so there wouldn't have been an issue with stabilisation regardless of the TARDIS.

Also, I really can't believe none of us even considered what was actually happening, considering all the clues thrown in which become more apparent on second viewing.
I know! All that timeline bollocks, with Amy having to choose between two different timelines... we'd been spouting absolute nonsense! Well - me, specifically, but it's like... everyone was so busy considering the possibility that the Doctor could have a significant clone that nobody even considered either of the others.

And yeah, agreed - the Amyganger is a functioning avatar, rather than a defective clone. Hence the visions of the hatch-lady etc.

One of the more ridiculous theories is that the light at the end of her pod is a Dalek peering into her downstairs smile. Frankly though, I don't know anything about the next episode and I don't want to. I know the Eyepatch lady's name, I know the names of some returning creatures from the BBC website... and that's it!

Most significantly, those fellas with the hoods? I know nothing about them. Not who they are, not what they are, not what they represent... and yet, they're the main monsters! As far as I can tell. This is the first time in years I've not known what the villain is. I knew about the Silence, I knew there would be a Siren, I figured House would be the villain and I knew about the gangers... but these guys? Not a sausage. Never seen them before in my life.

And yet, according to this... https://www.cultbox.co.uk/interviews/exclusives/1110-charlie-baker-doctor-who-interview

"They are classic behind-the-sofa baddies that are bound to give kids nightmares. I won't be letting my four year-old watch it! I thought the Silence were pretty scary but these guys are so much more."

Saturday can't come soon enough.

The only thing that was missing was Amy in Flesh-makeup. Would've been a wonderful image, but I suppose it wouldn't make sense what with the TARDIS having stabilised the Gangers. She could've perhaps reverted before the Doctor dissolved her, though. I'm sure they could've shoehorned the image in somewhere. It's probably an expensive aesthetic, mind.
Also, as far as I understand it, the Amy ganger wasn't cut off from the real Amy, the connection was there right up until the Doctor zapped her, so there wouldn't have been an issue with stabilisation regardless of the TARDIS.

Yeah, that was my understanding as well.

Regardless, I think it had a lot more impact without showing her in flesh-makeup. Like, right up until she gets melted there was still just a 'wtf no way is this possible' feeling to the entire thing.
I'd just have liked to see the image, to be honest. Even for just a second as she melts. She's stabilised, of course, but the Doctor unravels her. I think it'd be quite a significant picture. Then again, I think that might've just been 'cause I adore the make-up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 30, 2011, 07:25:46 AM
Oh, and cheeky bit of speculation... could these be the headless monks?

I like the idea of them taking their hoods down to reveal absolutely nothing. Not like the spec's done me any good before, mind. Steven Moffat, how does your mind work?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on May 30, 2011, 11:49:17 AM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 30, 2011, 05:33:55 PM
:lol I actually love Steven Moffat.

He also said in a recent interview that he has intentionally brought back cliffhangers to Doctor Who, because for all that it does well, New Who has been severely lacking in them. And now that I think about it, I agree with him SO MUCH. Cliffhangers make me want to see the next episode so badly!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: GuineaPig on May 30, 2011, 05:51:51 PM
I think cliffhangers can be a pretty cheap storytelling device.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on May 30, 2011, 07:14:39 PM
Its pretty dang effective.  Its a great way to get people really invested in what happens next.  Dickens discovered this a century or so ago and it still works.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on June 01, 2011, 12:49:47 PM
Finished Series 5. I still have a hard time really buying Amy and Rory.

Maybe I'm just jealous of Rory.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on June 01, 2011, 12:50:21 PM
I totally see why. (about to start S5E10, by the way).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 01, 2011, 01:03:45 PM
Re-watched Human Nature/Family of Blood last night.

Yep, definatley my favourite episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 02, 2011, 06:55:11 AM
Great episodes  :tup

A Good Man Goes To War teasers

1. Remember not to interact with the headless monks (without divine permission)

2. "Oh turn it off. I'm breaking in, not out!"

3. The Doctor calls on favours from a number of familiar faces

4. "They don't put up a balloon or anything!"

5. A line from a previous episode takes on a new significance.

6. "****** ******** is a geography teacher, ****** **** is a superhero"

7. Sontarans can produce a tasty drink.

8. Rory: "That's probably enough ******* now"

9. River Song's true identity is revealed in the episode's final moments.

10. The (frankly brilliant) title to episode eight is revealed before the end credits roll.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2011, 07:03:45 AM
Aaaaaargh I can't believe I'm going to be out and have to catch up on iplayer! :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 02, 2011, 07:06:37 AM
 :( That's sad.  Also can't believe this is the last episode until September  :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 02, 2011, 08:43:27 AM
I've heard a rumoured title of Ep 8. And yes, it's brilliant. But very audacious.

Not going to spoil it here (if I'm honest I wish I hadn't read the rumour), but the title I'd heard has the initials LKH. I'm also hoping it's wrong, 'cause I love a surprise.

Also, judging by teaser 1, this might be one of the very few times one of my bits of speculation turns out to be right. I wondered if they might've been the headless monks! I love the idea that they pull down their hoods to reveal absolutely nothing.

While we're speculating, my guess as to River Song's identity is that she's a spy. Now let's see how wrong I am.

Teaser 8... "That's probably enough kissing now," perhaps?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 02, 2011, 08:51:22 AM
Teaser 6 might be "...Amelia Pond is a superhero?  And yep I saw that episode title too, and there is filming photo's to back up that up too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on June 02, 2011, 05:22:22 PM
Would someone kindly send me the name of Episode 8? :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 02, 2011, 06:23:07 PM
Would someone kindly send me the name of Episode 8? :D

Apparently it's called "Lets Kill Hitler".
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on June 02, 2011, 07:53:09 PM

Apparently it's called "Lets Kill Hitler".

Well, from the images around, it seems like it's set in that era, lots of vehicles and stuff of that time. Helmets especially.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on June 03, 2011, 02:46:08 PM
Come on. There's got to be some fans here.

If you've never seen the new series, I'm not going to faff about, just watch the following trailer. It's for the next episode (November 15th!) and it looks AMAZING.


Best show on television. Ever. I'm stupidly excited.

Just watched this, my first Doctor Who episode. I really like it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on June 03, 2011, 04:39:16 PM
Someone came up with something interesting earlier today, River Song's name especially. Amy's daughter is going to be named Melody.
The name Pond = River, Melody = Song, relation maybe?

I also want to know who the "good man" is. I highly doubt it is the doctor, since he appears in Episode 8, or at least the pictures. Which means, the Good Man isn't the doctor. Apparently according to the spoilers when River announces who she is, it's a real twist. I wonder if she is actually a Time Lady? Which makes me wonder, when the hell will Moffat bring Jenny back?!

I don't think that the hooded people in the last 2010 episode is accidental, I think they are there intentionally.

Who do we think River actually is?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 03, 2011, 09:08:45 PM
Someone came up with something interesting earlier today, River Song's name especially. Amy's daughter is going to be named Melody.
The name Pond = River, Melody = Song, relation maybe?

I also want to know who the "good man" is. I highly doubt it is the doctor, since he appears in Episode 8, or at least the pictures. Which means, the Good Man isn't the doctor. Apparently according to the spoilers when River announces who she is, it's a real twist. I wonder if she is actually a Time Lady? Which makes me wonder, when the hell will Moffat bring Jenny back?!

I don't think that the hooded people in the last 2010 episode is accidental, I think they are there intentionally.

Who do we think River actually is?

Well, the rumor that's gathering the most attention at the moment is:

River is possibly the child of Rory and Amy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 04, 2011, 03:32:15 AM
Come on. There's got to be some fans here.

If you've never seen the new series, I'm not going to faff about, just watch the following trailer. It's for the next episode (November 15th!) and it looks AMAZING.


Best show on television. Ever. I'm stupidly excited.

Just watched this, my first Doctor Who episode. I really like it!
Welcome to the cool kids' club.  :hat

Feels like the fastest growing corner of the board right now. Also feels like an appropriate time to tell you the same thing I say to everyone - if you feel like catching more, The Eleventh Hour is the single best episode to start with.

Teeniest sliver of backstory should you choose to pick it up - you won't recognise any of the cast. But it'll all make sense by the end of the hour. TEH is a jumping on point - designed so you can get straight into the action without worrying about everything that's come before. It's also a one-stop guide to everything you need to know about Doctor Who, and a pretty fantastic episode to boot. And from there, you can just work forwards.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 04, 2011, 08:03:47 AM
Come on. There's got to be some fans here.

If you've never seen the new series, I'm not going to faff about, just watch the following trailer. It's for the next episode (November 15th!) and it looks AMAZING.


Best show on television. Ever. I'm stupidly excited.

Just watched this, my first Doctor Who episode. I really like it!
Welcome to the cool kids' club.  :hat

Feels like the fastest growing corner of the board right now. Also feels like an appropriate time to tell you the same thing I say to everyone - if you feel like catching more, The Eleventh Hour is the single best episode to start with.

Teeniest sliver of backstory should you choose to pick it up - you won't recognise any of the cast. But it'll all make sense by the end of the hour. TEH is a jumping on point - designed so you can get straight into the action without worrying about everything that's come before. It's also a one-stop guide to everything you need to know about Doctor Who, and a pretty fantastic episode to boot. And from there, you can just work forwards.

Good luck!

Yeah, but would mean missing four seasons of the best show ever made :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 08:13:19 AM
Yeah but he can go back and watch series 1-4 and the 2009 specials afterwards. But starting from TEH means quickly catching up! And like Rob says, it really does work well as an introduction, in the same way that Rose did.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 04, 2011, 08:21:33 AM
Yeah but he can go back and watch series 1-4 and the 2009 specials afterwards. But starting from TEH means quickly catching up! And like Rob says, it really does work well as an introduction, in the same way that Rose did.

I suppose, it's just Doctor Who is one of the very few programmes that I've watched from the beginning (Well, since 2005 at least), and I can't imagine watching series 5 without knowing about CE and DT :P

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 08:24:34 AM
Yeah I know what you mean. Although I don't think Rose is a particularly good starting point - for some reason the production values on that episode really aren't very good. The effects are weak and the music is pretty tacky. When I saw it I wasn't put off because I'd seen part II of The End of Time first (yeah, strange place to start I know :lol).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 04, 2011, 08:27:39 AM
Yeah I know what you mean. Although I don't think Rose is a particularly good starting point - for some reason the production values on that episode really aren't very good. The effects are weak and the music is pretty tacky. When I saw it I wasn't put off because I'd seen part II of The End of Time first (yeah, strange place to start I know :lol).

Well in all fairness, it is six years old :lol I think I'm one of the few people who not onlt love Rose, but her mother and Mickey too :laugh:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 08:30:07 AM
Oh I like the characters, I just thought that first episode wasn't very slick, although it's still very entertaining. But it's not just the fact that it's 6 years old, because the very next episode looks and sounds pretty great!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 04, 2011, 08:32:16 AM
Oh I like the characters, I just thought that first episode wasn't very slick, although it's still very entertaining. But it's not just the fact that it's 6 years old, because the very next episode looks and sounds pretty great!
In all fairness, I suppose they could of decided on a more visually and physically imposing enemy than some walking dummies :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 08:36:12 AM
Hmm, I suppose, although actually I quite like the autons. They're pretty spooky, and they're a classic Doctor Who villain since the 60s I think, or certainly the 70s at least. The problem was more with the nestene consciousness which was quite naff CGI, and the soundtrack was certainly not Murray Gold at his best. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on June 04, 2011, 09:40:53 AM
I've started watching this show on Netflix fairly recently.  I just finished Season 3 (or series or whatever it's called) and it was very enjoyable.  Some of the episodes were a bit weak, but at it's best they were fantastic.  I really loved the episode "Blink" in particular, though I can never look at statues in the same way again!  
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 09:49:34 AM
Blink is considered by many to be the best DW episode, although for me there are some other fantastic contenders.

Keep watching! I'd say the proportion of weaker episodes just keeps decreasing. Did you start from series 3 or series 1?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on June 04, 2011, 10:25:03 AM
3 was my first.  There seemed to only a few things that I was missing, but for the most part I think it provided a decent starting point.  It's good to hear that it gets better from here, though!  Would you say that I should revisit the first before moving forward or just continue from this point and go back later?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 04, 2011, 10:34:46 AM
I'd go back and watch the ones with Rose  :tup From Series 1, some amazing stuff there  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 10:59:40 AM
Production values are weaker at the start, but if you're enjoying it then it's definitely worth going back and watching from series 1 first. ESPECIALLY because there are a lot of characters and themes in series 4 that relate to the first two series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 04, 2011, 11:06:50 AM
Yeah - Doctor Who is one of those very few cleverly shows where you can essentially start wherever. It clues you in afresh each week. The absolute best starting points are The Eleventh Hour, the Christmas Invasion, or Rose, in descending order of strength, but each episode's brand new, and they even throw in handy leap-on points throughout. Vampires of Venice in the fifth series, for instance - sixth episode, but Toby Whithouse was given the brief to write it as a new beginning. There's a little continuity you don't get, not quite as comprehensive as The Eleventh Hour, but it's pretty damn good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 11:10:32 AM
Yeah, you CAN start anywhere, but some places are better than others if you want to get all the little references, which for me anyway are one of the lovely things about the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 04, 2011, 11:35:17 AM
5 MINS!!!!!!  :metal :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on June 04, 2011, 11:38:50 AM
I don't see why they're showing all of these topless men dancing about on the television...I want my Doctor Who!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 11:39:02 AM
I'm going out in half an hour, so I'm leaving it until I get back to catch up on iPlayer.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on June 04, 2011, 12:28:50 PM
...Bloody Hell...

Apparently we're going to kill Hitler next though!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on June 04, 2011, 12:46:47 PM
That. Was. Awesome.

The only water in the forest is the river... Clever...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 04, 2011, 12:53:06 PM
Fucking hell, yet again they blown us all away.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on June 04, 2011, 12:54:58 PM
This 3 month break is going to kill me :'(

I don't think we'll be seeing Amy and Rory after summer for a few episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on June 04, 2011, 01:43:38 PM
Netflix doesn't have the Eleventh Hour. :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on June 04, 2011, 01:46:27 PM
Netflix doesn't have the Eleventh Hour. :(

Huh?  Yes it does!  Under season 5!  At least, I've got it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on June 04, 2011, 02:11:12 PM

edit: that's tahlia's reaction as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on June 04, 2011, 03:56:43 PM

edit: that's tahlia's reaction as well.
Pretty much sums it up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 04, 2011, 05:44:20 PM
What a fantastic episode.  WHY CAN'T IT BE AUGUST ALREADY?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on June 04, 2011, 05:45:10 PM
What a fantastic episode.  WHY CAN'T IT BE AUGUST ALREADY?
August? I thought it was coming back in September? :O
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 07:00:08 PM
That was an absolutely stunning episode! And although the revelations at the end were beautifully done, I didn't think they were quite as shocking as the end of the last episode, as I think many of us kinda thought that might be the case already. Not that it matters though, but it was so perfectly executed. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2011, 07:17:03 PM
You know what? The more I think about it, the more I realise there is that we still don't know. Like, who did River kill? Who is the spaceman in the present day who kills the Doctor? Surely it can't be the girl? And why did The Silence even want the little girl in the first place? (being careful to avoid spoilers here!) And why did the Doctor tell Rory he should wear his centurion clothes?

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on June 04, 2011, 08:32:54 PM
I agree. Although it seems obvious who everyone is, why everything happens is a completely different story. August can't come soon enough.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on June 05, 2011, 02:44:47 AM
Wow. The last 40 seconds or so made me literally go "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Brilliantly executed. Amazing episode as well, can't wait for the second half of the series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 05, 2011, 05:16:49 AM
Best intro to any episode so far, Rory was fucking hardcore! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2011, 06:20:20 AM
Yeah it was great to see him being so badass! Although I still want to know why the Doctor told him to wear his centurion clothes...

Also, I'm starting to think that in the first two episodes, that may have actually been the end of the Silence after all, and that "Silence will fall" was actually in reference to the fall of the Silence being the start of events that lead on to other things. Just speculation, mind.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on June 05, 2011, 11:48:06 AM
Yeah it was great to see him being so badass! Although I still want to know why the Doctor told him to wear his centurion clothes...

Also, I'm starting to think that in the first two episodes, that may have actually been the end of the Silence after all, and that "Silence will fall" was actually in reference to the fall of the Silence being the start of events that lead on to other things. Just speculation, mind.

I've been worried about that, but (fortunately) I think you're wrong.

We still know nothing about the Silence's intentions: what is their relation with the eye-patch lady, what were they doing with the girl, and why did they want the moon? Plus, the Silence are just too creepy to get rid of.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on June 05, 2011, 11:53:00 AM
I was wondering when Amy was actually kidnapped. Since we know when the baby was made, she had to be taken this season. I'm thinking it's in the first two episodes in between where she tells the Doctor she's pregnant and where she says that she was mistaken.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 05, 2011, 01:11:50 PM
I was wondering when Amy was actually kidnapped. Since we know when the baby was made, she had to be taken this season. I'm thinking it's in the first two episodes in between where she tells the Doctor she's pregnant and where she says that she was mistaken.

The Doctor tells her that it was before America.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 05, 2011, 01:35:11 PM
I was wondering when Amy was actually kidnapped. Since we know when the baby was made, she had to be taken this season. I'm thinking it's in the first two episodes in between where she tells the Doctor she's pregnant and where she says that she was mistaken.

The Doctor tells her that it was before America.
I think he says that it was probably before America, or something like that. Implode's suggestion would make a lot of sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on June 05, 2011, 05:17:56 PM
The Doctor tells her that it was before America.

Well the fact that the child was conceived during the Christmas special leads me to believe otherwise. I don't think Moffat would have Amy kidnapped at an undetermined time between seasons; he'd rather have it happen right under our noses.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 06, 2011, 06:32:48 AM
Think the two months between flights makes most sense. Amy was a ganger in the first scene. Not everything's got to be twisty-turny plotty-wotty (although it's brilliant when it is).

There's one idea that I do quite like, that says she could've been switched mid-picnic. We see the Silence are there, but they don't really do anything. I don't think the Silence took her, though. And I don't think they're on the side of Madame Kovarian et al., to be honest. Jimmy Bighands in the toilet tells Amy to tell the Doctor what he must know, and what he must never know. Presumably (although "presumably" is a dangerous word given that Moffat is a tricksy little hobbit), what he must know is the pregnancy, and what he mustn't know is his own death. It worked, Amy eventually told him about both of them. But the thing is, it was helpful information. The Doctor might've never rescued Amy if the Silence had never got her to tip him off.

Which does leave the mystery of what their beef was with Melody Pond, and why Steve Silent et al were so eager to get her into a spacesuit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 06, 2011, 06:41:17 AM
Maybe the Silence were trying to steal River from Kovarian and the Church?  Maybe the events of LKH will lead to the Silence capturing baby River before the Doctor and pals can get her back and they want to use her as a weapon the way the church wanted to, maybe using her time-lordiness to pilot their Aickman Road TARDIS and take the Silence to other planets, which would explain why the fish vamps and Prisoner Zero knew who the Silence were. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 06, 2011, 07:03:10 AM
Maybe the Silence were trying to steal River from Kovarian and the Church?  Maybe the events of LKH will lead to the Silence capturing baby River before the Doctor and pals can get her back and they want to use her as a weapon the way the church wanted to, maybe using her time-lordiness to pilot their Aickman Road TARDIS and take the Silence to other planets, which would explain why the fish vamps and Prisoner Zero knew who the Silence were. 
I like it!

I have no expectations of Let's Kill Hitler whatsoever. Once again, I don't know who the enemies are. I figure it'll probably be set in Nazi Germany, and I know it's written by Steven Moffat, but aside from that? Clueless.

I can't even work out whether it'll pick up directly from where A Good Man Goes to War left off. Apparently they're considered a two parter (which, you could argue - although I personally don't - means it forms a four-parter with the fantastic title "The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People / A Good Man Goes to War / Let's Kill Hitler"), but Steven Moffat loves time-jumps.

No idea if we're gonna see how they escaped Demon's Run, very possibly we won't, and I've got a feeling we won't find out what the Doctor was doing when he disappeared into the TARDIS until a lot further down the line.

Also, I'm very glad that we've got such a cool Silurian story. I didn't particularly like the Silurians in The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood, and while CB was perfectly good, Hungry Earth is the only episode I've felt seriously underwhelmed by, and it leaves a bit of a blot on the story. Serviceable, but really kinda dull.

How brilliant was the Sontaran nurse, on that note?

"Whole nations would kill for just a tiny sliver of Time Lord DNA" - or whatever it was they said in episode 1. The Silence and the Headless Monks are both fighting over it, I presume. Abducting the Doctor's not on the agenda, but Melody's defenceless. I don't think the Astronaut in the lake was the work of the Silence - I think there's a sort of "enemy of my enemy" thing going on here. The Silence and the Headless Monks don't get on, but the Monks fear the Doctor, too, so the Silence kind of want him alive. Hence the toilet warnings?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 06, 2011, 07:44:03 AM
Yeah, if there's one thing I'm not a fan of this season its Moffatt's time jump between The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon.  Did they even explain why the FBI needed to pretend like they were hunting down Amy, Rory, and River?  So it's a possibility that the time between AGMGTW and LKH will have passed and there will be questions answered in brief exposition like in Day of the Moon.

I loved the Sontaran Nurse.  And Neil Gaiman's tweet about Lady Vashta: "Lady Vashta should be an actress as well as solve crimes.  Then she'd be a Victorian Silurian Lesibian Thespian." :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 06, 2011, 08:31:18 AM
Whole series so far is up on iPlayer.  That's my day sorted :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 06, 2011, 09:27:54 AM
I loved the Sontaran Nurse.  And Neil Gaiman's tweet about Lady Vashta: "Lady Vashta should be an actress as well as solve crimes.  Then she'd be a Victorian Silurian Lesibian Thespian." :lol
I think Steven Moffat won at twitter when he retweeted this:

DoctorWhoTweet: "RT if your River Song theory did turn out to be correct."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 06, 2011, 09:29:35 AM
That was great as well!  :lol

As was this tweet:
"Only one death threat, two demands for my immediate resignation, and two for my suicide.  ITS A HIT!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 06, 2011, 09:36:39 AM
I think having Steven Moffat on twitter genuinely makes the world a better place.

He also retweeted some fucking maniac who posted "Retweet if you have ever felt personally victimized by Steven Moffat." Which is the funniest possible response (I checked on a graph and everything) but I can't find it in my heart to have anything but contempt for whoever wrote that. Even if you're not a fan of what he's done with the show - jesus christ.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 06, 2011, 09:48:14 AM
I think having Steven Moffat on twitter genuinely makes the world a better place.

He also retweeted some fucking maniac who posted "Retweet if you have ever felt personally victimized by Steven Moffat." Which is the funniest possible response (I checked on a graph and everything) but I can't find it in my heart to have anything but contempt for whoever wrote that. Even if you're not a fan of what he's done with the show - jesus christ.
:rollin :rollin :rollin

That guy probably feels like a dick, but Moffatt is one of those entertainment guys who seems to do a really good job handling negative comments on the Internet.  So nothing but huge respect for him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on June 06, 2011, 10:07:55 AM
A Judoon platoon upon the moon... :laugh:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 06, 2011, 12:37:56 PM
I bet Moffat is LOVING all the hate he's getting from the cynics, because he knows that there will always be some people who hate something, and the amount of love he's getting must easily outweigh it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 07, 2011, 01:14:32 PM
https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/news/a323673/doctor-who-renewed-for-seventh-series-with-matt-smith.html (https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/news/a323673/doctor-who-renewed-for-seventh-series-with-matt-smith.html)

Great news :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2011, 01:15:06 PM
Yep, saw that. Great stuff!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on June 08, 2011, 01:24:00 AM
I've ended up loving the show, and I decided to just continue on from where I started at season 3.  Assuming my interest keeps up, I'll revisit the first two seasons after I'm all caught up with the present season, which I'm currently loving.  As far as favorites for season 3, I'd say "Blink" and the "Human Nature/Family of Blood" episodes.  Season four was just a slight bit less strong, partly due to the new woman companion Donna, who was fairly annoying at times, but it was still very strong.  For a favorite from 4 I'd probably go with "Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead".  Excellent episode.

So I've gotten a fair bit into the fifth, and, while the new guy isn't quite up to par with the doctor from the last two seasons, who was absolutely brilliant, he does quite a nice job, and besides that I think the show has actually made considerable improvement, not only in the obviously stronger production and visual value (there was some iffy costume work/special effects in some of the previous episodes) but in the writing and consistency as well.  So, even with the slight setback of lacking the previous doctor, I think it's actually possibly better than ever now.  The new companion is certainly easier on the eyes and ears than previous redheads who have traveled with him, as well. 

So, long story short, I'm totally captivated by the show.  At this rate, I'll have finished it within a week or two.  Maybe I should slow it down just a bit, make it last.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on June 08, 2011, 04:19:24 AM
I think having Steven Moffat on twitter genuinely makes the world a better place.

He also retweeted some fucking maniac who posted "Retweet if you have ever felt personally victimized by Steven Moffat." Which is the funniest possible response (I checked on a graph and everything) but I can't find it in my heart to have anything but contempt for whoever wrote that. Even if you're not a fan of what he's done with the show - jesus christ.
:rollin :rollin :rollin

That guy probably feels like a dick, but Moffatt is one of those entertainment guys who seems to do a really good job handling negative comments on the Internet.  So nothing but huge respect for him.

I thought the initial tweet was just a joke. *shrug*
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 08, 2011, 04:34:50 AM
I've ended up loving the show, and I decided to just continue on from where I started at season 3.  Assuming my interest keeps up, I'll revisit the first two seasons after I'm all caught up with the present season, which I'm currently loving.  As far as favorites for season 3, I'd say "Blink" and the "Human Nature/Family of Blood" episodes.  Season four was just a slight bit less strong, partly due to the new woman companion Donna, who was fairly annoying at times, but it was still very strong.  For a favorite from 4 I'd probably go with "Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead".  Excellent episode.

So I've gotten a fair bit into the fifth, and, while the new guy isn't quite up to par with the doctor from the last two seasons, who was absolutely brilliant, he does quite a nice job, and besides that I think the show has actually made considerable improvement, not only in the obviously stronger production and visual value (there was some iffy costume work/special effects in some of the previous episodes) but in the writing and consistency as well.  So, even with the slight setback of lacking the previous doctor, I think it's actually possibly better than ever now.  The new companion is certainly easier on the eyes and ears than previous redheads who have traveled with him, as well. 

So, long story short, I'm totally captivated by the show.  At this rate, I'll have finished it within a week or two.  Maybe I should slow it down just a bit, make it last.
Oh, fantastic! Glad you're loving it.

Incidentally, from series 5 onwards, a new guy takes over as head writer - fella called Steven Moffat.

Which might not mean much to you as a name, but before that point, he wrote one episode every series. These were Blink in series 3, and Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead in series 4. Yes, they gave the entire show to that one guy!

Also, you know that stronger production and visual value? Series 5 was filmed on a lower budget than series 4! I'm still overwhelmed by that, only found out recently. Absolutely stunning that they made it go that far. I love Matt Smith even more than I did David Tennant, myself, but they're both cracking - can't blame you for preferring Tennant. Smith might grow on you.

Which episode are you up to in series 5? It's my favourite series so far, so I've kinda got to ask. :hat
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 08, 2011, 07:09:05 AM
Don't worry Seth.  You'll realize that Donna was the best companion soon. 

And I too prefer Matt to David, but David is amazing so I can't fault you for that one.  And you should love series five since Steven Moffat has written all your favorite episodes so far.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 08, 2011, 07:13:18 AM
I prefer Matt a lot to David.   :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cruithne on June 08, 2011, 08:04:21 AM
The Doctor tells her that it was before America.

Well the fact that the child was conceived during the Christmas special leads me to believe otherwise. I don't think Moffat would have Amy kidnapped at an undetermined time between seasons; he'd rather have it happen right under our noses.

I did wonder at the time why the Silence cleaned her face after they captured her at the orphanage. Maybe it's because they didn't...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on June 08, 2011, 12:07:24 PM
Oh, fantastic! Glad you're loving it.

Incidentally, from series 5 onwards, a new guy takes over as head writer - fella called Steven Moffat.

Which might not mean much to you as a name, but before that point, he wrote one episode every series. These were Blink in series 3, and Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead in series 4. Yes, they gave the entire show to that one guy!

Also, you know that stronger production and visual value? Series 5 was filmed on a lower budget than series 4! I'm still overwhelmed by that, only found out recently. Absolutely stunning that they made it go that far. I love Matt Smith even more than I did David Tennant, myself, but they're both cracking - can't blame you for preferring Tennant. Smith might grow on you.

Which episode are you up to in series 5? It's my favourite series so far, so I've kinda got to ask. :hat

Ah, that's really amazing about the budget being lower for series 5, I don't think I would have ever guessed that!  I'm also liking this Smith bloke more and more, and considering that I thought he was great initially that says a lot.  In fact, I might come to regret having said that Tennant was better.  I'll have to see.  Smith has seemingly morphed the personality of the doctor a considerable bit but he's generally done a good job of keeping the character similar. 

As far as where I am, my last episode was the one with the two dream worlds, and boy, it was a great one.  Another particularly strong one was the 2-part return of the stone angels.  I feel like the story is really going somewhere with the whole cracking of the skin of the universe thing.  I'll wait to see how it all ties together, but as things are shaping up right now I think I'm enjoying series 5 more than any of the previous ones, which, again, says a whole lot.  I might actually finish the rest of the series tonight, I've been unable to put it down. 

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 08, 2011, 12:59:53 PM
The Doctor tells her that it was before America.

Well the fact that the child was conceived during the Christmas special leads me to believe otherwise. I don't think Moffat would have Amy kidnapped at an undetermined time between seasons; he'd rather have it happen right under our noses.

I did wonder at the time why the Silence cleaned her face after they captured her at the orphanage. Maybe it's because they didn't...
I don't think the Silence had anything to do with making Amy into a ganger. But I'll post my guess once Clairvoyant's caught up.

Oh, fantastic! Glad you're loving it.

Incidentally, from series 5 onwards, a new guy takes over as head writer - fella called Steven Moffat.

Which might not mean much to you as a name, but before that point, he wrote one episode every series. These were Blink in series 3, and Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead in series 4. Yes, they gave the entire show to that one guy!

Also, you know that stronger production and visual value? Series 5 was filmed on a lower budget than series 4! I'm still overwhelmed by that, only found out recently. Absolutely stunning that they made it go that far. I love Matt Smith even more than I did David Tennant, myself, but they're both cracking - can't blame you for preferring Tennant. Smith might grow on you.

Which episode are you up to in series 5? It's my favourite series so far, so I've kinda got to ask. :hat

Ah, that's really amazing about the budget being lower for series 5, I don't think I would have ever guessed that!  I'm also liking this Smith bloke more and more, and considering that I thought he was great initially that says a lot.  In fact, I might come to regret having said that Tennant was better.  I'll have to see.  Smith has seemingly morphed the personality of the doctor a considerable bit but he's generally done a good job of keeping the character similar. 

As far as where I am, my last episode was the one with the two dream worlds, and boy, it was a great one.  Another particularly strong one was the 2-part return of the stone angels.  I feel like the story is really going somewhere with the whole cracking of the skin of the universe thing.  I'll wait to see how it all ties together, but as things are shaping up right now I think I'm enjoying series 5 more than any of the previous ones, which, again, says a whole lot.  I might actually finish the rest of the series tonight, I've been unable to put it down. 
Ohhhh, you're a clever man. And then move onto series 6! The midseason finale just aired this week. It's a corker.

Series 1-4 (1 less than 2, 3 and 4) all looked a little bit too bright and shiny, for my taste. I liked 'em, but it was all very exuberant and fangless. Series 5 looks like a film. The effects are gorgeous, the sets lavish - it's a case of making so very little go such a long way. Absolutely magnificent job. My favourite series.

In fact, I'm just now remembering how favourite it is. Tempted to change my avatar back to the Doctor. Wouldn't hurt.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on June 08, 2011, 01:07:44 PM
Doctor noob here... just watched the first episode of the first season (2005 series) Liked it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 08, 2011, 01:15:18 PM
Doctor noob here... just watched the first episode of the first season (2005 series) Liked it!
Oh crikey! Interesting start.

I went into that episode with no expectations, and really liked it. On its first broadcast actually - Doctor Who was a really outdated TV show at the time, but I liked aliens and stuff so I was a little curious, wondered what they'd make of it in the modern era. It changed absolutely everything I understood by the phrase "Doctor Who," which I previously took to be a fairly archaic series that dads would like. In retrospect, though, it's not one of my favourites. It seems quite old-fashioned now - primordial. Fun! But ooooooh, just wait. It pales.

I usually always recommend that people start with The Eleventh Hour, which doesn't come until series 5... but, hey! You've started there, I'd keep ploughing through the whole thing. The series evolves so much. If you liked Rose, you'll love what's to come. Each series better than the last - and that's not something I often get to say.

What was your favourite bit?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on June 08, 2011, 01:18:59 PM
Doctor noob here... just watched the first episode of the first season (2005 series) Liked it!
Oh crikey! Interesting start.

I went into that episode with no expectations, and really liked it. On its first broadcast actually - Doctor Who was a really outdated TV show at the time, but I liked aliens and stuff so I was a little curious, wondered what they'd make of it in the modern era. It changed absolutely everything I understood by the phrase "Doctor Who," which I previously took to be a fairly archaic series that dads would like. In retrospect, though, it's not one of my favourites. It seems quite old-fashioned now - primordial. Fun! But ooooooh, just wait.

I usually always recommend that people start with The Eleventh Hour, which doesn't come until series 5... but, man. The series evolves so much. If you liked Rose, you'll love what's to come.

What was your favourite bit?!

I've been a fan of Billie Piper since Secret Diary of a Call Girl, though I never looked into any other performances of hers. Seeing her was a bit of a surprise, but cool. I'm not sure I have a favorite bit, I like that its a bit campy. I expect it (although I could be wrong) to turn into a x-files like show with a monster-of-the-week story line. Funny episodes mixed with some serious. It doesn't immediately draw me into the show, but I will watch more to see if it grows (which I fully expect it to).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 08, 2011, 01:23:09 PM
Part of me is tempted to tell you to take a sneak peek at The Eleventh Hour... it's four series down the line, but it doesn't give any of the game away on its own, and it's genuinely the best starting point any TV series has ever featured.

Basically, the Doctor can change his face (he evaluates it in Rose - comments on his ears!), and The Eleventh Hour is the first episode in a new face. The Doctor's new, the companion's new, everything's new, and it doesn't spoil anything of the previous four series. I'd consider that to be the litmus test. It's one of my favourite episodes - it's a bog standard episode of Doctor Who, alien of the week and all (yes! you called it!) but it's a brilliant bog standard episode.

But on the other hand! If you're willing to keep going, then definitely do. It might only be through my jaded fan-eyes that I've started to find series 1 a little off. There's a lot to love about it... I just know that there's so much more to love by series 2, 3, 4, 5... and, so far, 6! I don't think there's any harm in treating yourself to S5E1 and then sliding back to S1E2, though. Not for a second.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: mizzl on June 08, 2011, 03:24:34 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 08, 2011, 04:46:42 PM
I agree!!!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2011, 04:58:36 PM
Seth, so glad you're digging the show!

Interesting to see that you've picked up on the strength of story arcs in Series 5. That's one thing that's got a LOT stronger with Moffat in charge - keeping running threads throughout the series. Davies did it a bit and sometimes did it really well, but it just feels more epic the way Moffat does it. The man is a genius!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2011, 05:20:43 PM

I love Moffat. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on June 08, 2011, 05:23:18 PM
Here's a pretty interesting tidbit in the form of a usenet post by Steve Moffat, given the date (though the fact that it's a usenet post should be some indication of the date in and of itself :lol): https://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.drwho/browse_thread/thread/7cd734f99a62ae98/c845f05e9b213df9?lnk=st&q&hl=en&pli=1#c845f05e9b213df9
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 08, 2011, 05:27:03 PM
My friend was telling me about that yesterday, pretty cool that he's obviously always been interested in the Doctor's name and what it means, and is bringing that theme into the show right now.

EDIT: Apparently there's also a post from him on there about the fact that clearly the Doctor has had a bit of rumpy pumpy in the past as right from the very start back in 1963 he had a granddaughter, and that people shouldn't get so upset by the prospect of him having romantic interests.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 10, 2011, 06:21:23 AM
Steven Moffat makes a good point about the romantic interests thing.

But here's something I just realized when I watched "The Time of Angels" last night.  At the beginning, when the Doctor and Amy are in the museum, the Doctor refers to it as "The final resting place of the headless monks"

 :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Steven Moffat is a crafty bastard.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 10, 2011, 06:25:42 AM
Wow that is pretty awesome  :) Never noticed that!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on June 10, 2011, 09:12:11 AM
Steven Moffat is a crafty bastard.

Indeed. I wonder how he's able to write an absolutely badass storyline without getting lost in the whole "Whoniverse", meaning that in the end, everything (or mostly everything, I still haven't seen all episodes yet) is still in its place and makes sense, even with really obscure references.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 10, 2011, 09:28:45 AM
Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that still needs to be answered.  Motives of the headless monks, motives of the Silence, what Kevorian wants to do with the child to make it a weapon, why the church needs a weapon like that in the first place, what the deal is with Rory's centurion memories, and how and when the universe got all those little cracks in season 5.  Plus others I don't remember off the top of my head.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on June 10, 2011, 09:31:32 AM
Steven Moffat makes a good point about the romantic interests thing.

But here's something I just realized when I watched "The Time of Angels" last night.  At the beginning, when the Doctor and Amy are in the museum, the Doctor refers to it as "The final resting place of the headless monks"

 :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:

Steven Moffat is a crafty bastard.

Yeah, that's because River knows that he'll visit there one day, leaves the note to go off to Planet 1. Great way to do it though!

Edit: Also, just watching WAGMGTO again, and there is a big, yet, subtle hints as to who Melody really is. For instance, the hint is when River says it's her birthday. A very big hint!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 12, 2011, 03:26:46 PM
Now that there's a bit of a break in the Whoniverse, I was wondering how people in this thread would rank certain things, now that we've got a fair few more fans than we've ever had before!

Favourite Doctors:
1. Matt Smith (11)
2. Tom Baker (4)
3. David Tennant (10)
4. Patrick Troughton (2)
5. Christopher Eccleston (9)
6. Jon Pertwee (3) / William Hartnell (1)

Those last two I can't decide between, both have some great aspects and some that are less great. The rest are all fab though! I haven't seen much of Doctors 5-8 yet, still making my way through the classic years.

Favourite two stories from each series:
S1: The Long Game and The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
S2: The Girl in the Fireplace and Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
S3: Human Nature / The Family of Blood and Blink
S4: Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead and Midnight
S5: The Beast Below and Vincent and the Doctor
S6 so far: The Doctor's Wife
Out of all the specials: The End of Time parts 1 and 2

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on June 12, 2011, 03:50:08 PM
I finished up Season 5 a while ago, the ending was wonderful.  The last episode was some of the show's very best material, and I think that 5 was definitely a much stronger series than either of the previous ones. 

As I usually get like this when I find a new TV show I love, I plowed through the first half of season six like it was Karen Gillan (who is super hot and makes for my favorite companion yet) and it was fantastic.  The Doctor's Wife was my favorite episode from it, which wasn't a huge surprise considering how much I love Neil Gaiman.  The latest one was also great.  I think I have a pretty decent (though probably quite obvious) hunch on where this one is going, but I could be totally wrong.  Whatever, at least I can catch up on series 1 and 2 while I'm waiting for it to resume.  I'm ultimately immeasurably delighted that I picked up on this show, as it's provided some fantastic entertainment. 

As far as rankings, I've not decided on my favorite doctor (I love both Tennant and Smith) but here are my unseasoned favorites:
S3: 1. Blink  2. Human Nature / The Family of Blood
S4: 1. Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead  2. Midnight
S5: 1. The Big Bang  2. Vincent and the Doctor
S6: 1. The Doctor's Wife  2. Day of the Moon
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 12, 2011, 03:53:50 PM
You, sir, have mighty fine tastes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Logical Nightmare on June 12, 2011, 03:58:57 PM
Hey fanboys (and maybe girls), if I want to start watching now, where do I start? My friend said that I should start with the latest season, but it doesn't feel right to do that. I'm also suspecting she's tricking me into it so that she'll have someone to discuss it with. So what do you say?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on June 12, 2011, 04:06:56 PM
From my prospective, the latest season doesn't seem like a great starting point, as certain events near the beginning of the episode won't probably do much for you without another season's worth of background.  I think that series 5 would be a good place to start from the beginning for a newcomer, as it brings you in to the best series at a very accessible starting point.  The first episode does well in explaining itself to someone new to the series.

But you should probably listen to Ariich or Robwebster, I'm actually just a noob pretending to be a fanboy
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 12, 2011, 04:10:32 PM
As much as Series 5 is a good entry point, I really can't bring myself to tell anyone to start there without seeing the first four series first. You get a much better appreciation for the character by starting at Series one, and of course get some quality telivision ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Logical Nightmare on June 12, 2011, 04:18:38 PM
So I'm reading an episode guide right now, this is confusing stuff. Anyway, if I got it right, series one features the ninth doctor? Starting there feels okay - not an overwhelming amount of episodes to watch (at least compared to how much there is before that), but I still get quite a lot of the show. I'm open to more suggestions though, if anyone has anything else to say.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 12, 2011, 04:32:25 PM
Series one with the 9th Doctor is basically a reboot of the series, but still keeping all the old continuity. I havn't seen any episodes prior to series one (mainly because despite what the diehards say, they're awful) and there really no need to.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 12, 2011, 04:38:38 PM
Aranka, starting with Season 5 should be fine.  So should starting with Season 1. 

As for favorite episodes:

Season 1: Dalek and The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Season 2: School Reunion and The Girl in the Fireplace
Season 3: Blink and Human Nature/Family of Blood
Season 4: Forest of the Dead/Silence in the Library and Midnight (honestly the scariest Doctor Who episode.  RTD must have taken an overdose of whatever drugs Moffat's been taking)
Season 5: The Eleventh Hour and The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
Season 6: The Doctor's Wife and A Good Man Goes to War
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on June 12, 2011, 04:47:03 PM
I'm in the middle of the second series right now, so I can't really take part in this ranking game. But I'm already excited for the series 3 and 4. Looks like there are some killer episodes in there.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Logical Nightmare on June 12, 2011, 04:57:42 PM
Thanks for your help, guys. I think it'll be series one. I have slight OCD when it comes to these things and I like to be thorough with things. We'll see what my boyfriend says, we'll be watching together.

I havn't seen any episodes prior to series one (mainly because despite what the diehards say, they're awful) and there really no need to.
I watched one episode that was randomly on TV some night. Since I then had only heard about Doctor Who and didn't know anything at all about it, I can't say which episode or season, but it was old. We had a really good time laughing at the aliens with suspiciously human legs stumbling around. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on June 12, 2011, 05:50:24 PM
So I'd taken a bit of an impromptu break from Doctor Who. Meaning, i got distracted from watching The Doctor by reading A Game of Thrones.

So I'm jumping back in. The Santauran two parter. Just spectacular. Paradox to break the ATMOS. Fighting the Santaurans. Burning off the gas. Luke sacrificing himself to save The Doctor in the end. Just fantastic.

But what stands out the most? Rose on the monitor in the Tardis. And she already briefly appeared at the end of Partners in Crime. I'm very intrigued as to where this is going.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 12, 2011, 10:46:48 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 13, 2011, 06:00:20 AM
Thanks for your help, guys. I think it'll be series one. I have slight OCD when it comes to these things and I like to be thorough with things. We'll see what my boyfriend says, we'll be watching together.

I havn't seen any episodes prior to series one (mainly because despite what the diehards say, they're awful) and there really no need to.
I watched one episode that was randomly on TV some night. Since I then had only heard about Doctor Who and didn't know anything at all about it, I can't say which episode or season, but it was old. We had a really good time laughing at the aliens with suspiciously human legs stumbling around. :lol
I've not been here for the last five days or so, so I might've missed the boat here... BUT! Series 5 is a new start, and the most confident, exciting and all-round fun place to begin. Its first episode - The Eleventh Hour - gives away no spoilers for the last four series, and acts as a one-stop guide to everything that's important about the series. Rose is an episode that I really liked in 2005, but watching it nowadays I think it's a lot more of a mixed bag. Each series has a steady pulse of greatness, and among them are moments of astonishing brilliance and also a couple of more strained moments. Series 5 is the very strongest, with the most brilliance and the least chinks in its armour, and it's tailor made to pick up brand new viewers. Each series, so far, has been more confident than the last, but series 5 is the jewel. So, yes. Series 5. Always series 5.

My main problem with series 1 is that Rose is a bit of a weak point, and it's followed shortly by Aliens of London and World War Three, which are also kind of weak. All directed by a fella called Keith Boak, who never returned - allegedly because nobody got along with him, and his vision simply didn't fit. Eps 1, 4 and 5 are the weakest of the series, and it's hard to look past that. Series 5, meanwhile, eps 1, 4 and 5 are arguably the strongest, so you've got a much more confident beginning.

1. Smith
2. Tennant
3. Eccleston

Funnily enough, while Tennant is "my" Doctor, Smith is my favourite. This sounds a little arrogant, perhaps, but I do see a fair bit of myself in Smith's portrayal - obviously not intentional, but while I'd be a little in awe of Tennant's Doctor, I feel a little bit kindred with Smith's. I'd get on well with him.

Series 5
Series 4 (Plus specials!)
Series 6 (Part 1)
Series 3
Series 1
Series 2

The best bits of series 2 are absolutely fantastic, but it's a bit of a mixed bag - New Earth, The Idiot's Lantern, Love and Monsters and Fear Her are episodes I've never quite got along with, whereas I'm relatively indifferent too to School Reunion, The Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel... ack. The best bits are brilliant, though. The other two two-parters absolutely marvellous, and then Tooth & Claw, The Girl in the Fireplace... grand.

As a general rule, though, each is better than the last. I'm in awe of series 6, so far, but it's not quite as fun as 4 and 5, so I've placed it just below for now. Absolutely sterling, though.

S1: The Unquiet Dead - The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
S2: The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit - Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
S3: Smith & Jones - Human Nature / The Family of Blood
S4: Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead - The Waters of Mars
S5: The Eleventh Hour - The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
S6: The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon - A Good Man Goes to War

A hell of a lot of Moffat.

S1: Gelth.
S2: Ood.
S3: Weeping Angels.
S4: Vashta Nerada.
S5: Prisoner Zero.
S6: The Silence.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Logical Nightmare on June 13, 2011, 06:58:33 AM
I see. But isn't there a risk then that I get disappointed when I start from series one? I generally don't like starting with the best of something, because I'm afraid I won't appreciate the rest afterwards. I mean, if I start with series one, I'll have something to look forward to, and if I don't like it at all I can always skip to the good part. It won't be as much fun if I start with series five, absolutely love it, and then get all disappointed with what came before.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 13, 2011, 08:26:19 AM
I see. But isn't there a risk then that I get disappointed when I start from series one? I generally don't like starting with the best of something, because I'm afraid I won't appreciate the rest afterwards. I mean, if I start with series one, I'll have something to look forward to, and if I don't like it at all I can always skip to the good part. It won't be as much fun if I start with series five, absolutely love it, and then get all disappointed with what came before.
Yeah! That's a fair point. Just don't feel you have to. Starting DW with series 1 is a bit like starting Dream Theater with When Dream and Day Unite.

Weeeeell... no, that's a lie. It's not. Critically acclaimed, fantastic scripts, brilliant actors, turned Billie Piper from a laughable nostalgic reference into a household name in the world of acting, had spades more imagination than any other TV show dared flaunt at the time, and paved the way for the best show in the world to claim the earth once more. Series 1 is streets ahead of When Dream and Day Unite.

But on the other hand - different frontman, shaky around the edges, the vision is slightly unclear compared to future series, the stories slightly less adventurous, the mythology primordial. Yet, still lovable. WDADU kicks off with a classic, and in truth I fell in love with Doctor Who right from the first minute.

Just... don't be worried if you watch series 1 and you're not as absolutely enraptured as I was on first watch, because I wouldn't blame anyone who wasn't for a second. S5 is the marvellously bonkers "new look" Scenes from a Memory-style return-with-a-vengeance. And you've got Images and Words and Awake to look forward to in the meanwhile. Score.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 13, 2011, 08:34:59 AM
So season 6 is 6DoiT :D and we have ToT and SC to look forward to next?  :-\
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 13, 2011, 08:51:31 AM
In fairness, it's a loose analogy. I wouldn't say series 2 bares any real resemblance to Images and Words. :p Series 4 even less to FII - maybe spin the order. FII, Awake, Images.

On the other hand, series 6 is the ambitious one delivered in two parts...

EDIT: And series eight will be the one that coincides with a massive anniversary!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 13, 2011, 08:54:05 AM
In fairness, it's a loose analogy. I wouldn't say series 2 bares any real resemblance to Images and Words. :p Series 4 even less to FII - maybe spin the order. FII, Awake, Images.

On the other hand, series 6 is the ambitious one delivered in two parts...

You know, spinning the order around actually makes perfect sense.  You've got an overal mediocre season 2 with a few great gems, a pretty good season 3 with a few episodes that don't work for you at all, and then you have a perfect season 4 (if you're counting the specials it gets even better). 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 13, 2011, 09:34:13 AM
The specials kind of work better with Falling Into Infinity... extra stuff from the era that may not have been in the series proper, but is still at least on a par with it. But yeah, it's a flawed analogy! Just a general idea that "primordial-but-cool stuff gives way to good stuff gives way to a new lineup" is all anyone needs. (Also, your views on DT albums pre-TOT and those on all DW series so far are, apparently, spookily similar to mine. Congrats!)

On another subject, was gonna post this in user pictures, but didn't think anyone there would necessarily "get" it...

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 13, 2011, 09:38:33 AM
I finished up Season 5 a while ago, the ending was wonderful.  The last episode was some of the show's very best material, and I think that 5 was definitely a much stronger series than either of the previous ones. 

As I usually get like this when I find a new TV show I love, I plowed through the first half of season six like it was Karen Gillan (who is super hot and makes for my favorite companion yet) and it was fantastic.  The Doctor's Wife was my favorite episode from it, which wasn't a huge surprise considering how much I love Neil Gaiman.  The latest one was also great.  I think I have a pretty decent (though probably quite obvious) hunch on where this one is going, but I could be totally wrong.  Whatever, at least I can catch up on series 1 and 2 while I'm waiting for it to resume.  I'm ultimately immeasurably delighted that I picked up on this show, as it's provided some fantastic entertainment. 

As far as rankings, I've not decided on my favorite doctor (I love both Tennant and Smith) but here are my unseasoned favorites:
S3: 1. Blink  2. Human Nature / The Family of Blood
S4: 1. Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead  2. Midnight
S5: 1. The Big Bang  2. Vincent and the Doctor
S6: 1. The Doctor's Wife  2. Day of the Moon
What's your hunch? You're in the same boat as us now, speculate away. :hat

Also, yes. EXQUISITE tastes. In companions, series, episodes, people who are in urgent need of a ploughing-through and preferably from yours truly, Doctors - everything. So glad you're enjoying the ride so much.

So I'd taken a bit of an impromptu break from Doctor Who. Meaning, i got distracted from watching The Doctor by reading A Game of Thrones.

So I'm jumping back in. The Santauran two parter. Just spectacular. Paradox to break the ATMOS. Fighting the Santaurans. Burning off the gas. Luke sacrificing himself to save The Doctor in the end. Just fantastic.

But what stands out the most? Rose on the monitor in the Tardis. And she already briefly appeared at the end of Partners in Crime. I'm very intrigued as to where this is going.
I really like the Sontaran two-parter! The strongest in its "slot" (i.e. early two-parter) until... ah. Spoilers. But yeah, such a cool race. That two parter is funny and exciting in equal measure. I love the Sontarans as villains. They're a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 13, 2011, 10:10:48 AM
Well, I don't think FII is mediocre all around with a few gems.  Its only stinkers are YNM and BMS.  The rest ranges from good to orgasmic.  But that's the general fan consensus and worked with my assessment of season 2, so why not?  At least we share DW opinions.

EDIT: I need to have some honorable mentions because there's just so much good stuff in DW.

SE1: Unquiet Dead
SE2: The Christmas Invasion
SE3: Smith and Jones
SE4: The Doctor's Daughter (Georgia Moffet's gorgeousness puts it just above Sontaran Strategem/Poison Sky)
SE5: Vincent and the Doctor
SE6: Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon

And doctor rankings:

1. Smith
2. Tennant (but its a very close second)
3. Eccleston (who was great, but there just aren't enough great episodes for him to really show off)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 13, 2011, 01:51:52 PM
Series 5
Series 4 (Plus specials!)
Series 6 (Part 1)
Series 3
Series 1
Series 2
Cool idea!

Series 5
Series 3
2009 Specials (I consider them basically a separate series)
Series 4
Series 1&2

Can't decide between the last two. Pretty much all of DW's weakest episodes are spread throughout those two series, but there's plenty of great stuff in them as well. Both are solid overall.

I see. But isn't there a risk then that I get disappointed when I start from series one? I generally don't like starting with the best of something, because I'm afraid I won't appreciate the rest afterwards. I mean, if I start with series one, I'll have something to look forward to, and if I don't like it at all I can always skip to the good part. It won't be as much fun if I start with series five, absolutely love it, and then get all disappointed with what came before.
This makes a lot of sense and I agree with the overall logic behind it. I say go with that! :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 13, 2011, 03:43:08 PM
Oh man we're ranking seasons now? 

Season 5
Season 4
2009 Specials (still haven't seen Planet of the Dead, but Waters of Mars and End of Time were amazing enough to put it above season 6 right now)
Season 6 (so far)
Season 3
Season 1
Season 2
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 13, 2011, 03:44:27 PM
I can't rank series 6 until it's finished and I'm able to consider the thing as a whole.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 13, 2011, 03:45:59 PM
Season 5
Season 4 (Including Specials)
Season 3
Season 6 (Will no doubt rise when it's done)
Season 2
Season 1

EDIT: Didn't do my Docs or eppys

Doctor:  Easily Matt.  Just perfect for the role.

S1: The Parting of the Ways
S2: The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
S3: Human Nature/The Family of Blood
S4: The Stolen Earth/Journeys End
Special: The End of Time
S5: Really difficult one this because the season is just amazing...The Pandorica Opens/The Big Band
S6 (So far): The Doctor's Wife
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 13, 2011, 04:03:41 PM
Decided to watch from the start of Series 1 again, and I have to say, I'd forgotten how good The Unquiet Dead is. Gatiss' script is great, and Simon Callow puts in such a lovely performance as Dickens! :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on June 13, 2011, 04:45:13 PM
Season 5
Season 6 (so far)
Season 4/Season 3 (Tied as Season 3 had stellar standout episodes, whereas Season 4 was more consistent)
Season 2
Season 1

Matt Smith is probably the best for the role, but David Tennant is just too badass to rank below him.
Christopher Eccleston (who I also loved)

SE1: Dalek
SE2: The Girl in the Fireplace/The Satan Pit/Doomsday goddammit...
SE3: Blink
SE4: Forest of the Dead
SE5: The Pandorica Opens
SE6: The Doctor's Wife
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Iarwain on June 14, 2011, 09:20:45 AM
Series 5
Series 6
Series 3
Series 4
Series 1
Series 2

Matt Smith
William Hartnell
Patrick Troughton
Christopher Eccleston
David Tennant
Jon Pertwee

Something like that. Patrick would be higher (maybe first) if more of his serials had survided.

S1: The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
S2: The Girl in the Fireplace
S3: Blink
S4: The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky
S5: The Eleventh Hour
S6: The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 14, 2011, 10:07:07 AM
Thanks for your help, guys. I think it'll be series one. I have slight OCD when it comes to these things and I like to be thorough with things. We'll see what my boyfriend says, we'll be watching together.

I havn't seen any episodes prior to series one (mainly because despite what the diehards say, they're awful) and there really no need to.
I watched one episode that was randomly on TV some night. Since I then had only heard about Doctor Who and didn't know anything at all about it, I can't say which episode or season, but it was old. We had a really good time laughing at the aliens with suspiciously human legs stumbling around. :lol

S5: Prisoner Zero.

Prisoner Zero? Really?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on June 14, 2011, 10:09:57 AM
Watched The Doctors Daughter last night. I was really really tired and dozed a couple times. But I don't think I missed anything.

So is Jenny going to be a full on time-lord? Or is it as The Doctor said and she's just an echo? And why'd it take so long for her to regenerate? Along with this, I thought regeneration caused you to change bodies, etc. Why not her? And what had me confused the whole time, why was the language of the Hath not translated but Martha could apparently understand them just fine?

Are all of those things I missed explanations for because I was tired? Or am I meant to be left guessing because it's Doctor Who and that's what they do.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 14, 2011, 10:16:39 AM
Well, the Hath don't have mouths, and I don't think Martha understood them just fine, she seemed like she was picking up on movements and context clues the whole time.  As for Jenny, she's definitely Gallifreyan, but I don't know if that means she's a full-on Time Lord.  Depends if she's all mutated by the time vortex or not.  The regeneration might have just been from the source and not from a Time Lord/Lady's ability to regenerate.  I'd like to see her come back.  She's too gorgeous not to.  You know, when she's done having David Tennant's baby.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on June 14, 2011, 10:21:33 AM
We're lead to belive the Tardis translates all languages, even gurgle. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on June 14, 2011, 10:37:35 AM
We're lead to belive the Tardis translates all languages, even gurgle. :lol

This, pretty much.

Well, the Hath don't have mouths, and I don't think Martha understood them just fine, she seemed like she was picking up on movements and context clues the whole time.  As for Jenny, she's definitely Gallifreyan, but I don't know if that means she's a full-on Time Lord.  Depends if she's all mutated by the time vortex or not.  The regeneration might have just been from the source and not from a Time Lord/Lady's ability to regenerate.  I'd like to see her come back.  She's too gorgeous not to.  You know, when she's done having David Tennant's baby.

Perhaps, but it seemed like they were understanding one another pretty well. But there wasn't Tardis translation, at least not that was shown. I'm still intrigued as to the ramification of there being another Gallifreyan wandering about the universe is going to have. And The Source causing the regeneration is a good point. Though the wisp of energy that escaped her mouth seemed very much like The Doctor during Christmas Invasion when he was still undergoing his regeneration cycle. But I'd been assuming so far that regeneration had something to do with The Tardis. Which she didn't have access to. Meaning it might have been the Source. I really don't know. I'll be the first to admit I don't know nearly enough or as much about Doctor Who as the rest of you.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on June 14, 2011, 06:12:28 PM
Sorry for double post.

But I just watched the library two parter and I am shitting a half a metric ton of bricks right now. And the other half metric ton? Also bricks.

I just. Fucking. Jesus christ. That episode was just so...Doctor. It was wonderful. It was heart wrenching. And it was kinda confusing. I kept asking my friend Brandon (who watches the show religiously) questions about what was going on. He refused to actually tell me. Other than these few things.

1. Everything is connected in this show.
2. Everything is connected in this show.
3. Shit gets real in season 6
4. Pay close attention to everything.
5. Steve Moffat is a fuck.

I'm just kind of in a state of blissful ragey happiness. Fucking love this show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 15, 2011, 08:48:04 AM
Quote from: robwebster
S5: Prisoner Zero.

Prisoner Zero? Really?
I'm perhaps speaking while wearing slightly rose-tinted lenses. My favourite episode's The Eleventh Hour, and while I was at the BBC Headquarters the other day I picked up a Prisoner Zero action figure as a tribute, so I'm kind of in that "mode." I think he's the coolest villain introduced in that series, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 15, 2011, 08:52:32 AM
We're lead to belive the Tardis translates all languages, even gurgle. :lol

This, pretty much.

Well, the Hath don't have mouths, and I don't think Martha understood them just fine, she seemed like she was picking up on movements and context clues the whole time.  As for Jenny, she's definitely Gallifreyan, but I don't know if that means she's a full-on Time Lord.  Depends if she's all mutated by the time vortex or not.  The regeneration might have just been from the source and not from a Time Lord/Lady's ability to regenerate.  I'd like to see her come back.  She's too gorgeous not to.  You know, when she's done having David Tennant's baby.

Perhaps, but it seemed like they were understanding one another pretty well. But there wasn't Tardis translation, at least not that was shown. I'm still intrigued as to the ramification of there being another Gallifreyan wandering about the universe is going to have. And The Source causing the regeneration is a good point. Though the wisp of energy that escaped her mouth seemed very much like The Doctor during Christmas Invasion when he was still undergoing his regeneration cycle. But I'd been assuming so far that regeneration had something to do with The Tardis. Which she didn't have access to. Meaning it might have been the Source. I really don't know. I'll be the first to admit I don't know nearly enough or as much about Doctor Who as the rest of you.

Well, pre-revival Doctors have regenerated outside the TARDIS before, so I don't think a Time Lord has to be inside a TARDIS to regenerate. 

Actually, now that I think about it, Jenny can't be a full Time Lord.  Eccleston explains to Rose that he would be able to feel it if there were other Time Lords in the universe.  So if Jenny were alive, the Doctor would have sensed it, and given his emotions during that episode, I see no reason why the tenth wouldn't fly back there and pick her up. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 15, 2011, 08:57:22 AM
I don't think a Doctor actually has regenerated outside of the TARDIS... although, one very nearly did.
Sorry for double post.

But I just watched the library two parter and I am shitting a half a metric ton of bricks right now. And the other half metric ton? Also bricks.

I just. Fucking. Jesus christ. That episode was just so...Doctor. It was wonderful. It was heart wrenching. And it was kinda confusing. I kept asking my friend Brandon (who watches the show religiously) questions about what was going on. He refused to actually tell me. Other than these few things.

1. Everything is connected in this show.
2. Everything is connected in this show.
3. Shit gets real in season 6
4. Pay close attention to everything.
5. Steve Moffat is a fuck.

I'm just kind of in a state of blissful ragey happiness. Fucking love this show.
This kinda shiz is why I massively envy you. There is nothing like watching Silence in the Library for the first time. Absolutely stellar. I had a moment the other day when I realised you hadn't met River Song - ohhhh, just wait. The best is yet to come.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on June 15, 2011, 10:09:26 AM
I'm watching all of Doctor Who with some friends and just finished Dalek from season 1. In the beginning, I swear there's a thing that looks just like prisoner zero in one of the glass cases.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 15, 2011, 01:01:21 PM
Rob, the Doctor has definitely regenerated outside the TARDIS. You noob. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TheMadgician on June 15, 2011, 04:17:26 PM
We're lead to belive the Tardis translates all languages, even gurgle. :lol

This, pretty much.

Well, the Hath don't have mouths, and I don't think Martha understood them just fine, she seemed like she was picking up on movements and context clues the whole time.  As for Jenny, she's definitely Gallifreyan, but I don't know if that means she's a full-on Time Lord.  Depends if she's all mutated by the time vortex or not.  The regeneration might have just been from the source and not from a Time Lord/Lady's ability to regenerate.  I'd like to see her come back.  She's too gorgeous not to.  You know, when she's done having David Tennant's baby.

Perhaps, but it seemed like they were understanding one another pretty well. But there wasn't Tardis translation, at least not that was shown. I'm still intrigued as to the ramification of there being another Gallifreyan wandering about the universe is going to have. And The Source causing the regeneration is a good point. Though the wisp of energy that escaped her mouth seemed very much like The Doctor during Christmas Invasion when he was still undergoing his regeneration cycle. But I'd been assuming so far that regeneration had something to do with The Tardis. Which she didn't have access to. Meaning it might have been the Source. I really don't know. I'll be the first to admit I don't know nearly enough or as much about Doctor Who as the rest of you.

Well, pre-revival Doctors have regenerated outside the TARDIS before, so I don't think a Time Lord has to be inside a TARDIS to regenerate. 

Actually, now that I think about it, Jenny can't be a full Time Lord.  Eccleston explains to Rose that he would be able to feel it if there were other Time Lords in the universe.  So if Jenny were alive, the Doctor would have sensed it, and given his emotions during that episode, I see no reason why the tenth wouldn't fly back there and pick her up. 

Hmm. But he didn't notice The Master. Granted The Master was in hiding and his essence sealed in a watch. But wouldn't he have felt the watch? But wouldn't he have felt The Master while he was masquerading as Saxon? Or was that cancled out because of the paradox shenanigans?

I don't think a Doctor actually has regenerated outside of the TARDIS... although, one very nearly did.
Sorry for double post.

But I just watched the library two parter and I am shitting a half a metric ton of bricks right now. And the other half metric ton? Also bricks.

I just. Fucking. Jesus christ. That episode was just so...Doctor. It was wonderful. It was heart wrenching. And it was kinda confusing. I kept asking my friend Brandon (who watches the show religiously) questions about what was going on. He refused to actually tell me. Other than these few things.

1. Everything is connected in this show.
2. Everything is connected in this show.
3. Shit gets real in season 6
4. Pay close attention to everything.
5. Steve Moffat is a fuck.

I'm just kind of in a state of blissful ragey happiness. Fucking love this show.
This kinda shiz is why I massively envy you. There is nothing like watching Silence in the Library for the first time. Absolutely stellar. I had a moment the other day when I realised you hadn't met River Song - ohhhh, just wait. The best is yet to come.

That was such a great two parter. Fucking. Just. This show. Even if all that episode was was the 30 second clip of him snapping his fingers to open, and then close, the Tardis I'd have been happy. That was just so fucking cool
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 15, 2011, 04:49:35 PM
Rob, the Doctor has definitely regenerated outside the TARDIS. You noob. :P
I seem to remember hearing some theory about the TARDIS being part of the process, so I figured they were all within. Come to think of it, though, 4 into 5 is definitely outside.

And, of course, there was the er... viciously aborted regeneration, not to give too much away.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Silver Tears on June 15, 2011, 05:30:19 PM
I know it's late but I'm just gonna drop by to say I cannot WAIT for Dr Who to come back.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on June 16, 2011, 12:34:25 AM
So, I finished the second series yesterday and I agree that overall, it is pretty weak compared to series 1, 5 and 6 so far. But I'll keep watching, since you guys are saying great things about the third and fourth series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 16, 2011, 03:04:47 AM
So, I finished the second series yesterday and I agree that overall, it is pretty weak compared to series 1, 5 and 6 so far. But I'll keep watching, since you guys are saying great things about the third and fourth series.
Three and four are absolutely sterling.

3's a slow starter but a stunning finisher. 4 is absolutely tip top all the way through. One episode I don't like (Journey's End, for anyone who knows the titles), but even that's got plenty to love about it.

Ohhhh, and the specials. 4.14 - 4.18. Brilliant stuff.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on June 16, 2011, 07:40:00 AM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 16, 2011, 07:44:03 AM
Ugh.  Creepy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 16, 2011, 09:40:10 AM
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-13784334 (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-13784334)  :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on June 16, 2011, 09:55:07 AM
3 episodes of Sherlock a year!  Come on now!  Maybe we'll get a 2012 season full of specials like 2008/09/10.  Maybe without Rory and Amy.  I think I'd be okay with that. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on June 16, 2011, 10:12:02 AM
Yeah, at least there'll be more Sherlock.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 16, 2011, 10:50:07 AM
More likely to just be another split-season, seeing as the next thing commissioned is a full series of fourteen episodes.

They need to start filming nine months in advance, if they want to get the episodes done in time for broadcast. However, they can't start filming in a month's time as is traditional, or they'd give away a crapload of secrets. So they'll be filming more likely in January, in time for an October broadcast.

Seven eps late 2012, seven early 2013. Plus a shortened gap between series-halves, giving them time to film another series for late 2013.

Or that's what makes sense to me, anywho.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2011, 01:31:10 PM
My thinking is the same as Rob's. A split season across 2012-13. And that means possibility culminating with some kind of epic special in 2013 to celebrate DW's 50th anniversary!!



Just, wtf. As far as I can tell, that guy is a pervert and a homophobe.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on June 16, 2011, 01:48:19 PM
Yeah, the best part is how offended he gets when talking about the male casts' underwear. Like, it's totally normal to collect women's panties, but men's underwear is just perverted :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 16, 2011, 01:55:45 PM
I've got a hunch that's a joke site.

"She was in the Victory of the Daleks story which was rubbish because there were new Daleks and Churchill told someone to bugger someone which is stupid and unpleasant pre-watershed."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2011, 02:08:30 PM
Could well be. Slightly disturbing if real.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 23, 2011, 01:35:36 PM

Well, I know what I'm going to be buying all my friends next Christmas.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 24, 2011, 02:24:48 AM

Well, I know what I'm going to be buying all my friends next Christmas.

...and me please??  :D 

Time Loop, by Gerald Riley

In the constellation of Kasterborous,
There lies a special place.
Locked in time through the spoils of war,
One survivor - who changes his face.

He’s lived for over nine hundred years,
But perished after four knocks.
His name is heard throughout the universe.
This mad man with a box.

So whenever you travel in time and space,
Through the stars so wild and dangerous,
Listen for the echo of two beating hearts,
In the constellation of Kasterborous.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 24, 2011, 05:18:31 PM
Just watching the end of Series 2; I'd forgotten how bloody brilliant the scene is with the daleks and cybermen slagging each other off. :lol



Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XianL on June 24, 2011, 06:11:33 PM
Girlfriend got me into Dr. Who via the 11th Doctor. Going to start at the 9th and watch through 10 soon. Excellent series of shows, September cannot come sooner.1
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on June 24, 2011, 11:42:16 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCCMg-rcCQk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCCMg-rcCQk)

I realize everyone in this thread has most likely already seen this, buy I just watched "Eleventh Hour" again and... just... fucking shit.
If this isn't the greatest scene in Sci-fi TV history, I don't know what is.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on June 24, 2011, 11:58:37 PM
Just watching the end of Series 2; I'd forgotten how bloody brilliant the scene is with the daleks and cybermen slagging each other off. :lol




Yeah, that episode, and especially that dialogue were absolutely brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on June 25, 2011, 03:39:21 AM
Girlfriend got me into Dr. Who via the 11th Doctor. Going to start at the 9th and watch through 10 soon. Excellent series of shows, September cannot come sooner.1
Best way to do it! And no. No it can't.

What are your favourite episodes so far? (I keep asking this to people, and don't only sound like a broken record - I'm going for a record. But hey, I love this bit.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCCMg-rcCQk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCCMg-rcCQk)

I realize everyone in this thread has most likely already seen this, buy I just watched "Eleventh Hour" again and... just... fucking shit.
If this isn't the greatest scene in Sci-fi TV history, I don't know what is.
I don't know about the greatest scene in sci-fi TV history necessarily (although I'm not arguing!), but it's absolutely pitch-perfect. In every respect. Particularly the music. Oh, The Eleventh Hour, I love you so dearly.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XianL on June 25, 2011, 10:38:20 AM
Girlfriend got me into Dr. Who via the 11th Doctor. Going to start at the 9th and watch through 10 soon. Excellent series of shows, September cannot come sooner.1
Best way to do it! And no. No it can't.

What are your favourite episodes so far? (I keep asking this to people, and don't only sound like a broken record - I'm going for a record. But hey, I love this bit.

The Impossible Astronaught/ Day of the Moon.  I love The Silence as enemies, and The Doctor's speech at the end of Day of the Moon was EPIC.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on June 29, 2011, 02:30:45 AM
Damn. "Blink", although being a "Doctor light" episode, is an absolutely amazing episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on July 01, 2011, 01:23:56 PM
In the episode "Flesh and Stone" has anyone noticed that when the Doctor tells Amy to remember what he told her when she was 7, he has his jacket on? When about 5 minutes previously he had it taken off of him by an angel?

Maybe something for a future episode? Or not?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on July 01, 2011, 01:28:16 PM
In the episode "Flesh and Stone" has anyone noticed that when the Doctor tells Amy to remember what he told her when she was 7, he has his jacket on? When about 5 minutes previously he had it taken off of him by an angel?

Maybe something for a future episode? Or not?
You haven't watched all of Series 5 yet have you?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on July 01, 2011, 04:31:49 PM
In the episode "Flesh and Stone" has anyone noticed that when the Doctor tells Amy to remember what he told her when she was 7, he has his jacket on? When about 5 minutes previously he had it taken off of him by an angel?

Maybe something for a future episode? Or not?
You haven't watched all of Series 5 yet have you?
I have... I just have a bad memory, what happened? :|

EDIT: I remember now :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 01, 2011, 04:59:25 PM
I point you to page 4 of this very thread, when the episode had only recently aired and that realisation had just hit us: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=7519.msg429001#msg429001
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 01, 2011, 06:10:34 PM
I point you to page 4 of this very thread, when the episode had only recently aired and that realisation had just hit us: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=7519.msg429001#msg429001

Of all the DW moments, that bit with the jacket when we learn that he went back in time made me go "OH FUCK ME" the most :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on July 09, 2011, 08:23:22 AM
So I've tried watching some classic Doctor Who.  To be honest, I didn't find many of them all that great.  I found myself liking Peter Davison the most (I've seen one Baker, one Hartnell, one Davison, and one McCoy story each) but I've just started watching "The Three Doctors" and this is the only classic who story so far that has kept me entertained, rather than making me feel like I'm doing a chore just to try and appreciate a show I already love even more.  So yeah, I guess I'm appreciating Jon Pertwee.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Logical Nightmare on July 12, 2011, 05:04:35 PM
So I finally got around to watching it. I and my boyfriend just watched the two first episodes of series 1.

I don't understand why I should not have started there (as you said), because I have to tell you, I was in complete love within 20 minutes. IT'S BRILLIANT.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 12, 2011, 05:20:28 PM
So when the Bollocks is Miracle Day starting?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on July 12, 2011, 06:59:51 PM
So I finally got around to watching it. I and my boyfriend just watched the two first episodes of series 1.

I don't understand why I should not have started there (as you said), because I have to tell you, I was in complete love within 20 minutes. IT'S BRILLIANT.
I sort of consider "Rose" to be one of the weakest episodes; that, and the newer seasons have a more vibrant style/feel that's a bit easier to get into. But Season One is still amazing, and if you like it this much already, I guarantee you're going to love the rest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on July 12, 2011, 09:00:46 PM
Even though "Rose" as a whole is mediocre, I love the Doctor's introduction.  Made me less skeptical of Eccleston being anywhere near as good as Tennant or Smith.

"Hello, what's your name?"
"Nice to meet you, Rose.  Run for your life!"

Eccleston's delivery of that last line is perfect.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tri.ad on July 13, 2011, 02:08:10 AM
Of course, Eccleston pales in comparison to Tennant or Smith, but he did a great job nonetheless. I really think he deserves more credit for his delivery of the Doctor than he gets.

And damn, those specials after Series 4 surely are absolutely great (well, apart from The Planet Of The Dead). The last ten minutes of The Waters Of Mars are absolutely gut-wrenching.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Logical Nightmare on July 13, 2011, 03:10:50 AM
So I finally got around to watching it. I and my boyfriend just watched the two first episodes of series 1.

I don't understand why I should not have started there (as you said), because I have to tell you, I was in complete love within 20 minutes. IT'S BRILLIANT.
I sort of consider "Rose" to be one of the weakest episodes; that, and the newer seasons have a more vibrant style/feel that's a bit easier to get into. But Season One is still amazing, and if you like it this much already, I guarantee you're going to love the rest.
This actually bothers me. I find it hard to believe it actually can get so much better. I'm still looking forward to it, though! And I love Eccleston - I haven't got anyone to compare him with, which means I see his full potential, and I find him totally awesome!

Watched another episode while eating breakfast. I haven't been this excited since Dexter.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on July 13, 2011, 05:42:09 AM
So I finally got around to watching it. I and my boyfriend just watched the two first episodes of series 1.

I don't understand why I should not have started there (as you said), because I have to tell you, I was in complete love within 20 minutes. IT'S BRILLIANT.
I sort of consider "Rose" to be one of the weakest episodes; that, and the newer seasons have a more vibrant style/feel that's a bit easier to get into. But Season One is still amazing, and if you like it this much already, I guarantee you're going to love the rest.
This actually bothers me. I find it hard to believe it actually can get so much better. I'm still looking forward to it, though! And I love Eccleston - I haven't got anyone to compare him with, which means I see his full potential, and I find him totally awesome!

Watched another episode while eating breakfast. I haven't been this excited since Dexter.

I'm absolutely ecstatic that you're loving it so much. I was exactly the same as you when I first saw series one. Adored the whole thing from the word "go..." but, so spoiled are we, that I guess we don't any more have the same amount of faith in it as we would in "The Eleventh Hour." You have got so many treats lined up that it's unreal. There's one two-parter in particular that I consider really dodgy in series 1 - you're not far off it right now - but I really dug it at the time, so I hope you do too.

I'm almost tempted to ask you to check in after every episode. You'll have watched The Unquiet Dead next, yes? That's where S1 really kicks off for me - absolutely adore it.

So when the Bollocks is Miracle Day starting?
Tomorrow, I think! Although I might've already seen it.

Wonder if it'd be worth making a separate Torchwood thread? Dedicated. If ep 1's anything to go by, it'll be worth talking about. Might be a trifle redundant, though? I do err on the side of caution a little with threads - considered doing a UK Apprentice one when the series started, but kinda went "...naw."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on July 13, 2011, 06:36:30 AM
They've actually been advertising Miracle Day in Starz channel promos over here.  It was kind of weird, running on a treadmill, to see one of those commercials.


Me: Wait, what?

I thought I was hallucinating at first but now it turns out Torchwood is in America now.  Never really got into it from the first few episodes of season 1.  Just not as clever as Dr. Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 13, 2011, 09:20:34 AM
Torchwood's good for different reasons, although being Welsh I'm probably a little biased.

Just saw the first episode of Miracle Day; was a little rushed, and some of the scene transistions seemed a little choppy, but they had a lot to cram in. Can't wait for the next episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on July 13, 2011, 10:33:35 AM
They've actually been advertising Miracle Day in Starz channel promos over here.  It was kind of weird, running on a treadmill, to see one of those commercials.


Me: Wait, what?

I thought I was hallucinating at first but now it turns out Torchwood is in America now.  Never really got into it from the first few episodes of season 1.  Just not as clever as Dr. Who.
Torchwood's kind of completely renewed itself. Russell T Davies wrote S1E1 and then handed the reigns to Chris Chibnall, mainly. Series 1 was a little teenage and disposable, series 2 was a lot more fun but equally disposable, and then RTD came back. Series 3 was called Children of Earth, and was absolutely phenomenal. Proper event television - it got moved up to BBC One, the biggest channel, and got incredible ratings and immense critical acclaim. Rather than 13 disconnected stories, it was five episodes broadcast over five nights. Genuinely creepy, incredibly well-characterised, and thoroughly disconcerting.

Miracle Day looks to be carrying on in the same vein as CoE, which is no bad thing. I'd recommend watching CoE first if you can - it's a staggering transformation from silly runaround to brilliant, intense psychological drama. Trailer is here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImfVX1xyGEs).

If series 1 and 2 are naff-but-fun B-movies, series 3 and 4 are more like District 9.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Logical Nightmare on July 13, 2011, 10:37:33 AM
So I finally got around to watching it. I and my boyfriend just watched the two first episodes of series 1.

I don't understand why I should not have started there (as you said), because I have to tell you, I was in complete love within 20 minutes. IT'S BRILLIANT.
I sort of consider "Rose" to be one of the weakest episodes; that, and the newer seasons have a more vibrant style/feel that's a bit easier to get into. But Season One is still amazing, and if you like it this much already, I guarantee you're going to love the rest.
This actually bothers me. I find it hard to believe it actually can get so much better. I'm still looking forward to it, though! And I love Eccleston - I haven't got anyone to compare him with, which means I see his full potential, and I find him totally awesome!

Watched another episode while eating breakfast. I haven't been this excited since Dexter.

I'm absolutely ecstatic that you're loving it so much. I was exactly the same as you when I first saw series one. Adored the whole thing from the word "go..." but, so spoiled are we, that I guess we don't any more have the same amount of faith in it as we would in "The Eleventh Hour." You have got so many treats lined up that it's unreal. There's one two-parter in particular that I consider really dodgy in series 1 - you're not far off it right now - but I really dug it at the time, so I hope you do too.

I'm almost tempted to ask you to check in after every episode. You'll have watched The Unquiet Dead next, yes? That's where S1 really kicks off for me - absolutely adore it.
I watched The Unquiet Dead today. It's just getting better. The only "downside" is that the episodes treat one adventure each (apart from the double episodes of course, but I have yet to see one) and this means you can't watch too much at the same time. I would like to be watching non-stop but I know for a fact that would make me kinda tired of it. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on July 13, 2011, 11:07:37 AM
So I finally got around to watching it. I and my boyfriend just watched the two first episodes of series 1.

I don't understand why I should not have started there (as you said), because I have to tell you, I was in complete love within 20 minutes. IT'S BRILLIANT.
I sort of consider "Rose" to be one of the weakest episodes; that, and the newer seasons have a more vibrant style/feel that's a bit easier to get into. But Season One is still amazing, and if you like it this much already, I guarantee you're going to love the rest.
This actually bothers me. I find it hard to believe it actually can get so much better. I'm still looking forward to it, though! And I love Eccleston - I haven't got anyone to compare him with, which means I see his full potential, and I find him totally awesome!

Watched another episode while eating breakfast. I haven't been this excited since Dexter.

I'm absolutely ecstatic that you're loving it so much. I was exactly the same as you when I first saw series one. Adored the whole thing from the word "go..." but, so spoiled are we, that I guess we don't any more have the same amount of faith in it as we would in "The Eleventh Hour." You have got so many treats lined up that it's unreal. There's one two-parter in particular that I consider really dodgy in series 1 - you're not far off it right now - but I really dug it at the time, so I hope you do too.

I'm almost tempted to ask you to check in after every episode. You'll have watched The Unquiet Dead next, yes? That's where S1 really kicks off for me - absolutely adore it.
It's interesting... I didn't start to dislike the Slitheen two parter until I looked online and saw that everyone else did, which is the same thing that happened with every other Doctor Who episode I've watched. I literally liked every single episode thus far that others have called mediocre (except "Love and Monsters," which nearly got unwatchable near the end for me). I've also never watched "Fear Me," and I'm not sure if I should.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 13, 2011, 11:11:30 AM
Fear Her is pretty bad, but I liked Love & Monsters, so my opinion is probably moot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on July 13, 2011, 11:32:55 AM
So I finally got around to watching it. I and my boyfriend just watched the two first episodes of series 1.

I don't understand why I should not have started there (as you said), because I have to tell you, I was in complete love within 20 minutes. IT'S BRILLIANT.
I sort of consider "Rose" to be one of the weakest episodes; that, and the newer seasons have a more vibrant style/feel that's a bit easier to get into. But Season One is still amazing, and if you like it this much already, I guarantee you're going to love the rest.
This actually bothers me. I find it hard to believe it actually can get so much better. I'm still looking forward to it, though! And I love Eccleston - I haven't got anyone to compare him with, which means I see his full potential, and I find him totally awesome!

Watched another episode while eating breakfast. I haven't been this excited since Dexter.

I'm absolutely ecstatic that you're loving it so much. I was exactly the same as you when I first saw series one. Adored the whole thing from the word "go..." but, so spoiled are we, that I guess we don't any more have the same amount of faith in it as we would in "The Eleventh Hour." You have got so many treats lined up that it's unreal. There's one two-parter in particular that I consider really dodgy in series 1 - you're not far off it right now - but I really dug it at the time, so I hope you do too.

I'm almost tempted to ask you to check in after every episode. You'll have watched The Unquiet Dead next, yes? That's where S1 really kicks off for me - absolutely adore it.
It's interesting... I didn't start to dislike the Slitheen two parter until I looked online and saw that everyone else did, which is the same thing that happened with every other Doctor Who episode I've watched. I literally liked every single episode thus far that others have called mediocre (except "Love and Monsters," which nearly got unwatchable near the end for me). I've also never watched "Fear Me," and I'm not sure if I should.
I find that with a lot of things. Very few things in life are perfect, but I don't really expect them to be, so when I watch some TV, or listen to an album, or read a book, I'm gravitating toward the good bits. I might notice the bad bits, in which case they don't negate the good, but often I'll be so wrapped up in the good that I won't notice the bad at all.

So I'll be buoyant with cheer for a good few days, what with my naturally rose-tinted world view, then have a gander on the internet, and find all the bad bits flagged up with a highlighter. It's like back in school, when you got a piece of work back and it'd have red pen all over it. You'll hand in a piece of work and be very happy with it, 'cause you've managed to really succinctly and eloquently address all the relevant points, but then when you next see it, with a myriad of red underlines smiling up at you, it's like a punch in the gut - and only very rarely do you go "what, why is that underlined?" It's more of an "Oh. Yeah. I can kinda see how that is bad. Crap." The pile of good stuff is no longer in focus, no matter how pleased you were with it at the time. 20 mistakes are still 20 mistakes, and they're stifling up the room.

Of course, quite often you'll just go "nah, fuck it!" Or just as frequently "that's not even a problem, that's just you being a picky cunt, you whiny unpleasable little loser." More often than not, even - and you should be saying all of that in your head, by the way. It doesn't tend to make a big difference in the long-run: I've seen The Big Bang dissected and stitched back together umpteen times over while snooping about on Gallifrey Base, and I still don't care for any of the criticisms, and think the people who are unpicking it are oafish boors who have completely missed the point. A big enough pile of good stuff, or a small enough pile of bad stuff, or a stupid enough pile of critics, and you'll be laughing. And that applies to everything and anything. Radio shows, books, TV, songs, you name it.

This is part of the reason that I've been known to scarper when an album release has been imminent. Refused to check out any Doctor Who sites for the whole of Series 5, too. It's better that way.

So I finally got around to watching it. I and my boyfriend just watched the two first episodes of series 1.

I don't understand why I should not have started there (as you said), because I have to tell you, I was in complete love within 20 minutes. IT'S BRILLIANT.
I sort of consider "Rose" to be one of the weakest episodes; that, and the newer seasons have a more vibrant style/feel that's a bit easier to get into. But Season One is still amazing, and if you like it this much already, I guarantee you're going to love the rest.
This actually bothers me. I find it hard to believe it actually can get so much better. I'm still looking forward to it, though! And I love Eccleston - I haven't got anyone to compare him with, which means I see his full potential, and I find him totally awesome!

Watched another episode while eating breakfast. I haven't been this excited since Dexter.

I'm absolutely ecstatic that you're loving it so much. I was exactly the same as you when I first saw series one. Adored the whole thing from the word "go..." but, so spoiled are we, that I guess we don't any more have the same amount of faith in it as we would in "The Eleventh Hour." You have got so many treats lined up that it's unreal. There's one two-parter in particular that I consider really dodgy in series 1 - you're not far off it right now - but I really dug it at the time, so I hope you do too.

I'm almost tempted to ask you to check in after every episode. You'll have watched The Unquiet Dead next, yes? That's where S1 really kicks off for me - absolutely adore it.
I watched The Unquiet Dead today. It's just getting better. The only "downside" is that the episodes treat one adventure each (apart from the double episodes of course, but I have yet to see one) and this means you can't watch too much at the same time. I would like to be watching non-stop but I know for a fact that would make me kinda tired of it. :lol
I don't think it's a spoiler to say that that will change, to an extent, as you go along.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on July 13, 2011, 11:38:22 AM
Wait, people don't like the Slitheen two-parter?  Huh.  I thought it was just in the middle somewhere.  Good thing the only episode I've noticed significant flack for is "Fear Her," and that was rightly deserved. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on July 13, 2011, 11:43:25 AM
Wait, people don't like the Slitheen two-parter?  Huh.  I thought it was just in the middle somewhere.  Good thing the only episode I've noticed significant flack for is "Fear Her," and that was rightly deserved. 
In fairness, I'd argue that even the very worst episodes of Doctor Who are "just in the middle somewhere" - Fear Her aside, as you rightly point out.

Victory of the Daleks is one that gets disembowelled on a regular basis, and I can't for the life of me fathom why. It's not particularly groundbreaking, no, but is there anything wrong with it? Save for a little TV shorthand, not really! Is there anything right about it? Yes, tonnes of stuff! The whole first twenty minutes or so are an absolute delight, for instance. Bracewell is ace, Amy's attitude to the daleks is ace, the Doctor's firing on all cylinders - ace little ep.

Online Doctor Who fans, though, tend to be the people who least understand the charm of it, as a general rule. But - ah well. There we go.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on July 13, 2011, 11:47:04 AM
Victory of the Daleks?  Really?  I'd disembowel the "Daleks in Mahattan" two-parter before that one.  I really like it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 13, 2011, 11:51:06 AM
What's the name of the episode with the Magpie compnay and that woman in the TV? That's an episode that gets alot of shit, but I really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on July 13, 2011, 11:52:25 AM
Victory of the Daleks?  Really?  I'd disembowel the "Daleks in Mahattan" two-parter before that one.  I really like it.
Yep, same on both counts! I don't mind DiM either, although the science gets seriously fugging dodgy towards the end.

What's the name of the episode with the Magpie compnay and that woman in the TV? That's an episode that gets alot of shit, but I really enjoyed it.
The Idiot's Lantern. That's one of my least favourites, to be honest, but it's still a 6/10.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 13, 2011, 11:56:25 AM
Didn't Mark Gatiss write that one too? Considering I'm a huge fan of him and him seeming like a good fit for Doctor Who, his episodes tend to attract alot of critical opinions.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Bonham on July 13, 2011, 01:11:35 PM
I think the one I least understand the hate for is the Voyage of the Damned special. I honestly remember really liking that one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2011, 01:24:17 PM
Didn't Mark Gatiss write that one too? Considering I'm a huge fan of him and him seeming like a good fit for Doctor Who, his episodes tend to attract alot of critical opinions.
I like his stuff as well, I find it fun. Fear Her is the only episode really that on repeat viewings I find fairly mediocre. The whole story is just irritatingly nonsensical. Love & Monsters I have no problem with though, really like it.

Rob, I think you did series 2 of Torchwood a bit of a disservice in your description up the page - I thought it was a vast improvement over the first series. Series 1 definitely got a lot better by the end but the first half was really weak. But series two is just really cool and fun the whole way through, thoroughly enjoyable. Children of Earth is great too, for entirely different reasons.

Looking forward to Miracle Day! I don't reckon it's worth a separate thread, it would just reduce the amount of activity in this thread when DW isn't on. I guess I could rename this thread "Doctor Who (+ spinoffs)" or something?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on July 13, 2011, 01:54:04 PM
Didn't Mark Gatiss write that one too? Considering I'm a huge fan of him and him seeming like a good fit for Doctor Who, his episodes tend to attract alot of critical opinions.
I like his stuff as well, I find it fun. Fear Her is the only episode really that on repeat viewings I find fairly mediocre. The whole story is just irritatingly nonsensical. Love & Monsters I have no problem with though, really like it.

Rob, I think you did series 2 of Torchwood a bit of a disservice in your description up the page - I thought it was a vast improvement over the first series. Series 1 definitely got a lot better by the end but the first half was really weak. But series two is just really cool and fun the whole way through, thoroughly enjoyable. Children of Earth is great too, for entirely different reasons.

Looking forward to Miracle Day! I don't reckon it's worth a separate thread, it would just reduce the amount of activity in this thread when DW isn't on. I guess I could rename this thread "Doctor Who (+ spinoffs)" or something?
I dunno, I quite like the conciseness of it just being called "Doctor Who," amidst a sea of "v. 1s," "v. That's not my legs," and what have you. Could go for "The Whoniverse," but it's a slightly cheesy title and I dunno if fledgling fans would immediately know what it was. I'll think of something, gizza min.

On the subject, when this thread gets too big, can we rename the old thread, and call the new one "Doctor Who?" I'm not into the corny subtitles. :p "Doctor Who II," if needs be.

Oh, and yes, Torchwood series 2 is an absolutely wonderful ride. But it's also silly and disposable. Even the gorgeous ones like A Day in the Death.

EDIT: There we go. That's as concise as I think we're getting without excessive grammar. Still looks sharp.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 13, 2011, 03:27:55 PM
Out of Time is one of the most beautiful episodes of anything ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: alirocker08 on July 15, 2011, 04:57:47 AM
I missed Torchwood...
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 15, 2011, 05:03:52 AM
I missed Torchwood...

Best get cracking, then!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: alirocker08 on July 15, 2011, 05:25:38 AM
Bwahahaha, I shall!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: alirocker08 on July 15, 2011, 06:23:15 AM
That was amazing! That little baby was so adorable <3
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 15, 2011, 07:48:21 AM
I loved how chilled it was, despite all the gunfire. Ace baby.

I was dead surprised by how dodgy the fire effects were - it was my first time seeing it HQ, and it looked a little more Back to the Future than it did in the pixelated stream which surprised me, but aside that I thought it was absolutely gorgeous. Really cinematic.

Rex kind of rocks, too. "I had to pay for this bridge!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 15, 2011, 08:04:56 AM
Is it me or did the time of day keep changing during the beach scene at the end? It seemed to suddenly switch to sunset, then moved between susnset and midday at random intervals. Might of just been me, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2011, 05:14:14 PM
I missed it but will watch on iPlayer over the weekend!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2011, 06:42:53 AM


Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Logical Nightmare on July 17, 2011, 12:28:10 PM
Okay, watched some more episodes. The Aliens of London two-parter was, as you said, not as good as the others - mostly because you told me, I believe. :lol It would have been better as a single episode, I think, it was a just bit too much of it in some way.

Dalek and The Long Game was not disappointing. Interesting and exciting episodes, both of them, though I liked The Long Game a tad more. Dalek was nice because I got to learn some about the Doctor's nemeses. The Long Game had a little more depth to it and brought up some serious issues, which was great.

Then came Father's Day, which I really liked - it was very beautiful and touching. I loved it. It was really deep and the story was fantastic. One of my favourites so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 17, 2011, 12:32:01 PM
*Possible Spoilers*

My brother says he saw an episode of Torchwood where nobody on earth could die - which is that one called ? Might check it out !
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 17, 2011, 12:34:08 PM
*Possible Spoilers*

My brother says he saw an episode of Torchwood where nobody on earth could die - which is that one called ? Might check it out !
It's the latest one! Torchwood: Miracle Day. Episode 1. Think the episode's called "The New World." Bloody cool it is, too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 17, 2011, 01:19:00 PM
He says it's quite dark - but I wouldn't mind having a look. :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 17, 2011, 01:56:23 PM
Well, he's right inasmuch as when it's dark it's dark, but it's also deceptively fun. People tend to remember the dark bits as they're the most affecting, but honestly - it's a big ol' action adventure with great jokes and a thrilling storyline. It's also got some very bleak moments, some very gross moments, and a lot of moral ambiguity - but that's kind of its appeal. Lots of things at once.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 17, 2011, 02:34:13 PM
Watching Now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 17, 2011, 03:33:27 PM
Watching Now.
How was it?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 18, 2011, 06:01:15 PM
It was alright ! Dunno if i'll be able to watch the whole series. Was hoping it would be one 50 minute story. :(

We'll see.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 18, 2011, 06:08:41 PM
Ah - you'd want series 1 and 2 for the one-off stories. Although series 1 is kinda dodgy.

Definitely keep watching - or at least try out Children of Earth, which is a five-episode-story but a damn good one - but tbh, as much as I do like Torchwood, it's kind of eclipsed by Doctor Who. Still! Two great programmes on the box are better than one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 19, 2011, 10:26:48 AM
I did like Tennant. But I thought Matt Smith's first episode - the city on the back of a whale was dreadful ! Really bad first episode for a new Doctor and really clumsy writing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 19, 2011, 10:32:53 AM
I did like Tennant. But I thought Matt Smith's first episode - the city on the back of a whale was dreadful ! Really bad first episode for a new Doctor and really clumsy writing.
Ahhhh - that's his second! (And it was hit by about fifteen minutes of cuts, plus a seldom-available Liz Ten if that helps explain it?) His first is The Eleventh Hour, which is one of the very best Doctor Who episodes. Would recommend tracking it down.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 19, 2011, 11:39:23 AM
I did like David Tennant - even though he only had the one facial expression :  :omg:

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: skydivingninja on July 19, 2011, 11:43:06 AM
I did like David Tennant - even though he only had the one facial expression :  :omg:



Speaking of Tennant, I watched the BBC version of Hamlet starring him and Patrick Stewart.  It was really, REALLY good.  Tennant was really good at making the Shakespearean language flow naturally as if he were talking plain english. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2011, 02:05:52 PM
That BBC version is brilliant! I wish I'd got to see it on stage, but at least we have the BBC version.

Aranka, The Long Game and Father's Day are fantastic, some of my favourites from that series!

And finally, really enjoyed the first Torchwood episode of the new series! :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 19, 2011, 02:15:45 PM
That BBC version is brilliant! I wish I'd got to see it on stage, but at least we have the BBC version.

Aranka, The Long Game and Father's Day are fantastic, some of my favourites from that series!

And finally, really enjoyed the first Torchwood episode of the new series! :tup
Ack! I didn't notice she'd updated!

Aliens of London and World War Three are generally iffy. There's some nice thematic stuff there - I love the bit where Rose returns to Earth a year too late, and the Space Pig's a lot of fun - but it's not top drawer Who. It was, however, the first story filmed, and the director wasn't asked back, so you know! Onwards and upwards.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on July 19, 2011, 02:18:35 PM
Out of curiosity, since, (as some of you might have observed in the earlier pages of the thread) I burned through every one of the currently available Doctor Who episodes at an absurdly fast pace, would this Torchwood show that I just became aware of after reading the last few posts be the next thing for me to absorb?  I am aware that there are numerous spin-offs of the show and I was curious as to whether or not it would be the next best place for me to get my Doctor Who fix when I've run through the real thing itself in its entirety.  I was considering the earlier Doctor Who episodes, but after sampling a bit of them here and there I decided that either my growing up in the 21st century has rendered me with less of an appreciation for a "retro" sci-fy feel or they are a hell of a lot lower in quality than the reboot. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 19, 2011, 02:44:22 PM
Torchwood's definatley worth a watch, not as good as DW, but considering DW is my favourite programme of all time, that's to be expected. :lol

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2011, 02:49:26 PM
In terms of production values, Classic Who is WAY WAY WAY below par from New Who. Some of the writing and acting is really cool, but even I get a bit tired of it after a while, so if you're not digging it then I'd say don't bother.

Torchwood is worth checking out though. Here's my basic synopsis:

Series 1: First episode was good fun. Next few were utter cack. Series gradually picks up and is actually pretty decent by the end.
Series 2: Right from the opening episode it was obvious that this series was better. It's fun and has some swagger to it. The series is good all the way through, and doesn't take itself too seriously. Very enjoyable.
Series 3 (Children of Earth): This is where it really becomes its own show. It's a 5-part mini-series, and it's much more series that the first two, but also really well-written and very nicely made. Genuinely excellent series.
Series 4 (Miracle Day): Has just started. It's been co-produced between the BBC and American network Starz, so it's largely set in the US and has a big American cast. Have only seen one episode so far but really enjoyed it.

So yeah, I'd say start watching it but stick it out through the crap to get to the good stuff. And I guess you could skip the crap, but to be honest it's better to follow the characters, and the good stuff is better when it has more impact as a result.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 19, 2011, 02:50:57 PM
Out of curiosity, since, (as some of you might have observed in the earlier pages of the thread) I burned through every one of the currently available Doctor Who episodes at an absurdly fast pace, would this Torchwood show that I just became aware of after reading the last few posts be the next thing for me to absorb?  I am aware that there are numerous spin-offs of the show and I was curious as to whether or not it would be the next best place for me to get my Doctor Who fix when I've run through the real thing itself in its entirety.  I was considering the earlier Doctor Who episodes, but after sampling a bit of them here and there I decided that either my growing up in the 21st century has rendered me with less of an appreciation for a "retro" sci-fy feel or they are a hell of a lot lower in quality than the reboot. 
Yeah, I don't get on with classic Doctor Who much either. I kinda liked Carnival of Monsters, but I watched The Caves of Androzani, which is considered by the proper fans to be the best story in any Doctor Who ever, and I just couldn't get to grips with it. Not much more luck with The Masque of Mandragora, nor Earthshock... The Web Planet was lovely, in the way that watching the Clangers is lovely, but yeah. Not my thing.

Torchwood's a baby of the modern house style, but it's a sort of "darker and edgier" spin-off. Centres around a policewoman called Gwen Cooper, recruited to the Torchwood team, who investigate alien activity in Cardiff. Captain Jack Harkness, Suzie Costello, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, and Ianto Jones, drifting around the city in search of suburban alien technology.

Series 1 was perfectly good fun in places, but really quite embarrassing in others. There are fantastic episodes in there (Everything Changes, They Keep Killing Suzie, Greeks Bearing Gifts, etc.), but also some really poor ones. Series 2 was a lot better, and had a real sense of identity. Left out the OTT gore and sex, which all looked very teenage in series 1, and was a silly, classy monster-of-the-week scifi that trod the ground that Doctor Who couldn't. Really nifty show, but thoroughly disposable.

Series 3, however, is where it properly picks up. It evolves from a fun romp into intelligent, psychological, piercing contemporary drama, with a chillingly realistic backdrop - and plenty of fun bits to boot. A five-part story that scrutinises the foundations our societies are built on.

With aliens.

You can start from S3, S2 or S1, depending on what you reckon you can stomach. I think S3 is the best by miles, so I'm tempted to tell you to skip straight ahead to it, but it does kind of hint at how S2 ends. On the other hand, you've already seen an episode of Doctor Who that hints at how S2 ends, so screw it! S3 is a perfectly good place to start.

Incidentally, if you wanted to try a sort of S1 sampler, rather than wade all the way through the admittedly-kinda-patchy series, you could do worse than, say...

1. Everything Changes (E1)
2. Ghost Machine (E3)
3. Greeks Bearing Gifts (E7)
4. They Keep Killing Suzie (E8)

...and then straight onto series 2. (I'm sure there were a couple of other cool episodes, I just can't remember for the life of me which they were!) In fact, I'd say that even if you do choose to begin with S2, it's worth watching S1E1 anyway.

There's good stuff in all of the series, but S1 is patchy with shades of genius, S2 is all-out comic book fun, and S3 is an absolute rollercoaster of the kind of impeccably plotted drama that the world needs more of.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2011, 03:19:50 PM
Considering the speed with which Seth got through Doctor Who, I'm sure he has time to watch all the episodes, so I say just do that!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on July 19, 2011, 03:20:09 PM
The way that you've all put it strongly inclines me to begin with series 3.  If series 2 is mostly disposable comic book fun, as it was described, anything short of an absolute spoiler of a "hint" from series 3 as to how series 2 plays out probably won't bother me terribly.  So it looks like I'll be giving 3 a go!

Edit @Rich:  Ooops, missed that bit.  I'm not too much of a nitpicker as far as seeing things in order, though, and I'm sure I will have it all finished in time! 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2011, 03:25:59 PM
Eh, some of the crucial character story in series 3 won't have the same impact, but whatever. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 19, 2011, 03:28:44 PM
Agreed, but I do think series 3 will give the best impression. It's the grow-the-beard moment. And the spoilers, in fairness, are quite significant in the context of the show, but don't spoil anything that Doctor Who hasn't already spoiled, so they're 100% neutralised. Not to mention that series 3 is written, again, as a new start. RTD is very clever at writing television that appeals as much to the new viewer as it does to the old, and he understands that it's crucial at the start of any series, so Day One is just as good a starting place as, er, Everything Changes. (Which, confusingly, is followed immediately by a completely different episode called Day One.)

I'd say, if you know how good the show gets, that'll give you more inclination to march on through the doldrums of series 1 and hence enable you to enjoy it at its best, so if you think series 3 sounds like the best place to start, it's the best place to start.

Plus! I think I'm going to rewatch Torchwood 3 for the first time ever, so you'll be in good company. Lots of people doing it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2011, 04:04:51 PM
I'm personally not so bothered about the spoilers; as you say they're pretty much given away in Doctor Who (I'd already watched all of DW when going through Torchwood, so experienced that first hand). I just think the emotional impact of certain events in series 3 won't be the same if you haven't been following the characters the whole way. If that makes sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 19, 2011, 04:19:52 PM
Yeah! That's a fair shout. I think, strangely, the... er, y'know? They're cumbersome and irritating, but I can't think of a clever way to say this without spoiling it, so tiny-font-tags ahoy...

I think, strangely, the loss of the hub is the one thing that's going to have its impact drained. Which is a shame, 'cause it's a lovely hub!

I know so many people who absolutely loathed S1&2, to the point of switching off halfway through each one of them, and loved S3 though, so I don't think it makes too much difference. A couple of details won't have as much impact, and that is a shame, but S3's not only the less risky option, but I think it leaves one hell of a fantastic first impression. It's a bit like how I tend to recommend The Eleventh Hour as a starting point for DW. It's nice to go from the beginning, and you might get a little more out of a couple of bits, but I get more excited about starting from what I consider to be the most bracing entry point. I guess maybe I focus a lot on first impressions.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 19, 2011, 04:43:34 PM
Definitely agreed with your small text. And that certain other event as well.

But yeah, I get what you're saying. I guess I'm just too geeky and always want to experience things properly, whereas you're right that someone with a more casual interest might just stop bothering.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: skydivingninja on July 19, 2011, 04:58:26 PM
Out of curiosity, since, (as some of you might have observed in the earlier pages of the thread) I burned through every one of the currently available Doctor Who episodes at an absurdly fast pace, would this Torchwood show that I just became aware of after reading the last few posts be the next thing for me to absorb?  I am aware that there are numerous spin-offs of the show and I was curious as to whether or not it would be the next best place for me to get my Doctor Who fix when I've run through the real thing itself in its entirety.  I was considering the earlier Doctor Who episodes, but after sampling a bit of them here and there I decided that either my growing up in the 21st century has rendered me with less of an appreciation for a "retro" sci-fy feel or they are a hell of a lot lower in quality than the reboot. 
Yeah, I don't get on with classic Doctor Who much either. I kinda liked Carnival of Monsters, but I watched The Caves of Androzani, which is considered by the proper fans to be the best story in any Doctor Who ever, and I just couldn't get to grips with it. Not much more luck with The Masque of Mandragora, nor Earthshock... The Web Planet was lovely, in the way that watching the Clangers is lovely, but yeah. Not my thing.

I watched "The Three Doctors" and enjoyed it much more than any other Classic Who I've struggled to watch.  It was the only classic story where it didn't feel like I was doing a chore.  I'll check out the Caves of Androzani, since its on Netflix and Peter Davison had a big impact on the Tenth and Eleventh doctors (he's also Moffatt's all-time favorite, and Moffatt might as well be the SW of TV right now, which means we have to like what he likes!)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 19, 2011, 05:01:36 PM
Peter Davison is actually the classic Doctor I've seen the most stories from, with a grand total of two. I like him as an actor, but yeah. I always feel like I'm watching it 'cause I started, rather than 'cause I want to know how it'll finish. I respect it, and I love the storytelling, and the mythology that they built up, and marvel at the sheer vision of the stories... but, I don't connect to classic Who at all. There's a whole universe out there, and I'll keep trying from time to time, but I'm not that excited to plumb its depths. Which is a shame, but ah well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 19, 2011, 05:36:02 PM
I started watching Dr. Who when it was Tom Baker :) - The best Doctor ever. Peter Davidson did a good job too, Colin baker was rubbish and Sylvester McCoy was only slightly better. The tv movie with McGann wasn't up to much either.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2011, 03:18:37 PM
I haven't seen much Davison yet. I'm about half way or so through Tom Baker's era, and he's brilliant!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: adameastment on July 21, 2011, 05:08:46 PM
Just saw Episode 2 of Miracle Day today (UK is a week behind *whimper*). I'm diggin' it, I wanna know what alien is behind the whole "Miracle".
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 22, 2011, 02:35:53 AM
Just saw Episode 2 of Miracle Day today (UK is a week behind *whimper*). I'm diggin' it, I wanna know what alien is behind the whole "Miracle".
SPOILERS: It's the Slitheen.

I do wonder how long they'll hold off the alien involvement for. Going brilliantly, though, so far.

Probably shouldn't admit this, but I kind of like Oswald Danes and Jilly Kitzinger. :S I know! I've been taken in.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: chknptpie on July 22, 2011, 07:20:40 AM
I asked my boyfriend to spray the garage to keep the bugs out. The entire time he was saying "exterminate!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: tri.ad on July 22, 2011, 08:09:05 AM
I asked my boyfriend to spray the garage to keep the bugs out. The entire time he was saying "exterminate!"

 :rollin Awesome. Did he say it with a snarly Dalek-like voice?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: chknptpie on July 22, 2011, 08:12:35 AM
I asked my boyfriend to spray the garage to keep the bugs out. The entire time he was saying "exterminate!"

 :rollin Awesome. Did he say it with a snarly Dalek-like voice?

I'm not sure I'd call it snarly... but yes he did it with a Dalek-like voice haha
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Sigz on July 22, 2011, 06:53:28 PM
I have yet to watch any Torchwood.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Bonham on July 22, 2011, 09:59:57 PM
I have yet to watch any Torchwood.
Do it man. For the Toshiko lesbian scene if for nothing else.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Sigz on July 22, 2011, 10:17:13 PM
Just start at series 1?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 23, 2011, 02:24:17 AM
Series 1's iffy but great in bits, series 2's fun and silly but disposable, series 3 is stunningly well-written television.

If you think you can stomach series 1's lows, it's worth it for the highs. If not, watch episode 1 and then skip to series 2.

If you're in the mood for an action adventure urban scifi in the style of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you'll slurp up series 2. If not, skip to series 3.

Series 3 is fantastic and everyone should watch it, even if they don't like scifi. Five episodes short, each aired on consecutive days, it's like a slightly long film.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2011, 03:51:06 AM
I have yet to watch any Torchwood.
Do it man. For the Toshiko lesbian scene if for nothing else.

Which is in series 1 I believe? All the more reason to start there!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 23, 2011, 04:17:22 AM
I have yet to watch any Torchwood.
Do it man. For the Toshiko lesbian scene if for nothing else.

Which is in series 1 I believe? All the more reason to start there!
Greeks Bearing Gifts is an absolutely cracking episode. The guest star doesn't quite deliver a few lines convincingly - and I always notice that there's one line in the bar where Naoko got her words the wrong way round - but it's a grand story well-told. Love it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2011, 04:18:57 AM
Ah yeah I remember it now. That's the episode where series 1 picks up and starts getting quite good again, after a rubbish episodes 2-6!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 23, 2011, 04:26:03 AM
Yeah, big time! I was indifferent to Combat, but Greeks Bearing Gifts into They Keep Killing Suzie into... is it Out of Time, next? Captain Jack Harkness is quite good, too. Either way, good slew. TKKS is one of my very favourites.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 23, 2011, 10:02:51 AM
Out of Time is brilliant, I can't praise it enough.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Bonham on July 24, 2011, 11:53:22 AM
I just realized I've never watched Day One or Ghost Machine :lol
I actually started with Series Two, so I guess I only managed to pick up most of the first series; I'm not as much of a fan, but Greeks Bearing Gifts through Captain Jack Harkness were all pretty fantastic. I have to admit, I like the concept of Countrycide as well. End of Days was a rubbish finale though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: tri.ad on July 24, 2011, 02:57:29 PM
I feel a bit bad about interfering in the Torchwood discussion here, but there's a new trailer about the second half of the sixth Doctor Who series on BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/videos/p00jb05r

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: skydivingninja on July 24, 2011, 03:00:43 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: tri.ad on July 24, 2011, 03:17:26 PM

Exactly. But: Return of the Silence? Aww yeah.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on July 24, 2011, 03:25:41 PM
I was much more surprised to see that Craig from "The Lodger" was thrown back into the mix somehow!  I never expected him to show up again.  Loads of things going on in this trailer, some of which I think I can nearly put my finger on and many others which I have no idea of whatsoever.  In short, I'm excited! 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Sigz on July 24, 2011, 03:45:24 PM
I was really happy to see Craig actually, I loved The Lodger, probably one of my favorite episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 24, 2011, 05:15:42 PM


Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 24, 2011, 05:16:27 PM

Exactly. But: Return of the Silence? Aww yeah.
Totally. Absolutely loved the Silence. And lookie-there, it's the Weepies!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: PuffyPat on July 24, 2011, 05:17:21 PM
I've had people tell me Torchwood isn't that great. Any truth to this?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on July 24, 2011, 05:25:50 PM
I've had people tell me Torchwood isn't that great. Any truth to this?

Well, I haven't seen the first two, but I watched series 3 the other day and it was great.  In my opinion any one of the episodes could easily stand up against some of the better ones from series 1-4 of Doctor Who. 

Also, is anyone else really interested in the fact that at around 27 seconds into the trailer River is wearing an eyepatch similar to Madame Kovarian's?  Obviously we can only speculate as to why but I have feeling that it might be important.  Thoughts?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Sigz on July 24, 2011, 05:29:12 PM
If there's anything to be learned so far from Moffat's writing, it's that everything is important.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 24, 2011, 05:35:35 PM
I've had people tell me Torchwood isn't that great. Any truth to this?
Series 3 is, sincerely, one of the best-written programmes the BBC's seen, and was highly acclaimed both critically and publically.

Series 1 is patchy with moments of great aceness, and series 2 is ace with moments of great patchiness. Series 3 is drastically different, and dwarves both, whereas the new series - two episodes in - appears to kind of bridge S2 and S3, tonally.

Lots of good stuff in all series, but it took them a little while to iron out the dodgy bits. I'd recommend S3 to absolutely anyone, series 2 to any Doctor Who fan, and series 1 to anyone who doesn't mind sifting through the awfully tacky to find the awfully good.

I've had people tell me Torchwood isn't that great. Any truth to this?

Well, I haven't seen the first two, but I watched series 3 the other day and it was great.  In my opinion any one of the episodes could easily stand up against some of the better ones from series 1-4 of Doctor Who. 

Also, is anyone else really interested in the fact that at around 27 seconds into the trailer River is wearing an eyepatch similar to Madame Kovarian's?  Obviously we can only speculate as to why but I have feeling that it might be important.  Thoughts?
Madame Kovarian looks very young in one clip, too. Lots of eyepatches in the trailer. I'm sure they're not just for the characters' health.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Sigz on July 24, 2011, 07:13:13 PM
Great theory on the eyepatches: they're for fighting The Silence - the eyepatch has a constant picture of them so you never forget.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: PuffyPat on July 24, 2011, 07:25:44 PM
Thank you for the clarification. Will commence watching when I get some time for it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: tri.ad on July 24, 2011, 11:56:14 PM
Great theory on the eyepatches: they're for fighting The Silence - the eyepatch has a constant picture of them so you never forget.

That's indeed a very nice theory. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true, but I have a feeling that there's still more to it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 25, 2011, 09:32:23 AM
Would you even be able to see a picture if you held it that close to your eye?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: skydivingninja on July 25, 2011, 09:37:38 AM
Would you even be able to see a picture if you held it that close to your eye?

Just tested it.  The answer is yes.  That's a really cool theory, Sigz.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: adameastment on July 25, 2011, 10:27:53 AM
Just saw Episode 2 of Miracle Day today (UK is a week behind *whimper*). I'm diggin' it, I wanna know what alien is behind the whole "Miracle".
SPOILERS: It's the Slitheen.

I do wonder how long they'll hold off the alien involvement for. Going brilliantly, though, so far.

Probably shouldn't admit this, but I kind of like Oswald Danes and Jilly Kitzinger. :S I know! I've been taken in.

You're not serious are you?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 25, 2011, 10:35:55 AM
Just watched episode three of Miracle Day. Not sure if I'm liking it so far, it's dragging along really slowly, and the only interesting character is the rapist.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ariich on July 25, 2011, 12:53:21 PM
Great theory on the eyepatches: they're for fighting The Silence - the eyepatch has a constant picture of them so you never forget.
Brilliant theory, whether it's true or not!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 25, 2011, 01:28:45 PM
Just saw Episode 2 of Miracle Day today (UK is a week behind *whimper*). I'm diggin' it, I wanna know what alien is behind the whole "Miracle".
SPOILERS: It's the Slitheen.

I do wonder how long they'll hold off the alien involvement for. Going brilliantly, though, so far.

Probably shouldn't admit this, but I kind of like Oswald Danes and Jilly Kitzinger. :S I know! I've been taken in.

You're not serious are you?
Yeah! I don't trust them, not for a second, but I'm a little charmed by both.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 25, 2011, 01:36:35 PM
Jilly's a hot piece of ass.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 25, 2011, 04:28:41 PM
Yay Wayne Knight...

Hello ...... NEWMAN.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: Kotowboy on July 25, 2011, 04:35:15 PM
Bill Pullman is awesome in this.

Also - was ages before I realised T o r c h w o o d was an anagram of D o c t o r w h o .  :loser:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: adameastment on July 25, 2011, 05:17:35 PM
Just saw Episode 2 of Miracle Day today (UK is a week behind *whimper*). I'm diggin' it, I wanna know what alien is behind the whole "Miracle".
SPOILERS: It's the Slitheen.

I do wonder how long they'll hold off the alien involvement for. Going brilliantly, though, so far.

Probably shouldn't admit this, but I kind of like Oswald Danes and Jilly Kitzinger. :S I know! I've been taken in.

You're not serious are you?
Yeah! I don't trust them, not for a second, but I'm a little charmed by both.

Just reading it back, I just realised you answered "You're not serious" to the latter part of your post.
Well, it would make some sense, since they have been around Earth since 2005 (assuming they keep the Dr Who backstory). But how are they supposed to "adult them up" since the Slitheen are very childish in my opinion!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: robwebster on July 26, 2011, 03:11:29 AM
Oh! Right. Sorry, I didn't catch which bit we were talking. If it is the Slitheen, it was a very lucky guess.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: ACID_FOX on July 26, 2011, 06:23:34 PM
My guess is either something completley new, or not alien at all.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: skydivingninja on July 29, 2011, 03:25:10 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood: Miracle Day
Post by: adameastment on July 30, 2011, 01:26:08 PM
My guess is either something completley new, or not alien at all.

I think you're right with it being new, I think they're making an "adult" alien. Especially it's got the Americans working on it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 02, 2011, 03:27:06 PM
On my current re-watch of DW I just finished End of Time part 2. The 2009 specials really are very very good, there are so many chills down the spine moments!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2011, 03:32:14 PM
Couldn't agree more if I tried! The Waters of Mars and The End of Time are kind of the pinnacle of RTD's era. TEoT is the first finale that I can't pick a single flaw in. The closest I've got is the bit where the Silver Cloak interrupt a really tense scene where the Doctor's chasing the Master, which I "got" as comic relief, but I was sat in my armchair practically screaming at the television, so blue were my balls... and yet, that then leads into the Doctor and Wilf in the café, and every fibre of my frustration just fizzles away forthwith.

The one that always seems to get lost in the rabble, though, is The Next Doctor. Which, were it not for TEoT1, would be my favourite christmas special. Absolutely splendid episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 02, 2011, 03:39:51 PM
The Next Doctor is great fun, and actually The Planet of the Dead is the one that I think gets overlooked. It's also great fun, and the prophecy at the end is absolutely chilling, especially when re-watching.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2011, 03:51:24 PM
I don't mention Planet mainly 'cause it's my least favourite, but it's got a lot of cool stuff going on. I really dig the stuff on Earth (MALCOLM!) and the visual of the bus in the desert is pretty fantastic. It's the most beautiful of the specials all round, actually. Only problem is that I find San Helios a little dull. Totally justified in-story, it's just not my favourite. I think it might've needed a little bit more geography to it, 'cause as much as I love the idea of metropoles being turned to sand, it was a little "tell don't show," and so I struggled a little to connect to the horror of the occasion.

Still cool, though! Lovely little diversion. And yes, the moments at the end were infinitely replayable.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 02, 2011, 04:16:15 PM
See I actually quite liked the tell-don't-show approach for that one. It's an unusual approach for DW, but it was nice to have that subtlety for a change. I think that's what I like about the specials in general, they all have something rather unique about them. The Waters of Mars is the most relentlessly dark thing emotionally that DW has done.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
Yeah! I think the specials marked one of those times they really decided to break with convention and tell stories they hadn't done before. Not having a companion really helped, probably. Planet is very striking and very unconventional. Hell of a lot of scale, too. It's not an experiment that entirely worked for me, but there were aspects that I really liked, and I'm glad they took a chance.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on August 02, 2011, 04:41:53 PM
The Waters of Mars is the most relentlessly dark thing emotionally that DW has done.

Yep, that's one of the reasons why it would be my favorite of the specials.  Especially with the "Timelord Victorious" thing that is momentarily introduced.  Seeing that, I was sort of hoping that it was a hint towards a progression in character of the Doctor.  Part of me wishes that the whole power-crazed Doctor that we saw brief shadings of at moments in the episode had been taken somewhere.  It would have made for an interesting element of the story to see the Doctor's ability to change time start to go to his head.  Still, that episode is very strong.  It would probably only be bested by Silence in the Library /Forest of the Dead as far as season 4 is concerned. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2011, 04:52:00 PM
I think the Time Lord Victorious thing sort of began and ended in the same episode. Adelaide committing suicide was basically the massive crash down to earth, the pride and then the fall.

The End of Time did kind of reflect that fall. We meet a desperate Doctor on the Ood-Sphere. His pride's been crushed, and though he's trying to force a smile, he's failing miserably. Turning up in a hat and garland, pre-preparing silly jokes, going on for just-a-little-bit-too-long about what a wonderful time he's really honestly having... it's a Doctor who's learnt in no uncertain terms that he abjectly cannot fight time, and he's emotionally crippled by that fact - as much as he tries to pretend he isn't. We don't see the scary Doctor, we see its shattered remains. Trying to laugh. Which - as much as I do agree that the Time Lord victorious was one of the most compelling ideas that the series has produced and yet tantalisingly short - was, perhaps unfortunately, the only way that the show could've really made sense.

He does also echo the Master in that opening sequence. "Funny, no, little bit?" The darkness is there... it's just muted.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 03, 2011, 12:05:53 AM
I really like the 2009 specials as well. Of course, TEOT is out of this world; and I think that rob's point also reflects in the regeneration process of the Doctor. Remember the 9th Doctor? He went out with a smile and a joke, and the 10th Doctor's last moments were filled with desperation and - maybe even to a further extent - loneliness. Maybe that's one of the few times where one could truly see how the Doctor felt inside because of it all. Might also have got something to do with the fact that there's no companion in his presence - he really "died" alone, without anyone for whom he had to put on an act.

Of course, I could be wrong, but I can definitely see some correlation between those two things.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on August 03, 2011, 05:13:13 AM
"They leave. Because they should or because they find someone else. And some of them, some of them... forget me. I suppose in the end, they break my heart."

I cried.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 04, 2011, 03:12:06 PM
Righto, just seen the most recent episode of Torchwood... Something is confusing me... When they say, "We are everywhere, we are nowhere" doesn't that sound suspiciously like the Silence? I would actually like to see it being the silence, since they were an "adult" alien in my eyes :P

Also, just made my doctor who collection up to date tonight, already got series 1 + 2. Just bought series' 3, 4, 5 and the specials. :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on August 04, 2011, 03:17:46 PM
Righto, just seen the most recent episode of Torchwood... Something is confusing me... When they say, "We are everywhere, we are nowhere" doesn't that sound suspiciously like the Silence? I would actually like to see it being the silence, since they were an "adult" alien in my eyes :P

Also, just made my doctor who collection up to date tonight, already got series 1 + 2. Just bought series' 3, 4, 5 and the specials. :)

Yeah, I was waiting for him to say "Silence will fall", but alas. It'd be really cool if it was, it would emphasize the extent of their control and influence, but I doubt it. I'm starting to doubt whether it's even alien at this point.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 04, 2011, 03:20:23 PM
Righto, just seen the most recent episode of Torchwood... Something is confusing me... When they say, "We are everywhere, we are nowhere" doesn't that sound suspiciously like the Silence? I would actually like to see it being the silence, since they were an "adult" alien in my eyes :P

Also, just made my doctor who collection up to date tonight, already got series 1 + 2. Just bought series' 3, 4, 5 and the specials. :)
Yeah! It does sound Silencey, and I did think that a couple of times.

On the other hand, I can't see RTD having called up Steven and gone "soooo... any interesting monsters in the pipeline?" I'm sure they keep each other in the loop, but I think RTD's monsters are more conspiratorial.

How fucking creepy was that episode, by the way? Every scene in a car was high-octane nightmare fuel. Dear me. I've got a hunch I'm never watching that one again. Brilliant, but ack! And I was so smug when Oswald stole the limelight from the Dead Is Dead bigot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 04, 2011, 03:57:09 PM
Yeah! It does sound Silencey, and I did think that a couple of times.

On the other hand, I can't see RTD having called up Steven and gone "soooo... any interesting monsters in the pipeline?" I'm sure they keep each other in the loop, but I think RTD's monsters are more conspiratorial.

How fucking creepy was that episode, by the way? Every scene in a car was high-octane nightmare fuel. Dear me. I've got a hunch I'm never watching that one again. Brilliant, but ack! And I was so smug when Oswald stole the limelight from the Dead Is Dead bigot.
But, the whole Silence thing is a worldwide phenomenon, and they do have the technology to keep someone alive without any help... Although, it wasn't the Silence who made River "Time Lordey". To be honest, the Silence were never actually explained in great detail, only that they kept River alive when she was a child (how did they get her? We don't know). I think that if anything, Moffat may have got the Silence from RTD possibly? Since filming for Who is in Summer time (onwards), and I would imaging RTD may have begun writing the basic story for Miracle Day earlier than that (what with Children of Earth airing around the same time the xmas episode was being filmed?). I do come up with some quite impossible scenarios, this is probably one of them xD

It's definitely all very cloak and dagger, but I don't think that whoever is controlling this "miracle" is human by any means. It's a tough one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on August 07, 2011, 07:09:39 PM

Yeah! It does sound Silencey, and I did think that a couple of times.

On the other hand, I can't see RTD having called up Steven and gone "soooo... any interesting monsters in the pipeline?" I'm sure they keep each other in the loop, but I think RTD's monsters are more conspiratorial.

How fucking creepy was that episode, by the way? Every scene in a car was high-octane nightmare fuel. Dear me. I've got a hunch I'm never watching that one again. Brilliant, but ack! And I was so smug when Oswald stole the limelight from the Dead Is Dead bigot.

Yeah - being crushed in that car yet still alive would be minging. :/
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on August 11, 2011, 04:00:09 PM
Episode 5 was not bad.

This series is pretty minging but so compelling !! I'm hooked.


I'm guessing once you're incinerated then you're truly dead ?


Can't wait for next week !!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 11, 2011, 04:07:15 PM
Yeah! It does sound Silencey, and I did think that a couple of times.

On the other hand, I can't see RTD having called up Steven and gone "soooo... any interesting monsters in the pipeline?" I'm sure they keep each other in the loop, but I think RTD's monsters are more conspiratorial.

How fucking creepy was that episode, by the way? Every scene in a car was high-octane nightmare fuel. Dear me. I've got a hunch I'm never watching that one again. Brilliant, but ack! And I was so smug when Oswald stole the limelight from the Dead Is Dead bigot.
But, the whole Silence thing is a worldwide phenomenon, and they do have the technology to keep someone alive without any help... Although, it wasn't the Silence who made River "Time Lordey". To be honest, the Silence were never actually explained in great detail, only that they kept River alive when she was a child (how did they get her? We don't know). I think that if anything, Moffat may have got the Silence from RTD possibly? Since filming for Who is in Summer time (onwards), and I would imaging RTD may have begun writing the basic story for Miracle Day earlier than that (what with Children of Earth airing around the same time the xmas episode was being filmed?). I do come up with some quite impossible scenarios, this is probably one of them xD

It's definitely all very cloak and dagger, but I don't think that whoever is controlling this "miracle" is human by any means. It's a tough one.
Nor do I... but, on the other hand, the longer we spend with an all-human cast, the more jarring the tonal switch'll feel if any aliens turn up. I'm starting to seriously consider the absence of any aliens. I could very much imagine unseen aliens, but the humans, once again, are the playing the role of the monsters for now.  See also: this week!

Episode 5 was not bad.

This series is pretty minging but so compelling !! I'm hooked.


I'm guessing once you're incinerated then you're truly dead ?


Can't wait for next week !!
Yep! Totally dead. According to Jane Espenson on twitter. Absolutely harrowing. The worst bit? I've got a feeling things are only ever going to get worse. :s
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on August 11, 2011, 04:59:11 PM
I don't mind. It's escapism. I'm not a horror fan in the slightest but this is as dark as i'm willing to go :P

I think being stuck in the squashed car would be the worst imo.

Pretty sure you'd pass out from the heat in the incinerator first.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on August 11, 2011, 05:09:11 PM
]Yep! Totally dead. According to Jane Espenson on twitter. Absolutely harrowing. The worst bit? I've got a feeling things are only ever going to get worse. :s

It's like they've thought of all the worst things that could possibly happen to a human and are throwing them all in.

Much more sinister than any hollywood slasher cookie cutter nonsense.

Wes Craven couldn't direct traffic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on August 12, 2011, 03:10:45 PM
Just seen a Matt Smith episode of Dr. Who where they go outside the universe and the TARDIS spirit is transported into a woman's body.

I think it's the first time since the classic Dr. Who era that i've actually seen corridors in the TARDIS.

Pretty cool episode :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 12, 2011, 04:45:40 PM
Just seen a Matt Smith episode of Dr. Who where they go outside the universe and the TARDIS spirit is transported into a woman's body.

I think it's the first time since the classic Dr. Who era that i've actually seen corridors in the TARDIS.

Pretty cool episode :)
Ah! The Doctor's Wife. Yeah, they built corridors specifically for that episode, and they've said they're keeping them as a standing set. Which is ace. Very classic-looking corridors they are, too.

I don't mind. It's escapism. I'm not a horror fan in the slightest but this is as dark as i'm willing to go :P

I think being stuck in the squashed car would be the worst imo.

Pretty sure you'd pass out from the heat in the incinerator first.
Totally! They're stretching at the limit of what I'm comfortable watching, but without quite crossing that boundary from "morbidly compelling" into "genuinely unwatchable."

Apparently people aren't "big" on going unconscious, right now - see also, Jack's "more alive than ever" speech - so they'd probably be conscious as they burned. Even creepier. Shudders down the spine.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on August 12, 2011, 06:31:46 PM
But depending on how much damage they already had, they might have no nerve endings anyway. The guy in episode 1 who blew himself up definitely couldn't feel anymore.

You'd probably just be a consciousness without a body.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on August 12, 2011, 06:33:45 PM
Dunno if you *do* MSN or Skype.. Would be cool to chat outside DTF ?

Or Twitter at least

Follow me @KotowDave

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 13, 2011, 03:37:50 AM
Don't do that if it means less DW and TW chat in here!

Going to catch up on the latest episode today (latest BBC episode that is... I assume the Americans are one more ahead)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 13, 2011, 02:16:56 PM
I'm just getting back into Series 3 with Smith and Jones. I loved this series so much when it was on, it's a shame they only show Dalek episodes on the re-runs to be honest. I also got the Revisitations box set and I watched the Movie with McGann.

Now I'm onto my favourite episodes from Series 3, then possibly skip straight to the specials. All I can say is, I'm in for a good few days of telly!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Bonham on August 13, 2011, 08:48:55 PM
Just went through a power watching session of all the last six Miracle Day episodes... I'm pretty impressed, so far. RTD really seems to hit it on the nail when he asks these tremendous, unanswerable questions (How can a government humanely deal with a population that can't die, would you passively let the human race die, actively hand over 10% of the world's children, or personally kill your own son to save them all? Small text for CoE spoilers).

Anyway, I'm sensing several religious undertones to this series, and I'm starting to think Oswald Danes is the antichrist. Emphasis on the word "revelation" in his speech, mentioning ascendance to angels, and the whole "false prophet" thing sort of works with his connections to PhiCorp. He's also essentially the anti-Harkness, who is obviously Jesus. :hat

Of course, my limited knowledge of the Bible means I'm probably horribly wrong about this, but I'm still calling it now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 14, 2011, 02:31:40 AM
Is there any information about when DW continues in the UK? Wiki says that in the US, the next episode is to be broadcast on the 27th, but that doesn't really help...
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 14, 2011, 03:25:49 AM
I'm pretty sure it'll be the same date in the UK. So excited, been watching from the start of series 1 and just coming up to the first half of series 6 now. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 14, 2011, 03:47:34 AM
Yeah, the BBC doesn't tend to confirm a returning series until ten days before broadcast. They made an exception with The Impossible Astronaut, for some reason, by telling Doctor Who Magazine quite publically, but every other series of Doctor Who has been confirmed Wednesday of the week before the show's return.

TV in the USA works differently, so they get it quite a while in advance, but we won't be getting it after the USA 'cause we're not allowed to do that, and we won't be getting it before the USA because in that case it would have to have been announced on Wednesday. 27th is the only date that makes sense - the BBC just don't want to show their hand too soon by announcing a time, 'cause ITV try to steal viewers by putting on Harry Potter.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 14, 2011, 04:23:08 AM
Ah, I didn't know about the way the BBC announces stuff like that. Good to know that we don't have to wait that long anymore. :laugh:

In other news, I found a way to watch Classic Doctor Who recently and decided to start with the last Patrick Troughton serial (The War Games), since many of the oldest episodes are missing. So far, I watched three episodes, and at the moment, it is enjoyable, but the fact that many things are low-budget and so dated can make it hard at times. Still, the storyline seems intriguing enough that I will keep watching.

Also, of course, I'm really excited about the actual next episode. If the trailers weren't put together by the most intense moments, I think we're in for a real treat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 14, 2011, 04:49:43 AM
The War Games isn't too exciting, it has some nice ideas but it drags on a bit long. There are some other much better Troughton episodes though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 14, 2011, 05:37:35 AM
Ah, I didn't know about the way the BBC announces stuff like that. Good to know that we don't have to wait that long anymore. :laugh:

In other news, I found a way to watch Classic Doctor Who recently and decided to start with the last Patrick Troughton serial (The War Games), since many of the oldest episodes are missing. So far, I watched three episodes, and at the moment, it is enjoyable, but the fact that many things are low-budget and so dated can make it hard at times. Still, the storyline seems intriguing enough that I will keep watching.

Also, of course, I'm really excited about the actual next episode. If the trailers weren't put together by the most intense moments, I think we're in for a real treat.

After watching the revisitations box set, I really think you're right. I think that Doctor Who still doesn't have a substantial budget, they really do manage to pull it out the hat though (there is a few bits of bad CGI here and there, I noticed one bit on The 2006 xmas special).

I really want to get hold of the episodes with multiple doctors in, they had some really good storylines. Didn't some of them have to play "A Game of Rassilon"? Or something like that.

Currently I'm rewatching the Silence in the Library episodes, then I shall move on to "Turn Left" and the finale of Series 4. Then the specials, particularly "The Waters of Mars". I love that episode. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 14, 2011, 05:40:40 AM
The Waters Of Mars is really intense, and I like the foreshadowing of the Tenth Doctor's end (however, I'm not too fond of his attitude he displays, though it's perfectly understandable in some ways).

I think I'll rewatch Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead as well; the Vashta Nerada are absolutely terrifying, and I'd love Steven Moffat to use them again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 14, 2011, 05:58:01 AM
The Waters Of Mars is really intense, and I like the foreshadowing of the Tenth Doctor's end (however, I'm not too fond of his attitude he displays, though it's perfectly understandable in some ways).

I think I'll rewatch Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead as well; the Vashta Nerada are absolutely terrifying, and I'd love Steven Moffat to use them again.
Yeah, I think the attitude is definitely understandable. Purely because "the last of the time lords" syndrome :P. I loved that episode because of the Doctors attitude actually, because of the way he believes he can now make the rules!

The Vashta Nerada are very cool, it was a very cool episode to bring River Song into the Whoniverse, even though it was her death. I can't wait until the series continues later this month.. I really can't wait!

I also would like to add, that "Turn Left" is really a fantastic episode brilliantly done in my opinion. I've always loved the episode, just the way it flows is really great. One of my favourites!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 14, 2011, 06:55:52 AM
Yeah, Turn Left is really great and a very cool starting point for the "Journey's End" three-parter.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 14, 2011, 07:00:47 AM
Yeah, Turn Left is really great and a very cool starting point for the "Journey's End" three-parter.
I wish I hadn't bought the box sets now, since I'm just addicted :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 15, 2011, 09:11:09 AM
Some kind of a prequel/teaser to the next episode:

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on August 15, 2011, 11:40:22 AM
Matt Smith is such a good actor.  WHY CAN'T IT BE THE 27TH ALREADY?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 15, 2011, 12:06:35 PM
Totally agreed on the first part. I don't know if it was all Matt or with a little help from cosmetics/CGI, but in this short clip, he really had the look of an old man who lived a life filled with loneliness, with a slight hint of desperation, a big hint of powerlessness about the whole situation and fear for what might be coming. Just how it is supposed to be for someone playing the Doctor, being old and youthful at the same time. I absolutely love it.

Oh yeah, the second part is also very valid.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 16, 2011, 09:42:38 AM
Well, I'm just watching "The Doctor's Daughter" and I found an interesting tidbit on Wikipedia. For everyone who thinks that Jenny won't make a return, her "coming back to life" was in fact Steven Moffat's idea!

Quote from: Wikipedia
Russell T Davies has stated that this episode "does exactly as it says on the tin".[5] Jenny's death was originally to take place in what Davies called "a Generic Spaceship Room", but producer Phil Collinson suggested filming the scene at Plantasia botanical garden in Swansea.[6][7] Having Jenny come back to life at the end of the episode was Steven Moffat's idea
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 17, 2011, 10:00:16 AM

Included are two teasers for Let's Kill Hitler. :laugh:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 18, 2011, 01:10:30 PM
Note that he calls the girl in the first one "Mels."

As in, short for Melody.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 18, 2011, 01:19:43 PM
Note that he calls the girl in the first one "Mels."

As in, short for Melody.

Good catch! If you're right, it makes me wonder this: How many regenerations - if they are possible, of which I'm pretty sure - is Melody/River in when we finally see her in her best-known appearance? It must have taken place at least twice...

And, of course, closer to the plot: How did they get Melody back? Should be an interesting story, to say the least.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 18, 2011, 01:29:39 PM
Well, the girl in Let's Kill Hitler looks black from what I can tell, which Alex Kingston isn't, so it must be at least her third incarnation. It'd also finally confirm that Time Lords can change skin-colour when they regenerate, which would - hopefully - shut up that slightly iffy faction of the fandom who keep on whining about how the Doctor should always be white.

This, if I'm right, ties quite nicely into my theory that Melody Pond's going to be the companion, next series. Arthur's confirmed that Rory's going to be back in some capacity next year now, too, so the Ponds can be the family-at-home occasional guest characters, a la Wilf Mott or Mickey Smith, and we finally get to see a significant chunk of the River/Doctor travels they keep hinting at.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 18, 2011, 02:59:00 PM
Oh Torchwood. You sinister fucker.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 20, 2011, 04:03:31 AM
Well, the girl in Let's Kill Hitler looks black from what I can tell, which Alex Kingston isn't, so it must be at least her third incarnation. It'd also finally confirm that Time Lords can change skin-colour when they regenerate, which would - hopefully - shut up that slightly iffy faction of the fandom who keep on whining about how the Doctor should always be white.

This, if I'm right, ties quite nicely into my theory that Melody Pond's going to be the companion, next series. Arthur's confirmed that Rory's going to be back in some capacity next year now, too, so the Ponds can be the family-at-home occasional guest characters, a la Wilf Mott or Mickey Smith, and we finally get to see a significant chunk of the River/Doctor travels they keep hinting at.
This would actually be brilliant. The more we see her, the more I like River as a character and Alex Kingston as an actress!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 20, 2011, 07:18:28 AM
I think Alex Kingston is basically the perfect fit for River Song and has been since Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead, at least I couldn't imagine anyone else playing this role so well. Melody/River becoming a definite companion in Series 7 would be very cool indeed; we'd most likely get some hilarious River-Doctor dialogues/arguments at least.

I also have to say that I'm quite curious about the Teselectas. The preview delivered a nice first impression Moffat-style, and I hope that they get some presence in the next episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 22, 2011, 03:50:57 PM
Erm... On the subject of Torchwood, has anyone considered nanogenes? They were a massive part of The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances... Any chance they would be the cause of this? Or is it more of a person causing the damage?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 22, 2011, 04:08:17 PM
Oh, I like nanogenes. That would totally work.

As the Doctor says in that episode - of the nanogenes no less - "What's life? Just nature's way of keeping meat fresh."

(That quote's been in my head for three weeks or so with regards to Miracle Day, incidentally, but I've not been able to place where it came from until just now. Yes! I could definitely see them using that as the method.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 22, 2011, 04:12:15 PM
Oh, I like nanogenes. That would totally work.

As the Doctor says in that episode - of the nanogenes no less - "What's life? Just nature's way of keeping meat fresh."

(And that quote's been in my head for three weeks or so with regards to Miracle Day, but I've not been able to place it until just now.)

The only flaw is that at the end of The Empty Child double is that they healed them all.. I mean, in the Who/Torchwood-iverse, the nanogenes could be used in combination with the "morphic field". However, how would this have effected Jack in the way it did? Small flaw there :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 22, 2011, 04:14:34 PM
True! Bollocks. Very true. And Rex wouldn't have a gaping wound in his chest.

Still. "Nature's way of keeping meat fresh." I'm sticking with that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 22, 2011, 04:17:10 PM
True! Bollocks. Very true. And Rex wouldn't have a gaping wound in his chest.

Still. "Nature's way of keeping meat fresh." I'm sticking with that.
Very true, it doesn't mean that the nanogenes aren't programmed to keep the blood oxygenated or something. Which is why burning the bodies is the way to kill them, burn everything including the blood?


I've been thinking, I think nano-genes are a very good guess actually! Why? Well, nano-genes have to be programmed right? We found that out in The Empty Child, meaning that someone has programmed them to keep humans alive (not heal them), maybe through keeping blood and muscles and bits of the body oxygenated, meaning that they'd survive almost anything, and yet still be in so much pain. This pattern could be transferred through a morphic field of sorts (like what keeps getting mentioned), and these nanogenes are getting into everyone and staying put.

They also need to know who to target, I'm assuming it's all humans which would mean this trait would carry to Jack. I don't think Jack is mortal, I think he's come under the same morphic field as the rest of the humans, and the nano-genes have been transferred into him. Giving him what looks like mortal traits, but essentially still immortal (since making a anti serum to a poison? Really?). I think the real reason they want Jack is to simply burn him alive, he's the bedrock for the whole of Torchwood. Without him, they don't have the knowledge of Jack, meaning they would basically disband...

I might have overthought this though :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 22, 2011, 10:09:58 PM

Doctor Who is back this Saturday!?

:dangerwillrobinson: :dangerwillrobinson: :dangerwillrobinson:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 22, 2011, 11:56:42 PM

Doctor Who is back this Saturday!?

:dangerwillrobinson: :dangerwillrobinson: :dangerwillrobinson:

*in the Tenth Doctor's voice* Oh yes!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 23, 2011, 03:00:08 AM
:caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 25, 2011, 04:04:55 PM
Dear me. That was slow.

Just felt gratuitous. Look at how quickly they establish the characters - no, the universe - in Everything Changes. Rose. The Eleventh Hour. Smith and Jones. Heck, episode one of this very series. Effortless. Deft. They can conjure up entire universes in minutes. This is the polar opposite.

There were lots of nice character moments. Angelo has been given a fair bit of depth. It was nice to see alien activity. And the "devil" bit was an ingenius concept, and absolutely harrowing. It felt very, uncomfortably real.

But that's where the word "gratuitous" comes in. Look at episode 5. The bit where Vera is burnt alive. Completely fearsome concept, but the image is conjured up by what? A few bunsen burners and some stock footage of some flame. Absolutely chilling, but told very quickly. The immortality-montage here, however, overstayed its welcome by what felt like a good minute or so.

Two people doing not-very-much, very slowly, and putting the overarching plot on hold for another week. They could've dripped this backstory over the last six episodes and it wouldn't have felt like such a bolt from the blue. Like such an unwelcome interruption.

First time since From Out of the Rain that I've not enjoyed a Torchwood. They were doing so well!

Really hope everyone else loved it, though. There was plenty of interesting stuff there. It was just... so... slow..!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 25, 2011, 04:29:54 PM
You seem to hate slower episodes. :lol I haven't seen it yet, but this series (as with Children of Earth) is one big story arc, so I expect there to be slower episodes. It can't be non-stop action-packed madness for 10 solid episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 25, 2011, 04:41:26 PM
You seem to hate slower episodes. :lol I haven't seen it yet, but this series (as with Children of Earth) is one big story arc, so I expect there to be slower episodes. It can't be non-stop action-packed madness for 10 solid episodes.
Oh, agreed! I think the balance has been great up to this point, though, but this episode was a complete diversion. I'm sure it'll be significant, but it just felt really flabby to me. It's a completely different story. Almost entirely separate to everything we've seen so far, and I'm so busy caring about the characters that I've spent the last six weeks caring for that I did not appreciate being taken away from them, and having events put on hold for a week.

Don't take my word for it, though. Give it a go! And enjoy it, preferably. The more people who enjoy it, the better. It's been an absolutely cracking series, this latest ep aside, and anyone who's got their count running at seven-for-seven is someone I envy. A lot of people are absolutely loving it so please don't let my comments colour it. :p
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 25, 2011, 04:53:41 PM
Indeed, I'll watch it over the weekend! Have to say, I can't even remember specific episodes. Shows like DW (and the first 2 series of Torchwood) have each story somewhat separate so they're more distinguishable, whereas these days this is more like 24 or something like that, where it's basically one massive story cut into chunks. Fair play if you can remember individual episodes in enough detail to have opinions on them, but I don't appear to have that ability! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 25, 2011, 05:07:43 PM
Ha - well, I remember them in broad strokes! Ep 1 was the intro episode, watched it a couple of times so wahey, ep 2 was the fun one on a plane with the weird-looking assassin, ep 3 I can't quite remember but I think it had a lot to do with Ozzy 'n' Jill. Might've introduced Phicorp? Ep 4 was the one where they infiltrated the warehouse as the Dead is Dead lady got crushed, eps 5&6 were the overflow camp two-parter, and episode 7 I just watched.

It's cloudy! But I remember roughly how each made me feel, and this is the first time since From Out of the Rain in 2008 that I've truly been disappointed by an episode of one of my favourite TV shows. :p

And then I went online and discovered that half of the viewers think it's the best episode of the series! Shows what I know. Don't listen to me, I'm a right muppet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 25, 2011, 07:58:48 PM
Dear me. That was slow.

Just felt gratuitous. Look at how quickly they establish the characters - no, the universe - in Everything Changes. Rose. The Eleventh Hour. Smith and Jones. Heck, episode one of this very series. Effortless. Deft. They can conjure up entire universes in minutes. This is the polar opposite.

There were lots of nice character moments. Angelo has been given a fair bit of depth. It was nice to see alien activity. And the "devil" bit was an ingenius concept, and absolutely harrowing. It felt very, uncomfortably real.

But that's where the word "gratuitous" comes in. Look at episode 5. The bit where Vera is burnt alive. Completely fearsome concept, but the image is conjured up by what? A few bunsen burners and some stock footage of some flame. Absolutely chilling, but told very quickly. The immortality-montage here, however, overstayed its welcome by what felt like a good minute or so.

Two people doing not-very-much, very slowly, and putting the overarching plot on hold for another week. They could've dripped this backstory over the last six episodes and it wouldn't have felt like such a bolt from the blue. Like such an unwelcome interruption.

First time since From Out of the Rain that I've not enjoyed a Torchwood. They were doing so well!

Really hope everyone else loved it, though. There was plenty of interesting stuff there. It was just... so... slow..!

I'm going to disagree with you there, I think it was a welcome change personally. I didn't enjoy the man on man scenes (doesn't float my boat...), but it reminded me of the older series' where it took a completely different plot line on. I think it was needed to get the gasp at the end, where she tells him that Angelo is still alive and kicking.

Now to suss how it all ends - the blood has got to have something to do with it! How did Angelo stay alive for so long? So many questions arose from that episode (also, youtube one of the trailers for the next episode you see Angelo's hand, I also think he actually dies although, I can't be sure.

Also, did you listen carefully? At the start of the episode Jack says to Gwen something about "Reseaching the blessing". Angelo called Jack the blessing coincidence? I don't think so, RTD enjoys that kind of thing within a series putting small hints (ie. Bad Wolf, Torchwood from DW). Even though it wasn't written by RTD I think there might be something in that.

It kinda sets up the scene for the next few episodes, 8 seems to be figuring what the Miracle is how it happened, how it can be stopped. 9 + 10 will be how it can be stopped. Lots of action!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Bonham on August 25, 2011, 08:28:39 PM
Dear me. That was slow.

Just felt gratuitous. Look at how quickly they establish the characters - no, the universe - in Everything Changes. Rose. The Eleventh Hour. Smith and Jones. Heck, episode one of this very series. Effortless. Deft. They can conjure up entire universes in minutes. This is the polar opposite.

There were lots of nice character moments. Angelo has been given a fair bit of depth. It was nice to see alien activity. And the "devil" bit was an ingenius concept, and absolutely harrowing. It felt very, uncomfortably real.

But that's where the word "gratuitous" comes in. Look at episode 5. The bit where Vera is burnt alive. Completely fearsome concept, but the image is conjured up by what? A few bunsen burners and some stock footage of some flame. Absolutely chilling, but told very quickly. The immortality-montage here, however, overstayed its welcome by what felt like a good minute or so.

Two people doing not-very-much, very slowly, and putting the overarching plot on hold for another week. They could've dripped this backstory over the last six episodes and it wouldn't have felt like such a bolt from the blue. Like such an unwelcome interruption.

First time since From Out of the Rain that I've not enjoyed a Torchwood. They were doing so well!

Really hope everyone else loved it, though. There was plenty of interesting stuff there. It was just... so... slow..!

I'm going to disagree with you there, I think it was a welcome change personally. I didn't enjoy the man on man scenes (doesn't float my boat...), but it reminded me of the older series' where it took a completely different plot line on. I think it was needed to get the gasp at the end, where she tells him that Angelo is still alive and kicking.

Now to suss how it all ends - the blood has got to have something to do with it! How did Angelo stay alive for so long? So many questions arose from that episode (also, youtube one of the trailers for the next episode you see Angelo's hand, I also think he actually dies although, I can't be sure.

Also, did you listen carefully? At the start of the episode Jack says to Gwen something about "Reseaching the blessing". Angelo called Jack the blessing coincidence? I don't think so, RTD enjoys that kind of thing within a series putting small hints (ie. Bad Wolf, Torchwood from DW). Even though it wasn't written by RTD I think there might be something in that.

It kinda sets up the scene for the next few episodes, 8 seems to be figuring what the Miracle is how it happened, how it can be stopped. 9 + 10 will be how it can be stopped. Lots of action!
I have to agree with adam here; I was absolutely bored to tears during episode six. Despite all the action, it felt like the plot and character development completely halted. Things had been slowing down since quite a while before as well: through most of the previous episodes, we've been given next to nothing about the force behind the Miracle, treated instead to the myriad human implications (and inevitabilities) that arose from the situation. From a philosophical standpoint it's fascinating (I've been thinking all through work for the past few days about what humanity would really do if we all became immortal), but I'm not too sure it makes for good TV.

This episode was a welcome change of pace; very little "action," but finally we get some progression towards the end of the story. I'm really looking forward to ep. 8 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/Smileys/default/caffeine.gif)

Also, the car scene was one of the best moments from this series so far (from any series, in my opinion).

tl;dr: You should watch it again. It was good. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 26, 2011, 05:13:07 AM
Oh, I'm certain it's necessary backstory. They mentioned The Blessing in the last episode, too. I think the Ghostbuster said it over dinner. But it was so sluggishly established!

I can't think of a single scene that didn't go on for at least a good minute longer than it had to. A couple of the cutaways, say. There's nothing long with long scenes, but Quarantino this wasn't. They weren't gripping long scenes. It was like watching life unfold at its own pace - which, I guess, is what I'm not keen on. A story with this little to say could've been told within fifteen minutes. Or, if you want to keep all the character development (and I wouldn't blame you if you did!), woven throughout the series. If ep six was boring, how much better would it have been had another mystery been coming to a climax? Lots of disparate glimpses of 1927 and 1928 New York, stripped throughout the series.

I don't have any problem with the story itself, or the characters, or the concepts behind them - perfectly interesting, all of them - but it was told in a way that I found frustrating beyond belief.

I will rewatch it, though. Not immediately, but at some point this week. And I am genuinely, sincerely, very glad you both enjoyed it. Feels good to be in a minority on this one!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 26, 2011, 01:10:52 PM
Tomorrow... :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 26, 2011, 01:23:12 PM
I KNOW!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Bonham on August 26, 2011, 01:31:12 PM
I love that I get to watch Doctor Who before my plane leaves to Israel. This weekend is going to be epic :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 27, 2011, 05:57:00 AM
Tomorrow... :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 27, 2011, 12:58:35 PM
Oh Steven, you brilliant bastard. :lol

I'll watch this episode again later; for now, I'll just say that this episode was absolutely awesome and definitely worth the wait.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 27, 2011, 12:59:52 PM
Well... That was brilliant!

It's kind of set up the whole Library now :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: alirocker08 on August 27, 2011, 01:01:07 PM
I couldn't help but laugh at the joke River Song made to all the soldiers getting ready to fire at her :')

And I had to stop myself from crying in case my siblings laughed at me >.<
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 27, 2011, 01:14:29 PM
Fucking hell, that was one of the single weirdest episodes of Doctor Who. Loved it.

Alex Kingston gets a regeneration scene!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 27, 2011, 01:29:18 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 27, 2011, 02:23:34 PM
Fucking hell, that was one of the single weirdest episodes of Doctor Who. Loved it.

Alex Kingston gets a regeneration scene!!
Well.. Technically it was Alex Kingston, it was the one before her who got the regeneration scene. Lol :P

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on August 27, 2011, 06:44:39 PM
Not sure how I feel about it yet.  I mean, I loved (small text for Americans who haven't seen it yet)
Seeing Alex Kingston play River as the villain.  Would love to see more of that.
The "voice interface" scene where he goes through the recent companions.
The flashback to Amy/Rory/Mels as kids.  D'AWWWWWWWWW

But I had problems with:
Pacing.  It all seemed very fast.  I mean, we go from the Tessalecta killing Hitler to trying to kill River to the Doctor dying and River having the quickest heel-face turn in the universe because he whispers one thing in her ear.

Why does the Doctor bother hiding the fact that he knows about his death?  Amy should have realized what she did in "The Almost People" when she told the Doctor that she sees him die.  So the Doctor knows, why hide it?

At the end, are we just forgetting about finding Melody and thwarting the Church/The Silence's whole "kill the Doctor" scheme.  Seems odd that Rory and Amy were very active trying to find Melody for the first part and by the end they just forget about wanting to raise her?

That new coat the Doctor's wearing.  Needs more tweed.

I mean, what questions did the episode really answer?  We know now that the Silence is a religion rather than a species, meaning the "Silence" aliens may be in cahoots with Kovarian/the Church, we see the start of River Song's life as River Song, which is kind of cool, but we don't get any closer to learning the motivations of the main antagonists.  It didn't do all that much to advance the big mystery plot we have going.  This sort of "half super-heavy-important-plot" and "half monster of the week" thing for season 6 doesn't quite work with me as well.  If Moffat wants to turn Doctor Who into more of a serial, great!  I don't think this quiiiite works though.

I hate to sound so negative, especially when this episode was full of great stuff as well, but there's something that I'm not entirely "with."
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Super Dude on August 27, 2011, 07:32:46 PM
OK, never mind.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 27, 2011, 08:17:59 PM
Not sure how I feel about it yet.  I mean, I loved (small text for Americans who haven't seen it yet)
Seeing Alex Kingston play River as the villain.  Would love to see more of that.
The "voice interface" scene where he goes through the recent companions.
The flashback to Amy/Rory/Mels as kids.  D'AWWWWWWWWW

But I had problems with:
Pacing.  It all seemed very fast.  I mean, we go from the Tessalecta killing Hitler to trying to kill River to the Doctor dying and River having the quickest heel-face turn in the universe because he whispers one thing in her ear.

Why does the Doctor bother hiding the fact that he knows about his death?  Amy should have realized what she did in "The Almost People" when she told the Doctor that she sees him die.  So the Doctor knows, why hide it?

At the end, are we just forgetting about finding Melody and thwarting the Church/The Silence's whole "kill the Doctor" scheme.  Seems odd that Rory and Amy were very active trying to find Melody for the first part and by the end they just forget about wanting to raise her?

That new coat the Doctor's wearing.  Needs more tweed.

I mean, what questions did the episode really answer?  We know now that the Silence is a religion rather than a species, meaning the "Silence" aliens may be in cahoots with Kovarian/the Church, we see the start of River Song's life as River Song, which is kind of cool, but we don't get any closer to learning the motivations of the main antagonists.  It didn't do all that much to advance the big mystery plot we have going.  This sort of "half super-heavy-important-plot" and "half monster of the week" thing for season 6 doesn't quite work with me as well.  If Moffat wants to turn Doctor Who into more of a serial, great!  I don't think this quiiiite works though.

I hate to sound so negative, especially when this episode was full of great stuff as well, but there's something that I'm not entirely "with."

I don't think he realised when he died, I liked how Hitler didn't really have anything to do with this episode, that was fantastic (in 9th doctor style ;) ), we also know that this was where the doctor tells river something, I don't however, think it's his name, I think it was something to do with her life... I loved the robot thing, almost like Time Police (Time Cop!!).
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on August 27, 2011, 10:29:38 PM
Not sure how I feel about it yet.  I mean, I loved (small text for Americans who haven't seen it yet)
Seeing Alex Kingston play River as the villain.  Would love to see more of that.
The "voice interface" scene where he goes through the recent companions.
The flashback to Amy/Rory/Mels as kids.  D'AWWWWWWWWW

But I had problems with:
Pacing.  It all seemed very fast.  I mean, we go from the Tessalecta killing Hitler to trying to kill River to the Doctor dying and River having the quickest heel-face turn in the universe because he whispers one thing in her ear.

Why does the Doctor bother hiding the fact that he knows about his death?  Amy should have realized what she did in "The Almost People" when she told the Doctor that she sees him die.  So the Doctor knows, why hide it?

At the end, are we just forgetting about finding Melody and thwarting the Church/The Silence's whole "kill the Doctor" scheme.  Seems odd that Rory and Amy were very active trying to find Melody for the first part and by the end they just forget about wanting to raise her?

That new coat the Doctor's wearing.  Needs more tweed.

I mean, what questions did the episode really answer?  We know now that the Silence is a religion rather than a species, meaning the "Silence" aliens may be in cahoots with Kovarian/the Church, we see the start of River Song's life as River Song, which is kind of cool, but we don't get any closer to learning the motivations of the main antagonists.  It didn't do all that much to advance the big mystery plot we have going.  This sort of "half super-heavy-important-plot" and "half monster of the week" thing for season 6 doesn't quite work with me as well.  If Moffat wants to turn Doctor Who into more of a serial, great!  I don't think this quiiiite works though.

I hate to sound so negative, especially when this episode was full of great stuff as well, but there's something that I'm not entirely "with."

I don't think he realised when he died, I liked how Hitler didn't really have anything to do with this episode, that was fantastic (in 9th doctor style ;) ), we also know that this was where the doctor tells river something, I don't however, think it's his name, I think it was something to do with her life... I loved the robot thing, almost like Time Police (Time Cop!!).

Oh I loved the Tessalecta too!  Very MIB-ish with a bit of scary Steven Moffat thrown in.  The octopus robots were great.  "You feel a tingling sensation and then death"  :lol  And if their goal was to punish war criminals right before they die and they were so intent on making River go through hell because she kills the doctor, it could be that the Doctor inspired them to punish evildoers in the first place, playing more on the morally grey "is the Doctor really such a great thing for the universe" thing that I love.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 28, 2011, 01:56:47 AM
That was fantastic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 28, 2011, 02:30:34 AM
Seems odd that Rory and Amy were very active trying to find Melody for the first part and by the end they just forget about wanting to raise her?

Well, by "raising", I'm sure that Amy and Rory also meant "watch her grow up to be an adult", which they eventually did, even if they didn't know that at the time (and Amy really somehow is in the role of the mother when Mels is saying/doing silly things - she's the one who's always there - isn't that basically what a mother does?). I mean, Mels/Melody/River was Amy's best friend throughout school, and Rory came in the picture pretty quickly as well. Even Mels herself said that the two "raised [her] after all". I think that Steven Moffat, while not conveying it in a 100% satisfying way, did a decent job at displaying Amy (and to a lesser extent, Rory) in the role of a parent of their own child of whose nature she/they had no idea.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 28, 2011, 04:44:15 AM
Seems odd that Rory and Amy were very active trying to find Melody for the first part and by the end they just forget about wanting to raise her?

Well, by "raising", I'm sure that Amy and Rory also meant "watch her grow up to be an adult", which they eventually did, even if they didn't know that at the time (and Amy really somehow is in the role of the mother when Mels saying/doing silly things - she's the one who's always there - isn't that basically what a mother does?). I mean, Mels/Melody/River was Amy's best friend throughout school, and Rory came in the picture pretty quickly as well. Even Mels herself said that the two "raised [her] after all". I think that Steven Moffat, while not conveying it in a 100% satisfying way, did a decent job at displaying Amy (and to a lesser extent, Rory) in the role of a parent of their own child of whose nature she/they had no idea.
That was exactly the way I saw it as well, and I thought it was really clever and very nicely done!

As for the fact that it's a mish-mash of story-arc serial and standalone stories, I love that about Doctor Who. It's been kind of the case since Series 1 but very prominently since Series 3, and it's one of my favourite things about the show because it's quite unique (Firefly did it pretty well as well, but I can't think of many other shows).

Anyway yesterday's episode was fantastic, very excited about the rest of the series. :D

EDIT: Also, we can probably stop with the small text now, it's been shown in the US.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on August 28, 2011, 10:22:38 AM
So River meets the Doctor for the first time. We're still going to see River more...right?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Silver Tears on August 28, 2011, 10:24:52 AM
Just watched it earlier today, what a great episode! Next one looks creepy though :S
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 28, 2011, 10:28:04 AM
So River meets the Doctor for the first time. We're still going to see River more...right?
It has been suggested in this thread that she will be the main companion in the next series, with Rory and Amy having a more supporting role as the parents, which could well be the case. It would work, it would make sense, and it would also fit with Moffat's intention to make series 7 less arc-intensive and a little more standalone from episode to episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Super Dude on August 28, 2011, 10:49:38 AM
I know it makes sense, but I don't think River would be a great permanent companion, if only because her timeline with the Smith Doctor is so messed up, to say nothing of other past and future incarnations of the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Silver Tears on August 28, 2011, 10:51:42 AM
Aww I really like Amy as the companion, I don't want her taking a side role! Oh well, I'm sure Mr Moffat knows what he's doing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 28, 2011, 11:25:38 AM
Aww I really like Amy as the companion, I don't want her taking a side role! Oh well, I'm sure Mr Moffat knows what he's doing.
Well, she's already been companion as long as any other New Who companion. To have her in the show at all for another season will be a nice treat for us!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on August 28, 2011, 11:43:51 AM
So then River doesn't always travel backwards to the Doctor. Okay.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 28, 2011, 11:51:44 AM
Yeah, I'm not sure how that makes sense, but whatever. Time, wibbly wobbly, etc.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 28, 2011, 11:56:08 AM
Nobody ever said they were always going in completely opposite directions. That's just what's been happening so far. If she's going to travel with him then obviously it can't really go opposite then, as it wouldn't make any sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 28, 2011, 11:59:56 AM
River specifically said that every time they met she would know him more and he would know her less (and thus from the doctor's POV the reverse would be true)...
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 28, 2011, 12:02:43 PM
Just because a character says something (from their POV) it doesn't make it cold hard fact. :P Rule 1: The Doctor lies.

But yeah, you're right that she said that. Guess we'll have to see how this pans out!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on August 28, 2011, 12:03:53 PM
Though it could be like Homestuck. That's true, but then after River meets him for the first time, she's part that the Doctor's timeline and helps him out there. So there's a bit of both specific time travel and opposite direction time travel.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on August 28, 2011, 12:06:07 PM
River specifically said that every time they met she would know him more and he would know her less (and thus from the doctor's POV the reverse would be true)...

Well isn't that the case here?  The Doctor know her more than ever in the episode (excluding the part in which he is 200 years older, which is at a later point in his life) and she knows him less.  We've just been following the Doctor as he learns more about her up until this point, but now it's the other way around. 

I might be wrong and missing something here or it might be wibbly wobbly time stuff, of course. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 28, 2011, 12:15:40 PM
River specifically said that every time they met she would know him more and he would know her less (and thus from the doctor's POV the reverse would be true)...

Well isn't that the case here?  The Doctor know her more than ever in the episode (excluding the part in which he is 200 years older, which is at a later point in his life) and she knows him less.  We've just been following the Doctor as he learns more about her up until this point, but now it's the other way around. 

I might be wrong and missing something here or it might be wibbly wobbly time stuff, of course. 

That's the point. We're really not clear on how their timestreams are related, but based on what River has said I always assumed that the last time the Doctor met her would be the first time she met him. Thus, this should be the last time she's in the show. But yeah, wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 28, 2011, 12:20:31 PM
River specifically said that every time they met she would know him more and he would know her less (and thus from the doctor's POV the reverse would be true)...

Well isn't that the case here?  The Doctor know her more than ever in the episode (excluding the part in which he is 200 years older, which is at a later point in his life) and she knows him less.  We've just been following the Doctor as he learns more about her up until this point, but now it's the other way around. 

I might be wrong and missing something here or it might be wibbly wobbly time stuff, of course. 

That's the point. We're really not clear on how their timestreams are related, but based on what River has said I always assumed that the last time the Doctor met her would be the first time she met him. Thus, this should be the last time she's in the show. But yeah, wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
If it were that straightforward, they wouldn't need diaries. :p If it were the case, neither would have ever done anything the other had done.

Presumably, the next time they meet won't be set before the first time they ever properly met. And he's already met young Melody long before. River was speaking in very general terms - I don't think it was ever meant to be taken literally.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 28, 2011, 12:51:04 PM
Good point Rob, and actually it was something I'd thought before as well, but forgot about it this time. If it was simply a straight line in opposite directions, they wouldn't really need to do the whole "comparing diaries thing" because it would be simple.

And we've already seen something outside of that, which is him 200 years in the future, where they do indeed compare diaries like it's something they regularly do.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on August 28, 2011, 01:52:58 PM
So then River doesn't always travel backwards to the Doctor. Okay.

This was pretty much established by the fact that, in "Forest of the Dead" that the last time the Doctor meets River is when he gives her his screwdriver right before she leaves for the library.  I doubt Moffat wouldn't not film that moment for either Matt Smith or whoever the 12th or 13th doctors may be.  So what River said in "The Impossible Astronaut" was never really true.  Plus, the name of the last episode for Season 6 is named "the Wedding of River Song."  :D  So yeah.  We'll see more of her.

I loved Alex Kingston in this episode.  Still River Song as we know her and yet...crazy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 28, 2011, 05:40:23 PM
I know it makes sense, but I don't think River would be a great permanent companion, if only because her timeline with the Smith Doctor is so messed up, to say nothing of other past and future incarnations of the Doctor.

But so far, he has met her almost in reverse (or almost as good as). It's not really "messed up" at the moment she is Melody, this is when the Doctor will get to know her, when he will find her. From then she will be getting to know him from scratch, how he works etc etc. River knew him like noone ever has in the Library episodes, which means she does spend a massive amount of time together. I can see it being the 12th Doctor + River for a while, or Melody maybe (depending on how she wants to be known)?

However, the 12th doctor can't come along for a long time surely? We've all seen the 11th Doctor die at 1104 years old, being killed by what we believe is River. Or it could mean either it was Flesh, Tessalecta or something. I believe that the Doctor has a plan that will make it seem like he's won against the Silence, I think that because he got River, Rory and Amy together it means he's going to be trying to spread the word on earth that he died or something like that. Does anyone remember the advert for the second half of the series? With the bones and the sonic in the hand of it? Might be hinting...

My ramblings :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 28, 2011, 05:52:16 PM
I can't imagine he's actually going to die at the lake, because that would presumably mean there could be no 12th doctor, as he was killed killed, right?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 28, 2011, 06:43:46 PM
I can't imagine he's actually going to die at the lake, because that would presumably mean there could be no 12th doctor, as he was killed killed, right?
Yes, but like it's been mentioned before the Master was resurrected or whatever you wanna call it by the Time Lords because he was the "perfect soldier" for a war, so the technology is there to bring a Time Lord back and give him all 13 lives back. The Doctor should know this and might have told River, I think there will be more stuff in America to come :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Super Dude on August 28, 2011, 10:29:37 PM
Wait a tick, they only get 13 lives?  Christ, where was I when they said this?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 29, 2011, 12:09:47 AM
Wait a tick, they only get 13 lives?  Christ, where was I when they said this?

I think this has been stated first when the Doctor was in his fourth incarnation, and again in the 1996 film.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 29, 2011, 12:31:51 AM
There's no reason to assume that it is the case though.  Canon has a way of glossing over things that are inconvenient.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2011, 01:01:09 AM
The only number they've ever actually given in the revived series or any of its spin-offs... is 507.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 29, 2011, 02:21:46 AM
The only number they've ever actually given in the revived series or any of its spin-offs... is 507.

In what context?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2011, 02:40:01 AM
In Sarah Jane Adventures', the kids' spinoff.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 29, 2011, 03:47:34 AM
Ah, alright, thanks for the information.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 29, 2011, 06:59:53 AM
All I can say is, Torchwood Episode 8 is very interesting ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2011, 07:31:51 AM
AGH. Do not tempt me! My ISP's gone all twunty lately and downgraded our package, so it would take me ten years to watch it. D:

I am very much in suspense, though. Ack. Actually genuinely considering slowing the house down to a crawl.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on August 29, 2011, 07:45:32 AM
Regarding regenerations: I believe Moffat/the BBC has pretty much retconned that as "The Doctor is immortal now."  Plus, maybe the 13 regenerations was a rule of the Time Lords, and since the Doctor is the last one, this is a "Time Lord victorious" moment that would actually work in his favor. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2011, 07:53:56 AM
Yeah! More or less. It's always been ambiguous, anyway. Not to mention, we've seen that regenerative energy is something that can be absorbed and transferred. Saying "Time Lords have the energy to regenerate twelve times" is a bit like saying "A sloth is sixty centimetres long" - some are longer than others, some are shorter, biological mechanisms are rarely 100% standardised. And  given that it uses a sort of energy that can be transferred and redirected and commoditised and all, I think it's very unlikely that the Time Lords would fight a time war without filling their warriors up with extra juice.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on August 29, 2011, 09:02:21 AM
Possibly The Most Important Thing in Let’s Kill Hitler

I’m just going to put this out there because I’m struggling with it. And it will probably be my focus for awhile, kind of like how something being wrong with Amy stuck with me the whole of part one.

The Doctor’s clothes are probably the most important thing in Let’s Kill Hitler. And I think we should keep an eye on them.

First, he starts out with a new coat. I don’t know the significance yet, but I have a feeling his new coat is going to be important. Where did he get it? Why was he wearing it at the start? It disappears later in the episode and he puts on his classic look at the end.

Second, no one seems to care that he just randomly appears in a tuxedo. This is connected to the computer Amelia Pond as well. We hear her say, “fish fingers and custard” to The Doctor. Although, it cannot be the computer that says it. The computer was insistent that it wasn’t Amelia Pond. Also, there isn’t any real way for the interface to make that emotional connection/memory. Lastly, we are conveniently not shown Amelia when it’s said.

So he hears this clue, it clearly has meaning to him. He gets up and goes somewhere in the TARDIS. Next thing we know, he appears in a tuxedo. You know where else he had a tuxedo? Amy and Rory’s wedding.

In Series 5, he is at the wedding and clearly has a red corsage on his chest. Then, it cuts to Amy’s house where The Doctor appears, still in tuxedo, but he is corsage-less. Although, you cans make out a safety pin on his chest. You can also make out the safety pin on his chest in Let’s Kill Hitler.

Lastly, when Amy and Rory catch him in the TARDIS after their wedding he says he was sorry he had to pop off for a bit because he was busy with something.

So, here it is: where did The Doctor go after fish fingers and custard? Was it the wedding? What was he doing when he popped off from their wedding? Where did the corsage go?  We know he had a balloon that was potentially from their wedding, was there something else from the wedding or Amelia’s house that was important?

So that is what it’s like in my head right now. You’re welcome.

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 29, 2011, 11:03:31 AM
Possibly The Most Important Thing in Let’s Kill Hitler

I’m just going to put this out there because I’m struggling with it. And it will probably be my focus for awhile, kind of like how something being wrong with Amy stuck with me the whole of part one.

The Doctor’s clothes are probably the most important thing in Let’s Kill Hitler. And I think we should keep an eye on them.

First, he starts out with a new coat. I don’t know the significance yet, but I have a feeling his new coat is going to be important. Where did he get it? Why was he wearing it at the start? It disappears later in the episode and he puts on his classic look at the end.

Second, no one seems to care that he just randomly appears in a tuxedo. This is connected to the computer Amelia Pond as well. We hear her say, “fish fingers and custard” to The Doctor. Although, it cannot be the computer that says it. The computer was insistent that it wasn’t Amelia Pond. Also, there isn’t any real way for the interface to make that emotional connection/memory. Lastly, we are conveniently not shown Amelia when it’s said.

So he hears this clue, it clearly has meaning to him. He gets up and goes somewhere in the TARDIS. Next thing we know, he appears in a tuxedo. You know where else he had a tuxedo? Amy and Rory’s wedding.

In Series 5, he is at the wedding and clearly has a red corsage on his chest. Then, it cuts to Amy’s house where The Doctor appears, still in tuxedo, but he is corsage-less. Although, you cans make out a safety pin on his chest. You can also make out the safety pin on his chest in Let’s Kill Hitler.

Lastly, when Amy and Rory catch him in the TARDIS after their wedding he says he was sorry he had to pop off for a bit because he was busy with something.

So, here it is: where did The Doctor go after fish fingers and custard? Was it the wedding? What was he doing when he popped off from their wedding? Where did the corsage go?  We know he had a balloon that was potentially from their wedding, was there something else from the wedding or Amelia’s house that was important?

So that is what it’s like in my head right now. You’re welcome.

Any thoughts?

Don't forget that they conceived Melody in the Tardis after their wedding night. Maybe it was to take the condoms off of Rory or something... :P

In all seriousness, there must be some significance to it. It's all a bit strange!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2011, 11:05:02 AM
I don't think the new brown coat has any significance whatsoever, but the tuxedo! That's very interesting. I've got the same feeling - totally sure we must find out about it later - and I like the idea that he went back to the wedding.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 29, 2011, 11:09:17 AM
I don't think the new brown coat has any significance whatsoever, but the tuxedo! That's very interesting. I've got the same feeling - totally sure we must find out about it later - and I like the idea that he went back to the wedding.
I think it does... It doesn't seem very doctor-esque, if I'm honest.

Wanna know something sad? I haven't got a television at University (which I leave for in 2 weeks), which means I won't be able to watch Doctor Who until it's released on iPlayer :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on August 29, 2011, 11:16:12 AM
And don't forget about the supposed wedding at the end of this season too!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 29, 2011, 11:19:59 AM
And don't forget about the supposed wedding at the end of this season too!
Maybe it has something to do with what he said to River?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2011, 11:30:58 AM
I don't think the new brown coat has any significance whatsoever, but the tuxedo! That's very interesting. I've got the same feeling - totally sure we must find out about it later - and I like the idea that he went back to the wedding.
I think it does... It doesn't seem very doctor-esque, if I'm honest.

Wanna know something sad? I haven't got a television at University (which I leave for in 2 weeks), which means I won't be able to watch Doctor Who until it's released on iPlayer :'(
Welcome to my 2010/2011! It's not so bad. You can go to www.bbc.co.uk/bbcone/watchlive if it comes to it.

He got the coat because Matt Smith wanted a new coat for his second series. Simple as that! It's no more significant than David Tennant's blue suit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 29, 2011, 12:14:12 PM
I don't think the new brown coat has any significance whatsoever, but the tuxedo! That's very interesting. I've got the same feeling - totally sure we must find out about it later - and I like the idea that he went back to the wedding.
I think it does... It doesn't seem very doctor-esque, if I'm honest.

Wanna know something sad? I haven't got a television at University (which I leave for in 2 weeks), which means I won't be able to watch Doctor Who until it's released on iPlayer :'(
Welcome to my 2010/2011! It's not so bad. You can go to www.bbc.co.uk/bbcone/watchlive if it comes to it.

He got the coat because Matt Smith wanted a new coat for his second series. Simple as that! It's no more significant than David Tennant's blue suit.
But I'd like to think it had something to do with it ;)

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 29, 2011, 12:24:43 PM
The thing about the tuxedo is a very interesting theory. I really hope that we get some kind of elaboration on it (presumably in the final episode). I wouldn't be surprised if, for the Doctor, Rory and Amy's wedding had taken place after 6.8.

On an unrelated note... Do you think that we'll get a major cliffhanger for the series' finale? It strikes me as a bit unusual that the final two episodes don't make up a serial (most likely because SM has written five episdes, like RTD did from series 2-4) because it has been that way since new Doctor Who started.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 29, 2011, 12:50:58 PM
The thing about the tuxedo is a very interesting theory. I really hope that we get some kind of elaboration on it (presumably in the final episode). I wouldn't be surprised if, for the Doctor, Rory and Amy's wedding had taken place after 6.8.

On an unrelated note... Do you think that we'll get a major cliffhanger for the series' finale? It strikes me as a bit unusual that the final two episodes don't make up a serial (most likely because SM has written five episdes, like RTD did from series 2-4) because it has been that way since new Doctor Who started.

Only 5? I thought it was a double episode, couple of single episodes and the xmas episode?

I wants doctor who noooow :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 29, 2011, 12:56:34 PM
Yeah, I just was aiming at the "regular" series, leaving out all the specials.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Logical Nightmare on August 29, 2011, 01:27:17 PM
Okay, so because of different reasons my Doctor Who watching was paused for a few weeks, but I'm back on track now. I've watched the entire series one plus two episodes of series two.

The change of the Doctor was weird at first, but that didn't last very long. And by this part (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F25moUHNU3I&feature=related), I was not only absolutely convinced but also laughing my ass off (and probably a little turned on. Hell yes I like it.)

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on August 29, 2011, 01:58:33 PM
Nobody's going to stop you. :laugh:

But I agree with you; when I watched the first episodes of the second series, it was weird to see David Tennant in the place of Christopher Eccleston, and I sometimes wished that he would have continued for another series. But by the third series, I couldn't imagine anyone else than Tennant being the Doctor; the scripts suited the Tenth Doctor's character, which was to about 90% developed then, very well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Logical Nightmare on August 29, 2011, 02:14:06 PM
That's true, but my boyfriend is going to be very, very sad, because we're watching it together. Also, he doesn't quite approve of my fangirling.

Meanwhile, I'll be amusing myself with this. This is a true "watch this 100 times and you'll still laugh" clip for me. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Silver Tears on August 29, 2011, 02:17:52 PM
^ Aaaah he's so damn cute!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Logical Nightmare on August 29, 2011, 02:40:12 PM
"Mmmmmh, he's slim. And a little bit foxy. :eyebrows: You thought so too. I've been inside your head. You've been looking... You lllike it."

Hmm, guilty.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 29, 2011, 07:08:39 PM
Nobody's going to stop you. :laugh:

But I agree with you; when I watched the first episodes of the second series, it was weird to see David Tennant in the place of Christopher Eccleston, and I sometimes wished that he would have continued for another series. But by the third series, I couldn't imagine anyone else than Tennant being the Doctor; the scripts suited the Tenth Doctor's character, which was to about 90% developed then, very well.
I do wish that Ecclestone had done another series, he is a fantastic actor and I really think he suited the role. Tennant was amazing too, so is Matt Smith
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 30, 2011, 02:27:24 AM
Ooh, just occurred to me... River Song does not shoot the Doctor dead by the shores of Lake Silencio in 2011.

Very simple leap of logic, but when she's invited to the lake, she has no idea why, and when the young-Doctor comes out of the bathroom she presumes that it's a joke ("cold, even by your standards,") and asks if he knows who Jim the Fish is.

More specifically, it means that if she did do it, she doesn't remember. Which is possible - the astronaut was introduced in an episode where the villains were playing memory games. But it's a spanner.

Not that this is new news, it wouldn't make sense if it were her, anyway. The astronaut is in a space-suit, and we never get to see their face. If you think of it as a magic trick, why would you veil the identity of the killer, if not because you want their identity concealed? It'd be a bit like hiding a ball under one of three cups, tapping the top, and then revealing it to be under the same cup. You might as well get rid of the cups entirely if that's the plan, they're just vessels for disappointment.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on August 30, 2011, 02:47:24 PM
Ooh, just occurred to me... River Song does not shoot the Doctor dead by the shores of Lake Silencio in 2011.

Very simple leap of logic, but when she's invited to the lake, she has no idea why, and when the young-Doctor comes out of the bathroom she presumes that it's a joke ("cold, even by your standards,") and asks if he knows who Jim the Fish is.

More specifically, it means that if she did do it, she doesn't remember. Which is possible - the astronaut was introduced in an episode where the villains were playing memory games. But it's a spanner.

Not that this is new news, it wouldn't make sense if it were her, anyway. The astronaut is in a space-suit, and we never get to see their face. If you think of it as a magic trick, why would you veil the identity of the killer, if not because you want their identity concealed? It'd be a bit like hiding a ball under one of three cups, tapping the top, and then revealing it to be under the same cup. You might as well get rid of the cups entirely if that's the plan, they're just vessels for disappointment.

Which is why I think it's a big lure for the Doctor to make the Lady whats-her-face think she's won the war...
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 31, 2011, 10:36:09 PM
On episode 4 of series 3 of Torchwood.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on August 31, 2011, 10:41:04 PM
On episode 4 of series 3 of Torchwood.


Yeah, Children of Earth really is brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 31, 2011, 10:48:23 PM
The first time "we are coming" came up I just about shit myself.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 01, 2011, 12:24:41 AM
Also, which series should I go to after this?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 01, 2011, 02:36:03 AM
What do you mean? The only other Torchwood series since Children of Earth is Miracle Day, which is running now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on September 01, 2011, 03:26:06 AM

Also, which series should I go to after this?
Presuming you kicked off with CoE, you basically know how fantastic it gets, so I'd kick off with series 1. It gets pretty damned embarrassing in places, though (thanks, Chris Chibnall), so if you're getting a bit too cringed out, feel free to skip through to series 2, or at least to episode 7. S1E1 is fantastic, but episodes 2 and 4 are just execrable.

S1 is like Doctor Who written by a horny teenager, S2 is like Doctor Who written by Joss Whedon with a horny teenager script-editing, and Children of Earth is when Torchwood becomes its own show, and is absolutely fantastic. Miracle Day has more in common with Children of Earth than series 2, but it's a sort of hybrid of both, with its own quality-level and voice that lies somewhere between the two. Not quite as good as Children of Earth, but then what is? There are only two episodes left of Miracle Day, which is broadcasting now, so I reckon you could catch up in time for the finale.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on September 01, 2011, 07:32:07 PM
What did you all think of the episode of Torchwood? :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 01, 2011, 09:09:45 PM
All I can say is, the next two episodes better be fucking dynamite.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 01, 2011, 09:30:42 PM

So according to the time on the invitations The Doctor sent out in The Impossible Astronaut, they were all to meet at Lake Silencio at 4:30pm. According to the Tesselector, The Doctor dies at 5:02pm, which is exactly 32 minutes later.

    "You will be dead in 32 minutes"

Amelia Pond Voice Interface - Let’s Kill Hitler

32 minutes, as we know, is the exact amount of time it takes the poison administered to The Doctor by Melody/River to kill him. Coincidence? Never ignore a coincidence, unless you’re busy, in which case always ignore a coincidence. Luckily I’m not busy.

There was clearly more than one Doctor at play in LKH, what with the apparent costume changes (Long coat/Tuxedo/Regular outfit) and odd behaviour, even by The Doctor’s standards.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 01, 2011, 09:37:42 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Bonham on September 01, 2011, 10:54:49 PM
I have 100% percent confidence that the rest of this season will be an absolute mind fuck.
In the best possible way of course.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 01, 2011, 11:44:09 PM
Started watching the Ninth Doctor. Loving it so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 02, 2011, 12:01:37 AM
I have 100% percent confidence that the rest of this season will be an absolute mind fuck.
In the best possible way of course.


Started watching the Ninth Doctor. Loving it so far.

Wait until you get to the second half of the series. That's when it gets really good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on September 03, 2011, 12:44:27 PM
It's good to be back together again, in the flesh...

Clue, maybe?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 03, 2011, 12:58:25 PM
Very enjoyable episode, although it couldn't live up to the Steven Moffat episodes and The Doctor's Wife imo. The trailer of the next episode, however, is very intriguing.

It's good to be back together again, in the flesh...

Clue, maybe?

I don't know. It could just be a remark towards Amy being one of "them" for about half of the episode, but it could be something about the Flesh, although I'm really not sure about that.

And I absolutely loved Rory's "We're dead. Again!?"
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 03, 2011, 08:05:01 PM
Yeah, it was enjoyable but nothing amazing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Bonham on September 03, 2011, 09:35:24 PM
I'm sort of getting tired of the whole, "creepy little girl" cliche. I enjoyed the design of the dolls, but the overdone laughs, singing, and the obligatory "Will you play with me?" ruined any scariness there could have been.

On a more positive note, I love it when the Doctor has to talk to normal people. His dialogue was probably my favorite part of both this episode and The Lodger.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 04, 2011, 06:19:06 AM
I'm sort of getting tired of the whole, "creepy little girl" cliche. I enjoyed the design of the dolls, but the overdone laughs, singing, and the obligatory "Will you play with me?" ruined any scariness there could have been.
When else did they do it recently?

Anyway, terrific episode, lots of fun and really quite creepy in places. Murray Gold's score was fantastic as well!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 04, 2011, 07:23:32 AM
I'm sort of getting tired of the whole, "creepy little girl" cliche. I enjoyed the design of the dolls, but the overdone laughs, singing, and the obligatory "Will you play with me?" ruined any scariness there could have been.
When else did they do it recently?

Anyway, terrific episode, lots of fun and really quite creepy in places. Murray Gold's score was fantastic as well!

I think he means that it's a cliche in Sci Fi/ Horror in general, not just Doctor Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 04, 2011, 09:54:36 PM
For you guys who have Doctor Who music, 3:00 of Doomsday = Octavarium.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 04, 2011, 11:59:19 PM
What. It's only a similar pad sound, but that's where all of the similarities end.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 05, 2011, 01:09:47 AM
Well a similar pad playing the same chord was enough for me. I mean...It's almost literally the same sound.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on September 05, 2011, 05:39:00 PM
Nice to see so many Star Trek actors popping up in Torchwood. First Nana Visitor then John DeLancie. Next week It appears to be Alice Krige.

Although - Gwen Cooper is annoying me a bit. The whole "I'm Welsh" thing is getting really tiresome. So What if you are ? Nobody cares except other Welsh people. Like when a Dog sees another dog on tv and goes crazy  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 06, 2011, 12:02:44 PM
That's just Russell T. Davies writing the part to get the American audience on board.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 10, 2011, 05:17:57 AM
Just watched the last episode of Miracle Day...

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 10, 2011, 06:51:45 AM
I got to see "Night Terrors" two hours before the rest of the U.S. at Dragon*Con.  Matt Smith even recorded a little introduction video for us, but after he said "Hello everyone at Dragon*Con!" the fangirl squeal was so loud I couldn't understand anything he said until "enjoy the episode."

It was enjoyable.  Nothing amazing, but there wasn't anything horrible.  I loved Rory's "I'm dead, AGAIN" rant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 10, 2011, 04:03:00 PM
Damn, they weren't joking when they said that The Girl Who Waited was a tearjerker.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ScioPath on September 10, 2011, 04:23:01 PM
I got to see "Night Terrors" two hours before the rest of the U.S. at Dragon*Con.  Matt Smith even recorded a little introduction video for us, but after he said "Hello everyone at Dragon*Con!" the fangirl squeal was so loud I couldn't understand anything he said until "enjoy the episode."

It was enjoyable.  Nothing amazing, but there wasn't anything horrible.  I loved Rory's "I'm dead, AGAIN" rant.

I was there too :D

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 10, 2011, 08:03:38 PM
Shit was extremely real in this episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 11, 2011, 05:48:28 AM
Phwoar, that was top-notch stuff! I wasn't sure about Tom McRae as the cybermen double episode in series 2 was pretty good but nothing special, but the whole idea behind this episode was fantastic and the visuals were great as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on September 11, 2011, 06:21:40 AM
Great episode!  The one thing I didn't care for was the slow motion cut-em-up action scene around the end;  I don't think that kind of action sequence really works for Doctor Who.  Everything else about the episode was really well done, though, notably the acting from both Amy and Rory and the wonderful visuals.  The next episode looks weird. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on September 11, 2011, 08:35:38 AM
Episode 10 of Torchwood is just fantastic. Really great twist at the end :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 11, 2011, 09:44:49 AM
I got to see "Night Terrors" two hours before the rest of the U.S. at Dragon*Con.  Matt Smith even recorded a little introduction video for us, but after he said "Hello everyone at Dragon*Con!" the fangirl squeal was so loud I couldn't understand anything he said until "enjoy the episode."

It was enjoyable.  Nothing amazing, but there wasn't anything horrible.  I loved Rory's "I'm dead, AGAIN" rant.

I was there too :D


Wait really?  Awesome!  *\o

Also, wow this was a doozy of an episode.  Very very good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 11, 2011, 09:45:57 PM
Also, the voice of The Interface? Dolores fucking Umbridge. I knew I recognized it, and now I understand why I immediately distrusted it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 12, 2011, 12:18:25 AM
Also, the voice of The Interface? Dolores fucking Umbridge. I knew I recognized it, and now I understand why I immediately distrusted it.

 :lol :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Logical Nightmare on September 12, 2011, 07:35:06 AM
I just finished watching series 2. AAAAH I'M SO SAD :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 12, 2011, 07:43:15 AM
I just finished watching series 2. AAAAH I'M SO SAD :'( :'( :'(

The last episode of Series 2 is the saddest thing ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 12, 2011, 07:46:28 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 12, 2011, 08:15:13 AM
I just finished watching series 2. AAAAH I'M SO SAD :'( :'( :'(

The last episode of Series 2 is the saddest thing ever.

Yeah, that ending is genuinely sad. The ending of The End Of Time is very depressing as well, but it was made sadder than it should be. Also, the episode ends on a lighter note, so...
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 12, 2011, 08:47:01 AM
And Doomsday ends on a "What?" note.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 12, 2011, 10:01:36 AM
Yeah, but it can't really lift up someone's mood as the last thirty, forty seconds of TEOT can.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 12, 2011, 10:41:16 AM
Agreed. My post was supposed to be more of a joke, but it was too deadpan. Whoops.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 12, 2011, 10:52:52 AM
Fair enough.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 12, 2011, 02:21:11 PM
"And here you are, living a life day by day...the one adventure I can never have."

Hits me every time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on September 12, 2011, 07:57:01 PM
So. Been working through Doctor Who again. Raged at the finale of season 4 and the metacrisis. Creyd and also raged at how Tennant died. Was pissed at the existence of Matt Smith for a little while. Came to accept him. Strugged to understand the existence of River.

And just now. Just. Fucking. Now. I watched A Good Man Goes To War.

I'm calmer now. But there was about 10 minutes of making a kind of muffled scream. Smashing my keyboard. Raged across my room and back. Fucking. Just. Fuck. Fuck Moffat. Fuck everything. Just. Fucking. I don't even know fucking. God dammit. Fuck.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 12, 2011, 08:01:16 PM
Hahaha. I saw the conclusion to that a mile away. I feel that in the finale to this series, there's going to be so many time shenanigans akin to Flesh and Stone revealed. And I'm going to explode implode.

In other Moffat news, my friend introduced my to Sherlock. Great show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 13, 2011, 06:50:29 AM
So. Been working through Doctor Who again. Raged at the finale of season 4 and the metacrisis. Creyd and also raged at how Tennant died. Was pissed at the existence of Matt Smith for a little while. Came to accept him. Strugged to understand the existence of River.

And just now. Just. Fucking. Now. I watched A Good Man Goes To War.

I'm calmer now. But there was about 10 minutes of making a kind of muffled scream. Smashing my keyboard. Raged across my room and back. Fucking. Just. Fuck. Fuck Moffat. Fuck everything. Just. Fucking. I don't even know fucking. God dammit. Fuck.

Is that good or bad?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on September 14, 2011, 06:47:03 AM
So. Been working through Doctor Who again. Raged at the finale of season 4 and the metacrisis. Creyd and also raged at how Tennant died. Was pissed at the existence of Matt Smith for a little while. Came to accept him. Strugged to understand the existence of River.

And just now. Just. Fucking. Now. I watched A Good Man Goes To War.

I'm calmer now. But there was about 10 minutes of making a kind of muffled scream. Smashing my keyboard. Raged across my room and back. Fucking. Just. Fuck. Fuck Moffat. Fuck everything. Just. Fucking. I don't even know fucking. God dammit. Fuck.

Is that good or bad?

I'm scared of him...  :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on September 15, 2011, 02:59:34 PM
Not a bad conclusion to Torchwood although it was obvious what would happen to Rex....
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 15, 2011, 03:08:31 PM
Not a bad conclusion to Torchwood although it was obvious what would happen to Rex....

Really? I was like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on September 15, 2011, 04:50:20 PM
Not a bad conclusion to Torchwood although it was obvious what would happen to Rex....

Really? I was like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" :lol

I dunno. I was waiting for it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 15, 2011, 04:51:31 PM
Fair enough. I never think to far ahead when I'm watching a show, only in the downtime between episodes, if that makes any sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: chknptpie on September 15, 2011, 05:27:54 PM
Home sick from work, watched Blink and Utopia... continuing with next episode now didn't see the name. Blink was really awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 16, 2011, 04:58:54 AM
Not a bad conclusion to Torchwood although it was obvious what would happen to Rex....

Really? I was like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" :lol

I dunno. I was waiting for it.
Same, but they kept teasing, and by the end I'd convinced myself he was dead so that they could just start afresh again with the next series. So it was a pleasant and amusing surprise!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 16, 2011, 05:02:37 AM
My only problem with recent Torchwood is that it's kind of hard to believe it's taking place in the DW universe, but I'd put that down to the differences between RD and SM.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 17, 2011, 03:55:26 PM
Yet another brilliant episode tonight. The scene where the Doctor deducts the real reason why they were all in this place and where he reveals himself completely to Amy were particularly strong in my opinion.

I found the thing with the room numbers to be quite a nice touch. The references were quite obvious, but still, I liked it.

The ending left me a bit guttered, though. I still hope that there will be some kind of a better, concluding resolution to this.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 17, 2011, 03:59:38 PM
It's killing me that we didn't get to see what was in The Doctor's room :-[
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 17, 2011, 04:10:15 PM
It's killing me that we didn't get to see what was in The Doctor's room :-[

Which makes speculating about it way more fun, I guess. ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: XJDenton on September 17, 2011, 05:55:20 PM
Judging from "amy's choice" I reckon its him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 18, 2011, 01:22:29 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: tri.ad on September 18, 2011, 02:36:36 AM
Judging from "amy's choice" I reckon its him.

The Doctor himself? What did he say/do in Amy's Choice?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 18, 2011, 08:33:35 AM
Yeah, I'm guessing the Doctor himself was in his room.  Either that or River.

Anyways, did NOT see that ending coming this episode.  Made me the saddest panda, but I figured this would be the last season with Amy/Rory.  But Craig and the Cybermen are showing up next week.  I'm pretty excited. 

But in the Doctor's goodbye speech he should have said "What's the alternative?  Standing over your grave?  Standing over your broken body?  Or Rory's?  Again?"  :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: XJDenton on September 18, 2011, 09:29:07 AM
Judging from "amy's choice" I reckon its him.

The Doctor himself? What did he say/do in Amy's Choice?

The Doctor: Drop it! Drop all that. I know who you are.
Dream Lord: Of course you don't.
The Doctor: Of course I do. I've no idea how you can be here, but there's only one person in the Universe that hates me as much as you do.

Bear in mind who the dream lord turned out to be.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 18, 2011, 11:25:31 AM
Bear in mind who the dream lord turned out to be.

A Nazi scientist working for HYDRA?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 18, 2011, 04:20:16 PM
So. What do you guys think about this episode actually taking place before Impossible Astronaut?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Super Dude on September 18, 2011, 05:10:10 PM

She didn't even tell me.  I had to find out from her Facebook profile pic. :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on September 18, 2011, 05:42:20 PM
Oh Joy. James Corden next week. Guess I won't be watching...  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 18, 2011, 05:42:47 PM
Wait what's wrong with Craig? He's awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 18, 2011, 05:43:32 PM
Yeah, "The Lodger" was one of my favorites from Season 5.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 18, 2011, 05:51:53 PM
I love that character.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 18, 2011, 06:06:41 PM
James Corden is a pretty big name in the UK, and some of the stuff he's been in (ie. Gavin and Stacy) is hit or miss.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on September 18, 2011, 06:10:17 PM
He is *so* not funny.

His "impression" of Ricky Gervais is just an impression of David Brent. A CHARACTER

 :yeahright Well done.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 18, 2011, 06:11:30 PM

What does that have to do with Doctor Who?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 18, 2011, 06:12:41 PM

What does that have to do with Doctor Who?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: XJDenton on September 18, 2011, 06:31:15 PM
Is it nothing?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kotowboy on September 18, 2011, 06:40:11 PM

What does that have to do with Doctor Who?

Oh Joy. James Corden next week. Guess I won't be watching...  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: XJDenton on September 18, 2011, 07:58:13 PM
I think they were more pointing out the fact he cant do a Ricky Gervais impression isn't relevant to his efforts on this show. Point in case: I hated the Catherine Tate but she was awesome on doctor who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 19, 2011, 02:41:24 AM
Kotowboy, wtf are you on about? Yeah Corden isn't a very good comedian, but neither are lots of people. He is however an excellent actor, and was great in the part of Craig last series. I'm really looking forward to this ep!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 24, 2011, 01:59:30 PM
Wasn't the most exciting episode in the series, probably one of the weaker ones overall, but it was still very entertaining and had some really funny stuff in it. And Matt Smith was brilliant, coming across like a really old man again, same as at the start of the first episode.

The last few minutes were fantastic as well, so excited about the finale next week!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on September 24, 2011, 06:45:24 PM
This episode wasn't one of my favorites.  The reintroduction of Craig just didn't work very well, first of all.  I really liked The Lodger, and I thought Craig did a perfectly fine job in that episode, but he sort of felt like the kind of guy who should only show up once.  I know this sentiment sounds silly, (it is, I guess) but it makes much more sense in my head.  Also, his character was a bit too ridiculous at times in this one; nothing too offensive but slightly over-the-top.  I liked him much better when he had more of a "normal guy" thing going in The Lodger.

I've also never cared for the Cybermen.  I know, classic villain and all, but the whole confrontation near the end was way too cheesy, and I'd place the blame on them for that.

However, despite all of my criticisms of this episode, they did a great job with the last few minutes.  Lots of excitement towards the finale.  From the little preview, I am mostly wondering how the hell they are going to tie in Daleks, Pterodactyls, (or something similar) Churchill, the Kovarian, Chess, giant pyramids, and whatever else is going on in there. 

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 25, 2011, 01:26:18 AM
For this episode it seemed like they came up with the end first, then a throw-away plot to fill in the rest of the 50 minutes. It was decent, not terrible, but that's how it came across to me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 25, 2011, 02:45:10 AM
Yeah I think it was the Cybermen that slightly killed it for me, I actually really enjoyed Craig's role in the episode. The Cybermen are like the Daleks, you have to include them every now and then, but there's not much that you can do with them that's very interesting anymore.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on September 25, 2011, 08:47:14 AM
Yeah I think it was the Cybermen that slightly killed it for me, I actually really enjoyed Craig's role in the episode. The Cybermen are like the Daleks, you have to include them every now and then, but there's not much that you can do with them that's very interesting anymore.
For me that's because of RTD, he over did the Daleks and Cybermen. Pretty much killed it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on September 25, 2011, 09:00:16 AM
I doubt I'd be much more excited by them regardless of how much they showed up under RTD.  I think they're way too similar to be the two primary recurring villains.  One steel machine bent on killing everyone is alright, but two is just unnecessary.  I'm glad Moffat has limited their role, because in this episode more than any other they felt like a very lazy addition.  Maybe I'd appreciate their appearances more if I'd seen some of the classic episodes, but right now nearly every appearance they make just seems like a crutch for a lack of better ideas. 

On a side note, I liked the throwback to K9 with the robodog thing.  There's a machine they should bring back. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 25, 2011, 09:30:33 AM
I doubt I'd be much more excited by them regardless of how much they showed up under RTD.  I think they're way too similar to be the two primary recurring villains.  One steel machine bent on killing everyone is alright, but two is just unnecessary.  I'm glad Moffat has limited their role, because in this episode more than any other they felt like a very lazy addition.  Maybe I'd appreciate their appearances more if I'd seen some of the classic episodes, but right now nearly every appearance they make just seems like a crutch for a lack of better ideas. 

On a side note, I liked the throwback to K9 with the robodog thing.  There's a machine they should bring back.

Agreed, I don't think he'd have worked with DT, but with MS he'd be awesome, even if he just stayed on the TARDIS.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 25, 2011, 02:09:20 PM
Man, that was a mixed bag. It had lots of great scenes and dialogue and such, but the main plotline was pretty poor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 25, 2011, 02:26:58 PM
Man, that was a mixed bag. It had lots of great scenes and dialogue and such, but the main plotline was pretty poor.
Yeah pretty much this. Still, it had lots of redeeming qualities, so I don't think it was too bad. And it set the finale up nicely. :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: XJDenton on September 25, 2011, 02:56:56 PM
The plotline wasn't important in this one. Its main purpose was to serve as a framing device for what was important: a character study of a very old, very tired man, saying goodbye to everything. I think it was stronger than you all give it credit for, though given the overall quality of this series its easy to see it as a weaker episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 25, 2011, 04:11:02 PM
Oh don't worry, that whole aspect I got and loved - like I said it set up the finale brilliantly. It's just a shame the Cybermen plot was quite weak.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 25, 2011, 04:35:34 PM
Yeah I totally saw that. The bit in the nursery was probably my favorite scene in the entire episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Logical Nightmare on September 26, 2011, 02:34:26 AM
I just found this Tumblelog:

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 26, 2011, 06:54:45 PM
totally dressing up as The Doctor for Halloween, even if I don't go outside once.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 26, 2011, 07:49:09 PM
I'm going to make a big TARDIS costume, get smashed, and run around singing the theme song and drunkenly throwing 'bigger on the inside' lines at fresher girls who have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about.

It will be epic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 26, 2011, 10:19:47 PM
I liked "Closing Time."  I agree that the main Cyberman plot was just kind of "there," though there was nothing really wrong with it.  There were tons of great dialogue and scenes, and it sets up the finale really well.  I'm really really excited for Sunday morning now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Logical Nightmare on September 27, 2011, 12:00:44 AM
I'm going to make a big TARDIS costume, get smashed, and run around singing the theme song and drunkenly throwing 'bigger on the inside' lines at fresher girls who have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about.

It will be epic.
I'd take you home at once.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 27, 2011, 07:45:02 AM
Oh, almost forgot: does this mean the Doctor we see in "Closing Time" is the 1103-year-old Doctor we see at the beginning of The Impossible Astronaut?  So now we have an even older doctor we'll be travelling with for the next series (assuming he doesn't get out of this in some clever way that makes him 907 again).
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on September 27, 2011, 09:12:59 AM
My friend claims to have read somewhere that Closing Time was set roughly 200 years after The God Complex. And most of it was spent with the whole "being a fool through history to get our attention" thing you see at the beginning of the season.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 27, 2011, 12:45:33 PM
Oh, almost forgot: does this mean the Doctor we see in "Closing Time" is the 1103-year-old Doctor we see at the beginning of The Impossible Astronaut?  So now we have an even older doctor we'll be travelling with for the next series (assuming he doesn't get out of this in some clever way that makes him 907 again).
That's what I was thinking as well. He mentioned that he'd been having adventures on his own, and he certainly seemed old and tired, like he does at the start of the first episode. I guess we'll find out this weekend though! :o
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on September 27, 2011, 08:49:01 PM
So. My friend and I may have figured some things out.

"Silence will fall when the question is answered."

Higher, time sensitive races are aware of the encroaching Silence. The Silence caused the TARDIS to explode.

My friend suggested perhaps The Silence is The Moment that The Doctor created to end the time war.

I ask "What if the question is The Doctors true name?" He responds that silence would surely fall if that were revealed, as there's a lot of power in a name.

He takes this further. Perhaps Silence falls because the universe learns his name. So he sets up a way of killing himself before the universe learns. Took River with him, she became Madame Korvian and got her younger self to kill The Doctor. She knew his true name, and still would after this ordeal.

This could totally work. Obviously just a theory, but it's got potential.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 27, 2011, 09:13:17 PM
I thought it was, "Silence will fall when the question is asked."
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 28, 2011, 07:55:46 AM
And the thing about Madame Kovarian convincing her younger self (IYO, River) to kill the Doctor doesn't work because River Song dies.  Plus, Implode's right.  Its "Silence will fall when the question is asked."
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on September 28, 2011, 08:12:40 AM
Hmm, this is true. Though worth noting, her consciousness was saved. Meaning were they to have a receptacle she could be brought back just fine. Y'know, something like The Flesh. So her story really doesn't have to end there. Plus, high level time travel shenanigans. Because it's Moffat.

As for asked as opposed to answered. That definitely does throw a wrench in the works. I'd still say it's a possibility though. Having this all do with his true name.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 28, 2011, 09:38:26 AM
Speaking of timey wimey balls and Steven Moffat in general, I bet $10 everything is resolved by a "Terminator Paradox," or that its at least a major plot point in the season finale.  :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 28, 2011, 12:46:56 PM
Well something's going to change.


I noticed that at 0:15 in this video, when the Doctor is shot, he jumps as if he's unharmed instead of being knocked onto his back like in The Impossible Astronaut.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 28, 2011, 01:10:46 PM
No I went and checked, it's the same clip from around 7:17 in TIA.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on September 28, 2011, 01:36:11 PM
Oh...well then ignore me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on September 28, 2011, 01:37:52 PM
I'm going to make a big TARDIS costume, get smashed, and run around singing the theme song and drunkenly throwing 'bigger on the inside' lines at fresher girls who have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about.

It will be epic.
I'd take you home at once.


So, how do you feel about a Halloween vacation to California?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 28, 2011, 04:14:38 PM
Aw man, BBC Three have scrapped DW Confidential after this series. :sadpanda:

Hopefully they'll still film some behind the scenes stuff for DVD releases.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on September 28, 2011, 04:22:48 PM
Aw man, BBC Three have scrapped DW Confidential after this series. :sadpanda:

Hopefully they'll still film some behind the scenes stuff for DVD releases.

WAT?  I love Confidential!   :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on September 28, 2011, 04:33:38 PM

Reppin' the Sonic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Fiery Winds on September 28, 2011, 04:36:09 PM
Just finished season 3 and the season 4 premiere.   :laugh:  Great show!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on September 29, 2011, 12:15:41 PM
Aw man, BBC Three have scrapped DW Confidential after this series. :sadpanda:

Hopefully they'll still film some behind the scenes stuff for DVD releases.

WAT?  I love Confidential!   :'(
Me too. But there are general budget cuts in the BBC, and the head of BBC Three decided to focus more efforts on original programming and less on supplementary programmes like DWC.

Like I said, hopefully they'll still film some stuff to go on the DVD releases.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on October 01, 2011, 03:30:39 PM
That. Was. Pure. Genius.

Even though plenty of us could see it coming...

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: petrucci07 on October 01, 2011, 03:37:30 PM
That was a pretty disappointing episode for me. Hardly any resolution really. "The Question" seemed like an afterthought, etc
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 01, 2011, 04:55:08 PM
That was a pretty disappointing episode for me. Hardly any resolution really. "The Question" seemed like an afterthought, etc

That. By far the worst series finale yet. All the build up for that?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on October 01, 2011, 05:30:27 PM

It was all much too fast.  It even felt much shorter than it actually was.  The whole thing was rushed and it left a hell of a lot to be desired.  I'd gladly see a lesser episode cut from the series (the recent "Closing Time" comes to mind) to make this at least a two-parter. 

To be more particular, one of the things that jumped out at me most of all was when River was talking about sending a message to everyone he had helped.  Definitely could have been very nice and touching, but then it was abandoned right afterwards.  The final "question" was clever enough, but it felt too much like an afterthought to have the intended effect.  I was also pretty disappointed in seeing that it was just a fake Doctor after all.  I don't want to be the jackass who says "I knew it all along it!" in retrospect, but I had a strong suspicion for it being the Tesselecta when they showed up.  (Why else bring them up again?)  Either that or the flesh doctor.  But, besides the obviousness of it, my deeper complaint was that it was a completely underwhelming way to resolve the whole "Doctor dies" thing.  After the big deal that was made over it being a "fixed point" and all; sure, it made enough sense, but it also felt like a fairly lazy cop-out for something that an entire season had been building up to. 

It was fun, though, I'll give it that.  Rushed, fairly messy, underwhelming, but still fun. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 01, 2011, 05:36:26 PM
Compare this to A Good Man Goes To War...I was expecting that X 10.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 01, 2011, 05:55:35 PM
I dunno, it did a better job than "Let's Kill Hitler" in terms of pacing.  I do agree with Seth that I would've liked for it to be a two-parter, or at least make the whole series more of an arc than it was.  I mean, I loved "The Doctor's Wife," its one of Matt Smith's best episodes, but it could have been delayed for another season if season 6 was built more like one continuous story of the Doctor trying to avert his death and fight the Silence.  Or they could have at least changed "Night Terrors" and "Curse of the Black Spot" to be more story-centric. 

But overall I liked the new episode.  The whole idea of what happens when you mess with a fixed point of time that can't resolve itself (not like Waters of Mars, where the base blew up and Adelaide killed herself anyways despite being saved by the Doctor) was really cool, and definitely shows that the Doctor has fully recovered from his "A God am I" moment from that episode, since he's so strict about the fixed point now.  And if it is a fixed point, then the Tesselecta was always fated to "die" there.  I don't like how they "cut" the scene where the Doctor says "working on that" in response to the Tesselecta only to have it reappear in a flashback though.  I always thought that tactic was kind of cheating the audience.  Overall the whole arc had a lot of promise, but I think it slipped up in the execution a few times.  I don't think Doctor Who is really made for this kind of thing.

I do like how it set up the next series to be more "Monster-of-the-week" based.  Should be interesting to watch the Doctor have tiny adventures while trying to restrain himself from doing anything supermassive. 

Also, was the scene where the troll was being eaten by skulls cheesy or what?  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 01, 2011, 05:58:12 PM
Yeah, those effects were ghastly.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 01, 2011, 08:06:46 PM
I can agree that it felt like they rushed through the episode a bit, but I really enjoyed it. I also like that I was right about the question having to do with his name.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 01, 2011, 08:18:04 PM
I can agree that it felt like they rushed through the episode a bit, but I really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 01, 2011, 11:22:35 PM
I don't get it. I'm so afraid that Moffat's just not going to resolve all these questions we had.

Does this mean that the person in the background of the lake scene was just a production error?

Edit for more questions:

When do we see how the Doctor and River fall in love? I don't get it. It's like they just both kind of accepted that they were supposed to fall in love, but I never saw any actual reason for it to happen.

And does that mean the Doctor still has to tell River her name?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 02, 2011, 05:02:22 AM
Am I the only one who absolutely loved that episode? :lol I suspected it was the tesselecta when they brought it back earlier in the episode, but still, the way it was done was fantastic, and interestingly back when they first introduced it in LKH, I never even considered it!

The pacing was fine, basically the same as Doctor Who has been for the last few seasons. And it answered all the questions except this thing about his name being the big question, which in true Moffat style sets up the next series!

I dunno, maybe my mind just works in the same way as Moffat's because that was one of my favourites of the series. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Millais on October 02, 2011, 08:19:58 AM
considering I only understood it after I wikipedia'd it, how on earth was a child meant to understand that episode? It was great, but the plot was very complex for the majority of the audience.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 02, 2011, 09:18:38 AM
I don't get it. I'm so afraid that Moffat's just not going to resolve all these questions we had.

Does this mean that the person in the background of the lake scene was just a production error?

Edit for more questions:

When do we see how the Doctor and River fall in love? I don't get it. It's like they just both kind of accepted that they were supposed to fall in love, but I never saw any actual reason for it to happen.

And does that mean the Doctor still has to tell River her name?

Person in the background of the lake? You mean Canton Delaware? He was invited.

And they've been falling in love for a while, pretty much. Every time they meet, they flirt. It doesn't have to be a single big moment.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on October 02, 2011, 09:30:59 AM
I think the big question is still why the TARDIS exploded.  That little bit wasn't even addressed. 


Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 02, 2011, 09:48:29 AM
considering I only understood it after I wikipedia'd it, how on earth was a child meant to understand that episode? It was great, but the plot was very complex for the majority of the audience.
What didn't you understand? I agree that a young child wouldn't get all the finer details/complexities, but that's always the case with family shows/films. But I don't see what was so baffling for an adult.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 02, 2011, 10:02:57 AM


 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 02, 2011, 10:57:09 AM
I don't get it. I'm so afraid that Moffat's just not going to resolve all these questions we had.

Does this mean that the person in the background of the lake scene was just a production error?

Edit for more questions:

When do we see how the Doctor and River fall in love? I don't get it. It's like they just both kind of accepted that they were supposed to fall in love, but I never saw any actual reason for it to happen.

And does that mean the Doctor still has to tell River her name?

Person in the background of the lake? You mean Canton Delaware? He was invited.

And they've been falling in love for a while, pretty much. Every time they meet, they flirt. It doesn't have to be a single big moment.

I'm wanting a big moment. I think that's just more of my problem.

But as for the guy in the background, I don't mean Canton. I can't find any screenshot of the scene, but it's really easy to see. There's a figure way in the background by that beach house. It's standing right next to it, and after the Doctor Dies, the figure is lying down. It could've been a production error, but since the last time there was a supposed production error, it was during Flesh and Stone when he came back for Amy in a different outfit...everyone thought that figure was going to be important.

I just think I had my expectation too high. I was expecting everything to be tied to together very neatly and have all my questions answered. That wasn't the case at all though. Like the very first question I had when I first saw this series was, "why the space suit?" I don't get it.

And just to be sure, when The Doctor says that he told River his name, he actually told her that he was safe. And that's what River told Amy in the end, right?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 02, 2011, 11:42:35 AM
I don't get it. I'm so afraid that Moffat's just not going to resolve all these questions we had.

Does this mean that the person in the background of the lake scene was just a production error?

Edit for more questions:

When do we see how the Doctor and River fall in love? I don't get it. It's like they just both kind of accepted that they were supposed to fall in love, but I never saw any actual reason for it to happen.

And does that mean the Doctor still has to tell River her name?

Person in the background of the lake? You mean Canton Delaware? He was invited.

And they've been falling in love for a while, pretty much. Every time they meet, they flirt. It doesn't have to be a single big moment.

I'm wanting a big moment. I think that's just more of my problem.

But as for the guy in the background, I don't mean Canton. I can't find any screenshot of the scene, but it's really easy to see. There's a figure way in the background by that beach house. It's standing right next to it, and after the Doctor Dies, the figure is lying down. It could've been a production error, but since the last time there was a supposed production error, it was during Flesh and Stone when he came back for Amy in a different outfit...everyone thought that figure was going to be important.

I just think I had my expectation too high. I was expecting everything to be tied to together very neatly and have all my questions answered. That wasn't the case at all though. Like the very first question I had when I first saw this series was, "why the space suit?" I don't get it.

And just to be sure, when The Doctor says that he told River his name, he actually told her that he was safe. And that's what River told Amy in the end, right?

Yeah, he said "look in my eye" indicating the rela version oh himself inside the machine. To be honest not much of it makes sense. If the suit acted by itself why was River even needed? And how did she go from not being able to overpower it to being able to drain its weapons?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 02, 2011, 12:12:25 PM
Wait, what? When did the suit act by itself? It was partially controlling her, but it still needed her inside it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on October 02, 2011, 12:22:11 PM
It seemed pretty clear that she was largely powerless to control the suit.  Maybe it needed a person inside it, but why did it need to be a time lord, let alone her, if the suit was going to do all of the work anyway?  It seems that they could just strap any bloke in a suit, call it a "fixed point" and have the same effect.   
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 02, 2011, 12:26:50 PM
Except that she wasn't powerless to stop it, because she DID stop it. The thing that she was struggling to overcome was the part of her that had been raised to kill the Doctor.

The only thing I don't really get was why the spacesuit?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 02, 2011, 12:36:14 PM
The only thing I don't really get was why the spacesuit?

Exactly. If Moffat doesn't come back next season and make things a little more coherent, then I think he's finally tried to be too confusing for his own good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on October 02, 2011, 12:37:04 PM
Except that she wasn't powerless to stop it, because she DID stop it. The thing that she was struggling to overcome was the part of her that had been raised to kill the Doctor.

The only thing I don't really get was why the spacesuit?

The way that she said "The suit's in control" makes it seem a little more likely that the suit is actually in control.  I figured that her draining the weapon systems was just her way of tricking the suit to stop it from acting of its own accord and killing the doctor, and not a control that she was meant to have.  She doesn't seem to be struggling at all with her desire to kill the doctor; you'd think there'd at least be a little sign of it if that were the case. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 02, 2011, 12:40:04 PM
There's no explanation for the whole setup at all. Why do they put her in the water? Where does so go after the kills The Doctor? Why that lake?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: petrucci07 on October 02, 2011, 01:22:41 PM
There's no explanation for the whole setup at all. Why do they put her in the water? Where does so go after the kills The Doctor? Why that lake?

To create a fixed point in time. It's isolated.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 02, 2011, 01:27:50 PM
Presumably creating a fixed point in the timeline of the universe is a rather complex operation - hence why they needed an open area that was relatively stable throughout the timeline, as stated in the finale. Following this, it's not surprising that that would apply to the people involved - you need a timelord or someone else who else can operate with some independence to the timeline. The suit was another means of control alongside River's brainwashing to try to help ensure that the Doctor died. Why is it a spacesuit? Because fuck you that's why.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 02, 2011, 02:41:39 PM
Well I still don't care for the episode. Also, where the hell is Rob?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 02, 2011, 02:49:10 PM
Why is it a spacesuit? Because fuck you that's why.

But other than that, I completely agree with your post. :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 02, 2011, 04:44:32 PM
Also, where the hell is Rob?

I've been wondering this for awhile. I always enjoyed talking to him about Doctor Who, he's got that great excitement about him. Very fun.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 02, 2011, 05:03:24 PM
Here are pics of what I was talking about.

There is a person standing by that beach house.



And after The Doctor gets shot, the figure is lying down.



Do you think it's this guy?


Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on October 02, 2011, 05:29:04 PM
Well I still don't care for the episode. Also, where the hell is Rob?

After reading this post, I spent the longest time trying to remember who "Rob" was in Doctor Who and why he was important.  God dammit Clairvoyantcat. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 02, 2011, 08:29:21 PM
So. A few things.

The Doctor lies.
He whispered in her ear to look in his eye, but then proclaimed that he told her his name.

The Doctor lies.
River whispered in his ear and he then proclaimed that she told him his name.

It seems unlikely. But it's Moffat. Perhaps she told him to look into her eye. Perhaps it was another robot like the Tessalecta, with the 11th waiting inside with the TARDIS. Just a thought.

Another thing. I think the voice singing the "Tick tock, goes the clock, even for The Doctor." and all that.  I think that was young Melody Pond. The Melody Pond that called the president.

And one last thing. The time line. Original time line, The Doctor is killed by the astronaut/River. Amy, Rory and River then go to what I think was a restaurant and find the younger Doctor. They then set out on an adventure that leads them back to The God Complex, The Doctor leaving them, and then his death. BUT it showed Amy, Rory, and River drinking together. Amy was still shell shocked and in disbelief that she just saw him die. River than reveals that he's alive. But when would that fit in? Did the time line change? I mean, the fixed point of his "death" remains, but the details around it can change. Do we have altered time line going on? or?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 02, 2011, 08:43:53 PM
The Doctor lies.
He whispered in her ear to look in his eye, but then proclaimed that he told her his name.

The Doctor lies.
River whispered in his ear and he then proclaimed that she told him his name.

Huh? When did River whisper to the Doctor?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 02, 2011, 08:52:29 PM
I think he's referring to Silence in the Library. And I believe that she did tell him his name. 10 has no reason to lie there. The scene is between only the two of them.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 02, 2011, 09:00:52 PM
Ooooohhhh ok.

As for the last scene, I have no idea when that takes place.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 03, 2011, 07:21:19 AM
Convoluted story is convoluted.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on October 03, 2011, 08:26:30 AM

And one last thing. The time line. Original time line, The Doctor is killed by the astronaut/River. Amy, Rory and River then go to what I think was a restaurant and find the younger Doctor. They then set out on an adventure that leads them back to The God Complex, The Doctor leaving them, and then his death. BUT it showed Amy, Rory, and River drinking together. Amy was still shell shocked and in disbelief that she just saw him die. River than reveals that he's alive. But when would that fit in? Did the time line change? I mean, the fixed point of his "death" remains, but the details around it can change. Do we have altered time line going on? or?

My guess on this one is that the scene where they are drinking happens after The God Complex. That's the only thing that makes sense because Amy would be depressed after the Doctor said good bye and only then would start thinking that he was in fact dead.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ScioPath on October 03, 2011, 08:58:50 AM
Am I the only one who thought the final 'question' was stupid and gimmicky?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 03, 2011, 10:12:24 AM
Am I the only one who thought the final 'question' was stupid and gimmicky?

Part of me thinks it's gimmicky, part of me things it's kind of cool. I do wish it was something more exiting though, as it's already a question that everyone has already been wondering about for years and we all know we'll never get an answer, so it doesn't exactly get my imagination going for the next series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 03, 2011, 11:07:02 AM
Well, it's the oldest question, hidden in plain sight. What else would it be? I thought it was cool that the question was The Doctors true name. Of course, I also guessed that's what it would be, so of course I'd like it. Though I will admit the reveal was a little cheesy.

I think he's referring to Silence in the Library. And I believe that she did tell him his name. 10 has no reason to lie there. The scene is between only the two of them.

I'd be lying if I said I remember it perfectly. But in Silence In The Library, did he automatically say it was his name, or did he mention it later when Donna asked? And he could have reason to lie. If he looked into her eye and saw 11 with the TARDIS just waving and shushing him. I'll admit it's unlikely. But how likely was it that River was Amy and Rorys daughter?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 03, 2011, 11:16:21 AM
He says it later when asked.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 03, 2011, 11:19:35 AM
Well that definitely works then. My friend went back to check. In The Wedding Of River Song, you can clearly tell he's saying "Look in my eye." In Silence in the Library, they block her mouth. From what I understand, Moffat's been planning this since season 1. So he probably intentionally blocked her mouth so people couldn't come back and check after this episode was aired.

OR I'm over thinking way too much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 03, 2011, 11:37:35 AM
From what I understand, Moffat's been planning this since season 1.

He's only been the head writer since series 5, before that he only wrote the occasional episodes, including Silence/Forest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 03, 2011, 11:39:05 AM
Well that definitely works then. My friend went back to check. In The Wedding Of River Song, you can clearly tell he's saying "Look in my eye." In Silence in the Library, they block her mouth. From what I understand, Moffat's been planning this since season 1. So he probably intentionally blocked her mouth so people couldn't come back and check after this episode was aired.

OR I'm over thinking way too much.

He doesn't tell Donna that River knows his name. At the end Ten and River are alone, and River is getting ready to die. The dialogue goes like this:

Ten: "River, you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear! There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I could..."

River: "Hush, now — spoilers!"

There's no reason for him to lie. She definitely knew his name.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 03, 2011, 12:22:43 PM
From what I understand, Moffat's been planning this since season 1.

He's only been the head writer since series 5, before that he only wrote the occasional episodes, including Silence/Forest.

Sure, he wasn't head writer. Doesn't mean he can't have a plan. It's been said by both him and Alex Kingston that he had the entire backstory for River planned by the time Silence/Forest happened. And he's come out and said that Jacks sonic blaster in Empty Child/Doctor Dances is the same one that River has in Silence/Forest. So theoretically, he's planned it since then.

He doesn't tell Donna that River knows his name. At the end Ten and River are alone, and River is getting ready to die. The dialogue goes like this:

Ten: "River, you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear! There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I could..."

River: "Hush, now — spoilers!"

There's no reason for him to lie. She definitely knew his name.

I see, I honestly couldn't remember how exactly the exchange went down. I need to watch it again. I'm guessing it probably wasn't the case. But there are a lot of things in their relationship mirrored like that. So I think it's at least worth keeping in mind.


(https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lselpic5DX1qbf1hlo1_r2_250.gif) (https://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lselpic5DX1qbf1hlo2_250.gif)

(https://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lselpic5DX1qbf1hlo3_250.gif) (https://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lselpic5DX1qbf1hlo4_250.gif)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 03, 2011, 12:33:41 PM
I didn't catch that, actually.  Cool find!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 03, 2011, 12:36:05 PM
I can't rightfully take credit, honestly.


There's a looot of cool stuff. If you go through the River Song tag, there's some really interesting thing posted.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 03, 2011, 12:46:06 PM
I loved that they did that. It really shows how the Doctor has grown since the incident of Time Lord Victorious.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 03, 2011, 02:35:28 PM

And one last thing. The time line. Original time line, The Doctor is killed by the astronaut/River. Amy, Rory and River then go to what I think was a restaurant and find the younger Doctor. They then set out on an adventure that leads them back to The God Complex, The Doctor leaving them, and then his death. BUT it showed Amy, Rory, and River drinking together. Amy was still shell shocked and in disbelief that she just saw him die. River than reveals that he's alive. But when would that fit in? Did the time line change? I mean, the fixed point of his "death" remains, but the details around it can change. Do we have altered time line going on? or?

My guess on this one is that the scene where they are drinking happens after The God Complex. That's the only thing that makes sense because Amy would be depressed after the Doctor said good bye and only then would start thinking that he was in fact dead.

I'm thinking it's some point after TGC, but with the memories from the combined universe thing bleeding over - hence why she now says the Doctor's dead, as the last thing to happen in that timeline was the Doctor and River kissing, which kicked things back to normal.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 03, 2011, 07:53:41 PM
Tardispedia points out the River at the end of The Wedding of River Song is fresh from the crash of the Byzantium. So that'd be River from season 5. And that's becuase of time going all wonky with the fixed point and all that. Not sure where that puts things.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 04, 2011, 01:30:21 AM
Tardispedia points out the River at the end of The Wedding of River Song is fresh from the crash of the Byzantium. So that'd be River from season 5. And that's because of time going all wonky with the fixed point and all that. Not sure where that puts things.

Why is that? I thought it was general knowledge that in her previous appearances she'd already experienced future events. No real contradiction that the River in Time of the Angels had already done Lake Silencio and such.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 04, 2011, 10:36:15 AM
Well it's not contradiction that she'd know of Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. It just generally wouldn't make sense for her to be there after Time of Angels.

My understanding is when the fixed point was compromised, all time just kind of bottle necked right there. Into a giant traffic jam clusterfuck. And then when it was restored, it mostly went back to normal, but some things didn't go back to the proper order. Thus, Time of Angels River being there after Impossible Astronaut.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Millais on October 04, 2011, 11:22:54 AM
considering I only understood it after I wikipedia'd it, how on earth was a child meant to understand that episode? It was great, but the plot was very complex for the majority of the audience.
What didn't you understand? I agree that a young child wouldn't get all the finer details/complexities, but that's always the case with family shows/films. But I don't see what was so baffling for an adult.

it wasn't particularly easy to follow. perhaps because of the many subplots etc. I'm not sure, I usually find programs like these very easy to follow but I just couldn't work this one out :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 04, 2011, 01:57:56 PM
Who wants to rank the season's episodes?

The Doctor's Wife
A Good Man Goes to War
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Girl Who Waited
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
The God Complex
Let's Kill Hitler
Closing Time
The Wedding of River Song
Night Terrors
Curse of the Black Spot

You know, besides pacing issues with the finale and the last two episodes, this was a really solid season. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 04, 2011, 02:01:54 PM
The Doctor's Wife
A Good Man Goes to War
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The God Complex
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
Let's Kill Hitler
The Girl Who Waited
Closing Time
The Wedding of River Song
Night Terrors
Curse of the Black Spot

Just had to change two things. Otherwise I agree completely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 04, 2011, 02:05:31 PM
Hmm, that's a tough one. Mine's not too dissimilar to yours Matt, but with a few movements:

The Doctor's Wife
A Good Man Goes to War
The Girl Who Waited
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
The Wedding of River Song
The God Complex
Let's Kill Hitler
Night Terrors
Closing Time
Curse of the Black Spot

Wikipedia considers AGMGTW/LKH to be a two-parter, but I don't agree as I think the stories are pretty independent. Plus, they had different directors.

EDIT: And yeah, I thought it was a fantastic series! My only slight issue was that the episodes in the second half were much more standalone, so as brilliant as some of them were, the momentum that the series had built up to LKH died away a bit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 04, 2011, 04:58:50 PM
Yeah, agreed there.  At least with going to standalone stories after DotM, there was some kind of resolution with the Silence problem despite the questions of "who killed the Doctor, can he survive, and who is that time lord girl?"  Maybe if they had kept all the Doctor dying stuff to the second half of the season or something and maybe end the standalone adventures in the first half with Rebel Flesh/Almost People (which would have made a pretty cool cliffhanger, IMO), and the Doctor could drop off Amy and Rory before he goes off to "die?"
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 04, 2011, 05:04:27 PM
Well, I don't see Rebel Flesh/Almost people as a standalone story really, as is so strongly tied in with the story arc (not just the revelations at the end but also the fact that the whole reason they went there at all was so the Doctor could check the flesh out). So in the first half the only real standalone was Black Spot, which was good fun but nothing more than that really.

Whereas Night Terrors through to Closing Time were all pretty standalone, apart from the last few minutes of the latter. At least, that's how I see it, and it just slightly killed the momentum. But then again, those last few minutes of Closing Time were bloody good and I loved the finale, so it's not a huge complaint. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 04, 2011, 05:14:13 PM
I think Rob actually was The Doctor, and he's stopped posting here since going underground.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on October 04, 2011, 05:22:23 PM
The Doctor's Wife
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
A Good Man Goes to War
The Girl Who Waited
The God Complex
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
Let's Kill Hitler
The Wedding of River Song
Night Terrors
Curse of the Black Spot
Closing Time

..or something along those lines.  I need to rewatch all the earlier episodes in the season sometime. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 04, 2011, 05:24:14 PM
Well, I don't see Rebel Flesh/Almost people as a standalone story really, as is so strongly tied in with the story arc (not just the revelations at the end but also the fact that the whole reason they went there at all was so the Doctor could check the flesh out). So in the first half the only real standalone was Black Spot, which was good fun but nothing more than that really.

Whereas Night Terrors through to Closing Time were all pretty standalone, apart from the last few minutes of the latter. At least, that's how I see it, and it just slightly killed the momentum. But then again, those last few minutes of Closing Time were bloody good and I loved the finale, so it's not a huge complaint. :lol

I meant like the first half of the season is Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, Black Spot, Doctor's Wife, The Girl Who Waited, Night Terrors, then ends with Rebel Flesh/Almost People, with the revelation of Amy being flesh the big cliffhanger.  Then its AGMGTW/LKH, God Complex (which could happen because the whole "TARDIS takes the Doctor where he NEEDS to go rather than where he wants to, to make him get rid of Amy and Rory"), Closing Time, WoRS. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on October 09, 2011, 12:34:59 PM
Really getting into the series again, I bought a Doctor Who DVD box ages ago but I sort of forgot about it. The box has the series with Tennant as the doctor, trying to find the newest series too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 09, 2011, 12:48:06 PM
Really getting into the series again, I bought a Doctor Who DVD box ages ago but I sort of forgot about it. The box has the series with Tennant as the doctor, trying to find the newest series too.

Tennant was The Doctor for three seasons, but glad you're enjoying it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on October 09, 2011, 12:49:17 PM
I know, I have no clue what the plural of series is so I just went with that but it does have all three.  :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 09, 2011, 12:53:04 PM
Aaaah right, gotcha.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 12, 2011, 01:39:26 AM
Finished the Ninth Doctor, ONWARDS TO TEN
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 12, 2011, 09:24:30 AM
Finished the Ninth Doctor, ONWARDS TO TEN

If you're anything like me, get ready to cry.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 17, 2011, 04:02:23 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 17, 2011, 05:17:26 PM
That's eleven's screwdriver, not four's.  Dammit Gabe!

Also, Sigz, I thought you saw all the episodes?  Are you just rewatching the revival from beginning to end or what?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 17, 2011, 05:19:57 PM
No, I only got into DW when The Almost People aired.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 17, 2011, 05:20:38 PM

You can't dress as the TARDIS for Halloween until you see all of them!  DO IT NOW!  WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!  GET!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 17, 2011, 05:21:04 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 17, 2011, 05:24:00 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 17, 2011, 05:27:35 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on October 17, 2011, 11:06:26 PM
Oh god, I'm nearly out of Tennant episodes, only four left in fact.

Well as it turns out, the Matt Smith seasons can't be found on DVD in Finland. Pretty lame.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 17, 2011, 11:15:00 PM

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 18, 2011, 03:49:37 PM


Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on October 19, 2011, 09:22:11 AM
I put my laptop next to my desktop computer and I have Doctor Who running pretty much non-stop. It's just that now I'm out of episodes on DVD.

I might just have to...  :yarr
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 20, 2011, 08:58:26 PM
I just realized that The Dream Lord was Dobby in the HP movies.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 21, 2011, 01:39:53 AM
I didn't realise that! :lol He was also one of the creeps in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, but I just imagined him as the dream lord the whole time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 21, 2011, 02:04:36 PM
The Girl in the Fireplace :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 21, 2011, 03:10:15 PM
The end of Family of Blood. :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Fiery Winds on October 21, 2011, 04:40:40 PM
The end of Forest of the Dead and When a Good Man Goes to War.   :'( and  :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 21, 2011, 06:05:20 PM
DW is so good at pulling on the heartstrings. I think it's because most of the time it's a great combination of fun and epic that when they throw in something personal and emotional it catches you off guard.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 22, 2011, 08:06:55 PM
You know, I think Season 2 might just be my favorite DW season so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 23, 2011, 02:21:30 AM
Also, is it wrong that I totally want to bang Sally Sparrow?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 23, 2011, 03:53:52 AM
Series 2? That's, like, the weakest one of the lot!

And no, Carey Mulligan is absolutely stunning. Pretty sure that was discussed earlier in the thread. But that's in Series 3...
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 23, 2011, 08:28:39 AM
I didn't realise that! :lol He was also one of the creeps in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, but I just imagined him as the dream lord the whole time.

He was also the Red Skull's right-hand man in Captain America.

Also, Ian, c'mon, there's no way Season 2 is better than Season 5. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 23, 2011, 08:31:20 AM
Or seasons 1, 3, 4 or 6 for that matter.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 23, 2011, 08:32:16 AM
I might put it on par with Season 1, but the last 4 series curb stomp it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 23, 2011, 09:12:31 AM
Yeah I agree it's roughly on a par with 1. I think the reason 1 just slightly edges it for me is a stronger story arc, in that it actually had one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 23, 2011, 10:31:30 AM
I dunno, I have three episodes left in Season 2 and overall I feel like I'm enjoying it quite a bit more. However, comparing the actual episodes between seasons it's a lot closer, so I'm not sure.

And I watched Blink a ways back and I watched it again yesterday on the train, hence my post.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on October 23, 2011, 11:00:39 AM
I think Series 2 is my least favorite, mostly due to the fact that it contains Love & Monsters.  That episode was by far the worst thing ever to happen to Doctor Who.  What was RTD thinking?  There were a few others that weren't really up to par either.  The Girl in the Fireplace is one of my favorite DW episodes, but it kind of stands alone in the series against some of DW's more mediocre moments.  (Which incidentally probably serves to make that episode seem particularly wonderful)

In short, you crazy
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 23, 2011, 11:02:35 AM
I watched Love & Monsters last night and enjoyed it, but I was also really drunk at the time. Looking back, it was pretty lame :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 23, 2011, 11:12:21 AM
Season 2 also has Fear Her.  Don't forget that one. :facepalm:

I mean, the thing with Seasons 1, 2, and 3 is that they all have some of the best Doctor Who episodes.  "Blink," "Empty Child/Doctor Dances," "Dalek," "Unquiet Dead," "The Christmas Invasion," "Impossible Planet/Satan Pit," "Doomsday," "School Reunion," "Girl in the Fireplace," "Human Nature/Family of Blood," "Smith and Jones," and "Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords," but the other episodes all range from mediocre to bad (I may have forgotten one or two).  So they're all kind of at the bottom for me.

Seasons 4 and 5, on the other hand, are amazing from start to finish. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 23, 2011, 11:36:57 AM
I have no problem with Love & Monsters, really enjoy it actually. For me the weak episode is Fear Her (which I enjoyed when I first saw but is just irritating on repeat viewings), plus a couple of others that are not bad but don't really grab me. Series 1 had some mediocre episodes (like the Slitheen double) but had a higher proportion of good episodes IMO, plus the story arc of course.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ClairvoyantCat on October 23, 2011, 11:51:33 AM
I'd probably hate Love and Monsters less if the Abzorbaloff was a little less than absolutely ridiculous.  I think its presence in the episode in general is an all-time low for Doctor Who.  (This is, of course, excluding the classic episodes that I haven't seen)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 23, 2011, 11:54:03 AM
True, but the whole episode is intentionally silly, so I don't really mind.

It'd be great if they found a way to bring back Satan, that double on Series 2 was incredible, and probably the closest DW has ever come to actually being scary. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 23, 2011, 12:04:08 PM
They pretty much brought it back in the first series of Torchwood.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 24, 2011, 11:36:01 AM
I just realized that The Dream Lord was Dobby in the HP movies.


What's that from? :lol

And yeah they introduced Abbadon, but it was a bit anti-climatic. :-[
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 24, 2011, 12:12:33 PM
It's from Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job. Their segment on the universe. He's clearly explaining the big bang.

Also I'm getting my girlfriend into Doctor Who. So right now I'm re watching old stuff. Love and Monsters really isn't that bad on a second view. First time, I really didn't like it. But this time I thought it was pretty cool. Pretty sure I'm still going to hate Fear Her though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 24, 2011, 01:44:19 PM
Yeah Fear Her is the only episode I really don't rate, very poor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 25, 2011, 11:09:28 AM
Matt Smith confirmed this is his last season: https://www.tgdaily.com/entertainment/59234-matt-smith-is-leaving-doctor-who#.TqaqXGz7pFY.reddit

I was expecting it, but still :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 25, 2011, 11:13:23 AM
A death, and the 50th anniversery...Shit is going to go down in that finale.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 25, 2011, 01:55:24 PM
Matt Smith confirmed this is his last season: https://www.tgdaily.com/entertainment/59234-matt-smith-is-leaving-doctor-who#.TqaqXGz7pFY.reddit

I was expecting it, but still :sadpanda:
That's such a misleading headline as he didn't actually confirm it, just as far as I know his original contract was for 3 series. So he might well leave after the big 50th anniversary thing and just do 3 series like Tennant did, but I don't believe that's confirmed yet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 25, 2011, 02:13:23 PM
Confirmed, no. But it seems he's already decided on it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 25, 2011, 02:41:59 PM
Funny, a few months ago he was talking about how he was staying on Doctor Who "For the foreseeable future."  Could be he'll do a season, then try his hand in America, but keep doing it?  That "pertinent line" could have been misinterpreted.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 25, 2011, 03:07:27 PM
Yeah, this is why I like Digital Spy. The headline there is simply "Matt Smith hints at Doctor Who exit?"
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 26, 2011, 09:05:06 PM
Just watched Fear Her. I don't really get the hate for it, I mean it wasn't amazing by any standard, but it wasn't terrible.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 26, 2011, 10:32:03 PM
God dammit I love this show so much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 26, 2011, 10:54:14 PM
"Our species are similar though your design is inelegant."


"This is obvious."


edir: Just finished season 2. Fuck.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 27, 2011, 04:26:30 AM
You cry? I cry.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: chknptpie on October 27, 2011, 07:24:13 AM

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on October 27, 2011, 09:46:02 AM
^^ You are awesome  :hefdaddy
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on October 27, 2011, 10:28:41 AM
"Our species are similar though your design is inelegant."


"This is obvious."


One of my favorite exchanges of all time.  :rollin

edir: Just finished season 2. Fuck.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 27, 2011, 12:44:28 PM
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 27, 2011, 01:24:40 PM
You cry? I cry.

Like a baby.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on October 27, 2011, 01:49:28 PM
When is the Series 6 boxset going to be released? Anyone? I am going to have to bring the other seasons to Uni, so I can watch them all, again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 27, 2011, 02:06:58 PM
November 21st
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 27, 2011, 03:48:05 PM
"Our species are similar though your design is inelegant."


"This is obvious."


One of my favourite DW moments. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on October 27, 2011, 03:49:16 PM
November 21st
Sweet, I shall stick it on the xmas list. Funny, by now I would have exactly what I want in mind for xmas... So far, this is the first! I'm getting old.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 27, 2011, 04:10:37 PM
I really hope Jack pops up in DW soon.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on October 27, 2011, 04:14:11 PM
I really hope Jack pops up in DW soon.
Same. Would be awesome to see some "John on Matt" action.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 27, 2011, 05:56:41 PM
Jack Harkness meets River Song. See also: innuendo of the infinite.

And theoretically, they do meet at some point. Moffat has come out and said the sonic gun she has is the same one Harkness has in Doctor Dances. So, theoretically, he'll be back at some point. And the episode will most likley be a mother fucker.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 27, 2011, 06:04:56 PM
The intro to Time Flies by PT = DW Theme

It can never be unheard.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on October 27, 2011, 08:09:14 PM
There's a sample of the Dalek "EXTERMINATE!" in a MC Frontalot song.

I also think this needs to be posted https://youtu.be/UydYg5HLCpw (https://youtu.be/UydYg5HLCpw)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on October 29, 2011, 03:47:02 AM

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on October 29, 2011, 10:02:06 AM
Dressing up as The Doctor tonight, will upload pics in the morn.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on October 29, 2011, 10:54:59 AM


 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Also, for League of Legends players: I just realized that Blitzcrank will occasionally say "EXTERMINATE!  EXTERMINATE!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on October 29, 2011, 11:35:23 AM
TARDIS costume was a success. Pics incoming.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ScioPath on November 14, 2011, 03:36:01 PM

Wtf. No. I don't like this idea.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on November 14, 2011, 03:39:15 PM
Nononononono. This calls for a hughe fuck up  :-\
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on November 14, 2011, 03:45:02 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on November 14, 2011, 03:57:34 PM
Everyone is exploding on Tumblr.

In a bad way.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: petrucci07 on November 14, 2011, 04:28:28 PM
TARDIS costume was a success. Pics incoming.


Film sounds like it could be epic as fuck.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2011, 04:44:58 PM
I don't see the problem with the film idea, non-canon films entirely separate from the TV show have been done before and been quite popular.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on November 14, 2011, 04:45:45 PM
Yeah, but the chances of it actually being good?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on November 14, 2011, 04:52:32 PM
Yeah, but the chances of it actually being good?

I don't think much. Dr. Who works very well on the long run but I'm not sure they can put something together that works that well in only 2 hours or less.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2011, 04:55:44 PM
Who is "they"? It'll be a separate writer, director, producer, cast etc. Nothing to do with the TV series. So basically we have no idea what it will be like.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ScioPath on November 14, 2011, 05:00:13 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on November 14, 2011, 05:25:49 PM
What I mean is that I like the way it works in TV. It has a good way of flowing and building a story going back and forth, introducing stuff and leaving things to be answered later.
It may work in a movie but I just can't imagine what approach they would take or how they would develop it. David Ytes is saying in that intervew that he will take a couple of years to do it so he might come up with something nice. But I'm not getting my hopes up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2011, 05:34:53 PM
What I mean is that I like the way it works in TV. It has a good way of flowing and building a story going back and forth, introducing stuff and leaving things to be answered later.
It may work in a movie but I just can't imagine what approach they would take or how they would develop it. David Ytes is saying in that intervew that he will take a couple of years to do it so he might come up with something nice. But I'm not getting my hopes up.
I get that but my point is that the film will ultimately have nothing to do with the TV series, and therefore it'll have the same pros and cons and risks as any other film. If it's an entirely different production team and cast then it's quality will be entirely unrelated to the fact that it is Doctor Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on November 14, 2011, 06:07:52 PM
I understand that they will not be following the story of the Tv series and that what happens will be completley unrelated to that. But still I feel like the storytelling is what makes the Tv show great mostly becuase I think it's designed to work with the character of the doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on November 14, 2011, 06:48:22 PM
Will it be like the "Dr Who and the Dalek invasion" or whatever it was called, when Doctor Who was first made into a film?

Or will it just be a randomer coming on galavanting as the Doctor, then never returning? Cause I would love Matt Smith, or the 13th Doctor to portray the Doctor in the film...
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on November 14, 2011, 06:50:41 PM
It sounds like it'll be a completely new Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on November 14, 2011, 06:56:10 PM

Sad me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Fiery Winds on November 18, 2011, 05:25:08 PM
Doctor Who + Narnia!?

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on November 19, 2011, 05:20:13 AM
Will it be like the "Dr Who and the Dalek invasion" or whatever it was called, when Doctor Who was first made into a film?

Or will it just be a randomer coming on galavanting as the Doctor, then never returning? Cause I would love Matt Smith, or the 13th Doctor to portray the Doctor in the film...
I'm not sure what you mean, those two are the same thing. "Dr. Who and the Daleks" and "Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D" were entirely separate from the series, starred Peter Cushing as Doctor Who (as in the character was actually called that, rather than The Doctor) who was a human scientist, not a Time Lord, and who invented, rather than stole, a time machine. It was basically a different story but based around the same premise. I imagine it will be the same sort of thing with this film - take the general idea but make a different story out of it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on November 29, 2011, 11:34:52 PM
Oh god The Doctor's Daughter.

Would bang.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on November 29, 2011, 11:45:32 PM
Oh god The Doctor's Daughter.

Would bang.

Oh I hated that episode.

But yeah, I'd tap that too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on November 30, 2011, 02:41:56 AM
Oh god The Doctor's Daughter.

Would bang.

Oh I hated that episode.

But yeah, I'd tap that too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on November 30, 2011, 03:21:12 AM
Oh god The Doctor's Daughter.

Would bang.

But yeah, I'd tap that too.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on November 30, 2011, 10:32:12 PM
Watching Silence in the Library. God damn this show gets dark at times.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on November 30, 2011, 10:37:26 PM
I love that two parter so hard.

I've been going through the entire series for the second time as my girlfriend goes through it for the first time. New series, that is. I've basically got her completely hooked. She's even already got some merch.

Tomorrow night we're hopefully going to be going through Planet of the Dead and Waters of Mars. Maybe The End of Time, part 1 if we're lucky.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on November 30, 2011, 10:48:58 PM
I would suck the shit out of Steven Moffat's penis.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Cecilia on December 01, 2011, 01:32:07 AM
My bf and I just got into DW over the summer, got all caught up, and are now watching from way back with the first doctor.

Some episodes are painful to watch, others are actually pretty good despite the effects lol. 1 is so much different from 11. But 1 is growing on me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on December 01, 2011, 01:35:32 AM
I would suck the shit out of Steven Moffat's penis.
did you fail biology?  :justjen
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 01, 2011, 01:50:39 AM
Nope, I'd just suck so hard I'd make it happen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 01, 2011, 02:00:03 AM
Cecilia, Doctors 2 and 4 are my favourites from the classic era, that I've seen anyway. Stick with it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on December 01, 2011, 02:10:20 AM
Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor so far, but I still have a lot of Doctors to go.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Cecilia on December 01, 2011, 07:42:51 PM
Cecilia, Doctors 2 and 4 are my favourites from the classic era, that I've seen anyway. Stick with it!

The episodes have gotten better, so we're hanging in there.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Fiery Winds on December 02, 2011, 02:26:53 PM
Thank God!

To clarify: any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC team, star the current TV Doctor and certainly NOT be a Hollywood reboot.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on December 02, 2011, 02:29:06 PM
That's good!  :tup

Is there a rock solid date for when the show continues? I need more current doctor.  :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on December 04, 2011, 03:51:42 PM
So, I decided to listen to the Tim and Eric album today. I noticed they predicted the end of Season 3.

In the song Time Travel

If I could travel
In time
I'd travel to the end
Of all of mankind
And there I'd find
A brother of mine

Clearly this is a prediction for the season 3 finale
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on December 04, 2011, 05:43:24 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 06, 2011, 12:41:36 PM
Trailer for the Christmas Special: https://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/videos/p00m7qjb

Shit just got real.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on December 07, 2011, 07:32:13 AM
Yep.  I love how Moffatt's Christmas specials have been plays on popular Christmas/wintery stories. 

@Rich: My favorite classic doctors have been 2 and 3.  Another fun fact, Jon Pertwee was almost the Godfather of one of my best friends!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ScioPath on December 16, 2011, 04:30:59 AM
(Spoilers for next series)

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-16207688 :dangerwillrobinson:

Yeah so now I'm sad.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on December 16, 2011, 04:38:25 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 16, 2011, 04:56:42 AM
Well they've had a longer run than any other new Who companions, so I think the time is probably right. Plus, I really like the fact Moffat is returning to the classic Who approach of allowing companions to change mid-series, makes the show much more dynamic that way!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on December 16, 2011, 07:07:08 AM
Well they've had a longer run than any other new Who companions, so I think the time is probably right. Plus, I really like the fact Moffat is returning to the classic Who approach of allowing companions to change mid-series, makes the show much more dynamic that way!

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 16, 2011, 04:17:21 PM
Sad, but expected.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on December 16, 2011, 04:57:45 PM
tbh I'm kind of glad.  I feel like there's only so much you can do with them, especially once they're married.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 19, 2011, 08:34:49 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Cecilia on December 19, 2011, 09:47:55 PM
BF and I have made it to the second doctor!

We watched all eight parts of The Invasion over the weekend.  :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 25, 2011, 01:15:56 PM
Another lovely Christmas fairytale! :D Have to say, I really do much prefer Moffat's Christmas specials to RTD's ones, which were enjoyable but sometimes a little bland.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 25, 2011, 01:18:04 PM

oh well, it's a DW marathon on BBC America right now :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 25, 2011, 01:23:26 PM
Don't worry, it's nothing particularly unexpected, but it's a gorgeous story like last year. When's it on over there?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 25, 2011, 01:24:00 PM
Not till 9 :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Millais on December 25, 2011, 01:25:40 PM
a nice story, nothing groundbreaking but an enjoyable watch nonetheless.

and Karen Gillan. wowowow, she looked gorgeous.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on December 25, 2011, 09:01:44 PM
Decent Christmas special.  Started off a bit slow, but got better as it went on.  Had a few problems, though, such as (sized for spoilers):

-The beginning.  How the hell did the Doctor not implode, change into a spacesuit, and survive the impact to Earth and live?  I mean, surviving the fall in the End of Time was one thing that you could chalk up to sturdy time lord bones and the breathing in space could be explained by a TARDIS air bubble, but the impact don't make no sense.
-Moffat.  I feel like he's getting a bit lazy at times.  Like at the beginning, doing the whole "Doctor talks really fast oh how funny!" schtick wasn't so great, and "humany wumany" doesn't work the same way "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" does at all.  That being said, the second half was some of the best Doctor Who ever.
-The forester guys.  They showed up for just a few minutes to deliver a plot device.  I had hoped Bill Bailey would get to show off more.

Despite that I still quite liked it, so yeah.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 26, 2011, 04:01:23 AM
Yeah I'd have loved to see more of the foresters as they were really funny, so that was a shame.

Can't say I had a problem with your other two issues, but then I generally love Moffat's style, so I'm probably just too much of a fanboi.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 26, 2011, 04:03:51 AM
Oh an in response to your first point:

The spacesuit he was in had some sort of special qualities - he never explained what, but when Madge tried to get it off him, he was talking about how it was still repairing him. So I'm pretty sure he survived the fall because of the suit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Millais on December 26, 2011, 07:12:26 AM
Decent Christmas special.  Started off a bit slow, but got better as it went on.  Had a few problems, though, such as (sized for spoilers):

-The beginning.  How the hell did the Doctor not implode, change into a spacesuit, and survive the impact to Earth and live?  I mean, surviving the fall in the End of Time was one thing that you could chalk up to sturdy time lord bones and the breathing in space could be explained by a TARDIS air bubble, but the impact don't make no sense.
-Moffat.  I feel like he's getting a bit lazy at times.  Like at the beginning, doing the whole "Doctor talks really fast oh how funny!" schtick wasn't so great, and "humany wumany" doesn't work the same way "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" does at all.  That being said, the second half was some of the best Doctor Who ever.
-The forester guys.  They showed up for just a few minutes to deliver a plot device.  I had hoped Bill Bailey would get to show off more.

Despite that I still quite liked it, so yeah.

yeah I'd agree with everything there.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on December 26, 2011, 11:46:15 AM
Oh an in response to your first point:

The spacesuit he was in had some sort of special qualities - he never explained what, but when Madge tried to get it off him, he was talking about how it was still repairing him. So I'm pretty sure he survived the fall because of the suit.

He said it was an impact suit. I'd imagine there was some kind of oxygen bubble shenanigans going on with the fall out of the ship.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on December 26, 2011, 01:25:58 PM
Oh an in response to your first point:

The spacesuit he was in had some sort of special qualities - he never explained what, but when Madge tried to get it off him, he was talking about how it was still repairing him. So I'm pretty sure he survived the fall because of the suit.

He said it was an impact suit. I'd imagine there was some kind of oxygen bubble shenanigans going on with the fall out of the ship.

Ooooooooh I missed that Ariich.  Explains that then!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Kosmo on December 26, 2011, 01:53:06 PM
That was a fun special.  :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 26, 2011, 04:57:49 PM
Great special :D

Also, I just watched the Space/Time mini episodes they did for Red Nose Day :rollin
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 26, 2011, 05:29:55 PM
Great special :D
I know some people were underwhelmed by the special, but I think they miss the point - it's not supposed to be groundbreaking, it's supposed to be something you can watch with the family at Christmas. Personally I think with both of his Christmas episodes, Moffat has got the tone exactly right!

Also, I just watched the Space/Time mini episodes they did for Red Nose Day :rollin
Those are amazing. Amy flirting with herself. :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 26, 2011, 05:31:46 PM
Great special :D
I know some people were underwhelmed by the special, but I think they miss the point - it's not supposed to be groundbreaking, it's supposed to be something you can watch with the family at Christmas. Personally I think with both of his Christmas episodes, Moffat has got the tone exactly right!

Yeah, but even considering that there was still a nice bit of character development for The Doctor at the end.

Also, I just watched the Space/Time mini episodes they did for Red Nose Day :rollin
Those are amazing. Amy flirting with herself. :heart

 :heart :heart :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 26, 2011, 05:35:46 PM
Yeah, but even considering that there was still a nice bit of character development for The Doctor at the end.
Yeah definitely, I thought it was a lovely episode. Maybe not as clever as last year's, but very sweet and with some nice ideas in it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on December 26, 2011, 05:40:41 PM
Yeah, but even considering that there was still a nice bit of character development for The Doctor at the end.
Yeah definitely, I thought it was a lovely episode. Maybe not as clever as last year's, but very sweet and with some nice ideas in it.

The part Sigz mentioned was my favorite part of the episode, and it was pulled off very well except for that line I had a problem with.

A Christmas Carol
The End of Time
The Runaway Bride
The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe
The Christmas Invasion
The Next Doctor
Voyage of the Damned
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on December 26, 2011, 05:43:17 PM
The End of Time
A Christmas Carol
The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe
The Runaway Bride
The Christmas Invasion
Voyage of the Damned
The Next Doctor

For pure epicness, The End of Time has to get my vote. But the two Moffat ones are my favourite of the more straightforward traditional ones. The rest are mostly good, although I have to say I do find The Next Doctor a little dull.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on December 26, 2011, 07:36:55 PM
I'm surprised Voyage of the Damned isn't getting more love. I thought that was a fantastic episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Jaq on December 27, 2011, 08:22:53 PM
I loved the Christmas special this year. It doesn't compare, for me, to A Christmas Carol (that episode was damn near perfect IMO) but it was a fun ride and Moffat again revealed that, at heart, he's a softie. Ranking time:

A Christmas Carol
The Doctor, The Widow, And The Wardrobe
The Next Doctor
The Runaway Bride
Voyage of the Damned
The End of Time
The Christmas Invasion.

Yes...End of Time IS that low. Everything that was bad about the RTD era was in it in spades. The Christmas Invasion is only worse because most of the episode is everyone, INCLUDING Tennant, figuring out who the Doctor was now. And in that season I don't think they really figured that out until about, oh, The Girl In The Fireplace.

As for the merits of the others-Voyage of the Damned has some nice moments, but it tries too hard to be an action blockbuster. Runaway Bride is great because Catherine Tate was oh so shockingly good in it (don't get me started about what happened to Donna, we'll be here all week) and the Next Doctor is good because RTD largely restrains his goofier instincts, which have a tendency to undercut his dramatic side. (Seriously, go watch Midnight. THAT RTD can write his ass off. The guy who invented farting aliens and thought six billion Masters was a good plan, though...)

And A Christmas Carol is sublime. It's grounded by the familiar structure of the Dickens story, but it gets to go off in so many fun and heartbreaking at once directions, and Michael Gambon is BRILLIANT in it. I love it to pieces.  ;D
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on December 29, 2011, 07:33:00 PM
Decent Christmas special.  Started off a bit slow, but got better as it went on.  Had a few problems, though, such as (sized for spoilers):

-The beginning.  How the hell did the Doctor not implode, change into a spacesuit, and survive the impact to Earth and live?  I mean, surviving the fall in the End of Time was one thing that you could chalk up to sturdy time lord bones and the breathing in space could be explained by a TARDIS air bubble, but the impact don't make no sense.
-Moffat.  I feel like he's getting a bit lazy at times.  Like at the beginning, doing the whole "Doctor talks really fast oh how funny!" schtick wasn't so great, and "humany wumany" doesn't work the same way "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" does at all.  That being said, the second half was some of the best Doctor Who ever.
-The forester guys.  They showed up for just a few minutes to deliver a plot device.  I had hoped Bill Bailey would get to show off more.

Despite that I still quite liked it, so yeah.
It made precious little sense, but I bloody loved it.

My mum cried - but then she does bloody love Alexander Armstrong. I almost joined in. Didn't, but welled up. I spent the first ten minutes with my disbelief properly suspended, thinking "ohhh, god, I hope I don't turn into one of those guys," and the last ten very much not being one of those guys. Bliss.

And yeah, Bill Bailey was wasted. But every single scene he was in was golden, which helps make it okay. All of the Androzani (YES!) miners, in fact, were utterly perfect. Wool!

@Jaq: Funny 'bout The End of Time. I had a few reservations about the RTD era - I found his finales... er, well, no, I didn't find them lacking. I had a couple of issues with Last of the Time Lords, but the good 45 minutes outweighed the cringey five, but I didn't like Journey's End at all. Yet, I adored every second of TEoT. I loved every bit. The volatile Master, the Vinvocci, I thought all of the writing and acting was precisely the right kind of agonising. David Tennant against John Simm, David Tennant against Bernard Cribbins, John Simm acting against John Simm... everyone playing their little hearts out, with some of the best lines Doctor Who's ever seen. I understand the words "I didn't like the End of Time," and understand what people are trying to articulate when they say it embodied the worst of RTD's excesses, but I can't make sense of the thought. The feeling is totally alien.

I'm more amazed by Christmas Invasion being at the bottom, though. That's barmy. With the utmost respect, but it IS!

And, while we're ranking...

1. The End of Time
2. The Next Doctor
3. A Christmas Carol
4. The Doctor, The Widow & The Wardrobe
5. The Christmas Invasion
6. Voyage of the Damned
7. The Runaway Bride

The Next Doctor, incidentally, was filmed in my hometown. Might've witnessed one of the scenes being filmed. Just a little bit. :hat
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on December 29, 2011, 08:01:44 PM

You were probably my favorite to talk about Doctor Who with. Because you really truly understand the excitement of it all.

That said, rewatching all of the revival with the girlfriend. We're up to season 6. So much more sense a second time around. So much fun watching people trying to figure it out. She seems to catch things much faster than I did >_>
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on December 30, 2011, 04:43:14 AM

You were probably my favorite to talk about Doctor Who with. Because you really truly understand the excitement of it all.

That said, rewatching all of the revival with the girlfriend. We're up to season 6. So much more sense a second time around. So much fun watching people trying to figure it out. She seems to catch things much faster than I did >_>
Ah! I know the feeling. Actually, I always get borderline suspicious whenever anyone starts to catch all the right things. I didn't when I was watching it, I sat around ignorant, applauding every reveal of any kind like the worst kind of seal, so whenever anyone guesses all the twists or picks up on all the fine details I immediately decide they've been lying about not being a Doctor Who fan, and decide they're probably wearing a "The Angels Have the Phone Box" tee under their shirt, ready to break it open at the end and prove that they were fanatics all along.

I'll be right one of these days.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on December 31, 2011, 01:07:24 AM
It's smaller things. Like I remember at Christmas Invasion she realized The Doctor was alive much faster than I did my first time. Of course, she watched season 1, where as I started right on season 2. She caught "Pond" and "River" really fast in Time of Angels. Also asked right away "Is she a timelady?" when River flew the Tardis.

Though the last one might have been much more of a guess. She's always hoping there's going to be another timelord, or even more preferably a timelady.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on December 31, 2011, 11:15:39 AM
Yeah, definitely smaller things! People picking up Bad Wolf straight away and what have you. I didn't notice until... ohhhh, I think it was on a Fact File for The Doctor Dances on the BBC website? "Schlechter Wolf roughly translates as "bad wolf," now where have we heard those words before..." I don't know, where  have we?! I think I remembered the graffiti at a stretch, but bad wolf, for me, happened strictly through Wikipedia until the episode itself broadcast.

So if someone is watching Aliens of London and yelling "HEY IT'S A BAD WOLF THING LIKE GWYNETH" I instantly go into detective mode and bad-cop the truth out of them. Which invariably turns out to be the highly uncomfortable truth that they're just far more perceptive than myself.

Pond and River would have me sleuthing, definitely. I didn't get that one until... ohhh, probably Let's Kill Hitler. One day I'll rumble someone. One day.

NB: Yes, I know Pond/River is revealed in Good Man. Joke, not mistake. Shit joke, but joke nonetheless. Now laugh.


Iiiiiiincidentally! I don't think I was here for S6B. What did everyone think of series six on the whole? Particularly in comparison to series five, but compared to the other four too if you want. Heck, or the other twenty-six before. (although I will have no idea what you're on about if you go that route.)

Not a loaded question, genuinely interested.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on December 31, 2011, 11:47:39 AM

Iiiiiiincidentally! I don't think I was here for S6B. What did everyone think of series six on the whole? Particularly in comparison to series five, but compared to the other four too if you want. Heck, or the other twenty-six before. (although I will have no idea what you're on about if you go that route.)

Not a loaded question, genuinely interested.

LKH was good, though I personally thought River's whole 'transformation' or whatever was kinda sudden/weak.

Night Terrors was enjoyable, but nothing amazing.

I loved Girl Who Waited and God Complex.

Closing Time had great dialogue and the themes of it being The Doctor's last days were wonderful, but the Cyberman plot was extremely weak and felt pretty unnecessary.

Wedding of River Song was also enjoyable, but felt really rushed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on December 31, 2011, 12:01:38 PM

Oh, wow - my opinions are perhaps a tad less controversial than I'd have thought, then!

I pretty much second every atom of that. Closing Time, in particular - I feel like I'm probably the only Doctor Who fan who got sick of the Stormageddon joke after about the third time he brought it up.

It's... I think Series 6 is fun, very fun - fun in spades - but completely inelegant. The plot jolts from side to side fairly erratically, with massive bombastic info-dumps at the fringes, which went completely unmentioned in-between. Miles upon miles away from the utter perfection of Series 5, where the arc just sang. Rang through the episodes from start to finish, growing and shifting with revelations in all the right places, paving the way for the next few episodes, and the next few, and the next few, right up to the finale where it all came together in the best finale Doctor Who's ever done.

In fairness, they were never going to be able to match that, but it's the first time a series of Doctor Who hasn't eclipsed the previous year, for me, so I kinda fancy having a chat about it!

I think it's telling that they messed the order around a lot. Originally, part A was meant to look like this...

1. The Impossible Astronaut /
2. Day of the Moon
3. The Doctor's Wife
4. Night Terrors
5. The Rebel Flesh /
6. The Almost People
7. A Good Man Goes to War

...with Curse coming in directly after Let's Kill Hitler, as far as I'm aware.

Which meant, that aside from that weird "In the flesh" line at the end of Night Terrors (which would originally have been not only a clue for The Rebel Flesh, but have been the exact moment that the Doctor pinpointed that there was something wrong with Amy, making the entire first half of the series flow really nicely from one episode to the other), they had to kind of reorder all the references. Slopping extra shots of The Doctor looking at the pregno-scanner into Curse, throwing Madame Kovarian in... the arc wasn't ingrained into the episodes as much as jackhammered in, and I think the series suffered for it.

I also don't like the one-part finales. Mainly 'cos Good Man, Let's Kill Hitler and Wedding of River Song all felt very similar, thematically, I thought. Very similar paces and styles and looks and textures. I love all of them individually - in fact, I love all of series six individually - but the whole is a little less than the sum of its parts.

Aha - I needed to get that out, didn't I? I love S6. But I love it slightly less than S5 and S4, so I dunno, am I alone in that?
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Millais on January 01, 2012, 03:06:50 PM
the christmas special was good.

..but it had absolutely nothing on tonights Sherlock episode. Wow. There's 364 days left in the year. If anything beats that in terms of script writing, acting, visuals .. ANYTHING I will be surprised. That was truly incredible television.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on January 01, 2012, 03:17:20 PM
the christmas special was good.

..but it had absolutely nothing on tonights Sherlock episode. Wow. There's 364 days left in the year. If anything beats that in terms of script writing, acting, visuals .. ANYTHING I will be surprised. That was truly incredible television.
365 days - it's a leap year!

But a TV script editor I'm following on twitter said almost the exact same thing. Look, see? (https://twitter.com/#!/ellardent/status/153592077626781698) Popular opinion! But I reckon something'll give it a run for its money in... ohhh, I'll give it seven.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on January 01, 2012, 03:20:00 PM
ARRGGGHHH New Sherlock is on, and what's BBCA playing all day? Absolutely Fabulous.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on January 01, 2012, 03:30:50 PM
ARRGGGHHH New Sherlock is on, and what's BBCA playing all day? Absolutely Fabulous.

Don't knock it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on January 01, 2012, 03:54:09 PM
Not knocking it, but it's literally an all day marathon, when there's a new Sherlock that they're not showing.

Oh, and should I note, will never be showing. BBC gives Sherlock to PBS to air in fucking May ಠ_ಠ
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Jaq on January 01, 2012, 03:58:56 PM
I'm 1 minute away from checking out the new Sherlock myself. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Fiery Winds on January 01, 2012, 03:59:09 PM
Not knocking it, but it's literally an all day marathon, when there's a new Sherlock that they're not showing.

Oh, and should I note, will never be showing. BBC gives Sherlock to PBS to air in fucking May ಠ_ಠ

That's disgraceful.  I'll still be watching it tonight or tomorrow though.   :yarr
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on January 01, 2012, 04:01:18 PM
Yup :yarr
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on January 01, 2012, 04:42:32 PM
I'd like to take a moment to say: I fucking love being British.



Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: petrucci07 on January 01, 2012, 04:57:09 PM
Watched Sherlock, thought it was pretty bad in places. Pretty cheesy.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: TheMadgician on January 01, 2012, 05:28:45 PM
So my girlfriend remembers that I raged hard after an episode of Doctor Who (A Good Man Goes To War). We finish The Almost People. I ask her if she enjoyed the mind fuck. She asks if that's what I raged about. I said we're getting there. She asks what it's going to be. She asks if the baby is going to be River Song. She then starts logicing and figures it out.

So not fair.

Guys I think my girlfriend is smarter than me :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on January 02, 2012, 02:23:34 AM
How to write in Gellifreyan: https://blackhatguy.deviantart.com/art/How-to-Write-Gallifreyan-271881225
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on January 10, 2012, 09:03:57 AM
Awesome cupcakes


Also, when Dr Who coming back? I'm too lazy to google it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on January 10, 2012, 10:38:10 AM
Autumn 2012. And we don't know how many episodes will air this year, and how many next year, but I believe a number of 'em are being held over for the 50th Anniversary in 2013.

Chances are, it'll be October. 'Cos they've not even started filming yet. They typically start broadcast about 9 months after filming begins, so currently, it's looking like the best case scenario will be...

Steven Moffat has been very forthright in saying that we're getting more episodes, not less, so that's very possible, but he is known for putting a bit of a spin on things. So it's just as likely that we're getting...

Frankly, it's anyone's guess, at this point.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on January 10, 2012, 10:42:38 AM
Thanks  :tup  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on January 21, 2012, 12:52:29 PM
Watching Torchwood season 1. Really liking it so far, besides "Random Shoes" which was horrible.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on January 24, 2012, 08:21:48 PM
Started the first Doctor :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: adameastment on February 09, 2012, 05:14:08 PM
Autumn 2012. And we don't know how many episodes will air this year, and how many next year, but I believe a number of 'em are being held over for the 50th Anniversary in 2013.

Chances are, it'll be October. 'Cos they've not even started filming yet. They typically start broadcast about 9 months after filming begins, so currently, it's looking like the best case scenario will be...

  • October - December 2012:
    Seven episodes, plus Christmas Special.
  • January - February 2013:
    Six episodes.
  • Autumn 2013:
    Thirteen episodes, plus Anniversary special, plus christmas special.

Steven Moffat has been very forthright in saying that we're getting more episodes, not less, so that's very possible, but he is known for putting a bit of a spin on things. So it's just as likely that we're getting...

  • October - December 2012:
    Seven episodes, plus Christmas Special.
  • Autumn 2013:
    Six episodes, plus Anniversary special, plus christmas special.

Frankly, it's anyone's guess, at this point.

From what I read slightly after when you posted, it seemed it would be a large stream of all 2012/2013's episodes, ie. 28 episodes. Whether that's just my interpretation I dunno
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Super Dude on February 14, 2012, 08:09:14 AM
I thought this might interest some of you:

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on February 14, 2012, 09:14:43 AM
I'm not sure what to make of that. I like both DW and ST but a crossover? I'll wait and see what comes out of it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on February 14, 2012, 10:04:21 AM
My first thought was of the X-Men/TNG crossover novel.  Yes a novel.  That was actually published and sold for American money.


My first instinct to stay clear of a DW/TNG crossover but to be honest I love both franchises too much to not pass on it.  Even if its just to see how bad it is. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Cecilia on February 14, 2012, 02:55:12 PM
Totally unplanned.

Valentine's Day card I made my boyfriend on the left, and the one he made me on the right
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on February 14, 2012, 03:39:28 PM
Your boyfriend is a very lucky man
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Cecilia on February 14, 2012, 06:56:38 PM
Thank you!

But I'm the lucky one, to have him!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Fiery Winds on February 22, 2012, 01:10:23 PM

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on February 22, 2012, 01:40:49 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on March 21, 2012, 07:56:36 AM

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on March 21, 2012, 08:24:10 AM

And I have no idea who that is, so no comment.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on March 21, 2012, 08:39:50 AM
I saw this thread was updated and that Sigz was the last poster so I immediately knew there were good news. I have no clue who that girl is but I'm Ok with her


As long as she's not tan and smiling like a creepy fuck

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on March 21, 2012, 09:50:52 AM
Here's a much less terrifying photo.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on March 21, 2012, 10:48:32 AM
I posted that one first, before the weird creepy photos!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on March 21, 2012, 10:54:07 AM
She looks creepy as fuck.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: jonny108 on March 21, 2012, 11:15:28 AM
A few spoilery bits.

The BBC has confirmed rumours that Doctor Who Series 7 will be split over two years. They will only air six episodes in 2012, the remainder in 2013.

“Six of them will come out this year, including the Christmas special and then eight in the next year,” said Steven Moffat.

It was also announced that Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill will make their final appearance in episode 5.

Moffat revealed: “Amy and Rory will leave in the fifth episode that goes out, and it will be a final encounter with the Weeping Angels.”

Adding: “Not everyone gets out alive. And I mean it this time!”

The Daleks have also been confirmed to appear in the Autumn run.

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on March 21, 2012, 12:02:11 PM
I posted that one first, before the weird creepy photos!

Ah. That picture wasn't displaying for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on March 21, 2012, 12:06:20 PM
I posted that one first, before the weird creepy photos!

Ah. That picture wasn't displaying for me.

Can't see it either
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on March 21, 2012, 03:07:06 PM
Ah ok, it was a link to IMDB, maybe they don't like hotlinking as it's not showing up for me anymore either. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on April 09, 2012, 02:25:53 AM

I love that entire exchange.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on April 09, 2012, 12:28:46 PM
That is seven different brands of beautiful, right there.

And speaking of seven different brands of beautiful - Karen Gillan et al. are heading off to New York to film, this week! Don't know if we've got any NY Doctor Who fans kicking about here, but do see if you can follow them around. They're lovely, probably. They filmed a David Tennant episode in my hometown - lots of standing around, but really exciting standing around. Would recommend it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 09, 2012, 03:54:32 PM
Torchwood filmed an episode in my town, and obviously there's Cardiff which is about 30 minutes away :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on April 09, 2012, 04:28:36 PM
Did you pop down? My brother's currently at uni in Cardiff - I've always upheld that I'm going to visit every time there's a Doctor Who ep filming. Not actually colluded yet, 'cos of the... I'm hesitant to say "hamfisted," given that I really like the people on the production team and the show they end up creating, and for all I know they know precisely what they're doing, but what with the delays and such the production schedule has not looked even a little bit elegant, as of late. Still! Soon. Preferably before Karen and Arthur wrap up filming.

Actually! Just noticed. This thread doesn't have a link to the series 7 trailer yet! How on earth did you all get by without me...!?

SUPER COOL TRAILER! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5iwoRA2Cas)

Current production info, for anyone who's interested. No spoilers that haven't been announced by the production team (and if anyone knows how best to tell their story, it's them!), but if you're planning to go in blind, then definitely look away now...

Episode 1.
by Steven Moffat
Series opener, nothing's been filmed yet as far as I'm aware.

Episode 2.
by Chris Chibnall (42, The Hungry Earth)
I think this is the one with Mark Williams and David Bradley, seems to feature giant robots and Cleopatra.

Episode 3.
by Toby Whithouse (School Reunion, Vampires in Venice, The God Complex)
Filmed in Spain, a Western, forms most of the above trailer. Features some android-looking fella.

Episode 4.
by Chris Chibnall
As far as I know, this is the one that features a relatively new returning villain (https://dailypop.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/idaleks1.jpg), and a much, much older returning villain. (https://p.twimg.com/ApZM1DvCQAMy52X.jpg) To say I'm ridiculously intrigued by that last picture is... something of an understatement.

Episode 5.
by Steven Moffat
Amy and Rory's last episode. Filmed in New York, this one, and being filmed right now. Featuring another returning villain (https://images.wikia.com/tardis/images/4/4f/Blink_doctorwho.jpg) in their (long overdue) first ever finale.


Episode 6. (Christmas Special)
by Steven Moffat.
New companion!

And the rest are to follow on the other side of Christmas, the current plan being to air them aaaalmost continuously. Which I'd wholeheartedly approve of.

Sorry if I'm teaching granny how to suck eggs, here - that was going to be shorter, but I don't know if everyone knows what goes where. I don't know. Sorry - got carried away! Was planning to use it as a springboard to go on about airdates and writers getting two stories in one series and the old, old returning villain in episode four but I think I've probably waffled on quite enough, now. The trailer's the best bit. Watch that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on April 09, 2012, 05:50:29 PM
I don't know how we survived without your knowledge of upcoming Doctor Who episodes.  Where exactly do you find this stuff?  I knew about the shooting in Spain and New York, but not a lot of that other stuff.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ACID_FOX on April 09, 2012, 11:02:52 PM
Sadly I didn't, I always hear about them filming after the event and as a result miss them. My stepfather was lucky enough to see the Torchwood van though, very jealous!

Also am I missing something with the second Dalek picture? Is it from the classic series? I'm not very educated on anything pre-2005.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: MetalJunkie on June 01, 2012, 12:08:05 AM
Thread necro!

I just started watching the series for the first time (the 2005 series). I just now finished the second episode, and holy shit, the director knows how to build tension. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

Also, I didn't like her at first, but I find Billie Piper very attractive. There's just something about her plainness that meshes with her unique features to form a beautiful face.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Cecilia on June 01, 2012, 05:58:52 AM
Oh yes, another Whovian! Welcome MJ!

Bf and I are watching the third doctor with Sarah Jane. We try to watch a minimum of one episode per day, plus whatever episodes are on BBC that day.

I love the third doctor and his karate!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on June 01, 2012, 06:31:04 AM
Any news on when the new season will begin? I don't think I can wait much longer.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on June 01, 2012, 07:57:36 AM
Thread necro!

I just started watching the series for the first time (the 2005 series). I just now finished the second episode, and holy shit, the director knows how to build tension. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

Also, I didn't like her at first, but I find Billie Piper very attractive. There's just something about her plainness that meshes with her unique features to form a beautiful face.
Ohhhh... I wouldn't dare spoil anything, but just wait 'til the Moffat era! You ain't seen nothing yet.

Heck, just wait 'til episode three!

Any news on when the new season will begin? I don't think I can wait much longer.
Currently, the ETA's somewhen around September. Episode 1 will be premiering at the Edinburgh TV Festival at the end of August, and I've got a hunch they'll want to air it fairly soon after that, or else everyone's going to find out the whole story long before they ever see it.

Previously, the plan was that it'd air almost continuously with episode 6 landing at Christmas, so while September might sound late, it's a good two and a half months sooner than we might've got it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on June 01, 2012, 08:09:08 AM
Every time I read your posts I do it as if Matt Smith was speaking  :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: jonny108 on June 01, 2012, 09:53:31 AM
Spoilery bits

The first episode is going to feature every single Dalek that's ever been.  Pretty cool.
The second episode might be called Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.  But it features big robots and Cleopatra.
The third is the Western.
The fourth features Cubes and UNIT!
The fifth is New York, Amy and Rory leave.
The sixth is the christmas special with new companion.

This is the eleventh episode I believe. Also rumours are the new companion is called Clara. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: MetalJunkie on June 04, 2012, 01:03:26 AM
I'm watching the episode where the UFO crashes into Big Ben. Rose's mom is a stupid bitch.

"Take me to your leader?" :rollin
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on June 08, 2012, 01:25:41 PM
Ugh, I hated that episode.

Also, first official pic of Doctor and new companion: https://i.imgur.com/DhlXb.jpg

me gusta
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Cecilia on June 08, 2012, 04:20:08 PM
Interview with a few of the older doctors

https://blogs.independent.co.uk/2012/06/05/qa-with-%E2%80%98doctor-who%E2%80%99-stars-the-five-doctors/ (https://blogs.independent.co.uk/2012/06/05/qa-with-%E2%80%98doctor-who%E2%80%99-stars-the-five-doctors/)
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on July 16, 2012, 12:37:10 PM
Matt Smith confirmed that it the new season airs next month! :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on July 16, 2012, 12:38:05 PM
I really hope it ends up being better than last season. Come on, Moffat! Win my heart back!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on July 16, 2012, 03:35:33 PM
I really hope it ends up being better than last season. Come on, Moffat! Win my heart back!

So many brilliant things about last season, but... it's less than the sum of its parts, sadly. Except The Girl Who Waited. That's probably

Titles for the first three episodes are out, now.

1. Asylum of the Daleks
2. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
3. A Town Called Mercy

Clips of 2. and 3. were played at ComicCon. I have no interest in seeing them right now - we're only a month (and, probably, a half) away, I'd rather the episodes remain a surprise. But, man. They weren't kidding when they said they were slutting it up, title-wise. A whole series of Let's Kill Hitlers. Bring it on.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on July 16, 2012, 03:43:48 PM
Last season started out so well. The first episode was my favorite. But then I feel like Moffat tried to include so many tricky and confusing things that it was finally to much for him. He couldn't keep up and lost control. By the finale, there was no significance to anything; everything seem arbitrary.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on July 16, 2012, 04:04:53 PM
Last season started out so well. The first episode was my favorite. But then I feel like Moffat tried to include so many tricky and confusing things that it was finally to much for him. He couldn't keep up and lost control. By the finale, there was no significance to anything; everything seem arbitrary.

I agree except that The Doctor's Wife was the best part about last season.  Just too ambitious for Moffat, I think.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on July 16, 2012, 04:08:04 PM
That's right. That episode was great too. The first two and The Doctor's Wife are easily way better than everything else that season.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Nekov on July 17, 2012, 06:25:58 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on July 17, 2012, 11:55:18 AM
I thought the first half of the last season was incredible apart from the pirates one which was great fun but nothing more. The second half was still good, but the end was a bit anticlimactic. I don't see what was so ambitious or OTT about it, if anything I thought the second half ended up being too mild.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on July 18, 2012, 08:31:19 PM

L to R: A serial killer, an American from the 80s, and a small girly boy

EDIT: The middle image is apparently shopped.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on July 19, 2012, 07:18:51 AM
It has to be.

I can see his eyebrows.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 01, 2012, 09:32:35 PM
New promo pic: https://i.imgur.com/Vc9m2.jpg

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on August 01, 2012, 10:42:17 PM
More like

Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: ariich on August 02, 2012, 12:37:31 AM
Every type of dalek ever!
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Sigz on August 02, 2012, 12:43:25 AM
My penis literally exploded when I saw that picture.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2012, 02:54:57 AM
Well, you'd better get ready to scrape the bloody mess that used to be your bollocks off the floor, too, because here's what it looks like moving!


Or, a direct link (which might stand a better chance of working stateside) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7YGoVyRSik (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7YGoVyRSik).

Footage from four of the next five episodes. Ep. 4's absent, strangely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: Implode on August 02, 2012, 07:54:47 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who & Torchwood
Post by: skydivingninja on August 02, 2012, 09:17:39 AM
My excitement level is through the roof.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2012, 09:19:36 AM
Word. And I don't think I've ever seen anything as downright creepy as that Weeping Angel blowing the match out. Chilling.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Nekov on August 02, 2012, 09:42:48 AM
I don't want to spoil myself. God dammit Rob!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2012, 05:21:16 PM
I don't want to spoil myself. God dammit Rob!
If it helps, I'd sincerely recommend that anyone who's spoiler-averse avoids that trailer. It's a fairly cool trailer, but I got very twitchy about the last scene. No idea how much it difference it'll make once I've seen the actual episode, but I get the impression it ruins the end of Episode 1.

So yeah, I think you've probably got the right idea. And hopefully, this'll make it easier to resist. Hopefully.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cecilia on August 02, 2012, 05:30:55 PM
I'm really excited for "the science of doctor who" on bbc this Saturday! We watched the nerdist comic con and comic con toys last week, and couldn't stop laughing.

Very excited for this series to start!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 09, 2012, 03:13:07 AM
Same! It feels like an aeon since the last series. As far as I'm aware, this has been the longest spell without any Doctor Who since the show came back. Believed to be August 25th, though, so if that's true there's not long left. Mark your calendars.

In the meantime - David Tennant interview! https://www.g4tv.com/videos/60187/david-tennant-talks-spies-of-warsaw-doctor-who/ Ostensibly for a new project, but they spend most of it talking about Doctor Who. Very funny. Didn't realise it, but I've missed David Tennant being on our screens.

More intriguing, though, is what Christopher Eccleston's been up to. A report from a National Theatre Q&A session, taken from Doctor Who News...

"In response to a question about whether he felt he'd taken the character as far as he could he (very tellingly) said he felt that one series isn't enough to get under the skin of the character and that if he'd had two or three series he'd have developed the role considerably. He said that if you looked at the other Doctors (with the exception of Tom Baker) you can see them working out how to play the character through their first series because it's such a complex and challenging role. He said several times that there was more for him to do with the character."

That's a huge about-turn from "Never bathe in the same river twice." I reckon he got a phone call.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on August 09, 2012, 07:34:09 AM
David Tennant on Attack of the Show?   :omg:

Awesome! And you're right, Eccleston's opinion has gone a complete 180.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Nekov on August 16, 2012, 10:44:05 AM
I can't believe I missed this

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on August 16, 2012, 01:08:53 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sketchy on August 16, 2012, 01:25:27 PM
Mind = Blown

Also: have they aired the episode yet where the set includes an old gothic university stairwell with a massive pendulum in the middle of it yet? (at least I hope they actually did decide to film there in the end).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 16, 2012, 03:34:31 PM
Mind = Blown

Also: have they aired the episode yet where the set includes an old gothic university stairwell with a massive pendulum in the middle of it yet? (at least I hope they actually did decide to film there in the end).
No idea! Could've done. Could be in the Beast Below or some such? They film a lot of episodes, on a lot of locations, some of which end up looking like they do in real life and others don't at all. When was it filmed?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on August 26, 2012, 07:05:09 AM
So Doctor Who is back next Saturday for both UK and USA.  Exciting!

Also two teasers for Asylum of the Daleks and a new trailer here.

Teaser 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMKZYnkFwmw&feature=plcp (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMKZYnkFwmw&feature=plcp)

Teaser 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPECCBoCn9o&feature=player_embedded (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPECCBoCn9o&feature=player_embedded)

Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNHEEZ_I74U&feature=plcp (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNHEEZ_I74U&feature=plcp)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 26, 2012, 11:15:51 AM
It's gonna be goooooooood!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on August 28, 2012, 02:02:37 PM
Random question: how do you guys feel about River Song?

Most people I talk to and I agree that her character went down the toilet in the last season.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Nekov on August 28, 2012, 02:11:36 PM
I'll agree there. The first time she showed up was very interesting but during the last season she got way too much involvement in the story.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on August 28, 2012, 02:22:09 PM
Not to mention that the romance is a bit hard to swollow. They only like each other because they've hinted to each other that they're supposed to.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Nekov on August 28, 2012, 02:47:22 PM
And also because they are both (Spoilers!!!!!) timelords. It's really too forced
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 28, 2012, 04:53:30 PM
I like River Song, I just feel her story in series 6 was a little... rushed? I'm sure there was a behind the scenes reason for it - most likely, they wanted to make sure they could tell all her stories while she was definitely available, and while Amy and Rory were still in the TARDIS too - but we've now seen her birth, her wedding, her death, her abduction, her training-and-defection in very quick succession, the reason she's in Stormcage - and then, in the series 6 extras (of all places!!) we see her last night, and her first night, and it's just too much, too fast. Loved her in series 5. Small revelations, building.

Everything they've done with her is great, and everything in series 6 is basically good - but like the series itself, she's less than the sum of her parts. Lots of nice ideas, and there's not a bad River Song episode, but they've been grafted together rather too hastily. Out of necessity, I presume, but she sort of lurches in and out of focus, and it's such a shame after the brilliant, clever, and very elegant series 5.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on August 28, 2012, 05:04:33 PM
I like River Song, I just feel her story in series 6 was a little... rushed? I'm sure there was a behind the scenes reason for it - most likely, they wanted to make sure they could tell all her stories while she was definitely available, and while Amy and Rory were still in the TARDIS too - but we've now seen her birth, her wedding, her death, her abduction, her training-and-defection in very quick succession, the reason she's in Stormcage - and then, in the series 6 extras (of all places!!) we see her last night, and her first night, and it's just too much, too fast. Loved her in series 5. Small revelations, building.

Everything they've done with her is great, and everything in series 6 is basically good - but like the series itself, she's less than the sum of her parts. Lots of nice ideas, and there's not a bad River Song episode, but they've been grafted together rather too hastily. Out of necessity, I presume, but she sort of lurches in and out of focus, and it's such a shame after the brilliant, clever, and very elegant series 5.

This is my biggest problem with last season.  "Let's Kill Hitler" and "The Wedding of River Song" felt WAY too forced in comparison to how "the Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon" and "A Good Man Goes to War" were structured, which was pretty damn near perfect, all the while still not concretely answering the question of "why blow up the TARDIS." :P

And I'm not a fan of that series 6 extra you mentioned.  The idea's great, but the last night thing felt forced, and also takes away a lot of River Song mystery and what made her cool, that she had a book of all the Doctor's faces so she'd know who he was no matter what regeneration.  It implied she knew a few more doctors than just 10 and 11, but now we know its just limited to 11 now.  I can understand why, since Moffat won't be showrunner when the 12th takes over, but they could have done it as part of Matt Smith's last episode or something if they needed too.  I dunno. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2012, 04:18:01 AM
(...) all the while still not concretely answering the question of "why blow up the TARDIS." :P
Oh, yeah! This is the one that really takes the cake. After series 5, it was our hook into the next series. But on the evidence so far, their motive for blowing up the TARDIS, and hence both this universe and every other universe that's ever existed, was... preventing the universe from ending when the question was answered? So to undoom themselves, they decided to... willingly doom themselves? No, doesn't make sense. Wish it did!

Although - the voice in the TARDIS said "Silence will fall" as it was sabotaging it - so it might've been a battle cry, rather than a warning. Rogue silent, then? If that's the case, though, they've not even pretended to explain it in the slightest.

Yeah - it's an orphaned plot thread! Loose end, and one hell of one. But ah well. These things happen. As I said, there's plenty of good in series 6, and if the Doctor landed here right now and told me I was one day going to write something as good as the Impossible Astronaut - or hell, even as good as the Wedding of River Song - I'd openly weep with joy. Good series, just... frustrating, for the kind of fan I am.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on August 29, 2012, 08:32:11 AM
Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon (are those the names?) are actually among my favorite episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2012, 08:42:40 AM
They are, and likewise! The Girl Who Waited is great, too. Loads of good eps in series 6. Only one real stinker. It's a perfectly fine watch! Never mistake the reservations for antipathy. Not an amazing series, but some stunning episodes. Great writing, great directing, great acting, great set design, great costume, great lighting, great SFX - wonderful stuff.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on August 29, 2012, 09:31:07 AM
Not to mention that the romance is a bit hard to swollow. They only like each other because they've hinted to each other that they're supposed to.

For better or worse, Moffat is quite fond of that sort of thing. He loves ontological paradoxes, so it suits him perfectly to have the Doctor and River have a romance strictly because they told each other they did before actually having the romance. Would they have had the romance if they hadn't ever hinted it to each other?

I did feel we got a little too much about River last year, but I do chalk that up to making certain they got it done while they had this particular cast together. It hurt the flow a bit, but its understandable on the logistical side.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 29, 2012, 03:26:51 PM
Introducing... series 7-A!





Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Fiery Winds on August 29, 2012, 05:45:58 PM
:caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine: :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 31, 2012, 05:25:32 AM
I like River Song, I just feel her story in series 6 was a little... rushed? I'm sure there was a behind the scenes reason for it - most likely, they wanted to make sure they could tell all her stories while she was definitely available, and while Amy and Rory were still in the TARDIS too - but we've now seen her birth, her wedding, her death, her abduction, her training-and-defection in very quick succession, the reason she's in Stormcage - and then, in the series 6 extras (of all places!!) we see her last night, and her first night, and it's just too much, too fast. Loved her in series 5. Small revelations, building.

Everything they've done with her is great, and everything in series 6 is basically good - but like the series itself, she's less than the sum of her parts. Lots of nice ideas, and there's not a bad River Song episode, but they've been grafted together rather too hastily. Out of necessity, I presume, but she sort of lurches in and out of focus, and it's such a shame after the brilliant, clever, and very elegant series 5.
These are basically my thoughts too. I love the character and what they've done with her, but it was definitely rushed in the second half of last series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on September 01, 2012, 09:22:39 AM
It's on in 3 hours! Eeeeeeee!!!!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 01, 2012, 09:36:12 AM
It's on in 3 hours! Eeeeeeee!!!!!
...Two hours forty-five!

It feels like years since Let's Kill Hitler. And even longer since The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe, for all the sense that doesn't make. There is no excuse. Thank god it's almost over..!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 01, 2012, 11:16:48 AM
ONE HOUR! And four minutes. I need something to do while I'm waiting for it to come on, so I'm thinking of working out my top six Dalek episodes. Feel free to join in.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sketchy on September 01, 2012, 11:21:37 AM
Tell me if a giant pendulum appears. I'll be cooking.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 01, 2012, 11:31:02 AM
Haha - I'll stay alert!

And in the meanwhile... top six dalek stories! New series only. I'll try for one every ten minutes, with 1. going up just before Asylum starts. And I'll edit this post rather than flood the thread.

6. The Stolen Earth

My feelings about this two-parter are so, so mixed. Because the thing is, I love part one to bits. It still doesn't quite feel like a real episode of Doctor Who - it's just this huge, giddy adrenaline rush that bypasses every single one of my critical faculties and drills right into my inner child. I'm not sure I'd ever stop rewatching it. The Stolen Earth, to my inner child, is more fun than Christmas.

But Journey's End... there are some good bits. More than a few, in fact. There's "Exterminieren!" I love "Exterminieren!" And I like how Davros is done, and Donna's exit, and all that jazz... but, oof. The problems. The botched regeneration, with the handy Doctor. Rose's muddled final goodbye. Doomsday was perfect. She didn't need that. It was fun once. And shunting the Daleks away, towing the Earth home - all too saccharine even for my deeply uncynical tastes. Could've been great, and the Daleks are fun and exciting in a way they don't always get to be, but Journey's End is the only black mark on the entirity of series 4, and for that reason I can't rank it higher. My inner child silently weeps.

5. The Parting of the Ways

This is the Dalek story I've most recently rewatched, and I genuinely did not remember it being that brilliant. Because it's properly fantastic, isn't it? Starts so facetious, but cracking fun regardless, and the Daleks are chilling in a way they never managed in subsequent series. The silent "EX-TER-MIN-ATE" - delicious!

I cannot imagine it aging well for a second. It feels a little out of date now, but hey, why not? Everything's going to age at some point - might as well embrace it! Future generations are going to love the 2005 kitsch. Heck, I already do. And I'm constantly surprised by how well the genre-switch works. By all rights, this should feel like two stories grafted into one, but Russell T Davies is, fortunately, a genius. I might not love it with the same vigour I'd love the later Dalek stories, but hey! This forged the template for the two-part finale. And so confidently. Strode right in there - Doctor Who like I'd never seen it. Like no-one had ever seen it. Great slice of Who, and I'd do well to remember that more often.

4. Victory of the Daleks

Poor Victory of the Daleks. I don't think the Doctor Who fanbase ever recovered. Brave new era, brave new Daleks - and all eyes were on this episode. Churchill, daleks... spitfires in space! And with the publicity, the hype, the eyestalks staring out of every single news-stand in the UK, it was never going to live up to the scrutiny. But that's fine! Despite all the kerfuffle, I'd say there's a lot to love about Victory of the Daleks.

Because I don't care about defusing the bombs with love.  I don't care about the implausibility of scratching up some spacecraft in the space of a couple of hours - they had prototypes, and Bracewell's Dalek technology! And I've never understood what everyone hates about the new paradigm daleks. When I think of this episode, I think of camouflaged Daleks skulking through corridors, I think of the claustrophobia of the mid-war bunkers, I think of Ian McShane's wonderful Winston Churchill, I think of "Would you like some tea," I think of the Doctor bluffing his way onto the Dalek mothership with a Jammie Dodger... and I'm afraid I can't find it in my heart to hate this one.

So don't worry, Victory. Some of us think you're just ace.

3. Army of Ghosts

Over time, I've fallen out of love with series two. What seemed fun at the time has been done better since, and it's the patchiest series the revival's produced. But the peaks, I'll always maintain, are among the show's best moments, and Army of Ghosts is possibly the best finale Russell T Davies ever wrote.

Because 2006 was probably the best time to be a Dalek. Even though they only featured in half of the story, I think of the Daleks before I think of the Cybermen. From the first second they appeared on screen, from that breathtaking cliffhanger, they stomped their authority all over the entire two-parter. It's all anyone could talk about. It's all I could talk about, certainly. I'm usually more of a Cyberman kind of guy, but there was nothing more exciting than watching the Cult of Skaro rise from the sphere and lay waste to the Cybermen's entire army.

Good, simple story, but fantastically told. It's exciting and heartbreaking and has all the right bits in all the right places. Most notably, a Cybermen v. Dalek bitch-fight. Which, for all their superior firepower, I fear the Cult may have found themselves on the losing side of.

"Daaaaaa-leks have no concept of elegance!"
"This is obvious."


2. The Pandorica Opens

We're working to a fairly loose definition of "Dalek episode," here, but the Pandorica Opens is an impeccable story. The stone Dalek is just one masterstroke among many - but that doesn't make him (or her, come to think of it!) any less of a masterstroke. On paper, he should just be a cattle-prod, a device to keep up the urgency, keep the characters moving from room to room, but the design, the personality, the never-ending hatred even in the face of the end of all things... oh, he's good, isn't he?

And though this is the second series finale in a row that the Doctor gets exterminated by a Dalek, for some reason it seems to have more impact this time. In the Stolen Earth, the extermination was just plain exciting. There was a momentary gasp, but we moved straight on to the regeneration, and after that it was very hard to care. But this Dalek? He gives us the breezy "twelve minutes to live" speech, he gives us the Doctor, agonised, dying in the Pandorica, he gives us "geronimo," he gives Auton-Rory a chance to redeem himself, and most importantly, he gives us that chat between Amy and the Doctor. Wait, no, not THAT one, the other one - where the Doctor's shackled in, and Matt and Karen are just sat there, acting their hearts out. The Daleks are so often engines of hate that it's easy to overlook that they can sometimes, just occasionally, be engines of love.

1. Dalek

I'm going to level with you. I didn't like Dalek the first time I saw it. And you know? I think I stand by that initial reaction. It was my first time meeting a Dalek, and I was bracing myself for this terrifying monstrosity. This eldritch creature of pure, visceral hatred. And forty-five minutes later, the credits rolled and I'd watched... the Dalek who learned to love! It was 2005, I was fifteen, how rubbish was that? I wanted explosions!

But in retrospect, it all locks in. Now that I know what the Daleks are about, now that I know them, and I understand the enormity of the story, it's all locked in. Context helped so much - Chris Eccleston's (superb!) speech didn't mean much to me when the Dalek was a stranger, but now that I know them I can see the 900 years of mutual loathing looming over the characters' heads, and it's truly, really astonishing. I hate that the first episode is their best, I hate being that hipster who insists that the early stuff's where it's really at... but hey! This is the one to beat.

So, from one 2012 episode to another... let's see if this is the time!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on September 01, 2012, 11:41:32 AM
Awesome start to the list! I just have to wait for a download. :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 01, 2012, 12:20:42 PM

7:20 precisely! Some rubbish blurbs - bit hasty, a lot of that, not much time to think, but there we go.

And now the computer goes off. Happy watching, kids!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on September 01, 2012, 12:33:13 PM
I might agree with you that Dalek is the best Dalek episode. It's really the only episode where I was afraid of the Dalek. I thought it was actually dangerous and unstoppable. Every other episode I thought that they weren't really shown to be that much of a threat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: E.S. on September 01, 2012, 01:24:01 PM
Oh, a Who thread here too.

Just watched Asylum, and I won't spoil anything, but.. Whoa!  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on September 01, 2012, 05:59:55 PM
That was excellent  :laugh:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 01, 2012, 07:14:27 PM
I didn't even process the "holy fuck!!" moment. My brother noticed first. "Is that...?"

A full five or six seconds later, "...holy fuck!!!"

Although, it feels ridiculous to call it "the" holy fuck moment, given the sheer number of them. Putting Demon's Run to one side, and without giving anything away whatsoever... a Dalek!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on September 01, 2012, 07:32:39 PM

I'm really curious how the new companion is gonna be tied in now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 01, 2012, 07:55:37 PM
MORE HUGE, HUGE SPOILERS FOR ASYLUM FOLLOW. DON'T BOTHER READING. STOP. STOP NOW. I've made the font illegible, but I still do not want anyone getting this wrong. If you keep reading, you're doing it to yourself.


I'm really curious how the new companion is gonna be tied in now.
Response in unreadably tiny letters to the right --

Well, this is clearly both of their first meetings! Barring the possibility of mind-fiddling and the Doctor lying, both of which would be plenty foreshadowed... but she's dead! And she's a Dalek!

The new companion is a Dalek. What the fuck. How is that a sentence!?!

Can we all agree, right now, that this is the weirdest episode of Doctor Who to date? Bloody love it, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on September 01, 2012, 10:15:59 PM

Yeah, I'm just trying to sort it all out. I mean, it's clearly her - her name is Oswin, they said the companion's name is Clara Oswin. But how is she gonna get from Dalek/dead -> human? I mean, there's no way The Doctor's gonna go touring around with a Dalek (at least, I hope not, cause that voice for 7+ episodes would slay me).

My first thought was that she survives the blast and-being a genius-works out some way to get back into human form. That doesn't seem very likely though. An interesting thought I heard was that The Doctor ends up saving her ship before she crashes, thus saving her and also returning The Daleks to their normal Doctor-hating selves. I like that theory in some ways, but it still doesn't feel right. Neither one feels very christmas-y either, which is something to be considered.

Basically, I have no idea what to expect, but I'm really excited.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on September 01, 2012, 11:24:28 PM

From the way she spoke and the subtle hints she gave (calling The Doctor a 'clever boy' despite him not doing anything that clever in the episode and taking the time to mention "she didn't know him" in an almost ironic way) I'm thinking it could be another River Song kind of deal, having her in the Dalek-form already having met the Doctor in her past, but the Doctor not having met her yet. I'm not sure though. Hoping it's something different and more climatic.

In either case, awesome episode, interested in seeing where the "Doctor who?" storyline goes from here.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: E.S. on September 02, 2012, 02:08:47 AM
Certainly lots of surprises in this one. I spent 50 minutes going "What the.. but how... oh right.. no wait.. Whaaaat?? Brilliant!
What a way to start the new series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 02, 2012, 04:44:31 AM

From some of the shots, as far as I can tell she's still in completely human form inside the dalek frame, right? They turned her into a dalek mentally and put her in the frame - so, if she can get her mind back and climb out, there's no reason she couldn't be human again. Either way, I'm excited to find out!

In general, that was an awesome episode, definitely the best dalek one since Dalek, maybe even better, hard to decide at this stage.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on September 02, 2012, 05:04:32 PM
Should I still be using small text? Spoilers below.

Skaro was destroyed. How was he on there?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 02, 2012, 06:21:56 PM
I think we're far enough past the posts with big, fat spoiler warnings that nobody's gonna be reading this - but I do like to be cautious.

Nevertheless, Skaro burned. Didn't necessarily blow up! And that's not even a spoiler, come to think of it, because I've said nothing we haven't known since series 2. q:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on September 02, 2012, 06:55:22 PM
I guess so.

I guess the episode just didn't do a lot for me. I'm trying to figure out why.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on September 07, 2012, 08:53:49 PM
Tomorrow! :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 08, 2012, 06:47:44 AM
Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!!

Featuring, among others, David Bradley, Rupert Graves, Mark Williams, David Mitchell and Robert Webb. That's a hell of a cast. The latter of whom has a bloody superb taste in names, I might add.

It's going to be excellent.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on September 08, 2012, 07:29:42 AM
The only thing I didn't like about Asylum was

Rory and Amy's problems.  Amy "gave Rory up" because she's infertile now, its this thing both of them are sad about...so they're angry and pissy at each other in the time between Pond Life 5 and Asylum?  Their attitude at the beginning is a little hard to swallow.  Plus it was handled way too quickly, I guess Steven Moffat seems to love cramming as much in as possible into episodes now.  Which is great when he has space to do it!

As for the Oswin moment, I'm thinking its either a River Song deal or the new companion is an ancestor of Oswin, the way that Gwen Cooper is hinted to be a descendant of the girl from The Unquiet Dead, Amy loves Romans (she was in Fires of Pompeii), and Martha and her cousin look exactly alike.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on September 08, 2012, 07:40:07 AM
I'm a time traveler, I point and laugh at archaeologists.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 08, 2012, 07:51:17 AM
The only thing I didn't like about Asylum was

Rory and Amy's problems.  Amy "gave Rory up" because she's infertile now, its this thing both of them are sad about...so they're angry and pissy at each other in the time between Pond Life 5 and Asylum?  Their attitude at the beginning is a little hard to swallow.  Plus it was handled way too quickly, I guess Steven Moffat seems to love cramming as much in as possible into episodes now.  Which is great when he has space to do it!

As for the Oswin moment, I'm thinking its either a River Song deal or the new companion is an ancestor of Oswin, the way that Gwen Cooper is hinted to be a descendant of the girl from The Unquiet Dead, Amy loves Romans (she was in Fires of Pompeii), and Martha and her cousin look exactly alike.

My guess, WRT Oswin --

This is the end of Oswin's timeline. The very end. She gets Dalekified, and then blown to smithereens. That's what happens, that's how she dies, that's what history shows. That's the true, proper end - so when the Doctor picks her up, she'll be much earlier in her timeline.

One day, at the very end of her life, the Doctor will have an option. She'll be off, ready to see the universe for herself. Ready to board the Alaska, and the Doctor's not saying a thing. But from there, he can choose one of two options.

First, he can let her go. She will crash-land on the Dalek Asylum, she will get slowly and brutally turned into a Dalek, she will die a horrible death, and history will be absolute.

His other option, is that he can save her. Warn her, reveal everything, tell her exactly what's going to happen. The cost, of course, being that she will never have met him at the Asylum, and she will never have wiped the Daleks' minds. He could save his companion but doom the universe. Because silence will fall when the question is answered.

"Doctor Who?"

I'm a time traveler, I point and laugh at archaeologists.

Hahaha - yes! David Tennant is brilliant in every single way and words won't bring him down.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on September 08, 2012, 01:23:57 PM
Mitchell and Webb <3
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on September 08, 2012, 03:02:08 PM
That was wonderful. :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on September 08, 2012, 08:01:09 PM
That was awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on September 08, 2012, 08:06:14 PM
That was a fun episode. Pretty uncharacteristic of the Doctor to just kill the guy in cold blood though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on September 08, 2012, 08:22:16 PM
That was a fun episode. Pretty uncharacteristic of the Doctor to just kill the guy in cold blood though.

I keep hearing people say that, but it's really not. I mean, bear in mind this is the same doctor who basically orchestrated the genocide of an entire race (The Silence), just in the previous episode blew up a dozen Daleks, was implied to be fighting Silence with spears in the episode before that, destroyed a fuckton of ships in the Cyberman's fleet just as 'a message' in A Good Man Goes to War, etc. etc.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on September 08, 2012, 08:58:31 PM
But I think it's different. Yeah, this guy was bad, but he wasn't a fate of the world/universe type deal. He was scum, but not arc villain bad. I can understand killing an army of beings whose main purpose is to destroy the Earth/time/whatever. But he wouldn't even kill the Master before.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 08, 2012, 11:34:30 PM
"Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" was pretty cool, definitely one that held my attention for the entire thing. The only thing I wondered is, how are they going to tie that in to the rest of the series? Unless Solomon somehow survives and becomes the main villain of the series, I don't know how it will fit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Fiery Winds on September 08, 2012, 11:44:21 PM
"Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" was pretty cool, definitely one that held my attention for the entire thing. The only thing I wondered is, how are they going to tie that in to the rest of the series? Unless Solomon somehow survives and becomes the main villain of the series, I don't know how it will fit.

Most of these are standalone "film-type" episodes, not a season long arc.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on September 09, 2012, 12:21:38 AM
Yeah, from what I understand there really isn't a main arc for this season. And I'm completely okay with that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on September 09, 2012, 12:43:03 AM
I really enjoyed that episode. I huge step up from he last one imo.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 09, 2012, 03:53:40 AM
But I think it's different. Yeah, this guy was bad, but he wasn't a fate of the world/universe type deal. He was scum, but not arc villain bad. I can understand killing an army of beings whose main purpose is to destroy the Earth/time/whatever. But he wouldn't even kill the Master before.
"Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" was pretty cool, definitely one that held my attention for the entire thing. The only thing I wondered is, how are they going to tie that in to the rest of the series? Unless Solomon somehow survives and becomes the main villain of the series, I don't know how it will fit.
Funnily enough, we might be able to tie these two questions together by the end of next week...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 09, 2012, 04:03:03 AM
In other news, it looks like Steven Moffat's deleted his Twitter.

Can't blame him. The second I saw my "Following" drop I knew who it'd be. So many self-righteous self-absorbed fucks who insist on telling him everything he's doing wrong by making a list of every way he's not pandering towards their utopian ideal. Hate to fall back on a cliché, (and yes, "fall back on a cliché" is itself a cliché,) but this is why we can't have nice things.

Sample tweet, came straight up when I searched "Steven Moffat" -

"@steven_moffat Do you not see the point in addressing negative feedback? Are we one homogenous lump of Crazy Ladies Thinking Too Much?"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 09, 2012, 07:28:25 AM
"Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" was pretty cool, definitely one that held my attention for the entire thing. The only thing I wondered is, how are they going to tie that in to the rest of the series? Unless Solomon somehow survives and becomes the main villain of the series, I don't know how it will fit.

Most of these are standalone "film-type" episodes, not a season long arc.
But there's got to be a season arc, there's always a season arc.  :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 09, 2012, 07:42:51 AM
Again - watch this space!

Next week's episode is A Town Called Mercy. In Steven Moffat's words --
This isn't a promise - I don't know anything more than you do - but wasn't the Doctor very conspicuously merciless this week? It's all a rich tapestry.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on September 09, 2012, 07:45:33 AM
The only thing I didn't like about Asylum was

Rory and Amy's problems.  Amy "gave Rory up" because she's infertile now, its this thing both of them are sad about...so they're angry and pissy at each other in the time between Pond Life 5 and Asylum?  Their attitude at the beginning is a little hard to swallow.  Plus it was handled way too quickly, I guess Steven Moffat seems to love cramming as much in as possible into episodes now.  Which is great when he has space to do it!

As for the Oswin moment, I'm thinking its either a River Song deal or the new companion is an ancestor of Oswin, the way that Gwen Cooper is hinted to be a descendant of the girl from The Unquiet Dead, Amy loves Romans (she was in Fires of Pompeii), and Martha and her cousin look exactly alike.

My guess, WRT Oswin --

This is the end of Oswin's timeline. The very end. She gets Dalekified, and then blown to smithereens. That's what happens, that's how she dies, that's what history shows. That's the true, proper end - so when the Doctor picks her up, she'll be much earlier in her timeline.

One day, at the very end of her life, the Doctor will have an option. She'll be off, ready to see the universe for herself. Ready to board the Alaska, and the Doctor's not saying a thing. But from there, he can choose one of two options.

First, he can let her go. She will crash-land on the Dalek Asylum, she will get slowly and brutally turned into a Dalek, she will die a horrible death, and history will be absolute.

His other option, is that he can save her. Warn her, reveal everything, tell her exactly what's going to happen. The cost, of course, being that she will never have met him at the Asylum, and she will never have wiped the Daleks' minds. He could save his companion but doom the universe. Because silence will fall when the question is answered.

"Doctor Who?"

I figured that out when I said "River Song deal," but for some reason I never considered the Doctor trying to save somebody he saw die already, especially after his "a God am I" moment on Mars.  The choice is interesting though.  I would like to see the Daleks have their memories of the Doctor back.  But how would the universe be doomed?  He wouldn't actually answer the question, would he?

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 09, 2012, 07:55:34 AM
The only thing I didn't like about Asylum was

Rory and Amy's problems.  Amy "gave Rory up" because she's infertile now, its this thing both of them are sad about...so they're angry and pissy at each other in the time between Pond Life 5 and Asylum?  Their attitude at the beginning is a little hard to swallow.  Plus it was handled way too quickly, I guess Steven Moffat seems to love cramming as much in as possible into episodes now.  Which is great when he has space to do it!

As for the Oswin moment, I'm thinking its either a River Song deal or the new companion is an ancestor of Oswin, the way that Gwen Cooper is hinted to be a descendant of the girl from The Unquiet Dead, Amy loves Romans (she was in Fires of Pompeii), and Martha and her cousin look exactly alike.

My guess, WRT Oswin --

This is the end of Oswin's timeline. The very end. She gets Dalekified, and then blown to smithereens. That's what happens, that's how she dies, that's what history shows. That's the true, proper end - so when the Doctor picks her up, she'll be much earlier in her timeline.

One day, at the very end of her life, the Doctor will have an option. She'll be off, ready to see the universe for herself. Ready to board the Alaska, and the Doctor's not saying a thing. But from there, he can choose one of two options.

First, he can let her go. She will crash-land on the Dalek Asylum, she will get slowly and brutally turned into a Dalek, she will die a horrible death, and history will be absolute.

His other option, is that he can save her. Warn her, reveal everything, tell her exactly what's going to happen. The cost, of course, being that she will never have met him at the Asylum, and she will never have wiped the Daleks' minds. He could save his companion but doom the universe. Because silence will fall when the question is answered.

"Doctor Who?"
I figured that out when I said "River Song deal," but for some reason I never considered the Doctor trying to save somebody he saw die already, especially after his "a God am I" moment on Mars.  The choice is interesting though.  I would like to see the Daleks have their memories of the Doctor back.  But how would the universe be doomed?  He wouldn't actually answer the question, would he?
Well, a clever thing that they've done almost invisibly, is that Asylum of the Daleks quite subtly shifted the nature of the question. The question "Doctor Who" is no longer as banal as "What is the Doctor's name?" It's now "Who is this strange man who waltzes so freely across time and space?" Reinforced in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - the universe has forgotten. And it's better off not knowing. If the Daleks found out he was their sworn enemy, a man they would tear the universe apart to kill... well! Who knows what the consequences might be? Don't get me wrong, they're frustrated little tyrants either way, but a tyrant with a cause is that much more dangerous.

The moment the Daleks find out, the moment the Daleks remember who he is, the question has been answered. His name isn't what might doom the universe, it's his identity.

Or that's how I see it, anyway! Watch 2013 roll on and expose this entire post as nonsense. q:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on September 09, 2012, 11:15:11 AM
That's what I was thinking too, Rob. It makes me feel a lot better about the question already.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on September 09, 2012, 11:37:36 AM
The only thing I didn't like about Asylum was

Rory and Amy's problems.  Amy "gave Rory up" because she's infertile now, its this thing both of them are sad about...so they're angry and pissy at each other in the time between Pond Life 5 and Asylum?  Their attitude at the beginning is a little hard to swallow.  Plus it was handled way too quickly, I guess Steven Moffat seems to love cramming as much in as possible into episodes now.  Which is great when he has space to do it!

As for the Oswin moment, I'm thinking its either a River Song deal or the new companion is an ancestor of Oswin, the way that Gwen Cooper is hinted to be a descendant of the girl from The Unquiet Dead, Amy loves Romans (she was in Fires of Pompeii), and Martha and her cousin look exactly alike.

My guess, WRT Oswin --

This is the end of Oswin's timeline. The very end. She gets Dalekified, and then blown to smithereens. That's what happens, that's how she dies, that's what history shows. That's the true, proper end - so when the Doctor picks her up, she'll be much earlier in her timeline.

One day, at the very end of her life, the Doctor will have an option. She'll be off, ready to see the universe for herself. Ready to board the Alaska, and the Doctor's not saying a thing. But from there, he can choose one of two options.

First, he can let her go. She will crash-land on the Dalek Asylum, she will get slowly and brutally turned into a Dalek, she will die a horrible death, and history will be absolute.

His other option, is that he can save her. Warn her, reveal everything, tell her exactly what's going to happen. The cost, of course, being that she will never have met him at the Asylum, and she will never have wiped the Daleks' minds. He could save his companion but doom the universe. Because silence will fall when the question is answered.

"Doctor Who?"
I figured that out when I said "River Song deal," but for some reason I never considered the Doctor trying to save somebody he saw die already, especially after his "a God am I" moment on Mars.  The choice is interesting though.  I would like to see the Daleks have their memories of the Doctor back.  But how would the universe be doomed?  He wouldn't actually answer the question, would he?
Well, a clever thing that they've done almost invisibly, is that Asylum of the Daleks quite subtly shifted the nature of the question. The question "Doctor Who" is no longer as banal as "What is the Doctor's name?" It's now "Who is this strange man who waltzes so freely across time and space?" Reinforced in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - the universe has forgotten. And it's better off not knowing. If the Daleks found out he was their sworn enemy, a man they would tear the universe apart to kill... well! Who knows what the consequences might be? Don't get me wrong, they're frustrated little tyrants either way, but a tyrant with a cause is that much more dangerous.

The moment the Daleks find out, the moment the Daleks remember who he is, the question has been answered. His name isn't what might doom the universe, it's his identity.

Or that's how I see it, anyway! Watch 2013 roll on and expose this entire post as nonsense. q:

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on September 09, 2012, 12:42:04 PM
The only thing I didn't like about Asylum was

Rory and Amy's problems.  Amy "gave Rory up" because she's infertile now, its this thing both of them are sad about...so they're angry and pissy at each other in the time between Pond Life 5 and Asylum?  Their attitude at the beginning is a little hard to swallow.  Plus it was handled way too quickly, I guess Steven Moffat seems to love cramming as much in as possible into episodes now.  Which is great when he has space to do it!

As for the Oswin moment, I'm thinking its either a River Song deal or the new companion is an ancestor of Oswin, the way that Gwen Cooper is hinted to be a descendant of the girl from The Unquiet Dead, Amy loves Romans (she was in Fires of Pompeii), and Martha and her cousin look exactly alike.

My guess, WRT Oswin --

This is the end of Oswin's timeline. The very end. She gets Dalekified, and then blown to smithereens. That's what happens, that's how she dies, that's what history shows. That's the true, proper end - so when the Doctor picks her up, she'll be much earlier in her timeline.

One day, at the very end of her life, the Doctor will have an option. She'll be off, ready to see the universe for herself. Ready to board the Alaska, and the Doctor's not saying a thing. But from there, he can choose one of two options.

First, he can let her go. She will crash-land on the Dalek Asylum, she will get slowly and brutally turned into a Dalek, she will die a horrible death, and history will be absolute.

His other option, is that he can save her. Warn her, reveal everything, tell her exactly what's going to happen. The cost, of course, being that she will never have met him at the Asylum, and she will never have wiped the Daleks' minds. He could save his companion but doom the universe. Because silence will fall when the question is answered.

"Doctor Who?"
I figured that out when I said "River Song deal," but for some reason I never considered the Doctor trying to save somebody he saw die already, especially after his "a God am I" moment on Mars.  The choice is interesting though.  I would like to see the Daleks have their memories of the Doctor back.  But how would the universe be doomed?  He wouldn't actually answer the question, would he?
Well, a clever thing that they've done almost invisibly, is that Asylum of the Daleks quite subtly shifted the nature of the question. The question "Doctor Who" is no longer as banal as "What is the Doctor's name?" It's now "Who is this strange man who waltzes so freely across time and space?" Reinforced in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - the universe has forgotten. And it's better off not knowing. If the Daleks found out he was their sworn enemy, a man they would tear the universe apart to kill... well! Who knows what the consequences might be? Don't get me wrong, they're frustrated little tyrants either way, but a tyrant with a cause is that much more dangerous.

The moment the Daleks find out, the moment the Daleks remember who he is, the question has been answered. His name isn't what might doom the universe, it's his identity.

Or that's how I see it, anyway! Watch 2013 roll on and expose this entire post as nonsense. q:

aaaah that makes sense too!

So this last episode was pretty amazing.  That one controversial thing shouldn't be that controversial, given all the stuff the Doctor's done both in old and new Who.  Maybe it wasn't a fate of the world deal, but like Donna said, "I think you need someone to stop you."  No one else was with the Doctor, and Filch just wouldn't give up.  I also really REALLY liked how useful Rory and Amy were as companions.  Its probably the most capable/clever they've been as companions. 

Also, someone on Reddit pointed out that Nefertiti disappeared from historical record!  Had no idea and it was really bugging me until I saw that.  I love it when they do that, the way they did with Agatha Christie.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kosmo on September 09, 2012, 11:41:02 PM
I wasn't even aware that the season started! That means two episodes today. :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 10, 2012, 05:55:16 AM
I wasn't even aware that the season started! That means two episodes today. :caffeine:
Yes, yes it does! Watch! And report back!

So this last episode was pretty amazing.  That one controversial thing shouldn't be that controversial, given all the stuff the Doctor's done both in old and new Who.  Maybe it wasn't a fate of the world deal, but like Donna said, "I think you need someone to stop you."  No one else was with the Doctor, and Filch just wouldn't give up.  I also really REALLY liked how useful Rory and Amy were as companions.  Its probably the most capable/clever they've been as companions. 

Also, someone on Reddit pointed out that Nefertiti disappeared from historical record!  Had no idea and it was really bugging me until I saw that.  I love it when they do that, the way they did with Agatha Christie.
Agreed, entirely, with the first bit. Every word. We know how ruthless the Doctor can be, we know why the good man needs so many rules, and we know what he's like when he's travelling - as he is this series! - without a companion. And yes, Rory and Amy were excellent. And Amy got to be the Doctor! Brilliant, loved it.

Reddit - snazzy. That's brilliant. Yes, love stuff like that. And the self-restraint not to make a big point of it! Just to let it happen. Although, I didn't think Neffy and Riddell were that right for each other. Didn't really see Riddell's redeeming features (though he was an ace character) but who cares?! It was nice. I still smiled.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on September 10, 2012, 06:36:52 AM
Just wondering, why are we posting speculation on episodes that have already aired and are readily available in spoiler text?  :lol Not like the old days where North America got Who six months to a year later, after all.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on September 10, 2012, 06:45:55 AM
Just in case! I know that anyone who clicks the thread but hasn't seen the new series has kind of brought it on themselves, but I also know how easy it is to do, and if anyone does read a plot point you can't get that ignorance back. You will always know.

Plus, there are people like Kosmo, three posts back, who didn't even realise there was a new series on! It's not necessary, you're right, but it does help.

For what it's worth, I've been posting slightly bigger spoiler text than usual. 4pt is legible. Might be a screen resolution thing, but I don't have to copy and paste this to read it. Just squint a bit.

What I could do instead, though, to save our copy and paste keys, is change the thread title after each episode? Like so...
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: robwebster on September 10, 2012, 06:50:21 AM
There we go. I think that's clear. And tidy. I hate it when thread titles get filled with exclamation marks and clauses and quips and the letter "v." Everyone knows where we're up to, everyone knows if they've not seen the episode yet, and we can beef the font size up a bit. Sorted.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: theseoafs on September 10, 2012, 01:23:17 PM
Yo Rob!

I've never seen Doctor Who, but I saw this status posted on Facebook and wanted to get your thoughts.

"I'm just going to put this out there: after careful discussion with Bobby Huggins, we've determined that Futurama does a funnier, more sentimental, and better job of exploring the possibilities of space/time/science than Dr. Who."
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: robwebster on September 10, 2012, 03:25:37 PM
Yo Rob!

I've never seen Doctor Who, but I saw this status posted on Facebook and wanted to get your thoughts.

"I'm just going to put this out there: after careful discussion with Bobby Huggins, we've determined that Futurama does a funnier, more sentimental, and better job of exploring the possibilities of space/time/science than Dr. Who."
I think there's a certain truth to that!

Doctor Who is science fiction with a heavy dose of fiction - frankly, it's closer to science fantasy. You'd never get an episode of Doctor Who like The Prisoner of Benda, never any solutions based on mathematical proofs or on hard scientific concepts. Ideas, sure. The Weeping Angels are quantum locked, interesting idea, but at their core they're pure fantasy.

At the same time, though, the quality of writing on Doctor Who is, I'd say, signifiantly better. Futurama's lauded for its touching bits, and rightfully so, but they're the exception, rather than the rule. One thing that's been increasingly bugging me about Futurama is the dialogue. People will state what they're feeling - sometimes as a joke, but more often as a short hand. It's very much "Here's what we're doing, and bugger the rest."

The main thing, though, is that Doctor Who can be absolutely anything and everything it wants to be. It can be a murder mystery, it can be an action thriller, it can be body-horror, it can be a spaghetti western, it can be a one-act play, it can be a character study. The same's true of Futurama, to an extent, but it's more natural to the Doctor Who format. And, honestly, it does it better. When Futurama is on form, it's absolutely cracking, but Doctor Who is frequently sadder than Jurassic Bark, funnier than Roswell That Ends Well, and scarier than... I dunno, the Honking? And sometimes, all in one episode.

I'd say that Futurama's good comedy, with a bit extra. Doctor Who's good telly. Love both, but there's a reason Doctor Who's my favourite.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: theseoafs on September 10, 2012, 04:28:37 PM
Doctor Who is frequently sadder than Jurassic Bark

Now that, I find hard to believe. :lol  But thanks for your thoughts, buddy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: Implode on September 10, 2012, 04:55:52 PM
I've only seen parts of Jurassic Bark and oh man it looks sad. But DW has also had me in tears. It has some of the saddest stuff I've ever seen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: skydivingninja on September 10, 2012, 10:02:00 PM
Doctor Who is frequently sadder than Jurassic Bark

I was with you until this.  Futurama holds the ultimate tear-jerker prize in my book. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 10, 2012, 10:13:37 PM
But DW has also had me in tears. It has some of the saddest stuff I've ever seen.
I almost cried when The Master died at the end of series 3, and he was the bad guy!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: Implode on September 10, 2012, 10:18:12 PM
That, Doomsday, and End of Time.  :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: Super Dude on September 10, 2012, 10:35:43 PM
Eh, Jurassic Bark was sadder. That doesn't bear on how awesome a series Doctor Who is, just calling it as I sees it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: robwebster on September 11, 2012, 04:10:15 AM
Doctor Who is frequently sadder than Jurassic Bark

I was with you until this.  Futurama holds the ultimate tear-jerker prize in my book.
Eh, Jurassic Bark was sadder. That doesn't bear on how awesome a series Doctor Who is, just calling it as I sees it.
Alright - cram in a "debatably!" Seems appropriate, seeing as we're debating it. Or, I could revise the line to --

:: Doctor Who is frequently more emotional than Jurassic Bark, wittier than Roswell That Ends Well, and scarier than... I dunno, the Honking?

I think "witty" is a better representation of what Doctor Who does, too, so it's possible that I wrote that line in a hurry.

Either way, why compete? They're both great! And frankly, neither's treading on the other's toes. Sure, you can learn more about the universe while you watch Futurama - but you can learn more about business by watching Dragon's Den! Doesn't make it better, just different. That's the point of having multiple programmes. If there was room for all of those things in one programme, there'd be one show called "TV," that ran for 24 hours a day, and we'd all sit there glued to it. Futurama and Doctor Who are both good writing of very different kinds. If I want a laugh, I stick on Futurama, but at its best it's so much more than just a laugh. If I want an adventure, I stick on Doctor Who, but at its best it's so much more than just an adventure. Brilliant shows, largely brilliantly written, talented actors, wonderful characters, similar in settings and scope (they both did the space-Titanic - and Futurama did it a lot better, actually!) - world's richer for both of them, and they both do things the other couldn't dream of. Just fourteen series of quality programming.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: Heretic on September 13, 2012, 09:16:43 AM
Blink is on BBCAmerica right now! <3
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: Heretic on September 15, 2012, 07:52:30 PM
woah woah woah

why isn't this topic currently active?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: skydivingninja on September 15, 2012, 10:19:20 PM
Another great episode from Toby Whithouse!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: robwebster on September 16, 2012, 05:14:23 AM
I've never been as huge a fan of Toby as everyone else seems to be. Didn't much like School Reunion, and The God Complex was just pretty good. Good characters, good visuals, but a bit of a rubbish resolution.

But this ep was class. Loved it. Apparently it's been fairly polarising, but I can't think why. Beautiful ep, great characters, wonderful dilemma at the heart of it, and it feels like a story I've never seen Doctor Who do. Really stupendous.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 16, 2012, 08:45:22 AM
woah woah woah
woah woah woah

woah woah YAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Sigz on September 16, 2012, 09:52:23 AM
It was an alright episode, considering the plot I feel like it should have had more of an impact than it did. Maybe I just need to rewatch it.

Also, some common threads:

*References to christmas in every episode
*Lightbulbs: flickering lights in eps 1 & 3, changing lightbulbs in Pond life and 2 - Weeping Angels make lightbulbs flicker/go out.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Implode on September 16, 2012, 10:15:26 AM
Yeah. Someone is obsessed with Christmas in DW. I thought it was okay. It was an interesting exercise in morality, though sometimes I wasn't quite sure what the other doctor was trying to accomplish when he was talking to the Doctor that night in the cell. Over all it was enjoyable. Not as good as the second, but still better than the first.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: alirocker08 on September 16, 2012, 10:41:50 AM
Caught up after missing it last night.

Not my favourite episode out of the three so far, but good in it's own right

But the car alarm joke was great!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: robwebster on September 16, 2012, 04:58:23 PM
Arg - lukewarm on here, too, then! That's fine. Don't worry, Mercy. I love you for who you are.

On a much broader note, has anyone picked up on this, yet? Just been to iPlayer to take some screencaps. Each taken at roughly the same point in the title sequence - you can tell by the positioning of the TARDIS.




How ominous is this?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Heretic on September 16, 2012, 06:08:04 PM
So it's...getting darker?

I liked the episode, particularly the conversation between the Doctor and the town doctor, it was interesting. I was thinking he would mention something about all the Time Lords he killed when the town doctor mentioned having to carry the weight of all the souls he'd murdered when he reached the afterlife.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 16, 2012, 07:00:18 PM
We are seeing a much darker side of The Doctor lately. First he blows up a bunch of daleks, then he locks missiles onto an old man, and now he's used a gun.... This could be either very cool or very bad. I'm hoping for the best though!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: robwebster on September 16, 2012, 08:00:56 PM
So it's...getting darker?
Yep! Vortex gets darker week on week. Building, possibly, to a pitch black vortex week five?

I liked the episode, particularly the conversation between the Doctor and the town doctor, it was interesting. I was thinking he would mention something about all the Time Lords he killed when the town doctor mentioned having to carry the weight of all the souls he'd murdered when he reached the afterlife.
I thought that, too - but his expression said it all. The right choice. Matt Smith's a hell of an actor. Getting noticably scarier this series, too, as Cedar says.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Implode on September 16, 2012, 09:55:02 PM
If there's one thing that hasn't gotten worse over the last few seasons, it's Matt Smith's acting. He a beautiful Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 16, 2012, 10:21:51 PM
Yep! Vortex gets darker week on week. Building, possibly, to a pitch black vortex week five?

That would be epic, especially considering that the weeping angels are set to appear.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Nekov on September 17, 2012, 06:47:10 PM
Just finished watching the episode. It was meh but I do get that the Doctor is getting a lot darker and as some people said it could be really good or really bad. Maybe leading to a new companion?
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 17, 2012, 10:11:48 PM
Just finished watching the episode. It was meh but I do get that the Doctor is getting a lot darker and as some people said it could be really good or really bad. Maybe leading to a new companion?
Definitely leading to a new companion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: ariich on September 18, 2012, 12:29:44 AM
I'm really surprised at people calling the latest episode "meh", I thought it was fantastic.

I'm also surprised at the general preference on here for the second episode. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was terrific fun, but it was just a bit of a silly romp and didn't have much to it. The first and third eps have been far superior in my opinion.

Anyway really enjoying the series so far. A nice return to the series 1-5 approach of opening the series with unconnected stories but subtly sewing the seeds of the story arc, which in this case seems to be about the Doctor getting darker and caring less about his morals, and also exploring who he really is. The first episode had the whole "Doctor Who" thing, in the second the pirate guy thought he was a medical doctor, and in the third he met another doctor of sorts. Interesting to see if this trend continues. As much as I loved the first half of series 6 and the way it went full on story arc, the second half didn't seem to really hold together as well as when they've built it up more slowly.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Sigz on September 18, 2012, 01:12:54 AM
For me it definitely goes 1 > 2 > 3.

It's just a matter of execution. Mercy had all the ingredients of a brilliant episode, but they were raw and unmixed - in the end, it just felt weird. Dinosaurs, on the other hand, had all the makings of a fun, lighthearted episode, and still managed to swing it into some surprisingly dark and thoughtful territory quite effectively.

But still, loving the series so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: alirocker08 on September 22, 2012, 01:40:09 PM
My little brother ruined this episode for me, damn it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Power of Three
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 22, 2012, 08:07:24 PM
Epic episode, can't believe that it hasn't been posted about yet. Probably the best of the new season!!

With the introduction of the Shakri, I think we may have the new bad guys!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Power of Three
Post by: skydivingninja on September 22, 2012, 08:41:01 PM
I really liked this episode.  I guess the resolution with the Shakri was a little rushed, but it gave us such great insights into Amy, Rory, and the Doctor's relationship.  Best moment for me?  "I...miss you."  Its also great to see companions going on and continuing what they liked to do before they met the Doctor, rather than becoming professional alien hunters (Martha and Rose) or "investigators" (Sarah Jane).  Lots of different stuff this season with Amy and Rory.  Good different stuff (excepting the hard-to-believe divorce and reconciliation).  Its all building up to what I'm sure will be a tear-jerking goodbye next week.

I hope Kate sticks around.  The Brigadier was a great character and I always like the ties to old Who.  It was great to see another "modern earth gets invaded" story, which I feel we really haven't seen in a while.  Not on the scale as something like "Doomsday" anyway.  The best part about those episodes was that we got to see the companion's real life more, which is something that's been conveniently ignored with Amy and Rory until this season.  So yeah.  Liked the episode a lot.  I'm sure I'll think of more stuff to gush about.  Like how the intro has changed AGAIN.  Theres a weird effect around the TARDIS when lightning hits it now, and the end is purple rather than orange.  Odd....

So far the ranking is 2, 4, 3, and 1 for me.  They're all great though. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Super Dude on September 22, 2012, 09:18:25 PM
Just rewatched that old special where the Tenth Doctor and the Fifth Doctor meet. Not as great as I remember, although it did make me miss my Doctor (the Tenth).
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: A Town Called Mercy
Post by: Heretic on September 22, 2012, 11:00:43 PM
MAN that episode was fantastic. The Doctor continues his hatred of twitter, and we're introduced to someone new to fear, which is always interesting. And Kate was awesome, can't wait to see more of her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Power of Three
Post by: Sigz on September 23, 2012, 11:45:39 AM
It was a good episode, though the pacing felt really weird and anti-climatic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Power of Three
Post by: Jaq on September 23, 2012, 01:07:12 PM
The pacing in the episode was massively off, and it didn't help that it felt like a 40 minute version of the Pond Life shorts that were aired before the season started. Just suddenly, here's a bad guy, here's an explanation, here's a resolution! This happens a lot with Who, where the episodes would benefit from an hour running time, but it was seriously noticeable this time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Power of Three
Post by: Heretic on September 23, 2012, 09:09:46 PM
Well to be quite honest... the entire point of the episode was to look into the relationship between the Doctor and Amy/Rory. The reason it felt like Pond Life is most likely because it was supposed to. It was a look into their lives, their struggles, and ultimately their decision on the matter of staying with the Doctor. I really enjoyed the chat between Amy and the Doctor, excellent scene.

I feel like the episode's quick resolution served only to introduce a new villain who we'll see again and again throughout this season, rather than dedicate the episode entirely to the villain. The episode was about exploring Amy, Rory, and the Doctor's relationship with each other, and because of that I really enjoyed the episode. Pacing wasn't fantastic, no, but I think it was meant to be a bit quirky and different.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Power of Three
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 23, 2012, 09:34:17 PM
Well to be quite honest... the entire point of the episode was to look into the relationship between the Doctor and Amy/Rory. The reason it felt like Pond Life is most likely because it was supposed to. It was a look into their lives, their struggles, and ultimately their decision on the matter of staying with the Doctor. I really enjoyed the chat between Amy and the Doctor, excellent scene.

Yeah, and might I add: This is a great episode to show off the Ponds one more time before their last episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Power of Three
Post by: robwebster on September 24, 2012, 11:49:37 AM
The pacing in the episode was massively off, and it didn't help that it felt like a 40 minute version of the Pond Life shorts that were aired before the season started. Just suddenly, here's a bad guy, here's an explanation, here's a resolution! This happens a lot with Who, where the episodes would benefit from an hour running time, but it was seriously noticeable this time.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's more the case that Pond Life was a little five minute version of the Power of Three, rather than the other way round. Written by Chris Chibnall, similar vibe - I reckon they looked at the finished episode and said to Chris, "Can we have some more of this, please?"

Makes it a little unfortunate that the episode proper came after, but it was a fun little piece. There were a lot of bits that didn't hang together - the orderly twins were unexplained, the abductions in the hospital were unexplained, and the little girl who was sat there for a full year made precious little sense either - but I feel like the cubes were mainly an excuse to get the gang together on Earth for a little while. It's the kind of thing that's deflating on the first viewing, because it was a great little mystery, but when I was watching at peace with the knowledge that the resolution would be a little bit pants, I was fully on board for all the good stuff, of which there was a lot. The ending is mercifully short, and contains enough good ideas swirling around in its goop that I smiled with it more than I frowned on the repeat viewing.

And honestly, I'd rather have "sonic screwdriver saves the day" - which we've not really seen since the RTD days - than another round of "feeling an emotion saves the day." Fine in small doses, but series 6b has kind of over-gorged me on it.

On the subject of RTD, actually, there's a bit of symmetry here with Boom Town, from his first series. Which, again - first time I watched it, I thought "that was a bit naff," specifically because the ending was hasty and unforeshadowed. But like The Power of Three, Boom Town isn't really about Earth's invasion - it's fundamentally a character piece, a bit of down-time to let us enjoy the current TARDIS-team while we still have them, with the stuff about the rift thrown in more as an excuse to get them all together than anything else. And like the Power of Three, the episode is therefore a lot better on the second viewing when you know what you're getting than on the first viewing when you're naturally more drawn to the invasion plot and would be forgiven for being disappointed by the fact that it's a little bit thin on the ground.

Incidentally, while we're drawing parallels, Boom Town's bolt-from-the-blue ending served the bonus purpose of introducing an idea - looking into the heart of the TARDIS - which would later be significant to the finale. I don't think that's what's going on here, I think the Shakri are just a cool idea Chibnall had that he felt like throwing in, but I'm more than happy to add fuel to the speculatory fire.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: robwebster on September 29, 2012, 12:17:26 PM
In an hour, they'll be gone.

Good luck, guys. It's been a good two and a half years.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: alirocker08 on September 29, 2012, 01:07:26 PM
As far as I can recall, this is the first time I've cried at the series since Moffat took over, definitely on par with Rose's final episode!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: robwebster on September 29, 2012, 01:16:59 PM
Oh, man.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: alirocker08 on September 29, 2012, 01:19:49 PM
And the opening...Yeah, they were definitely alluding to something with the changing of the colours in the titles, jeez, I got chills!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Jaq on September 29, 2012, 03:36:47 PM
All I can say is wow. Just wow.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: E.S. on September 29, 2012, 04:37:43 PM
We all knew it was coming since last year, but... Noooo! :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Heretic on September 29, 2012, 08:14:42 PM
Awesome episode. Nowhere near as sad as I was expecting, though. Still loving the angels though, what a fantastic horror character.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 29, 2012, 08:54:58 PM
Awesome episode. Nowhere near as sad as I was expecting, though. Still loving the angels though, what a fantastic horror character.
I agree that it wasn't as sad as I was expecting, but still, I can't think of any better way to not only end the Williams' run as companions, but set The Doctor up for a new companion as well.

The Statue of Liberty as an angel was certainly unexpected though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Cecilia on September 29, 2012, 09:29:53 PM
I cried!

I am never going to look at the Statue of Liberty the same way.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Sigz on September 29, 2012, 11:12:07 PM
Great episode.

Though I thought the whole statue of liberty thing was pretty hokey to be honest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Cedar redaC on September 29, 2012, 11:19:58 PM

Though I thought the whole statue of liberty thing was pretty hokey to be honest.

Sure, but where else but could they do that without going all Planet of the Apes on everyone. It was a little strange, but it ties the place to the episode a bit more clearly than just saying that they're in Manhattan along with the Times Square shots.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Jaq on September 29, 2012, 11:39:04 PM
Let's face it, the idea of the Statue of Liberty just idly stomping across town and apparently no one noticing is silly, but c'mon, you do a story with the Weeping Angels in New York City, how can you resist it? And given everything that followed after the second appearance of the statue, I have no complaints.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Sigz on September 29, 2012, 11:53:04 PM
My main problem with it is that it literally did nothing but stomp around. It had no apparent purpose but to make scary faces at the rooftop and then go right back to welcoming our huddled masses afterwards.

Either way however, it's a minor gripe.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: ariich on September 30, 2012, 03:37:54 AM
My main problem with it is that it literally did nothing but stomp around. It had no apparent purpose but to make scary faces at the rooftop and then go right back to welcoming our huddled masses afterwards.

Either way however, it's a minor gripe.
Does it need to have a purpose beyond being a fun, cool idea? This is a family show after all!

But anyway it seemed to be there to catch anyone who escaped from the farm. Didn't manage it with Rory and Amy but did it to the guy at the start.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Jaq on September 30, 2012, 06:06:07 AM
It did appear that the statue was the last line of defense in keeping people in the building if all else failed, but really, it was there for the end of the pre-credits sequence shocking shot to look cool.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Nekov on September 30, 2012, 04:28:16 PM
I'm so sad  :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Heretic on October 02, 2012, 11:55:02 AM
I wonder if the Doctor will visit Brian and let him know what happened to Amy and Rory, especially after the dramatic scene in which he explains to Brian what happened to his previous companions.

Also is it Christmas yet? Oswin please.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Sketchy on October 03, 2012, 07:05:08 AM
Just gonna leave this here:


Would have watched it, but was busy at the time with puppy scare (I have yet more dogs now). But from what I've heard it was an epic episode.

Incidentally: That's the first time I've ever seen anyone running up to the labs...
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Super Dude on October 03, 2012, 02:38:24 PM
Don't let the Doctor see the damage. My brother has suggested this means Amy never found Rory in the end, but that's precisely why Amy wrote the afterword the way she did.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Implode on October 03, 2012, 04:55:46 PM
I don't understand what I'm supposed to be looking at in the picture.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: robwebster on October 03, 2012, 06:42:21 PM
I don't understand what I'm supposed to be looking at in the picture.
It's a filming location he knows from real life. He's mentioned it a couple of times in the last few pages, wondering if it'd appeared yet. Now it has!
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Implode on October 03, 2012, 06:51:12 PM
Ah. Seems like I haven't been paying attention to the thread enough.
Title: Re: Doctor Who S7: The Angels Take Manhattan
Post by: Sketchy on October 06, 2012, 08:01:08 AM
That shiny metal ball is what I spent most of my final year studying. It's meant to demonstrate the rotation of the earth, but we didn't get the thing that jiggles it up and down working, so it largely stops swinging before it changes direction very much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on November 18, 2012, 08:19:36 AM
Just finished the first season. I really, really liked it after the first couple of episodes. Darleks are amazing. So were those gasmasked "Are you my mummy" children.

Wasn't happy to see the arrival of David Tennant at the end of the season, though. I was really starting to like the Doctor as he was.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: GuineaPig on November 18, 2012, 08:29:12 AM
I really like Eccleston.  It's a shame he didn't get enough time to fully leave his mark on the character.

Likewise, it's a shame that Tennant suffered the brunt of RTD's worst habits.  But I'm sure you'll be won over by him, PC.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on November 18, 2012, 09:03:54 AM
Hurrah! Welcome to the fold!

I remember going into school the Monday after Chris Eccleston regenerated and thoroughly taking the piss out of David Tennant. The teeth, the faces, the over-enunciation of the word "BAR-suh-LOA-nah." No respect whatsoever, it was like Chris Eccleston had been replaced by a supply teacher.

I also remember the first day back after Christmas. To say we'd changed our tunes would be... an understatement. Trust me, he's the Doctor. Keep checking in, I am incredibly jealous of the journey you're about to go on.

Also, for anyone who's up to date, everyone who's seen The Angels Take Manhattan - who wants to watch a three minute mini-episode set before the Christmas special!?


It's good, I promise.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on November 18, 2012, 12:26:43 PM
I really liked Eccleston. He was the "darkest" doctor of the new series. I really enjoy David and Matt as well though. The Angels Take Manhattan is amazing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Nekov on November 18, 2012, 06:07:55 PM
Ecclestone never clicked with me. I don't know if it was his face, his way of speaking or what but I was very happy when Tenant came on board. I prefer him over Matt Smith as well who took me 4 or 5 episodes to like, but now I'm dreading the moment he regenerates.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on December 04, 2012, 01:02:11 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on December 04, 2012, 02:39:47 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on December 04, 2012, 05:54:15 PM

Also - summoning Perpetual Change! How far are you! Are you enjoying it! Don't look at that picture if you've not done series six!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on December 25, 2012, 04:25:08 PM
That was wonderful :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 25, 2012, 08:29:29 PM
That was fantastic. Jenna-Louise Coleman is amazing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on December 25, 2012, 08:36:20 PM
Yeah, based on only two episodes Clara is already well on track to be my favorite companion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on December 25, 2012, 09:41:27 PM
Jenna-Louise Coleman is already making me say "Karen who?"  :lol

And you know what? I'd pay good money to see a comedy series starring the Doctor and Strax. That'd be GOLD.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 26, 2012, 08:47:38 AM
Strax is alive? How? Who? When?
I didn't like how the episode didn't make a lot of sense in terms of setting and where the doctor is, etc. Turns out, all the trailers and promos for it are kind of mini episodes with a little bit of context filling all that out. I wish they had included them with the episode.

Wasn't happy to see the arrival of David Tennant at the end of the season, though. I was really starting to like the Doctor as he was.
That pretty much happens to all the doctors, at least for me. I only recently watched all the 6 seasons for the first time and each and every time I immediately disliked the new doctor and after a few episodes I was completely sold. Remarkable job with the casting, I must say. Overall, Tennant is probably my favourite. I, too, regret that Eccleston didn't get at least 1-2 more seasons.

Also, am I in the minority to think that it was a damn shame to "ruin" such a lovely character and story with Rose by using such a meh actress? I mean she did a fine job but after I saw all the other companions, they blow her out of the water.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 26, 2012, 09:54:32 AM
So far, I have not been able to get into season 2 at all. There have been a couple really great episodes, like the one that takes place in pre-Revolutionary France and the few leading up to Mickey leaving, but I've either forgotten or fallen asleep through the others. The episodes just seem really long and random to me.  Rose's character development has stagnated, especially with Mickey's departure, and honestly I'm not sure why I'm watching anymore.  There's no compelling, overarching plot, and the characters have ceased to be interesting to me. 45 minutes of television seems too long for a show that focuses on shallow Sci-Fi novelties as the main conflict, at least when it's lacking the same great writing and characters that I feel like season 1 had.

The fiance basically forces me to watch all the episodes, and it's turned into a chore rather than a joy.  I'd much rather her just make me watch the really good ones, 'cause right now I'm enjoying maybe 1 out of 3, and moping around about what a drag it is to lose 90 minutes watching the other two.   

Also, am I in the minority to think that it was a damn shame to "ruin" such a lovely character and story with Rose by using such a meh actress? I mean she did a fine job but after I saw all the other companions, they blow her out of the water.

I loved her in season 1, but as stated above, something happened in season 2. The chemistry forced on us between her and Tennant isn't very good; neither is their relationship without Mickey complicating things. Big thumbs up on Rose during season 1; big meh from season 2. She is cute, though  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ACID_FOX on December 26, 2012, 10:49:14 AM
So far, I have not been able to get into season 2 at all. There have been a couple really great episodes, like the one that takes place in pre-Revolutionary France and the few leading up to Mickey leaving, but I've either forgotten or fallen asleep through the others. The episodes just seem really long and random to me.  Rose's character development has stagnated, especially with Mickey's departure, and honestly I'm not sure why I'm watching anymore.  There's no compelling, overarching plot, and the characters have ceased to be interesting to me. 45 minutes of television seems too long for a show that focuses on shallow Sci-Fi novelties as the main conflict, at least when it's lacking the same great writing and characters that I feel like season 1 had.

The fiance basically forces me to watch all the episodes, and it's turned into a chore rather than a joy.  I'd much rather her just make me watch the really good ones, 'cause right now I'm enjoying maybe 1 out of 3, and moping around about what a drag it is to lose 90 minutes watching the other two.   

Also, am I in the minority to think that it was a damn shame to "ruin" such a lovely character and story with Rose by using such a meh actress? I mean she did a fine job but after I saw all the other companions, they blow her out of the water.

I loved her in season 1, but as stated above, something happened in season 2. The chemistry forced on us between her and Tennant isn't very good; neither is their relationship without Mickey complicating things. Big thumbs up on Rose during season 1; big meh from season 2. She is cute, though  :biggrin:

I'd say stick it out until the end of Series 2, the end is definately worth it, I promise you.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 30, 2012, 05:22:22 AM
Season 2 is definitely the weakest, but as you say it does have a few great episodes.

Season 3 is where it really starts to pick up though, so stick with it. The season-wide story arcs start to get bigger and the variety of companions keeps it exciting!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 30, 2012, 05:23:10 AM
Oh and just caught up with the Christmas episode, loved it! Ian McKellen voicing the great intelligence was a very cool surprise, Richard E Grant was brilliant, and I'm pretty much in love with Jenna Louise Coleman.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on December 30, 2012, 09:33:40 AM
I just saw the christmas special, and I'm really excited for what the next season holds.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on December 31, 2012, 08:05:36 PM
So far, I have not been able to get into season 2 at all. There have been a couple really great episodes, like the one that takes place in pre-Revolutionary France and the few leading up to Mickey leaving, but I've either forgotten or fallen asleep through the others. The episodes just seem really long and random to me.  Rose's character development has stagnated, especially with Mickey's departure, and honestly I'm not sure why I'm watching anymore.  There's no compelling, overarching plot, and the characters have ceased to be interesting to me. 45 minutes of television seems too long for a show that focuses on shallow Sci-Fi novelties as the main conflict, at least when it's lacking the same great writing and characters that I feel like season 1 had.
Without saying too much... yes! Stick with it.

Because some of those complaints, like "No compelling, overarching plot," and "Character development stagnating..." those problems are fixed in later series, and how!!

I do generally advise people to start from series 5 (the latest fresh start) and then return to Rose when they know how much they love it - but even then, 3 and 4 both do the overarching plot thing much better than 2, and the second series' ending really works. You're in something of a patchy phase, and I fear the patchiest is yet to come (Love & Monsters followed by Fear Her... oh, my faith was tested!) but trust the girlfriend. You'll thank her when you're older. q:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 31, 2012, 09:36:46 PM
I have to ask, as one coming relatively recently to the series: are we all in agreement that the weeping angels are most likely the most creepiest, scariest, awesomest and kindest monsters ever created? Seriously, I'm having hard time thinking about anything that can even remotely compete.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on December 31, 2012, 09:47:43 PM
I think the silence are up there. They're the only monsters who could be in our rooms with us right now!! But the weepies are properly elegant in their simplicity. I think they nail it. They're the monsters kids will still be hiding from fifty years down the line.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 01, 2013, 04:34:42 AM
Yeah the weeping angels and the silence are probably the 2 creepiest villains the show has had. Moffat has a pretty twisted imagination.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on January 05, 2013, 03:31:14 PM
I'd say the weeping angels are certainly the scariest creatures from the series. They're definitely creepy on screen, but seriously, imagine being with one in real life. Crazy stuff.

Also, pixeled myself a Matt Smith Doctor-era avatar. I hope robwebster loves it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 05, 2013, 08:10:32 PM
Oh. Ohhh.

Love it is an understatement. That is bloody brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on January 06, 2013, 09:33:12 AM
I've started over and been watching from Eccleston. I was watching backwards in some weird fashion when I started watching the show, it was very strange. I started with season 6 and then watched 5 while watching some of 7. Then watched season 4. I then said, what they heck am I watching it in this order for?! and started from the beginning of the latest revamp. I just finished Love and Monsters which was a very strange episode, but I did enjoy it. It had some very funny moments.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on January 07, 2013, 07:00:39 PM
Oh. Ohhh.

Love it is an understatement. That is bloody brilliant.

Fantastic. I'm glad you like it.

Also--we never heard your thoughts on the Christmas special, I do believe.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 07, 2013, 07:37:40 PM
No! Sorry. Haven't been about. With spoilers for those who haven't seen it...

I loved it. Clever, whimsical, exciting - a wonderful, christmassy whirlwind. I wasn't expecting that much, not after last year, and the slightly... shambolic production run since 2011's left my attention to drift ever so slightly, but everything hit the right spot. Good monsters, a wonderful new iteration of Matt Smith's Doctor. The word I'd most use, honestly, would be "refreshing." It felt like a new start, a new frontier, which is something this show hasn't had in a little while now. I loved Amy and Rory, but it was time for the show to reinvent itself - and if the Snowmen was anything to go by, it's a reinvention I'm going to enjoy. A lot.

And Clara dying again was a proper, full-on shock. I already had my own theories about where this storyline was going, and how Oswin could be the same person as the person the Doctor was going to pick up, but once again, this woman, who I 100% believed was going to be the new companion... wasn't! That's a hell of a trick. Amazing. What a clever show.

The only thing I wasn't entirely sold on, honestly, was Jenna Louise Coleman! Lots of people love her to pieces, and that's great, and I envy them, if anything... but I'm finding her slightly irritating. I'm not sure what it is, because it's not like she has any significant flaws, but maybe that's exactly what's bugging me! Flawless characters can be annoying, inhuman, and a little smug, and Jenna Louise Coleman's played two of them, now. Neither character's the companion, they're just 45- and 60-minute sketches, respectively, so I'm not necessarily taking it as a sign of what's to come, but I'm finding her a little harder to warm to than any of the previous casts. That's probably more my problem than hers, though. She's a good actor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 08, 2013, 04:18:19 PM
"Those were the days."

I know it's supposed to be a silly sci-fi adventure, but oh, that got me. Cool new intro too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on January 19, 2013, 07:22:43 PM
Finally got through season 2. The finale was great even if some of the episodes leading up to it were not. Glad Rose is gone. She was great at first but became a caricature by season 2.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 19, 2013, 07:34:39 PM
It was, they weren't, and she was and did.

Incredible highs and disappointing lows, is how I'd summarise S2. Great eps here and there - Tooth and Claw, the Girl in the Fireplace, et al. - but the episodes I don't like leave me really very cold.

I'd also say, though, that I reckon the show only gets better and better for as long as David Tennant's in the hot seat. S3 punched higher and more often than I could ever have hoped on the heels of S1&2, much as I liked them. Not a great fan of The Runaway Bride, best enjoyed after a few pints, and I get the feeling it might not be up your street either, but S3E1 was the most entertaining thing I ever video-taped.

How did you feel about The Satan Pit? That two-parter, for me, just beat out the finale as the highlight of that year.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on January 19, 2013, 09:48:33 PM
I liked Satan pit aside from Rose holding the guy at gunpoint. That just seemed weird. But good episodes.

Girl in the Fireplace was probably my favorite and in my top 3 so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 19, 2013, 09:59:35 PM
I don't even remember any of the other episodes from that season, aside from the two finale episodes. I think that just goes to show how forgettable the rest of it was.

My favorite seasons were the Martha and Donna ones, 3 and 4. I guess that only leaves the second season, but whatevs.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on January 20, 2013, 12:13:20 AM
The Satan Pit was really cool. It showed that there are some things the Doctor would rather leave unknown. Still, it would be cool to have some link back to it in the future. Somehow, if the Doctor ends up somewhere in time "before the universe", I think that it would be awesome to mention or explain the whole cave painting thing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 20, 2013, 07:51:18 AM
Just re-watched The Satan Pit last week and forgot how good it was! By far the highlight of Season 2 for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 23, 2013, 08:22:50 AM
Aceeeeee!!! Doctor Who is back on 30th March!  :metal :metal :metal

https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/doctorwho/articles/Date-Confirmed-for-the-Doctors-Return (https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/doctorwho/articles/Date-Confirmed-for-the-Doctors-Return)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 23, 2013, 08:29:24 AM
Fantastic, brilliant, molto bene!

Had a hunch, it usually starts around then, but last Easter was, I think, the first Easter not to have a new episode of Doctor Who. Glad it's back on Easter weekends, now. Easter weekends are cool.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 23, 2013, 09:05:06 AM
Right! Here's what we've got coming up, then. Mostly sanctioned info coming up, but it's mixed with a few rumours, so I'm putting a big picture in the middle of this post to help anyone if they want to avoid the imminent...


I'm such a dork.


1. The Bells of St. John by Steven Moffat (30th March)
2. The Rings of Akhaten by Neil Cross (6th April)
3. Episode Three by Mark Gatiss (13th April)
4. The Hider in the House by Neil Cross (20th April)
5. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS by Stephen Thompson (27th April)
6. Episode Six by Mark Gatiss (4th May)
7. The Last Cyberman by Neil Gaiman (11th May)
8. Series Finale by Steven Moffat (18th May)

No titles are officially announced, and they could all be changed at any point like River's Run was anyway, but that's what it's looking like right now, first title's based on rumours so to be taken with lots of salt, whereas the others come from cast CVs. Good set! 18th May feels so, so much sooner than I want it to finish.

Right! I think we can start being excited, now. Bring it on!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tapsmiled on January 23, 2013, 10:29:58 AM
I just started watching Ark in Space from the Tom Baker era.  I grew up on those, so it is interesting to see them now all these years later. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on January 23, 2013, 01:29:01 PM
rob that post made me fanboy all over the place. I heard the first episode was going to be called "Phantom of the Hex" so who (heh) knows.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 23, 2013, 08:45:22 PM
Ah! That's a bit of an odd one. Phantoms of the Hex and Phantom of the Hex seem to be alternate titles for The Hider in the House. One of the actors in it recently called it "Phantom of the Hex" in an interview. Lots of the crew CVs list it as The Hider in the House. Appears to be the same ep with two different names. Which happens! Nothing's locked in 'til broadcast, anyway - they gave Radio Times an exclusive scoop on all the series 4 episode titles, had Steven Moffat's two-parter down as "Silence in the Library / River's Run," and within weeks they'd changed it to Forest of the Dead. Bridges in the Sky type deal. I'm just going with the one I've seen most often, for now!

That post did initially have a big paragraph with extra details under it, that included, but it felt a little gratuitous, so I nixed it. While I'm recapping that, though, another thing's been mentioned - Caro Skinner, exec producer, has revealed that they've got some new monsters for the finale, and that she thinks they're one of the scariest things they've done. Dun dun dun...

Of those titles, while I'm being gratuitous, (we're Doctor Who fans, it's our job,) The Bells of St. John is the only one that I'm not aware has appeared anywhere credible. Rings of Akhaten, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS and Hider in the House are all in a cinematographer's CV, and an actor left their script for The Last Cyberman on a train. Oops.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 24, 2013, 08:53:41 AM

Alas another rumour is that episode 3, Mark Gatiss' story features The Ice Warriors.  We're also getting a brand new monster for the finale which is described as 'fanboy pleasing'.  Cannot wait.  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 25, 2013, 05:25:21 AM

Take this with a massive pinch of salt.

Series finale will be called The Three Clara's
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on January 25, 2013, 10:49:11 AM
I think Caroline Skinner mentioned Zygons coming back this season as well.  Poor David Tennant. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tapsmiled on January 25, 2013, 11:06:20 AM
Sorry, but when you say Series Finale, is that just for this version of the Doctor?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on January 25, 2013, 11:11:34 AM
Series = season in britspeak
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 25, 2013, 11:55:52 AM
Series = season in britspeak
Depends on the type of show. Old DW is generally referred to by "seasons" because each went on for so long, and we often use it for American shows that have 20+ episodes. Most British shows have 6-13 episodes per series/season, and so the word series is generally used.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 25, 2013, 02:23:58 PM
Yeah, our television doesn't come in seasons. We don't have a fall schedule and a summer schedule or however the year's divided up - runs come and go and overlap with other programmes' six-week runs, three-week runs, eight-weeks, thirteen. Different world.

We don't call them seasons because they're not seasons - Americans call them seasons because they are! Divided by a common language. We have series of a show, rather than seasons of a series. We know what a season is, but "season of a series" looks incredibly redundant to me. And yet makes perfect sense in the US!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tapsmiled on January 25, 2013, 02:54:55 PM
Got it. Thanks. 

As someone who hasn't watched any of the recent versions, what is MUST-SEE or a good place to start?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 25, 2013, 03:10:26 PM
Series 5 episode 1 is probably the best place to start. Series 1 to 4 are fantastic, but they gradually build, and it's a slow burn. S5E1 hits the ground running. New Doctor, new companion, new team, new titles, new TARDIS, new start - doesn't look back, no spoilers for the previous episode, draws a line under everything that came before and reinvents itself in seconds. It's what I always recommend to new fans. It's the start of the newest run, it's confident, and it's as relevant as you can get.

S1E1's not as confident - they didn't know if it was going to succeed or fail, it already looks a little dated, and the mythology builds up very slowly over the next two, three series, but it might be better for a longer term fan. Follows on from where the last one left off. I'd recommend people to start with S1E1 with the proviso that "it gets better as you carry on," and that's something I wouldn't need to add with S5. Chris Eccleston's neither an old Doctor or a new Doctor any more, he's somewhere in between, so I don't think he's any more sensible than Matt Smith for a new fan, but I think an old-school fan would be more interested in watching it change, and seeing Doctor Who in all its forms. So in that sense, you might prefer to start from the show's resurrection.

The episodes are called Rose and The Eleventh Hour, 9th Doctor and 11th respectively. They were both marketed as "Series one" when they went on air, they're both designed specifically to catch new viewers, and they're both fantastic! Take your pick.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 25, 2013, 03:37:54 PM
Series 5 wasn't really properly marketed as "series 1", it was only really Moffat putting that about.

Other than that, I agree with everything you said. But I think if someone is intending to watch it all and catch up (especially an old Who fan) and has some patience (which, let's face it, and old Who fan would require) then S1E1 is my recommendation. That first series is definitely dated already, but the stories are good and the way the show builds and matures is great.

Can't remember if I mentioned before, but I've been watching from the start again with my girlfriend, who's never really watched DW before. We're nearing the end of series 1 and she's enjoying it quite a bit, although I do still keep pointing out that it gets better. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on January 25, 2013, 03:54:57 PM
Well! There was a bit of it on the website, and all the clapperboards listed it as "11/1." It was just called "New Series" when they broadcast it, tried to avoid using numbers on the website wherever possible - but yeah, it was "series 5" by the time anyone put a DVD out. I think it went slightly further than Steven Moffat, but it's definitely fair to say it didn't really catch on.

My brother's been doing the same thing with his girlfriend. They watched the Weeping Angels ep, the other day. She had to keep the lights on. They live in Cardiff, too, so all the statues you see at the end are on their high street. Couldn't be more perfect!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on January 25, 2013, 10:37:09 PM
Fun fact: My first Doctor Who episode was the first episode of the fifth season/series, and I've been hooked since :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on January 26, 2013, 09:12:40 AM
My first episode was Blink. So amazing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on January 26, 2013, 09:41:59 AM
Blink is one of the best episodes in TV history. And the rest of the angels episode are almost as good. The only thing stopping them from being as good, imo, is the fact that we know about them and they aren't a surprise.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 27, 2013, 12:20:01 PM
Tru dat. I think Moffat has done a great job telling more cool stories with the angels, but ultimately they'll never be as good as that first time because we know about them now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Fiery Winds on January 28, 2013, 01:08:43 AM
That was my main beef for how Rory and Amy were sent off.  It was just a slight tweak to how another episode handled them, and it just felt overused.  Didn't stop me from crying though.   :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on January 28, 2013, 01:47:36 AM
The casting of the show is so good, though, it makes me feel like a horrible person. After each doctor/companion I think to myself "I can't see anyone else be as good as the Doctor/companion, they will ruin it.". Then after a few episodes I think "I can't see anyone doing a better job than this doctor/companion".
I don't like that I'm discarding characters I love so much so easily.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 30, 2013, 06:16:12 AM

Me too; when Rose became trapped and was replaced by Martha I didn't like Martha. Now I think she is great. Same for the 9th and to 10th Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on January 30, 2013, 10:13:26 AM

For anyone who is interested ;)

Steven Moffat on Series 7 Part 2:
“We’ll be up in the air, we’re under the water, we’re on a fantastic alien planet, we’re back in time, we’re forward in time, and the Doctor’s greatest secret is in jeopardy.”
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 30, 2013, 10:18:34 AM
Damn it! Now i have to watch Jeopardy to figure that Doctors secret. CURSES!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on January 30, 2013, 01:55:59 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on January 30, 2013, 02:51:40 PM
Damn it! Now i have to watch Jeopardy to figure that Doctors secret. CURSES!

Luckily we don't have Jeopardy in the UK ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on January 31, 2013, 08:46:40 AM
Well, I let the fiance dust off her David Tennant years box set so, after like a 3 week break, we could pick up with season three. Watched the first episode. It was pretty good. I'm coming to realize that most of the show's pulpy action is lost of me, but I do generally like the characters (when they aren't acting like cut-outs) and the villians are at least amusing. Tennant is definitely growing on me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 07, 2013, 07:58:55 AM
Arg! I missed this at the time.
Well, I let the fiance dust off her David Tennant years box set so, after like a 3 week break, we could pick up with season three. Watched the first episode. It was pretty good. I'm coming to realize that most of the show's pulpy action is lost of me, but I do generally like the characters (when they aren't acting like cut-outs) and the villians are at least amusing. Tennant is definitely growing on me.
It only gets better. Pulpy's quite an appropriate word. Show mixes comic book thrills and high drama in the most baffling of ways. You've probably seen the Shakespeare Code, by now. Completely silly, but it's hi-jinks, and it's written to be pure fun, which I think it basically manages. You might not, however, have seen an episode called Human Nature, yet. And that's a fairy tale, too, and yet... a million miles away from pulpy action. The performances, from one actor in particular, are what I'd describe as a little bit breathtaking.

There's something for everyone. Which means there's something for everyone to dislike, too, and everyone's going to have bits that don't speak to them personally, I certainly have whole episodes I'm not that keen on, most of them in series 2, although Gridlock from the series you're currently on isn't exactly my cup of tea either... but I'm basically on Madame de Pompadour's side when she says the Doctor's worth the monsters. For every episode I'm not too keen on, there are entire years I unreservedly love to bits.

But yes! Keep chiming in. Cool posts. Even when you don't like it, it's a totally new perspective - and yet, completely familiar in a lot of ways, too!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 07, 2013, 08:56:40 AM
I love when Tennant puts on the gas mask and says "are you my mommy"! It was fanastic.  ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: senecadawg2 on February 07, 2013, 09:11:29 PM
I just caught up on the Matt Smith Series, not including the Christmas Special which I'll watch soon.

The question now is whether I should go back and watch seasons 1 through 4, or wait until Matt Smith is completely done. It's an odd feeling, but I feel like I should at least wait until season 7 ends before going back. Doing two doctors at the same time seems... unfaithful. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can patiently wait for new episodes knowing that there are so many more just a click away on Netflix. I have also been starting to watch some of the very first serials, including The Aztecs which came on the BBC a couple weeks ago.

Anyways, these first few episodes of season 7 were fantastic! Angels in Manhattan was my favorite, but the premier was also incredible and the thee connecting stories were each great in their own way as well. Seeing Rory and Amy off was an emotional moment to say the least, but I'm excited to see who the next companion will be.

I've got to thank Rob once again for getting me into this adventure!  :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on February 07, 2013, 10:59:35 PM
For your own sanity it's probably a good idea, but the continuity is pretty forgiving; you're not going to get *too* confused if you go back. Most of the arcs are pretty self-contained, so there isn't much residual plot (at least in the Davies era as compared to the Moffat one).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 08, 2013, 04:17:17 AM
I just caught up on the Matt Smith Series, not including the Christmas Special which I'll watch soon.

The question now is whether I should go back and watch seasons 1 through 4, or wait until Matt Smith is completely done. It's an odd feeling, but I feel like I should at least wait until season 7 ends before going back. Doing two doctors at the same time seems... unfaithful. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can patiently wait for new episodes knowing that there are so many more just a click away on Netflix. I have also been starting to watch some of the very first serials, including The Aztecs which came on the BBC a couple weeks ago.

Anyways, these first few episodes of season 7 were fantastic! Angels in Manhattan was my favorite, but the premier was also incredible and the thee connecting stories were each great in their own way as well. Seeing Rory and Amy off was an emotional moment to say the least, but I'm excited to see who the next companion will be.

I've got to thank Rob once again for getting me into this adventure!  :heart
Hurrah!! Just to check - you've seen The Snowmen, yes? Don't know how quickly episodes reach Netflix. Apologies if that's a stupid question!

It depends what angle you're coming from. I can definitely get on board with the one Doctor at a time thing... but, that would mean you couldn't watch a new episode until May. And whether the last ep you watched was The Snowmen or The Angels Take Manhattan, they both end with relatively clean breaks between stories. So I'm leaning towards "S1 - go for it!!" Like Super Dude says, the continuity's forgiving. There's a forward thrust, but it's a different show every week. There aren't so many tangled timelines to keep track of, it's a good era to dip in and out of.

Also! What have been your favourite episodes, now you're all caught up? Favourite moments, monsters... and all the rest?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on February 08, 2013, 06:25:18 AM
Oh, I thought he meant earlier Doctors. Chris Eccleston and the Tennant Doctor for example were very monster of the week, with a little bit of arc-yness near the end of the seasons.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on February 08, 2013, 07:15:37 AM
Arg! I missed this at the time.
Well, I let the fiance dust off her David Tennant years box set so, after like a 3 week break, we could pick up with season three. Watched the first episode. It was pretty good. I'm coming to realize that most of the show's pulpy action is lost of me, but I do generally like the characters (when they aren't acting like cut-outs) and the villians are at least amusing. Tennant is definitely growing on me.
It only gets better. Pulpy's quite an appropriate word. Show mixes comic book thrills and high drama in the most baffling of ways. You've probably seen the Shakespeare Code, by now. Completely silly, but it's hi-jinks, and it's written to be pure fun, which I think it basically manages. You might not, however, have seen an episode called Human Nature, yet. And that's a fairy tale, too, and yet... a million miles away from pulpy action. The performances, from one actor in particular, are what I'd describe as a little bit breathtaking.

There's something for everyone. Which means there's something for everyone to dislike, too, and everyone's going to have bits that don't speak to them personally, I certainly have whole episodes I'm not that keen on, most of them in series 2, although Gridlock from the series you're currently on isn't exactly my cup of tea either... but I'm basically on Madame de Pompadour's side when she says the Doctor's worth the monsters. For every episode I'm not too keen on, there are entire years I unreservedly love to bits.

But yes! Keep chiming in. Cool posts. Even when you don't like it, it's a totally new perspective - and yet, completely familiar in a lot of ways, too!
Shakespeare Code is next week!

We've decided to watch more shows regularly, instead of picking entire series to bullet through in a few weeks. The end result is we don't get burnt out on stuff we should be enjoying.

Wednesday is usually Doctor Who night, though sometimes Thursdays is too. Unless something happens we'll be watching Shakespeare Code next Wednesday! For now, Star Trek and Downton Abbey are filling out the other days of the week, while weekends are usually reserved for movies. Lots of TV watching all around! Gotta love Netflix.

Anyway, just finished "Smith and Jones". Great episode. The Judoon were hilarious and awesome, and probably my favorite aliens of all thus far. I was rolling when they handed Martha Jones compensation for wrongfully searching her.

I guess so far these are my top 5:

1.The Empty Child
2. The Girl in the Fireplace
3. Bad Wolf
4. Father's Day
5. Smith and Jones

Although I've throughougly enjoyed at least half of the episdoes so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 08, 2013, 09:02:27 AM
Oh, I thought he meant earlier Doctors. Chris Eccleston and the Tennant Doctor for example were very monster of the week, with a little bit of arc-yness near the end of the seasons.
He did! So did I. And you! S1 is Chris Eccleston - think we're all talking 2005-2010.

Shakespeare Code is next week!

We've decided to watch more shows regularly, instead of picking entire series to bullet through in a few weeks. The end result is we don't get burnt out on stuff we should be enjoying.

Wednesday is usually Doctor Who night, though sometimes Thursdays is too. Unless something happens we'll be watching Shakespeare Code next Wednesday! For now, Star Trek and Downton Abbey are filling out the other days of the week, while weekends are usually reserved for movies. Lots of TV watching all around! Gotta love Netflix.

Anyway, just finished "Smith and Jones". Great episode. The Judoon were hilarious and awesome, and probably my favorite aliens of all thus far. I was rolling when they handed Martha Jones compensation for wrongfully searching her.

I guess so far these are my top 5:

1.The Empty Child
2. The Girl in the Fireplace
3. Bad Wolf
4. Father's Day
5. Smith and Jones

Although I've throughougly enjoyed at least half of the episdoes so far.
That's probably fair! Makes it more exciting to come back to each show. Less of a slog, more of a pleasure - and it lasts longer, to boot, so wahey. Smith & Jones is excellent! I actually thought that's the one you were talking about when you mentioned the "first episode," I completely forgot about the Runaway Bride. Yes, the Judoon are a proper joy. Great laugh. I quite like that they're not exactly villainous - just too thick to register the damage they're causing. Good list of stories, too. Can't fault any of them. Father's Day's a fantastic one, never see enough love for it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: senecadawg2 on February 08, 2013, 02:51:47 PM
I just caught up on the Matt Smith Series, not including the Christmas Special which I'll watch soon.

The question now is whether I should go back and watch seasons 1 through 4, or wait until Matt Smith is completely done. It's an odd feeling, but I feel like I should at least wait until season 7 ends before going back. Doing two doctors at the same time seems... unfaithful. On the other hand, I'm not sure I can patiently wait for new episodes knowing that there are so many more just a click away on Netflix. I have also been starting to watch some of the very first serials, including The Aztecs which came on the BBC a couple weeks ago.

Anyways, these first few episodes of season 7 were fantastic! Angels in Manhattan was my favorite, but the premier was also incredible and the thee connecting stories were each great in their own way as well. Seeing Rory and Amy off was an emotional moment to say the least, but I'm excited to see who the next companion will be.

I've got to thank Rob once again for getting me into this adventure!  :heart
Hurrah!! Just to check - you've seen The Snowmen, yes? Don't know how quickly episodes reach Netflix. Apologies if that's a stupid question!

It depends what angle you're coming from. I can definitely get on board with the one Doctor at a time thing... but, that would mean you couldn't watch a new episode until May. And whether the last ep you watched was The Snowmen or The Angels Take Manhattan, they both end with relatively clean breaks between stories. So I'm leaning towards "S1 - go for it!!" Like Super Dude says, the continuity's forgiving. There's a forward thrust, but it's a different show every week. There aren't so many tangled timelines to keep track of, it's a good era to dip in and out of.

Also! What have been your favourite episodes, now you're all caught up? Favourite moments, monsters... and all the rest?

Snowmen is the only episode I haven't yet seen... and I've decided that I will go ahead and start season 1, and hopefully get through all of those before the show comes back in May.

As for my favorite episodes, it's difficult to rank them but the following definitely stood out:

Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
A Good Man Goes to War
Asyulum of the Daleks
The Angels Take Manhattan
AND of course any of the season finales, which all hit the right spots and are probably my favorite episodes from their respective seasons.

As for the monsters, I've enjoyed all the ones who only appear for single episodes, but my favorite of all are probably the Silence, whom I also consider to be the scariest.

Also, throwing out my favorite non-major character: Craig, followed up by Canton Everett.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 08, 2013, 03:00:59 PM
Oh, now, I hate to compliment everyone on their lists, but that is a corker. I'm a huge fan of The Eleventh Hour, I think that'd possibly top mine, but that's a great bunch of stories. And I think I agree on the silence. They're the only monsters who might, actually, be in our rooms with us right now. We can't prove they're not.

And, yes. Canton's bloody brilliant. I was really, really hoping he'd turn up during The Wedding of River Song. Sadly not. Still - ace character! I love that whole two-parter to bits. Five people in the TARDIS, lush little gang. So cool seeing it so full.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on February 08, 2013, 03:03:42 PM
I could not think of a better episode to introduce a new Doctor. Granted it's only my third one, but whatevs.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: senecadawg2 on February 09, 2013, 04:31:56 PM
Five people in the TARDIS, lush little gang. So cool seeing it so full.

Yeah, I love the 'gang' feel and it was nice to see that fullness reappear in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.

Also just finished Season 1 episode 4. I wasn't sure how much I was going to like Eccleston from the first episode alone, but he's grown a lot on me, and the stories have all been great. His seriousness contrasts well with the goofy Matt Smith which I've become accustomed to. I'm hooked!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on February 09, 2013, 04:53:02 PM
Oh, now, I hate to compliment everyone on their lists, but that is a corker. I'm a huge fan of The Eleventh Hour, I think that'd possibly top mine, but that's a great bunch of stories. And I think I agree on the silence. They're the only monsters who might, actually, be in our rooms with us right now. We can't prove they're not.

Somewhere on the internet, I saw someone ask the question "if we've been killing the Silence on sight since 1969, where are all the bodies?"

The answer was "you know when you're walking around and you seemingly trip on nothing?"

Even dead, the Silence are CREEPY.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on February 09, 2013, 07:41:38 PM
Oh, now, I hate to compliment everyone on their lists, but that is a corker. I'm a huge fan of The Eleventh Hour, I think that'd possibly top mine, but that's a great bunch of stories. And I think I agree on the silence. They're the only monsters who might, actually, be in our rooms with us right now. We can't prove they're not.

Somewhere on the internet, I saw someone ask the question "if we've been killing the Silence on sight since 1969, where are all the bodies?"

The answer was "you know when you're walking around and you seemingly trip on nothing?"

Even dead, the Silence are CREEPY.  :lol

Whoa. That's totally creepy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on February 11, 2013, 07:05:59 AM
I can't believe that noone has put "42" in their top 10 episodes, I found it to be a brilliant episode. Full of suspense, horror all the kinda of things you'd expect to see in a typical Doctor Who episode and also it shows future plot references.

But my top ten are (from 2005):

(in no particular order)

The End of Time part 2
The Big Bang
The Snowmen
The Angels of Manhatten
The Impossible Astronaut
The Waters of Mars
The Sound of Drums
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on February 11, 2013, 06:56:00 PM
including two-parters as one episode because why not:

The Girl in the Fireplace
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Doomsday/Army of Ghosts
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Lodger
Vincent and the Doctor
The End of Time
The Angels Take Manhattan

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 12, 2013, 07:17:18 PM
Was looking back to see if I'd done a top ten before (I hadn't!) and the forum's search took me to this page:

Ooh, just occurred to me... River Song does not shoot the Doctor dead by the shores of Lake Silencio in 2011.

Very simple leap of logic, but when she's invited to the lake, she has no idea why, and when the young-Doctor comes out of the bathroom she presumes that it's a joke ("cold, even by your standards,") and asks if he knows who Jim the Fish is.

More specifically, it means that if she did do it, she doesn't remember. Which is possible - the astronaut was introduced in an episode where the villains were playing memory games. But it's a spanner.

Not that this is new news, it wouldn't make sense if it were her, anyway. The astronaut is in a space-suit, and we never get to see their face. If you think of it as a magic trick, why would you veil the identity of the killer, if not because you want their identity concealed? It'd be a bit like hiding a ball under one of three cups, tapping the top, and then revealing it to be under the same cup. You might as well get rid of the cups entirely if that's the plan, they're just vessels for disappointment.

Which is why I think it's a big lure for the Doctor to make the Lady whats-her-face think she's won the war...
Nice work, Adam! 100% spot on, and well over a full month ahead of schedule.

On which note, having not found my top ten anywhere in the thread, here's what it'd be today:

1. The Eleventh Hour
2. The Girl Who Waited
3. The Waters of Mars
4. The End of Time (1&2)
5. Human Nature (1&2)
6. Vincent and the Doctor
7. The Pandorica Opens (1&2)
8. The Impossible Astronaut (1&2)
9. The Snowmen
10. Silence in the Library (1&2)

Something like that. I'm not sure. I keep remembering things. And wanting to change it. Blink! Blink just missed out. I make it 11, at the moment - but do I really prefer SitL? Does that mean anything, "Blink is one point higher?" What's a point, who's keeping scores? And do I like The Snowmen more than A Christmas Carol, or is it just more recent? Have I just put it in because there's nothing else from series 7? And where's all the Russell T Davies? Smith & Jones! I love Smith & Jones. Plus there's Doomsday, and Midnight, and, hey! The Christmas Invasion. The first amazing christmas special.

What I've done, there, is put ten stories that I really like into a list and gone, "Yeah, that'll do." The top three, certainly, I will stand by as a top three. The rest? Oh, who cares, it's all Doctor Who innit?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: snapple on February 12, 2013, 07:21:34 PM
I refuse to watch this show because of the internet culture behind it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 12, 2013, 07:29:29 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 12, 2013, 08:04:09 PM
I refuse to watch this show because of the internet culture behind it.

Isn't that a dumb reason not to watch something?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on February 12, 2013, 08:05:50 PM
And what's wrong with the internet culture behind it? That's like saying you're not watching Star Trek because some people take it to the extreme and speak only in Klingon.

I used to not watch it because of the name and 1 line concept of the show. Dr. Who who flies around in a phone box through time and space? Yeah, that sounds amaaaazing.... In the end it turned out alright for me because by the time I started watching it there were 4 or so seasons out so I had a blast going through them marathon style.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 13, 2013, 12:23:54 AM
What is the internet culture, out of interest?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on February 13, 2013, 05:00:54 AM
What is the internet culture, out of interest?

I'd like to know as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on February 13, 2013, 06:54:04 AM
Trolling a tv show thread? Yeesh...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: snapple on February 13, 2013, 07:08:14 AM
Eh, its out there. Check sites like imgur and what not. I had a mild interest in watching it, but I feel like I can't because people are obsessed with it. Maybe I'm a bit hipster in that regard.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on February 13, 2013, 08:02:14 AM
Eh, its out there. Check sites like imgur and what not. I had a mild interest in watching it, but I feel like I can't because people are obsessed with it. Maybe I'm a bit hipster in that regard.

What's other people got to do with it? Just watch it if it interests you.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: snapple on February 13, 2013, 08:05:28 AM
You ever been in a situation where someone hypes up something so much, there is no possible way it can live up to those expectations? That's why I'm staying away from it. I can't possibly go in with an open mind and watch the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 13, 2013, 08:28:00 AM
You ever been in a situation where someone hypes up something so much, there is no possible way it can live up to those expectations? That's why I'm staying away from it. I can't possibly go in with an open mind and watch the show.
I do "get" the feeling. I haven't looked into series like Mad Men and Breaking Bad because I can't stand that buzz, that constant hype of, "Oh my God, you've got to watch this." I'm sure they're both every bit as brilliant as people say, but the more I hear about how I should totally be watching them, the less interested I become in ever watching them.

That said, I wouldn't have considered it so important a thought that it must be etched into the fabric of the internet for those shows' fans to marvel at. It's me being obstinate and irrational, I have literally no idea why I'd want to write it down unprovoked unless I'd resolved to vocalise every thought I ever have without any sort of filter, but that might just be me.

Cos, seriously. What is it we were supposed to do with that information?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: snapple on February 13, 2013, 08:46:40 AM
Well, it's the Doctor Who thread. I figured it was the most relevant place to put it. It doesn't seem like this board has the obnoxious-fan stuff that I see most of the internet having, so I felt safe posting it here. And, if any of you were able to tell me just what in the hell the show is about, I might change my mind. This being unemployed crap sucks and I just don't know what to do with my time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on February 13, 2013, 11:40:34 AM
Why would you expect us to try and change your mind when you state that you refuse to watch it? It isn't up to us to change your mind, that's up to you. If you want to know what its about then..


If you have specific questions, I'm up for answering those but not in an effort to change your opinion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: snapple on February 13, 2013, 12:02:19 PM
what is it about?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 13, 2013, 12:09:53 PM

Fellow travels through space and time in a time machine disguised as a blue police box, making the universe a slightly better place. One week it's a period drama, the next it's an action thriller, another might be cosmic horror, comedy, speculative fiction. And most of the time it's half a dozen at once.

"Anywhere you want, any time you want. One condition—it has to be amazing."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: JRundquist on February 13, 2013, 01:17:30 PM
So if I get this right...people are ignoring TV shows because they are being praised and people tell others they should watch it?

I get the hate for internet culture but come on. the same kind of people would exist with or without the internet, just on the internet they are known more.

That said I love Doctor Who and Breaking Bad, and I watch them from my own accord, not because of how others feel about it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 13, 2013, 02:10:56 PM
So if I get this right...people are ignoring TV shows because they are being praised and people tell others they should watch it?

I get the hate for internet culture but come on. the same kind of people would exist with or without the internet, just on the internet they are known more.

That said I love Doctor Who and Breaking Bad, and I watch them from my own accord, not because of how others feel about it.
As I said - obstinate and irrational! I'm not claiming that it's sensible, but it's surely not a feeling that only me and snapple have ever experienced. The feeling that you're sick to death of hearing about something before you've even seen a frame? Downton Abbey's another! Haven't watched it, media's bored me, don't plan to. And I'll almost definitely feel like a moron when I finally do catch it, since I already think I'm being fairly moronic right now.

But I'll tell you what it's like, it's like having that one friend who won't stop rabbiting on about X or Y, except that friend has possessed everyone in Europe.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on February 13, 2013, 03:38:52 PM
Well to get back on topic..



The Ice Warriors, from Troughton's term as the Doctor, are confirmed to be back in the third episode of the upcoming second-half of season 7. It will be written by Mark Gatiss. The entire episode will take place submerged on a... submarine!

I think Gatiss's episodes are okay as a whole, nothing entirely amazing but still solid stuff. I'm incredibly intrigued in regards to the setting. A submarine?! Awesome. Maybe it will have a "Midnight" feeling to it, too!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 13, 2013, 07:20:49 PM
Big news! But bigger for other people than it is for me. I'm aware of them, and I think it's pretty cool that they're coming back, just as there's always a little bit of hype when an old school monster returns, but it's ultimately just another creature I haven't met yet!

I have an odd relationship with Mark Gatiss - I think he's brilliant, but he's brilliant in other stuff. Acting and writing for The League of Gentlemen, acting and writing for Sherlock, I love so much of his writing, his television, his radio... everything he touches turns to gold. Except, bizarrely, his Doctor Who!

The Unquiet Dead was brilliant, and his turn in the Lazarus Experiment was cool, too. The rest? Not that fussed either way! He's capable, but I think his take on Doctor Who is a few inches to the left of mine. Which is cool! Can't be floored by everyone's scripts. But given how much I love his other work, it's curious that I'm not.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on February 13, 2013, 07:38:46 PM
Snapple, you have a lot of weird opinions, and that's one of the weirdest. You love Skyrim, and that has a way larger internet culture.

Anyway, just watched Shakespeare Code. Awesome episode! Everything was good about it. Also, the random numbers in the dialog of the play had me rolling. The plot itself didn't make a lot of sense, but it was awesome anyway. Kinda reminded me of the type of humor you find at the Lancaster Renaissance Faire  :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: snapple on February 13, 2013, 09:07:50 PM
Snapple, you have a lot of weird opinions, and that's one of the weirdest. You love Skyrim, and that has a way larger internet culture.

I've been playing the Elder Scrolls since 1998 when I got Daggerfall. :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: senecadawg2 on February 17, 2013, 04:29:59 PM
Just finished season 1! Eccleston was good, but I'm excited for a change.

Overall I thought the first season was a bit inconsistent, with some of the highest highs and some of the lowest lows (the only other doctor I've spent any serious time with is Matt smith).

My favorite episodes were:

End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
And the finale

I also loved the Silurian bits, and really enjoyed captain jack.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 19, 2013, 05:41:07 AM
Snapple, I'll try to fill in more gaps for you.

Doctor Who is about a man who comes from a race of people known as the 'Time Lords'. These Time Lords were basically the police of time. The Doctor has nothing to do with the Time Lords and in the 2005 remake/continuation (the one being discussed here) he is seemingly the last of his kind. As the series takes off right after the time war.

The Doctor, being a Time Lord, has many interesting abilities. When he is near death to avoid dying he regenerates, which is basically reincarnation. He retains all his memories of his previous self's but is now a different person. As much as they are different 'Doctors' they do share many similarities such as a child like enthusiasm when it comes to exploring or being in danger.

The Doctor will often travel with someone which the fans call the companion. He has gone through many, many companions over the centuries and goes through a handful in the mere 7 seasons this series has been on.

It is a good show with highs and lows but it is never always action, comedy, drama horror etc.. The characters feel real! One moment I love was with the 9th Doctor; he had just finished saving earth and had return to his TARDIS (his time machine). He was elated and shouting NO ONE DIED! Because often when he sets out on his adventures innocent bystanders, his friends, or enemies are killed. This time around no one died. That is what the Doctor is about helping people. 

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on February 19, 2013, 03:08:34 PM
I don't know if this can be considered spoilerish but I won't use tags and just paste the link. It's just the new companion looking amazing in a catwomanish suit https://i.imgur.com/H9rOzVF.png xD
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 19, 2013, 04:11:10 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: senecadawg2 on February 19, 2013, 05:55:30 PM
Which begs the question, who has been the most attractive companion?

I've only seen the ones from the very first season, Amy Pond, and Rose Tyler, so obviously I don't have many to choose from. But this new one certainly takes the prize for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Nekov on February 19, 2013, 06:32:12 PM
I love Amy to death and there can never be a girl that matches her!  :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: senecadawg2 on February 19, 2013, 06:48:56 PM
Definitely a step up from Rose. But this next one shows a lot of promise, if her two appearances are any good indication of where she's headed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on February 19, 2013, 08:35:09 PM
It is a good show with highs and lows but it is never always action, comedy, drama horror etc.. The characters feel real! One moment I love was with the 9th Doctor; he had just finished saving earth and had return to his TARDIS (his time machine). He was elated and shouting NO ONE DIED! Because often when he sets out on his adventures innocent bystanders, his friends, or enemies are killed. This time around no one died. That is what the Doctor is about helping people.

This is a totally epic moment if you've seen it. I got cold chills.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on February 19, 2013, 08:54:49 PM
Jenna-Louise Coleman is DEFINITELY the most attractive companion. I mean, seriously, look at that outfit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on February 20, 2013, 09:57:41 AM
Jenna-Louise Coleman is DEFINITELY the most attractive companion. I mean, seriously, look at that outfit.

I dunno, everyone loves a redhead :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 20, 2013, 07:05:56 PM
If we're talking appearances - JLC's nice, but she's not really my type. Karen Gillan's nice, and completely and totally is. To the extent that if I were asked to draw a picture of my type, I would just try and draw the Kazmeister. To the detail! I'd have put "Scottish accent" in brackets and everything - it's just the best one!

JLC I find a little... generically beautiful, if that makes sense? She's gorgeous, but she's soap-opera gorgeous. Girl band gorgeous. All the right parts in all the right places, but she's almost too right. I don't feel like it's got as much personality as a more normal face. Gangly Scottish red-head, on the other hand? Now we're talking!

That said, I don't really know much about Jenna as a person, so she's got plenty of room for manoeuvre. After all! "There's some people, when you meet them you think, 'Not bad! They're okay.' And then you get to know them, and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality’s written all over it. " She might not be my type in the same way Karen Gillan is... but she might end up being my type in an all-round better way. Doctor Who's had a lot of brilliant, interesting ladies on board - they only cast the best, I'd be lucky to meet any of them, and I'm confident Jenna will prove to be no exception. Can't wait to start hearing more from her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 20, 2013, 07:16:21 PM
Overall I thought the first season was a bit inconsistent, with some of the highest highs and some of the lowest lows (the only other doctor I've spent any serious time with is Matt smith).
Funnily enough, I used to say this back in 2006 when there'd only been two series... except I used to say it about series two!

The ride only gets more turbulent. Some absolutely fantastic highs - the best episodes of series two are far and above the best of series one, in my book - but there are quite a few episodes I think are really very shaky. I'd say it contains a couple of (21st century) Doctor Who's shakiest stories. Difficult second album!

Silurians - did you mean Slitheen?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: senecadawg2 on February 20, 2013, 07:34:06 PM
Yeah, my bad. I meant silitheen. Very cool aliens...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 20, 2013, 07:42:14 PM
Nice! They're very polarising, I'm not 100% sure how well the SFX have held up, but there are a lot of cool ideas packed into the Slitheen eps. Cool little details. The surname thing, in particular - why do aliens always introduce themselves by their species? Great gag. And Harriet Jones is ace.

S2's great fun, too, but S3 is where the running gets properly smooth. S3 opens incredibly strong, follows up just as well, and from ep 3 onwards it's a list of increasingly neat episodes culminating in a finale.

But let's not skip ahead! S2's great. You'll like David Tennant, I think. Taking change in your stride, bodes well enough!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 21, 2013, 12:18:37 AM
If we're talking appearances - JLC's nice, but she's not really my type. Karen Gillan's nice, and completely and totally is. To the extent that if I were asked to draw a picture of my type, I would just try and draw the Kazmeister. To the detail! I'd have put "Scottish accent" in brackets and everything - it's just the best one!

JLC I find a little... generically beautiful, if that makes sense? She's gorgeous, but she's soap-opera gorgeous. Girl band gorgeous. All the right parts in all the right places, but she's almost too right. I don't feel like it's got as much personality as a more normal face. Gangly Scottish red-head, on the other hand? Now we're talking!

That said, I don't really know much about Jenna as a person, so she's got plenty of room for manoeuvre. After all! "There's some people, when you meet them you think, 'Not bad! They're okay.' And then you get to know them, and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality’s written all over it. " She might not be my type in the same way Karen Gillan is... but she might end up being my type in an all-round better way. Doctor Who's had a lot of brilliant, interesting ladies on board - they only cast the best, I'd be lucky to meet any of them, and I'm confident Jenna will prove to be no exception. Can't wait to start hearing more from her.
I feel the opposite way round really, but each to their own. I'm with you on people who look too perfect, which is why I just don't find Cheryl Cole exciting, but JLC really has something ridiculously sexy about her.

Gillan is beautiful, of course, but I don't find her as exciting.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 21, 2013, 06:29:12 AM
One of the things I liked about Doctor Who was that they didn't always have super hot people on the show. They were be no means ugly but certainly didn't crank up the sex appeal.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on February 21, 2013, 06:31:12 AM
Me five years ago:


They had me at "A Judoon platoon on the Moon."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 21, 2013, 07:28:14 AM

I don't know if I'm proud of this.

I do have a pair of red-blue 3D glasses kicking about, too, but I couldn't find them immediately. Everything else was within grabbing distance of my desk. Dear me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tapsmiled on February 27, 2013, 04:07:00 PM
I used to watch the Tom Baker version when I was a kid and have wanted to get into the newer version. The Eleventh Hour was on this morning, and I thought it was fantastic. All of the characters were very likable, and I intend to try to watch when I can.

Any thoughts on just jumping in when the new season starts?  Should I go back and catch up or just pick up when it resumes?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 27, 2013, 04:10:52 PM
I used to watch the Tom Baker version when I was a kid and have wanted to get into the newer version. The Eleventh Hour was on this morning, and I thought it was fantastic. All of the characters were very likable, and I intend to try to watch when I can.

Any thoughts on just jumping in when the new season starts?  Should I go back and catch up or just pick up when it resumes?

You really should go back and watch the rest just because they're awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 28, 2013, 12:43:13 AM
I used to watch the Tom Baker version when I was a kid and have wanted to get into the newer version. The Eleventh Hour was on this morning, and I thought it was fantastic. All of the characters were very likable, and I intend to try to watch when I can.

Any thoughts on just jumping in when the new season starts?  Should I go back and catch up or just pick up when it resumes?
Watch from the Eleventh Hour and catch up with the current series, because that was the start of a new doctor and new head writer, so it's a great jumping-on point!

Then if you like it, go back and watch the first 4 series of the rebooted show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on February 28, 2013, 12:58:14 AM
Yeah, catch up with the 11th Doctor and then the new episodes, then go back and see 9 and 10.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 28, 2013, 05:50:56 PM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tapsmiled on February 28, 2013, 06:10:56 PM
Yeah, I instantly liked Matt Smith.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on February 28, 2013, 06:27:15 PM
Yeah - the next series is going to be an alright starting point, as the cast has changed a little, but it's the 50th anniversary so it might be a little backward facing. With the Eleventh Hour, though, you've quite serendipitously happened to land on the best intro episode the series has ever offered. It's the perfect example of the new show's spirit, and Matt Smith nails it from the off. Go from there, I say!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: tapsmiled on February 28, 2013, 07:26:16 PM
Will do. Thanks for the advice everyone.  That episode seemed to have the perfect amount of quirkiness without seeming satirical or cliché.  And my god do I still love the theme.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 01, 2013, 09:48:18 AM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 01, 2013, 11:25:51 AM
I love that pic, it's just so completely ridiculous. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on March 04, 2013, 09:22:08 AM
The Angels Take Manhatten...

...The feels...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: senecadawg2 on March 04, 2013, 03:41:37 PM
I'm super excited for the new season, love that pic...

Also, The Girl in the Fireplace may be my favorite episode of the first two seasons.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 07, 2013, 04:57:29 PM
^that's because it's amazing.



Pictures released from the upcoming series. I cannot wait for the Neil Gaiman episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 15, 2013, 03:05:00 PM
Well, there goes the third showrunner in as many years. (https://www.sfx.co.uk/2013/03/13/exec-producer-caro-skinner-leaving-doctor-who-2/)

Between the dearth of new episodes over the last eighteen months, the delays to series eight and the incredible rate they're getting through executive producers, I'm a little scared to speculate as to what might be happening behind the scenes. The head of drama for BBC Wales is stepping in to replace her for the anniversary special, so it sounds like it must all be very sudden - they haven't had time to find a full-time replacement. Hope Caro's okay.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 15, 2013, 05:55:46 PM
Every exec producer who has left in the last couple of years has gone on to more senior positions, Caro included. I think that says a lot for the quality of the people they get to produce DW, and the importance they attribute to it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 15, 2013, 08:07:26 PM
Yeah it does seem like a spin in the exec producer seat for Doctor Who means you're being groomed for bigger things with the BBC. That post about the departure gave me a heart attack since I consider Moffat to be the showrunner though.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 15, 2013, 08:53:12 PM
Hahaha, sorry! Not the intention, I hate a misleading headline.

I fear it might not be quite as peachy as all that - Caro's departure is... very sudden. She was talking about plans for series 8 in Doctor Who Magazine published within the last week, and Faith Penhale having to be drafted in as acting showrunner could suggest this might not exactly be a promotion. Doesn't necessarily suggest anything shady either, maybe it's some sort of family emergency, needs to spend time in London, but it's a very odd time to be changing staff, what with the Anniversary Special raring to go. I really like Caro Skinner, I think she's great, shame to see her moving on - but, onwards and upwards! Still exec producing, so that's good, can't wait to hear what she does next. Big shoes to fill!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 16, 2013, 03:34:12 PM

Series 7 Part Two Trailer.


American version of the trailer, quite different.

"I am the Doctor... and I am afraid."

Serious Fields of Trenzalore vibe with that one. And that creepy thing standing behind him that looks eerily reminiscent of The Silence? Perhaps the leader of The Silence? Either way this trailer looked absolutely amazing. I think the second half of Series 7 is going to be some of the best of the show ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 16, 2013, 10:27:29 PM
Two very, very cool trailers. Consider me completely psyched.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 17, 2013, 09:58:37 PM
Pow, pow, pow!! Synopses and promo pics from the first half of the second half of the seventh series.

The Bells of Saint John
The Doctor’s search for Clara Oswald brings him to modern day London, where Wi-Fi is everywhere. Humanity lives in a Wi-Fi soup. But something dangerous is lurking in the signals, picking off minds and imprisoning them. As Clara becomes the target of this insidious menace, the Doctor races to save her and the world from an ancient enemy.

The Rings of Akhaten
Clara wants to see something awesome, so the Doctor whisks her off to the inhabited rings of the planet Akhaten, where the Festival of Offerings is in full swing. Clara meets the young Queen of Years as the pilgrims and natives ready for the ceremony. But something is stirring in the pyramid, and a sacrifice will be demanded.

Cold War
The Doctor and Clara land on a damaged Russian Submarine in 1983 as it spirals out of control into the ocean depths. An alien creature is loose on board, having escaped from a block of Arctic ice. With tempers flaring and a cargo of nuclear weapons on board, it’s not just the crew but the whole of humanity at stake!

Clara and the Doctor arrive at Caliburn House, a haunted mansion sat alone on a desolate moor. Within its walls, a ghost hunting Professor and a gifted psychic are searching for the Witch of the Well. Her apparition appears throughout the history of the building, but is she really a ghost? And what is chasing her?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 18, 2013, 08:09:54 AM
Or, to put those pictures another way...





For all I've discussed their relative merits, JLC doesn't half look exactly like Karen Gillan in the Rings of Akhaten poster.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 18, 2013, 12:28:00 PM
Hide looks really cool! :caffeine:

And I like the Borderlands 2 art style for the poster of the 2nd ep.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 18, 2013, 12:47:16 PM
Oh my balls.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 18, 2013, 03:42:52 PM
And I like the Borderlands 2 art style for the poster of the 2nd ep.

I was looking at it in the same vein as Indiana Jones, King Solomon's Mines - big hokey old-school adventure type thing - but I like your one more! Borderlands will do nicely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 18, 2013, 10:27:06 PM
Those episode posters are made of epic win.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on March 19, 2013, 06:36:56 PM

Jenna in some talk-show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cedar redaC on March 20, 2013, 09:07:22 PM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 20, 2013, 10:13:21 PM
Yeah I've seen that theory posted around a good bit, I really look forward to seeing what her mystery really is. It'd be interesting if that is what happens, but one of the producers said that all of the fan-theories he'd read thus far weren't anything compared to what Moffat had in store.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on March 20, 2013, 10:14:59 PM
I'd be slightly disappointed if some random fan guessed it to be honest. I'm expecting a bit more from Moffat, given his track record so far of being off the charts awesome/weird/creative/crazy/creepy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 21, 2013, 01:04:34 AM
Pretty cool theory, but we'll see. The similarities could simply be because they are both characters written by Moffat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 21, 2013, 01:01:32 PM
Oswin could hack into the DALEK database because she was a Dalek already tied into it and was clever. She doesn't have to be CAL for that to work. And besides which, tying Clara into the episode that introduced River Song would be so self-referential people would riot.    :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cecilia on March 22, 2013, 09:15:48 PM
Just ordered these shoes for my wedding later this year!
https://www.etsy.com/listing/125576787/doctor-who-tardis-glitter-shoes (https://www.etsy.com/listing/125576787/doctor-who-tardis-glitter-shoes)

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 23, 2013, 10:07:05 AM
Right! Hope this link's available internationally. Preface! The Bells of Saint John! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IROtC6cAT4) Watch! Learn! Love!

One week countdown. This day next week, we'll be tucking into the first episode of the longest continuous stretch of Doctor Who since March 2010 three years ago. I've spent the last year or so being perhaps a teeny bit more cynical about the show than I generally like to be. For the next eight weeks, I get to replace that with a well overdue dose of childlike wonder. Score!

Just ordered these shoes for my wedding later this year!
https://www.etsy.com/listing/125576787/doctor-who-tardis-glitter-shoes (https://www.etsy.com/listing/125576787/doctor-who-tardis-glitter-shoes)

I could not approve more if I tried. Maximum approval. I'm sure it doesn't need saying, but... take photos!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 23, 2013, 06:45:56 PM
That preface was adorable.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 25, 2013, 10:25:47 AM
Five days, two hours, people. This is not a drill. This is not a drill.

(I'm not going to do these every day. Honest.)

Just remembered I did a list of my favourite dalek episodes in the hour before Asylum. One every ten minutes. I can't promise I'll keep up the same rate, won't promise I'll even do another list at all, but... buckle in.

I did watch The Snowmen last night. So in many (contrived) ways, it's a bit like the series has already started for me. What a wonderful episode. Still not 100% sold on JLC, (closer to 75%, 80%) but I really like the delivery of this one line:

"I did seven drawings and we saw a dead cow."
"...Well! How exciting!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 25, 2013, 10:33:13 AM
Oh, I loved the prelude thing. The punch line, in retrospect, should have been obvious, but when I watched it all I could do was go "MOFFAT!"  :lol Can't wait for Saturday!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on March 25, 2013, 10:39:07 AM
robwebster, I am curious, what in her performance doesn't sell it for you completely? For me, she was a love at first sight. As was Karen Gillan.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 25, 2013, 10:51:59 AM
robwebster, I am curious, what in her performance doesn't sell it for you completely? For me, she was a love at first sight. As was Karen Gillan.
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I've got a hunch it's this:

I'm not sure it's her performance as much as her dialogue. I've found her a little... quippy. She's dazzlingly intelligent, has Holmesian powers of deduction, lives a double life, and about her only flaw is that she's really good at dying. She dances circles around the Doctor, of all people.

I can't think of ways you could improve the performance, I think JLC herself has done an impeccable job and brought a lot of energy to her characters, but I think someone in such an unrealistic situation needs a very realistic personality. Amy Pond was in an unrealistic situation, too, but she was also clearly flawed - she had abandonment issues, slow to trust, afraid of commitment, very clear anxiety from the word "go." She was clever, sassy, smart, but you get the impression that if she hadn't met the Doctor, or certainly if the Doctor had never come back for her, she'd have just carried on living her life, making bad decisions, maybe never even realising how much she truly loved Rory.

I haven't yet found JLC's characters particularly authentic, I suppose. She's too shiny, too perfect. Ultra-quick mind. The Doctor only takes the best, but it's almost like she's got a big neon sign over her head saying "Best person in the story." Which she doesn't need, cos she's a great actress, wrapped in a mystery that's only become more fascinating as we've discovered more about it.

I'm hoping her present day incarnation's going to be a little more measured. Doesn't need to be unrecognisable, just... a little less River Song, a little more Sally Sparrow, would be ace.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Implode on March 25, 2013, 11:28:27 AM
I refuse to watch this show because of the internet culture behind it.

I know I'm over a month late, but I've wanted to use this for a while.


But in all honesty, I know how you feel.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 27, 2013, 05:15:31 PM
New Doctor Who stuff! There's a minisode called "Demon's Run: Two Days Later," which is either available if you subscribe to Doctor Who Series 7 Part B on US iTunes, or if you're very naughty. I'm a very naughty boy and I loved it.

Also released by the Radio Times is a really cool banner with a lot of the series' monsters, villains and a couple of allies. Which I'm going to put a bit lower in the post, so if you don't want to see it, you don't have to.

Before we get onto that, almost-full list of episode titles! In big fat text to push the picture of the monsters down the screen.

1. The Bells of Saint John
2. The Rings of Akhaten
3. Cold War
4. Hide
5. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
6. The Crimson Horror
7. Nightmare in Silver
8. TBA

Written, as previously reported, by Steven Moffat, Neil Cross, Mark Gatiss, Neil Cross, Stephen Thompson, Mark Gatiss, Neil Gaiman, and Steven Moffat respectively. So that's mostly Neils and Steves, then.

Interesting tidbits - The Crimson Horror is focused on Vastra, Jenny and Strax, as they "tackle a case of their own, and stumble across the Doctor's path, quite accidentally." Meanwhile, The Rings of Akhaten features Steven Moffat's favourite new monster of the series, in the Vigil.

Right. Enough stalling. Here's yer villains, monsters and mates:


The monsters seem to be placed roughly in order of appearance from left to right, with Celia Imrie's character featuring in the first episode, the Vigil and the Mummy in the second, right up to the Whispermen who are believed to appear in the finale. This has got me properly excited, and I think it's starting to look like the ghost train that series 6 almost was.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 28, 2013, 09:45:41 AM
Interesting tidbits - The Crimson Horror is focused on Vastra, Jenny and Strax, as they "tackle a case of their own, and stumble across the Doctor's path, quite accidentally."
Does this mean it'll be a Doctor-lite episode? We haven't really had one since series 4!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 28, 2013, 12:09:24 PM
Interesting tidbits - The Crimson Horror is focused on Vastra, Jenny and Strax, as they "tackle a case of their own, and stumble across the Doctor's path, quite accidentally."
Does this mean it'll be a Doctor-lite episode? We haven't really had one since series 4!
Seems that way! He doesn't appear until halfway through, apparently... but, that's equally true of A Good Man Goes to War, so who knows? I'm with you, though, I reckon it sounds lite.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 28, 2013, 12:18:10 PM
Would be very interesting if so. Blink and Turn Left are both pretty amazing, so Doctor-lite can work well (and personally I quite enjoy Love & Monsters, but not nearly on the same level of course).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 28, 2013, 01:16:52 PM
Funnily, there's hints that Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS might be Doctor-lite, too. I wouldn't be surprised if they were double-banked series 1 style, where The Long Game split its filming with... I want to say Father's Day? Could be wrong. Could've been Boom Town, or the finale, given the shared sets. So neither episode ends up quite as Doctorless as a lite episode, but nor are they maximum Doctor.

They have broadly been ace, though, yeah - and I'd add Midnight to the list of quite-good cast-lite episodes, too. I love a good format-breaker.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 28, 2013, 04:23:11 PM
I was a naughty boy and watched the video with Strax's return being explained. I still think a Strax comedy series would be a license to print money myself.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: drummerThatShreds87 on March 28, 2013, 04:54:53 PM
been really wanting to get into this show. i didn't even know it was a remake.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 28, 2013, 05:17:59 PM
Well, it's not a remake. It's a continuation. The show, being cancelled at the end of the 7th Doctor's run, was off the air for a good bit. There was a movie with the 8th Doctor (and tons of audio dramas) as well. RTD picked the series back up where it left off in 2005 so and continued on with the Doctor being the 9th incarnation. And it's wonderful.

Also, awesome news. I love Doctor-lite episodes, and I really love Strax, so awesome. I liked "The Last Cyberman" better than "Nightmare in Silver" though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 28, 2013, 08:01:21 PM
That said - there's no obligation whatsoever to watch the old stuff. The new stuff's free standing. It revels in its history, and there are a few thrills that are specifically aimed at classic fans, but it doesn't come with a recommended reading list. In fact, I'd actively discourage firing up the 20th century stuff 'til after you've fallen in love with the resurgence. New series is more relevant. (Actually, might even be worth starting with 2010, cos that's another resurgence unto itself. But - I digress!)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 28, 2013, 08:25:26 PM
Oh! In other news - sadder news - the Mill is closing. If the name's not familiar to you, their work definitely will be, cos they were responsible for every single CGI shot in the series.

Not enough work, apparently. (https://www.televisual.com/news-detail/-Mill-TV-to-close-following-vfx-downturn_nid-2660.html) VFX downturn over the last year or so. Arrrg!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on March 30, 2013, 01:10:24 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 30, 2013, 07:33:43 AM
Hope you like spoilers, cos if not, good luck avoiding this for the next six months... 50th anniversary cast! (https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/doctor-who/25029/doctor-who-50th-anniversary-casting-news)

Cool news! Good time to release it. This is going to be a very Who-y day.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 30, 2013, 01:08:35 PM
FAO abydos:
robwebster, I am curious, what in her performance doesn't sell it for you completely? For me, she was a love at first sight. As was Karen Gillan.
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I've got a hunch it's this:

I'm not sure it's her performance as much as her dialogue. I've found her a little... quippy. She's dazzlingly intelligent, has Holmesian powers of deduction, lives a double life, and about her only flaw is that she's really good at dying. She dances circles around the Doctor, of all people.

I can't think of ways you could improve the performance, I think JLC herself has done an impeccable job and brought a lot of energy to her characters, but I think someone in such an unrealistic situation needs a very realistic personality. Amy Pond was in an unrealistic situation, too, but she was also clearly flawed - she had abandonment issues, slow to trust, afraid of commitment, very clear anxiety from the word "go." She was clever, sassy, smart, but you get the impression that if she hadn't met the Doctor, or certainly if the Doctor had never come back for her, she'd have just carried on living her life, making bad decisions, maybe never even realising how much she truly loved Rory.

I haven't yet found JLC's characters particularly authentic, I suppose. She's too shiny, too perfect. Ultra-quick mind. The Doctor only takes the best, but it's almost like she's got a big neon sign over her head saying "Best person in the story." Which she doesn't need, cos she's a great actress, wrapped in a mystery that's only become more fascinating as we've discovered more about it.

I'm hoping her present day incarnation's going to be a little more measured. Doesn't need to be unrecognisable, just... a little less River Song, a little more Sally Sparrow, would be ace.
Disregard this, I love Clara.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on March 30, 2013, 01:21:40 PM
Ha-ha! I still haven't watched the new episode. Currently refreshing certain websites.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 30, 2013, 08:42:53 PM
AHHH I LOVE JENNA-LOUISE COLEMAN. She's definitely going to be my favorite companion, oh my.

The episode was absolutely fantastic, though. Excellent story from Moffat. People complaining about this one will just be hating on Moffat for the sake of hating on Moffat, not because of any episode fallacies.

And also, those 50th spoilers...absolutely fantastic. I cannot wait to see them again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 30, 2013, 09:11:08 PM
I tend to agree - I think you'd have to try pretty hard to find a way to slate that. I'm sure people are managing, though. And hey, let 'em! Not my problem.

The bit at the end, with Miss Kizlet, really got me. Do we think her, er, client, is at all wrapped up in the Clara mystery?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Fiery Winds on March 30, 2013, 10:03:35 PM
I tend to agree - I think you'd have to try pretty hard to find a way to slate that. I'm sure people are managing, though. And hey, let 'em! Not my problem.

The bit at the end, with Miss Kizlet, really got me. Do we think her, er, client, is at all wrapped up in the Clara mystery?

That.  My brother and I both let out a collective, "Awww!", after watching that scene.  Brilliant episode.

To answer your question, I have no idea.  And I like it that way.  Knowing Moffat, they could be linked or it could just be a red herring.  I don't think that the client is directly involved in Clara's mystery, but I wouldn't be surprised if her trip to the digital domain results in future exploration of her character.

I can't say that Clara is my favorite companion, but she is definitely the most intriguing.  Her character tonight was nothing like her portrayal in Snowmen.  Can't wait to see what's in store the rest of the season!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on March 31, 2013, 03:30:15 AM
Did you guys notice the author of the book that boy was reading? :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 31, 2013, 04:13:12 AM
Yep, not initially, but certainly when the first base station appeared in the form of the girl on the cover!

The main thing I want to know is - who is the woman in the shop who gave Clara the "helpline" number?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on March 31, 2013, 04:56:02 AM
Мy guess would be that it was River.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 31, 2013, 05:49:28 AM
Мy guess would be that it was River.
Well that's my guess too, but the fact that it wasn't addressed during the episode makes me think there might be more to it. Moffat is clever though, sometimes he throws us red herrings. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cecilia on March 31, 2013, 07:56:56 AM
Did you guys notice the author of the book that boy was reading? :)

Right away, yes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 31, 2013, 09:18:48 AM
Did you guys notice the author of the book that boy was reading? :)

Right away, yes.

"Wait until you get to eleven, you'll cry your eyes out."  :lol

I noticed it right away, but I got a text from my ex this morning, who watched it yesterday and missed it, and she was all MOFFAT!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 31, 2013, 09:55:53 AM
Did you guys notice the author of the book that boy was reading? :)

Right away, yes.

"Wait until you get to eleven, you'll cry your eyes out."  :lol

I noticed it right away, but I got a text from my ex this morning, who watched it yesterday and missed it, and she was all MOFFAT!  :biggrin:
A lot of people missed it! Looking at the Doctor Who facebook page, there's a lot of comments on the picture of the book going "Wait a second - is that intentional?!" I caught the name, but only noticed "Wait until you get to eleven" when you said it, just now. Ace!

Woman in shop - never even occurred to me. Heard it, thought "That's weird," thought "Could that be Amy?" disregarded it, then completely forgot it was ever a thing. Yes, River going back from the end of the series would make a lot of sense. (And it's a guess, not a spoiler! So we might as well speak freely. The tiny text is such a pain to read - nobody's fault, this board desperately needs spoiler tags... but I reckon we can speculate without spoiling the episode for anyone! These are things we don't know, either.)

Other things - I noticed Clara had the number "23" missing from her book, and the leaf continues to baffle me. Liked the origin of "Oswin," though. Apt for someone who just downloaded bits of the internet. Never thought I'd hear that phrase on telly and not find it cringey beyond belief. Pleased to be wrong!

Did you guys notice the author of the book that boy was reading? :)
"Silence, boy!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 31, 2013, 01:30:24 PM
It'll probably be River, but my inner fanboy wants it to be Sally Sparrow so much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 31, 2013, 05:52:50 PM
So, awesome news. I'm getting to draw all eleven Doctors for my Drawing I final. We had to propose a certain idea, and I proposed the 50th anniversary of my favorite TV show. She was all for it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 31, 2013, 08:17:14 PM
So, awesome news. I'm getting to draw all eleven Doctors for my Drawing I final. We had to propose a certain idea, and I proposed the 50th anniversary of my favorite TV show. She was all for it!
I'm sure it doesn't need saying, but definitely post them when you're done!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 31, 2013, 09:45:43 PM
Wonderful chemistry that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 02, 2013, 09:57:09 AM
Oh, crikey. Talk about thick and fast.

They've announced Joanna Page for the 50th special. Good actor, excellent, nice bit of casting. But more to the point, they've announced the classic villain who's (presumably) taking centre stage. And it's not who you'd think... (https://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-04-02/zygons-to-appear-in-doctor-who-50th-anniversary-special)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on April 02, 2013, 10:09:22 AM
They certainly look meaner now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on April 02, 2013, 10:10:48 AM
Just started getting into Doctor Who. I'm currently on the 2nd season, really loving it so far
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 02, 2013, 11:16:18 AM
Oh, crikey. Talk about thick and fast.

They've announced Joanna Page for the 50th special. Good actor, excellent, nice bit of casting. But more to the point, they've announced the classic villain who's (presumably) taking centre stage. And it's not who you'd think... (https://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-04-02/zygons-to-appear-in-doctor-who-50th-anniversary-special)

Joanna as a new companion? Cripes, are they really getting rid of Clara so quickly?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on April 02, 2013, 11:30:56 AM
Well they don't reveal what they cast her as, probably not a companion.


Damn. Now I want at least one season of Jenna+Tennant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 02, 2013, 04:15:15 PM
Oh, crikey. Talk about thick and fast.

They've announced Joanna Page for the 50th special. Good actor, excellent, nice bit of casting. But more to the point, they've announced the classic villain who's (presumably) taking centre stage. And it's not who you'd think... (https://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-04-02/zygons-to-appear-in-doctor-who-50th-anniversary-special)

Joanna as a new companion? Cripes, are they really getting rid of Clara so quickly?
No she's just another actress in the episode.

Jenna-Louise Coleman has already signed up for another series apparently.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 02, 2013, 04:37:06 PM
As has Matt Smith, it's being reported today! Forgotten where, just know I read it - I'll link if I find it, though.

Also - how different does Joanna look nowadays?! Might just be the photo. Still, didn't recognise her at first. Man!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 06, 2013, 12:22:00 PM
Gorgeous ep! Properly sumptuous. Lovely.

Funnily, the only thing that didn't entirely chime with me was... the plot! Occasionally slow, a lot of speeches, didn't quite "get" what it was doing with the Doctor - did it give him his memories back? Still, how's that for world-building!? All those aliens - beautiful! I already want to revisit Akhaten.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Kotowboy on April 06, 2013, 12:25:15 PM
I gather from the Twitter-verse that someone actually CRIED on Dr. Who this week !!

First time in ... oooh about 7 days isn't it ?

 :biggrin: :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 06, 2013, 12:33:19 PM
Think it's closer to 103!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: adameastment on April 06, 2013, 01:10:50 PM
I thought it was a great episode. Focusing on the whole souls thing again wasn't it?

Am I allowed to post spoilers? Is there Spoiler quote marks available? :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 06, 2013, 01:20:49 PM
We've got the episode title in the slugline, so I think anyone trying to avoid Akhaten discussion's got fair warning. Put them in small text if you're really concerned, but it should be fine.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: adameastment on April 06, 2013, 01:37:28 PM
Ok, well, the fact that Clara can't remember ever meeting the Doctor is confusing. And there are also so many references to "grandaughter" and "grandfather". I dunno if it's a coincidence or not :S
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 06, 2013, 01:41:26 PM
She can, can't she? She remembered him being at the grave - or am I missing something?

Did catch the granddaughter, grandfather thing! I don't know that it's going anywhere, but it's nice to hear the mythology being trotted out in the fiftieth year.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: adameastment on April 06, 2013, 02:12:49 PM
She can, can't she? She remembered him being at the grave - or am I missing something?

Did catch the granddaughter, grandfather thing! I don't know that it's going anywhere, but it's nice to hear the mythology being trotted out in the fiftieth year.

Oh, no, I mean her previous encounters with the Doctor, ie. Spaceship Alaska (or whatever it's called) version of Clara.

It's odd because I'm really beginning to wonder where Moffat is taking this story.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 06, 2013, 02:16:58 PM
Oh, right, yes!

Seeing as they all got obliterated, they can't be the same person. Which means they're... clones? Decoys? Lures? Alternative futures? None quite seem to fit. It is weird.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: adameastment on April 06, 2013, 02:19:49 PM
Oh, right, yes!

Seeing as they all got obliterated, they can't be the same person. Which means they're... clones? Decoys? Lures? Alternative futures? None quite seem to fit. It is weird.

My mum and her friends daughter were trying to convince me that she's River Song (which I quickly de-bunked). Clones - Could be, that fits more than Decoys and Lures because that's already been done (twice if you think about it: River and Amy), Alternate Futures, I dunno, unless the Doctor is actually travelling between parallel universes and doesn't know then that might be plausible (although as seen from Series 2 it's very bad for the Tardis).

Have you got any ideas?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Jaq on April 06, 2013, 03:39:13 PM
Bloody fantastic episode. Dare I say it got right moving in the final ten or so minutes? Just a glorious beautiful episode that continues the streak of the Clara episodes to date feeling practically like a different series; compare this to the two Chibnall episodes from the first half of the series and it's like they're not even the same show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: abydos on April 06, 2013, 03:47:14 PM
I didn't care for the singing part, felt a bit meh. Also the smiley face on the planet. But other than that - pretty sweet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: masterthes on April 06, 2013, 08:10:05 PM
So, just updating my progress catching up with the Who-verse. I finished season 2 last night. That was a gut wrenching finale. Started in with season 3. Martha is kind of cute (and was she in that second to last episode of season 2?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Jaq on April 06, 2013, 10:57:23 PM
So, just updating my progress catching up with the Who-verse. I finished season 2 last night. That was a gut wrenching finale. Started in with season 3. Martha is kind of cute (and was she in that second to last episode of season 2?

Same actress, yes. Explained in the series as being Martha's cousin.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Sketchy on April 07, 2013, 03:59:02 AM
I went round a friend's house yesterday, and we watched the two most recent eps of DW.

If I had liked the previous two doctors, I'd probably be watching this regularly, because Matt Smith is, to me, what the doctor is all about, and I love the clever little ways his doctor solves problems (like the anti-grav bike).
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 07, 2013, 05:46:11 AM
"Did you not hear the words anti-grav?!"

He's excellent. He is the best one. And, the Matt Smith stuff is a sort of new start in its own right - the whole show regenerated at the same time he came in, new head writer, new companions, same continuity but new story - so you could always just go from S5E1 if you're not a fan of the other two Docs.

Chris Eccleston and David Tennant are cool, too, though. One of them abbreviates to DT! Nothing that abbreviates to DT could be bad.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Sketchy on April 07, 2013, 05:59:10 AM
I didn't dislike them, but they just didn't feel Doctor Who to me (I used to watch the old Tom Baker ones from time to time when I was a kid), but all the Matt Smith ones I've seen, I've really enjoyed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Heretic on April 07, 2013, 11:12:31 AM
Man the Doctor's speech was amazing. "...a universe where the laws of physics were controlled by a madman"  -- definitely Omega. Hints to Omega have been spread throughout Matt's run. Perhaps he'll return.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: ariich on April 07, 2013, 11:26:15 AM
Man the Doctor's speech was amazing. "...a universe where the laws of physics were controlled by a madman"  -- definitely Omega. Hints to Omega have been spread throughout Matt's run. Perhaps he'll return.
No, I believe that was a reference to the Toymaker, from the 1st Doctor's era.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Heretic on April 07, 2013, 11:39:41 AM
Omega had an antimatter universe where he basically controlled the physics, so that's where I was coming from. Could be the Celestial Toymaker too. Others have proposed the Master of the Land of Fiction as well. Perhaps it's an all-encompassing reference that is meant to cause speculation :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: El JoNNo on April 07, 2013, 11:43:38 AM
This episode was kind of lame. I'm getting tired of all the episodes where love and feelings defeat the BBG.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Super Dude on April 07, 2013, 02:02:34 PM
Martha was cute. Her character was a little uninteresting but totally cute.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: masterthes on April 07, 2013, 08:19:28 PM
Yeah, just finished season 3. Not too sad seeing her go
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Super Dude on April 07, 2013, 09:17:26 PM
I really hope the 50th isn't the end of Clara as a companion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Sigz on April 07, 2013, 09:20:11 PM
She's already been confirmed for the 8th season.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: skydivingninja on April 07, 2013, 09:26:28 PM
There were a few things in this episode I really liked...

-The Doctor referencing his Granddaughter
-The Doctor's speech to the big bad
-The idea in general of souls being memories and using sentimental objects as currency
-Clara and Emily's interactions
-The Doctor's frantic thinking trying to figure out the mystery behind Clara
-The Doctor's attitude when he's showing Clara her first look at an alien system

However, on the whole, I found the episode pretty lackluster, a lot of it from the production side.  The greenscreen effects were laughably noticeable and bad, and the set of the pyramid was confusing (and poor editing during the Doctor's escape from the Vigil didn't help).  Really cool-looking monsters like the mummy and the Vigil did fuck all, while the big bad at the end had a silly smiley face.  Also, when he imploded, wasn't that also their sun? 

Honestly, this was probably the worst "companion's first trip" episode they've done.  It felt a bit too safe overall.  Great performance by Matt Smith as usual, but his chemistry with Jenna-Louise Coleman in the market scenes seemed a little off somehow, I don't know.  Still looking forward to next week's episode as well as Neil Gaiman's!  Plus the hopefully end-of-season resolution of who/what Clara is.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Super Dude on April 07, 2013, 09:33:36 PM
I've never been too concerned about Doctor Who's special effects and production value just because it's been like that for as long as I've been watching, but otherwise you took the words right outta my mouth. The granddaughter bit was great.

As for the weird chemistry, I have a theory, and it's that they're trying to make Clara into this dynamic, interesting character, and they're trying to fit the Doctor around that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: abydos on April 07, 2013, 09:35:09 PM
What is this granddaughter business? I haven't watched any Dr Who before the current reboot and don't plan to.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Super Dude on April 07, 2013, 09:35:40 PM
The very first Doctor in the '60s traveled around with his granddaughter.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: ariich on April 08, 2013, 12:13:05 AM
Also, when he imploded, wasn't that also their sun? 
No, it was one of the 7 planets that orbit the sun.

And yeah, some of the effects weren't great, but still better than they had back in the first series, and I still enjoy that. Given DW's low budget, I'm never too bothered by the effects.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: El JoNNo on April 08, 2013, 01:17:09 PM
What is this granddaughter business? I haven't watched any Dr Who before the current reboot and don't plan to.

This was also the first Doctor.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: skydivingninja on April 08, 2013, 02:23:16 PM
The very first Doctor in the '60s traveled around with his granddaughter.

But then the writers got scared of sex and decided that she wasn't really his granddaughter because they didn't want to give the impression that the Doctor had sex with anyone.  The actress who played Susan refused to come back for the Five Doctors special because of it.  I'm glad the showrunners have gotten over that since then. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 08, 2013, 02:44:09 PM
Briefly digressing... just seen it pointed out that Clara's mum died the same day the autons attacked London.

I know, right?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Jaq on April 08, 2013, 03:00:30 PM
The very first Doctor in the '60s traveled around with his granddaughter.

But then the writers got scared of sex and decided that she wasn't really his granddaughter because they didn't want to give the impression that the Doctor had sex with anyone.  The actress who played Susan refused to come back for the Five Doctors special because of it.  I'm glad the showrunners have gotten over that since then.

Close; they removed the mentions of the relationship from the script for those reasons and Carol Anne Ford refused to come back until they relented and put them back in. Which earns her a "good for her!"  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 10, 2013, 06:55:27 PM
Just watched my first episode of Doctor Who since Tom Baker.  Fun stuff.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 10, 2013, 08:21:40 PM
And the second.  Wow, have I waited too long.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: El JoNNo on April 10, 2013, 08:38:54 PM
And the second.  Wow, have I waited too long.

It's never too late!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: ariich on April 11, 2013, 04:44:33 AM
Hef! Which ones did you watch?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: masterthes on April 11, 2013, 05:31:51 AM
Almost halfway through series 4 (finished The Doctor's Daughter last night. Georgia Moffett is ridiculosly hot). Pretty decent so far. Catherine Tate has grown on me. I thought after watching Runaway Bride that I was going to hate her
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: abydos on April 11, 2013, 06:43:34 AM
I loved Catherine from the first episode. She has some hilarious moments with Tennant. And a few heart breaking ones. Now I'm sad.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2013, 07:09:15 AM
Almost halfway through series 4 (finished The Doctor's Daughter last night. Georgia Moffett is ridiculosly hot). Pretty decent so far. Catherine Tate has grown on me. I thought after watching Runaway Bride that I was going to hate her
I was in the same boat. Wasn't at all sold on her during TRB, bit too caricature, absolutely devastated when the news came she was to return as a full-time companion. Thought it would be a terrible mistake. Love being wrong.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 11, 2013, 07:39:55 AM
Hef! Which ones did you watch?
Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: masterthes on April 11, 2013, 07:58:43 AM
I know it's still ongoing, but do you think there might be an interest in doing a survivor on the reboot series?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2013, 08:07:40 AM
Hef! Which ones did you watch?
Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.
Ohhhh, never considered it as a starter, but yes, I imagine that'd be excellent. Asylum in particular is a fantastic episode.

I know it's still ongoing, but do you think there might be an interest in doing a survivor on the reboot series?
Don't know about anyone else, but personally? It'd be the first survivor I'd follow start to finish. We've only got five and a half more weeks of S8, we'd probably still be on S3, S4 by that point. Yeah, go for it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 11, 2013, 08:14:20 AM
Hef! Which ones did you watch?
Asylum of the Daleks and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.
Ohhhh, never considered it as a starter, but yes, I imagine that'd be excellent. Asylum in particular is a fantastic episode.
They are on my cable system's On Demand channel for BBCAmerica.  Good stuff.  I did a minimum of background research, and they also had retrospective episdoes on the First, Second, and Third Doctors.  I am enjoying these immensely.

I also discovered Orphan Black on BBCAmerica, and will be delving into other series featured on the On Demand channel.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2013, 08:31:03 AM
Not aware of Orphan Black - seems to be a BBC America original. Excellent supply of TV on-demand, though. I thiiiink those retrospectives are being done for the anniversary year. Again - not reached the UK, yet, but heard good things. How much Doctor Who is it, just those episodes, or the whole season so far?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: masterthes on April 11, 2013, 08:45:47 AM
Oh, I wasn't going to do it (maybe when I'm all caught up with you guys I would) I was just asking in general
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2013, 08:46:59 AM
Oh, heck. I might, then. Why not - we had an IT crowd one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: Super Dude on April 11, 2013, 09:05:39 AM
Dinosaurs on a spaceship - how can you possibly go wrong? Good shit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2013, 09:56:47 AM
Here we go, let's find out. Doctor Who survivor! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36582.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 11, 2013, 12:30:30 PM
Not aware of Orphan Black - seems to be a BBC America original.
I think it is.  Canadian.  Excellent thus far.

I thiiiink those retrospectives are being done for the anniversary year. Again - not reached the UK, yet, but heard good things.
Makes sense.  Very informative, with commentary from past actors.  Lots of Tennant.

How much Doctor Who is it, just those episodes, or the whole season so far?
The whole season, AFAIK.  Those were the first two, and I think there are 5 more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 12, 2013, 08:38:58 AM
Yep, that's all of it. Might be missing the very most recent, but if it's got The Bells of Saint John, Rings'll doubtless be up there shortly.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 12, 2013, 10:05:40 AM
Pow! Survivor, round 2. Aliens of London & World War III are out (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36591.0). I don't expect many people to be overly upset by this. Great titles, though. Eight votes is alright for a not-well-publicised first round, right? Enough for me to keep going, at any rate. I was expecting like two.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 12, 2013, 11:56:12 AM
Yep, that's all of it. Might be missing the very most recent, but if it's got The Bells of Saint John, Rings'll doubtless be up there shortly.
I will try to catch up some more this weekend.  I'm looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: masterthes on April 12, 2013, 06:07:49 PM
I'm curious what kind of episodes you guys prefer, the strictly sci-fi ones or the historical ones?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 13, 2013, 06:23:28 AM
Just finished A Town Called Mercy.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 13, 2013, 07:34:18 AM
...and now The Power of Three.

And oh, BTW, Karen Gillan is quite attractive.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 13, 2013, 07:51:39 AM
Good eps. Got a lot of time for A Town Called Mercy. Can't pick out exactly why, it's a fairly normal episode, but I think it ascends above its format. If that's not too wanky. Power of Three's good fun. Completely barmy, funny ending, but it's the kind of story that only Doctor Who can tell. I do love the Apprentice cameo, too. Little details like that.

And, yes. "Quite's" an understatement. q:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Rings of Akhaten
Post by: robwebster on April 13, 2013, 08:30:30 AM
I'm curious what kind of episodes you guys prefer, the strictly sci-fi ones or the historical ones?
Just caught this - my favourite two eps are The Eleventh Hour and The Waters of Mars. Which, not sure if you've seen those ones yet, but just from the last title, you can probably hazard a guess that they're not particularly historical.

Frankly, though, it depends on the story. There are lots of brilliant historical episodes, lots of brilliant episodes in the future. Don't know that it's either or. Human Nature's brilliant, and it would've been rubbish if they'd set it in the future. The past makes sense, cos it rolls the Doctor back, makes him primitive even by our standards.  Likewise, Bad Wolf would've been rubbish set in the past, because history would recall how it ended. Something that lifechanging, we'd know it never happened, it'd break the spell. I suppose the future is a rather wider canvas, so I like it for that reason... but there's some brilliant historical stories to be told.

ETA: Right! Fifty minute countdown. And here (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36608.0)'s more survivor. Liking the speed. A round a day was a good idea.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Super Dude on April 13, 2013, 08:11:35 PM
That next episode looks great. I hope to God the ghost doesn't turn out to be an alien machine or Cybermen; a good ole fashioned ghost hunt would do the Doctor some good. I could go for a nice Gothic episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: GuineaPig on April 14, 2013, 03:24:35 AM
Best episode in a long time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: masterthes on April 14, 2013, 03:58:10 AM
Just finished series 4. Goddamnit, can't we end one of these on a happy note? (Well, technically the first series ended on a happy note, but still lol)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: abydos on April 14, 2013, 07:43:09 AM
Quite disappointed with this one. Looking at the writers, this season may be the weakest one with Smith so far. More Moffat, less outsourcing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: ariich on April 14, 2013, 02:25:29 PM
That next episode looks great. I hope to God the ghost doesn't turn out to be an alien machine or Cybermen; a good ole fashioned ghost hunt would do the Doctor some good. I could go for a nice Gothic episode.
Not sure why you'd expect that, DW has always gone for sci-fi and never supernatural. If you want genuine ghost stories, DW isn't the show for you.

Cold War was great, probably my favourite Gatiss episode! I really liked the way they brought the Ice Warriors back, and especially how they made the voice actually quite intimidating, and not awful like in the classic series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Jaq on April 14, 2013, 02:28:32 PM
Given that Gatiss episodes tend to be hit or miss (which amazes me given how good his two Sherlock episodes have been; it's like a different writer!) I rather liked Cold War. Nice to see the Ice Warriors get an update that manages to remain faithful to the original yet removes what looked really silly from the original design. And David Warner practically stole the episode without trying. "DOES ULTRAVOX BREAK UP?!"  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Super Dude on April 14, 2013, 03:18:42 PM
That next episode looks great. I hope to God the ghost doesn't turn out to be an alien machine or Cybermen; a good ole fashioned ghost hunt would do the Doctor some good. I could go for a nice Gothic episode.
Not sure why you'd expect that, DW has always gone for sci-fi and never supernatural. If you want genuine ghost stories, DW isn't the show for you.

Cold War was great, probably my favourite Gatiss episode! I really liked the way they brought the Ice Warriors back, and especially how they made the voice actually quite intimidating, and not awful like in the classic series.

A hope is not an expectation.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: masterthes on April 14, 2013, 03:45:04 PM
They really should have made Christina a companion. She could have been fun, not to mention very easy on the eyes
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 14, 2013, 06:08:00 PM
Just watched The Angels Take Manhattan.  How sad.

After 5 episodes, this show appears to be incredibly well-written and well-performed.  I am in love.

BTW, I was surprised to find out at the end that River was Amelia's daughter.  When did that happen?  From the episodes I've seen, I never saw a daughter.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Sigz on April 14, 2013, 06:19:46 PM
Just watched The Angels Take Manhattan.  How sad.

After 5 episodes, this show appears to be incredibly well-written and well-performed.  I am in love.

BTW, I was surprised to find out at the end that River was Amelia's daughter.  When did that happen?  From the episodes I've seen, I never saw a daughter.

It happened the season before, VERY long story.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 14, 2013, 06:48:10 PM
Just watched The Angels Take Manhattan.  How sad.

After 5 episodes, this show appears to be incredibly well-written and well-performed.  I am in love.

BTW, I was surprised to find out at the end that River was Amelia's daughter.  When did that happen?  From the episodes I've seen, I never saw a daughter.

It happened the season before, VERY long story.
Oh, OK. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: robwebster on April 14, 2013, 09:16:52 PM
Oh, crikey, yeah, that. It's sort of... River's a recurring character, you find out her history over S5 and S6, and I won't give away the specific twists and turns in case you want to go back and watch it, but basically - time travel!

Glad you're loving the show. Performance is good, isn't it - I tend to take it for granted, but Matt Smith, in his late 20s, is somehow completely convincing as a 1,100 year old alien. He is not of this Earth.

ETA: Oh, also, series 1 round 4 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36618.0) if anyone's keeping up with the survivor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Super Dude on April 14, 2013, 09:25:38 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: masterthes on April 15, 2013, 04:50:54 AM
just got done with the Tennant years. Very sad. The End of Time is definitely in my top 5 Who episodes so far, probably even number one. I hated though they hooked up Martha and Mickey. I never really liked that guy
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: ariich on April 15, 2013, 04:52:01 AM

Mickey is awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: robwebster on April 15, 2013, 08:07:38 AM
just got done with the Tennant years. Very sad. The End of Time is definitely in my top 5 Who episodes so far, probably even number one. I hated though they hooked up Martha and Mickey. I never really liked that guy
End of Time's brilliant. Certainly my favourite of Tennant's finales. Think I prefer Human Nature, Silence in the Library, though - the late-season two-parters.

Do like Mickey - didn't at first, though, I was like the Doctor. I thought he was an idiot, and the tin dog. Eventually earned his place with me, but maybe it happens over months, rather than days.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 15, 2013, 09:57:53 AM
I guess my next one is Bells of St John.  I will try to hit that one tonight.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: robwebster on April 15, 2013, 12:15:24 PM
Oh! No! The Snowmen's next. They've done a very weird thing with the scheduling, which has made this more confusing than it should be, but I wouldn't advise watching The Bells of St. John without catching the christmas special first. You can, if you want, but it's an interesting special. More than just a stop-gap.

This is, unless you've already watched the Snowmen. In which case... disregard this, I'm a div!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 15, 2013, 01:11:57 PM
Oh! No! The Snowmen's next. They've done a very weird thing with the scheduling, which has made this more confusing than it should be, but I wouldn't advise watching The Bells of St. John without catching the christmas special first. You can, if you want, but it's an interesting special. More than just a stop-gap.

This is, unless you've already watched the Snowmen. In which case... disregard this, I'm a div!
I don't think I have access to a Christmas special.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: robwebster on April 15, 2013, 01:29:50 PM
Ack! Well, if you can find it - brilliant. It seems to be $3 on iTunes, if that's any use, cos the events of the episode are... relevant, to the Bells of St. John, in a time travelly kind of way. That said, it's not compulsory viewing, and $3 does seem like a lot for an hour of telly, so if you want to watch the episodes you have access to, rather than mucking about with the episodes you haven't, that's fair. It's a mid-season opener, so it explains the most important stuff that gets carried forwards.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 15, 2013, 02:07:30 PM
We'll see.  Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 15, 2013, 06:52:10 PM
I watched The Bells of St. John and The Rings of Akhaten.  Great stuff, once again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: robwebster on April 15, 2013, 09:07:43 PM
Eeeeexcellent! The Bells of St. John hold up all right without The Snowmen?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: abydos on April 15, 2013, 09:55:32 PM
Am I in the minority for thinking that the Asylum of the Daleks and Snowmen were miles ahead of the episodes after them? Don't get me wrong, I love 'em but they all seem to kind of lose "it" in the middle-towards the end for me. Kind of disappointed Moffat isn't writing more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: robwebster on April 15, 2013, 10:17:16 PM
I think Asylum and Snowmen have been my favourite episodes of the run... but, every run has best episodes. A Town Called Mercy's not far below, and that wasn't a Steven Moffat episode.

He had to have a break after series six - part of the reason for seven's delay. The workload's huge, he's pumping out as many eps as he can. And I do think it's only right that the showrunner's writing the best episodes - imagine if he wasn't, how rubbish would that be! Get what you're saying, a series of Asylums would be superb... but there's only one Steven Moffat, and he's going as fast as he can! "Not as good as Asylum of the Daleks," or "Not as good as Steven Moffat," are fairly faint, as damnation goes. I'd give my left arm to be not as good as Steven Moffat. Not even a turn of phrase - I actually would! All right, left leg, can't really type with one arm, but still.

For what it's worth, Mark Gatiss has given his best script since The Unquiet Dead this series, we've got Neil Gaiman yet to come, and a seemingly-quite-unorthodox Neil Cross ep on Saturday. I'm sure there are some non-Moffat corkers to come.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Sigz on April 15, 2013, 11:20:54 PM
I just have to say, the scene from the street > the TARDIS > the plane in The Bells of St John is probably one of my favorite scenes in the modern series. Brilliant cinematography, and a great way to introduce the new companion to the TARDIS.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 16, 2013, 04:35:40 AM
Eeeeexcellent! The Bells of St. John hold up all right without The Snowmen?
Yeah, I guess.  I mean, I was a little in the dark about why the Doctor was in 1207, but I'm always somewhat in the dark anyway, so I just accepted it and moved on.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: ariich on April 16, 2013, 11:24:22 AM
Am I in the minority for thinking that the Asylum of the Daleks and Snowmen were miles ahead of the episodes after them? Don't get me wrong, I love 'em but they all seem to kind of lose "it" in the middle-towards the end for me. Kind of disappointed Moffat isn't writing more.
Asylum, Town Called Mercy and Bells are my favourites so far, so yeah I probably do have a preference for Moffat's stuff, but then I love his style so that does kinda make sense. Doesn't mean I'm not really enjoying the other stuff though! Only weaker moments for me have been Dinosaurs (still an absolute blast, just lacked any real sense) and the second half of Rings, but even those I still enjoyed a lot and had some really nice touches.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 17, 2013, 06:49:16 PM
OK, just caught Cold War.  Pretty good, but probably my least favorite so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Fiery Winds on April 17, 2013, 06:56:13 PM
OK, just caught Cold War.  Pretty good, but probably my least favorite so far.

It's definitely more of a "bottle episode" in scope and production, but I enjoyed the villain more than in Rings.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: robwebster on April 17, 2013, 08:19:35 PM
OK, just caught Cold War.  Pretty good, but probably my least favorite so far.
And you're up to date!

Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: masterthes on April 18, 2013, 05:19:22 AM
Finally started 5th series. I could get used to Matt Smith. My initial reaction is that he seems to be more subdued than Tennant, which is fine by me, anf Karen Gillan is very fine indeed
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: robwebster on April 18, 2013, 07:47:01 AM
Yes, Matt's great. Different animal to Tennant - more subdued at times, I think. At his manic, he's probably rather more manic... but, I'll let you find out!

Five is my favourite series. Report frequently!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Fiery Winds on April 18, 2013, 12:17:45 PM
Yes, Matt's great. Different animal to Tennant - more subdued at times, I think. At his manic, he's probably rather more manic... but, I'll let you find out!

Five is my favourite series. Report frequently!

Five is definitely up there for me, as well.  The marked improvement in production, writing, and revised vision is what really pulled me back into the series, as opposed to just being another show I watched.  Those final four hours of Series 5 are just magnificent.  :hefdaddy 
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: masterthes on April 18, 2013, 05:07:58 PM
I'm at the return of the Angels. Definitely liking what I've seen so far. Is Karen Gillan related to a certain Deep Purple singer by any chance?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: abydos on April 18, 2013, 06:03:06 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 18, 2013, 07:00:26 PM
OK, just caught Cold War.  Pretty good, but probably my least favorite so far.
And you're up to date!

Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: masterthes on April 19, 2013, 04:30:37 PM
Time of the Angels is better than Blink

Umm, and how come River never acknowledged Amy if technically she already met her at that point?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: masterthes on April 20, 2013, 12:38:15 PM
That Van Gough episode was simply beautiful
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 20, 2013, 12:39:21 PM
Time of the Angels is better than Blink

Umm, and how come River never acknowledged Amy if technically she already met her at that point?
Time traveller! Needs to be careful. And yes, the Van Gogh ep is possibly the highlight of that series. So, so good. I might prefer The Eleventh Hour. And the finale. But, not by much.

New ep - jesus christ, that was a bit good. First three were decent. This one, whoa! The creature... it was what I think it was, right? Begins with a T?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Sigz on April 20, 2013, 02:03:13 PM
Yeah, great ep. Loved the high five when they got back.

Journey to the Center of the TARDIS looks great as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Cold War
Post by: Super Dude on April 20, 2013, 02:58:38 PM
I just have to say, the scene from the street > the TARDIS > the plane in The Bells of St John is probably one of my favorite scenes in the modern series. Brilliant cinematography, and a great way to introduce the new companion to the TARDIS.

Oh totally. Say what you want about the episodes of this season as a whole (what little we've seen anyway), but what make them for me are the fantastic little bits like that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Heretic on April 20, 2013, 11:08:46 PM
MAN Hide was definitely my favorite of series 7 thus far. Clara was amazing and really came into her character her. The episode was actually very creepy whilst having an amazing twist and resolution. The acting was superb and the characters were great, too. If Neil Cross can put out episodes of this quality, they surely better recruit him for series 8. Awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: masterthes on April 20, 2013, 11:18:07 PM
so nice to finally have a cheery series finale for once. On to series 6!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 21, 2013, 07:29:27 AM
MAN Hide was definitely my favorite of series 7 thus far. Clara was amazing and really came into her character her. The episode was actually very creepy whilst having an amazing twist and resolution. The acting was superb and the characters were great, too. If Neil Cross can put out episodes of this quality, they surely better recruit him for series 8. Awesome.
Yep - word for word. Nothing but praise. Superlative. Fantastic. Phenomenal episode. More like this, please.

so nice to finally have a cheery series finale for once. On to series 6!
You asked, at Journey's End, "Is there ever a happy finale?"


Also, currently looking at a potential tie on the DWS1 survivor, so... your vote counts! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36708.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: ReaperKK on April 21, 2013, 08:00:49 AM
Ok so I haven't read any of this thread but I want to check this show out. Where would I start? Doctor Who has been around for ages hasn't it?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 21, 2013, 08:09:15 AM
It has! And I'd advise against starting right at the start, because...crikey! You'd be here for years. Doctor Who owes its longevity, in part, to a format that isn't tied to a single cast. The leading man, leading lady - everyone can be and is replaced, thrives on change. Had 26 series between 1963 and 1989, rested for a bit, and started a new run in 2005.

The latest "everything brand new" change of the guard was at the top of series five of the new run, an episode called "The Eleventh Hour" - which is also a one-stop Doctor Who FAQ. You can watch that and continue onwards without needing any prior knowledge, you'll get it all at the top of the hour, it was designed to appeal to new viewers. You could do the same starting with series one, if you wanted, and many would recommend that above all, but I think S5 is the better crash-course. More recent, more relevant. S1's a great place to start, too, if a little more dated now that it's almost a decade old, but none of it's required reading - you could even start with the current series, if you wanted, just as hefdaddy did a few days ago. Heck, series five episode six was designed as an episode new viewers could happily latch onto.

S5E1 is the best, though, followed by S1E1. The Eleventh Hour is the first ep with the latest Doctor, Rose is the first ep of "modern Doctor Who." Have at it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Super Dude on April 21, 2013, 08:19:28 AM
Only nine minutes through the new ep, but lemme just say that Clara is about as cute as a button.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: senecadawg2 on April 21, 2013, 08:41:04 AM
Hide was FANTASTIC!!! Favorite of this second part of season 7, by far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Jaq on April 21, 2013, 09:38:15 AM
More than any arrival of a companion since Amy, Clara's arrival has signaled a sea change for the show, particularly in the writing. Where generally a series of Who lately (other than 6, which was known as "the one that Neil Gaiman wrote and everything else"), the writing has been "the ones Moffat did", thus far the second half of this series has been brilliantly written, and we STILL have a Gaiman and a Moffat episode left to go. But there's overall in the show, I don't know...it's still Doctor Who, but it feels a bit more modern and a bit more, I don't know, mature? Especially Hide, which was downright brilliant.

Incidentally, I'm amused by the fanboys who think the reveal of the last episode's name thinks that means Moffat is actually going to reveal the Doctor's name and are furious. There's no name any writer can come up with that will meet decades of expectation, for one thing. And for another, at some time, River learns the Doctor's name, and thanks to the fake out in The Wedding of River Song, she still doesn't know it as far as we know. Far more likely that the series finale shows her finally learning it without us HEARING her learn it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 21, 2013, 10:25:35 AM
More than any arrival of a companion since Amy, Clara's arrival has signaled a sea change for the show, particularly in the writing. Where generally a series of Who lately (other than 6, which was known as "the one that Neil Gaiman wrote and everything else"), the writing has been "the ones Moffat did", thus far the second half of this series has been brilliantly written, and we STILL have a Gaiman and a Moffat episode left to go. But there's overall in the show, I don't know...it's still Doctor Who, but it feels a bit more modern and a bit more, I don't know, mature? Especially Hide, which was downright brilliant.

Incidentally, I'm amused by the fanboys who think the reveal of the last episode's name thinks that means Moffat is actually going to reveal the Doctor's name and are furious. There's no name any writer can come up with that will meet decades of expectation, for one thing. And for another, at some time, River learns the Doctor's name, and thanks to the fake out in The Wedding of River Song, she still doesn't know it as far as we know. Far more likely that the series finale shows her finally learning it without us HEARING her learn it.
"More than any arrival of a companion since Amy..." whuh!? Amy, Rory, Clara - who else?!

Aside from that, though, I do sort of agree with you. Series seven, so far... it's been a show I like, but not the show I love. Rings was interesting but a little ropey, Cold War was solid but not exceptional, and The Bells of Saint John was a great episode, but not a great Moffat episode. Hide has transformed my opinion of the run practically overnight, and is starting to hint at similar greatness to my favourite series, S5.

Because, honestly, it's all there. For all they said that they were dialling the arc right back, it's actually starting to look present, but a little more even. Series six was built around the Moffat episodes. It was a bunch of really arc-heavy episodes; big, cramped adrenaline rushes where all the plot happened, linked by episodes full of cliffhangers and cursory nods, but without development.

Here, however, and Hide is the first time this is really coming to the fore - the TARDIS stuff is growing, Clara's relationship with the TARDIS feels like part of a bigger story. We're learning more about her, we're seeing the Doctor develop, we're seeing the Doctor's suspicions laid out, we're seeing her reacting to time travel. It feels like we're edging forward with each episode, and the mystery is thickening, and layering, and advancing gradually, just like it did in series five.

Little details like that can make or break a series. Rearranging three episodes in series six, I think, made an already slightly problematic series seem clumsier. There's a lovely moment, at the end of Night Terrors, where the Doctor says, pointedly, "Here we are, together, in the flesh," and it would have originally led straight into The Rebel Flesh. It's him voicing a suspicion, and it would've made his odd behaviour in the following episode more intriguing, and we'd have been speculating, and it'd have hinted at the Almost People cliffhanger and rewarded the eagle-eyed viewer. As it is, the foreshadowing was broken, and they crammed a few 6A elements into The Curse of the Black Spot. 7A felt a bit weird, too, because it was sort of a coda. The Ponds didn't rejoin the TARDIS full time, so it was more like a very slow departure than a big, fun adventure.

Hide feels like the show I adore - series five, full of beans, arc rolling on, interesting characters, and yet also brand new. I don't think S6 was a bad series at all, I think the arc was done badly, but the series was great. And it works retroactively, because I can now see a story being told slowly, one that's starting to take shape, and so the last two episodes are taking on clearer shapes, too. I'm incredibly excited about next week's episode. I can't wait to see where I'm going. It's taken a few weeks longer than I expected, but I'm a proper, card-carrying, giddy-as-a-babe Doctor Who fan all over again. Terrific.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 21, 2013, 10:29:30 AM
As for The Name of the Doctor - how did I not put two and two together like that?! Alex Kingston, in an episode with that title, of course this must be where she finds out. Good call, Jaq. I'm expecting The Name of the Doctor to be fundamentally about the name of... "The Doctor!" Whatever he was called at birth, he's definitely called the Doctor now. That's the name that'll be printed in the history books - and it's a big name, it's echoed, become a word for "warrior" in some cultures. I've been expecting it to discuss that, rather than his actual name - almost reaffirming that his old name doesn't matter. But, yes, I'm sure River must be about to find out. Citing!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: jonny108 on April 21, 2013, 11:38:55 AM
Here are the posters from the next 4 episodes.




Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Super Dude on April 21, 2013, 12:31:13 PM
The next one looked great in previews. The Cybermen again though?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Heretic on April 21, 2013, 10:19:21 PM
The next one looked great in previews. The Cybermen again though?

Before you cast your doubts take into account that NEIL FREAKING GAIMAN wrote the episode, the new Cybermen design is awesome, and that he promised to make them "scary" again, something I wouldn't believe if it were anyone other than Neil Gaiman saying it. I am so pumped.

Also-- The Name of the Doctor. I am absolutely positive Moffat won't actually reveal his name, but rather what his name can mean, what it can do, and what it can cause. I am going to guess that this is the episode where Clara will do whatever she does to be "spread across time and space," and that the Great Intelligence will return, along with perhaps the Silence as well. River's inclusion (which promises for fun banter between Clara and River) hints at her discovering the Doctor's name, which, of course, is a huge point of Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. Perhaps this will also be the episode where she gets the Doctor's screwdriver!

In any case, Moffat is awesome, so I'm not expecting anything other than an amazing finale for the series. It has the potential to be the best Doctor Who finale ever, what with the build up of the fields of Trenzalore, the fall of the 11th, the first question, and the Clara mystery. Hopefully Moffat will hit the ball out of the park.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 22, 2013, 05:08:58 AM
Perhaps this will also be the episode where she gets the Doctor's screwdriver!
We did see the red settings in Cold War! This sounds very plausible.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Super Dude on April 22, 2013, 05:15:57 AM
The next one looked great in previews. The Cybermen again though?

Before you cast your doubts take into account that NEIL FREAKING GAIMAN wrote the episode, the new Cybermen design is awesome, and that he promised to make them "scary" again, something I wouldn't believe if it were anyone other than Neil Gaiman saying it. I am so pumped.

Also-- The Name of the Doctor. I am absolutely positive Moffat won't actually reveal his name, but rather what his name can mean, what it can do, and what it can cause. I am going to guess that this is the episode where Clara will do whatever she does to be "spread across time and space," and that the Great Intelligence will return, along with perhaps the Silence as well. River's inclusion (which promises for fun banter between Clara and River) hints at her discovering the Doctor's name, which, of course, is a huge point of Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. Perhaps this will also be the episode where she gets the Doctor's screwdriver!

In any case, Moffat is awesome, so I'm not expecting anything other than an amazing finale for the series. It has the potential to be the best Doctor Who finale ever, what with the build up of the fields of Trenzalore, the fall of the 11th, the first question, and the Clara mystery. Hopefully Moffat will hit the ball out of the park.

Ooooh, did not know that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: masterthes on April 22, 2013, 05:21:57 AM
So, I think A Christmas Carol is the best holiday themed Doctor Who episode ever so far
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: masterthes on April 22, 2013, 08:23:44 PM
That had to be the oddest and creepiest season premiere of Doctor Who yet *shivers*
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 23, 2013, 08:24:46 AM
"Yes," on both counts. There's another Christmas special that gives A Christmas Carol a run for its money, but I think ACC still wins it, just about. The Impossible Astronaut, though, is unique. What an episode. Amazing. Not perfect, bit of a funny pace, but the beauty, the size, the ideas, the monsters, that sequence by the lake - we'll never see an opener like it again. And rightly so.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: ariich on April 24, 2013, 02:16:49 PM
Interesting to hear your views on S6 Rob. I think the story arc is amazing, and loved the way it developed, the only let down really was how rushed the resolution was.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: abydos on April 24, 2013, 02:28:43 PM

I loved Hide. I was starting to get worried about non-Moffat written episodes since the show came back from hiatus but this one hit all the right spots for me. Everything felt nice and well laid out, even the ending's ending.
Not to mention the brilliant production, atmosphere  - i was actually scared too a few times. Something no horror movie does for me. When I see shit like monsters or butchers chasing brainless victims and whatnot - that is just hilarious and annoying. Building suspense and fear into the viewer with sheer ambience and actor's performance - so much stronger and easier to relate to, therefore easier to get into.

I do enjoy the slightly darker side of the Doctor as well. They've showed that a few times (Mars special comes to mind). The way he answered Clara to questions like what do they mean to him, doesn't everything being dead bother him etc - he's answered those before in strikingly different ways as far as I remember. Now he just kind of shrugs it off and doesn't even understand what's the real question.
His answer - "mystery"- was something I'd expect House to say. And then with the very ending, definitely a House moment!

Oh, and those posters are FUCKING SWEET! I wouldn't mind having a 2m tall/wide version of them on my wall.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 24, 2013, 03:19:18 PM

I loved Hide. I was starting to get worried about non-Moffat written episodes since the show came back from hiatus but this one hit all the right spots for me. Everything felt nice and well laid out, even the ending's ending.
Not to mention the brilliant production, atmosphere  - i was actually scared too a few times. Something no horror movie does for me. When I see shit like monsters or butchers chasing brainless victims and whatnot - that is just hilarious and annoying. Building suspense and fear into the viewer with sheer ambience and actor's performance - so much stronger and easier to relate to, therefore easier to get into.

I do enjoy the slightly darker side of the Doctor as well. They've showed that a few times (Mars special comes to mind). The way he answered Clara to questions like what do they mean to him, doesn't everything being dead bother him etc - he's answered those before in strikingly different ways as far as I remember. Now he just kind of shrugs it off and doesn't even understand what's the real question.
His answer - "mystery"- was something I'd expect House to say. And then with the very ending, definitely a House moment!

Oh, and those posters are FUCKING SWEET! I wouldn't mind having a 2m tall/wide version of them on my wall.
They did do tension very well, didn't they? Actual monster attacks aren't that scary. What's the worst that can happen? The monster attacks. Well, it's already happening. The threat that it could attack at any moment? Now, that's scary - and Doctor Who can manage that just as well as any 18-rated horror blockbuster. This, I think, is why the weeping angels work. Other villains might have a more practical way of getting about - the weeping angels, you can hold off, but not forever. It's inevitable, it's just a matter of when. The time when the angels aren't attacking is what's scary, because it's time when the characters are vulnerable - and if you're invested in them, it makes you vulnerable, too. Very cool.

Other things to mention - acting, superb. Tiny guest cast, but how fantastic were they! Honestly, they sold those characters. That's the most impressed I've been with any guest actors, ever. They made it so, so real. So much praise. What else? The way the monster moved, brilliant. The detour across all of space and time right in the middle of a haunted house ghost story, sublime. Grouchy TARDIS, frosty relationship with Clara, amazing. Oh, nothing but praise. Such a good episode.

Interesting to hear your views on S6 Rob. I think the story arc is amazing, and loved the way it developed, the only let down really was how rushed the resolution was.
That's fair! I think it's interesting, and I adore the ambition. I'd never ask for Doctor Who to be less ambitious. I also think the series itself is fantastic. There are very few episodes I don't like, a hell of a lot I do, and one or two that are among my favourites ever. (The Impossible Astronaut, The Girl Who Waited - cracking.) The ideas, by and large, are brilliant, and - you know? I even like the arc episodes, on their own. I just think it's let down by its execution. The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon were in the can before Moffat started writing any of the later episodes, and regrettably, I think it shows, just a little bit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: abydos on April 24, 2013, 03:27:58 PM
Yeah, the guest actors were superb as well. So much so, I went out and googled them just to see what kind of work they've done.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: masterthes on April 24, 2013, 03:51:10 PM
I really want to do naughty stuff to Lily Cole. Good Lord is she beautiful. She can be my Siren any day
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Heretic on April 24, 2013, 06:41:08 PM
SO, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, my final project in Drawing I this semester was the task of drawing all eleven of the Doctors. It was an arduous task, and it left me with little free time, but the result was something I'm quite proud of. My father and I built a TARDIS-frame to frame the Doctors in, and it was a huge hit at college. Everyone loved the drawings, and the TARDIS just added to that.

Anyways, here's some photos. They're taken with my phone, so they're not the best quality, but they give you the general idea. I'll get detailed pictures of all the Doctors later on after the assignment is graded in whatnot.



I used prismacolor pencils for the drawings. They are a type of colored pencil that are specifically made for art, and they're very high quality. I tried to express the character of each Doctor through their expression and the colors used, and I feel like they're all quite unified. In any case, I thought you guys would appreciate this!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Sigz on April 24, 2013, 06:47:12 PM
Wow, that is brilliant. Fantastic, even.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: masterthes on April 24, 2013, 07:00:10 PM
That is awesome and very cool!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: masterthes on April 25, 2013, 08:17:29 PM
To my fellow Whovians, I just got done with A Good Man Goes To War and my mind got seriously blown to pieces
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 26, 2013, 01:51:59 AM
That's cool - I just saw Heretic's pictures in that gnarly TARDIS frame and I had a similar feeling. But yeah, that ep's like getting hit by a very nifty freight train. There's quite a few along those lines this series. Very cool.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: masterthes on April 26, 2013, 04:27:11 AM
It must have been heartbreaking for her every time she encounters Amy and Rory never having to tell who she was or their untimely fate (I'm not there yet, but I pretty much know what's about to occur and I'm not looking forward to it)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: El JoNNo on April 26, 2013, 05:18:55 AM
It must have been heartbreaking for her every time she encounters Amy and Rory never having to tell who she was or their untimely fate (I'm not there yet, but I pretty much know what's about to occur and I'm not looking forward to it)

I would think it would be worse watching The Doctor know her less and less. Remember she wasn't raised by Rory and Amy, she grew up with them. To her they would be more like friends then parents. Also Amy and Rory don't die they are sent back in time, so for all we know they are perfectly fine and might show up again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: skydivingninja on April 27, 2013, 06:45:52 AM
Hide was a pretty great episode.  My only criticism was how easily the pocket universe stuff was brushed away.

"I'll be dead in 4 seconds if I go to the pocket universe."
"I don't care!"
"Oh okay"
*Goes twice, is completely fine*

Also has the TARDIS been known to fly without a real pilot to and from places?

So yes, other than that, Hide was a very VERY good episode.  Definitely the best of 7b, may be the best of series 7 as a whole.  Though I do agree with Rob on 7b as a whole.  I like it, but something's missing that's keeping me from loving it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: Super Dude on April 27, 2013, 06:50:10 AM
I do think it's the strongest of 7b to date. I like Clara but I also do agree that the first episode was odd and the second was rather dull.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Hide
Post by: robwebster on April 27, 2013, 06:53:57 AM
Also has the TARDIS been known to fly without a real pilot to and from places?
The TARDIS flew without a pilot last episode! Flew to the South Pole, right at the top of the episode.

7B - funny, innit! Perfectly entertaining, but even the Steven Moffat episode - great episode, loved The Bells, but it's not exactly up there with his very best. I'm not sure it's just 7B that's missing something - whole of series seven feels a little... not quite there, with the possible exception of the Snowmen and, now, Hide. That said, I'm very, very excited for tonight's episode. In fact, for all of the remaining episodes. I'm totally, completely intrigued by all that's to come. Bring it on.

Course... it might just be that we've waited so long.  But I didn't have any of the same problems with S5, and I do think there's a big difference between Hide and its predecessors, so who knows!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 27, 2013, 12:27:35 PM
I bloody loved that. Two for two. Doctor Who, you've got your mojo back.

Steve Thompson has a funny habit of writing an okay episode, then coming back next series and blowing it out of the water. Wonderful. I do wish it hadn't ended the way it did, though. Got your hopes up, picturing all these wonderful, gamechanging outcomes, then, "Ah, for fuck's sake!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Jaq on April 27, 2013, 03:17:03 PM
I feel for Steve Thompson.

First thing I knew him for: writing the episode of Sherlock between A Study In Pink and The Great Game. Next thing I knew him for: writing the pirate romp that wound up being stuck between Moffat's mind blowing series 6 two parter and, oh, an episode of Doctor Who written by Neil Gaiman. Then he writes, for Sherlock, the exceptional episode The Reichenbach Fall, only to see armies of clueless idiots scream about all that "Moffat" did in the episode. About time he got some respect, because he's a great writer, and he knocked it out of the park with Journey, even if it was resolved by pretty much the oldest deus ex machina in time travel history. Frigging great episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 27, 2013, 04:31:30 PM
So, I'm watching The God Complex and in the beginning I swear The Doctor just called Rory Mickie, or is that just me?  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Heretic on April 27, 2013, 05:23:01 PM
Wow, that is brilliant. Fantastic, even.

Thank you sir. I had a feeling you would like it, haha.

That is awesome and very cool!

Thank you! Glad you're enjoying your watch-through of the show.

That's cool - I just saw Heretic's pictures in that gnarly TARDIS frame and I had a similar feeling. But yeah, that ep's like getting hit by a very nifty freight train. There's quite a few along those lines this series. Very cool.

Heck yes sir. My art teacher was telling me "some whovian would probably buy that off of you for tons of money." I was like "eerrrmmm not reallllllllllllly giving this away..." haha. Maybe prints or something, but not the TARDIS frame.

In any case I'm really pumped for tonight's episode. Opinions so far have mainly been "OMG" so I'm excited.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 27, 2013, 05:28:34 PM
So, do we ever find out what The Doctor saw in his door, or do the writers leave us to speculate endlessly?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 27, 2013, 05:49:30 PM
So, do we ever find out what The Doctor saw in his door, or do the writers leave us to speculate endlessly?
I'll give you a clue. It's not the first one.

That's cool - I just saw Heretic's pictures in that gnarly TARDIS frame and I had a similar feeling. But yeah, that ep's like getting hit by a very nifty freight train. There's quite a few along those lines this series. Very cool.

Heck yes sir. My art teacher was telling me "some whovian would probably buy that off of you for tons of money." I was like "eerrrmmm not reallllllllllllly giving this away..." haha. Maybe prints or something, but not the TARDIS frame.
Yeah, crikey. That's a keeper!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on April 27, 2013, 07:35:05 PM
Damn shame about Clara forgetting all that library stuff. And that nice lil' moment with the Doctor.

God, it's like everything I watch lately involves time loops and people who aren't taken along for the ride and so don't remember anything.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 27, 2013, 07:40:15 PM
So, after having watched the season 6 finale, are they basically saying Silence is going to fall when the Doctor's name is revealed?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: abydos on April 27, 2013, 08:49:58 PM
Another awesome episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on April 27, 2013, 09:07:57 PM
I will be perfectly honest, I'm more excited by far for the last two episodes of the season than next week's. I'm sure it'll be fine, but that trailer didn't impress me much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 27, 2013, 09:11:52 PM
I will be perfectly honest, I'm more excited by far for the last two episodes of the season than next week's. I'm sure it'll be fine, but that trailer didn't impress me much.
Trailer was a bit average, but Silence in the Library had one of the most unimpressive trailers in the land, and it turned out okay. We're at two for two on excellent episodes, in my book - love to see that reach three for three. It's a Mark Gatiss ep, so I'm crossing my fingers for Mark Gatiss, writer of The Unquiet Dead, rather than Mark Gatiss, writer of The Idiot's Lantern.

So, after having watched the season 6 finale, are they basically saying Silence is going to fall when the Doctor's name is revealed?
Yep! Silence will fall when the question is answered: Doctor Who?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 27, 2013, 10:18:45 PM
The corresponding Christmas special was a bit of a letdown from the previous one, although I did enjoy the ending
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Sigz on April 28, 2013, 12:33:02 PM
Holy crap that was an awesome episode. Team TARDIS!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 28, 2013, 07:19:26 PM
Almost caught up. Going to watch Angels Take Manhattan tomorrow. I'm not ready yet to say goodbye to Amy and Rory. Amy has definitely become my favorite companion so far
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on April 29, 2013, 12:18:09 AM
Latest episode was great, really enjoying this run at the moment! Very strong arc episode as well - even if the ending sort of undoes everything a bit, I think it's all going to be sitting there in the background still, not entirely forgotten.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on April 29, 2013, 04:28:37 AM
I will say this: although not every episode has been great, this half-season has sustained my interest considerably more than seasons past (I started after Donna).

Also, I don't know if anyone's with me on this, but I think Matt Smith is an overall more interesting Doctor than David Tennant. Tennant was my first Doctor and he was great: goofy, quirky, and ultimately he pulled off that whole lone ranger thing pretty well. But for some reason it's easier for me to be pulled along for the ride with this Matt guy. He's more relatable in a "one-to-one" way, if anyone can understand what I'm saying.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 29, 2013, 04:41:01 AM
Almost caught up. Going to watch Angels Take Manhattan tomorrow. I'm not ready yet to say goodbye to Amy and Rory. Amy has definitely become my favorite companion so far
These are correct decisions. Also, I reckon you'll be caught up before the next episode airs. Citing!

I will say this: although not every episode has been great, this half-season has sustained my interest considerably more than seasons past (I started after Donna).

Also, I don't know if anyone's with me on this, but I think Matt Smith is an overall more interesting Doctor than David Tennant. Tennant was my first Doctor and he was great: goofy, quirky, and ultimately he pulled off that whole lone ranger thing pretty well. But for some reason it's easier for me to be pulled along for the ride with this Matt guy. He's more relatable in a "one-to-one" way, if anyone can understand what I'm saying.
Not going to come as a surprise, given my usual choice in avatars, but, yep! I agree with you. Eccleston was my Doctor, then Tennant was clearly better, then Smith's clearly better than both of them. I don't know if this represents a gradual increase in Doctor quality, or just how terribly mercenary I am when picking favourites, but Tennant was very... cool. He was chilled, at ease - sometimes goofy, constantly cripped by guilt, and fantastically acted throughout, but Smith is far more pyrotechnic. Tennant was most gripping when he lost control, because it came so naturally to his Doctor. Smith's Doctor is rather more hectic - he can barely control his own body. He has a marvellous way with words, and people, and technology, but he's also clearly quite fallible. When he's fierce, it sneaks up on you.

For my buck, he's the most interesting performer we've had in the role by miles - and that's by no means a criticism of his genuinely terrific predecessors. He plays it in such a way that he can be, and is, constantly surprising. Not just every episode, but every scene. Magnetic, the perfect front-man. If it were my choice, I'd have him for five more series. Stunning stuff.

Crikey. You might be nudging my avatar back.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on April 29, 2013, 04:44:32 AM
^ Couldn't have said it better myself. Also, this may just be coincidence, but I also feel as though the overall quality of the show has gone up since he was put on. I was watching Planet of the Dead last night, and although there was nothing overtly terrible about it, I did find that Carmen's acting positively cringeworthy. And her secondary character is not the only one I remember from Tennant's run that was cringeworthy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 29, 2013, 04:47:58 AM
I'm definitely loving Smith more as my viewings have gone on. He's pretty much tied with Tennant right now
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 29, 2013, 05:10:25 AM
^ Couldn't have said it better myself. Also, this may just be coincidence, but I also feel as though the overall quality of the show has gone up since he was put on. I was watching Planet of the Dead last night, and although there was nothing overtly terrible about it, I did find that Carmen's acting positively cringeworthy. And her secondary character is not the only one I remember from Tennant's run that was cringeworthy.
Aesthetically, it's gorgeous nowadays. In the last era, a city looked like a city. Bold, bright colours, people all over. Something about the colour palette, and the effects, nowadays, everything looks a little less big-'n'-bolshy, a little more... I can't find the word. The house style is a little more, "muted," perhaps but also more inventive. Both approaches are cool, both are clearly the net result of hours and hours of work apiece from the most talented production team in British TV, but one feels a little more "modern Who," and the other feels "All of time and space." My kind of look.

I can't imagine them doing the Sontaran spaceship in Moffat's Who. Current team, Michael Pickwoad in particular, would realise it very differently. Likewise, I don't think Aliens of London would've looked half as grounded - and, therefore, don't think it would've been half as effective - with the current house style. As much as it's not Whovians' favourite episode, now, that was an incredibly pivotal moment. That was a huge episode. It was flawed, there were more than a few issues with it, and when we hold a show to such a high standard it's those we notice, but it nailed way more things on the head. I think the S5 approach might yield a more convincing Slitheen, but one of the most exciting and most imperative things about the episode, is that to work, and to bring back Doctor Who, modern day London had to be recognisable, it had to be the world you could walk into, and despite The Bells of St. John, I'm not sure the current "look" evokes the people on the ground quite as well.

Beautiful, though. Utterly gorgeous.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 29, 2013, 05:35:08 AM
Rob, you doing a series 2 survivor?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 29, 2013, 05:39:15 AM
Don't know! Considered it, did all the little icons, everything ready to go, just depends if anyone's up for it. Thinking of ways to tighten the format - S1, the first few rounds got quite a few votes, the later ones not as many. Partially because I slipped with the schedule, and partially because I stopped posting a link in here each week, I'm sure. Think it'd be worth doing?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 29, 2013, 06:21:27 AM
All right. I had an idea - new survivor, new rules.


Series two... commence!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on April 29, 2013, 08:38:01 AM
Cool idea Rob!

For my part, I suck at checking the P&S board, whereas I check into this thread every day there's an update, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. So honestly, feel free to post an update in here each time, I won't ban you for spamming. ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 29, 2013, 02:53:59 PM
Damn you Rory, you just had to look at that tombstone, didn't you? Here's a question regarding the Angels? How come nobody ever thought to use a hammer against them? They are stone, right?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: El JoNNo on April 29, 2013, 03:49:21 PM
Damn you Rory, you just had to look at that tombstone, didn't you? Here's a question regarding the Angels? How come nobody ever thought to use a hammer against them? They are stone, right?

When you look at them they become quantum locked, basically they are frozen in time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on April 29, 2013, 04:43:22 PM
Just now took another gander at the regeneration scene for Eleven, and it made me wonder: how much of his post-regeneration "observations" are scripted, and how much is ad lib? 'Cause I'd like to think Matt Smith got creative, what with his "Oooh, lotsa fingers!" and whatnot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 29, 2013, 07:10:05 PM
Almost caught up. Just got finished with Hide. Will probably watch Center tomorrow
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Nekov on April 29, 2013, 08:36:17 PM
That last episode was awesome! The previous 3 episodes were a little meh but now we're back onto some good ol' Dr
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 29, 2013, 09:22:11 PM
Just now took another gander at the regeneration scene for Eleven, and it made me wonder: how much of his post-regeneration "observations" are scripted, and how much is ad lib? 'Cause I'd like to think Matt Smith got creative, what with his "Oooh, lotsa fingers!" and whatnot.

Maybe the End of Time Part Two script is closer than you think..! (https://www.thewriterstale.com/pdfs/End%20of%20Time%20Part%20Two/Doctor%20Who%204%20Ep.18.GOLD.pdf)

The NEW DOCTOR stands there, panting, trying to focus. Staggers slightly, legs buckling, like a new born foal. Steadies. Looks down at himself ...

THE NEW DOCTOR: Legs! Still got legs, good!! Arms! Hands! Lots of fingers! (Running his hands over his face now) Ears, yes! Eyes, two! Nose, I've had worse. Chin, blimey! Hair ... I'm a girl!! (Checks Adams apple) No! Not a girl. (Pulls a strand of hair in front of his eyes) And still not ginger. And something else, something important, I'm, I'm, I'm --

The TARDIS shudders, throwing him against the console.


He's gripping the console now, the whole ship bucking and spinning around him. Howling chaos! CAMERA SHAKE! Alarms! FLAMES all around! SMOKE! PRAC DEBRIS falling from the roof!

FX: On the scanner, Earth zooming up towards us.

The TARDIS bucks and starts to tip, the DOCTOR clinging madly to the console - the final descent!


Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on April 29, 2013, 09:25:03 PM
Oh, that's the actual script and not a transcript? Alright, well it answers my question at least.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 29, 2013, 09:25:34 PM
As written by Steven Moffat himself!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on April 29, 2013, 09:25:54 PM
Fair play to the Moffat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 30, 2013, 03:51:43 AM
Well, that was certainly an ambitious episode. The TARDIS would make Hill House seem mundane lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 30, 2013, 07:46:02 AM
And with that... welcome to the present tense! That's the fastest I've known anyone to get up to speed. Nice work.

So honestly, feel free to post an update in here each time, I won't ban you for spamming. ;)
In which case, by royal appointment... the clash of the series 2 titans. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36837.0) Round 2's up. Mixing things up was a good idea.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 30, 2013, 08:07:41 AM
I have no life lol

So, a theory about the client at the end of The Bells. Is that The Master? I seriously doubt he's dead
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2013, 08:21:59 AM
I have no life lol

So, a theory about the client at the end of The Bells. Is that The Master? I seriously doubt he's dead
No, it's the Great Intelligence, from the Snowmen, and also from a couple of old classic DW stories.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 30, 2013, 08:28:52 AM
Ok, I'm not all caught up then lol Will have to find The Snowmen when I get out from work
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2013, 10:10:18 AM
Ah the Snowmen was the Christmas special last year, takes place between Angels Take Manhattan and Bells of St John!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 30, 2013, 11:22:19 AM
I knew I was missing a Special in there somewhere lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Heretic on April 30, 2013, 12:51:37 PM
There's a theory that the guy that peaks around the door in the Shard building after the whole Great Intelligence thing happens is the Master. I'd need to watch it again but that would be somewhat clever and humorous. Moffat's already said he'd only bring the Master back if someone wrote a really good story involving him, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 30, 2013, 03:31:30 PM
Even though it was just his voice, Ian McKellan in a Doctor Who episode equals total win. So, NOW I am all caught up

Question, lizard lady. Was she the warrior girl we saw in The Hungry Earth? I don't remember if she ended up getting killed or not.

And as far as Clara goes, couldn't the Doctor simply think it's a case of reincarnation?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on April 30, 2013, 03:43:06 PM
No, she's a different silurian to that one, but of the same race. She first appeared in a full episode in A Good Man Goes To War, but has appeared in various previews and other shorts as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on April 30, 2013, 03:48:19 PM
Think the warrior twins in The Hungry Earth were called... Restac and Alaya? Something like that. Quite confident about Restac.

The Victorian silurian is called Vastra - all three characters are played by the same actor, so they do have Neve McIntosh's face, confusion's forgivable. She is brilliant, though, so no complaints here - I believe the prosthetics are slightly different every time. The sontarans repeat actors, too - Chris Ryan and Dan Starkey have both played various sontaran characters. Makes sense for a clone race, mind.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on April 30, 2013, 04:07:50 PM
Wonder what her story is with the Doctor then? Maybe we'll find out this weekend
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on May 01, 2013, 04:22:56 AM
Pretty sure they have covered that, maybe in some of the web-only mini episodes or previews though, can't remember.

You can read about it here: https://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Vastra

God bless the internet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on May 01, 2013, 04:48:02 AM
Thank you sir  :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 01, 2013, 05:05:24 AM
OK, so for some reason, Hide was shown on its regular broadcast night (which I missed), but my cable system hasn't put it up for On Demand viewing.  ???

So I went ahead and watched Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.  Good, but not my favorite.

Read a story somewhere this week theorizing that the Doctor may be going mad with this Clara stuff.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on May 01, 2013, 07:22:54 AM
So, I'm just curious, when watching the episodes live, do they have any commercial breaks, because when I was watching them, it seemed like there were no breaks at all, except for the intro 
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: El JoNNo on May 01, 2013, 07:24:36 AM
They have a stupid amount of commercials, it pisses me off. So much so I stopped watching on TV and started watching online.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on May 01, 2013, 08:17:01 AM
So, I'm just curious, when watching the episodes live, do they have any commercial breaks, because when I was watching them, it seemed like there were no breaks at all, except for the intro
Nope - BBC is a public broadcast service. There's a couple of adverts for BBC shows either side of each programme, but there's no intermissions whatsoever. Not even the intro - we don't actually do intro-breaks in the UK. Even on the commercial channels, it's more often just one break every 15 minutes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: El JoNNo on May 01, 2013, 08:21:51 AM
So, I'm just curious, when watching the episodes live, do they have any commercial breaks, because when I was watching them, it seemed like there were no breaks at all, except for the intro
Nope - BBC is a public broadcast service. There's a couple of adverts for BBC shows either side of each programme, but there's no intermissions whatsoever. Not even the intro - we don't actually do intro-breaks in the UK. Even on the commercial channels, it's more often just one break every 15 minutes.

Must be nice; here Canada while watching Doctor Who we are inundated with "breaks".
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on May 01, 2013, 08:29:20 AM
I hate to sound smug, but it is, it's lush, I love the BBC.

Speaking of good things the BBC did, here's nine episodes of Doctor Who from 2006 for people to vote on. Allons-y... (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36853.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Jaq on May 01, 2013, 08:56:11 AM
The plus of BBC America: getting the episodes the same day they air. It was something like a year plus after series 1 aired before it reached the US, as an example.

The reason I still download them online, not feeling too bad since I always buy the series boxsets: while there's never really a good place in a show designed with no commercial breaks to put them, BBC-A puts them in the WORST places possible, every time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on May 01, 2013, 09:07:31 AM
I hate to sound smug, but it is, it's lush, I love the BBC.
Agreed, I understand ad breaks, but they're really annoying. It's bad enough here (outside of the BBC, which is wonderful), when they're only every 15 minutes, but the US and Canada as well it sounds like, are just ridiculous.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: masterthes on May 01, 2013, 09:33:08 AM
I've noticed also there haven't been any two parters lately. I was kind of shocked that series 6 finale was a one off
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Cedar redaC on May 01, 2013, 09:39:23 AM
BBC America has lots of commercials. Still, that does give the viewer time to realize what they may have missed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Heretic on May 01, 2013, 12:28:58 PM
I've noticed also there haven't been any two parters lately. I was kind of shocked that series 6 finale was a one off

Moffat decided that this series wouldn't have any two-parters in order to give every episode a sort of "mini-movie" feel, thus resulting in a few rushed endings. I feel those have been fixed mainly in 7b, though, but The Power of Three had the most rushed ending ever.

He also said that the second part of two-parters usually weren't watched as much as the first part, for whatever reason, and that they were experimenting with how the viewing figures fared with no two-parters.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on May 02, 2013, 03:34:30 PM
All right - Doctor Who survivor, the round three results have affirmed my faith in the new format. Amazing. Worth it for that alone.

Here's round four. Vote away, kids. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36878.msg1565758)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: abydos on May 02, 2013, 04:45:19 PM
This is a bit of a shitty request from my part but I'll ask away anyway: Could you add a small 3-4 line synopsis of each episode along with the pictures? I've never really cared for episode names so when I see the titles I don't know what the episode was about most of the time. I feel I'm not the only one? Or maybe I'm just the one watching online where everything is S02E01 and that's about it.

Don't do it just for me though, if there are more people with similar problems - speak up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on May 02, 2013, 04:48:45 PM
That's cool! That was sort of the idea with the picto-blocks, but since they're gone, makes a lot of sense. I'll get on it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on May 02, 2013, 05:15:55 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on May 03, 2013, 02:29:24 AM
Yeah I think the picto blocks are a nice way to do that, but if for a while you can't do those, a short synopsis does the trick! :)

Back to series 7b... I'm intrigued as to why Clara seems so obsessed with the number 11. In Bells when she said chapter 11 of Amy's book was the best, I think it was just a cool nugget and then sort of forgot about it, but then whisky is also apparently the 11th worst drink in the world, and I'm sure there was another reference at some point as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Jaq on May 03, 2013, 07:04:48 AM
Matt Smith is the Eleventh Doctor. Just throwing that out there.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on May 03, 2013, 07:16:04 AM
Yes, I know, thanks. :P

But she doesn't know that. Or she shouldn't, if she's just Clara, a normal girl. She won't know anything about regeneration etc.

And I still want to know who "the woman in the shop" was, but I'm guessing it's probably River.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Heretic on May 03, 2013, 11:06:06 AM
Follow up to my previous post about my Drawing I project:



Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on May 03, 2013, 11:21:22 AM
That's a damn good Hartnell, I gotta say.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: ariich on May 03, 2013, 03:45:38 PM
They're all bloody good! I'd say for me the least convincing is Ecclestone - all the others I would instantly recognise whereas with that picture of the 9th I'm not sure I would know who it was out of context.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: robwebster on May 03, 2013, 04:13:31 PM
But, what a context!! Utterly stupendous. I must've said it countless times, now, but... nice work, Heretic!

Round 5 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36895.0), series two survivor. Any feedback on the format is welcome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Heretic on May 03, 2013, 07:07:40 PM
In person, you can definitely see a few more of the subtle things that make Eccleston look like himself. I'd say him and Six were the hardest to get right, though!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Post by: Super Dude on May 03, 2013, 07:18:44 PM
Hehehehe, Matt Smith is talking to himself on DTF....
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 04, 2013, 12:27:09 PM
Pains me to say it, cos the man's basically brilliant - I love The League of Gentleman, I love Sherlock, I love his acting... but I don't think Mark Gatiss is quite right for Doctor Who.

Weird episode. I'm... not sure that it's good weird. Like Night Terrors, it was very bottom-heavy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Heretic on May 04, 2013, 01:06:40 PM
Hush Rob, don't make me not look forward to this! I love Strax and Vastra/Jenny.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: abydos on May 04, 2013, 01:37:06 PM
Nice one. I liked it, despite being kind of weird. I haven't watched any 60-70s scifi stuff but for some reason I have the impression that this would be a perfect fit for the time in terms of story/script.
And I like how they are finally starting to set up the whole Clara business in a more obvious way. The only minus for me is that we didn't get enough Clara time in this one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 04, 2013, 04:31:45 PM
Hush Rob, don't make me not look forward to this! I love Strax and Vastra/Jenny.
For what it's worth, I appear to be in the minority for this one! Lots of love for it - and if you go into it not excited, that means you'll be pleasantly surprised when it turns out I was talking out of my arse, so in many ways... whoo!

Round six! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36902.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: ariich on May 05, 2013, 03:21:52 AM
To be honest, I don't know how any DW fan could call that episode weird, it was no more so than most episodes. :lol

I really, really enjoyed it. Lots of nice touches, very "Victorian horror" which suited Gatiss' writing perfectly, and some really funny stuff throughout as well.

"Horse, you have failed in your mission!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 05, 2013, 10:25:09 AM
To be honest, I don't know how any DW fan could call that episode weird, it was no more so than most episodes. :lol

True true.

Overall I thought the episode was rather pedestrian, by Doctor Who standards. I definitely enjoyed it, but a step down from the last two.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 05, 2013, 10:43:32 AM
Doctor wasn't there for a third of it, lengthy flashback in old filmic style, villain not revealed until the very final act, very little for Clara to do... it seemed, in a Night Terrors kind of way, like a hell of a lot of build-up, followed by a very speedy ending. I don't know! I thought it felt a bit bizarre. Lots of emphasis on weird images, not so much on plot. Good reveals, good jokes, interesting characters, beautifully filmed (the technique of the old filmic flashback was ace!) but it felt funnily-paced, funnily-plotted, and slightly missed the mark for me. Wasn't impressed despite everything, rather than because of everything. Even the things that should've been brilliant - Strax is hilarious, but he's repeating jokes from The Snowmen almost word for word. I don't know! Just didn't resonate. I love The Unquiet Dead to bits, but since then, Mark Gatiss hasn't quite written my kind of Who. I think his vision for DW is parallel to mine, but slightly to the left. Phenomenal writer, just doesn't quite work for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Super Dude on May 05, 2013, 11:04:11 AM
The only bit I liked was at the very end. And the next episode looks great.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Sigz on May 05, 2013, 11:05:00 AM
I really enjoyed it And naturally looking forward to next week's episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: abydos on May 05, 2013, 11:22:09 AM
To be honest, I don't know how any DW fan could call that episode weird, it was no more so than most episodes. :lol

I really, really enjoyed it. Lots of nice touches, very "Victorian horror" which suited Gatiss' writing perfectly, and some really funny stuff throughout as well.

"Horse, you have failed in your mission!"
It's not often where the main focus of a Dr Who episode is not on him and not on his companion either. In fact, they are fucked and it's by chance that they get rescued. Well, sort of by chance. And then there was this Farscapeish parasite.

The only bit I liked was at the very end. And the next episode looks great.

I don't like children in tv-shows. And I especially hate kids that act like they do and that they always get away with it. Not going to lie, hope something bad happens to them and they have nightmares for the rest of their lives.  Also I don't like how children are mostly an excuse to get them into trouble because if you have an adult in their place you'll be thinking "WTF is this idiot doing now?!".
Hopefully the rest of the episode is good enough to compensate.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Super Dude on May 05, 2013, 11:41:39 AM
Oh, I didn't mean the children bit; I meant Clara discovering other Clara. Just that one moment had my "Shit's about to go down" alarms blaring.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: abydos on May 05, 2013, 11:53:10 AM
Oh yeah, that part was pretty sweet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 05, 2013, 11:59:00 AM
Not going to lie, hope something bad happens to them and they have nightmares for the rest of their lives.
I thought they were fine, myself, but the next ep's called Nightmare in Silver, so you might be in luck!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: masterthes on May 05, 2013, 12:05:02 PM
So I'm guessing they show Doctor Who on BBC America on Saturdays. I thought they showed it in the States on Sunday
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: abydos on May 05, 2013, 12:05:35 PM
There's always hope! Can someone explain the "wrong hands" bit? Is it a reference to something or just a joke I don't understand?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Super Dude on May 05, 2013, 12:16:44 PM
In the wrong hands is an expression.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: abydos on May 05, 2013, 12:25:55 PM
Damn it, I didn't make the connection with what the Doctor said to her just before that so I was like "wat?". This is indeed funny.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: ariich on May 05, 2013, 02:02:48 PM
Doctor wasn't there for a third of it ... very little for Clara to do.
Fair enough, but we had discussed a few weeks ago that it looked like there might be one or two semi-Doctor-lite episodes, and he was much more prominent than in some episodes in the past. Plus, other regular characters took the lead so it's not like it was random unrelated story or anything.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Jaq on May 05, 2013, 02:07:11 PM
I liked Crimson Horror well enough for what it was-a Doctor-lite episode in the slot where the series usually takes a breath before kicking it into high gear for the last two episodes. It was a bit of a harmless romp, with some fun bits here and there. The more I watch the series, the more I fall in love with Jenna Louise Coleman's performance. She has a near endless array of expressions in reaction to what the Doctor does, and all of them convey the inner thoughts of Clara towards him, which generally seem to be "do that again and I'll kill you."  :lol Not even Donna approached the Doctor in these terms; Clara's very ambivalent about the Doctor, and seems to be one of the few companions yet to be so, in this fashion.

Next week, some bloke named Neil Gaiman's writing it...

Just kidding, I'm beyond excited to see it. I've been waiting for Nightmare in Silver since my ex-GF went to see Gaiman speak a few months back and he had some things to say about the episode, and what Moffat asked him to do with it. I mean, fuck, it's NEIL GAIMAN writing Doctor Who, AGAIN. Who wouldn't be excited?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: masterthes on May 05, 2013, 03:28:22 PM
Do you think they might be planning a spin off? What was with the GPS kid? Who talks like that?

Anyway, I am sure this Cybermen adventure will be leagues better than the last one
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 05, 2013, 03:51:04 PM
Doctor wasn't there for a third of it ... very little for Clara to do.
Fair enough, but we had discussed a few weeks ago that it looked like there might be one or two semi-Doctor-lite episodes, and he was much more prominent than in some episodes in the past. Plus, other regular characters took the lead so it's not like it was random unrelated story or anything.
Oh, yeah! I'm not saying they were the reasons I didn't get on with it, I'm just saying that they're reasons it did feel unusual for an episode of DW.

Do you think they might be planning a spin off? What was with the GPS kid? Who talks like that?
Oh, god, that was crowbarred in! Joke was, his name's Thomas Thomas, and TomTom is a popular brand of sat-nav, in the UK at least. I don't know why he was there, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: masterthes on May 05, 2013, 04:20:40 PM
Okay, I feel like an idiot for not getting that lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Jaq on May 05, 2013, 09:30:49 PM
I didn't get the Tom Tom joke the first time through either, and yes, I have no idea how I didn't get it.  :rollin
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: ariich on May 06, 2013, 01:13:07 AM
I think he was basically just there to give Strax someone to talk to, and so the TomTom joke was thrown in to make him a bit more worthwhile. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 06, 2013, 03:55:01 AM
That works for me!

Second to last round (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36913.0) of the DWS2 survivor. Good top three. I think they're the right stories.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Heretic on May 06, 2013, 01:16:09 PM
Ahh I loved The Crimson Horror! It didn't feel weird to me at all. I loved the little twists and turns and Strax and Co. were fantastic. The Doctor and Clara seemed more affectionate, too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Super Dude on May 06, 2013, 02:03:20 PM
I'm watching Pyramids of Mars with the Fourth Doctor. As much as I'm loving this Doctor, the production value of the series itself has clearly benefitted from the relatively recent reboot's production team.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: Sigz on May 06, 2013, 07:03:50 PM
I didn't get the TomTom joke at first but now that i do, yeah it definitely feels forced. Still, loved the ep.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 07, 2013, 01:00:15 AM
FINAL ROUND! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36927.0)

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: El JoNNo on May 07, 2013, 06:52:58 AM
I have a connection to the next Doctor Who, sort of... My ex-girlfriend's friend's boyfriend is doing CG work on the next DW.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: ariich on May 07, 2013, 06:57:59 AM
That's pretty much the definition of "sort of". :P

I can do better than that. Until recently my girlfriend worked with Jenna Louise Coleman's aunt.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: El JoNNo on May 07, 2013, 07:06:35 AM
That's pretty much the definition of "sort of". :P

I can do better than that. Until recently my girlfriend worked with Jenna Louise Coleman's aunt.

Pfft! never liked you anyway!  :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 07, 2013, 11:07:42 AM
I have a connection to the next Doctor Who, sort of... My ex-girlfriend's friend's boyfriend is doing CG work on the next DW.  :biggrin:
Ooh! Who's he with, cos it's not the Mill any more, is it? They went under!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: El JoNNo on May 07, 2013, 11:31:32 AM
I have a connection to the next Doctor Who, sort of... My ex-girlfriend's friend's boyfriend is doing CG work on the next DW.  :biggrin:
Ooh! Who's he with, cos it's not the Mill any more, is it? They went under!

I'd love to tell you but I don't know, since Becky and I broke up he doesn't really respond too me on facebook. Always got along with the guy, so it's one of those he still has me on his friends list but doesn't acknowledge me. lol

He's also done work on the Walking Dead. He added the stumps to Michones (spelling?) zombie pets arms.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: masterthes on May 09, 2013, 05:07:15 PM
So, when's series 3 survivor starting?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: ariich on May 10, 2013, 02:09:27 AM
So, when's series 3 survivor starting?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 11, 2013, 01:25:57 AM
Oh, all right then!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 11, 2013, 02:34:17 AM
Before S3...


Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: robwebster on May 11, 2013, 04:03:07 AM
Triple post for a TRIPLE SERIES! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36980.0)

Vote! Vote! VOOOOOOTE!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: jonny108 on May 11, 2013, 08:25:35 AM
Very excited for tonight's episode! Cybermen!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2013, 11:56:26 AM
The fact that it's cybermen doesn't really excite me at all. The fact that it's Neil Gaiman excites me immensely!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror
Post by: abydos on May 11, 2013, 12:05:35 PM
And I'm excited by neither :) Just hope it's a good Who episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 11, 2013, 12:56:03 PM

I bloody loved that.

ETA: And, while I remember to say it, it is literally the only Doctor Who episode that has ever properly scared me. Unsettled, sure, not frequently but sometimes. But when the chess-playing cyberman came to life, I fucking shat myself.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2013, 01:43:28 PM
Porridge was a brilliant character, and Warwick Davis really is such a good actor!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: abydos on May 11, 2013, 02:04:46 PM
Didn't like the abrupt start. Meh on the episode as a whole.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 11, 2013, 02:26:48 PM
Seems likely I'm one of only about four people who liked this better than The Doctor's Wife. TDW was pretty cool, 8/10. Ish. A little higher on a good day, a little lower on a bad day, but never a full point either way. This, while not quiiite The Girl Who Waited good, was my kind of Who. Really, properly great yarn. Not a ten, but a very high nine.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Heretic on May 11, 2013, 03:13:18 PM
WELP. After watching the "Next Time" trailer for next week's finale, it's SO obvious who and what Clara is aauugh.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 11, 2013, 03:16:56 PM
Seems likely I'm one of only about four people who liked this better than The Doctor's Wife. TDW was pretty cool, 8/10. Ish. A little higher on a good day, a little lower on a bad day, but never a full point either way. This, while not quiiite The Girl Who Waited good, was my kind of Who. Really, properly great yarn. Not a ten, but a very high nine.
I think overall I prefer the Doctor's Wife which was absolutely beautiful, but I loved this as well. But I'm a huge Gaiman fan, so tend to love his style of storytelling!

Also, I can't believe I didn't see the small twist coming; that's such a Gaiman thing to do, I feel like I should have guessed it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 11, 2013, 03:40:40 PM
Ahhhh - see, I'm usually on a plane where I'm completely oblivious to upcoming twists, and I coo at every single one in giddy bliss. The teselecta, the TARDIS creatures, sat there gawping, but this is one of the few I've ever actually got! Can't remember precisely what tipped me off, but I thought there were a couple too many knowing glances in the "I will follow my orders" section, and something about the emperor's conspicuous absence left me thinking, "Okay, they're doing something here, and I think I know who they're doing it with."
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Jaq on May 11, 2013, 03:46:12 PM
The Doctor's Wife is more in Gaiman's wheelhouse than this was, but Nightmare in Silver is a pitch perfect, classic base under siege Second Doctor story updated for the modern era. It is, in short, the ONLY time anyone's gotten the Cybermen right since, oh, 1969 or so?  :lol It's certainly the closest they've been to their original intent since the Second Doctor was around.

Hmm. The Great Intelligence, the Ice Warriors, the Cybermen done properly...yes, we are flashing back to the Second Doctor's time. About bloody time too, I love the Second Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 11, 2013, 03:58:52 PM
Agreed on all counts, Jaq!

Heretic, next week's ep - I might be showing the extent to which twists are my kryptonite, here... but, now I've seen the trailer, my guess is that she was created by forces that are conspiring to protect the Doctor, rather than to create a trap. Still, she's a perfectly ordinary girl. We've seen her childhood, Emma Grayling had a look at her, we've seen she doesn't have a clue why she's impossible, I'm hazarding a guess at the what but I can't for the life of me see how. If you've got more of it than that, A. brilliant, but B. I... don't know if I want to know! You sound so convinced that I'm afraid to ask. q:

Most interesting bit of next week's trailer for me, though? Strax, yelling "Die, reptile!!" and apparently attacking Vastra. Sure there's more to it than meets the eye, but crikey.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Jaq on May 11, 2013, 04:02:11 PM
I'm not going to speculate at all, or try to guess. I just want to watch it next week and hopefully be stunned. Because the trailer looked brilliant.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Heretic on May 11, 2013, 04:38:37 PM
Alright, I'm going to put this in super mega ultra small font so if you don't want any potential spoilers don't read it!

There's a section in the trailer where River says "don't do it!" and Clara proceeds to jump into this giant vortex in the center of the TARDIS console. Throughout the trailer, we see Clara dressed up as several of the Doctor's previous companions (Sarah Jane, Ray, etc.) Something is going to happen where the Doctor is in grave danger throughout his entire timeline, and Clara is going to enter the Doctor's timeline at every single point, becoming either a part of (or perhaps entirely) every companion in the instance where he needs saving. This is why he's met her before-- she's met him thousands of times, saving his life from, I'm guessing the Great Intelligence, as being a sort of electronic entity/being I'm willing to bet he sort of "infects" the Doctor's timeline and starts killing him throughout time and space, which is where Clara comes in to save him, thousands of times over. This would also go with the fact that Jenna hinted in an interview that "Clara hasn't just met the Doctor three times."

Moffat is just crazy enough to do this. Whether or not her being every companion ever will rewrite the history of the show or whether she'll just be a "part" of that companion I don't know. In the prequel for the finale, Clara also says that she finds out at Trenzalore who the Doctor is, what he was running from all those years ago, and what his deepest darkest secret is. THat part I'm not sure of.

Either way it'll be brilliant. It has the potential to be the best Doctor Who finale ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: GuineaPig on May 11, 2013, 04:51:29 PM
Alright, I'm going to put this in super mega ultra small font so if you don't want any potential spoilers don't read it!

There's a section in the trailer where River says "don't do it!" and Clara proceeds to jump into this giant vortex in the center of the TARDIS console. Throughout the trailer, we see Clara dressed up as several of the Doctor's previous companions (Sarah Jane, Ray, etc.) Something is going to happen where the Doctor is in grave danger throughout his entire timeline, and Clara is going to enter the Doctor's timeline at every single point, becoming either a part of (or perhaps entirely) every companion in the instance where he needs saving. This is why he's met her before-- she's met him thousands of times, saving his life from, I'm guessing the Great Intelligence, as being a sort of electronic entity/being I'm willing to bet he sort of "infects" the Doctor's timeline and starts killing him throughout time and space, which is where Clara comes in to save him, thousands of times over. This would also go with the fact that Jenna hinted in an interview that "Clara hasn't just met the Doctor three times."

Moffat is just crazy enough to do this. Whether or not her being every companion ever will rewrite the history of the show or whether she'll just be a "part" of that companion I don't know. In the prequel for the finale, Clara also says that she finds out at Trenzalore who the Doctor is, what he was running from all those years ago, and what his deepest darkest secret is. THat part I'm not sure of.

Either way it'll be brilliant. It has the potential to be the best Doctor Who finale ever.

Unfortunately with Moffat, potential tends not to equal results.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Super Dude on May 11, 2013, 07:02:28 PM
WELP. After watching the "Next Time" trailer for next week's finale, it's SO obvious who and what Clara is aauugh.

I didn't see anything obvious. The guy in the top hat near the end though, I know I've seen him in something recently... (something that wasn't DW)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: masterthes on May 11, 2013, 07:07:19 PM
Neither did I. Great episode, and I wasn't bothered by the commercials. Seemed pretty standard, if actually slightly shorter than US shows. I loved seeing Warwick Davis on the show, and I'm more a fan of Doctor's Wife than tonight's episode
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Heretic on May 11, 2013, 07:20:28 PM
WELP. After watching the "Next Time" trailer for next week's finale, it's SO obvious who and what Clara is aauugh.

I didn't see anything obvious. The guy in the top hat near the end though, I know I've seen him in something recently... (something that wasn't DW)

Oh! Actually it wasn't the Next Time trailer, it was the BBC released trailer (which is a good bit different): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRhG3oEQ9eY

Watch and see if you divine the answer, I thought it became at least somewhat apparent.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: masterthes on May 11, 2013, 07:24:05 PM
Super Dude, are you referring to the guy that helped out the GI in The Snowmen?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: masterthes on May 11, 2013, 07:27:39 PM
So, is Clara going to sacrifice herself then?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Super Dude on May 11, 2013, 08:18:18 PM
Super Dude, are you referring to the guy that helped out the GI in The Snowmen?

Ah yes, that's him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 12, 2013, 01:27:07 AM
Haha, "that guy" is one of the UK's most esteemed character actors! Richard E. Grant, he's done loads of stuff. Not complaining, just surprised - but then, Withnail & I probably never quite left the UK.

Heretic - I've been really good so far, so I'm not reading your smalltext. I will after the episode's aired, though, and congratulations or comiserations will be in order.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 12, 2013, 01:56:56 AM
Rob, have you watched the finale preview that Heretic was referring to? It's pretty intriguing...
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 12, 2013, 02:05:50 AM
I've watched it! Once. I'll watch it twice, now, and edit this post or do a new one if I ever go, "Ohhh!"

ETA - "I'm Clara Oswald and I was..." is the only bit that makes me go, "Alright, what's going on here then?" There's a bit with her in yellow light, there's her in a mossy TARDIS. No, I'm still not seeing it. I told you, I'm a gift to a tricksy writer! I just sit there, gormless, going "Whuhh...?!"

ETA2 - Also! Almost the end of the series. How's it been for everyone?

Right now, I think I'd rank 7B thusly...

1. Hide
2. Nightmare in Silver
3. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
4. The Bells of St. John
5. Cold War
6. The Rings of Akhaten
7. The Crimson Horror

And in context, with 7A, and the christmas specials...

1. Hide
2. Asylum of the Daleks
3. The Snowmen
4. Nightmare in Silver
5. A Town Called Mercy
6. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
7. The Angels Take Manhattan
8. The Bells of St. John
9. The Power of Three
10. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
11. Cold War
12. The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe
13. The Rings of Akhaten
14. The Crimson Horror

So, possibly the most inconsistent of SM's series. Certainly, Moffat's own episodes are rather more scattered across my listings than they have been in the past, first time he's not completely dominated, but he still penned two of my top three, which is decent. High hopes for The Name of the Doctor, having loved NiS. Been decent, though. Nice having Doctor Who on, and there are some real corkers in there.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 12, 2013, 04:21:38 AM
Oh, and S3R2's up, (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=36990.0) and the round 1 result might not be what you'd expect.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Super Dude on May 12, 2013, 05:15:41 AM
Yeah, I checked out his filmography, and there's literally two things I've seen him in besides DW: Pocahontas which doesn't even count, and The Little Vampire that was so long ago I don't remember anything about it. So yeah, that'd be why.

Anywho @ Rob's rankings: Haven't seen enough of S7A to say, but agreed with your 7B rankings, except I'd put Cold War lower.

Edit: Actually apparently I've seen all of it except Widow. Rankings:

1. The Snowmen
2. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
3. Asylum of the Daleks
4. Nightmare in Silver
5. Hide
6. The Bells of St. John
7. The Rings of Akhaten
8. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
9. The Power of Three
10. A Town Called Mercy
11. Cold War
12. The Angels Take Manhattan
13. The Crimson Horror

You can probably tell I really hated Amy and Rory.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 12, 2013, 06:40:47 AM
1. Asylum of the Daleks
2. Hide
3. The Bells of St. John
4. Nightmare in Silver
5. A Town Called Mercy
6. The Snowmen
7. The Angels Take Manhattan
8. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
9. The Crimson Horror
10. The Power of Three
11. Cold War
12. The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe
13. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
14. The Rings of Akhaten

Pretty difficult, and I'm sure it'll change a lot over time. The last two are pretty much tied as well.

But really I like everything in series 7, so I don't agree about it being inconsistent, I've really enjoyed it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: senecadawg2 on May 12, 2013, 07:18:41 AM
Asylum of te Daleks
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Angels Take Manhattan
Town Called Mercy
Nightmare in Silver
Bells of Saint John
Power of Three
Rings of Akhaten
Cold War
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Crimson Horror
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: GuineaPig on May 12, 2013, 07:25:48 AM
Cold War
The Crimson Horror
Asylum of the Daleks
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
A Town Called Mercy
Nightmare in Silver
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Power of Three
The Snowmen
The Bells of Saint John
The Rings of Akhaten

I'm really meh on this season.  Everything from "Asylum of the Daleks" down has serious issues of one sort or another.  There aren't any blatant misfires, but there haven't been any knockouts.  I'm seriously getting burnt out by Moffat's style.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Jaq on May 12, 2013, 07:26:31 AM
I can't really rate them for two reasons. The first being that the two halves of the series are practically different beasts; it's like the first five of this season were more like a season 6B (bonus points to anyone who gets THAT reference) and the actual seventh series began with The Snowmen. Only the presence of Clara in Asylum keeps the two halves remotely welded together.

The second being I've kind of gotten over making lists of things I like, trying to determine which is the first best and which is the thirteenth, when the differences between them are so minor it's barely worth pointing out. (What separates your seventh and eighth best thing on a list?) I know what I like and what I don't!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: masterthes on May 12, 2013, 07:59:11 AM
Crimson Horror
Cold War
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 12, 2013, 10:57:46 AM
I think this has been by far the weakest series yet. Lots and lots of excellent ideas and creature designs but the episodes themselves are so rushed that they have no room to breath. What I liked about the RTD episodes (especially the finales) was that the plot would be resolved about 10 minutes before the end, with those last 10 minutes being used for character closure and such. With the SM episodes it's like getting slapped in the face by 45 minutes of exposition that doesn't make sense and faux emotional endings (Wedding of River Song and Angels take Manhattan respectevely). I have high hopes for next weeks, but it really is balancing on a fulcrum that could go either way. Most if not all Moffat episodes have the potential to excellent, but I rarely feel they are.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Sigz on May 12, 2013, 11:30:38 AM
I've loved this season, moreso than 6.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Heretic on May 12, 2013, 11:39:30 AM
Asylum of the Daleks
Nightmare in Silver
The Snowmen
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Bells of St. John 
Cold War
The Crimson Horror
The Rings of Akhaten
A Town Called Mercy
The Power of Three
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe

This has definitely been one of my favorite seasons/series. Right up there with 4 and 5. I'm betting The Name of the Doctor will top my list though, at least based on what we know is being addressed.

EDIT: Also pixeled a new avatar in preparation for it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 12, 2013, 12:13:44 PM
Great job Heretic!

Regarding the pacing, that's the only thing that has slightly held back the series for me. I really do like the occasional two-parter, because you can have better-developed, more complex stories. Slience in the Library being a perfect example, and most of the series finales.

Overall I've loved the series though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: GuineaPig on May 12, 2013, 03:03:46 PM
I wish there could be some sort of joint showrunning between RTD and Moffat.  It's so utterly bizarre how the two managed to have completely opposite strengths and weaknesses.

Either that, or I'd be down for having a new chief writer every series.  Because Moffat is getting just as dull and repetitive as RTD was at the end of his tenure. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 12, 2013, 03:10:53 PM
I don't agree at all, I love Moffat's style and his ideas, and am still very much doing so. I enjoyed RTD's stuff tremendously, but Moffat suits my tastes better.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Jaq on May 12, 2013, 04:04:27 PM
Oh hell.

Apparently some lucky fans in the US accidentally got their copies of the second half of series seven on DVD already.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 13, 2013, 02:18:40 AM
Yep, I saw that, epic fail from BBC's US distribution! They're frantically asking everyone who received it not to post any leaks or spoilers, and have promised to post a special clip of Matt Smith and David Tenant together if it doesn't get out.

I've seen some people claiming that it's not actually true and that it's all a ruse from the BBC to build hype for the finale. Hmm...
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 13, 2013, 12:19:04 PM
I'd like that, a bit. It does mean I'm being ultra-cautious with my internet usage. Part of me's tempted to seek the episode out and watch it early, just so I don't get accidentally spoiled. Saturday's a long way away. Doing all right for now, though.

Oh, also! Doctor Who series 3 round 3:

Less exciting result this time. Still! Hurtling onwards.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Jaq on May 13, 2013, 04:14:51 PM
Finding a legit download is proving near impossible, since most of the torrents listed as being the episode turn out to be malware, viruses, or something else entirely (in one case, gay porn.) I haven't been looking, but a lot of people are saying that's going on. A friend of mine saw what claimed to be a summary of the episode online, so be careful!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 14, 2013, 05:02:07 AM
I'm not even going to try, whether it's true that this is all just a BBC ruse to build hype or not, the hype that it's created means there's going to be loads of fake "leaks" out there, as well as loads of fake episode descriptions and other spoilers.

It's possible that there are real ones too, but I see no point in trying to find the leak, or work out which spoilers are real. We only have to wait a few more days anyway. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 14, 2013, 01:37:46 PM
That's true! In many ways, the storm it's created means even if you do stumble across spoilers, we won't be able to tell up from down. I like that.

Survivor! Round 4. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37030.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: Heretic on May 14, 2013, 02:49:18 PM
The two recent pictures the Doctor Who facebook page put up are confirming my theory so hard. Bring it on Saturday!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2013, 07:32:52 AM
I've heard so many different theories, a number of which could be true (and one of them probably is) so I'm making no assumptions and will let myself be carried along with the story!

By the way Rob, for the survivor, are you planning to do a finals once we've finished all the series (presumably including series 7?). That would be pretty cool, I guess including top two from each series or something.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 15, 2013, 09:21:50 AM
I finally caught "Hide" last night.  Two more episodes to catch up on.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 15, 2013, 11:14:58 AM
I've heard so many different theories, a number of which could be true (and one of them probably is) so I'm making no assumptions and will let myself be carried along with the story!

By the way Rob, for the survivor, are you planning to do a finals once we've finished all the series (presumably including series 7?). That would be pretty cool, I guess including top two from each series or something.
I was considering it, yeah! I've only just decided I'm definitely going all the way to series seven - up 'til S3, I was just taking it one series at a time. But yeah, it's an option I've been leaving open, and it's the reason we've always had two green eps per series rather than just the one. So far it's The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet, The Empty Child and Dalek. Nice mix.

Also! Wednesday, and not been spoiled. Not heard a peep. Constant vigilance still required... but so far, so good.

I finally caught "Hide" last night.  Two more episodes to catch up on.
Three! Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, The Crimson Horror, and Nightmare in Silver. How was Hide?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: masterthes on May 15, 2013, 11:19:06 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty much dismissing it as a hoax
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 16, 2013, 09:23:59 AM
I finally caught "Hide" last night.  Two more episodes to catch up on.
Three! Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, The Crimson Horror, and Nightmare in Silver. How was Hide?
No, only two.  I've already seen Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.  For some reason, they didn't put "Hide" up in order.

Oh, I loved it.  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver
Post by: robwebster on May 16, 2013, 01:58:04 PM
I entirely approve! I don't know if it's my favourite of the entiiiiire seventh series, but if it's not quite, it's certainly right up there. Really, properly superb. Doctor Who's always a show where anything can happen, but Hide feels like one of the few episodes that really delivered on that promise. Anything did happen, and it was ace.
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2013, 06:45:38 AM
Nice thread title change! :lol

Tomorrow has come round fast! Unfortunately I'll probably be out so will need to catch up on Sunday morning. :(
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2013, 10:55:40 AM
By the way, has everyone seen the various clips and previews relating to the finale? They can be seen under the Doctor Who section at https://www.youtube.com/user/BBC?feature=watch

I think that's all of them!
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: robwebster on May 17, 2013, 11:11:47 AM
I watched "She Said, He Said," but I've been avoiding any clips from the actual episode. Been doing that all series - it's so long between Who, at the moment, that I'm saving all my viewing for the day.

She Said, He Said - it's never been more obvious that Doctor Who is written by the Coupling guy! I could practically hear the music over the captions.

So long between Who - and no sign of letting up...

"We come back and shoot the Christmas special over the summer, then we go on to the next series, which will either start filming at the end of this year or at the start of 2014."

I'll be Mr. Excitement tomorrow, but I am Mr. Grumpyface today. To start filming at the beginning of 2014 sounds beyond bonkers. That's another eighteen month gap, best case scenario. Two specials in between, yes, but this is becoming depressingly routine.
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: masterthes on May 17, 2013, 11:28:49 AM
Should start filming now damnit lol
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: abydos on May 17, 2013, 11:35:09 AM
Yeah. Especially after such a long mid-season break, then continuing only for 6 weeks and then have a year+ break again? What? Well... hopefully Sherlock can make up for the long pause.
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: Jaq on May 17, 2013, 11:56:05 AM
I'm assuming the long gaps, at the moment, are to keep together the current team, allowing Moffat to stay on as well as keeping Matt Smith as the Doctor. It's still pretty damn painful to wait that long though!
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: ariich on May 17, 2013, 03:16:57 PM
I really don't mind it at all. They're filming the 50th at the moment (or have just finished actually I think) and then in the summer they're filming the Christmas special, so it's only really the autumn that they have off to do other things.
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: Sketchy on May 17, 2013, 05:04:10 PM
I have been watching this series, as I really like the combination of Moffat and Smith. It just feels more classic Who to me than the stuff Russell T Davies was involved in. It just feels more spontaneous.
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: robwebster on May 18, 2013, 04:06:32 AM
On the subject of the Russell T Davies stuff, here's the final five for series three. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37086.0) Good final five!

I really don't mind it at all. They're filming the 50th at the moment (or have just finished actually I think) and then in the summer they're filming the Christmas special, so it's only really the autumn that they have off to do other things.
50th wrapped two weeks ago, they're currently on a three month break before they begin the Christmas special, and it sounds like they're looking at anywhere from three months to six months as a break after that. Preparations for series seven were, likewise, put on hiatus for six months.

I don't expect full momentum all the time, and I don't doubt that there are brilliant reasons they're not producing more Doctor Who - if there weren't, they'd produce more Doctor Who! I don't doubt that Caro Skinner's departure has left Roath Lock in utter turmoil. I just find it a little painful, as a fan. The wait between S6 and S7 felt interminable, and it looks like we've got a longer one coming.

That's after today, though. Today, we party.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 18, 2013, 12:52:21 PM
Alright, I'm going to put this in super mega ultra small font so if you don't want any potential spoilers don't read it!

There's a section in the trailer where River says "don't do it!" and Clara proceeds to jump into this giant vortex in the center of the TARDIS console. Throughout the trailer, we see Clara dressed up as several of the Doctor's previous companions (Sarah Jane, Ray, etc.) Something is going to happen where the Doctor is in grave danger throughout his entire timeline, and Clara is going to enter the Doctor's timeline at every single point, becoming either a part of (or perhaps entirely) every companion in the instance where he needs saving. This is why he's met her before-- she's met him thousands of times, saving his life from, I'm guessing the Great Intelligence, as being a sort of electronic entity/being I'm willing to bet he sort of "infects" the Doctor's timeline and starts killing him throughout time and space, which is where Clara comes in to save him, thousands of times over. This would also go with the fact that Jenna hinted in an interview that "Clara hasn't just met the Doctor three times."

Moffat is just crazy enough to do this. Whether or not her being every companion ever will rewrite the history of the show or whether she'll just be a "part" of that companion I don't know. In the prequel for the finale, Clara also says that she finds out at Trenzalore who the Doctor is, what he was running from all those years ago, and what his deepest darkest secret is. THat part I'm not sure of.

Either way it'll be brilliant. It has the potential to be the best Doctor Who finale ever.

You're good!
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: Kotowboy on May 18, 2013, 12:58:33 PM
I watched "She Said, He Said," but I've been avoiding any clips from the actual episode. Been doing that all series - it's so long between Who, at the moment, that I'm saving all my viewing for the day.

She Said, He Said - it's never been more obvious that Doctor Who is written by the Coupling guy! I could practically hear the music over the captions.

So long between Who - and no sign of letting up...

"We come back and shoot the Christmas special over the summer, then we go on to the next series, which will either start filming at the end of this year or at the start of 2014."

I'll be Mr. Excitement tomorrow, but I am Mr. Grumpyface today. To start filming at the beginning of 2014 sounds beyond bonkers. That's another eighteen month gap, best case scenario. Two specials in between, yes, but this is becoming depressingly routine.

Another reason I'm glad I'm not a fan !
Title: Re: Doctor... Who?
Post by: robwebster on May 18, 2013, 12:59:32 PM
I watched "She Said, He Said," but I've been avoiding any clips from the actual episode. Been doing that all series - it's so long between Who, at the moment, that I'm saving all my viewing for the day.

She Said, He Said - it's never been more obvious that Doctor Who is written by the Coupling guy! I could practically hear the music over the captions.

So long between Who - and no sign of letting up...

"We come back and shoot the Christmas special over the summer, then we go on to the next series, which will either start filming at the end of this year or at the start of 2014."

I'll be Mr. Excitement tomorrow, but I am Mr. Grumpyface today. To start filming at the beginning of 2014 sounds beyond bonkers. That's another eighteen month gap, best case scenario. Two specials in between, yes, but this is becoming depressingly routine.

Another reason I'm glad I'm not a fan !
No, you watch Star Trek, and wait four years for 120 minutes instead. q:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on May 18, 2013, 01:01:54 PM
4 years for a beginning, middle and an end !

Instead of apparently 18 months for ...a beginning and a middle and wait 18 months more for the end !
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on May 18, 2013, 03:40:04 PM
About that episode.

I think "Wow" qualifies.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2013, 05:13:07 PM
That was absolutely wonderful. I think that's the most engrossed I've been by a Doctor Who episode, ever.

And Heretic, I hadn't read your small-text theory before, but I just checked it and Rob is right, HOLY SHIT you're good.

Cannot wait for the 50th!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on May 18, 2013, 07:02:57 PM
Well, that was awesome
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on May 18, 2013, 08:45:30 PM
Eh, it wasn't exactly all my theory, there were a decent bit of us on Reddit speculating and trying to tie clues together, haha.

However-- so glad the theory was correct... IT WAS DONE SO FANTASTICALLY. Literally the best episode this season and one of the best episodes in the series overall, if not THE best. Like, the feeling of the episode was so foreboding, the sacrifices were absolutely crushing and the how everything tied together is just amazing.

SPOILERS below if you haven't seen the episode...

John Hurt. Time for some random theorizing. Here's my ideas:

-The most obvious solution is that he's the Doctor from the Time War as it is mentioned that what he did was horrid and despicable, and that he did it "without choice...in the name of peace and sanity..." ...but not in the name of the Doctor." (clever title-reference, Moffat!). However, before this, everyone assumed that the Eighth Doctor had been the one to deal with the Time War, and we'd never really seen the Doctor react this way. Saying what was done was not done "in the name of Doctor" perhaps contradicts what had been said before (things said by Ten and Nine, as those were usually from their perspective ("I killed my entire race..." "The Doctor has the Moment...")) so perhaps...

-It's an entirely different situation. Something so "horrible" that actually brought about peace and sanity sounds about par for the Time War, but perhaps it's something Moffat has engineered as an entirely new plot thread.

-It's the Valeyard. The Valeyard was specifically mentioned in this episode, which lends credence, maybe, but we all know Moffat and how he likes to lead us in the wrong direction. For those not in the know, the Valeyard was in the 6th Doctor's term, in the Trial of a Time Lord series, and he was referred to as "an incarnation formed sometime between The Doctor's 12th and 13th regeneration..." He was a dark, evil manifestation of the Doctor, something we've seen referenced with the Dream Lord, so perhaps this is his return.

-Perhaps he's not the Doctor at all, and is a Doctor impostor.

HOWEVER, theories one and three could potentially tie into each other. During the Time War, time lords from throughout all time streams were pulled from wherever they were in order to fight in the war. It could be entirely plausible that the Valeyard was pulled into the Time War as well, and his bloodthirsty, dark nature was perfect for what happened, and absolutely needed to be the one who killed all of the Time Lords and the Daleks. The Doctor could have witnessed this, and recognized that what went down was essentially still by his own hands, as the Valeyard is a subsidiary of the Doctor, thus referring to himself when speaking of the Time War and the destruction he caused.

Other speculation: River's whole "we had a connection, and she's dead, so how am I still here? SPOILERS LOL" will definitely be a plot thread. I'm guessing it was a callback to Hide, as the psychic had a connection with a future relative time traveler, so does that mean Clara and River are related? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Maybe they are related in a way that isn't blood, but something much stronger.

More thoughts:

-The ending with the leaf was brilliant and absolutely a fantastic way to tie that all together. I love you, Steven Moffat.
- River's goodbye was essentially the saddest thing ever, especially with the whole "goodbye, sweetie..." that totally broke my heart. I suppose we won't be seeing Alex Kingston from now on....
-Clara and the Doctor are starting to seem even more romantic now... his whole "you're my impossible girl" embrace at the end seemed like a moment that every fangirl will proclaim as the pinnacle beginning of a Doctor/Clara relationship, lmao. It was really sad seeing River's face realizing who the Doctor's new companion was. However, it was a bit odd-- at the beginning, it seems as though River does not recognize Clara, but her knowing something about her and Clara's connection would hint that she has met Clara before.
-The footage of all eleven Doctors was so lovely. Having Clara be in all that old footage (and the scene with the first Doctor choosing a TARDIS HOLY CRAP) was absolutely outstanding and definitely a huge throwback for classic fans.

Overall, probably the best finale in the history of Doctor Who. Series 7 just shot up the list to either my second favorite series, or potentially my favorite entirely. Brilliant work.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on May 18, 2013, 10:14:56 PM
Well, that was enjoyably disappointing because it didn't really make any sense to me. Can someone link me to a blog or something going in-depth on wtf happened? I feel like I've missed on a lot of things by not having the slightest idea about old Who. Or that I've missed crucial episodes from before.

DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE EPISODE...or something like that at least:

 lso, when did River die I seem to have forgotten?

Not a fan of the Clara mystery revelation either. I have no way of explaining her better, just not liking this much. And River didn't do it for me as well for some reason, that whole end scene felt a bit... off. Convincing performances, don't get me wrong, but it felt quite cheesy. I loved how they added a small comic relief moment in the middle of what is a really sad scene, though, very well paced.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 19, 2013, 02:23:41 AM
Well, that was enjoyably disappointing because it didn't really make any sense to me. Can someone link me to a blog or something going in-depth on wtf happened? I feel like I've missed on a lot of things by not having the slightest idea about old Who. Or that I've missed crucial episodes from before.

DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE EPISODE...or something like that at least:

 lso, when did River die I seem to have forgotten?

Not a fan of the Clara mystery revelation either. I have no way of explaining her better, just not liking this much. And River didn't do it for me as well for some reason, that whole end scene felt a bit... off. Convincing performances, don't get me wrong, but it felt quite cheesy. I loved how they added a small comic relief moment in the middle of what is a really sad scene, though, very well paced.

First bit - library! First appearance!

Second bit - I can't entirely disagree, but on the other hand... it worked! My inner critic, though stunned into submission by the giddy brilliance of the opening sequence, was starting to stir, scrawl fuggy notes on my pre-frontal cortex... but despite that, I had a lump in my throat and a little something in my eye.

It's weird. Constantly full of the fanboy fuzzies, but I'm not yet 100% sure it was a great episode of Doctor Who. That might just mean I need to rewatch it. Whatever it was, it was also exhilarating, nailbiting, gamechanging, with some stupendous lines. I can't think of a better way to spend 45 minutes. Paternoster Gang proving their value, too. Jenny's murder, and everything Strax ever did, were exhilarating in very different ways.

"It's beautiful."
"Shall I destroy it?"

To join in with Heretic, John Hurt's character:

My guess, and it's not much of a guess since it's just what's hinted in the episode, is that he's a past regeneration, between classic and modern Who, that he never, ever talks about, and doesn't acknowledge as a Doctor, because he's done some terrible, terrible things. Which we will see in the next episode. Don't think he's the Valeyard - I think very few people would care, slightly uninteresting revelation. In-story, Valeyard is recognised as an alternative name for the Doctor, and John Hurt didn't earn the latter identity, so I don't think that connection would've been made. He might've been the one that ended the Time War, but I think he'll have done something worse than that.

DWS3 Survivor, round eight. Final four! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37097.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 19, 2013, 03:10:29 AM
Well, that was enjoyably disappointing because it didn't really make any sense to me. Can someone link me to a blog or something going in-depth on wtf happened? I feel like I've missed on a lot of things by not having the slightest idea about old Who. Or that I've missed crucial episodes from before.

DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE EPISODE...or something like that at least:

 lso, when did River die I seem to have forgotten?

Not a fan of the Clara mystery revelation either. I have no way of explaining her better, just not liking this much. And River didn't do it for me as well for some reason, that whole end scene felt a bit... off. Convincing performances, don't get me wrong, but it felt quite cheesy. I loved how they added a small comic relief moment in the middle of what is a really sad scene, though, very well paced.

Not sure you really need to have watched old Who to be honest, other than to recognise the old incarnations of the Doctor, which they've included enough times in the modern series (The Next Doctor, The Eleventh Hour, Vincent and the Doctor, to name but a few times). They've also mentioned a number of times in new Who the fact that the Doctor stole the TARDIS, and other references like the stuff with River is all from new Who, so as long as you remember Silence in the Library and everything since then that should be fine.

I think the only thing that you'd need a bit more knowledge of old Who for is the old companions.

I would say though that to a more casual viewer who hasn't necessarily seen all of new Who (not sure if this applies to you), there might be some confusing things, but that's the case with pretty much all TV stories that have strong story arcs. I've seen a couple of reviews saying it wasn't particularly accessible to Joe Public, but then why would it be? One of the reasons Doctor Who has such a huge following is that it rewards the people who pay attention and follow it closely, like most "cult" shows.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on May 19, 2013, 07:53:02 AM
I don't think we'll be seeing the last of River. Future River, maybe, but not River overall
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on May 19, 2013, 08:25:06 AM

Welp, good episode. But my God, that John Hurt bit. Looking forward to learning what that was all about.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: skydivingninja on May 19, 2013, 08:49:21 AM
Probably the best episode of the season.  Both halves. I was afraid it would be too much crammed into one episode, like "Let's Kill Hitler" or "The Wedding of River Song" but it wasn't.  It was brilliant. 

Regarding John Hurt, based on a set photo that was either released/leaked, it looked like his costume was a weird combination fo 8 and 9's, lending more credence to the "John Hurt is an incarnation between 8 and 9, but could not be considered 'the Doctor' theory."  I guess the 50th has to deal with him and the Time War, which kinda sucks because I feel like 8 and 9 would be necessary for that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on May 19, 2013, 09:11:50 AM
oh, and in a somewhat unrelated note, did anybody catch the promo for that new show with Ten and Rory?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 19, 2013, 09:31:33 AM
Probably the best episode of the season.  Both halves. I was afraid it would be too much crammed into one episode, like "Let's Kill Hitler" or "The Wedding of River Song" but it wasn't.  It was brilliant.
Completely agree, and I think that the way it leads in to the 50th special helps a lot with that. I've said recently that my only real issue with series 7, which I otherwise love, has been pacing. Without any two-parters, it feels like there's been so many stories, and none have really had a chance to develop. That's kind been the case since series 6b really. But this finale was perfectly paced because it seems as though it's sort of the first half of the 50th celebration really.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on May 19, 2013, 10:57:08 AM
I'm having a lot of fun with fanboys railing against how it's horrible for Moffat to suggest there were more Doctors than we know about when it was something the old series did on more than one occasion-mostly because people are assuming, for some stupid reason, that this means the Ninth Doctor never existed, because of some anonymous source quoted in the Sun. And trusting a source from the Sun is patently silly  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on May 19, 2013, 11:41:18 AM
So, now that I'm all caught up with the current Doctor Who, I'm going to attempt to watch the old to tide me over until November. I just got done watching the first two episodes. I want to strangle Susan  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Cedar redaC on May 19, 2013, 04:28:22 PM
My brain felt like it was collapsing on itself when John Hurt showed up. I wonder what role he'll play in the over all series. Maybe he's an incarnation of the Doctor from the Time War that the Doctor can't accept as part of himself. That would mean that he would've had to existed between the eighth and ninth doctors. Some of what the Ninth Doctor said implies that he had just recently regenerated. Maybe from this mystery doctor?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Nekov on May 20, 2013, 07:02:49 AM
My brain felt like it was collapsing on itself when John Hurt showed up.

Exactly this, I just stood from the chair and didn't know what to do, my brain just wasn't functioning correctly. By far the best episode in Series 7, no other episode comes even close and to be honest I was expecting so when I saw Moffat was the writer. I hate having to wait till November for more awesome  :-\
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Cedar redaC on May 20, 2013, 07:12:35 AM
Last night I had this dream that I was watching the Doctor Who 50th special. All that I really saw was the Mystery Doctor talking to Rose Tyler.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 20, 2013, 07:36:24 AM
Have to say, I did think that John Hurt's character might be some incarnation of the Doctor or related (like the Valeyard, Dream Lord, etc) based on some quite vague comments that he made in relation to the 50th special. But I was definitely not expecting that epic reveal at the end of the finale episode, just fantastic!

The more I think about that finale, the more I love it. I need to watch it again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 20, 2013, 10:23:10 AM
mostly because people are assuming, for some stupid reason, that this means the Ninth Doctor never existed, because of some anonymous source quoted in the Sun.
Really? I haven't heard that anywhere, but it's quite obviously not the case, because we saw Ecclestone regenerate into Tenant.

However, the most popular theory seems to be that Hurt is the real 9th incarnation, and therefore Ecclstone is tenth, Tenant elevent and Smith number twelve. They all still exist, just with different numbers. I think that's quite plausible.

I also like the idea of him being a pre-Hartnell Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 20, 2013, 11:05:33 AM
8th into 9th is the only regeneration we've not seen. Unless there was one pre-Hartnell, it's the only place John Hurt could fit. Course, JH hasn't earned the name of the Doctor - Matt Smith's still the eleventh Doctor, but it's his twelfth body.

I wonder how widely accepted he'll be as a Doctor. Like, on Wikipedia, there's the pictures of all eleven Doctors - wonder if John Hurt'll be added. I hope so. I really love the idea. It's really big, and exciting. Properly changes the man's history. I can't wait to see how this pans out.

Also - this. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37120.0) Second-to-last round, S3 survivor. Three big, big stories. I'm guessing most people will either find the choice ridiculously hard, or really quite easy, not much in between.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on May 20, 2013, 11:08:14 AM
Do you think he'll just be a one off for the anniversary special?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 20, 2013, 11:11:16 AM
I don't think we'll see him beyond the anniversary, no. At a guess. Would be cool, though!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sketchy on May 20, 2013, 11:29:06 AM
Well, there is apparently one episode in the time of the second or third doctor where the thirteenth incarnation turns up and is eeeeeeevil. Note also that it was pretty much stated that JH is not a doctor who has yet existed (ie. he's not pre-smith in the regeneration cycle). I'm pretty sure it's implied that he is the thirteenth (as I doubt it'll be possible to get the original actor of The Valiard as he is known to do the same role).
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 20, 2013, 11:44:46 AM
I don't know. Smith talks of Hurt's actions in the past-tense. They share a common knowledge of what went down - I figured they were definitely discussing something they'd both already done, at the end, there.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sketchy on May 20, 2013, 12:01:34 PM
Technically, it's more than possible that the actions did take place (chronologically) in the past.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on May 20, 2013, 12:31:44 PM
Wait. One of the early Doctors met his thirteenth self? Anyone know the episode?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on May 20, 2013, 12:33:12 PM
8th into 9th is the only regeneration we've not seen. Unless there was one pre-Hartnell, it's the only place John Hurt could fit. Course, JH hasn't earned the name of the Doctor - Matt Smith's still the eleventh Doctor, but it's his twelfth body.

I wonder how widely accepted he'll be as a Doctor. Like, on Wikipedia, there's the pictures of all eleven Doctors - wonder if John Hurt'll be added. I hope so. I really love the idea. It's really big, and exciting. Properly changes the man's history. I can't wait to see how this pans out.

Also - this. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37120.0) Second-to-last round, S3 survivor. Three big, big stories. I'm guessing most people will either find the choice ridiculously hard, or really quite easy, not much in between.

WHo were the 8th and 9th doctors ?

8.McGann ?
9.Eccleston...  Did we never see McGann regenerate into Eccleston ?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 20, 2013, 12:57:44 PM
Yep, spot on - list 'n' all! McGann into Eccleston's the only regeneration that's not been shown on-screen. Just reappeared as Eccleston, fully formed. Would make sense for John Hurt to be playing the man McGann regenerated into.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 20, 2013, 12:59:31 PM
Wait. One of the early Doctors met his thirteenth self? Anyone know the episode?
I haven't heard of it, but I haven't seen all of classic Who, I'm about 2/3 of the way through the Tom Baker years at the moment.

But I do think it's much more likely that he is an old Doctor than a future one, and I think the incarnation between 8 and 9 is the most likely one there as well.

Arguments against a future Doctor:
 - Smith knows a lot about whatever it was that Hurt did, but Doctors do not know about future incarnations. In Time Crash, Davison does not recognise Tenant. In The Next Doctor, at first Tenant believes that David Morrisey is a future Doctor.
 - If Hurt was a future Doctor, then they'd be screwing themselves over when they reach that number, unless they have a particular plan to do it very soon (e.g. Smith dies, and have a very brief 12th Doctor).
 - Moffat said that the finale would change Who forever. Introducing another old Doctor into the mix does that - simply seeing a future incarnation does not.

Assuming it is an old Doctor, arguments for it being between 8 and 9:
 - As Rob says, assuming Hartnell is the first, then the only regeneration we've not seen is here.
 - It could potentially be pre-Hartnell, but this is unlikely, as Smith refers to the name of the Doctor as being a promise, and Hurt broke that promise. Can hardly break a promise before it has been made.

So yeah, that's my analysis. Have to say though, although I've been loving the show, this is the most excited I've been about it since middle of series 6. Nice to have that feeling back!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on May 20, 2013, 01:17:38 PM
Yep, spot on - list 'n' all! McGann into Eccleston's the only regeneration that's not been shown on-screen. Just reappeared as Eccleston, fully formed. Would make sense for John Hurt to be playing the man McGann regenerated into.

I do know ny early who history ! Was mad on the original incarnation when I was a nipper !

My favourites were Tom Baker and Peter Davison...

I wasn't sure if the tv movie with Paul Mcgann was regarded as canon.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on May 20, 2013, 06:53:49 PM
Alright, guys, this is going to sound a bit out there but I'm proposing another theory that I think might actually be plausible that no one's really talked about.

Throughout series 5 and 6, there are very thinly veiled references to Omega. Omega is one of the founders of Time Lord society, and was thrown into a parallel universe after collapsing a star and inventing time travel. Whilst being stuck in this parallel universe (the antimatter universe), Omega went absolutely insane, and gained total control over this universe. This was the plot of the Three Doctors, the first multi-Doctor special, in which the three Doctors united to take on Omega in his antimatter universe. He was stopped, but it was left very vague.

Here's where my theory comes in. Omega had a sort of device that replicated DNA. In the classic series, he was trying to get the Doctor's DNA in order to have a body in which to exist in, as he was no longer anything but a body of armor. His biodata replicator worked later on in the serial Arc of Infinity, when he replicated himself as the Fifth Doctor. The body then began to dissolve, and once again he was defeated by the Doctor.

Moffat has stated before that he wanted to recreate or assume the feel of "The Three Doctors" again, and subsequently we see references to Omega throughout this entire Silence arc. The soldiers in "A Good Man Goes to War" bear the Omega symbol, and the Omega symbol is also used sparingly throughout other places, such as upon doors and on River Song's jacket at one point in series 5.

So, what could this all mean? I'm thinking perhaps John Hurt is playing the Doctor, but also playing Omega. Omega has perfected his biodata replicator and has replicated the Doctor's DNA perfectly to the point where the Doctor believes it is truly himself. So why is he inside the Doctor's timestream, then, Heretic? Well, that is a bit shaky but I'm thinking maybe a few things could explain it. If he had replicated himself as the Doctor and gone into the Doctor's past, perhaps even to the Time War, then the Doctor would have recognized him as a future version of himself, or something along those lines (I'm imagining the Doctor giving the JH Doctor a scan with his screwdriver and being like, "yep, he's me!") and then the JH Doctor doing something absolutely horrid and then disappearing.

Another theory is perhaps he also entered into the Doctor's timestream a la the GI and Clara, but being the Doctor replicate, wasn't split into millions of pieces and is attempting to claim the Doctor's life for himself. Omega was always very angry and jealous and wanted to become the Doctor so he could remain in this universe due to needing Gallifreyan DNA, so I have a feeling that Omega has been behind the scenes this entire time manipulating the Doctor and drawing him towards a terrible fate which he will have to overcome with the help of Tennant in the 50th. I can see the JH Doctor teaming up with Tennant and Smith (further proved by Tennant and Smith in a clip where they said a third party watched the two's interactions with bemusement and the fact that JH revealed he was partaking in a "trinity" with the Doctors) and then 10 and 11 discovering that this Doctor is not truly the Doctor, and having to stop his grand scheme.

Omega could have engineered the Silence to stop the Doctor or to kill him, and could have been leading behind the scenes the entire time.

In an even crazier theory, maybe the Doctor was split into two regenerations during the Time War-- as he regenerated into 9, his use of The Moment or whatever else he did to Time Lock Gallifrey split him into two incarnations. After committing his unspeakable horror, maybe the Doctor locked him inside his own timestream, and Omega engineered the entire events of The Name of the Doctor in order to cause the timestream to be opened, allowing the JH Doctor to escape.

I don't know. Just some interesting speculation, and I know Moffat has some sort of grand arc behind all of this, and the fact that Omega is a classic anniversary special Big Bad. The signs from earlier hint to it, and while I am almost positive that Omega will be the antagonist, how is still where I'm speculating-- either he's Doctor Hurt, or he's using Doctor Hurt for something terrible.

Whaddya think, Who fans?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Nekov on May 20, 2013, 07:11:31 PM
I think I need to watch all the classic doctor who to even begin to fathom what the hell you just said  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sigz on May 20, 2013, 08:07:40 PM
Wait. One of the early Doctors met his thirteenth self? Anyone know the episode?

This one (written by Moffat actually): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Who_and_the_Curse_of_Fatal_Death

It was a Red Nose Day special.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on May 20, 2013, 08:09:58 PM
Jim Broadbent as the Eleventh Doctor? Good Heavens.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on May 20, 2013, 08:40:32 PM
My memory of watching Dr. Who when I was a kid was being a bit gutted when Tom Baker became Peter Davison and not quite understanding the regeneration thing and hoping that Tom baker would come back.

I soon learned to appreciate Peter Davison when Colin Baker arrived ! :lol:

I can't remember how I felt about McCoy but I was glad that C. Baker was no longer the doctor and I didn't really enjoy the TV Movie but thought McGann was ok as the doctor.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 21, 2013, 12:59:11 AM
Interesting theories Heretic, and pretty plausible. It still brings me back to Moffat's comments about changing Doctor Who forever though, as I don't see how bringing Omega back would really do that. It does seem like the sort of trick that Moffat would pull though!

Curse of Fatal Death was brilliant and hilarious, anyone who hasn't seen it should definitely watch it, especially if you know much about the classic series!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2013, 01:05:13 AM
YARRRRG! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37146.0)

Final round. Enjoy! Series four starts... Thursday afternoon, probably?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on May 22, 2013, 04:29:50 AM
How are you going to handle the specials? Make them part of series four?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2013, 05:44:59 AM
Ooooh good question. That would seem a little unfair though. Could have a separate specials survivor I suppose, but then would 2 out of 4 go through, as that then seems a little too generous? Or just one maybe? Hmm...
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 22, 2013, 09:27:10 AM
Finally caught up on everything.

Wow.  Can't wait until November.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on May 22, 2013, 09:29:16 AM
So, heff, Tennant or Smith? Choose wisely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 22, 2013, 09:52:59 AM
I believe he's only been watching again from the current series, so he'll only have seen Smith from New Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on May 22, 2013, 09:54:37 AM
BLASPHEMY! The Waters of Mars is so good, though.  :metal (Voyage of the Damned as well!)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 22, 2013, 10:48:54 AM
Ooooh good question. That would seem a little unfair though. Could have a separate specials survivor I suppose, but then would 2 out of 4 go through, as that then seems a little too generous? Or just one maybe? Hmm...
Lumped in with series four, and three eps go through. 2/10, 3/15, proportion's right!

And actually, just occurred to me - I don't have to wait 'til the Series 3 survivor's done, do I? Big survivor, let's get cracking...

ETA: POW! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37156.0) Look at that! HUGE! Vote on, kids!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 22, 2013, 04:05:55 PM
I believe he's only been watching again from the current series, so he'll only have seen Smith from New Who.
True, only Smith.

Well, and Tom Baker, but that was a loooooooooooooong time ago.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on May 22, 2013, 04:15:13 PM
Personally I would pick Smith over Tennant. I LOVED the Tenth Doctor, and he was my first Doctor after all, but I think Smith really does a lot more for the role in general. In the same way that I don't hate the Ninth Doctor like most seem to, but there was a definite upscale in quality with Tennant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ACID_FOX on May 25, 2013, 10:24:02 PM
Wait. One of the early Doctors met his thirteenth self? Anyone know the episode?

This one (written by Moffat actually): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Who_and_the_Curse_of_Fatal_Death

It was a Red Nose Day special.

That's pretty obviously a piss take and not canon :lol. I think the episode with the 13th regeneration is Trial of a/the Time Lord? Can't remember the exact title.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2013, 02:12:57 AM
I can find no reference to that, so I don't think it's the case. In particular the TARDIS Data Core (best online Wiki for Doctor Who stuff) says nothing about it, not even from non-canon stuff like the books or comics (apart from the Comic Relief special that Sigz linked to).
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 26, 2013, 04:36:54 AM
It seems like I remember the Tom Baker version meeting Spider-Man in a comic when I was a kid.  I know that Marvel published Dr. Who comics back then.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 26, 2013, 06:29:50 AM
By ariich's appointment, here is round four of the Doctor Who survivor, series four: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37209.0

We're building a very funny list here. But I like a weird list.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on May 26, 2013, 02:18:10 PM
The Doctor's never met his last incarnation. The closest he's come is the Valeyard, which formed from his darker side sometime between before his last regeneration (the exact words used, because by then they were looking for a get out of jail clause over the stated 13 lives. By the way, if you think that's going to stand..) There are no meetings with future Doctors in any of the novels, and while future Doctors have been shown, just not meeting the Doctor) they notably haven't been described or given a number. The obvious reason why the Doctor hasn't met a future self is that people say it locks them into casting that person as the Doctor, though, seriously, writing their way out of that wouldn't be that hard.

As for the Omega theory...god I hope not. The one constant, thus far, with the multi-Doctor stories is that they've all sucked. Yes, all of them. Except for Time Crash, which had the benefit of only being 10 minutes long and a Moffat story from before his tendency to solve plots with ontological paradoxes became the show's MO. The one constant with all the stories involving Omega and his creators, the guys who wrote the Three Doctors, is...they sucked. Omega has also been beaten to death in the non-canon stories as well (I think he came back to our universe and then wound up in a black hole AGAIN in the audios.) People have been theorizing that Omega was going to return for ages, but I hope not. Give me something new, Moffat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on May 26, 2013, 02:37:21 PM
I think it was stated recently that he's got like 500 more regenerations.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 26, 2013, 02:47:28 PM
There are no meetings with future Doctors in any of the novels
Are the novels considered canon?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 26, 2013, 03:23:19 PM
There are no meetings with future Doctors in any of the novels
Are the novels considered canon?
Not really, no. Some people would consider them as such, but the TV writers would generally speaking never refer to events in the extended media (novels, audio plays, comics) like they would refer to previous events in the TV series.

I think it was stated recently that he's got like 500 more regenerations.
In the Sarah Jane Adventures, the 11th Doctor made an appearance and said that he could in theory regenerate infinitely, so they sort of covered that outside of Doctor Who itself, but it's been addressed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on May 26, 2013, 04:30:47 PM
There are no meetings with future Doctors in any of the novels
Are the novels considered canon?

No, they're not, I'm just pointing them out because some things that people SAY are from the show are actually from non-canon secondary sources, so even in the non-canon stuff, he's never met a 13th Doctor. Kind of ruling everything out  :lol

The series actually has spent a lot of time making the novels non-canon. The novels blew Gallifrey up under different  circumstances, which meant that as the Eighth Doctor range came to a close, the novels had to suggest that Gallifrey could return...only for RTD to promptly obliterate it again.  The novels gave Sarah Jane Smith a long history where she met multiple Doctors, only for the series to come along and completely wipe that out. Given a lot of the nature of the novel lines, I think that's a good thing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 27, 2013, 07:56:32 AM
Round 5. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37228.msg1580889#msg1580889)

I like how well-regarded The Doctor's Daughter is. Gone, yes, but won the four-way tiebreak comfortably. A lot of the hardcore Doctor Who fans hate that one, and I can't work out why. David Tennant is brilliant in it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on May 27, 2013, 08:14:44 AM
Wonder if we'll ever see her again? Maybe for the anniversary?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 27, 2013, 09:59:23 AM
Possibly! I wouldn't put money on it, but... possibly! I'm sure we'll see her again one day, but I think it'll be a few production teams down the line. Call it a hunch.

Right! The Name of the Doctor. Rewatched it. What a funny episode.

To clarify, I did love it. So much of it. Geeky glee. Every little fanboy moment - I was actually laughing. Big grin, properly, edge of my seat for so much of the run time. They're not metaphors, either, I was really grinning, and really perching.

But... the plot wasn't up to much, was it? It answered a lot of unsolved questions, but didn't do much besides. Lots of explanations, thankless exposition-speak. "Where are we?" "Where's this?" "What happens here?" Whispermen nicely designed but underused. Jenny's death genuinely harrowing - but fixed painlessly a few minutes later. Peril in short supply. Especially later, with Clara putting herself in the timestream, which did work dramatically, but it was a hell of a foregone conclusion. As soon as the Great Intelligence did its thang, we knew that it was going to be thwarted, how it was going to be defeated, and by whom. Any consequences of the Great Intelligence's actions were sort of fangless, because we knew, due to the nature of the predestination paradox, that they were absolutely going to be undone. Strax's disintegration, the stars going out - entertaining, nice ideas, but I didn't buy them. But then, it might be different if you're eight - and I don't mean that as a slur at all, even though it does sound like one. I'm trying to think of a better way to put it. DW speaks to kids in a different way to adults, and I can completely imagine kids yelling at Clara, willing her to, "Step into the timeline!!" I may not quite be the episode's target audience.

I don't know. I liked the episode, often loved it, but I'm not convinced it was good? It feels like a very pleasant bridge. "That's what was going on there, this is what's coming up next. Any questions?" Rather, it was a quality product, but not in the same way Hide was a quality product. I think it had emphasis on thrills above plot. When the thrills are that good, I think the plot can take a back seat and still produce a cracking episode, but I don't know that it doesn't still feel like there's something missing.

I don't know. This is the strangest reaction I've yet had to an episode of Doctor Who! Still a little punchdrunk. Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on May 27, 2013, 11:50:41 AM
Well I strongly disagree. The episode was near perfect in my opinion, and I had guessed the plot weeks in advance. The episode created one of the greatest atmospheres DW has ever created, IMO, and the tension was great. Despite knowing how Clara was going to save the Doctor, the tension for me wasn't in her reveal but rather in how worried and horrified the Doctor was and the revelation of his secret. That ending was perhaps the best ending/cliffhanger to the show yet, even more so than the fake death in series six. The GI was a fantastic enemy and I wish we'd have more time with him, as Richard Grant is amazing. I think what truly carried the episode was how relatively simple the plot was, allowing the other elements to be explored even further.

The thrills certainly were heightened, but in a great way. The episode was so brooding and worked so well in its facets I can't fathom how you'd ever not call it a good episode, when in reality I'd say it was the best of Moffat's run.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2013, 01:56:36 PM
Well I strongly disagree. The episode was near perfect in my opinion, and I had guessed the plot weeks in advance. The episode created one of the greatest atmospheres DW has ever created, IMO, and the tension was great. Despite knowing how Clara was going to save the Doctor, the tension for me wasn't in her reveal but rather in how worried and horrified the Doctor was and the revelation of his secret. That ending was perhaps the best ending/cliffhanger to the show yet, even more so than the fake death in series six. The GI was a fantastic enemy and I wish we'd have more time with him, as Richard Grant is amazing. I think what truly carried the episode was how relatively simple the plot was, allowing the other elements to be explored even further.

The thrills certainly were heightened, but in a great way. The episode was so brooding and worked so well in its facets I can't fathom how you'd ever not call it a good episode, when in reality I'd say it was the best of Moffat's run.
I completely agree with this. Especially about the plot being simple. With anything more complex, I think the pacing would have been off as it was at the end of series 6!

And once the GI had entered the Doctor's vortex, for me the tension was not because we didn't know how the GI would be thwarted, because as you say Rob, that became instantly obvious, but because I did not know what would happen to Clara. The Doctor isn't the only character in peril.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 27, 2013, 02:29:34 PM
That's fair! I think the presence of set reports from the anniversary special (which I hadn't gone seeking - just found!) undermined that one for me - but, that's outside the text, doesn't count. Can count against my experience, but not really fair against the episode itself.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 27, 2013, 03:21:07 PM
Yeah and that's always a problem with keeping up with news outside of the show itself - one of the ultimate downfalls of being a big fan. I'm the same - I just rather put that stuff to one side when I'm watching - otherwise I'd never think that the Doctor is in any peril, as I know that the show will be continuing for the foreseeable future!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 28, 2013, 12:54:13 AM
Yeah! That's one place Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS really worked for me. The second I heard Clara was going to die, heard the melted monster was her, I believed it - and as she learnt more and more about the Doctor, I believed it was truly, properly inevitable, and we'd have a new Clara for the rest of the series. Mid-season standalone episodes usually can't aim for those kind of stakes, but Journey nailed them. Finales usually can, but Name of the Doctor didn't quite sell it to me. I'm so glad it worked for other people, though. Quite superbly, by the sounds of things.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on May 28, 2013, 10:44:41 AM
Should have been a two parter. I wish it showed her interacting with all the Doctor's in some way. Not necessarily talking to all but affecting something around them or something. I also thought the Doctor's grave site was hurried to much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 28, 2013, 11:02:15 AM
All about the tie-breaks with you lot! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37240.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 28, 2013, 12:41:02 PM
All about the tie-breaks with you lot! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37240.0)
:lol That is the downside of your approach, but the upside is that it still ends up being fewer rounds this way than the traditional way, AND a lot more fun!

So little update from me, I've been getting back into watching classic Who these past couple of weeks. Continuing on with the 4th Doctor (Tom Baker), onto season 16 now, also known as the Key to Time. It really is good fun, if incredibly dated! Some of the stories in season 15 I really enjoyed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on May 28, 2013, 12:46:21 PM
Yeah! That's one place Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS really worked for me. The second I heard Clara was going to die, heard the melted monster was her, I believed it - and as she learnt more and more about the Doctor, I believed it was truly, properly inevitable, and we'd have a new Clara for the rest of the series. Mid-season standalone episodes usually can't aim for those kind of stakes, but Journey nailed them. Finales usually can, but Name of the Doctor didn't quite sell it to me. I'm so glad it worked for other people, though. Quite superbly, by the sounds of things.

See now, I feel the exact opposite. I knew that no matter what, this Clara wasn't going to die, because she still hadn't pulled off her stunt to spread her throughout time. The half season was done to introduce us to the real Clara, and having her die again wouldn't have made sense, as we would have had to get used to another Clara a few episodes before the finale. I knew everything would be reversed or fixed in some way-- it is Doctor Who, after all.

Then, in the finale,  I wasn't sure what would happen. I knew Clara would be in the 50th anniversary and series 8, but there was no guarantee it would be the original Clara. Thus, when she stepped into the timeline, for all we knew, she was dead, and the Doctor would have to find another Clara from his timeline to continue on journeying with. I assumed that wouldn't happen, though, because after all the times she had saved the Doctor, I knew it would be time for him to save her, (which they actually put into a line in the show! why aren't I writing for Doctor Who, eh?) so like I said the tension was most in the reveal of Doctor Hurt for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 28, 2013, 01:41:16 PM
Ha! There we go, then!

I'm beginning to think I'm just a rubbish Doctor Who fan. I've got my top favourites list upside down. Still - something for everyone! Rarely everyone at the same time, but that's true of anything.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 28, 2013, 01:55:09 PM
I'm beginning to think I'm just a rubbish Doctor Who fan. I've got my top favourites list upside down. Still - something for everyone! Rarely everyone at the same time, but that's true of anything.
Exactly, just because different people have different preferences, doesn't make anyone a less good fan!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 29, 2013, 11:23:17 AM
Series four, round seven. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37255.0) Getting through these at a hell of a pace.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2013, 01:27:17 PM
Yeah definitely. Interesting to see how the results are panning out as well, the first 3 series were pretty close to my own opinions (though not quite the same) but this series is totally off!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 30, 2013, 12:10:13 PM
Word. There's always been at least one ep in each round where I've gone, "Really? That one? But it's brilliant!" and others that I've thought slightly outstayed their welcome.

This round? Spot on (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37273.0).
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on May 31, 2013, 02:14:05 PM
Not only will we have our next three finalists in under 24 hours... (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37286.0)

...but I just made the banners for series five. God, I love that series. It's really, truly, the best thing Doctor Who's ever done. I might just not vote.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2013, 02:43:56 PM
Hell yeah. I've been watching Doctor Who with my girlfriend to get her all caught up, and we've picked up the pace a lot since moving in together a month ago. We've just started on series 5 now, so I'm very excited to watch it again!

It is crazy that I've been watching 3 different time streams for Doctor Who recently: (i) the new episodes as they air, (ii) catching up on the David Tennant series with my girlfriend, and (iii) gradually getting through the classic series in the Tom Baker era.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: GuineaPig on June 01, 2013, 03:55:07 PM
SPOILERS for the 50th anniversary special

(seriously don't click this link if you don't want spoilers)

Here. (https://blogtorwho.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/matt-smith-to-leave-doctor-who.html)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sigz on June 01, 2013, 03:56:15 PM
Saw that. I have immensely mixed and conflicting emotions, but am excited none the less.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 01, 2013, 04:09:13 PM
Yeah same Ian, shame in many ways but kind of exciting as well! And now the fact that they won't be shooting series 8 until the new year makes sense, I had wondered at the time that was announced whether it was because they wanted to hold off on any spoilers - looks like I was right!

And I shouldn't worry about spoilers GP, it's all over every news site (at least here in the UK it is) so there's no way people could possibly miss it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: skydivingninja on June 01, 2013, 04:13:48 PM
Wow.  I'm really really sad about this, especially since there was a report saying he was confirmed for season 8 :/  I was hoping for at least another season before he left us.  Any word on whether Moffat's leaving too?  I remember he said he was close to leaving.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sigz on June 01, 2013, 04:15:25 PM
And I shouldn't worry about spoilers GP, it's all over every news site (at least here in the UK it is) so there's no way people could possibly miss it.

Yeah, I don't see how it's possible to avoid news like this even if you tried, it's fucking everywhere.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: GuineaPig on June 01, 2013, 04:20:55 PM
Yeah.  Figured I might as well.

Ok then.  10 bucks says the next Doctor is a woman.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on June 01, 2013, 04:24:26 PM
I was talking about this to my best friend, and we're in shock, since we both think Matt Smith is the best Doctor period, and she mentioned first a lady doctor, and then suggested they get a red head to play the Doctor so he could finally be ginger.

So I said "fuck how much it would confuse people, cast Karen Gillan as a lady Doctor!"

Hey, it'd work for me  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on June 01, 2013, 05:25:08 PM
Tears. This is exciting, but also heartbreaking...
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 01, 2013, 06:31:16 PM
I was talking about this to my best friend, and we're in shock, since we both think Matt Smith is the best Doctor period, and she mentioned first a lady doctor, and then suggested they get a red head to play the Doctor so he could finally be ginger.

So I said "fuck how much it would confuse people, cast Karen Gillan as a lady Doctor!"

Hey, it'd work for me  :lol

It would certainly change Dr. Who forever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 01, 2013, 06:33:59 PM
I go out for ONE DRINK and this happens!!

Christmas just got a lot more exciting.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 01, 2013, 06:54:01 PM
Okay. Here's series four, final round... (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37303.0)

And here's series five. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37304.0) The Victory of the Daleks font is wrong. It'll be smaller, with decapitalised conjunctions, when it wins or loses. (SPOILER: Loses.)

Fuck. I get to learn Matt Smith's leaving TWICE!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 01, 2013, 07:05:32 PM
I'd like to get a smooth Idris Elba as the next doctor.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 01, 2013, 07:13:15 PM
Oh, god. This is just sinking in.

I'm going to have to change my avatar!! Matt Smith is so completely my Doctor, right now. I love him to bits - he could play the role for another three years and I'm sure he'd find so many wonderful, new, exciting ways to play it. But! So will the new man. Or, woman. Serious option, since TDW clarified that can happen.

Crikey. Huge shoes to fill. The most incredible, Doctorriest Doctor of the twenty-first century. And the shoes he had to fill were huge enough already.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 01, 2013, 07:16:09 PM
Indeed ! How do you replace the guy who replaced David Tennant ?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 01, 2013, 07:20:04 PM
Jimmy Carr would make a good doctor  ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on June 01, 2013, 07:28:54 PM
Jimmy Carr would make a good doctor  ;)

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 01, 2013, 07:48:52 PM
Ugh. God No.

" Hi. My name is Amy Pond. "

" I think you're a cunt and you love a cock in the arse. "

However- that WOULD change Dr. Who forever ! ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 01, 2013, 07:49:38 PM
Alan Davies could work.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on June 01, 2013, 08:44:55 PM
I am very saddened by this. Matt Smith was such a great Doctor, and I thought with this Clara business things had finally gotten going with him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on June 01, 2013, 08:47:40 PM
The next Doctor will be a metacrisis combination of me and robwebster.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: JRundquist on June 01, 2013, 08:55:52 PM
I may be alone on this but the next Doctor should be Hugh Laurie. He basically played the role for 8 years on House, he was just missing the TARDIS.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: senecadawg2 on June 01, 2013, 09:14:51 PM
I don't know how I feel about that. Hugh Laurie's a good actor and all, but I'd like to have a playful doctor and I'm not getting that vibe from him. Then again, wtih Matt Smith's incarnation being a generally playful character, it would be interesting to see a switch back towards the more serious side of things.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on June 01, 2013, 09:46:19 PM
I thought Matt had said earlier that he will stay (as well as Clara) for another season. This is kind of a surprise for me.

inb4 Clara is the new Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on June 01, 2013, 11:49:40 PM
Seconded for Hugh to being the next doctor, only if Stephen Fry is his companion
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: GuineaPig on June 02, 2013, 12:50:11 AM
I thought Matt had said earlier that he will stay (as well as Clara) for another season. This is kind of a surprise for me.

inb4 Clara is the new Doctor.

I remember Smith's "confirmation" of being in season eight came out quite a bit later.  I suspected he would be leaving after the 50th.

And seriously, I wouldn't bet against Clara being the next doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2013, 03:23:32 AM
Smith never really confirmed anything, but news sites reported it as such. Although fair play to Digital Spy, they were clever to qualify it by saying that he "appeared to have confirmed" it. https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/news/a482463/doctor-who-star-matt-smith-i-will-be-back-for-series-8.html

Read his actual quotes. I remember when I read that, I thought it sounded very vague, and the sort of thing he'd say if he was leaving.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sketchy on June 02, 2013, 04:26:23 AM
I'd like to get a smooth Idris Elba as the next doctor.


Matt Smith's look in that just makes me think "Cybermen, I will end you"
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on June 02, 2013, 04:53:18 AM
Yep, sad to hear about this.  Just as I was getting back into Doctor Who after a 30-year break!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: XJDenton on June 02, 2013, 05:21:45 AM
Technically, given the events of the finale, shouldnt this also be the last Regen?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2013, 05:27:23 AM
Technically, given the events of the finale, shouldnt this also be the last Regen?
As far as I'm aware, the official stance on the whole 13 regenerations issue is that it doesn't apply. When Matt Smith appeared in the Sarah Jane Adventures (which is pretty much canon) he confirmed that in theory he can regenerated indefinitely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 02, 2013, 06:50:56 AM
:lol You kinda paint yourself into a corner when you establish that your character can only be played by 13 actors and then actors keep leaving.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on June 02, 2013, 09:46:37 AM
The 13 regenerations thing has so many outs around it that you can safely ignore it. It was done at a time when the show was on its fourth Doctor, and likely the production staff simply wasn't thinking in terms of actually getting to 13. The simplest out is to say it's a rule that was enforced by the Time Lords and with them gone, no one's to say how often a Time Lord can regenerate. Or best thing, just stare patiently at the fans until they stop being so pedantic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 02, 2013, 10:25:41 AM
The simplest out is to say it's a rule that was enforced by the Time Lords and with them gone, no one's to say how often a Time Lord can regenerate.
This is probably the best way out of it, and actually would fit perfectly within the canon. If we're going by the classic series, then the Master during the 6th Doctor's reign is supposed to have used up his regenerations which is why he needs to take the body of another person to stay alive, and then later he is granted more regenerations (and indeed in the new series continues to regenerate as we see both Derek Jacobi and John Simm playing him).

I don't know why people would harp on about the Doctor running out of regenerations while glossing over the fact that the Master is still around.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 03, 2013, 01:04:50 AM
Possibly, I'd think, cos the Master's devious and fears death like the Doctor doesn't - he's happy to steal regenerations.

That said, the Doctor was a hardened time warrior. First off, I don't really believe a Time Lord has exactly thirteen bodies any more than a human has exactly eighty years - it's an approximation. Good behaviour can extend it, poor choices can reduce it. Second, regeneration seems to be tied to that yellow energy. Doesn't seem a stretch to presume they had huge stockpiles of it on Gallifrey. Stockpiles that they might start doling out willy-nilly if there were some kind of crisis. In my head, this is how the Master regenerated, too.

Also, S5R2. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37315.msg1584861#new)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on June 03, 2013, 04:54:43 AM
The 10th Doctor regenerated without change using his severed hand. So there are ways around it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Mister Gold on June 03, 2013, 12:59:13 PM
I think I'll probably like whoever they get as the new Doctor, but I'm hoping for it either being Damien Molony or Harry Lloyd. Anyone else having any personal hopes for who gets cast as Twelve? :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sigz on June 03, 2013, 01:26:06 PM
Technically, given the events of the finale, shouldnt this also be the last Regen?
As far as I'm aware, the official stance on the whole 13 regenerations issue is that it doesn't apply. When Matt Smith appeared in the Sarah Jane Adventures (which is pretty much canon) he confirmed that in theory he can regenerated indefinitely.

I think Denton was referring to the face that Clara said something like "I saw every version of you - 11 faces, all you".
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on June 03, 2013, 02:34:06 PM
That's because had she not stepped into the timeline and saved the Doctor, he would have died right there. So there were no other faces FOR her to see, because his timeline was seemingly ending. The GI stepped into the timeline and started reverting his previous victories, not his future ones, as those wouldn't have killed Eleven. Clara stopped this from happening, and thus allowed the Doctor to have future regenerations.

The most peculiar thing is that they made such a deal of the window on the TARDIS glass being broken, and then seeing the same break in the TARDIS that had leaked on the outside becoming a massive grave piece. I do not think we are quite finished with Trenzalore, especially since the episode ended with Eleven still in his own timeline at Trenzalore.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 03, 2013, 03:10:24 PM
I think I'll probably like whoever they get as the new Doctor, but I'm hoping for it either being Damien Molony or Harry Lloyd. Anyone else having any personal hopes for who gets cast as Twelve? :biggrin:
Personally I can't see it being anyone who has been in the show before, so that would rule out Harry Lloyd. I wouldn't be surprised if they do what they did with Smith (and to some extent with Tenant) and get someone who's not very big yet, so Molony could be an option.

That's because had she not stepped into the timeline and saved the Doctor, he would have died right there. So there were no other faces FOR her to see, because his timeline was seemingly ending. The GI stepped into the timeline and started reverting his previous victories, not his future ones, as those wouldn't have killed Eleven. Clara stopped this from happening, and thus allowed the Doctor to have future regenerations.
Yeah I didn't get any implication that she meant all of his faces including in the future - as you say, the whole idea was to cancel out his past victories. I also think the constant references to the number 11 support the idea of John Hurt being between Doctors 8 and 9.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on June 03, 2013, 04:35:07 PM
Now is the time to cast Samuel Jackson as the Doctor. Just think about all the possibilities.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 03, 2013, 04:44:52 PM
That's because had she not stepped into the timeline and saved the Doctor, he would have died right there. So there were no other faces FOR her to see, because his timeline was seemingly ending. The GI stepped into the timeline and started reverting his previous victories, not his future ones, as those wouldn't have killed Eleven. Clara stopped this from happening, and thus allowed the Doctor to have future regenerations.

The most peculiar thing is that they made such a deal of the window on the TARDIS glass being broken, and then seeing the same break in the TARDIS that had leaked on the outside becoming a massive grave piece. I do not think we are quite finished with Trenzalore, especially since the episode ended with Eleven still in his own timeline at Trenzalore.

Matt Smith's words, from the press release:

"It's been an honour to play this part, to follow the legacy of brilliant actors, and helm the TARDIS for a spell with 'the ginger, the nose and the impossible one'. But when ya gotta go, ya gotta go and Trenzalore calls. Thank you guys."

Could be an analogy, but... yes, Trenzalore calls!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 03, 2013, 05:00:30 PM
Rhys Ifans ?

Alan Davies ?

Michael Sheen ?

Or Simon Munnery :P :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 04, 2013, 01:16:38 AM
Alan Davies would be good, but having played a magician's assistant who rights wrongs with a female companion and a hardy intellect, I fear he'd be a little predictable. Great in Jonathan Creek, but too similar, too obvious.

Michael Sheen, though - that's inspired. I really like that. Don't know if they could get him full time on a BBC budget, he's off doing films now, isn't he? If there's a way, though, I'd like to see that. Plus, he didn't appear on-screen last time he was in Doctor Who, so his face is still brand new.

Series five, round three! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37336.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 04, 2013, 02:07:29 AM
Michael Sheen is an amazing actor and someone on the twitter suggested a Welsh Doctor and he came to mind after Rhys Ifans.

I've always thought Richard E Grant would make a good Doc. He's impossibly posh despite not even being English.

He's probably a little out of the age range now unless they want to go older this time around.

They'll probably go for an unknown actor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on June 04, 2013, 09:17:53 AM
Hugh Grant?

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 04, 2013, 10:32:58 AM
Definitely not.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on June 04, 2013, 11:06:22 AM
God no!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 04, 2013, 01:35:16 PM
I've always thought Richard E Grant would make a good Doc. He's impossibly posh despite not even being English.

He's probably a little out of the age range now unless they want to go older this time around.
He's also currently playing the Great Intelligence, so that would just confuse everyone!

Hugh Grant would be great. :lol If anyone hasn't seen the Curse of Fatal Death, go and see it now!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 05, 2013, 01:12:59 AM
I'm sure they could find a way to work it in! But yeah, I'd rather find someone new.

S5R4 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37346.0). One episode lost by a landslide. No prizes for guessing which.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 05, 2013, 11:12:24 AM
No surprise that people used to think Richard E Grant and Hugh Grant were related despite the facts that :

1.) That's not Richard E Grant's real name


2.) Richard E Grant is not even English.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on June 05, 2013, 11:39:25 AM
Richard E. Grant's already been the Doctor....

Kind of.  :lol


Also: RTD offered the part of the Ninth Doctor to Hugh Grant, who turned it down, and reportedly has regretted doing so ever since.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 07, 2013, 01:02:59 PM
This is probably nonsense, going by the source, but... hurrrr!! (https://www.starburstmagazine.com/tv-news/5530-tv-news-doctor-who)

Either way, it's a great story. I'd love them to pre-empt the papers.

ETA: Also, S5R6 (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37390.0).

Also also, I am liking the trailer for Not Another Happy Ending. It doesn't look like my kind of film, but I am liking the trailer.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2013, 03:21:49 PM
Mm interesting, that seems ridiculously soon though, how will they have had time to think about the sort of character they want the next Doctor to be, send out invitations to agencies etc, hold auditions, and all that?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 07, 2013, 04:17:53 PM
Well! Depends. We don't know how long they might've already been working on this. If they've got to get the new Doctor ready for filming the Christmas special, they might have started a couple of months ago. Pre-empting the papers is very plausible, they've done that before... but I do generally agree that it doesn't have a "ring of truth" to it. Not putting much stock by it, I think it's more likely to be the start of silly season. Still! If it's true, ace! If not, that's fine, not like we've been getting hyped up for ages.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2013, 04:23:49 PM
In terms of filming for the Christmas special, I don't really buy that they have to do anything in advance like some news sites have been saying. They could very easily film quite late on, and in private/secret, as it'll only be for a regeneration scene at the end (presumably). In which case it would be theoretically possible to not actually reveal it in advance. Of course the danger with that is that it would leak, so I think you're right that they will want to pre-empt the papers. But yeah, I'm not sure it'll be yet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 07, 2013, 04:33:01 PM
Oh, yeah! I didn't mean advance filming, just pre-production. Fairly conceivable that they'd be doing regular casting around now, and the new Doctor's going to be a much heavier duty operation that needs to be done for pretty much the same deadline. Especially if they do something timey wimey, which... I'd imagine Steven Moffat would like to if he can. Particularly in the anniversary year, coming straight off the anniversary special. They won't if they can't, and if MS's departure has snuck up on them then yeah, not a snowflake's chance in hell.

Don't get me wrong, I do think it's incredibly unlikely we'll have a name tomorrow... I'm just quite enjoying the possibility. As rumours go, it's not built from the "Simon Cowell to play Davros" mould.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 07, 2013, 04:34:55 PM
"Simon Cowell to play Davros"
This must happen.

It would be interesting to see him tone down the evil a bit. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on June 08, 2013, 04:12:44 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 09, 2013, 04:05:24 AM
Round 7 of the series 5 survivor is up by the way, only 3 votes so far, get to it!

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 09, 2013, 05:22:47 AM
Ha - fantastic! Cheers! I knew there was something I was forgetting.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 09, 2013, 05:44:50 AM
In other news, YouGov did a poll about Doctor Who:


Some interesting stats, there. 30% of all Brits are Doctor Who fans. Most entertaining, though, is that it's split by party allegiance. You can see what percentage of Liberal Democrat voters think the next actor to play the Doctor has to be heterosexual. (It's 13%.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on June 09, 2013, 05:58:32 AM
In other news, YouGov did a poll about Doctor Who:


Some interesting stats, there. 30% of all Brits are Doctor Who fans. Most entertaining, though, is that it's split by party allegiance. You can see what percentage of Liberal Democrat voters think the next actor to play the Doctor has to be heterosexual. (It's 13%.)

I would like him to be a heterosexual male as well. If the Doctor becomes a woman or a gay man it ruins stories with with other characters, namely River. It would be funny for an episode or two but I wouldn't want it for seasons.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 09, 2013, 06:08:00 AM
Do you think River would mind if the Doctor regenerated into a woman? She's a 51st century girl, I don't think she'd care! On which note, I kind of think the Doctor is likely to be omnisexual, too. Has the potential to find anyone or anything beautiful. Same as River, same as Jack, just... significantly worse at it!

Nonetheless - actor, not character! Do you not reckon a gay actor could play the Doctor?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on June 09, 2013, 06:12:17 AM
You know I didn't think of the omnisexual bit(I think the term is pansexual though  :P ), I'm fine with that then. As for the actor, I don't care who plays the Doctor as long as they do a good job.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 09, 2013, 06:21:08 AM
Yeah that's about the actor, not the character. Interesting poll though, seems so random for YouGov to do!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 09, 2013, 06:25:53 AM
Yeah that's about the actor, not the character. Interesting poll though, seems so random for YouGov to do!
I thought so, too. Then I looked at the website, and it's... pretty much par for the course. (https://yougov.co.uk/news/2013/06/05/yougov-guide-grub/)

Completely non-Who related thing, noticed the stats contained numbers stating who planned to vote for what party in the next election. 642 for Labour, 429 for Conservative, 257 for UKIP and 132 for Lib Dems. We were basically a two-party country when Matt Smith started, now there's four serious candidates! Matt Smith still feels like the new boy for some reason, but he really shouldn't - he's seen a lot of history as the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on June 09, 2013, 07:31:43 AM
It's because his run opened the decade, which is still rather young. Anyway, I don't care about a female or male homosexual actor playing the Doctor, but I think they should stay true to the character.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 09, 2013, 03:44:54 PM
SUPERDRAMATIC MOFFAT FINALE! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37419.0)

Honestly. That's about as tense as any survivor's getting.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 10, 2013, 12:26:05 AM
That's awesome. :lol Actually an important vote as well, as only one of them gets through to the final...
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 10, 2013, 12:59:54 AM
Yeah, it's an interesting tiebreak! If anything, it's just raised the stakes. Fun!

I'd usually start the next series' survivor to overlap with the final round (read: I did this once and thought it was a good idea) but I'm letting this one have its own space. Banners ready to go, though. Crikey, they take ages to make. Look cool, but I'm glad there's only one more series. Or effectively two, cos none of the banners are gonna match up in the champions' survivor, so I'll need to make new ones.

There are worse ways to spend an hour.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 10, 2013, 01:54:43 PM
:lol Fair play, should be awesome.

Timing won't work out all that great for series 7, because with the fact that it had two Christmas specials, plus we're going to have big specials for the 50th and Christmas this year, plus the fact that there are more stories as there are no two parters, it would have been good to include them all together like you did for series 4 and the following specials.

Then again, we're going to have 15 stories as it is for series 7 including both Christmas ones, so I guess that works out nicely to put 3 through to the final.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 10, 2013, 02:22:27 PM
Yeah! Between the lack of two parters, and the extra Christmas special, the numbers work out fairly neatly. Nice big finale, too, so that's nice. Even if the results are likely to give me a hernia - as discussed, I am completely out of sync with the general consensus on that series!

Winners so far, if anyone's keeping track. ('Cos I know I've forgotten to...)

The Empty Child - Dalek - The Girl in the Fireplace - The Impossible Planet - Blink
Human Nature - Silence in the Library - Midnight - The End of Time - Vincent and the Doctor - ?????

Anyone want to pick a first boot out of that lot?

Full results...

The Empty Child
Bad Wolf
Father's Day
The End of the World
The Long Game
The Unquiet Dead
Boom Town
Aliens of London

The Girl in the Fireplace
The Impossible Planet
Army of Ghosts
School Reunion
The Christmas Invasion
Tooth and Claw
New Earth
Rise of the Cybermen
Fear Her
The Idiot's Lantern
Love & Monsters

Human Nature
The Sound of Drums
The Shakespeare Code
Smith and Jones
The Runaway Bride
The Lazarus Experiment
Daleks in Manhattan

Silence in the Library
The End of Time
The Waters of Mars
The Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
The Unicorn and the Wasp
The Next Doctor
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Doctor's Daughter
Turn Left
Voyage of the Damned
The Stolen Earth
Partners in Crime
Planet of the Dead

Vincent and the Doctor
Amy's Choice
The Beast Below
The Hungry Earth
Victory of the Daleks
The Lodger
The Vampires of Venice

ETA: Also, lots of rumours flying around about Rory Kinnear as the next Doctor. Hokum, but it's a nice idea. Slightly inspired. I'd like that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 10, 2013, 03:15:19 PM
Yeah it'll be interesting to see what voting is like for series 7, likely to be more eclectic as it's so recent. Tend to get the same for new albums in band survivors as well!

Excellent list so far. I've got my preferences on what should go earlier rather than later, but really they're all top notch.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 10, 2013, 03:17:28 PM
ETA: Also, lots of rumours flying around about Rory Kinnear as the next Doctor. Hokum, but it's a nice idea. Slightly inspired. I'd like that.
Yeah there are all sorts of rumours. I could see Kinnear being brilliant, but from what Moffat and the BBC have said, they've only really started looking recently, so I'm fairly sure they haven't picked anyone yet.

Tell you what though, in the wikipedia List of Doctor Who Serials page (which I use for a lot of my DW trivia on writers, directors, etc, including for the classic seasons) it is weird now seeing a section for Twelfth Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: GuineaPig on June 10, 2013, 03:20:21 PM
ETA: Also, lots of rumours flying around about Rory Kinnear as the next Doctor. Hokum, but it's a nice idea. Slightly inspired. I'd like that.

This (https://www.animalfarmlife.eu/images/pigs/fat_breeding.jpg) would be the new recurring villain in that case.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on June 10, 2013, 03:23:58 PM
Heheh, what happens to the survivor if the 50th episode ends up being literally the best Doctor Who episode ever? :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 10, 2013, 03:33:38 PM
Oh, god, I'm not carrying on 'til November! The survivor will be ancient history by the fiftieth - nothing'll happen to it. It'll just remain a record of where we were at this point in time.

ETA: Also, lots of rumours flying around about Rory Kinnear as the next Doctor. Hokum, but it's a nice idea. Slightly inspired. I'd like that.

This (https://www.animalfarmlife.eu/images/pigs/fat_breeding.jpg) would be the new recurring villain in that case.
That's a point. People keep going on about female Doctors, or non-white Doctors - they've never had one who acted fucking a pig on live television.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on June 10, 2013, 03:43:48 PM
Yeah I'm not too fond of the Rory guy, he doesn't scream "Doctor" to me and I dunno if he'd be the best for the part judging by what roles he has played beforehand. I liked the other three from the previous rumor a bit more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sigz on June 10, 2013, 03:48:25 PM
I quite like the idea of Ben Wisha playing the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 10, 2013, 04:06:20 PM
Series five results! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37419.0)

Series six! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37430.0)

VOTE ON, MY CHILDREN! Also, crikey - that last S5 tiebreaker really does drill right down. Two eps so completely neck and neck.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on June 11, 2013, 08:13:24 AM
I quite like the idea of Ben Wisha playing the Doctor.

He's certainly more Dr. Who looking than Rory Kinnear - who looks more like a fat bald Peter Davison.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 11, 2013, 04:49:51 PM
Tell you who else looks like a fatter, balder Peter Davison?

Peter Davison!

Also, survivor! Series 6, round 2! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37450.0) It's, er, quite the corker.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 14, 2013, 08:04:20 AM
Now that I've fixed the poll for Rob, here is the link to round 4 on his behalf: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37485.0

Another tiebreaker!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Perpetual Change on June 15, 2013, 07:48:17 PM
Finally finished Season 3. It wasn't all great, but it was much better than Season 2, and definitely featured some series highs overall. I liked it, and am looking forward to Season 4. Tennant's finally won me over completely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: jammindude on June 15, 2013, 07:57:49 PM
Local PBS station is currently showing "The Daleks"....I've never ever watched anything older than "The fourth Doctor"...so this is a very novel experience for me.

Even though it's obviously a bit dated looking...I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2013, 04:02:42 AM
A lot of the writing was good right back to the start, just the production values were absolutely terrible.

I'm really enjoying getting through the fourth Doctor at the moment, just one season and a bit to go through and then I'm on to number 5.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 16, 2013, 05:06:50 AM
Finally finished Season 3. It wasn't all great, but it was much better than Season 2, and definitely featured some series highs overall. I liked it, and am looking forward to Season 4. Tennant's finally won me over completely.
Hurrah! I think one thing with S3, is that it starts well, drops off a little in the middle, but gradually regains its mojo before culminating in a mojosplosion with Human Nature, Blink and the finale one after another.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on June 16, 2013, 12:36:54 PM
I don't really love the S3 finale episodes that much. They're probably my least favorite out of all the finales.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 16, 2013, 02:48:10 PM
In series 3 I'm the same as Rob, love everything from Human Nature onwards!

Also, don't forget to vote in round 5 of the series 6 survivor: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37507.0
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on June 16, 2013, 06:58:59 PM
The end of series three was like this for me:


The Sound of Drums: Okay, that cliffhanger resolution was a little rushed, but it played fair OMG WHAT IS THIS CLIFFHANGER ARRRGH AWESOME.

The Last of the Time Lords: What the fuck did I just watch?

RTD was a master (no pun intended) of building to finales, but when he got there, things tended to fall apart with frightening rapidity. He never stuck the landing on any of his finales, though he came close on The End of Time. I always wish that we'd gotten the RTD that wrote Midnight more often than the one that turned the Doctor into a house elf.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 17, 2013, 01:27:38 PM
I really liked the series 3 finale, but yeah Utopia was easily the best part of it.

Me and Anna have now reached the half-way point of series 6, and the first half of the series is still so damn brilliant. Wondering how well the second half is going to stack up this time - I actually don't remember some of the episodes all that well, so I don't think it made a great impression on me, but I'm hoping it's aged well.

On which note - round 6: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37530.0
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2013, 12:20:47 PM
Round 7: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37561.0

And I've realised why I don't remember series 6B all that well compared to most episodes - I didn't rewatch any episodes. Usually I'll go back and rewatch at some point (for example I rewatched 6A during the mid-series break, just before 6B started up) but I never did so. It was in autumn 2011 so I think it was the combination of crazy final exams for my professional qualification and meeting a lady, just never got round to it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 18, 2013, 12:24:27 PM
I always feel guilty when I come in here and you've promoted my survivor for me. Guilty and appreciative. Guiltpreciative!

It is funny, how much of a difference a rewatch or two can make. I've got a similar thing with S7, I've deliberately not rewatched them, so they'll feel relatively "fresh" for longer. It's going to make the survivor feel very weird. Part two in particular - I gave Nightmare in Silver two watches, Hide two watches, The Name of the Doctor two watches, and The Snowmen half a dozen. The rest, basically just once.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 18, 2013, 12:40:57 PM
I think Crimson Horror was the only one I watched once, the rest I managed to catch twice. But yeah, it really does make a difference, especially in seeing a lot of the connections within story arcs, little things you didn't notice before.

We watched Let's Kill Hitler last night, and I have to say it was tremendous fun on second viewing.

EDIT: Oh and don't worry about me promoting the survivor, I'm really enjoying it and appreciative of the effort you're putting into running it, so if you forget to update in here then I'm always happy to do so.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 20, 2013, 02:49:00 PM
FINAL ROUND! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37609.0)

I've been doing the S7 banners today, but I've been trying to do something cool with them, and they've come out kind of shit, so I might be a little late starting it while I faff about on photoshop for an hour or two.


Etc. etc. etc. Looked ace in my head, hasn't quite worked, probably redo them all tomorrow.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 25, 2013, 02:33:59 PM
Here's series seven round four. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37722.0) I quite like this stage of the survivor. Still loads of episodes left in, but getting rid of the ones without a chance.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 25, 2013, 03:00:10 PM

I like the banners you came up with in the end, look very swish! Your ideas for the red and green were very cool, and I think they look pretty good actually, but it's probably easier to do it the regular way!

On my rewatch with Anna, we just finished the God Complex, forgot how much I enjoyed it. I also now get the reference that the minotaur is related to the Nimon, having recently watched the fourth Doctor story The Horns of Nimon!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on June 25, 2013, 03:10:37 PM
I always feel guilty when I come in here and you've promoted my survivor for me. Guilty and appreciative. Guiltpreciative!

It is funny, how much of a difference a rewatch or two can make. I've got a similar thing with S7, I've deliberately not rewatched them, so they'll feel relatively "fresh" for longer. It's going to make the survivor feel very weird. Part two in particular - I gave Nightmare in Silver two watches, Hide two watches, The Name of the Doctor two watches, and The Snowmen half a dozen. The rest, basically just once.

I feel The Name of the Doctor really needed two watches. Not because it was hard to follow, because it was so good!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 25, 2013, 05:05:31 PM
Well! There must only be about four people who aren't 100% fond of The Name of the Doctor, but... I'm afraid I've decided I'm one of them!

Not that it was a waste of time. Not at all. So glad I watched it. Love all the mythology stuff. The shots of the old Doctors, Clara sending him into the TARDIS, utter fanboy glee, properly skin-prickling. But the story... didn't work for me! Didn't care about the Great Intelligence, or the Whispermen, didn't believe the Paternoster gang were ever in danger. All the stuff with Trenzalore and the tomb - while it's awash with great ideas, the Trenzalore stuff leaves me a little cold.

Lovely touches - gorgeous flourishes, so much good stuff in there for any Doctor Who fan - but a little insubstantial. But, don't worry, I expect literally nobody to agree. q: And more power to everyone else!

And, cheers ariich!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on June 25, 2013, 06:50:43 PM
Well! There must only be about four people who aren't 100% fond of The Name of the Doctor, but... I'm afraid I've decided I'm one of them!

Not that it was a waste of time. Not at all. So glad I watched it. Love all the mythology stuff. The shots of the old Doctors, Clara sending him into the TARDIS, utter fanboy glee, properly skin-prickling. But the story... didn't work for me! Didn't care about the Great Intelligence, or the Whispermen, didn't believe the Paternoster gang were ever in danger. All the stuff with Trenzalore and the tomb - while it's awash with great ideas, the Trenzalore stuff leaves me a little cold.

Lovely touches - gorgeous flourishes, so much good stuff in there for any Doctor Who fan - but a little insubstantial. But, don't worry, I expect literally nobody to agree. q: And more power to everyone else!

And, cheers ariich!

I think most of the episodes on this half of Series 7 have been a little insubstantial, possibly excepting The Crimson Horror, but in my opinion it was what it created which is why I enjoyed it. I mean, it's created a lot of hype for the 50th, who is Hurt's character?

Who do you actually think Hurt will be playing?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 26, 2013, 12:54:07 AM
Copout answer?

...The Doctor!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on June 26, 2013, 01:06:48 AM
Well! There must only be about four people who aren't 100% fond of The Name of the Doctor, but... I'm afraid I've decided I'm one of them!

Not that it was a waste of time. Not at all. So glad I watched it. Love all the mythology stuff. The shots of the old Doctors, Clara sending him into the TARDIS, utter fanboy glee, properly skin-prickling. But the story... didn't work for me! Didn't care about the Great Intelligence, or the Whispermen, didn't believe the Paternoster gang were ever in danger. All the stuff with Trenzalore and the tomb - while it's awash with great ideas, the Trenzalore stuff leaves me a little cold.

Lovely touches - gorgeous flourishes, so much good stuff in there for any Doctor Who fan - but a little insubstantial. But, don't worry, I expect literally nobody to agree. q: And more power to everyone else!

And, cheers ariich!
I agree completely. But as one that hasn't watched any of the old Who (and don't care/plan to) it was evern worse because I didn't care at all about the throwbacks. I can appreciate them, catering for their fans which is cool, but didn't affect me in any way.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on June 26, 2013, 06:16:03 AM
Copout answer?

...The Doctor!

Haha, yeaaaah, but.. Which one? I think he's going to be the 8th Doctor personally, especially since he wasn't seen by Clara in the Doctors time stream. What he did wasn't in "The Name of the Doctor" especially committing genocide to two separate races. I think that Eccleston was only going to be bought in as another version of the Doctor to have 4 Doctors involved (and not affecting the storyline as much as it might have), and what I would like to see in the 50th is a break on the time lock for Gallifrey and the time war in general. I know Rassilon is utterly mental but how bad can it be? :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on June 26, 2013, 06:28:26 AM
They already broke out in Dave Tennants reign.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on June 26, 2013, 06:31:38 AM
They already broke out in Dave Tennants reign.

But they were thrown right back in again after the link was broken :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on June 26, 2013, 07:18:07 AM
They already broke out in Dave Tennants reign.

But they were thrown right back in again after the link was broken :)

True; to be honest though I would have rather they had stuck with the story of The Doctor killing them all. I don't really like that they are simply stuck in a pocket of time. To me, it would have added more depth to The Doctor's character and there is nothing stopping him from going back in time to the Time War. However, having them all still alive, to me, takes the epic away from the war.

As for the 8th Doctor, I would rather the incarnation that was showed to Clara be more of an in between or defective regeneration or something then have it be the 8th. I reason for this is that the 8th already has a ton of back story from novels, comic, radio etc.. Granted the TV show is the true canon but I imagine there is a lot of good history already in place.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 28, 2013, 04:24:29 PM
8.5 (or, rather, secret 9, making Eccleston 10) is the only explanation that makes a great deal of sense... but an aging 8 would probably be second, if it's not that. But yes, I think they'll say it's the bloke Paul McGann regenerated into, rather than McGann himself. Not least cos... if they wanted an aged Paul McGann, they could've cast Paul McGann! Not that you need an excuse to cast John Hurt as the Doctor, per se. Inspired.

Also - battle of the Moffat stories! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37781.0) Earlier than I was expecting either of them to go. Not displeased with either of their placements, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on June 28, 2013, 04:50:41 PM
8.5 (or, rather, secret 9, making Eccleston 10) is the only explanation that makes a great deal of sense... but an aging 8 would probably be second, if it's not that. But yes, I think they'll say it's the bloke Paul McGann regenerated into, rather than McGann himself. Not least cos... if they wanted an aged Paul McGann, they could've cast Paul McGann! Not that you need an excuse to cast John Hurt as the Doctor, per se. Inspired.

Also - battle of the Moffat stories! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37781.0) Earlier than I was expecting either of them to go. Not displeased with either of their placements, though.

I'm having this conversation over on the Iron Maiden Fan Club forums as well, and that seems to be the general consensus. I would just prefer it to be McGanns Doctor, purely because (to me) that would make a lot of sense because he was involved in the time war. However if he's made out to be a new generation, then I'm cool with that as well haha
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on June 29, 2013, 07:56:35 PM
I still think HurtDoc is going to turn out to be Omega. If I'm right Rich and Rob owe me a TARDIS mug.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on June 29, 2013, 08:09:44 PM
I still think HurtDoc is going to turn out to be Omega. If I'm right Rich and Rob owe me a TARDIS mug.

I don't see how that would make sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2013, 01:37:07 AM
I still think HurtDoc is going to turn out to be Omega. If I'm right Rich and Rob owe me a TARDIS mug.

So is that a mug that can fit more tea/coffee than you'd think by looking at it?

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 30, 2013, 04:53:04 AM
I still think HurtDoc is going to turn out to be Omega. If I'm right Rich and Rob owe me a TARDIS mug.
Yep - you are genuinely on. If you're wrong, what do we get? :D

Also - the next round will be delayed a bit! I was out last night, so couldn't do it then, and now I've got a new laptop, so I need to shift my stuff about a bit. Watch this space!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2013, 05:27:29 AM
Cool, new laptops are always fun!

And yeah, good point, what do we get if you're wrong Adam? A quarter of a TARDIS mug each would make it even...
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 30, 2013, 05:36:48 AM
I already have a TARDIS mug. I will settle for nothing less than the Master's laser screwdriver (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Doctor-Who-Master-Laser-Screwdriver/dp/B000TCWWPA/ref=sr_1_17?s=kids&ie=UTF8&qid=1372592158&sr=1-17&keywords=sonic+screwdriver).
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on June 30, 2013, 07:31:27 AM
You know, I can see why you might say it's Omega. But then again I also think it's a crazy idea haha. We shall see!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2013, 08:33:49 AM
I already have a TARDIS mug. I will settle for nothing less than the Master's laser screwdriver (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Doctor-Who-Master-Laser-Screwdriver/dp/B000TCWWPA/ref=sr_1_17?s=kids&ie=UTF8&qid=1372592158&sr=1-17&keywords=sonic+screwdriver).
I had a set that included both that and the 10th Doctor's sonic, but I think I threw the Master's one away. Still got the sonic though. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 30, 2013, 09:04:27 AM
I had my tenth Doctor sonic screwdriver nicked - as in, properly burgled, someone stole a big pile of coats and bags, and I happened to have the sonic in my pocket. Within the next couple of weeks, a mate bought me the eleventh Doctor's screwdriver as a birthday present. I'll admit to finding the symmetry a little bit pleasing. I never found out who stole the coats. I don't know that it wasn't the atraxi.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on June 30, 2013, 11:49:02 AM
I had my tenth Doctor sonic screwdriver nicked - as in, properly burgled, someone stole a big pile of coats and bags, and I happened to have the sonic in my pocket. Within the next couple of weeks, a mate bought me the eleventh Doctor's screwdriver as a birthday present. I'll admit to finding the symmetry a little bit pleasing. I never found out who stole the coats. I don't know that it wasn't the atraxi.

Was this in your house or was it from a cloakroom or something similar at a gig or whatever?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on June 30, 2013, 11:50:34 AM
House party! Coats by the door, fairly hectic, loads of people coming and going, could've been anyone. And I brought my sonic screwdriver. Like a genius.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on June 30, 2013, 11:54:25 AM
House party! Coats by the door, fairly hectic, loads of people coming and going, could've been anyone. And I brought my sonic screwdriver. Like a genius.

Do you mind me asking, why you would take a sonic screwdriver? haha! It's pretty rock and roll :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 02, 2013, 11:09:38 AM
Oh, I wish I knew!

Round 8's up! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37820.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 02, 2013, 07:44:22 PM
I'll totally take you up on that Rob, but you have to bet on who he is as well, to make it fair of course. :lol that way if we're both wrong, we can just share a hearty laugh over a plate of fish fingers and custard.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 03, 2013, 12:56:58 AM
I'm fairly confident he's the eight-point-fifth Doctor. Between his eighth and ninth incarnations.

Which... I have just remembered how accurate you were with your predictions for TNoTD, and now I'm quivering ever so slightly. But, hey!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 03, 2013, 03:52:13 AM
I also think he's the 8.5th (or true 9th) Doctor, but yeah Heretic was spot on last time. Secret insider?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on July 03, 2013, 05:21:36 AM
Who is Omega? I tried learning about him on the wiki, but it just raises two more questions for every answer. That place is so damn esoteric.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on July 03, 2013, 06:04:47 AM
To make it simple, just use what happened with Omega in the actual series: he was a Time Lord who was trapped in a black hole and who tried to escape on a couple of occasions, the most memorable one being the story The Three Doctors. If you go to a wiki, you're likely to run into the massively fanwanky things the spin off media did with Omega after the original series went off the air. And your brain will melt.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on July 03, 2013, 06:52:37 AM
And melt it did! But so our Doctor is also Omega?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on July 03, 2013, 07:43:41 AM
I actually don't think Omega's going to feature at all in the anniversary, so I'm the wrong guy to ask. In one of the two canon appearances of Omega, he somewhat copied the Doctor's body, but then promptly blew up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 03, 2013, 11:36:59 AM
This is all very well and good, but I done got my pictures back. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37844.0)

Round nine. Pow!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 03, 2013, 07:46:40 PM
Well, if you'll go back a few pages you can totally read my long-arse Omega theory post. I just have this really, really odd feeling that there's something more going on that just "OMG A FORGOTTEN DOCTOR WHO KILLED ALL THE TIME LORDS SO SRSLY BAD!!!"

For someone who has a history of trying to steal and replicate the Doctor's body, it's not too far-fetched of a theory, I'd say, but hopefully Moffat will pull something that no one guesses at all.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 04, 2013, 11:46:24 AM
Round ten! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37867.msg1609014#new) And I have a feeling it might be the final round. Not a strong feeling, but we might be picking our final finalists.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 04, 2013, 04:26:56 PM
So, are we ever going to find out what happened with The Doctor and Queen Elizabeth?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 04, 2013, 11:20:03 PM
Yes, sort of, during the 50th! The queen has been confirmed to be in the special. I assume Eleven will run into Ten during an adventure with the queen (perhaps with the Zygons?)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 05, 2013, 12:10:05 PM
This survivor is unreal. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37883.0) Final round. I could not overstate my surprise if I tried. The confirmed finalists only beat their competition by one vote each, but, man!

I've forgotten to conceal the votes again. Definitely completely to make it more exciting, and not at all because I'm a dozy pleb. Honest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 05, 2013, 12:49:46 PM
I've corrected that for you. :)

Some odd Doctor Who related articles on Digital Spy this week:



Total wtf at that second one. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on July 06, 2013, 08:10:34 AM

There are some potential spoilers in the link, but apparently a Costume Designer has let slip the actual Character.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 06, 2013, 11:05:12 AM
Moffat is notorious for false leaks though, so I take that with a pinch of salt. Entirely possible it was planted because that's the most popular theory online.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 06, 2013, 04:11:03 PM
POW, POW, KERPOW! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37891.0) Clash of the titans! And, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS!!

Last round's results here. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37883.0) Almost there, kids.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 07, 2013, 02:30:21 AM
Clash of the titans! And, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS!!

So much great stuff in there, shame I can't vote for everything.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 08, 2013, 04:43:34 PM
So I started watching Doctor Who last Thursday, and I only have one question... why the hell didn't I do this sooner? The show is amazing!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 08, 2013, 04:52:41 PM
Yes! Yes, it is!!

Where did you start from? Fifty years, eleven Doctors, there's a lot of plausible places.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 08, 2013, 05:07:24 PM
Eh... I think it's the reboot, the 9th Doctor? First episode was "Rose", and then just onward from then. I've now seen the first two seasons (until "Doomsday") and I must say, I have rarely watched a show as consistent as this. My favourites from the first time watching are probably "Dalek", "Father's Day", "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances", "Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways", "The Girl in the Fireplace", "The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit" and "Army of Ghosts/Doomsday".

... that is a lot of favourites, though it does illustrate my point about consistency. The only real clunkers during those two seasons were probably "Fear Her" and "Boom Town", but even those was entertaining. It's just that they pale against the brilliance of most of the other episodes.

So! How do the first two seasons stack up against what is to come? Have I already seen the best or haven't I even scratched the surface? I mean, I'll watch to the end anyway, but I'd be interested in your opinions on Seasons 3 to 7.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 08, 2013, 05:16:43 PM

Not even scratched the surface.

For all you say that the show's remarkably consistent... for my own tastes, series 2 is far and away the shakiest they've ever produced. That's as inconsistent as it ever gets. Both the first two series are good. The next five are better.

And, excellent! They are all the right favourites. How was it seeing Chris Eccleston regenerate?

Also, this isn't for you Scorp, but here's round three of the Doctor Who champions' survivor: VOTE! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37918.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 08, 2013, 05:25:19 PM
The Ecclestone regeneration was masterfully done, though I think it was overshadowed by the amazing part of Rose being all godlike and stuff before, which was pretty Deus Ex Machina, yeah, but it was just so amazingly done, I think I watched it three times and it sent shivers down my spine every time.

Also, what needs to be mentioned is the end of "Doomsday" - fuck that was the first time that I cried from watching a TV show. Rose did annoy me at times but damn that was an emotional farewell, though a large part of it was due to the setup, of Rose saying how this is the story of how she died, which lead me to believe that she'd fall into the void and I wasn't prepared for something lke this and oh my god I felt so sorry for them and that last moment where the Doctor faded away before he could say the last words and oh I'm rambling but I can't help it the shows so amazing gotta get some sleep.

The Shakespeare Code will probably still be there tomorrow. I hope. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 09, 2013, 12:40:14 AM
Welcome to the club Scrop!

And yeah, the show does just get better, as enjoyable as the first two seasons are. I think a new ranking is in order:

Series 5
Series 6
Series 7
Series 3
Series 4
Series 1
Series 2
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 09, 2013, 06:07:17 AM
Put Series 2 inbetween 6 and 7, and that's my ranking
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: jonny108 on July 09, 2013, 07:47:57 AM
My ranking:

Series 5
Series 7
Series 4
Series 3
Series 1
Series 6
Series 2

Love them all.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 09, 2013, 03:19:37 PM
I'll probably keep you updated as I make my way through Doctor Who - that is, if anyone is interested in what a noob thinks of the series on first watching.

Today I watched:

The Shakespeare Code: Brilliant. I love how Shakespeare phrases are worked in there and the Harry Potter references had me laughing as well. The villains were pretty standard, though I loved how they were defeated in the end. The very ending had me intrigued - is there a sequel to this that explains that that I can look forward to? Also: "57 academics just punched the air." is probably my favourite Doctor line so far.

Gridlock: Since I had already seen that many of you dislike it, I didn't have high expectations and wasn't disappointed in the least. The story was pretty interesting, I found, though the execution was pretty tedious at times. The ending with the Face of Boe has me very intrigued about what is to come and about the possibility of encountering other Time Lords.

Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks: Not bad, but not brilliant either. I liked Dalek Sec though and I'm intrigued when the Doctor meets Dalek Caan again. Also, during that speech of the black guy whose name I forgot, I had a really uneasy feeling throughout, that was a really good setup, though I did feel sorry for him when he was killed. The resolution of the whole thing did feel a little like a cop-out, though.

The Lazarus Experiment: Probably my least favourite episode of the day, along with Gridlock. Again, not bad, but it felt very standard and nothing really exciting either. The monster felt very over-the-top to me.

42: Amazing, probably my favourite of the day and one of my favourites of the whole show. I loved the whole premise of it, those heat monsters were really, really creepy in a good way and the resolution of the whole thing was both original and brilliant.

Human Nature and The Family of Blood will probably follow tonight. More tomorrow, that is, if this is of interest to anyone.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 09, 2013, 03:41:34 PM
I am always interested in exactly what a noob thinks of the series on first watching, and this saves me the trouble of constantly asking.

The Shakespeare Code. To answer your question... sort of! There's more to come on Elizabeth I. And you don't know how true that sentence is.

Gridlock. Fair thoughts. But, curiosity - where did you see that so many of us dislike it?

42. I love 42. As you say, great concept, and the peril feels genuine throughout. I think it's really cool, and I'm glad you agree.

Er... enjoy tomorrow!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 09, 2013, 04:16:19 PM
I think you said in a survivor that I randomly opened that you hated it? I really have no idea, but I'm fairly sure that you've expressed the sentiment somewhere that most of Season 3 is pretty great, except for Gridlock.

Anyway, looking forward to the rest. Season 3 is quickly shaping up to be my favourite so far, and Tennant is an AMAZING doctor, far better than Ecclestone ever was - not that he was bad, mind you, but Tennant is really something else.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 09, 2013, 07:55:21 PM
mine would probably be:

Series 5
Series 7
Series 4
Series 3
Series 6
Series 2
Series 1
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2013, 12:24:48 AM
I enjoy Gridlock a lot, and don't really see what the problem is with it. I'd rank it around the middle of that series probably.

But yeah, from Human Nature onwards it's basically pure bliss.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on July 10, 2013, 05:43:56 AM
Gridlock's a little uneven, but that one moment where everything gets all solemn and the traffic jam starts singing along to the hymn, which by all rights shouldn't work and yet does, makes up for any flaws it has. RTD needed to aim for more moments like that and fewer farting alien moments.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 10, 2013, 06:24:14 AM
Oh god, the Slitheen. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 10, 2013, 11:55:25 AM
I honestly, sincerely didn't mind the Slitheen when I first caught Aliens of London. It wasn't until much later, when I heard everyone else going on about it, that I thought, "You know? That farting might've been a bit misjudged." That said, I missed The End of the World, so Aliens of London was only the third episode I saw, and completely in keeping with what had mostly been Keith Boak's interpretation of Doctor Who.

What I'm saying, really, is the flatulence kind of worked for me at the time! Completely the opposite of the stuffy old sci-fi show gathering mothballs that I'd always believed Doctor Who to be. The surname gag, the fart gag, the decoy ship, it was the opposite of every cliché invasion. I totally went along with it. It's only now that I've got the context of the later seasons that I've gone, "Crikey, that was actually a little shaky in retrospect, wasn't it?"

Doctor Who! Round 4! Here it is! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37944.0)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 10, 2013, 04:55:03 PM
Alright, today's fare.

Human Nature / The Family of Blood: Amazing. Great, great acting from Tennant and that conflict between the Doctor and John Smith is all kinds of awesome. The scarecrows are amazing as well, they really captured the creepiness. Also, the end features some of the most badass shots of the Doctor, ever. - well, up to now.

Blink: Even though I had high expectations, this episode absolutely destroyed them. The concept behind the Weeping Angels is as genius as it is scary and the way that the Doctor was worked into the episode without actually being there for most of the part was brilliant. When it was shown how the Doctor tricked the Angels, I was applauding in front of my laptop. Easily my favourite Doctor Who episode up to now.

Utopia / The Sounds of Drums / Last of the Time Lords: Very grand and very good. I felt pretty sorry for the Doctor a lot of the time, but that finale was amazing. The Master was brilliant as well, I loved his portrayal as a very dangerous but pretty funny maniac. Plus, another badass shot of the Doctor at the end. Also, I think I know who's hand that was at the end... time (lol!) will show if I'm right, I guess.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 11, 2013, 12:16:06 PM
That is a properly incredible run of episodes to watch all at once.

Which was your favourite of the three stories? And whose hand do you think it is? We promise not to say anything! Not even "Hm, interesting." Well, I promise, anyway.

Doctor Who, round 5. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=37944.0) With some bonus statistics, to apologise for my tardiness.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 11, 2013, 02:17:28 PM
Out of those three stories? Blink, easily. The Weeping Angels are probably my favourite Doctor Who villain up to date, and that interaction across time and space between the Doctor and Sally was mind-boggling, in a good way. The other three were very good as well, though I'd say that the closing trilogy is one of the weaker links of Season 3, actually. It's not bad, and the Master is amazing, but it feels a little like it's trying to cram too large a scope into one story.

As with the hand, I thought that it was the hand of the woman that worked for the Master, that you'd seen during the earlier episode, where Martha's mother gives her phone to her - I think she had the same nails.

Also, will it be explained where the sound of drums come from, in the Master's head? 'Cause I'm guessing that it's not just a byproduct of looking into the vortex, otherwise the Doctor would have probably known about it.

Also, today's episodes! Beware, today was a long day of Doctor Who.

Voyage of the Damned: Great. I loved the setting, and Kylie did a pretty good job as a companion. It was kinda clear that Max Capricorn would be involved somehow, and I quickly got the impression that he's behind the whole thing, even though I would have never, in a million years, guessed the resolution. Probably my favourite Christmas special so far.

Partners in Crime: So-so episode, I guess. It wasn't bad, but nothing about it really wowed me and that moment with Donna at the door and the Doctor at the window was downright stupid. The Adipose were kinda cute, though, and I felt a little like punching the air when Ms. Foster dropped down - I don't know what it was, but she really got under my skin for some reason.

The Fires of Pompeii: Great episode, once again. I loved how it wove into the historical events, and the Pyroviles were really an interesting villain. I can't pinpoint the exact reasons - there was nothing really especially special about this one - but I just loved this episode to bits.

Planet of the Ood: Amazing. I was really happy that the story of the Ood, of which I was curious after The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit was expanded on, and when I found out the real origins of the Ood, I felt pretty sorry for them. The ending was brilliant though, that dick deserved what he got.

The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky: Very good. I loved it that Martha returned for this one (I think I prefer her over Donna - not sure about Rose) and the way that the suspense was build and held was absolutely brilliant, both with regards to what the Sontaran were actually planning and the Martha situation. Also, Rattigan was a dick, but I guess he did redeem himself at the end.

The Doctor's Daughter: Something about this story rubbed me the wrong way... I liked the premise, but there were several plot-holes here that really bothered me. Why did they shove the Doctor into that machine, without any tests before? And why were they so quick to lay the weapons down at the end, after the Doctor basically told everyone that everything is a big lie? Why was that Hath ready to sacrifice himself for Martha so quickly - weren't they as entrenched in their hate as the humas were? I guess, all in all, it felt like the character development was incredibly rushed and a little unrealistic - maybe by expanding on this a little and by making it a double episode, it would have worked better. I liked Jenny, though, I loved how she put the Doctor into his place sometimes - that, and she was SMOKING.

The Unicorn and the Wasp: Maybe it's because I love Agatha Christie, but I absolutely adored this episode. The two interweaving stories of the wasp and the unicorn were pretty great and I loved how they tied together. And that moment with the Colonel confessing was hilarious.

Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead: Oh. My. God. I love Steven Moffatt, and this was a serious mindfuck episode. For a long time, I had no fucking idea what was actually going on, but the way that it was resolved was brilliant. And the addition of River Song was amazing and added another dynamic to this already amazing story. Also, when I heard that the Doctor's name will be unveiled, I nearly fell of my chair - isn't that, like, the Doctor's best-kept secret? I did find out that there is an episode called The Name of the Doctor, so I am really looking forward to that one now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 11, 2013, 08:44:07 PM
And you know Tennant is married to Jenny in real life, right?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2013, 12:47:01 AM
He is now - they met filming that episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: snowdog on July 12, 2013, 10:15:35 AM
And you know Tennant is married to Jenny in real life, right?
I find that a bit creepy given that she is the daughter of Peter Davison who Tennant has said was his favorite Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 12, 2013, 01:17:31 PM
How is that creepy?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 12, 2013, 06:43:43 PM
Today's episodes were:

Midnight: Great episode. Even though I was pretty sure that the Doctor wouldn't be thrown out, I was still pretty terrified and the way that the woman manipulated him and all the others was great. I also really liked that you didn't see the monster or whatever it was, it added another level of mystique to it that really fit this particular story.

Turn Left / The Stolen Earth / Journey's End: Turn Left was amazing, and I loved how they constructed the total dystopia that the world has become in the absence of the doctor, and that beatle was terrifying. Plus, that ending had me waiting with bated breath. The other two parts were pretty good as well, but they were more standard-Doctor-Who fare, whereas Turn Left was a little bit more subtle and different, making it the standout of the trilogy. The ending of Journey's End and the involvement of Dalek Caan were amazing, though.

The Next Doctor: The premise of this story was amazing, and it was executed nearly as well. I really liked Jackson Lake as well, he made a great one-off companion and the final battle between the Doctor and the Cyberking was all kinds of awesome as well.

Planet of the Dead: Pretty good, but not great. In my opinion, it dragged in some parts, it could have easily been shortened by fifteen minutes or something. Malcolm was pretty brilliant, though, and the introduction of the "He will knock four times" was perfectly set up - I didn't even know what it was about, but it sent shivers down my spine all the same. One thing - while lots of Doctor Who episodes are probably not scientifically correct, the explanation of the wormhole creation struck me as a little contrived and unlikely, even within those parameters.

The Waters of Mars: This episode was amazing, and probably one of my favourite of the entire series. Like no episode before, it really showed the Doctor's soul and his dilemma as a Time Lord, and that ending, when the Doctor broke down on the street, nearly made me tear up. The main story with the water-borne virus was pretty great as well, but what really made this episode was the portrayal of the Doctor (again, applause for Tennant!) and the insights shown into his... well, person.

The End of Time: The story had a great premise and it was very well executed most times, but I think that it got a little too complicated for its own good sometimes - the two independent story arcs of the Time Lords and the Master were necessary, yes, but a little overloaded, in my opinion, and it could have easily been compressed to two episodes of normal length, I think. I did enjoy the explanation of the drums in the Master's head, how the "He will knock four times" thing was resolved and the farewell scenes, though they did get drawn out a little at the end. Welcome Matt Smith.

Also, tentative rankings of Series Four (which is still the freshest in my mind).

1. Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
2. The Waters of Mars
3. Planet of the Ood
4. Midnight
5. The Next Doctor
6. The Unicorn and the Wasp
7. Voyage of the Damned
8. The Fires of Pompeii
9. Turn Left / The Stolen Earth / Journey's End
10. The End of Time
11. The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky
12. Planet of the Dead
13. The Doctor's Daughter
14. Partners in Crime

Though I really like them all a lot, except for maybe Partners in Crime, it's just a little too... silly, I suppose.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 12, 2013, 08:16:57 PM
Planet of the Dead was definitely the weakest of the specials, but damn that girl was easy on the eyes
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2013, 02:31:35 AM
Yeah she is properly hot.

And Scorp, I highly recommend that you stop paying attention to the science. Doctor Who has never, ever been even pretending to have realistic science. A lot of people (myself included) wouldn't even call it sci-fi. The show is all about imagination, so taking scientific ideas but doing something creative with them, rather than realistic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 13, 2013, 03:32:30 AM
Oh, I know that, but nevertheless, it felt a little half-assed to me. I don't know why, it's never really bothered me, but when that explanation came, I was like "Oh, come on.". I know that the shows no about that, but it bothered me for some reason.

And yeah, Michelle Ryan is seriously smoking.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on July 13, 2013, 04:31:47 AM
Don't know if this has made it into 50th anniversary speculation yet, but I think it's more probable than not that David Tennant and Billie Piper are going to come from that alternate universe they were dropped off in from Journey's End.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 13, 2013, 07:25:07 AM
I think that's probably a given
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 13, 2013, 09:21:36 AM
Nah, it's actually been disproven. We've seen the Tenth Doctor's TARDIS in pictures, various reporters and even Moffat said that it was a proper "multi-Doctor" story, and his haircut has been spotted as the one from Series 2. He's also wearing the suit from series two in pictures.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 13, 2013, 09:27:14 AM
That makes more sense
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 13, 2013, 05:49:48 PM
Today's fare!

The Eleventh Hour: AMAZING. I loved Matt Smith right from the start, but that food scene cemented it for me. The story was great as well, I loved the way that the Doctor hunted Prisoner Zero throughout the city and the way that he and Amy beat him was superb. Plus, that showdown on the roof is probably one of the most badass Doctor Who scenes, ever.

The Beast Below: Again, amazing. I loved how the suspense was built throughout and the those Smilers were seriously creepy. I also really enjoyed that Amy is finally a smart companion once again that can develop her own ideas and stuff - nothing against Donna, but she was a little lacking in that aspect.

Victory of the Daleks: Great, but probably my least favourite of today's episodes. I would have liked the initial situation of the Daleks pretending to be subservient to continue for a little longer, it did have a lot of potential. I have to say, I also wasn't a fan of the new Dalek design, due to the different colours, they looked a little less deadly, not like the old Daleks. The showdown was great again, and I loved Amy's role - that girl is quickly becoming one of my favourite companions - better than Donna and Rose, definitely.

The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone: I was skeptical if Moffatt would be able to recapture what made Blink so special when I found out that this features the Angels again. Well, Blink is still better, but not by much, and this is an amazing episode in its own right. The Angels were terrifying again, especially Angel Bob, and that scene where Amy had to keep her eyes closed was pure genius. Plus, that crack in time and what happened with the soldiers really sent shivers down my spine. Great, great ending as well. I'm also very interested in the story of River now, even though I didn't like her that much in Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead.

Overall, I can already say two things:

1. Matt Smith is a BRILLIANT doctor - I still prefer Tennant, but Smith is amazing in his own right.
2. The change from RTD to SM has only done the show a world of good - Season Five is, in my opinion, the strongest to date.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: senecadawg2 on July 13, 2013, 10:14:09 PM
I'm obviously late on this, but are you watching all of these for the first time now and posting your thoughts as you go along? If so, that's very cool, and I'm jealous of the journey ahead of you.

Regardless, season 5 is great, and Matt Smith is phenomenal!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 14, 2013, 10:37:54 AM
Yeah, I am. I have no idea why I put it off for so long, but I'm here now, and I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's the most consistently good TV show that I've ever seen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2013, 01:28:21 PM
Series 5 is the bestest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 14, 2013, 02:36:28 PM
Series 5 is the bestest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 15, 2013, 01:33:43 AM
Yesterday's lot!

The Vampires of Venice: Another good episode (I'm really starting to sound like a broken record here, but it's true!). I really like the explanation of the vampiric traits in an unexpected way, and that question and answer scene was pretty awesome as well. I really felt sorry for the fish vampires at the end - it was just that situation where there's no ideal solution.

Amy's Choice: SERIOUSLY AWESOME. Great story, great pacing and it made for an interesting change that the Doctor wasn't in charge this time. The way that it was resolved felt a little lackluster, though - very anticlimatic.

The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood: Pretty good. I liked the Silurians and the conflict that humans and Silurians were facing and the Doctor and Amy were awesome as always. The ending nearly had me in tears, especially when Amy forgot all about Rory.

Vincent and the Doctor: To be honest, after seeing everyone sing the praises of this episode in the survivors, I was a little underwhelmed. True, the acting was incredible and the final scene was very moving, but the story itself felt a little straightforward to me - I was expecting something a little more intricate than "Monster on the loose - we hunt it - we kill it - over", which is basically what was happening in a nutshell (slight exaggeration, but you get my point). Mind you, it was still pretty good, I was just expecting something more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 15, 2013, 02:26:36 AM
The monster in Vincent is only a framing device, the whole point of the episode is the story about Vincent himself and the monsters that he was battling with his whole life.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 15, 2013, 02:49:09 AM
Yeah, that does make sense, but it still left me a little unsatisfied.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 15, 2013, 11:21:38 AM
I think that's fair! It kind of snuck up on me, how good it was. Despite some nice touches, the monster is fairly normal. I left thinking it was a relatively standard, but perfectly satisfying episode of Doctor Who. Repeated watches treated it well, though. I think, with multiple viewings, I saw it more as Vincent's story than the monster's, and Vincent's is an utter corker - played with a pathos that's not entirely common in Doctor Who, and despite its monster-hunting setting, it's chillingly real. Probably the best use of the "celebrity historical" format. They touch on the tragedies of Agatha Christie, and Queen Victoria, but Vincent's the one where it hurts.

Round eight! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=38051.0) Half-way through the final game.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 15, 2013, 04:58:56 PM
The Lodger: Very enjoyable. I loved all the scenes of the Doctor trying to be all domestic and stuff and Craig and Sophie were great as well. The alien backstory was a little pedestrian, but it wasn't the main focus and it did work in the context of the episode. Not great, but very good.

The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang: This was a seriously amazing finale. That alliance between the Doctor's enemy, the TARDIS exploding, the end of the universe... everything fit together really well while resolving the "cracks in the universe" arc while still keeping a lot of questions unanswered. Great finale, definitely one of my favourites.

The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon: That was some serious mindfuck. While some questions were answered, even more were left open, and that opening scene had you knowing right away that shit's going to hit the fan. That orphanage scene was probably one of my favourites, so dark and creepy without seeming over the top or anything. Plus, seriously awesome way that the Doctor defeats the Silence.

The Curse of the Black Spot: Enjoyable and self-contained, but nothing special. Still a very good episode though, I liked the relationship between Toby and Henry and how it evolved, even though the character development seemed a little quick. I wasn't too fond of the ending, though - can't pinpoint why, exactly.

The Doctor's Wife: AMAZING. Gaiman totally delivered on this one, so much good stuff - the dialogue between the Doctor and Idris/the TARDIS, the scenes on board of the TARDIS, House, ... everything about this episode was brilliant, definitely one of my favourites of the whole show so far.

The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People: Not bad, but it didn't wow me and some scenes just felt a little contrived - especially that final monster. There were some really nice touches with the continuity here, though, like that Amy told the Doctor about his death and that final cliffhanger was amazing.

A Good Man Goes to War / Let's Kill Hitler: I'm of two minds on this one, mainly on the two episodes. The first one was brilliant, I loved how the Doctor assembled all those people and took over Demon's Run, only to be tricked by the Eye-Patch Lady again - great buildup. The Headless Monks made great villains as well and that final scene was amazing, even though I kinda suspected that revelation, but it was still brilliantly executed. The second episode, however, was just all over the place and really lacked coherence and had so many plotholes and stuff that I was just scratching my head most of the time - why the Third Reich? Why Hitler - he didn't do anything in the story at all. Plus, the introduction of a totally new friend that just happens to be their Time Lord daughter to Rory and Amy felt really weak to me and River's whole character didn't really make any sense either. I'll rewatch it, I guess, but for the time being, this one was very weird, and not the good kind.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: senecadawg2 on July 15, 2013, 05:40:40 PM
One of my all-time favorite Doctor Who scenes is from The Lodger, watching him play soccer
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2013, 12:47:19 AM
A couple of things Scorp - Let's Kill Hitler and A Good Man aren't really treated as a two parter, they're basically separate stories. Also, there are no plot holes, and the story does actually make sense (which I got from second viewing), but I agree that there's a lot going on.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 16, 2013, 01:18:39 AM
Weird, I thought they were a two-parter. Dunno why I thought that. :dunno:

Upon rewatching, I'll agree that it makes sense, but there are still some things that I don't like - the main thing being that the appearance of Hitler feels very gimicky and totally useless - the whole story could have taken place in just about any time, why Nazi Germany? True, it had to take place somewhere, but from the title, I got the impression that Hitler and the Nazis would be a more integral part of the plot rather than just funny little gimicks.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 16, 2013, 01:27:48 AM
From a metatextual perspective, it's sort of the one motivation that drives the entire plot. Melody wants to kill Hitler cos she's a time-travel psychopath, she wants to kill the Doctor cos she thinks he's just as bad, the teselecta are in the business of punishing dictators to ensure they pay for their crimes - and then they find, in Melody, the worst war criminal in galactic history.

As a battleground between three just warriors, I don't think you could pick better. But yes, the title is a bit of a bait-'n'-switch.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2013, 01:44:23 AM
What Rob said. Don't get too hung up on titles, Moffat often makes them deliberately misleading, so you'll just be setting yourself up for disappointment.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 16, 2013, 02:56:23 AM
All right, I'd definitely remember that. Thanks for the info, rob, that does make sense. :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on July 16, 2013, 08:06:39 PM
Oh, indeed. When you get to series 7 one title in particular winds up being misleading as hell and yet perfectly played.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 18, 2013, 04:53:04 PM
Sorry for the delay - round nine! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=38101.0)

Scorpion! Any more episodes? Any more thoughts?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on July 18, 2013, 06:35:43 PM
Just rewatching Series 2 Episode 13. Really fun episodes :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 19, 2013, 02:32:30 PM
One thing I do really like about these survivors - and this group in particular - is the weird match-ups we end up getting in the tiebreakers.

Here's round ten. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=38126.0) The Girl Who Waited versus The Impossible Planet. I don't think I've ever thought to compare them.

S2E13 - agreed! I love Army of Ghosts. It's one that's very easy to forget, and it's one I'm very glad when I remember.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on July 19, 2013, 07:01:50 PM
One thing I do really like about these survivors - and this group in particular - is the weird match-ups we end up getting in the tiebreakers.

Here's round ten. (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=38126.0) The Girl Who Waited versus The Impossible Planet. I don't think I've ever thought to compare them.

S2E13 - agreed! I love Army of Ghosts. It's one that's very easy to forget, and it's one I'm very glad when I remember.

I also decided to watch Blink whilst I was there, Blink in my opinion, isn't the best "Angels" story. I personally think Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone are better. Think I will watch 42 tonight!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 20, 2013, 03:07:23 PM
I'm tempted to agree with you on the Weepies. I admire Blink, but I never found it scary - or, frankly, all that creepy. I think it was a little too shiny. Often the case in RTD's era, and often the case in RTD's stories, but I think that creepy old house would feel a lot creepier with Moffat-era direction. Minor flaws, but at that level, those details can make all the difference. Both are better than The Angels Take Manhattan, which is very good but not a classic.

Series everything, episode eleven! (https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=38137.0) Sixteen candidates have become five. Now they face the scrutiny of Lord Sugar's most trusted advisors. The search for our favouritest episode of Doctor Who... continues.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 20, 2013, 03:47:51 PM
:lol Think you've been watching too much TV Rob. The last two Apprentice episodes were great though!

And yeah, that's not a bad final five at all!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 20, 2013, 04:02:02 PM
I swear, if the next series is as good as this one's been, The Apprentice will be in serious danger of eclipsing Doctor Who as my favourite programme.

Okay, it won't, but I love it a similar amount for completely different reasons, and I feel like The Apprentice is on an up whereas Doctor Who's on a teeeeeny bit of a down, (not a big one - I'm just feeling its age a little right now, a regeneration will probably spruce it right back up,) so I'm in a pretty good place with it right now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on July 20, 2013, 05:01:51 PM
The Apprentice has been on my watch list for the last however many weeks. This series was excellent. Apprentice is probably in my top 5 favourite shows.

As for tonight, it's time for the episode A Good Man Goes To War, in my opinion, the best episode of series 6.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 20, 2013, 05:10:29 PM
I disagree with rob hardcore -- series 7 was a huge step up from 6, and after The Name of the Doctor the series has almost rejuvenated itself completely, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on July 20, 2013, 05:17:02 PM
I disagree with rob hardcore -- series 7 was a huge step up from 6, and after The Name of the Doctor the series has almost rejuvenated itself completely, in my opinion.

I think the problem with series 6/7 is because they were both split into two. In my opinion that was a stupid thing to do. People's interest will dwindle after a while, there were no two parters either (7).

Hopefully the 50th Anniversary and Christmas Special will be excellent and I hope series 8 will go back to a 14 episode a year format.

Edit: Also - It's hard to believe A Good Man Goes To War came out two years ago, I hadn't started University at that point and was awaiting exam results. It's also weird how Doctor Who episodes makes me remember points in my life...
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 21, 2013, 12:45:23 PM
I was away a while, but I have now finally finished Series 6.

Night Terrors: Great story, and I enjoyed that it was a standalone episode. Pretty genuinely creepy, I loved the doll house. George was adorable as well, his father was really someone that I sympathised with, and pretty much everything else was well done as well. A very well rounded and enjoyable episode.

The Girl Who Waited: Fucking tearjerker, this one was. Pretty much everything from Rory's meeting with the older Amy was heartwrenching and yet beautiful and those last few moments were some of the best stuff of the show, and I really really felt sorry for both Rory and the Doctor - Rory because of the impossible choice and the Doctor for having to do what was necessary.

The God Complex: While the way that the story unfolded was terrifying and all the actors did splendid jobs, the resolution felt so, so weak to me that it left me really underwhelmed. I did like Gibbis, though, he had some of the best parts of the episode.

Closing Time: I'm starting to see a pattern - whenever the Cybermen make an appearance, the episode is pretty weak. I did like Craig's reapparance, but he was better in The Lodger, anyway. The way that the Doctor spoke with Alfie was pretty awesome, though, and those final minutes were goosebump-inducing.

The Wedding of River Song: Amazing finale. I loved how time was collapsing and everything happening at once, and how the concept of fixed points was expanded on. The Silence were terrifying again - some of Doctor Who's best villains, of all time. Madame Kovarian's death was pretty amazing as well, and the resolution of the whole arc was amazingly simply yet sooooo clever, though I am wondering how a Teselacta copy of a person, which is basically a robot, can begin to regenerate? Anyway, those last few minutes were intriguing - does "the fall of the Eleventh" refer to Matt Smith's final episode? I guess it does, but only time will tell.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2013, 01:30:27 PM
though I am wondering how a Teselacta copy of a person, which is basically a robot, can begin to regenerate?
What we saw at the start of the series (the Doctor actually getting killed) was not what we see after the resolution involving the Teselecta. They changed time by doing that, so that the Doctor no longer dies, but the universe thinks he did.

Anyway, those last few minutes were intriguing - does "the fall of the Eleventh" refer to Matt Smith's final episode? I guess it does, but only time will tell.
Yeah Dorium mentions Trenzalore, which comes up at the end of series 7, and so I'm fairly sure the fall of the 11th refers to the end of Smith's reign this Christmas.

And I agree with you regarding the Cybermen, but personally I think their appearance in series 7 is the best one by far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 21, 2013, 01:53:01 PM
What? But doesn't that fuck over all the stuff with fixed points really, really bad?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 21, 2013, 02:16:23 PM
The Doctor actually dying wasn't inherently the fixed point. The fixed point was the universe believing the Doctor had died, I believe. A "Doctor" did die, though-- just a robotic copy of him, whilst he waited inside. It was enough to satisfy the (imaginary) laws of time from being infringed upon.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on July 21, 2013, 02:32:50 PM
The 50th Anniversary Trailer comes online soon!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 21, 2013, 02:33:31 PM
The 50th Anniversary Trailer comes online soon!

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on July 21, 2013, 02:54:41 PM
The 50th Anniversary Trailer comes online soon!


No one knows, everyone has just been told.. "Soon"..
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 21, 2013, 03:45:58 PM
The Doctor actually dying wasn't inherently the fixed point. The fixed point was the universe believing the Doctor had died, I believe. A "Doctor" did die, though-- just a robotic copy of him, whilst he waited inside. It was enough to satisfy the (imaginary) laws of time from being infringed upon.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 21, 2013, 04:18:47 PM
Makes sense, but why don't the onlookers (Amy, River, Rory and that CIA guy whose name I forgot) don't wonder why he ISN'T regenerating? I mean, Amy and Rory and River know about that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 21, 2013, 07:30:34 PM
He was shot again before he could
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Aefenwelg on July 21, 2013, 08:57:34 PM
The Teselecta can look like anybody. I'm sure it can imitate regeneration.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on July 22, 2013, 05:25:37 AM
Makes sense, but why don't the onlookers (Amy, River, Rory and that CIA guy whose name I forgot) don't wonder why he ISN'T regenerating? I mean, Amy and Rory and River know about that.

Regeneration isn't a come back from death regeneration. It's an "I've received a deadly blow that will kill, I must heal" regeneration. If the Doctor is completely killed before he can regenerate then it's game over. In the case of when River shot him; she shot him and that triggered the regeneration and then shot him again before it completed. You can see the yellowy glowing begin before he is shot the final time. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 22, 2013, 05:42:06 AM
Yeah, I understand that, what I didn't understand was that a Teselecta could fake that as well, because it doesn't work that way. They would wonder why he didn't start regenerating after being hit.

Or are you suggesting that history was changed as far in that it was made to look like the first hit was deadly already, thus there was no regeneration that the Teselecta had to fake? That would make sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 22, 2013, 06:44:38 AM
Double post! Today's episodes, as I shall be leaving for holiday tonight.

Asylum of the Daleks: I'm usually not the biggest fan of the Daleks, but this one was masterfully done. The whole concept behind the Asylum was pretty great and Oswin was hilarious. The ending was pretty awesome as well - I wonder if they remember? Can't have the Daleks not knowing the Doctor, after all. Great, great episode.

Dinosaurs in a Spaceship: A lot of fun, but very good as well. The whole idea of a Silurian ark was pretty nifty, and Solomon was a cool bad guy as well. I was kinda surprised that the Doctor left him to die, but he was a dick. Still out of character, though. Again, another great episode.

A Town Called Mercy: My favourite of the day. What I liked here was that you could sympathise with both the bad guy and the good guy - it wasn't even clear where the lines were drawn! Another great ending as well, that final shot of the Gunslinger was epic. Though I am starting to wonder... is there no overarching story arc in the seventh episode at all?

The Power of Three: Interesting premise and execution, but as a whole, it still left me a little unsatisfied, maybe because the way that the Doctor reversed everything seemed so ridiculously easy. What happened to those people with the fucked-up mouths, for instance? Still, it was an enjoyable episode, just not as good as the others.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on July 22, 2013, 10:34:13 AM
Yeah, I understand that, what I didn't understand was that a Teselecta could fake that as well, because it doesn't work that way. They would wonder why he didn't start regenerating after being hit.

Or are you suggesting that history was changed as far in that it was made to look like the first hit was deadly already, thus there was no regeneration that the Teselecta had to fake? That would make sense.

It's never stated whether the Teselacta can perform these feats, it can look like anyone. There is nothing to say it can't give the illusion regeneration. As for whether Amy, Rory or River would wonder why he didn't regenerate. Sure they know he can and will attempt to when injured but they aren't experts in it. They've only seen River do it, she's only done it once and it took some time for her to do it. As far as the universe is concerned the Doctor was killed before he could regenerate.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on July 22, 2013, 11:18:15 AM
I watched Victory to the Daleks last night, I really enjoy the episode (this is the third or fourth time I've watched it). I just find it a bit weird that we haven't seen or heard from the different Daleks that were produced through the Progenitor. What were there, Drone, Strategist, Scientist, Eternal and Supreme, I know there were a couple of coloured Daleks in Asylum. But surely these Daleks being essentially the boss guys surely they should feature more?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on July 22, 2013, 11:34:28 AM
Probably being saved for a special or the writers have just felt like going in a new direction.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: bout to crash on July 22, 2013, 10:23:06 PM
I've been avoiding this thread, but now I've finished Series 7 so HEY GUYS! I just started watching Doctor Who in May (got through all of the new stuff in about two months) and am now in love. That is all.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 23, 2013, 01:08:24 AM
I'd usually ask what your best episodes, Doctors and companions were, but I'm too distracted by the fact that t-shirt is amazing.

Why are there people on this planet who don't own that, and why am I one of them?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2013, 02:42:51 AM
Though I am starting to wonder... is there no overarching story arc in the seventh episode at all?
They deliberately went less-strong on the story arc thing for series 7, after series 6 was pretty full-on in that regard. There is some arc though - the first 5 episodes pre-Christmas special don't really have much of one (other than a build up towards something that I won't spoil for you) but from the mid-series Christmas special (The Snowmen) onwards there's an arc again.

And yeah, I loved A Town Called Mercy, really interesting to see how the Doctor's character gets darker again (following on from Dinosaurs where, as you say, he let Solomon die) for the first time since the Tenant specials.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: bout to crash on July 23, 2013, 08:42:04 AM
I really enjoyed that about A Town Called Mercy as well...

I'd usually ask what your best episodes, Doctors and companions were, but I'm too distracted by the fact that t-shirt is amazing.

Why are there people on this planet who don't own that, and why am I one of them?

All good questions.

Tennant is my favorite  :heart
Companion-wise, hmmm... I'd have to think more about favorites. If the question were "Who would you want to have an orgy with," I'd have to say Tennant, Rose, Amy, Clara... and of course Jack :eyebrows:

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on July 23, 2013, 09:31:59 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on July 23, 2013, 11:38:19 AM
While she's still a total babe-there are guys saying she's UGLY now seriously wtf-I will freely admit that when I first saw those images on Sunday I said "KAREN NO!"  :lol It was such a shock!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 23, 2013, 01:27:40 PM
She's gorgeous. Hair or no hair. We are not worthy.

I really enjoyed that about A Town Called Mercy as well...

I'd usually ask what your best episodes, Doctors and companions were, but I'm too distracted by the fact that t-shirt is amazing.

Why are there people on this planet who don't own that, and why am I one of them?

All good questions.

Tennant is my favorite  :heart
Companion-wise, hmmm... I'd have to think more about favorites. If the question were "Who would you want to have an orgy with," I'd have to say Tennant, Rose, Amy, Clara... and of course Jack :eyebrows:
Hey - sounds like a party!!

Tennant as best Doctor - good call! I've got this thing, where my favourite Doctor is whichever Doctor is currently producing episodes - so I loved Chris Eccleston to bits, couldn't imagine anyone beating him, then Tennant came along and knocked it out of the park, and Matt Smith is currently the most exciting actor ever to play the Doctor. But... I know part of that must be because he's the one who's currently making episodes. I suppose it's different for you, cos it's all equally new at the same time. Better overview! I do wonder which one I'll settle on. I think still Smith, but I think they're going to be a lot closer than I realise right now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on July 23, 2013, 01:45:43 PM
She almost reminds me of Natalie Portman when she shaved her hair. And that's never a bad thing. Also, if your significant other wants to rty it I would suggest you guys go for it. After the initial shock it's kinda awesome xD
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on July 23, 2013, 03:01:14 PM
What I don't get is why didn't she just have the hair people put a bald wig on her? That's what the hair people are there for. Would have made any different impact on her performance?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 23, 2013, 03:41:57 PM
Depends what her role is in the film, but a properly bald head looks much more authentic and real than a bald wig.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Sigz on July 23, 2013, 05:32:19 PM
She's the main villain, so yeah it's kind of a big role. Might as well go all out.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 23, 2013, 05:49:42 PM
What I don't get is why didn't she just have the hair people put a bald wig on her? That's what the hair people are there for. Would have made any different impact on her performance?
She did say she might've done something a little bit crazy! I'm sure she had the option to wear a bald wig. But chose to go the whole hog.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: bout to crash on July 23, 2013, 10:08:43 PM
She looks awesome! I loved being bald- I would recommend every woman try it once ;)

Rob, I sorta fell in love with Eccleston and FREAKED when he was gone, but I soon COMPLETELY fell in love with Tennant. I really like Smith, but he's never surpassed Tennant for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 24, 2013, 12:38:53 AM
Smith is definitely my favourite, but Tenant is a close second, both are amazing. Then Tom Baker comes in at number 3!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on July 24, 2013, 09:51:27 AM
I've only seen Smith and Baker.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: El JoNNo on July 24, 2013, 11:21:18 AM
I've only seen Smith and Baker.

You have only witnessed greatness.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 27, 2013, 11:51:10 AM
Monster post incoming!

The Angels Take Manhattan: I wouldn't have thought it possible, but I think Moffat even topped Blink with this one. Maybe it's just because it's so much fresher in my mind, but this was possibly the best way that the Angels were ever used. That scene with the Angel blowing out Rory's match was amazing in particular, and that ending... :'(.

The Snowmen: Awesome! Everything about this was so, so good, easily my favourite Christmas special! Clara was all kinds of awesome - the scene where the Doctor first showed her the TARDIS was amazing, and the Snowmen were properly creepy as well. I also liked the set-up with the Great Intelligence as the next arc villain.

The Bells of Saint John: While I didn't quite understand the stuff in 1207 or what "The Bells of Saint John are ringing" was supposed to mean, I really liked this one. That scene with the anti-grav bike was hilarious and the way that the Doctor forced Miss Kizlet to release Clara was all kinds of awesome.

The Rings of Akhaten: While the story itself wasn't the most exciting and the resolution felt a little weak, especially with all the "Love and emotions defeats bad guys", the design of just about everything was amazingly beautiful, making the episode worth a view for that alone. I also really, really liked the design of the Vigil and how the Doctor fought them with his sonic.

Cold War: The Ice Warrior was great and the episode itself was pretty good as well, but I had a few minor gripes with this one as well - for instance, the Captain was far too trusting of the Doctor and Clara after far too short a time. Also, I think to have the Ice Warrior and that Officer Guy have an alliance where they lure the others into their deaths would have been far cooler than what happened. "DO ULTRAVOX SPLIT UP?" had me in stitches though, and the ending was great as well.

Hide: SO. GOOD. While I didn't like how the Doctor said that you can't fly the TARDIS into a pocket universe and then it just does, twice, and nothing happens, everything else was so good that I can easily forgive it. Stellar episode, all the way through, I liked the resolution with the monsters as well.

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS: AMAZING. I loved everything about this episode, the scavengers were cool, those burning monsters were ace and the whole setup of the TARDIS was great, though the way that everything was solved at the end felt a little like a cop-out. I'm not against elements of time-travel, but I feel that Doctor Who can do better than "oh yeah let's just rewrite it so that nothing of that episode just happened".

The Crimson Horror: Great episode again. I loved the setting and that old woman was a great villain, and that moment where the Doctor was discovered had me reeling back in shock. I loved the way that Aida defeated her mother and Mr. Sweet at the end, too. Nothing amazing, but great fun.

Nightmare in Silver: Well, Neil Gaiman writing them was probably the best thing that could happen to the Cybermen. That chess-match was genius, as the was the way that the Doctor won in the end. I really, really liked Porridge - sorry, Emperor Porridge - and I did not see that twist coming.

The Name of the Doctor: I don't think that words can describe how much I loved this episode. It was so, so beautifully done, everything about it was just brilliant. The whole atmosphere of Trenzalore made it one of my favourite settings of the whole show and those final minutes were complete mindfuck. Well done Mr. Moffat.

Sooo.... I'm through. It was an amazing journey, one that I would love to take again.

My final rankings of EVERYTHING (well, Top 10):

1. Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
2. Human Nature / The Family of Blood
3. The Name of the Doctor
4. The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon
5. The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone
6. Blink
7. The Waters of Mars
8. The Angels Take Manhattan
9. The Doctor's Wife
10. The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 27, 2013, 11:56:39 AM
The Bells of Saint John: While I didn't quite understand the stuff in 1207 or what "The Bells of Saint John are ringing" was supposed to mean, I really liked this one. That scene with the anti-grav bike was hilarious and the way that the Doctor forced Miss Kizlet to release Clara was all kinds of awesome.
The sticker on the front of the TARDIS reads "St. John's Ambulance."

The bells of St. John, then, are the TARDIS' phone chimes!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 27, 2013, 11:57:14 AM
Ahhhh sneaky! I knew that I was missing something.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 27, 2013, 12:19:56 PM
More thoughts on thoughts!

Akhaten: Yes, flimsy plot, but brilliant worldbuilding. "Style over substance" isn't, entirely, a backhanded compliment in this case. It's lovely, isn't it? Really cool, alien vistas.

Hide: Nothing to add. Superb.

Nightmare: Seems to have polarised people in the wider world, but when you said you were a little nonplussed by most of the cyberman stories, I did have a hunch you were going to enjoy this one. Excellent.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 27, 2013, 12:46:52 PM
Whelp, some people disliked Nightmare? I would have thought that that chess scene would be enough for anyone, it's one of my favourite acting jobs of Matt Smith.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 27, 2013, 01:31:51 PM
Don't worry, I'm baffled, too. It's a stupendous episode. It's my most rewatched of the Clara series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 27, 2013, 11:51:55 PM
I'm interested, Scorpion-- since you praised so many of the series 7 episodes, would you say it is one of your favorite series?

Totally agree with most of your reviews, btw. I still regularly rewatch the ending of The Name of the Doctor because of what an amazing atmosphere was created (that music! Thank you Murray Gold), the impact of everything that had preceded, and the reveal at the end that blew me away. It's certainly one of my favorite episodes of television, not just DW.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 28, 2013, 05:31:14 AM
Yeah, I think I would. I'd probably rank them like this:

Series 5
Series 7
Series 4
Series 3
Series 6
Series 1
Series 2

They are all really, really good though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 28, 2013, 05:49:37 AM
Yeah I just finished rewatching series 7, and it really is brilliant the way it builds up at the end. I still hope they bring back two-parters though, to let some of the complex stories breathe a bit more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Jaq on July 28, 2013, 05:56:48 AM
Agree on the two parter thing: Nightmare In Silver, in particular, was screaming for two parts, and The Name of The Doctor just feels so abrupt at times, they both needed room to breathe. I think, in fact, that Gaiman originally wrote Nightmare as a two parter, which is why it feels occasionally rushed.

As for the reaction to Nightmare: it was Gaiman writing a fairly "trad" episode of Who, after the mindbending WOW of The Doctor's Wife, and a lot of people were let down. Their loss, I think it's the best evocation of the Second Doctor era you're likely to get ever. Of course, the real hilarity of the response to the episode was "Gaiman is ripping off the Borg!" Because, you know, the Borg totally invented the idea of a cybernetic superrace that existed solely to convert everyone else to cybernetics.  ::)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 28, 2013, 11:08:52 AM
I didn't find the Name of the Doctor rushed at all actually, which I'd been worried about after the series 6 finale which, great as it was in many ways, just tried to cram too much in. I thought Name was perfectly paced though, to lead into the 50th anniversary special.

By the way I'm still making my way through the classic series, finally finished Tom Baker's epic 7-season stretch, and onto the fifth Doctor now. I like him so far, but not as much as the fourth!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 28, 2013, 08:09:28 PM
Davison is really cool, I need to watch more of his stuff. He was so young for a classic Doctor.

And regarding The Name of the Doctor-- it's easily one of Moffat's best and I thought it was paced wonderfully. Easily my favorite finale in the new series. It's quite possibly my favorite 11th Doctor story, though the 50th and the Christmas special will probably trump it in the end, seeing as we're getting a multi-Doctor story and a regeneration!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 29, 2013, 04:22:24 PM
I rewatched a few episodes yesterday and today. Some small thoughts:

- Blink is still as brilliant as ever. I had forgotten some details, like the fact that Billy Shipton had been the one to place the easter eggs, so that was nice. Plus, Carey Mulligan is SERIOUSLY hot.
- The exchanges between Daleks and Cybermen in Doomsday are amazing.
- The part where the Doctor deals with The Family in The Family of Blood is still one of my favourite moments of the show. So, so cruel and even more badass.
- I didn't catch the 666 reference in The Impossible Planet the first time around. Neat.
- The End of Time is amazing. I had my beef with it on the first viewing, but none of that mattered this time around. John Simm is amazing and Bernard Cribbins as Wilf is probably one of my favourite companions, definitely the best one-off companion there was. That scene after Rassilon had been defeated sent chills down my spine, even more than previously. The ending was a little drawn out, but the regeneration scene more than made up for it.
- I love The Name of the Doctor, but you know what kinda irked me? Matt Smith saying that John Hurt isn't a Doctor, and then having "Introducing John Hurt as The Doctor" in fat letters on the screen. They should have just left that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on July 29, 2013, 09:53:49 PM
I think it was to either drive in a point-- i.e., even though he wasn't recognized AS the Doctor, he truly WAS the Doctor, or it was a giant red herring because he's secretly Omega ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Super Dude on July 29, 2013, 10:03:12 PM
I rewatched a few episodes yesterday and today. Some small thoughts:

- Blink is still as brilliant as ever. I had forgotten some details, like the fact that Billy Shipton had been the one to place the easter eggs, so that was nice. Plus, Carey Mulligan is SERIOUSLY hot.
- The exchanges between Daleks and Cybermen in Doomsday are amazing.
- The part where the Doctor deals with The Family in The Family of Blood is still one of my favourite moments of the show. So, so cruel and even more badass.
- I didn't catch the 666 reference in The Impossible Planet the first time around. Neat.
- The End of Time is amazing. I had my beef with it on the first viewing, but none of that mattered this time around. John Simm is amazing and Bernard Cribbins as Wilf is probably one of my favourite companions, definitely the best one-off companion there was. That scene after Rassilon had been defeated sent chills down my spine, even more than previously. The ending was a little drawn out, but the regeneration scene more than made up for it.
- I love The Name of the Doctor, but you know what kinda irked me? Matt Smith saying that John Hurt isn't a Doctor, and then having "Introducing John Hurt as The Doctor" in fat letters on the screen. They should have just left that.

No question; that was one of the moments that pulled me into the show. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 30, 2013, 12:37:23 AM
"Our species are similar, though your design is inelegant"
"Daleks have no concept of elegance"
"This is obvious"

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: bout to crash on July 30, 2013, 08:31:09 AM
"This is not war- this is pest control!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 30, 2013, 10:02:14 AM
"You are superior in only one aspect"
"And that is?"
"You are superior at dying!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on July 30, 2013, 03:17:40 PM
"What colour are they?"


There weren't any good questions left!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 30, 2013, 04:00:54 PM
:lol Great line, although not from Doomsday.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on July 30, 2013, 04:12:25 PM
Yeah, that's a classic as well. :lol :lol

"You're Scottish! Fry something!" is probably still my favourite, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on July 31, 2013, 12:32:03 AM
My Scottish girlfriend enjoyed that one. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: jonny108 on August 01, 2013, 12:21:06 PM
https://doctorwhotv.co.uk/12th-doctor-revealed-on-sunday-52184.htm (https://doctorwhotv.co.uk/12th-doctor-revealed-on-sunday-52184.htm)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 01, 2013, 02:04:03 PM
I am very excited.

Of the rumoured new Doctors, my favourite is "an unknown actor." Second favourite is Peter Capaldi. Brilliant actor - in everything he does.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 01, 2013, 04:02:15 PM
I would actually love to see Peter Capaldi in the role. The only downside would be that so many people already know him as foulmouthed Malcolm Tucker, whereas the DW team tend to prefer someone to "be" the Doctor.

But we'll see. Exciting stuff anyway.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: abydos on August 01, 2013, 04:20:44 PM
There goes my dream of Samuel Jackson as the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 01, 2013, 05:22:08 PM
I would actually love to see Peter Capaldi in the role. The only downside would be that so many people already know him as foulmouthed Malcolm Tucker, whereas the DW team tend to prefer someone to "be" the Doctor.
Deffo. I'm a big, big fan of casting if not an unknown, then at least a relative unknown in the role. I used to get really into all the casting speculation, but then Matt Smith came along and he was so much better and more interesting than anyone I had imagined. Karen Gillan, likewise, and Arthur Darvill, likewise again. I know they all already had careers, they'd all been in stuff, and in fact I'd caught a little of Party Animals when it was on, but the surprise is the best bit, and I don't think a known quantity can be surprising in quite the same way.

But with that said, if they were to cast a known actor, Peter Capaldi's the kind of actor I'd love it to be. Brilliant in so many uncountable ways, and he's a peg of such a shape that he wouldn't quiiiite match the hole. Not talking square-to-round, but just different and uncomfortable enough that he'd take a little bit of pushing - he'd change the fundamental shape of the role, just a little, which I think all good Doctors should.

And Sunday's show is now 100% confirmed by the BBC. Now we just look forward to them pulling it off.

ETA: Here's the article (https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/doctorwho/articles/The-Next-Doctor-will-be-revealed-on-Sunday-04-August), and in case anyone's interested, they don't specify a gender.

I imagine it'll still be another bloke, but I'd quite like a lady at any rate - and if she were female, to announce that on live telly?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: masterthes on August 01, 2013, 05:46:28 PM
Capaldi is in pre-production for another show I heard, so he's probably out
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Fiery Winds on August 01, 2013, 11:33:34 PM
Capaldi is in pre-production for another show I heard, so he's probably out

Not necessarily...  ;)

Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama Commissioning says: “We can't wait to unveil the next Doctor with everyone live on BBC1 on Sunday night.  Amongst all the speculation and betting, there has been lots of fun and intrigue at work as we've been using the codename Houdini as a decoy! It’s the biggest secret in showbiz, even those working with the new Doctor on other projects at the moment have no idea they are in the presence of the 12th incarnation.”
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2013, 01:11:14 PM
If there was one thing that left me a little sceptical about Peter Capaldi's odds of taking the TARDIS keys, it was that it's not a job he particularly needs. He's an incredible actor, gets lots of work, strikes me as a bit more of a serious actor than the average Doctor Who archetype - I like that it'd be a bit different, but I couldn't picture him being particularly interested in it. Then I saw this! (https://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-07-31/doctor-who-read-the-fan-letter-bookies-favourite-peter-capaldi-wrote-to-radio-times-aged-15)

I still don't think he's got it - he's this cycle's Paterson Joseph. The face of a process that is, by nature, completely faceless. But it's a lovely idea, and I love Peter Capaldi, so I'm liking that for a brief moment - even just one week in August - he's practically synonymous with my favourite show.

Also, how deeply prophetic would The Fires of Pompeii look if he got cast? Two future leads, in an episode full of soothsayers!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on August 02, 2013, 02:37:42 PM
So I just watched A Christmas Carol and holy fuck, that was good. Some minor plot holes here and there, but on the whole, I really liked it. Gambon was ace, and that scene between young and old Kazran was properly chilling. The ending made me tear up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 02, 2013, 03:32:28 PM
Aha! Is that your first time catching Christmas Carol?

I think it's the best Christmas special. It's certainly my favourite.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on August 02, 2013, 06:26:40 PM
Yup! I'm catching up on the Christmas specials now, as I, for some reason, didn't watch them during my first run through (except for The Snowmen). While I like them all a fair bit, I'd probably rank those that I've seen the following way:

A Christmas Carol
The Snowmen
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
Voyage of the Damned

TDTWATW is very good as well, not as intensive and does require some suspension of disbelief, but it was a very enjoyable watch. I found it interesting that there was no real villain, and the trees, which I had expected to fit into that role, were an interesting character to say for sure.

Voyage, meanwhile, isn't bad, but it does feel very standard, with the people being picked off one by one, etc. and the involvement of Max Capricorn was pretty obvious. Still good fun, but my least favourite of the four.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: adameastment on August 02, 2013, 08:04:04 PM
I haven't posted in a few days so here goes...

Ok, on the subject of the 12th Doctor, I'm really not sexist, but I hope the 12th incarnation isn't a woman. It's honestly not down to simply being a woman, it's down the the whole idea of the Doctor that has been built up over the last 50 years, I know it's a show about change, but it's an archetype that has been established. This is why I don't want to be labelled sexist, because there are so many discussions going on (mostly on facebook though) that would out you as a sexist.

As most avid Whovians will say, it's typically been The Doctor and his (rather frequently) female companion. I do think this should continue. But again, like I said before, Who is a show of change. If a woman were to take the role it is something that everyone would have to get used to.

Back to episodes, I think Nightmare in Silver was an episode that challenged archetypes again. Cybermen typically have been these regular moving humanoid things. The reason I think everyone disliked about it was the premise that they were no longer based upon an organic humanoid body and now just require a brain (at least I'd presume they do :P).

I watched The Name of the Doctor again the other day, and as I did when I initially watched it, I loved it. It's a great episode, probably my favourite of all the Smith episodes, and really sets up for the 50th (which I am getting soooo desperate to see :( )

Again however, not a sexist ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on August 02, 2013, 09:36:24 PM
I haven't posted in a few days so here goes...

Ok, on the subject of the 12th Doctor, I'm really not sexist, but I hope the 12th incarnation isn't a woman. It's honestly not down to simply being a woman, it's down the the whole idea of the Doctor that has been built up over the last 50 years, I know it's a show about change, but it's an archetype that has been established. This is why I don't want to be labelled sexist, because there are so many discussions going on (mostly on facebook though) that would out you as a sexist.

As most avid Whovians will say, it's typically been The Doctor and his (rather frequently) female companion. I do think this should continue. But again, like I said before, Who is a show of change. If a woman were to take the role it is something that everyone would have to get used to.

Back to episodes, I think Nightmare in Silver was an episode that challenged archetypes again. Cybermen typically have been these regular moving humanoid things. The reason I think everyone disliked about it was the premise that they were no longer based upon an organic humanoid body and now just require a brain (at least I'd presume they do :P).

I watched The Name of the Doctor again the other day, and as I did when I initially watched it, I loved it. It's a great episode, probably my favourite of all the Smith episodes, and really sets up for the 50th (which I am getting soooo desperate to see :( )

Again however, not a sexist ;)

I literally agree with every sentence of this post.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 03, 2013, 03:24:32 AM
Scorp, great to see that you like TDTWATW, I love it as well but a lot of people really don't like it at all for some reason. It's a really sweet story in itself, but I think my favourite thing about it is the side of the Doctor that we see, especially towards the end. It's a very soft and emotional scene when he turns up at Amy and Rory's, which is the first time we see it with the Eleventh Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: hefdaddy42 on August 03, 2013, 05:06:02 AM
There goes my dream of Samuel Jackson as the Doctor.
That would be incredible.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: GuineaPig on August 03, 2013, 05:30:17 AM
The only thing I'd be hesitant about with a female doctor is that Moffat can't write women for shit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 03, 2013, 06:58:37 AM
I don't agree with that at all. I've liked Amy and Clara most out of the new Who female companions, and the women in Coupling were brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Heretic on August 03, 2013, 09:43:08 PM
The 12th Doctor is robwebster. You heard it here, folks.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 04, 2013, 02:46:15 AM
What? I might not be!

...Who told you?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 04, 2013, 05:10:27 AM
Right, just so it's... somewhere! Here's the aggregated survivor results.


Small, I know, but they expand if you click them.

Funny thing, didn't notice at the time - every single series, the two-part finale came third. Of the two series where there was no two-part finale, The Name of the Doctor came third for series 7, and The Impossible Astronaut came third for series 6 - the two-part opener!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on August 04, 2013, 05:30:45 AM
Great results, as I already said in the survivor. Silence is my favourite episode as well, so I'm glad that it won. The only place where I'm a little disappointed with the results, actually, is Season 5, where The Time of Angels would far and away be my favourite, but since that Season is pretty much awesome from start to finish, I'm finding it hard to care much.

Soooo! New Doctor today! Who's excited?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 04, 2013, 05:36:09 AM
Well, you know, it's just another day and


Seriously. I love the way they're doing this. Very few people, realistically, are ever going to see a regeneration in this day and age and not know who the new man's going to be. Colin Baker and Peter Davison will be present to oversee the event as well as Matt Smith. New character - the passing of the torch, this is going to be the closest thing to witnessing a new regeneration, absolutely blind. Utterly wonderful.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: adameastment on August 04, 2013, 09:13:30 AM

Definitley a man then. :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 04, 2013, 11:51:12 AM
Haha, oops!

So, 10 minutes... :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Jaq on August 04, 2013, 12:08:48 PM
I remember when we found out that Tennant had the role from the articles about Eccelston leaving. Now we get this fancy world wide live special. Times have changed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: wasteland on August 04, 2013, 12:18:41 PM
Can anyone hand me the link of the special? I can't seem to find it  :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: GuineaPig on August 04, 2013, 12:29:20 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: GuineaPig on August 04, 2013, 12:31:04 PM
It's been well-established he loves sci-fi. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5iRmPBve80)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: wasteland on August 04, 2013, 12:33:36 PM
Oh, luckily I managed to tune in just as he was making his entrance on stage! Looks cool!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Scorpion on August 04, 2013, 12:34:45 PM
So.... Capaldi's the new guy? Nice. :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 04, 2013, 12:35:45 PM
Awesome, so glad the rumours were true! :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: cyberdrummer on August 04, 2013, 12:36:42 PM
Malcom Tucker has been ruined. I'm sure he'll do a good job, but does nobody else think it's weird that the role has been given to someone who's already made a cameo in the programme in the past?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Sigz on August 04, 2013, 12:39:03 PM
nobody else think it's weird that the role has been given to someone who's already made a cameo in the programme in the past?

Not really, it happened with Martha and Amy (and Gwen in Torchwood).

Also, fuck yes. So excited.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on August 04, 2013, 12:46:57 PM
All the teen Whovians on twitter are up in arms :lol

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 04, 2013, 12:49:26 PM
nobody else think it's weird that the role has been given to someone who's already made a cameo in the programme in the past?

Not really, it happened with Martha and Amy (and Gwen in Torchwood).
And more prominently, it happened with Colin Baker, the 6th Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 04, 2013, 12:54:59 PM
Malcom Tucker has been ruined. I'm sure he'll do a good job, but does nobody else think it's weird that the role has been given to someone who's already made a cameo in the programme in the past?
Karen Gillan was in the same episode! It'll be fine.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 04, 2013, 12:56:27 PM
Yeah and she isn't even a time lord.

It also happened with the 4th Doctor's companion Romana, who was also a time lord.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: robwebster on August 04, 2013, 01:01:55 PM
I'd go on record about how excited I am that Capaldi's taking the reigns... but I don't need to, cos I already did it within the last week:
If they were to cast a known actor, Peter Capaldi's the kind of actor I'd love it to be. Brilliant in so many uncountable ways, and he's a peg of such a shape that he wouldn't quiiiite match the hole. Not talking square-to-round, but just different and uncomfortable enough that he'd take a little bit of pushing - he'd change the fundamental shape of the role, just a little, which I think all good Doctors should.

I like that it'd be a bit different, but I couldn't picture him being particularly interested in it. Then I saw this! (https://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-07-31/doctor-who-read-the-fan-letter-bookies-favourite-peter-capaldi-wrote-to-radio-times-aged-15)

I still don't think he's got it - he's this cycle's Paterson Joseph. But it's a lovely idea, and I love Peter Capaldi, so I'm liking that for a brief moment - even just one week in August - he's practically synonymous with my favourite show.
How little I knew!! Screw "one week in August" - the next half a decade!! I am so, so stoked.

Also, hurrah --
Also, how deeply prophetic would The Fires of Pompeii look if he got cast? Two future leads, in an episode full of soothsayers!

I did, briefly, have Malcolm Tucker as my avatar, when The Thick of It was finishing. I think he might be back this Christmas...
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on August 04, 2013, 01:05:05 PM
So weird that Capaldi was in " World War Z " as " W.H.O. Doctor "... :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Mister Gold on August 04, 2013, 01:42:12 PM
I'm VERY excited about Twelve. Not at all who I would've picked, but by all means, that's probably for the best. Capaldi has serious acting chops and he really appears to be a big fan of the show. I'm already feeling giddy as can be about the prospect of what his Doctor will be like.

Well done, Moffat. Well done. :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Implode on August 04, 2013, 01:43:40 PM
He looks a great candidate!

There are a few people on my fb wall complaining about the new doctor being another thin white male. I don't agree with those negetive sentiments, but I can't find any good arguments to construct. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Jaq on August 04, 2013, 01:50:21 PM
Don't even bother. You can't possibly win. Just let it go.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on August 04, 2013, 01:50:23 PM
They've gone for a serious actor and not catered to whiny teenage girls ?
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Implode on August 04, 2013, 02:04:50 PM
Don't even bother. You can't possibly win. Just let it go.

The urge to prove people wrong on the internet is a strong one, but you are probably right.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 04, 2013, 02:23:38 PM
He looks a great candidate!

There are a few people on my fb wall complaining about the new doctor being another thin white male. I don't agree with those negetive sentiments, but I can't find any good arguments to construct. Thoughts?
Well there's quite a big change in making him significantly older - the oldest since William Hartnell (and in fact, by the series 8 opening episode, he will be older than Hartnell was for Unearthly Child!)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: cyberdrummer on August 04, 2013, 02:30:58 PM
Malcom Tucker has been ruined. I'm sure he'll do a good job, but does nobody else think it's weird that the role has been given to someone who's already made a cameo in the programme in the past?
Karen Gillan was in the same episode! It'll be fine.

Perhaps, but I don't agree with the logic that because they've done it before it's ok to do it again. I suppose I just find it a strange concept in general. But I'm not the biggest fan of Doctor Who, so it's not really going to bother me a great deal!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: ariich on August 04, 2013, 03:35:39 PM
Karen Gillan tweeted "CAPALDI! Superb choice. Swear I've seen him in Pompeii..."

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: adameastment on August 04, 2013, 03:40:36 PM
I'm happy, already fed up with whiney turds on facebook. Especially the girls on the Facebook Fan Pages, who are only watching the show for the "eye candy".

Also, I'm really annoyed at a friend who said she thought it was a shit choice because the fact he's been in it before. That really made me angry for some reason, probably because I thought she was wiser than that :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: theanalogkid7 on August 04, 2013, 03:42:12 PM
I'm really excited about Capaldi.  It'll be a great having an older doctor, and with John Hurt in the 50th anniversary, this looks promising.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Come the f**k in or f**k the f**k off
Post by: robwebster on August 04, 2013, 04:56:59 PM
Joint oldest! Alongside William Hartnell. Both 55 years old. I think Bills beat him... but, by months.

Oh, my god, he's going to be stupendous.

They've gone for a serious actor and not catered to whiny teenage girls ?
They've always gone for a serious actor and not catered to teenage girls! Just... this time, you can tell!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Come the f**k in or f**k the f**k off
Post by: Scorpion on August 04, 2013, 05:01:26 PM
Nice new thread title. :lol :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Come the f**k in or f**k the f**k off
Post by: adameastment on August 04, 2013, 05:16:57 PM
Joint oldest! Alongside William Hartnell. Both 55 years old. I think Bills beat him... but, by months.

Oh, my god, he's going to be stupendous.

They've gone for a serious actor and not catered to whiny teenage girls ?
They've always gone for a serious actor and not catered to teenage girls! Just... this time, you can tell!

When Peter Capaldi starts he'll be oldest when filming begins though I think!
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Come the f**k in or f**k the f**k off
Post by: masterthes on August 04, 2013, 05:23:20 PM
I'm going to try to look into some of the stuff he's done so I can have a good idea about what I can expect
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Come the f**k in or f**k the f**k off
Post by: robwebster on August 04, 2013, 05:26:02 PM
I'm going to try to look into some of the stuff he's done so I can have a good idea about what I can expect
Torchwood: Children of Earth would be a bloody brilliant place to start.

His defining role to date, though, is Malcolm Tucker in The Thick of It and In the Loop. He's already pretty iconic as one of the best satirical characters - probably the most creatively profane gentleman in all of British television.

Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Next Doctor
Post by: Jaq on August 04, 2013, 07:25:04 PM
Karen Gillan tweeted "CAPALDI! Superb choice. Swear I've seen him in Pompeii..."


Title: Re: Doctor Who: Come the f**k in or f**k the f**k off
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on August 04, 2013, 08:04:04 PM
So I guess I should start watching Doctor Who.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Come the f**k in or f**k the f**k off
Post by: masterthes on August 04, 2013, 08:16:27 PM
Just checked out In The Loop. I swear Malcolm would be comparable if House got into politics. I loved it (plus Anna Chlumsky has matured rather nicely)
Title: Re: Doctor Who: Come the f**k in or f**k the f**k off
Post by: Scorpion on August 05, 2013, 06:22:12 AM
So I guess I should start watching Doctor Who.

Yeah you should. Like I told you yesterday, just continuing to watch onwards from The Eleventh Hour is probably the best place to start. Season 5 is glorious.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 05, 2013, 06:42:06 AM
Personally I still think starting from Rose is better, because you can see how the show builds and improves. Plus there is so much amazing stuff in that era that you'd be missing out on it starting from series 5.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on August 05, 2013, 07:01:52 AM
While I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that (I started with Season 1 and I loved it!), I do think that it is better to continue there after I showed him The Eleventh Hour yesterday.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 05, 2013, 12:28:11 PM
I think, at this point, the Russell T Davies era is just one among many. Rose is no more vital to The Eleventh Hour than the An Unearthly Child is to, say, Spearhead from Space.

If I'm recommending Doctor Who, I'm generally going to recommend the most modern incarnation of the programme. There's 50 years of the stuff. I prefer to minimise the required reading to make it less intimidating, and more user-friendly. "You have to watch seven series before you can join in" is a little daunting. Three, with the option to catch up on the other four, I think feels more manageable. It does help, though, that I think The Eleventh Hour is a better ep and a better intro than Rose, and that I think S5 is a better series.

Doesn't mean I think Rose is a bad call - quite the opposite, it's brilliant. It's where I started, and hey - I'm still here! Chris Eccleston is superb, and series one is thrilling in so many different ways. Plus, you get to see the Doctors cycle, which you don't get in the same way if you start with Matt Smith. (Not 'til Christmas, anyway!) Of all the bygone eras, Russell T Davies' is the best to start with, but I tend to think, modern Doctor for a modern audience. One of the most enticing things about Doctor Who is that there's no obligation to "start from the top." You can join the ride at S6E5 and still "get" the show in seconds.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on August 05, 2013, 12:29:39 PM
The announcement of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, along with the release of the new DT single, has made the past two days absolutely fantastic! :tup ;)

Any ideas of what sort of direction they'll go for with Twelve? I have a feeling he's gonna be darker like Nine was, and have a fair bit of snarkiness to him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: sueño on August 05, 2013, 12:42:00 PM
I'd go on record about how excited I am that Capaldi's taking the reigns... but I don't need to, cos I already did it within the last week:
If they were to cast a known actor, Peter Capaldi's the kind of actor I'd love it to be. Brilliant in so many uncountable ways, and he's a peg of such a shape that he wouldn't quiiiite match the hole. Not talking square-to-round, but just different and uncomfortable enough that he'd take a little bit of pushing - he'd change the fundamental shape of the role, just a little, which I think all good Doctors should.

I like that it'd be a bit different, but I couldn't picture him being particularly interested in it. Then I saw this! (https://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-07-31/doctor-who-read-the-fan-letter-bookies-favourite-peter-capaldi-wrote-to-radio-times-aged-15)

I still don't think he's got it - he's this cycle's Paterson Joseph. But it's a lovely idea, and I love Peter Capaldi, so I'm liking that for a brief moment - even just one week in August - he's practically synonymous with my favourite show.
How little I knew!! Screw "one week in August" - the next half a decade!! I am so, so stoked.

Also, hurrah --
Also, how deeply prophetic would The Fires of Pompeii look if he got cast? Two future leads, in an episode full of soothsayers!

I did, briefly, have Malcolm Tucker as my avatar, when The Thick of It was finishing. I think he might be back this Christmas...

I've never watched Dr. Who...  :blush  only one or two episodes with my dad back when Tom Baker was the Doctor.

However -- I HAVE watched Peter Capaldi in The Thick of It and In The Loop.  NO ONE can swear like he can -- he is SO ANGRY ALL THE TIME!!!   :o   :lol   It might be interesting to see his vocabulary restrained (broadened??) by starring in this program.  A funny comment I read was questioning how a Scottish actor can have an Italian name.  Like people from other countries could not have immigrated at some point in time...   :\

I do love him as an actor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on August 05, 2013, 02:11:15 PM
The announcement of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, along with the release of the new DT single, has made the past two days absolutely fantastic! :tup ;)

Any ideas of what sort of direction they'll go for with Twelve? I have a feeling he's gonna be darker like Nine was, and have a fair bit of snarkiness to him.

Based on what I know of his work, I can't see ANY way that Twelve isn't going to be one sarcastic son of a bitch. That just seems Calpadi's way.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on August 05, 2013, 02:28:56 PM
It's now roll on November 23rd and Regeneration now! Two blinding stories I hope!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on August 05, 2013, 02:30:27 PM
Will the regeneration be in the 50th Anniversary Special at all? Because I think that I read that Matt Smith will also be doing the Christmas special, which would make that his last story.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on August 05, 2013, 06:31:40 PM
Smith is turning on the Christmas special.

It would be interesting to hear The Doctor curse. They had cursing on Torchwood
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: Kotowboy on August 05, 2013, 06:38:33 PM

However -- I HAVE watched Peter Capaldi in The Thick of It and In The Loop.  NO ONE can swear like he can -- he is SO ANGRY ALL THE TIME!!!   :o   :lol   It might be interesting to see his vocabulary restrained (broadened??) by starring in this program.  A funny comment I read was questioning how a Scottish actor can have an Italian name.  Like people from other countries could not have immigrated at some point in time...   :\

Ironically The Thick Of It was created by another Italian Scot - Armando Iannucci.
Title: Re: Doctor Who: The Name of the Doctor
Post by: sueño on August 05, 2013, 06:44:19 PM

However -- I HAVE watched Peter Capaldi in The Thick of It and In The Loop.  NO ONE can swear like he can -- he is SO ANGRY ALL THE TIME!!!   :o   :lol   It might be interesting to see his vocabulary restrained (broadened??) by starring in this program.  A funny comment I read was questioning how a Scottish actor can have an Italian name.  Like people from other countries could not have immigrated at some point in time...   :\

Ironically The Thick Of It was created by another Italian Scot - Armando Iannucci.

Yeah, I noticed that.  SO FUNNAY!!    :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on August 05, 2013, 06:46:27 PM
Armando is a comedy Legend.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on August 05, 2013, 07:09:59 PM
I'll have to watch the things he's been in, some of the swearing vids have me intrigued. ALso this is the first time I see who will be the Doctor, so far i've always seen them for the first time as they regenerate. I like him, also a first. Gives me an Older-Tennant-vibe, sort of.

And I wouldn't mind an angry, pissed off Doctor who curses all the time for an episode or two, just for lols.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on August 05, 2013, 07:56:46 PM
I didn't know who Matt Smith or David Tennant were until Dr. Who but I knew Chris Ecclestone from Shallow Grave and other things he'd been in.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 06, 2013, 12:38:39 AM
Yeah Ecclestone was a bigger name (in order to market the return of the show basically), while Tennant and Smith had done some things but were relatively little-known.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on August 06, 2013, 06:15:57 AM
I think the first Dr which i'd known previously was Paul McGann.

I don't *think* i'd seen Sylvester McCoy before Dr. Who but I may have done. I can't remember.

I know he was a lot more famous around that time than he is now ( save for The Hobbit ) but can't recall if it was *because* of Dr Who.

So - Doctor's Id known previously - McGann, Ecclestone & Capaldi.

I don't remember if I liked McCoy's Dr. I think I did - if only for the fact that Colin Baker was gone :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 06, 2013, 07:11:47 AM
Poor Colin Baker. :lol

I haven't actually watched any of the 6th-8th Doctors yet, I'm still making my way through the classic series, still in Davison's first season at the moment.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on August 06, 2013, 07:43:55 AM
28 days later was just on TV a few days ago and I had a mind flip when I saw Ecclestone lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on August 06, 2013, 06:18:01 PM
Hey quick q: Did Matt Smith "retire" from Doctor-dom or is there some set tenure the studio sets that we don't know about?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on August 06, 2013, 06:30:06 PM
Pretty sure the actors can leave when they want. ?

Chris left after one series because he didn't want to be known only as the doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on August 07, 2013, 01:59:39 PM
Pretty sure the actors can leave when they want. ?

Chris left after one series because he didn't want to be known only as the doctor.

And he had issues with production and that kind of thing.

But I'm pretty sure that the actors leave when they want, can't remember what reasons David Tennant had for leaving, but I'd imagine he also didn't want to be only known as The Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 07, 2013, 02:03:44 PM
A combination of that and wanting to have time to do other things. The DW schedule requires the Doctor and his companions to be available for filming, promotion, etc. for pretty much 9 months a year, so while you're playing one of those you don't have time to do any other big projects.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 07, 2013, 02:58:49 PM
I just randmly bumped into this and for some reason I can't stop laughing. I don't even know what or who are these freaking Daleks that everybody seems to be afraid of in a measure that doesn't reflect their bizarre but not harmful looks, but that scene was cracking nonetheless :D

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on August 07, 2013, 03:12:57 PM
Best scene in Victory of the Daleks - did you watch the whole episode Marco? There is actually a back story to this, even though it is a little contrived.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 07, 2013, 03:15:57 PM
I've never watched a Doctor Who episode in my entire life. I may, though, in a future that's less clustered with dealines, study and anxiety :D

I'm just watching some short videos I find on youtube (often with major spoilers, like that one about Manhattan) to understand if I really like this or not.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on August 07, 2013, 03:23:49 PM
Well, it's your choice, but if you ever want to get into Doctor Who, then I wouldn't spoil some of the stuff - like Manhattan. There are ways to check if you are interested in a spoiler-free way.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 07, 2013, 03:27:11 PM
Well, it's your choice, but if you ever want to get into Doctor Who, then I wouldn't spoil some of the stuff - like Manhattan. There are ways to check if you are interested in a spoiler-free way.

Well, I found out on solid experimental basis that my enjoyment of TV shows is augmented if I spoiled myself some of it. I know it's twisted, but it can't be helped  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on August 07, 2013, 03:30:09 PM
Well, each to their own, I suppose. I mean, I enjoy rewatching the episodes, so it doesn't hinge on being unknown, but I couldn't imagine having known all the twists beforehand.

With Manhattan, you mean The Angels Take Manhatten? That's not even THAT much a spoiler.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 07, 2013, 03:40:34 PM
Well, each to their own, I suppose. I mean, I enjoy rewatching the episodes, so it doesn't hinge on being unknown, but I couldn't imagine having known all the twists beforehand.

With Manhattan, you mean The Angels Take Manhatten? That's not even THAT much a spoiler.

I just watched the final scene. And when I read about John Hurt's involvement I youtubed him too. And a couple of great videos of Matt Smith as the Doctor (like the food tryouts with the litte girl on what I believe is his first episode).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on August 07, 2013, 03:45:58 PM
Yeah, that's his first episode. Which is, also, if you want to get into Doctor Who at any point in the future, is a perfect place to start.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on August 07, 2013, 03:46:45 PM
Yeah, that's his first episode. Which is, also, if you want to get into Doctor Who at any point in the future, is a perfect place to star.

I don't think he wanted to be in the show. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on August 08, 2013, 11:12:28 PM
Man, I'm so excited for the 12th Doctor. Capaldi being the same age as Hartnell is just... crazy. I love that this might be a return to the classic roots of the show, which will round everything off after what I hope will be a spectacular 50th and Christmas special.

Also, it's slowly starting to hit me... Matt Smith's regeneration is going to be tough.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on August 09, 2013, 05:49:15 AM
Man, I'm so excited for the 12th Doctor. Capaldi being the same age as Hartnell is just... crazy. I love that this might be a return to the classic roots of the show, which will round everything off after what I hope will be a spectacular 50th and Christmas special.

Also, it's slowly starting to hit me... Matt Smith's regeneration is going to be tough.

Think about the 50th first as it's closer and a month before the Christmas special ;)

Yeah, it will be tough, in some ways he's been my favourite Doctor - Wacky, Funny and more what I would like to see a Time Lord be. But with Capaldi I hope for some more seriousness again, I liked the style of the second half of Series 7 (minus Akhaten).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 12, 2013, 06:19:53 AM
Ok, I finally resolved to start watching the series. I started from The Eleventh Hour, as many suggested. What an amazing rollercoaster ride it was :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on August 12, 2013, 06:22:13 AM
Capaldi definitely looks a lot younger at 55 than William Hartnell did.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on August 12, 2013, 09:31:04 AM
It's going to be weird seeing an older Doctor again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 12, 2013, 10:49:02 AM
Ok, I finally resolved to start watching the series. I started from The Eleventh Hour, as many suggested. What an amazing rollercoaster ride it was :D

The Beast Below, next - welcome aboard. :hat
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 12, 2013, 10:51:17 AM
Ok, I finally resolved to start watching the series. I started from The Eleventh Hour, as many suggested. What an amazing rollercoaster ride it was :D

The Beast Below, next - welcome aboard. :hat

Rob, why don't you get on Skype? :D A Doctor Who conversation is overdue!

ETA: Or just simply clear your PM imbox :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on August 12, 2013, 09:22:14 PM
Capaldi definitely looks a lot younger at 55 than William Hartnell did.

We're living a lot longer than we did back in '63, so I think that's why Capaldi looks so much younger in comparison.

His face kind of reminds me of Tom Baker.  I'll hold off judgment until we get to see him in action.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on August 13, 2013, 08:01:58 AM
Capaldi definitely looks a lot younger at 55 than William Hartnell did.

We're living a lot longer than we did back in '63, so I think that's why Capaldi looks so much younger in comparison.

His face kind of reminds me of Tom Baker.  I'll hold off judgment until we get to see him in action.

We aren't living a lot longer, only a few years longer. Some people simply look older or younger at different ages.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 13, 2013, 04:15:27 PM
I watched the Van Gogh episode. I am not going to add anything to this statement.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 23, 2013, 11:39:04 AM
The almost-Elevens...


They always said they were looking at a piratey outfit for Matt but he wasn't comfortable until he found the tweed. Here, finally, is that piratey look, among others.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 23, 2013, 01:05:40 PM
That penultimate one is a bit too One Direction. :lol

Also, Moffat has said that he expects Capaldi will keep his Scottish accent - finally a Scottish Doctor is allowed to actually sound Scottish!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on August 23, 2013, 07:37:15 PM
That outfit in the first photo is SEXY. I think a lot of the other ones are a bit too... trendy for The Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 24, 2013, 03:22:20 AM
Could be the power of habit, but I'm glad they went with the bowtie and tweed jacket. Bowties are cool  :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on August 24, 2013, 07:43:23 AM
It might be force of habit, but the other pictures looked like Matt Smith dressed up in something...the last, Matt Smith as the Doctor. They got it right with that one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 24, 2013, 09:48:05 AM
Sooo, what are your expectations for the 50th anniversary? Fangirling (boys too) over 10 and 11 together in front of a camera?  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on August 24, 2013, 12:57:53 PM
Just 10  :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on August 25, 2013, 03:25:31 AM
A very elusive Chris Eccleston... comments on Doctor Who! (https://www.radiotimes.com/news/2013-08-24/doctor-who-at-50-the-ninth-doctor-speaks--a-message-from-christopher-eccleston) At the ninth Doctor 50th anniversary event, for the British Film Institute:

“I love the BFI. I love the Doctor and hope you enjoy this presentation. Joe Ahearne directed five of the 13 episodes of the first series. He understood the tone the show needed completely – strong, bold, pacy visuals coupled with wit, warmth and a twinkle in the performances, missus.

“If Joe agrees to direct the 100th anniversary special, I will bring my sonic and a stair-lift and – providing the Daleks don’t bring theirs – I, the ninth Doctor, vow to save the universe and all you apes in it.”

Prepared message, didn't appear in person, but it's so nice to hear him speaking warmly of the show. You never quite know where you stand with Chris. It sounded like he was on the cusp of joining the fiftieth for a while. There are lots of wonderful stories on the internet about him meeting fans - especially children - many years after he left the role, and being so lovely about it, so I don't think he's grouchy at all, I think he's really just that fame-averse.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 25, 2013, 03:33:43 AM
I haven't watched a single episode of him as the doctor (nor anything from 10), but I stumbled on this great great video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pve2l3tOGk

If that's the quality of his acting during his brief epoch, then he has a potential fan in me!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on August 25, 2013, 03:50:10 AM
Sooo, what are your expectations for the 50th anniversary? Fangirling (boys too) over 10 and 11 together in front of a camera?  :biggrin:
The two bakers should show up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on August 25, 2013, 10:20:41 AM
Should definitely check him out wasteland
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 25, 2013, 11:02:33 AM
Should definitely check him out wasteland

I have all the intention to, but I'm about to get my degree and watching the Smith seasons already took enough time away from my studies. In a couple months I will definitely watch seasons 1-4!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on August 26, 2013, 07:31:30 AM
I have dipped in and out of the Eccleston - Smith era.

I think once I've finished watching DS9 ( i'm on season 2 now )  i'll start watching it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on August 31, 2013, 07:18:43 PM

Holy crap! I knew Jack was 'The face of Boe' but I hadn't noticed the rest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on September 03, 2013, 04:59:06 PM
So does his head grow because his limbs can't??
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on September 03, 2013, 05:10:12 PM
No idea but he was like 5 billion years old. He would age but not die, who knows what would happen. Of course there are inconsistencies, like why if he is "frozen" in time did he die.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 10, 2013, 02:45:30 PM
So, it was announced today that the 50th will be named "The Day Of The Doctor" and will be 75m long.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on September 10, 2013, 10:12:25 PM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TioJorge on September 10, 2013, 10:18:53 PM
Saw that on screen rant... I haven't seen a single second of Doctor Who, but I've been keeping up with the news of it since Smith left and have friends that have been trying to get me to watch it for years. That said, this poster did me in. Please tell me John Hurt is one of the doctors...? If not, I'll have to start watching with this mash-up because I fucking adore John Hurt and this poster gave me a big 'ole sudowooodo. Anyone know Hurt's role?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on September 10, 2013, 10:43:24 PM
Saw that on screen rant... I haven't seen a single second of Doctor Who, but I've been keeping up with the news of it since Smith left and have friends that have been trying to get me to watch it for years. That said, this poster did me in. Please tell me John Hurt is one of the doctors...? If not, I'll have to start watching with this mash-up because I fucking adore John Hurt and this poster gave me a big 'ole sudowooodo. Anyone know Hurt's role?

From the looks of things, he'll be playing a mysterious incarnation of the Doctor from the past, between the Eighth and Ninth Doctor. He appears briefly at the very end of the seventh season finale, The Name of the Doctor. :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TioJorge on September 10, 2013, 10:51:09 PM
Awesome! I shall begin with Smith's incarnation.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 11, 2013, 12:09:22 AM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on September 11, 2013, 06:41:20 AM
Awesome! I shall begin with Smith's incarnation.

Do be sure to eventually check out the previous Doctors too! :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 11, 2013, 07:47:45 AM
I have seen random episodes of Doctors 9 and 10, but I still need to fully get into them. That being said, I'm positive that 11 will persist as my favourite Doctor even then, I really can connect with his psyche and share more than one psychological trait and flaw with the character MS created.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on September 11, 2013, 08:58:05 AM
That looks awesome! Also:

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on September 11, 2013, 12:48:11 PM
MAN I want a trailer so bad.

......or just the special itself.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on September 12, 2013, 06:16:12 PM
Going to try again to get into the classic Doctors. I figure since there are a ton of episodes missing from the first two, I'll just start with Pertwee
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on September 12, 2013, 08:35:50 PM
I've been burning very slowly through Doctor Who (Not the whole series, but since the 2005 revival), just finished the Left Turn-Stolen Earth-Journey's End storyline... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK that was amazing!!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 14, 2013, 06:19:28 AM
So, do you people think the 50th should have featured in some way all the surviving classic doctors? I see many thinking so, but I respectfully disagree. True, they could be shown as cameos, and that would be alright, but actually writing and shooting a story with 8 doctors? No way it would ever work.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on September 14, 2013, 11:05:31 AM
I agree, it would a horribly written story at that. The new series has more than enough time paid homage to past Doctors even when it wasn't needed or expected. For example when the 11th was cloned, and the clone started "coping" with it's past regenerations they had him repeat past Doctors lines in their voices. "Would you like a jelly baby?"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 14, 2013, 12:27:36 PM
I agree as well Marco. I would absolutely love to see some fun and cleverly done cameos from or references to past Doctors and companions, though I'm not expecting them as that would just set me up for disappointment. But trying to write a story featuring 8 Doctors would be ridiculous and likely end up feeling very forced.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on September 14, 2013, 12:39:29 PM
Agreed. I really need to start watching the old stuff...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TioJorge on September 14, 2013, 01:23:26 PM
I haven't started my marathon yet (Sunday shall be the day) but it sounds like that'd be too much of a mash-up. Attempting to do too much at once is never a good idea, it sounds like they've got a good idea going though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 14, 2013, 01:36:01 PM
One thing that makes me wonder, though, is why they chose to introduce a whole new doctor for the Time War storyline (Hurt) instead of seizing the opportunity of a Doctor we know nearly nothing about (8th), expand his story and create the tragedy of "the Doctor who strayed for the sake of the universe". It would also make sense outside of the story context: McGann is a great actor who didn't have the chance to prove his worth and that is unfortunately often overlooked. Bringing him in would have been rather cool, I think :)

This of course assuming that the Hurt Doctor is indeed an incarnation between 8 and 9 responsible of bringing about the end of the Time Lords, but at this point that's nearly a granted, I believe.

ETA: I now realize what I wrote has most likely been already discussed on this thread, but forgive me, I don't have time to browse it all.  :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on September 14, 2013, 01:44:03 PM
Why? Because fuck you he's Steven Moffat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 14, 2013, 01:45:26 PM
If indeed Hurt is 8.5, an appearance from McGann would actually be brilliant, and tie the whole thing through!

I sort of agree with you Marco, but that wouldn't have had the same intrigue and mystery as bringing in a new actor to play a previously unknown incarnation of the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 14, 2013, 02:06:10 PM
Oh, but I agree! I mean, I wasn't around at the time The Name Of The Doctor aired, and the John Hurt as the Doctor is something I spoiled myself even before I got to know who Amy Pond was, but it must have been quite the reveal!

The center of my point is not that introducing an 8.5 is a wrong move, it's just that we know nothing of 8 and his story, so he would have been the obvious first thought for a Time War storyline. But whenever Moffat went for the obvious first choice? :D

Anyway, people who read the script felt strongly enough about it to publicy state it's awesome (Peter Davison included), so I have to trust their opinions and expect a great 1h15m. I am not sure how they will deal with the 2Docs 2Comps thing, but I'm trustful it won't be a drag to the storyline.  :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on September 14, 2013, 02:34:09 PM
I think it would be cool if 10 and 11 were the cause of 8.5's regeneration into 9. I think it would be badass to have Eccleston make a short cameo. Just think both 8.5 and 11 face off both of them become mortally wounded and have to regenerate in the same scene.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 14, 2013, 02:41:20 PM
I think it would be cool if 10 and 11 were the cause of 8.5's regeneration into 9. I think it would be badass to have Eccleston make a short cameo. Just think both 8.5 and 11 face off both of them become mortally wounded and have to regenerate in the same scene.

But wouldn't that make 11 already aware of everything is going to happen? He would have lived it already as 8.5 and as 9. 11 would know he's the one who kills 8.5 into 9, wouldn't that take a part of the pathos away from him? Like he's acting a script he already knows?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on September 14, 2013, 05:17:38 PM
Just saw the promo poster. MY BODY IS READY

In related news, I rewatched The Wedding of River Song today and I really, really liked it. Yeah, the pacing is a little off, but the rest of it is just sooooo good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on September 14, 2013, 07:05:54 PM
I think it would be cool if 10 and 11 were the cause of 8.5's regeneration into 9. I think it would be badass to have Eccleston make a short cameo. Just think both 8.5 and 11 face off both of them become mortally wounded and have to regenerate in the same scene.

But wouldn't that make 11 already aware of everything is going to happen? He would have lived it already as 8.5 and as 9. 11 would know he's the one who kills 8.5 into 9, wouldn't that take a part of the pathos away from him? Like he's acting a script he already knows?

You can't get around him living it already as it is. They're still going up against themselves in this episode. Whatever excuse they use for why they don't remember what they do in order to stop themselves they can use for the 9th.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 15, 2013, 02:08:47 AM
I think it would be cool if 10 and 11 were the cause of 8.5's regeneration into 9. I think it would be badass to have Eccleston make a short cameo. Just think both 8.5 and 11 face off both of them become mortally wounded and have to regenerate in the same scene.

But wouldn't that make 11 already aware of everything is going to happen? He would have lived it already as 8.5 and as 9. 11 would know he's the one who kills 8.5 into 9, wouldn't that take a part of the pathos away from him? Like he's acting a script he already knows?

You can't get around him living it already as it is. They're still going up against themselves in this episode. Whatever excuse they use for why they don't remember what they do in order to stop themselves they can use for the 9th.
Yeah, that's just an inherent paradox in a multi-Doctor story, but hey, this is a story about time-travel, you're always going to get those. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.

In related news, I rewatched The Wedding of River Song today and I really, really liked it. Yeah, the pacing is a little off, but the rest of it is just sooooo good.
Totally, when I rewatched it I thought the story and the climax were really fantastic, it really is just the pacing that is lacking. Far too rushed.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 15, 2013, 02:17:59 AM
Same. Which is why the best Doctor Who finale I've watched so far (and so far I've watched only seasons 5,6,7, The Girl In The Fireplace and the first two Eccleston episoes) is The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang. Fantastic arc, really.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on September 15, 2013, 11:08:25 AM
The Name of the Doctor is still my favorite. So much atmosphere, tension, and revelation in such little time done brilliantly.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 15, 2013, 11:26:55 AM
I didn't like it that much, on the contrary. :/
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on September 15, 2013, 05:46:49 PM
Let's rank the season finales, shall we?

1. The Name of the Doctor. Just beautiful.
2. The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang. Amazing - nothing more. I love how Moffat ties the arc together, and the ending with the wedding is brilliant.
3. The Wedding of River Song. Some issues with the pacing, but other than that, I love it to bits.
4. Army of Ghosts / Doomsday. Some great lines and that farewell scene... I didn't even really like Rose, but I cried. Still, some scenes are a little stupid.
5. The End of Time. Not really a season finale, but I'm putting it here anyway. The ending is a little stretched out, but the rest is pure gold. John Simm and Bernard Cribbins deliver amazing performances.
6. Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways. Great set-up, lacking resolution. Still a lot of fun, though, I really like the way that well-known TV shows are parodied.
7. Turn Left / The Stolen Earth / Journey's End. The first two parts are magnificient, but Journey's End is just too convoluted for its own good.
8. Utopia / The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords. Same as above, really. Could switch places with #7 any day.

All in all, I definitely prefer the Moffat era, even though there are some flaws there as well. What really bothered me about RTD finales is that they often had amazing set-ups and the resolution was just lacking completely. Still, they're all good fun.

EDIT: Just noticed that the sign next to Hurt on the promo poster says "Bad Wolf". This makes the fanboy in me completely giddy of the possibilities, while at the same time praying that it's not convoluted or fucked-up... though I doubt that will happen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on September 15, 2013, 08:30:53 PM
Switch the last two, and that's my list
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 16, 2013, 12:37:29 AM
1. The Name of the Doctor
2. The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
3. The Wedding of River Song
4. The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords
5. The End of Time
6. Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
7. Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
8. The Stolen Earth / Journey's End

The bottom two have some great stuff still, but they're just too much of RTD's fall-back of "OH LOOK DALEKS AGAIN" to be as exciting as the rest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 16, 2013, 04:24:42 AM
So far:

1. The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
3. The Name Of The Doctor
2. The Wedding Of River Song
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 16, 2013, 08:33:11 AM
By the way, a parody of Soft Kitty :D

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on September 16, 2013, 08:36:47 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 19, 2013, 02:48:35 PM
So, I just finished the 1st season, and I got to say it, Eccleston was really really fan-TAS-tic. I didn't expect him to be that good in the role, especially after reading many articles that sort of overlooked his tenure.

Favourite episodes:

Father's Day
The Doctor Dances
The Parting Of The Ways
The Unquiet Dead
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on September 20, 2013, 10:01:07 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on September 20, 2013, 10:41:00 AM
Well, we're both sick and tired and it's cold, so I promised the s/o that we'd just chill on the couch and watch at least a disc of S4 tonight, which is where we're at now. Looking forward to it! Can't believe we're almost through the era of the Doctor most people consider to be The Doctor!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 20, 2013, 11:07:09 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 20, 2013, 11:10:01 AM
I saw the alternate universe episodes about the Cyberman. They were quite awesome! Conversely, The Idiot's Lantern was funny, but not much more than that.

I know I'm going to miss Rose. Are the next two companions up the bar she set so high?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on September 20, 2013, 12:48:41 PM
Donna's easily Ten's best companion. I don't like Rose much, though, just my opinion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on September 20, 2013, 12:52:33 PM
Donna's easily Ten's best companion. I don't like Rose much, though, just my opinion.

Agreed, though I loved Rose with Nine. I feel like the way she was written during Tennant's run changed her character a fair bit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on September 20, 2013, 01:12:26 PM
Yeah, Donna was awesome with Ten. Though Amy is, IMO, easily the best of the companions so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 20, 2013, 01:18:51 PM
I loved Amy and I'm loving Clara as well. While I liked the RTD-era companions, I'm enjoying the Moffat-era ones a lot more!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on September 20, 2013, 01:57:35 PM
Donna's easily Ten's best companion. I don't like Rose much, though, just my opinion.

Agreed, though I loved Rose with Nine. I feel like the way she was written during Tennant's run changed her character a fair bit.

Agreed. Rose was great with Nine, but awful with Ten, thanks to writer defining her around the Doctor with the start of Ten, rather then letting her continue to be her own person.

I realized that I liked Doctor Nine, but REALLY liked Rose, so when they changed her from being an individual to a damsel in distress for S2, I got confused and thought I wasn't digging the show because of Tennant. But as I went on, I realized I liked Tennant just fine, just not where they were going with Rose. The S3 and S4 companions have been great IMO.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 20, 2013, 02:15:06 PM
Could you provide a few examples supporting this line of thought? I'm interested  :smiley:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on September 20, 2013, 04:48:11 PM
S1 Rose is an interesting character who is their own person and interacts with the Doctor.

S2 Rose is in a general sense a generic female supporting role who's personality centers around the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on September 20, 2013, 05:09:48 PM
Currently on Nightmare in Silver or Doctor Who and the Cybermen Designed by Tony Stark.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 20, 2013, 05:34:22 PM
Currently on Nightmare in Silver or Doctor Who and the Cybermen Designed by Tony Stark.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on September 20, 2013, 09:09:17 PM
I definitely agree that Rose was a better character with Nine
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 22, 2013, 02:04:47 PM
Has anybody seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD997i_89RM (turn off the 3D). I can't believe it's fan made, this is actually stunning.

For those who like to see their jaws drop look at this breakdown.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on September 22, 2013, 02:17:26 PM
Oh my lord, that guy is outrageously good. Why is he not already at the BBC making Doctor Who!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on September 22, 2013, 02:26:03 PM

But sorry, here's really the breakdown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZXP9FMm9w4&feature=youtu.be  :lol

As you said, this is illegally good. This guy should be hired right away. He basically made a compelling and completely believable trailer out of pictures.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on October 08, 2013, 09:57:03 AM
For fans of the classic series, a bunch of missing episodes from the first two Doctors have been found! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24448063

They're not revealing which ones yet, but there have been rumours going around for the last couple of weeks that it's ALL of the missing ones, which would be amazing but I remain doubtful.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on October 08, 2013, 10:13:49 AM
All of them?! That would be so awesome
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on October 08, 2013, 12:47:36 PM
That's only a rumour, and it's most likely excited fans getting carried away.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Nekov on October 31, 2013, 01:56:42 PM
Quick quiz to determine which creature you would be in the doctor Who Universe

https://www.bbcamerica.com/doctor-who/extras/which-doctor-who-creature-are-you/ (https://www.bbcamerica.com/doctor-who/extras/which-doctor-who-creature-are-you/)

I got The tardis, not sure what to make of that...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on October 31, 2013, 02:23:47 PM
I'm a cyberman
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on October 31, 2013, 02:24:44 PM
I'm the Master.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2013, 03:16:48 PM
I tried that the other day! I'm an Ood. Pretty happy with that. :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dark Castle on October 31, 2013, 04:26:06 PM
I'm a cyberman
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on October 31, 2013, 04:33:09 PM
I am an Ood.

"You are quiet, exceptionally bright, with an innate love of music. Like the telepathic Ood, you've always been attuned to the needs and desires of others, and you have a caring disposition. Rather than filling your life with "things" you prefer to live a humble existence within a calm, peaceful community of friends.

Beware - your passive nature can make you vulnerable to manipulation!"

Yeah that got me, especially that last part.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on October 31, 2013, 04:39:52 PM
Yeah, I liked that bit as well Jaq. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on October 31, 2013, 05:17:15 PM
My test crashed before the results, but I would have gotten a Ood myself too, reading the description. Can't sing like them, though.

Here the controversial bit: I liked Planet Of The Ood better than The Impossible Planet. Come at me now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on October 31, 2013, 05:30:22 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Syzzle on October 31, 2013, 05:37:00 PM
Rejoice! You are THE MASTER.

You like to control everything - and we mean everything! You've probably organized your impressive home with an obsessive flair. You're most often glued to your smartphone, with your head in a dozen projects at once. You are whip-cracking smart and super-ambitious, with your sights set on the stars and nothing less.

Beware - your tireless ambition can lure you towards greed and vanity. Remember to relax and share a cup with us plain old humans once in a while!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on October 31, 2013, 07:33:58 PM
Here the controversial bit: I liked Planet Of The Ood better than The Impossible Planet. Come at me now.

The legions of The Impossible Planet shall rise from the pit and wage war against Marco.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on October 31, 2013, 09:59:12 PM
I'm The Silence... eeeesh scary
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on October 31, 2013, 10:46:37 PM
In other news, who else is excited like fuck for the 23rd? Also, I'm sure that it's been posted, but this trailer is just tooooooo good to not post again.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on October 31, 2013, 11:05:29 PM
I'm pumped.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 01, 2013, 01:43:15 AM
People, get ye to my top 30, and let me know what you think of my updates: https://www.dreamtheaterforums.org/boards/index.php?topic=39316.msg1704624#msg1704624
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on November 01, 2013, 10:28:51 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on November 01, 2013, 11:33:42 AM
Awwww  :heart

Also, I'm an Ood too :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on November 01, 2013, 11:39:46 AM
Awwww  :heart

Also, I'm an Ood too :D

Well, I'd be rather preoccupied if I were found to be a Weeping Angel or a Dalek.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on November 04, 2013, 07:29:20 PM
Okay, after digging a little more into Classic Who - where the special effects take some getting used to, but most of the stories are pretty great - I now know:

The Caves of Androzani
City of the Dead
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
The Web of Fear

(plus the existing footage of The Evil of the Daleks and The Celestial Toymaker, but that doesn't really count)

The Enemy of the World is on my list to check out soon, as is The Deadly Assassin, as I've heard there's a lot of Gallifrey in that one, but since there's so much to watch, it's quite daunting. Does anyone have any recommendations for any stories that are must-watches, that I should check out post-haste?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 10, 2013, 06:48:10 AM
DotD extended trailer: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=387872648011318&set=vb.224052861059965&type=2&theater
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on November 10, 2013, 04:04:21 PM
I thought I had fully accepted and grown to identify the Doctor as Matt Smith (and I do love his doctor) but after seeing the latest trailer I even forgot Smith's name for a couple of minutes. I was wondering was it Max? What's his last name?

Tennant will always be my fav doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on November 10, 2013, 08:33:27 PM
Showing the Daleks in Gallifrey and Rose saying "the moment is coming" definitely adds fuel to the "8.5 made 8 regenerate into 9" fire.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on November 10, 2013, 08:41:30 PM
With The Ambassadors of Death I have now watched my first Pertwee story and I just LOVED it. Pertwee will definitely be checked out further, and since there are actually no episodes missing from his tenure, I'll do this chronologically. Well, except for Ambassadors, which I have now checked already, but yeah. After this it's Spearhead in Space. I love the Brigadier.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 11, 2013, 06:49:41 AM
With The Ambassadors of Death I have now watched my first Pertwee story and I just LOVED it. Pertwee will definitely be checked out further, and since there are actually no episodes missing from his tenure, I'll do this chronologically. Well, except for Ambassadors, which I have now checked already, but yeah. After this it's Spearhead in Space. I love the Brigadier.
His first season is pretty good, culminating in the awesome Inferno, which is his best serial in my opinion.

DotD extended trailer: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=387872648011318&set=vb.224052861059965&type=2&theater
I am so damn excited about this special, plus all the other stuff going on (like the drama that Mark Gatiss wrote about the creation and early years of the show). :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on November 11, 2013, 06:56:20 AM
Showing the Daleks in Gallifrey and Rose saying "the moment is coming" definitely adds fuel to the "8.5 made 8 regenerate into 9" fire.
Not sure what you mean by 8.5 made 8 regenerate into 9. As in 8.5 force 8 to regenerate into 9 effectively committing suicide via non-existence?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 11, 2013, 07:03:51 AM
drama that Mark Gatiss wrote about the creation and early years of the show. :caffeine:

Whoa! Have I been away from this thread that long? When is this happening?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 11, 2013, 07:09:16 AM
drama that Mark Gatiss wrote about the creation and early years of the show. :caffeine:

Whoa! Have I been away from this thread that long? When is this happening?
Not sure about BBC America, but it's airing on BBC Two (I think) in the UK on the 21st November. It stars David Bradley as William Hartnell and Brian Cox (the actor, not the scientist) as Sydney Newman.


What's rather lovely is that they have young actors playing the parts of William Russell and Carole Ann Ford (who played the early companions Ian and Susan), but also has William Russell and Carole Ann Ford themselves playing smaller roles. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 11, 2013, 07:27:46 AM
Soooooooo yeah...... :)


Top Comment on the new Day of The Doctor trailer on you Tube. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 11, 2013, 07:36:36 AM
That's a trollin'.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2013, 12:07:28 PM


The Night of the Doctor.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 14, 2013, 12:29:51 PM
I'm not a Dr. Who fan. In fact I stopped watching with any real interest after McGann left the role.

Is this supposed to be what happened to him between the TV Movie and Chris Ecclestone ?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2013, 12:43:52 PM
In a way, yes. But there's rather a lot more to it than that, which I won't go into if you don't watch the show anymore. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 14, 2013, 01:19:12 PM
I never bothered with Chris' doctor at all. Saw a few of David's episodes and all of Matt's episodes looked awful that I saw. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2013, 01:20:25 PM
No way, the show is better than it's ever been.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on November 14, 2013, 01:21:04 PM


The Night of the Doctor.


I know. Huge fanboy reaction when I saw that. HUGE.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on November 14, 2013, 01:28:33 PM
I tried watching some of the classic episodes and I honestly have no idea how someone who is younger than 40 can enjoy them. The reboot and especially Tennant/Smith is the best thing that could have happened to the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 14, 2013, 01:35:51 PM
I really need to start at Chris' first episode and watch them all from there.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on November 14, 2013, 01:39:06 PM
AUUUUUGHH I freaked out when I heard McGann's voice! Best prequel ever. Moffat is a genius.

The 50th is easily going to be the best thing to happen to this show. I am so pumped.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on November 14, 2013, 02:42:32 PM
Epicness on an epic scale
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2013, 03:22:30 PM
AUUUUUGHH I freaked out when I heard McGann's voice! Best prequel ever. Moffat is a genius.

The 50th is easily going to be the best thing to happen to this show. I am so pumped.
Yeah I was assuming it would star Matt Smith, I got disproportionately excited when I realised it was McGann!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on November 14, 2013, 03:30:08 PM
Since I was a fan of the original show, McGann, in the form of the audios and the novel range, was what kept Doctor Who alive for me for a long time. Remember the excitement when I got my first McGann audio, it was like getting the show back. Nice to seem him get into the new series, even if it was only for a mini-episode. He was great in it too, and it was nice to give guys like me who bought the audios a tip of the hat with the list of the audio-only companions. I did not see this coming and I was amazed by it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2013, 03:35:22 PM
Yeah that was a great touch! I haven't listened to any of the audio dramas, but I really like McGann so I'm wondering if I should get into them.

Any particularly good ones you'd recommend, so that I could get a taster?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 14, 2013, 03:37:44 PM
I haven't read this entire thread - what is the general consensus of the McGann TV movie ?

I thought it was a bit too "gothic" or something. The TARDIS was too different and it didn't have the whimsical charm of the TV show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 14, 2013, 03:45:09 PM
It had some good points and bad points. There was definitely still plenty of whimsy in there, but some of the story was quite silly. Overall I enjoyed it, and I liked how it was a lot more modern than the classic series and introduced a lot of new elements that have been quite prominent in the new series. McGann was the best thing about it though, such a shame he never got to do much on TV, but fantastic that he's now been able to have a regeneration!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 14, 2013, 03:50:48 PM
Was he the same McGann that was in Withnail & I ?

There's quite a few McGanns :lol they're like the English Baldwins.

I highly recommend Withnail And I if you've never seen it.

It also Stars Richard Griffiths and Richard E Grant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on November 14, 2013, 04:36:18 PM
So, the War Doctor... I like how that sounds!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on November 14, 2013, 05:50:10 PM
Yeah that was a great touch! I haven't listened to any of the audio dramas, but I really like McGann so I'm wondering if I should get into them.

Any particularly good ones you'd recommend, so that I could get a taster?

I was particularly fond of the earliest McGann ones-Storm Warning was the first one, and that began a pretty nifty arc that was resolved in two huge audios-Neverland, and the follow up, Zagreus, was pretty much a multi-Doctor story since it had McGann, Sylvester McCoy, Peter Davison, and Colin Baker in it. Though the latter is nearly four hours long, so pack a lunch. There are a LOT of Big Finish audios, so it takes an effort to dig into them all.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on November 14, 2013, 06:37:51 PM
FINALLY finished Season 4. Onto Matt Smith!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on November 15, 2013, 12:41:55 AM
I managed to get to the episode without spoilers, thanks to our robwebster, and neeless to say I was left speechless! My first regeneration scene has been Paul McGann's! Who would have ever thought! :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on November 15, 2013, 07:29:10 AM
A few episodes into Season 5.

Wow, Matt Smith. First off, I really like this still, which is good because I was worried about whether I'd like a new Doctor or not. It took me a few episodes to buy Tennant, and I thought the same would be true for Smith. Not so. I like Smith right away. I like Amy even more.

Secondly, is it just me, or does S5 feel like another complete reboot? New Doctor, all new supporting cast, new Tartus, new producer, new theme and intro video, etc., feels like more than just a new season. Anyway, glad to see Moffat is the same guy who produced several of my favorite episodes from S1-4.

Definitely looking forward to this  :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 15, 2013, 07:33:09 AM
Tartus ?

You mean Tardis ? :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on November 15, 2013, 07:36:07 AM
Let them have their tar-tartis!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 15, 2013, 07:39:08 AM
TARDIS is a weird backronym since most of the time you start off with an existing word and try to force a meaning out of it,

But Tardis is a made-up word to begin with. :)

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on November 15, 2013, 07:39:46 AM
Cool, good catch guys.

Any, uh, response to the actual content of my post?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on November 15, 2013, 07:42:39 AM
Amy Pond is fucking great!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 15, 2013, 08:06:37 AM
Yeah Series 5 basically was another complete reboot. Obviously quite a few of the crew carried on working on it, and you get some little bits of recurring cast (like River Song), but basically the primary cast and head production team all changed.

This sort of thing has always happened in Doctor Who though. Maybe not as suddenly as here, but the show has been around for 50 years, and the original classic run lasted 27 years without a break, so in that time there was constant turnover of cast, crew and producers.

That's basically why the show has lasted so long and is as strong as ever - its ability to keep renewing itself.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 15, 2013, 08:08:48 AM

That's basically why the show has lasted so long and is as strong as ever - its ability to keep regenerating itself.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on November 15, 2013, 08:16:42 AM
Yeah Series 5 basically was another complete reboot. Obviously quite a few of the crew carried on working on it, and you get some little bits of recurring cast (like River Song), but basically the primary cast and head production team all changed.

This sort of thing has always happened in Doctor Who though. Maybe not as suddenly as here, but the show has been around for 50 years, and the original classic run lasted 27 years without a break, so in that time there was constant turnover of cast, crew and producers.

That's basically why the show has lasted so long and is as strong as ever - its ability to keep renewing itself.

Yeah, it's cool. I like it, and honestly as much as I liked the gang from Eccleston / Tennant I do feel it was about time they mixed it up a bit.

Anyway, hope all the other episodes are as good as episodes 1 & 2.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on November 15, 2013, 10:22:26 PM
Holy fuck that minisode was good. ONE MORE WEEK :dangerwillrobinson:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 16, 2013, 07:43:27 AM
The mini episode reminds me why i'm not a fan of the modern Dr. Who. They try to cram way too much story & emotion into each episode and that was only 7 minutes and it was fit to burst. I'm surprised someone din't start sobbing then you'd have the full house.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on November 17, 2013, 04:02:35 AM


The Night of the Doctor.

Finally got to watch this.

Holy shit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 17, 2013, 06:54:53 AM
I am gonna miss having a younger Doctor, but I can't wait for Peter Capaldi to say "fock" in every sentence (kidding, just kidding).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on November 17, 2013, 07:07:47 AM
Everyone involved is saying that the 50th will set the Doctor on a completely different direction on his course. Do you have any idea of what this change might entail?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 17, 2013, 09:14:54 AM
Maybe capaldi will be the last ? He'll CGI-regenerate back into Hartnell ?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on November 17, 2013, 10:57:34 AM
The story ends where it began?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on November 17, 2013, 12:36:03 PM
That would not make one iota of sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on November 17, 2013, 12:57:42 PM
LOL that's not even a feasible idea.

Also-- I would entirely disagree that there is too much "packed" into this minisode. It's fast-paced from the start, but there's no overload of emotion or information that I don't get from other tv shows. The new series doesn't do this that much either. Some stories are a bit too fast paced (The Wedding of River Song is one that could've benefited from a two-parter) but I see people complaining that not enough happens in some of New Who's two parters, such as flesh or Silurian two parters.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 17, 2013, 01:37:07 PM
LOL that's not even a feasible idea.

Also-- I would entirely disagree that there is too much "packed" into this minisode. It's fast-paced from the start, but there's no overload of emotion or information that I don't get from other tv shows. The new series doesn't do this that much either. Some stories are a bit too fast paced (The Wedding of River Song is one that could've benefited from a two-parter) but I see people complaining that not enough happens in some of New Who's two parters, such as flesh or Silurian two parters.

Twas obvs a joke guys, god ! ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 20, 2013, 04:36:47 AM
For anyone who got particularly excited by that minisode, SIGN THIS PETITION: https://www.change.org/petitions/steven-moffat-paul-mcgann-create-a-series-of-live-action-eighth-doctor-adventures
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 20, 2013, 06:47:01 AM
A spin off would be good for McGann ! they could call it.. "8" or something.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 20, 2013, 07:17:37 AM
Considering we've had reasonably high-budget spin-offs for Torchwood and Sarah Jane, an 8th Doctor spin-off really doesn't seem like a stretch!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 20, 2013, 08:15:42 AM
They should totally get Ricard E Grant in an episode two and the whole episode keep slyly referencing Withnail And I.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on November 22, 2013, 06:46:17 PM
Did anybody watch An Adventure In Time And Space? I loved it. Wow. What an incredible piece of drama, Mark Gatiss did a wonderful job. David Bradley was perfect for Bill, what a phenomenal actor! I can smell a BAFTA coming on.  Really excited for the 50th tomorrow, bring it on!  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on November 22, 2013, 11:48:09 PM
Shit, I forgot it was on. Oh well, I'll catch it later.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on November 23, 2013, 12:57:54 AM
Well, it's here! Happy Birthday Doctor Who!!!

You are a beautiful show, probably  :hefdaddy

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on November 23, 2013, 08:29:42 AM
Interview with Paul McGann.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on November 23, 2013, 09:28:46 AM
I've had a Day of the Doctor myself.  I've been watching retrospectives of various incarnations on BBCAmerica On Demand, including Paul McGann (including his full movie), Eccleston (including his finale/regeneration into Tennant) and Tennant (along with Journey's End).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on November 23, 2013, 09:46:50 AM
I've watched a few interviews with McGann and I would definitely love to see him as the doctor now. I really like his looks, accent and the sound of his voice. I can so easily imagine him as the Doctor, even though I haven't watched the movie he was in, nor have I listened to the audio work he's done. He's a funny guy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on November 23, 2013, 09:55:09 AM
I'm watching An Adventure In Time And Space. Really well done, really well acted, really enlightening and devoted. A must watch for all whovians, especially for the noobies like me  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on November 23, 2013, 09:57:49 AM
I'm watching An Adventure In Time And Space. Really well done, really well acted, really enlightening and devoted. A must watch for all whovians, especially for the noobies like me  :)

I just finished watching it, and I've never watched any Doctor Who before (aside from catching bits here and there). Was enjoyable for anyone interested in the early history of the show, even casual fans.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 23, 2013, 10:14:12 AM
Did anybody watch An Adventure In Time And Space? I loved it. Wow. What an incredible piece of drama, Mark Gatiss did a wonderful job. David Bradley was perfect for Bill, what a phenomenal actor! I can smell a BAFTA coming on.  Really excited for the 50th tomorrow, bring it on!  :metal
I thought it was wonderful, some gorgeous moments in it! David Bradley was so brilliant.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kosmo on November 23, 2013, 02:22:30 PM
I'm just sitting here with a stupid grin on my face. God damn.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 23, 2013, 04:04:13 PM
That was brilliant, so much fun and sets up a fantastic new direction for the Doctor. I won't go into any more detail right now though, because spoilers!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on November 23, 2013, 04:07:42 PM
That was a lot of fun, but I'm honestly very confused by a lot of things and a little wary about where the show goes from here.  I'll wait a few days to give my full thoughts to avoid spoilers but overall it was very well done.  Smith, Tennant, and Hurt have great chemistry together. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on November 23, 2013, 04:25:46 PM
Started watching Doctor Who recently (started from the 2005 revival 1st season). Man, I loved this show. I also watched most of the 50th Anniversary Special, and although I missed the first 10-20 minutes and hadn't watched as many episodes yet (just finished watching the Dalek episode), I could still understand most of what was going on  :lol I loved it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: alirocker08 on November 23, 2013, 04:28:02 PM
Why did they make David Tennant exit with his last words as Doctor again oh whyyyy
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on November 23, 2013, 04:57:04 PM
That was easily the best thing the 50th could have been. Thank you, Moffat, and thanks to everyone who preceded him for making this show possible. What a celebration.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on November 23, 2013, 06:33:26 PM
By all that is holy that is the best thing Doctor Who related I have ever seen, especially the last 10 or so minutes. Fucking FANTASTIC.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 23, 2013, 08:20:56 PM
The special was great and I'm all for watching it over and over, but I daresay I'm finding An Adventure in Space and Time way more interesting. I guess I just like that sort of "behind the scenes" kind of stuff (as far as a dramatization is really behind the scenes).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on November 23, 2013, 10:42:43 PM
I've never watched a full episode of Dr Who before, but I know the general stuff, and I've been wanting to check it out for a little while, so I figured screw it, I'm watching the 50th anniversary episode. Probably not an ideal starting point for a noob, but I don't care! And I'd seen the webisode with the introduction of the war doctor, which helped there.

Surprisingly, I understood it fine, and thought it was excellent all around! I enjoyed the way they handled the different doctors and the way they intertwined.

And Clara. I enjoyed her too. :zydar:

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 23, 2013, 11:01:10 PM
Oh yeah, Clara's great. I hope they continue to flesh her out, because she stands a good chance at becoming my favorite companion of the new series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on November 24, 2013, 03:26:30 AM
Something came up, and I wasn't able to watch it.  :( I'll have to try to catch it in the next couple of days.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on November 24, 2013, 06:30:54 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sketchy on November 24, 2013, 07:52:11 AM
I really enjoyed that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on November 24, 2013, 08:27:26 AM
Can't comment on the new episode, but I finally got to Season 6.

Sorry for you Tenant lovers, but I basically think S5 is the best season of the show so far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 24, 2013, 09:23:58 AM
I loved the Tennant Doctor (and they say no one can beat your first Doctor), but I think Eleven might be my favorite. He won me over very quickly.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on November 24, 2013, 12:47:30 PM
SPOILER / question
So, basically we all know and the Doctor knows that the Timelords are not extinct and that they are in some bubble (from previous Smith or Tennant episode where he succeeded in preventing them from getting out), how come now this is all suddenly forgotten? Did they mess this up or am I missing something?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on November 24, 2013, 01:05:17 PM
SPOILER / question
So, basically we all know and the Doctor knows that the Timelords are not extinct and that they are in some bubble (from previous Smith or Tennant episode where he succeeded in preventing them from getting out), how come now this is all suddenly forgotten? Did they mess this up or am I missing something?
That episode was kind of stupid, The Master was nothing for than a chaotic ass. It doesn't answer your question but I seriously don't like the way they handled The Master.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on November 24, 2013, 01:14:32 PM
Here is the chronology of the time war's final events (spoilers if you haven't seen the special, don't scroll down):

-The Doctor steals the Moment and heads to utilize it to end the Time War by burning Gallifrey, destroying Time Lords and Daleks alike.
-A time lock has already been placed upon Gallifrey in order to prevent Time Lords and Daleks from changing history to give themselves the upper hand. Thus, the fighting is inside the lock, and it prevents anyone from getting in or out.
-The High Council of Gallifrey are aware the Doctor has the Moment and believe he is going to use it to destroy everything. Using the Master, the High Council attempt to escape the time lock by inserting the sound of drums within the Master's head, him being their only way out of the time lock (The End of Time events). The 10th Doctor thwarts this and sends the High Council back into the time lock.
-Back to the War Doctor, who is about to use the Moment to burn Gallifrey. The Moment personified as Bad Wolf Rose appears and shows the Doctor what he will become if he destroys Gallifrey. These are the Day of the Doctor events.
-All 13 Doctors come together to send Gallifrey into a pocket universe, frozen in time such as the paintings with the Zygons. The Gallifrey War Room decides to go along with this, as the High Council has failed in their plans.
-Gallifrey is sealed away, still time locked, frozen in a pocket universe. All of the Doctors return to their various timelines.
-The War Doctor and the 10th Doctor, as soon as they leave the presence of the 11th Doctor, forget the events of The Day of the Doctor. The War Doctor, without memories of the events, believes that he DID use the Moment to destroy Gallifrey, as it has disappeared, and thus he, the 9th, and the 10th Doctor's timelines remain the same, them believing that they are the only survivors of the Time War and the guilt of destroying so many races placed upon them, despite the fact that this isn't truly the case. The 11th Doctor believes this as well, up until the events of the Day of the Doctor.
-The 11th Doctor speaks with the Curator and discovers that their plan worked, and that Gallifrey is out there, sealed away. This ties together loose ends such as "how did any of the Daleks escape the Time War?"

So, effectively, all of the Doctor Who timeline stays the same until here on going forward. Now, the Doctor has discovered Gallifrey still exists, the Time Lords still are out there somewhere, and his purpose is now to find his people and return to visit his home world. Some people are complaining that "the Time Lords were so vicious at the end that they were going to destroy the universe, why would the Doctor want to find them?" I personally believe that only the High Council had reached that level of viciousness and that the other citizens (the ones we saw in the Day of the Doctor) were all still good people. So there is a potential antagonist set of Time Lords still out there for the Doctor to face, and I believe after that Gallifrey will be restored to a peaceful, somewhat stuck up planet like it was in the Classic Era. This also allows for the Master's return, as he was sent back with Rassilon and the Time Lords in the End of Time, meaning that he is alive on Gallifrey as well.

Essentially, Moffat has opened up an entire new perspective for the show and has allowed for an abundance of stories with this episode, such as:
-The Doctor setting off to find Gallifrey
-The Doctor and the Master
-The Doctor and the cruel Time Lords
-How the Doctor will get more regenerations given that Capaldi is now effectively the last biologically-allotted incarnation of the Doctor
-How does the Trenzalore mythos get changed in order to allow the Doctor to continue on from his Matt Smith incarnation?

also, Tom Baker as the Curator was the greatest thing ever. I now believe that in his last incarnation, the Doctor regenerates into an old Tom Baker and retires to work in an art museum (also to beekeep.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on November 24, 2013, 04:13:21 PM
I loved the 50th so damn much. I have yet to watch ADventure in Time and Space, but I'm sure that will be rectified shortly
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on November 24, 2013, 04:52:30 PM
I don't think Capaldi is the last "biologically-alloted regeneration" as you put it, Heretic. I think he was shown more like a fan-service, a minuscule peek into the future of the show.

That could easily be explain away in a throwaway line by a Doctor after Capaldi. Something like "I wasn't there because by my 13th regeneration the calculations were complete so I wasn't needed." Just like now the sonic can finally be used on wood. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on November 24, 2013, 05:07:52 PM
I don't think Capaldi is the last "biologically-alloted regeneration" as you put it, Heretic. I think he was shown more like a fan-service, a minuscule peek into the future of the show.

That could easily be explain away in a throwaway line by a Doctor after Capaldi. Something like "I wasn't there because by my 13th regeneration the calculations were complete so I wasn't needed." Just like now the sonic can finally be used on wood. :lol
He means how Time Lords only have 13 regenerations. There will easily be a way out of it though, the Master has already found a couple of different ways.

My understanding about the events of the 50th and how they tie in (very nicely I might add) with everything else are the same as Heretic's. The only thing I'd add is...


As I understand it, the chronology is very timey-wimey. Originally, the War Doctor did, in fact, burn Gallifrey. But by the time the three of them are together, they realise a way out of it, and they change history in an absolutely huge way. Time is therefore out of sync, because the universe/space-time is now different to how it was in a very fundamental way, which is why the older Doctor's won't remember it, and will continue to remember the original version of events until they become the 11th Doctor, as he is the one who creates that change.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on November 24, 2013, 06:18:44 PM
Ah, well as you could probably see, I'm not well versed in all things Time Lords heh
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 24, 2013, 06:35:54 PM
Just watched Tom Baker's cameo on You-Tube. The pattern on the wall made me instantly think of Tom Baker / Peter Davidson's Tardis interior. That's how I remember it . :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 24, 2013, 07:06:26 PM
On a not-50th anniversary note, I watched Doctor Who: The Movie today with Paul McGann. I have to say, that was...certainly, uh...well, it was a thing.

To elaborate for those who haven't seen it, this movie is what happens when you put Americans at the helm. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on November 24, 2013, 07:14:37 PM
On a not-50th anniversary note, I watched Doctor Who: The Movie today with Paul McGann. I have to say, that was...certainly, uh...well, it was a thing.

To elaborate for those who haven't seen it, this movie is what happens when you put Americans at the helm. :lol

See also : Red Dwarf series 7 :puke:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on November 24, 2013, 07:21:35 PM
I loved it. I need more John Hurt doctor pls
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on November 24, 2013, 09:33:48 PM
Well, Sigz, I did a pixel art of him, so maybe that will help:

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on November 25, 2013, 10:51:48 AM
Who knew a 73 year old man could rock a faux-hawk so epicly!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on November 25, 2013, 05:13:01 PM
Getting back into classic Who. Just finished Ambassadors of Death. Didn't really get interesting until the second half of episodes. Working my way through Inferno now. Seems ilke that might be more interesting
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on November 25, 2013, 06:03:16 PM
@Dimitrius: Haha he's easily one of the most well-dressed and likable Doctors yet, I found myself loving him in the 50th. I would love to see or hear more adventures from Hurt, perhaps Big Finish will recruit him as well.

I've updated the image making some needed facial structure changes (nothing too huge, you'd probably only notice if you opened them both up and flashed between them, but I did change a lot) plus it got paged, so...


Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on November 25, 2013, 07:22:10 PM
Who knew a 73 year old man could rock a faux-hawk so epicly!

This! I really enjoyed that. Watched it twice on TV, and thought about doing the movie theatre thing tonight but don't have the energy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on November 25, 2013, 10:26:38 PM
I wasn't sure at first, but I believe there's a major anachronism in An Adventure in Space and Time, where Sydney Newman describes the pitch for Doctor Who. He compares it to an ITV show he did called Pathfinders. Now I just looked it up, and that show isn't supposed to exist for at least another seven years after this is set. Unless someone knows otherwise and can clear that up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on November 25, 2013, 10:34:05 PM
I just did a check, and I think it's referring to this instead-
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 01, 2013, 08:13:31 AM
Since watching the 50th anniversary episode, I've decided to start watching Dr Who for the first time. I'm only starting with the recent series, so the 9th doctor onwards.

I found the first season to be pretty cheesy, and I wasn't much of a fan of Christopher Eccleston. I didn't hate him or anything, but I didn't really like him much either. Dalek was my favourite episode of the first series. I'm only nearing the end of the second series right now (just starting 2x10), but I found the show instantly improved once David Tennant took over. He's a much better doctor, and the episodes have seemed better overall too.

I don't know much about Dr Who, so I don't know if my opinion is typical or not. Based on what I've seen so far though, it seems the show has just kept getting better.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on December 01, 2013, 08:37:03 AM
I think those are pretty normal opinions!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 01, 2013, 08:50:02 AM
Blob, the 2nd season is probably my least favourite season, except for Tooth And Claw and the immortal The Girl In The Fireplace. For me the show starts to get huge in the second half of the third series (even though I don't like the Saxon arc) before exploding with almost uniform awesomeness in Season 4.

By the way, I want to update my top something, and I'm posting it here and not on the regular top DW episodes as I don't see myself having time to ome up with proper writeups in the next year or so ( :yeahright) :

1. Silence In The Library / Forest Of The Dead       || S4
2. The Day Of The Doctor                                       || 2013 Specials
3. The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang                 || S5
4. The Impossible Astronaut / Day Of The Moon    || S6
5. The Waters Of Mars                                           || 2009 Specials
6. Vincent And The Doctor                                      || S5
7. Turn Left                                                            || S4
8. Human Nature / The Family Of Blood                  || S3
9. Blink                                                                   || S3
10. The Angels Take Manhattan                             || S7
11. The Girl In The Fireplace                                   || S2
12. Father's Day                                                     || S1
13. Dalek                                                                || S1
14. City Of Death                                                    || Tom Baker
15. The End Of Time                                               || 2009 Specials
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 01, 2013, 09:07:54 AM
Blob, the 2nd season is probably my least favourite season, except for Tooth And Claw and the immortal The Girl In The Fireplace. For me the show starts to get huge in the second half of the third series (even though I don't like the Saxon arc) before exploding with almost uniform awesomeness in Season 4.

The second season already easily exceeds the first season for me, but good to hear the show gets better  either way!

And I just finished the episode with the absorbing fat bastard monster with the mohawk. Wtf? :lol Hilarious.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 01, 2013, 09:26:07 AM
Well, it finally happened. My wife, who could previously only be described as "fangirl", is finally becoming "critic".

We've been watching the entire series together, starting with S1 of the reboot. From the beginning I've always thought the show was inconsistent, with some episodes being really good, some episodes not making sense but still being good, some episodes being bad, and some episodes not making sense and being *extra* bad.

Overall though, each season has some really great episodes, as well as some duds. Awhile back we finished S5, and figured that we agreed it was up there with the best them for us.

Now, midway through S6, my wife says, "You know, I'm not sure I like how the story is getting"  :biggrin:

I agree. S5 was great, but S6 is unnecessarily complicated and the potential for plot-holes is now sky high. 

Anyway, both of us still like the show, so we'll keep watching. I just thought is was funny, how midway through S6 my wife's attitude becomes aligned pretty much with the attitude of people I talk to on the internet.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 01, 2013, 09:34:45 AM
This is why I've always been selective about the seasons/episodes I watch (I've seen barely half of S6, and skipped the finale of S5). I've learned over time to have a MST3K attitude towards canonicity and consistency in the show, and to just watch it for the stuff I enjoy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 01, 2013, 09:37:49 AM
I must be the only guy on Earth not to care about plotholes in Doctor Who. If the story is good and the acting is good, I can easily get past them in the BLINK of an eye.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 01, 2013, 09:43:39 AM
This is why I've always been selective about the seasons/episodes I watch (I've seen barely half of S6, and skipped the finale of S5). I've learned over time to have a MST3K attitude towards canonicity and consistency in the show, and to just watch it for the stuff I enjoy.
Been my attitude all along. Basically, the wife watches the show, and if it doesn't grab me within the first 10 minutes, most likely the tablet or the DS come out :D

That said, I thought the finale to S5 was pretty good!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 01, 2013, 09:43:52 AM
I must be the only guy on Earth not to care about plotholes in Doctor Who. If the story is good and the acting is good, I can easily get past them in the BLINK of an eye.

That's what I meant by taking an MST3K attitude (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MST3KMantra) towards the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on December 01, 2013, 10:25:12 AM
After all the plot holes and bad payoffs in the RTD years, it took until season 6 for that attitude to appear?  :lol

I saw someone on Tumblr aggressively take every single criticism people make about Moffat and apply it to the RTD years in spades. It's just internet cool for people to slag off Moffat, especially on Tumblr. The RTD years were just as full of holes and bad resolutions as people accuse Moffat of being.

Plus, hey. Farting aliens.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 01, 2013, 11:13:50 AM
All Doctor Who years ever were just as full of holes and bad resolutions as people accuse Moffat of being.

Seriously, if plot holes really bug you, then Doctor Who has probably never been the show for you. That said, I think Moffat's era has been the best ever in that regard, because he's so geeky about continuity, including with the classic series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 01, 2013, 12:35:09 PM
I wonder, when has this anti moffat sentiment among some fans begun to stir?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 01, 2013, 01:54:16 PM
Since he took over as showrunner. It's not unique to Moffat at all, some people hated what RTD did to Doctor Who during his tenure.

It's just what comes with having a really dedicated and slightly obsessive fanbase - you'll always get sections of it that are really bitchy and whiny. See: Dream Theater. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 01, 2013, 02:15:28 PM
I think both "eras" in Who have their merit. RTD did some good stories but I thought the cheese factor was through the roof, so sometimes it was a little too weird for my tastes. Moffat has toned down the weirdness in favor for a more adventure-y feel which I like, but some of the episode premises feel so MacGuffin-y, like they're just an excuse to bring in River to say something that sounds clever and laugh to herself about spoilers.

Since I'm among nerds, I have to ask: does anyone know what number episode/serial The Day of the Doctor was? We have to be close to a thousand by now, and so I imagine they'll do something commemorative for that eventually as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 01, 2013, 02:16:26 PM
I do have to agree that Series 6 is weak in a lot of regards, though. Some filler episodes that aren't exciting (some that are, though, The Doctor's Wife and The God Complex, namely) and then a  finale that many found to be a huge disappointment. I LOVED the two-part season opener, but I cannot disagree with the sentiments that the series had a lot of weaknesses.

Series 7, however, picked everything back up amazingly and has been one of my favorite series thus far-- plus, it now has The Day of the Doctor to go along with it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 01, 2013, 02:18:36 PM
I do have to agree that Series 6 is weak in a lot of regards, though. Some filler episodes that aren't exciting (some that are, though, The Doctor's Wife and The God Complex, namely) and then a  finale that many found to be a huge disappointment. I LOVED the two-part season opener, but I cannot disagree with the sentiments that the series had a lot of weaknesses.

Series 7, however, picked everything back up amazingly and has been one of my favorite series thus far-- plus, it now has The Day of the Doctor to go along with it!

Oh, and on that note I should add that yes, S7 has been a godsend. I think the only episode I disliked was the Crimson Horror.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 01, 2013, 02:34:43 PM
After all the plot holes and bad payoffs in the RTD years, it took until season 6 for that attitude to appear?  :lol

Not for me. I've been that way since the beginning. For some reason, my wife just notices it now. Maybe because all the plot holes and bad payoffs are actually central to the main plot arcs starting with Moffat, rather than just weird side things you can shrug off.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 01, 2013, 05:01:58 PM

Since I'm among nerds, I have to ask: does anyone know what number episode/serial The Day of the Doctor was? We have to be close to a thousand by now, and so I imagine they'll do something commemorative for that eventually as well.

I think I read somewhere that The Time Of The Doctor will be #800, which I suppose makes The Day Of The Doctor #799.  :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on December 01, 2013, 05:46:35 PM
SO If I Understand correctly - After Capaldi - The Doctor can only regenerate into previous incarnations ?

Does that mean Smith, Tenant, McCoy , McGann, Davidson and The Bakers may yet again play the doctor ?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 01, 2013, 05:49:33 PM
Where'd you hear that?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on December 01, 2013, 05:53:37 PM
A who fan told me on Twitter. I didn't watch The Day Of The Doctor so I dunno.

Something to do with Tom Baker's Dr reappearing as the gallery curator and implying to Matt Smith's Dr that he is destined to become 4 once again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 01, 2013, 05:55:42 PM
If that's true, it sounds completely ridiculous.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on December 01, 2013, 06:23:40 PM
No, no, no.

The suggestion is that the Curator is the Doctor in the future, and he says he might be revisiting old faces, not that he can only become previous incarnations.  It really is a throwaway line to explain how seventy-something Tom Baker can appear on the show essentially playing the Doctor again. Damn fanboys, getting Baker back was good enough, don't read into it shit that isn't intended.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on December 01, 2013, 07:18:25 PM
So we don't know as of yet how The Doctor will get more than 13 regens ?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 01, 2013, 07:24:02 PM
Allegedly Steve Moffat has said we have already been presented with the answer in the past, we're just not thinking hard enough.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 02, 2013, 04:21:24 AM
FINALLY got to watch The Day of the Doctor, with my kids.  Phenomenal, I really enjoyed it.  Now ready for the Christmas special and a new Doctor!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 02, 2013, 06:18:05 AM
I saw this on my walk over to class this morning:


There must've been a dozen of these strewn across my path - I imagine there were many more all throughout the quad.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 02, 2013, 11:38:16 AM
A couple of weeks ago I saw a pen-made graffiti on a university desk reading "Bad Girl". I don't think I need to spell out in which way I took care of it. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 04, 2013, 09:00:54 AM
I'm finished with series 3 now. My favourite episode of S3 by far was Blink. The fact it had less of the Doctor actually worked well and added to the mystery of the episode. I hope there are more episodes like this in later seasons!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on December 04, 2013, 09:18:52 AM
I'm currently about halfway through S2. Love it so far! The Cybermen are epic. Only episode I didn't care much for was the episode which brought back The Last Human.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 04, 2013, 09:37:37 AM
I'm finished with series 3 now. My favourite episode of S3 by far was Blink. The fact it had less of the Doctor actually worked well and added to the mystery of the episode. I hope there are more episodes like this in later seasons!

Blink is a great episode and a fan favorite for a reason, but goddamn did Moffat overkill on the Weeping Angels.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 04, 2013, 09:40:34 AM
Agreed! I've said this before but I think Blink itself is a bit overrated, and not as "scary" as everyone seems to think. I do love the concept of it, and they are cool characters, but it's nowhere near my favorite episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 04, 2013, 09:44:15 AM
I'm finished with series 3 now. My favourite episode of S3 by far was Blink. The fact it had less of the Doctor actually worked well and added to the mystery of the episode. I hope there are more episodes like this in later seasons!

Blink is a great episode and a fan favorite for a reason, but goddamn did Moffat overkill on the Weeping Angels.

I have no idea what episodes are liked or disliked, so it's all a blank slate for me! I haven't seen any other episodes with the weeping angels, but they feel like they work best as a one-shot deal. But we'll see!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 04, 2013, 10:29:13 AM
They reappear in the Eleventh Doctor's run.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 04, 2013, 10:39:02 AM
I'm finished with series 3 now. My favourite episode of S3 by far was Blink. The fact it had less of the Doctor actually worked well and added to the mystery of the episode. I hope there are more episodes like this in later seasons!

Blink is a great episode and a fan favorite for a reason, but goddamn did Moffat overkill on the Weeping Angels.

Overkill? May I introduce you to the Daleks or the Cybermen?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 04, 2013, 10:51:03 AM
True, but they can get away with it because of how inextricably linked they are with the series itself - it wouldn't be Who at this point without them. The Weeping Angels on the other hand have sorta lost their thunder. It could be the Daleks were considered fearsome by audiences at one time and now we're just fine with them being cheesy but iconic. I dunno, it's hard to explain.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on December 04, 2013, 10:51:13 AM
Regarding the Daleks and the Cybermen, I think they did an awesome job with them so far (halfway through S2). I mean, show pictures of them to random people who don't know Doctor Who and they will probably say they look like (ridiculous) old fashioned robots. But after seeing them appear in the show I have to say they don't come across like that at all. The makers of the show did a great job making them seem 'believeable'. This also applies to K-9.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 04, 2013, 10:56:39 AM
Ugh, K-9. Hated that thing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 04, 2013, 10:57:58 AM
They show up a lot more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 04, 2013, 11:00:25 AM
For what it's worth, I haven't really seen a Weeping Angel episode I think is less than great, which is most definitely not the case for Daleks and Cybermen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 04, 2013, 11:19:03 AM
I liked all Weeping Angels episodes a lot, and I am looking forward to them make an appearence again, sooner or later. The Vashta Nerada felt more one-shot villains to me, even though that one shot was to me the best in the series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on December 04, 2013, 03:13:46 PM
I thought Moffat said he was pretty much done with the Angels
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on December 04, 2013, 03:51:17 PM
Holy shit, I just watched The Impossible Planet. That was amazing. Gonna watch part 2 tomorrow.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 04, 2013, 03:54:18 PM
One of the best two-parters, and definitely the best episodes from S2.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 04, 2013, 04:13:34 PM
Holy shit, I just watched The Impossible Planet. That was amazing. Gonna watch part 2 tomorrow.
Such a good two-parter, made it into my top 30.

And I think the Angels are a great villain. There is a risk of them becoming overused if Moffat were to keep bringing them back too often, but the three stories they've been in have used them in different ways and done clever things with them.

Blink is still the best one, what an amazing episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 04, 2013, 04:37:22 PM
After watching Blink and seeing all the statues and just thinking about statues in architecture creeped me out. Such a strong episode,  I can't recall anything else coming this close and having such an effect on me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on December 04, 2013, 07:02:44 PM
Blink was the first Who episode I ever watched. I will always have a soft spot for it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 04, 2013, 09:03:42 PM
Holy shit, I just watched The Impossible Planet. That was amazing. Gonna watch part 2 tomorrow.

That was a good one, but it was one of many Dr Who episodes where I wish it didn't have the monster/horror aspect though, or at least toned down substantially. A few times they'll set up a really interesting premise that I'm enjoying, then just throw in some kind of monster killing everyone, and I'm like "aw man".
That kind of episode is my least favourite in any show. But this one did come together pretty well at the end, so that's more of a general complaint.

Oh and I saw the Pompeii episode yesterday, with Peter Capaldi in it. It was kind of strange seeing the 10th Doctor saving the 12th Doctor!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 04, 2013, 09:17:07 PM
I can't recall exactly, but I think Steven Moffatt has planned a reason for that particular occurrence.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 04, 2013, 09:18:15 PM
I can't recall exactly, but I think Steven Moffatt has planned a reason for that particular occurence.

I hope not. It's one of those unnecessary things that is best explained by people just accepting that it's a damn TV show! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 04, 2013, 09:19:14 PM
Moffatt's kind of nerdy about those things though. :lol   It's one of the things that makes his work so good, at least for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 05, 2013, 09:49:13 AM
I just watched The Stolen Earth/Journey's End. Great stuff. Yet again they screwed us over with the whole "someone will die" promise though. That's both Rose and Donna they've done that for now. :lol
But the ending for both characters was very touching, so I can't complain! :)

Turn Left was an excellent episode too. I loved how it went through the whole alternative history of the alien occurences on Earth without the Doctor. Neat idea.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 07, 2013, 07:21:46 AM
What they did to Donna they did without choice was outright horrible and cruel. She got the worst treatment of all new companions.  :'(

What about Silence In The Library / Forest Of The Dead, iBlob?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 07, 2013, 07:36:19 AM
What they did to Donna they did without choice was outright horrible and cruel. She got the worst treatment of all new companions.  :'(

What about Silence In The Library / Forest Of The Dead, iBlob?

Enjoyed the episode(s), but in the two appearances of River Song so far, I just want to punch her in the face. Is that her name? Am I getting that right? That's not even a name, it's two unrelated words put together.
She's such an arrogant jerk who thinks she's better than everyone because she hangs around with the doc in the future. I hate her so damn much. I wish they didn't waste the satisfaction of her "death" in her first appearance. SPOILERS. GRRRRRRRRR DIE AGAIN BITCH.

I've also seen her in The Name of the Doctor, which wasn't so bad (maybe because she's dead :P) but nothing inbetween yet. Just the library one, and the second appearance of the weeping angels, which was also a really good episode aside from her appearance.

I'm currently at 5x08. S4 ended pretty strong, and I'm enjoying the Matt Smith era so far. So many changes at once when he came in. I love the epic 7/8 (or is it 7/4?) theme they've started using in S5. I first heard it in The Day of the Doctor, so going back and watching through I'm glad it's a recurring theme, because it seems to make everything awesome. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on December 07, 2013, 08:09:05 AM
I can't recall exactly, but I think Steven Moffatt has planned a reason for that particular occurence.

I hope not. It's one of those unnecessary things that is best explained by people just accepting that it's a damn TV show! :lol

Actually what happened was that, since Peter Capaldi was also on Torchwood, Russell T. Davies had an idea about a person that looked like that kept recurring. Moffat remembered the notion, asked RTD if it still worked now that Capaldi was the Doctor, and RTD said yes. So for once it's not Moffat being nerdy, it's RTD being nerdy and Moffat running with it.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 07, 2013, 08:15:59 AM
I can't recall exactly, but I think Steven Moffatt has planned a reason for that particular occurence.

I hope not. It's one of those unnecessary things that is best explained by people just accepting that it's a damn TV show! :lol

Actually what happened was that, since Peter Capaldi was also on Torchwood, Russell T. Davies had an idea about a person that looked like that kept recurring. Moffat remembered the notion, asked RTD if it still worked now that Capaldi was the Doctor, and RTD said yes. So for once it's not Moffat being nerdy, it's RTD being nerdy and Moffat running with it.  :lol

If they create some kind of story where his face pops up in different places like that, and there's some kind of mystery as to how/why the Doctor took that form or something, and other people look like him, it could be cool, I just don't want them trying do some bendy timey-wimey thing where it turns out it's the 12th doctor himself in those occurences.
Actually, I'm sure they could make that work somehow too, I just don't want them to feel it's necessary to do it, and end up with a fanwank trainwreck like S4 of Star Trek Enterprise.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 07, 2013, 08:59:28 AM
Many people seem to hate River Song, but I can't say I'm one of them. I properly love her and the way the story of her life was unrolled through the series!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 07, 2013, 09:07:26 AM
Many people seem to hate River Song, but I can't say I'm one of them. I properly love her and the way the story of her life was unrolled through the series!

The concept is good, I just think they made her thoroughly unlikeable with the approach they took for her character (at least from what I've seen so far).

It's kind of fun having seen The Name of the Doctor and The Day of the Doctor first, then seeing the events leading up to it, and how it fits together. Kind of backwards, but I don't mind. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 07, 2013, 11:02:05 AM
Many people seem to hate River Song, but I can't say I'm one of them. I properly love her and the way the story of her life was unrolled through the series!

The concept is good, I just think they made her thoroughly unlikeable with the approach they took for her character (at least from what I've seen so far).

It's kind of fun having seen The Name of the Doctor and The Day of the Doctor first, then seeing the events leading up to it, and how it fits together. Kind of backwards, but I don't mind. :lol

This. Especially in the latter half of Amy and Rory's run I just kept thinking, "YES WE GET SHE'S MYSTERIOUS. SHUT UP."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 08, 2013, 06:25:55 AM
And I'm done with S5. A great two parter yet again partially ruined by River Song.

Worst character in the show. I'd rather The Doctor team up with the fart monster instead. I honestly don't know if I can endure the future episodes with her in it. Can I just skip them? I hate her so much. It's like someone taking a dump on a delicious chocolate cake. As delicious as the cake would have been, you can't really eat it when it has a giant turd on it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 08, 2013, 07:15:43 AM
And I'm done with S5. A great two parter yet again partially ruined by River Song.

Worst character in the show. I'd rather The Doctor team up with the fart monster instead. I honestly don't know if I can endure the future episodes with her in it. Can I just skip them? I hate her so much. It's like someone taking a dump on a delicious chocolate cake. As delicious as the cake would have been, you can't really eat it when it has a giant turd on it.

Well, you've at least helped me realize why it is I hate River: she's a Mary Sue.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 08, 2013, 01:02:29 PM
I wasn't a big fan of her as well but I think you're overreacting a bit there :).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 08, 2013, 01:03:35 PM
I liked River. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 08, 2013, 04:47:38 PM
Worst character in the show. I'd rather The Doctor team up with the fart monster instead. I honestly don't know if I can endure the future episodes with her in it. Can I just skip them? I hate her so much. It's like someone taking a dump on a delicious chocolate cake. As delicious as the cake would have been, you can't really eat it when it has a giant turd on it.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 08, 2013, 05:00:27 PM
Just finished the first two episodes of S7.

The show is getting... interesting!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 08, 2013, 07:21:39 PM
By the way, have you noticed anything odd about the time stream in those S7 episodes? ;)

So I've decided to begin a most sadistic undertaking: I'm watching classic Doctor Who, from Hartnell to McCoy. I just finished the first story this afternoon, and right now I'm in the middle of the one with the Daleks.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 08, 2013, 08:50:29 PM

:lol Now I'm hearing that post in Capaldi's voice. I hope you're happy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 09, 2013, 09:28:09 AM
I liked River. :lol
Same here.

Blob is crazy, yo.

Also, at a BFI event Moffat was asked about the 13 regeneration limit and he confirmed what could be inferred from previous comments about the 10th Doctor using up a regeneration at the end of Series 4 - which means that Matt Smith, although the 11th Doctor, is in fact in his 13th and final regenerative state.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 09, 2013, 09:33:13 AM
But I thought there was another Doctor  ???
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 09, 2013, 11:53:20 AM
But I thought there was another Doctor  ???
Maybe it is ... another Doctor, and not Doctor Who at all.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 09, 2013, 12:03:49 PM
But I thought there was another Doctor  ???
Maybe it is ... another Doctor, and not Doctor Who at all.
No, as in the Day of the Doctor he is referred by the Time Lords as being another regeneration of the Doctor.

He'll have found a way to beat the system, like the Master did, only I doubt the Doctor will do it by killing someone.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 09, 2013, 12:04:43 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 09, 2013, 12:14:32 PM
I highly doubt they would pull something as risky as having a totally different Time Lord and just dubbing him the Doctor. Moffat will find some shortcut/deus ex machina like always.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 13, 2013, 05:06:24 AM
Just finished "The Angels Take Manhattan".

Pretty good episode.

I hafta say, though: whenever the Doctor's companions leave, I always feel like it was overdue for them to go. Which always makes me feel ambivalent about it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 13, 2013, 05:09:27 AM
Donna not so much, but Amy and Rory definitely. I was so sick of them by the time of Angels.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 13, 2013, 05:12:22 AM
Yeah, 2.5 seasons is more than enough.

Donna, I dunno. More of her would have peeved me. Martha, though... would have been nice to see her do a bit more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 13, 2013, 05:35:12 AM
I'm up to the first episode of S7, so still a little bit to go before The Angels Take Manhattan. I feel that Amy and Rory finished on a good note at the end of S6, and with the Christmas episode, so going into S7 I do feel they're beginning to overstay their welcome, and I didn't realize they were still in it at this point. I've enjoyed them as companions and all, but I feel their arc has run its course.

And after it was revealed that River Song was Amy and Rory's kid, I found her arc overall less annoying. I still groaned every damn time she said SPOILERS or HELLO SWEETIE, because it was awful, but she actually had good story at that point beyond being the annoying smug bitch who thought she was superior to everyone else. That season came together pretty nicely.

And after they revealed the origin of her name, I was glad you guys didn't spoil that one for me with a smack in the face. Thanks. :lol  :blush
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 13, 2013, 05:53:40 AM
but she actually had good story at that point beyond being the annoying smug bitch who thought she was superior to everyone else.
I think you're being very harsh on the character here, and on Alex Kingston's performance. There are so many moments and little touches that show how vulnerable she really is deep down.

And after they revealed the origin of her name, I was glad you guys didn't spoil that one for me with a smack in the face. Thanks. :lol  :blush
:lol That'll teach you to be pre-emptively judgemental. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 13, 2013, 06:11:00 AM
but she actually had good story at that point beyond being the annoying smug bitch who thought she was superior to everyone else.
I think you're being very harsh on the character here, and on Alex Kingston's performance. There are so many moments and little touches that show how vulnerable she really is deep down.

She's easily the most annoying character in the entire show. At best she became tolerable enough for me not to skip over everything she said, which I honestly had to do on earlier episodes to get through them. Every time she opened her mouth I couldn't help but groan and roll my eyes.

She was a tired cliche character template, wrapped in the same two repetitive infuriating catchphrases repeated ad nauseam, wrapped in undeserved smugness, and not even good looking to distract me from how terrible a character she was.
Her last appearances were a major improvement, but she still detracted at least slightly from every episode she appeared in. The overall arc was really good, but from the very start they did a terribly poor job of creating a likeable character.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 13, 2013, 06:11:58 AM
Just wait till The Name of the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 13, 2013, 06:18:53 AM
Just wait till The Name of the Doctor.

I actually saw her in that one before seeing the rest (I watched The Day of the Doctor, The Name of the Doctor, then started from the beginning of the 2005 series). :lol It's a show about time travel, so I have chosen to watch it non linearly, in a fashion most befitting The Doctor. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 13, 2013, 09:06:53 AM
I disagree with everything you said, Blob (as in, everything in that post, not everything ever). But hey, that's what opinions are for.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, I've started to get into the Big Finish audio dramas, they're actually pretty good so far! Audio dramas are somethings that I've found myself more interested in recently (partly because of the brilliant BBC radio adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 13, 2013, 09:31:56 AM
She was a tired cliche character template, wrapped in the same two repetitive infuriating catchphrases repeated ad nauseam, wrapped in undeserved smugness, and not even good looking to distract me from how terrible a character she was.
Her last appearances were a major improvement, but she still detracted at least slightly from every episode she appeared in. The overall arc was really good, but from the very start they did a terribly poor job of creating a likeable character.

I have series issues with her character. I thought she seemed every abusive of Rory, and if it were flipped and Rory had her personality while Amy had Rory's, Rory would easily be considered among the series least favorite characters. But it's OK that Amy makes mean remarks to Rory and even strikes him occasionaly, cause, y'know, she's cute.

Also, her fawning over the Doctor was annoying, but that's ALWAYS annoying, no matter who does it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 13, 2013, 09:47:16 AM
Opinions vary, I guess.  I really liked Rory, Amy and River Song.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 13, 2013, 10:06:11 AM
She was a tired cliche character template, wrapped in the same two repetitive infuriating catchphrases repeated ad nauseam, wrapped in undeserved smugness, and not even good looking to distract me from how terrible a character she was.
Her last appearances were a major improvement, but she still detracted at least slightly from every episode she appeared in. The overall arc was really good, but from the very start they did a terribly poor job of creating a likeable character.

I have series issues with her character. I thought she seemed every abusive of Rory, and if it were flipped and Rory had her personality while Amy had Rory's, Rory would easily be considered among the series least favorite characters. But it's OK that Amy makes mean remarks to Rory and even strikes him occasionaly, cause, y'know, she's cute.

Also, her fawning over the Doctor was annoying, but that's ALWAYS annoying, no matter who does it.

Yep: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DoubleStandardAbuseFemaleOnMale?from=Main.AbuseIsOkayWhenItIsFemaleOnMale
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 13, 2013, 08:58:47 PM

Why aren't we discussing The Time of the Doctor trailer?! I might be more excited for this than I was for the 50th. Everything about the Silence arc is going to be wrapped up neatly, and we're getting a new Doctor. The music in the beginning of the trailer gives me goosebumps.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 13, 2013, 10:06:48 PM
I hadn't seen the proper trailer for it yet. This looks like it could be the best Christmas episode they've had. I usually find the Christmas episodes a bit silly and cornball, but this looks like a big episode.

I hope we get to see a solid amount of the new doctor. He usually regenerate right at the end and we barely see him until the next episode, but from the trailer it seems like he might have an important part in this episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 14, 2013, 01:07:58 AM
I think it'll still be very Christmassy - Matt Smith described it as "very funny". But yeah, should be damn epic too!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 14, 2013, 01:19:57 AM
I think it'll still be very Christmassy - Matt Smith described it as "very funny". But yeah, should be damn epic too!

It definitely still looks very nice and Christmas-y with the snow and such, I just don't like it when it gets too sentimental and Christmas spirity, or too silly.
But this one looks like it's going to be an epic end to the great run leading up to the Doctor's regeneration. And I'll be all caught up by the time it airs, so this will be the first new episode I've anticipated as a fan. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on December 14, 2013, 11:10:36 AM

Blob might like this from a CGI point of view.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 14, 2013, 06:06:30 PM
Geez. Season 7 is just awful...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 14, 2013, 06:09:42 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 14, 2013, 06:18:54 PM
I'm sure you've never encountered that opinion before  :biggrin:

It's just not very good.

I really only liked 2-3 episodes in S6, while a bunch more were OK and some weren't very good, but so far in S7 there really hasn't been 1 episode I thought was exceptional. Thus far, I expect 2-3 episodes per season which I don't like, some which are just fine, and 2-3 which are absolutely awesome and memorable. But unless they're all crammed at the back of S7, I'm afraid that's not gonna happen.

I think "The Girl Who Waited" was the last really good episode. Prior to that, I really liked the Christmas Carol special. There were a few episodes in S5 that I really liked. But yeah, Davies/Tennant was definitely the peak. I'm totally getting that now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 14, 2013, 06:20:33 PM
Maybe your reasons are different, but I also didn't really like Season 7.1, if only because I was so sick of Amy and Rory by then. Jenna Coleman brings some much needed variety in 7.2.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 14, 2013, 06:21:13 PM
Actually, I've never heard someone dislike S7. How far into the season have you gotten? It might be my favorite season.

Of course, I really liked S6 as well...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 14, 2013, 06:22:24 PM
Actually, I've never heard someone dislike S7. How far into the season have you gotten? It might be my favorite season.

Of course, I really liked S6 as well...

The last episode I watched was "Cold War".
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 14, 2013, 06:27:33 PM
So you didn't even like The Snowmen or The Bells Of Saint John? This makes me a sad panda. :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 14, 2013, 06:48:33 PM
Yeah that's pretty "wut". The Snowmen is an amazing episode through and through, and Cold War is awesome too. If you don't like the next episode, Hide, well... then I don't have any other words for you because S7 is my favorite series thus far.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 14, 2013, 07:49:48 PM
Yeah that's pretty "wut". The Snowmen is an amazing episode through and through, and Cold War is awesome too. If you don't like the next episode, Hide, well... then I don't have any other words for you because S7 is my favorite series thus far.
Well that's pretty contrary to most criticism thus far, so you can reserve the "wuts" for youself.

Didn't see Snowmen. Specials aren't on demand I guess.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 14, 2013, 10:26:45 PM
Well hearing someone say "Davies/Tennant was the peak..." kinda... well, er, using British terms, rustles my jimmies? I am a huge Moffat supporter and I am of the opinion that the show only went uphill when he took over as showrunner, having loved every season finale more than any of RTD's (save for The Wedding of River Song, it was a bit lackluster in some regards.) But S7 and S5 are my favorite seasons of Doctor Who EVER, so it saddens me to see people not enjoying them wholeheartedly. Lots of people are highly critical of Moffat but there's an equal number (or probably a great number if you take into account casual viewers and Tumblr fangirls) that just absolutely adore what he's done. While I can critique what he's done a good bit, I still enjoy his take on the show way more than RTD's soap opera drama version of Doctor Who. I could sit here and criticize Rose and the decisions he made with Rose for hours on end, or go into depth about how almost all of RTD's finales had a fantastic setup (mainly Utopia, The Stolen Earth, and the first part of the End of Time) only to be absolutely dreadful in the end (Rose's happy sappy ending with the Meta-Ten, the Master's lightning powers, the Doctor being aged into gollum-old-man, the Doctor being resurrected a la religious parallels, the list goes on.) While neither showrunner is perfect and their eras have had significant ups and downs, I find Moffat on the whole to have a better handle on the show, being more akin to how Classic Who was written and capturing the feel a bit better, while also incorporating time travel as a plot element rather than just a means of traveling, and having really complex and highly interesting stories. While he has many flaws, I just really enjoy his take on the show and feel that the show has been on a significant uphill stride ever since Series 7B. With that series, the 50th, The Night of the Doctor, and the Time of the Doctor on the way, I'm of the opinion that the show's writing, feeling, and overall scope has been captured almost perfectly and with the arrival of a new Doctor and the return of Gallifrey, the show can only continue improving.

ariich, I believe, is of the exact same opinion, so I'm surprised he hasn't popped in with a big sad face too. Hopefully you'll like the rest of the season, though-- The Name of the Doctor into The Day of the Doctor has been one of the best 1-2's the show has given us, so maybe that'll change your opinion, too.

In other news, I've been watching Tom Baker's era a good bit recently and I just love it. Definitely my second or third favorite Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 14, 2013, 11:32:53 PM
Getting through the First Doctor's tenure is no mean task, lemme tell ya.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 15, 2013, 12:15:34 AM
So far I'd have to say I prefer the Moffat era. The RTD era got better as it went along, and ended quite strong, but there was also a lot of really cheesy stuff in there too. Both eras have had their own significant flaws and strengths though. No idea what my favourite season would be. I'll try to make up my mind once I'm finished with 7.

As for The Doctor, I still can't decide who I prefer between Tennant and Smith (Eccleston isn't even a contender here). Both have elements to their portrayal the other doesn't have that make them both great doctors.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 15, 2013, 02:09:34 AM
Yeah that's pretty "wut". The Snowmen is an amazing episode through and through, and Cold War is awesome too. If you don't like the next episode, Hide, well... then I don't have any other words for you because S7 is my favorite series thus far.
Well that's pretty contrary to most criticism thus far, so you can reserve the "wuts" for youself.
The Moffat era doesn't get anymore criticism than the RTD era did. It just gets it from a lot of the new fans who came on board with the RTD era. Similarly, once Moffat moves on, lots of people who especially love Moffat's style will bitch about the new person's era.

Series 7 is amazing though, and like Heretic and a hell of a lot of other people, I think Moffat's era has been the best era of Doctor Who ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 15, 2013, 03:53:03 AM
In my short return to the show, I would agree with Heretic and ariich, and most of the "criticism" that I have seen comes from Tennant fanboys. 

I thought season 7 was incredible, and got better as it went.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 15, 2013, 05:23:59 AM
I like Moffat and some of my absolute favourite episodes ever have been written by him (even from RTD era). But I also think that the second part of the S7 is pretty much the weakest since some things from season 1.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 15, 2013, 06:48:46 AM
I'm all caught up now!

Season 7 did have some inconsistencies, but overall I thought it was still quite good, and it finished out very strong with The Name of the Doctor plus the specials, and I have a feeling the Christmas episode is going to be the icing on the cake to that. I still need to rewatch The Day of the Doctor, but I'd probably still consider it the best episode they've done yet, and I'm excited for the future of the series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 15, 2013, 07:04:32 AM
I'm not a Tennant fanboy at all  ???

I did watch "The Snowmen" though, and it was really good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 15, 2013, 07:20:46 AM
I have to agree with Blob: Tennant and Smith are on a level with each other that I can't really choose a favorite between the two.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on December 15, 2013, 07:32:32 AM
When I watch a Tennant episode, he is absolutely my favorite. Then when I switch back to a Smith episode, he is my favorite.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 15, 2013, 07:58:23 AM
I really like all the Doctors.

How I feel about the show really has nothing to do with which Doctor is in.

Though I think the companions tend to wear on me. Funny that the specials where the Doctor has a new and/or one-off companion are often the episodes I like the most.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 15, 2013, 03:14:28 PM
Aside from Clara and Donna, I can pretty much agree with that, PC. I love one-off companions, and oftentimes they make for fantastic stories that are often centered around them entirely (A Christmas Carol, for example.) Wilfred, too-- amazing.

The Doctor needs more male companions he can just be bros with. Captain Jack's run on the TARDIS was far too short!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 15, 2013, 06:26:19 PM
Donna was an amazing companion. And the way they ended that was one of the most devastating things I've watched.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on December 16, 2013, 03:22:32 AM
Just got done with The Mind of Evil, really good episode. On to Claws of Axos
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: skydivingninja on December 17, 2013, 09:48:08 PM
I don't really like Clara at all.  Amy had more personality, Martha was smart and got shit done, Rose had that everygirl quality to her and found herself being very brave, and Donna was just amazing all around and wasn't afraid to call the Doctor out on his shit.  Clara just sort of is. 

The companion is the audience stand-in, the people who are amazed by the Doctor and what they're seeing, and Clara has some of that wanderlust, but her constant verbal sparring with the Doctor just doesn't seem real to me.  I also think her attitude in Nightmare in Silver was so inhuman that it jerked me out of an otherwise okay episode.  "Cybermen are overcoming all of our defenses?  *shrug*  *witty remark* *emotionless expression*"  Her moments in Day of the Doctor were pretty good, but I'm counting down the days until she announces she's leaving.

Season 7 is pretty hit-or-miss for me.  The first half was a very nice farewell to the Ponds (Amy and Rory's "drama" in Asylum and the Angels ending that didn't quite make sense notwithstanding), but the second half's episodes really seemed to suffer from pacing issues similar to season 6.  Too many writers trying to pack too much into the stories, and not giving them enough time to flesh everything out and breathe because Moffat has a newfound hatred of two-parters.

All that being said, I'm looking forward to the Christmas special and Peter Capaldi's eyebrows very much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 17, 2013, 09:52:20 PM
Funny, I think Clara is my favorite companion. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 17, 2013, 09:55:45 PM
Funny, I think Clara is my favorite companion. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 17, 2013, 10:01:07 PM
I like Clara. She hasn't really had a lot of time for them to flesh out her character yet, as they've been dealing with the "impossible girl" arc which got concluded with The Name of the Doctor, but I don't see any reason to dislike her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 17, 2013, 10:03:49 PM
I read somewhere that one of the reasons she got the part was because she could talk faster than Matt Smith. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 18, 2013, 08:51:22 PM
I love Clara and thought she really came into the part during The Name of the Doctor and the 50th. I think she'll be an excellent companion aside Capaldi, as now that the "impossible girl" mystery is out of the way, we can focus on developing her character a bit more.

Also, EXTENDED TIME OF THE DOCTOR TRAILER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlN-SPx1zAg

I'm going to miss Matt Smith /so much.../
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 18, 2013, 09:54:51 PM
Holy crap this is going to be epic. I'm already calling this the best Christmas episode yet. None of the rest have been this big and important.

I'm going to miss Matt Smith too, but it looks like he'll be ending very strong. I haven't seen much of Capaldi at all, so I'm excited to see what he brings to the role.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Cruithne on December 19, 2013, 04:09:08 AM
Well hearing someone say "Davies/Tennant was the peak..." kinda... well, er, using British terms, rustles my jimmies? I am a huge Moffat supporter and I am of the opinion that the show only went uphill when he took over as showrunner

I'm a huge Moffat supporter too - I grew up watching Press Gang, I loved Coupling and his take on Sherlock is superb. Hell, I'm also probably one of the half dozen people who's actually seen an episode of Joking Apart.

As far as I'm concerned the show has been far superior, overall, under Moffat than it was under RTD. Credit to RTD for reviving the show with modern production standards and re-building its popularity, but I really disliked Eccleston's take on The Doctor and the David Tennant era was marred by a certain soap-opera feel and his version of The Doctor seemingly carrying on where his portrayal of Casanova left off  :facepalm:

The thing about Doctor Who is that it's a show that's been running for 50 years, with a dozen different actors having played the part (all differently), with a number of different head honchos, with probably upwards of a 100 different writers who've written episodes, with goodness knows how many companions. Everyone has their own opinion of what Doctor Who should be like (often based on the Doctor they first watched... mine being Tom Baker) and they're all different!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 19, 2013, 04:39:16 AM
Well hearing someone say "Davies/Tennant was the peak..." kinda... well, er, using British terms, rustles my jimmies? I am a huge Moffat supporter and I am of the opinion that the show only went uphill when he took over as showrunner

I'm a huge Moffat supporter too - I grew up watching Press Gang, I loved Coupling and his take on Sherlock is superb. Hell, I'm also probably one of the half dozen people who's actually seen an episode of Joking Apart.

As far as I'm concerned the show has been far superior, overall, under Moffat than it was under RTD. Credit to RTD for reviving the show with modern production standards and re-building its popularity, but I really disliked Eccleston's take on The Doctor and the David Tennant era was marred by a certain soap-opera feel and his version of The Doctor seemingly carrying on where his portrayal of Casanova left off  :facepalm:

The thing about Doctor Who is that it's a show that's been running for 50 years, with a dozen different actors having played the part (all differently), with a number of different head honchos, with probably upwards of a 100 different writers who've written episodes, with goodness knows how many companions. Everyone has their own opinion of what Doctor Who should be like (often based on the Doctor they first watched... mine being Tom Baker) and they're all different!
I completely agree with your final paragraph. I think I'm less fussy about style or approach than most people, because I've enjoyed pretty much every era of DW, always for different reasons. I also prefer the approach Moffat has, and sort of agree with you about RTD's soap opera approach (pretty much every companion came from some kind of broken family or broken relationship). But that doesn't mean RTD's approach wasn't any good, and I still really like it for what it is. Indeed, I think the fact that each era is quite different is a major strength of the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 19, 2013, 06:02:42 AM
It's not like Amy came from the perfect home, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 19, 2013, 07:20:49 AM
It's not like Amy came from the perfect home, though.
Ah but she did, they were just taken away because of the cracks in time. The way she discovers them again at the end of series 5 is lovely!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 19, 2013, 09:37:25 AM
Yeah but what I meant was that she didn't had the most healthy childhood:) Should have worded it better.

It's good to have different companions that come out from various pasts, though. Helps us rediscover the doctors again and again through different eyes (prog pun, oh yeah!). Keeps things fun.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 21, 2013, 09:09:38 PM
Is anyone else slightly annoyed at how they seemingly disregard all continuity with the Doctor's age? The 4th Doctor clearly states he's about 750 years old. The only thing I can think of is each Doctor considers his age to be however long his incarnation has been alive. Which would be fine, however, when 8.5 asked how old 10 and 11 (keeping the original numbering in place) were he deduced that there was only 400 years difference.

That would imply the Doctor considers his age as be measured across generations. Making only about 450-500 years total across 7 Doctors. Yet they many of them claim at some point to be alive for centuries in the same body.

It's not inconsistent, it's a complete lack of caring or perhaps I'm wrong and there is an explanation.

InB4 "The Doctor lies!" ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 21, 2013, 09:26:32 PM
Found my answer, the Doctor doesn't know so he just pulls number out of his ass. lol

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on December 21, 2013, 09:53:17 PM
It actually makes sense, though. There's no viable way for him to really track his age, with all the time-traveling.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 22, 2013, 02:24:26 AM
Good point!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 22, 2013, 02:45:03 AM
It actually makes sense, though. There's no viable way for him to really track his age, with all the time-traveling.

The only way would be if the TARDIS kept an internal clock of some kind. I never even remember my own age any more and have to work it out by birth year, and I'm only 28, so I could easily believe that by ~1000 years old without a linear frame of reference of time, you may just forget. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 23, 2013, 03:53:19 AM
I don't want him to go  :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 23, 2013, 06:51:24 AM
I don't want him to go  :sadpanda:
I love Matt Smith as the Doctor, but I'm really excited about Capaldi as well!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 23, 2013, 06:57:59 AM
I don't want him to go  :sadpanda:
I love Matt Smith as the Doctor, but I'm really excited about Capaldi as well!

Likewise. I'd love to see Matt Smith continue indefinitely, but at the same time, I'm really excited to see a new doctor too, and see what new angles he brings to the role. I'm actually more excited about this Christmas episode than Christmas itself. :lol

(although due to time difference, it will be the 26th here, not Christmas day)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 23, 2013, 07:07:14 AM
Finally caught up.

The Day of the Doctor was really good! However, I do feel like they left the door wide open for all 3 Doctors to continue to appear on the show alongside Capaldi. Am I wrong about that?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 23, 2013, 07:18:03 AM
Finally caught up.

The Day of the Doctor was really good! However, I do feel like they left the door wide open for all 3 Doctors to continue to appear on the show alongside Capaldi. Am I wrong about that?

Stupid Eccelston and his stupidness should have returned for a regeneration scene. GRR!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 23, 2013, 07:20:19 AM
Finally caught up.

The Day of the Doctor was really good! However, I do feel like they left the door wide open for all 3 Doctors to continue to appear on the show alongside Capaldi. Am I wrong about that?
I think you are, yeah. Both Tenant and Hurt's Doctors have no recolletion of the events after they leave, and Smith will be the one regenerating into Capaldi. Unless you mean the sequence where all the Doctors come together including Capaldi's, but that was just a bit of fun. Apart from this special, Moffat is quite strictly one-Doctor-at-a-time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 23, 2013, 07:22:49 AM
Oh yeah, it slipped my mind that they had "forgotten".

Looking forward to more of a mature Doctor in Capaldi. I like Tennant and Smith, but both are pretty silly, comical guys. I'm sure Capaldi will bring plenty of comical moments himself, but I'd like to see him have a more serious (i.e. Eccleston) demeanor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 23, 2013, 08:01:17 AM
I don't want him to go  :sadpanda:
I love Matt Smith as the Doctor, but I'm really excited about Capaldi as well!

Who said I'm not? :D I'm ENORMOUSLY excited to see a new Doctor, and frankly I'm not sure how I will tolerate the long wait before we see anything from Series 8. But MS is my favourite doctor, and although I love him even more for quitting at the peak of his doctorish splendour, I won't even try not to be sad the moment he bows and goes in a fountain of light.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 23, 2013, 10:23:41 AM
I'm interested in how they're executing this generation too. Apparently Capaldi Doctor thinks at first that he's still Smith.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 23, 2013, 10:26:33 AM
I'm interested in how they're executing this generation too. Apparently Capaldi Doctor thinks at first that he's still Smith.
Where did you come across this?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 23, 2013, 11:01:12 AM
I'm interested in how they're executing this generation too. Apparently Capaldi Doctor thinks at first that he's still Smith.
Where did you come across this?

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 23, 2013, 11:07:16 AM
Cool, glad they're sticking with the regeneration confusion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on December 23, 2013, 04:15:57 PM
You have to ask yourself why doesn't the Doctor install a mirror in the TARDIS? lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 23, 2013, 04:39:33 PM
He used to have one; the Fifth Doctor is seen looking at his new self in one episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on December 23, 2013, 04:57:20 PM
Finally caught up.

The Day of the Doctor was really good! However, I do feel like they left the door wide open for all 3 Doctors to continue to appear on the show alongside Capaldi. Am I wrong about that?
I think you are, yeah. Both Tenant and Hurt's Doctors have no recolletion of the events after they leave, and Smith will be the one regenerating into Capaldi. Unless you mean the sequence where all the Doctors come together including Capaldi's, but that was just a bit of fun. Apart from this special, Moffat is quite strictly one-Doctor-at-a-time.

Not only that, it's kind of suggested that this episodes was between the Tennant specials, at least, somewhere before The End of Time as Good Queen Bess and all that. Which means that even if he did have a recollection it wouldn't matter too much because he'd be Smith pretty soon haha. The same goes for Hurts Doctor, he regenerates straight after leaving the timeline.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 23, 2013, 05:22:56 PM
Sorry back to the age thing. In the Night of the Doctor we see 8 regenerate into Hurt but you can see that hurt is younger. He must have been super old by the time he decides everyone must go.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 23, 2013, 08:26:47 PM
Sorry back to the age thing. In the Night of the Doctor we see 8 regenerate into Hurt but you can see that hurt is younger. He must have been super old by the time he decides everyone must go.

I noticed that when rewatching The Night of the Doctor the other day. I like that this doctor was battle worn and had probably been worn down by at least decades of fighting and bloodshed before he made such an impactful choice as wiping out his entire race for the sake of the universe.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 23, 2013, 08:36:32 PM
I heard an interesting theory that the War Doctor aged so much (since 11's been around for like, 300 years already and hasn't shown a sign of aging, War Doc must have been around for ten times that) that along with not counting The War Doctor as an actual Doctor that he doesn't count the years he lived as the War Doctor towards his age, either. Because seriously-- War Doc must've been fighting the Time War for ages.

Then again, the Time War wasn't linear at all. Thousands of years of fighting could've taken place in the span of a day or so, who really knows.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 23, 2013, 08:45:35 PM
It was called the time war, so I think it's safe to assume that the length of "time" it went for is not really measurable or relevant in a linear sense, as you said. And given that, who knows how long the war doctor fought in it.
Given the nature of the show, I think it's probably for the best they're keeping his age vague now, as it gives them more room to work in these things. His age has been contradicted so often over the show's 50 year history, that it's not important any more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 24, 2013, 01:22:55 AM
since 11's been around for like, 300 years already and hasn't shown a sign of aging,
Really? I've heard others say this before but I think Smith as the Doctor has looked much older recently, especially since series 6. I don't know if it's intentional on the part of Moffat or the directors, or if it's just Matt Smith being such a great actor but the difference between his 900 year old and 1200 year old selves is striking.

Given the nature of the show, I think it's probably for the best they're keeping his age vague now, as it gives them more room to work in these things. His age has been contradicted so often over the show's 50 year history, that it's not important any more.
Completely agreed, and that seems to be Moffat's view as well. :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 24, 2013, 07:03:28 AM
I noticed that when rewatching The Night of the Doctor the other day. I like that this doctor was battle worn and had probably been worn down by at least decades of fighting and bloodshed before he made such an impactful choice as wiping out his entire race for the sake of the universe.
Probably thousands of years given the 11's comment on being centuries old.

Given the nature of the show, I think it's probably for the best they're keeping his age vague now, as it gives them more room to work in these things. His age has been contradicted so often over the show's 50 year history, that it's not important any more.
Completely agreed, and that seems to be Moffat's view as well. :tup

According to the wiki the contradictions are intentional.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 24, 2013, 04:43:18 PM
Fan wikis (ie. fanbases) tend to go out of their way to try and justify contradictions so that the canon remains consistent, so I sometimes take those things with a grain of salt. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on December 24, 2013, 04:53:47 PM
Ok, so my theories on the Christmas Day episode:

1. The woman in the trailer is someone from the Doctor's past, personally, I'd hope it was the Rani. Or another Time Lord, there have been a lot of Omega symbols with the army since Series 6. I kinda hope that the woman is the female Omega :P

2. We've seen the alliance before in the end of Series 5, they were joined by a few more of the old favourites then, but I reckon that's who we're going to see.

3. The Doctor will be forced to regenerate, rather than willingly do it. I only think this because of the trailer when Clara says help him change the future (ref to Name of the Doctor).

Also, question, surely if the Doctor stops himself "falling" on Trenzalore, then does The Name of the Doctor still stand as a canonical episode? Because technically it would have been rewritten. UNLESS, during the Time of the Doctor they jump forward in time to post NoTD and fix the Tardis. Who knows, we'll find out in less than 24 hours :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 25, 2013, 04:20:04 AM
My theory on the Christmas Day episode is:

It's going to kick major ass.

On the question of overwriting the Trenzalore timeline, I doubt it will affect the canonical status or events of that episode. The number of times the Doctor would have created similar paradoxes in his own timeline by altering time would be astronomical, so I think it's a non issue. This episode will just change that fate.

And my own question, what time does this air in the UK? I want to know how many hours until all is revealed!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2013, 04:29:25 AM
Of course Name is going to stay canonical! It's not that "The Sound Of Drums" was made un-canonical by "The Last Of The Time Lords!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on December 25, 2013, 05:57:37 AM
My theory on the Christmas Day episode is:

It's going to kick major ass.

On the question of overwriting the Trenzalore timeline, I doubt it will affect the canonical status or events of that episode. The number of times the Doctor would have created similar paradoxes in his own timeline by altering time would be astronomical, so I think it's a non issue. This episode will just change that fate.

And my own question, what time does this air in the UK? I want to know how many hours until all is revealed!

7.30 this evening, it's gonna be awesome!

Of course Name is going to stay canonical! It's not that "The Sound Of Drums" was made un-canonical by "The Last Of The Time Lords!"

True, I guess canonical was the wrong way to say it. I meant more that did it technically happen? It's still a freaking awesome episode, but in terms of timelines etc I didn't *technically* happen. Me and a friend were having a big conversation on time travel and whether it was possible for such things to happen etc. But then I mentioned Timey Wimey and the conversation broke down a little ;)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 25, 2013, 02:35:09 PM
Oh my, Capaldi's entrance was FANTASTIC! So sudden. :lol

Really great episode, so many lovely moments, but I'm really going to have to watch it again to take it all in.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2013, 02:57:39 PM
Ok, let's rise the SPOILER barriers and let's just talk about the episode and not what was in it! (I'm still in the process of getting it)

Was it good? Was it an "excellent addiction to any Doctor Who 'Greatest Of' list"?  :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 25, 2013, 03:35:06 PM
Wow... it was superbly done. Exceeded my expectations for sure.

It makes the wait for new episodes all the worse. Sherlock can't start soon enough as well!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2013, 03:47:03 PM
I gave in to temptation and read TWO comments from random people on FB. Both said it was awful and I was getting really afraid of it being a dud for real. Can you guarantee those two guys are nuts?  :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 25, 2013, 03:55:49 PM
I think I can guarantee that. Do you know if those guys enjoyed the second part of S7 or the 50th anniversary episode? Those weren't as good as I wanted them to be (imo) but this one is much better than them.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2013, 03:57:33 PM
I don't even know their names. Those were just two random comments on the DWHub FB page! For all I know they could both be the fearsome "pls bring RTD baaaack" kind of fans  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 25, 2013, 03:59:31 PM
Meh, don't pay any attention to them then. I love what RTD did despite its flaws but I wouldn't want that back. I'd say it's a safe bet that you will enjoy this immensely :).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on December 25, 2013, 04:10:42 PM
If you are a fan of Doctor Who and you don't like the Christmas Special you aren't a fan of Doctor Who, that simple. Won't lie, the ending got me right in the heart. Beautiful send off to Matt Smith.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 25, 2013, 04:23:59 PM
The christmas specials are usually shit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 25, 2013, 04:31:23 PM
Ugh, I have to wait till midnight to see the second broadcast. :\
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 25, 2013, 05:09:18 PM
I don't even know their names. Those were just two random comments on the DWHub FB page! For all I know they could both be the fearsome "pls bring RTD baaaack" kind of fans  :lol
Why would you care what two random people you don't even know think about it? Literally EVERYTHING has some people who hate it.

I loved it.

You make your own mind up!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 25, 2013, 05:20:47 PM
Who could possibly think that was shit? More like HOLY SHIT! I just finished watching it, and I loved it. A thorough send-off for Matt Smith, and I loved the way it dealt with many story threads, and the re-generation issue.

I was hoping to get at least a minute or two more of Capaldi, but I was happy with his entrance. Not enough to judge anything yet, but I'm excited for his first true episode.

Did anyone else expect that Clara was going to remember the Doctor's name when she was speaking through the crack? She remembered a few things in The Name of the Doctor, so I thought maybe she'd recall it there, although it still worked out nicely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 25, 2013, 05:26:46 PM
The christmas specials are usually shit.
I've actually enjoyed most of the specials so far.

Voyage, End of Time, Christmas Carol, Snowmen. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe  was enjoyable too although it's weaker than the rest. And Runaway Bride had some awesome moments as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 25, 2013, 05:30:04 PM
Aside from being set in a town called Christmas (which wasn't really necessary to the story at all), it wasn't too sentimental and Christmas-y as they often are. I'm not a big fan of Christmas episodes, but this was more in line with the most recent few episodes than the usual Christmas episodes, so even if you're not a fan of the Christmas episodes, you'll probably like it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2013, 06:03:17 PM
For those who have watched already, take a look here. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2986512/reviews?ref_=tt_urv I don't understand, I really loved it and I'm more than perfectly OK with how everything was handled. I don't get their gripes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 25, 2013, 06:09:20 PM
Well, that review is full of shit. I mean, it can almost literally be applied to any Who episode or special. He's just throwing around insults with nothing to back his reasoning and oversimplifying things.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 25, 2013, 06:10:11 PM
For those who have watched already, take a look here. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2986512/reviews?ref_=tt_urv I don't understand, I really loved it and I'm more than perfectly OK with how everything was handled. I don't get their gripes.
Like I said, everything will be hated by someone, and the only people rushing to tell the world their thoghts on IMDB a couple of hours after the episode aired will be the angriest ones. I read about half of that first review, and the guy didn't even understand the episode.

Like I said, why would that bother you? Just ignore what other people think and make up your own mind!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 25, 2013, 06:16:01 PM
I can't help it, I'm minimally bothered when I'm awestruck and emotionally hit by something and a few seconds later I read people saying it was awful.  :lol

I should better avoid further readings for a couple days.

Anyway, my impression is that it was the greatest possible sendoff that could have ever fitted a 60 minutes episode. Matt Smith delivered the performance of a lifetime, he was nothing short of spectacular and his last lines themselves could summarize how I feel about his tenure and the passing of his Doctor.

And yes, some tears were shed under this roof. :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 25, 2013, 06:16:08 PM
That guy didn't seem to understand all of the story arcs this deals with at all. A lot of these things that appear for a few seconds are understood if you've been following the story arcs of the recent seasons of the show. It does move fast, but it's not randomly thrown in at all. It's tying up and dealing with many things we've seen before.

And I thought it was funny how they worked in Matt Smith's shaved head.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 25, 2013, 06:19:07 PM
The only thing I thought could have been done much better was the way they dealt with the whole regeneration thing at the end. But I expect them to flesh it out and give us more details on how that worked in the future.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 25, 2013, 06:23:23 PM
I like that every regeneration seems to be a little bit different, and given the unusual circumstances of his regeneration this time, I'm fine with it being a little odd. I can think of a few good justifications for it, so I'm sure they have a good explanation for it too.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 25, 2013, 06:39:50 PM
Thirty minutes! I'm so excited.

On the topic of people ragging on the episode or the show in general-- I can't stand people like that. It's like they sit, watching the episode for every flaw possible, pinpointing on every little detail they don't agree with. It's so annoying. I can understand criticism when things could have definitely been better, but some people seem to just hate for the sake of hating or being overly angry. Can't you just watch an episode and enjoy it?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 25, 2013, 07:01:18 PM
Thirty minutes! I'm so excited.

On the topic of people ragging on the episode or the show in general-- I can't stand people like that. It's like they sit, watching the episode for every flaw possible, pinpointing on every little detail they don't agree with. It's so annoying. I can understand criticism when things could have definitely been better, but some people seem to just hate for the sake of hating or being overly angry. Can't you just watch an episode and enjoy it?

Criticism is fine and all, but in the end it comes down to whether you still enjoy the show or not, and if the flaws are that bad that it ruins the show for them, I don't know why they would waste their time watching it at all other than to bitch about it.
I could point out flaws here and there in many episodes (after all, it is a show involving time travel!), but episodes such as The Time of the Doctor have been so enjoyable that it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show at all.

And I really love what they've done with the recent story progression from The Name of the Doctor onwards.
We had the Doctor's death on Trenzalore in The Name of the Doctor due to him having no more regenerations, then we had him save Gallifrey in The Day of the Doctor, and now in The Time of the Doctor, the survival of Gallifrey has changed the timeline on Trenzalore so that he survives.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 25, 2013, 08:32:56 PM
Yeah, it looks like they've gone back to the timelords not being jerks and actually friendly towards The Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 25, 2013, 09:17:40 PM

One of Matt's best performances, easily, and his final scene was so emotional. Also, the last scene with Handles was really sad for me for some reason.

@El JoNNo-- I don't know. The Doctor mentioned Rassilon, the Council, and the Master in regards to them coming through the gap and saying that all hell would break loose if the time lords got back through. He wanted to protect them and help them, though, because he wants them to return, but at that point and time it wasn't right for them to come back through because of the large surplus of Daleks and other assorted enemies. If they'd returned then, the Doctor couldn't have tried to handle Rassilon and the Council breaking through because everything would have immediately turned to war and destruction for everyone ("the Time War will begin anew). However, I believe the real reason they gifted the Doctor a new regeneration cycle is because he's really their only hope in returning from the parallel universe, and with him dead, they'd have no help.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 25, 2013, 10:39:31 PM
I thought I could maybe watch this at my bro's tonight but they ended up not having BBC America  :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 26, 2013, 06:16:02 AM
Dat episode. It was strange, heartbreaking, and so good. Old Matt Smith was weird to see, because even though the Doctor is 1200+ years old, you never really think of him as "being" old. And ohhh man, I am so excited for spring 2014 now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 26, 2013, 07:23:52 AM
More like August 2014. :D

As for the episode again, I personally feel this was a better and more fitting conclusion to the Doctor's life that The End Of Time was. Personally, of course.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 26, 2013, 07:29:00 AM
More like August 2014. :D


So this episode was my Christmas episode, and it looks like the start of the new season will be my birthday present. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 26, 2013, 08:17:24 AM
More like August 2014. :D

As for the episode again, I personally feel this was a better and more fitting conclusion to the Doctor's life that The End Of Time was. Personally, of course.

It's interesting, I felt like I wasn't as sad at the end of End of Time, because I was just so excited about seeing my first regeneration. I don't know, this special made me regret Smith's departure way more than Tennant's, even though I still LOVE Tennant and miss him as a Doctor.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 26, 2013, 01:23:09 PM
On a second rewatch, I still love it. While I think the ending really overshadowed the rest of the episode, it was still a great episode, and a proper sendoff. Of course I wish we could have more of Matt Smith, but eh the 60th anniversary will be here before you know it. (Plus the 10th anniversary of NewWho is very soon, wonder if they'll do anything for that!)

In either case, I loved how in his last scene Matt looked young again but he was still playing the old Doctor who had lived so long on Trenzalore. His mannerisms and how he acted overall just felt odd, but still very 11. And the Amy hallucination is still so sad.

Goodbye... and thank you, Matt Smith. We loved you, and we'll miss you.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on December 26, 2013, 01:47:06 PM
That was excellent. I'm going to miss Matt Smith so much, and how about that cameo?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on December 26, 2013, 02:48:58 PM
And on to The Three Doctors we go
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 26, 2013, 07:00:30 PM
That was excellent. I'm going to miss Matt Smith so much, and how about that cameo?
That was usually the case in the classic series, the Doctor would get visions of his recent companions before regenerating. It was only really Tenant who actually went and visited every one of his companions. Emotional and everything, but just a little bit too over the top for me. I thought this was a much lovelier way to do it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 26, 2013, 07:05:06 PM
I agree I loved both the 9th and 11th regeneration. I've watched that last scene so many time because I just simply loved the way 11 handles his death. 10's, on the other hand, I didn't care for. He kind of went out like a wimp. I suppose since he was alone he didn't really have to be brave but they gave 9 and 11 a brave send off they should of for 10 as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 26, 2013, 07:12:32 PM
Finally watched it.

I've been critical of the show during all seasons, but I thought it was a pretty quality episodes.

I think I'm gonna like the new Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 26, 2013, 07:12:57 PM
I actually really liked 10's regeneration. Very conclusive and fitting for the Doctor who didn't want to leave.

I enjoyed this regeneration too, with the initial fake-out reveal when you saw him walk up the steps, then the vision of Amy, then the quick head whip into Capaldi (although I do so like to get a good morph).
And I thought it was a nice touch that he took the bowtie off before changing. That's such a signature Smith thing now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 26, 2013, 07:32:39 PM
I agree about the head-whip and the bowtie, though I didn't really get why he had to go back to young-looking Matt Smith before regenerating.

Anyway, I really enjoyed it overall. Feel like I need to watch it again for more commentary.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 26, 2013, 07:35:24 PM
I imagine he went back just so they could have a goodbye scene.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 26, 2013, 07:39:05 PM
I imagine he went back just so they could have a goodbye scene.

I think that's mostly it.
You could try and justify it with being an atypical regeneration, and the surge of regeneration energy from the Time Lords healing him back to health before the actual regeneration itself took place. Because he didn't actually die, did he? Receiving the energy in that way might have healed him and taken out the ships, but might not have actually been part of the regeneration itself. Or he might have simply held off until he could say goodbye to Clara. I don't know.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 26, 2013, 07:43:33 PM
Come to think of it though 10 healed completely before he regenerated. He had all those cuts but they all healed, it was even commented on by what's-his-name. Perhaps that's what they are doing now, a kind of generation reset and then the regeneration happens.

Or they just wanted a proper send off..lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 26, 2013, 07:49:44 PM
I think they invented the former to satisfy the latter requirement! I'm ok with it, as 10 and 11 both got great send offs.
And it looks like 12's adjustment period might be just as shaky as 11's. :lol I can't wait.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 26, 2013, 07:57:23 PM
I think they invented the former to satisfy the latter requirement! I'm ok with it, as 10 and 11 both got great send offs.
Agreed, I like the idea of an emotional farewell. Doctor Who is a show with great emotion and you get attached to the characters. It's like a respectful "goodbye and thank you for having me as the Doctor and being great fans".
And it looks like 12's adjustment period might be just as shaky as 11's. :lol I can't wait.
I hope they'll be in danger and his delirious state makes for some hilarity.  ;D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 26, 2013, 08:53:17 PM
This isn't directed to anyone in this thread, but Doctor Who has got to be one of the most harshly judged shows ever. Every time there's a new episode, my news feed erupts with fan critiques. As someone here told me early one, Doctor Who has a bit of something for everyone, so it's obviously not going to please everyone all of the time.

Doctor Who, pretty much the Dream Theater of TV shows.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 26, 2013, 08:54:32 PM
This isn't directed to anyone in this thread, but Doctor Who has got to be one of the most harshly judged shows ever. Every time there's a new episode, my news feed erupts with fan critiques. As someone here told me early one, Doctor Who has a bit of something for everyone, so it's obviously not going to please everyone all of the time.

Doctor Who, pretty much the Dream Theater of TV shows.

Dream Theater Who?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 27, 2013, 01:47:51 AM
I have to agree with your point, PC. Definitely the DT of TV shows.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 27, 2013, 03:37:34 AM
I actually really liked 10's regeneration. Very conclusive and fitting for the Doctor who didn't want to leave.

I enjoyed this regeneration too, with the initial fake-out reveal when you saw him walk up the steps, then the vision of Amy, then the quick head whip into Capaldi (although I do so like to get a good morph).
And I thought it was a nice touch that he took the bowtie off before changing. That's such a signature Smith thing now.

Yeah, I can't say I disliked any Doctor's regeneration in the reboot, although I think this one is making me miss Smith more even though I'm excited for Capaldi. I dunno, I liked when Tennant visited Rose and co., and I liked his "I don't want to go," but I think I also felt at the time that he had a good run and his time was about up. I mean he had three sets of companions to Smith's two - that felt like a much longer tenure.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 27, 2013, 04:03:36 AM
This isn't directed to anyone in this thread, but Doctor Who has got to be one of the most harshly judged shows ever. Every time there's a new episode, my news feed erupts with fan critiques. As someone here told me early one, Doctor Who has a bit of something for everyone, so it's obviously not going to please everyone all of the time.

Doctor Who, pretty much the Dream Theater of TV shows.
Absolutely, and that's a great analogy as well.

Fortunately I'm someone who gets into the spirit of a show/band and enjoys the different side of something quite varied. So with both DW and DT there are parts I'm less on keen on but I enjoy pretty much all of it and absolutely love some of it.

Come to think of it though 10 healed completely before he regenerated. He had all those cuts but they all healed, it was even commented on by what's-his-name. Perhaps that's what they are doing now, a kind of generation reset and then the regeneration happens.
Bingo. I don't remember it from any previous Doctors so I think it's a device that RTD invented for Tenant to look pristine in his final scenes, but I think that's nice, and it worked well for Smith too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 27, 2013, 04:26:08 AM
From Tennant's regeneration, it seemed like the healing part was automatic, with the cuts healing almost instantly after he was hit with the radiation, then it was quite a while before he actually regenerated. It was well over 10 minutes of wrap-up scenes, in a bunch of different locations through space and time, so it could have been hours or days for him inbetween.
So I think Tennant's Doctor consciously held back his regeneration as long as he could until he basically pissed his pants with regeneration energy and destroyed his TARDIS portapotty.

That really doesn't help explain Matt Smith's regeneration, but with completely different circumstances for each one, I guess all regenerations are not made equal.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Nekov on December 27, 2013, 05:50:57 AM
I'm gonna miss Matt Smith  :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 27, 2013, 05:56:19 AM
From Tennant's regeneration, it seemed like the healing part was automatic, with the cuts healing almost instantly after he was hit with the radiation, then it was quite a while before he actually regenerated. It was well over 10 minutes of wrap-up scenes, in a bunch of different locations through space and time, so it could have been hours or days for him inbetween.
So I think Tennant's Doctor consciously held back his regeneration as long as he could until he basically pissed his pants with regeneration energy and destroyed his TARDIS portapotty.

That really doesn't help explain Matt Smith's regeneration, but with completely different circumstances for each one, I guess all regenerations are not made equal.

Not only did it seem like he held back but the blasts of energy are getting more and more violent. Hell, smith blew up a Dalek ship. At least it's not breaking too much "tradition", I guess. The fifth Doctor said his regeneration felt different than the others, so its not like variations on the regeneration are new. We just have the CGI tech to make them exponentially cooler.  :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 27, 2013, 06:01:07 AM
From Tennant's regeneration, it seemed like the healing part was automatic, with the cuts healing almost instantly after he was hit with the radiation, then it was quite a while before he actually regenerated. It was well over 10 minutes of wrap-up scenes, in a bunch of different locations through space and time, so it could have been hours or days for him inbetween.
So I think Tennant's Doctor consciously held back his regeneration as long as he could until he basically pissed his pants with regeneration energy and destroyed his TARDIS portapotty.

That really doesn't help explain Matt Smith's regeneration, but with completely different circumstances for each one, I guess all regenerations are not made equal.

Not only did it seem like he held back but the blasts of energy are getting more and more violent. Hell, smith blew up a Dalek ship. At least it's not breaking too much "tradition", I guess. The fifth Doctor said his regeneration felt different than the others, so its not like variations on the regeneration are new. We just have the CGI tech to make them exponentially cooler.  :tup

That could certainly work. I just figured the ability to destroy an entire Dalek ship was related to him receiving one big dose of regeneration energy from the Time Lords in one go, and was able to blow off a lot of excess or something.
I'm not familiar with much pre 2005 revival, but it's possible that as a Time Lord gets older and uses up more regenerations, each regeneration needs to be more extreme to get the job done. His first regeneration was just a crossfade effect from one guy to the next, and now he's able to blow up spaceships and buildings and TARDISes (oh my).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on December 27, 2013, 08:24:59 AM
So now the Doctor has 12 new regenerations, right?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 27, 2013, 08:40:15 AM
Yes sir!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 27, 2013, 08:42:51 AM
Wait, really?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 27, 2013, 08:51:50 AM
So now the Doctor has 12 new regenerations, right?

That would be my assumption, although I'm not sure he would know for sure. But I think the regeneration issue is basically dealt with for now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 27, 2013, 09:16:54 AM
Yes sir!
How do you know?

They never specified how much regeneration energy the Time Lords gave the Doctor. Much better that way, keeps it completely open. Could be two more, could be two hundred more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 27, 2013, 09:31:13 AM
Except he states "Its started, I can't stop it now this is just the reset. A whole new regeneration cycle. It's taking a bit longer, just working it in."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 27, 2013, 10:08:29 AM
How 'bout to crash some Peter Capaldi eyebrows? :D

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 27, 2013, 10:17:35 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 27, 2013, 10:34:19 AM
I agree, which is why I took the liberty to butcher it with an iPad app  :lol

It's meant to look as if he was still enveloped by the last jets of regeneration energy.


Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 27, 2013, 10:40:59 AM
Truly the eyebrows of a champion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 27, 2013, 12:51:12 PM
Yep, he has 12 new regenerations, he outright says "a whole new regeneration cycle *slurps custard*"

Which is awesome. Lets the show continue on and provides sort of a reboot for the show-- an older Doctor traveling with a teacher from Coal Hill School-- sound familiar?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 27, 2013, 12:57:00 PM
Does "regeneration cycle" mean 12 more regenerations? That's not how I took it. ::shrug::
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 27, 2013, 12:59:25 PM
A cycle of regenerations - not sure how else it could be taken.

I loved the show - what I remember of it.  I was exhausted from 2 days of Christmas festivities, and I actually blacked out a few times.  I need to watch it again.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 27, 2013, 01:17:15 PM
Well couldn't a "cycle" just refer to one body's "life"? I'm not all up on my Doctor lingo, but that's a pretty obvious interpretation to me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 27, 2013, 01:18:44 PM
I dunno, I think that is just one regeneration.  He didn't get an extra regeneration, he got a regeneration cycle.

Just the way I'm interpreting it.  Hopefully, Moffat will be more specific.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 27, 2013, 01:19:59 PM
Well couldn't a "cycle" just refer to one body's "life"? I'm not all up on my Doctor lingo, but that's a pretty obvious interpretation to me.

But he says regeneration cycle; Cycle meaning multiple events and Regeneration being the event.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: snowdog on December 27, 2013, 03:57:19 PM
I dunno, I think that is just one regeneration.  He didn't get an extra regeneration, he got a regeneration cycle.

Just the way I'm interpreting it.  Hopefully, Moffat will be more specific.
What does it matter anyway?  It is silly they even had to deal with it in the first place.  It doesn't really add any dramatic tension to say he has a fixed number of regenerations, they'll write around it just like they did in this one, so I say just ignore the whole issue.  It isn't like they are going to ever have him die.  The show would be canceled again before that happens anyway.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 27, 2013, 04:02:11 PM
It is kinda funny, though - a major plot point that's been one of the steady rules through the show got reversed because Clara talked to the time lords through a crack in the wall and begged them to "love him".

Hey, I like the show, but it is what it is. It's campy pulp sci-fi serials. It's never been anything else. The people who seem most often disappointed by it are the same people who seem to think it was ever something more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on December 27, 2013, 04:05:34 PM
It's campy pulp sci-fi serials. It's never been anything else. The people who seem most often disappointed by it are the same people who seem to think it was ever something more.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on December 27, 2013, 04:14:30 PM
It's campy pulp sci-fi serials. It's never been anything else. The people who seem most often disappointed by it are the same people who seem to think it was ever something more.


Seconded the :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on December 27, 2013, 04:46:01 PM
People take Doctor Who way too seriously. They forget that it's a hugely daft young adult tv show which was made on an absolute shoe string budget back in the day and was notorious for being extremely tacky.

The few times I've seen Dr.Who in the RT Davies era - i've found it to be very juvenile indeed with really babyish writing where every problem is solved in a jiffy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 27, 2013, 06:03:58 PM
Agreed, but RT Davies was a bit better at not introducing confusion into the show IMO
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 27, 2013, 06:21:56 PM
People take Doctor Who way too seriously. They forget that it's a hugely daft young adult tv show which was made on an absolute shoe string budget back in the day and was notorious for being extremely tacky.

The few times I've seen Dr.Who in the RT Davies era - i've found it to be very juvenile indeed with really babyish writing where every problem is solved in a jiffy.
You're not quite right, and your choice of words is a little insulting. It's a family fairytale show with aliens and time travel that is primarily designed to entertain, so you're right that some people take it too seriously. But it is neither juvenile nor daft.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on December 27, 2013, 06:26:13 PM
You can have well made thoughtful sci-fi and still have it aimed at a younger audience.

I admit that i've not seen a huge amount of modern Who - but I personally felt like it's fanbase is a lot older than the writing would suggest.

The same fanbase also love Sherlock and i find the writing in that to be far superior.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 27, 2013, 06:33:24 PM
They're completely different sorts of show. Sherlock is very much a show for adults, whereas Doctor Who is like Pixar films in that it's aimed to please all ages (not only kids). As you say, that doesn't mean it can't be good writing, but you do seen to judge it on that basis. It's probably just not for you, really.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on December 27, 2013, 06:40:52 PM
And I make no secret that I'm no fan of the show.

It's not that i'm too old for it either. I can watch cartoons all day :lol

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 27, 2013, 06:52:19 PM
People take Doctor Who way too seriously. They forget that it's a hugely daft young adult tv show which was made on an absolute shoe string budget back in the day and was notorious for being extremely tacky.

The few times I've seen Dr.Who in the RT Davies era - i've found it to be very juvenile indeed with really babyish writing where every problem is solved in a jiffy.
You're not quite right, and your choice of words is a little insulting. It's a family fairytale show with aliens and time travel that is primarily designed to entertain, so you're right that some people take it too seriously. But it is neither juvenile nor daft.
I think you've inadvertently touched on one of the biggest issues with the Moffat era. It's a family fairytale which has consistently started to showcase plot points that adults have issues following.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on December 27, 2013, 07:30:34 PM
Well, I personally don't have any trouble following Moffat's plotlines. If you pay attention and actually watch the episodes (whilst rewatching them later may help as well) then it isn't that difficult to piece together his plotlines.

Moffat at least was able to shift the show's dynamic from a sci-fi adventure-filled soap opera (sorry RTD) to an actual family sci-fi drama with elements of fantasy-- something that is much more akin to how classic Doctor Who was.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 27, 2013, 07:51:36 PM
Some interesting points of view here. I haven't been following the show nearly long enough to have any input but I do agree with some of the stuff said about the writing.

Well couldn't a "cycle" just refer to one body's "life"? I'm not all up on my Doctor lingo, but that's a pretty obvious interpretation to me.

But he says regeneration cycle; Cycle meaning multiple events and Regeneration being the event.

Please don't think I'm seriously worried about this, but I must point out that is not the only way to define the word "cycle."

For instance, the dictionary on my laptop has a whole list of definitions, and the first two lines are:

-A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
-The period of time taken to complete a single sequence of such events

So a regeneration cycle could refer to a series of regenerations, but it could also refer to the span of one regeneration. Ya dig?

Like snowdog said, it doesn't really matter because they will always find a way around the "rules" to keep The Doctor around, I'm just saying it's jumping to conclusions to assume that he definitely has 12 more.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 27, 2013, 08:05:30 PM
Well, I personally don't have any trouble following Moffat's plotlines. If you pay attention and actually watch the episodes (whilst rewatching them later may help as well) then it isn't that difficult to piece together his plotlines.

Moffat at least was able to shift the show's dynamic from a sci-fi adventure-filled soap opera (sorry RTD) to an actual family sci-fi drama with elements of fantasy-- something that is much more akin to how classic Doctor Who was.

Yeah, but there's a huge disconnect between your first and second paragraphs. On one hand, MOffat's catering to an ever-increasing audience of diehards who are gonna pay close attention, rewatch, and go online to sort out every little detail to follow the show. On the other hand, Moffat's trying to keep the show an all-ages, family sci0-fi. Something tells me that little Timmy and Mom and Dad aren't gonna be doing due diligence to put everything together.

That's my only real criticism, overall. It's hard to cater to the diehard fans while keeping the family show vibe going, and Moffat has done an OK but not perfect job of doing that. I personally find the show difficult to follow occasionally. There are several plotpoints from the Moffat era that I'm pretty unclear on, I'm just happy enough to move on.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 27, 2013, 08:46:37 PM
It is kinda funny, though - a major plot point that's been one of the steady rules through the show got reversed because Clara talked to the time lords through a crack in the wall and begged them to "love him".

No it didn't. The Time Lords have always been able to extend the regenerations; at one point The Master was once offered the same. The Time Lords have also had the ability to travel through universes, Tennent mentions it at some point that travel between universes is near impossible now that the Time Lords are gone.

The Time Lords created the crack on Trenzalore in the truth field so when they asked the question it had to be answered truthful. Clara answered the question and the Time Lords released the regeneration energy and it went to the only Time Lord in the area. They did so because The Doctor is the only one that will bring them back.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 28, 2013, 01:59:04 AM
Well, I personally don't have any trouble following Moffat's plotlines. If you pay attention and actually watch the episodes (whilst rewatching them later may help as well) then it isn't that difficult to piece together his plotlines.

Moffat at least was able to shift the show's dynamic from a sci-fi adventure-filled soap opera (sorry RTD) to an actual family sci-fi drama with elements of fantasy-- something that is much more akin to how classic Doctor Who was.

Yeah, but there's a huge disconnect between your first and second paragraphs. On one hand, MOffat's catering to an ever-increasing audience of diehards who are gonna pay close attention, rewatch, and go online to sort out every little detail to follow the show. On the other hand, Moffat's trying to keep the show an all-ages, family sci0-fi. Something tells me that little Timmy and Mom and Dad aren't gonna be doing due diligence to put everything together.

That's my only real criticism, overall. It's hard to cater to the diehard fans while keeping the family show vibe going, and Moffat has done an OK but not perfect job of doing that. I personally find the show difficult to follow occasionally. There are several plotpoints from the Moffat era that I'm pretty unclear on, I'm just happy enough to move on.
Kids find it easy enough to follow, so adults really shouldn't have any trouble at all. I think it's laziness mostly - the majority of adults don't bother to invest much thought in what they're watching. Moffat's writing is clever and he loves to play around with non-linear storytelling, but it really isn't that complicated.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on December 28, 2013, 02:03:34 AM
For me, I've never had any trouble following any of the storyline, and the increased relative complexity of those is one of the two main reason I like the show better since The Eleventh Hour.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 28, 2013, 03:27:09 AM
I haven't had any problem following the story lines. It also helps that I binged on the entire show in a couple of weeks, so all of the story arcs were fresh in my mind, but for the genre I don't think the stories are hard to follow at all.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 28, 2013, 04:03:04 AM
I don't have a problem following it either, and neither do my daughters (age 10 and 17).  We love watching the show together - indeed, it is one of the few shows on TV for which I can say that, and I am thankful for it. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on December 28, 2013, 07:34:17 AM
Kids find it easy enough to follow, so adults really shouldn't have any trouble at all. I think it's laziness mostly - the majority of adults don't bother to invest much thought in what they're watching. Moffat's writing is clever and he loves to play around with non-linear storytelling, but it really isn't that complicated.
I'd say kids follow it because they take the show the same way I tend to - they don't get hung up on all the different plot points and just roll with it. The same is not true about many of the diehards.

TBH, I should say I only had trouble following the "Spaceman Suit" arc, probably because I was on my DS while trying to watch the episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on December 28, 2013, 09:40:24 AM
Some interesting points of view here. I haven't been following the show nearly long enough to have any input but I do agree with some of the stuff said about the writing.

Well couldn't a "cycle" just refer to one body's "life"? I'm not all up on my Doctor lingo, but that's a pretty obvious interpretation to me.

But he says regeneration cycle; Cycle meaning multiple events and Regeneration being the event.

Please don't think I'm seriously worried about this, but I must point out that is not the only way to define the word "cycle."

For instance, the dictionary on my laptop has a whole list of definitions, and the first two lines are:

-A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
-The period of time taken to complete a single sequence of such events

So a regeneration cycle could refer to a series of regenerations, but it could also refer to the span of one regeneration. Ya dig?

Like snowdog said, it doesn't really matter because they will always find a way around the "rules" to keep The Doctor around, I'm just saying it's jumping to conclusions to assume that he definitely has 12 more.

Okay I actually left a sentence out when I wrote this, let's edit:

The origins of the term "regeneration cycle" in Doctor Who come from the 20th Anniversary episode The Five Doctors, where the High Council of the Time Lords offer the Master, who was presently out of regenerations and could only live by stealing bodies, a new regeneration cycle. It's the old series term for the full life of a Time Lord, all 13 lives.  Given that Moffat directly referenced the episode in question in the Time of the Doctor-when the Doctor mentions taking the seal of the High Council from the Master-it's a safe bet that he's suggesting the definition to be another 13 Doctors, not that they'll have to answer this question in a couple years down the line.

As the series has defined it previously-and as the hardcore fanboys will most definitely argue for it-regeneration cycle means 13 more Doctors. Capaldi plus 12 more, barring any incidents that are like how 10 saving his life with regeneration energy became a regeneration after the fact.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on December 28, 2013, 11:52:30 PM
Ahh, gotcha. Like I said before, I am not up on my lingo and wasn't familiar with that term or episode. Without the history it could mean either thing, but obviously the term comes with more baggage than I knew!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 31, 2013, 03:22:04 AM
Pretty interesting read, mainly criticising Moffat in Smith-era seasons. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/print/2013/12/the-captain-kirk-problem-how-em-doctor-who-em-betrayed-matt-smith/282690/

Spoilers, of course.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 31, 2013, 04:54:21 AM
Pretty interesting read, mainly criticising Moffat in Smith-era seasons. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/print/2013/12/the-captain-kirk-problem-how-em-doctor-who-em-betrayed-matt-smith/282690/

Spoilers, of course.
That guy needs to get a life.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 31, 2013, 05:01:27 AM

While there are one or two legit criticisms in there (such as Clara not having much opportunity to grow yet beyond a basic companion plot device), it mostly reads like a pseudo-intelligent rant by someone who thought their opinion matters because they have an internet connection and tvtropes bookmarked.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 31, 2013, 05:22:34 AM
I didn't read it all but some of his points could be attributed to Tennant as well; the bragging certainly could be. Tennant had a thing for announcing that he was a Time Lord from Gallifrey, and he was old, and blah blah blah...

I love the Christmas special but did anyone notice how odd it was that they didn't really explain how the Doctor with seemingly no technology managed to hold off all those enemies for about a 1000 years? Or did I missed something?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on December 31, 2013, 05:29:33 AM
I didn't read it all but some of his points could be attributed to Tennant as well; the bragging certainly could be. Tennant had a thing for announcing that he was a Time Lord from Gallifrey, and he was old, and blah blah blah...

By the later Tennant episodes, he would often announce that he was the doctor, and that the aliens could either leave, or he'd make them. He was equally arrogant in the RTD era. I actually like that the doctor has a natural tendency for arrogance and self importance and over-confidence, and that his companions help humble him a bit. I think the RTD era did a good job of that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 31, 2013, 07:29:28 AM
The irony is that the writer of that article is horribly arrogant. He literally doesn't believe that the surge in popularity of the show could possibly be because of how good it is. He doesn't like it, therefore it must be bad, and there must be other reasons for its popularity.

I only read the first few paragraphs but that's enough for me. What a clown! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 31, 2013, 07:33:48 AM
I didn't read it all but some of his points could be attributed to Tennant as well; the bragging certainly could be. Tennant had a thing for announcing that he was a Time Lord from Gallifrey, and he was old, and blah blah blah...

By the later Tennant episodes, he would often announce that he was the doctor, and that the aliens could either leave, or he'd make them. He was equally arrogant in the RTD era. I actually like that the doctor has a natural tendency for arrogance and self importance and over-confidence, and that his companions help humble him a bit. I think the RTD era did a good job of that.

The Time Lord Victorious!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 31, 2013, 07:52:49 AM
Yeah, that's a good point about Tenant actually. Swagger =/= arrogance. Towards the end, the 10th Doctor was far more arrogant than the 11th ever was. And the 6th Doctor was the most arrogant of the lot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 31, 2013, 08:02:58 AM
No kidding about the 6th Doctor. All the Doctors have been arrogant to a degree but 6 I couldn't watch. I tried watching the first few episodes of him and he is just an asshole. 4 was arrogant and could be an asshole but he always did it with charm and humour.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on December 31, 2013, 09:45:41 AM
Aren't the various incarnations of the Doctor supposed to have different personalities/quirks?  Isn't that part of the point?  Then it would make perfect sense that some would be more or less "arrogant" than others.

What an asshat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 31, 2013, 09:47:51 AM
Yeah that's the point; doesn't mean I have to like them all.  :lol

The asshat.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on December 31, 2013, 09:56:09 AM
No kidding about the 6th Doctor. All the Doctors have been arrogant to a degree but 6 I couldn't watch. I tried watching the first few episodes of him and he is just an asshole. 4 was arrogant and could be an asshole but he always did it with charm and humour.
Oh you should stick with him, he eases up a lot. In his first story (The Twin Dilemma) his behaviour is outrageous as a side-effect of the regeneration, but with each story he gets more empathetic, and he has a good humour to him. But yeah, still the most arrogant Doctor we've had.


Aren't the various incarnations of the Doctor supposed to have different personalities/quirks?  Isn't that part of the point?  Then it would make perfect sense that some would be more or less "arrogant" than others.

What an asshat.
Exactly. That's part of the joy of the show, and one of the key reasons it has lasted so long!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on December 31, 2013, 01:12:08 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on December 31, 2013, 09:08:52 PM
Harry really needed to show Sarah-Jane his pimp hand. She was such an insufferable bitch to him....Sorry watching some 4th Doctor lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on January 01, 2014, 04:41:04 AM
Tom Baker FTW

BTW, last night BBCAmerica showed "The End of Time" at midnight for New Year's.  But no way I could stay up to watch the whole thing again lol.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on January 01, 2014, 05:21:07 PM

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 04, 2014, 12:01:52 PM
My brother is so pissed about the Xmas special, he thinks it's such a travesty. :lol Like sure, I didn't love it, but then again I was only there for the regeneration anyway, and that was good enough that I didn't mind the rest.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 04, 2014, 01:38:18 PM
It might have been the weakest of the last three episodes, but it was far from a travesty
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on January 04, 2014, 03:38:31 PM
It might have been the weakest of the last three episodes, but it was far from a travesty
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on January 04, 2014, 03:40:10 PM
Yeah, and who would want the task of following up the 50th and trying to make it an even better celebration? I'm glad it was a different beast entirely.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 04, 2014, 04:46:09 PM
It might have been the weakest of the last three episodes, but it was far from a travesty

So that would be The Name/Day/Time of the Doctor as the last 3? I thought the Christmas special was much better than The Name of the Doctor, although not as good as the 50th, so I was completely happy with it.
What is it about the Christmas special that some people hate anyway? ???
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 04, 2014, 06:23:08 PM
I think people hate (for some reason) the idea of having an older Doctor. I actually think it's a breath of fresh air, and even if I were to prefer a younger Doctor, Capaldi is too great to hate the change anyway.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on January 04, 2014, 06:31:12 PM
I think people hate (for some reason) the idea of having an older Doctor. I actually think it's a breath of fresh air, and even if I were to prefer a younger Doctor, Capaldi is too great to hate the change anyway.

Capaldi doesn't even *look* that old though, and he's only like 12 years (or so) older than what Tennant is now. People need to get a grip  :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 04, 2014, 06:34:45 PM
I think people hate (for some reason) the idea of having an older Doctor. I actually think it's a breath of fresh air, and even if I were to prefer a younger Doctor, Capaldi is too great to hate the change anyway.

Do people really dislike an episode based on the new Doctor's 15 seconds of screen time?

I think it's good they cast an older Doctor, as it keeps it fresh to have variety with each Doctor. I haven't seen much Capaldi, but I've seen enough to be optimistic until I've at least seen him in a whole episode to judge properly. Hopefully once we've seen him in action, people will change their tune.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on January 04, 2014, 06:47:32 PM
They actually were going to go with an older Doctor for 11, but Matt Smith just wowed them so they changed their minds. The Doctor is centuries old and an alien, him turning into an older self shouldn't bug anyone.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 04, 2014, 06:55:25 PM
I want the next Doctor to be a black chick, just to see people flip out.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 04, 2014, 07:08:15 PM
I want the next Doctor to be a black chick, just to see people flip out.

As long as it's not a black male. I don't why but every time I hear a black male's British accent it annoys me. I was hoping Micky would die.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on January 04, 2014, 07:16:02 PM
Um, I'm pretty sure they don't all have the same voice  :lol

As for the older Doctor thing, I have heard a lot of people complain about that and I don't get it. I am happy about it, personally.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on January 04, 2014, 07:20:42 PM
I want the next Doctor to be a black chick, just to see people flip out.

As long as it's not a black male. I don't why but every time I hear a black male's British accent it annoys me. I was hoping Micky would die.

Idris Elba would make an awesome Doctor I reckon. He was an ideal candidate for the 12th, but I think he's too "into" hollywood now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sigz on January 04, 2014, 11:25:02 PM
I don't think the dislike of the christmas ep has anything to do with the Capaldi, I think it has to do with the fact that it had a very meandering plot - at least to me, it just felt aimless for a good chunk of the episode. A lot of the story arc questions were tied up with essentially one line handwaves, the pacing was all over the place, there were big portions that felt completely pointless like the entire christmas dinner bit in the beginning, etc.

I mean, I enjoyed it because I enjoy most Dr Who stuff, but I have a hard time saying that it was a satisfying story to send away my favorite Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on January 05, 2014, 03:25:14 AM
What are the chances of letting Capaldi drop a few F-bombs during his tenure?  I would absolutely shit myself if he said "Fuckity-bye!" before killing some Daleks.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 05, 2014, 03:34:14 AM
What are the chances of letting Capaldi drop a few F-bombs during his tenure?  I would absolutely shit myself if he said "Fuckity-bye!" before killing some Daleks.

Chances of that happening - 0%
Chances of such an occurence being awesome - 100%

I am hoping he will be a bit of an angrier doctor though. Even with tame language, it would be great to see.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 05, 2014, 03:42:58 AM
I don't think the dislike of the christmas ep has anything to do with the Capaldi, I think it has to do with the fact that it had a very meandering plot - at least to me, it just felt aimless for a good chunk of the episode. A lot of the story arc questions were tied up with essentially one line handwaves, the pacing was all over the place, there were big portions that felt completely pointless like the entire christmas dinner bit in the beginning, etc.
I wouldn't say it was meandering, but it was fast-paced so I can understand why people who aren't into that wouldn't like it so much. It's better on second viewing, seeing how it all fits together. I've come to the conclusion (from responses to Doctor Who and Sherlock, among others) that basically the majority of adults are quite lazy when it comes to TV shows.

But you're right that the hatred isn't coming from the last minute. As I've said before, EVERYTHING is hated by at least some people. In this case, some people might hate the sentimental Christmassy stuff at the start, while others might love that but hate the over-the-top epic action stuff towards the end. Or some people might hate the fact that it jumps around a bit and is generally fast-paced, while others love that stuff and hate the boring emotional stuff.

I'm not that fussy so I enjoyed all of it as both the writing and acting were really good. But I'm not at all surprised that some people hate it, or aspects of it. With a fanbase that big, some people get very strong opinions on how they think it should be. Like Joe said earlier in the thread, it's like the Dream Theater (or Metallica) of the TV world.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on January 05, 2014, 05:26:54 AM
It's better on second viewing, seeing how it all fits together.
I agree with this.

I'm a relatively recent re-convert to Doctor Who, and I didn't sense anything in this episode markedly different (writing/pacing-wise) than anything else from series 7.  It was of a kind with everything else I've seen.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on January 05, 2014, 07:03:51 AM
Any media that lasts longer than 5 years will develop a fanbase that hates a good proportion of it, with minimal consistency on what is considered bad, only that the earlier stuff was better.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on January 05, 2014, 09:03:47 AM
Any media that lasts longer than 5 years will develop a fanbase that hates a good proportion of it, with minimal consistency on what is considered bad, only that the earlier stuff was better.

Yes, the same people who are now saying Moffat sucks took RTD to task for farting aliens and horrible arc concluding episodes and complaining that the classic show was much better. When Moffat moves on, his replacement will be ripped to shreds while Moffat's era is looked back on fondly. Never fails. Sometimes I wonder why people who actually don't like something watch or listen to it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 05, 2014, 09:27:15 AM
Any media that lasts longer than 5 years will develop a fanbase that hates a good proportion of it, with minimal consistency on what is considered bad, only that the earlier stuff was better.

Yes, the same people who are now saying Moffat sucks took RTD to task for farting aliens and horrible arc concluding episodes and complaining that the classic show was much better. When Moffat moves on, his replacement will be ripped to shreds while Moffat's era is looked back on fondly. Never fails. Sometimes I wonder why people who actually don't like something watch or listen to it.

Yeah but it will be, likely, by different people.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 05, 2014, 10:28:20 AM
I never said I hated it, I loved it actually. It was just I loved Name and Day better
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on January 09, 2014, 11:44:35 AM
Pretty interesting read, mainly criticising Moffat in Smith-era seasons. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/print/2013/12/the-captain-kirk-problem-how-em-doctor-who-em-betrayed-matt-smith/282690/

Spoilers, of course.

I didn't read the whole thing, but the Kirk idea is interesting. I definitely noticed the Doctor becoming more like that, and it does put me off.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 09, 2014, 12:44:59 PM
Yeah, I think the article goes a bit far in some areas but I agree with some of the stuff that's said about what could risk throwing the show off the deep end.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 09, 2014, 04:11:55 PM
As we said before, each Doctor has a different personality. Matt's really wasn't very arrogant compared with the 6th, and didn't think of himself as invincible as much as the 10th did towards the end. All the bitching in that article is basically because someone wants to whine about Moffat.

Anyway: https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/news/a542804/doctor-who-series-9-to-air-in-2015-says-steven-moffat.html

Good stuff, looks like we're getting a steady two years now, after a couple of years of it being unusual scheduling!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 11, 2014, 10:24:09 AM
:victorydance: I was hoping there wouldn't be more of the inconsistent scheduling in the near future, so it's nice to have it confirmed, especially with just getting a new Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 11, 2014, 08:23:44 PM
Hopefully that trickles through the rest of the TV industry - I hate this split season "trend" they've all been jumping on since TWD.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Sycsa on January 12, 2014, 05:03:59 AM
What happened to robwebster btw?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: bout to crash on January 12, 2014, 05:26:26 AM
Great question. His last post was four months ago :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on January 13, 2014, 07:17:31 AM
It's not uncommon for Rob Webster to disappear from DTF for months at a time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on January 13, 2014, 09:28:12 AM
I just finished Series 3 (apart from The Voyage of the Damned). Blink and the last three episodes were amazing, I loved this series!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on January 14, 2014, 11:58:12 PM
Finally saw the Christmas special. :lol

Not much to say, other than that it was fantastic. And reprising "The Long Song" during The Doctor's regeneration was the greatest thing ever.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on January 15, 2014, 08:02:13 AM
There's this guy on my news feed who simply can not let raging at Moffatt go. I could see like, a status update after a disappointing episode... but c'mon. It's been over two weeks now since the Christmas special. Is this guy gonna brood on the "decline" of DW all the way through until August?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 15, 2014, 08:12:07 AM
I don't understand what all the hate is about for the Moffatt era. Not that it's perfect by any means, or didn't have it's fair share of less than perfect episodes (or characters), but how is it any more flawed than the RTD era?
Both Doctor Who eras have their problems, but both have a lot to enjoy about them too. I just roll with it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Perpetual Change on January 15, 2014, 08:23:08 AM
That's where I'm coming from too, Blob.

I would say that, overall, I preferred the RTD era. Was it because it was really better, though? I'm not quite sure. I thought so, but there are only a handful of things I could identify which made S1-4 better than S5-7, and even then, S1-4 were FAR from perfect too.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 15, 2014, 08:31:50 AM
I would say overall I prefer the Moffatt era, and I have my fair share of criticisms for those seasons too. But every season was still plenty enjoyable for me. There are elements of the RTD era I miss, and there are elements I'm glad are gone. And the Moffatt era has new elements I love, along with areas I don't think it's as strong.
I could pick apart any episode if I wanted to, even my absolute favourites, but if I hated it that much, I'd just stop watching, and not waste my time dumping shit on it. Criticism is one thing, but at some point you have to know when you let go and move along.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 15, 2014, 09:15:33 AM
Moffat has become cool-to-hate basically. I honestly don't know why, but there are people who just can't let it go. Fortunately they're a minority, but a bloody loud one.

I even see comments like after the first episode of the latest Sherlock series, some people saying how it good it was because Moffat didn't write it. It's just childish, really.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on January 15, 2014, 09:40:53 AM
For me, the problem with the latest Who parts is that Moffat barely wrote any! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on January 15, 2014, 09:58:12 AM
I definitely prefer the Moffat era. While I enjoyed Davies' stuff, apart from a few really fantastic episodes, I really have no desire to re-watch it. Whereas with Moffat, I enjoy re-watching almost every episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on January 15, 2014, 10:24:55 AM
I'm probably one of the most Moffat-positive blokes on the Internet, so don't get me started on what I think about the constant waves of hate he gets on tumblr and the other social media.   :yeahright

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on January 15, 2014, 11:31:21 AM
If Doctor Who was Friends - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHnNHtQXNps
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 15, 2014, 03:24:56 PM
Moffat has become cool-to-hate basically. I honestly don't know why, but there are people who just can't let it go. Fortunately they're a minority, but a bloody loud one.

I even see comments like after the first episode of the latest Sherlock series, some people saying how it good it was because Moffat didn't write it. It's just childish, really.

As I think becomes evident in this thread, there are legitimate criticisms to be had of Moffat to be sure, but ALL of that gets lost in the irrational hate mob.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 15, 2014, 03:28:03 PM
Is it wrong of me to not bother knowing who is writing the show but to enjoy(or not) each episode based on it's own merits? lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 15, 2014, 03:32:55 PM
Moffat has become cool-to-hate basically. I honestly don't know why, but there are people who just can't let it go. Fortunately they're a minority, but a bloody loud one.

I even see comments like after the first episode of the latest Sherlock series, some people saying how it good it was because Moffat didn't write it. It's just childish, really.

As I think becomes evident in this thread, there are legitimate criticisms to be had of Moffat to be sure, but ALL of that gets lost in the irrational hate mob.
No more so than anyone else though. Everyone can have legitimate criticisms levelled at them, because nobody can please everyone. The Moffat-hate-mob are just that bit more arrogant about their own opinions than most are.

Is it wrong of me to not bother knowing who is writing the show but to enjoy(or not) each episode based on it's own merits? lol
Not at all, the most important thing is to just enjoy the show! :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 15, 2014, 04:38:10 PM
I have enjoyed both eras immensely, although I'll give Moffat a bit of an edge since I consider series 5 my favorite
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 15, 2014, 04:39:35 PM
Moffat has become cool-to-hate basically. I honestly don't know why, but there are people who just can't let it go. Fortunately they're a minority, but a bloody loud one.

I even see comments like after the first episode of the latest Sherlock series, some people saying how it good it was because Moffat didn't write it. It's just childish, really.

As I think becomes evident in this thread, there are legitimate criticisms to be had of Moffat to be sure, but ALL of that gets lost in the irrational hate mob.

Especially when you keep in mind that they're holding up the RTD era as their shining example.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on January 15, 2014, 06:36:42 PM
Haha, anyone who even claims that Moffat is ruining the show has clearly not looked at the ratings of the show nor the amount of people worldwide who are tuning in to watch the show. It's bigger than it has ever been, and it just keeps getting more popular. Whatever Moffat is doing "wrong" is certainly getting more viewers and good ratings, and I love the show from his perspective, so I hope he continues "ruining" the show because I'm sure as heck enjoying it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 15, 2014, 06:38:12 PM
Haha, anyone who even claims that Moffat is ruining the show has clearly not looked at the ratings of the show nor the amount of people worldwide who are tuning in to watch the show. It's bigger than it has ever been, and it just keeps getting more popular. Whatever Moffat is doing "wrong" is certainly getting more viewers and good ratings, and I love the show from his perspective, so I hope he continues "ruining" the show because I'm sure as heck enjoying it.

The hype and popularity surrounding the 50th anniversary episode is what convinced me to watch the show, and the strength of the episode is what kept me watching, so yeah, I'm all for him continuing to ruin it too!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: adameastment on January 15, 2014, 08:51:21 PM
Thing is though, you ask anyone if they like Moffat they'll say no. Then ask the same people what their favourite Who episodes from series 1 are and they're probably answer; The Empty Child/Doctor Dances. Series 3; Blink. Etc, purely because of how they're written... *sigh*
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on January 16, 2014, 11:22:15 AM
Since I've only just finished Series 3 I can't really say anything about Moffat, but the episodes he's written in S1-3 were all amazing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 18, 2014, 10:21:13 AM
I never noticed how hunched-over Matt Smith's posture is until I saw the 50th special. Weird, right?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 18, 2014, 10:31:29 AM
Love this picture so much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on January 18, 2014, 01:25:11 PM
A hint at exciting things to come. :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on January 19, 2014, 03:47:03 AM
Surely it won't be long before Doctor Who fans start posting on twitter how they love " Soft Top Hard Shoulder " just coz Capaldi is in it.

" omg Soft Top Hard Shoulder so funnyyyyyyy capaldi can u not omg "
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 19, 2014, 03:59:52 AM
I didn't understand any part of that post.

I've started to see more of the anti-Moffat complainers lately, picking apart everything just because they're supposed to, yet ignoring how ridiculous the RTD era was for some reason.

I've seen a few people bitching about Moffat trying to one up everyone else by inventing the war doctor just so he could be the one to deal with the regeneration limit, and making the battle on Trenzalore last 900 years (according to some official book or something) so his doctor could be way older and better than the previous doctors. Or some shit like that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on January 19, 2014, 04:00:56 AM
I didn't understand any part of that post.

Surely it won't be long before Doctor Who fans start posting on twitter how they love " Soft Top Hard Shoulder " just coz Capaldi is in it.

??? " Soft Top, hard Shoulder " is a British film starring Peter Capaldi.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 19, 2014, 04:04:48 AM
I didn't understand any part of that post.

Surely it won't be long before Doctor Who fans start posting on twitter how they love " Soft Top Hard Shoulder " just coz Capaldi is in it.

??? " Soft Top, hard Shoulder " is a British film starring Peter Capaldi.

Oh, that makes much more sense! :lol Sorry, I've never heard of it, and I had a serious mental block figuring out what it was referring to. I've never actually seen or heard of anything else with Capaldi in it, barring the one previous episode of Who that he was in.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on January 19, 2014, 04:09:58 AM
Well it's quite old now - he's a lot younger in it. That was my first experience of Capaldi. I've not actually seen any " The Thick Of It. " but I should do because the writer Armando Iannucci is one of my favourite writers and comedians.

Iannucci is pretty much the king of satirical comedy in the UK - having been a part of Chris Morris' "The Day Today" " Brass Eye" " I'm Alan Partridge" etc.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on January 19, 2014, 04:23:18 AM
What I've seen of The Thick Of It - just clips, really, looks incredible, and I would love to watch it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on January 19, 2014, 05:42:22 PM
Actually i'm lying because I saw Local Hero way before Soft Top, Hard Shoulder. I always forget he's in it.

It was one of my Dad's favourite films when I was tiny. Partly due to Mark Knopfler writing the score.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: sueño on January 19, 2014, 06:59:01 PM
Well it's quite old now - he's a lot younger in it. That was my first experience of Capaldi. I've not actually seen any " The Thick Of It. " but I should do because the writer Armando Iannucci is one of my favourite writers and comedians.

Iannucci is pretty much the king of satirical comedy in the UK - having been a part of Chris Morris' "The Day Today" " Brass Eye" " I'm Alan Partridge" etc.

the thick of it is hilarious!!!  I watched it last year and was just wondering if Scots are always so angry?  >:(  :lol

the movie from it is on Netflix.  It's called In the Loop.  Has James Gandolfini in it.  Good stuff!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: GuineaPig on January 20, 2014, 05:53:50 AM
The Thick of It might be the best work of political satire ever.  It's utterly phenomenal.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on January 26, 2014, 02:59:15 PM
Was listening to Series 7's soundtrack on Spotify, and "Infinite Potential" made me have to go and rewatch Matt Smith's regeneration. Ugh, I love it so much.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 27, 2014, 04:58:36 AM
Rumours are that Capaldi's costume reveal is today or definitely this week .  Excited!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 27, 2014, 05:03:11 AM
Rumours are that Capaldi's costume reveal is today or definitely this week .  Excited!

:caffeine: For reals? Is there some specific event or place to watch out? I wasn't expecting his outfit to be revealed until the new episodes air.

(noob Who fan here, so this is my first time with a new Doc)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 27, 2014, 06:02:27 AM
https://www.doctorwhotv.co.uk/ (https://www.doctorwhotv.co.uk/) Keep checking here pal, really good source for Doctor Who news.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 27, 2014, 06:07:50 AM
Rumours are that Capaldi's costume reveal is today or definitely this week .  Excited!

:caffeine: For reals? Is there some specific event or place to watch out? I wasn't expecting his outfit to be revealed until the new episodes air.
They wouldn't be able to film any outdoor scenes if they wanted to do that. No, they need to reveal it officially so that it doesn't get revealed by fans taking photos.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 27, 2014, 06:16:06 AM
Rumours are that Capaldi's costume reveal is today or definitely this week .  Excited!

:caffeine: For reals? Is there some specific event or place to watch out? I wasn't expecting his outfit to be revealed until the new episodes air.
They wouldn't be able to film any outdoor scenes if they wanted to do that. No, they need to reveal it officially so that it doesn't get revealed by fans taking photos.

Makes sense. I'd much prefer an official reveal, to see it on their terms in good quality, rather than have people scrutinizing based on some blurry camera phone photos. And then when the episode airs, there's still the fun of seeing how he ends up with his outfit.

So what are people thinking/hoping his outfit will be this time? I could see him doing a vest, and an old timey fob watch, and a long coat or something. Something like a 1920s professor or scientist. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 27, 2014, 06:25:42 AM
I saw this crop up somewhere and thought it would be perfect for Pete.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on January 27, 2014, 06:27:03 AM
It's too shiny. I'd love to be able to not see stuff like that until the episode, so far in my Dr Who experience I've always seen the doctor and the outfit at the time they regenerated.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 27, 2014, 06:39:32 AM
Yeah, that's too shiny and fancy. I also think it looks too close to a normal suit like Tennant (even though I know it's different). He needs something distinctly unique to his Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 27, 2014, 06:51:42 AM
Ah yeah I suppose it does look a bit Tennantish haha, he used to wear blue every now and then too. I wouldn't mind seeing something with a bit of colour, definitely not as colourful as Colin Baker though.  Maybe even white. I dunno, never been a fashion expert.  Still, never been this excited to see some clothes before :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 27, 2014, 11:07:24 AM
The only right answer is this.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on January 27, 2014, 11:41:19 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 27, 2014, 12:13:29 PM
I'm in the air about that. Only because the Doctor has always had something quirky, this is just style. While in the end I'll be fine with. I always liked that each one had his own thing; well 9 maybe not so much... I guess his leather jacket? lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on January 27, 2014, 12:17:18 PM
I don't think it suits him. His face seems to demand something else.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on January 27, 2014, 02:50:31 PM
I dig it. It's a bit of a combo of 1, 3 and 9. Sharp looking, but simple and to the point. Nice. :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 27, 2014, 05:57:52 PM
So, do you think he's going to keep the green sonic and are we going to see him add the "red setting"?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on January 27, 2014, 08:06:09 PM
So, do you think he's going to keep the green sonic and are we going to see him add the "red setting"?

Eh, I'm thinking he'll get a new Sonic, personally. It's time for a new model, imo. I have a feeling it might resemble the War Doctor's Sonic, actually. The show's been heading into a retro style lately, so it wouldn't surprise me if that influences the look of the new Sonic.

Also there seems to be a rumor going around that Charles Dance (aka Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones) might be appearing as the Master this season. Dunno how accurate that is, but it'd be epic as hell to see Capaldi and Dance go at it as the Doctor and the Master.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 27, 2014, 08:57:34 PM
Dance would make an excellent Master
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 27, 2014, 11:55:22 PM
I like it. :tup

It's not *too* far from what I was expecting, although I was thinking more brown/black colours rather than the dark blue, but I like it. Maybe it's not quite as distinctive as I was expecting, but I think it will suit him once we see him in action.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on January 28, 2014, 05:04:43 AM
WHAT. Charles Dance as the Master would be EPIC!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 28, 2014, 06:02:21 AM
Charles Dance appearing at all would be brilliant, but especially as the Master. After the Tennant/Simm combo of young-looking timelords, it'd be great to bring back the old-enemies feel.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 28, 2014, 06:21:10 AM
I'm not a big fan of the Master character, and I don't know this guy, but I'm confident Moffat could make it work.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on January 28, 2014, 08:33:28 AM
I would have Tywin Lannister himself star as The Master.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on January 28, 2014, 08:44:47 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on January 28, 2014, 12:54:49 PM
I am a big fan of both the classic and the current series.  The second doctor is my favorite, its a shame so many of his stories are incomplete or missing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 28, 2014, 02:06:50 PM
I highly agree ozzy. Saw The Three Doctors not too long ago and thought he was so good
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on January 28, 2014, 07:54:33 PM


Also, here's an image from filming earlier today of Capaldi in costume for the first time. Looking good! :tup

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on January 28, 2014, 07:55:02 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 29, 2014, 03:17:17 PM
In classic Who watch, just got done with season 10, and I for one will not be missing Jo from the series. I think she was a bit of a ditz and I'm eagerly awaiting to get acquainted with Sarah Jane
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on January 29, 2014, 08:31:18 PM
In classic Who watch, just got done with season 10, and I for one will not be missing Jo from the series. I think she was a bit of a ditz and I'm eagerly awaiting to get acquainted with Sarah Jane

Ooh, someone else is also watching the Third Doctor's run! :biggrin: I'm still at Season 7 though, so it'll be awhile before I get to Jo or Sarah Jane.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 30, 2014, 12:40:49 AM
Yeah Jo was quite a ditz. She was quite cute though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 30, 2014, 04:37:35 AM
I'll agree there
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 30, 2014, 08:33:05 AM
Lets face it most of the companions in the old series were ditzy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on January 30, 2014, 09:07:41 AM
I'm not a big fan of the Master character, and I don't know this guy, but I'm confident Moffat could make it work.

I'm not a big fan of the Russel t Davies version of the master. The original master played by roger delgado was awesome. Ainley was alright but at times a bit cartooney.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on January 30, 2014, 09:09:59 AM
i used to not like the lastest version of The Master as well but in light of what the Timelords did to him, it makes sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on January 30, 2014, 09:27:06 AM
I'm not a big fan of the Master character, and I don't know this guy, but I'm confident Moffat could make it work.

I'm not a big fan of the Russel t Davies version of the master. The original master played by roger delgado was awesome. Ainley was alright but at times a bit cartooney.

I've seen very little of the pre-2005 series, so I'm a bit of a half-assed fan there. The only thing I've seen of the master aside from the RTD era is most of The Five Doctors, which I preferred.
I have no problem with the concept of the character, or bringing him back, but I didn't think the latest actor was charismatic enough to pull off the persona, and I thought his episodes were pretty silly, between Tweety Bird Jesus Doctor, and 6 billion copies of the master.

I've read that they're going to mix things up a lot more this season, and that Capaldi's Doctor is going to be different, so this is going to be an interesting one. :tup
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on January 30, 2014, 01:17:49 PM
Lets face it most of the companions in the old series were ditzy.
I don't agree at all, absolutely loads of them weren't at all ditzy:
Barbara Wright
Ian Chesterton
Stephen Taylor
Jamie McCrimmon
Zoe Heriot
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
Liz Shaw
Sarah Jane Smith
Harry Sullivan
Leela (she was simple as she was from a savage tribe, but she was sharp)
Romana (the first incarnation anyway)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on January 30, 2014, 02:06:57 PM
Shame they got rid of Liz. I know now that the actress was pregnant, but they said they felt her and the Doctor didn't have good chemistry. I thought they worked well together, or maybe the showrunners thought they needed somebody a bit dafter to show the Doctor's brilliance more
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on February 01, 2014, 07:35:07 AM
Started watching Doctor Who a while back and just finished series 2. I never thought of Billie Piper as a very great actor, I mean she pulled of the role of Rose fine, but nothing special. But in those last scenes at the closed portal and at that beach she was absolutely amazing. The level of emotion she was able to convey was very impressive.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on February 01, 2014, 12:26:44 PM
Started watching Doctor Who a while back and just finished series 2. I never thought of Billie Piper as a very great actor, I mean she pulled of the role of Rose fine, but nothing special. But in those last scenes at the closed portal and at that beach she was absolutely amazing. The level of emotion she was able to convey was very impressive.

I honestly think The Day Of The Doctor was her best performance.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on February 01, 2014, 12:28:22 PM
I don't know if it was the character, or the actress, but I never really cared for her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: chknptpie on February 02, 2014, 09:05:00 AM
I'd say most guys might prefer to watch her in Secret Diary of a Call Girl... Although her mouth/teeth have always bothered me a bit.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 02, 2014, 09:08:52 AM
I'd say most guys might prefer to watch her in Secret Diary of a Call Girl... Although her mouth/teeth have always bothered me a bit.

When she came back for an episode (Turn Left I think?) that was really pissing me off. It was like she was wearing fake teeth or something, and mumbling, and I couldn't understand her all that well. Too much tooth.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 02, 2014, 10:10:54 AM
She'd very recently undergone a dental procedure of some kind, can't remember what.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 02, 2014, 03:56:44 PM
For some reason, you can already pre-order the series 8 DVD box set. As you would expect, the comedy troll reviews on Amazon are numerous and excellent: https://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B00I3JR9SG/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_btm?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on February 02, 2014, 04:15:12 PM
 :lol Those are great.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 02, 2014, 08:45:09 PM
She'd very recently undergone a dental procedure of some kind, can't remember what.

Oh good. I was worried I'd just forgotten how British she was. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 02, 2014, 09:26:22 PM
If I remember correctly it was a jaw reconstruction and they made her where fake teeth to look like Rose as she changed slightly.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on February 03, 2014, 12:26:56 AM
For some reason, you can already pre-order the series 8 DVD box set. As you would expect, the comedy troll reviews on Amazon are numerous and excellent: https://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B00I3JR9SG/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_btm?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending
Those reviews are amazing  :rollin
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on February 04, 2014, 05:53:36 AM
I know it's not much, but they're filming:

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 04, 2014, 06:12:34 AM
Interesting! No idea how this all fits together, but it seems good whatever it is. I actually watched the whole thing before realizing there were captions, so I didn't realize anyone could make out the audio. :lol

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on February 04, 2014, 06:33:20 AM
To sum up (spoilers):
- Clara gets a call on her cell from the Doctor
- That Doctor is apparently on Trenzalore
- He's "scared"
- The Capaldi Doctor comes out and assures Clara that he is the Doctor
- They go for chips
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on February 17, 2014, 02:29:23 PM
Doctor Who is now my favorite show. I have the Vincent and the Doctor poster hanging in my classroom, and a sonic screwdriver.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: DP_Gumby on February 17, 2014, 02:46:50 PM
I started watching Doctor Who in September last year, and now I'm addicted to the series.  :hefdaddy
I have only seen the modern era episodes so far, with Eccelstone, Tennant and Smith, so I feel it's to early for me to decide who's my favorite doctor. But of those I have seen, I'm most attached to the 10th Doctor.

But could I get any advice on where to find a really great replica of the sonic screwdriver? Preferably some with sound.
I have checked out the universal remote version that ThinkGeek sells.

And on a little off-topic note, this is my 200th post as well!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on February 17, 2014, 02:49:24 PM
I have 11's sonic, it plays sounds and has the green light which turns on.

I forget where I got it from, but it was like $20 online. Google is your friend.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 17, 2014, 02:54:40 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on February 17, 2014, 02:58:43 PM
Welcome back, Jamesman!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on February 17, 2014, 03:08:03 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on February 17, 2014, 04:17:29 PM
I have the 11th's sonic. It's pretty cool. Was suprised at how hefty it is. I want to get 10's as well because it doubles as a pen
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: DP_Gumby on February 18, 2014, 01:08:57 AM
Yeah, I'm considering the 11th sonic screwdriver too.
Although my favorite doctor is the 10th, my favorite sonic screwdriver is the 11th.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on February 22, 2014, 06:25:57 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzmnPs64K74 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzmnPs64K74)

I can honestly say I was chuckling through this entire video, Then the ending happend and i completely lost it.   :rollin
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on February 24, 2014, 04:58:19 PM
https://www.doctorwho.tv/whats-new/article/samuel-anderson-joins-doctor-who-for-peter-capaldi-s-first-series (https://www.doctorwho.tv/whats-new/article/samuel-anderson-joins-doctor-who-for-peter-capaldi-s-first-series)

Interesting...new recurring character for series 8. I'm guessing he'll become a full time companion, maybe similar to how Rory was in Series 5.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on February 24, 2014, 06:41:52 PM
Or maybe something like Captain Jack in a way
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 24, 2014, 06:57:24 PM
I'm thinking he'll start off trying to figure out why Clara is always running off, and will stumble across Clara and the Doc, and maybe he'll be a bad guy undercover and we're not quite sure if he's bad, or what he's up to. I don't know.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on February 24, 2014, 07:25:47 PM
I think they're trying to draw a comparison to the beginning. The oldest doctor, two teachers as companions
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 24, 2014, 07:36:08 PM
Having only jumped on with the 2005 series, I completely missed that comparison!

I like them mixing it up with new companions, although I haven't been a fan of the recent male companions. Rory was worthless. I would have liked Captain Jack to stay on longer though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on February 24, 2014, 07:42:36 PM
Rory was great. :(

Captain Jack never got to meet 11. God I wish I could see that interaction.

Maybe he will meet 12.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 25, 2014, 12:44:17 AM
Rory was worthless.
Wtf. I do not understand your taste in companions.

Anyway, if he's going to be a new companion, then I'm all for it, I love it when DW has multiple companions!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 25, 2014, 12:48:37 AM
Rory was worthless.
Wtf. I do not understand your taste in companions.

I didn't dislike him, but he was worthless, and he knew it. He was Amy's bitch. Hopefully the new male companion has a scrotum this time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on February 25, 2014, 03:47:10 AM
I agree about Rory, for the most part he was just as bad as Rose's bf. He was given some moments to shine, but as badass as they were they always felt like something entirely out of character and seemed disconnected from him.

I'm not a big fan of having 2 companions at the same time, it breaks down the dynamics which I think work best when there's only the Doctor and the Companion. 3 is definitely a crowd on the Tardis.

I'd love this to happen, just so I can watch all the Moffat haters squirm: PC is a doctor only for one season, and this is also Moffat's last one. At the end Clara is gone back to her life or dead, the Doctor regenerates into a... woman and this new guy becomes her male companion. Wouldn't that piss off 90% of the Who fans in a beautiful way xD
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 25, 2014, 04:50:33 AM
Rory's story arc was fantastic, in my opinion, probably my favourite of the lot to be honest. Your view of him seems to be based on the first half of his first season, which isn't fair at all. Sure, he started out pathetic, that was sort of the point as it allowed a lot of character development for him and Amy and their relationship. He was kickass by the end.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 25, 2014, 05:19:06 AM
Even by the end Rory was just Mr Pond (which was always hilarious). I never really bought the whole centurion thing. He waited around for 2000 years, but it never made him seem tougher, it just made him even more Amy's bitch. He was lucky to score Amy.

I also much prefer just the Doctor with one companion dynamic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on February 25, 2014, 05:20:08 AM
Yeah, his development over the seasons was great to watch.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 25, 2014, 07:09:07 AM
I also much prefer just the Doctor with one companion dynamic.
Fair enough, I don't agree at all with you about Rory, but I think this is probably part of the difference. I enjoy the one-companion dynamic fine, but I find the dynamic and character development generally more enjoyable when there is more than one. That's one of my favourite things about parts of the classic series - the first, second and fifth Doctors usually had multiple companions (and the tenth and eleventh have done as well for quite large chunks).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 25, 2014, 07:18:59 AM
I also much prefer just the Doctor with one companion dynamic.
Fair enough, I don't agree at all with you about Rory, but I think this is probably part of the difference. I enjoy the one-companion dynamic fine, but I find the dynamic and character development generally more enjoyable when there is more than one. That's one of my favourite things about parts of the classic series - the first, second and fifth Doctors usually had multiple companions (and the tenth and eleventh have done as well for quite large chunks).

For me it had nothing to do with having two companions. Rory actually would have been much worse if it was just him, as his character relied on mooching off Amy. He didn't have a lot going for him on his own.
I haven't had a problem with the recent times when there have been two companions, but it doesn't really add anything imo, and they usually feel like tag-alongs, rather than their own separate companion. The two person dynamic works the most effectively imo.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 25, 2014, 08:45:51 AM
I like the mini-episode where Rory crashes the Tardis because he was looking up Amy skirt. lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Lynxo on February 25, 2014, 08:50:00 AM
I like the mini-episode where Rory crashes the Tardis because he was looking up Amy skirt. lol
Can't say I blame him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on February 25, 2014, 08:58:49 AM
I must have missed that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 25, 2014, 09:01:45 AM
Humourless feminists got very upset about that and said it showed that Doctor Who was sexist. :|
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on February 25, 2014, 09:03:21 AM
I think some people just go through life trying to be offended.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on February 25, 2014, 09:04:04 AM
I believe this is it, hard to verify when at work.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on February 26, 2014, 09:47:58 PM
What we need, imo, is a male companion who has /no/ attachment to the female character in the TARDIS. Captain Jack's brief TARDIS run was absolutely fantastic and one of the best-- when the male companion is basically an extension of the female companion in that there is a romantic angle between them, they feel like less of their own character, honestly.

If this "Danny Pink" has a romantic angle with Clara, it'll likely be a bit frustrating, as I'd rather him be 1. someone for the Doctor to be 'bros' with for a while, a la Jamie, Jack, or Harry, or 2. a villain, hidden in plain sight. They need to spin the companion dynamic in a new and refreshing way this time around.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 26, 2014, 09:55:43 PM
What we need, imo, is a male companion who has /no/ attachment to the female character in the TARDIS. Captain Jack's brief TARDIS run was absolutely fantastic and one of the best-- when the male companion is basically an extension of the female companion in that there is a romantic angle between them, they feel like less of their own character, honestly.

If this "Danny Pink" has a romantic angle with Clara, it'll likely be a bit frustrating, as I'd rather him be 1. someone for the Doctor to be 'bros' with for a while, a la Jamie, Jack, or Harry, or 2. a villain, hidden in plain sight. They need to spin the companion dynamic in a new and refreshing way this time around.

Agree completely on the first paragraph. The recent male companions mostly haven't felt like their own characters, they've been additions as extensions of the female companion's background.

Personally I'm leaning towards option 2. I think he'll be portrayed as mysterious and devious and sneaky, with unknown intentions, and either end up being a villian, or possibly being there to help the Doctor, or maybe just someone who stumbles across Clara's secret of tagging along with the Doctor, and ends up joining them. There are plenty of possibilities.

Hopefully no romantic angle though. The show is plenty sentimental enough as it is without throwing additional love angles into the main cast. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on February 26, 2014, 09:57:06 PM
Unless he creates a love QUADRANGLE with The Doctor, Clara and the TARDIS.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on February 26, 2014, 09:58:59 PM
Unless he creates a love QUADRANGLE with The Doctor, Clara and the TARDIS.

Getting freaky with a 2000 year old alien and a blue box that's bigger on the inside? That I'd like to see! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on February 26, 2014, 10:00:57 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on February 26, 2014, 10:28:56 PM
Unless he creates a love QUADRANGLE with The Doctor, Clara and the TARDIS.

Getting freaky with a 2000 year old alien and a blue box that's bigger on the inside? That I'd like to see! :lol

Rule 34.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on February 27, 2014, 01:42:15 AM
What we need, imo, is a male companion who has /no/ attachment to the female character in the TARDIS. Captain Jack's brief TARDIS run was absolutely fantastic and one of the best-- when the male companion is basically an extension of the female companion in that there is a romantic angle between them, they feel like less of their own character, honestly.

If this "Danny Pink" has a romantic angle with Clara, it'll likely be a bit frustrating, as I'd rather him be 1. someone for the Doctor to be 'bros' with for a while, a la Jamie, Jack, or Harry, or 2. a villain, hidden in plain sight. They need to spin the companion dynamic in a new and refreshing way this time around.
I have no problem at all with the romantic angle, and as I've said already the Amy/Rory dynamic and character development is probably my favourite of the lot. However, I do agree that it would be better at this stage to do something different, because we've had a lot of that recently, with Rose and Mickey (and Rose and the Doctor of course) and then Amy and Rory.

I like your villain angle. I'd love to see them do something Turlough-esque with a companion at some point.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 04, 2014, 09:04:32 AM
Started this show a while back and just finished The Day of the Doctor. Holy shit this show has been one hell of a ride. Can't wait for the start of the next season.

Two things about TDotD though; I wish that the new Doctors would have gotten to see "Rose", or at least acknowledged the mention of Bad Wolf a bit more than that one line from Tennant. Also, I would have liked to have had more than one brief line from Eccleston, but that's just a minor nit-pick. Other than that it was fantastic.

EDIT: Wait.. I have "Time of the Doctor" left don't I? Went looking for something more, and found that title... I will be back when properly done..
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 04, 2014, 10:41:06 AM
There, done. And what I said before still stands.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 04, 2014, 09:37:01 PM
Started this show a while back and just finished The Day of the Doctor. Holy shit this show has been one hell of a ride. Can't wait for the start of the next season.

Two things about TDotD though; I wish that the new Doctors would have gotten to see "Rose", or at least acknowledged the mention of Bad Wolf a bit more than that one line from Tennant. Also, I would have liked to have had more than one brief line from Eccleston, but that's just a minor nit-pick. Other than that it was fantastic.

EDIT: Wait.. I have "Time of the Doctor" left don't I? Went looking for something more, and found that title... I will be back when properly done..

Eccleston didn't want to come back for the 50th, so they just used old footage for him as they did with the other doctors, and thus the War Doctor's regeneration only starts to show a basic face, because Eccleston wasn't there to film anything new for a proper regeneration sequence. I didn't much like Eccleston, but I would have liked to see a proper regeneration for him.

Upon rewatching the newer series, the second half of S7 doesn't do much for me, but once it hits The Name/Night/Day/Time of the Doctor, it's amazing, so I'm excited for the new season.

I'm really hoping they eventually explain how Clara called the Doctor. In The Bells of St John, she says the woman in the shop gave her that number, but it's never revealed who that is, as far as I'm aware. It wasn't River Song, as Clara didn't recognize her in The Name of the Doctor, so the other option I see is that it was one of the other Claras, one that was born a few decades before original Clara, and existed to make sure original Clara meets the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 05, 2014, 01:03:33 PM
Started this show a while back and just finished The Day of the Doctor. Holy shit this show has been one hell of a ride. Can't wait for the start of the next season.

Two things about TDotD though; I wish that the new Doctors would have gotten to see "Rose", or at least acknowledged the mention of Bad Wolf a bit more than that one line from Tennant. Also, I would have liked to have had more than one brief line from Eccleston, but that's just a minor nit-pick. Other than that it was fantastic.

EDIT: Wait.. I have "Time of the Doctor" left don't I? Went looking for something more, and found that title... I will be back when properly done..
Upon rewatching the newer series, the second half of S7 doesn't do much for me, but once it hits The Name/Night/Day/Time of the Doctor, it's amazing, so I'm excited for the new season.
S7B is ropey, yeah. It's all fairly inconsequential, very rarely daring or ambitious... a bit like they were holding anything earthshattering back for the anniversary proper. Monster of the week isn't necessarily bad, Hide was great, but there were a lot of episodes that just didn't quite gel.

That said, been rewatching a few eps lately, and my memory hadn't quite done it all credit. Always knew Hide was great, but The Rings of Akhaten is much better than I remembered (and I never hated it like everyone else did), and The Bells of Saint John is still Moffat's least good opener but that is very faint criticism - absolute blast, and still the cleverest title.

The others, though. Nightmare in Silver's still good, but I was a bit over-excited at the time. Likewise Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - it's good, but not all that. I was just grateful Doctor Who was on when Cold War first broadcast, and I was excited to finally see Ice Warriors, but I think that blinded me to just how generic it is. So much stock genre dialogue - and the ending underwhelmed the crap out of me. S7B sort of coasted along at 70%. I'll miss Matt Smith, but something needed to change.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on March 05, 2014, 02:45:10 PM
I love Rings Of Akhaten.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 05, 2014, 03:24:13 PM
robwebster! It's been a while sir. Did you post your thoughts on the 50th and the Christmas special?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on March 05, 2014, 05:30:15 PM
The Long Song in TROA is the best song since I Am the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 05, 2014, 07:03:03 PM
I actually liked the second half of 7 better than the first half, if only because the first half was basically the show walking in place while we got to the departure of the Ponds-their departure, in retrospect, was kind of overdue by then- while the second half had some pretty neat episodes in it (the only episode I'm really weak on is Cold War, and I do wish that Nightmare in Silver had been the two parter Gaiman envisioned when he wrote it) and of course led into the Name/Day/Time trilogy. In hindsight, also, I agree that this needed to be Smith's last series, because as much as I liked him, the show was feeling a little too comfortable again, and it was time to break it.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on March 05, 2014, 08:38:38 PM
Season 7 overall was pretty weak, and I am fanboyish with NuWho. Besides the Of the Doctor trilogy and a few random episodes, it was disappointing to me.

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 05, 2014, 10:43:31 PM
S7B is ropey, yeah. It's all fairly inconsequential, very rarely daring or ambitious... a bit like they were holding anything earthshattering back for the anniversary proper. Monster of the week isn't necessarily bad, Hide was great, but there were a lot of episodes that just didn't quite gel.

That said, been rewatching a few eps lately, and my memory hadn't quite done it all credit. Always knew Hide was great, but The Rings of Akhaten is much better than I remembered (and I never hated it like everyone else did), and The Bells of Saint John is still Moffat's least good opener but that is very faint criticism - absolute blast, and still the cleverest title.

The others, though. Nightmare in Silver's still good, but I was a bit over-excited at the time. Likewise Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - it's good, but not all that. I was just grateful Doctor Who was on when Cold War first broadcast, and I was excited to finally see Ice Warriors, but I think that blinded me to just how generic it is. So much stock genre dialogue - and the ending underwhelmed the crap out of me. S7B sort of coasted along at 70%. I'll miss Matt Smith, but something needed to change.

I really like The Bells of St John. I'd probably agree it's Moffat's least best opener, but his openers are always of a good standard, so that's not saying much.
I just rewatched The Rings of Akhaten, and it still doesn't do much for me. I like the Star Wars vibe going on, but the story of the singing girl is painful.
Cold War is a decent monster episode, but nothing amazing. As you said, kinda generic stuff going on there. I think RTD was probably a bit better at the monster of the week thing.
I didn't like Hide much. Far too sentimental even for Dr Who.
Journey to the Center of the TARDIS is good, but I felt it could have been more. Anything that delves further into the TARDIS itself interests me, but I don't think it went far enough. Missed potential.
The Crimson Horror has some good moments, but overall another average one.
Nightmare in Silver is another episode that I felt had a lot more potential than they achieved. How can that many Cybermen not be awesome?
I think my biggest gripe with the second half of the season is that The Doctor isn't standing out as much for the most part. I didn't find him to be as funny or wacky. He was mostly just there, and felt secondary a lot of the time.

I thought the first half of S7 was much stronger. Asylum, and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship were both great fun, and The Power of Three was probably one of my favourite episodes for The Doctor. The main problem there was that Rory and Amy were starting to feel they'd overstayed their welcome, and by Angels, I was just waiting for an Angel to off them both. River Song was also very out of place and redundant, and felt like she was only there because her parents were going down.

Given the interviews and spoilers so far, I have a feeling the first episode of S8 is going to be a doozy though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 05, 2014, 10:43:55 PM
I love Series 7. Much better than 6, but not better than 5 unless you're counting the Doctor trilogy. With that added, S7 beats most of New Who for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 05, 2014, 10:48:45 PM
I love Series 7. Much better than 6, but not better than 5 unless you're counting the Doctor trilogy. With that added, S7 beats most of New Who for me.

I think 5 is definitely the best of the Moffat seasons overall. S6 was good, and it had a great story arc, but River Song was a constant downer for me, which knocks it down a few notches.
I'm not sure which I'd choose out of 6 and 7, although the tail end of 7 (ie. the specials) really give it a huge boost.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 06, 2014, 12:44:18 AM
I thought the first half of S7 was much stronger. Asylum, and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship were both great fun, and The Power of Three was probably one of my favourite episodes for The Doctor. The main problem there was that Rory and Amy were starting to feel they'd overstayed their welcome, and by Angels, I was just waiting for an Angel to off them both. River Song was also very out of place and redundant, and felt like she was only there because her parents were going down.
Definitely! I really like A Town Called Mercy, too, which not a lot of people seem to. It does have a curious feel to it, though. I bloody love Amy and Rory, but they'd sort of said their goodbyes as long ago as The God Complex - their story ended, and they didn't officially "rejoin" until the end of The Power of Three, so their continued travels end up feeling a bit tacked on. "Oh, yeah, also, this happened." Like bonus tracks! Welcome, but the rhythm's slightly off. Some great eps, though.

There is a funny thing with those S7B episodes, where lots of people tend to agree that it's a mixed bag, but nobody can quite agree which those great episodes are. As you say, Blob, you don't much dig Hide, but for me it's the strongest story. There are a lot of people who really love The Crimson Horror, and regrettably I'm not one of them. It's weird. Something for everyone, probably - but only very rarely everything for everyone.

I love Series 7. Much better than 6, but not better than 5 unless you're counting the Doctor trilogy. With that added, S7 beats most of New Who for me.
I think I have it a tier down. Series 5 wins outright, and series 7 might beat series 6 only if you count the specials. Those specials are glorious. The Day of the Doctor, in particular, makes everything better.

Thinking about it, John Hurt is statistically the best Doctor. Every other Doctor's got a couple of squiffy episodes, but John Hurt is consistently brilliant. A+ performance, really great characterisation, in an incredibly strong episode. Finally, the question "Who's the best Doctor?" has a correct answer.

robwebster! It's been a while sir. Did you post your thoughts on the 50th and the Christmas special?
Never did - wasn't here! I'm sure they'll emerge on their own, probably already have to an extent, but I'm off in a minute so don't have the time for extended reviews just yet. In short - DotD, brilliant, possibly the best Doctor Who episode. TotD - also brilliant, but could have done with a few more minutes to breathe. The performance of Matt Smith's life, he absolutely gave the performance of his life, but the Doctor doubled his age overnight; the time he spent on Trenzalore was equal to the combined length of everything from the moment William Hartnell stole the TARDIS to the moment David Tennant didn't want to go, and I think they needed to do more with Clara to sell the way that feels.

Lots of very juicy stuff, though. The Doctor fighting alongside the Silence, all his clever schemes, his incredible old-acting - and, my favourite, him up on the clock tower swinging his ancient limbs about like he's a newborn lamb. So much to love, just comes with a few caveats. Things that didn't go anywhere. He lies in a truth field, and then they set up that holographic clothing overlay and didn't do anything with it. I thought they were doing something like this...


CLARA treads in, wary.

Along the floor – a trail of discarded clothes. Jacket, trousers, bow tie, leading up to the console, where a bowl of fish fingers and custard lies half-eaten.

A figure emerges from the corridor – the ELEVENTH DOCTOR. Young again.

Hello again.

You're still you.

I'm always me.

But you're you you. Young you. Is that it? Cos it's a new cycle? You get to keep your face?

Oh, Clara.

He starts undoing his bow tie. Those big sad eyes.

We're all different people, all through our lives, when you think about it. That's okay. That's good. You've got to keep moving. So long as you remember all the people you used to be.

The Eleventh Doctor removes his bow tie and drapes it around Clara's neck. Intense, eye to eye –

I will always remember when the Doctor was... you know.
Old girl.

Old girl?

The Doctor places an arm on Clara's shoulder –

Disengage projectors.

The Eleventh Doctor flickers, like a graphic, the bow tie flickers too, and both disappear!

Behind the hologram – new face, new clothes. Clara flinches back – those big, mad eyes!!

What? What's the issue?

Nothing. No issue.

Is it my kidneys?


So I've got funny kidneys. Some people have weird kidneys. Get over it!

The room thumps, and the Doctor rushes to the console –

It's not your kidneys.

Good, that's fine, dandy, cos we've got more important stuff to worry about right now.

Like what?

Huge question. Big question. Would you happen to know how to fly this thing?

Not so! I'm glad, Moffat's is better, it's more emotionally satisfying when the Eleventh Doctor's last words actually come from the Eleventh Doctor, and the Capaldi Slam was a great choice, but the nudity thing sort of feels like... a build up with no punchline? It's funny, but it's distracting in a way that's strange for something that never becomes important, so I wonder if it was orphaned from a previous draft. There are a few bits like that, that don't quite coalesce. But it is a very good ep, and a strong regeneration.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 06, 2014, 12:56:30 AM
Definitely! I really like A Town Called Mercy, too, which not a lot of people seem to. It does have a curious feel to it, though. I bloody love Amy and Rory, but they'd sort of said their goodbyes as long ago as The God Complex - their story ended, and they didn't officially "rejoin" until the end of The Power of Three, so their continued travels end up feeling a bit tacked on. "Oh, yeah, also, this happened." Like bonus tracks! Welcome, but the rhythm's slightly off. Some great eps, though.

There is a funny thing with those S7B episodes, where lots of people tend to agree that it's a mixed bag, but nobody can quite agree which those great episodes are. As you say, Blob, you don't much dig Hide, but for me it's the strongest story. There are a lot of people who really love The Crimson Horror, and regrettably I'm not one of them. It's weird. Something for everyone, probably - but only very rarely everything for everyone.

I liked A Town Called Mercy, but it's not a favourite. A Western version of The Terminator, basically. That appeals to me! The execution of it (no pun intended) was solid, but not a standout imo.

The God Complex felt like the nice send-off for Amy and Rory, giving them the house and the car, so everything after that started to feel like it was clinging. In Closing Time when the Doctor saw them, you feel that he made the sacrifice to keep them safe, and that it was possibly just as painful to him as losing them. I liked that ending.
But then in Asylum of the Daleks it was like "Oh but here they are again and they're having issues". I just didn't really care by that point, and I don't think it was all that believable. Then it sort of drags on through the next years of their life, and Rory and Amy couldn't even make up their mind as to whether they wanted to live their regular lives, or join the Doctor, so they felt like half-hearted companions in S7. Then they disappear into the past with some lame excuse that The Doctor can never visit that time and place again because of timey wimey stuff. Other than that, it was a decent send-off, but it felt like a second send off.

edit: I was also fully expecting that the young 11 was going to be a holographic projection too. I thought he was going to say he'd just put it on to make it easier for her, then BAM, Capaldi. As it was, I think his final send-off dragged just *slightly* too long. It was still good, but I think the holographic idea would have been a perfect bookend to the episode.
That said, the holographic clothing idea was so funny that it worked well on its own.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 06, 2014, 01:16:18 AM
I really liked the Rings of Akhaten too. Grandfather was a cool "monster" and there were some really cool scenes. The Doctor's monologue to the planet about the things he has seen and how long he has lived is one of my favorite moments of the show.

Series 6 is probably my favorite. A Good Man Goes to War is a fantastic episode. And I love the Silence, and the Silent ones (?) are probably my favorite alien of the entire show.

And I do not like the Cybermen, I always get equally disappointed when I see that they're going to be in the episode. Luckily they did something different with it in Nightmare in Silver, and it was cool to see The Doctor and the Cyberplanner talk to each other.

And is the Trenzalore story finished? After Gallifrey interfered and gave The Doctor more regeneration energy, is he still buried there? Because the place looked far more completely devastated and destroyed when they visited in Name of the Doctor than it did at the end there. Is there still a massive event waiting for him on Trenzalore?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Lynxo on March 06, 2014, 01:20:27 AM
I thought about that though. Maybe they didn't prevent his death, only prolonged it (Terminator style!). I mean, it was never actually shown to be the eleventh doctor's grave, was it?

Other than that, I just have to comment I have never have so much fun in front on the TV as when I was watching Name/Day/Time. My friend went to visit Day at the cinemas in 3D - how I envy her!

EDIT: Oh, and about the holographic clothes thing - I was sorely disappointed to never get so much as a glimpse of Clara without clothes. :sadpanda:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 06, 2014, 01:22:25 AM
And is the Trenzalore story finished? After Gallifrey interfered and gave The Doctor more regeneration energy, is he still buried there? Because the place looked far more completely devastated and destroyed when they visited in Name of the Doctor than it did at the end there. Is there still a massive event waiting for him on Trenzalore?
Naw, timeline aborted, the Time Lords intervened. The Eleventh Doctor was due to die the last Doctor, and to die on Trenzalore, but there'll be a new grave elsewhere, now. If Peter Capaldi returned to the space-time co-ordinates of The Name of the Doctor, he'd just find fields or something.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 06, 2014, 01:27:35 AM
Naw, timeline aborted, the Time Lords intervened. The Eleventh Doctor was due to die the last Doctor, and to die on Trenzalore, but there'll be a new grave elsewhere, now. If Peter Capaldi returned to the space-time co-ordinates of The Name of the Doctor, he'd just find fields or something.

That is a bit disappointing, it was such a dark and eeriely unsettling place. The battle there seemed to be worse than the one we saw (since the whole planet seemed to be cracked).

My friend went to visit Day at the cinemas in 3D - how I envy her!

Same here. And since you're from Stockholm, (relying on a monstrous coincidence here) what is her name?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 06, 2014, 02:24:22 AM
And is the Trenzalore story finished? After Gallifrey interfered and gave The Doctor more regeneration energy, is he still buried there? Because the place looked far more completely devastated and destroyed when they visited in Name of the Doctor than it did at the end there. Is there still a massive event waiting for him on Trenzalore?
Naw, timeline aborted, the Time Lords intervened. The Eleventh Doctor was due to die the last Doctor, and to die on Trenzalore, but there'll be a new grave elsewhere, now. If Peter Capaldi returned to the space-time co-ordinates of The Name of the Doctor, he'd just find fields or something.

Yep. We saw The Doctor's tomb on Trenzalore in The Name of the Doctor, then in Day of the Doctor he saves the Time Lords, who then give him a new regeneration cycle in The Time of the Doctor during those same events on Trenzalore to avert that timeline altogether, which hadn't happened yet during The Name of the Doctor.
There are a few potential time paradoxes in there, but it's Dr Who, so it's usually best to ignore that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Lynxo on March 06, 2014, 03:34:05 AM
Naw, timeline aborted, the Time Lords intervened. The Eleventh Doctor was due to die the last Doctor, and to die on Trenzalore, but there'll be a new grave elsewhere, now. If Peter Capaldi returned to the space-time co-ordinates of The Name of the Doctor, he'd just find fields or something.

That is a bit disappointing, it was such a dark and eeriely unsettling place. The battle there seemed to be worse than the one we saw (since the whole planet seemed to be cracked).

My friend went to visit Day at the cinemas in 3D - how I envy her!

Same here. And since you're from Stockholm, (relying on a monstrous coincidence here) what is her name?
Haha, she was there with a group of female friends and her name is Mia. Ring any bells?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 06, 2014, 07:06:31 AM
I read somewhere (I can't remember, sorry) that Capaldi could be a one-season Doctor. How likely is this really?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 06, 2014, 07:12:16 AM
I read somewhere (I can't remember, sorry) that Capaldi could be a one-season Doctor. How likely is this really?

I haven't heard that, but I prefer a Doctor to have a good run (assuming he's good). I would think they'd want to cast someone with a commitment to several seasons.

edit: A quick Google search found several sites repeating the rumour that he might be a transitional doctor, although it doesn't seem to have much backing. We'll see what happens.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 06, 2014, 08:23:24 AM
Haha, she was there with a group of female friends and her name is Mia. Ring any bells?

Nope, wrong one. Worth a try  ;) Although the one I'm thinking of was also there with a group, but I doubt it was the same.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 06, 2014, 08:29:39 AM
edit: A quick Google search found several sites repeating the rumour that he might be a transitional doctor, although it doesn't seem to have much backing. We'll see what happens.
Well yeah, but this is one of them now. That's how rumour works. :lol

And is the Trenzalore story finished? After Gallifrey interfered and gave The Doctor more regeneration energy, is he still buried there? Because the place looked far more completely devastated and destroyed when they visited in Name of the Doctor than it did at the end there. Is there still a massive event waiting for him on Trenzalore?
Naw, timeline aborted, the Time Lords intervened. The Eleventh Doctor was due to die the last Doctor, and to die on Trenzalore, but there'll be a new grave elsewhere, now. If Peter Capaldi returned to the space-time co-ordinates of The Name of the Doctor, he'd just find fields or something.
I don't see why this should be the case, and nothing in any of the episodes suggested as much. Firstly, the events on Trenzalore in TotD occur much earlier in history than those in NotD. Secondly, the Doctor has a new regeneration cycle, but he still (presumably) only has another 12 regenerations, and so in theory will still eventually die.

Plus, the way they set up Trenzalore in NotD (which is presumably a far-future era of its history, maybe towards the end of the universe) is that it is the resting place of all timelords. Why should it be fields just because the Doctor, one timelord, got a new regeneration cycle?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 06, 2014, 10:02:20 AM
Plus, the way they set up Trenzalore in NotD (which is presumably a far-future era of its history, maybe towards the end of the universe) is that it is the resting place of all timelords. Why should it be fields just because the Doctor, one timelord, got a new regeneration cycle?

That haven't even occured to me, is there something I missed that makes you think that?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 06, 2014, 11:03:15 AM
And is the Trenzalore story finished? After Gallifrey interfered and gave The Doctor more regeneration energy, is he still buried there? Because the place looked far more completely devastated and destroyed when they visited in Name of the Doctor than it did at the end there. Is there still a massive event waiting for him on Trenzalore?
Naw, timeline aborted, the Time Lords intervened. The Eleventh Doctor was due to die the last Doctor, and to die on Trenzalore, but there'll be a new grave elsewhere, now. If Peter Capaldi returned to the space-time co-ordinates of The Name of the Doctor, he'd just find fields or something.
I don't see why this should be the case, and nothing in any of the episodes suggested as much. Firstly, the events on Trenzalore in TotD occur much earlier in history than those in NotD. Secondly, the Doctor has a new regeneration cycle, but he still (presumably) only has another 12 regenerations, and so in theory will still eventually die.

Plus, the way they set up Trenzalore in NotD (which is presumably a far-future era of its history, maybe towards the end of the universe) is that it is the resting place of all timelords. Why should it be fields just because the Doctor, one timelord, got a new regeneration cycle?
He will eventually die, but the point of The Time of the Doctor is that he was heading to the point where all his regenerations had been used up. It was his own personal future, it was set in stone, and we knew, cos we'd seen it. The tombs at Trenzalore were the remains of a great battle - the battle the Doctor died in, and the battle we saw snippets of in The Time of the Doctor. That battle no longer ends that way, and the Doctor is no longer among the casualties, nor among the graves - of warriors, not Time Lords. "The bigger the grave, the more important the warrior."

The idea is that Trenzalore is where he was always headed. The very first day he got that TARDIS, he could have gone to Trenzalore, at the exact co-ordinates Name of the Doctor takes place, and he'd find that grave, he'd find Matt Smith, and although the timeline we saw underground would be basically flexible, his death was already "history," and his death was at Trenzalore. The clock tower was where he was going to actually properly die and for real this time, and where he was always due to die.  The Time Lords didn't just give him the power to regenerate again, they were the only people powerful enough to extend his timeline past what the cosmos had expected. This is also why Clara doesn't encounter Capaldi when she enters his timeline - that thirteenth face wasn't due to happen, yet, the Doctor's timeline was due to end with Smith.

This isn't me trying to spin a fan theory, this isn't me trying to dot Is and cross Ts - I thought it was quite crucial to the concept of TotD! The prophecy said he was going to die, because he actually was, as far as the universe was concerned, and had always been concerned. But the Time Lords are more powerful:

"We saw the future, Clara. This is how it ends."
"Change it. Like Tasha said, change the future."
"I could have once, when there were Time Lords. Not any more."

Death on Trenzalore was his actual future - we saw it, that was how it ended. Thanks to the Time Lords... not any more! They changed it, they didn't delay it. His grave's somewhere else now - many faces and years away. (And if Capaldi goes into his timeline now, he'll see the twelfth Doctor, the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth...)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 06, 2014, 11:52:17 AM
Agreed with everything you just posted-- on your previous point though, that Matt Smith's Doctor lived longer than the entirety of the other Doctors combined: here's my argument for that.

1. Being the last incarnation, you would most certainly live to your last day-- which is precisely what the 11th was doing. He had no more regeneration energy left, so he lived out what time he had left. This certainly fits, and it doesn't lessen the time spent by the other Doctors for me. But, then we have another point that stands out...

2. The Doctor's age. He CONSTANTLY lies about it in the classic series, saying he's over 3000 at one point and then another saying 900+. Then we have the War Doctor, who states he is only 800 in TDOTD, which I believe is the War Doctor's actual age, and not just the entire age of the Doctor. We see Hurt as a young man after he regenerates from McGann, and given the amount of aging, he would have to have lived a really long life, a la Smith's Doctor. Which leads me to the last point...

3. We shouldn't take into account the age the Doctor says. There's no way for him to actually count his age overall, and being a time traveler, that kind of thing would be obscured in any case. Plus-- there's the "promise" of the Doctor-- perhaps he had lived a long time before he adopted the name of the Doctor, anyways. We'll never know, so we can't really take into account the Doctor's age, and this helps me come to terms with the long run on Trenzalore.

Also, 11's regeneration is my favorite of them all. Perfect last words, poignant appearance from Amy, and the hilarious regeneration. The Time of the Doctor was flawed in many areas, yes, but the amazing parts outweigh the not-so-good ones, at least in my opinion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on March 06, 2014, 12:09:37 PM
I believe the point was made before that "age" probably has very little meaning for the Doctor. With all his back and forth, how would he even try to gauge his age? So he compensates by just making things up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 06, 2014, 12:31:27 PM
Agreed with everything you just posted-- on your previous point though, that Matt Smith's Doctor lived longer than the entirety of the other Doctors combined: here's my argument for that.

1. Being the last incarnation, you would most certainly live to your last day-- which is precisely what the 11th was doing. He had no more regeneration energy left, so he lived out what time he had left. This certainly fits, and it doesn't lessen the time spent by the other Doctors for me. But, then we have another point that stands out...

2. The Doctor's age. He CONSTANTLY lies about it in the classic series, saying he's over 3000 at one point and then another saying 900+. Then we have the War Doctor, who states he is only 800 in TDOTD, which I believe is the War Doctor's actual age, and not just the entire age of the Doctor. We see Hurt as a young man after he regenerates from McGann, and given the amount of aging, he would have to have lived a really long life, a la Smith's Doctor. Which leads me to the last point...

3. We shouldn't take into account the age the Doctor says. There's no way for him to actually count his age overall, and being a time traveler, that kind of thing would be obscured in any case. Plus-- there's the "promise" of the Doctor-- perhaps he had lived a long time before he adopted the name of the Doctor, anyways. We'll never know, so we can't really take into account the Doctor's age, and this helps me come to terms with the long run on Trenzalore.

Also, 11's regeneration is my favorite of them all. Perfect last words, poignant appearance from Amy, and the hilarious regeneration. The Time of the Doctor was flawed in many areas, yes, but the amazing parts outweigh the not-so-good ones, at least in my opinion.
I've got a bit of a theory about the Doctor's age, which I think basically works. This is me making stuff up to fit, but I think it works cos it's simple. Basically, I think when Gallifrey lived, he counted in Gallifreyan years, and when it disappeared, he switched to Earth years.

I think it's actually pretty easy to count his age - he's about whatever age the TARDIS is, all it takes is a stopwatch in the library, but as he travels and travels he spends time away from the TARDIS and begins to lose track. He'll keep a note at first, "Oh, yeah, the TARDIS jumped forwards twenty days, so I've lived twenty days more than the TARDIS," but as the regenerations wear on, the rounding errors stack up and counting becomes ever more pointless.

When Gallifrey went, it'd be mad to keep using its calendar, so he rounded his approximate age in Gallifreyan years to the nearest whole Earth number - "that's pretty much 900, let's call this my birthday" - and started counting again. This is why Eccleston knew what age he was, Tennant knew what age he was, and Matt Smith knew what age he was at first... but after a couple of centuries, it's fallen out of whack again, and he's back to his approximations. All in my head, but that's how I've made the maths add up, and it's why I'm sort of in the "Trenzalore doubled the Doctor's life" camp. There are people who've worked it out properly, though, incorporating all the audios and that, and got some wildly different statistics. Very cool, in the only way proper geekiness can be.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 06, 2014, 03:35:13 PM
And is the Trenzalore story finished? After Gallifrey interfered and gave The Doctor more regeneration energy, is he still buried there? Because the place looked far more completely devastated and destroyed when they visited in Name of the Doctor than it did at the end there. Is there still a massive event waiting for him on Trenzalore?
Naw, timeline aborted, the Time Lords intervened. The Eleventh Doctor was due to die the last Doctor, and to die on Trenzalore, but there'll be a new grave elsewhere, now. If Peter Capaldi returned to the space-time co-ordinates of The Name of the Doctor, he'd just find fields or something.
I don't see why this should be the case, and nothing in any of the episodes suggested as much. Firstly, the events on Trenzalore in TotD occur much earlier in history than those in NotD. Secondly, the Doctor has a new regeneration cycle, but he still (presumably) only has another 12 regenerations, and so in theory will still eventually die.

Plus, the way they set up Trenzalore in NotD (which is presumably a far-future era of its history, maybe towards the end of the universe) is that it is the resting place of all timelords. Why should it be fields just because the Doctor, one timelord, got a new regeneration cycle?
He will eventually die, but the point of The Time of the Doctor is that he was heading to the point where all his regenerations had been used up. It was his own personal future, it was set in stone, and we knew, cos we'd seen it. The tombs at Trenzalore were the remains of a great battle - the battle the Doctor died in, and the battle we saw snippets of in The Time of the Doctor. That battle no longer ends that way, and the Doctor is no longer among the casualties, nor among the graves - of warriors, not Time Lords. "The bigger the grave, the more important the warrior."

The idea is that Trenzalore is where he was always headed. The very first day he got that TARDIS, he could have gone to Trenzalore, at the exact co-ordinates Name of the Doctor takes place, and he'd find that grave, he'd find Matt Smith, and although the timeline we saw underground would be basically flexible, his death was already "history," and his death was at Trenzalore. The clock tower was where he was going to actually properly die and for real this time, and where he was always due to die.  The Time Lords didn't just give him the power to regenerate again, they were the only people powerful enough to extend his timeline past what the cosmos had expected. This is also why Clara doesn't encounter Capaldi when she enters his timeline - that thirteenth face wasn't due to happen, yet, the Doctor's timeline was due to end with Smith.

This isn't me trying to spin a fan theory, this isn't me trying to dot Is and cross Ts - I thought it was quite crucial to the concept of TotD! The prophecy said he was going to die, because he actually was, as far as the universe was concerned, and had always been concerned. But the Time Lords are more powerful:

"We saw the future, Clara. This is how it ends."
"Change it. Like Tasha said, change the future."
"I could have once, when there were Time Lords. Not any more."

Death on Trenzalore was his actual future - we saw it, that was how it ended. Thanks to the Time Lords... not any more! They changed it, they didn't delay it. His grave's somewhere else now - many faces and years away. (And if Capaldi goes into his timeline now, he'll see the twelfth Doctor, the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth...)
As much as I like all that, it doesn't fit with the 12th Doctor's brief appearance in DotD.

I'll admit that I must have made an assumption that Trenzalore was where all Time Lords were buried, but I thought something stated or implied that in NotD. If that's not the case, and indeed it is only the Doctor who was buried there, then your post makes a lot of sense and does indeed add to the impact of the whole story.

However, it still doesn't fit in with Capaldi's sneaky appearance in DotD. I know that was more for fun and bombast than anything else, but technically, it's canon. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 06, 2014, 06:23:28 PM
Yeah, absolutely, the Capaldi throw forward doesn't fit at all - nor the Curator, at that! I mean, you can twist it a bit; Capaldi hadn't happened at Matt Smith's time, but after the Time Lords' intervention Capaldi would, totally, be free to go back and meddle with his predecessors in minor ways. So if we're seeing that scene, and that scene alone, from Capaldi's perspective? Who knows!

I'm keen not to write the Time Lords thing off entirely, I've not seen Name since... Nov 23rd, actually! So it's not fresh in my mind, you might be right. But surely there'd be loads of giant TARDISes in all different shapes? I don't know! It's possible I've missed something. Or maybe it's just one of those things - I spent ages upon ages thinking it was Porridge who'd pulled the trigger on that galaxy, and when he said he felt sorry for the poor blighter who had to blow it up he was talking about himself, and that's what he'd been running from... but that's not actually in the episode. Anywhere. And it says Cybermen hadn't been seen for millennia. But other than that!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 06, 2014, 08:53:16 PM
Theory I read on reddit: Capaldi wasn't there in DOTD to help save Gallifrey, but rather he's gone looking for it-- in the last place he saw it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 06, 2014, 10:47:17 PM
The Name of the Doctor makes no mention of other Time Lords that I can find. There are mentions of other graves of soldiers, and the Doctor's.
The guy says "It was a minor skirmish by the Doctor's blood-soaked standards. Not exactly the time war, but enough to finish him. In the end, it was too much for the old man."
Then he names a bunch of races such as Daleks, Cybermen etc, which in context is likely related to the same battle. No mention of the Time Lords.
That seems perfectly consistent with what we saw in The Day of the Doctor. A bunch of those races coming after the Doctor, not a relatively big battle for The Doctor, but enough to finish him off as an old man.

"On the fields of Trenzalore on the fall of the 11th, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a question will be asked. A question that must never ever be answered. Silent will fall when the question is asked."

All mention of Trenzalore is to that one event as far as I'm concerned.

The question is, can the timey wimey stuff make sense? Not sure. Let me think it through.
By the 11th Doctor's POV, he should always have saved Gallifrey, but it only happened that way once he'd lived that moment as the 11th Doctor. And the 12th (and any future) Doctor would not have existed had the 11th (and prior) Doctor not saved Gallifrey, so therefore we can conclude that the 12th Doctor was not needed to save Gallifrey at all. So it's perfectly possible he was there for other reasons, and that theory might make sense. Am I overlooking anything there?
The battle on Trenzalore was always about the message from the Time Lords as far as we know, and the prophecy of the oldest question in the universe. I conclude that the Time Lords were always saved by that point.
But that raises the question of what went differently this time? The Doctor died in Trenzalore because he had no more regenerations. But the Time Lords should always have been there able to grant it. The only variable I see here is Clara's intervention, which would make perfect sense if it was one of the ghost Claras from the events of The Name of the Doctor, because that would only occur once the Doctor is dead at Trenzalore, and not beforehand, but it's not. It's original Clara. The other possible change is Tasha Lem, since she's the one who retrieves Clara so he wouldn't die alone, which I thought was a pretty flimsy reason to go to the trouble.

Or it's all just explained by bad handling of how time travel works, which is always a strong possibility with Dr Who.
Given the leaked footage of shooting with Capaldi's Doctor, I think it's plausible that he revisits his own timeline, and that they will show his part in those events. That could be a great season arc.

Any thoughts of my ramblings are most welcome! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 07, 2014, 01:35:43 AM
But that raises the question of what went differently this time? The Doctor died in Trenzalore because he had no more regenerations. But the Time Lords should always have been there able to grant it. The only variable I see here is Clara's intervention, which would make perfect sense if it was one of the ghost Claras from the events of The Name of the Doctor, because that would only occur once the Doctor is dead at Trenzalore, and not beforehand, but it's not. It's original Clara. The other possible change is Tasha Lem, since she's the one who retrieves Clara so he wouldn't die alone, which I thought was a pretty flimsy reason to go to the trouble.
In my head, the universe's timeline is self-contained. Gallifrey was "outside" the universe, so all bets were off, and it was unpredictable. But the mechanics are never explored too much in the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 07, 2014, 02:06:36 AM
But that raises the question of what went differently this time? The Doctor died in Trenzalore because he had no more regenerations. But the Time Lords should always have been there able to grant it. The only variable I see here is Clara's intervention, which would make perfect sense if it was one of the ghost Claras from the events of The Name of the Doctor, because that would only occur once the Doctor is dead at Trenzalore, and not beforehand, but it's not. It's original Clara. The other possible change is Tasha Lem, since she's the one who retrieves Clara so he wouldn't die alone, which I thought was a pretty flimsy reason to go to the trouble.
In my head, the universe's timeline is self-contained. Gallifrey was "outside" the universe, so all bets were off, and it was unpredictable. But the mechanics are never explored too much in the show.

The mechanics are basically whatever suits the particular episode, so it doesn't make sense for them to try and define them too narrowly, because it doesn't work. This is why they have such contrivances as "fixed points in time", selectively not being able to go back on your own timeline etc, and in the past have made a point of just dismissing time issues humorously. It's not that kind of show, so you just roll with it.

So that said, I'm fine to just accept it as is, but being the scifi/time travel fan I am, it is nice when you can make sense of the flow of events. Applying logic to it, that's what I came up with. Either way, I've hugely enjoyed those episodes, which is what counts in the end!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 07, 2014, 03:04:01 AM
Same Blob. It's a show that's been running for 50 years, under dozens of producers and show runners, and hundreds of writers, about time travel. Pretty much nothing is consistent.

The BBC puts in a fair bit of effort to be as consistent as possible, which I really appreciate. For example, the author Nick Harkaway said of his recent DW book Keeping Up With The Jones that the BBC editor asked him to make a small number of changes for better fit with DW canon. But they don't do it obsessively at the cost of good storytelling and having a blast. I think the balance is pretty good on the whole.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 07, 2014, 05:30:59 AM
One thing I'm wondering about Gallifrey and the Time Lords... What happened to "they turned into monsters at the end"? Tennant Doctor was absolutely terrified by the thought of the Time Lords re-entering the rest of the universe. But Smith is all like "they would return in peace". What changed?

And also, didn't we already know that Gallifrey was locked away in time somehow? Wasn't that the whole point of the Master story? So was that supposed to be a surprise when Hurt, Tennant, and Smith didn't burn it?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 07, 2014, 05:42:54 AM
One thing I'm wondering about Gallifrey and the Time Lords... What happened to "they turned into monsters at the end"? Tennant Doctor was absolutely terrified by the thought of the Time Lords re-entering the rest of the universe. But Smith is all like "they would return in peace". What changed?

Producer? :P
Even if he wasn't on the best terms with the Time Lord leaders, he's still going to take the opportunity to save all of those innocent people given the chance. They are still his people, after all.

And also, didn't we already know that Gallifrey was locked away in time somehow? Wasn't that the whole point of the Master story? So was that supposed to be a surprise when Hurt, Tennant, and Smith didn't burn it?

I'm no expert, but I believe the time war on Gallifrey was "time locked", meaning there'd been so much timey wimey stuff going on, that that he couldn't simply time travel back to Gallifrey (probably like how he apparently could never return to save Amy and Rory in The Angels Take Manhattan). But they had still all died at the conclusion of the time war.
The events of that episode with The Master took place during the time war before they all died, and they were able to break out from that point in history via whatever the link was. The difference after The Day of the Doctor is now they don't die at the end of the Time War, so once The Doctor finds and saves them from wherever he hid them, their history will continue on after the time war, and I suppose he'll be able to visit Gallifrey.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on March 07, 2014, 07:16:36 AM
I just like to ignore The end of time. It's one of the few episodes new or old that i can say that I absolutely hate. Even Moffat seems to ignore it most of the time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 07, 2014, 10:13:37 AM
One thing I'm wondering about Gallifrey and the Time Lords... What happened to "they turned into monsters at the end"? Tennant Doctor was absolutely terrified by the thought of the Time Lords re-entering the rest of the universe. But Smith is all like "they would return in peace". What changed?
The Doctor shot the diamond, and locked Rassilon et al in a room with the Master! It is paid brief lip-service in The Day of the Doctor, the Time Lords mention Rassilon's plan, so that all still happened.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on March 07, 2014, 08:17:03 PM
I just like to ignore The end of time. It's one of the few episodes new or old that i can say that I absolutely hate. Even Moffat seems to ignore it most of the time.

I don't get why people hate The End of Time. It's such a great send-off for Tennant and a great storyline.

One thing regarding Capaldi in TDOTD...when that one Gallifreyan says "All 12 are here...wait, all 13!" and they cut to Capaldi's beautiful eyes...any significance there?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 08, 2014, 02:55:57 AM
One thing regarding Capaldi in TDOTD...when that one Gallifreyan says "All 12 are here...wait, all 13!" and they cut to Capaldi's beautiful eyes...any significance there?

I don't think there's anything to it other than the sneak peak of foreshadowing the upcoming new Doctor.

I didn't like The End of Time that much. I don't like The Master in the new series, and it was a silly storyline with all of the duplicates, and the Doctor jumping out from the sky so easily.
I did think the ending was a great send-off though, from the point he got hit with the radiation.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 08, 2014, 03:45:19 AM
I wonder if appreciation for The End of Time kind of hinges on your opinion of the Master. I think it's RTD's best finale. Most are at least a little flawed - usually a brilliant part one with a slightly weird part two. Last of the Time Lords was great but I don't like the way it resolves, plainly. Yes, the Archangel thing was seeded in, but not in a way that all the "Doctor! Doctor!" stuff seemed to fit. I generally Journey's End has wonderful moments, but was a bit of a clusterfuck, and frankly... a little boring! Everyone taking it in turns, all Osterhagen keys and speeches, then the ending just plain didn't sell, for me. It was a thrill on first watch, but it's become one of my least favourite episodes. (The Stolen Earth remains a blast, mind.)

TEoT, I thought, was all the best of Russell T Davies' writing with none of the drawbacks. Great villain, great companion, interesting plot, the Vinvocci were cool, I think it was John Simm's better performance of two killer appearances. The jump through the window, yes, ridiculous, considering we've seen Tom Baker die of the exact same injury from a much shorter height. But he isn't doing well for it. Maybe the window slowed his impact? The glass'll injure him, but also decelerate. Doesn't quite fit with physics, but I'm willing to give it a pass since I'm enjoying the rest so much. I think, on balance, it's probably my favourite regeneration episode. I prefer the Master as a tramp to a politician, and love that we've seen him as both. Decaying, mad, with nothing to lose and electric bolts for hands - the Saxon Master was sort of on his best behaviour and playing at leadership, whereas the Glitch Master is an exploding firework, with no reason to feign manners, and I think it suits him better. Properly unhinged. Love it. That scene, where he shows the Doctor the drumming - I never see anyone talk about that scene, but I think it's incredible. TEoT is both RTD's best Christmas special and his best finale, I reckon.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 08, 2014, 04:34:57 AM
And it was a Christmas episode to boot? No wonder I didn't like it. :lol I pretty much hate all of the Christmas episodes (excluding the latest one obviously).
Maybe it does hinge on whether you like The Master, because I thought all of his stories were terrible. Tweety Bird Jesus Doctor episode is a definite low point for the show imo, so at least The End of Time was a marginal step up from that. Episodes like that make me say good riddance to the RTD era.

On a completely unrelated note, I realized just yesterday that during the 11th Doctor's final scene with Amy, it uses the music from The Rings of Akhaten "Infinite Potential". This isn't anything new, but I hadn't noticed it the first time.
Such a beautiful piece of music, and very fitting for that scene. So now I've had The Long Song stuck in my head for the past day. I don't like The Rings of Akhaten much, but the music is always a standout.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on March 08, 2014, 07:02:16 AM
Yeah dude, when they played that song from TROA that made the scene right before his regen very powerful.

I like John Simm as the master, but Utopia was such an AWESOME intro to the master.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 08, 2014, 07:10:48 AM
On a completely unrelated note, I realized just yesterday that during the 11th Doctor's final scene with Amy, it uses the music from The Rings of Akhaten "Infinite Potential". This isn't anything new, but I hadn't noticed it the first time.
Such a beautiful piece of music, and very fitting for that scene. So now I've had The Long Song stuck in my head for the past day. I don't like The Rings of Akhaten much, but the music is always a standout.

I have been playing The Long Song at least twice a day for about a week now, awesome music.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on March 09, 2014, 07:54:24 AM
I love the master. I just don't really like RTD's version of the master, especially the high flying, lightning shooting one from the end of time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: lonestar on March 12, 2014, 11:49:07 AM
OK, finally getting into Dr. Who. Watched four seasons in the last month and am thoroughly enjoying it. The Waters of Mars might be some of the best sci fi I have seen, just brilliant writing.

And as hot as Amy Pond is, my heart still belongs to Rose.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on March 12, 2014, 11:52:25 AM
Part of me wishes they had a small story arc with the Timelord Victorious!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on March 12, 2014, 11:52:31 AM
Waters Of Mars is awesome. Rose is significantly less awesome, I never understood her appeal.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 12, 2014, 01:32:39 PM
OK, finally getting into Dr. Who. Watched four seasons in the last month and am thoroughly enjoying it. The Waters of Mars might be some of the best sci fi I have seen, just brilliant writing.

And as hot as Amy Pond is, my heart still belongs to Rose.
The Waters of Mars - I agree, it's one of the very best episodes! I think it's probably my favourite David Tennant episode. Great idea, strong monsters, incredible performances all round, the ending's incredible. This thread was created in the build-up, actually, so if you go to the first page you can see me posting a trailer and getting excited! I do like Rose, but I don't love her like I love Amy - and Rory, at that. Incredible companions. I was watching the "Eggs" scene from Asylum of the Daleks, earlier, and thought, "That's perfect." That's a masterclass in companionning. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVwXa4MnJDs)

Just realised, this thread's lasted an entire era. That's nice. I'm happy for it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 12, 2014, 09:52:21 PM
The Waters of Mars isn't one of my favourites, but thinking about it, it was very good. I always liked the way the 10th Doctor went a little off the rails without a companion to keep him grounded, and that episode was a prime example of that. That ending was well done.
The only thing about that episode that puts me slightly off is that the premise reminds me of a Hollywood scifi movie (except this was better).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: lonestar on March 12, 2014, 11:26:24 PM
What got me was that madness of not having a companion actually, and how it made him go against pretty much all of his main principles. And they portrayed that so well through the one ladies future history, and how one person can effect a universe. Just a brilliant job of writing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on March 13, 2014, 01:47:50 AM
Waters is a stunning episode! It's great to know that the guy who wrote it along with RTD is set to pen an episode for seaosn 8!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 13, 2014, 02:15:54 AM
Waters is a stunning episode! It's great to know that the guy who wrote it along with RTD is set to pen an episode for seaosn 8!
The "& Russell T Davies" credits don't actually signify increased involvement - he was just complaining about how he never gets credit for all the rewrites he does, and someone suggested he add himself as a credit in the last year. Which is fairer than it sounds: Human Nature and The Satan Pit, in particular, had a lot of Russell T Davies in them, and everyone used to go on about how Paul Cornell was a genius and Russell wasn't qualified to lick his boots.

Planet of the Dead, notably, ended up having more Gareth Roberts in than either of the other scripts he'd penned up to that point.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 13, 2014, 05:59:07 AM
RTD did a lot of re-writing during his time on the show-in fact he said once that the only writer who he didn't re-write for was, of course, Moffat.  :lol Head writers re-write constantly-Neil Gaiman credited Moffat with some of the best lines in The Doctor's Wife when Gaiman was on about his eighth re-write and just basically gave up. Kind of odd that RTD would complain like that, given that it was commonly known back then how much re-writing he did.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 13, 2014, 12:47:43 PM
RTD did a lot of re-writing during his time on the show-in fact he said once that the only writer who he didn't re-write for was, of course, Moffat.  :lol
Yeah, he's well known for it! I think there were a couple more on the list, by the end - it was anyone who'd been a showrunner, possibly? Stephen Greenhorn, he didn't touch a word. I feel like there were another two, but can't remember who they were. Chibbers and someone else? I don't know.

Human Nature was a stick fans - not casuals, but proper messageboard twats who should have known better - would beat RTD over the head with. "Oh, he's so disposable and lightweight, he could never write such an incredible and nuanced script as Human Nature," whereas in reality, he halfway did. He didn't spend a lot of time listening to fans - you'd go crazy - but it did bug him, by the end.

Probably for the best. The Waters of Mars is generally considered one of the best episodes of David Tennant's era, and TEoT was polarising. Imagine the moronic outrage if, right at the end, Phil Ford's episode was seen to beat the RTD one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on March 13, 2014, 06:59:10 PM
The Waters of Mars was posted in the OP I think by Rob. I remember I watched it and then a year later I watched from "Rose" onward.

TWOM is still one of my favorite episodes. In fact, season 4 is by far my favorite season of DW. Midnight is probably my favorite episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on March 13, 2014, 07:03:58 PM
Midnight is also great.

I think RTD had a lot of great moments, but he had a few really poor ones as well. Moffat seems to me to be more consistent, and generally I'd say his best stuff is better than Davies', though I still enjoy both.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 14, 2014, 03:06:41 AM
Moffat's episodes were the best episodes during RTD's time. But I was a bit worried at first when Moffat took over as show runner, because all through season 5, there were many cool ideas, but it rarely made any sense if you thought about it. But then season 6 was fanstastic so it's all okay now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 14, 2014, 03:46:02 AM
there were many cool ideas, but it rarely made any sense if you thought about it.
That's pretty much the definition of Doctor Who, and has been the case since the first Doctor. :lol In a way, that's part of what's loveable about the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 14, 2014, 03:49:15 AM
I agree. None of the Doctor Who I've seen makes a whole lot of sense if you apply logic to it, and that's fine by me. It doesn't present itself under that pretense, and never has. I personally think S6 made much less sense than S5 once it got to the business end, but that has no bearing on my enjoyment of either one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on March 14, 2014, 06:58:36 AM
So, they added the Doctor Who Legacy game for the Kindle Fire. I am loving it so far
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on March 14, 2014, 10:05:33 AM
Midnight is also great.

I think RTD had a lot of great moments, but he had a few really poor ones as well. Moffat seems to me to be more consistent, and generally I'd say his best stuff is better than Davies', though I still enjoy both.

Midnight made me want to walk up to RTD and yell "WRITE LIKE THAT MORE OFTEN DAMMIT!" RTD seemed more comfortable writing small scale, done in one things than he was writing huge arc things-which is why none of his arc resolutions work well to me, they always felt like "modern sci fi is arc based, I have to do it!" He should have stuck to more intimate stories like Midnight, that was amazing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on March 14, 2014, 10:23:15 AM
there were many cool ideas, but it rarely made any sense if you thought about it.
That's pretty much the definition of Doctor Who, and has been the case since the first Doctor. :lol In a way, that's part of what's loveable about the show.
I agree. None of the Doctor Who I've seen makes a whole lot of sense if you apply logic to it, and that's fine by me. It doesn't present itself under that pretense, and never has. I personally think S6 made much less sense than S5 once it got to the business end, but that has no bearing on my enjoyment of either one.

Yes, of course  :lol But I was more refering to the actions and reasoning of characters and stuff like that rather than science and timey-wimey stuff. I can't really remember any of them now, so I guess they weren't so bad, but I remember thinking that more during season 5 than during any of the other seasons.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 14, 2014, 10:44:26 AM
That makes sense, as I was only referring to the timey wimey stuff. When I'm watching scifi, I'm all about the science! :blob:
But Amy and Rory seemed to get more unpredictable and random to me as time went on.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 15, 2014, 11:03:45 AM
I think the Amy-Rory thing was at its best when it was simple. Series 5 was a rollercoaster, incredibly well-executed, but I could write the plot on the back of a napkin. It was the most ambitious series arc of its time, but probably the simplest and most coherent of Steven Moffat's. The Big Bang was a little more complicated, but it's complicated in the way a Penn & Teller trick is complicated. A self-contained puzzlebox that rewards people who've been watching for twelve weeks, but also makes sense if you've been watching for the last twelve minutes.

My pet theory is that time pressures undermined the following series. In Steven Moffat's own words, "Complex is probably what I do when I’m in a hurry. It’s my default setting and my biggest weakness. (https://jasonarnopp.blogspot.co.uk/2008/06/steven-moffat-on-writing.html)" A lot of his scripts were very late in S6, but I wish he hadn't compensated quite so hard in S7.

I don't think Moffat's ever written a bad script. Frankly, The Name of the Doctor's as close as he's got, and that's so loved by so many. But I'm rewatching select episodes from S5, at the moment, and my god - it's something else. Breathtaking. I've just been watching the Vampires of Venice, and dashed here to sing its praises. Not a Moffat episode, just a silly little monster of the week story, but it bristles with colour and texture. The Calvierris are incredible one-shot villains, beautifully sketched and full of life. Francesco makes your skin crawl in the way a real (fish)person might, Rosanna wants to conquer Venice not out of spite but out of love and fear - the Doctor attempts to reason with her, and she attempts to reason with the Doctor. It looks beautiful, it tells the story clearly and efficiently, exposition is subtly woven in, under a veil of wit and humour, which is omni-present, but it's not all glibness and one-liners, it comes organically from the characters, who they are, how they clash. Rory, in particular, isn't just a passenger - he's a new companion, and essential. "And you kissed her back?" "No, I kissed her mouth." The Doctor's not being a prick, he just doesn't think of it in those terms. The whole series is magical.

I don't think S8 should attempt to emulate that S5 magic, I think it should be its own new thing, and I'm sure it will. But I hope it's a similar quantity of great. From Human Nature right through to Day of the Moon, we were living in a golden age of Who, and I reckon S5 was the apex.

Incidentally, Doctor Who news - Keeley Hawes cast. As Ms. Delphox.


I'm not sure why Doctor Who hasn't recruited the entire cast of Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes, yet. They're getting through them - John Simm, Marshall Lancaster, Danny Mays, and now Keeley - but they were all so superb, they should all have recurring roles. I really want Phil Glenister as the Corsair. (And Jaime Murray! Ideal casting.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on March 15, 2014, 11:10:48 AM
She looks like a young Madame Kovarian sans eyepatch of course
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on March 15, 2014, 11:37:44 AM
I have Delphox in my Pokemon Y lineup right now :blob:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on March 15, 2014, 12:42:07 PM
I watched Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead yesterday evening. Holy shit those were good, probably my favourite Dr. Who episodes so far :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on March 15, 2014, 06:12:52 PM
I don't think Moffat's ever written a bad script. Frankly, The Name of the Doctor's as close as he's got, and that's so loved by so many.

I don't think S8 should attempt to emulate that S5 magic, I think it should be its own new thing, and I'm sure it will. But I hope it's a similar quantity of great. From Human Nature right through to Day of the Moon, we were living in a golden age of Who, and I reckon S5 was the apex.

To these two points-- Name of the Doctor is one of the highest rated Doctor Who episodes ever. Like, it's pretty much acclaimed across the board. So I have no clue why you dislike it, but hey.

The other point-- Season 5 was definitely a golden age, but the past three episodes of Who have been so good (Day perhaps being the best episode yet) that I'm thinking we're about to enter another.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 15, 2014, 09:03:47 PM
The other point-- Season 5 was definitely a golden age, but the past three episodes of Who have been so good (Day perhaps being the best episode yet) that I'm thinking we're about to enter another.

I get the same feeling. The first episodes of a season are always big, so I can't wait to see how the S8 opener sets the tone for both the new season, and the new Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on March 15, 2014, 09:25:27 PM
I don't think Moffat's ever written a bad script. Frankly, The Name of the Doctor's as close as he's got, and that's so loved by so many.

I don't think S8 should attempt to emulate that S5 magic, I think it should be its own new thing, and I'm sure it will. But I hope it's a similar quantity of great. From Human Nature right through to Day of the Moon, we were living in a golden age of Who, and I reckon S5 was the apex.

To these two points-- Name of the Doctor is one of the highest rated Doctor Who episodes ever. Like, it's pretty much acclaimed across the board. So I have no clue why you dislike it, but hey.
Oh, yeah, that's purely on personal taste. I find it a little dreary, all standing around and explaining the plot, but even from where I'm standing I'd agree there are some potent flashbangs mixed in there, and I am under no illusion that I'm in the majority on this front. It had the second highest AI of the series, the highest since Asylum of the Daleks - Name of the Doctor officially rocks. It just... rocks other people.

Day of the Doctor was incredible. Properly, earthshatteringly incredible. I feared it was an episode that had been built up so much it couldn't do anything but disappoint, but it didn't at all, and it's a serious contender for best episode ever. Time of the Doctor had a bit more of the Moffat clutter, but it was still a cracking story, and there's a lot to love there.  I'm not, yet, confident they'll be able to punch up to the levels of Smith's first series, I'm starting to think that was a one-off, but I think the show's proven it's in solid health. A change is as good as a break, and they've had both.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: GentlemanofDread on March 15, 2014, 09:35:02 PM
Me and my Brother are both in agreement that our favourite episode of Doctor Who is Vincent and The Doctor. Just incredible from point A to point B.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Dimitrius on March 15, 2014, 09:50:41 PM
That episode brings the feels man!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on March 15, 2014, 09:56:42 PM
With season 8, I'm pretty sure Moff said to expect a shift in the show's nature. I'm hoping for some darker, more brooding tones in the show. I love Matt Smith and his presence, but Capaldi has a completely different feel to him already from the regen and eyebrows snapshot, that I want to see some maturity in the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on March 16, 2014, 06:39:24 AM
I don't think Moffat's ever written a bad script. Frankly, The Name of the Doctor's as close as he's got, and that's so loved by so many.

I don't think S8 should attempt to emulate that S5 magic, I think it should be its own new thing, and I'm sure it will. But I hope it's a similar quantity of great. From Human Nature right through to Day of the Moon, we were living in a golden age of Who, and I reckon S5 was the apex.

To these two points-- Name of the Doctor is one of the highest rated Doctor Who episodes ever. Like, it's pretty much acclaimed across the board. So I have no clue why you dislike it, but hey.
Oh, yeah, that's purely on personal taste. I find it a little dreary, all standing around and explaining the plot, but even from where I'm standing I'd agree there are some potent flashbangs mixed in there, and I am under no illusion that I'm in the majority on this front. It had the second highest AI of the series, the highest since Asylum of the Daleks - Name of the Doctor officially rocks. It just... rocks other people.

Day of the Doctor was incredible. Properly, earthshatteringly incredible. I feared it was an episode that had been built up so much it couldn't do anything but disappoint, but it didn't at all, and it's a serious contender for best episode ever. Time of the Doctor had a bit more of the Moffat clutter, but it was still a cracking story, and there's a lot to love there.  I'm not, yet, confident they'll be able to punch up to the levels of Smith's first series, I'm starting to think that was a one-off, but I think the show's proven it's in solid health. A change is as good as a break, and they've had both.

You may be in the minority, but you're not alone. I really think that title belongs to Day of the Doctor rather than Name.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on March 16, 2014, 08:44:20 AM
With season 8, I'm pretty sure Moff said to expect a shift in the show's nature. I'm hoping for some darker, more brooding tones in the show. I love Matt Smith and his presence, but Capaldi has a completely different feel to him already from the regen and eyebrows snapshot, that I want to see some maturity in the show.

I hope so too, I always like when doctor who gets dark. This for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z32WpsHyJgw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z32WpsHyJgw)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on March 17, 2014, 09:04:15 AM
On the whole I agree with the vibe of this discussion, I think series 5 was the peak of Doctor Who and one of the best individual seasons of any show ever. I also think the show is on another high at the moment, I've adored everything from Name onwards, and really loved a lot of s7 as well.

Oh and I would love to see Phillip Glennister is DW. Why has this not happened yet?!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on March 22, 2014, 04:42:17 PM
The End of Time  :hefdaddy :hefdaddy

Seriously, that whole emotional rant after the four knocks and "I don't want to go" are pretty much my favourite Tennant moments now...
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on March 22, 2014, 04:43:43 PM
Yeah...everything from him throwing Rassilon back onward is incredible to watch.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on March 23, 2014, 12:48:42 AM
Yeah...everything from him throwing Rassilon back onward is incredible to watch.

I'm not a big fan of the episode, but definitely this. Tennant got a great send-off imo.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 03, 2014, 01:07:54 PM
And is the Trenzalore story finished? After Gallifrey interfered and gave The Doctor more regeneration energy, is he still buried there? Because the place looked far more completely devastated and destroyed when they visited in Name of the Doctor than it did at the end there. Is there still a massive event waiting for him on Trenzalore?
Naw, timeline aborted, the Time Lords intervened. The Eleventh Doctor was due to die the last Doctor, and to die on Trenzalore, but there'll be a new grave elsewhere, now. If Peter Capaldi returned to the space-time co-ordinates of The Name of the Doctor, he'd just find fields or something.
I don't see why this should be the case, and nothing in any of the episodes suggested as much. Firstly, the events on Trenzalore in TotD occur much earlier in history than those in NotD. Secondly, the Doctor has a new regeneration cycle, but he still (presumably) only has another 12 regenerations, and so in theory will still eventually die.

Plus, the way they set up Trenzalore in NotD (which is presumably a far-future era of its history, maybe towards the end of the universe) is that it is the resting place of all timelords. Why should it be fields just because the Doctor, one timelord, got a new regeneration cycle?
He will eventually die, but the point of The Time of the Doctor is that he was heading to the point where all his regenerations had been used up. It was his own personal future, it was set in stone, and we knew, cos we'd seen it. The tombs at Trenzalore were the remains of a great battle - the battle the Doctor died in, and the battle we saw snippets of in The Time of the Doctor. That battle no longer ends that way, and the Doctor is no longer among the casualties, nor among the graves - of warriors, not Time Lords. "The bigger the grave, the more important the warrior."

The idea is that Trenzalore is where he was always headed. The very first day he got that TARDIS, he could have gone to Trenzalore, at the exact co-ordinates Name of the Doctor takes place, and he'd find that grave, he'd find Matt Smith, and although the timeline we saw underground would be basically flexible, his death was already "history," and his death was at Trenzalore. The clock tower was where he was going to actually properly die and for real this time, and where he was always due to die.  The Time Lords didn't just give him the power to regenerate again, they were the only people powerful enough to extend his timeline past what the cosmos had expected. This is also why Clara doesn't encounter Capaldi when she enters his timeline - that thirteenth face wasn't due to happen, yet, the Doctor's timeline was due to end with Smith.

This isn't me trying to spin a fan theory, this isn't me trying to dot Is and cross Ts - I thought it was quite crucial to the concept of TotD! The prophecy said he was going to die, because he actually was, as far as the universe was concerned, and had always been concerned. But the Time Lords are more powerful:

"We saw the future, Clara. This is how it ends."
"Change it. Like Tasha said, change the future."
"I could have once, when there were Time Lords. Not any more."

Death on Trenzalore was his actual future - we saw it, that was how it ended. Thanks to the Time Lords... not any more! They changed it, they didn't delay it. His grave's somewhere else now - many faces and years away. (And if Capaldi goes into his timeline now, he'll see the twelfth Doctor, the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth...)

Disregard all this, The Doctor says I'm wrong.


“Changing time is tricky. It’s a bit like a detective story: so as long there isn’t an actual body, you’ve got a certain amount of wiggle room – for instance, if the body has, rather conveniently, been burned on a boat in Utah.

“Here’s the thing: I can change the future so long as the future has not already been established as part of my own past. I can’t rescue Amy and Rory because I already know that I didn’t.

“But what do I know about Trenzalore? There’s a big monument that looks very like my TARDIS. There’s a temporal fissure leading to my timeline. Maybe it’s my grave. Maybe, one day, it’s my burial ground. Maybe it is something else entirely, and we got it all wrong. Don’t know. Don’t plan to find out for as long as possible. The main thing is, Clara still jumped into my time stream, and ended up helping me through all of my life. All that is established, unchanged – but there’s wiggle room!”

Also suggests he wasn't the Teselecta all along, and The Doctor actually did die in Utah in the original, aborted timeline. Turns out me and Steven Moffat interpret time travel very differently! He's timey, I'm wimey.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 03, 2014, 01:40:21 PM
I never interpreted series 6 as him being the Teselecta all along, I always interpreted that as finding a way to change history so that he doesn't die, so the one where he does is aborted. Same as in The Day of the Doctor - as far as I can tell, the original timeline is that the Doctor does destroy Gallifrey, but they change events in a huge way, but in a way that, to the universe, remains consistent.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on April 04, 2014, 05:10:06 AM
So, in spite of the crappy effects I thought Invasion of the Dinosaurs was a pretty decent story. I was surprised though with what happened to Yates. Did he want out of the show?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 04, 2014, 08:18:31 AM
I never interpreted series 6 as him being the Teselecta all along, I always interpreted that as finding a way to change history so that he doesn't die, so the one where he does is aborted. Same as in The Day of the Doctor - as far as I can tell, the original timeline is that the Doctor does destroy Gallifrey, but they change events in a huge way, but in a way that, to the universe, remains consistent.
I'm the opposite on both - but I suspect, in light of The Doctor's comments, you're probably closer to the intended message!

As far as I could tell The Wedding of River Song was just The Impossible Astronaut from the perspective of the Doctor. We see the trick as it appears to outsiders, and then we follow The Doctor on the slow path, going behind the scenes as he develops the trick. Happy to go with the other one, but I'm not sure what caused him to think of the Teselecta the second time round but not the first. Always felt mine was the neatest interpretation - of course I did, that's why it was my interpretation! But I'm happy to take the Doctor's word for what actually happened. I'm a mere human, and he has time eyes.

Likewise, with Gallifrey, the Moment would always have opened time portals on the War Doctor's future as far as I could gather, and would therefore always have guided the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors through the time lock, who would always have had the brainwave that they did. I think Moffat's is more beautiful, though. I love the idea of the sad, tired warrior burning his planet alone in shame, then doing it with his own blessing, and finally being guided to a better solution by his future selves. I think that one's a bit clearer in the text, too - when the Eleventh Doctor says "I've changed my mind," he seriously is breaking history, and it feels like it. So that one works both ways for me. The Day of the Doctor really is stupendously good.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on April 04, 2014, 08:22:44 AM
I don't think either interpretation is inherently invalid given that the "timey wimey" stuff in Dr Who really doesn't hold up to scrutiny. It never has in the episodes I've seen. And that's ok. I still haven't figured out for certain how the Trenzalore timeline managed to divert from its original fate in Name of the Doctor.

And the more I think about it lately, the more it nags at me that we were never told who the lady in the shop was who gave Clara the Doctor's phone number, so that better be answered at some point!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 06, 2014, 04:16:41 PM
Just finished Series 5. I seemed to recall some people mentioning that S5 was the best series so far, or am I mistaken? Anyway, I love Matt Smith as the Doctor, but for me this series was a bit weird. There were some episodes that were not very good (Victory of the Daleks, Vampires of Venice) and some episodes which were okay (The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood) but the rest was absolutely amazing. It seems like every Moffat episode I've seen so far has been amazing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on April 06, 2014, 06:30:57 PM
I agree that Daleks was poor, but I really liked Vampires
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on April 06, 2014, 07:28:58 PM
Series 5 is good, but not the best IMO. I may like series 6 better, and definitely series 4 the best.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 07, 2014, 02:37:49 PM
I love Victory and Vampires - but I do see Victory's flaws. Not Vampires, though, that episode's crackalacking.

Moffat is an incredibly reliable writer. He does occasionally bite off a bit more than he can chew, but even his worst episodes are supremely entertaining. Russell T Davies is brilliant, too, but I think he wrote Doctor Who that didn't always emphasise all the bits I saw as important. I think Davies' solutions were often more emotionally smart than witty, so his eps didn't always satisfy me on every level, but he's still the second best writer to ever pen an episode of Doctor Who, in my book.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 07, 2014, 02:59:49 PM
I agree with everything you just said, Rob.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 11, 2014, 05:37:23 AM
Bit of fridge logic here: if the Doctor regenerates whenever he dies, what the hell is he "dying" from at the end of The Day of the Doctor that he regenerates from War to Nine?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on April 11, 2014, 05:39:53 AM
Bit of fridge logic here: if the Doctor regenerates whenever he dies, what the hell is he "dying" from at the end of The Day of the Doctor that he regenerates from War to Nine?

He said he was wearing a bit thin, referencing the first doctor's death, so I assume basically old age, having finished his job in the time war. His body might have been holding on while he still had work to do, but having done that, basically "let go".
It's possible it could also have been influenced by the fact it was a forced regeneration, or by the wibbly wobbly time lines correcting themselves.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 11, 2014, 05:59:19 AM
Yeah, he still ages, so when his body starts to give up, he'll regenerate then. As Blob says, that's what happened when the first Doctor regenerated into the Second - nothing happened to him to "kill" him.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 11, 2014, 10:19:32 AM
It's also what killed Eleven when he regenerated into Twelve. "Yes, I'm dying - you've been trying to kill me for centuries, and here I am, dying of old age! If you want something done, do it yourself." Very like Moffat that all his Doctors age to death! I don't think he wrote a single on-screen death for the whole of his first five series - some grisly ones in S5, but they'd always cut around it or bring the character back.

Incidentally, when I went to look for that transcription of The Time of the Doctor just now, I typed 'the time of the daleks lyrics'. Some geek at Google thinks I'm a right nob, now - It's been a long week.

(I would totally listen to that song, though.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 11, 2014, 03:12:02 PM
The Time of the Daleks is one of the Big Finish audio dramas, featuring the Eighth Doctor. I'm actually on that one right now!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 14, 2014, 03:50:00 PM
I just watched the first two episodes of S6 (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon). Holy shit, that was incredibly amazing. Now I've got to keep on watching, really wanna find out the rest of the story!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 14, 2014, 05:12:39 PM
I agree. The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon are incredible. Despite being the first shard of a story that crashes on for the following year or so, it still somehow feels very whole and self-contained. The arc stuff is brilliant, with the regeneration and the astronaut and the Doctor's death - those scenes still chill my spine now - but you get the sense it could still be incredible without any of that. Because there's an absolute corker of a story at its heart, this devilishly smart whirligig of genuinely terrifying monsters across umpteen different locations, and although Day of the Moon stomps along without pausing for breath it never rushes so fast as to outpace the story - it's pitch-perfect. A properly spellbinding slab of Doctor Who.

Coincidentally, I just rewatched The Curse of the Black Spot, a couple of hours ago, which is the next episode on from Day of the Moon. For the first time, I found myself a little impatient with it. It's actually the first few scenes that set the tone - the Doctor's humour feels contrived, a little misjudged. It's the Doctor the Dream Lord hates for all his tawdry quirks. I don't think it's a problem with Matt Smith's performance, I think he performs those lines as well as possible, but I found my attention wavering. Which is a shame! Still, some nice stuff.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on April 14, 2014, 05:29:24 PM
The only reason to like the Black Spot I can sum up in two words: Lily Cole :heart
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 14, 2014, 05:55:25 PM
It's not the only reason... but I do think the moment where Amy is lusting after the Siren is slightly my favourite. I barely notice the other two are there.

It's genuinely a good performance! Not that much to work with, but she made a lot of it. She nailed the serene disaffection of a computer interface. Which sounds patronising at best, but it's not meant to be - that could've been so corny, gone so badly wrong, but she completely inhabits the part. The location's beautiful, there are some great scares (the Siren's screams, her hand lurching out of the water), but I didn't buy the mirror universe thing and I don't give a crap about Henry Avery's son. It's usually "come for the monsters, stay for the people," with Doctor Who, but the interpersonal stuff hasn't held up as well for me. Still entertaining, but I'm starting to understand why people don't rate it that much in the grand scheme of things.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 14, 2014, 09:30:24 PM
Ugh, I'm dying for an update.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on April 15, 2014, 06:30:18 AM
They're currently shooting an episode featuring Robin Hood
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on April 15, 2014, 07:39:37 AM
They're currently shooting an episode featuring Robin Hood

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n42SVe2mWTU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n42SVe2mWTU) Filming video here. Tom Riley is playing Robin and Ben Miller is the baddie.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 15, 2014, 03:20:54 PM
I just watched The Curse of the Black Spot. While I have to agree with Rob about the Doctor's contrived humour, and I think overall the Doctor wasn't so fantastic in this episode (not Matt Smith's fault), I really liked the episode and the idea behind it. I thought it was really clever; the only thing that bothered me was that the mirrored universe thing was a bit farsought and not worked out really well. But Rob, what do you mean with "come for the monsters, stay for the people"?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 16, 2014, 12:43:12 AM
I think it's one of those shows where if there's a cool monster plot, that's entertaining, but the thing that makes an episode last is the characters. The best episodes end up being stuff like The Waters of Mars, The Pandorica Opens, Vincent and the Doctor, where yes, you've got stellar A-plots, but there's so much bubbling beneath. For all its twisty time-iness, the one thing I most remember about The Big Bang is the Doctor sat by Amelia's bed side, with Matt Smith acting his socks off.

That's a massive oversimplification - The Waters of Mars would be nothing without the genuinely creepy monsters, the gradual fraying of the Doctor's nerves - but I think the best stories have more than just the monster element. With Curse of the Black Spot, I didn't care much for the supporting characters, and even the regular characters, despite great performances, were written a little off-model. "I suppose that laughing like that is in the job description. Can you do the laugh? Check. Grab yourself a parrot. Welcome aboard!"

ETA: Onno - do not read this article! Spoilers..!!


Matt Smith's favourite series was my favourite series! Excellent.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 16, 2014, 01:44:21 AM
Ah, I see what you mean now, thanks. I have to agree with you; if you look at it that way, I can see why one would dislike Curse of the Black Spot. Still, I like it better than Victory of the Daleks and Vampires of Venice. Regarding Vampires, I thought Rory's role in that episode was just written badly; I thought he was only there for the comedy factor. And while the idea of aliens 'disguised' as vampires is good, I don't think the idea was worked out very well. It all seemed just a bit silly to me.

And don't worry about the article :P Until I've completely finished watching all episodes up to S7 (including specials), then I'll start clicking links the Doctor Who FB page shares  and people share here :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on April 16, 2014, 01:50:20 AM
Rob, your link appears to have eaten a 7. :P

I agree with him that S5 was his best season, although S6 was also quite good overall. S7 is the weaker to me, probably partially because the first half had Rory and Amy dragging their heels on the way out, then the second half didn't have as many episodes to develop a full arc, besides Clara's origin, which I enjoyed. S7 did finish incredibly strongly, which redeemed it somewhat.

By all accounts, they're trying to shake things up in S8 with the new Doc, so it will be an interesting new era for the show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 16, 2014, 06:05:21 AM
I pretty much agree with you Rob - on the whole my favourite episodes are the character driven ones. Vincent. Doctor's Wife. Girl Who Waited. But it's not always the case - as much as I like the character stuff in Silence in the Library, it's the plot itself that makes it really stand out to me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 16, 2014, 11:36:20 AM
That's fair! I think I'm sort of trying to get at a general trend rather than an absolute rule, and there are some utterly brilliant monsters-first stories, but even in Silence in the Library, I think the two strands coalesce beautifully. Even once the Vashta Nerada are off the scene, it's just one punch the air moment after another, and you've got both the beginning and the end of the River Song arc. I think it's an utterly spectacular monster-plot, with a lot of great character stuff woven right in.

But yeah, "come for the monsters, stay for the people," was off the cuff, just part of a stream of consciousness rambling, it wasn't something I'd spent much time thinking about! Don't expect it to hold too much water, just that there are a lot of very replayable episodes that follow that format.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 16, 2014, 12:32:37 PM
Yeah it's not the monsters in Silence in the Library so much as the story concepts.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 16, 2014, 01:06:15 PM
Definitely. The "Hey, who turned out the lights?!" bits were epic though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 16, 2014, 01:56:11 PM
Funny - I always thought those moments were creepy as F, but I've heard tell that many people actually consider that laughably cheesy.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 16, 2014, 02:03:49 PM
I don't know, I didn't find them cheesy at all. I loved that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 16, 2014, 02:08:20 PM
Neither did I, I'm just sayin'.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 16, 2014, 03:18:36 PM
I know :P I was just wondering about why someone could see that as cheesy. I guess it's not the most original thing ever, for some people it may be a bit too much of a horror cliché.

Just watched The Doctor's Wife by the way. Wow, that was an epic episode!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on April 19, 2014, 07:57:50 PM
Very belated: Both The Day of the Doctor and The Time of the Doctor were the tits. Loved everything about both of them. Matt Smith's final monologue was beautiful.

"I wll always remember when the Doctor was me."  :'(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 19, 2014, 07:59:32 PM
My opinion of Time of the Doctor has decreased over time, actually. It wasn't the send-off I was hoping for, much less something that would qualify as "the tits."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on April 19, 2014, 08:14:41 PM
I should mention that I'm easily pleased. I don't think there's a single Matt Smith episode that I'd call bad, so I guess my standards are just low. The worst is probably Closing Time or The Curse of the Black Spot, and even those have some really cool stuff.

I can totally see why people don't love Time, btw. It's just that I do.

On a semi-related matter, I have finished watching the Classic Series. There's sooooo much there, but here's - very quickly - my favourite story from each Doctor.

1st: The Time Meddler
2nd: The War Games
3rd: Carnival of Monsters
4th: tie between Pyramids of Mars, The Pirate Planet and Warrior's Gate
5th: tie between Mawdryn Undead, Enlightenment and The Caves of Androzani
6th: The Mysterious Planet (Trial of a Time Lord)
7th: tie between The Greatest Show in the Galaxy and The Curse of Fenric
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 20, 2014, 02:55:02 AM
Awesome Scrop, glad you caught up, and glad you have the Pirate Planet among your favourites, that's such a fun story with some really cool ideas.

Have you watched the 8th Doctor's TV movie as well? If so then you are indeed fully caught up.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on April 20, 2014, 03:28:57 AM
Is the 8th Doctor's movie worth watching? I've heard it's not very good, but I've been meaning to check it out for a little while now.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 20, 2014, 05:47:08 AM
It's fun in a campy sorta way.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 20, 2014, 06:20:07 AM
Is the 8th Doctor's movie worth watching? I've heard it's not very good, but I've been meaning to check it out for a little while now.
I am by no means a Doctor Who scholar, but I thought that movie was a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on April 20, 2014, 07:26:06 AM
Is the 8th Doctor's movie worth watching? I've heard it's not very good, but I've been meaning to check it out for a little while now.
I am by no means a Doctor Who scholar, but I thought that movie was a lot of fun.

Neither am I, so that's good enough for me.

And also, for reasons that escape me, I just watched Sharknado again on TV, so anything will seem amazing after that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on April 20, 2014, 07:40:15 AM
Paul McGann is easily the best thing about it (the TV movie). Lots of things in this movie are actually quite bad, though, and pretty much contradict the canon set up during the first 26 seasons.

But yeah, it's entertaining if nothing else.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on April 20, 2014, 07:51:47 AM
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman

Surely the same can be said for Doctor Who and his 50 years of TV.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 20, 2014, 10:31:33 AM
I can remember exactly the last time I watched the TV movie, and that's November 23rd, 2013. Also the last time I watched The Name of the Doctor. Thought it'd be a fun warmup to Day of the Doctor, and it was fun, but watching it with people around really highlighted its flaws. On your own, you just plough on. "Fair enough, he drezzes for the occasion, understood. What happens next?" With people, that kind of thing lingers, and there are a lot of lines like that that stink out loud. As made-for-TV movies go, there are many, many worse, and Paul McGann is superb in it, but it's not quite as good as a proper movie might be, and it's not quite as good as a proper episode of a TV show, either.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on April 20, 2014, 10:34:49 AM
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman

Surely the same can be said for Doctor Who and his 50 years of TV.

True, but some of them are unnecessary and there for no discernible reason, like the Doctor saying that he's half human on his mother's side or something like that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 21, 2014, 07:07:48 AM
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman

Surely the same can be said for Doctor Who and his 50 years of TV.

True, but some of them are unnecessary and there for no discernible reason, like the Doctor saying that he's half human on his mother's side or something like that.
Some silly masterplan - they had all sorts of stuff laid out if it was picked up for a full series, I think the Doctor and the Master were going to be half-brothers or something? Thanks for Paul McGann, TVM, but I think the show found its way to the right people in the end.

I should mention that I'm easily pleased. I don't think there's a single Matt Smith episode that I'd call bad, so I guess my standards are just low. The worst is probably Closing Time or The Curse of the Black Spot, and even those have some really cool stuff.
Oh, yeah, it's always quality TV. "Bad" is relative. Closing Time and The Name of the Doctor are good, well-produced television episodes, but they're just not my bag in terms of Doctor Who.

Last episode I rewatched was The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe. I've never disliked it, it's always entertained me, but time and distance have done that episode huge credit. I think, at the time, I was sort of hoping for it to be all things Doctor Who - wit and thrills and scares all wrapped in a devilishly clever Christmas bow. It's not that at all, but I do love what it is. Claire Skinner is absolutely brilliant in it -

"I found a spaceman in a field, possibly an angel, but he's injured and I can't get his helmet off, so I'm having to take him into town to find a police telephone box, all right?"
"Stay inside - the rain is frightful!"
"What have I told you about opening your presents early? Something like this was bound to happen!"
"It's funny! One can't imagine being a forest, then suddenly one can."

I love the harvest rangers, too. "Sorry, sir. It's under control. Do you want me to shoot her?"

There's a couple of lines I don't like - "humany wumany" among them - but the ep's so witty, very moving, and I love how it subtly weaves into the bigger story. The man who let his family believe him dead. Last few scenes are perfect.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 28, 2014, 05:30:48 AM
Arthur Darvill doing his own rendition of Let It Go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNDyBBAjRHg
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on April 28, 2014, 01:00:54 PM
Damn, that was quite the performance.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on April 28, 2014, 03:30:00 PM
By the way, I just watched A Good Man Goes To War and Let's Kill Hitler. Those were absolutely amazing. Loved the "Hitler in the cupboard" thing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on April 28, 2014, 03:53:26 PM
A Good Man Goes to War is amazing, but Let's Kill Hitler is really the only Moffat-era episode I think is poor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on April 28, 2014, 11:14:14 PM
I thought A Good Man Goes to War was great, but I'm mixed on Let's Kill Hitler. It had a lot of good ideas, but I hate River Song, and she was even more annoying than usual in it, and I was expecting more Hitler given the name of the episode. It was fun that he was played as a quick laugh, but it wasn't the direction I was expecting the episode to go.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 29, 2014, 01:26:59 AM
[PSA: Open spoilers follow! Onno... tread carefully!]

"I really was hoping for a bit more Hitler," remains the weirdest criticism of any TV show, ever. I mean, I get it, given the title and the episode I totally get it, I just never tire of the way it looks written down.

For what it's worth, pretty much everyone in that episode is trying to kill their own personal Hitler in their own special way, so although it's not the episode I was expecting, I think the title was spot on. It's an episode that starts to show up the weaknesses in the arc - psycho-River is dispatched way, way, way too quickly for the Silence's upbringing to feel at all meaningful - but the things that make it weaker in the context of the arc actually make for a stronger episode. The split focus means we don't really see that much of River breaking her programming, which hurts the arc, but it means we do get all the wonderful stuff in the Teselecta (which is brilliant, I love the Teselecta), it gives the Doctor and his companions something different to do, it's all these superb, mad things crashing into each other. LKH is great telly, it's an utterly brilliant episode of Doctor Who, but when I'm thinking of the series 6 arc, I think it also represents a few of the things I wish they'd done better.

For want of more time!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on April 29, 2014, 01:34:00 AM
"I really was hoping for a bit more Hitler," remains the weirdest criticism of any TV show, ever. I mean, I get it, given the title and the episode I totally get it, I just never tire of the way it looks written down.

It largely comes down to the title setting up an expectation. I know a title is ultimately a trivial thing, but when you name the episode after such a huge historical figure who only gets a minute of screen time before being locked in a closet, there's a bit of disappointment, especially given that River Song gets so much time instead. That's like a double kick in the face to me!
And yes, I realize how odd it sounds to essentially say "Aw, I really wanted more Hitler!". :lol

The Teselecta is definitely the best thing to come from the episode, and sets up the solution for the season arc later on. And seeing The Doctor's reaction to dying was another highlight (even though it arguably creates an inconsistency with the later idea of the War Doctor when he believes he's going to regenerate).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on April 29, 2014, 04:27:06 AM
It's an episode that starts to show up the weaknesses in the arc - psycho-River is dispatched way, way, way too quickly for the Silence's upbringing to feel at all meaningful
Agreed. I don't think the weaknesses are in the arc itself (which I enjoy immensely), but in the pacing. The first half of the season is so perfectly paced, with a hugely engaging build up to A Good Man Goes to War, but from LKH onwards the pacing is totally off, and really good episodes become a bit forgettable because you're wondering what's happing in the context of the overall arc, which then again gets rushed at the end of the series.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 29, 2014, 05:53:48 AM
Eh, I'm with Blob on the River hate. To me she adds absolutely nothing to the series and talks in stupid cryptic phrases like "Spoilers." I wasn't interested in whatever mystery she held because she was just annoyingly smug.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on April 29, 2014, 12:29:53 PM
I sort of get both sides. I think she adds something to the show that's a lot of fun, but I think she's a little too superhero and not enough geography teacher. She's done some wonderful emotive stuff, but as Amy herself notes, she doesn't act like a person! The Doctor is frail, and fallible, and despite his Time Lord heritage he's basically just a bloke. Despite basically being human, River Song has all these supernormal talents and powers, she's this sort of big, bolshy cartoon, right up to the hair drawn by children. It's like, the Doctor is amazing, but basically a person - River Song is a person, but basically amazing. She's great fun on screen, though. I think she's a net gain to the show, I love having the TARDIS so full of all these different people. I can't imagine The Impossible Astronaut, The Pandorica Opens, The Time of Angels or especially Silence in the Library without her.

I think The Name of the Doctor would have been stronger in her absence, though. I don't buy the time-travelling psychic link at the best of times - while I love the genuinely horrifying scene it gave us of Jenny dying (less fond of how cheaply she's resurrected!), it largely seems to have been an excuse for Alex Kingston to spook around as a sort of walking metaphor. Pulled at a thread that wasn't dangling in the first place.

Mixed blessing - but what isn't! AK hams it up, but it usually works, sometimes gloriously.

WRT the arc - I think I'd sub out Closing Time, and in its place, I'd delegate some of the arc leg-work to Gareth Roberts. Give him an episode with Canton Everett Delaware III as a companion. Not so it forms an actual two-parter, but start drip-feeding some answers, clarify the Silence, so TWoRS can fit in a bit more story without scrabbling to close up a (four-episode, but complex and non-linear!) arc.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on April 30, 2014, 09:24:54 AM
That's well summed up. She's a black hole sue to me, which is essentially the same thing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on May 07, 2014, 02:57:19 PM
Just finished S6 - loved it! Probably my second favourite behind S4.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 07, 2014, 03:16:26 PM
What your thoughts on the season arc? I still like it, though it could have been executed better, and it's definitely the weakest Moffat-era season arc in my opinion.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on May 07, 2014, 03:39:21 PM
What your thoughts on the season arc? I still like it, though it could have been executed better, and it's definitely the weakest Moffat-era season arc in my opinion.
I loved the season arc, but it was indeed a bit rushed. I liked all the episodes though, even though The Curse of the Black Spot and Night Terrors weren't that fantastic and didn't really fit into the story arc IMO.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 07, 2014, 05:34:57 PM
Jeezum, this wait is killing me worse than the last DT album cycle.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on May 11, 2014, 09:19:42 AM
I'm actually not thinking "holy fuck give me new DW now". This will be my first season where I get to start as the episodes come, and I feel patient for that to start.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on May 11, 2014, 10:27:26 AM
I'm actually not thinking "holy fuck give me new DW now". This will be my first season where I get to start as the episodes come, and I feel patient for that to start.

Same situation, same patience.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on May 11, 2014, 06:03:19 PM
Well at least I still have some classic who to watch while waiting for the new season. Im currently in the sixth doctor era
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 11, 2014, 08:47:40 PM
I fucking love Colin Baker. A great, refreshing change from the rather wet-blanket that the 5th Doctor was (okay, that's pretty harsh, but it does go into that direction - he was much less of a forceful personality than pretty much any of the other Doctors), even though some of the stories are atrocious with a capital A (The Twin Dilemma, I'm looking at you!). He and Peri made a great team.

Favourites from the Colin Baker era would be Vengeance on Varos, Revelation of the Daleks, The Mysterious Planet and Mindwarp.

Also, just because, here's a ranking of the Doctors of the classic era.

1. Tom Baker
2. Sylvester McCoy
3. Patrick Troughton
4. Jon Pertwee
5. Colin Baker
6. William Hartnell
7. Peter Davison
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 12, 2014, 05:45:48 AM
Almost done with Pertwee. Just have Planet of the Spiders to go. May do a top 10 after. We'll see
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on May 12, 2014, 06:27:11 AM
Anyone else find the classic series to be drawn out too much? I've watched a number of the Tom Baker episodes and i find they drag the scenes on far too long. I feel that many of the stories can be condensed from 4 episodes to 2 or 3.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 12, 2014, 07:14:07 AM
1. Tom Baker
2. Paul McGann
3. Patrick Troughton
4. Jon Pertwee
5. Peter Davison
6. Colin Baker
7. Sylvester McCoy
8. William Hartnell

Anyone else find the classic series to be drawn out too much? I've watched a number of the Tom Baker episodes and i find they drag the scenes on far too long. I feel that many of the stories can be condensed from 4 episodes to 2 or 3.
At times, for sure. I think that aspect of the show got better as it went on though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on May 12, 2014, 08:23:29 AM
The pace of episodic television has grown faster as time has gone on. For it's time, Doctor Who was actually considered a very pacy show, with only the six part episodes (and of course the monstrous ones in the early years that went from 7 to 10 episodes) feeling padded. Transplant a television viewer from 1970 to today and they would have flat out culture shock trying to watch a modern Doctor Who episode, which is essentially two old episodes in length doing the job of four. Plus it was a function of the budget, especially in the early days, when the time between episode production and airing was absurdly short: the longer you can use the same set and the same shot, the better.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on May 12, 2014, 12:34:13 PM
I actually like the old format better. The doctor had more time to look around and investigate things to find a solution instead of using his sonic screwdriver to get out of every situation. One of the my favorite things that JNT did with the series was get rid of the screwdriver because he thought it made things to easy for the doctor then.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 12, 2014, 01:50:01 PM
Anyone else find the classic series to be drawn out too much? I've watched a number of the Tom Baker episodes and i find they drag the scenes on far too long. I feel that many of the stories can be condensed from 4 episodes to 2 or 3.

It got better as the years went on - during SMC's time, nothing really dragged anymore (though to be fair that was at the longest four and sometimes even three eps), but I also have to say while there are some that are far too long, there are a few serials that are astoundingly long and EXTREMELY good as well, making them kinda a double win - The War Games comes to mind.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 12, 2014, 01:50:53 PM
Some news!

Hermione Norris to guest star in Doctor Who opposite Peter Capaldi when Doctor Who returns this Autumn.

Speaking about her casting, Hermione Norris said, ‘It’s exciting to be part of such an iconic show, and one that my kids can watch!!!’

Norris has recently been starring in The Crimson Field on BBC One, and is no stranger to solving mysteries having played Ros Myers in the BAFTA award-winning drama Spooks. Prior to that she starred in comedy-drama Cold Feet.

Steven Moffat, lead writer and Executive Producer, said, ‘It’s a testament to the quality of Peter Harness’s intense and emotional script, that we’ve been able to attract an actress of the brilliance of Hermione Norris. And for the first time since 1984, the Doctor Who production team is heading to Lanzarote. The Doctor is returning to the scene of an old adventure – but there have been sinister changes since his last visit.’

The episode is written by Peter Harness (Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Wallander), produced by Peter Bennett and directed by Paul Wilmshurst (Strike Back, Combat Kids). The episode also stars Ellis George, Tony Osoba and Phil Nice.

Other guest stars confirmed to join Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman in the new series, which will TX on BBC One later this year, include Ben Miller, Tom Riley and Keeley Hawes.

They're currently shooting block 4 of the new series (episodes 7 and 8) written by Peter Harness and Jamie Mathieson. Two new writers!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 12, 2014, 01:58:03 PM

I love Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, so I'm fucking psyched to hear the guy writing an episode - let's hope he's as good with screenplay as he is with novels.

And Lanzarote? That would mean Planet of Fire, right? Weird... I was pretty certain that pretty much everything was said and done there, so what can that possibly mean?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 12, 2014, 02:11:21 PM
Susannah Clarke wrote Jonathan Strange. I don't know what you are thinking
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 12, 2014, 02:53:19 PM
I actually like the old format better. The doctor had more time to look around and investigate things to find a solution instead of using his sonic screwdriver to get out of every situation. One of the my favorite things that JNT did with the series was get rid of the screwdriver because he thought it made things to easy for the doctor then.

Oh yeah, and with the early Dalek episodes especially, seeing the COMPANIONS be the ones that save the day! Who would believe that in new Who?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 12, 2014, 04:51:36 PM
Susannah Clarke wrote Jonathan Strange. I don't know what you are thinking

... I don't know it either. I just read JS & MN in brackets behind Peter Harness and had a brainfart. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 14, 2014, 05:22:22 PM
So here's roughly my top 10 from the Pertwee era. This was tough

10. The Curse of Peladon
9. Inferno
8. The Time Warrior
7. Monster of Peladon
6. The Daemons
5. Colony In Space
4. The Time Monster
3. Carnival of Monsters
2. The Three Doctors
1. The Mind of Evil
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 14, 2014, 05:35:44 PM
Yeah, I agree that it's tough. Mine would be something like this:

10. The Ambassadors of Death
09. The Time Warrior
08. The Three Doctor
07. Day of the Daleks
06. The Curse of Peladon
05. The Silurians
04. Inferno
03. Spearhead from Space
02. Invasion of the Dinosaurs
01. Carnival of Monsters

It's a great era though - also, here's my Top 10 from Tom Baker.

10. The Android Invasion
09. The Brain of Morbius
08. The Deadly Assassin
07. Genesis of the Daleks
06. The Ribos Operation
05. Warrior's Gate
04. Pyramids of Mars
03. The Talons of Weng-Chiang
02. The Ark in Space
01. The Pirate Planet
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 15, 2014, 12:32:07 AM
I would say Inferno is easily Pertwee's best, what an excellent story!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 16, 2014, 09:19:32 AM
More casting news!

Comedian Frank Skinner is to guest star in Series 8 of Doctor Who.

Skinner is set to appear in Jamie Mathieson’s episode alongside David Bamber, Daisy Beaumont, Janet Henfrey and Christopher Villiers.

Skinner said: “I love this show. I subscribe to Doctor Who magazine, I’ve got a TARDIS ringtone, a five-foot cardboard Dalek in my bedroom and when I got the call saying they wanted me to read for the part, I was in the back of my tour bus watching episode three of The Sensorites. I am beyond excited.”

Steven Moffat said: “It’s no secret that Frank’s been pitching vigorously to get into Doctor Who for a while. He’s been volunteering to be ‘third monster on the left’ as long as I’ve been in this job.

“But now, in Jamie Mathieson’s sparkling script, we finally have a part that can showcase all of Frank’s famous wit and charm. Hopefully he’ll get out of my garden now.”
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 16, 2014, 03:47:14 PM
I love Moffat's comments. :lol

That's cool anyway, should be fun!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 17, 2014, 06:40:16 PM
Already finished Baker's first season (and for the record, I'd rank Genesis over Ark in Space already)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 17, 2014, 06:47:53 PM
I dunno... I find Genesis is plagued by the problem that many 4+-parters have... it's just too long. Now, there are exceptions (The War Games is one of my favourite serials, for example, as is Talons of Weng-Chiang), but on the whole I prefer the 4 parters. Plus, the set in Ark in Space is one of my favourites... I love how the sterility of it enhances the creepiness of the serial.

Plus, the whole "Do I have the right?" scene in Genesis is AWESOMELY acted, but the whole "Oh look, I can't commit genocide... let's drop it and have a Dalek run over it to wash the Doctor's hand of it" has always irked me. That, and the giant clams.

Don't get me wrong, I love Genesis, but I don't find it quite as good as the general opinion seems to be.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 18, 2014, 03:03:45 AM
I never worry too much about the quality of the effects/props/monsters in classic Who. :lol

So ignoring the giant clams, I think Genesis is fantastic.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 18, 2014, 06:20:27 AM
Oh yes, that whole speech was simply marvelous. Baker has had me hooked right from the start
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on May 24, 2014, 06:06:13 AM
First teaser trailer. Airing August!!   ;D

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYN6ruU672Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYN6ruU672Y)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 24, 2014, 06:17:34 AM
I saw it earlier. I was all excited for a teaser, but I'm not sure that's even enough to tease. Ooh, it's a still silhouette against the TARDIS set! :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 24, 2014, 06:35:50 AM
As one commenter pointed out, this shows us less than we already know. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 24, 2014, 06:39:57 AM
That's true. :lol
We've seen Capaldi in costume already, both officially and in set footage, so there's nothing to reveal there as far as we know. The silhouette therefore doesn't tease at anything. It shows the TARDIS exploding, but TOTD already showed that the TARDIS was crashing and that the new season will start off with that danger, so nothing new there either, assuming this is from that same incident. So that doesn't tease at anything unexpected either.

What a Doc-tease.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on May 24, 2014, 06:44:43 AM
New font on "Doctor Who"? Or am I making that up?

Edit: Also, and obviously this could be wrong, but the teaser gives off a feel that the show is gonna get darker than Matt Smith's era.

I'm down for that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 24, 2014, 06:51:41 AM
New font on "Doctor Who"? Or am I making that up?

Edit: Also, and obviously this could be wrong, but the teaser gives off a feel that the show is gonna get darker than Matt Smith's era.

I'm down for that.

Being such a short teaser, I'm not sure it's indicative of anything, but it would be in line with what I've read. This doctor is supposed to be more serious, and Moffatt said they're changing things up. I don't have a preference either way, as long as it's done well, and utilizes Capaldi's strengths to make a great Doctor.

It's the same font as before, but the letter spacing and aspect ratio has been changed to the season 7 version, so it does look noticeably different.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 24, 2014, 07:09:39 AM
I don't have a preference either way, as long as it's done well, and utilizes Capaldi's strengths to make a great Doctor.
So the Doctor will now curse like a sailor?

Hell yes  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 24, 2014, 08:41:22 AM
It's the same font as before, but the letter spacing and aspect ratio has been changed to the season 7 version, so it does look noticeably different.
They've got rid of the DW emblem, too. From what I'm aware, it's a brand new logo, with a subtly different font, but it owes quite a lot to the previous one. I think they've got rid of the serifs, too?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 24, 2014, 08:51:36 AM
It's the same font as before, but the letter spacing and aspect ratio has been changed to the season 7 version, so it does look noticeably different.
They've got rid of the DW emblem, too. From what I'm aware, it's a brand new logo, with a subtly different font, but it owes quite a lot to the previous one. I think they've got rid of the serifs, too?

Series 7 doesn't include the DW emblem with the writing, it's shown afterwards, which is what they've also done here, showing it at the end of the video.
Upon closer look, the "topology" (for lack of a better term) of the letters is the same in terms of serifs etc, but you're right that it is a brand new logo/font, subtly different to the old one. Just a bit of a refresh to spruce it up a bit.

From this I'm expecting another periodic update of the intro, and maybe the music too. The series 7B intro has actually been my least favourite so far (including the music), so I'd be ok with that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 24, 2014, 08:54:05 AM
It's the same font as before, but the letter spacing and aspect ratio has been changed to the season 7 version, so it does look noticeably different.
They've got rid of the DW emblem, too. From what I'm aware, it's a brand new logo, with a subtly different font, but it owes quite a lot to the previous one. I think they've got rid of the serifs, too?

Series 7 doesn't include the DW emblem with the writing, it's shown afterwards, which is what they've also done here, showing it at the end of the video.
Upon closer look, the "topology" (for lack of a better term) of the letters is the same in terms of serifs etc, but you're right that it is a brand new logo/font, subtly different to the old one. Just a bit of a refresh to spruce it up a bit.

From this I'm expecting another periodic update of the intro, and maybe the music too. The series 7B intro has actually been my least favourite so far (including the music), so I'd be ok with that.



There we go. As you say, serifs still intact - I could've sworn I saw a no-serif logo a couple of months ago. My bad! Shorter and wider. And, yes, I'm sure a new title sequence is incoming - like you, I'm not too fond of the 7B intro (like you, music aside!) so it's welcome in my eyes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 24, 2014, 08:58:44 AM
From a quick search on the Google, I found a serif-less logo that was fan made and labeled as series 8, which could have been picked up by wherever you saw it. Happens all the time on the interwebs.

I don't dislike the latest rendition of the theme, it's just my least favourite one of the new series. It's closer to the original, but I miss the driving drumbeat behind it of the other recent versions.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on May 24, 2014, 09:31:04 AM
I don't have a preference either way, as long as it's done well, and utilizes Capaldi's strengths to make a great Doctor.
So the Doctor will now curse like a sailor?

Hell yes  :metal

Get your fucking ass back in the Tardis, cunt!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on May 24, 2014, 09:50:00 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 24, 2014, 11:03:04 AM
I'm sure it's already been in this thread, but it's relevant, and worth the rerun -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Blf073f2Lc
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on May 24, 2014, 11:26:45 AM
"Run, you clever boy."
"Fuck off."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on May 24, 2014, 12:46:31 PM
"Run, you clever boy."
"Fuck off."

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on May 24, 2014, 01:14:27 PM
I just died of laughter
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 24, 2014, 03:37:44 PM
Just finished Baker's second season. Not as good as the first, although Pyramids and Morbius were awesome stories. Terror of the Zygons was pretty good too, but it was hard at times to hear what the aliens were saying. Android Invasion needed to be a little bit more tighter in my opinion. That first episode seemed to drag the action, and Seeds of Doom was very meh. That should have been a 4 parter. And back to Morbius (to those who have seen it) anybody notice similarities between the Sisters and the soothsayers in the Pompeii episode?

With regards to Baker as a whole, he's not there yet, but I could easily see him replace Tennant as my favorite Doctor. Right now, my Doctor rankings go:

1. Tennant
2. Baker
3. Smith
4. Eccleston
5. Pertwee
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 25, 2014, 08:32:52 PM
Another season in the books. I'm going to miss Sarah Jane, but Leela's not too bad. Really loved Weng Chiang. One of my favorite 6 parters of the classic era
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 25, 2014, 08:55:35 PM
Weng-Chiang has some problems, like Magnus Greel being rather uninteresting and one-dimensional, but the vast majority - especially the characterisation of Chang, as well the double act of Jago and Litefoot - of it so good that I find it very hard to care about the occasional missteps. I'd say it's my favourite six-parter, actually.

Another highlight for me in that season is The Deadly Assassin. I love the scenes in the Matrix, especially the more surreal stuff at the beginning, before the Doctor and Goth start to hunt each other. Robert Holmes was such a great writer for Doctor Who, maybe even my favourite writer ever - I'd say the only semi-black-ish mark on his record is The Power of Kroll... which you haven't seen yet, so don't let my opinion influence you lol. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 25, 2014, 09:03:52 PM
Yeah, that stuff in Deadly Assassin was very cool. I wonder what happened with the Master to make him look like that? Last we saw him he was in pretty good shape in Frontier in Space (that serial really bugged me by the way since it never really had a resolution. I don't really see the connection between that story and Planet of the Daleks. They seem like two different stories)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 25, 2014, 09:14:39 PM
I think what happened with The Master was the he was at the end of his last regeneration - which is why the regeneration limit was introduced in the episode, IIRC - and thus couldn't heal some kind of weird injury, but still kept on living in his disfigured state - hence trying to to harness the power of the Eye of Harmony, in order to extend his life.

Also, while I like the premise of Frontier in Space, it is a little weird in the execution, though I don't think that's anybody's fault, really - I think I read somewhere that the Master was supposed to tie into its follow-up, but Roger Delgado died before that could be filmed, so we got Planet of the Daleks instead - which is okay, but somewhat over-long and doesn't really resolve Frontier in Space at all, like you said. I could be remembering something wrong, though.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 28, 2014, 05:09:04 PM
Speaking of Classic Who, here's the results of DWM's enormous poll celebrating 800 episodes of Doctor Who:


1. The Day of the Doctor (92.06%)
2. Blink (91.87%)
3. Genesis of the Daleks (91.60%)
4. The Caves of Androzani (90.60%)
5. City of Death (90.30%)
6. The Talons of Weng-Chiang (90.15%)
7. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (89.48%)
8. Pyramids of Mars (88.26%)
9. Human Nature/The Family of Blood (87.90%)
10. Remembrance of the Daleks (87.88%)

I believe the percentage is a rating out of ten. DWM's got pretty wide circulation - it's Doctor Who geeks, but about the fairest sample of Doctor Who geeks you could find, so while it's early days for TDotD, that's quite a heartening snapshot of where fandom is right now.

Bottom ten:

232. The Space Museum (53.78%)
233. The Rings of Akhaten (53.44%)
234. The Dominators (50.32%)
235. The Space Pirates (47.23%)
236. Underworld (46.68%)
237. Time-Flight (45.74%)
238. Timelash (45.22%)
239. Time and the Rani (45.09%)
240. Fear Her (42.68%)
241. The Twin Dilemma (40.18%)

And here's the favourite Doctors, by share of the vote:

1. Tom Baker (21.69%)
2. Matt Smith (15.57%)
3. David Tennant (15.49%)
4. Patrick Troughton (12.09%)
5. Jon Pertwee (8.72%)
6. Peter Davison (6.11%)
7. Sylvester McCoy (5.38%)
8. Christopher Eccleston (4.39%)
9. William Hartnell (4.04%)
10. Paul McGann (3.31%)
11. Colin Baker (2.52%)
12. John Hurt (0.68%)

I don't care that he's dead last, stands to reason seeing as he hasn't put in the same time as any of the others - but it still warms the cockles of my soul to see John Hurt up there, acknowledged as a proper, real life Doctor.

Also, how close are Matt Smith and David Tennant? That's brilliant. I love that the new series has not just cast two Doctors who are both equally beloved, but are so beloved that they're second only to Tom Bloody Baker! Peter Capaldi has huge, huge shoes to fill.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 28, 2014, 06:17:24 PM
Kind of feel bad for Colin Baker that he got beaten by somebody who was the Doctor for less than 2 hours  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on May 28, 2014, 06:19:32 PM
No he didn't. ..
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on May 28, 2014, 09:43:26 PM
My bottom ten would have included The gunfighters, Creature from the pit, and The end of time.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 28, 2014, 11:31:46 PM
I don't know much of pre-revival Who, but of the stuff I know, I don't strongly disagree with anything on the list. After multiple viewings, TDOTD is still my favourite episode, and Blink is one of my favourites. Not really familiar with the rest.

I'm not surprised to see Tom Baker top the Doctors. I haven't seen much of him, but he seemed like a great Doctor. Being a newer fan, Matt Smith and David Tennant are my Doctors, and I'm glad to see them rank so highly too.
McGann and Hurt both suffered from not having a lot of screen time to judge from, so their lower ranking isn't surprising despite them both doing a fine job with what they had.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on May 29, 2014, 12:39:35 AM
Glad to see Fear Her in the bottom 10. That and the Absorbaloff (sp?) episode are fucking awful episodes.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on May 29, 2014, 12:40:53 AM
I'm actually surprised that Love & Monsters isn't in the bottom 10. I thought that episode was really bad.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2014, 12:43:47 AM
I quite enjoy Love & Monsters. There's definitely a lot of classic era stuff that belongs down there before it, so I'm glad it's not in the bottom 10.

Fear Her is very meh though. Shame that Rings of Akhaten is so low - I mean it's quite flawed and doesn't really make any sense, but that can be said for whole swathes of the classic era. But it's nicely done and has some great moments in it.

And it is GREAT to see Matt Smith as popular as Tennant now among the fanbase. :D
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on May 29, 2014, 12:48:55 AM
Am I the only one then that thinks Fear Her wasn't bad at all? I remember kind of liking it  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 29, 2014, 12:52:33 AM
I thought it was balls. Sorry, Onno. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on May 29, 2014, 12:56:52 AM
 :lol Well, I guess I'll rewatch some episodes once I've finished S7 (just watched The Snowmen yesterday, really liked it!). I'm also planning on watching all of the classic seasons... Should be great!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on May 29, 2014, 01:08:02 AM
Right, Love and Monsters. Fuck that episode.

The Rings of Akhaten gave two great things: an awesome Matt Smith speech, and the best song in-episode song apart from I Am the Doctor (The Long Song).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on May 29, 2014, 01:16:17 AM
Right, Love and Monsters. Fuck that episode.

The Rings of Akhaten gave two great things: an awesome Matt Smith speech, and the best song in-episode song apart from I Am the Doctor (The Long Song).

I'm kind of torn on Love and Monsters. I thought it was a fun episode, but it was also a filler episode so the real cast could do something more important. I can see why people would hate it, but I enjoyed it as much as any of the other RTD silly monster episodes.

I don't much like Rings of Akhaten, but the music totally redeems its existence. The Long Song, and Infinite Potential (which got reused to great effect for The Doctor's regeneration scene) are both amazing.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 29, 2014, 01:32:50 AM
Glad to see Fear Her in the bottom 10. That and the Absorbaloff (sp?) episode are fucking awful episodes.
I'm actually surprised that Love & Monsters isn't in the bottom 10. I thought that episode was really bad.
I don't think it was far off. Something like 22nd from last? But I think the main difference between the two is that, while Love & Monsters tends to split opinion, Fear Her unites it.

While I'm sure it's got its fans, there are very few people who would describe Fear Her as much more than a fairly mundane and slightly twee monster of the week story. It incites apathy - I doubt many of its admirers would describe it as their favourite episode, and I think more people think it's a bit cringey and boring than hate it with the fire of a million suns.

Love & Monsters, on the other hand, people do prolifically hate... yet, it has a small but very dedicated fanbase. It's full of things that look like they were designed by children, but there's a lot of metatextual stuff thrown in, too, and for all its banal quirkiness there's also subtlety woven through. A lot of people will notice the (very silly!) Scooby Doo chase, fewer will see it as confirmation, right from the start, that Elton is an unreliable narrator, and might be a little bit damaged by his experience; anything without camera crosshairs is basically up in the air. Love & Monsters will have attracted more ire, but it'll also have gathered more than a couple of 10/10s. Less consensus.

Right, Love and Monsters. Fuck that episode.

The Rings of Akhaten gave two great things: an awesome Matt Smith speech, and the best song in-episode song apart from I Am the Doctor (The Long Song).
A lot of fun smaller things, along the way, too.

"Can you open it?"
"In theory? No. In practice...? Also no."

"I've seen bigger."
"Are you joking!? It's massive!"
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 29, 2014, 03:35:10 AM
:lol Yeah Rings has some great lines.

Onno, I thought Fear Her was fine the first time I saw it as well. It's certainly not terrible, but then I wouldn't say anything new-Who is terrible. But now that I've seen it probably three times, it's just quite boring and... meh. And certain things just don't really make sense.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 30, 2014, 11:26:20 AM
From a classic Who perspective, am I the only one who disliked Fang Rock? I see on the IMDB page, it's regarded as the favorite from season 15, while I enjoyed it's follow up The Invisible Enemy a whole lot more
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: robwebster on May 30, 2014, 02:34:37 PM
Oh, fuck! I've just noticed!!

"We are completely thrilled that the amazingly talented Foxes is joining us on board ... well, you'll see. Let's just say, the Doctor is finally catching up on his phone calls."

If he's finally catching up on his phone calls, it's the Orient Express, Foxes is joining them on board the Orient Express! From the Big Bang - "An Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express... in space." That plus Robots of Sherwood - those leaked titles did have a bit of legitimacy. All right, fair play!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 30, 2014, 02:52:17 PM
Nice spot!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on May 30, 2014, 03:37:26 PM
Wow, that's fucking epic! Good find Rob!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on May 30, 2014, 04:23:40 PM
From a classic Who perspective, am I the only one who disliked Fang Rock? I see on the IMDB page, it's regarded as the favorite from season 15, while I enjoyed it's follow up The Invisible Enemy a whole lot more

Horror of Fang Rock has gotten something of a critical revival in recent years, for reasons that completely puzzle me. I suspect a little of it comes from the sense that it's leftover Hinchcliffe, that it isn't properly a Graham Williams produced story (which is kind of funny since it was actually filmed SECOND for the season because the original script for the story was rejected because it was a Dracula pastiche coming out at the same time as a big BBC production of Dracula. It was eventually reworked into Terrance Dicks' Season 19 story State of Decay) but even that doesn't explain how it's become such a praised episode.

I will say, without qualification, that you are the first person I've ever seen to prefer The Invisible Enemy to it, though.  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 30, 2014, 08:41:42 PM
From a classic Who perspective, am I the only one who disliked Fang Rock? I see on the IMDB page, it's regarded as the favorite from season 15, while I enjoyed it's follow up The Invisible Enemy a whole lot more

While I understand not liking Fang Rock that much - I love Image of the Fendahl a lot more, for instance - I can't name a SINGLE Classic Who episode (or, really, ANY Doctor Who episode) that I would look at and say "I enjoy The Invisible Enemy a lot more". If I had to make Bottom 10 Doctor Who list - which I wouldn't relish in, because I really like the show as a whole - then that would most certainly have a spot on it. Maybe even in the Bottom 5.

EDIT: Just watched Invisible Enemy again, to see if I'm being too harsh, and nope. I wouldn't quite call it atrocious, but it's the closest Doctor Who ever got to earning that label.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 31, 2014, 07:03:38 AM
Image of the Fendahl is really good, I am enjoying that one so far
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on May 31, 2014, 08:05:40 AM
The only reason invisible enemy wouldn't make it on my bottom ten is because its so ridiculous and insane that it makes it a bit entertaining. 
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on May 31, 2014, 09:54:47 AM
Image of the Fendahl is great.

Have to be honest, I can't even remember the Invisible Enemy that well, so I can't have liked it very much. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 31, 2014, 04:21:13 PM
Invisible Enemy starts out kinda meh-ish, gets really awful by the time they start walking around the brain of some guy (forgot who!) and then finally goes beyond the point of all possible redemption when the nucleus of the swarm comes out of the brain with the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on May 31, 2014, 05:23:55 PM
I don't know. I was kind of tickled by the Fantastic Voyage homage

Anyway, the thing that loses my interest with Fang Rock is ultimately that it's a bit of a downer. None of the guest stars survive. Despite how crappy you all think Invisible Enemy and the much loathed recent episodes like Fear Her and Love and Monsters are, at least they give you some modicum of hope (okay yes, the Earth itself is safe, but these characters we spent two hours with are not) It's probably the most bleakest episode of Doctor Who I have ever seen
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 31, 2014, 08:49:13 PM
See, while I totally get how some people would not like that a bit, the darkness of Fang Rock appeals to me - sure, I wouldn't want every, or even a large amount of DW episodes to be that way, the utter bleakness of Fang Rock make it a great watch, when I'm in the mood for bleak stuff - I can't think of another episode that is so relentlessly oppressing and bleak as Horror of Fang Rock is.

Two quick things that bother me in Fang Rock, though. #1 is really only a minor niggle, but why the hell does the Doctor say that Skinsale died with honour? No he fucking didn't, he tried to clobber up some diamonds on the fucking floor when a goddamn Rutan was advancing on him, knowing fully well that it's gonna electrocute his sorry ass if it manages to touch him.

#2, though, is a real storytelling flaw - not enough to ruin the story for me, but still pretty glaring - the Rutan landed that night, right? So where the hell does the legend of the Beast of Fang Rock come from? Is it all a massive coincidence, or just lazy writing? Now, if I overlooked something, please point it out, but it just seems sloppy, like a cool idea they had at the beginning (it landed ages ago and some people were killed by it, creating the legend), but then just changed the arrival time of the Rutan and not really giving the implications for the legend a second thought. Nitpicking, I know, but eh. :P(/SPOILERS).
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on May 31, 2014, 09:01:40 PM
Horror of Fang Rock was a last minute replacement, as I said, for the script that eventually became Season 19's State of Decay. Wouldn't be shocked if any plot holes in it were Robert Holmes saying "fuck it, we need it NOW" and just letting it go as script editor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on May 31, 2014, 09:07:46 PM
That explains a lot. Thanks!

Though State of Decay is Season 18.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on June 01, 2014, 12:20:59 PM
I'd say what's one season but last of Tom Baker versus first of Peter Davison IS a bit of a difference  :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on June 01, 2014, 08:27:41 PM
Invasion of Time was real fun, especially the last episode with them in the TARDIS. I thought Leela's exit was rushed though. They didn't seem to give that much indication that she was in love with that guy. Ah well, on to the Douglas Adams era
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on June 01, 2014, 08:53:23 PM
Yeah, I thought that Leela deserved a better exit than that. But you're right, Invasion is fun. Nothing too deep, but certainly entertaining. The way the locations are switched up keeps it interesting for most of its duration, though I find some ideas a little unresolved, like the Outsiders - cool idea, but very little development there. Oh well.

You're in for a treat next - The Ribos Operation is one of my favourite serials ever - maybe even Top 10 of the entire Classic Era.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on June 01, 2014, 09:26:21 PM
I need to get back into watching the Classic Who serials. My personal favorite is The Talons of Weng-Chiang. Leela was awesome in that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on June 01, 2014, 09:30:00 PM
Talons is awesome. One of Tom Baker's finest performances, and that's really saying a lot.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on June 01, 2014, 09:40:18 PM
Talons is awesome. One of Tom Baker's finest performances, and that's really saying a lot.

Completely agreed. You can really tell that he loved doing that serial. I also love how enormous that whole serial feels. Really reminds me of a classic Hammer Horror film. The producers really went out of their way to let the gothic horror era of Who end on a high note! :hefdaddy
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on June 01, 2014, 09:48:19 PM
Yeah, the Hinchcliffe era is, all in all, probably the best three seasons of Classic Who. The only era that comes close to rivalling it is the Cartmel era - if it had continued beyond Season 26, I have no doubt there would have been some amazing stuff there, having read some of the novels of what Aaronovitch, Cartmel and Platt intended in the later seasons.

But still, I'd say that stretch from Ark in Space - Talons is some of the best television there is, barring none.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jaq on June 01, 2014, 10:10:28 PM
Talons is awesome. One of Tom Baker's finest performances, and that's really saying a lot.

Completely agreed. You can really tell that he loved doing that serial. I also love how enormous that whole serial feels. Really reminds me of a classic Hammer Horror film. The producers really went out of their way to let the gothic horror era of Who end on a high note! :hefdaddy

There was an unfortunate side effect to how good Talons looked. Hinchcliffe was removed from the show because of complaints about how violent the show had become. On the way out the door, he said, fuck it, money's no object, and overspent on his last couple of stories, especially Talons. BBC policy was if you went massively over budget, the next year you had your budget cut back as a punishment. Hence why the next year's run of shows are legendary for cheapness. Awesome story though, I'll give it that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on June 12, 2014, 06:45:40 PM
For the US, series 7 is on Netflix now as of today
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on June 19, 2014, 09:07:52 PM
So I recently rewatched The Name of the Doctor for the first time since watching the classic era and I have to say that I gained a whole new appreciation for it, especially the intro, seeing as I recognised almost every clip and shouting at my laptop "That's from Invasion of Time!" made me feel like a better Doctor Who fan. Plus, the fact that Clara wears the costumes of the respective companions to the Doctors (like Ace's costume in the scene with the Seventh Doctor and Tegan's in the scene with the Fifth Doctor) was another cool touch that I didn't notice the first time around.

Though for that Invasion of Time clip she should have totally worn Leela's costume. :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on June 22, 2014, 09:26:18 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on June 28, 2014, 12:44:01 AM

A new teaser with slightly more to it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on June 28, 2014, 05:36:10 AM
They're not kidding when they call these "teasers". Still, looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on June 28, 2014, 08:28:56 AM
Also new promo pic.

The BBC has today confirmed the much-anticipated eighth series of the hit sci-fi drama Doctor Who will land on BBC One on Saturday 23 August, 2014.

The feature-length premiere episode entitled “Deep Breath” will see Peter Capaldi take on one of TV’s most iconic roles as the Twelfth Doctor, alongside Jenna Coleman as his companion Clara.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on June 28, 2014, 08:41:57 AM
Feature length? Awesome! :metal

Also, is seems there are some minor additions to the TARDIS interior. Those circular spotlights to the left of Clara's shoulder are new, as are the frame sort of things behind her head. I assume the different colouring is just for the promo image.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on June 28, 2014, 10:55:33 AM
Feature-length is, what? An hour?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on June 28, 2014, 11:00:37 AM
Feature-length is, what? An hour?

It depends on whether they're factoring in ads or not. At the very least I'd expect it to be long as the typical specials (60 minutes without ads), maybe as long as TDOTD, which was around 75 minutes without ads.
It's not really like Dr Who to do a typical double episode of movie length, it's usually more like a really long single episode. Regardless, I'm glad they're giving it a bit more time to establish the new Doctor, and the new story.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on June 28, 2014, 01:48:52 PM
Looking forward to it.  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on June 28, 2014, 02:36:08 PM
David Tennant (and his lovely daughter Jenny wife Georgia) looks just as bored watching a Nadal game as I am!  :lol

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on June 28, 2014, 02:47:47 PM
That is quite the beard he's sporting there.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on June 28, 2014, 04:26:38 PM
I'm desperately looking for the 'slighty-bouncing-quickly-in-all-directions-smiley' to express my excitement following the new episode announcement  :lol

David Tennant looks old in that pic, wow. It's probably due to the pic being quite low quality and it might be due to the game being boring, I don't know, I don't watch tennis :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on June 28, 2014, 04:30:58 PM

This one?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on June 28, 2014, 04:42:55 PM
I'm desperately looking for the 'slighty-bouncing-quickly-in-all-directions-smiley' to express my excitement following the new episode announcement  :lol

David Tennant looks old in that pic, wow. It's probably due to the pic being quite low quality and it might be due to the game being boring, I don't know, I don't watch tennis :P

I am very biased on this, but the last Nadal match I didn't find boring was played in 2008 :p
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on June 29, 2014, 02:44:38 AM

This one?
Not that one, but my description sucked anyway :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on June 29, 2014, 02:45:57 AM

This one?
Not that one, but my description sucked anyway :P

:caffeine: This guy perhaps?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on June 29, 2014, 02:46:04 AM
Hmm, there are other possibilities.


edit: dadgum, Blob beat me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 29, 2014, 12:45:47 PM
It depends on whether they're factoring in ads or not. At the very least I'd expect it to be long as the typical specials (60 minutes without ads), maybe as long as TDOTD, which was around 75 minutes without ads.
There are no adverts on BBC in the UK, so that won't be factored in.

My expectation is that it would be more than 1 hour. Plenty of other TV shows have 1-hour episodes as standard, so I can't imagine they'd make a big deal out of calling it "feature length" in that case. I would therefore expect at least an hour and a quarter.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on June 29, 2014, 09:29:56 PM
It depends on whether they're factoring in ads or not. At the very least I'd expect it to be long as the typical specials (60 minutes without ads), maybe as long as TDOTD, which was around 75 minutes without ads.
There are no adverts on BBC in the UK, so that won't be factored in.

My expectation is that it would be more than 1 hour. Plenty of other TV shows have 1-hour episodes as standard, so I can't imagine they'd make a big deal out of calling it "feature length" in that case. I would therefore expect at least an hour and a quarter.

So regular episodes of Dr Who never have ads in the UK?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2014, 12:19:49 AM
Nope, nothing on the BBC does.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on June 30, 2014, 01:32:37 AM
Nope, nothing on the BBC does.

Interesting. So how does it work for scheduling then? Do shows just start at odd times? Or do they have filler shows, or ads between shows? Because Dr Who is still more or less the typical length of a US show.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on June 30, 2014, 02:11:53 AM

This one?
Not that one, but my description sucked anyway :P

:caffeine: This guy perhaps?
That's it, thanks! :caffeine:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on June 30, 2014, 04:27:12 AM
Nope, nothing on the BBC does.

Interesting. So how does it work for scheduling then? Do shows just start at odd times? Or do they have filler shows, or ads between shows? Because Dr Who is still more or less the typical length of a US show.
They basically round up to the nearest 5 minutes, and fill the gap with short adverts for other BBC shows or events. There are no advert breaks during a show, and no external adverts at all.

BBC shows tend to be made to fit into 30, 45 or 60 minute slots, and will therefore normally be a couple of minutes shorter. So Doctor Who episodes are generally around 42-43 minutes. In America (and probably most other countries) this works out as being an hour slot with advert breaks.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on July 04, 2014, 12:30:53 PM

New teaser. Dammit, I want more!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ozzy554 on July 04, 2014, 12:35:26 PM

New teaser. Dammit, I want more!

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on July 04, 2014, 12:36:46 PM
I hate teasers. Was blissfully and ignorantly awaiting the new episode, knowing it's sometime in the summer but not really thinking about exact dates. All they've done is made me realize it's nearly 2 months until we get to see it. And that hurts.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on July 13, 2014, 03:50:09 PM
Oh FUCK here's something much better, GET HYPE

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TivqZTq5u6Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TivqZTq5u6Y)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on July 13, 2014, 03:54:09 PM
And ya beat me. Damn.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on July 13, 2014, 03:58:32 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on July 13, 2014, 04:02:18 PM
Ok, now that was AWESOME!!!! Capaldi's gonna be a fantastic Doctor I think. By the way, I'm almost caught up now, took my time but I've only got The Time of the Doctor left :)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on July 13, 2014, 04:04:49 PM
What did you think of The Day of the Doctor?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TioJorge on July 13, 2014, 04:12:30 PM
The Day of the Doctor finally got me into the series, and while I still sometimes cannot stand the absolute and utter cheese factory that the show is...almost (seemingly) purposefully, something about it is intriguing. I don't think it'll ever be more than a nice distraction for me, but it'd be awesome if this season proved me wrong. Not gonna lie, I got goosebumps from that trailer. Looks pretty awesome. Also still looks pretty cheesy. Will the cheese overrule the awesome? We shall see. NEXT TIME, ON WHO GIVES A FUCK! /morewine

Oh yeah, but DotD was fucking epic. John Hurt is one of my most beloved actors to watch in ALL OF THE OMNIVERSE, and he was absolutely spectacular and mesmerizing as the lost one. I really like the way that Smith carries himself, but I'll be damned if there's just...SOMETHING about the series that turns me right the fuck off. I couldn't get past the first episode of S7. The only way I can describe it is that the production makes me want to vomit. I literally looks like they WANT to be seen as cheesy and...'cheap', for lack of sobriety.

Either way, I have a feeling that if I'm gonna get into the series, Capaldi is gonna push me over the edge into the abyss that is the Doc's realm. And I'll have a little, tiny, puny boner. It's gonna SUCK.  :metal :corn :police:
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on July 13, 2014, 04:15:13 PM
Well, it's funny, 'cause I watched part of the episode when it was first aired, but I had only seen 3 episodes of Doctor Who in total back then, so I didn't quite understand most of what was going on  :lol I did however understand the overall plot, so unfortunately watching it again didn't bring many surprises. Anyway, it was still an absolutely amazing episode, maybe my favourite so far. The interaction between the three (well, officially four) Doctors was great.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on July 13, 2014, 04:16:23 PM
English accent !

I guess he's not the first scot to play the doctor with an English accent - but surely new body = new accent ? :P
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2014, 04:21:07 PM
Er, no he definitely sounds Scottish. Just toned down, presumably because American audiences wouldn't be able to undestand him if he went all out.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on July 13, 2014, 04:24:39 PM
Hmm yes. Listened again. Definitely nowhere near as Scottish as his real voice.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TioJorge on July 13, 2014, 04:28:13 PM
I resent that!

Then again my BFF's dad is an absolute pure-blood Scot soldier. Literally. He's a badass. But yeah a part of me wished that Capaldi would just fuck with the continuity of the Englishman and use absolutely no forced accent.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2014, 04:28:42 PM
For sure, but that's understandable. I'm glad he's actually sounding Scottish this time - Tenant didn't at all and McCoy barely did.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TioJorge on July 13, 2014, 04:35:04 PM
Yeah I was pretty surprised at the few Tenant episodes I watched, quite surprised, in fact. It's nice to hear more of the original accent bleeding through though. Though through, though through.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on July 13, 2014, 04:44:05 PM
For sure, but that's understandable. I'm glad he's actually sounding Scottish this time - Tenant didn't at all and McCoy barely did.

Tenant's accent was so flawless I didn't even realise he was Scottish.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Mister Gold on July 13, 2014, 04:57:36 PM
For sure, but that's understandable. I'm glad he's actually sounding Scottish this time - Tenant didn't at all and McCoy barely did.

Tenant's accent was so flawless I didn't even realise he was Scottish.

Apparently his accent was so flawless that Scottish fans got upset with him when they met him in real life and thought he was faking a Scottish accent! :lol

Also, I'm so hyped for Capaldi. That trailer looks downright awesome.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 13, 2014, 04:58:44 PM
Yeah he does the south east England accent perfectly. His American - not so good. The Scottish really comes out!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TioJorge on July 13, 2014, 05:03:44 PM
 :rollin That's awesome. I wouldn't have known if I hadn't seen him previously. It's cool, he's always been a pretty active actor in numerous minor roles and then just kinda bursts into nerd commercial success.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on July 13, 2014, 11:07:49 PM
For sure, but that's understandable. I'm glad he's actually sounding Scottish this time - Tenant didn't at all and McCoy barely did.

Tenant's accent was so flawless I didn't even realise he was Scottish.

Likewise, although not being from over there, I guess I wouldn't be as sensitive to hearing it anyway.

Capaldi definitely sounded more toned back to me in that, which I don't mind, because I did have a slight bit of trouble understanding his dialogue in TTOTD. It didn't help that it was drowned out with music and SFX either, but I had to watch it a few times to get it all. WE'RE PLOLOLY CLASHING! DO YOU HHAAN TO NOR TO FY SESSING?

Trailer looks good. Looks like a good dose of big episodes, and the Doctor seems a little darker (hopefully still with a fun factor that they didn't show in the trailer).
I'm not sure how I feel about the updated TARDIS. That interior was so perfect as it was, so I don't like them sticking paintings all over the walls and tacking on more lights. I'm undecided on the red light in the center. I'm sure I'll get used to it all.

And just for future note (as I haven't seen it mentioned yet), can we keep the thread spoiler free for information from the leaked scripts?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 14, 2014, 12:34:09 AM
For sure, but that's understandable. I'm glad he's actually sounding Scottish this time - Tenant didn't at all and McCoy barely did.

Tenant's accent was so flawless I didn't even realise he was Scottish.

Likewise, although not being from over there, I guess I wouldn't be as sensitive to hearing it anyway.

Capaldi definitely sounded more toned back to me in that, which I don't mind, because I did have a slight bit of trouble understanding his dialogue in TTOTD. It didn't help that it was drowned out with music and SFX either, but I had to watch it a few times to get it all. WE'RE PLOLOLY CLASHING! DO YOU HHAAN TO NOR TO FY SESSING?

Trailer looks good. Looks like a good dose of big episodes, and the Doctor seems a little darker (hopefully still with a fun factor that they didn't show in the trailer).
I'm not sure how I feel about the updated TARDIS. That interior was so perfect as it was, so I don't like them sticking paintings all over the walls and tacking on more lights. I'm undecided on the red light in the center. I'm sure I'll get used to it all.

And just for future note (as I haven't seen it mentioned yet), can we keep the thread spoiler free for information from the leaked scripts?
Definitely. Especially considering any leaks are illegal.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on July 14, 2014, 01:09:11 AM
For sure, but that's understandable. I'm glad he's actually sounding Scottish this time - Tenant didn't at all and McCoy barely did.

Tenant's accent was so flawless I didn't even realise he was Scottish.

Likewise, although not being from over there, I guess I wouldn't be as sensitive to hearing it anyway.

Capaldi definitely sounded more toned back to me in that, which I don't mind, because I did have a slight bit of trouble understanding his dialogue in TTOTD. It didn't help that it was drowned out with music and SFX either, but I had to watch it a few times to get it all. WE'RE PLOLOLY CLASHING! DO YOU HHAAN TO NOR TO FY SESSING?

Trailer looks good. Looks like a good dose of big episodes, and the Doctor seems a little darker (hopefully still with a fun factor that they didn't show in the trailer).
I'm not sure how I feel about the updated TARDIS. That interior was so perfect as it was, so I don't like them sticking paintings all over the walls and tacking on more lights. I'm undecided on the red light in the center. I'm sure I'll get used to it all.

And just for future note (as I haven't seen it mentioned yet), can we keep the thread spoiler free for information from the leaked scripts?
Definitely. Especially considering any leaks are illegal.

I thought that was related to DT only? (I don't want to be spoiled either, just curious.)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on July 14, 2014, 01:13:43 AM
I'm not talking about sharing the scripts themselves, just bits of information. Regardless, it's not so fun when everyone's not up to the same point of discussion, ie. the show as it airs.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: TioJorge on July 14, 2014, 01:14:31 AM
It's true. I've been selling meth through PM's for YEARS.

But THE MOMENT I tried to sell to Portnoy? Nope! Banhammer right on my face.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on July 14, 2014, 01:38:49 AM
:rollin :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :rollin

Tio, I love you. Muchly so.

Man love. Hot and visceral.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on July 15, 2014, 01:06:38 AM
Capaldi looks amazing. This is likely going to be the best series of Doctor Who yet, if everything works out absolutely perfectly. The darker angle is a nice and interesting direction, and the new TARDIS interior looks fantastic-- very reminiscent of the 8th Doctor's TARDIS. There's something homey about it, and I love it.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on July 16, 2014, 01:40:46 PM
Heads up that this thread will be closed and a new one started for the new series, as this one is becoming a bit large.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2014, 01:54:37 PM
Oh man, this thread has been going since Rob started it in 2009!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on July 16, 2014, 04:05:36 PM
If you can, link the new one in here please!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on July 16, 2014, 04:06:59 PM
Why would this thread, at 70 pages, need to be retired when we have other threads at 100+ that are still going? I don't mind, I'm curious as to why this is.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on July 16, 2014, 04:17:23 PM
This thread is at 99 pages for me.

EDIT: 100 now. :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on July 16, 2014, 04:43:23 PM
I guess you're on 35 posts per page? The point still stands, there are multiple threads around that are significantly longer than this one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on July 16, 2014, 11:45:22 PM
I guess you're on 35 posts per page? The point still stands, there are multiple threads around that are significantly longer than this one.

We're on the default/correct number of posts per page. :biggrin:

If there's going to be a new thread, I think it should be sooner rather than later. I don't want to have a thread locked mid discussion about the new Doc!
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Super Dude on July 17, 2014, 07:42:11 AM
I guess you're on 35 posts per page? The point still stands, there are multiple threads around that are significantly longer than this one.

Personally, I wanna see all those shut down too. But not being a mod or admin, well y'know.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: XJDenton on July 17, 2014, 09:35:47 AM
Usually I aim to start a new thread at around 100 pages when I see them, simply because when a thread becomes too large it can potentially become a problem for the database restoration in the event of corruption or whatever (this is part of the problem why we had to wipe the site completely a few years back). It's true that there are a few threads around longer than that, but tbh thats probably because I've not seen them.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on July 17, 2014, 10:46:55 AM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on July 23, 2014, 06:25:27 AM
From SFX Magazine:

Deep Breath: "It's a huge introductory show. What if your best friend was somebody else? It's really about Clara trying to cope with that - and whether or not she even likes who he is, mixed in with a truly terrifying monster."

2. "We've done a really good Dalek one by saying they're nasty. It's actually quite a gritty Dalek adventure. We go without question into the most dangerous place in the universe - the last place the Doctor should be, and you will know that by the end of the pre-titles."

3. It's the Doctor meets Robin Hood. And it's about being a hero. The Doctor's going through a period of his life where he's worrying about whether he counts as a good man. It's very, very funny. Everything you want in a good Robin Hood is going to be there."

4. "A complete departure for me in terms of writing Doctor Who. A tiny guest cast, no CGI. It's the story of a date and the Doctor having what appears to be a mild nervous breakdown. There's a little germ of Coupling in it. It's actually quite a scary one. I sometimes wonder: "What does the Doctor do when there's nothing going on? Does he go and find something to poke a stick at?" Of course he must. Essentially it's downtime for the Doctor. But don't worry, it involves a monster."

5. "It's like a heist movie done with Doctor Who. It's got a cracking monster in it, one of Neill Gorton's finest creations. And Keeley Hawes."

6. "An absolute hoot of an episode with some surprisingly serious bits in it. If you did know somebody like the Doctor and you did think it was okay to slip away with him, what effect would that have on your life? What would that do to the people around you? I sit and watch this one to cheer myself up. I suppose it's not unlike The Lodger in certain respects."

7. "Proper drama. With monsters and all the Doctor Who stuff that you could want. It's probably quite a big statement of where we are now with the show. This might be where you can argue that the new approach is, for the first time, seen uncluttered by any of the old approach. It's very strong. And there's a callback to a past episode. Sort of. You'll see."

8. "Brilliant script. Brilliant idea for a monster. It looks stunning in a very glamorous way. And it has Foxes singing. There's a callback to something from Matt's first series. Sometimes I play a long game. And sometimes I just think "We never actually tied that off...shall we just go and sort that now?" Usually because I think it would be incredibly funny. I like the idea that the Doctor takes that long. "Yes, I'll be there in a moment..." Several years later..."

9. "It's a horror story. It starts off with a very .... idea and becomes really quite frightening by the end. A scary one. A proper scary one with one of our best ever sight gags in it. It runs throughout the episode and the climax of this particular gag, I think, is just glorious. I remember reading it out at the readthrough and everyone was just clapping and cheering at Jamie Mathieson's idea."

10. It's a beautiful script; it's really lyrical and poetic, and boldly so. A fairytale, but not in the sense that I've tended to write a fairytale. Heartfelt, eloquent, quite, quite different. The main visual idea is so clever. I think it's going to be a stunner.

11-12. "The finale. Quite a strong emotional story to this. It's about Clara and the Doctor and the fact that the way they interact might not be healthy for everyone around them. That sounds very bleak but don't worry, there's lots of nonsense in it too. It's high octane action adventure, with Cybermen. And some proper UNIT stuff."
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: masterthes on July 23, 2014, 09:24:43 AM
So, is episode 7 where they go back to Pompeii?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on July 23, 2014, 01:29:58 PM
That's a good possibility.  Filming took place in Lanzarote on some volcanic plains.

Also titles:
801: Deep Breath
802: Into the Dalek
803: Robots of Sherwood
804: Listen
805: Time Heist
806: The Caretaker
807: Kill the Moon
808: Mummy on the Orient Express
809: Flatline
810: Child's Play
811: Gates of Paradise
812: Death in Heaven
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Onno on July 23, 2014, 03:50:15 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on July 23, 2014, 03:57:59 PM
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on July 23, 2014, 06:19:56 PM
Apologies, I'll shrink them down.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on July 23, 2014, 08:59:29 PM
That's a good possibility.  Filming took place in Lanzarote on some volcanic plains.

I though that the episode that was filmed on Lanzarote was supposed to call back the last episode to be filmed there, which would be Planet of Fire from the Peter Davison era.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on August 04, 2014, 12:28:35 PM
I had heard that the new series of DW will have an episode take place on the planet of fire which was a 5th Doctor episode. So I watched it, I already knew it would be slow paced like all classic who but  is the 5th Doctor always out of breath? He seems to have a hard time catching his breath a lot. He's the same in the Caves of Androzani.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 05, 2014, 02:43:07 AM
I watched the Paul McGann Doctor Who movie last night. I didn't have high expectations, but it was quite awful. The plot didn't make much sense, and it was blatantly derivative and cheesy as hell.

Paul McGann made a good doctor though, and he was the only redeeming factor of the movie. I wish he'd gotten to do the 50th anniversary episode. Nothing against John Hurt of course, as he did a great job, but I think it would have had a bit more impact to bring an established Doctor into the role instead of inventing one just for that episode.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on August 05, 2014, 06:00:53 AM
I agree 100%. I wish Eccelston took part in the 50th as well.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 05, 2014, 07:16:05 AM
I agree 100%. I wish Eccelston took part in the 50th as well.

While I'm not a big fan of Eccelston as the Doctor, I was a bit disappointed that he didn't want to participate in anything Who related. Even if just to have a more conclusive regeneration scene for Hurt to make it come full circle.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on August 05, 2014, 07:32:50 AM
I agree 100%. I wish Eccelston took part in the 50th as well.

While I'm not a big fan of Eccelston as the Doctor, I was a bit disappointed that he didn't want to participate in anything Who related. Even if just to have a more conclusive regeneration scene for Hurt to make it come full circle.

Exactly, just to have a minute or two with him at the end would have been nice. I'm a bit torn though because I loved Eccelston as the Doctor but I also liked the idea of the 'War Doctor' fighting in the time war from youth until he became old and tired. Another part of me would have liked Paul Mcgann to be the one to become old and bitter during the time war.

In the end it was probably the best decision to have a completely different Doctor given that Mcgann's Doctor already has a massive literary back story and Eccelston didn't want to come back.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlackInk on August 05, 2014, 10:34:39 AM
Why didn't Eccleston want to have anything to do with it?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on August 05, 2014, 01:54:04 PM
Because he doesn't want to be one of those actors that have one iconic role and can't get away from it's shadow. Or something like that.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Jamesman42 on August 05, 2014, 03:26:27 PM
I watched the Paul McGann Doctor Who movie last night. I didn't have high expectations, but it was quite awful. The plot didn't make much sense, and it was blatantly derivative and cheesy as hell.

Paul McGann made a good doctor though, and he was the only redeeming factor of the movie. I wish he'd gotten to do the 50th anniversary episode. Nothing against John Hurt of course, as he did a great job, but I think it would have had a bit more impact to bring an established Doctor into the role instead of inventing one just for that episode.

Did you see the online short with McGann that came out before the 50th show?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: El JoNNo on August 05, 2014, 09:06:36 PM
Some interesting reads

He left because he didn't like where the show was going. (paraphrased)
https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/doctor-who/20897/christopher-eccleston-is-this-why-he-really-quit-doctor-who (https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/doctor-who/20897/christopher-eccleston-is-this-why-he-really-quit-doctor-who)

Christopher Eccleston refuses to return for Doctor Who's 50th anniversary
https://www.blastr.com/2011/05/christopher_eccelston_ref.php (https://www.blastr.com/2011/05/christopher_eccelston_ref.php)

Moffat reveals his plans (and fears) if Eccleston had returned for Who's 50th
https://www.blastr.com/2013-12-16/moffat-reveals-his-plans-and-fears-if-eccleston-had-returned-whos-50th (https://www.blastr.com/2013-12-16/moffat-reveals-his-plans-and-fears-if-eccleston-had-returned-whos-50th)
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 05, 2014, 09:48:48 PM
I watched the Paul McGann Doctor Who movie last night. I didn't have high expectations, but it was quite awful. The plot didn't make much sense, and it was blatantly derivative and cheesy as hell.

Paul McGann made a good doctor though, and he was the only redeeming factor of the movie. I wish he'd gotten to do the 50th anniversary episode. Nothing against John Hurt of course, as he did a great job, but I think it would have had a bit more impact to bring an established Doctor into the role instead of inventing one just for that episode.

Did you see the online short with McGann that came out before the 50th show?

Of course! (I believe it was actually the first Doctor Who I ever saw, funnily enough)
But I would have liked to see more of him. The webisode felt like a bit of a token thing in regards to McGann, and was more to set up the War Doctor's place in the timeline so it made some sense in the 50th without jamming in more exposition.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Kotowboy on August 08, 2014, 04:53:55 AM

I *think* the first Dr. I saw was Jon Pertwee ( re runs ) and the first Doctor who was my favourite was Tom Baker.

I don't really enjoy the RT Davies Era but David Tennant was pretty good. I barely saw any of Matt Smith but the ones I did see I thought were really bad.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: jonny108 on August 09, 2014, 09:21:19 AM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g65E1Jp-jLg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g65E1Jp-jLg)

BBC Breakfast interview with Peter Capaldi.  Includes some clips from episode 2.

2 WEEKS TO GO  :metal
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 09, 2014, 10:41:45 AM
Looks great so far, but I'm a bit worried that I had a lot of trouble understanding Capaldi in that second clip where he's walking and talking. There's a line there that after listening to 3 times, I couldn't figure out what he's saying at all.
Aside from that, his take on The Doctor is looking to be a good one.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on August 09, 2014, 10:59:51 AM
Gungirl :lol
Title: ?
Post by: Kotowboy on August 09, 2014, 02:50:10 PM
This is gungirl shes a girl with a gun - this is her sort of boss but I may have made that up to pass the time.  are you the same man as before ?  - this is clara - shes not my assistant - that was someone else. ?

She cares so i dont have to ?

He does talk quite fast :p
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 17, 2014, 02:45:48 AM
I read that apparently Clara will be leaving Dr Who with the Christmas episode.
It would have been nice to see her get a longer run, although I like the idea of Capaldi getting his own companion, like the Ponds were exclusively 11's companions.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 17, 2014, 03:08:40 AM
Yes, me too. I quite like her and I believe I am going to like her character even more in the next season. Still, this is probably the best move for both parties.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on August 17, 2014, 03:32:29 AM
I saw the story in The Mirror.  Can we consider it reliable?
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 17, 2014, 03:36:09 AM

I saw the story in The Mirror.  Can we consider it reliable?

The Mirror is not reliabe? But I spent so long trusting in you... :(
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Scorpion on August 17, 2014, 03:37:25 AM
But I spent so long trusting in you, Mirror...

Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 17, 2014, 03:38:00 AM
But I spent so long trusting in you, Mirror...

Too slow :p
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 17, 2014, 03:39:50 AM
Rule 632: Never waste an opportunity for a Dream Theater pun. Unless you are on the General Music Discussion subfroum. In this case, always waste an opoortunity for a Dream Theater pun. :p
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: hefdaddy42 on August 17, 2014, 03:58:53 AM
Good God, you fuckers.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 17, 2014, 04:11:20 AM
I saw the story in The Mirror.  Can we consider it reliable?

I wasn't sure how widespread or reliable the story was, but either way, thought it was worth mentioning.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: ariich on August 17, 2014, 12:24:13 PM
Seems pretty reasonable timing wise. She'll have had one and two-thirds seasons, plus the anniversary etc specials, so approximately equal to Rose's two seasons. The only New Who companions to have had more were the Ponds.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 18, 2014, 12:05:52 AM
You're probably right. The other companions only really got a season each, which I'd consider should be a minimum. On the other hand, I felt the Ponds slightly overstayed their welcome at almost 2 and a half season, so if Clara leaves after this season, it might be just the right amount.
Having had less than a season so far, it currently feels like she hasn't had a long enough run, but after this season is done, it will probably feel about right.

Do we take bets on how the companion gets taken out? :lol
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: Heretic on August 19, 2014, 12:01:32 AM
I'm sure Clara's departure will be incredibly significant, as she plays such a huge role in the Doctor's life-- she's been there for like, all of the important moments throughout his timeline-- especially the ending of the Time War. Her just deciding "nah, can't do this anymore" wouldn't really work, imo-- she's too intertwined with the Doctor.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: abydos on August 19, 2014, 01:15:49 AM
I still feel like they didn't do much with Clara. I love her but I don't feel any real connection with her as I did with all the previous companions.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: BlobVanDam on August 19, 2014, 01:21:08 AM
I agree. I like her, but they haven't developed her enough yet. Hopefully with the different dynamic with a new doctor, they'll get to do more with her.
Title: Re: Doctor Who
Post by: wasteland on August 19, 2014, 02:03:34 AM