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Dream Theater => Dream Theater => Topic started by: Ħ on February 01, 2011, 04:37:40 PM

Title: A Change of Seasons (original version)
Post by: Ħ on February 01, 2011, 04:37:40 PM
I have found myself listening to this rather a lot lately.  I'm talking about the version which is on the "Antiquities" bootleg.  James is simply incredible.  In fact, I think he's better here than he's ever been.  The only downside is that the production is terrible.  Other than that, I like this version even more than the studio release.  If Dream Theater ever dies, their final concert needs to have this version of ACOS as the encore.
Title: Re: A Change of Seasons (original version)
Post by: Ben_Jamin on February 01, 2011, 04:51:06 PM
If it sounds the same as the NYC bootleg cd then I agree on some parts. Mainly the Inevitable Summer beginning.
Title: Re: A Change of Seasons (original version)
Post by: The Dark Master on February 01, 2011, 05:05:18 PM
The version on the NYC '93 boot is kind of a hybrid between the two.  It's basically the original version, but with some extra parts and extended instrumental sections added to Parts III, IV, and V that they kept for final version in '95.

As for the song itself, I do like it a lot, as I love the fact that it has that classic Images and Words feel to it, and I do really wish the song had been on I&W.  Oh, and Petrucci's solo in part VI is absolutely mind-blowing.  However, I do like a lot of the Deep Purple-esqe organ that Derek added in the '95 version.  I'm actually a little torn between which keyboardist I like more on this song, since I feel Derek added a lot of feeling and atmosphere to the final version, but I like a lot of Kevin's distinctive little touches, like the twinkly ascending keyboard pattern in the verse of Part II.  I also really like the extended opening and ending in the final version, as it brings the whole song full circle musically, which fits in with the lyrical themes of the song itself (being about the cycle of life and all that).  I guess perhaps it is for the best that we have the luxury of having two versions of the song to listen to and enjoy and have little debates like this.  Although I would like it if they were somehow able to clean up the quality of the Antiquities version (perhaps in a future Ytsejam release (hint, hint)).