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Official Queensryche thread: Kickstart the next album

Started by AndyDT, April 29, 2009, 01:02:19 PM

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I agree that The Right Side of My Mind is a really good song, easily their best since Promised Land, which of course isn't saying a lot...:lol

I won't say it's top 10 material, but it's very worthy.


Quote from: TAC on May 30, 2021, 05:30:32 PM
Quote from: Trav86 on May 30, 2021, 05:13:18 PM
Quote from: jammindude on May 30, 2021, 05:09:34 PM
Oh I see.   :rollin :rollin :rollin

I stand by what I said.  Q2K is a terrible album, but that song is incredible.  In fact, I can't think of another example by any artist ever where there there is one song that is that good, on an album that is otherwise that bad.   

Ok....maybe "top 10" is a stretch, but it's close.

How many tracks did they release between 1983-1994? It would be somewhere after that number.

I'm sure it's better than Disconnected.

You can't hate on Disconnected! I love the bass and guitar work in that song.

I think we can all agree that the music video for The Right Side of My Mind is atrocious. No wonder it's a forgotten relic.


There was a music video for that? I had no idea.


Quote from: jammindude on May 31, 2021, 09:43:39 AM
There was a music video for that? I had no idea.
That's how bad it was! I only found out about it myself last year.


most things are better than Disconnected. My first Queensryche wtf moment.


Quote from: Lowdz on May 31, 2021, 01:54:00 PM
most things are better than Disconnected. My first Queensryche wtf moment.

I agree   Its still one of my least fav tunes by them


I have a hard time wrapping my head around that. I feel like QR was founded on the idea of being a hard rock band with occasional forays into Pink Floyd psychedelica. Disconnected is a perfect example of that, and it doesn't even feel like QR to me unless we have those really strange, off-kilter moments.

If I have any issues with the TLT era, it's that it's not weird enough. Eye9 comes close, but I want more things with a Disconnected approach.


Quote from: Setzer on May 31, 2021, 09:54:32 AM
Quote from: jammindude on May 31, 2021, 09:43:39 AM
There was a music video for that? I had no idea.
That's how bad it was! I only found out about it myself last year.

Was that video a submission by a first year student at the Art Institute?  Damn.


Quote from: jammindude on May 30, 2021, 04:57:25 PM
Additionally....due to the fact that HITNF had been reportedly a 80% Chris project, there was some feelings that QR might be revitalized moving forward.

Oh how wrong we were. 

Yes, but...they were definitely feeling their way forward in a different direction, with a brand new writing partner, and their primary writer being gone.  Samsara has said this numerous times on his prior site, and I tend to agree:  It would have been really interesting to hear where they went next had things not blown up with Kelly, and had he stayed in the band.  With an entire album and tour under their belt, they would have gelled more as a writing/performing team, and it is entirely plausible (and likely, IMO) that their next album would have felt a lot more cohesive and felt more "Queensryche" than Q2K. 


Quote from: bosk1 on June 01, 2021, 10:23:44 AM

Yes, but...they were definitely feeling their way forward in a different direction, with a brand new writing partner, and their primary writer being gone.  Samsara has said this numerous times on his prior site, and I tend to agree:  It would have been really interesting to hear where they went next had things not blown up with Kelly, and had he stayed in the band.  With an entire album and tour under their belt, they would have gelled more as a writing/performing team, and it is entirely plausible (and likely, IMO) that their next album would have felt a lot more cohesive and felt more "Queensryche" than Q2K.

There are many things at play during the HITNF/Q2k years. Regarding HITNF, no one aside from Chris wanted to make a record, yet the label was pushing them (Chris) to do so. If you read between the lines of what was said at the time (that they wanted to try a more spontaneous, less rehearsed direction), in retrospect, you can see that. Chris gets credited with the direction of HITNF, and I agree with that. But if you take a close look at Empire, Promised Land, and HITNF, you'll see that musically, it was Chris pretty much musically dictating the direction. The band became less metal after Mindcrime, as Chris explored melody and other sides of rock, and Tate preferred not to be pigeonholed as a "metal" singer. Chris adapted to Tate's needs, his own needs, and helped bring the band together on the various projects. I've said it repeatedly - like it or not, Queensryche had a sonic evolutionary path that I personally believe Chris was very much aware of, and even when he returned from Tribe, he tried to expand on it.

Anyway, so Chris gets everyone on board with HITNF and the sparser direction, writes a record that honestly fits perfectly with the times, its first single is pretty darn big, it's second single starts to take off...then the label folds. There goes all the push at radio, all the tour support, everything. The band finances their own tour, QPrime dumps them, and QR is at ground zero. Talk about repeated haymakers. To add insult to injury, some fans turned on QR for HITNF because they didn't like the direction, which Chris steered, in my opinion, based on what he saw with Soundgarden (see here - and Alice in Chains. Queensryche sort of...ran its course to an extent, with the band's personal lives very different and all the interpersonal stuff surrounding them all.

So in comes Kelly Gray. Tate's buddy. Former Myth guitarist. Will never tell Tate "no." Gray and Wilton connect a bit, although both are very different. They come up with Right Side of My Mind. Vibes start happening. But then Gray steps into DeGarmo's shoes. He writes the best record he can at the time (he thought it was a "good" album with a healing element on it). It doesn't sound like Queensyrche's sonic evolutionary path (duh), and the style differs completely (double duh, given that your main writer and arranger is now a guy who is light years different as a player, very influenced by different guys, and is a different writer than DeGarmo).

Again, in retrospect, looking back 22 years, what did we really expect? I was pretty naive at the time about everything. All I knew was, my favorite band did a new record and was still playing and I was into it. Now...I see a reinvention. I see a band getting comfortable just being who they are on Q2k. To me, that record may not have been a sales success, but it was certainly a success in helping four guys move forward. And that's in large part in thanks to Kelly. It's not really "Queensryche" to me NOW, but it was then. And there were some gems on that record. Right Side of My Mind (Gray, Tate, Wilton) and Liquid Sky (Gray, Rockenfield, Tate) were very much "fan favorites" and a bunch of folks dug the ballad "When the Rain Comes" which musically was written by Wilton (myself included). The material was strong enough to succeed. But what happened again? Atlantic didn't support them (they should have known that), the industry changed, and pretty much what happened with HITNF happened with Q2k.

Had the fans embraced Kelly, and Kelly been able to control himself on the road (read the liner notes from Tate on the Q2k expanded edition from 2006), Kelly would have likely continued on. Seeing him get to know the guys, what works and what doesn't, would have led to a better record overall. Would people have "liked" it? Would it sound more "Queensryche" (how is that defined -- the DeGarmo era, the late 80s/early 90s?) You never know. But take the name "Queensryche" off the record, and I know I personally really like about 2/3 of Q2k. My guess is, I would have at least LIKED a follow-up with Kelly Gray.

When DeGarmo came back for Tribe, the band had floundered, Chris came in after hearing about Tate's lyrical theme, had some ideas the band really liked, and really liked some of his suggested additions to other songs they had already written, etc.) Those songs, Desert Dance, Open, Falling Behind, Doin' Fine, The Art of Life (and Justified) -- do you all like them? Because that's honestly "Queensryche" again, with all five guys a part of it in some way, shape or form. That's the sonic evolution of DeGarmo-Tate continuing. Chris left in the middle of the sessions, because of various reasons, which aren't important for this post. But that handful of songs is generally that continued evolution of "Queensryche"

I think the problem is, people consider "Queensryche" or the "Queensryche sound" to be defined by albums and time. Specifically, I think people define the band by the EP-Empire. For me, while looking back at it all, I think what is "Queensryche" is more defined by the musical relationship of DeGarmo, Tate, and Wilton. How that changed over the years. The funny thing is, if you consider "Eyes of a Stranger" to be a definitive QR song, and I think most people do, that's a DeGarmo/Tate track. The evolution and defining of what Queensryche was, songwise, is in my opinion, that relationship, and where they took their partnership as writers. Not the albums that defined them, but their path as writers (along with Wilton to a degree, although he was less involved over time, for whatever reason).

Coming back to Q2k, it's a solid hard rock record that had a lot of potential to be more successful than it was. And if the situation was different, I think a second record with him would have continued the same sonic path as Q2k, but with some other keyboard elements added. Whether people would have "liked" that, is anyone's guess.



Im more excited for Scottyche aka QR3 : )

as someone who was there at the beginning  I sum a lot of it up as very bad luck and timing , Chris smartly saving his marriage and family and not wanting to be the leader with all the responsibility ( along with Tate )  and grunge coming in to wipe out most of the hair metal bands ironically from the Seattle area .  also, I think the way the band for a few years "kept the door open" for Chris in hindsight now was a mistake and they should have brought in another partner and not an employee , we see that history repeating itself in Toddsryche as now its only 2 partners and 3 employees and that isnt healthy IMO   

Its all gravy folks  if ya like it enjoy it

I enjoyed the Q2K album and it was a reason to tour and they did and the shows to me were different as we missed the "skinny guy with the hat" but as has been discussed many were unhappy with Chris's dabbling in folk and grungy sounds on HITNF, but I liked that album a whole lot and at times I feel a connection between it and tribe which I love. 


Scottryche sounds like an impending lawsuit to me. The website looks distinctly unofficial, nobody other than Scott himself has made any comments on it and he's chosen for some reason to throw on a Toxic Remedy demo on there seemingly without the rest of the band's permission. The band pic is also literally a cropped version of the one on the official website. If Wilton and Jackson were in some way complicit with this QR3 thing, then I can't in good conscience support them, because that would be a vile stab in the back to the people who've arguably kept the band's relevance from falling even further (perhaps Todd more). Plus, I don't think it's the way grown adults should be handling things. Regardless of what you might think, someone like Torre is not a hired gun. His songwriting credits are all over the last three albums and considering how well received they've been, a move to distance themselves from him would be highly ill advised. Him and Parker are pretty much symbols of the band's redemption to a lot of people, myself included.


Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 01, 2021, 12:24:16 PM
Im more excited for Scottyche aka QR3 : )

Why on earth would you be looking forward to Scottryche? Do you have any faith that there'd be good music coming? He's a great drummer and his style was an important factor in me liking Queensryche back in the day, but I'm not sure what musical capital he has. What, are we going to be treated to a mini drum solo in the middle of another old track in concert?

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 01, 2021, 12:24:16 PM
as someone who was there at the beginning  I sum a lot of it up as very bad luck and timing   

I was also there from the beginning, and all this band had was good luck and timing. They got an EP, an EP!, released by a major label. It wasn't just available in Seattle. I bought it here in Massachusetts.
The press was behind them. I goit a detention in high school because I was showing a friend of mine in class their 5 KKKKK review in Kerrang.

They got on all of the best tours in both Europe and the US right through the 80's. They had a GREAT 12 or so year run. They survived the 80's and were successful right into the heart of the 90's.

At any point from 1983 to 1990, a young TAC would tell anyone that Queensryche is one of the best bands out there.

But at the end of the day, this band fucking imploded. That's OK. It has happened to many bands and will continue to happen. But they had their run and it was glorious.
Hopefully, people can learn to enjoy the different factions of music coming from the original members and not pick sides. I don't consider Toddryche actual Queensryche albums. But I do consider them excellent albums.

So you are right when you said this...

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 01, 2021, 12:24:16 PM
Its all gravy folks  if ya like it enjoy it

So true.

Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 07:33:26 AM
Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 01, 2021, 12:24:16 PM
Im more excited for Scottyche aka QR3 : )

Why on earth would you be looking forward to Scottryche? Do you have any faith that there'd be good music coming? He's a great drummer and his style was an important factor in me liking Queensryche back in the day, but I'm not sure what musical capital he has. What, are we going to be treated to a mini drum solo in the middle of another old track in concert?

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 01, 2021, 12:24:16 PM
as someone who was there at the beginning  I sum a lot of it up as very bad luck and timing   

I was also there from the beginning, and all this band had was good luck and timing. They got an EP, an EP!, released by a major label. It wasn't just available in Seattle. I bought it here in Massachusetts.
The press was behind them. I goit a detention in high school because I was showing a friend of mine in class their 5 KKKKK review in Kerrang.

They got on all of the best tours in both Europe and the US right through the 80's. They had a GREAT 12 or so year run. They survived the 80's and were successful right into the heart of the 90's.

At any point from 1983 to 1990, a young TAC would tell anyone that Queensryche is one of the best bands out there.

But at the end of the day, this band fucking imploded. That's OK. It has happened to many bands and will continue to happen. But they had their run and it was glorious.
Hopefully, people can learn to enjoy the different factions of music coming from the original members and not pick sides. I don't consider Toddryche actual Queensryche albums. But I do consider them excellent albums.

So you are right when you said this...

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 01, 2021, 12:24:16 PM
Its all gravy folks  if ya like it enjoy it

So true.

Hey my bro Tac,
Im excited for Scottyryche for the DRAMA!!!!! and I always like that something 'odd and unusual" and Scott has odd tastes.  Its the same reason i have zero interest in Toddsyrche , there is NOTHING NEW in Toddsryche, its just blah formula paint by numbers shlock metal with no meaning to me, I care less about his vocals and drumming , its just "me too" metal and that was never what I wanted from the talented Original QR

I say that they had bad luck because of EMI exploding and their catalog being in limbo, the timing of grunge taking over when the band was in flux and the timing of Chris leaving to save his marriage and  lot of other reasons I cant get too into but suffice to say the band had many internal family type issues that plagued them at the worst of times.. etc. to me they just never got to the JP Maiden level for many reasons, mostly that they wouldnt stay in the metal "box".  it was bad luck Tate was left without a partner to write with, say Jackson left instead of Chris, that would have been "good luck" but Chris leaving to become a pilot and owner of a flying Co and change his whole life to save his marriage was "bad luck" ( chris as he wrote didnt want repeat what his dad did to him) that doesnt happen very often that  one of the 2 primary writers leaves the industry at Chris's age to not return for many reasons, Chris really couldnt return if he even wanted to , Ive always wondered why they "left the door open" for Chris as there was no way he could come back. it was "bad luck" to do that rather than bring in a real replacement for Chris and make him a partner, they did it because they fans wanted to dream Chris would return, but a blind person knew he couldnt.   I could go on but thats the crux of it.  all of this is MY OPINION  : )  as always

Have a great day bro!!


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol



Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 07:33:26 AM
I don't consider Toddryche actual Queensryche albums. But I do consider them excellent albums.

Yeah honestly, I get that. Even as someone who's discovered the band much more recently, there's a kind of different vibe around the last 3 albums. Having said that, the same could arguably be said of the 1999-2010 era of the band, compared to the earlier material.

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 09:09:30 AM

Hey my bro Tac,
Im excited for Scottyryche for the DRAMA!!!!! and I always like that something 'odd and unusual" and Scott has odd tastes.  Its the same reason i have zero interest in Toddsyrche , there is NOTHING NEW in Toddsryche, its just blah formula paint by numbers shlock metal with no meaning to me, I care less about his vocals and drumming , its just "me too" metal and that was never what I wanted from the talented Original QR

I mean... Queensryche weren't even really at the cutting edge with Operation Mindcrime or Empire either, it can be argued. Iron Maiden beat them to the punch in regards to 80s metal concept albums and Empire was mostly slick glam metal with some Floydian moments. I'd also hardly call the Todd era albums paint-by-numbers, I'd like to see your average metal band do a powerful ballad like Dark Reverie or something as adventurous, yet compact as Launder the Conscience or Bent. It's heavier, but I'd argue no less creative. Eye9, Inside Out and Propaganda Fashion are hardly dime a dozen. It's also very optimistic assuming that there's an actual album at the end of this Scottryche nonsense.



Quote from: Enigmachine on June 02, 2021, 11:05:46 AM
Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 07:33:26 AM
I don't consider Toddryche actual Queensryche albums. But I do consider them excellent albums.

Yeah honestly, I get that. Even as someone who's discovered the band much more recently, there's a kind of different vibe around the last 3 albums. Having said that, the same could arguably be said of the 1999-2010 era of the band, compared to the earlier material.

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 09:09:30 AM

Hey my bro Tac,
Im excited for Scottyryche for the DRAMA!!!!! and I always like that something 'odd and unusual" and Scott has odd tastes.  Its the same reason i have zero interest in Toddsyrche , there is NOTHING NEW in Toddsryche, its just blah formula paint by numbers shlock metal with no meaning to me, I care less about his vocals and drumming , its just "me too" metal and that was never what I wanted from the talented Original QR

I mean... Queensryche weren't even really at the cutting edge with Operation Mindcrime or Empire either, it can be argued. Iron Maiden beat them to the punch in regards to 80s metal concept albums and Empire was mostly slick glam metal with some Floydian moments. I'd also hardly call the Todd era albums paint-by-numbers, I'd like to see your average metal band do a powerful ballad like Dark Reverie or something as adventurous, yet compact as Launder the Conscience or Bent. It's heavier, but I'd argue no less creative. Eye9, Inside Out and Propaganda Fashion are hardly dime a dozen. It's also very optimistic assuming that there's an actual album at the end of this Scottryche nonsense.

Not much I agree with on your post. QR was completely different than Maiden or JP even,  and OMC was very unique, I dont think a metal band had done anything like it ever before and none have done it better since.   I will say the EP had some Accept in it at times but no Maiden vibe at all and not much of JP vibe IMO. 
To me Maiden was lifted from the bones of Thin Lizzy compositions and JP to some degree also. so its all been done before in some ways. No Toddsyche songs are much of anything new at all and most good bands could do any Toddsyrche songs, certainly a pro metal band.  Id say that whole Toddsyrche CD is mediocre IMO, if you enjoy it thats great ! enjoy   Oh I believe Scott is very serious about his QR and music is coming, we shall see ! : )


Quote from: jammindude on June 02, 2021, 11:11:14 AM
The "groundbreaking" album was RFO imo.

No doubt  It was odd and eerie and willing to take some chances, and Tates voice was so stellar but it was without the corny vibe of Maiden and JP , it was sophisticated at the same time


Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 11:17:48 AM
Quote from: jammindude on June 02, 2021, 11:11:14 AM
The "groundbreaking" album was RFO imo.

No doubt  It was odd and eerie and willing to take some chances, and Tates voice was so stellar but it was without the corny vibe of Maiden and JP , it was sophisticated at the same time

Honestly, I found the EP groundbreaking.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 11:21:42 AM
Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 11:17:48 AM
Quote from: jammindude on June 02, 2021, 11:11:14 AM
The "groundbreaking" album was RFO imo.

No doubt  It was odd and eerie and willing to take some chances, and Tates voice was so stellar but it was without the corny vibe of Maiden and JP , it was sophisticated at the same time

Honestly, I found the EP groundbreaking.

Me too  tates soring vocals on QoTR was insane.... goosebumps    it had that magic that is undeniable. looking back objectively it had a lot of Accept in it but it was much much more,   TLWB was really the song to me . Tate really had what no ther singer had , there was somehting in his delivery his ability to paint with his voice he really could transport one with his voice and lyrics it felt alive and real , it was something Halford couldnt do or Maiden or really anyone in metal. Lynott had that ability to me way back but that was early metal aka Hard Rock


actually The Warning was also   it still mystifying and the subject are still relevant it had a sound some sort of  hollow fullness that felt unlike anything else and again tates voice was really unreal, I wore out many copies of all the early stuff


Quote from: Enigmachine on June 02, 2021, 11:05:46 AM
Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 07:33:26 AM
I don't consider Toddryche actual Queensryche albums. But I do consider them excellent albums.

Yeah honestly, I get that. Even as someone who's discovered the band much more recently, there's a kind of different vibe around the last 3 albums. Having said that, the same could arguably be said of the 1999-2010 era of the band, compared to the earlier material.

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 09:09:30 AM

Hey my bro Tac,
Im excited for Scottyryche for the DRAMA!!!!! and I always like that something 'odd and unusual" and Scott has odd tastes.  Its the same reason i have zero interest in Toddsyrche , there is NOTHING NEW in Toddsryche, its just blah formula paint by numbers shlock metal with no meaning to me, I care less about his vocals and drumming , its just "me too" metal and that was never what I wanted from the talented Original QR

I mean... Queensryche weren't even really at the cutting edge with Operation Mindcrime or Empire either, it can be argued. Iron Maiden beat them to the punch in regards to 80s metal concept albums and Empire was mostly slick glam metal with some Floydian moments. I'd also hardly call the Todd era albums paint-by-numbers, I'd like to see your average metal band do a powerful ballad like Dark Reverie or something as adventurous, yet compact as Launder the Conscience or Bent. It's heavier, but I'd argue no less creative. Eye9, Inside Out and Propaganda Fashion are hardly dime a dozen. It's also very optimistic assuming that there's an actual album at the end of this Scottryche nonsense.

for you I went back and took another listen to the verdict..  I hated it more than I did when it came out.  it will not age well IMO as always.  again music is subjective but I truly dont like it, I wanted to like it but it was unbearable to my ears and the songs mean nothing to me, its too much fakery and sound effects to cover for weakness.. again MY OPINION  it sounds so processed in a way that I dont like even. 


EPICVIEW—man, I love your passion and (most of) your posts, but I gotta know, are you typing with mittens?  :rollin


Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 09:09:30 AM
Not much I agree with on your post. QR was completely different than Maiden or JP even,  and OMC was very unique, I dont think a metal band had done anything like it ever before and none have done it better since.   I will say the EP had some Accept in it at times but no Maiden vibe at all and not much of JP vibe IMO. 
To me Maiden was lifted from the bones of Thin Lizzy compositions and JP to some degree also. so its all been done before in some ways. No Toddsyche songs are much of anything new at all and most good bands could do any Toddsyrche songs, certainly a pro metal band.  Id say that whole Toddsyrche CD is mediocre IMO, if you enjoy it thats great ! enjoy   Oh I believe Scott is very serious about his QR and music is coming, we shall see ! : )

Musically there isn't much that's wholly unique about OMC (other than Suite Sister Mary maybe), let's be honest. Queensryche seem to have a similar stylistic pallete to Maiden because they both took influence from both early heavy metal and 70s progressive rock. It's easy to forget that a lot of early heavy metal in general was also wrapped up in the influence of contemporary progressive rock as well, because something like Sad Wings of Destiny (operatic vocal performances, dystopian lyrical themes, usage of interludes to help pace the album, songs that transition into each other, multi-part suite structures and all within that metallic style, albeit an early form still with some bluesy elements) I think broke way more ground than Operation Mindcrime did in that regard, not to mention Rush. We've also got bands like Rainbow and Scorpions that, at times, have a pretty strong resemblance to the sound that Queensryche would come to embody. I mean hell, Empire almost takes the sound of 80s Rainbow and mainly just adds a bit more dramatic weight to it really, while the twin-guitar interplay in tracks like Revolution Calling is a total Scorpions thing. Even Suite Sister Mary could be compared to something like Black Sabbath's Megalomania and the gravitas in a track like The Mission is matched by Rainbow's Stargazer. Operation Mindcrime is very much a cocktail of Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Pink Floyd... and that's a good thing because that mix sounds really compelling to many and it worked. RfO is interesting and experimental for sure, but let's not forget that it was largely a product of the band blending more contemporary influences within their 80s metal sound. It's not a coincidence that they cover Lisa Dalbello on there, after all.

If you think most good current metal bands could compose something like what Todd era Queensryche do in this style, then I'd be happy to hear where they are. Modern US-style power metal isn't exactly a thriving genre, after all. Iced Earth jumped the shark, Helstar's last EP was mediocre even in spite of Vampiro being great, Virgin Steele are a laughing stock, Jag Panzer are doing alright but aren't exactly bristling with energy, Vicious Rumours are on autopilot. None of those have the strength of Queensryche's output in the last 8 years in my view, other than perhaps Helstar on the strength of the last couple full-lengths. Witherfall and Pharaoh are doing brilliantly in my opinion but I'd say those are exceptions to the rule. Todd's own solo album may count for something too, as it executes its power/thrash stylings with a ton of energy, keen riff-work and well paced songwriting. By the same token, Operation Mindcrime I'd say is parallelled by such albums like The Crimson Idol, Streets, Hall of the Mountain King, Refuge Denied, Transcendence, Abigail, Awaken the Guardian, Digital Dictator and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. In different ways of course, but the late 80s were a strong era for more mature heavy metal in general, not just Queensryche.

I'll repeat that if Scott is serious about QR, then he's in for a lot of legal trouble. Wilton and Jackson are notably still performing with Torre and Lundgren, so the idea that this is a legitimate Queensryche project is honestly kind of laughable to me. Scott is off his rocker trying to claim the band's name for himself from the looks of things. If he wanted to put out his own music, he can do that... but for him to straight up take the Queensryche name for it would be incredibly stupid, given that the rights for the name were already settled back in 2013 or so. The clip on the site isn't even that avant-garde, it just sort of sounds like a modern video game OST like seen in the new Wolfenstein games.

Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 11:21:42 AM
Honestly, I found the EP groundbreaking.

It was at the forefront of what would become US power metal, possibly alongside Warlord's Deliver Us EP that came out in the same year. It's easy to forget that Queensryche had just as strong an impact on that scene (if not more, honestly) than on progressive metal. Still heavy metal in essence, but much more theatrical and with a certain mystique about it.

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 12:30:26 PM
for you I went back and took another listen to the verdict..  I hated it more than I did when it came out.  it will not age well IMO as always.  again music is subjective but I truly dont like it, I wanted to like it but it was unbearable to my ears and the songs mean nothing to me, its too much fakery and sound effects to cover for weakness.. again MY OPINION  it sounds so processed in a way that I dont like even. 

I mean alright, tastes are tastes of course. However, I'm not really sure that there's really any more "fakery" than any other notable modern metal album, as far as I know it only does what's pretty much standard practice. Geoff himself is doing the exact same thing in his own projects (which I don't begrudge him for) and Scott's own music will inevitably have a lot of that. I mean hell, that clip on the QR3 site is as modern and "fake" as it gets. I guess there's the element to which Todd La Torre has that high, steely, crystalline tone that almost sounds processed by default, kind of like Midnight from Crimson Glory. That, paired with modern production values I can see sounding quite harsh to some but to me, it goes well with the more aggressive material. This does make me wonder whether you just sort of don't like the style that Todd era Queensryche (the kind of riff-focued, heavy power metal type of sound that has less focus on the more ethereal, understated elements of early QR) is going for.


Quote from: Enigmachine on June 02, 2021, 01:00:59 PM
Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 09:09:30 AM
Not much I agree with on your post. QR was completely different than Maiden or JP even,  and OMC was very unique, I dont think a metal band had done anything like it ever before and none have done it better since.   I will say the EP had some Accept in it at times but no Maiden vibe at all and not much of JP vibe IMO. 
To me Maiden was lifted from the bones of Thin Lizzy compositions and JP to some degree also. so its all been done before in some ways. No Toddsyche songs are much of anything new at all and most good bands could do any Toddsyrche songs, certainly a pro metal band.  Id say that whole Toddsyrche CD is mediocre IMO, if you enjoy it thats great ! enjoy   Oh I believe Scott is very serious about his QR and music is coming, we shall see ! : )

Musically there isn't much that's wholly unique about OMC (other than Suite Sister Mary maybe), let's be honest. Queensryche seem to have a similar stylistic pallete to Maiden because they both took influence from both early heavy metal and 70s progressive rock. It's easy to forget that a lot of early heavy metal in general was also wrapped up in the influence of contemporary progressive rock as well, because something like Sad Wings of Destiny (operatic vocal performances, dystopian lyrical themes, usage of interludes to help pace the album, songs that transition into each other, multi-part suite structures and all within that metallic style, albeit an early form still with some bluesy elements) I think broke way more ground than Operation Mindcrime did in that regard, not to mention Rush. We've also got bands like Rainbow and Scorpions that, at times, have a pretty strong resemblance to the sound that Queensryche would come to embody. I mean hell, Empire almost takes the sound of 80s Rainbow and mainly just adds a bit more dramatic weight to it really, while the twin-guitar interplay in tracks like Revolution Calling is a total Scorpions thing. Even Suite Sister Mary could be compared to something like Black Sabbath's Megalomania and the gravitas in a track like The Mission is matched by Rainbow's Stargazer. Operation Mindcrime is very much a cocktail of Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Pink Floyd... and that's a good thing because that mix sounds really compelling to many and it worked. RfO is interesting and experimental for sure, but let's not forget that it was largely a product of the band blending more contemporary influences within their 80s metal sound. It's not a coincidence that they cover Lisa Dalbello on there, after all.

If you think most good current metal bands could compose something like what Todd era Queensryche do in this style, then I'd be happy to hear where they are. Modern US-style power metal isn't exactly a thriving genre, after all. Iced Earth jumped the shark, Helstar's last EP was mediocre even in spite of Vampiro being great, Virgin Steele are a laughing stock, Jag Panzer are doing alright but aren't exactly bristling with energy, Vicious Rumours are on autopilot. None of those have the strength of Queensryche's output in the last 8 years in my view, other than perhaps Helstar on the strength of the last couple full-lengths. Witherfall and Pharaoh are doing brilliantly in my opinion but I'd say those are exceptions to the rule. Todd's own solo album may count for something too, as it executes its power/thrash stylings with a ton of energy, keen riff-work and well paced songwriting. By the same token, Operation Mindcrime I'd say is parallelled by such albums like The Crimson Idol, Streets, Hall of the Mountain King, Refuge Denied, Transcendence, Abigail, Awaken the Guardian, Digital Dictator and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. In different ways of course, but the late 80s were a strong era for more mature heavy metal in general, not just Queensryche.

I'll repeat that if Scott is serious about QR, then he's in for a lot of legal trouble. Wilton and Jackson are notably still performing with Torre and Lundgren, so the idea that this is a legitimate Queensryche project is honestly kind of laughable to me. Scott is off his rocker trying to claim the band's name for himself from the looks of things. If he wanted to put out his own music, he can do that... but for him to straight up take the Queensryche name for it would be incredibly stupid, given that the rights for the name were already settled back in 2013 or so. The clip on the site isn't even that avant-garde, it just sort of sounds like a modern video game OST like seen in the new Wolfenstein games.

Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 11:21:42 AM
Honestly, I found the EP groundbreaking.

It was at the forefront of what would become US power metal, possibly alongside Warlord's Deliver Us EP that came out in the same year. It's easy to forget that Queensryche had just as strong an impact on that scene (if not more, honestly) than on progressive metal. Still heavy metal in essence, but much more theatrical and with a certain mystique about it.

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 12:30:26 PM
for you I went back and took another listen to the verdict..  I hated it more than I did when it came out.  it will not age well IMO as always.  again music is subjective but I truly dont like it, I wanted to like it but it was unbearable to my ears and the songs mean nothing to me, its too much fakery and sound effects to cover for weakness.. again MY OPINION  it sounds so processed in a way that I dont like even. 

I mean alright, tastes are tastes of course. However, I'm not really sure that there's really any more "fakery" than any other notable modern metal album, as far as I know it only does what's pretty much standard practice. Geoff himself is doing the exact same thing in his own projects (which I don't begrudge him for) and Scott's own music will inevitably have a lot of that. I mean hell, that clip on the QR3 site is as modern and "fake" as it gets. I guess there's the element to which Todd La Torre has that high, steely, crystalline tone that almost sounds processed by default, kind of like Midnight from Crimson Glory. That, paired with modern production values I can see sounding quite harsh to some but to me, it goes well with the more aggressive material. This does make me wonder whether you just sort of don't like the style that Todd era Queensryche (the kind of riff-focued, heavy power metal type of sound that has less focus on the more ethereal, understated elements of early QR) is going for.

enjoy bro   I disagree on OMC     the rest is debatable


Great post @Enigmachine - I'd hammer the "like" button if there were one.


Quote from: Setzer on June 02, 2021, 01:36:27 PM
Great post @Enigmachine - I'd hammer the "like" button if there were one.

May I ask what QR OMC song sounds like Rainbow, Rush or Scorpions in 1985? or what album at that time sounded like  and was story like OMC was with full video story and the singer playing the main character?  I saw Maiden with Paul D and saw JP on the Hellbent tour forward   I saw most every band of the genre at that time, I saw and heard nothing like QR,  I saw QR in 1983 onward. Im not seeing the comparison at all ,   The verdict I hear a lot of Ratt to Love Hate even.  Im curious as an old folk I dont see it??  QR really didnt fit in any box.   Nothing sounded like the Warning even or RFO , OMC was for my generation truly unique   Floyds The Wall the only other unique thing going at the time to me


Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 01:51:09 PM
The verdict I here a lot of Ratt

The ultimate insult. Your hate know no bounds. :lol
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 01:52:29 PM
Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 01:51:09 PM
The verdict I here a lot of Ratt

The ultimate insult. Your hate know no bounds. :lol

I loved Ratt , fun guys to party with also

My love knows no bounds : )



So I cut my front lawn to the EP and Warning. This is my Queensryche sweet spot.

Scott's drumming on En Force is amazing. And Deliverance might be my all time favorite air drumming song.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 01:59:34 PM
So I cut my front lawn to the EP and Warning. This is my Queensryche sweet spot.

Scott's drumming on En Force is amazing. And Deliverance might be my all time favorite air drumming song.

agreed   Scott really is an important ingredient  and a truly unique sounding drummer   its obvious hes not on the verdict  the drums sound slappy and regular, after Peart I thought Scott was the best


Quote from: Enigmachine on June 02, 2021, 01:00:59 PM
Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 09:09:30 AM
Not much I agree with on your post. QR was completely different than Maiden or JP even,  and OMC was very unique, I dont think a metal band had done anything like it ever before and none have done it better since.   I will say the EP had some Accept in it at times but no Maiden vibe at all and not much of JP vibe IMO. 
To me Maiden was lifted from the bones of Thin Lizzy compositions and JP to some degree also. so its all been done before in some ways. No Toddsyche songs are much of anything new at all and most good bands could do any Toddsyrche songs, certainly a pro metal band.  Id say that whole Toddsyrche CD is mediocre IMO, if you enjoy it thats great ! enjoy   Oh I believe Scott is very serious about his QR and music is coming, we shall see ! : )

Musically there isn't much that's wholly unique about OMC (other than Suite Sister Mary maybe), let's be honest. Queensryche seem to have a similar stylistic pallete to Maiden because they both took influence from both early heavy metal and 70s progressive rock. It's easy to forget that a lot of early heavy metal in general was also wrapped up in the influence of contemporary progressive rock as well, because something like Sad Wings of Destiny (operatic vocal performances, dystopian lyrical themes, usage of interludes to help pace the album, songs that transition into each other, multi-part suite structures and all within that metallic style, albeit an early form still with some bluesy elements) I think broke way more ground than Operation Mindcrime did in that regard, not to mention Rush. We've also got bands like Rainbow and Scorpions that, at times, have a pretty strong resemblance to the sound that Queensryche would come to embody. I mean hell, Empire almost takes the sound of 80s Rainbow and mainly just adds a bit more dramatic weight to it really, while the twin-guitar interplay in tracks like Revolution Calling is a total Scorpions thing. Even Suite Sister Mary could be compared to something like Black Sabbath's Megalomania and the gravitas in a track like The Mission is matched by Rainbow's Stargazer. Operation Mindcrime is very much a cocktail of Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Pink Floyd... and that's a good thing because that mix sounds really compelling to many and it worked. RfO is interesting and experimental for sure, but let's not forget that it was largely a product of the band blending more contemporary influences within their 80s metal sound. It's not a coincidence that they cover Lisa Dalbello on there, after all.

If you think most good current metal bands could compose something like what Todd era Queensryche do in this style, then I'd be happy to hear where they are. Modern US-style power metal isn't exactly a thriving genre, after all. Iced Earth jumped the shark, Helstar's last EP was mediocre even in spite of Vampiro being great, Virgin Steele are a laughing stock, Jag Panzer are doing alright but aren't exactly bristling with energy, Vicious Rumours are on autopilot. None of those have the strength of Queensryche's output in the last 8 years in my view, other than perhaps Helstar on the strength of the last couple full-lengths. Witherfall and Pharaoh are doing brilliantly in my opinion but I'd say those are exceptions to the rule. Todd's own solo album may count for something too, as it executes its power/thrash stylings with a ton of energy, keen riff-work and well paced songwriting. By the same token, Operation Mindcrime I'd say is parallelled by such albums like The Crimson Idol, Streets, Hall of the Mountain King, Refuge Denied, Transcendence, Abigail, Awaken the Guardian, Digital Dictator and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. In different ways of course, but the late 80s were a strong era for more mature heavy metal in general, not just Queensryche.

I'll repeat that if Scott is serious about QR, then he's in for a lot of legal trouble. Wilton and Jackson are notably still performing with Torre and Lundgren, so the idea that this is a legitimate Queensryche project is honestly kind of laughable to me. Scott is off his rocker trying to claim the band's name for himself from the looks of things. If he wanted to put out his own music, he can do that... but for him to straight up take the Queensryche name for it would be incredibly stupid, given that the rights for the name were already settled back in 2013 or so. The clip on the site isn't even that avant-garde, it just sort of sounds like a modern video game OST like seen in the new Wolfenstein games.

Quote from: TAC on June 02, 2021, 11:21:42 AM
Honestly, I found the EP groundbreaking.

It was at the forefront of what would become US power metal, possibly alongside Warlord's Deliver Us EP that came out in the same year. It's easy to forget that Queensryche had just as strong an impact on that scene (if not more, honestly) than on progressive metal. Still heavy metal in essence, but much more theatrical and with a certain mystique about it.

Quote from: EPICVIEW on June 02, 2021, 12:30:26 PM
for you I went back and took another listen to the verdict..  I hated it more than I did when it came out.  it will not age well IMO as always.  again music is subjective but I truly dont like it, I wanted to like it but it was unbearable to my ears and the songs mean nothing to me, its too much fakery and sound effects to cover for weakness.. again MY OPINION  it sounds so processed in a way that I dont like even. 

I mean alright, tastes are tastes of course. However, I'm not really sure that there's really any more "fakery" than any other notable modern metal album, as far as I know it only does what's pretty much standard practice. Geoff himself is doing the exact same thing in his own projects (which I don't begrudge him for) and Scott's own music will inevitably have a lot of that. I mean hell, that clip on the QR3 site is as modern and "fake" as it gets. I guess there's the element to which Todd La Torre has that high, steely, crystalline tone that almost sounds processed by default, kind of like Midnight from Crimson Glory. That, paired with modern production values I can see sounding quite harsh to some but to me, it goes well with the more aggressive material. This does make me wonder whether you just sort of don't like the style that Todd era Queensryche (the kind of riff-focued, heavy power metal type of sound that has less focus on the more ethereal, understated elements of early QR) is going for.

I dont hear anything on the Verdict that reminds me of QR nor early QR .  If it wasnt called QR id never know it was them,  You think its "metal" and that connotes to you old QR but I dont hear the QR sound in it ,  but enjoy bro  its all good ,