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Dream Theater / Re: Your favorite John Petrucci albums
« Last post by YngVai on Today at 02:39:18 PM »
Suspended Animation - will always have a special place in my heart as my way into the DT universe. There are some many cool self-contained guitar parts here aside from the major shreddage.

FIF - far from my favorite DT album, but I feel like this one is heads and shoulders over much of their other output as far as the diversity of guitar tones and styles on display here. Plus Lines in The Sand's solo is so fucking good.

ToT - Quantity isn't as important as quality, but there's a lot of fucking quantity here and a bunch of it is pretty quality.

LTE II - A lot of great moments, and I appreciate the looseness and ease.

I&W - It's Images and Words.
General Music Discussion / Re: What album are you listening to v.9
« Last post by hefdaddy42 on Today at 02:04:10 PM »
Benjamin Koppel - Story of Mankind - A Requiem
General Music Discussion / Re: What album are you listening to v.9
« Last post by hefdaddy42 on Today at 01:31:15 PM »
Laurindo Almeida and Bud Shank - Laurindo Almeida Quartet Featuring Bud Shank
Dream Theater / Re: The Mike Mangini Thread (Thanks & Farewell)
« Last post by emtee on Today at 01:29:42 PM »
I can only speak for myself but what impacted me the most after the initial depression of MP leaving wore off was the abysmal, unforgivable drum sound captured on ADToE, and then again on DT. this was NOT Mangini's fault...the drum sound decisions were above his pay grade at that point. While this in no way was a reflection of MM's insane capabilities, it deeply impacted my ability to buy into the drumming change. Keep in mind I'm specifically talking about the physical CD releases of the above albums. Possibly one of the world's best drummers having among the worst, modern-day drum sounds ever. MP would NEVER signed off on releasing those 2 albums with the percussion instruments sounding the way they did.
I've heard of it for sure. It's an AI thing, but I don't know what it means, how to access it, or how to use it.

Fires In The Distance - Harbingers, sent by Tim?
I know the term "super group" gets thrown around a lot, but I generally find those kinds of things disappointing.

Yeah, I'm all for good music too. :)
Okay I'm off to sleep for good. Gonna listen to your songs on my tomorrow's long run. Good luck with the rest of the hangman!
Counting Hours-A Mercy Fall-Luke?
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