Author Topic: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)  (Read 356784 times)

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Offline pg1067

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2730 on: August 04, 2021, 02:28:07 PM »
I’ve never heard of him but it’s better than someone saying “I’ve heard the album and it sucks”

Honestly, not really.  I could find plenty of people who think SFAM sucks.

Really?  I mean, don’t get me wrong, just because someone else likes something, it doesn’t mean I’m going to so I’m not pinning all my hopes on this one dude who’s friends with JP liking it.  In the run up to an album release though, it would dampen my excitement a little if everyone who heard and reviewed it was saying it was shite.  It’s still better to me if I’m hearing positive word of mouth.

Yes, really.  We could start with this DTF member (and the other person who, in that thread, voted SFAM as one of his/her four least favorite DT albums):

We could then talk to my wife, who actively dislikes DT, and then I could pretty easily find lots of people who don't like any progressive metal

I mean, don’t get me wrong, just because someone else likes something, it doesn’t mean I’m going to so I’m not pinning all my hopes on this one dude who’s friends with JP liking it.  In the run up to an album release though, it would dampen my excitement a little if everyone who heard and reviewed it was saying it was shite.  It’s still better to me if I’m hearing positive word of mouth.

I mean, sure, at the end of the day, a musician who (apparently) plays in a similar style saying he likes it is quantitatively better than someone saying the opposite, but neither truly move my needle.  After all, there was a lot of hype for DT12 and, while its my favorite MM-era album, it's still a mid-tier album (IMO).

I'm sure you meant no ill will towards Jason, but I do question why you, among others, feel the need to clarify that you do not care for his opinion.

I'm not sure if I'm one of the "others" mentioned here, but I feel compelled to point out that I merely asked who this guy was (yesterday afternoon) and then (this morning, after a whole bunch of comments by others) explained why it matters to me who he is and why his status as a "super-shredder" makes his opinion less meaningful to me.  Honestly

Anyway...this is why I usually avoid these album build-up discussions, so I'll go back to doing so.
"There's a bass solo in a song called Metropolis where I do a bass solo."  John Myung

Offline Stadler

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2731 on: August 04, 2021, 02:47:23 PM »
HAHA, that's too much.   Seriously.  I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, all I said was, basically, I'm going to trust my own ears.  It's that simple.  if someone finds that rude, well, I can't control that; it certainly wasn't intended that way.  I wish no ill will to Jason whatever, and I'm sure he's a smart, aware, talented guy.  I know PLENTY of smart, aware, talented people and we don't agree on what we like in music.   That's all I was saying. I would absolutely, 100% say right to his face "Dude, it's cool you heard some new music you like.  I can't wait to hear it for myself to make my own determination."   If one wants to let their opinions be influenced by what someone else says, more power to you.  Have at it and have fun!  Anything else that anyone is taking from what I said is on them, not me.

I'm sure you meant no ill will towards Jason, but I do question why you, among others, feel the need to clarify that you do not care for his opinion. You say you're going to trust your own ears when you listen to it... which, good for you I guess? Pretty sure we'll all be doing that by the time the music's actually out though, we're not just going to be subscribing to pre-approved opinions just because somebody cool said them, but whatever. However, this leads me to ask what you're doing commenting within the hype cycle before any of the tracks are actually released. Gathering snippets of what people say here and there is par for the course for these sorts of cycles. If you don't care for the details of that then fine, but for people to announce that they don't care, that can often feel like a pointless dampener. With anyone who says that when something perfectly on topic is being brought up... I feel the need to say that you're probably in the wrong conversation and should discuss something you're actually interested in instead. It's not like any valuable insight is provided at these expressions of disinterest, unlike what may be offered with constructive criticism of artwork or new music.

I read this for information, not the hype.  I can be excited, too.   This is the second record in the Mangini era that I am actually VERY excited for.  This is the conversation about the new album, so I would offer that I'm in the exact right conversation. 

But for better or worse, I have a decidedly different viewpoint than, it seems, many people.  I actually trust my ears, and like what I like, whether it's DT, or country, or Taylor Swift, or even some Justin Beiber.  I'm happy when other people get joy from music, whatever it may be, but while other people are apparently offering up what jazzes them about the new release, I don't see why what jazzes me is any less important than anyone else.  It's not that I don't care for his opinion, it's just that it's meaningless to me as anything BUT his opinion; yet it's offered here as if it DOES matter.   FOR ME, I'm not a kid anymore, I have thousands of CDs, and tens of thousands of songs on my iPod.  A "20 minute song" means NOTHING to me; I have probably 50 songs of that length that kick ass on my iPod, and 50 more that suck balls.  People here seem to jazzed about that. OK, that's cool; I'm not here to shit on that, but I don't see why putting it out there that it's not a factor for me is "raining on anyone's parade".  You like what you like, so own it.   Same with 7, 8, and more string guitar; I have songs with that onistrument that are amazing, and songs that bite it with the same instrument.   if you like that, cool!  Own it!   And same with some dude that's amazing on guitar loving it.    As was said, it's not that hard to grasp.  :) :) :)

Offline MarkFitDT

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2732 on: August 04, 2021, 03:08:24 PM »
HAHA, that's too much.   Seriously.  I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, all I said was, basically, I'm going to trust my own ears.  It's that simple.  if someone finds that rude, well, I can't control that; it certainly wasn't intended that way.  I wish no ill will to Jason whatever, and I'm sure he's a smart, aware, talented guy.  I know PLENTY of smart, aware, talented people and we don't agree on what we like in music.   That's all I was saying. I would absolutely, 100% say right to his face "Dude, it's cool you heard some new music you like.  I can't wait to hear it for myself to make my own determination."   If one wants to let their opinions be influenced by what someone else says, more power to you.  Have at it and have fun!  Anything else that anyone is taking from what I said is on them, not me.

I'm sure you meant no ill will towards Jason, but I do question why you, among others, feel the need to clarify that you do not care for his opinion. You say you're going to trust your own ears when you listen to it... which, good for you I guess? Pretty sure we'll all be doing that by the time the music's actually out though, we're not just going to be subscribing to pre-approved opinions just because somebody cool said them, but whatever. However, this leads me to ask what you're doing commenting within the hype cycle before any of the tracks are actually released. Gathering snippets of what people say here and there is par for the course for these sorts of cycles. If you don't care for the details of that then fine, but for people to announce that they don't care, that can often feel like a pointless dampener. With anyone who says that when something perfectly on topic is being brought up... I feel the need to say that you're probably in the wrong conversation and should discuss something you're actually interested in instead. It's not like any valuable insight is provided at these expressions of disinterest, unlike what may be offered with constructive criticism of artwork or new music.

I read this for information, not the hype.  I can be excited, too.   This is the second record in the Mangini era that I am actually VERY excited for.  This is the conversation about the new album, so I would offer that I'm in the exact right conversation. 

But for better or worse, I have a decidedly different viewpoint than, it seems, many people.  I actually trust my ears, and like what I like, whether it's DT, or country, or Taylor Swift, or even some Justin Beiber.  I'm happy when other people get joy from music, whatever it may be, but while other people are apparently offering up what jazzes them about the new release, I don't see why what jazzes me is any less important than anyone else.  It's not that I don't care for his opinion, it's just that it's meaningless to me as anything BUT his opinion; yet it's offered here as if it DOES matter.   FOR ME, I'm not a kid anymore, I have thousands of CDs, and tens of thousands of songs on my iPod.  A "20 minute song" means NOTHING to me; I have probably 50 songs of that length that kick ass on my iPod, and 50 more that suck balls.  People here seem to jazzed about that. OK, that's cool; I'm not here to shit on that, but I don't see why putting it out there that it's not a factor for me is "raining on anyone's parade".  You like what you like, so own it.   Same with 7, 8, and more string guitar; I have songs with that onistrument that are amazing, and songs that bite it with the same instrument.   if you like that, cool!  Own it!   And same with some dude that's amazing on guitar loving it.    As was said, it's not that hard to grasp.  :) :) :)

As the poster who posted the quote it certainly wasnt offered up as "mattering" and trying to influence anyones opinion, i posted it simply because it was the first impression, however brief, that i had seen from someone who outside the band - nothing more. To quote yourself on an earlier post - Anything else that anyone is taking from what I said (or posted in this case) is on them, not me.

Offline MarkFitDT

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2733 on: August 04, 2021, 03:09:48 PM »
Double post
« Last Edit: August 04, 2021, 03:30:32 PM by MarkFitDT »

Offline Enigmachine

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2734 on: August 04, 2021, 03:18:13 PM »
I'm not sure if I'm one of the "others" mentioned here, but I feel compelled to point out that I merely asked who this guy was (yesterday afternoon) and then (this morning, after a whole bunch of comments by others) explained why it matters to me who he is and why his status as a "super-shredder" makes his opinion less meaningful to me.  Honestly

Anyway...this is why I usually avoid these album build-up discussions, so I'll go back to doing so.

Maybe it's not what you intended, but "Is he someone who's opinion should matter to anyone?" came off like a pretty dismissive comment right from the outset, as opposed to something like "Haven't heard of him, what's he been involved in? Am curious what point of view he's coming from". Plus, not to be condescending but... Google and YouTube exist. It would take the same amount of effort as questioning whether his opinion is worth anything in the first place before even knowing who he is. Even then, something like "Not personally a big fan of his music, so am not sure what this means for the album's quality, though glad he likes it and I respect his talent." would've came off less judgemental.

I don't mean to language police, but sometimes a simple shift in phrasing can change the atmosphere of a conversation considerably.

I read this for information, not the hype.  I can be excited, too.   This is the second record in the Mangini era that I am actually VERY excited for.  This is the conversation about the new album, so I would offer that I'm in the exact right conversation.

I should clarify that by conversation, I didn't mean to imply the thread as a whole, I simply meant this specific tangent about a dude who heard it and is hyped about it.

But for better or worse, I have a decidedly different viewpoint than, it seems, many people.  I actually trust my ears, and like what I like, whether it's DT, or country, or Taylor Swift, or even some Justin Beiber.

But you really don't, though... as others have said, we all trust our own opinions on the music. Having that characteristic doesn't make you unique. Just because someone is hyped by what someone else says even if it lacks concrete information, it doesn't mean that they'll be beholden to that. All it does is just set expectations, which may either be met or missed, such as in Ben_Jamin's example ("That guy was wrong. This is not badass. This is shit.").

It's not that I don't care for his opinion, it's just that it's meaningless to me as anything BUT his opinion; yet it's offered here as if it DOES matter.

...Except it wasn't? All MarkFitDT did was literally just quote him. He didn't spotlight it like "guys, look at this! new news!", just a little tidbit.

FOR ME, I'm not a kid anymore, I have thousands of CDs, and tens of thousands of songs on my iPod.  A "20 minute song" means NOTHING to me; I have probably 50 songs of that length that kick ass on my iPod, and 50 more that suck balls.  People here seem to jazzed about that.

Alright? Not sure what relevance not being a kid anymore has to this.

I'm not here to shit on that, but I don't see why putting it out there that it's not a factor for me is "raining on anyone's parade".  You like what you like, so own it.   Same with 7, 8, and more string guitar; I have songs with that onistrument that are amazing, and songs that bite it with the same instrument.   if you like that, cool!  Own it!   And same with some dude that's amazing on guitar loving it.    As was said, it's not that hard to grasp.  :) :) :)

Honestly, if it was just you (and it wasn't), I don't think me and others would be quite as fed up with that kind of thing. I haven't really minded it when you've expressed disinterest at long songs before, for instance. It was more that it was a loop of people just saying (paraphrasing of course) "why should I take this guy seriously?", "is it just me that doesn't care?" "I trust my own ears, thank you very much" that it just kinda became a noise of apathy and perhaps it kind of became the final straw, as such. I wouldn't take it personally, it just kind of collectively became annoying.

Offline Dedalus

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2735 on: August 04, 2021, 03:25:55 PM »
I'm not sure if I'm one of the "others" mentioned here, but I feel compelled to point out that I merely asked who this guy was (yesterday afternoon) and then (this morning, after a whole bunch of comments by others) explained why it matters to me who he is and why his status as a "super-shredder" makes his opinion less meaningful to me.  Honestly

Anyway...this is why I usually avoid these album build-up discussions, so I'll go back to doing so.

Maybe it's not what you intended, but "Is he someone who's opinion should matter to anyone?" came off like a pretty dismissive comment right from the outset, as opposed to something like "Haven't heard of him, what's he been involved in? Am curious what point of view he's coming from". Plus, not to be condescending but... Google and YouTube exist. It would take the same amount of effort as questioning whether his opinion is worth anything in the first place before even knowing who he is. Even then, something like "Not personally a big fan of his music, so am not sure what this means for the album's quality, though glad he likes it and I respect his talent." would've came off less judgemental.

Very useful tools.  :)

Offline Stadler

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2736 on: August 04, 2021, 03:48:01 PM »
But for better or worse, I have a decidedly different viewpoint than, it seems, many people.  I actually trust my ears, and like what I like, whether it's DT, or country, or Taylor Swift, or even some Justin Beiber.

But you really don't, though... as others have said, we all trust our own opinions on the music. Having that characteristic doesn't make you unique. Just because someone is hyped by what someone else says even if it lacks concrete information, it doesn't mean that they'll be beholden to that. All it does is just set expectations, which may either be met or missed, such as in Ben_Jamin's example ("That guy was wrong. This is not badass. This is shit.").

Well, my comment goes further than that, I'm just trying not to repeat myself; it DOESN'T set expectations.  That's where the "I'm not a kid" comes in.  I've been going through "new album releases" for 40 years.  I don't even listen to snippets anymore because for me they are SO misleading. I HATED Tattoo by Van Halen when it came out in snippet form and same with the pieces from ... I think it was DT 12.  Both are very good albums, and the VH record was my 2012 record of the year.  I hated the Arc Of Life early release, then when asked to do a review, listened to the album in it's entirety and LOVED it.   I've had 100's of examples of people with so-called "credibility" and felt like I was listening to a completely different work.   To me I'm at the point where it doesn't factor in, even obliquely, because I'm conditioned to factor it out.

It's not that I don't care for his opinion, it's just that it's meaningless to me as anything BUT his opinion; yet it's offered here as if it DOES matter.

...Except it wasn't? All MarkFitDT did was literally just quote him. He didn't spotlight it like "guys, look at this! new news!", just a little tidbit.

Look, fine, you win. is that it?  EDIT:  <--  That was meant to be funny, not dick-like.   I don't know if it was MarkFitDT or someone else, the OP or someone else, but there WERE posts that were of the opinion that this guy has some knowledge that we don't, has some insight we don't, whether it's his ability to play, his knowledge of Petrucci's style, or his affinity for Petrucci's work, but there WERE implications that he knew more than the rest of us about what he was listening to.  If you don't agree, well, let's just agree to disagree and move on, because none of this matters in the long run.  You're going to listen to the album - and like it or not - and I'm going to listen to the album - and like it or not - and hopefully we can find some common ground to discuss when the hype turns to commentary.

I'm not here to shit on that, but I don't see why putting it out there that it's not a factor for me is "raining on anyone's parade".  You like what you like, so own it.   Same with 7, 8, and more string guitar; I have songs with that onistrument that are amazing, and songs that bite it with the same instrument.   if you like that, cool!  Own it!   And same with some dude that's amazing on guitar loving it.    As was said, it's not that hard to grasp.  :) :) :)

Honestly, if it was just you (and it wasn't), I don't think me and others would be quite as fed up with that kind of thing. I haven't really minded it when you've expressed disinterest at long songs before, for instance. It was more that it was a loop of people just saying (paraphrasing of course) "why should I take this guy seriously?", "is it just me that doesn't care?" "I trust my own ears, thank you very much" that it just kinda became a noise of apathy and perhaps it kind of became the final straw, as such. I wouldn't take it personally, it just kind of collectively became annoying.

Just asking, out of curiosity, where's the line? You keep saying that you're going to make your own determination - and I believe you, by the way - but then why does what I or anyone else think matter?  Why does it annoy?  And if it annoys, if there are THAT many people that are creating the noise, at what point - if any - do you say "huh, maybe they're on to something?"?   I don't mean this to be prickly, and if the question angers you, ignore it, since that's not my intent.  I just want to understand.  My objective is NOT to annoy anyone with my opinions, and I'm certainly not a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, I just am unapologetic about what I like and don't like and what matters and doesn't matter to me - and why.  I'm a Kiss fan, for f***'s sake, so there's no shame in what I like. :) :)  But that's not to say I don't want to be part of the group and share in the interest for new music.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2021, 03:56:18 PM by Stadler »

Offline nobloodyname

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2737 on: August 04, 2021, 10:52:57 PM »
Well that grew arms, legs and other various appendages last night :lol

And no love for my Line of Duty difference? :coolio

So, in a half-arsed attempt at removing some heat and moving the conversation on: I've decided I won't listen to any of the advance tracks this time. Anyone else doing the same?
Gamer, rocker, humanist, womble
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Offline gzarruk

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2738 on: August 04, 2021, 11:08:42 PM »
So, in a half-arsed attempt at removing some heat and moving the conversation on: I've decided I won't listen to any of the advance tracks this time. Anyone else doing the same?

I'm going to listen to them as much as I can :biggrin:
It sounds like, "ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk." Instead of the more pleasing kick drum sound of, "gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk."

Offline Dedalus

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2739 on: August 04, 2021, 11:14:35 PM »
So, in a half-arsed attempt at removing some heat and moving the conversation on: I've decided I won't listen to any of the advance tracks this time. Anyone else doing the same?

I'm going to listen to them as much as I can :biggrin:

Adiós nobloodyname, but I'm going with gzarruk  :biggrin:

Offline nobloodyname

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2740 on: August 04, 2021, 11:16:26 PM »
So, in a half-arsed attempt at removing some heat and moving the conversation on: I've decided I won't listen to any of the advance tracks this time. Anyone else doing the same?

I'm going to listen to them as much as I can :biggrin:

I totally understand that ;D

I usually listen to them but I think I've become a bit disappointed in recent times at just how much of an album can be heard before release. Of course, it's a conscious decision over whether to listen or not but there is something nice about hearing a body of work in its entirety for the first time without having previously heard a single note.
Gamer, rocker, humanist, womble
Leicestershire, UK
Getting right out of my comfort zone: Go on, you can do it, too! (24/3/2024: Now playing on Paul Plays Poorly!, The Answer Lies Within by Dream Theater)

Offline rab7

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2741 on: August 04, 2021, 11:24:45 PM »
So, in a half-arsed attempt at removing some heat and moving the conversation on: I've decided I won't listen to any of the advance tracks this time. Anyone else doing the same?

I'm going to listen to them as much as I can :biggrin:

Adiós nobloodyname, but I'm going with gzarruk  :biggrin:
I would absolutely love to listen to 7 brand new songs on October 22...

But I have no self control and know for a fact that I will hear every single the minute they're available

Offline jayvee3

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2742 on: August 04, 2021, 11:36:16 PM »
Yep, staying away from this thread from now on. What often keeps me away from the boards for long periods doesn’t look like it’s changing anytime soon, with virtual shit shows over the simplest things like the album cover and a sentence saying someone enjoyed the album. Fuck that.

Offline GasparXR

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2743 on: August 05, 2021, 03:25:19 AM »
Yep, staying away from this thread from now on. What often keeps me away from the boards for long periods doesn’t look like it’s changing anytime soon, with virtual shit shows over the simplest things like the album cover and a sentence saying someone enjoyed the album. Fuck that.

I've learned to ignore it and skim through to see if there's been any updates. Or something funny/positive.

Offline Revenge319

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2744 on: August 05, 2021, 03:59:01 AM »
I've decided I won't listen to any of the advance tracks this time. Anyone else doing the same?

My plan is that I'll listen to the first single just once. Then I'll wait until the album comes out to listen to everything else. I did something similar for LTE3, where I didn't listen to anything before release, but a Dream Theater release is too exciting to not at least hear what the first single is like.

Offline Bertielee

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2745 on: August 05, 2021, 04:02:07 AM »
There was something a little interesting I said a while ago, but the conversation turned otherwise : JM said in an interview that there was a Mozart-like section towards the middle of AVFTTOTW, and I find that interesting.


On a side note, dismissing Richardson's advice just because you don't know the guy is pretty asinine. The guy is very well-known in the guitar community. Some here just sound like boomers...and I am a boomer.
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Offline Kotowboy

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2746 on: August 05, 2021, 04:40:23 AM »
So any more upda.....


Offline nikatapi

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2747 on: August 05, 2021, 04:51:17 AM »
Really curious to listen to the first single. I'm so excited with all the positive words that have been around this.
I wonder when they'll start sending out promos for reviews, i guess it won't be before september, usually they go out a month before the release date or so.

Offline noxon

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2748 on: August 05, 2021, 07:46:38 AM »
When review promos are sent out and when reviews are out do not need to have a relation. People can get the promo pretty early, but have an embargo on talking about it until a set date. We'll (the fan clubs) do our full review late September or very early October, even if we get the album much earlier than that..

Offline Seppe76

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2749 on: August 05, 2021, 07:59:31 AM »
Tomorrow the first single?  :hefdaddy

Offline Enigmachine

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2750 on: August 05, 2021, 08:07:14 AM »

Carrying on with this will probably leave me infuriated (since the main point seems to be getting lost in favour of a long-winded back and forth on a needlessly expanding list of tangents), so I'll just leave it and won't speak any more on the topic. It's taking up too much of the thread as is.

Offline DreamerTV

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2751 on: August 05, 2021, 08:09:11 AM »
Tomorrow the first single?  :hefdaddy

Not likely.

Offline gzarruk

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2752 on: August 05, 2021, 08:15:38 AM »
Tomorrow the first single?  :hefdaddy

Not likely.

I guess we wait till next friday then... :'(
It sounds like, "ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk." Instead of the more pleasing kick drum sound of, "gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk."

Offline Staffador

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2753 on: August 05, 2021, 10:40:13 AM »
Just saw this on MM's Facebook page:

The Album begins with a drum fill that sounds like something obvious but is not. It's too fast to pick up the slight anomaly of being 3:2 of 7 that fits over 4 of the main 7 notes with 3 of the real 7/16 notes left for the end of the fill. See what I mean? But I can teach it by SHAPE and Feel without calculating it- that's how I came up with it. Shape and Feel. I'm glad I gained the knowledge and pattern recognition to know what it is though so I can explain it. I'll soon be making Master Classes on this and our 1st Song release, as well Private Slots for Zoom.
Other drum parts of the album, especially AVFTTOTW, have parts you have to "know" or there's no way to play them. ie. one drum part is a very long odd time and the entire kit (and kick sound) is played entirely with my hands while my feet are playing a different type of instrument sound in a completely different time signature.
Since this IS Dream Theater, I think fans are entertained by this kind of thing, but also need the simple groove playing and melodies to be able to take a mental break here and there. Not only did JP & JR smoke those melodies while JM and I held the Fort down, but LaBrie utterly slaughtered and nailed them throughout the album that I'm sitting back almost giggling in a lawn chair with a drink waiting for the album as a whole to be heard and evaluated. I'm interested to see how it is received. I like what I like - and like this one. Who knows what the lot will think of it.
Either way, being able to play these parts on all the instruments, or sing them accurately in time, is another story and a whole big bag of fun and defines the priori of the job of being in DT. I'm glad DT fans can enjoy and be entertained by both song content and the act of musicianship. I read a great quote yesterday that to strive for excellence is where to find joy.  (Someone posted it. It is by Author Pearl Buck.) I think this is why critics that are angry are, by definition, void of joy and try to make others void of joy. But it doesn't work on those that choose joy in their spirit and strive for excellence as the quote says. Pretty cool! I never saw it that way. Most DT fans strive for excellence like us, by forging forward finding true joy in digging in, and learning the new material.  So, I'm hoping and waiting to see if this album can create more joy than not!!

Really hyped about the album  :metal

Offline TheLordOfTheStrings

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2754 on: August 05, 2021, 02:26:49 PM »
Just saw this on MM's Facebook page:

The Album begins with a drum fill that sounds like something obvious but is not. It's too fast to pick up the slight anomaly of being 3:2 of 7 that fits over 4 of the main 7 notes with 3 of the real 7/16 notes left for the end of the fill. See what I mean? But I can teach it by SHAPE and Feel without calculating it- that's how I came up with it. Shape and Feel. I'm glad I gained the knowledge and pattern recognition to know what it is though so I can explain it. I'll soon be making Master Classes on this and our 1st Song release, as well Private Slots for Zoom.
Other drum parts of the album, especially AVFTTOTW, have parts you have to "know" or there's no way to play them. ie. one drum part is a very long odd time and the entire kit (and kick sound) is played entirely with my hands while my feet are playing a different type of instrument sound in a completely different time signature.
Since this IS Dream Theater, I think fans are entertained by this kind of thing, but also need the simple groove playing and melodies to be able to take a mental break here and there. Not only did JP & JR smoke those melodies while JM and I held the Fort down, but LaBrie utterly slaughtered and nailed them throughout the album that I'm sitting back almost giggling in a lawn chair with a drink waiting for the album as a whole to be heard and evaluated. I'm interested to see how it is received. I like what I like - and like this one. Who knows what the lot will think of it.
Either way, being able to play these parts on all the instruments, or sing them accurately in time, is another story and a whole big bag of fun and defines the priori of the job of being in DT. I'm glad DT fans can enjoy and be entertained by both song content and the act of musicianship. I read a great quote yesterday that to strive for excellence is where to find joy.  (Someone posted it. It is by Author Pearl Buck.) I think this is why critics that are angry are, by definition, void of joy and try to make others void of joy. But it doesn't work on those that choose joy in their spirit and strive for excellence as the quote says. Pretty cool! I never saw it that way. Most DT fans strive for excellence like us, by forging forward finding true joy in digging in, and learning the new material.  So, I'm hoping and waiting to see if this album can create more joy than not!!

Really hyped about the album  :metal
I really enjoy these kinds of posts by MM. They always seem really thoughtful in the way he's trying to convey what he's saying.
Check out the latest concept album “III: The Sparrow & The Architect”, released through my project The Circle of Wonders:

Offline lightbug

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2755 on: August 05, 2021, 03:12:15 PM »
"...the slight anomaly of being 3:2 of 7 that fits over 4 of the main 7 notes with 3 of the real 7/16 notes left for the end of the fill. See what I mean? ..."

Offline Dedalus

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2756 on: August 05, 2021, 03:17:55 PM »
"...the slight anomaly of being 3:2 of 7 that fits over 4 of the main 7 notes with 3 of the real 7/16 notes left for the end of the fill. See what I mean? ..."

 :rollin :rollin :rollin

Offline darkshade

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2757 on: August 05, 2021, 05:47:35 PM »
more strings isn't better in my book.

You would hate these, then:

Offline gzarruk

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2758 on: August 05, 2021, 05:52:50 PM »
more strings isn't better in my book.

You would hate these, then:

Those should be illegal :eek
It sounds like, "ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk, ruk." Instead of the more pleasing kick drum sound of, "gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk, gzarruk."

Offline Fiery Winds

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2759 on: August 05, 2021, 06:38:57 PM »
Just saw this on MM's Facebook page:

I'll soon be making Master Classes on this and our 1st Song release, as well Private Slots for Zoom.

Confirmation The Alien won't be the first single.

Offline fadetoblackdude7

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2760 on: August 05, 2021, 06:40:31 PM »
I think Answering The Call is gonna be the first single.

Offline Cool Chris

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2761 on: August 05, 2021, 08:00:28 PM »
Gonna listen to this first single as soon as I can. Can't wait!
"Nostalgia is just the ability to forget the things that sucked" - Nelson DeMille, 'Up Country'

Offline Pound4aBrown

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2762 on: August 05, 2021, 08:14:43 PM »
Just saw this on MM's Facebook page:

I'll soon be making Master Classes on this and our 1st Song release, as well Private Slots for Zoom.

Confirmation The Alien won't be the first single.

I think you are reading that wrong it says this AND our 1st song.
Not this, our first song.

Eta: imma leave this here after realizing I read MM's post wrong..  ;D
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 08:22:13 PM by Pound4aBrown »

Offline nikatapi

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2763 on: August 06, 2021, 12:42:53 AM »
When review promos are sent out and when reviews are out do not need to have a relation. People can get the promo pretty early, but have an embargo on talking about it until a set date. We'll (the fan clubs) do our full review late September or very early October, even if we get the album much earlier than that..

I know, hence my question of when the promos are sent because my magazine is on the list of receivers, it's a matter of personal excitement to listen to the album  :)

Offline Kotowboy

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Re: DT15: A View From The Top Of The World (Timeline for DT15)
« Reply #2764 on: August 06, 2021, 03:42:27 AM »
It's too fast to pick up the slight anomaly of being 3:2 of 7 that fits over 4 of the main 7 notes with 3 of the real 7/16 notes left for the end of the fill.

Oh my god who cares.  This is literally my only problem with mangini. He never once has talked about how a song FEELS. It's always about the polyrhythms and time signatures.