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I can't imagine they'll play songs live from an album that hasn't been released yet. But can't imagine not playing anything from it either, the fanbase can't wait for new material. Does anyone know - Setlist Scotty, all yours - if Dream Theater ever did play songs live from an album that was not released yet?

I'm still convinced they'll release it before the Europe tour. And really hope so.

Even if the album isn't ready to be released this year, I'm quite certain there'd be at least one or two singles out by the start of the tour. Worst case scenario, the album gets pushed to next year but they still premiere and perform some new music this year.

I'm still holding hope that they'll release the album this year, but I wasn't expecting them to take this long to record it.
I feel like a release from this tour would make sense, but I think it'd also be cool if they embraced doing paid live streams like other bands have and currently do. $15 for a live stream of a show would be pretty awesome and could bring in some extra revenue.
I for one think it would be interesting to listen to a new DT unreleased song live for the first time, but on the other hand I probably wouldn't remember anything afterwards, except for some memorable guitar solos or guitar keys unison lines.

I don't think MP is a big fan of people experiencing new music for the first time through the chaotic audio / video quality of cellphone videos...
General Music Discussion / Re: What album are you listening to v.9
« Last post by nick_z on Today at 06:44:56 AM »
I remember back in 2006 G3 tour JP had played the main riff of Constant motion, which was before Systematic chaos even came out.
I for one think it would be interesting to listen to a new DT unreleased song live for the first time, but on the other hand I probably wouldn't remember anything afterwards, except for some memorable guitar solos or guitar keys unison lines.
But if it were an epic one i probably wouldn't remember a thing, and that's what's supposed to happen with each new DT song.
I have to listen to it dozens of times to start understanding what it's all about.
General Music Discussion / Re: What album are you listening to v.9
« Last post by hefdaddy42 on Today at 06:41:39 AM »
Marc Cohn - Marc Cohn
I am very confident there will be a release.
In a strange turn of events, I am considering going to the Berlin, Milan or Rome show. Or possibly the one in Koln. Anyone have any experience of the venues in question, please?
I can't imagine they'll play songs live from an album that hasn't been released yet. But can't imagine not playing anything from it either, the fanbase can't wait for new material. Does anyone know - Setlist Scotty, all yours - if Dream Theater ever did play songs live from an album that was not released yet?

I'm still convinced they'll release it before the Europe tour. And really hope so.
General Music Discussion / Re: What album are you listening to v.9
« Last post by hefdaddy42 on Today at 04:51:57 AM »
Marta Sanchez Trio - Perpetual Void
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