Zantera's top 50 albums (Finished!)

Started by Zantera, January 04, 2012, 06:02:02 AM

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Great picks again!

Also, just so you know Zantera, and I hate to be the guy that says this, but the word "trivial" means unimportant or insignificant, so it's kinda saying the opposite of what you want it to say I think. But I'm sure everyone caught your drift anyway. Sorry :p


Quote from: Jamesman42 on January 08, 2012, 12:05:39 PM

I rank Alternative 4 and Judgement above WHBWH but it's still a great album and I agree that everyone should hear it.


Jirpo @ Ah, you're probably right there, that's what I get for updating when I'm tired.  :lol
My bad, but on the contrary here are the next three albums!

20. Bass Communion - Ghosts on Magnetic Tape (2004)

My only pure ambient-album on the list, Bass Communion is one of Steven Wilson's projects where he makes ambient/drone-music, "Ghosts on Magnetic Tape" is the project's fourth studio album.
What makes this album stand out among the other BC-albums is the dark atmosphere, think about some of Edgar Allen Poe's work, this album would fit almost like a soundtrack to one of his texts.
The album-title fits perfectly, because there are sounds and noises on this album which are hard to describe, the sources could be almost anything, and that is what makes it so frightening, yet interesting.
I remember when I first heard this album, it was when I was heavily into Porcupine Tree and Blackfield, and to earn more fanboy points I wanted to check out SW's other projects, but also due to interest. I started out with this album by recommendations, and I listened to it in headphones one dark night, there was a storm outside, and the clock was somewhere around 2 A.M, so it was dead quiet here, I felt so alone.  :D The music really managed to grab me, peak my interest and get me very excited. While the other BC-albums are very good as well, this one is my current favorite.

Favorite songs: I, III & V.

19. Pendulum - Immersion (2010)

Time to shake this list up a bit with Pendulum, a band that is very different from the rest on my list. While the band has it's roots in Drum n Bass-music, they have slowly progressed from that sound towards a more electronic rock sound, with a few progressive elements in their music. On their third album "Immersion", they really mix a lot of different genres, and you'll find songs fitting under many different subgenres of Electronica.
Another thing that made me very interested in this album when it came out was the fact that it has 3 collaborations, Steven Wilson is featured on "The Fountain", In Flames plays on the song "Self VS Self" and Liam Howlett of The Prodigy plays on "Immunize". To earn some extra fanboy points, I was actually a fan of this band way before this album came out, I discovered them back in 08 already.  ;)
What makes this album so good is a combination of variety and quality, while many fans compare this album to the band's debut "Hold Your Colour", it's really hard to compare two albums that are so drastically different. HYC was much more a DnB-oriented album, meanwhile Immersion has almost one song for each subgenre, but after the band's second album "In Silico" (which I still think is great btw), the variety comes in as something very fresh.
While I don't feel particularly interested in checking out a genre like Dubstep, I have no problem with it in a Pendulum song, because they manage to take something and make it their song. Another hilarious thing is that when you have heard Pendulum quite a lot, you'll start noticing that every song has the same drum-pattern, and the drums seam to go KA-BOOM all the time, maybe I just have been listening to the band for too long.  :lol
Like I said, this album is so amazing because the individual quality on songs, but also on the variety it offers. "The Island" is a great example, part 1 is a more house-oriented song that you could probably hear at a club or something, part 2 is where hell breaks loose, and it's quite drastically different from the first part, apart from sharing the main melody. The Fountain is a very nice and catchy tune, perfect result of SW collaborating with Pendulum. The In Flames-collaboration is also pretty unique, and I would love to see more "heavy guitars combined with DnB" in the band's sound, because it's pretty badass.
This album is really strong overall, but a song that really shines for me is the closer: "Encoder", which is catchy and simple, yet has an epic ending (suiting the album) and sounds very much Pendulum still.
I might also add that I love the artwork on the album.  :tup

Favorite songs: Encoder, The Fountain, The Island (both parts) & Under the Waves.

18. Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet (2007)

Time for my favorite Porcupine Tree album, "Fear of a Blank Planet" ranking in at number 18. If someone had asked me two years ago, this would have been my all time favorite, but I haven't really listened to PT much since I burned out on them (about 1 ½ years ago), so the fact that it has dropped isn't THAT surprising.
While many people tend to talk about the lyrics on this album, I really don't find myself much of a lyrics-person, a song doesn't have the best lyrics if it's great in other ways, and while many people hate on the "theme" of this album, it doesn't bother me.
The album is quite possibly Porcupine Tree's heaviest album, but it's still not a full out heavy album, it's more of a modern progressive masterpiece, this album has a darker and more "epic" atmosphere then the other PT-albums.
The album contains 6 songs, clocks in at roughly 50 minutes and is nothing less then perfect. I wouldn't want to change a single second on the album, because I think it's THAT good.
Picking favorite songs on an album like this is hard, we have "Anesthetize", the 17 minute track which becomes many people's favorite, and while it's a superb song indeed, I find myself liking the slightly shorter songs more. "Sleep Together" is one of the best closing-songs I know, incorporating electronic-music into PT's sound like if they did it all the time, it suits the song perfectly, and the way the song closes the album with the strings of doom and the climax at the end... candy to my ears.  :hefdaddy We have "Way out of Here" which despite it's mentioning of an "iPod" remains one of the band's sadder songs, it was written in dedication to a young girl who was a fan of the band, who died at a very young age. We have "Sentimental", which I think is superior to it's twin-song "Normal" (while the latter is still good), we have "My Ashes" which is quite possibly one of the band's best ballads in the 00's, and has some of the best lyrics by the band in latter years. The opener, the self-titled "Fear of a Blank Planet" is quite possibly the closest the band will get to Prog Metal, it starts off with some great acoustic guitars but soon becomes very heavy, and the middle-section/solo is just heavy. "Anesthetize" as I already mentioned is the long song, the epic song. While it can be divided into 3 pieces, as a whole it's just a beast.

Favorite songs: Sleep Together, Way out of Here, Fear of a Blank Planet & Anesthetize.


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


I love FOABP, probably my fave PT album too! Though LBS and Deadwing are very close.

Haven't heard the other two, but Pendulum is very popular where I live because it is where they came from lol.


I've been meaning to check out the Anathema album. Maybe I'll do it tonight.


Bass Communion!

My god, that project gets waaaaaay too little love around here. I adore that album!

*scrolls bak*

And No-Man too!



Quote from: ZBomber on January 08, 2012, 12:01:29 PM
Some great picks so far, I think you and I are one of the few that like Blackfield I over Blackfield II  :lol

Count me in. In fact Blackfield I is the only one I enjoy from start to finish, the others have some weaknesses here and there (specially DNA which I haven't been able to get into).


Quote from: glaurung on January 05, 2012, 07:06:17 PM
Quote from: kirksnosehair on January 05, 2012, 01:41:20 PM
I'll follow, but you've only posted one album I would be interested in so far, so I can't promise that I'll stay.   :)

Seems like kind of a pessimistic attitude to approach with. Maybe give some of them a try and it will change your mind on something?

No, not pessimistic at all.  I've followed all along and as I suspected, there is very little congruity here with my tastes.  No big deal, I like hearing about new stuff that I might like.  I've sampled all of the ones I never heard of and none of it really did much for me, but I definitely appreciate these threads.


Some great albums on the list and a lot I haven't heard yet.


Quote from: kirksnosehair on January 09, 2012, 07:47:46 AM
Quote from: glaurung on January 05, 2012, 07:06:17 PM
Quote from: kirksnosehair on January 05, 2012, 01:41:20 PM
I'll follow, but you've only posted one album I would be interested in so far, so I can't promise that I'll stay.   :)

Seems like kind of a pessimistic attitude to approach with. Maybe give some of them a try and it will change your mind on something?

No, not pessimistic at all.  I've followed all along and as I suspected, there is very little congruity here with my tastes.  No big deal, I like hearing about new stuff that I might like.  I've sampled all of the ones I never heard of and none of it really did much for me, but I definitely appreciate these threads.

Oh, alright. I took your post a different way than you meant it is all.  :tup


While the main idea for a thread like this is to spread the love, it is understandable that not everyone will enjoy it as much as some others do, still it's always nice to get people interested in new bands and artists. :)
Zydar @ If you listen to Anathema, I hope you'll enjoy it!
I thought I should bring the next update, mostly cause I have some TV-watching and studying to do later, so I have a little bit of time on my hands now.
Since we're getting closer to the top, I'll narrow it down to 2 albums per update, but I'm still gonna have 2 updates per day (so 4 albums), I have no plans on slacking out of it like some others has done before me, don't worry.  :lol

17. Amplifier - The Octopus (2011)

Remember my first post and how I talked about one album on the list being an exception of the 2011-rule? This album is that album. There are two reasons why I decided in having it on the list, the first is that it fuckin' rocks, and the second is that it came out in the very first stages of 2011, literally in the first or second week, and I heard it back then already, so I've known the album for about a full year now.
As I mentioned earlier, Amplifier are a modern prog/space rock/prog metal/psychedelic rock-band, their first two albums "Amplifier" and "Insider" are quite drastically different from each other, I had "Amplifier" at spot nr.36, and I might add that "Insider" easily could have made it to the top50 list as well, being that good.
"The Octopus" however is more of an epic thing, it's a double album clocking in at 2 hours in total, featuring 16 songs (8 on each disc), and the album covers pretty much the different aspects of the band's sound.
This album is in one sense much more progressive then the other albums by the band, not only for the conceptual part, being a double album and having some really long songs, but everything about the album screams PROG to me. It has by critics been compared to everything from Rush, Led Zeppelin to Oceansize, Tool, Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath, Amplifier has such a wide sound that it's very hard to narrow it down to just a few similar artists.
As the cover-art suggest, the album has a sort of water/ocean-theme going through it, some of the songs are named: "The Wave", "The Octopus" and "White Horses at Sea", but it's much more majestic then just that. While the first disc clicked almost immediately for me, the second took a bit more time, but when it finally clicked it was such an awesome moment.
If you think any of the write-ups for this band has sounded interesting, I might add that this album was praised by almost every critic anywhere, I've seen about 10 reviews for it, all of them were 10/10 or 9/10 for example, which makes me happy that I'm not the only one who loves the band.  :D

Favorite songs: White Horses at Sea, The Wave, The Octopus & Forever and More.

16. Oceansize - Effloresce (2003)

From one Manchester-band to another, we jump to the debut-album by Oceansize. As some of you already know, this is my favorite band, and despite the fact that they only released 4 full length albums, 2 EPs and a few B-sides here and there before their break up last year, they still remain almost untoppable for me.
I've talked earlier about debut-albums that are masterpieces, and this album certainly falls under that category. While the band's sound is hard to describe, imagine a mix of Modern Prog and Post-Rock, but with tons of other interesting elements added to it. What blows me away with the band is not only how incredibly talented musicians they were, but how they managed to find their sound right away on the first album, something that normally takes a while for a band. Musically the band blends heavier and softer elements in their music, without ever sounding forced, it flows naturally.
As I mentioned I think the guys are stellar musicians, they know when to end a song, when to do this, when to do that, and without making it sound like a cliché, I love every song the band has released. Some music parts that might stand out on the album; Mark Heron's drumming on "Saturday Morning Breakfast Show" and during the climax of "Massive Bereavement", or how about Mike Vennarts vocals on songs like "Catalyst" and "Long Forgotten", the guitars are another highpoint.
The album has a very nice mix of shorter and longer songs, with some "breather"-songs in between, for people into longer and more build-up songs we have "Massive Bereavement" (one of the band's best songs) and the beautiful and heartbreaking "Long Forgotten", for fans of the shorter more catchy songs, we have "Amputee" or "Remember Where You Are". For fans of Post-Rock we have several interesting songs, but "Women Who Love Men Who Love Drugs" is a standout, especially the second half of the song, which won't disappoint any Post-Rock fans out there.

Favorite songs: Massive Bereavement, Women Who Love Men Who Love Drugs, Long Forgotten & Remember Who You Are.

More updates to come tomorrow!


Great list so far Zant, I'm a few posts late but I wanted to show some love for The Dark Third- I'm surprised more peeps around here aren't crazy about that album.  I freaking love it, and am really sad the band is no more.  "The Bright Ambassadors of Morning" is one of my favorite songs ever! 

Lots of other great records in the last few updates too- Vhiessu, Ghost Reveries, The Mantle, Signify, We're Here Because We're Here, etc.... :tup

Count me in amongst those who need to check out The Pineapple Thief.  I've been meaning to for like a year now.


Quote from: glaurung on January 09, 2012, 09:31:29 AM
Quote from: kirksnosehair on January 09, 2012, 07:47:46 AM
Quote from: glaurung on January 05, 2012, 07:06:17 PM
Quote from: kirksnosehair on January 05, 2012, 01:41:20 PM
I'll follow, but you've only posted one album I would be interested in so far, so I can't promise that I'll stay.   :)

Seems like kind of a pessimistic attitude to approach with. Maybe give some of them a try and it will change your mind on something?

No, not pessimistic at all.  I've followed all along and as I suspected, there is very little congruity here with my tastes.  No big deal, I like hearing about new stuff that I might like.  I've sampled all of the ones I never heard of and none of it really did much for me, but I definitely appreciate these threads.

Oh, alright. I took your post a different way than you meant it is all.  :tup

It's all good  :)

There have been a few interesting ones, like the Pineapple Thief....been wanting to check them out for a while now.  Sounds good, so that's a win right there  :tup

These threads are great.  I might do one myself pretty soon.  Turn you young whippersnappers on to some real old-school stuff  :lol

Silver Tears

King Postwhore

That's to Zantera for getting me into Oceansize and their album Effloresce.  Great music.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.



Am I the only one who really hates the cover for Immersion?


Cool picks again and again!

Quote from: Sigz on January 09, 2012, 05:53:33 PM
Am I the only one who really hates the cover for Immersion?

Yeah it's not the greatest cover ever... :\



I didn't know FOABP was your favorite PT album. It's mine too!

Awesome picks!


Quote from: Gorille85 on January 09, 2012, 06:24:23 PM
Cool picks again and again!

Quote from: Sigz on January 09, 2012, 05:53:33 PM
Am I the only one who really hates the cover for Immersion?

Yeah it's not the greatest cover ever... :\

It's the people and the font I think. The things surrounding that look pretty neat.



I like the wierdness of the people, I think it adds to the alien effect of the cover.

The only bit I don't like is that tiny humpback whale at the bottom. It's just so unrealistic :p


I keep wanting to listen to The Octopus, but 2 hours is more time than I want to invest for an album these days. I'll go off of your top tracks and ease into it. yeahhhh
\o\ lol /o/

pain of occupation

by the way, i, too, have been following, and i'm gonna check out a few of the albums i haven't heard.

...but don't forget, you owe me love.


I owe many people some love.  :biggrin:
Jamesman @ 2 hours is quite something indeed, but you could always listen to the discs separately as well. At least until they click or something, or just check out some songs.
Anyhow, time for the next 2 albums!

15. Steven Wilson - Insurgentes (2008)

Time for the last Steven Wilson-related album on my list, "Insurgentes" is his first solo-album which was released back in late 08, early 09 for some.
Unlike with his different projects, here he doesn't have any restrictions or limitations, he does pretty much what he wants musically, and the result is something very interesting. While there's still a certain Progressive touch and beautiful Art-Rock, the album has many interesting influences such as Drone, Ambient, Noise and just Experimental music in general.
The album has a nice little mix of "easier" songs, like "Harmony Korine" which probably could have been a Porcupine Tree song, we have longer and more complex (weird) songs like the majestic "No Twilight Within the Courts of the Sun", which just breathes King Crimson. "Salvaging" is quite possibly one of the heaviest Steven Wilson song to date, the guitars reach an almost Drone-status, and while the guitars keeps grinding the song just keeps smashing you in your face over and over.
While Steven Wilson's last solo-effort "Grace For Drowning" certainly was a brilliant album, it's far too early for me to judge if it will surpass Insurgentes or not, this album has after all had some to grow and really shine. There's quite a lot of influences on the album as I said, but for someone who haven't heard the album, I would describe it as "weird shit". It's brilliant for many reasons, and if you have time you should also check out the bonus disc with 5 additional songs, they are all superb.  :tup

Favorite songs: No Twilight Within the Courts of the Sun, Salvaging, Get All That You Deserve & Insurgentes.

14. Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element (2000)

Time for another Pain of Salvation-album, "The Perfect Element" is the band's third album, by fans it's generally considered one of their best. (Many people tend to have TPE or Remedy Lane as their favorite PoS-album)
While "Remedy Lane" and "The Perfect Element" can be compared on a musical level (they're both not far from each other musically), they're still quite different from each other sound-wise. I feel that The Perfect Element has a much more clean sound, something I enjoy more, and I also think it's a better album with stronger songs.
Being a Progressive Metal-band, it's hard to describe exactly how Pain of Salvation sounds, but they have a singer (Daniel Gildenlöw) who has the vocal-range to sort of fit in no matter what kind of music they play. "The Perfect Element" is pretty much perfect from start to finish, I wouldn't have switched a single song on this album even if I could, it has more fan-favorites like "Ashes" and "Song for the Innocent", but also long, epic, progressive songs like "King of Loss", "Her Voices", "Idioglossia" and the title-track.
Pain of Salvation has a very interesting sound, some of the songs can be pretty darn heavy but then have very calm sections following, some songs are more soft focusing on Daniel's voice and some songs are more a showcase of how great the band is musically.

Favorite songs: The Perfect Element, King of Loss, Her Voices & Reconciliation.

More to come later today!


Two of my favourite roughly around the place where I'd put them.

Good, good, good list.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey

Silver Tears



Another awesome update! Those two albums are great, particularly TPE which is also easily in my top 50.


That is Pain of Salvation's best album ever.    Nice choice there  :hat


Great list so far.  I especially love the appreciation for Ghosts On Magnetic Tape.  Do you have Cenotaph, the sequel?  I've heard bits and pieces on the Grace For Drowning Blu-ray menu, and it sounds quite awesome.


Ħ @ Yes I have Cenotaph, it's a rather brilliant album. (top10 for me in 2011)
Anyhow, since I'll be watching TV and slacking later, I thought I would update this slightly earlier then I normally do, so enjoy the next 2 on my list!

13. Tori Amos - From the Choirgirl Hotel (1998)

Next up on the list, we have my current favorite album by Tori Amos. As I mentioned in earlier write-ups I discovered her last year, and she quickly became one of my all time favorites over the course of 2011, and I know consider her a solid top10 artist.
As I also mentioned, I started checking her discography out chronologically, and after 3-4 weeks I had gotten to this album, which is her fourth studio-album, released in '98. I remember the first spins of this album very clearly, I had seen a lot of love for this particular album from some of the DTF-members, and it's generally regarded one of her best, so since I loved the first 3, my expectations were high for this album. Compared to her other albums, this album and it's twin-album (To Venus and Back) are more Electronica-influenced, not as much singer/songwriter stuff, but rather a more focus on electronic sounds combined with Tori's voice.
The album quickly became my favorite Tori Amos album after a few listens, and it has several elements which I think makes it unique compared to other albums in her catalog. The sound on the album is mainly Electronica and Baroque Pop-influenced, Tori also sings with a great range on this album, on the song "Hotel" she reaches an almost opera-voice during the chorus, something that is quite unique for her, and not very common in her catalog. "Raspberry Swirl" is catchy and groovy enough to be that song you hear at the club, that everyone is dancing along with, and while the lyrics have been interpreted in many different ways, it still remains one of her more upbeat and fun songs. The album also has more piano-based songs like "Black-Dove (January)", which features some great playing, and Tori doing her thing pretty much. This album is generally considered her last classic, among her first classic 4 (her first four studio albums), but if you enjoy the album I would also recommend To Venus and Back (the twin-album), which in my opinion is not far behind, another great album.

Favorite songs: Black-Dove (January), Raspberry Swirl, Hotel & Spark.

12. Radiohead - Kid A/Amnesiac (2000/2001)

Next up on the list, we have not one but two albums! You might think I'm crazy or breaking some rule with putting two albums in one spot, but it's my thread and my rules.  :biggrin: Kid A and Amnesiac are two twin-albums by Radiohead, and while they were released separately, they still belong together, musically, lyrically and well everything.
Where do I begin? Maybe my history with the band would be a good place. I got very interested in Radiohead a few years ago, mostly due to my huge Porcupine Tree-addiction. Back then I checked out pretty much everything that Steven Wilson mentioned as influences, and Radiohead was one of them. I decided to start with their latest (at the time) album "In Rainbows", which didn't do much for me at all. I must have listened to that album about 15-20 times before I started liking it, I desperately wanted to get into the band, and I blame the high amount of listens required on the fact that I needed to adjust to their music a bit. So, after that I started checking out the rest of the band's albums, and Kid A followed, an album I loved instantly. The experimentation and the robotic-vocals on "Everything in its Right Place", the whole atmosphere on the album was quite dense, electronic, there was something fascinating with the whole thing. Naturally it took quite a few spins to fully digest, but it continued to grow with each listen, and soon became another favorite. What makes me admire Radiohead very much is how they were one of the biggest rock-bands in the world, but instead of playing it safe with another rock-album, they did something nobody would expect, and made two electronic albums. I just love it when a band can do the whole "fuck you" to the fans, and by that I mean doing the unexpected.  :lol
Literally, due to my huge love for the album, I just HAD to check out the twin-album "Amnesiac" asap, it was much more interesting on my radar then checking out "The Bends" or "OK Computer". While Amnesiac is very much a similar album to Kid A, it still has a few differences which makes the both albums compliment each other very well.
There's a bit of a jazz-influence on Amnesiac, particularly noticeable in songs like "Life in a Glass House" and "Pyramid Song", but I also feel like Amnesiac is quite possibly more experimental.
Despite the fact that many people like to diss on Amnesiac, I almost enjoy it more then Kid A. These are both two very fantastic albums, and together they hold some of my all time favorite Radiohead-songs.

Favorite songs: Everything in its Right Place, Morning Bell, In Limbo, Idioteque, Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box, Pyramid Song, Dollars and Cents & Like Spinning Plates.

More to come tomorrow! :)